Objectives/Task: For this assignment, create a brief glimpse into the life of a photojournalist. To do this, you will be required to create a PowerPoint with three sections of slides. You will have until the end of next week to complete this assignment. Students will be required to take photos to complete this task. Cell phone photos are fine! If you do not have access to a , email or remind message me to I can provide an alternate assignment! This will be the last assignment until after Spring Break

Due Date: Friday April 3rd

Submission Directions: Please submit your PowerPoint to the assignment tab on Edmodo.

Requirements: The first part of your slide show will introduce a or a photojournalist of your choosing. If you completed the famous photojournalist assignment from earlier this year, you may use the same photojournalist OR choose a new one. On these slides you will be required to have these components: 1. 4-6 images from your photographer of choice 2. A Headline to introduce your photographer 3. A paragraph to tell us a few facts about your photographer.

The second part of your slide show will cover the style and images of the photographer/photojournalist, but this is where you come in. Take a series of pictures emulating your photographer’s style. You may try to replicate an image exactly, or you may copy their style. In other words, if you were asked to an object of your choice the way they would, what would your image be? On these slides you will include: 1. 4-6 of your own images emulating your photographer/photojournalist. 2. Captions or identifications for each photo. 3. A story (1 – 2 paragraphs): Get creative - you could create a common thread between all the photos and use the story to link them together. You could discuss how you captured their style. Or you could present other interesting concepts.

The last section of your slide show will be all about you as a photographer/photojournalist. This is your chance to create your photographic style. You may take pictures of anything you wish, and you may use whatever format and style you please. For these slides, your must include the following: 1. 4-6 images taken by you. 2. Captions for each photo. 3. A story. In this you are expected to explain your style of .

Have fun with this assignment! It is your chance to define your photographic style while also looking at a yearbook in a completely different light.

List of : You are not limited to these, but if you need a list to chose from, here ya go:

Fashion: Celebrities: Nigel Barker Mike Rosenthal Martin Schoeller Genevieve Naylor Peggy Sirota

Nature: Musicians: John Sexton Baron Wolman Mark Seliger Abstract/Surrealist: Isabel Snyder Jerry Uelsman Advertising: William Wegman Max Vadukul David LaChappelle

Still Life: Athletics: Walter Iooss Jr. John Iacono Jack English Real Life: William Dekay Historical: Leslie Fratkin Joe Rosenthal Eddie Adams

Photojournalist Checklist

Spread #1 _____ Spread introduces the photographer using research and images as needed. _____ 4-6 images taken by the photographer _____ Headline included _____ Paragraph about your photographer of choice

Spread #2 _____ Spread clearly covers the style and images of the photographer through the student’s eyes. Photos clearly emulate the chosen photographer’s style. _____ 4 - 6 images taken by the student _____ Creative and unique captions for each photo _____ Story about the photos and/or about how the student captured the style of the photographer. Story includes proper use of grammar/spelling to tell the story.

Spread #3 _____ Spread shows the student’s photographic style. _____ 4 - 6 images taken by the student _____ Informative captions for each photo _____ Story in which the student explains their style of photography using proper grammar/spelling.