Amcttwfir Etmifato Xmdft about Sva eaata a baskst evar tbs Eiwarff J. KoO has leased tbe wttb but four to be Elected Member beauttfai new rsMdenee a t ^ t Second Shower Constables Hit nominated by aacb party and only Prices Are Up price of Wadneaday. Tba 8M baskets About Town tbe aavsn btgbaat to ba alaetad. it aold brou(bt between 15 cents and Onittr ui4 Btston strMtJ to Mr. may later rsauit in one or two ot and Mia. Philip Lauter. of WIIU- For BridebElect them darhttng not to quality. 80 cents, tritb most of tha baskats Of Vets Council maatle. Mr. Lnuter la connected By Bond Rule At Market Here going for around 80 cants. t t e WMtau U tm oiM U tN ir «b erlth an Meetrlcal firm In WUU- Natlvs grapes appeared for tha saantle. K artk Ito la t t m t « m b* «loMd Miss Emma Oetslwleh of w P. O. Schedule first time, seUIng for 00 cents for Mra Baatrica Manning, who has IM uaij ofMliVi lobor D«y. Sturt* street was pleasantly surpriaad last Increase Price of Pres But Rain Keeps Down 13 quart baakats. Cauliflower was been active la tbe local, atata and na­ IM M ut WMk tbU llbimnr wtU n - Two pubHc health laboratories In night with another shower at the higher, bringing a high of 70 cents tional organisation of tha Daughters mbM Ita M l and wlntar scheduU Ifanehester are Included In the mium Follows Ruling For Labor Day Supply; Grapes Ap« a craty tha 00 cratea of lirst grade of the Union 'Veterans of tha OvU home of Mrs. Mae Ridgeway of VOL. LVni., NO. *85 (ClaeaiSed Advertteing a s Pag# IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2.1939 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNTH oDuUBir 84tui0idr ' ftfsln State Health department's list of 7S. Fairfield street Miss Hanna Mo- O f the Superior Court- pear for First Time. cauliflower selling at pricaa rang­ War, was yasterday alectad a mam- fta m M M T a W a iM o’clock. Tlw those approved for examination of Can n assisted as hostesa ing from 80 cents to the bigdi of TO ber of the National CouneU a t tha Hery Cbuwy Utewy on Main ftraot body fluids, secretion or excretions. cants. Shell beans brought from 70 meeting of the organization bald In Mrs. Ridgeway uaed pink and On Monday, Baptembar 4. Labor Pricaa were a Uttia hlstaar, but wtS daoo at b o o b tomorrow and Hie laboratories are those at the white for her color acheme. A Tha declaloo raaehad by tha Board Day, the foUowtng sctaedula will be cents to 81 and lima beans sold at Pittsburgh, Pa. wta bo doaad all ktaodar. Labor Memorial hospital and at Cheney of Selectman not to accept a per­ rain kept down tbe supply at tbe the aame price. Tba 10 bushcle of Mrs. Manning has aerved as state brightly colored Japanese paraaol obaerved at tba Maacbestar post Manchester Auction Market yester­ Daj. Btartiaf »*«t waek tba new Brothers. Dr. Perry T. Hough Is with showere of cellophane etream- sonal bond for any town officer, fol­ office: No city delivery, rural de green beans sold to one buyer for president of the DUVCW which held adudula will ba adopted > and tMa listed as laboratory director at the lowed by the ruling of Judge Mun- day, R. M. Retd A Sone announced 70 cents each. Cucumbers brought a Its convention in Manchester this ere to reprceent rain was the cen­ Uvery, parcel post and tbe money a t tbe close. Mbranr wUl bo open Saturdaya from hospital and Dr. Robert P. Knapp at terpiece. The bride-to-be was seat­ ger of the Superior Court that order and regtetry windows will be low of 00 cents a tub with a high year. She la tba wife of Attorney t b.m. nntU t pjn. laetaad of cloa* Cheney Brothers. bond must ■be given for each year of Tomatoes sold at an advance of of 81J0. Frederick R. Manning. ed beneath thle end was kept busy service. Is ot Interest to tbe Man' eloaad all day. Tba stamp and gen- lac Satorday aoona. unwrspping her many beautiful aral delivery wlndowa wlU be open French Hear Germans Have Quit Operations Chester men who are candldatea for The recent cool nights have rip­ gifts. constable! at tbe primariea this from 7:80 a. m. until 10:80 a m. A. laica number ot llancbeater'a ened elderberries rapidly and near­ A number of new games were month. Tbe lobby of tba postoffice win be Republican womwi are at- ly every country road finds men or played end prlies awarded the win­ The Selectmen went on record as closed at 11:00 a. m. for the rest the rally outtnc at Lake women with baskets clipping the ner!. Ijotor a buffet lunch wae serv­ opposing the acceptance of further of tbs day ao patrons receiving thair Cbmpounee, Brlatol, today. Several clusters.^ These berries were form­ ed after which the party broke up bonda given by property owners. It mail through tbe post office lock Where Poliah-Gemian S ta rted want to tbe take tbla morn In* tak- erly popular with makers of wines, S t a late hour. had been the custom of moat of the boxes should govern tbemselves ac­ r in* box luacheona with them. A but they are used largely now to Mlsa GeUlwlch »dll be married constables td file with the eeleet- cordingly, Postmaster Qulsh statsa. number of otbera planned to go give tartness or keener flavor to to Edward Newman of Flower Malls will ba received at 0:00 m. Poles ‘Holding Fast’ in Positions men a real estate bond signed by later to hear the ipeakln* pro*ram various kinds of jellies. dlreel on Sept. 2 at .St. Jamea'a one of their relative! or friends. m„ 7:30 a. m. and a. m. There due to begin at two o'clock. church. Iimreaae In Premtam will be two dlapatcbCs of mail, the Edward J. Holl was not In his Tbe ruling by Judge Munger re­ first at 9:00 a. m. and tha final one rra n d a Donohue, of IS Pearl office at 1008 Main street today be­ sulted In a change In tha attitude of the day at 11:00 a. m. atraet, who haa been vlalUng hU ing confined to hla home In Bolton of the bonding companies and an In­ Few Miles in Poland; brother and frlenda In Ireland for with a severe cold. crease In the premium. On Ground While 26 tbe peat month la atlU In the Brlt- Date 2 Events The bond required by coiutablee lah lalee and hla relatlvaa here are Mr. and Mrs. C. Byron Hubbard la for 11.000. Up to a year ago such worried because of the ’general Eu of 179 Main street with their three a bond could be purchaaed for 810 ropean war acare. Hla family re children, drove to New York today ForYouiioCOP a year. When the ruling came from oetved a letter from him a few daya and will spend two days at the Judge Munger a new type of bond May Talk to Poweri ago but he did not mention the pos­ World's Fair. was required. Such a bond la now Is- Ask for Cities Are Bombed sibility of war nor did he say whan Testimonial to All P ri­ ■ued for 120. be would return. RInce there la an orffanlsed police mary Candidates. An­ force, with moat of the legal papers Many Women, Children Idas Elate B. Wright, daughter Changing Over nual Convention. being served by deputy sheriffs, I Die as Naals Aasai^ ot Mr, and Mrs. Ben Wright, of there Is little left for the contables France Moves Toward to do and a charge of |20 for a a Buy Kotex In tha Recruiting in Canada Hartford, la spending a few daya A Mancheeter Young Republican Train of Refugees; with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fer- Heating Plant bond will be more than some of VAl-U-BOX contain­ social will be held Friday, Septem­ them will get In fees. Poles Report Shooting gnaoB, of Brookfield stre e t While the contest goea on for the f /I ber 8 at the Rod and Gun club In ing 66 nopklqi—a Down 16 German Paper Money System Begins; Defense Near tb a Rainbow Oirts of Manchester Rapid Progress Being Coventry In honor of the GOP pri­ long-lotting supply Aaaembly gave Mias Oeraldlne mary candidates. All of the aspi­ Planes, Capture of 2 Made at Mutual Plant; MASONS’ SUPPLIES . of a saving. Tha com­ Smith ot Cedar street a member of rants for office will be guests on I Including Cement, Lhne, Plaster, Armored Trains; Vis­ For Financing of War (ha aanambty, a surprise farewell Big Tank Installed this occasion and will be called on ' pact box has a handy M ILtS To Wartime Strength party last night at her home, 31 Tile sad Sewer Tile f t tula Bridges Escape. for remarka. Those wishing to at­ Cedar street Tbf girls gave Misa top opening. ^ This map indicates the three-way German attack on Poland, In Rapid progrees la being made at tend may make necessary arrange­ Paris. Sept. 3.—(JP)—France start-The um a decree ordered the with 7\>ronte, Smith a week end bag In remem the Mutual Heating plant with the W amw, Sept 3—(P)—•’ President | ed putting her finances on a war ! drawal from circulation of five franc ■A Inch bombing planes and troops both figured, aa reported by Reuters (CansdlsB^or guarding power snd Industrial braaee of their aasoclatlona togeth­ G.
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