BERGEN the Bergen Railway

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BERGEN the Bergen Railway OSLO - BERGEN The Bergen Railway Foto: Rolf M. Sørensen THE BERGEN RAILWAY WAS OFFICIALLY OPENED IN A CEREMONY AT VOSS ON 27 lanning a railway across working on the line at any one is flung up to 40 metres into the Hardangervidda time. In fact, during the busiest the air.You can imagine how NOVEMBER 1909 BY KING HAAKON.THE KING HELD AN ENTHUSIASTIC INAUGURATION P mountain range was no small construction period, the num- difficult this job was in the SPEECH, DESCRIBING THE NEW RAILWAY LINE BETWEEN OSLO AND BERGEN AS “OUR task. At one point, more pre- ber of workers totalled 2,200. early 20th century, when the GENERATION’S MASTERPIECE”. cisely at Taugevatn, the line is Over the entire project period, rotary ploughs were powered 1,301 metres above sea level, some 15,000 workers were by steam.The steam-powered WHILE THE LINE WAS BEING PLANNED NORWAY WAS STILL IN A UNION WITH SWEDEN, making the Bergen Railway employed to build the Bergen plough was in still in use well AND FOR ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOSES IT WAS IMPORTANT FOR THE UNITED the highest and most chal- Railway. into the 1970s. It is not unusu- lenging line in northern The primitive camps where al to see 4–5 metre deep MONARCHY TO IMPROVE TRANSPORT CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MAJOR CITIES. Europe.Time and again, the the workers lived were a para- snowdrifts in places such as NORWAY’S CAPITAL,WHICH WAS CALLED KRISTIANIA UNTIL ITS NAME WAS CHANGED railway workers faced the dise for lice and it was a daily Finse after a blizzard. In 1913, TO OSLO IN 1925,WAS TO BE THE HUB OF THE NORWEGIAN RAIL NETWORK,WITH power of nature. At one time, battle to keep these vermin at the snow was piled 8 metres in order to keep the trains run- bay. Some believed that snuff high on the track at Finse! CONNECTIONS TO NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES. ning, the line had 27 kilome- in the bedclothes would keep tres of snow sheds to protect the lice away, while others The Bergen Railway is one of it from snowdrifts, 60 kilome- carefully heated dynamite and Europe’s most popular lines tres of snow screens and 184 rubbed it on their skin. with more than half a million The Bergen Railway tunnels in addition to 55 sta- passengers passing through tions. Battling the weather Finse every year.The trains are The Bergen Railway is subject among NSB’s most modern so – a brief history The workers who built the to some of the most extreme just relax and enjoy the journey Bergen Railway … weather of any European rail- and admire the spectacular A railway builder was known way. In order to keep the views.You can enjoy a meal in as a “rallar”, equivalent to the tracks open, the snow must be the restaurant car, let the chil- English “navvy”.The word “ral- cleared continuously through- dren play in the family car or lar” originally meant someone out the winter.Today, diesel just lean back and let your mind who pushed a trolley or engines fitted with rotary wander while the Norwegian wheelbarrow. More than a snowploughs are used to clear countryside flies by. Doesn’t it thousand navvies could be the tracks. A cascade of snow sound tempting? 2 3 Foto: Svein Ulvund Try it and you are guaranteed a fascinating journey! Travelling makes you hungry and food always tastes great on the train. Some passengers prefer to bring their own food and drink, while others want to try the refreshments served on the train. Most of Norway’s regional railways serve refreshments either in a restaurant car (NSB MENY Kafé) or have a snack machine (NSB MENY Automat). 4 5 Where does s the train departs from al style and are worth a closer ascent into the mountains. Once A Oslo S station, you leave look. the train passes Geilo the terrain behind a pulsating city with all The journey takes you through becomes more mountainous. the Bergen Railway go? the attractions you’d expect of a some of eastern Norway’s most The railway line climbs more Foto: (Tog i vindu) Rolf M. Sørensen capital.The landscape changes fertile agricultural areas before than 1,000 metres over a dis- THIS MAY SEEM LIKE A STRANGE QUESTION AS THE BERGEN RAILWAY between urban and rural until you reach the valley of tance of just under 100 kilo- you reach some of wildest Hallingdal. As you pass lake metres. OBVIOUSLY RUNS BETWEEN OSLO AND BERGEN.THAT IS CORRECT, nature accessible by train any- Krøderen you can enjoy the Once you reach the top of the BUT IN FACT,THE BERGEN RAILWAY IS COMPRISED OF SEVERAL where in the world. Some of the magnificent views of the moun- mountain the beautiful land- LINES THAT WERE ONCE INDEPENDENT RAILWAY COMPA- station buildings along the tain of Norefjell.The train con- scape will take your breath route have a unique architectur- tinues to Gol where it begins its away. It is a truly unforgettable NIES.THE FIRST STRETCH OF LINE BETWEEN OSLO S experience! STATION AND DRAMMEN IS THE DRAMMEN RAILWAY, After passing the highest point WHILE THE NEXT DISTANCE FROM DRAMMEN TO of any railway in northern Europe, the train begins its HØNEFOSS IS THE RANDSFJORD RAILWAY.THE descent. Once you reach Myrdal BERGEN RAILWAY ACTUALLY STARTS AT you are in western Norway. HØNEFOSS BUT IT DOES NOT RUN ALL THE Other places of interest on the Flåm journey are the Gravehalsen WAY TO BERGEN BUT ONLY TO VOSS. inse eilo ol yen B F G G tunnel, the beautiful valley of er esb THE LAST STRETCH OF LINE, FROM gen N Raundalen,Voss, Dale and Arna, oss dal oss V yr before the train pulls into the VOSS TO BERGEN, IS IN ACTUAL M Hønef old Hanseatic city of Bergen, the FACT CALLED THE VOSS Oslo capital of western Norway. RAILWAY. ALTHOUGH IT You can refer to this brochure DOESN’T MATTER IN during your journey for brief descriptions of stations and S PRACTICE, IT IS AN ta v rammen sights along the Bergen Railway. anger D INTERESTING CURIOSITY. NSB wishes you a nice trip! 6 Foto: (gutt på tog) Øivind Haug 7 Asker between Drammen and is a part of Drammen museum. Most NSB trains stop for board- Randsfjord. On the left as you The manor was built as a coun- ing at Asker.The station was approach Drammen you can try respite in 1804 and has one extensively refurbished in con- see Norway’s biggest port for of Norway’s most well-pre- Foto: Giulio Bolognese/VisitOslo nection with the new dual track car imports.The city of Drammen served classical gardens.The from Sandvika.The Spikkestad has a population of 50,000, or manor has a 265-metre long line branches off at Asker. Just 100,000 including the surround- lime tree avenue and the coun- before Asker station, on the ing districts. Drammen has a try’s only preserved maze Oslo S Oslo S in 1981.The station was The plan is to increase the right, you can see Skaugum, the connection to the Vestfold made from hazel trees. Oslo, also known as “the Tiger extended with new platforms number of platforms at the residence of the Norwegian Railway. Bragernes torg, the Altitude 8 metres above sea level Distance from Oslo 55.2 km city”, is the capital of Norway and a new concourse in 1999. station to four. Located near Crown Prince and Princess. city’s main square, is the biggest Distance from Bergen 416 km and home to around half a Oslo’s former airport of Altitude 105 metres above sea level in northern Europe. It has under- Altitude 3 metres above sea level Distance from Oslo 23.8 km million people. It is a bustling Distance from Oslo 0.0 km Fornebu, which has now Distance from Bergen 447.4 km gone extensive renovation in Hokksund stasjon Distance from Bergen 471.2 km city with plenty of opportuni- become an IT business park recent years and in 2005 was The station opened in 1866 in ties for cultural experiences The Oslo tunnel for companies such as Telenor Lieråsen tunnel awarded a prize for urban renewal connection with the comple- and leisure pursuits in all sea- Length 3.6 km. Opened in etc. Lysaker is also a seaport. Length 10.7 km.The tunnel and development.After tion of the Randsfjord Railway. was opened in 1973. Drammen, the train travels The station is a stop for NSB sons. 1980. Altitude 13 metres above sea level Distance from Oslo 6.0 km through Nedre Eiker and Øvre trains on the Bergen Railway Oslo Sentralstasjon (Oslo S) is Distance from Bergen 464.2 km Norway’s biggest railway sta- Skøyen Bridges across the river Eiker. In the past, various indus- and the line serving the south tion. It has been modernised This is an elevated station, Sandvika Drammenselva tries were situated on the river, coast of Norway, as well as in recent years and in addition built in connection with the Here the Drammen Railway These are the longest railway and some of the old buildings local trains. At this point, the to traditional railway services dual track project.The charac- splits into two lines: a new bridges in Norway, measuring remain. river is just 1 metre above sea the station has a choice of teristic platform building is in track with a non-stop connec- 340 and 451 metres respec- Altitude 2 metres above sea level level which means small ships Distance from Oslo 52.8 km shops and restaurants.There the colouristic style.
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