FAST S.A. First Automation System Technology Rue du Grand-Pré 70 CH-1202 Geneva / Switzerland Tél.: +41(0)22-918.36.70 Fax : +41(0)22-918.36.98 Year : 2005 e-mail :
[email protected] Established on : March 4th, 2005 * Price List Currency : EURO (€) Currency rate: 1 € = 1.56 CHF Price : EXW - Geneva FASTbus I/O, a high-bandwidth Input / Output fieldbus * This document can be modified at any time without notice FASTware, the complete Control Command Workbench System FASTbus FASTbus is a high-bandwidth bit-parallel, byte-serial fieldbus designed by FAST SA. This fieldbus concept allows to remote the Input/ Output devices up to 40m from the Industrial PC. FASTbus is the unique solution when the control command applications require hard real-time features and/or motion control. FASTware FASTware is an intuitive application builder environment using graphical and literal languages to design control command systems running on a standard PC plateform under Windows 2000®. Other Windows-based applications achieve dedicated features such as Man Machine Interface (MMI), remote diagnostics, ISO pre-processor by the means of specialized Active X® components. Page:1/7 FAST S.A. - Price List 2005 rev. C FASTbus INPUT/OUTPUT MODULES These modules are mounted on a DIN-rail in the electric enclosure of the equipment. This concept allows to place the modules close to sensors and actuators. They are powered by a 24Vdc power supply. The screw connector plugs make easier the installation and replacement in the field. 1.1 Digital Inputs/Outputs Reference Description Discount Price w/o VAT Rate € FBLINP-32D ** 32 opto-isolated Digital Inputs 24Vdc @10mA, common GND 1 410 FBLOUT-32C ** 32 opto-isolated Digital Outputs 24Vdc @2A, common GND and open-drain (Max.