The Early Pioneers – Bridges, Canals, Railways and Ships.

Presented by Professor F.M. Burdekin FREng, FRS.

On 24th October 2006


The paper reviews the work of some of the engineering pioneers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, particularly comparing the achievements of Thomas Telford, George and Robert Stephenson and Marc and Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

The Background of World Events

The second half of the eighteenth century and the whole of the nineteenth century were periods of great change in the United Kingdom – the Industrial Revolution. Things were happening elsewhere in the world as well. American Independence was declared in 1776 and the French Revolution took place between 1789 and 1799. England was at war with France between 1797 and 1815. The Crimean War took place between 1854 and 1856, the American Civil was from 1861 to 1865 and the Boer War from 1899 to 1902. Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901 thus defining the true Victorian era.

The British Engineers

Prior to 1800 sources of motive power available were restricted to windmills, water wheels and low pressure steam with a maximum power of about 50 horse power. Early steam power pre 1700 was limited to pump- ing water. The development of the beam engine by Newcomen in 1712 led to a tier of pumps to lift 10 gal- lons of water through a height of 153 feet. The principle of these forms of steam power was condensing low pressure steam with a jet of cold water. Steam power was revolutionised by Watt in 1769 with a patent for a beam engine with a separate condenser evacuated by an air pump. In 1800, Trevithick developed a double acting high pressure steam engine for winding duties in Cornish mines and it was not until 1804 that the first successful railway locomotive pulled a load of 10 tons over a distance of 10 miles. It was not until 1831 that the principle of electromagnetic induction was demonstrated by Faraday.

The era of major canal expansion in Britain was the second half of the eighteenth century and into the start of the nineteenth century, driven by the need to transport coal and other goods in greater quantities and more rapidly than had been possible previously. The key pioneering British Engineers involved in this were James Brindley (1716 – 1772), John Smeaton (1724 – 1792), John Rennie (1761 – 1821), William Jessop (1745 – 1814) and Thomas Telford (1757 – 1834). A major figure in the area, responsible for the Manchester Ship Canal, was Edward Leader Williams. Telford also had a major influence in surveying suitable routes for roads and arranging their construction for the London Holyhead route and throughout ma- jor parts of Scotland.

Railways began to become competitive from about 1825 and there was a tremendous expansion of railway construction from the 1830s through to the end of the century. The railways became significantly faster than the canals in delivering goods and also provided convenient means for passenger transport. The key pio- neers in this were (1781 – 1848), his son Robert Stephenson (1803 – 1859), Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806 – 1859), Joseph Locke (1804 – 1860) and (1805 – 1870). Brassey was the contractor who undertook many of the actual construction projects to build the railways. Brunel be- came involved in the design and construction of very large ships in addition to his involvement in the rail- ways.

Canals, roads and railways all require the design and construction of bridges to provide suitable crossings. Thus all of the engineers involved in designing the transport routes had also to design bridges. Basic Principles

Canals involve channels of water and hence have to consist of series of essentially level stretches. The sim- plest way to achieve this is for the canals to follow contours of equal height. Where the distances to achieve this become too long or are impracticable, it may be possible to construct tunnels or cuttings to carry the ca- nal through a hill or mountain, or aqueducts to carry the canal over a valley. If changes in level are neces- sary, this is achieved though the use of locks in which the level within the lock is raised or lowered to match the water level for the stretches of canal each side of the lock. It should be noted that it is necessary to ar- range for a supply of water at different levels of a canal system to be able to top up water used in the locks and to make up for losses.

Although railways can operate over changes in level, such changes have to be gradual and steep gradients must be avoided or the locomotive will not be able to pull its load up the slope and its driving wheels will slip. It is also necessary to avoid sharp bends and changes in direction must be gradual. In a similar way to canals, cuttings, tunnels and viaducts can be used to reduce the impact of changes in level. With railways, it is essential that the rails themselves are well supported and fixed in position to maintain their spacing for the wheels of the locomotive and carriages/wagons to run smoothly.

The funding of the construction of both canals and railways was largely undertaken by private companies. The driving force for the companies was the perceived opportunity to make money from charging for the use of the completed asset. Each scheme required the approval of an Act of Parliament to permit the use of the land for the proposed purpose – this was often contentious. The money was usually raised by investment by shareholders – in the case of the railways £240 million. Most projects overran on both time and money!

The actual construction of both canals and railways was undertaken by large groups of mobile construction workers, known as navvies. For the London – Birmingham railway for example, 20,000 men shifted 25 mil- lion cubic feet of earth in five years – enough to create a band of 3 ft width x 1 ft high around the earth’s equator. A full days work involved a target for each navvy of shifting 20 tons of earth. The navvies lived in temporary camps and had a reputation for getting drunk and fighting.

Thomas Telford

Thomas Telford was born in Eskdale, Scotland in 1757 as the son of a shepherd. He trained initially as a stonemason but in 1782 he moved to London seeking work and worked on Somerset House. In 1787 he be- came Surveyor of Public works for the County of Shropshire and became responsible for roads and canals in the County. He became fascinated with the potential use of iron in bridges. An early example was Build- was Bridge made of cast iron across the River Severn in 1796 (Figure 1). This bridge has been replaced twice since that time because of ground movement. One of Telford’s most striking iron structures was the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct carrying the Ellesmere/Llangollen Canal across the valley of the River Dee (Figure 2), built between 1795 and 1805 and still operating today, known as ‘The Ribbon in the Sky’. The canal is carried in iron troughs on 19 cast iron arches of 45 feet (13.4 metres) span, supported on brick piers at a height of up to 126 feet (38 metres) above the valley below.

Telford showed his versatility in design of bridges with the Conwy and Menai suspension bridges, again both still in existence although now bypassed to accommodate the much increased numbers and weights of modern vehicles. Arch bridges have their main structural members in compression and hence cast iron was suitable for these purposes, but for the critical tension elements of suspension bridges Telford had to move to the more reliable wrought iron. The Menai Bridge was required to have a clearance height above the wa- ter of 100 feet to allow tall ships to pass beneath. Telford’s design involved support by 16 massive chains holding up a road length of 580 feet between the massive stone piers. Nothing approaching this scale had been built previously. The bridge opened in 1826 and was part of the Shrewsbury to Holyhead road scheme designed by Telford.

After completing the Ellesmere canal, Telford moved back to Scotland where he completed the Caledonian Canal and was responsible for development of some 1920 km of major road networks. Telford was respon- sible for specifying a very high quality of road manufacture involving carefully graded layers of compacted stone of different sizes. This was more expensive that the alternative introduced by John Macadam which used crushed stone coated with tar and did not require the same thickness layers, but Telford’s roads gave excellent long lives. Whilst in Scotland Telford was responsible for the construction of many churches. He also made regular visits to Sweden where he was responsible for the Gotha canal. He returned to Shropshire in the final stages of his career where he was responsible for the Shropshire Union canal.

Telford became one of the elder statesmen of the construction world and was elected the first President of the Institution of Civil Engineers from 1820 until his death in 1834. He became known as the ‘Colossus of Roads’ and was a truly great all round pioneer of engineering equally at home with roads, canals and bridges using stone or iron as materials. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1827.

Figure 1 Buildwas Bridge Figure 2 Pontcysyllte Aqueduct

The Stephensons

George Stephenson was born in 1781. He was an inventive practical man but had little basic education. He was responsible for development of improved miner’s safety lamps but became fascinated by steam engines and railways. In 1823 he opened a locomotive factory in Newcastle in order to build the proposed Stockton to Darlington railway which opened in 1825. George Stephenson was appointed Engineer to the to Manchester railway in 1824 and with his son Robert won the famous Rainhill trials with the Rocket loco- motive in 1829. The Rainhill trials had criteria that the maximum weight of the locomotive was six tons on six wheels and it was required to pull a load of 20 tons at a minimum speed of 10 mph with a steam pressure not exceeding 50 psi. The five entrants were required to complete twenty runs of 1.5 miles length on level . Stephenson’s Rocket won with an average speed of 14 mph, and maximum speed of 30 mph. At the time of subsequent trials in 1833, steam locomotives were shown to be capable of pulling 67 tons on the lev- el, but could only pull 15 tons up a gradient of 1 in 100 and could not move up a gradient of 1 in 12.

The Liverpool to Manchester railway created many challenges in the route to be taken in addition to the de- sign of the locomotives. Two of the striking solutions were the construction of the Sankey Viaduct to the North of Warrington (Figure 3) designed by Jesse Hartley, and the construction of the line over Chat Moss a stretch of peat marsh. The original plan to drain the marsh failed. The solution adopted was to create a floating bed of trunks, branches and brushwood, topped with soil, sand and cinders.

George Stephenson was the founding President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1847. He died in 1848 and was buried in Chesterfield, but was not elected to the Royal Society,

Robert Stephenson was born in 1803 and from 1815 – 19 he attended Dr Bruce’s School in Newcastle, as part of his father’s intent that his son would receive a better education than he had himself. In 1822 Robert spent some time at Edinburgh University and then from 1824 to 1827 he went to Colombia. On his return, he assisted his father with the Liverpool to Manchester railway project and was largely responsible for the improvements to design incorporated into the steam locomotive ‘the Rocket’ that won the trials at Rainhill. The success of the Rocket was due to the use of a multi-tube boiler with two inch diameter copper tubes to increase the heating surface area together with changing the inclination of the cylinders from vertical to an angle of 350.

One of Robert Stephenson’s major projects was the London to Birmingham railway for which he was ap- pointed Engineer in 1833. This was a mammoth project, sometimes called the greatest public work of the era, for the number of workmen (navvies) involved and for difficult civil engineering work, notably the Tun- nels at Kilsby, Blisworth and Primrose Hill and the cutting at Tring. This railway cost £5.5 million com- pared to a cost of £900,000 for the Liverpool to Manchester railway. He was also responsible for the Chester to Holyhead railway from 1845 to 1850. A significant accident occurred with the bridge to carry the railway over the River Dee at Chester when one of the cast iron girders broke as a train was passing and the train fell through the bridge killing five people and causing many injuries. Stephenson had attempted to strengthen the cast iron girders with wrought iron bars, but the post failure Royal Commission Report con- cluded that the design was flawed and condemned use of trussed cast iron in railway bridges. The Chester to Holyhead railway also involved the crossings of the River Conwy and the Menai Straits and Stephenson’s novel design of wrought iron tubular box sections with the railway running inside was very successful and applied to other projects elsewhere. The massive box girders for the Britannia Bridge at Menai were fabri- cated alongside the straits and lifted into place by a progressive jacking operation. Advice and testing of materials for these bridges were provided by contemporary leading engineers William Fairbairn and Eaton Hodgkinson.

Robert Stephenson was President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers from 1849 to 1853 and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1850. He was Conservative Member of Parliament for Whitby from 1847 until his death in 1859.

Figure 3 Sankey Railway Viaduct Figure 4 Lifting of the Menai Rail Bridge

The Brunels

Marc Isambard Brunel was born in France but emigrated from France to the USA in 1793 at the age of 24 under threats from the French Revolution. He came to Britain in 1799 and that same year married Sophie Kingdom who he had met originally in Rouen. Their children were Sophia born 1802, Emma born 1804 and Isambard Kingdom Brunel, born in 1806 in Portsmouth. Marc was a very inventive man and with the help of Henry Maudslay produced a machine for making a new design of pulley blocks for naval applications. He also did much in the development of saw mill machinery and for the mass production of soldiers’ boots. The invention for which Marc Brunel is most often recognised is the ‘tunnel shield’ patented in 1818. This device allowed workmen to operate safely removing soil underground behind and inside the shield, whilst support for the part of the tunnel just completed was provided by brick rings immediately behind the shield. On the basis of this device, Marc Brunel was commissioned in 1823 to build a tunnel under the River Thames. The Thames Tunnel project was an extremely difficult one and met many problems. On one occa- sion, the roof of the tunnel collapsed and the works were flooded with consequent injuries to a number of the workers, including Isambard Kingdom Brunel. In the end, the Thames Tunnel at Rotherhithe was com- pleted in 1843. Marc Brunel was elected to the Royal Society in 1814 and was knighted in 1841. Although Isambard had a basic education in mathematics and geometry from a very early age, his father be- lieved that it was only in France that his son could receive a sufficiently advanced mathematical education and so at the age of fourteen Isambard was sent to Caen College and then to Lycee Henri IV in Paris. His father intended Isambard to go on to Ecole Polytechnique but he did not succeed in the intense competition for entry and returned to England in 1822.

Isambard threw himself into the Thames Tunnel project, eventually becoming Resident Engineer in 1827 and had to deal with the collapse and flooding of the tunnel on two occasions, one of which caused the deaths of six workers with Brunel himself fortunate to escape although badly hurt. During his convales- cence, Brunel spent time in Plymouth and in Clifton, Bristol. Whilst there in 1828 he learned of a competi- tion to design a bridge across the gorge of the River Avon at Bristol. With the aid of his father, Isambard put forward a series of designs for a suspension bridge with spans between 870 and 916 ft, but these were rejected by the Committee on the advice of Thomas Telford that the maximum span should not exceed 600 ft. Telford himself put in a design involving two full height piers from the base of the gorge. Isambard put in a modified proposal with a span of 630 ft not requiring piers and this was accepted by the Committee in 1831. In the end, the Clifton Suspension Bridge was not completed until 1864, after the death of Brunel and used chains from another of Brunel’s bridge designs at Hungerford (Figure 5). Isambard Brunel was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1830 at the very early age of 24.

One of Brunel’s major achievements was the construction of the Great Western Railway, eventually cover- ing London to Bristol, Exeter, Milford Haven and Wolverhampton. This involved the design and construc- tion of many major bridges as well as the basic track, stations and provision of locomotives and rolling stock. Amongst the most striking of these, still in existence today, are the brickwork arch bridge across the River Thames at Maidenhead (Figure 6), and the tubular iron Royal Albert Bridge across the River Tamar at Saltash, Cornwall (Figure 7). The Maidenhead bridge has two flat elliptical arch spans, each of 128 ft, with a central pier on a natural island in the river with four semi-circular arch land spans on each side. The river spans have a height to the crown of only 24 ft 6 in., the shape being chosen to give clearance height for masts of ships on the river without requiring a rise in level of the railway track across the bridge. Brunel’s original design for the Saltash Bridge in 1845 was a series of timber trusses, but the Admiralty insisted on a minimum clearance height of 100 ft. As a result, Brunel produced a new design in 1849 using a unique hy- brid tied arch/suspension truss bridge with two main spans of 455 ft made of riveted wrought iron. The tu- bular compression (arch) girders were elliptical tubes to improve lateral buckling stability whilst the tension (suspension) members were chains made of links of flat wrought iron. The rail track is supported by hang- ers from the tension chains and struts from the compression arches. The central pier was founded on mid stream rock using a ‘Great Cylindrical’ caisson with a column of granite ashlar to a height of 96 ft above the water. This was topped with four octagonal cast iron columns to support the ends of the main span girders at mid stream. Many of the other bridges designed and built by Brunel for the Great Western Railway and its extensions into Devon and South Wales were timber viaducts on masonry piers, all designed to carry a double track railway of the broad gauge pioneered by him.

Brunel’s other fascination was with extending transport from London by railway to cross the Atlantic Ocean by ship to reach the United States of America. He was responsible for the design of the Great Western (1838) as the first steamship to cross the Atlantic, the Great Britain (1845) as the first ocean steamship with a screw propeller (Figure 8), and the Great Eastern (1858). The SS Great Western was a paddle steamer with a wooden hull of 212 ft (65 metres) length, the SS Great Britain had an iron hull of length 320 ft (98 metres) and displacement 3550 tons converted to propeller drive during construction, whilst the SS Great Eastern was a combined paddle/screw steamer of length 693 ft (211 metres) and displacement 22,500 tons. The SS Great Eastern also had 5435 sq. metres of sail on six masts and five funnels (Figure 3). Although the ship was responsible for laying the first TransAtlantic telegraph cable it was not a financial success and was taken out of service in 1889. Figure 5 Clifton Bridge Figure 6 Maidenhead Bridge

Figure 7 Saltash Bridge Figure 8 SS Great Britain

Concluding Remarks - Comparisons and Competition between the Great Pioneers

There was both rivalry and friendship amongst these great pioneers. Telford’s career largely pre-dated those of the others and he was associated mainly with canals, roads and related bridges. However, as an elder statesman, he was brought in as an adviser to the Liverpool – Manchester railway company on their concern about the costs of George Stephenson’s design. He was also an adviser to the judging competition for the Clifton suspension bridge and tried to have Brunel’s daring design rejected and replaced by his own more conservative and more expensive design. The key to Telford’s successes was the ability to find and keep an excellent team. He was meticulous and thorough and avoided conflict wherever possible. He was a superb all round engineer.

George Stephenson was original and innovative but not a good organiser - nevertheless he was an outstand- ing engineer.

Robert Stephenson, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Joseph Locke were close contemporaries and rivals. Stephenson and Brunel were the key figures in the ‘railway gauge’ battle where Brunel favoured the 7 ft broad gauge to give more stability to the locomotives and rolling stock whilst Stephenson preferred the ‘standard gauge’ of 4 ft 8 inches which was eventually adopted throughout the country. Brunel supported Stephenson when there were problems with lifting the huge box girders of the Britannia Bridge at the Menai Straits and Stephenson supported Brunel when there were problems with the launching of the huge ship Great Eastern. Both became seriously ill in their final years with chronic nephrytitis (Bright’s disease) and they spent Christmas together in Egypt in 1858. Robert Stephenson was prepared to delegate but was pessimistic and easily discouraged. He was a humble man but a brilliant engineer.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel had boundless vitality and self confidence. He was an arrogant, ruthless perfec- tionist who delegated to no-one but was an adventurous brilliant engineer.

It is interesting to compare the final financial estates of this group of engineers. Telford left an estate of £30,000, George Stephenson £140,000, Robert Stephenson £400,000 and I.K. Brunel £90,000. Brunel’s estate was significantly affected by problems encountered with the construction of the huge ship Great East- ern, where the dockyard went bankrupt and Brunel had to take over the final construction. By comparison, Joseph Locke left an estate of £350,000 and Thomas Brassey, the contractor who actually constructed many of the railways left £3,200,000.

The achievements of the pioneers of engineering in the 19th century were truly astonishing.