Recenzenti / Reviewers:

prof. d-r Vera Stoj~evska - Anti} Prof. Dr. Vera Stojcevska - Antić d-r Kristina Kalas Dr. Kristine Kalazs

Prevod na angliski jazik: Sowa Prus Translated into English by: Sonja Prus

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without the prior permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages related to a text to be included in a magazine or newspaper. FIRST PRINTING, 2007 • PRINTED IN MACEDONIA • BY “MAKEDONSKA ISKRA“ - SKOPJE

Izdanieto e finansirano od GEORGI TOMOV








Edna od prvite fotografii na Ansamblot „Tomov“ / One of the first photographs of the TOMOV Ensemble





Georgi Tomov e `iva legenda za makedonskiot Georgi Tomov, od Makedonija, organiziral i folklor, odnosno makedonskite ora i pes ni. Toj dr`el ~asovi za balkanski igri i pesni niz e eden od glavnite makedonski i balkanski dvi - celiot svet. Ovoj dinami~en umetnik e eden od `e~ki sili vo Soedinetite Ame rikanski Dr`a vi ne kol kute izveduva~i koj e brilijanten ne (SAD) odgovoren za razvojot na neprekina tata samo vo svojot zanaet, tuku i vo umetnosta na strast za narodni igri, pesni i ora koja progre- pod u~u va weto, taka {to na u~enicite im ja sivno cveta od edniot do drugiot breg na Ame- pre nesuva i radosta koja se izrazuva pri igra - rika. Toj go sozdade poznatiot ansambl na na- weto. Bez razlika dali podu~uva grupi ili rodni igri, pesni i ora „TOMOV“. Isto taka, toj poedinci, Georgi Tomov e prekrasen i nadaren rakovodel so Folk lor niot ansambl „Goce Del- instruktor vo site fazi na koreografijata, ~ev“ pri Ma ke donskata pravoslavna crkva Sve ti igraweto vo zaedni{tvo i vo kostimografija- Kiril i Metodij. Formiral i golem centar za ta. Predava wata za folklor i stru~nite ~aso - na rodni igri i pesni vo Wujork. Bez ni ~i ja po - vi po ora i muzika {to Georgi Tomov gi mo{, na me|unarodno pole promoviral dobra odr`uval na univerzitetite, vo klubovite, mu - volja i razbirawe niz povrzuvawe to na kultu- zei te, vo u~ili{ tata, vo organizaciite i ig- ri te na Amerika i Makedonija, kako i na dr`a - ra ornite grupi, mu donesoa me|unarodni pri z- vite od porane{na Jugoslavija i od Bal ka not. nanija, kako i radost na iljadnici igraorci

Albert Kej so Vera Stoj~evska-Anti} vo domot na Tomov / Albert Kay with Vera Stojcevska-Antic in Tomovs’ home



George Tomov is a living legend for Macedo- the world. This dynamic artist is one of the few nian folk dances and songs. He is one of the main per formers who excels not only in his own craft Macedonian and Balkan driving forces in the Uni- but also in the art of teaching, getting across to ted States of America (USA) responsible for the the students the joy of expression in folk dancing. po pular folk dance mania steadily blossoming Whether teaching groups or individuals, George from coast to coast. He has developed a famous Tomov is a delightful and gifted instructor in all performing TOMOV Folk Dance Ensemb le. He phases of choreography, social folk dancing and also led the Folklore Ensemble GOCE DELČEV at cos tu ming. George Tomov’s workshops and mas- the Macedonian Orthodox Church. He has set up ter classes taught at universities, clubs, schools, a large center for folkdance in New York. He has or ganizations and with folk-dance groups, have promoted, single-handedly, interna tional goodwill won him international recognition and have bro- and understanding through bridging the Ameri- ug ht the joyfulness of folk dancing to thousands can and Macedonian cultures, as well as the cul- everywhere. George Tomov, who made his home tu res from the former states of Yugoslavia and in New York, has been invited in the major capi- the Balkans. tols of the world as a featured dancer with the fa- George Tomov, from Macedonia, has performed med national cultural and performing state asso- and instructed Balkan folk dancing throughout ciations TANEC of Macedonia and LADO of Croatia.

Vo crkvata Sv. Kiril i Metodi / In the St. Cyril and Methody Church

INTRODUCTION - A DAY IN THE LIFE OF GEORGE TOMOV 15 GEORGI TOMOV niz celiot svet. Georgi Tomov, ~ij dom e vo Wu- ~ekori na makedonskoto oro, gordata i slavna jork, be{e dobre dojden vo golemite glavni gra - ma`estvenost na Srbija i na Bosna i Hercego - dovi vo celiot svet kako istaknat orovodec vo vi na, marlivosta na Hrvatska i Slove ni ja i poznatiot nacio nalen Dr`aven ansambl „TA- izdr`livosta na Crna Gora. Ovie kvaliteti NEC“ od Make donija i so „LADO“ od Hrvatska. vo dat kon {iroka lepeza ~ekori i igri, a site Obrazovan ne samo za umetni~ka izvedba, tie se inkorporirani vo ~asovite na Tomov. tuku i za toa kako da go prenese znaeweto, Folklorniot ansambl „TOMOV“ brzo se iz- Tomov gi voo du {e vu val u~enicite koi sakale dig na do rangot na vode~kite ansambli na et- da go po~uvstvuvaat zadovolstvoto {to go no- ni~ ki igri vo Amerika. Prifaten so aklamaci- sat narodnite igri i pesni, so negoviot humor, ja od kriti~arite i primen so voodu{evuvawe trpelivost, so negovata prekrasna priroda i od strana na publikata niz celata zemja i vo na~inot na odnesuvawe so lu|eto od site sta- celiot svet, Folklorniot ansambl se stek na so rosni grupi. Narod nite ora, spored nivnata golem broj tan~eri, peja~i i muzi~ari. Odr`u- definicija, se tra dicionalen na~in na op - vaj}i okolu 300 koncerti, vo zasle puva~kata {test veno samoizra zuvawe koi budat emocii lepeza od preku 300 avtenti~ni, ra~no izrabo - kaj lu|eto - manifestirawe qubov, dodvoruva- teni narodni nosii, ansamblot na scenata do- we, op{testveni obi ~ai, dru`equbivost, sre}a nesol bezvremena tradicija, a publikata ja i radost na `ivotot. Spored toa, tancuvaweto prenesuval vo eden svet na bleskavi boi, za - obezbeduva koloris ti~ na i grafi~ka alka vo {e metuva~ka spretnost na nozete i prekrasni koja prakti~no se spojuva potrebata preku melodii koi ne izleguvaat od mislite. Du{ata dvi`ewa da se izra zat ~uvstvata so sre}ata na Folklorniot ansambl „TOMOV“ be{e Georgi koja proizleguva od dru`eweto. Koga ~ovek, koj Tomov. Toj e osnova~, umetni~ki direktor, ig- poseduva ce la lepeza ~uvstva, e pogoden od ra orec, organizator i koreograf na ansamb- stresot i pritisokot karakteristi~ni za de - lot, no i pretsedatel na Fondaci jata za naro- ne{ niot na~in na `i vee we, postoi potreba za dni igri. Kako stru~wak za balkanski, osobeno razmisluvawe i izra zu vawe koja sre}no se za makedonski narodni igri, muzika i folk- manifestira so ubavi dvi`ewa na teloto vo lorna kultura, toj patuval mnogu dr`ej}i pre- forma na narodni ora. davawa i davaj}i stru~ni ~asovi za igri niz Georgi Tomov, rodum od Makedonija, vo svoe to celiot svet. tancuvawe i na svoite ~asovi, go pre ne su val Albert Kej, nasledstvoto na: energi~nite, a taka elegantni Menaxer na koncertni umetnici

Nastap na ,,Goce Del~ev’’ / Stage performance by GOCE DELČEV Cultural and Performing Society


Na Me|unarodnata folklorna konferencija vo San Diego / At the International Folk Dance Conference in San Diego Schooled not only in the art of performing, but variety of steps and dances, all incorporated into also in the know-how of teaching, George Tomov George Tomov’s sessions. has delighted students who wish to learn the joy The TOMOV Folk Dance Ensemb le quickly rose of folk dancing with his humor, his patience, his to the rank of the nation’s leading ethnic dance delightful disposition and his way of behaving companies. Critically acclaimed and enthu siasti - towards people of all age groups. ca lly received by audiences across the country The folk dance, by its very definition, is a tra- and around the world, the Folk Dance Ensemble dition al mode of social self-expression that evo- constantly increased its number of great dancers, kes the emotions of people – manifestations of singers, and musicians. Performing about three love, courtship, social customs, conviviality, ha- hundred concerts in a dazzling array of over 300 ppiness and the joy of living. Thus, folk dancing authentic, handmade costumes, the Ensemble provides a colorful and graphic link in which the bro ught a timeless tradition to the stage and mo- need to express fee lings through movement and ved audiences to a world of flashing color, stun- the happiness of sociability merge. ning footwork, and hauntingly beautiful melodies. When a human being has a wide range of feel- The soul of the TOMOV Folk Dance Ensemble ings affected by today’s stress and strain, there is was George Tomov. He was the founder, artistic a need for reflection and expression which is hap- director, dancer, organizer and choreographer of pily manifested by beautiful body movement in the TOMOV Folk Dance Ensemble, as well as the form of folk dancing. George Tomov, who President of the Folk Dance Foundation. As an comes from Macedonia, has, in his teaching and authority on Balkan dance, music, and folk cul- in his dancing, the heritage of the vigorous steps ture, especially on the Macedonian ones, he has of Macedonia, the proud and glorious virility of traveled widely to lecture, give master classes Serbia and Bosnia–Herzegovina, the industrious- and hold workshops all over the world. ness of Croatia and Slovenia, and the robustness of Monte neg ro. These qualities lead to a wide Albert Kay Concert Artists Manager


,,Goce Del~ev’’ vo Sv. Naum vo Ohrid / GOCE DELČEV in St. Naum in Ohrid

Nastap na `enskiot ansambl ,,Tomov’’ / Stage performance by the TOMOV Women’s Ensemble


Nastap na ansamblot „Tomov“ vo Makedonija / Stage performance by TOMOV Ensemble in Macedonia

Nastap na ansamblot „Tomov“ vo Makedonija / Stage performance by TOMOV Ensemble in Macedonia


Georgi vo Ohrid / George in Ohrid


Od aktivnostite na Georgi Tomov / A part of George Tomov’s activities




NIZ OBJEKTIVOT NA MINATOTO Makedonija, rodnata zemja na Tomov

Po~nuvaj}i od drevniot period pa do den-de- Makedonija bila raskrsnica na nacii, civili - nes, Makedonija - rodnata zemja na Georgi Tomov, zacii, kulturi, jazici i religii. be{e, e, i }e bide mestoto, teritorijata kade Eden od tie Makedonci koj vo svetot ja pro- {to se vkrstuvaat razli~ni civilizacii i kul- {i ri i ja afirmi ra makedonskata kultura, jazi- turi. Tuka, na ovie balkanski prostori, se po- kot, oroto, pesnata, narodnoto bogatstvo, sekako javi hristijanstvoto pred mnogu vekovi, odnosno e Georgi Tomov. Toa e ~ovekot koj so svoeto oro, u{te od vremeto koga apostol Pavle dojde vo muzikata i tancite, stana poznat i priznat kul- Makedonija. A Makedonija, kako praiskonska turen deec vo svetot. Toj gi pro{iri, gi zbogati zemja, nekolku pati se spomenuva i vo Biblijata. i gi napra vi privle~ni makedonskite i balkan- Istoriski gledano, po~nuvaj}i od drevnite vre - skite igri kaj Amerikancite, vqubenici vo miwa na Aleksandar Makedonski, preku rimski- makedonskoto folklorno bogatstvo. Tomov e ~o- ot i vizantiskiot period, kako i preku golemite ve kot koj gi rasposla folklornite granici od migracii na razli~ni plemiwa (Slavjani) kon Makedonija i od Balkanot nasekade po svetot, jug, podocna, i za vreme na otomanskiot period, osobeno vo SAD, Kanada i Avstralija.

Karta na etni~ka Makedonija / A map of ethnic Macedonia


THROUGH THE LENS OF THE PAST Macedonia, Tomov's birth country

Starting from the ancient period and up to the ople) to the south, as well as during the Ottoman present, Macedonia, the birth country of George To- period. mov, was and is a place where different civilizations, One of those Macedonians who has spread the Ma- cultures and religions have intersected; and it will cedonian culture, language, alpha bet and folk heri tage be such a country in the future, too. Here, in these throughout the world has been, of course, Geor ge To - Balkan areas, Christianity appeared many centuries mov. He is the man who has become well known and ago, that is, at the time when Paul the Apostle came recognized as a world cultural worker thanks to his to Macedonia. Macedonia as a country is mentioned choreographies, music and folk dances. He has en lar- in the Bible on several occasions. In historical con- ged, enriched and made attractive the Macedo nian text, Macedonia was a crossroads of natio ns, civili- and Balkans dances to Americans who love the Ma- zations, cultures, languages and religions starting ce donian folk treasure. George Tomov is a person who from ancient times of Alexander the Great and then has ex ten ded the folklore boundaries of Macedo nia during Roman and Byzantine times, the time of beyond Macedonia and the Balkans throug hout the great migrations of different tribes (the Slavic pe- world, especially to the USA, Canada and Australia.

Crkvata Sveta Sofija vo Ohrid / St. Sofija Church in Ohrid


„NIE SME MAKEDONIJA“ Janko Tomov - vqubenik vo Anti~ka Makedonija

Za istoriskiot razvoj na Makedonija od anti~ - te istoriski vistini pod naslov „Pridonesot na ko vreme do denes pi{uvale golem broj stranski Makedoni ja vo svetskata civilizacija”, Make- i doma{ni avtori. Nekoi se obidele da ja is kri - don ska is kra, Skopje, 2004 godina, napravija vat makedonskata istorija, a nekoi lesno gi pre- skromen obid da frlat svetlina vrz istoris ki- zentiraat istoriskite fakti za Makedonija i te fakti za Makedo nija. makedonskiot narod. Od mnogubrojnata literatu - Georgi Tomov e vqubenik vo drevnata kultura ra mo`e da se zaklu~i deka vo ovoj dolg i bogat i e inspiriran od folklorot na anti~ka Make- so nastani vremenski period, samo dva naroda se donija. Zatoa toj go napi{a tekstot za milenium- narekle Makedonci: anti~kite i se ga{nite Ma ke - skiot oratorium „Nie sme Makedoni ja”, koj be{e don ci, koi denes `i ve at na prostorot na etni~ ka pretstaven na prigoden na~in na 26-ot Crkovno- Makedoni ja i na site naroden sobir na Ame- kontinenti vo svetot. ri kansko-kanadskata- Me|u brojnite av- ma kedonska eparhija tori koi napi {ale na MPC, {to se odr`a del od vis ti nata za vo Hamilton, Kana da, Makedoni ja i make- vo septemvri 2000 go - don skiot na rod e Jan- dina. Vo ovoj mileni- ko Tomov, bratot na umski oratorium, kako Ge orgi Tomov. So kni- {to be{e nasloven, gata „An ti~kata is to- me|u drugoto, se veli: rija na Makedoni ja i „Vo bo gata ta istorija Bal kanot vo delata na na Ev ro pa te{ko e da zapadnite avtori (od se najde narod kakov falsifi kati do kon- {to e makedonskiot, kretno pre zen tira - koj imal tolku mnogu we)”, (make don ska i pre virawa so svoeto angliska verzija), nacionalno konsti- Briz bejn, Avstralija, tui rawe. Te{ko e vo 2005 godi na, i toj e svetot da se najde edinst ven makedon ski drug narod koj imal i is tra`uva~ koj na tolku burna istorija. svoj na~in gi citira Sekoja bura nego go zapadnite isto ri~ari pogodila. Ne minala koi pi{uvaat na ovaa vojna koja go odmina- tema. Isto taka, i av - la. Sekoja nesre}a {to to rot na ovie re dovi se slu~ila na tie pro - vo sorabotka so pozna- stori Makedo nija ja tiot i priznat tvorec stavala vo centa rot, za anti~ka Makedoni - a Makedonecot gi do- ja, akademi kot Anto- bi val prvite uda ri. ni je [kokqev - Don - Na mnogu narodi ~o, so nivnoto delo sud binata im bila po sve teno na drevni - Janko Tomov / Janko Tomov is torijata, a na


„ WE ARE MACEDONIA“ Janko Tomov - lover of Ancient Macedonia

A large number of both foreign and domestic are the authors of the work dedicated to the ancient authors have written about the historical develop- historical truths, titled Contribution of Macedonia to ment of Macedonia from ancient times up to the the World Civilization, Makedonska iskra, Skopje, present. Some authors have tried to distort the Ma - 2004. They all have made a modest attempt to cast ce donian story, while others have presented the his- a light on the historical facts about Macedonia. torical facts about Macedonia and the Macedo nian George Tomov is a lover of the ancient culture people too easily. From the numerous works of lite- and he has been inspi red by the folklore of ancient ra ture, it could be concluded that during this long Macedonia. Therefore, he wrote the text of the and events-rich period, only two peoples have called Millennial Oratorio “We are Macedonia”, which was themselves Macedonians: the ancient Macedo nians performed for the special occasion of the 26th and the present day Macedonians who live on the Church Convocation of the American-Canadian Dio- territory of eth nic Ma- ce se of the Macedo ni - ce donia and in all con - an Orthodox Church tinents of the world. held in Hamilton, Ca- One of the authors nada, in September who wrote a part of 2000. In addition to the truth about Mace- ot her points, in this do nia and the Mace- mi llennial oratorio, na- do nia people is Janko med “We are Mace do- To mov, brother of Ge- nia”, it is said,: orge Tomov. With his In the rich history book titled Ancient of Europe, it is hard to History of Macedonia find a people like the and the Balkans in the Macedoni an one who Works of the Western suffered so many up- Authors, from forgery heavals during their to concrete pre sen ta - national establish men t. tion, (Macedonian and It is hard to find anot- English version), Bris- her people in the world bane, Australia, 2005, who had so turbulent he is the only Macedo - history, as well. Every nian researcher who single storm struck has quoted, in his the m. There was no own way, the Wes tern war that failed to strike historians who have them. Each misfortune written on this sub- that took place in tho- ject. Aside from him, se areas put Mace do- the author of these li- nia in the very center, nes together with Dr. while the Macedoni ans Antonije Škokljev-Don- received the first čo, well-known and re - blows. cognized writer about Following their des- Ancient Macedonia, Delo na Janko Tomov / Work of Janko Tomov tiny in the last thirteen

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 27 GEORGI TOMOV Makedonecot istorijata mu bila sudbina, sle- makedonskoto naselenie. A za vremeto na Anti- dej}i ja sudbinata vo trinaesette po sledni ve - go nidite po~ na la masovna migracija na Elinite kovi, celi devet veka pominal pod razni ropst- kon Makedoni ja. I najposle, po naezdata na var- va i toa: 517 godini pod tursko, 225 godini pod varskite plemiwa, doa|aat Slovenite. vi zantisko, 76 godini pod bugar sko, 83 godi ni Makedoncite, pak, formirale golema i silna pod srpsko i samo 409 godini po luslo bod ni i dr`ava na ~elo so Samuil, koja se protegala od slobodni. Larisa do Dunav, i od Varna i Konstanca do Sa- Narod na koj najubavata pesna i najdobroto raevo i Kotor. oro mu se vikaat „Te{koto”, objektivno i ne mo- Vo 1014 godina Makedonija bila pogodena so `el da ima po inakva sudbina i minato. Makedo - edna od najte{ki te tragedii, pote{ka od ~umite nija ne samo {to otsekoga{ bila na se~iloto na {to besneele vo 1104, 1348, 1501, 1541, 1689 go- mnogute me~evi i jatagani, sabji i kami, tuku vo dina; toga{ se slu~ila edna od najyverskite nea se sudruvale i vkrstuvale mnogu raz li~ ni odmazdi koga Vasilij II, po bitkata na Belasica, kulturi. I tokmu taa Makedonija, vsu{ nost, bila oslepel 14 000 Samuilovi vojnici poradi {to i i e lulka na ci- Samuil umrel od viliza cis kite `al za svoi te sre di{ ta kako borci. edna ne sa mo od Makedonija najsta rite, tuku bila vo gr~. Se to~no i naj sta - slu ~ile mno gu ra civi li zaci - del bi, buni i ja. vo s tanija koi Makedonija bi le predvo de ni go dade nepov - od Petar Del - torliviot Alek - jan, \or|i Voj- san dar Make- teh, Dobromir don ski. Makedo - Hrst, Dobro mir nija e edinst - Strez i drugi. ve nata zemja vo Makedo nija bi- Evropa koja la prvata zemja hris tijanst vo to {to se sudrila go pri mi la di - so Mu ratovite rektno od Hris- as ke ri (vojski) toviot apo s tol pri niv niot pro- - Pav le. Make- biv kon Evropa. do nija e, najve- Bit kata na Koso - rojatno, edinst - vo vo 1378 godi - venata zemja vo na vo koja u~est- svetot koja vo- vuva le i Make - op {to ne go me- don ci, Karpo {o - nuvala svoe to vo to vostanie ime. Kako {to vo 1689 godina i, se sme ta, imeto najposle, Ilin - go dobila spo - denskoto vosta - red bo got Make- nie vo 1903 go- don, bog na svet- dina. Vo me|u - linata i sin na vre me, imalo i Zevs. drugi pomali i Poznati te pogolemi vos ta- is tra`uva~i na nija i buni. I mitologijata se na krajot, vo Na- na mislewe de - rodno oslo bo di - / Icon from Macedonia ka zborot Zevs Ikona od Makedonija telnata borba i doa|a od makedonskiot zbor - yvezda, pa taka na Zase danieto na ASNOM vo Sv. Prohor P~iw- simbolot na Ma kedonija bi la yvezdata so {es- ski, vo 1944 godi na, kade {to Ma ke donija bi la naeset kraci, odnosno sonceto so {esnaeset proglasena za Narodna Republika Makedo nija. zraci. Postoja nite borbi i delbi go menuvale i sostavot na naselenieto. Po pohodot na Alek - sandar Makedon ski se namalil brojot na staro-

28 DEL I - MAKEDONSKO-AMERIKANSKO KULTURNO NASLEDSTVO GEORGI TOMOV centuries, it could be said that destiny was history the number of the ancient Macedonian population to many peoples, while for the Macedonians, histo- decreased. During the period of Antigonides, a ry was their destiny. The Macedonians had spent mass migration of the Hellenes toward Macedonia nine entire centuries under different forms of slav- started. And finally, following the invasion of the ery such as: 517 years under the Ottomans; 225 barbarian tribes, the Slavs came. years under Byzantines; 76 years under Bulgarians; The Macedonians established a large and strong 83 years under the Serbs and only 409 years they state headed by Samoil that stretched from Larissa were half-free and free. to the Danube River and from Varna and Constantza Judging objectively, the people, whose most bea- to Sarajevo and Kotor. u tiful song and best dance is called “Teškoto” could In 1014, Macedonia was struck by one of the not help having such fate and past. Mace do nia was most terrible tragedies which was even harder than not only always at the point where many swords the plague raging on in 1104, 1348, 1501, 1541, 1689 and yataghans crossed, where sabers and daggers – the most bestial revenge took place when Vasilius crossed, but it was also the place where a number II, following the fight on the Belasica Mountain, of diffe rent cultu- made 14,000 of res cla sh ed and Samuil’s soldiers intersected each blind. When Sa- ot her. In fact, Ma- muil saw them, he cedonia of that ti- died of grief. me was and now Macedonia ex- is a cradle of civili- pe rienced contor- zation, a focal po- tion, partitions, re- int as one of the bels and uprisi n gs, most ancient civi- some of which we- lization. re led by Petar De - Macedo nia has ljan, Gor gi Vojteh, given Alexander Dobromir Hrst, the Makedon (the Dobro mir Strez and Great) the only ot hers. Macedonia one of his kind. was the first co - Macedonia is the untry that clashed only country in Eu- with the soldiers of rope that re ceived Murat during their Christianity direct- penetration into ly from Paul the Europe; the Mace - Apostle. Mace do- donians also took nia, most probab - part in the 1378 ly, is the only co- Kosovo battle, then untry in the world in the 1689 Kar- that has not chan- poš Upri sing and ged its name at finally in the 1903 all. Macedonia is Ilinden Uprising. considered to get Meanwhi le, there its name from Ma- were also minor kedon, the god of and larger upris- light and a son of ings and rebelli- Zeus. ons. And, finally, Well-known re - in the People’s Li- sear che r s of my - bera tion War until thology are of the at the 1944 ASNOM opinion that the Session in St. Pro- word ‘Zeus’ co mes hor Pčinski Monas - Gali~ka svadba / The Galička wedding ceremony from the Macedo- tery, Macedo nia nian word “star”. For that reason, the symbol of was proclaimed the People’s Republic of Macedo nia. Macedonia has been a star with sixteen legs, res- pec tively the sun with sixteen rays. With love to the homeland The constant fights and partitions also changed What, in fact, is Macedonia and what are the the composition of the population; following the spe cific features that make it a spiritual center of campaigns of Alexander the Makedon (the Great), the world? Why was Macedonia divided so many


So qubovkon rodnata zemja kral i tatko na golemiot Aleksan dar Makedon - [to e, vsu{nost, Makedonija i kakvi se nej- ski. Bi mo`ele da pretpostavime so kakva voo - zi nite spe cifiki {to ja pravat svetsko duhovno du {evenost bila ost varena ovaa sredba. sre di{ te? Zo{to Makedonija e tolku pati dele- Evangelistot Luka po ten cira deka Hristo - na pa denes da ima samo edna tretina od teri- viot apostol Pavle preku no} ta imal videnie toriite i zo{ to Makedonija e tolku poznata vo deka pred nego stoel Makedonec, koj go molel i svetot? Ova bea samo del od pra{awata koi mu velel: Premini vo Makedonija i pomogni ni! scenski gi postavi i scenski gi bara{e odgovo - Po toa videnie ved na{ posakavme da trgneme za rite. Odnos no, za duhovnoto `iveewe na Ma ke - Makedonija bidej}i razbravme deka Gospod n¢ donija vo Milenium skiot oratorium vo Hamil - povikal tamu da go propovedame Evangelieto. ton, „Nie sme Makedo nija”, Georgi Tomov se Prvata li~nost {to go prifatila hristijan - pret stavi so svoj umetni~ki del nasloven kako stvoto bila Make don kata Lidija za {to svedo~i „Makedonija e bibliska zemja”. Vo nego se veli: Svetoto pismo kade pi {uva: ,Izlegovme nadvor

Georgi kako skulptor / George as a sculptor

„Dvemileniumskata po ~it kon sveti apostol od gradot pri edna reka kade {to imaa obi~aj da Pav le, zaradi negovite golemi zaslugi vo {i - se molat i edna `ena bogubojazliva od gradot reweto na hristijanstvoto vo Makedonija, opi- Tiatir, po ime Lidija, koja{to prodavala crveni {a no i kodificirano vo Svetoto pismo - Bib- tkaenini, slu {a{e i Gospod £ go otvori srceto lijata, so pravo pridonelo Make donija da se na- da vnimava na ona {to zboruva{e Pavle. A koga re kuva bibliska zemja, a Makedoncite bibliski se po krsti taa i nejzinite doma{ni, n¢ zamoli narod. Makedonija i Makedoncite stanale prvi - i re~e: „Ako ste me priznale za verna na Gospo - te hristijanizirani lu|e vo toga{na mnogu bo` - da, toga{ vlezete i `ivejte vo mojata ku}a". Vo na Evropa. Ona {to go zapo~nal golemiot Alek- nejziniot dom tie ostanale vo tekot na celiot sandar Makedonski na kulturen i politi~ ki svoj prestoj vo Filipi. Tuka tie go propovedale plan, sega povtorno apostol Pavle, soglasno novoto u~e we, razgovarale so novopokrstenite. Svetoto pismo, go realizira na religiozno-kul- Taka se rodi la prvata hristijanska parohija vo turno i civilizacisko pole, preku Makedonija i Evropa. Vakvata uloga na hristijanskata op {ti na Makedoncite. vo Fili pi podocna }e bide istaknuvana od sa - Prvata sredba na apostolot Pavle so Makedo- miot Pavle, koj{to }e poso~i deka tie prirasnale ni ja i Makedonci te se ostvarila vo gradot Fi- vo verata tolku mnogu za da mo`e samiot da lipi, grad koj go vtemelil Filip II, makedonski re~e: „@ivejte samo dostojno na Hristovoto

30 DEL I - MAKEDONSKO-AMERIKANSKO KULTURNO NASLEDSTVO GEORGI TOMOV times so that today it possesses only one third of its Paul. And when she and the members of her family territory and why is it so famous in the world? These converted to Christianity, she said: were some of the questions which were set up on “If you accepted me as a believer in God, then come the scene. and live in my house”. So they entered the hou se of In the Millennial Oratorio “We are Macedonia” held Lydia and stayed there during their visit to the town in Hamilton, Canada, Mr. George Tomov presented of Philippi. There, they preached the new teachings, himself with his artistic part titled “Macedo nia is a talked with the new baptized persons. There, the first biblical country” where, regarding the spiritual living Christian parish in Europe was born. Such a role of of Macedonia, it is said: The two-millennial respect Philippi, as a Christian municipality, shall be under- for Saint Paul for his great merits in spreading Chris- lined, later on, by Saint Paul himself, who shall point tianity in Macedonia as described and codified in the out that they had converted to Christianity in such Bible, the Holy Book, contributed to naming Mace- a great number, so that he could only say: “Live and do nia a biblical country and to naming the Mace- be worthy of the Christ Gospel, stand in one spirit donians a biblical people. Macedonia and Mac e doni - fighting as one for the evangelist faith”. ans became the first Christianized people in the then- Paul, the Apostle of Christ, felt the Christians of polytheistic Eu- Philippi as his own ro pe. What Alex- people and he ander the Make - felt comple tely don began do- safe among them, ing on a cultural as he would po- and political le- inted out, later vel, Saint Paul, on, in his Epist- in accordance les. He would ex- with the Holy press a sin cere Book, realized gratitu de for the then on a religi- purity of their re - ous-cultural and ligion, good in- civilization level ten tion, hospita- through Ma ce - lity and their ca- donia and the re about him. “I Macedoni ans. be came ex tre - The first me - me ly ha ppy in e ting of Paul, the God” – wro te the Apostle of Chris- Apost le. Emp ha - tianity, with Ma- sizing the love of cedonia and Ma- the Apostle Paul cedo nians took to the people of place in the town Philippi, St. John of Philippi, the Chrisostom, quite city founded by independently, Fi llip II the Ma- substituted the ke don, father of name of the Alexan der. We town of Philippi Kru{evo / Kru{evo can only imagi- for the name of ne the enthusiasm of that meeting. the en tire country to which he belonged, that name Evan gelist Luke underlined that “a vision appea- being Macedonia. red to Paul in the night; there stood a man of Mace- In the apos tolic time, the city of Thessalo nica do nia, pleading with him, saying, ‘Come over into (Solun) was a capital of Macedonia. Leaving Phili - Macedonia, and help us!’ Upon that vision, we wan- ppi, the Apostle Paul together with his associates, ted to start for Macedonia immediately because we Silas and Timothy, went to Thessalonica. That church understood that God had called us to preach the municipality, with short interruptions, was to beco- Gospel there. me a center to which all church municipalities of The first person to accept Christianity was Lydia, Macedonia would be grouped and called Mace- a Macedonian woman, which is testified in the holy donian church municipalities, while the church in book where it reads: “We went out of the city, by a Macedonia would be called the Macedonian Church. river where they worshipped God and a certain wo- Therefore, the foundations of the Macedonian man named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Ortho dox Church were laid down by the first apost- Thyatria, heard us. The Lord opened her heart, so les and their disciples. Then, the activity of the holy she attended to the things which were spoken by brothers, Cyril and Methody followed which was

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 31 GEORGI TOMOV evan ge lie, stojte vo eden duh, borej}i se ed - nodu{no za evangeliskata vera". „Obedineti makedonci“ Apostolot Pavle gi ~uv st vu val hristijanite Vo vrska so izvedbata na mo{ne vpe~atliviot i od Filipi kako svoi i me |u niv se ~uvstvuval ce - so silna poraka Mi le niumski oratorium „Nie sme losno za{titen, kako {to podocna vo svoite po- Makedonija”, vesnikot na organizacijata „Obe di - sla nija }e poso~i i }e iska`e iskrena blagodar - neti Makedon ci” (United Macedonians), vo sep- nost za ~istotata na niv nata vera, dobrosrde~ - temvriskiot broj od 2000 godina, me|u drugoto nosta, gostoprimstvoto i nivnata gri`a za nego. istaknuva: „Jas se zaraduvav ne obi~ no mnogu vo Gospo da” - „Vo godina koga go praznuvame dveiljaditoto pi {uva apostolot. Istak nu vaj}i ja qubovta na postoewe na hristijanstvoto vo Makedonija i sve - apostol Pavle kon Filip ja nite, sveti Jo van tot, Dvaeset i {estiot po red Crkovno-naroden Zla toust sosem samostoj no go zamenuva imeto na sobor na MPC na Amerikansko-kanadskata make - gradot Filipi so imeto na celata zemja kon don ska pravoslavna eparhija, koj se odr`a vo Ha - koja{to pripa|al i toj, a imeto e Makedonija. milton, Kanada, }e bide zapameten vo analite na Gradot Solun vo apostolsko vreme bil glaven aktiv nostite na makedonskite crkvi, a posebno vo grad na Makedonija. Napu{taj}i go Filipi, apos - niv niot zaedni~ki nastap. Ovojpat, so edna po zi- tol Pavle zaedno so sorabotnicite Timotej i tiv na i napredna ideja za~ekorivme vo tretiot po Sila zaminale kon Solun. Solunskata crkovna red milenium, so novost vo odr`u vawe i pretsta - op{tina, so mali prekini, }e stane centar oko- vu vawe na na{eto dvemileniumsko prostumewe, lu koj }e se grupiraat site crkovni op{tini od so~uvuvaj}i gi makedonskite crkov ni i narodni Makedonija i }e gi narekuvaat makedonski crkov- tradicii. Ovojpat, preku portretite od najpoz- ni op{tini, a crkvata vo Makedonija }e ja nare - natite makedonski svetci, prosvetiteli i voda ~i kuvaat Makedonska crkva. Zna~i, osnovite na na makedonskata nacija, preku prigodniot izbor Makedonskata pravoslavna crkva se posta ve ni na pesni od na{ata mno gu bogata folklorna i po- od samite apostoli i nivnite u~enici, a po toa etska riznica, so podatoci od ra|a wetona make- sledi dejnosta na svetite bra}a Kiril i Meto - donskata hristijanska nacija, koja prva go primi dij, za da se krunisa so organiziran samostoen hristijanstvoto i go ra{iri po drugite na rodi. crkoven `ivot vo vremeto na sveti Kli ment i Besedite za Makedonija kako bibliska zemja sveti Naum Ohridski ~udotvorci. Toga{ sveti ni ovozmo`ija na eden slikovit na~in da go vi - Kliment se pogri`il za ustrojstvoto na crkvata, di me na{eto istorisko minato i zadol`enie za organiziraj}i si svoja narodna eparhija, naro- na{ata idnina. den jazik i bogoslu`enie na maj~in makedonski Portretite i simbolite na makedonskoto mi- jazik”, taka veli na krajot avtorot Georgi Tomov. na to pod za{tita na Sonceto, se pretstavija so novosozdadenata narodna muzika, so instrumenti

Od Mileniumskiot oratorium vo Hamilton / From the Millennial Oratorio in Hamilton

32 DEL I - MAKEDONSKO-AMERIKANSKO KULTURNO NASLEDSTVO GEORGI TOMOV crowned by the organized independent church life country have enabled us to see, in a pictures que in the time of St. Clement, St. Naum and the Ohrid way, our historical past and our obligation for our Miracle Workers. Then, St. Clement took care for the future. organization of the church, establishing an eparchy The portraits and symbols of the Macedo nian for his people, a language for his people and reli- past under protection of the sun were presen ted gious service on his mother tongue, i.e. on the Ma- along with a newly composed folk music, with in- ce donian language,” says at the end the author stru ments characteristic for our Macedonian sky and George Tomov. they still adorn our national and original music, reads the newspaper’s article. “United Macedonians“ Namely, the participants in this historical Mille- In regard to the performance of the Millennial nnial Oratorio gave their performance on voluntary Oratorio “We are Macedonia”, the newspaper of the basis and they gave their contribution in a way that Organization “United Macedonians” (Obedineti Ma- this exceptional event will remain in the memories ke donci), among other things, wrote in its Septem- of those present, who will take it with them as an ber edition of 2000: unforgettable souve nir. It was George Tomov who In the year when we celebrate the two-millenni- produced the Millennial Oratorio. In addition, he al existence of Christianity in Macedo nia and in the also made the arrangement of the music, composi- world, the 26th Church Convoca tion of the Ameri- tion of the texts, choreography and design of the can-Canadian-Macedonian Diocese, held in Hamil - objects displayed. ton, Canada, shall be remembered in the annals for The third and last day marked the beginning of the activities of the Macedonian churches, especia- the Church Convocation – a solemn banquet at the lly for their joint performance. Hotel Sheraton. Approved by the Eparchy Assembly This time, with a positive and advanced idea, we and upon the request of George Tomov, the Mille- enter this millennium, the third in progression, with nnial Oratorio ”We are Macedonia” was performed innovation in upholding and representing our two- for the first time. In this 30-minute program, the millennial standing upright, preserving the Macedo- ancient and rich history of the Macedonian people nian religious and folk traditions. This time, through was shown, followed by pictures, posters, icons and the portraits of the Macedonian famous saints, edu- symbols; through words, songs and dances; thro- cators and leaders of the Macedonian nation; thro- ugh the sounds from the beating of the drums, as ugh an appropriate selection of songs from our very well as through customs and traditions. rich folk and poetic treasury along with data from The entire event reached its climax and culmi- the birth of our Macedonian Christian nation that was nated in something very special when, behind the first to receive the Christianity and spread it to other guests on the head table, the ancient Macedonian nations. The sermons for Macedonia as a biblical red flag with the sun having sixteen rays and a

Od aktivnostite na Makedoncite vo SAD / From the activities of The Macedonans in USA

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 33 GEORGI TOMOV karakteris ti~ ni za na{eto makedonsko podnebje i koi s¢ u{te ja krasat na{ata nacionalna i iz- vorna muzika”, pi{uva, me|u drugoto, vo vesni kot. Inaku, vredno e da se potencira deka u~esni - cite na istoris kiot Mileniumski oratorium dob - rovolno u~estvuvaa i go dadoa svojot prido nes ovoj nese kojdneven nastan da ostane vo se}a va - we na prisutnite koi so sebe go ponesoa kako nezaboraven suvenir. Produkcijata na Mileniumskiot oratorium be{e od Georgi Tomov. Toj, isto taka, go napravi aran`manot na muzikata, gi napi{a tekstovite, koreografijata i dizajnot na ekspo natite. Zna~i, krajot na tretiot i posleden den na So- borot e sve~eniot banket vo hotelot „[era ton”. Za prv pat, odobren od Eparhiskoto sobra nie, a po barawe na Georgi Tomov, se odr`a Mile ni um- Tutunobera~i / Tobacco gathering skiot oratorium - „Nie sme Makedo ni ja”. Vo ovaa grafija. Toga{, site prisutni ne mo`ea da se triesetminutna programa be{e prika `a na drev- vozdr`at, stanaa na noze i so burno rakopleska - na ta i bogatata istorija na makedonskiot narod, we go pozdravija uspe hot na Mileniumskiot ora- prosledeno so sliki, transparenti, ikoni i sim - torium - „Nie sme Makedonija” od Georgi Tomov, boli; preku zbor, pesna i igra; preku zvukot na uda- so koe posebno se odbele`a jubilejot na 2000 go - rot od tapanot, kako i niz obi~aite i tradi ciite. dini od voskresenieto Hristovo i dva mileniu mi Seto toa dobi vozvi {e nie i kulminacija. Se to na hristijanstvoto vo Makedonija i vo svetot. se krunisa koga postepeno zad gostite na po~es - Na sve~eniot banket, pokraj doma}inite i na ta masa i poleka se krena drevnoto makedon- sve{tenicite, na glavnata masa be{e poglava - sko alovo zname so {esnae setkrakoto sonce i si - rot na MPC, arhiepi skopot ohridski i makedon- noli~niot cvet vo sredinata, zaedno od strani- ski g.g. Stefan, koj gi pozdravi prisutnite so te, so slikite na Gos pod Isus Hristos, Bogoro - sodr`ajna ve ~er na beseda, potoa mitropolitot dica so Isus, Svetiot krst, alovoto zname na Kiril, pra te ni kot vo parlamentot na Ontario MPC, ikonite na sveti Kliment, sveti Naum Oh - gospo di not Luj Temelkovski, Georgi Tomov, avto- ridski, sveti Kiril i Metodij i okolu salata rot na ovie redo vi i mnogu drugi gosti i prija- plejada likovi od boga tata makedonska istorio- te li na Makedoncite od SAD i Kanada.

,,Tomov’’ izveduva pirinski igri i pesni / TOMOV performs Pirin folk dances and songs


Georgi i Desa vo ,,Tanec’’ / George and Desa in TANEC bluish flower in the middle, was raised gradually and jubilee of the resurrection of Christ and two millennia slowly accompanied, on both sides, with pictures of of Christia nity in Macedonia and all over the world. Jesus Christ, Mother of God with Jesus, Holy Cross, In addition to the hosts and clergymen, the follo- the Red Flag of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, wing dignita ries were sitting on the head table: icons of St. Clement, St. Naum of Ohrid, St. Cyril and Head of the Holy Bishop’s Synod of the Macedonian Methody, and all around the hall – a constellation of Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedo- figures from the rich Macedonian historiography. nia, Stefan, who welcomed those present with an Then, those present could not restrain themselves ample evening sermon, then, Metropolitan Kiril; Mr. any longer – they stood up and with a rapturous Lew Temelkovski, MP of Ontario; George Tomov; the applause, which broke forth, welcomed the success author of these lines, and other dignitaries-guests of the “We are Macedonia” Millennial Oratorio, a work and friends of the Macedonians from the USA and of art of George Tomov which marked the 2000 Canada.

,,Goce Del~ev’’ na Evropski festival vo Wujork / GOCE DELČEV at the European Festival in New York

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 35 Nastap na ,,Tomov’’ / The step performance of TOMOV


MAKEDONCITE VO SAD SAD - vtorata tatkovina na Tomov

Imeto i deloto na Georgi Tomov e tesno povr- kako na primer: literaturna, folklorna, sport- zano so negovata vtora tatkovina, Soedinetite ska, gotvarska i dr. Se pe~atat golem broj vesni- Amerikanski Dr`avi (SAD). Amerika, zemjata vo ci, spisanija, bilteni i drugi publika cii, a se koja `ivee, se razviva, pro{iruva, opstojuva i emituvaat televiziski i radioprogrami koi ig - po stignuva napredok, taa e vetenata zemja, kako raat neprocenliva uloga vo zbogatuvaweto na {to Makedoncite i drugite doselenici ja nare - site aktivnosti na makedonskite emigranti. ku vaat. Makedoncite vo Wu Xersi se sobiraat vo ma- Proglasuvaweto na Makedonskata pravo slav - ke donskite pravoslavni crkvi Sv. Kiril i Me to- na crkva i na nejzinata avtokefalnost, zna~e{e dij vo Sider Grouv, vo Sv. Nikola vo Totova i vo ogromna presvrtnica kaj golem del Make donci prviot makedonski pravoslaven ma nastir Sv. koi `iveat i rabotat vo SAD. \or |i vo Randolf, a vo gradot Wujork e vo iz- Vo najgolemiot broj crkovni op{tini se or- grad ba crkvata Sv. Kliment Ohridski. ga nizirani posebni nedelni u~ili{ta kade se Georgi Tomov so svoite igraorci imal brojni u~i maj~iniot makedonski jazik, nacionalna is- nastapi re~isi vo site makedonski sali, no naj - to rija, geografija i verska pouka. Isto taka, vo pove}e vo manastirot Sveti \or|i i vo novata crkovnite op{tini e razvien sistem na sek cii, sala vo crkvata Sveti Kiril i Metodij vo Sider

Vo manastirot Sv. \or|i vo Wu Xersi / At the Monastery of St. George in New Jersey


MACEDONIANS IN THE U.S.A. USA - Tomov’s second homeland

The name and accomplishments of George Tomov folklore, sport, and others. A great number of news- are closely tied to his second homeland, the United papers, magazines, bulletins and other publications States of America. America - the country in which are printed and published, and TV and radio hours are George Tomov has developed, grown, survived, and broadcast which play a priceless role in the enrich- made progress is a “promised land”, as Macedoni - ment of the wide-ranging activities of Macedonian ans and other immigrants prefer to call it. The proc- emigrants. lamation of the Macedonian Orthodox Church and Macedonians in New Jersey gather at the Sts. its autocephalous status, marked a turning point for Cyril and Methody Macedonian Orthodox Church in a great part of the Macedonians living and working Cedar Grove; at St. Nicola Church in Totowa, and in in the USA. the first Macedonian Orthodox Monastery, St Special Sunday schools are organized in most of George in Randolph, while the church of St Clement the church communities where pupils learn their of Ohrid in New York City is under construction. mot her tongue, i.e. the Macedonian language, na- George Tomov, with his dancers, has given many tio nal history, geography and religious instruction. performances in almost all suitable Macedonian halls, In addition, a system of sections is also developed but mostly in the monastery of St. George and in the within the church communities, such as literature, new hall of the St Cyril and Methody Church in Cedar

Iseleni~ka delgacija so mitropolitot Kiril vo Ohrid / Delegation of emigrants in Ohrid with Metropolitan Kiril

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 39 GEORGI TOMOV Grouv. Isto taka, toj ima aktivno u~estvo vo site 7 avgust 1993 godina bil osveten kamen-temel ni - makedonski asocijacii vo Wujork i Wu Xersi. kot od toga{ niot arhiepiskop ohridski i ma ke - Makedonskite pravoslavni crkvi, dru{t va i don ski Mi hail. Na sve~enosta prisustvuvaa i aso cijacii imaat posebno mesto vo isto ris kiot po ve}e po ka neti gosti, me|u koi i toga{niot razvoj na Makedoncite vo SAD, a so toa se i del pretsedatel na Republika Makedonija, Kiro od {irokiot istoriski opus na Georgi Tomov. Gli gorov, ambasado rot na Republika Makedonija Po~etocite vo SAD, Qubica A~ovska i drugi gosti od lokal - nata vlast. Denes se izgradeni: crkvata so dve vo Sveti Kiril i Metodij kambanarii i parohiskata ku}a, kako i sala, Geor gi Tomov gi zapo~na svoite crkovni ak- par king-prostor i pros tor za sportski centar. tiv nosti vo stariot objekt na Makedonskata pra- Vo ramkite na crkovnata op{tina aktivno ra- vo slavna crkovna op{tina Sveti Kiril i Me to- boti KUD „Goce Del~ev”. Postojat i: fudbalskiot dij vo Pasaik. Taa bila edna od pozna~ajnite ma- klub „Makedo ni ja”, Komitetot za ~ovekovi pra va, ke donski crkovni op{tini na severno ameri kan - nedelnoto u~ili{te, `enskata sekcija, cr kov ni ot skiot kontinent. Vo nea se odvivale golem broj hor, bibliotekata i nekolkute muzi~ ki sostavi. aktivnosti {to zna~ele `ivot za Makedoncite Sveti \or|i vo Randolf, prv vo novata sredina. Zgradata na crkvata se nao|a{e vo eden po- makedonski manastir vo Amerika star kvart na Pasaik i pretstavuva{e zna~aen Imeto i deloto na Georgi Tomov e tesno po- primer na starata amerikanska arhitektura. Me- vrza no so prviot makedonski manastir vo SAD i |utoa, na 27 fevruari 1992 godina, pod nepozna ti Kanada, posveten na golemiot ma~enik sveti okolnosti, be{e opo `arena i do temel izgore na, \or |i. Toj pretstavuva mesto za orga nizirawe so {to Makedon cite ostanaa bez crkoven objekt. piknici i sredbi, a datira od 1977 godina. Ide- Potoa vo 1993 godina Makedoncite od Wu Xer si ja ta prvpat ja inicira poznatiot makedonski donesoa re{enie za izgradba na nova make don ska iselenik - donator od Resen, \or|i Tanev. Po nego - pravo slavna crkva vo gradot Sider Grouv, kako voto ime i manastirot go dobi imeto Sveti \or|i. pr odol `uvawe na tradiciite na izgo re nata Kamen-temelnikot be{e posta ven vo sep tem- crkva Sveti Kiril i Metodij vo Pa sa ik. vri 1978 godina. Po dve godini, zapo~naa grade` - Po kupuvaweto na mestoto donesen e plan za nite raboti koi traeja ~etiri godini. No, se ~i ni izgradba na crkvata vo stilot na Sveta Bogoro - deka najzna~aen datum za manastirot Sveti \or|i di ca vo Kali{ta. Planot na crkvata bil zemen be{e 16 sep temvri 1984 godina, koga be{e zavr- od Makedonskata pravoslavna crkva Sveti Niko la {e na izgradbata i izvr{eno osvetuvaweto na ovoj vo Kenton, Ohajo, no so zgolemeni dimenzii. Na makedonski duhoven i kulturno-prosveten dom.

Vo Manastirot Sv. Gorgi vo Randolf / In the St. George Monastery in Randolph


Grove. Also, he has actively participated in the all Mace- Mihail, the Archbi shop of Ohrid and Macedonia at donia associations in New York and New Jersey. The that time, consecrated the foundation stone. That cere - Macedonian Orthodox Churches, the Macedonian mony was attended also by high guests, such as Mr. associations and performing societies have had a spe- Kiro Gligorov, President of the Republic of Macedo nia, cial role in the historical development of the Mace do- then Ljubica Ačovska, Ambassador of the Republic nians in the USA, and in that way they are also a part of Macedonia to the USA, and other dignitari es of the of the extensive historical opus of George Tomov. local authorities. Today, the church complex includes The beginnings of the two bell towers and a parish house, as well as a hall, car park, and a space for sports center. The GOCE Sts. Cyril and Methody Church DELČEV Cultural and Performing Society is actively George Tomov started his activities related to the engaged within the church community; Cultural and Church in the old building of the Macedonian Ortho- Performing Society is actively enga ged; there is also dox Church Community of Sts. Cyril and Methody in the “Makedonija” soccer team, the Human Rights Passaic. It was one of the more significant Macedoni - Committee, the Sunday school, woman’s section, an Church communities on the North American conti - church choir, library, and several music groups. nent. Numerous activities that meant life to the Ma- ce donians in the new environment took place there. St. George in Randolph - The church building was located in a somewhat the First Macedonian Monastery in USA older quarter of Passaic, and it was a prime exam- The name and work of George Tomov is closely ple of the old American architecture. But then, on connected with the first Macedonian monastery in the February 27, 1992 it was burnt to the ground under USA and Canada, devoted to St. George, the great unknown circumstances leaving the Macedonians martyr. This Monastery, which dates from 1977, is without their center. also a picnic area and meeting place. The idea was It was in 1993 when the Macedonians in New first developed by George Tanev, a well known Ma- Jer sey decided to build a new Macedonian Orthodox ce donian donor-emigrant from Resen. Therefore, the Church in the city of Cedar Grove as a continuation monastery was named after him, i.e. St. George. of the traditions of the Sts. Cyril and Methody The foundation stone of the Monastery was pla- Church that was burnt down in Passaic. ced in September, 1978, and two years later the Upon the purchasing of the land, the architectural con struction work began. It took four years to build drawing was made for the construction of a church in the Monastery. However, it seems that the most sig- the style of St. Bogorodica in Kališta. The architec- nificant date for the St. George Monastery was tural drawing was the same as the drawing for the September 16, 1984, when construction was comp - Macedonian Orthodox Church of St. Nikola in Canton, lete d and when this Macedonian spiritual and cul- Ohio, but with enlarged dimensions. On 7 August 1993, tural-educational home was consecrated.

Na piknik vo manastirot Sv. \or|i / On a picnic in the yard of the St. George Monastery


Iseleni~ka delegacija vo Ohrid / Delegation of emigrants in Ohrid

Georgi i Slavko Maxarov / George and Slavko Madzarov

U~estvo na Etni~kata parada vo Wujork / Participation in the Ethnic Parade in New York


So Makedonci od Wu Xersi / With the Macedonians of New Jersey

Georgi so d-r Dimitar Kerami~iev / George with dr. Dimitar Keramičiev

Na banket po dobivaweto na medalot ,,Alis Ajland’’ / At the banquet following receiving the Ellis Island Medal


Nastap na ,,Tomov’’ so pirinski igri / TOMOV stage performance of Pirin folk dances

So vnukata Violeta i prijateli / With the niece Violeta and friends

Folkloristi vo domot na Georgi / Folklorists at George’s home


So kongresmenot Bil Paskrel i Slavko Maxarov / With Congressman Bill Pascrell and Slavko Madzarov

So Makedonci od Wu Xersi / With the Macedonians of New Jersey

Makedonski biznismeni so kongresmenot Bil Paskrel / Macedonian businessmen with Congressman Bill Pascrell

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 45 GEORGI TOMOV Sveti Nikola vo Totova to bil vleznata vrata za site doselenici od Evropa, grad kogo go zapliskuvaat vodite na At- Isto taka, vo Wu Xersi postoi i Makedonska ta lantskiot Okean. Georgi Tomov e eden od niv koj pravoslavna crkva Sveti Nikola vo Totova. Po se doselil vo Wujork i igra va`na uloga me|u opo`aruvaweto na crkvata Sveti Kiril i Meto - doselenicite od Balkanskiot Poluostrov. dij vo Pasaik i zaradi zgolemeniot broj dose- Wu jork e mestoto kade e izgradena Makedon - lenici i oddale~enosta na mestata na niv noto skata pravoslavna crkva Sveti Kliment Ohrid- `iveewe, bila formirana Makedonskata pravo - ski. Taa e formirana po inicijativa na nekolku slavna crkva Sveti Nikola vo Totova. Imeno, makedonski semejstva, prete`no od Wujork i od grupa makedonski doselenici donele re{e nie blis kata okolina. Na 17 maj 1987 godina se odr`a - da se gradi novata makedonska crkva Sveti Ni- lo osnova~ko narodno sobranie na koe ednoglas- kola vo gradot Totova. Pritoa, vo po~etokot na no bilo re{eno da se formira crkovna op{tina 1992 godina bilo kupeno mesto. Za taa cel, bile {to }e gi zadovoluva nivnite duhovni i kultur - obezbedeni sredstva i na 14 avgust 1992 godina ni potrebi. Bilo odlu~eno crkovnata op {tina po~na izgradbata na crkvata. Istata godina taa da go nosi imeto na ohridskiot ~udotvo rec i bila registrirana kaj lokalnite vlasti vo Wu pokrovitel na MPC Sveti Kliment Ohridski. Xersi. Na 14 avgust 1994 godina crkvata bila Vo septemvri 2001 godina poglavarot na MPC, zavr{ena i osvetena od arhiepiskopot Mi hail. arhiepiskopot ohridski i makedonski Ste fan, Osvetuvaweto se odr`alo na mnogu sve~en na- vo doslu`enie so mitropolitot Kiril i brojni ~in, vo prisustvo na devet sve{tenici od de vet sve{tenici, go postavi kamen-temelni kot na no- makedonski crkvi od SAD. Potoa, zapo~nala da vi ot hram, koj denes e vo izgradba. Zna~ajno e da se gradi salata vo prodol`enie na postojniot se spomene deka Georgi Tomov go izrabotuva iko- objekt. Na 14 avgust 1999 godina bilo izvr{eno no stasot za crkvata Sveti Kliment Ohridski. osvetuvaweto na salata, a za veligdenskite praz- Ovoj ikonostas, koj e edinstven od vakov vid vo nici vo 2000 godina taa bila celosno zavr{ena. makedonskite pravoslavni crkvi vo SAD se o~e- Sveti Kliment Ohridski kuva vo najskoro vreme da bide gotov. Toj }e go vo megalopolisot Wujork krasi vnatre{niot del na crkvata i }e bide Dr`avata Wujork, pak, e, teritorijata na traen beleg od Georgi Tomov. koja se doselile golem broj Makedonci od site delovi na Makedonija. Gradot Wujork vo minato-

Etni~ka parada na Medison avenijata vo Nujork / Ethnic parade on Medisson Avenue in New York

46 DEL I - MAKEDONSKO-AMERIKANSKO KULTURNO NASLEDSTVO GEORGI TOMOV St. Nikola in Totowa have settled. In fact, New York City, splashed by the The St. Nikola Church in Totowa is another Ma- waters of the Atlantic Ocean, used to be an entry ce donian Orthodox Church in New Jersey. After the gate to all European immigrants. George Tomov is Sts. Cyril and Methody Church in Passaic was burnt one of them who settled in New York and who plays down, the Macedonian Orthodox St. Nikola Church an important role among the immigrants from the in Totowa was established, partially also due to the Balkan Peninsula. increasing number of the Macedonian immigrants New York is the city where the Macedonian Ort- and the great distance from their living places. Na- hodox Church St Clement of Ohrid was established mely, a group of Macedonian immigrants decided to upon the initiative of several Macedonian families, build a new Macedonian church in the city of Toto - mostly from New York and its vicinity. On May 17, wa to be named St. Nikola. For this purpose, a piece 1987, the constitutional assembly was held where a of land was purchased at the beginning of 1992. unanimous decision was adopted to establish a Funds were collected and so the construction of the church community to satisfy their spiritual and cul- church began on August, 14, 1992. The same year tural needs. The church community was decided to it was registered with the local authorities of New be named after St. Clement of Ohrid, the miracle Jersey. On 14 August 1994 the church was com- worker from Ohrid and a patron of the Macedonian pletely built, and it was consecrated by Archbi shop Orthodox Church. In September 2001, Stefan, the Mihail, Head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. Head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Arch- The consecration ceremony was a very formal event bishop of Ohrid and Macedonia, together with Met- attended by nine priests from nine Macedo nian ropo litan Kiril and a number of priests laid the foun- churches in the USA. Later on, the construction of a dation stone for a new church which is under con- hall as an annex to the existing building began. On struction at present. August, 14, 1999, the hall was consecrated and it It is of importance to mention that George To - was completely built by the Easter holiday in 2000. mov is working on the iconostas at the St. Clement of Ohrid Church. This iconostas, which is a unique The Church of St. Clement of of its kind in the Macedonian Orthodox Churches in Ohrid in the New York Metropolis the USA is expected to be ready soon. It will deco- New York State is the territory in which a good num - rate the interior of the church and it will be a last- ber of Macedonians from all parts of Macedonia and ing mark by George Tomov. with different educational and social backgro und

Ikonostasot vo crkvata Sveti Kliment Ohridski vo Wujork / Iconostas in the St. Clemenent of Ohrid Church in New York



Vo makedonskite zaednici vo Wujork i vo Wu Spored zborovite na gospo di not Georgi Tomov, Xersi, kade {to vidno mesto i zaslu`ena po~it eden od najaktivnite ~lenovi vo ovoj komitet bil ima gospodinot Georgi Tomov, postojat pove}e or - negoviot prijatel d-r @ivko Angelu{ev. Isto taka, ganizacii i dru{tva. Po Vtorata svetska voj na se ovoj istaknat Makedonec bil i pretsedatel na formiral Nacionalniot komitet za izgradba na Komitetot za akcija na makedonskite iselenici bolnica. Imeno, vo fevruari 1946 godina, na eden vo SAD za pomo{ na Skopje po katastrofalniot sve~en banket vo Wujork, Bol ni~kiot inicija- zemjotres vo juli 1963 godina. Pomo{ta na ise- tiven komitet na Makedoncite od SAD, vo nego- lenicite e vgradena vo novite ob jekti koi denes vata golema `elba da go krasat gradot na im pomogne na svojot Ge orgi Tomov - Skopje. na rod i na novata ma- Georgi Tomov sora - ke donska dr`a va, pok - botuva so site dru{t- renal ini ci jativa za va i asocijacii vo Wu izgradba na bolni ca Xersi i Wujork. Me|u vo Skopje. Po toa, vo niv posebno mes to za- letoto 1946 godina se zemaat mediu mite. Ta- odr`ala konferenci- ka, toj be{e pod dr`u - ja od pret stavnici na va~ na glasiloto „Ma - makedonskite organi - kedon ski mese~ nik”. zacii od SAD i Kana - Inaku, Make don skata da, kako i delegati zaednica vo Wu Xersi od pove}e makedons- go izda de „Makedon - ki dru{tva, selski i skiot me se~ nik”, na crkovno-spo magatel- 14 stra nici, mal ni bratstva. Bil iz - format, posveten na bran Nacionalen ko - aktuel ni te problemi mitet za izgradba i na Ma kedoncite vo ekipira we na edna regio not, so posebna moderna bolnica vo na glaska na mladin- Skopje, glavniot grad skata organizacija od na toga{na Narodna Wu Xersi i zatoa se Re pub lika Makedoni - smeta za prv mladin - ja. So sredstvata na ski vesnik na tie makedonskite dose le - pros tori. Inicija tor ni ci od SAD, Kanada i realizator na ves- i Avstralija, bil iz- nikot e Make don skata graden i opremen bol- mladinska orga niza- ni~kiot kompleks vo ci ja, koja so negovoto ramkite na Dr`av na- izdavawe zapo~ na vo ta bolnica vo Skopje, 1999 godina. Vo ovoj koj na 8 juli 1958 go- mese~nik se objaveni dina bil sve ~e no brojni tekstovi za pu{ten vo upotreba. D-r @ivko Angelu{ev / Dr. Živko Angelušev Georgi Tomov.


THE MACEDONIAN ORGANIZA TIONAL MOSAIC IN NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY Macedonian Associations in the last six deacades

There are many organizations and associations Macedonian immigrants in the USA, Canada, and within the Macedonian communities in New York Australia. It was officially opened on 8 July 1958. and New Jersey, in which George Tomov has played According to George Tomov’s words, dr. Živko an important part. One of them is the National Ange lušev, his friend, was one of the most active Committee for Building Hospital, which was set up persons of that Community. He was also the presi- following the end of World War II. Motivated by a dent of the Committee of the Macedonian expatri- strong desire to help its people and the new Mace - ates living in the USA that provided relief for Skopje do nian state, the Hospital Steering Committee of following the catastrophic earthquake in July 1963. the Macedoni ans The financi al assis- in the USA laun- tance from the Ma- ched, at a formal ce doni an expatria- banquet held in tes was used for New York in Feb- building new buil- ruary 1946, an ini- dings which today tiative for con- add beauty and struction of a hos- splendor to Skop- pital in Skopje. La- je, the city of ter on, the repre- George To mov. sentatives of the Ge orge Tomov Macedonian orga- coo pe rates with all ni zations in the Macedo nian orga- USA and Canada, nizations and asso- as well as delega- ciations in New tes from several Jer sey and New Macedonian socie- York. The media, of ties, from rural and course, has a spe- church charity cial place among brot herhoods held them. Thus, he su- a conference in the pported the “Ma- summer of 1946. A ke donski meseč - National Commit - nik” (The Macedo - tee was set up for nian Monthly Pub- building a modern lication). Namely, hospital in Skopje, the Macedonian the capital of the co mmunity in New People’s Republic Jersey publishes of Macedonia. A the “Makedonski hospital complex me sečnik” on 14 within the National small-format pa - Clinic in Skopje ges covering the was built and equi- cu rrent issues of pped using the the Macedonians funds from the Od nastapot vo San Diego / From the stage performance in San Diego in the region, with

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 49 GEORGI TOMOV Isto taka, Georgi Tomov ima dobra sorabotka so „Makedonski glas”, makedonski ne de len vesnik vo SAD i Kanada. Toj za prvpat izleze na 5 noem - vri 2004 godina. Vesnikot se pe ~ati nedelno vo Wu Xersi i pretstavuva mnogu seriozen i edinst - ven nedelnik na Make don cite vo SAD i Kanada. Fudbalskiot klub „Makedonija Klifton” e eden od najstarite i najdobrite makedonski fudbal- ski klubovi koj raboti nadvor od crkovnata op- {tina. Formiran e vo 1972 godina od grupa fud- balski entuzijasti i ima postignato najdobri rezultati i vo prvenstvoto i vo kupot na Wu Xersi. Klubot ima svoi prostorii kade se sobi- ra brojno makedonsko iseleni{tvo. Toj e eden od najva`nite makedonski centri vo Wu Xersi. Dvi`ewe za makedonskite ~ovekovi prava - Tomov, prvpretsedatel Georgi Tomov ima posebno dobra i plodna so- rabotka i pretstavuva del od Dvi`eweto za makedonskite ~ovekovi prava. Ovaa asocijacija e vo ramkite na crkvata Sveti Kiril i Metodij vo Sider Grouv. Povodot za organizirawe na dvi `eweto be{e povrzan so navr{uvaweto na 75 godini od potpi{uvaweto na Bukure{kiot dogovor vo 1912 godina. Na toj den, vo 1988 go- di na, bil organiziran protesten miting pred Obe dinetite nacii vo Wujork, kako i akademija na koja bea pokaneti gosti od politi~kiot i op{testveniot `ivot od Republika Makedonija. Spored Statutot na Dvi`eweto za makedonski ~ovekovi prava za Severnoisto~na Amerika (kako {to e registrirano), glavna cel e da gi ostvari pravata i demokratskite ~ovekovi slobodi na site Makedonci, osobeno vo Bugarija, Grcija i Albanija. Toa raboti vo sorabotka so site MPC, dru{tva i asocijacii vo Wujork i Wu Xer si. Ovaa patriotsko-humanitarna organizacija, pod rakovodstvo na Georgi Tomov i na drugi ak- tivni ~lenovi, ima prezemeno brojni aktivnos- ti od razli~en karakter. Edna od niv se demon- straciite pred Konzularnoto pretstavni{tvo na Grcija vo Wujork na 14 mart 1992 godi na. Toa bilo protest protiv Vladata na Repub lika Grci - ja za nejzinata antimakedonska kampawa vo od- nos na nepriznavaweto na Republika Makedo ni - ja kako demokratska, nezavisna i suverena dr`a- va, kako i protiv genocidot {to se vr{i vrz Ma- ke doncite vo egejskiot del na Make donija. Eden od najzna~ajnite sobiri na ova Dvi`e - we e pred OON vo Wujork na 08.08.1998 godina koga se sobrale pove}e stotici Make do nci od SAD i Kanada. Protestot se odr`al po povod 85- godi{ninata od podelbata na Makedonija so Bukure{kiot dogovor. Vo Deklaracijata {to bi- la predadena vo OON vo Wujork, me|u drugoto, se veli deka se bara od OON da go vospos tavi Georgi pred OON / George in front of the UN ustavnoto imenuvawe na Republika Make donija,

50 DEL I - MAKEDONSKO-AMERIKANSKO KULTURNO NASLEDSTVO GEORGI TOMOV special emphasis on the Youth Organization of New protest meeting before the United Nations Head - Jersey. Therefore, it is considered to be the first quar ters in New York was arranged on this day in youth newspaper in the region. The Macedonian 1998, and a formal meeting was also organized to Youth Organization was an initiator and originator of which high officials from the political and social life this newspaper. It has been published since 1999. A of the Republic of Macedonia were invited. number of articles about George Tomov have been Pursuant to the Statute of the Movement for the published in this monthly publication. Macedonian Human Rights for Northern and Eastern In addition, George Tomov has developed a America (as it was registered), the main objective is close cooperation with the “Makedonski glas”, the to exercise the rights and democratic human free- Macedonian weekly publication in the USA and Ca- doms of all Macedonians, especially of the Macedo - nada. Its first issue goes back to November 5, 2004. nians in Bulgaria, Greece and Albania. This Move- It is published once a month in New Jersey and it is ment is acting in cooperation with the pan-Macedo - the most serious and only monthly newspaper of nian Orthodox Churches, associations and clubs in the Macedonians in the USA and Canada. New York and New Jersey. The “Macedonia Clifton” soccer team is one of This patriotic and humanitarian organization, un- the oldest and best Macedonian soccer teams which der the leadership of George Tomov and of other ac- is active beyond the church community. It was tive members, has undertaken a number of diffe rent formed in 1972 by a group of soccer enthusiasts. activities. One of them were the demonstrati ons in This soccer team has achieved best results in the front of the Consular Mission of Greece in New York on championship and the cup of New Jersey. The team 14 March 1992. It was a protest against the Govern - has its own premises where many Macedonian ment of the Repub lic of Greece for its anti-Ma ce do- immigrants gather. It is one of the most important nian campaign regarding the recognition of the Re- Macedonian centers in New Jersey. public of Macedonia as a democratic, indepen dent Macedonian Human Rights and sovere ign state, as well as against geno cide upon the Macedonians in the Aegean part of Macedonia. Movement – Tomov, its first president One of the most important gatherings of this Mo- George Tomov has got an especially good and vement was organized on August 8, 1998, when fruitful cooperation with the Movement for the Ma- more than several hundreds Macedonians from the ce donian Human Rights, of which he is a member. USA and Canada met in front of the UN Headquar - This association is a part of the Sts. Cyril and Met- ters in New York on the occasion of the 85th anni- hody Church in Cedar Grove. The establishment of ver sary of the partition of Macedonia in agreement this Movement was related to the 75th anniversary with the Bucharest Agreement. In the Declaration, of the signing of the 1912 Bucharest Agreement. A which was handed to the UN in New York, it was

Pred OON / In front of the UN


Demonstracii na Makedoncite vo SAD / Demonstrations of Macedonians in the USA

Demonstracii na Makedoncite vo SAD / Demonstrations of Macedonians in the USA

Demonstracii na Makedoncite vo SAD / Demonstrations of Macedonians in the USA


Demonstracii na Makedoncite vo SAD / Demonstrations of Macedonians in the USA

Demonstracii na Makedoncite vo SAD / Demonstrations of Macedonians in the USA

Demonstracii na Makedoncite vo SAD / Demonstrations of Macedonians in the USA

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 53 GEORGI TOMOV soglasno univerzalnata Deklaraci ja za pravata Dobro utro, po~ituvani slu{ateli. Denes e i slobodite na ~ovekot. Isto taka, spored Komi- sabota 22 mart, vtor prole ten den, 2003 godina. si jata za za{tita na malcinstvata, da im se Jas sum Vera [vrgov ska, a vie slu{ate Make don - ovozmo`i u`ivawe na osnovnite ~ove kovi prava ski radio ~as, pove}e od 31 godina so vas. Slu- i slobodi na Makedoncite vo Albani ja, Bugarija {ajte n¢ sekoja sabota. Vo dene{nava emisija vi i Grcija. donesuvame aktuelni vesti od Republika Make - Vo ovaa nasoka, pridonesot na Georgi Tomov do nija koi denes gi sponzorira na{iot genera - za za~uvuvawe na osnovnite ~ovekovi prava i len pokrovitel, uva`eniot sonarodnik Georgi slobodi e ogromen. Toj toa go poka`a i doka`a Tomov, po povod dvojniot ju bi lej: 50 godini pro- kako ~ovek humanist koj se bori ne samo za pra- fesionalen koreograf i kreator i negoviot 70- vata na Makedoncite, tuku toj e pobornik za pra- ti rodenden. vata i podobrata idnina na site lu|e vo svetot. Ansamblot „Tomov” go pretstavuva srceto i Radioportret - du {ata na na{ata nacija. Ansamblot „Tomov” po- s tavi kulturen most me|u naciite. Dale~ina ta Vera [vrgovska so Tomov ja snemuva me|u dvata kontinenti. Ansamblot Wujork e poznat i po toa {to makedonskoto „Tomov” ve prenesuva vo rodniot kraj, `ivopis- ra dio „Glas od tatkovinata” opstojuva najdolgo nite narodni nosii, bogatite igri od Vardar i vo SAD, veli Georgi Tomov. Toa za prvpat zapo~- od Pirin do Egej; vi ja ispolnuva du{ata, vi go na lo da raboti na 10 septemvri 1971 godina i zakrepnuva teloto, ve pravi radosni do solzi i do denes e ~uvar na makedonskiot jazik i afir- nostalgi~ni za doma. Ova e samo del od teksto- ma tor na orata i pesnite od site delovi na Ma- vite koi se najdoa na stranicite na vidnite ke donija. ame rikanski i evropski vesnici i spisanija vo „Du{ata na ovoj radio~as e poznatata vodi- izminatite tri decenii otkako postoi ansamb - tel ka i moja dolgogodi{na prijatelka Vera lot „Tomov”, ~ij direktor e na{iot renomiran [vr govska,“ istaknuva Tomov. Na programata na sonarodnik, gospodinot Georgi Tomov. ovoj makedonski radio~as so najdolg vek vo Ame- ^leno vi te na ansamblot „Tomov” ve pokanu- ri ka se zastapeni vesti od Makedonija, od make- vaat na sve ~e na proslava za Georgi Tomov, vo donskite kolonii vo Wujork i Wu Xersi, rekla- sabota, na 29 mart, vo 19:30, vo novata sala na mi, pozdravi i `elbi, reporta`i, istoriski os - makedonskata pravoslavna crkva Sv. Kiril i Me- vr ti i drugi materijali od oblasta na folklo- todij, Wu Xersi. Dojdete da mu oddademe zaslu - rot i muzi~koto tvore{tvo. `ena po~it na doajenot na makedonskiot folk- Vera [vrgovska be{e prviot voditel na te - lor vo Amerika. Vo toa ime, po~ituvani slu{a- le viziskata programa koja zapo~na da se emitu- teli, denes }e soz nae me ne{to pove}e za na{iot va vo Wujork vo 1975 godina, edna{ nedelno. slavenik. Vo prodol`enie go pre zentirame intervjuto Pred 70 godini vo Strumica, Makedonija, {to Vera [vrgovska go napravi so Georgi Tomov poto~no na 18 mart 1933 se rodi Georgi Tomov, po povod negoviot sedum de setgodi{en jubilej: od tatko Jovan Angelov-Tomov od Kru{evo i

Nastap vo dvorot na manastirot Sv. \eorgi / Stage performance in the yard of St George Monastery

54 DEL I - MAKEDONSKO-AMERIKANSKO KULTURNO NASLEDSTVO GEORGI TOMOV requested from the UN, inter alia, to establish the What follows is the interview of George Tomov practice of naming the Republic of Macedonia using with Vera Švrgovska on the occasion of the anniver- its constitutional name which is in compliance with sary of his 70th birthday, in which, inter alia, it is said: the Universal Declaration for the Human Rights and Good morning, dear listeners. It is Saturday, Freedoms; in addition and in compliance with the March 22, the second day of spring in this year of Commission for Protection of Minorities, to enable 2003. My name is Vera Švrgovska, and you are lis- the Macedonians in Albania, Bulgaria and Greece to tening to the Macedonian Radio Hour which has exercise their basic human rights. been with you for more than 32 years. Listen to us To this aim, George Tomov has made substantial each Saturday. In today’s program, we are present- contribution to the perseverance of the basic human ing to you news from the Republic of Macedonia. rights and freedoms. He has demonstrated it all, pro- This program is sponsored by our general patron ving himself not only as a humanist who fights for George Tomov on the occasion of his dual jubilee: the rights of Macedonians, but also as an advocate for his 70th birthday and 50 years of his career as a the rights and better future of all people in the world. professional choreographer and performer. Radio portrait - The TOMOV Ensemble represents the heart and soul of our nation. The TOMOV Ensemble has built a Vera Švrgovska with Tomov cul tural bridge among nations, between Americans According to George Tomov, New York City is and Macedonians. The distance between the two also known for the fact that the Macedonian Radio continents is fading away. The TOMOV Ensemb le “Glas od tatkovinata” (‘Voice from the Fatherland’) is ca rries you to his native country with colorful folk located here and it has been existing in the USA for costumes, rich folk dances from the regions of Var- a long time. This Radio Hour began its work on Sep- dar, Pirin and Aegean; it fills your soul, cheers up tember 10, 1971, and it has been a guardian of the your body; it makes you so happy that you shed Macedonian language and promoter of the dances tears of joy and makes you feel nostalgia about and songs from all parts of Macedonia. your home’. The soul of this radio hour is Mrs. Vera Švrgovska This is only a part of the texts that have appea- who is a well-known director of this Radio and a friend red in the prominent American and European news- of his for many, many years. This Radio Hour, which papers and magazines in the past three decades, has been existing for so long in America, broad casts from the very beginning of the TOMOV Ensemble news from Macedonia, from the Macedonian settle- whose director is our Macedonian fellow, George ments in New York and New Jersey, advertisings, Tomov. greetings and messages of congratulation, then re- The members of the TOMOV Ensemble invite ports, historical reviews and other materials from you, dear listeners, to the birthday party in honor of the fields of folklore and musical creation. George Tomov, to be given on Saturday, March 29, Vera Švrgovska was also the first master of cer- at 7:30 p.m., in the new hall of the Macedonian emonies of a television show that started working in Orthodox Church of Sts. Cyril and Methody in New 1975 in New York. It was broadcast once a week. Jersey. Please, come to pay meritorious respect to

Georgi Tomov so Vera [vrgovska / George Tomov with Vera Svrgovska

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 55 GEORGI TOMOV majka Aneta Patarova od Strumica. Ima dve ses t- svetska metropola Wujork kade, ako se saka, so ri, Zagorka i Marija, pokojna, i brat Janko vo ogromna rabota mo`e mnogu da se napra vi. Avstralija. Vo 1944 celoto semejstvo Tomovi se Vo 1967 Tomov kone~no e vo Wujork i nabrzo preseluva vo Skopje kade Tomov go prodol`uva gi zapoznava, vo toa vreme, nekolkute makedon- svoeto obrazovanie, a 1952 maturira na Sredno- ski semejstva i vo 1968 e eden od organizatori - tehni~koto u~i li{te, {umarsko-grade`en otsek. te na prvoto dru{tvo na ovie prostori - Mace - Od 1953 do 1954, Georgi Tomov ja posetuva {ko- donian Society of New York. Georgi Tomov vo 1974 lata za rezervni oficeri vo Zadar, Hrvatska. vo Wujork go formira prviot folkloren an- Vo 1955 se vra}a vo Makedonija. Georgi Tomov se sambl ovde i, se razbira, go imenuva „Tomov”. nao|a vo dilema: do kade e so svojata profesija? Ne mu be{e te{ko na Ge or gi da gi ubedi Ameri- Tomov grade`en tehni~ar ili oficer? Ne{to kan cite da stanat negovi igrooroci koi se vos - tuka ne mu e ~isto vo negoviot nemiren duh. Po- hi tuvaa na avtenti~nosta na igrata i pesnata stojano se preispituva {to ponatamu, kade treba {to toj im ja prenese. Vo izminative skoro tri da ja tro{i svojata ogromna energija, da najde decenii, To mov }e odr`i 284 koncerti po Ame- po golemo zadovolstvo za negovata obdarenost... rika, nekol ku pati vo Makedo nija kade u~estvu- Vo toa vreme vo Skopje ve}e e formiran va na Ilindenskite denovi i razni drugi mani- folk lorniot ansambl „TANEC” na narodni pes - festacii vo mnogu gradovi vo Makedonija, a, se- ni i igri. Georgi Tomov posetuva nekolku nivni kako, i vo nego vata rodna Strumi ca, {to Georgi pro bi i se nao|a sebesi. Ne{to mu ja ispolnuva Tomov ja napu{ti u{te vo 1944. Srceto mu be{e du {ata. Bez dvoumewe stanuva negov ~len vo polno koga gi vide svoite sogra|ani, preku 15 1955 i aktivno u~estvuva vo istiot s¢ do 1962. iljadi, koi dojdoa da gi vidat Amerikancite na Ima umetni~ka darba i po~nuva da gi otkriva Georgi, kako toj gi nau~il da igraat poubavo od tajni te na umetnosta, tamu kade nema granici da niv, strumi ~a nite. Toga{ im be{e jasno na nego- se sozdava i da se ima svoja satisfakcija. Zatoa vite sogra |a ni deka folklorot na Balkanot ni- To mov od 1961-62 studira Vi{a pedago{ka aka- ko ga{ nema da izumre za{to i toj {to go napu{- de mi ja, otsek umetnost i vajarstvo. Toa mnogu go ta toj Balkan, so sebe go nosi kulturnoto na- priv lekuva i vo 1963 odi vo gradot kade cveta sled stvo na svojot narod i gordo go prenesuva vo umetnosta - Pariz i studira kaj profesorot Rod- svetot. A toa najdobro go znae na{iot gostin rigez. No, bitot na igrata i pesnata postojano ovde koj pet decenii celosno se posvetuva na go sledi. Vo 1963, posle zemjotresot, vo Skopje afirmacijata na bogatoto kulturno nasledstvo e haos i odlu~uva da zamine vo Zagreb kade na svojot narod. stanu va ~len na poznatiot hrvatski ansambl Georgi To mov od 1973 dr`i predavawa za „LADO”. Tamu ostanuva s¢ do 1967. Georgi Tomov folk lorot i orga nizira izlo`bi na nosii i in - postojano se nosi so mislata kako da go prenese trumenti po razni fakulteti, muzei i drugi bogatoto folklorno nasledstvo od balkanskoto institucii {i rum Amerika. Od pozna~ajnite ja podnebje nekade podaleku. Taka, vo 1967 ja pre- spomenuvam iz lo`bata vo Muzejot na prirodna mi nuva „golemata bara” i se nao|a vo golemata istorija (Museum of Natural History) vo Wujork.

Od nastapot vo Trnovo / From the stage performance in Trnovo

56 DEL I - MAKEDONSKO-AMERIKANSKO KULTURNO NASLEDSTVO GEORGI TOMOV the doyen of the Macedonian folklore in America. To and he decided go to Zagreb where he became a this aim, dear listeners, today we are going to learn member of the famous Croatian Folk Ensemble LADO, more about our guest of honor. and he stayed there up to 1967. His constant intention George Tomov was born 70 years ago, more was to transfer the rich cultural heritage from the Bal - pre cisely on March 18, 1933 in Strumica, Macedo- kan sky to somewhere far away. So, in 1967, he came nia, his father being Jovan Angelov-Tomov from Kru- to Canada first, and then he found himself in New še vo and his mother Aneta Patarova from Strumica. York, the greatest metropolis in the world, where a lot His sister Zagorka and his brother Janko live in Au- could be done if only someone wants and intends so. s tra lia. Unfortunately, his sister Maria passed away. Finally, George Tomov was in New York in 1967 In 1944, the whole family moved to Skopje where and soon he became acquainted with several Mace- George Tomov continued his education and in 1952 donian families, and in 1968 he was one of the or- he completed his secondary education at the Tech- ga nizers of the first society there, the Macedonian nical School, the forest-construction depart ment. Society of New York. In 1974, he set up the first From 1953 to 1954 he attended the School for Re- folk lore ensemble there and he named it 'TOMOV', serve Officers in Zadar, Croatia. In 1955, he returned which is perfectly understandable. It was not diffi- to Macedonia but he was faced with the dilemma of cult for him to persuade some Americans to become choosing his future profession. George as a techni- his folk dancers who took delight in the authenticity cian or as an officer; something was not so clear in of the folk dances and songs that he taught them. his mind. In his restless mind, he constantly probed For almost three decades, the TOMOV Ensemb le gave what to do next, where to spend his great energy, 284 concerts all over America. Several times, he was where to find greater satisfaction for his talent... on tour in Macedonia where the Ensemble participa- At that time, the ensemble for folk dances and ted in the Ilinden Days and in many other manifes- songs TANEC had been already formed in Skopje. tations in several cities in Macedonia, and of course George attended several rehearsals and finally he in Strumica, his birth town which Tomov left back in found himself there. Something filled his soul. With- 1944. His heart was pounding when he saw his fel- out hesitation, he became a member of TANEC in low townsmen in great number, more than 15,000 1955 and he was an active performer up to 1962. Due who came to see the Americans of George whom he to his great artistic talent, he began discovering sec - had taught to dance better than them. Then, it was rets of arts where there are no boundaries for one’s clear to them that Balkan folklore should never die creation and where one could find their own satis- because even he, who had left the Balkans, had faction. Therefore, George studied at the Advanced taken this rich cultural heritage of his people with Pedagogical School, Department for Art and Sculp- him and he would proudly carry it all over the world. ture. He liked it and in 1963 he went to Paris – the Our guest here, who has been dedicated to the city where art has been flourishing, and he studied affirmation of the rich cultural heritage of his peop- there with professor Rodriguez, but the beat of folk le for five decades, knows this best. dance and folk song was chasing him. In 1963, follo- Since 1973, George Tomov has given lectures for wing the severe earthquake, Skopje was in chaos folklore and has organized exhibitions of folk cos tumes

Nastap na najmladite od ,,Goce Del~ev’’ / The stage performance of the youngest dancers of GOCE DELCEV

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 57 GEORGI TOMOV Vo 1975 Tomov ja formira Fondacijata Folk Ansamblot „Tomov” postignuva kuluminacija vo Dance i e nejzin pretsedatel. Ovaa kulturna or- 1980 godina koga u~estvuva na sve~enoto otvo rawe ganizacija e vo ramkite na kulturnite aktivnosti i zatvora we na Zimskite olimpiski ig ri vo Lejk vo dr`a vata Wujork. Georgi Tomov e koorganiza- Ple sid vo dr`avata Wujork. Georgi Tomo v e di- tor, akti ven umetni~ki rakovoditel i koreo graf zajner na kostimite za „12-ta no}” od [ekspir, na folklornata grupa „Goce Del~ev” pri Ma ke - dadena na Masa~usets Institutot za tehnolo gija. don ska ta pravoslavna crkva Sv. Kiril i Metodi Ansamblot „Tomov” }e se najde na „Stranicite na vo Wu Xersi. Georgi Tomov e koorganizator na Karne gi hol“, po povod nastapot vo Karnegi na Ame rikanskiot sovet na sla vis ti~koto nasled- 15 maj 1988 koga preku 80 igraorci, muzi~ari i stvo (Slavic Heritage Counsil of America) kade ja peja~i se pretstavija pred ameri kan skata pub- pretstavuva makedonskata zaednica i e postojan lika so biserite na makedonskiot folklor. Vo ~len vo Bordot na direktori. Koorgani zator i 1991 godina, makedonskiot Naciona len arhiv vo prv pretsedatel na Makedon skoto dvi `ewe za Skopja osnova fondacija „Georgi Tomov - folk- ~ovekovi prava (Macedonian Human Rights Mo- lorist”, odda vaj }i mu priznanie za golemata kul- vement) od Wu Xersi i Severois to~na Amerika. turna ak tiv nost vo Amerika. Za svojata petdece - Od 1975-82 toj otvora u~ili{ te za izu~uvawe na niska ak tiv na rabota dobil bezbroj nagradi i folklor na Junion skver (Union Square) vo priznani ja, kako i Star of Harmony, vredno prizna- Menheten. Go izdava „Folklorni pog ledi” (Folk nie od Obe dinetite organizacii vo Wu jork. Do- View), spisanie za folklor, nosii i obi~ai. Vo biva blago darnica od Makedonska ta pra vo slavna 1986 kreira specijalna koreografija za zavr { - crkv a, odnosno Amerikansko-kanadsko-makedonska - nata ceremonija po povod 100-godi{ni nata od ta epar hija, za pridonesot i {i re we to na make - Statuata na slobodata (Statue of Liberty). Vo ’90- don skata kultura vo Ameri ka, kako i za izvedbata ta godina, negovite igroorci }e nastapat vo na „Mile niumskiot oratorium” za Crkov ni ot so- ofi cijalnata ceremonija za novoto otvorawe bor vo Hamil ton vo 2000 godina, dodeka Minis - na Ostrovot Elis (Elis Island). Georgi Tomov ko- terstvoto za isele ni{tvo mu go do deli me da lot reografira za ansambli po Amerika. ]e spome - na Sv. Jovan Kukuzel. Vo april 2001 godina Ge- neme samo nekoi: „@iveli” od Kolombos, Ohajo, or gi Tomov }e dobie i priznanie od Amerikan - „Svadba” od Pit sburg, potoa koreografiral za skiot kongres. Vienskata operskata ku}a (Vienna Opera House) A, kako ~len na „TANEC”, Geor gi Tomov sekoga{ od Wujork, odnosno za pretstavata „Carojevi~i” nastapuval vo dru{tvo na makedonskite legendi koja se izve de vo Linkoln centarot vo Wujork. kako {to se Vaska Ilieva, Aleksandar Sarievski,

Izlo`ba na knigi od Makedonija / Exhibition of books from Macedonia

58 DEL I - MAKEDONSKO-AMERIKANSKO KULTURNO NASLEDSTVO GEORGI TOMOV and instruments in many colleges, universi ti es, mu- The TOMOV Ensemble reached its climax in 1980 se ums, and other institutions all over America. The with its perfor mance at both the opening and clo- exhibition at the Museum of Natural History of New sing ceremoni es of the Winter Olympic Games in York is to be singled out for its exceptional merit. In Lake Placid, New York State. George Tomov was also 1975, Geor ge Tomov established the Folk Dance Fo- a designer of the costumes for Twelfth Night play by undation, being its president. This cultural organi- Shake speare, performed at the Massachusetts In sti - zation belongs to the framework of the cultural tu te of Tech nology. There was a text about the activities supported by the state of New York. Geor ge TOMOV Ensemble on the pages of the “Stage Bill of Tomov is a co-organizer, active artistic direc tor and Carnegie Hall“ on the occasion of its performance at choreographer of the GOCE DELČEV folklore group Carnegie on May 15, 1988 when more than 80 dan- at the Macedonian Orthodox Church St. Cyril and cers, musicians and singers performed the pearls of Met hody in New Jersey. George Tomov is co-organ- the Macedonian folklore before the American audi- izer of the Slavic Heritage Council of America where ence. In 1991, the Macedonian Natio nal Archive of he re presents the Macedonian community and is a Skopje established the Foundation “George Tomov permanent member of the Board of Direc tors. In a folklorist” giving him credit for his great cultural addition, he is co-organizer and first president of activity in America. He has got a great number of the Mace donian Human Rights Movement of New awards and recognitions for his five-decade active Jersey and North-Eastern America. In 1975, he work, as well as the Star of Harmo ny, a valuable re- opened a school for folklore at Union Square in cog nition by the Organization of the United Organi - Manhattan where he taught folklore up to 1982. He zations in New York. He got letters of thanks from the published the Folk View Magazine for folklore, folk Mace donian Orthodox Church and from the Mace - costumes and traditions. In 1986, he created a spe- donian-American-Canadian Diocese, respectively, for cial choreography for the closing ceremony on the his contribution to the expansion of the Macedo nian occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Statue of culture in America and for the performance of the Liberty. In 1990 his folk dancers took participation Millennial Oratorio at the Church Convention in Ha- in the official ceremony for the re-opening of Ellis milton in the year 2000. The Ministry of Migration of Island. George Tomov also choreographed for other the Republic of Macedonia awarded him the St. Jo- en sembles in America. We shall mention only some van Kukuzel Medal, while in 2001 George Tomov also of them: 'Živeli' of Columbus, Ohio; 'Svadba' of received a recognition from the American Cong ress. Pitts burgh; then he choreographed for the Vienna When he was a member of TANEC, he always Opera House of New York and for the performance per formed in the company of the Mace do nian folk of 'Carojeviči' given at the Lincoln Center, New York. song legends, such as Vaska Ilieva, Aleksandar

Georgi so Kamenka i Roza / George with Kamenka and Roza


Ansanblot ,,Tomov’’ vo Makedonija / TOMOV Ensemble in Macedonia

KUD ,,Goce Del~ev’’ / GOCE DELČEV Cultural and Performing Society

Od 70-iot rodenden na Georgi Tomov / From the 70th birthday of George Tomov


Od proslavite na Tomov / From Tomov’s parties and celebrations

Igraorcite na ,,Goce Del~ev’’ vo poseta na domot na Tomov / GOCE DELCEV in the home of George Tomov

Igraorcite na ,,Goce Del~ev’’ vo poseta na domot na Tomov / GOCE DELCEV in the home of George Tomov


So makedonski umetnici vo Wujork 1969 godina / With Macedonian artists in New York - 1969

So Vaska Ilieva / With Vaska Ilieva

So Simon Trp~evski vo Wujork / With Simon Trpcevski in New York


So umetnici vo Skopje / With artists in Skopje

,,Goce Del~ev’’ / GOCE DELCEV

,,Tomov’’ pred nastap kaj Kameniot most vo Skopje / TOMOV Ensamble, Performance beside the Stone Bridge in Skopje


,,Goce Del~ev’’ vo Kru{evo / GOCE DELČEV in Kruševo

,,Goce Del~ev’’ vo Berovo / GOCE DELČEV in Berovo

Georgi vo Makedonija / George in Macedonia


Pred grobot na Goce Del~ev vo Skopje / At the tomb of Goce Delcev in Skopje

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 65 GEORGI TOMOV Nikola Badev, Jon~e Hristovski, Kiril Man ~evski, so bir organiziran od Amerikan sko-ka nadsko-ma - koi sega se pokoj ni, no nivnata pesna ve~no ke donskata pravoslavna epar hija, vo koj bilo `i vee so site nas i }e `ivee dodeka n¢ ima, grad na kontinentot, a nivnite nastapi da ne kade i da sme. A sega, za Georgi Tomov pee nikoj izmamat vozdi{ki. drug, tuku Vaska Ilieva, pa }e ~ueme u{te neko- Vite{ki, so silen `ar i elan tie mom~iwa i ja pesna od negovi te milenici. devoj~iwa koga nastapuvaa sekoga{ bea sledeni Se veli vi intervjuto na Vera [vrgovska. od budnoto oko na nivniot duhoven i koreograf- Trideceniska misija ski idol Tomov. Toj so edna ~udesna blagost, trpe livost, mud rost, znaewe i golemo srce, go na Ansamblot „Goce Del~ev“ podgotvuva{e repertoarot, gi nau~uva{e od os- Makedoncite od Wu Xersi gordelivo i so novnite ~ekori i dvi`ewa, pa sé do re~isi pro- mno gu patriotski ~uvstva go sledat, se voodu {e - fesionalni repertoarski vol {ep stva. vu vaat i go poddr`uvaat folklorniot ansambl U{te vo 1980 godina Georgi Tomov go izdignu- „Go ce Del ~ev” koj ramno trieset godini go afir- va Ansamblot na pogolemo umetni~ko nivo. So mi ra bitot i nacionalnoto bogatstvo tokmu pre- upor na rabota, rezultatite doa|aa. Go vklu~u va ku pes nata, oroto, muzikata i site koreografski „Goce Del~ev” vo Evropskiot folkloren fes ti - vir tuoz nos ti. val vo Wujork, ~ij osniva~ i direktor e ve}e Osnova~i na ova poznato i priznato folk- trieset godini. Na nego se pretstavuvaat site lor no dru{tvo se Mira i Boris Todo rovski, Na - evropski nacii so slavjanski jazi~ni sli~ nosti da i Blagoja Bogojevski i, sekako, Ge or gi Tomov i go pretstavuvaat bogatstvoto na narodnata ig- koi esenta 1976 godina se sobraa vo Make- ra i pes na. donskiot duhoven hram vo Pasaik, Wu Xer si. Tie Folklor nata grupa „Goce Del~ev” dva pati bea re{e ni da se formira mladinski ansambl gostuva{e vo Republika Make do nija i toa vo koj }e bide maticata okolu koja }e se sobiraat 1979 i 1997 godina, kako gosti na Maticata na vo id ni te godini mnogu generacii mla di iselenicite od Makedonija. I na dvata pati, na Makedon~i wa. koncertite koi gi priredi makedonskata mla- Hronolo{ki prosledeno, sekoja godina folk- dost od Ameri ka be{e ispra}ana so ovacii, so lornata grupa „Goce Del~ev” sé poveke se voz - sol zi radosnici i so mnogu emocii, a koreogra - dig nuva{e i se vbrojuva{e vo onie sostavi na fot Georgi Tomov so mnogu komplimenti i so og- na ciite vo multikulturniot amerikanski ko la` romni priznanija za negovata rabota, za negova- koi napravile tolku mnogu so mladosta, pesnata ta upornost i istrajnost {to taka uspe{no nau- i ig roorskata magija. Nema{e crkovno-naroden ~i mnogu gene racii da stanat odli~ni igraorci.

,,Goce Del~ev’’ pred Manstirot Sveti \or|i / GOCE DELCEV in front of St. George Monastery


Sa ri evski, Nikola Badev, Jonče Hristovski, Kiril Man- and dancing magic. Their stage performances at any čev ski and others. Although they are no longer church convocations organized by the American-Ca - among us, their song shall be always with all of us nadian- Mace donian Orthodox Eparchy in any city on as long as we live and no matter where we are. And the con tinent have always made the spectators now, nobody else but Vaska Ilieva is going to sing make a sigh of contentment and pleasure. for George Tomov. After that, we shall listen to Chivalrously, with a rare amount of zeal and some songs of his favorite singers“, is said in the ardor, those girls and boys were always under the interview with Vera Švrgovska. watchful eye of their spiritual and chorographical A three-decade mission idol, their Tomov. He used to prepare their reper- toire, to teach them about basic steps and move- of the GOCE DELČEV Ensemble ments and even almost about professional reper- The Macedonians of New Jersey are approving, toire magic with an amazing gentleness, patience, ad miring and supporting the GOCE DELČEV Folk En- wisdom, knowledge and great hearth. semble, proudly and with many patriotic feelings. Even in 1980 George Tomov elevated the Ensemb - They are enthusiastic about this Ensemble because le to a higher level. Strenuous efforts yield results. it has been affirming the beat and the national heri- He enrolled the GOCE DELČEV Ensemble in the tage exactly through song, dance, music and throu gh Europe an Festival of New York. George Tomov is its any choreographic virtuosities for full thirty years. fo under and director for thirty years. This festival has The founders of this well-known and recognized been an opportunity for any Euro pean nations that folklore association are Mira and Boris Todo rovski, Na da share Slavic similarities to present the heritage of and Blagoja Bogojevski and, needless to say, Geor ge their folk dance and song. Tomov, who in the 1976 autumn gathered in the The GOCE DELČEV folk group was on tour in Ma- Macedonian spiritual sanctuary in Passaic, New Jersey. ce do nia twice – in 1979 and 1979 when they were They were determined to establish a youth ensemb le guest to the Matica na iselenicite na Makedonija. On that would be like a queen bee around which many those occasions, the concerts given by the Macedo - generations of young Macedonians would gather in nian youth from America were interrupted with the years to come. stan ding and thunderous ovations, with tears of joy Chronologically speaking, the GOCE DELČEV folk and much emotions, while its choreographer, George group improved with time and it was included Tomov, received great compliments and many re - among those national folk groups within the multi- cognitions for his work, for his determination and cultural American collage that have made so much persistence since he has successfully taught many progress with the with the young folk dancers, song generations who became superb folk dancers.

Nastap na ,,Goce Del~ev’’ / The stage performance of GOCE DELCEV


Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire


Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

PART I - MACEDONIAN-AMERICAN CULTURAL HERITAGE 69 ,,Goce Del~ev’’ / The GOCE DELČEV Cultural and Performing Society



KORENITE NA GEORGI TOMOV Kru{evo - rodnoto mesto na tatkoto na Georgi - Jovan Tomov

Korenite na Georgi Tomov od stranata na tatko Turcite im zemale mnogu visoki danoci {to gi mu Jovan vodat do poznatiot makedonski grad pla}ale vo zlato. Kru{evo. Toa e malo grat~e i mesto na turbu- Vo 1902 godina Jovan oti{ol da `ivee i da lent noto minato na makedonskiot narod. Toa e se {koluva vo Bukure{t, Roma ni ja, kaj semejstvo- smesteno na Bu{eva Planina, na 1 250 m nadmor- to na svojot vujko koj bil u~itel vo tamo{nata ska viso~ina so {to, verojatno, e najvisokiot gimnazija. Po tri godini, povtorno se vra}a vo grad na Balkanskiot Poluostrov, so okolu 4 000 Belgrad bi dej }i doznal deka gimnazijata od `iteli. Bukure{t nema da mu se priznae vo Belgrad. Is - Vo makedonskata nacionalna istorija Kru{e vo tata godina po~nuva da u~i ma{insko-bravarski e zabele`ano kako sedi{te na prvata Re pub li ka zanaet kaj dobar majstor vo Belgrad kade po pet na Balkanot - Kru{evskata Republika, pro g la se - godini otvora svoja rabotil nica od ma{insko- na na 2 avgust 1903 godina, koga makedonskite bravarska nasoka. vostanici vo tekot na poznatoto Ilin densko Vo 1917 godina, so cel da ne bide ispraten vostanie go oslobodija Kru{evo i vosta novija kako srpski vojnik na frontot, prebegnuva pre- svoja vlast so pretsedatel na Republi kata. Taa ku granica i odi vo Makedonija koja vo toj peri- postoe{e samo 13 dena, no ostana vo istorijata od bila okupirana od Bugarite. Zaedno so drugi kako golema inspiracija i pottik za makedon- Makedonci bil faten od bugarskite vojnici i skiot narod. bil ispraten na frontot vo Strumica koja vo Legendarniot Me~kin Kamen so spomenikot toa vreme bila pod bugarska okupacija. Istata za vostanicite na Pitu Guli vo Ilindenskoto godina se zapoznal so svojata idna sopruga vostanie e vo neposredna bli zi na na Kru{evo, Aneta Patarova i so nea se veril vo dekemvri kade sekoja godina se prosla vuva Ilindenskoto 1917 godina. Narednata godina na Bo`i} pravat vostanie. svadba i vedna{ zaminale za Belgrad. Jovan Tomov Angelov, tatko mu na Georgi, bil Me|utoa, vo 1921 godina Jovan i Aneta se roden vo Kru{e vo, Makedonija, vo 1888 godina vra}aat vo Strumica. Toj tamu otvoril rabotil- od majka Zahrija i nica so 12 raz- tatko Tomo od ug- li~ni zanaet~ii, ledno, bogato i imal anga`irano vlijatelno semej - po ne kol ku ra- stvo na trgovci bot nici na se koj so svoj pe~at. Ne - kalfa. Jovan bil govite roditeli dosta spo so ben: prebegnuvaat vo sam pravel nacr- Belgrad vo 1893 ti i konstrui ral go dina za da se ma{ini za vr{e - spasat od Turcite we `ito; golem bidej}i vo nivno- del od de lovite to semejstvo ima - na ma{inite gi le komiti, a sa - ispra}al vo Bel - mi te go pomagale g rad na leewe, a makedonskoto gi sklo puval vo dvi `ewe. Isto Strumi ca; isto ta - taka, tie godini Kru{evo / Kruševo ka, leel i kambani


THE ROOTS OF GEORGE TOMOV Kruševo - the birth place of George's father - Jovan Tomov

The roots of George Tomov from his father’s In 1902, Jovan went to live and study in Bucha- side, Jovan, lead to the famous Macedonian town of rest, Romania, with the family of his uncle who was Kruševo. It is a small town and evocative of the tur- a teacher in the local high school. After three years, bulent past of the Macedonian people. It is located he returned to Belgrade because he had found out on Mount Buševa, 1,250 meters above sea level, that his education would not be recognized in probably the highest small town on the Balkan Belgrade. The same year, he started to learn the Peninsula, with about 4.000 inhabitants. locksmith’s and engineering trade with a skilled In the Macedonian national history, Kruševo is craftsman in Belgra de where he opened his own known as the seat of the first Republic on the Bal- locksmith’s and engineering workshop five years kans – the Kruševo Republic proclaimed on August later. 2, 1903, when Macedonian rebels, during the well- In 1917 he went over to Macedonia in order to known Ilinden Uprising, liberated Kruševo and es- avoid being sent as a Serbian soldier to the front. At tab lished their authority with the president of the that time, Macedonia was occupied by Bulgarians Republic. The Republic lasted only for 13 days, but but he was caught, together with other Macedoni - remained in history as a great inspiration and ans. The Bulgarian soldiers sent him to the front in undertaking of the Macedonian people. Strumica. At that time, Strumica was under Bulga- The famous place of Meč kin Kamen, with its rian occupation. That year, he met his future wife monument dedicated to the unit of freedom fighters Aneta Patarova. They got engaged in December, of Pitu Guli, who was killed in the Ilinden Uprising, 1917, while the following Christmas they got marri- is in the nearby surroundings of Kruševo where the ed and went to Belgrade without delay. Ilinden Uprising is celebrated each year. However, Jovan and Aneta returned to Strumica Jovan Tomov Angelov, father of George, was in 1921. There, he opened his workshop with twelve born in 1888 in Kruševo, Macedonia, to his mother skilled craftsmen and several journeymen. He used Zaharija and father Tomo from a respectable, rich to hire several workers to assist the journeymen. and influential family of merchants. In 1893 his pa- Jovan was a very capable man: he made drawings and rents fled to Bel- constructed ma c - grade in order to hines for threshing save themsel ves grain; he used to from the Turks be- send a great num- cause there had ber of machines to been revolutionary Belg ra de for cast- fighters in their ing in order to families and they, assemble them in by their own part, Strumica; in addi- had supported the tion, he mol ded Macedonian mo- church bells for the ve ment. In addi - Macedoni ans chur- tion, the Turks c hes and monas te - used to collect ries; he re paired very high taxes typing machi nes, paid in gold in banking sets, but those years. he was espe cia lly Strumica / Strumica good at repa i ring


Semejstvata na Patarovi i Tomovi / The Patars and the Tomovs za makedonskite crkvi i manastiri, popraval Amerikanski Dr`avi i vo brojni zemji niz celi ot ma {ini za pi{uvawe, bankovni setovi, a speci- svet, vo koi toj promovira dobra volja i podob ro jalno bil orientiran za popravka na avtomo- razbirawe me|u razli~ni etni~ki grupi. Negovi te bili, ma{ini za {iewe marka „singer” i drugo. energi~ ni nastapi i u~estva vo brojni kulturni Interesno e da se napomene deka vo 1924 godina nasta ni, osobeno niz cela Ameri ka, Kanada i go dovel prviot avtomobil i avtobus od markata Av stralija, go napravija omilen, po~ituvan i go „mercedes” vo Strumica. Potoa, Jovan go podaruva zbli`ija so drugi me|unarodni eksperti vo is ti - i montira prviot generator te ili sli~ni ob las ti, za elektri~na energija vo pottik nuvaj}i gi da u~est vu - Strumica. vaat so pogolema energi ja i Vo 1927 godina se ra|a entuzijazam vo razmenata na Zaharija, vo 1928 Marija, folklorot, narodnite ora i vo 1933 Georgi, dodeka vo pesni me|u zemji te i naro- 1938 se ra|a i Janko. dite. Vo avgust 1944 Jovan ja Iako tatkoto na Georgi napu{ta Strumica i zaseko- ni koga{ nitu igral nitu ga{ se preseluva vo Skopje, peel, negovata majka sakala prvo so Georgi, a vo oktom- da u~estvuva vo site praz - vri do{la i soprugata Ane ta ni ci i sve~enosti so narod- so Janko, Marija i Zaharija. ni igri i pesni, koi otseko- Na 16 mart 1955 Jovan ga{ bile golem nastan vo To mov Angelov po~inal vo ma kedonskite zaednici. Ra - Skopje, a vo 1973 i Aneta dioto i televizijata trebalo po~inala vo Skopje. doprva da se pojavat, taka Me|utoa, sinot na Jovan, {to vo tie denovi gra |a nite Georgi Tomov, glavnata li~- se sobirale pred ku}ite na nost na ovaa kniga, re~isi sosedite da igraat i peat. celiot svoj `ivot go pomi - Sve~enite igranki bile nu va vo inicirawe, organi - golem nastan vo mladosta na zirawe, vospostavuvawe i vo Georgi. I negovite sestri neguvawe na makedonskata bile igroorki i pesnopojki. kultura i vo Soedinetite Janko Tomov / Janko Tomov Vo toa vreme vo Makedonija,


Familijata Tomovi, 1939 / The Tomovs, 1939 cars, “Singer” sewing machines and others. It is have broug ht him closer to other international au- interes ting to mention that in 1924 he brought the thorities in the same and similar fields, encouraging first “Mercedes” car and the first bus in Strumica. them to participate in the inter-exchange of folklore, Then, he donated and assembled the first electric folkdance and folksongs among countries more vig- generator in Strumica. orously and enthusiastically in the inter-exchange of Zaharija was born in 1927, then Marija in 1928, folklore, folkdance and folksongs among countries. while George was born in 1933, and Janko in 1938. Although George’s father never danced or sang, In August 1944, Jovan left his mother liked to take part Strumica and moved to Skopje, in all dance and song festivi- first with George while his wife ties which always were im- Aneta with Janko, Marija and portant events in the Mace- Zaharija joined them in Octobe r, donian communities. Radio same year. Jovan Tomov Ange- and television were yet to lov passed away on 16 March come, so in those days the 1955 in Skopje, while Aneta city dwellers would gather died in 1973, also in Skopje. in front of a neighbor’s hou- However, George To mov, the se to dance and sing. For- main figure of this book, has mal dances were big events spent his entire life embracing, events while he was young. organizing, establishing and His sisters danced and sang nur turing the Macedonian cul- skillfully. At that time, young ture, both in the United States women in Mace donia were and in different countries of the not allowed to go out after free world where he has pro- sunset without escorts. moted goodwill and a better Even though he was a mere understanding among different youngster at the time, he ethnic groups. His vigorous par- was the one who served as ticipation in numerous cultural chaperone. Soon, folkdan- pursuits, especially throughout ce s and folksongs conque- the United States, Canada and red his heart. He liked to Australia, have made him be Georgi so vnukata Nikolina Binevska od Avstralija watch others dancing, and well loved and respected and George Tomov with his niece Nikolina Binevska from Australia soon he started to sing and


Aneta i Jovan - 1918 godina / Aneta and Jovan - 1918 Jovan so prijateli / Jovan with his friends

Georgi, Janko, Zaga i Marika / George, Janko, Zaga and Marika Aneta so decata / Aneta with her children


1939, Georgi i Marika / George and Marika, 1939

PART II - GEORGE TOMOV - A LIVING LEGEND 79 GEORGI TOMOV na mladite `eni ne im bilo dozvo le no da izle- kur sevi, seminari i konferencii za treneri, gu vaat po zao|aweto na sonceto bez pridru`ba. instruktori i nastavnici po fizi~ko vospita - Bidej}i tokmu toj bil vo uloga na pridru`nik, nie. Rabotel vo ovaa dejnost s¢ do 1970 godina iako s¢ u{te mal, narodnite igri i narodnite koga ja napu{til tatkovinata. pesni nabrgu go osvoile mom~en ceto. Sakal da Janko `iveel vo Pert, Avstralija, od 1975 go- gleda kako drugite igraat i nabrzo i toj, isto dina, a sega `ivee vo Brizben zaedno so sop ru- ta ka, peel i igral. Poradi nedos tig od dovolno ga ta Planinka (Nina), sinot Aleksandar (Sa{o) ma`i, „pobaruva~kata” za nego vata dostap nost i }erkata Aneta. Janko Tomov e aktivist-~len vo prodol`ila da se zgolemuva, osobeno vo igrite Makedonsko to nacionalno demokratsko dvi`ewe. vo dvojka. Igraweto vo sve~e ni sali bilo popu- Pi{uval, ureduval i objavil mnogu tekstovi, a larno vo popladnevnite ~asovi, no oroto „Eleno organizi ral konferencii i mirovni demonstra- mome“ mu ostanalo vo izvonredno se}ava we na cii vo ramkite na Dvi`eweto, kade bil izvr - Georgi Tomov kako prvo narodno oro {to toj go {en ~len na mnogu komisii. So Makedon skata zapametil. Toa se slu~i lo vo Strumica kade go organizacija za ~ovekovi prava vo Pert i vo so- pominal detstvoto, zaedno so sestrite Marija i rabotka so drugi vo Avstralija i preku okeanot, Zagorka i so bratot Janko. toj se zanimava so pi{uvawe razli~ni tekstovi, Janko Tomov vo Avstralija knigi i materijali za ~ove kovi te prava i za{- titata na Makedoncite vo celiot svet, a osobe - Janko Tomov, bratot na Georgi, bil roden vo no za Makedon cite koi `iveat vo granicite na Strumica na 4 maj 1938 godina. Zavr{il Vi{a sosednite zemji Grcija, Bugarija i Albanija. fiskulturna {kola i bil trener po gimnastika Janko Tomov e avtor na slednive knigi: „Pod - i atletika. Bil nastavnik po fizi~ka kultura, a dr{ ka od ubaviot Pert” na makedonski jazik, na belgradskiot Fakultet za fizi~ka kultura „Solunskiot manifest od 1984 godina i Dvi - diplomiral vo 1961 godina. Vo 1962 godina, Jan- `eweto za ~ovekovite prava vo dijasporata” ko organiziral me|unaroden natprevar po gim- (2003), na makedonski jazik, „Otkritija za zna- nastika pome|u ekipite na Jugoslavija i Isto~na ~ajnite nastani vo makedonskata istorija” Germanija vo Skopje i me|udr`aven gimnasti~ki (2004) (na makedonski i na angliski jazik) i natprevar pome|u Makedonija i Slove nija vo „Anti~kata istorija na Makedonija i Balkanot Veles. Kone~no, uspeal da stane sovetnik vo In - vo delata na zapadnite avtori (od falsifikati sti tutot za fizi~ka kultura na Makedonija od do konkretno prezentirawe)” (makedonska i 1964 do 1967 godina koga organiziral mnogu angliska verzija), Brizben, Avstralija, 2005.

Vo domot na Georgi Tomov / In George Tomov’s home


Lika, Resa, Georgi i Janko / Lika, Resa, George and Janko dance, too. The demands for his company continued He has been living in Perth, Australia, (while toda y to grow, especially in dances for two, because of the he lives in Brisbane) together with his wife Planinka scarcity of young men. Ballroom dancing was popular (Nina), his son Alexander (Sašo) and daughter Ane - during such evenings, but the “Eleno mome” dance, ta since 1975. Janko Tomov became a Macedonian the first folkdance he learnt, was engraved in Geor - activist at the National Democratic Movement. He ge Tomov’s memory of his childhood. All that took wrote, edited and published many articles and orga - place in Strumica, where he spent his childhood nized conferen ces and peaceful demonstrations with his sisters Maria and Zagorka, as well as with with in the framework of the Mo ve ment where he his brother Janko. was an executive member of seve ral committees. Janko Tomov in Australia With the Macedonian Human Rights Organization in Janko Tomov, the brother of George, was born in Perth and in cooperation with others organizations Strumica on May 4, 1938. He finished the advanced in Australia and overseas, he has written many arti- school for physical culture and became a sports cles about human rights and protection of the Mace- trainer for gymnastics and athletics. In 1961 he gra- do nians all over the world and especially of those duated from the University of Belgrade and became who live in the border areas of neighboring Greece, a high quality teacher of physical culture. In 1962, Bulgaria and Albania. Janko organized the international gymnastics com- Janko Tomov is the author of the books: “Sup- petition between Yugoslavia and East Germany in port from beautiful Perth” (in Macedonian), “The 1984 Skopje and the inter-state gymnastics competition Thessalonica Manifesto and the Movement for Hu- between Macedonia and Slovenia in Veles. Finally, man Rights in Diaspora”, 2003 (in Macedonian), and he became a counselor at the Institute for Physical “Discoveries About Important Events in Macedo nian Culture of Macedonia, and from 1964 to 1967 he History”, 2004 (both in Macedonian and English), organized several courses, seminars and conferen- and the book “The Ancient History of Macedonia ces for trainers, instructors and for physical educa- and the Balkans in the Works of Western Authors, tion teachers. He worked in this field until 1970 from forgery to concrete presentation, (Macedonian when he left the country. and English version), Brisbane, Australia, 2005.


Zaga, Mare i Georgi / Zaga, Mare and George


Aneta - majkata na Georgi / Aneta - George`s mother


Georgi so semejstvoto na brat mu Janko vo Avstralija / George with the family of his brother Janko in Australia



So vnukot Aleksandar / George with his nephew Aleksandar


Mare i Dimitar Janevi od Strumica / Mare and Dimitar Janevi from Strumica So vnucite Tatjana i Ivica / George with Tatjana and Ivica

Od u~eni~kite denovi na Georgi / From the academic years of George


Vo @eneva so ,,Lado’’ / In Geneva with LADO

Georgi Tomov kako fudbaler / George Tomov as a socker player


So ,,Tanec’’ vo Baden / With TANEC in Baden So ,,Tanec’’ vo Ohrid / With TANEC in Ohrid

So ,,Tanec’’ vo @eneva / With TANEC in Geneva


Od posetata vo Brizben, Avstalija / From the visit to Brisbane, Australia

Georgi vo Avstralija / George in Australia

Vo poseta na rodninite vo Pert, Avstralija / Visiting his relatives in Perth, Australia


Od izlo`bata na Aco Filipovski / From the exibition of Aco Filipovski

So vnukata Marija Bojkovska / Tomov with his niece Marija Bojkovska Vo ateljeto na Aco Filipovski / At the atelier of Aco Filipovski


Georgi Tomov i Ivica Bojkovski so }erkata Marija / George Tomov and Ivica Bojkovski with his dother Marija

Na vtoriot rodenden na Marija / At Marija’s second birthday Marija Bojkovska / Marija Bojkovska


So famiolijata Binevski vo Pert, Avstralija / With the Binevskys in Perth, Australia

Familijata Santovski / The Santovski

Karta na svetot / Map of the world Georgi Tomov / George Tomov


Georgi so drugar~iwa vo crkvata Sv. Ilija vo Strumica, 1939


George with his friends in the yard of St. Ilija Church in Strumica, 1939


STRUMICA (TIVERIOPOL) Rodnoto mesto na Georgi Tomov

Georgi Tomov, negovite dve sestri Zagorka i stranstvo. Na strumi~ka ta teatar ska scena i vo Marija, kako i brat mu Janko se rodeni vo Stru- ramkite na odr`u vawe to na teatarot „Risto mi ca, vo yvezdeniot grad, kako {to e nare~en [i{kov”, so svoi pretstavnici se pojavuvaat ovoj centar vo isto~niot del na Republika Ma - vrvni ansambli, a bogatstvoto na folklorot i ke donija. Vo Strumica se nao|a i edna od najsta- pesnata vo kontinuitet ni go prika `uvaat pos- rite ranohristijanski baziliki na Balkanot, tojnite kulturno umetni~ki dru{t va. Ona {to vrz ~ii{to temeli podocna e izgradena crkvata posebno ja odlikuva Strumica od osta natite Sveti 15 tiveriopolski ma~enici. Crkvata e iz- gradovi e poznatiot Strumi~ki karne val, za koj gra dena vo ~est na svetite petnaeset tiverio - se zboruva u{te vo patepisite na poznatiot pol ski sve{tenoma~enici dojdeni od Tiverio pol patepisec Evlija ^elebija koj vo 1671 godina ja (Mala Azija), spored koj eden period i gradot posetil Strumica vo vreme na karneva lot. Kako Strumica go nosel imeto Tiveriopol. Svetite karnevalski grad Strumica e ~lenka na Inter- 15 tiveriopolski ma~enici se patroni na gra- nacionalnoto zdru`enie na karnevalskite dot Strumica i negovi za{titnici. gradovi FECC. Strumi~kiot kraj, so svojata po- Tradicijata i kulturata vo Strumica se vol na klima i bogata po~va, otsekoga{ bil pogo- po~ituvaat i neguva at kako trajni vrednosti i so den za `iveewe za {to svedo~at i ostatocite od golemo vnima nie. Ve }e nekolku decenii, Stru - neolitska naselba (3 000-5 000 godini pred n.e.). mi~ kata likovna ko lo nija e doma}in na mnogu Vo po~etokot na pettiot vek pred na{ata era bil poznati likovni tvorci od Republikata i gusto naselen so trakiski (peonski) plemiwa.

Manastirot ,,Vodo~a’’ / The Vodoča Monastery


STRUMICA (TIVERIOPOL) George's birth place

George Tomov, his sisters Zagorka and Maria, as have given performances on the stages of Strumica well as his brother Janko, were born in Strumica, a Theatre and within the framework of the “Risto town of stars, as they called this town of carnivals, Šiškov” Theatre, while the existing cultural and per- a center in the eastern part of the Republic of forming societies constantly present a wealth of folk Macedonia. One of the oldest basilicas of the early dances and songs through their performances and Christian period on the Balkans is located in plays. But what distinguishes Strumica from other Strumica, and the Church of the Fifteen Holy towns is the well-known Strumica Carnival, which Tiveriopolis Women Martyrs was built upon its foun- was mentioned in the accounts of the travels of the dation. It was built in honor of the fifteen Christian famous Evlija Čelebija who had visited Strumica in women-martyrs who came from Tiveriopol (Asia 1671 during a carnival period. Since Strumica is a Minor), after which the town Strumica was also city of carnivals, it is a member of FECC, the Inter- named Tiveriopol for a short period. The Fifteen national Association of ‘Carnival towns’. The region Holy Tiveriopolis Martyrs are patrons and protectors of Strumica with its favorable climate and fertile soil of Strumica. has always been a suitable place for living. The In Strumica, tradition and culture are observed ruins of a Neolithic settlement–Stranata (3,000- and fostered with special attention. For several 5,000 B.C.) bear witness to this statement. In the decades, the Fine Arts Colony of Strumica has been beginning of the 5th century B. C., this region had a host to many famous painters from the Republic been densely populated by the Trakian (Peonic) and from abroad. The most excellent ensembles tribes.

Strumica / Strumica


Strumica / Strumica

Vo rodnata ku}a vo Strumica / In his birth-house in Strumica


So rakovoditeli od Strumica / With managers from Strumica

Vo poseta na Strumica / Visiting Strumica


SKOPJE - GRADOT NA VARDAR Gradot na mladosta na Tomov

Dodeka Georgi Tomov s¢ u{te bil mal, fami- zaedni~kite vrski so site negovi sou~enici. Si te li jata Tomovi se preselila vo Skopje (1944), vo sakale da peat i da tancuvaat. Toj se ~uvstvuval najgolemiot grad vo Makedonija. Tamu se steknal kako del od niv. Osven {to bil dobar tan~ar i so osnovnoto obrazovanie i tamu ostanal za vre- peja~, toj bil i ekspert za fudbal. Bil ~len na me na II svetska vojna. Kako dete go sakal fudba- fudbalskiot klub „Vardar” od Skopje. Sepak, vo lot. Vo ranite tinejxerski godini bil mnogu ta- 1952 godina moral da se otka`e od fudbalot po- len tiran i ve{t za klasi~na gimnastika. Georgi radi povreda na nogata. Naskoro projavil inte - u~el vo sredno-tehni~koto u~ili{te, {u marsko- res za Kulturno-umetni~koto dru{tvo „Ko~o Ra- grade`na nasoka, vo Skopje, koe imalo mnogu cin”, makedonska grupa za narodni igri i ora. naporna nastavna programa. Sakal da gi gleda probite i po~uvstvuval silen Najgolemiot del od u~enicite vo tehni~koto pottik da stane del od grupata za oroto „[estor - u~ili{te bile od semejstva od pomalite gra dovi ka”. Se osmeluval da ka`e deka bi mo`el da tan- i sela vo Makedonija. Toga{ Georgi gi spodeluval cuva podobro od nekoi vo grupata i bil uvere n

Skopje / Skopje


SKOPJE - THE CITY ON THE VARDAR The place of Tomov's youth

When George Tomov was still a child, the Tomov from that time onwards he was overcome by folk family moved to Skopje (1944), the largest city of dances and songs. Macedonia. There, he received his primary educa- George liked the rehearsals. He performed with tion, and there he remained during World War II. As the Kočo Racin Ensemble for three years. He trav- a child he loved football. In his early teens, he was eled throughout the Republic of Macedonia and very talented and skilled in classical gymnastics. In other republics of Yugoslavia until it was time to Skopje, George attended the secondary technical com plete his military service at the School of school, forestry-construction major, which had a Reserve Officers in Zadar (today in Croatia), where very broad curriculum. he completed his secondary education in 1954. Most of the students at the technical school were Upon completion of his military service, George from families coming from small towns and villages Tomov began his career in folkdance by becoming a of Macedonia. George shared the common obliga- member of the TANEC Macedonian state folkdance tions with all his class- ensemble in 1955. The mates. They all liked exercise schedules were dancing and singing. He grueling - four to five felt himself as a part of hours of rehearsal each them. Besides being a day, six days a week. good dancer and singer, Ge orge Tomov went on he was also an expert in international tours with football. He was a mem- the TANEC state folk- ber of the Vardar Foot- dance ensemble, in al- ball team of Skopje. In most eve ry country of 1952, however, he had Eu rope, and he remai - to give up playing foot- ned with them until ball due to a foot injury. 1962. Soon, he showed an In 1961 and 1962, interest in the Kočo Ra- George went on to the cin Folk Ensemble. He Peda gogical Academy in loved watching their re- Skopje, with a major in hearsals, and he felt a sculp ture. He continued strong urge to be a part his studies in sculpting of the Šestorka folk- in Paris under the lead- dance group. He dared ership of the renowned to think that he could Professor Rodriguez. He dance better than some stayed with the family of of the members of the professor Minko Balkan- group and he was confi- ski, but when Skopje dent that he could learn was devastated by a to dance faster than the catastrophic earthquake others. He went so far in 1963, George Tomov as to brag that he could returned to his native do it. He presented his Pred spomenikot na Majka Tereza vo Skopje city to see and take care abilities to them and Next to the monument of Mother Teresa in Skopje of his family.

PART II - GEORGE TOMOV - A LIVING LEGEND 101 GEORGI TOMOV deka mo`e pobrzo da u~i. Oti{ol duri dotamu vo Pariz, pod rakovodstvo na renomiraniot pro- {to se falel deka mo`e da go stori toa. Ama i fesor Rodrigez. Prestojuval kaj familijata na im go poka`al toa i ottoga{ narodnite igri i profesor Minko Balkanski, a potoa, koga se slu- pes ni go prezemaat primatot. Tie zasekoga{ go ~il katastrofalniot zemjotres vo Skopje vo osvo ile. 1963, se vratil vo svojot ranet grad za da gi Georgi gi sakal probite. Nasta puval so An- vidi naj bliskite rodnini. samb lot „Ko~o Racin” tri godini. Patuval niz [tom se izodat prvite metri od sokacite na ce lata Republika i vo drugite to ga{ ni republi- ~ar{ijata po ulicata „Arhiep i skop Angelarij”, ki na Jugoslavija s¢ dodeka ne do{lo vreme da po skalite se izleguva na plo { tadot pred yido - go slu`i voeniot rok vo Voenoto u~ili{ te za vi te na crkvata Sveti Spas vo koja se nao|a pre- rezervni oficeri vo Zadar (Hrvatska), kade ma- krasniot ikonostas izraboten vo rezba. Tajfata tu riral vo 1954 godina. Po voeniot rok, vo 1955 na Petre Filipovski Garkata, negoviot brat go dina, Tomov ja zapo~nal svojata kariera vo Marko i Maka rie Fr~kovski se tie gorosta si narodnite igri. Stanal ~len na make don skiot koi od 1817 do 1824 odina go ostavi le ikonosta- dr`a ven ansambl za narodni pesni i ora „TA- sot kako vis tinsko remek delo. Vo dvorot na crk- NEC”. Rasporedot za ve`bawe bil iscrpuva~ki - vata Sveti Spas e i ve~noto po~i va li{te na apos - ~etiri ili pet ~asa proba sekoj den, {est dena to lot na makedonskiot nepokor Goce Del~ev. vo nedelata. Georgi Tomov odel na turnei vo Skopje ima svoja opera i balet, filhar mo ni - stranstvo, re~isi vo sekoja dr`ava vo Evropa, a ja, Makedonski naroden teatar i Dramski teatar, vo „TANEC” ostanal s¢ do 1962 godina. go ima jadroto na visokoobrazovnata pulsacija, Studi ral na Pedago{kata akademija vo Skopje, Uni verzi te tot „Sv. Kiril i Metodij” i jadroto otsek vajarstvo od 1961 do 1962 godina. Georgi na nau~nite dostreli - Makedonskata akademija Tomov gi prodol`uva svoite studii po vajarstvo na naukite i umetnostite.

Crkvata Sv. Klimet Ohridski vo Skopje / The St. Clement of Ohrid Church in Skopje


Od posetata vo Makedonija / From the visit to Macedonia A few meters down the streets of the Old Bazaar, insurrection, is located In the yard of St. Spas one can go through Arhiepiskop Angelarij Street to Church. the square in front of the walls of St. Spas Church Skopje has got its own Opera and Ballet, the Phil- where wonderful wood carvings of iconostasis can harmonic Orchestra, the Macedonian National The- be seen. The craftsmen of Petre Filipovski Garkata, atre, the Drama Theatre, the St. Cyril and Methody his brother Marko and Makarie Frčkovski were those University which is the core of the highest educatio- giants who, from 1817 to 1824, made this icono- nal pulsation, as well as the Macedonian Academy stasis as a real masterpiece. The eternal resting- of Arts and Sciences which is the core of the scien- place of Goce Del~ev, the apostle of the Macedonian tific accomplishments.

Nastap na ,,Tomov’’ so Povardarie / TOMOV’s stage performance of Povardarie

PART II - GEORGE TOMOV - A LIVING LEGEND 103 Eden od prvite nastapi na ,,Tomov’’ / One of the first performances of TOMOV


A. Kolarovski, D. \or|ievski, P. Atanasovski, G. Tomov, B. Pal~evski, S. Todevski A. Kolarovski, D. Gorgievski, P. Atanasovski, G. Tomov, B. Palčevski, S. Todevski



Vla{ko oro vo izvedba na ,,Tomov’’ / The Vlach dance performed by TOMOV



,,Tomov’’ vo Makedonija / TOMOV in Macedonia

,,Tomov’’ vo Makedonija / TOMOV in Macedonia

,,Tomov’’ vo Makedonija / TOMOV in Macedonia


Narodna nosija - Skopska Blatija / Folk dance costume - Skopje region


WUJORK, WUJORK Gradot na sega{noto `iveewe na Tomov

Georgi Tomov povtorno se vratil vo Makedo- na avtorot na ovaa monografija, za posetata, nija vo 1963 godina, no ve}e go obzema mislata vpe ~atocite i kako e do`iveana ovaa svetska da otpatuva vo razli~ni mesta i dr`avi. Taka i metropola: od lu~il. Go napu{til Skopje. Negovata prva sta - „Za Wujork zaminav preku Toronto vo eden ni ca bil Zagreb vo Hrvatska. Bil primen za ~len ubav proleten den. Vreme na zelenilo i mirisi na Hrvatskiot nacionalen folkloren ansambl na cvetovi od razli~ni boi. Specifi~en na~in „LADO”, kade i ostanal s¢ do 1967 godina. na koj `ivotot se budi i razviva ~uvstva na Dodeka bil vo „LADO”, Georgi Tomov inten- posebna qubov kon prirodata. Sonceto, ~ij zivno zapo~nal da spek tar se preleva - go prou~uva potek- {e vo dale~inite loto na igrite. Toa na istok, go najavu- ne go pravel so ne- va {e noviot den. koja odredena cel, Be {e kako ogromna tuku za svoe li~no topka ili kako ba- zadovolstvo i ob ra- lon {to edvaj se zovanie. I toga{ ne dvi `i vo prosto - mu pa|alo na um da rot. Gletkata be{e ima svoe folklor- prekrasna koga avi - no dru{tvo, ili za - o not na „Air Cana da ” radi toa da emigri - go nadletuva {e To - ra vo SAD. ronto i se upati vo Od deseticite pravec kon Wujork. zemji {to gi pose- Pat koj treba{e da til kako igra orec trae okolu eden i na „LADO”, najmno - pol ~as. Okolu plad- gu mu se bendisalo ne avio not sle ta na vo SAD. Vo 1967 go- aerodromot „New dina, so „LADO” za- York”, vo Wu Xersi. mi nal za Kanada i Vre meto be{e son - SAD. So misla bil ~e vo i toplo i pri deka ne treba da sletuvaweto lesno os tane po dolgo od mo `ea da se vidat edna do dve godini. mnogu objekti na toj Georgi Tomov zami- del na Wu Xersi. nal za Wujork, kade Na aerodromot me {to na{ol novo pre~eka mojot pri- mesto za `iveewe. jatel Georgi Tomov, Za Wujork se na- so kogo se upativme pi{ani milioni kon Wujork. tek stovi, no vo pro- Dodeka se vozev - dol`enie e pomes - me, mu posta vuvav ten del od repor - mnogu pra{awa na ta`ata za Wu jork Kipot na slobodata / The Statue of Liberty Georgi To mov, koj so


NEW YORK, NEW YORK City of Tomov's present-day life

George Tomov returned to Macedonia in 1963, Million of texts have been written about New but he was absorbed in thinking of going to other York, but what follows is a part of a story about New places and states. And so he decided to leave Skop- York written by the author of this monograph which je. His first stop was Zagreb, in Croatia, where he was published in his book “My travels around the became a member of LADO, Croatian National Folk- world”. It reads: dance Ensemble, where he remained up to 1967. I left for New York from Toronto one beautiful While he was with ‘LADO’, George Tomov began summer day, filled with the pleasant odor of the to study the origin of dances intensively. He was greenery and the fragrance of flowers of various doing that without colors. It was in a any speci fic objec- specific way in tive; it was merely which the life awa- for his own educa- kens itself and de- tion and pleasure. velops a fee ling of Even at that point, beauty and love of Ge orge wouldn’t yet nature. The sun, think of having his who se colors glis- own folk ensemb le tened far in the or of emig ra ting to East whe re the the United Sta tes new day just be- of Ame ri ca for that gan, was like a purpose. giant ball or like a Of all the nume - balloon when Air rous countries he Canada flew over tou red as a LADO To ronto and head- dancer, the United ed for New York. States of America The journey was impre s s ed him most. sche duled to take In 1967, he went to abo ut an hour and Canada with LADO, a half. where they parti ci- The plane lan- pated in Expo ‘67 in ded at Newark Air- Montreal, and after port (in New Jer- that also to many sey) around noon. cities all over Ca- George To mov, my nada and the USA. good friend, wel- His inten tion was comed me at the to stay there, but airport and we left not longer than for New York. Whil- one or two years. e we were riding So, he went to in the car, I asked New York where he George ma ny qu- found a new place estions. With great to live. Ku}ata na Tomov vo Wujork / George Tomov’s house in New York enthusiasm and

PART II - GEORGE TOMOV - A LIVING LEGEND 113 GEORGI TOMOV silen entuzijazam i so odbrani zborovi mi raska - otkupile Menheten. Toj denes e naj ska piot del od `uva{e za negoviot folkloren ansambl „To mov”, ovaa golema metro pola, kade sekoja peda zemja za po~etocite, za uspesite, za mnogubrojnite kon- se pla}a so bas no slovni sumi pari i zlato. Ho- certi, za postignatite rezultati na poleto na lan |anite go narekle gradot Nov Amster dam. Me|u - folklorot i afirmiraweto na makedonskata toa, vo 1664 godina toj prostor go osvoile Angli - kul tura vo celina. ~a nite i go narekle Wujork. Taka, noviot grad, vo Pokraj folklorot, oroto i pesnata, gospo di not 1789 godina stanal glaven grad na SAD, koga Xorx Tomov be{e moj vodi~ niz metropolata. Toj re~i si Va {ington bil proglasen za prv pret se datel. ~etiri decenii e vo Wujork i negovoto pozna va - Wu jork e svetska metropola. Pristani{ten we na gradot be{e mnogu zna~ajno za mene. Kako grad, poln so dvi`ewe i rabota, so bogatstvo, si - {to se dvi`evme niz ulicite na ve le gradot, taka roma{tvo i rasko{, no i so najgolemi kontrasti. gospodinot Tomov me „bombardira{e” so mnogu Zatoa ~esto se veli deka pati{tata na severno - in formacii. Taka, me|u drugoto, doznav de ka Wu- amerikanskiot kontinent, glavno, voda t, se vkrs - jork, so po{irokata gradska okolina, ima okolu tu vaat ili zaminuvaat od svetskite metro poli, 16 milioni `iteli i pretstavuva najgolemo pri - tokmu vo Wujork. Ovoj megalopolis po mnogu ne{- stani{te i najgolem stopanski centar vo svetot. ta e karakteristi~en, kontroverzen, ubav i zna- Ovoj velegrad se razvil na uto kata na rekata ~aen, ako ne i najzna~ajniot grad vo svetot, ~ija Hadson i na bregovite na zali vot koj go zatvora arhitektura, kultura, minato i sega{ nost se ostrovot Long Ajlend. Na po~e tokot na najva`ni ot eden impozanten i mnogu vpe~atliv mozaik koj del od Wujork, na Menheten od is to~ nata strana mu dava poseben i unikaten be leg. Pritoa, treba na rekata Hadson, Holan|anite vo 1625 godina da se ka`e deka tokmu gospo dinot Georgi To mov podignale tvrdina, a nekolku godini podocna za i negovoto delo preku ansamb lite „To mov” i sitnici, vredni 24 dolari, od Indi jancite go „Goce Del~ev” go zbogatile mozaikot na Wujork“.

Od nastapite na ,,Tomov’’ vo Makedonija / From the stage performance of TOMOV in Macedonia

114 DEL II - GEORGI TOMOV - @IVA LEGENDA GEORGI TOMOV selected words, he spoke about his folklore ensem- US$ 24. Today, it is the most expensive part of this ble TOMOV, about their beginnings, success, many big metropolis, where fabulous sums of money and concerts and achieved results in the field of folklore, gold are paid for each foot of land. The Dutch and about the affirmation of Macedonian culture as named the city New Amsterdam. However, in 1664, a whole. that area was conquered by the British who called it In addition to guidance about folklore, dance New York. So, the new city became the capital of and song, George Tomov was also my tourist guide the United States of America in 1789 when George through the metropolis. He has been in New York Washington was proclaimed the first president. for almost four decades, and his knowledge about New York is a world metropolis. It is a port city, the city was detailed and very important for me. As filled with movement and activities, wealth, riches, long as we drove along the roads of the city, Tomov poverty and luxury, but also with great contrasts. “bombarded” me with many, many pieces of infor- Therefore, it is often said that the roads of the mation. In that way, I found out that New York City, North American continent mainly lead, cross or run together with its surrounding area, has got 16 mil- into New York. This mega polis is characteristic of lion citizens and that it is one of the largest ports many things; it is controversial, beautiful and impor- and economic centers in the world. This big city has tant, possibly the most important city in the world, developed at the mouth of the Hudson River and on whose architectu re, culture, past and present make the banks of the bay that is close to the island up an impressive mosaic that gives it a unique and named Long Island. In 1625, the Dutch built a distinctive feature. At the same time, it should be fortress in the place where Manhattan, the most said that the mosaic of New York has been also important borough of New York begins. Several enriched by George Tomov - through his work with years later, they bought up Manhattan from the the TOMOV and GOCE DELČEV Ensembles. Native Americans (i.e. Indians) for trifles worth only


So pretsedatelot Kiro Gligorov / With President Kiro Gligorov

So pretsedatelot Boris Trajkovski / With President Boris Trajkovski

So premierot Nikola Kqusev / With Prime Minister Nikola Kljusev


So Metju Nimic / With Mathew Nimitz

So guvernerot Bil Paskrel / With Governor Bill Pascrell

So Xorx Atansovski i Pavilna Proevska / With George Atanasovski and Pavlina Proevska


So Zoran Todorovski i Violeta Santovska / With Zoran Todorovski and Violeta Santovska

So Atanas Kolarovski / With Atanas Kolarovski So Alek Petri~kov / With Alek Petričkov


Georgi Tomov so Stiv Pqakas i Slave Katin / George Tomov with Stiv Pliakas and Slave Katin

So Igor Xundov i Aleksandar Candovski / With Igor Djundov and Aleksandar Candovski

So Majkal Rodin / With Michael Rodin


Georgi vo svojot dom / George at his home

Georgi vo svojot dom / George at his home Momenti od primaweto na medalot / On the occasion of receiving the medal


Georgi vo svojot dom / George at his home

So porane{ni ~lenovi na ,,Tomov’’ / With former members of TOMOV

So porane{ni ~lenovi na ,,Tomov’’ / With former members of TOMOV


TOMOV KAKO IGROOREC, KOREOGRAF, VAJAR... Profesija, posvetenost, hobi...

Georgi Tomov nikoga{ ne prestanal da rabo ti, Narodnoto oro, spored svojata priroda, e tra- da planira i da istra`uva. Negovoto li~no stu- dicionalen na~in na op{testveno samoizrazu- dio se nao|alo vo centarot na Union skver vawe koe evocira emo cii kaj lu|eto - manifes - (Union Square West). Negovata folklorna grupa, ti rawe qubov, dodvoruvawe, dru`equbivost, koja odela na turnei vo celiot svet, broela po- sre}a i radost na `ivotot. Igraweto narodni me|u 30 i 45 igroorci, peja~i i muzi~ari. Bil ora, t.e. tancuvaweto, obezbeduva edna koloris - di rektor na negovata Folkdens fondacija (Folk - ti~ na i grafi~ka alka vo koja se spojuva potre- dance Foundation), koja bila neprofitna korpo- bata da se izrazat ~uvstvata preku dvi`ewa, so racija i bila pod zakri- sre}ata koja proizlegu- la na dr`avata Wujork. va od dru`eweto. No, treba da se spo- Kako begstvo od ed no- me ne deka zgolemeniot li~niot svet i kako pri - interes za u~ewe i ig- be`i{te od sekojdnev - ra we makedonski ora se nite gri`i i problemi, dol`elo, delumno, na igraweto nu di mir i ra- priz nanieto koe Make - dost vo forma na ener- do nija go dobila kako gi~ni i korisni fi zi~- va `en svetski entitet. ki ak tiv nosti povrzani Drugata pri~ina za zgo- so pot rebata na ~ovekot lemeniot interes za ma- da bide zaedno so onie kedonskiot folklor i koi spodeluvaat isti ig raorstvoto, le`ela vo in te re si. Ubavinata na ubavinata, vo dlabo~i - make donskoto toplo son - na ta na du{ata i duhot ce, ve~noto sino nebo, koi se nao|aat vo make- nej zinite planini i re - donskata narodna muzi- ki, nejzinite srebreni ka. Raznovidnosta na ras- ezera - site tie zra~at po lo`enieto e pri ka `a - vo melodiite i ritmo - no vo mnogu ora - pone - vi te na Georgi Tomov. ko ga{ veseli, po ne ko ga{ Koncertite na an- ~uvstvitelni i ora koi samb lot „Tomov” posto- ponekoga{ se samostoj - jano bile ispolneti so ni, drug pat energi~ni i razno vidnost, vozbuda, `estoki. Ovie ora ovoz- bo ja i mladost. Site na- mo`uvaat protok na sila rodni nosii bile av - i energija niz teloto, ten ti~ni i uvezeni. Vo osloboduvaj}i gi in hi - programite bile vmet- bi ciite i pritisokot. nati ora od mnogu drugi Ona {to tancuvaweto i zemji, a ne samo od bal- igraweto go iznesuvaat kanskite, me|u koi se is - na videlina e `ivosta, taknuvaat tancovite so silata i radosta od `i - klompi (cokuli) od Se - vee weto i postoeweto. Georgi igra ,,Crnogorka’’ / Georgi is dancing the Crnogorka dance verna Karolina. Ovie


TOMOV AS A DANCER, COREOGRAPHER, SCULPTOR... Profession, Dedication, Hobby…

George Tomov has never ceased working and due to the recognition which the country kept on planning. His own studio was located in the center receiving as an important world entity. Another rea- of Union Square West. His performing ensemble, son for the increased interest in Macedonian folklore which toured internationally, numbered between and dance lies in the depth of soul and spirit to be thirty and forty-five dancers, singers and musicians. discovered in the Macedonian folk music. The variety He is a director of his own Folkdance Foundation, of moods has been presented in many dances – so- which is a non-profit corporation under the auspices me times lively, some times emotional and haunting, of the State of New York. other times vigoro us and energetic. These dances However, it should be mentioned that the growing allow a flow of vigor and energy through the body interest in Macedonian folk dancing was partially loosening in that way inhibitions and relieving

Hrvatska igra / Croatian dance

PART II - GEORGE TOMOV - A LIVING LEGEND 123 GEORGI TOMOV rusti~ni amerikanski tan~ari, zaedno so virtu- Va`no e da se istakne deka vo 1980 godina Folk- oznosta na bogatiot makedonski folklor, bile lorniot ansambl „Tomov” imal svoj nastap na postojano pozdravuvani so freneti~ni aplauzi. Zim skite olim piski igri odr`ani vo Lejk Ple - Prakti~no, sekoja ve~er se tancuvalo vo studio - sid, vo dr`a vata Wujork. Vo 1986 godina, ja krei- to na Georgi Tomov so zgole muvawe na brojot na ral specijalnata koreografija za zavr{niot ce- onie koi bile priv le~ e ni od ovaa ubava, ~ista remo nijal na stogodi{ninata od Statuata na zabava i osve`uva~ka forma na rekreacija i slobodata. Potoa, vo 1990 godina ansamblot „To- ve`bi za dru`ewe. mov” nastapil na oficijalnata ceremonija za Osven gorenavedenoto, Geor gi Tomov ima i dru- povtornoto otvorawe na Elis ostrovot (Ellis Is- gi brojni dostignuvawa koi za slu `uvaat da se land). ^etiri pati bil na turneja vo Makedonija. spomenat. Taka, vo 1979 godina ovoj golem ~ovek Gru pa ta imala pove}e od 280 nastapi, vklu~u - gi di zajniral kostimite za bostonskata produk- vaj}i gi i nasta pi te na TV stanici vo SAD i vo cija na [ekspirovata drama „Dvanaesetta no}”, drugi zem ji, so {to milioni gleda~i go videle izvedena vo Institutot za tehnologija od Masa- ovoj ansambl. ~u sec. Vo 1980 godina gi koreo grafiral tanco- Vo is ta ta taa godina (1990) Georgi Tomov go vi te za Folklorniot ansambl „Svadba” od Pit- organi ziral i bil prv pretsedatel na Makedon - sburg, a vo istata godina koreografiral i za skoto dvi `ewe za ~ovekovi prava za Wujork, Wu Folklorniot ansambl „@iveli” od Kolumbos, Xer si i Severoisto~niot del od Soedi netite Ame- Ohajo. Vo 1983 godina bil koreograf vo Franc ri kanski Dr`avi. Isto taka, treba da se napo me - Le harsovata (Franz Lehars) tancova numera „Ca- ne deka vo „Knigata za pesni na imig ranti te” od revi~”, vo produkcija na wujor{kata „Viena Xeri Silverman, izdadena od „Melbi” (Melbay), ope ra haus” vo „Linkoln centarot” i vo „Alis makedonskata pesna „Bog da bie koj prv pojde” ja Tuli Hol”. Od 1984 godina, Georgi Tomov dava pretstavuval tokmu Georgi Tomov. Toj napi{al ~asovi i dr`i predavawa za makedonski, balkan- brojni napisi i tekstovi za vesnici i spisani- ski i polski ora i folklor na deca od dr`av- ja vo cela Amerika. Kratka biografija na Tomov nite u~ili{ta vo ramkite na op{tinite Kvins i e dadena vo Marguisovoto (Marguis’) vtoro izda - Menheten vo Wujork. Ovie programi gi sponzo- nie „Koj e koj vo Amerika” kako del od sektorot rirale Bordot (Odborot) za obrazovanie na za zabava i razonoda. dr`avata Wujork, Umetni~kite partnerski or - Od docnite 60-ti pa s¢ do den-denes ovoj neu- ganizacii i Mladinska ta organizacija na Kvins. moren vojnik na umetnosta dr`el predavawa i Koreografija za stote godini bil demonstrator za balkanski i makedonski folklor i narodni ora na brojni univerziteti, na Statuata na slobodata biblioteki, muzei, crkvi, kulturni institucii Vo 1973 godina, Prirodno-istoriskiot muzej i klubovi vo SAD, Kanada i Avstralija. Georgi go pokanil Tomov da oddr`i predavawe i da iz- Tomov e ~len na Ameri kansko to zdru`enie za lo`i makedonski narodni nosii i instrumenti. una preduvawe na studiite po sla vis tika (AAASS).

Nastap na ,,Tomov’’ / Stage performance of TOMOV

124 DEL II - GEORGI TOMOV - @IVA LEGENDA GEORGI TOMOV stress. What folk dancing brings to light is liveliness, a Shakespeare play, performed at the Massachuset ts vigor and joie de vivre. Institute of Technology. In 1980, he choreographed The folk dance, by its very nature, is a traditional the dances for the Svadba Pittsburgh Folkdance En- mode of social self-expression that evokes the feel- semble and in the same year he did the choreography ings of love, courtship, conviviality, happiness and for the Živeli Folk Dance Ensemble of Columbus, Ohio. joy of living. Folk dancing provides a colorful and In 1983, he was a choreographer for the dance aria graphic link in which the need for self-expression in Franz Lehar’s Carevič, produced by the New York through body movement merges with the pleasures Vienna Opera House, at Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln to be found in getting together with other people. Center. Since 1984, George Tomov has been teach- As an escape from the humdrum world and as a ing and lecturing on Macedonian, Balkan and Polish refuge from the cares and problems of the day, folk dances and folklore at public schools within the dancing offers peace and joy in the form of vigorous Borough of Queens and Manhattan in New York City. and beneficial exercise coupled with man’s need to Those programs have been sponsored by the New be together with those who share the same inte - York State Board of Education, the Arts Partners Or - rests. The beauty of the warm Macedonian sun, ga nizations and the Youth Organization of Queens. eternally blue sky, her mountains and streams, her Choreography for the 100th silvery lakes - all these shine forth in the melodies and rhythms in recordings. Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty The concerts by the TOMOV Folk Dance Ensemble In 1973, the Museum of Natural History invited were always replete with variety, excitement, color Tomov to deliver a lecture and to exhibit Mace- and youth. All those costumes were authentic and donian folk costumes and musical instruments. It is many were imported. Folk dances of the USA, not important to mention that the TOMOV Folkdance only of the Balkan states, were incorporated into Ensemble gave performances during the Winter the performing programs. The clog dances from Olympic Games at Lake Placid, New York in 1980. North Carolina should be singled out as particularly Later on, in 1986, George Tomov developed a special good. Those rustic American dances, together with choreography for the closing ceremony of the 100th the virtuosity of the Macedonian folklore, invariably Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty. Then, in 1990, brought applause. Practically every night, there was the TOMOV Folkdance Ensemble gave performances folk dancing at George Tomov’s studio as more and on the occasion of the official ceremony for the more people became attracted to this delightful, reopening of Ellis Island. This Ensemble toured four fresh festivity and invigorating form of social recrea- times in Macedonia, where they gave many stage tion and exercise. dance performances, including TV appearances In addition to the above-mentioned, the following there and abroad. Millions of TV viewers also saw accomplishments of George Tomov are also worthy the TOMOV Folkdance Ensemble. of mention. In 1979, this great man designed the In the same year (1990), George Tomov estab- costumes for the Boston production of Twelfth Night, lished the Macedonian Human Rights Movement of

So Kiro Doj~inovski / With Kiro Dojčinovski


Prva proba vo studioto ,,Tomov’’ / Rehearsal at the TOMOV Studio GEORGI TOMOV Vo 1991 godina Dr`avni ot arhiv na Makedo- ni ja od Skopje ja osnova fondacijata „Georgi To- mov - folklorist”, kako priznanie za negovite kulturni aktivnosti vo za~uvuvaweto i prezen- tiraweto na bogatata raznolikost na makedon- skata narodna umetnost vo Soedinetite Ameri- kan ski Dr`avi, Kanada i vo Avstralija. Toa e potvrda na faktot deka zgolemeniot inte res kaj mladite lu|e da nau~at pove}e za me|una rodniot folklor, gi vodi kon podobro me|usebno razbi- rawe so narodite od drugite zemji. Skulptorot Georgi Tomov Georgi Tomov se vrabotil kako skulptor vo Wu jork, vo Sculpture House. Negovo zna~ajno va- jarsko delo e skulptu rata na kow vo prirodna go lemina. Deloto be{e postaveno na vlezot na Georgi kako umetnik / George as an artist Badvajzer muzejot vo Koperstaun, Wujork, no denes nost e portre ti raweto; sekoe delo go ,,zarobuva” se nao|a vo Booly Gorden na Florida. Toj e avtor karakte rot, raspolo`enieto i karakteristikite na i na za{titniot znak na Canadian Spirits Compa ny te lo to, taka {to deloto „dejstvuva” kako da e `i vo. - vojnikot Bi fiter, a negoviot potpis se nao|a i Toj, kako umetnik so srce, bil progonuvan da soz- pod kow~eto {to ve}e dolgi godini e prepoz- dava sovr{eni vajarski dela. Negovata krajna `el - natliv znak na Black and White Scots Compa ny. ba bila da se preseli vo eden miren, tivok grad na Isto taka, ~ovekot {to celi 50 godini ja pro- zapad i da go pravi ona {to najmno gu go saka - da s lavuva makedon ska ta kultura, oroto, pesnata i tvori so svojot um i so svoite race. Georgi Tomov tradicijata {i rum svetot, ima izvajano golem broj gi iskoristuva mo`nostite koi Wujork gi nudi i drugi skulpturi kako: bisti, minijatu ri, pred- celosno gi ispolnuva svoite denovi. Dr`e{e meti i sli~ no. Za negovata rabota kako skulptor predavawa kako gostin-predava~ na Uni ver zi te - }e pozajmime del od tekstot na Albert Kej, kon- tot Wujork, pi{uva{e napisi za Folk Magazine i certen umetni~ki direktor, koj, me|u drugoto, go go prave{e rasporedot za serija predavawa na napi {a slednoto: kolexi na Zapadniot breg. Planovite za svoe Iljadnici lu|e koi go zapoznaa Georgi Tomov studio kade }e dr`i ~asovi za folklor i za va- vidoa deka patuvawata kombinirani so negovoto jarstvo se ispolnija i Georgi ja zadovoli svojata znaewe za igrata na teloto se vizuelno prika - ambicija da dava ~asovi i prifati edna od mno- `a ni vo ne go vite skulpturi. Negovata specijal- gute ponudi da predava na univerzitetsko nivo.

Tomov kako rezbar (kopani~ar) / Tomov as a wood-carver


New York, New Jersey and of the north-eastern part Budweiser Museum in Cooperstown, New York but of the United States. He was its first President. today it is located in Booly Garden in Florida. He is What is also impor tant to mention is that in the the author of the trademark of the Canadian Spirits Immigrants Song Book by Jenny Silverman, pub- Company – Biftier, the soldier, while his signature lished by Melbay, the Macedonian song titled ‘Bog can be seen also under the colt that has been a rec- da bie koj prv pojde’ was presented by George ognized symbol of the Black and White Scots Com- Tomov. He has written a large number of articles for pa ny for many years. newspapers and magazines all over America. A short In addition, this man, who has been making Ma- biography of George Tomov appeared in the Second ce donian culture, dance, song and tradition famous Edition of Marquis ‘Who is who in America’ as part throughout the world for 50 years, has also made a of the section covering the field of entertainment. large number of sculptures such as: busts, miniatu- From the late ’60s to now, this tireless soldier of re s, objects and similar. In regard to his work as a the arts, has delivered lectures and demonstrations sculptor, we will use the words of Mr. Albert Kay, of Balkan and Macedonian folklore and folk dances Concert Artists Manager, who, inter alia, has written throughout the United States, Canada and Australia the following: and at many universities, libraries, museums, churc- The thousands of people who met George saw hes, cultural institutions and clubs. George Tomov is that his travels combined with his knowledge about also a member of the American Association for the the dance of the body have been visually displayed Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS). in his sculpture. His specialty is portraiture; each In 1991, the Macedonian National Archives in work captures the personality, mood and lifelike Skopje established the Founda tion ‘George Tomov- bodily features so that his work of art makes a vivid the Folklorist’ in recognition of his cultural activities impression. He was an artist at heart driven to create in preserving and presenting the rich diversity of perfect pieces of sculpture. His ultimate desire was Macedonian folk arts in the United States, Canada to move to a tranquil town in the West and do what and Australia. The growing inte rest amongst youn - he loves best - to create with his mind and hands. ger people to learn more about international folklo- George Tomov is taking advantage of the oppor- re leads them to understand better other nationali- tunities that New York City offers and is filling his ties and, at the same time, to learn more about days to full capacity. He is delivering guest-lectures peop les from other countries. at the New York University, writing articles for Folk Magazine, and planning also itinerary for a college George Tomov - the Sculptor lecture series on the West Coast. His plans to have George Tomov has worked as a sculptor at the a studio where he could teach dance and sculpture New York Sculpture House. His significant piece of were realized, and so George fulfilled his teaching sculpture is the sculpture of a horse in natural size. ambition and accepted one of the many offers that This sculpture was placed in the entrance hall of the he received to teach at the university level.

Statuetkite Vodarki / The Vodarki statuettes


Od ateqeto na Georgi Tomov / From George Tomov’s atelier Od ateqeto na Georgi Tomov / From George Tomov’s atelier

Od ateqeto na Georgi Tomov / From George Tomov’s atelier Od ateqeto na Georgi Tomov / From George Tomov’s atelier


Od domot na Georgi Tomov / From George Tomov’s home Od domot na Georgi Tomov / From George Tomov’s home

Od domot na Georgi Tomov / From George Tomov’s home Od domot na Georgi Tomov / From George Tomov’s home


Bob Betoni so familijata Betoni / Bob Bethony with his family

Bista na Bob Betoni / A bust of Bob Bethony

So vnucite Tatjana i Slobodan / With nieces Tatjana and Slobodan


Pred Le{o~kiot manastir / In front of the Lešok Monastery So Aco Filipovski / With Aco Filipovski

So Violeta Santovska / With Violeta Santovska So sestrite Zagorka i Mare / With his sisters Zagorka and Mare




Od nastapite na ,,Tomov’’ vo Makedonija / From the stage performance of TOMOV in Macedonia

Od nastapite na ,,Tomov’’ vo Makedonija / From the stage performance of TOMOV in Macedonia

Od nastapite na ,,Tomov’’ vo Makedonija / From the stage performance of TOMOV in Macedonia


Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV’s repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV’s repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV’s repertoire


RITMOT NA KOREOGRAFOT Makedonski narodi igri i pesni

Makedonskiot materijalen i duhoven prostor se objaveni vo spisanieto ,,Viltis” (Nade`), od nikoga{ ne bil zatvoren. Naprotiv, makedonski - Denver, Kolorado, specijalizirano za folklor te duhovnici, kulturolozi, pisateli, likovni, i narodni igri. Vo svojot analiti~ko-stru~en folklorni i drugi tvorci, postojano bile del trud, toj pi{uva: od humanisti~kite tekovi i pobornici na edna Va`en element vo makedonskata nacionalna poinakva vizija, edna posvetla idnina na ~o - istorija e kreativnosta na zemjata i eden seg- ve{t voto. Taa se zasnova vrz makedonskata kul- ment od taa kreativnost ja pregrnuva virtuoz - tura, tradiciite i obi~aite. Zatoa i Georgi nosta na makedonskite ora, od edna strana, i Tomov gi sledi patekite na makedonskite vidni im presivnata akcija/ dejstvo, od druga strana. dejci i narodni sozdateli od minatoto i denes, Makedonskoto narodno oro odrazuva edna speci- pa negovite znaewa od folklorot od Makedonija fi~na karakteristika na nacijata, so frapant- i po{iroko od Balkanot, gi prenesuvaat vo no- na blagonaklonost kon sosednite dr`a vi i na - vi te sredini kade i da e. Taka, zna~aen prilog ro di. Vo isto vreme, makedonskite narodni ora za folkloristikata vo SAD, a so toa i za Make - samite po sebe imaat individualnost so vrodena donija i po{iroko, se negovite tekstovi posve - elegantnost vo slo`enite dvi`ewa i celosna teni na makedonskite igri i pesni. Narednite predanost kon teloto i du{ata. Tie implementi - dva teksta na Georgi Tomov se tokmu takvi. Tie raat edna specifi~na harmonija i gi podignuvaat

,,Tomov’’ so pirinski ora vo Makedonija / TOMOV with Pirin folk dance in Macedonia


RHYTHM OF THE CHOREOGRAPHER Macedonian folkdances and songs

Macedonian material and spiritual space has never texts of Mr. George Tomov are only examples. They been closed. On the contrary, Macedonian spiritual were published in the Viltis (Hope) a magazine of clergymen, cultural workers, writers, artists, folklo- folklore and folk dance in Denver, Colorado. In his rists and other creators have always been a part of analytical and expert work, he wrote: the humanistic movements and supporters of a An important element in Macedonian national diffe rent vision, of one brighter future for mankind. history is the creativity of the country and a seg- This is based on Macedonian culture, traditions and ment of that creativity embraces the virtuosity of customs. That is why George Tomov has been also Macedonian folk dances on one side and the impre- following the roads of the Macedonian prominent ssive action on the other side. The Macedonian folk makers and folk creators from the past and of dance reflects a specific character of the nation, today, so he presents and transmits his knowledge with a striking affinity to neighboring countries and about the folklore from Macedonia and further from peoples. At the same time, the Macedonian folk the Balkans in new surroundings and settings, whe- dances have their own individuality, with inherited rever he is. His texts about Macedonian folk dances elegance in their complex movements and entire and songs are a significant contribution to the sci- devotion to the dancers’ body and soul. They imple- ence of folklore in the United States of America, but ment a specific harmony and elevate the emotions also in Macedonia and beyond. The following two to a degree of utmost perfection. They conjure up a

,,Tomov’’ so pirinski ora vo Makedonija / TOMOV with Pirin folk dance in Macedonia


Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire


Od Evropskiot festival / From the European Festival

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

^lenovi na ansamblot ,,Tomov’’ / Members of the TOMOV Ensemble

PART III - FOLKLORE HERITAGE 141 GEORGI TOMOV ~uvstvata na stepen na krajna perfekcija. Povi - boj i od zadovolstvoto, go dolovuva vol{epstvoto ku vaat na prekrasno, emotivno i ritmi~no dvi- na tancot i oddava priznanie na svojot entuzi- `e we na teloto koe evocira ve~na inspiracija. ja zam preku inovacija na raznoobrazni dvi`ewa Mnogu istoriski momenti povrz ani so drevnata i figuri. Ete taka Makedonecot, ponesen od vio - i neodamne{nata istorija na Makedoncite ne se rot na edna pesna povrzana so istoriski momen- slu~ajno povrzani; niv niot odraz e ekstremno tum, t.e. spomen od makedonskoto minato na edno vidliv vo dobro pozna tite narodni ora: Te{koto, oro, mu pripi{uva specifi~na crta ili glavna Rusalii, Neves tin skoto, Komitskoto, Kalajxis - osobina koja manifestira samostojnost i origi- ko to, Beran~eto, Aramiskoto, @etvarskoto, Ko- nalnost pome|u drugite narodni ora na Balka not. pa~ kata i dr. Niz vekovite, pa i denes, vo Ritamot na igrata dvori{tata na markantnite vizantiski crkvi, Edno narodno oro ili grupa narodni ora, vklu- selskite ku}i, sobirite za vreme na odmorite i ~uva ekstremno rasko{na povrzanost na ele men ti na komemorativnite istoriski datumi, se sobi- na ~ekori nameneti da sugeriraat karakte ris ti~ - raat igroorci od oddale~eni mesta za da go pro- ni strani na idejata i na celta {to e pred nego. s lavat i odbele`at povodot, simbol na make- Te{ko e da se sfati genijalnosta na ~oveka donskoto minato, potsetuvawe na idejata za za- koja go inspirira vo kreativ nosta na oroto. ed ni~ko `iveewe, da sozdadat idealna bratska Postojat golem broj ~ekori i ora koi ja skrivaat ~ove~ka zaednica. Narodnite igra i pesni ne neobjasnivosta na fenomenot na sli kawe na poznavaat granici me|u narodite. obi~ niot, sekojdneven `ivot na Make doncite. Narodnoto oro vodi poteklo od narodite, od Imiwata na orata poteknuvaat od li~ni, geo- lu|eto. Toa im slu`i nim i vospos tavuva unikat- grafski i religiozni referenci, ve{ti ni i na osnova za nivno edinstvo. Makedonskite nar- identifikacii {to im se pripi{uvaat na rev- odni ora imaat sli~nosti so narodnite ora na olucijata, duhot, bitot i sl. Karakteristi ki te sosednite dr`avi (Srbija, Bugarija, Albanija i na sekoe specifi~no oro zavisat od izvorot, Grcija). Oroto se igra vo krug, vo nasoka spro- potekloto i vremeto na sozdavaweto; od razno- tivna na strelkite na ~asovnikot. Postojat ma{ - likosta i bogatstvoto na mestoto, etni~kite i ki, `enski i me{ani ora. Napravena e podelba drugite aspekti na regionot. spored odredeni crti, celta i kontekstot. Seko e Gleda~ot e iznena den od pravilnata forma- od niv go vodi orovodec, takanare~en tan~er, cija na igraorci i toj ima nagon i te`nee da gi zbor koj doa|a od zborot tanec-narodno oro. Oro- izrazi svoite isklu ~itelni ~uvstva vo superla- vodecot se smeta deka e najdobriot igroorec. tivi. Toj }e ka`e de ka oroto e elegantno, plas- Sli~no, za da se postigne odredena pravilna ti~no, koreografski boga to, fleksibilno, sup - forma na prsten, ima i drug dobar igroorec na til no, emotivno oboeno, itn. No, navistina ni- kraj od prstenot, takanare~en „kec”. Ne e retko koj ne mo`e da navleze vo osnovniot motiv - da se bide svedok na inspirativna kreativnost pottikot, potstrekot, koj e su{tina i generator na orovodecot koj, pridvi`uvan od emotiven na - na takvata impresivnost.

Pirinska igra / The Pirin Dance

142 DEL III - FOLKLORNA RIZNICA GEORGI TOMOV wonderful, emotional and rhythmical movement of through innovation of diversified movements and the body which evokes eternal inspiration. Many figures. In that way, any Macedonian, carried away historical moments related to ancient and recent by the whirlwind of a country folk song, linked to a history of the Macedonians are not coincidentally historical memento of the Macedonian past of a connected; their reflection is extremely visible in the dance, attributes a specific feature or flavor to that well-known folk dances named Teškoto, Rusali, dance which manifests originality in comparison Nevestinskoto, Komitskoto, Kalajđiskoto, Berančeto, with other folk dances of the Balkans. Aramiskoto, Žetvarskoto, Kopačkata, etc. Through - The Rhythm of the Dance out centuries and even nowadays, the courtyards of A folk dance, or a group of them, includes an the remarkable Byzantine churches, country hou- extremely lavish junction of the steps’ elements ses, gatherings during holidays and in commemora- designed to suggest distinctive aspects of the idea tion of historical dates, dancers from distant places behind it and of the purpose ahead. and from other countries would come to celebrate It is hard to comprehend the genius of a man those events and occasions – symbols of the Mace- who is inspired by the creativity of dance. There is do nian past, remembrance of the idea to live toget - a significant number of steps and dances that con- her, and to create an ideal brotherly human co- ceal the inexplicable phenomenon of depicting the mmunity. ordinary, everyday life of the Macedonians. Folk dances and songs recognize no boundaries The names of the dances originate from the per- among nations. The folk dance originates from the sonal, geographical and religious, i.e. biblical refer- people. It serves them and establishes a unique ences, skills and identifications attached to a revolu- basis for their unity. Macedonian folk dances bear a tion, spirit, beat, etc. The characteristics of each similarity to the folk dances of their immediate particular dance depend on the source, origin and neighbors – Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece. time of its creation; they depend on the diversity The dance is performed in a ring, counter-clock- and richness of the place, of the ethnic and other wise. There are men’s, women’s and mixed folk aspects of the area and on ethnic and other aspects dances. A distinction is made according to certain of the region. Any spectator is surprised by the reg- features, purpose and context. Each folk dance is ularly-shaped formation of dancers and he is urged led by a dance leader, so called Tančar, the name to express his outstanding feelings in superlatives. of which derives from the word ‘tanec’ which means He would say that the dance is elegant, plastic, a folk dance. The dance leader is considered to be choreographically rich, flexib le, subtle, emotionally the best dancer. Likewise, to achieve a specific reg- colored, etc. But no one can really probe into the ular shape of a ring, there is another good dancer basic motive - the stimulus, the incentive which is at the end of the ring, the so-called ‘kec’. It is not a the essence and generator of such an impressive- rare occasion to witness an inspired creativity of the ness. dance leader, who, geared by emotional charges The Macedonian dance is restrained, cautious - and enjoyment, pays tribute to his own enthusiasm you have an irresistible feeling that the dancers’

Pirinska igra / The Pirin Dance


Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire


So Slavko i Jordan / With Slavko and Jordan

Nastap na u~enicite na Tomov / Stage performance by the TOMOV’s pupils

So vidni Makedonci vo Wu Xersi / With prominent Macedonians in New Jersey

PART III - FOLKLORE HERITAGE 145 GEORGI TOMOV Makedonskoto oro e vozdr`ano, pretpazlivo Qubov, zadovolstvo, taga, razdelbi... - ima te neodolivo ~uvstvo deka stapalata, so se - Op{to re~eno, makedonskoto narodno oro e koj ~ekor, baraat bezbedno, sigurno mesto da se oro koe gi aktivira site delovi na teloto. Dvi - od morat. Oroto ~esto zapo~nuva so dvi`ewa koi `e wata se namaluvaat na mestoto, soobrazeni se sli~ni na religiozni emocii. Na primer, vo so vekovniot stil i emotivnoto izrazuvawe. Ne - zapadniot del na Makedonija (Te{koto, Neves - prekinato, najpopularni ora vo Makedonija i tin skoto), na po~etokot tempoto re~isi e arit- natamu ostanuvaat pravoto, lesnoto, za ramo, i mi~no, za vo podocne`nata faza da se razvie vo dr. koi se ritmi~ki identi~ni, no koreografs- edno visokoritmi~no nivo vo potraga po eks - ki razli~no postaveni, so izobilstvo na figuri plo zivna veselost i, na to~kata na najdivoto koi s¢ u{te se razvivaat. Pridru`bata na ovie tempo, toa prestanuva kako simbol na pogodena ora e uspe{no komponirana i tie stanale na - cel. Igroorcite ne go napu{taat podiumot po- rod ni ora koi go otslikuvaat i veli~aat sekoj - radi fizi~ka iscrpenost, tuku poradi procesot dnevniot `ivot na ~ovekot. Te{ko e da se pove - na „ostvarenost, na postignatost”. Koga bi pro- ru va deka postoi ~ovek vo Makedonija koj ne dol `ile so igraweto, oroto bi ja izgubilo svo- znae da igra barem edno od ovie poznati ora. jata smisla. Od poseben interes e faktot deka Spored podatocite na Institutot za folklor na koreo grafijata vo makedonskite ora proizlegu- Makedonija, stotici baletski grupi pravat na - va od sekojdnevniot `ivot. Go imame slu~ajot na pori da go zadr`at narodnoto oro, a brojnite ka lajxisko oro, koe vklu~uva profesionalni festivali vo Makedonija davaat mo`nost da se dvi `ewa na kalajxiskiot zanaet i koe e koreo- prika`e ova ogromno nacionalno nasledstvo i, grafi rano vo toj {ablon. Drugi ora se oroto na istovremeno, na kulturata £ davaat mo`nost da `et varot, oroto na ora~ite, itn. Vredno e da se izleze od anonimnosta za da im ovozmo`i na spomene deka toa se ora koi naslikuvaat ~udes - drugi narodi isto taka da u`ivaat vo genijal- ni, veli~estveni mimiki na qubovta i borbite nosta na makedonskiot narod preku negovite na - na ov~arite i site vidovi aktivnosti, te`nee - rodni ora... wa od sekojdnevnoto `iveewe. Me|u drugite raboti, Tomov vo spisa nieto Od druga strana, orata od isto~nite delovi „Na de`” broj 14-15, veli deka Makedoncite, na Makedonija neguvaat edno balansirano tempo posledniot narod na Balkanot koj ja dobi svojata bez ekstremni promeni. Kompleksnosta i sup- nacionalna sloboda (a, sepak, necelosna bidej - tilnosta na koreogra fijata i ritamot na make- }i Makedoncite vo Grcija i vo Bugarija s u{te donskoto oro se direkt no povr zani so muzi~kiot ¢ ja nemaat po~uvstvuvano sre}ata na sloboden ritmi~ki bit, bidej}i oroto, po pravilo, e pod- narod), trpat socijalna i op{testvena nepravda dr`ano od muzikata i od pesnata. kako rezultat na militantnite pretenzii na

,,Tomov’’ vo Makedonija / TOMOV in Macedonia

146 DEL III - FOLKLORNA RIZNICA GEORGI TOMOV feet, by each step, are seeking a secure, safe place Love, Pleasure, Sadness, to rest. The dance frequently begins with move- Saying good-bye… ments which are similar to religious emotions. For Generally speaking, Macedonian folk dance is a instance, in the western part of Macedonia dance of emotional control and of all parts of the (Teškoto, Ne ves tinskoto), the tempo is almost body. Movements fall into place which are in confor- arrhythmic at the beginning, to develop, at a later mity with the century-old style and with emotional stage, into a high rhythmical level in quest of explo- expressions. The most popular dances in Macedo nia sive happiness and, at the point of the wildest incessantly remain to be the Pravoto, Lesnoto, Za tempo, it stops as a symbol of a target being ramo, etc., which are identical in rhythm, but diffe- reached. The dancers do not leave the floor becau- rent in choreographic setting, with an abundance of se of being physically exhausted but because of the figures that are still evolving. The accompaniments process of ‘becoming accomplished, of being self- to these dances have been successfully composed realized’. In case they went on dancing, the folk and they have become folk dances which praise a dance would lose its sense. The fact that the man’s daily life. There is hardly a man in Macedonia choreo graphy of the Macedonian dances is derived who does not know how to dance at least one of from everyday life is of particular interest. Such is these popular dances. According to data provided the Kalajđisko dance which includes professional by the Folk Dance Institute of Macedonia, hundreds movements of the tinsmith’s trade. It has been cho- of ballet groups are making efforts to retain the folk reographed following exactly that pattern. Other dance, while many festivals in Macedonia afford an such dances are the dance of the harvester, the opportunity to display this enormous national heri- dance of the ploughmen, etc. It is worth mention- tage. At the same time, such festivals offer the cul- ing that they are dances which marvelously mimic ture a chance to emerge from anonymity and in that the actions of love and the struggles of shepherds, way to enable other nations to likewise enjoy the as well as any types of activities and aspirations of genius of the Macedonian people through their folk everyday living. dances... On the other hand, the dances from the eastern George Tomov says, inter alia, in the Viltis Maga- parts of Macedonia foster a balanced tempo with no zi ne, No. 14-15, that the Macedonians, the last na- extreme changes. The complexity and subtlety of ti on on the Balkans who gained their national free- the choreography and rhythm of the Macedonian dom (yet not a complete freedom, since the Mace - dance are directly linked with the musical rhythmic do nians in Greece and Bulgaria still have not felt the beat since the dance, as a rule, is supported by the happiness of a free nation), have endured social music and the song. injustices as a result of the militant pretensions of the neighboring countries. This Macedonian land,

,,Tomov’’ vo Bitola / TOMOV in Bitola, Macedonia

PART III - FOLKLORE HERITAGE 147 GEORGI TOMOV sosednite dr`avi. Ovaa makedonska zemja navis - hai~ni pesni poprimaat voshituva~ka slo`e - ti na bila lulka na znaeweto i e progoltana, op- nost vo svojata ubavina. kru `ena, vo ramkite na Balkanskiot Polu os trov. Istiot vid na konstrukcija pesni vo po slo - Literaturata i folklorot na Makedonija pro iz - `e ni pesni od tri melodii, mo`e da se najde vo le guvaat i se sovpa|aat so razvojot na samo sves - baladite od istorisko poteklo. Spored profe- nosta i na nacionalnite ~uvstva na ovoj narod. sorot J. Slaven ski, ovie vidovi melodii na vis - Kako i vo razvojot na ostanatata slovenska tina se drevni, mnogu od niv prethristijanski i li teratura, poezijata e taa {to prva se pojavi- tie gi reflektiraat tragite na arhai~nite la vo zemjata. Narodnite stihovi izobilu vaat pesni karakteristi~ni za balkanskata muzika. so ~uvstva i lirski kvalitet. Osnovnata karak- Od druga strana, ovie melodii, sprotivno na teristika reflektira ednostavnost i prirod- svoite tonaliteti, se reminiscencija, odnosno nost bazirani vrz {areniloto na sekojdnevnite potsetuvaat na pesnite koi duri i denes mo`e aspekti od ~ovekoviot `ivot. Simbolot na ~ove - da se slu{nat vo poliwata vo tekot na `etvata kot e evidenten vo makedonskite narodni pesni. na p~enicata i koi preovladuvaat vo isto~nite Tie izrazuvaat qubov kon tatkovinata, go izra- delovi na Makedonija, po~nuvaj}i od Ov~e Pole, zu vaat tipi~niot ju`en temperament koj izobi- Pelagonija... luva so qubov i nejzinite istovremeni bolki, Popularnosta i originalnosta radosti i razdelbi. Ovie narodni melo dii go simboliziraat `i - na makedonskata pesna vo tot na Makedoncite i navleguvaat vo nivnite Osven ovie pesni, koi se retkost vo Make do - du{i. Seto ova poetski se iska`uva vo harmo nis - nija, mo`e da se slu{nat melodii koi gi karak- kata povrzanost pome|u zborovite i muzikata. terizira poln osnoven ton so registrirana, Narodnite melodii vo ma kedonskoto narodno vpe ~atliva i klasi~no ubava ukrasenost. Te{ko oro opfa}aat cela skala na tonska raznovid- e tie da se pretvorat vo eden sistem na tonovi. nost. Nekoi pesni imaat samo edna melodija, Postojat uredi koi uka`uvaat na tonovi so po- dru gi imaat desetina ispreple teni motivi. Mo- mal ku od polovina ton, registrirani so speci- `e da zvu~i ~udno da se ka`e „samo edna melo- jalna zvu~na oprema. Mnogu e te{ko da se repro- di ja”. Povr{no, toa mo`e da zvu~i taka, no, ducira edna tipi~na narodna pesna so kakov vsu{nost, toa e edna osnovna vo de~ka melodija bilo specifi~en muzi~ki instrument soobrazen prigodno ukrasena so rasko{ni „devijacii”. Ot - na {timaweto, na pr, moderno, sovremeno pija - tu ka, ona {to najprvo predizvikuva vpe~atok no. Tokmu toa e pri~inata {to narodnite in- deka e ednostavno, nabrzo ja menuva formata i stru menti nikoga{ ne se soobrazuvaat so tempe- karakterot i stanuva sosema slo`eno. Ovie ar - ramentot, ne se {timaat.

,,Goce Del~ev’’ pred OON / GOCE DELČEV in front of the UN

148 DEL III - FOLKLORNA RIZNICA GEORGI TOMOV bounded by the Balkan Peninsula, has been indeed many of them being pre-Christian, which reflect tra- a cradle of learning and knowledge. The litera ture ces of archaic songs characteristic for Balkan music. and folklore of Macedonia stem from and coincide On the other hand, these melodies, contrary to their with the development of this nation’s self-aware- tonalities, are reminiscent of the songs which can ness and its national feelings. be heard, even today, during harvesting the wheat As it is the case in the development of the liter- fields. They are prevalent in the eastern parts of ature of other Slavs, poetry was the first art which Macedonia starting from Ovče Pole. developed in this country, too. The folk verses abo- In addition, George Tomov has issued a long und in feelings and lyric quality. The fundamental play record with nine folk songs and dances which feature reflects the simp licity and naturalness based was accepted warmly by the listeners in the USA on the multi-colored everyday aspects of human and Canada. life. The symbol of a man is evident in Macedonian Popularity and originality folk songs. These songs express love for homeland, the typical southern temperament which abounds in of the Macedonian Song In addition to these songs, which are rare in love and its concurrent pains, glad feelings and Macedonia, one could hear tunes featured by a full adieus. These folk tunes symbolize the lives of Ma- basic tone with impressive and classically beautiful ce donians and probe into their souls. All this is poet- ornamentation. It is difficult to convert these tunes ically expressed in the harmonious link between the into a system of tones. There are devices which words and music. demonstrate tones of less than a half-tone, regis- The folk tunes in Macedonian folk dance embra - tered by special sound equipment. It is quite diffi- ce a full scale of tonal diversity. Some songs have cult to reproduce one typical folk song with any only one tune, others have ten intertwined motifs. specifically tempered musical instrument, for exam- It may sound strange to say “only one tune”. ple a modern-day piano. It is for this reason that the Superficially it may sound like having one tune, but folk instruments are never tempered, never made actually it is only a basic leading tune suitably orna- to fit anybody’s temperament. mented with lavish deviations. Hence, what at first The second basic feature of this musical motif strikes one as being simple, soon changes its form lies in the specific folk rhythm in its original tempo. and character and becomes quite complex. These This rhythm poses a major problem in describing archaic songs assume an enchanting complexity in these songs with modern musical annotation. This their beauty. The same type of song constructions, rhythm is often said to be irregular and it is consid- i.e. more complex songs of three tunes can be fo- ered to be a typical rhythm of the old Balkans. One und in the old ballads. According to Professor J. Sla- thing is certain: the tempo of 5/4, 7/8, or 9/16 or venski, these types of melodies are indeed ancient, 8/8 with inter-divisions of 3, 2, 3, or 12/16 with

,,Goce Del~ev’’ / GOCE DELČEV


Gajda / Gajda

Tambura / Tambura

Tapan / Tapan


Dajre / Daire Kaval / Kaval

[upelka / Supelka Zurla / Zurla

PART III - FOLKLORE HERITAGE 151 GEORGI TOMOV Vtora osnovna karak te ristika na ovoj muzi~ - vo vremeto koga bile sozdadeni. Ne taka ~esto, ki motiv le`i vo spe ci fi~niot naroden ritam, mo`e da se slu{ne o~igledno iskri ven komentar vo negovoto originalno tempo. Ovoj ritam pret- naso~en kon orientalnite vlijanija vo odre de ni stavuva glaven problem pri opi{uvawe na ovie motivi {to gi ima vo makedonskite pes ni. Bez pesni so moderna mu zi~ ka anotacija. ^estopati somnenie, vo nekoi kratki pesni, sozdadeni vo se veli deka ritamot e nepravilen i se smeta ramkite na orientalen obrazec, mo`e da se najdat deka e tipi~en staro balkan ski ritam. Edno ne{- tragi od takvi orientalni vlijanija, a samo pozna- to e sigurno: za klasi~no obrazovan muzi~ar koj va~ na selskite pesni niv mo`e da gi prepoznae. e naviknat na klasi~ noto tempo od 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, Dolgo vreme makedonskiot narod ostanal pod 6/8, itn., tempoto od 5/4, 7/8 ili 9/16 ili 8/8 so vladeewe na Otomanskata impe rija, no ova ne vnatre{na podelba na 3, 2, 3 ili 12/16 so vna- zna~i deka `iveele vo tesni od no si so Turcite. tre{ni podelbi na 3, 2, 3, 4, 4, itn., izgleda Turcite bile ekstremno malcinstvo, iako do - nepravilno. volno mo}ni da nametnat vlast nad zakonskite i Tuka treba da se spomene deka nesomneno religioznite aspekti na Ma kedonija. Na toj na- makedonskite narodni motivi se pod vlijanie ~in, tie bile vladeja~ko malcinstvo, dodeka na Zapadot. Ova e od ponov datum i najverojatno Ma ke doncite ostanale obi~ni lu|e, takanare ~e - doa|a istovremeno so vlijanieto na urbanata ni „raja”. I do den-denes, sekojdnevnoto narod- kultura vo Make donija. Postoi vidna razlika no peewe vo orientalen stil, na primer vo pome|u toa kako se razvivaat takanare~enite crkvite, sî u{te provejuva pri slu {awe na pes- grad ski pesni i pesnite od seloto. Dis tink ci ja- nite od isto~novizantiski vid. ta pome|u ovie dva vida pesni e frapantna i So isklu~ok na dvostranoto prisustvo na lesno zabele` li va. orientaliot vid peewe (od dve strani?), make- Gradskite pesni se od ponov datum i samite donskite pesni ostanale mnogu pove}e avten- tekstovi toa mu go sugeriraat na slu{atelot. ti~ni otkolku {to mo`e da se o~ekuva. Interes - Pesnite se pod vlijanie na zapadnata muzika. no e da se zabele`i kako eden Makedonec koga Tokmu zatoa tie se mnogu popularni na Zapad. }e slu{ne turska pesna, istata ja sporeduva so Tie mo`e da se reproduciraat so omilena kom- „Ize Heruvim”? ili sli~na. Toa samo poka`uva binacija ili vo trio ili vo sekstet. Od druga deka sekoj poedinec ima svoi sopstveni ~uvstva strana, takanare~enite selski ili narodni pes - za isto~noto, orientalnoto, no kako tu|a muzi~- ni se sosema razli~ni od gledna to~ka na vidot, ka manifestacija. Mo`e da se navede deka mnogu tonalitetot i izborot na melodii koi poseduva - srpski i bugarski, albanski, pa duri i turski at mnogu pove}e nijansi, originalnost i zvu ci, narodni pesni od ponovo vreme, reflektiraat a site se karakteriziraat so neopipliva uba vi na edno vlijanie na makedonskite melodii bidej}i i se „za~ineti” so dare`livata po mo{ od ukra- tie se rasko{ni, dinami~ni i lesno „sfatlivi”. suvawe. Selskite pesni se od mnogu sta ri kom- Fakt e deka makedonskata pesna e popularna ne pozicii, ~esto povrzani za odredeni regio ni samo vo granicite na Makedonija, tuku se stekna - ili nekoi istoriski ili op{testveni nasta ni l a i so svetska popularnost, se veli vo tekstot.

Proba na kostimi / Trying on of the folk costumes


Vo Sv. Naum, Ohrid / At St. Naum Monastery, Ohrid inner divisions of 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, etc. seem irregular to oriental pattern, one can find those traces but they are a classically educated musician who is used to the recognized only by a connoisseur of the country songs. classical tempo of 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, etc. For a long time, the Macedonian people remai - It should be mentioned here that, undoubtedly, ned under the rule of the Ottoman Empire but this Macedonian folk motifs are under influence from the does not mean that they lived in close relationship West. This is of recent date and most probably with the Turks. The Turks were an extreme minority, comes along with the impact of urban culture on though powerful enough to impose authority over Macedonia. There is a visible difference between the legal and religious aspects of Macedonia. Thus, the development of so-called city songs and coun- they were the ruling minority while the people con- try songs. The distinction between these two kinds tinued to be an ordinary folk, so called ‘raya’. Thus of songs is striking and easily detectable. far and even now, the everyday singing in oriental The city songs are of recent date and the very fashion still pervades in the songs of the Eastern texts suggest this fact to the listener. The songs are Byzantine type, for example at churches. influenced by Western music. That is why they are Apart from the two-si ded presence of the orien- en ormously popular in the West. They can be repro- tal-type singing, Macedo nian songs remain far more duced either with a favorite combination in trio or authentic than it might be expected. It is interesting sextet. On the other hand, the so-called country to observe that when hearing a Turkish song any songs or folk songs are entirely different from the Macedonian would compare it with ‘Ize Heruvim’ or aspect of their type, tonality and choice of tunes similar. It only shows that each individual has his which have far more nuance, originality and sounds, own feelings about the music of the Orient, of the all being characterized with an intangible beauty Near East, but only as a strange and unfamiliar and ‘flavored’ with generous help coming from the musical manifestation. It could be said that many de coration. The country songs come from very old Serbian, Bulgarian, Albanian and even Turkish folk compositions, often related to certain regions or to songs of recent date partially reflect the influence of some historical or social events at the time of their Macedonian tunes since they are opulent, dynamic creation. Not so often one can hear some obviously and easily receptive. It is a fact that the Macedonian hurtful comments about the oriental influences in song is popular not only within the boundaries of certain motifs found in the Macedonian songs. With- Macedonia but it has also achieved fame all over the out doubt, in some short songs, molded within an world.


Na aerodromot vo Belgrad / At the Belgrade Airport

Na pazarot vo Struga / At the bazaar of Struga

Na pazarot vo Struga / At the bazaar of Struga


Makedonski motivi / Macedonian motifs

Makedonski motivi / Macedonian motifs

Makedonski motivi / Macedonian motifs


ANSAMBLOT „TOMOV“ Amerikansko-makedonska riznica

Georgi Tomov pristignal vo Wujork vo 1967 Golem broj od onie koi ~esto gi posetuv ale ovie go dina koga imal samo 34 godini. Se na{ol se - ~asovi, stanale ~lenovi na ne govata igroorna be si kako del od gradot {to go zasakal. Nabrzo grupa koja vo septemri 1974 godi na go odbele`u - nao|a rabota kako vajar vo Ku}ata na skulpturi - va premierniot nastap vo Armen ska ta crkva vo te (Sculpture House). Istovremeno, Georgi baral Wujork. Po~etokot na Folklor niot ansambl za mesta kade se igrale i peele narodni pesni i narodni igri „Tomov” bil vo Wujork, za podocna ora i naskoro bil vklu~en vo folklorot. Za ne- da gostuva i vo celiot svet. polna edna godina re{il i taka storil. Toj for- Vo 1974 godina vo Wujork go osnova Ansamb - mira svoe dru{tvo. Interesno e da se spomene lot za jugo slovenski narodni igri i ora „Tomov”. deka nekoi od lu|eto vo prvoto dru{tvo koe iz- Prvite au dicii gi odr`a na periferijata na veduvalo narodni igri i pesni profitirale od Grinvi~ vilix (Greenwich Village) vo 1975 godi- negovata obuka i samite so pravo stanale vode~ ki na. Najgolemiot broj od onie {to doa|aa da se igroorci. Me|u niv se Sejmor Darkho{ (Seymour obidat bea igroorci na koi Georgi Tomov im dr- Darkhosh), Xon Vagner (John Wagner) i Stiv `e {e ~asovi ili koi gi imaa videno demonstra - Zalf (Steve Zalph). Istata 1969 godina Martin ciite na jugoslovenski igri na stru~nite ~asovi Kenig (Martin Koenig), poznat amerikanski in struk - i na prezentaciite i predavawata za narodni tor za narodni igri, predlo`il igra orkite od ora vo celiot grad Wujork. negovata grupa, zaedno so igroor ci te od grupata Tomov po~na so probite vo septemvri, vo Mo- na Georgi da formiraat eden golem ansambl so relli Studios na 14-ta ulica. Startuva{e so dvae- Georgi kako umetni~ki direktor. Tomov bil cvrsto setina mladi Amerikanci - ma`i i `eni. Del od re{en da ima svoja sopstvena grupa i {est meseci niv bile iskusni ig roorci, a drugi nikoga{ ne podocna ja napu{til onaa na Kening i prodol- nastapile pred pub lika. No, site bi le is pol ne - `il po svojot pat. Ja sozdal folk-sagata „To- ti so entu zi jazam i bile podgotveni da posvetat mov”. No, ne bez negovo to ogromno plani rawe i vreme i naporna rabota da gi nau~at prvo osnov- postojana rabo ta. ni te, a potoa i posuptilni te tehniki i stilo vi Vo periodot od 1970 do na balkan skite igri. 1974 godina raboti na rea- Vsu{ nost, toa ne zna- li zi ra we na damne{niot ~e {e u~ewe samo eden, son za svoja sopstvena tu ku mnogu stilo vi. Kako folklorna grupa. Se vra}a {to Ameri ka e „go lem lo- vo Make donija i odi i vo nec”, t.e. mesto kade mno- dru gite jugo slovenski re - gu narodi od razli~ni ra- pub liki da nabavi av ten - si, zemji ili od op {test - ti~ni narodni nosii za veni klasi `ive a t, takva svojata privatna kolekci- be{e i Jugoslavija, sosta - ja i za svojot igraoren an- vena od: Makedon ci, Slo- sambl. Toj ja izra bo tuva ven ci, Srbi, Crnogorci, ko reogra fi jata i beskrajno Bosanci i drugi etni~ki is tra`uva vo sekoja faza malcinski grupi kako Al - od narodnite igri, pesni banci, Romanci, Ungar ci, i od folklorot. Vo 1972 a sekoj narod so svoj stil go dina zapo~nuva da dr`i na igrawe, peewe, oble- ~asovi sekoj pe tok pop lad ne. ku vawe. Celta na Georgi


THE TOMOV ENSEMBLE American-Macedonian Heritage

George Tomov arrived in New York in 1967, when were held in 1975 on the edge of Greenwich Village. he was only 34 years old. He found himself part of Most of those who came to try their luck were the the city which he got to like. Soon, he found a job folk dancers who had seen George Tomov teaching as a sculptor at the Sculpture House. In fact it was and demonstrating Yugoslav folk dances in master his first employment. At the same time, George classes and at folk dance sessions around New York sought places where folk dances were played and City. where folk songs were sung, and soon he joined in. In September, Tomov began rehearsals for twenty Within a year he made up his mind to form his own young American men and women at the Morelli Stu- company, and he did so. He established his own folk dios on the 14th Street. Although some were expe- ensemble. That same year, 1969, Martin Koenig, a rienced dancers, others had never performed before well-known American folkdance instructor, suggest- an audience. However, all of them were enthusias- ed that the female dancers from his band together tic and willing to devote their time and hard work to with the male dancers of George Tomov’s company learning first the basics and then the many subt- form one large performing ensemble with George as leties of the Balkan dance technique and styling. its artistic director. However, George Tomov was de - In fact, this did not involve learning only one termined to have his own company and six months style of dancing, but several ones. As America is a later, he left the Koenig group and he went his own melting pot, so was Yugoslavia - composed of Slo- way. He has made the Tomov folk-saga. But not ve nes, Serbs, Croats, Montenegrins, Macedoni ans, without tremendous planning and incessant work. Bosnians, and ethnic minority groups of Albanians, In the period from 1970 to 1974, George Tomov Romanians, Hungarians, and each of them had their worked on the realization of his dream to found his own style of dancing, singing and costuming. The own company. He returned to Macedonia and to Tomov’s goal was to bring to the stage an authen- other Yugoslav republics of that time to purchase tic and accurate presentation of the folklore style authentic costumes for his private collection and for from each region along with its distinguishing fea- his folk ensemble. He wrote out choreography and tures. endlessly delved into each phase of folkdance, folk- Among the first dances to be placed in the re- song and folklore. In 1972 he began his Friday night per toire were those from Macedonia, Tomov’s na- lessons. A good number of those who frequently tive country. He taught them how to dance the Po- attended his lessons became members of his per- vardarie, a suite of dances from the Vardar River re- forming group. September 1974 marked the debut gion, East Macedonia, a suite based on the farm life performance of George Tomov’s folk group at the of the villagers, as well as Nevestinsko - a slow and Armenian Church in New York. That was the beginn- lovely bridal dance, and also very beautiful and po- ing of TOMOV’S Folk Dan- pular. In that period, ce Ensemble and from this performing society New York it started tour- made significant prog- ing all over the world. ress by introducing Ma- In 1974, in New York ce donian and Balkan City, George Tomov es- folklore to the peoples tablished the TOMOV of the Uni ted States and Yugoslav Folkdance En- Canada. semble. In April 1975, his The first auditions for folk dance group had its the TOMOV Ensemble first major concert in

PART III - FOLKLORE HERITAGE 157 GEORGI TOMOV be{e na scena da dade avtenti~na, precizna stanuvaj}i nejzin osnova~ i pretsedatel. Ovaa prezentacija na folklorniot stil od sekoj re- kulturna organizacija be{e sponzorirana i od gion i so negovata glavna karakteristika. dr`avata Wujork i od Sovetot za umetnostite vo Pome|u prvite ora koi treba{e da se posta- Kvins. Vo toa vreme, Fondacijata izdavala i go vat na repertoarot bea onie od Makedonija, rod- {i rela spisanieto „Folkvju” (Folk View) {to op- nata zemja na Tomov. Toj gi u~e{e da go igraat fa}alo folklor, a koe privleklo golem broj spletot ora od Povardarjeto, od Isto~na Make - privrzanici na ovaa tema i na studioto „Tomov”. donija, pa splet ora bazirani vrz zemjodelskiot So tekot na vremeto, vo 1977 godina Studioto za `ivot na selanite, kako i ne ves tinsko - bavno, narodni igri „Tomov” i Fondacijata „Folkdens” no prekrasnoto poznato i preu bavo oro. Vo tekot go ispolnija sonot na Georgi - dru{tvoto stana na ovoj period, Dru{tvoto postigna golem na- profesionalno i postigna poln sjaj pod negovo predok so toa {to go vovede makedonskiot i bal- rakovodstvo. Vo toa vreme, folklorniot ansambl kanskiot folklor me|u lu|eto na Soedinetite za narodni igri „Tomov” nastapuva vo mnogu zemji Amerikanski Dr`avi i Kanada. niz celiot svet. Negovata privle~ nost stana uni - Vo april 1975 godina, negovata igroorna grupa ver zalna zatoa {to mu se voshituvaa mnogu novi go ima{e svojot prv golem koncert pred golem privrzanici na narodnite igri i ora od site auditorium vo Hanter kolexot (Hunter College), narodi i, {to e u{te pova`no, od site vozrasni spodeluvaj}i ja programata so dve drugi golemi grupi od razli~no etni~ko i na cio nalno poteklo. igraorni grupi, Ungarska (Ungaresca) i Janosik Vo Wujork nastapuvaa vo golemi te koncertni sali: (Janosik ). Bea dodadeni spletovi za da gi pre- Karnegi Hol (Carnegie Hall), Hanter Kolex (Hun ter zentiraat razli~nite ora od Posavina, vo Is- College) i Linkoln centaro t. Golemo be{e priz - to~ na Hrvatska, brzoto oro so skokawe linxo od nanietoa koga vo Ave ri fi{er hol (Avery Fisher Dalmacija i buweva~ko, oroto trio od Suboti ca, Hall) dru{tvoto na Tomov be{e izbrano za edna od vo blizina na granicata so Ungarija. Albanskoto najdobrite igraorni grupi vo dr`avata Wujork. vlijanie be{e evidentno vo {ota, oroto na dod- Ansamblot „Tomov”, ~ij dom se nao|a{e vo voruvawe od kosovskiot region. Spletot ora od Wu jork Siti, be{e formiran da gi za~uva i pro- Srbija gi prika`aa brojnite raznovidni dvi `e - movira balkanskite narodni pesni i ora vo toa wa - od spokojniot, precizen moravec do galopi- vreme. So svoite posveteni amerikanski tan ~e ri ra~kite ritmovi na katanka, oroto na kowanici. polni so entuzijazam, aktivno nastapuval na lo- Vo 1975 godina, Georgi ja osno va Fondacijata kalen, nacionalen i me|unaroden plan i od kri - „Folkdens” (Folkdance Founda tion Inc.), vo Wujork, tikata e visoko ocenet i doma i vo stranstvo.

Prv koncert na Tomov so A. Sarievski, K. Petrovski, V. Tomovska i Piperkovski, 1969 The first concert of Tomov with A. Sarievski, K. Petrovski, V. Tomovska and Piperkovski, 1969


Hunter College’s large auditorium, sharing the bill In New York, they have performed in the major con- with two other major folkdance groups - Ungaresca cert halls: Carnegie Hall, Hunter College and Lincoln and Janošik. A number of suites were added to pre- Center. In Avery Fisher Hall, George Tomov’s com- sent the different folk dances of Posavina from east- pany was selected as one of the best dance compa- ern Croatia, the Linđzo fast folk dance combined nies in the State of New York. with jumps from Dalmacia, and the Bunjevačko trio The TOMOV Folk Dance Ensemble, whose home folk dance from Subotica, near the Hungarian bor- was in New York City, was established to preserve der. The strong Albanian influence was evident in and promote Balkan folk songs and dances. Staffed the Šota courtship folk dance from the Kosovo by dedicated American dancers full of enthusiasm, region. The suite of dances from Serbia showed a the Ensemble actively performed on the local, great variety of movements - from the serene, pre- national, and international level, and it was praised cise Moravac to the galloping rhythms of Katanka, a by many critics both home and abroad. horseman’s dance. George Tomov and his Ensemble were commit- In 1975, George Tomov established the Folkdan ce ted to both keeping the folk traditions of the past Foundation Inc., in New York City, being its founder generations intact and sharing those traditions with and president. That cultural organization was spon- people of different ethnic backgrounds. Although sored by both New York State and the Queens the dancers were adapted to give stage presenta- Council on the Arts. The Folkdance Foundation Inc. at tions, extraordinary care was taken to preserve the that time published and disseminated the Folk View authenticity of footwork, styling, costumes, and spi- magazine covering folklore, which attracted more rit. It was believed that the Ensemble’s existence devotees to that subject and to the Tomov Studio. would help the richness and beauty of Macedonian Gradually, the Tomov Folkdance Studio and the and of Balkan folk heritage to be preserved, not lost Folkdance Founda tion were a dream come true - in or fade away. 1977 this performing company became a profe- George Tomov was a professional folk dancer of ssional society and had its hours of glory under the the world famous Croatian and Macedo nian nation- tutelage of George. At that time the TOMOV Yugo- al folk ensembles LADO and respectively TANEC, slav Folk Dance Ensemble toured internationally. whe re his brilliance as a soloist won him high criti- Their appeal was universal in that they have attrac- cal acclaim. Internationally recognized as an expert ted new devotees to folk dancing from all nations on Balkan dances, songs and folklore, he used to and, what is even more important, from all age give scheduled master classes and workshops groups of different national and ethnic backgrounds. throughout the United States and Canada, and he

,,Tomov’’ so amerikanska koreografija / TOMOV Ensemble performs American Siute

PART III - FOLKLORE HERITAGE 159 GEORGI TOMOV Georgi Tomov i negoviot Ansambl so ogromna nastapuvaweto i izveduvaweto. Bez razlika da- posvetenost gi ~uvaat narodnite tradi cii od li nekoj e introverten, ekstroverten, novajlija mi natite generacii nedopreni i gi spo de luvaat ili iskusen - vozbudata be{e golema, kako nied- tie tradicii so lu|eto od razli~no etni~ko po - na druga. tek lo. Iako se prisposobeni da na s tapuvaat na Del od voodu{e vuvaweto i predizvikot da se scena, izvonredna gri`a se vodi da se za~uva bi de del od Ansamblot „Tomov”, se sostoi vo raz- avten ti~nosta na ~ekorite, stilot, kostimite i nolikosta na situaciite, binite i scenite. Vo duhot. tekot na godinite, tie nastapuvaa na takvi slav - Se veruva deka postoeweto na ansamblot }e ni sceni kakvi {to se Karnegi hol i Linkoln pomogne bogatstvoto i ubavinata na makedonsko- centarot. Tie, isto taka, nastapuvaa i vo nastav- to i balkanskoto folklorno nasledstvo nikoga{ ni centri, parkovi, sportski sali, na muzi~ki da ne is~eznat. plat formi na otvoren prostor, sali, festival- Georgi Tomov bil profesionalen igroorec vo ski ho lovi, TV studija, sretsela i vo gradski „TANEC” i „LADO”, svetski poznatite folklorni palati. ansambli na Makedonija, odnosno Hrvatska, kade Vo Strumica na ulica so koncert poradi svojata brilijantnost kako solist stek - Vo prodol`enie ja pomestuvame reporta`ata nu va vi so ka ocenka od kriti~arite. za odr`aniot koncert na ansamblot „Tomov” vo Na{iroko poznat kako ekspert za balkanski Strumica, pred okolu 15 000 gleda~i, {to Fidan - ora, pesni i folklor, redovno dr`el stru~ni ka Tanaskova, novinar i dopisnik na makedon - ~asovi i predavawa niz cela Amerika i Kanada skoto radio vo Melburn, im ja prezentira{e na i serija predavawa i folklorni prezentacii na Makedoncite na pettiot kontinent, vo koja se veli: videolenti za balkanskata i amerikanskata te - „Georgi, glavniot koreograf, be{e posebno le viziska publika. vozbuden. Be{e prezadovolen od tolku gole mi ot Ansamblot „Tomov” imal ogromen broj profe- broj negovi sogra|ani, od siot toj nezaboraven sio nalni nastapi koi bile vozbudlivi, interes- am bient srede gradot. I ovoj pat saka{e da po- ni, precizni, koloritni i duhovni. Najgolemiot ka`e i doka`e deka rodnokrajnite ~uvstva niko- del od negovata aktivnost i dejnost se karakter- ga{ ne zgasnuvaat i deka ete, ne slu~ajno, duri izira so ~uvstvo na golema qubov za orata i so od preku okeanot dojde vo rodnata Strumi ca da respekt kon kulturnite tradicii od podnebjeto odr`i koncert so ansamblot koj li~no toj go od koe tie poteknuvaat. formira vo SAD, Wujork. Postoeja mnogu pri~ini zo{to lu|eto igraa Pesnopojcite i igroorcite, site do eden vo Ansamblot „Tomov”. No, osnovnata be{e mnogu Ame rikanci, bea kako zapnat lak, opsednati so ed nostavna: vistinskata, ~ista vozbuda poradi

Nastap vo Makedonija / Stage performance in Macedonia

160 DEL III - FOLKLORNA RIZNICA GEORGI TOMOV prepared a series of folklore lecture demonstrations the large number of his fellow townsmen that had on videotape for Balkan and American television gathered and with the unforgettable ambience in viewers. the center of the town. This time, he also wanted to The TOMOV Ensemble has given assuredly pro- demonstrate and to convince them that the feelings fessional performances - exciting, interesting, about one’s native country never fade away, that he vibrant, precise, colorful and spiritual. Most of all his did come in his native Strumica even from across work has been marked by a sense of great love for the ocean not by pure chance but with the aim of dances and respect for cultural traditions and for giving a concert with the ensemble that he, himself, the milieu from which they originate. had formed in the USA. There were many reasons why people danced The singers and dancers, all Americans, were as with the TOMOV Ensemble, but the main one was a drawn bow, obsessed with the thought that in simple: the sheer excitement of performing. Whet - such large auditorium, in front of such a mass audi- her one is introvert, extrovert, neophyte or sea- ence, they must give a concert to be remembered soned pro – the excitement was so high as to be as an important cultural event. beyond compare. The sounds of the most popular Macedonian Part of the zest and challenge of performing with folk-pearls echoed under the tall monument of Goce the TOMOV Ensemble was the variety of situations, Delčev, the great Macedonian son. Both dances and stages and theaters. Over the years, they have given songs followed in succession. The thunderous app - performances on such illustrious stages as Carnegie lause did not die down, the enjoyment and delight Hall and Lincoln Center. They also performed in ar- had no end. mo ries, parks, gyms, band shells, auditoriums, festi- The audience could not help wondering how val halls, TV studios, village squares, and city plazas. George Tomov managed to prepare the Ensemble A concert on Strumica square so well so that nobody could even think that they As a continuation, we are including here the were not Macedonians, but all of them Americans report about the performance given by the TOMOV who were much in love with Macedonian songs and Ensemble in Strumica before the 15,000-strong dances. In addition, they could not even find any audience, which Fidanka Tanaskova, a journalist shortcoming in the diction which they used to sing, and reporter of the Macedonian Radio in Melbourne, so skillfully, the songs such as Makedonsko devojče, Australia presented to the Macedonians on the fifth Prsten mi padna, etc. They reeled off the songs just continent, in which it is said: like pearls for which they drew sincere and uninter- George Tomov, the main choreographer, was rupted applause. specially excited. He was entirely satisfied both with As far as the dances, steps, rhythm, the Crno- gor ka and Dračevka, the Aegean and Pirin-

Nastap na Evropskiot festival vo Wujork / Stage performance at the European Festival in New York


Orkestarot na ,,Tomov’’ / The TOMOV orchestra mis la ta deka pred olkav auditorium, pred mno- ta za ogromnoto zadovolstvo od priredeniot gu brojnata publika, mora da priredat koncert koncert i re~isi profesionalniot odnos na koj }e se zapameti kako zna~aen kulturen nastan. ovie bes krajno golemi entuzijasti. Tie, vodeni Pod spomenikot na golemiot makedonski sin od upor ni ot i rodnokraen rodoqub Georgi To- Goce Del~ev, koj visoko se izdignuva na cen- mov, potro{ile denovi i denovi naporni tren- tralniot plo{tad, odeknaa zvucite na najpopu- inzi, ve`bi, samootka`uvawe i samodoka`u va - larnite makedonski folk-biseri. Oro do oro, we, za taka ubavo i taka dobro da gi nau~at pesna do pesna. Aplau zite na stivnuvaa, na makedonskite pesni i ora. voodu{evuvaweto mu nema{e kraj. Aplauzite i izvicite - bravo ! i bis!, kako Ne slu~ajno be{e is~uduvaweto kako Georgi {to podocna i samite tie momci i devojki, po- uspeal tolku dobro da go podgotvi ansamblot. mladi a i malku povozrasni, so zadovolstvo Koj bi pomislil deka tie ne se Makedonci, tuku raska`uvaa, bile nivnata najgolema nagrada i Amerikanci, silno vqubeni vo na{ite pesni i satisfakcija za vlo`eniot trud, rabota i ve`bi ora. Duri ne mo`e{e da se najde nitu edna i deka pak koga bi po~nale odnovo, tie pak bi maana i na dikcijata so koja tie taka ve{to gi bile so Georgi Tomov i pak so najgolemo zado- peeja „Makedonsko devoj~e”, „Prsten mi padna” i volstvo i predizvik bi gi u~ele makedonskite ostanatite, {to kako broenica red gi redea i folklorni broenici. postojano sobiraa iskreni aplauzi. Se poklonuvaa mnogupati, a toa kako da ne A za orata, za ~ekorot, za ritamot, za „Crno - be{e dovolno. Publikata ja iska`uva{e svojata gorka” i „Dra~evka”, za egejsko, pirinsko-make- golema blagodarnost {to tokmu srede Strumica donskiot igrooren splet, pa toa be{e po seb na be{e pri re den toj nezaboraven koncert na prikazna. So kakva lesnotija Amerikancite Xon, ansamblot. Bidej}i ansamblot „Tomov” dopatuva Xim, Kristina, Linda, Stiv i ostanatite, oble- specijalno od Wujork vo Makedonija, a so toa i ~e ni vo rasko{nite mariovski i gali~ki kolo - vo Strumi ca, za da n¢ uveri deka ona {to e rit ni nosii, gi vrtea orata, nebare ~ini{ deka vredno kako kulturno nasledstvo, koga u{te }e se ro de ni Makedonci, a ne lu|e {to pripa |aat se oblandira so entuzijamot do fanatizam, ete na drugi nacii i doa|aat od sosema drugi kakvi rezultati donesuva. etnikumi. Georgi Tomov, sozdatelot i umetni~kata Ansamblot „Tomov” tolku ja pleni nasobrana- alfa i omega na Ansamblot, ostana bez zbor. Sa- ta petnaesetiljadna publika {to i nekolkute ti sfakcijata be{e taa. Vrede{e siot trud i bis-repeticii pak ne bea dovolni da se „pro ~i - pat riotizam. Negoviot grad, negovata Strumica ta" i blagodarnosta i po~itta i, sekako, poraka- i negoviot ansambl „Tomov” ispi{aa nova


Macedonian dance suite are concerned, it was yet Strumica to convince us that what is valuable and another special story. John, Jim, Kristine, Linda, worthy as a cultural heritage when combined with Steve and other American dancers, dressed in luxu- enthusiasm bordered on fanaticism, yields such rious colorful costumes of Mariovo and Galičnik, positive results. Stru mica and Prilep, led and performed the dances Tomov, the creator and artistic alpha and omega so easily as if they were born Macedonians, not of the Ensemble, was speechless. It was his satis- dancers that belong to different ethnic back- faction. The entire effort and work were a worth- grounds. while investment. His entire work and patriotism The TOMOV Ensemble charmed the 15,000- brought about desired results and success. His birth strong audience so much that several encores were town, his Strumica and his Ensemble wrote a new not enough to express their appreciation and res- page in the chronology of this American ensemble pect and, of course, the message of enormous sa- linking America to Macedonia, wrote the well known tis faction from the concert performed and profes- journalist and publicist, Fidanka Tanaskova. sional behavior of those endlessly great enthusiasts. At the Winter Olympic Games Guided by the determined and patriotic George in Lake Placid Tomov, they had spent days and days in strenuous In 1980, the TOMOV Ensemble had the honor to training, exercises, self-assertion in order to learn perform for the athletes at the Winter Olympic the Macedonian songs and dances so well. Games in Lake Placid. Before that, when a severe According to their own words, the words of earthquake struck, the Ensemble immediately those American boys and girls, the applause and arran ged to give a benefit concert, all proceeds exclamations such as Bravo and Bis from the audi- intended for the earthquake victims. The Ensemble ence were their special award and high satisfaction gave many concerts in communal institutions, for the invested efforts, work and exercises and, as homes for the aged, and hospitals for veterans in they used to say later on, if they were to start anew, and around New York City, and it participated in the they would be again with George Tomov and again Week of Slavic Culture Manifestation each year. would learn the Macedonian folklore pearls with What enlivened and enriched its performances highest satisfaction and challenge. They bowed sev- and appearances since 1980 was the gradual dis- eral times, but evidently it was not enough. The carding of tapes with recorded dances and songs audience expressed their great appreciation for that and their replacement with live performances of unforgettable concert exactly in the center of Stru - vocal and instrumental melodies. The creation of mica. Since, the TOMOV Ensemble came specially the Tomov Folk Orchestra added a flavor of sponta- from New York to Macedonia and, respectively, to neity and even brought about surprising programs.

,,Goce Del~ev’’ so Bil Paskrel i Guvernerot na Wujork G-din. Korozan / GOCE DELCEV with Bill Paskrel and governor of N.Y. Mr. Korozan


GEORGI TOMOV stranica vo hronopisot na ovoj amerikanski mu zi~arite na Ansamblot „Tomov” da odat „na li - ansambl na relacija Amerika-Makedonija”, ja ce mesto” da gledaat i izveduvaat balkanski ora zavr{uva reporta`ata poznatata novinarka i vo nivnata izvorna sredina. Vdol` i popre ku, publicist Fidanka Tanaskova. patuvaj}i niz zemjata, so 19 kov~ezi za narodni - Na Olimpiskite igri te nosii i so veseliot voza~ na avtobus, ~leno - vi te na Ansamblot nau~ija ne samo za „Selskoto vo Lejk Plesid oro” i za „Lesnoto”, tuku, isto taka, i za zado- Vo 1980 godina Ansamblot „Tomov“ ima{e ~est volstvoto od pieweto tursko kafe i viwak i da dade pretstava za sportistite na Zimskite rakija, cenkaj}i se na pazarite i izleguvaj}i na olimpiski igri vo Lejk Plesid. Pred toa, koga kraj so tuka{nite makedonski trpezi na sve~e - se slu~i silen zemjotres, Ansamblot vedna{ or- nite ru~eci koi traeja i do docna vo no}ta. ga nizira{e dobrotvoren koncert, a prihodot Na nivnoto prvo patuvawe, edna makedonska be {e namenet za `rtvite od zemjotresot. An- filmska ekipa patuvala so Ansamblot za da samb lot odr`a brojni koncerti vo op{tinski snimi dokumentaren film za niv. ustanovi, vo stare~ki domovi i bolnici za vet- Tan~erite bile snimeni vo prekrasnite am - erani vo Wujork i negovata okolina, a sekoja bi enti na manastiri, na etni~kite paradi, na godina u~estvuva{e so narodni ora na manifes - recepciite i na koncertite. Vo tekot na turnei - tacijata „Slovenska kulturna nedela”. te, Ansamblot „Tomov” nastapi na Bitolskiot Ona {to gi zbogati i vnese `ivost vo izved- fes ti val kade imalo karti samo za stoewe i bite i nasta pi te od 1980-ta be{e postepenoto nivniot koncert bil emituvan na makedonskata liferuvawe na kaseti so snimeni ora i nivna TV vo `i vo. zamena so vokal ni i instrumentalni melodii vo Vrvna to~ka za samiot Georgi Tomov bil dvo- `iv o. Sozda vaweto na narodniot orkestar „To- ~a sovniot nastap vo Strumica, negovoto rodno mov” dodade za~in na spontanost i duri neo~eku- mesto. Okolu 15 000 lu|e se sobraa na gradskiot vana programa. Muzi~arite naporno u~ea i se plo{tad, nekoi bea ka~eni na drvjata, stoeja na trudea da gi sovladaat takvite selski instru- pokrivite i na prozorcite za da gi vidat „Ame- menti kako tapa not, gajdata, tamburata i frula- ri kancite na Tomov”, onie Amerikanci koi gi ta, a tan~erite po~naa i prodol`ija da ve`baat bie{e glas deka igraat kako vistinski, ~isto - i da peat vo balkanski stil. krv ni Makedonci. Kako {to Ansamblot se steknuva{e so slava, Edna od najnagraduvanite izvedbi be{e na Albert Kej, direktorot na Asoci jacijata za kon- Folklorniot festival vo „Ri versajd” (Riversi- certni umetnici, be{e anga`iran da gi orga- de), godi{en nastan vo Wujork na koj sekoja se- nizira rezervaciite. Po~naa da pristig nuvaat zona se prika`uvaat najdobrite i najinteresni - pokani od site delovi na Wujork, kako i od dru - te brojni i raznovidni folklorni dru{tva od gi dr`avi, i patuvawata zapo~naa. Vnat re{nata gradot. Ansamblot „Tomov” se istaknuval po toa organizacija se pro{iri za da go procesuira {to bil edinstveniot etni~ki ansambl koj bil rasporedot za probi i za nastapi, koj stanuva{e pokanuvan da se pojavi vo tekot na {est sezoni. s¢ pointenziven. Zad scenata, pove }eto odgov- Tokmu vo Riversajd, Ansamblot ima{e prv ornosti - tehni~ki, audio i osvetluvaweto - bea nastap so dve novi koreografii vo poslednive formalno skoncentrirani vrz ured nikot. Kuli - godini: splet na vla{ki ora od Srbija, vo kore- si te na scenata bea specijalno di zajnirani i ografija na Ciga Despotovi}, koj vklu~uva ener- napraveni za podobro raspolo`e nie na publika- gi~ni ov~ari i veseli mladi devojki. Vo sezona ta, kako i za istaknuvawe na narodnite nosii. {to pretstoela, Tomov debitiral so „Ladarke” Tan~erite gi nau~ija tehnikite na efi kas no koe kombinira peewe i igrawe, so cel da go scensko {minkawe i zemaa teatarski ~asovi za pretstavi drevniot balkanski ritual na prolet- da go zasilat svojot scenski nastap. Tie, isto ta, so menaxerot Emil Koseto. taka, nau~ija da se gri`at za svoite slo `e ni, Sezoni te vo Riversajd, isto taka, ostavaat avtenti~ni narodni nosii za da mo`at brzo da tragi za evolucijata na orkestarskiot i za vo- se presoblekuvaat so pomo{ na nekolku ve{ti kal niot ansambl. Ovaa programa vklu~uva{e ne pomo{ni~ki za narodni nosii, bidej}i toa be{e samo iz vedba na ora i tancuvawe, tuku i inter - podvig taka brgu da se manipulira so eleci, po- ludii (me|uigri) koi ja prezentiraa bogatata jasi, bluzi, ko{uli, tuniki, prestilki, ko la ni, {irina na balkanskata izvorno narodna pesna. pantaloni, vle~ki, ~izmi, {apki, cve}i wa, per- Georgi Tomov i Ansamblot, poneseni od vak- duvi, |erdani i {alovi. vata bogata koncertna aktivnot, so golemi na- Ansamblot „Tomov” be{e na turneja vo Make- de`i i entuzijazam gledaa vo idninata, bidej}i do nija, a potoa niz balkanskite zemji vo 1979 planiraa da ja pro{irat programata i nastapite godina, kako i povtorno vo 1981, 1985 i 1990 s¢ so cel na svetot u{te pove}e da im go prezen- godina, na pokana na makedonskata vlada. Ovie tiraat bogatstvoto, pred s¢ na makedonskata, a i turnei bez vozbudliva mo` nost za tan~erite i na balkanskata narodna tradicija.


The musicians worked hard to master such village instruments as drum (tupan), bagpipe (gajda), tam- buritza (tambura), and a type of wooden flute (frula), while the dancers began and continued to practice the Balkan-style singing. As the Ensemble began gaining a reputation, so Mr. Albert Kay, Director of the Concert Artists Asso- ciation, was engaged to make bookings and reser- vations. Invitations were extended from all parts of New York as well as from other states, and their tours began. The internal organization of the En- semb le was expanded to manage the schedule for rehearsals and performances which became busier and busier. The stage manager performed a number of backstage responsibilities related to technical aspects, such as lighting, scenery, sound. The stage backdrops were specially designed and shaped to set a mood for the audience, as well as to underline the folk costumes. The dancers learned the techni- ques of effective stage make-up and took theater lessons to enhance their stage performance. They also learned to take care of their complex, authen- tic costumes and to make quick changes with the assistance of several nimble-fingered costume mis- tresses, since it was a real accomplishment to maneuver with all those costume pieces, i.e. vests, belts, sashes, blouses, shirts, tunics, aprons, pants, slippers, boots, hats, flowers, feathers, necklaces, ‘Americans’, those Americans who enjoyed a good and shawls. reputation for dancing like real thoroughbred The TOMOV Ensemble went on tours in Macedonians. Macedonia and later on in the Balkan states in 1979 Some of the Ensemble’s most rewarded perform- and again in 1981, 1985 and in 1990 upon the invi- ances have been given at the Riverside Dance tation of the Macedonian government. Those per- Festival, an annual New York City event in which the forming tours were an exciting opportunity for the best and most interesting folk dance associations TOMOV dancers and musicians to go “on the spot” from New York City participate. The TOMOV to see and perform Balkan folk dances in their native Ensemble distinguished itself by being the only eth- settings. Traveling across the country with 19 cos- nic ensemble which was invited to appear for six tume trunks and with a jovial Macedonian bus dri- seasons. ver, the members of the Ensemble learned not only It was at Riverside where the Ensemble debuted about the ‘Village Folk Dance’ or about ‘Lesnoto’, but two new choreographies in their later years: a suite also about the delight in drinking Turkish coffee and of Vlach folk dances from Serbia, choreographed by vinjak (grape brandy), bargaining at the market- Ciga Despotovič, which included energetic shep- places, and coping with overgenerous lunch feasts herds and playful young maidens. In the season that that lasted later in the nights. followed, the Tomov would debut the ‘Ladarke’ folk On their first trip, a Macedonia film crew traveled dance, by composer Emil Cosseto, which combines with the Ensemble to produce a dance documentary singing and dancing to present the spring ritual of about them. the ancient Balkans. The dancers were filmed on location in beautiful The Riverside seasons also bear the traces of the monastery settings, during ethnic parades, at recep- evolution of the orchestra and vocal ensembles. tion desks and during their performances. Through- Those programs included not only folk dancing, but out their tours, the TOMOV Ensemble featured at also interludes which presented the rich range of the the Bitola Festival where there were tickets left for original Balkan folk songs. only standing room audiences, and their perform- George Tomov and the Ensemble, who were ca- ance was broadcast live on Macedonian TV. rri ed away by their rich concert activity, were enthu- The high point for George Tomov himself was the siastic and full of hope for the future since they plan Ensemble’s two-hour performance in Strumica, his to expand their program and their performances to native city. Around 15,000 people crowded the town present to the world, to a greater degree, the rich- square, climbed the trees, stood on the roofs, and ness of both the Macedonian and the Balkan folk looked out of their windows to see Tomov’s tradition.


Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire


Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire


^LENOVI NA ANSAMBLOT „TOMOV“ Glavniot personal vo Ansamblot TOMOV

Umetni~ki direktor Georgi Tomov Pomo{nik direktor, @enski ansambl Kristina Kalas Pomo{nik direktor, Ma{ki ansambl Doug [earer Scenski direktor Mauri Englander Pomo{nik na Scenskiot direktor Jan Flam Instruktori po vokalno peewe Marti Ripson Vendi [earer Odgovorni za nosiite Merion Blumental Fotograf Mauri Englander

Na sekoj ~len od Ansamblot mu se dava Informativen komplet so prati~ni soveti. Slednava Sodr`ina gi dava glavnite osobini na informaciite {to gi sodr`i ovoj Informativen komplet.

Informativen komplet Za novite ~elenovi na Ansamblot „Tomov”

• Kratok voved za Ansamblot • Spisok na koreografiite od repertoarot • Kako se ~uvaat i upotrebuvaat narodnite nosii • [minka za nastapite • Pomo{na oprema/predmeti za nastap {to igraorcite treba sami da si gi nabavat • Soveti za vremeto koga se oddr`uvaat probi • Kratok opis na koreografiite i na narodnite nosii • Notna/muzi~ka tetratka



Artistic Director George Tomov Assistant Director, Women’s Ensemble Kristine Kalazs Assistant Director, Men’s’ Ensemble Doug Shearer Stage Manager Maury Englander Assistant Stage Manager Ian Flamm Vocal Coaches Martie Ripson Wendy Shearer Costume Mistress Marion Blumenthal Photography Maury Englander

Each new member of the Ensemble is provided with an “Information Kit” of practical advice. The following Table of contents gives a flavor of the information contained in the kit.

Information Kit For New TOMOV Ensemble Members

• Short Introduction to the Ensemble • List of Choreographies in the Repertoire • Care and Use of Costumes • Performance Make-Up • Performance Items to be Supplied by Dancers • Tips on Rehearsal Time • Brief Description of Choreographies and Costumes • Sheet Music


^LENOVI NA ANSAMBLOT „TOMOV *Site onie koi nastapuvale so Ansamblot kako igroorci, peja~i ili muzi~ari ili bile negovi ~lenovi zad binata (odgovorni za narodnite nosii, osvetluvaweto, itn.)

1. Abramovitz, Jan 41. Doubleday, Chuck 81. Harris, Drew 2. Amoss, Billy 42. Dragicevic, Vera 82. Harris, Lane 3. Applebaum, Neil 43. Dragovich, Michael 83. Hawley, Emerson 4. Aran, Barbara 44. Dubois, Louis 84. Hecox, Laurence 5. Archibald, Ruth 45. Dubois, Marc 85. Heller, Terry 6. Aronovitch, Jane 46. Eckenrode, Lilikette 86. Hendel, Donna 7. Arsove, Pam 47. Eines, Marian 87. Hendel, Steve 8. Beatty, Sheila 48. Elson, Linda 88. Herndon, David 9. Beavan, John 49. Englander, Maury 89. Hill, Brand 10. Berger, Laurie 50. Erikson, Erik 90. Hirsch, Ann 11. Binney, Caroline 51. Feingold, Maida 91. Hirschberg, Myra 12. Birchfield, Belle 52. Fine, Elliot 92. Hodgson, Cynthia 13. Bleisch, Bill 53. Flamm, Ian 93. Hoffstein, Judy 14. Blumenthal, Marion 54. Flynn, Anne 94. Hollander, Stacy 15. Bobylak, Ksenia 55. Fooden, Flo 95. Hunt, Melinda 16. Bowen, Betsy 56. Forsmith, Julie 96. Ilievsky, Kete 17. Bowling, Pamela 57. Foster, Catherine 97. Isaacs, Beatrice 18. Brandeau, John 58. Francis, Mac 98. Jaskolski, Roberta 19. Brassard, Yvon 59. Frank, Carole 99. Johnson, Aline 20. Brodie, Susan 60. Frawley, Patricia 100. Kagan, Bruce 21. Brudaker, Ed 61. Garcia, Else 101. Kagay, Kitty 22. Bubic, Nera 62. Garcia, Vija 102. Kako, Cris 23. Bojold, Pierre 63. Garvey, Ann 103. Kalazs, Kristine 24. Bulgatz, Jim 64. Gewirtz, Michelle 104. Karlin, Neil 25. Bussey, Aaron 65. Ginsburg, Michael 105. Karner, Garry 26. Burger, Loraine 66. Glenn, Jeff 106. Karner, Lois 27. Calobrisi, Vivian 67. Goldberg, Jayne 107. Karner, Stephen 28. Campos, Terry 68. Goldberg, Susie 108. Kingan, Tim 29. Canavarro, Maria 69. Gonzalez, Carole 109. Kirschner, Susan 30. Christ, Peggy 70. Gordon, Becky 110. Kisslinger, Jerry 31. Clark, Morgan 71. Gordon, Yonina 111. Klein, Marshall 32. Cohen, Martha 72. Gould, Vicky 112. Kohn, Efraim 33. Cohen, Susan 73. Green, Sarah 113. Kohn, Steve 34. Sohn, Loraine (Friedman) 74. Gregory, Ella 114. Kollar, Dan 35. Corey, Steve 75. Carole Grenier 115. Kotansky, Susie (Snyder) 36. Cox, Mary 76. Gross, Linda 116. Koyama, Mimi 37. Cropper, Candace 77. Grossman, Laurie 117. Kremer, Marty 38. Daniels, Sue 78. Grumer, Ellen 118. Kropf, Noel 39. Derensis, Lisa 79. Gutkin, Gennady 119. Lacoss, Mary 40. Despotovič Ciga 80. Hall, Danita 120. Landriay, Gene


MEMBERS OF THE TOMOV ENSEMBLE The following is the alphabetic list of those who have performed with the Ensemble as dancers, singers or musicians or who were a backstage Ensemble member (in charge of costumes, lights, etc.)

121. Lapre, Anne-Pauline 161. Packard, Craig 200. Sherman, David 122. Laroche, Michel 162. Palmer, Caryn 201. Sherman, Edward 123. Lasnier, Gilles 163. Pellkofer, Debi 202. Shoup, Victor 124. Lazarevic, Zoran 164. Penttila, Randy 203. Simoncic, Louis 125. Lee, Lydia 165. Petrie, Joan 204. Sklamberg, Lorin 126. Lefrancois, Marie 166. Piilonen, Ellen 205. Skuse, David 127. Lesniak, Fred (Shulman-Lindner) 206. Smith, Matt 128. Levin, Theresa (Krasner) 167. Piilonen, Leo 207. Soblick, Steve 129. Lewis, Selwyn 168. Pine, Elinor 208. Spero, Arthur 130. Li, Ching 169. Polsky, Barry 209. States, Becky 131. Lippman, Peter 170. Pook, Jane 210. Stentz, Suze 132. Locker, Daphna 171. Prochazka, Alena 211. Sternberg, Linda 133. Long, George 172. Pulis, Carolyn (Mansdorf) 134. Lucas, Jim 173. Rayvid, Michelle 212. Sternberg, Michael 135. Luketich, Bernadette 174. Reardon, Eileen 213. Stilo, Don 136. Macintyre, Robert 175. Rembe, Joel 214. Strakosch, Kathy 137. Mahler, Julia 176. Ribeiro, Frank 215. Szajnberg, Debby 138. Mahovlic, Walt 177. Ripson, Martie 214. Tannenbaum, Rose 139. McAlpin, Bruce 178. Roberts, Hilary 215. Tchalakov, Mara 140. McCarrel, Susan (Barna) 179. Robinson, Katherine 216. Tietsworth, F. Wendell 141. McVeigh, Rod 180. Rockett, Kate 217. TOMOV, GEORGE 142. McVeigh, Rebecca 181. Rosen, Joyce Whitman 218. Topp, Louise 143. Mehlman, Bob 182. Rosseel, Isabeay 219. Tremblay, Louise 144. Merson, Barbara 183. Rubin, Cynthia 220. Von Hollweg, Max 145. Messing, Linda (Waldman) 184. Sakowitz, Jill 221. Wagner, John 146. Milevski, Niki 185. Salemson, Steve 222. Wong, Barbara 147. Milinkovic, Jelena 186. Samuels, Mark 223. Warren, Richard 148. Milinkovic, Nenad 187. Sarney, John 224. Weiner, Cathy 149. Milovic, Zoran 188. Saunders, Amy 225. Wenger, Eve 150. Miller, Becky 189. Saunders, Cindi 226. Weston, Ron 151. Minic, Jelena 190. Schaffer, Anne-Louise 227. Wilder, David 152. Morrissett, Paul 191. Scher, Anne 228. Whitman, Karen 153. Moss, Susan 192. Schillings, Steve 229. Wimmer, Jeff 154. Nova, Walery 193. Schultz, Rich 230. Yanich, Danilo 155. Noymer, Sandy 194. Selden, Bill 231. Zakula, Denise 156. Ogden, Joan 195. Selden, Marjorie (Kuras) 232. Zijic, Dragan 157. Olcan, Biljan 196. Semmlow, John 233. Zimmern, Felice 158. Oldham, Susanne 197. Shapiro, Joanna 234. Zupnik, Janette 159. Orso, Karen 198. Shearer, Doug 160. Ostrow, Robin 199. Shearer, Wendy (Brandeau)






Georgi Tomov / George Tomov


Linda Mansdorf-Sterberg / Linda Mansdorf-Sternberg Mark Semjuels / Mark Samuels

Geri Karner / Garry Karner Lori Grosman / Laurie Grossman


Karolin Pulis / Carolyn Pulis Riki Mekvej / Ricki Mc Vejogh

Beki Gordon / Becky Gordon Ela Gregori / Ella Gregory


Rod i Endrju (sin) Mekvej / Rod & Andrew (son) Mc Veigh Pegi-Kris i Marija Kanovari / Peggy-Christ & Marija Canovary

Merion Blumental / Marion Blumenthal Liza De Renziz / Lisa de Rensis


Marti Ripson / Martie Ripson Suzan Brodi / Susan Brodie

Vendi [irer / Wendy Shearer Lori Berger / Laurie Berger


[up Viktor / Shoup Victor Biqan Olcan / Biljan Olcan

,,Petorka’’ / The Petorka dance


Kristina Kalas / Kristine Kalasz


Georgi kako instruktor / George as an instructor



(Note: some small performances may be missing)

1974 11/28/74 Thanksgiving performance of “Povardarie” for Maryanne & Michael Herman folkdance event

1975 04/25/75 Hunter Arts Concert, Hunter College, NYC (Ensemble’s 1-st full show)

1976 05/22/76 Hunter College Folk Dance Festival (also Polish, Hungarian groups) 11/20/76 Akron, Ohio (replacement for Moiseyev)

1977 02/20/77 Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC O4/17/77 Queensborough Community College, Queens, NY 05/05/77 Paramus Folk Dancers, Paramus, NJ 11/06/77 FIT Folk Dance Festival (along with Hungarian, Ukrainian groups) 11/12/77 Hawaiian Festival, Cherry Hill Hyatt, NJ 11/18/77 Community Holiday Festival, Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, NY

1978 01/01/78 Community Holiday Festival, Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, NYC (billed in program as “Dances of Siberia”) 04/05/78 SUNY, Purchase, NY – under Division of Continuing Education and Public Service 04/16/78 Fashion Institute of Technology 10/28/78 Sandusky, Ohio – Sandusky Library Association 11/11/78 Truman H.S., Bronx, NY – part of dance series presented by Northeast Bronx Cultural Center 12/09/78 International Writers Festival, Suffolk County Community College

1979 03/79 Riverside Dance Festival (1-st time) 04/01/79 Felician College, Lodi, NJ – Friends of Felician College Library 06/03/79 Yugoslav Earthquake Benefit performance, Fashion Institute of Technology, NY 07/03/79 New York Ethnic Dance Festival, Carnegie Hall (with 3 other ethnic groups) 07-08/79 July/August 79 lst Performing Tour of Yugoslavia 10/20/79 Slavic Festival, Julia Richmond High School, NY 10/12/79 Milwaukee, WI



1980 Jan/80 VA Hospital, Manhattan, NY -“- /80 City College Graduate Center, 42nd Street, NYC performance sponsored by librarians (per George, by “Liberians”) 02/10/80 Lake Placid Winter Olympics 02/23/80 United Artists Entertainment, Julia Richmond N.S. (with Macedonian rock band) 04/12/80 Great Artists Series, Roanoke, VA ?/?/80 Kutscher’s Hotel, midnight nightclub performance 07/19/80 Huntington Arts Council, Huntington Park, Long Island (outdoor theater) 10/26/80 “Adriatic Celebration”, Beacon Theater, NYC

1981 Feb.’81 Riverside Dance Festival (2nd time) 81 Queens parking lot performance 07-08 July/August 81 2nd Performing Tour of Yugoslavia 12/05/81 Tarrytown Music Hall, Tarrytown, NY

1982 Spring ’82 Riverside Dance Festival (3rd time – 4 shows) 06/05/82 Queensborough Community College Theater 10/30/82 Stockton State College, New Jersey 10/24/82 Northeast Bronx Cultural Center, Co-op City 11/28/82 Queensborough Community College, bayside, NY

1983 03/83 Riverside Dance Festival (4th time) Spring’83 Washington Heights, NY, old age home performance 06/04/83 Woodstock Playhouse, Woodstock, NY 06/12/83 Herricks Community Center, New Hyde Park, NY Summer ’83 Pan Am Building Lobby performance, Lunchtime Summer ’83 Pan Am “direct flights to Yugoslavia” promotional airline trip (musicians only) 10/30/83 Folk Dance Festival (Slavic Heritage Council), Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC 11/20/83 Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC

1984 04/07/84 International House – Night of Nations May ’84 Riverside Dance Festival (5th time) Summer ’84 Rosetree Outdoor Summer Festival, Rosetree, PA 07/07/84 Sullivan County Community College 09/21/84 Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA

PART III - FOLKLORE HERITAGE 187 GEORGI TOMOV 1985 02/17/85 Long Island performance March ’85 Riverside Dance Festival (6th time) 05/11/85 Oneonta Concert Association, Oneonta, NY 06/16/85 Statue of Liberty, National Park Service July 1985 3rd Performing tour of Yugoslavia 10/05/85 Lederle Laboratories’ company picnic (for Gene)

1986 05/05/86 International House – Night of Nations April ’86 Riverside Dance Festival (7th time – 3 shows) 05/03/86 Blue Bell, PA 06/04/86 Performed in Viennese Operetta Company production of Lehar’s “Czarevitch” 10/05/86 Statue of Liberty Ethnic Festival 10/19/86 Jewish Home & Hospital for the Aged 11/08/86 New York City Public Library, Donnell Branch 12/28/86 Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center presented by Queens Council on the Arts (sponsor, Con Ed)

1987 01/31/87 Slavic Festival, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center (East Mac, Nevestinsko) May ’87 Riverside Dance Festival (8th time – 3 shows) 08/01/87 Pine Lake Park Cooperative, Peekskill, NY 08/22/87 Goldens Bridge Community Auditorium 09/26/87 Annual Buckwheat Festival, Keuka College, Pen-Yan, NY 11/14/87 Gettysburg College

1988 01/30/88 Slavic Festival, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center (Glamoč, Tresenitsa, Croatia) O3/12/88 Montclair, New Jersey 03/26/88 International House 05/01/88 Bloomfield Middle School 05/15/88 Carnegie Hall 06/16/88 Queens Council of the Arts Dinner, Water’s Edge Club, Long Island City, NY 08/09/88 Macedonian Symposium, Sheraton Center, Manhattan 08/13/88 Putnam Valley – summer community show 12/08/88 Slavic Literary Evening – songs only

1989 01/28/89 Slavic Festival, Alice Tully Hall (Brankovo, Povardarje, Croatia) O5/07/89 Raritan Valley community College, Somerville, New Jersey 06/27/89 New York Telephone Plaza, 42nd Street, Manhattan (Lunchtime) 07/06/89 Sullivan County Community College, Monticello, NY 07/09/89 East Brunswick Community Beach, East Brunswick Arts Council

1990 02/03/90 Slavic Heritage Festival, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NY (Povardarje, Slovenia, Brankovo) 04/07/90 La Guardia College Ethnic Festival, Queens, NY 04/05/90 J. C. Penney performance, Queens Center Mall, NY 04/06/90 Raritan Valley Community College (debut of Aegean and Pirin Suites) 05/12/90 15th Anniversary Performance, Riverside Church, NY (matinee & evening shows) 06/16/90 Queens Day, Theater in the Park, Flushing Meadows, NY 07/07/90 Pine Lake Park Cooperative, Peekskill, NY 07-08/90 4th Performing Tour/Seminar in Macedonia 08/18/90 Three Arrows Cooperative Society, Putnam Walley, NY 09/08/90 Ellis Island restoration 09/23/90 Dalmatian Society Dinner, Ricardo’s, Astoria, Queens, NY 10/20/90 NOMAD Festival, Sandy Hook, CT 10/22/90 Slavic Choral Performance, St. Peter’s Church, Citicorp Center, NY


1991 01/13/91 Frances Schervier Home and Hospital, Riverdale, NY 01/19/91 Slavic Culture Week, Avery fisher Hall, Lincoln Center (Croatia, Pirin, Brankovo) 02/09/91 Dalmatian Society Dinner, Ricardo’s, Astoria, Queens, NY 04/27/91 Macedonian Evening Dinner Dance, Passaic, NJ 06/16/91 Symphony Space, NY 08/03/91 Pawling, NY 08/31/91 Annual Macedonian Convention, Syracuse, NY 10/08/91 Professional Women’s’ Dinner, Riverside Church, NY 10/19/91 Luzeme County Folk Festival, Kingston, PA 10/24/91 Nassau College daytime show 11/23/91 Huntington Folk Dance benefit performance for VESI

1992 02/02/92 Slavic Festival, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NY 04/02/92 Passaic county Cultural Heritage Showcase, Paterson, NH 04/25/92 Newark Library afternoon performance 06/13/92 Taiwanese doctors’ dinner at the Sheraton, Queens, NY 08/15/92 Three Arrows Cooperative Society, Putnam Valley, NY 08/22/92 Goldens Bridge Community Association, Goldens Bridge, NY 10/31/92 Slavic Festival (Halloween show), Alice Tully Hall, NY (?, Glam, E Mac)

1993 04/17/93 Ontario Folk Dance Association, Central Technical School, Toronto, Canada 05/23/93 Bloomfield Middle School, Bloomfield, NJ 07/17/93 Pawling, NY 07/31/93 Pine Lake Park Cooperative, Pine Lake, NY

1994 6/4-6/5/94 20th Anniversary Riverside performances, Riverside Church, NY

Ansamblot ,,Tomov’’ / Ensamble TOMOV


Vo studioto ,,Tomov’’ / In the TOMOV Studio

Vo studioto ,,Tomov’’ / In the TOMOV Studio


Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,G. Del~ev’’ / From the G. DELCEV repertoire Ilindenski denovi - Bitola / Ilindenski denovi - Bitola


Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire


,,Tomov’’ vo Bitola / TOMOV in Bitola

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire


Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV’s repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV’s repertoire

Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV’s repertoire



Georgi Tomov, me|u drugoto, snima edna plo~a („Long plej“) so devet pesni i ora, koja naide na golem odyiv vo SAD i Kanada. Toa be{e prva plo~a na makedonec vo Severna Amerika.


In addition, George Tomov has issued a long play record with nine folk songs and dances which was accepted warmly by the listeners in the USA and Canada.

PART III - FOLKLORE HERITAGE 197 Nastap na ,,Tanec’’ / Stage performance of TANEC



Georgi Tomov e poznat afirmator na makedon- skiot folklor, pesna i oro vo svetot. Toj ne e samo igroorec i koreograf, tuku toj, isto taka, pi{u va statii za makedonskite ora i za orata na drugi te balkanski dr`avi. Edna od ovie tri statii e so naslov „Mitololo{kite ora vo makedonskiot folklor”. Toj dava stru~en pogled i pravi inte - resen spoj na mitskoto, folklornoto i pora kata. Se veli deka ritualnite tanci pretstavuvaat najstara forma na igrawe koi do{le do nas preku istorijata. Tie se del od prosla vite po - vr zani so narodnite obi~ai. Me|u niv, istaknati se svadbenite i `et var - skite ora koi denes se igraat isto onaka kako {to se igrale i vo drevnite vremiwa. Edni od najpoznatite ritualni tanci koi nekoga{ imale magi~en beleg, no podocna steknale poherojski karakter se rusaliite. Rusaliite se ora/tanci so me~evi vo koi tan~erite poka`uvaat prekras- na virtuoznost vo izvedbata koja simboli~no ja izrazuva borbata pome|u dobroto i lo{oto. Ru- sa liite se izveduvaat vo nedelata po Bo`i}, od 7 do 19 januari - period koj e nare~en Bogojav le - nie. Tancot se pre nesuval od generacija na gene - racija. Obi~no, igroorcite se podgotvuvaat tri nedeli pred Bo `i}. Mladite u~at gledaj}i gi po - starite; nekoi uspe{no, drugi ne. Onie koi nema da uspeat da go nau~at, dobivaat drugi zadol `e - nija. Brojot na tan~arite koi u~estvuvaat vo ovoj tanc se menuva. Od grupa od 36 igroorci, se iz- biraat samo 26 za nastap. Po dolga podgotovka, igroorcite se podgotveni da nastapuvaat vo ne - kolku sela. Konarcite (supervizorite odgovor ni za logistika) se odgovorni da gi organizi raat posetite na igraorcite na rusalii i da proverat dali e s¢ napraveno kako {to treba. Istovre me - no, dodeka patuvaat od edno do drugo selo, nivna dol`nost e da izbegnat kontakt so drugi grupi. Istra`u vawata uka`uvaat deka koga dve konkurentni grupi-rusalii od razli~ni sela }e se sretnele v pole, tie se borele do smrt na ce- la ta porazena grupa. Se veruvalo deka protiv- nicite bile is prateni od strana na ve{terkite. Rusaliska igra / Rusali folk dance



George Tomov is a well known affirmer of Mace- their performance which symbolically expresses the do nian folklore, songs, and oro (folk dances). He is struggle between good and evil. The Rusali folk dan ce not only a dancer and a choreographer, but he is has takes place during the second week after Christmas, also a writer of articles about folk dances of Mace - from January 7th to January 19th – in the period called donia and of other Balkan states. One of those arti- Bogojavlenie (Epiphany). This folk dance was handed cles was titled Mythological folk dances in the Mace- down from generation to generation. Usually, the donian folklore. In it, he gave a scientific view and dancers make preparations for three weeks before made an interesting connection between myth and Christmas. The young dancers learn by watching the folklore, and message. older ones; some of them learn with success, others Ritual dances are said to represent the oldest fail. Those who fail are given tasks other than dancing. form of dancing that has come down to us through The number of dancers who per form this dance va- history. They are a part of festivi ties and celebrations ries. From a group of thirty-six dancers, only twenty- related to national customs. six are actually selec ted to per form. After long prepa- Among them, the most prominent folk dances ration, the dancers are rea dy to play the dance in are those played at wedding ceremonies and at har- several villages. Konarcite (people who organize the vest time of the year, when they are performed in the whole event) are responsible to organize the visits of same way as they used to be performed in ancient the Rusali dancers and to see that everything has been times. One of the best known ritual dances which done well. At the same time, it is their duty to avoid once had a magical flavor, but later assumed a more c ontact with ot her groups on their way from one village heroic character, is Rusali. This is a sword dance in to another. Studies have indicated that when two which the dancers show magnificent virtuosity in opponent Rusali groups from different villages met

Rusalii vo Strumica, 1934 / Rusali in Strumica, 1934

PART III - FOLKLORE HERITAGE 201 GEORGI TOMOV Koreografi jata i kostimite na rusaliite se raz - kako sobira~i na podaroci i koi vodele spisoci, likuvale od dru gi te tradicionalni ora, ~ii tra di - odnosno popis. Najistaknata li~ nost vo oroto cii bile po ~i tuvani od site igroorci i gleda ~i. bil baldaxijata (1). Tan~arot bil odgovoren da Pred da trgne na turneja, grupata dobiva bla- go vodi oroto i sekoga{ bil na ~elo; vedna{ do go slov od selskiot ili gradskiot stare{ina i nego bil kesexijata (3) koj imal obvrska da go od sve{te ni kot na lokalnata crkva. Vo isto vre- odr`uva oroto vo prava linija. Posledniot ig - me, igroor cite ponesuvaat so sebe Ajazmo, koe roorec bil paskarot koj imal skoro ista odgovor - sodr`i sveta voda za da gi vardi od ve{terki. nost kako i voda~ot, tan~arot (2). Igroor cite igraat oro okolu crkvata tri pati; Formacijata na rusaliite bila krug. Sekoj tan- po toa, dobivaat zal~e leb i par~e meso od kurban. ~ar igral sam za sebe, t.e. odvoeno od drugi te, so Tradi cionalno, po pristignuvawe vo edno selo, levoto ramo svrteno kon centarot. Vo desna ta raka ig roorcite ograat oro okolu sekoja ku}a. Vo slu- gi dr`ele me~evite ispraveni nagore. Le va ta raka ~aj da ima bolen vo nekoja selska ku}a, }e go sed - im bila postavena na kolkot ili na po lo vi nata; ne le na stol vo dvorot pred `iveali{teto. Oro- ponekoga{ race te im bile slobodni. Bal taxijata vod cite go opkoluvale i so specijalni dvi`ewa igral vo sredi nata na krugot so sekira vo svojata so me~evite simulirale deka go udiraat. Vo si tua- desna ra ka. Uloga ta na vistinskiot vo da~ ne e is ta cii koga bolniot ne mo`el da bide premesten od kako i vo drugite ora. Posebno vo makedonskata svo jot krevet, toga{ dvajcata prvi orovodci }e verzija toj imal isklu~itelna ulo ga - vis tinskiot vlegle vo sobata na bolniot izveduva}i go is ti ot voda~, baltaxijata ne samo {to go naso~uval i up - ritual na udari so me~evi. Toga{, spored op{to - ravuval so oroto od po~etok do kraj i so prome- to ve ruvawe, lo{ite duhovi koi vladeat so te lo- nata na mestata, tuku toj igral i nezavisno od to na bolniot }e is~eznele. Vo slu~aj na bolno dru gite igroorci, izveduvaj}i specijalni ~eko- dete, orovodecot }e go dr`el bebeto vo ednata ri i figuri sam po sebe. raka, istovremeno zamavnuvaj}i so me~ot ili se - Op{to re~e no, brojot na igroorcite koi izve- ki rata vo drugata raka, borej}i se so drugi te duvale rusalii se dvi `el od 8 do 10 ma`i (na igraorci za da mo`at xagorot, bu~avata i glasna- `enite im bilo za braneto). ta muzika na toj na~in da gi ispla{at i izbrkaat Oroto e vo dva dela: zapo~nuva bavno, dodeka lo{ite duhovi od du{ata na deteto. vtoriot del e poenergi~en i po brz. Igro orcite na Vo brojni drugi situacii, semejstvata im dava - rusa l liite sekoga{ se pri dru`u va ni od dve zurli le del od oblekata na bolniot na igroorcite, koi (mala i golema), od koi golemata e dominanten gi ~uvale ili kine le tie delovi vo period od nositel na melodijata. Ponekoga{, dvete zurli dva naeset dena. Rusa lii te bile izveduvani za svirat ednoglasno, vo sozvu~je. Po radi duhot i ka - `i votni, imot i zemjo delski proizvodi. rakterot na oroto, koe nametnuva mnogu pote`ok Na ig ro orcite koi bile vklu ~eni vo dvanae- i pokompleksen stil otkol ku drugite od istoto set-dnevnite rituali ne im bilo dozvoleno da se podra~je, narodnite nosii se taka dizajnirani za vratat vo svoite domovi nitu, pak, da se po molat da gi portretiraat simbolite na hristijanstvoto. na masata. Pred obroci te tie gi koriste le me- Igroorcite na rusa lii otelotvoruvaat eden ~ovite za da napravat znak vo vid na krst na ma- hu manitaren aspekt. Rusalliite bile izveduva ni sata. Naj~esto dvajca igroorci bile zaedno, vo vo korist na selanite - donaciite im bile dava - slu~aj ed niot da bide opsedat od ve{ ter kite. ni na selata za da si obezbedat buna ri, u~ili{ta, Postoe le kasieri (6), neigrooci koi slu`ele crkvi, domovi i hrana za siroma{ni te.

,,Beran~e’’ / The Beranče dance

202 DEL III - FOLKLORNA RIZNICA GEORGI TOMOV unexpectedly in a field, they fought to the death. It was There were Kasieri (6) non-dancers who ac ted as belie ved that the opponents were sent by witches. gift-collectors and inventory-keepers. The most promi - The choreography and costuming of Rusali folk nent personage in the dance was the Balta đija ta dances were diffe rent from other national age-old (master of ceremonies and a performer). Tanč aro (the folk dances whose traditions were respected by all first dancer in the line) was responsible to lead the folk dancers and by all spectators. dance and he was at the front; next to him was the Before going on tour, the group receives bless- Kesedžija (the second dancer in the line), who had ings from the head of the village or the town and from the obligation of keeping the dancers’ line straight. the priest of the local church. At the same time, the The last dancer was called the Paskarot who had dancers take along with them an Ajazmo, which con- almost the same responsibility as the leader, i.e. as tains holy water to ward off witches. The dancers dan - the Tančarot. ce around the Church three times; then, they recei ve The formation of the Rusali is a circle. The dancers a morsel of bread and a sliver of the Kurban meat. perform their part individually, with their left shoulder Traditionally, upon arriving at a village, the dan- facing the center. In their right hands they hold swords cers dance around each house. If there was a sick upright. Left hands are placed on the hips or mid- person in any village house, they were placed in a waist -back; sometimes the hands are left free. The chair in the front yard of the dwelling. The dancers Baltadjijata dances in the middle of the circle with would surround them and then, with special move- hatchet in his right hand. The role of the real leader is ments with swords, would pretend to be smiting not the same as in other dances. In the Mace donian them. In situations when a sick person could not be version especially, he has unique part - the real lea- removed from their bed, the first two leaders of the der, the Balta djijata, not only directs the dance from dance would come to the pati ent’s room performing beginning to its end, as well as the changing of pla- the same sword-smiting ritual. The evil spirits domi- cements, but he also dances apart from the other nating the sick person’s body would then disappear, dancers, doing special steps and figures by himself. to everyone’s relief. In the case of a sick baby, the In general, the number of Rusali dancers varies leader of the dancers would hold the baby in one bet ween eight and ten, all male (females are taboo). hand, while brandishing a sword or hatchet in the The dance consists of two parts; the beginning other, fighting with other dancers so that the noise is slow, while the second part is more vigorous and and the loud music might frighten away the evil faster. The Rusali dancers are always accompanied spirits from the soul of the child. by two zurlas (a small and a large one); the pre- In numerous other situations, families would give dominant melody is borne by the larger zurla. So- parts of a sick person’s clothing to the dancers, who me times the two Zurlas play in unison. Because of would hold or wear them for a twelve-day period. the spirit and character of the dance, which impo - Rusali dances were also performed for animals, ses a style far more difficult and complex than other property and farm products. ones from the same area, the costuming is designed The dancers included in the twelve-day rituals to portray symbols of Christia nity. were not allowed to return to their homes, nor were The Rusali folk dancesrs embo dy a humanitarian they permitted to say gra ce. They used their swords aspect. These dances were performed as benefits. to make the sign of the cross on the tables before The contribution from the perfor mances was donated meals. Most often, two dancers stayed together, lest to the villages to provide water-fountains, schools, one alone might be beset by witches. churches, homes, and food for the poor.

,,Te{ko’’ - krsta~ka / The Teško-krstačka dance


KOREOGRAFIITE NA TOMOV - PRIMERI (Kratok opis na orata za novite ~lenovi)

POVARDARJE Izvezen fustan, prsluk, volnena prestilka, pojas (isto kako i za „Glamo~”), ko`en kolan Makedonski ora od Povardarjeto. @ivi, naj- (sopstven), crvena marama (ja ima vo Lamstons). ~es to so brzo tempo, so mnogu brzi ~ekori. Za 6-8 Na nozete: crveni ~orapi, opinci. ma`i i 6-8 `eni. Na glavata: kosata pu{tena nadolu, svilena 1. „Pletenica” - i za ma`i i `eni. Imeto marama (mora da bide vrzana na poseben na~in - doa|a od makedonskiot zbor „plete pletenka“ i ako ne znaete kako, pra{ajte), crven cvet na se odnesuva na kompliciranosta na ~ekorite. des nata strana. 2. „Te{ko krsta~ko” - za ma`i, te{ko za igrawe. Ma{ka nosija 3. „Jaze si go sakam” - solo glas, za dvajca Beli pantaloni, od vle~eni lenti, ko{ula so ma`i i edna `ena (koi mora da bidat vi~ni da monista, crven pojas, kolan (sopstven), crven se vrtat vo krug, da vrtat so {amiv~e i da koke- prsluk so ~ipkan vez. tiraat, s¢ istovremeno). Na nozete: ~orapi (specijalni ~orapi) vrza ni 4. „^u~uk” - pote{ko oro, za ma`i. nad listovite i nad nogavicite od panta lo nite, 5. „Crnogorka” - i za ma`i i za `eni. opinci. Potrebni se dobra izdr`livost i snaga. Na glavata: crna {ubara bez obod so crven Na kraj, `enite se umorni, a ma`ite re~isi cvet na levata strana. pa|aat od umor. *) Nosiite za sekoja koreografija se dadeni @enska nosija spored redosledot vo koj tie obi~no se nosat.

Pirinski igra / The Pirin dance


TOMOV’S CHOREOGRAPHIES – A SAMPLER (Brief description of dances for new members)

POVARDARIE Women's costume Macedonian folk dances from the basin of the embroidered dress, vest, wool apron, sash Vardar River. It is lively, mostly fast-paced, with a lot (same as for Glamoč), leather belt (your own), red of quick footwork, for 6-8 men and 6-8 women. scarf (your own available at Lamstons). 1. “Pletenica” - both for men and women. The Feet: red socks, opinci (type of peasant shoe) name comes from the Macedonian word “to braid” Head: hair down, silk kerchief (must be tied on and refers to the intricacy of the steps. a special way – ask if you’re not sure), red flower on 2. “Teško krstačko” - for men. Macho stuff. the right side. 3. “Jaze si go sakam” - solo part for two men and Men's costume one woman (who must be adept at spinning in a cir- White drawstring pants, shirt with beadwork, red cle, twirling a handkerchief and flirting, all at the sash, belt (your own), red vest with embroidery. same time). Feet: special socks (čorapi) tied above calf muscle 4. “Čučuk” – more macho stuff. and over pants legs, opinci (type of peasant shoe). 5. “Crnogorka” – both for men and women. Head: black brimless hat with red flower on the left Needs good stamina. By the end, women are tired, side and the men are ready to drop dead. Costumes for each choreography are listed in the order in which they are generally put on.

Pirinska igra, ,,Ej, pro{etol se Jane Sandanski’’ / The Pirin dance, A song titled, ‘Ej, prošetol se Jane Sandanski’

PART III - FOLKLORE HERITAGE 205 GEORGI TOMOV SVITA (SPLET OD ISTO^NA 6. „Sedenka“ - se proslavuva berbata. „Sedenka“ e ime za rabotnite sedenki koi `enite obi~no MAKEDONIJA) gi pra ve le zimno vreme. Tie }e sednele vo krug i Ova e obi~no na{e largo=baven i sve~en splet. }e {iele, vezele, itn. ^esto, po sedencite sle du - Za 12 `eni i kolku {to ima ma`i na raspo lagawe. va le pesni i igri. Ova oro e polno so `ivost i ja Brojni ora od Makedonija imaat selsko, zem- bara seta preostanata energija. Voda~ot gi izvi - jo del sko poteklo i ovoj splet n¢ nosi vo tekot kuva promentie vo ~eko rite. Skladot, sozvu~ jeto e na eden „den“. mno gu va`no. Va` no e igraorcite da ne se tur- 1. „Kaval“ - s¢ na scenata spie vo temnina. kaat, da ne go iskrivuvaat redot i da ne padnat. Kavalot (drvena flauta) go najavuva izgrejson- @enski nosii ceto. Site se budat. Bela ko{ula xemper, pojas, ko`en kolan, bela 2. „@etvarki“ - tri visoki `eni stapuvaat na marama. scenata od leva strana, nosej}i zamisleni boka li Na nozete: beli ~orapi, opinci voda koi gi stavaat dolu. Site `eni pravat eden Na glavata: kosata pu{tena nadolu, bela ~ekor na stanuvawe i spu{tawe, {to gi pretsta- marama, crven cvet na desnata strana vu vaat poliwata so p~enica koja se ni{a na vet - Ma{ki nosii renceto. Dvi`e wata so race sugeriraat podgo- Bela ko{ula, kafeni pantaloni, pojas, elek, tovka za kosewe na poliwata. kolan 3. „Dimna Juda“ (ili „Bavna Kopa~ka“) Na nozete: beli ~orapi, opinci, za „[opsko“ a) `enite formiraat krug, dvi`ewata pret- Na glavata: crna {ubara bez obod st avu vaat iskopuvawe stebla p~enica i platewe sno po vi NEVESTINSKO/@ENSKO ^AM^E b) ma`ite formiraat krug {to pretstavuva Makedonsko nevestinsko oro, za 7-11 `eni. pot se kuvawe i vrzuvawe snopovi p~enica i niv- Tradicionalen del od svadbenata cermonija. no ispra vawe za da se isu{at na vozduh Igraat neves tata i devojkite od seloto. v) Site formiraat linija Oroto ja odbele`uva transformacijata na ne - 4. „Brza Kopa~ka“ ves tata od mominstvo vo `enstvenost. @enite ig - a) `eni raat so gord stav, no so pogle dot nadolu (poti{ - b) ma`i ten pogled). Dvi`ewata se sit ni i voz dr`a ni i 5. „Ratevka/Berovka“ - igraat `enite provejuva ~uvstvo na prizemnost ili te{kotija 6. „[opsko“ (pri~inata za ova le`i delumno i vo nosijata, c) `eni (ova e navistina ma{ko oro, ama...) koja e navistina, navistina te{ka). d) ma`i Nosija Bluza (sopstvena), ~ipkast fustan, prsluk so

Na sobirot vo Trnovo / In Trnovo

206 DEL III - FOLKLORNA RIZNICA GEORGI TOMOV EAST MACEDONIAN SUITE dancing afterwards. This dance is full of life and This is usually our finale. For 12 women and as needs every bit of energy you've got left. The leader many men as available. calls changes in the steps. Unison is very important. Many of the folk dances from Macedonia have a It is important for the dancers not to push and pull peasant, farming origin, and this suite takes us each other, even though they may become winded along one day. and ready to drop. 1. "Kaval" - everybody is sleeping on the stage in Women's costume darkness. The kaval (a wooden flute) heralds the White shirt jumper, white handkerchief, leather sunrise. All awake. belt. 2. "Žetvarki" - three tall women enter the stage Feet: white socks, opinci (type of peasant shoe) from the left bearing imaginary pitchers of water Head: hair down, white scarf, red flower on the which they place on the ground. All women do a ris- right. ing and a falling step representing the morning Men's costume fields of wheat moving in the breeze. Arm move- White shirt, brown pants, sash, vest, belt ments suggest preparation of fields for mowing. Feet: white socks, opinci (type of peasant shoe), 3. "Dimna Juda" (or Slow Kopačka) leggings for "Skopsko" a) women form a circle; their motions represent Head: black hat with no brim scooping of wheat stalks and stacking of sheaves NEVESTINSKO (ZENSKO) CAMCE b) men form a circle, representing the cutting Macedonian bride's dance for 7-11 women. and banding together of wheat sheaves and stand- Tradi tio nal part of the wedding ceremony. The bride ing them up to dry in the air and the girls from the village perform this folk c) all together form a line dance. It marks the bride's transition from girlhood 4. "Fast Kopačka" (Fast) to womanhood. Women dance with proud stance, a) women but downcast eyes. Movements are small and b) men restrained, and the feeling of earthiness or of heav- 5. "Ratevka/Berovka" - women perform a folk dance iness pervades, (partially due to the costume, which 6. "Sopsko" is really heavy). a) Women (this really is a man's dance, but, well...) Costumes b) Men Blouse (your own), embroidered dress, vest with 7. "Sedenka" - celebrating the harvest. "Seden - fringe, apron, hand scarf (same as men use for ka" is the name for the work parties women used to Slovenia) have in wintertime. They would sit in a circle and sew, Feet: red socks, opinci (type of peasant shoe) doing embroidery, etc. Often, there was singing and Head: hair down, scarf with coin fringe

Od repertoarot na ,,Goce Del~ev’’ / From the GOCE DELČEV repertoire

PART III - FOLKLORE HERITAGE 207 GEORGI TOMOV resi, prestilka, maram~e za vo raka (ista kakva cot. Tancot ne e mnogu brz, taka {to ima vreme {to koristat ma`ite za Slovenija) za edri/sve`i i ~isti dvi`ewa. Na nozete: crveni ~orapi, opinci 2. SPLET SO TR^AWE (OD KENTAKI) Na glavata: kosata spu{tena nadolu, marama Brz tanc vo forma na kvadrat, a go igraat 4 so resi na koi ima kovani pari~ki dvojki. Potrebna e golema energija; kolenata Nosija na nevestata treba da bidat kolku {to e mo`no povisoko vo Lenen fustan, potko{ula, vtor prsluk (so kop- tekot na celiot tanc. ~iwa) te`ok prsluk najozgora, volnena prestil - 3. TANC SO KLOMPI ka, svilena prestilka, te`ok kolan so metalni (te{ki ~evli so drven |on) alki, maram~e za vo raka Ova e vsu{nost tancuvawe vo forma na kvad- Na nozete: beli ~orapi, beli opinci rat so ~ekori napraveni so klompi. Vodi potek- Na glavata: kosata spu{tena nadolu, golema lo od ju`nite Apala~ki Planini. Go ograat site marama (ista kako za Zota), nakit prika~en na osum para i ovoj tanc pretstavuva vistinsko ma ramata, mre`est vel jadro na koreografi jata. Formata i prostorot AMERIKANSKI SPLET se mnogu va` ni - toa e ona {to publikata naj- mno gu zabele `uva. Potrebna e go lema energija i Kombinacija od tri vida amerikasnki igra- interakcija pome|u tan~erite. U`ivajte, no so oren stil. Za osum dvojki. od mereno tempo bidej}i tancot dolgo trae. 1. XIG&RIL (skokawe i vrtewe) @enska nosija Tipi~ni igraorni ~ekori na Nova Anglija od Potsukwa, fustan, prestilka docnite 1700-ti. Scenata e nedela, a site se upa - Na nozete: temni dokolenki (soopstveni), ka - tuvaat kon crkvata, na ~elo so sve{tenikot i ne- rak teristi~ni te{ki ~evli so drven |on govata `e na. Del od mladite (dva para) pravat Na glavata: kosata po izbor, so pandelka zave ra da gi udrat svoite postari i da po~nat da Ma{ka nosija sko kaat. Site se zaprepasteni, no muzikata e Amerikanska ko{ula, pantolani so potpolnki tol ku napadna, taka {to nabrgu site se pridru - Na nozete: ~orapi (nad pantalonite - za po- `uvaat, osven sve{tenikot i negovata `ena. Tie les no da se obujat ~izmite), ~izmi so drven |on opstojuva at na svoeto re~isi do kraj, nasproti Na glavata: temen {e{ir so pandelka vo boja. nastojuvaweto na `enata da prestanat da se pre- piraat, no tie, isto taka, stanuvaat del od tan-

Makedonski nosii - egejski / Macedonian folk costumes – the Aegean Makedonski nosii - mariovski / Macedonian folk costumes – Mariovo


,,Pirinsko ma{ko oro’’ / The Pirin dance for men Bride's costume Women's costume Linen dress, under vest, second vest (with butt- Slip, dress, apron ons), heavy over vest, wool apron, silk apron, heavy Feet: dark knee socks (your own), characteristi- belt with metal rings, hand scarf. cally shoes with wooden sole Feet: white socks, white opinci (type of peasant shoe) Head: your own hair style, with ribbon Head: hair down, large scarf (same as for Zota), Man's costume jewellery attached to the kerchief, net veil. American shirt, pants with suspenders AMERICAN SUITE Feet: socks (over pants - easier to pull boots on), A combination of three types of the American boots dancing style. Head: black hat with colored band For eight couples. 1) JIGS & REELS Typical New England dancing steps from the late 1700's. It is Sunday and everyone is heading home from church, led by the preacher and his wife. Some of the young folk (two couples) scheme to shock their elders and break into a jig. Everyone is aghast, but the music is so compelling that soon all join in ex cept the preacher and his wife. They hold out until almost the end, in spite of the wife's urging to stop being stuffy before they, too, are drawn in. The dance is not very fast, so there should be time to make crisp and clean movements. 2) KENTUCKY RUNNING SUITE A fast square dance performed by four couples. It requires a lot of energy; knees should be as high as possible all the way through. 3) CLOGGING This is actually dancing in square form, using clogging steps. It originates from the southern Appalachians. Performed by all eight couples, this is the real core of choreography. Pattern and spacing are important - it's what the audience notices most. It requires a lot of energy and interaction among the dancers. Have fun. But pace yourself, because it is too long. Vo Struga na pazar / At the bazaar in Struga






Georgi Tomov na naslovnata stranica na spisanieto ,,Matica’’ vo Zagreb, Hrvatska George Tomov on the cover page of the magazine MATICA in Zagreb, Croatia

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 215 GEORGI TOMOV ,,TOMOV niz stranicite na pe~atot

„TOMOV be{e ... edna od najbogatite ve~eri na narodni ora videni ovde vo tekot na mnogu sezoni.” - Wujork tajms NEW YORK TIMES

„Virtuozno igrawe ... spektakulrano.” Dens magazin (DANCE MAGAZINE)

„Ansamblot „TOMOV” igra vo taktot na svojata kultura.” Sanduski register, Ohajo (SANDUSKY (OHIO) REGISTER)

„Igraornata grupa gi rastera do`dlivite denovi na bluzot.” Zapis/arhiva na Tajms herald TIMES HERALD RECORD LOCH SHELDRAKE, N.Y.

„Folklorniot ansambl TOMOV vospostavi kulturen most me|u naciite.” - OSLOBODJENJE (MONTENEGRO)

„VOZBUDLIVA IZVEDBA NA NARODNI ORA” Celosno vozbudlivo ... avtenti~no zaslepuva~k i, poseben stil mnogu kontroliran, brilijantna lepeza na narodni nosii, hipnotizira~ki ... vleva stravopo~ituvawe ... muzi~ki impresivno, postojano oddr`uva vozbuduvawe.” POUGHKEEPSIE JOURNAL

„Sovladuvaj}i go prostorot me|u okeanite, kako i kopnoto i vozduhot koi gi razdvojuvaat istite, ansamblot TOMOV so svojot avtenti~en i zaslepuva~ki nastap” - (MAKEDONIJA)

„Maestro za jugoslovenskite narodni ora/za jugoslovenskiot folklor.” - BOSTON HERALD AMERICAN

„Folklorniot ansambl „TOMOV” go nosi srceto i du{ata na jugoslovenskite narodi? “ - CO-OP CITY TIMES N.Y.

„Tomov e primer kako eden poedinec mo`e da pridonesuva i za svojot narod i za svetot.” - MAKEDONIJA MAGAZINE

216 DEL IV - NIZ STRANICITE NA MEDIUMITE GEORGI TOMOV ,,TOMOV“ through the pages of the newspapers

“TOMOV was... one of the richest evenings of folk dance seen here in many seasons.” - The New York Times

“Virtuoso dancing ... spectacular.” - DANCE MAGAZINE

“TOMOV dances to the beat of his culture.” - SANDUSKY (OHIO) REGISTER


“TOMOV Dance Ensemble established a cultural bridge between nations.” - OSLOBODJENJE (MONTENEGRO)

“FOLK DANCE PERFORMANCE THRILLING” Totally fulfilling ... authentic dazzling, highly controlled spe- cial style, brilliant array of costumes, mesmerizing... awesome... music impressive, excitement constantly maintained.” - POUGHKEEPSIE JOURNAL

“Overcoming the gap of oceans, land and air sepa- rating them, The TOMOV Folk with their authentic and dazzling performance.” - NOVA MAKEDONIJA (MAKEDONIJA)

“Masters of Yugoslav Terpsichore.” - BOSTON HERALD AMERICAN




TOMOV NIZ MEDIUMITE Dvaeset godini impresiven bilans

Celi dvaeset godini vo gradot Wujork so us - herald”, „Arts” i drugi, bez isklu~ok davale naj- pe h rabote{e Ansamblot za narodni igri i pesni visoki ocenki za koreografijata, besprekorna- „Tomov”. Toj be{e formiran vo 1974 godina so cel ta tehnika na izveduvawe i odu{evuvaweto koe da gi prika`uva na amerikanskiot kontinent go pred izvikuval Ansamblot so site izvorni ora bo gatite igri i pesni od Balkanot, posebno od i pes ni od Makedonija, a posebno so „Neves tin - Makedonija. Ansamblot be{e sostaven is klu ~ivo skoto”, „Po vardarie” i dr. od Amerikanci - entuzijasti, igroorci, peja~i i Vo prodol`enie }e prezentirame samo del od muzi~ari, a samo umetni~kiot direktor i koreo- tekstovite {to se objaveni vo svetskite mediu- graf be{e Makedonec. Toa be{e edinstven an- mi za Ansamblot „Tomov”. sambl vo svetot od vakov vid. Po go - lem broj od ~lenovite po zanimawe bea profesori, in`e ne ri, nau~ni- ci koi svoeto slo bod no vreme go po- s vetuvale na ubavite igri i pesni od bogatata makedonska i delumno od porane{ nata jugoslo ven ska folk- lorna tradicija. Origi nalnite ig - ri na ansamblot „Tomov” £ se poz- nati na makedonskata javnost u{te od 1979 godina, koga prvpat ame- rikanskite igroorci so uspeh gostu- vale vo Republika Ma ke do nija. Ansamblot „Tomov” vo svoeto po- stoewe ima postignato ogromni re- zultati vo {ireweto na makedon- ska ta kultura. Sekoja godina odr`u - val od 6 do 14 koncerti vo najpoz- natite svetski sali: Kar ne gi hol i Linkoln centarot vo Wu jork, vo Bo s - ton, Va{ington, ^ika go i vo mnogu drugi pogolemi i pomali gradovi vo SAD i vo Kanada; nastapuval na pove}e televiziski stanici vo SAD; u~estvuval i na sve ~e noto otvora- we i zatvorawe na Zimskite olimp- iski igri vo Lejk Plesid vo 1984 i na specijalniot koncert za sve~e - no to otvorawe na Elis Island vo 1990, kako i na mnogu folk-festi- vali vo Amerika. Najpoznatite ves - nici: „Wujork tajms”, „Dens maga- zin”, „Dejli wuz”, „Riverdejl pres”, „Dens rivju”, „Balart wuz”, „D tajms


TOMOV THROUGH THE MEDIA A 20-year impressive result

The TOMOV Folkdance Ensemble was success- for several American TV channels; it participated in fully active in New York City for 20 years. It was the official opening and closing of the Winter established with the aim of presenting the Balkan Olympic Games in Lake Placid in 1980, and in the songs and dances, and especially the Macedonian special concert for the official opening of Ellis Island ones, on the American continent. It consisted sole- in 1990; as well as in numerous folk festivals held in ly of American enthusiasts, dancers, singers, and America. The best known newspapers and maga- musicians. Only its artistic director and choreogra- zines such as the New York Times, Dance Magazine, pher was Macedonian. It has been the only ensem- Daily News, Riverdale Press, Dance Review, Balart ble of that kind in the world. By their profession, the News, The Times Herald, Arts, and others have majority of its members were professors, engineers, given, without exception, highest grades for chore- and scientists who devoted their free time to the ography and perfect dance technique and for the beautiful songs and dances of the rich Macedonian strong impression that the ensemble made with its folklore tradition. The Macedonian public was able authentic Macedonian songs and dances, especially to see the original dances of the TOMOV Ensemble with the “Nevestinsko” and “Po vardarie” dances. back in 1979 when the American dancers creatively The following pages are reprinted from the performed in the Republic of Macedonia for the first media all over the world which have turned their time. attention to the activities of George Tomov and to During its existence, the TOMOV Ensemble performances of the TOMOV Folkdance Ensemble. achie ved tremendous results in spreading Macedonian culture. Every year it used to hold from 6 to 14 con- certs at the most fa - mous halls in the world, including Car- ne gie Hall and Lincoln Center in New York, in Boston, Washington, Chicago, and in many other smaller and lar- ger cities in USA and Canada; it performed



Vo ovoj tekst na Merilin [varc, objaven vo nata/kulisata za voodu{evu va~ kite nastapi so „Tajms Herald Rekord“ od 7 juli se veli: polet, a `ivosta se pro{iri i na orkestarot koj „Lok [eldreik (Loch Sheldrake) – Emotivno i koristi kako tradicionalni `i~ani instrumen- skladno ispeanite pesni, instrumentite koi pro - ti, taka i pomoderni. Ra~no izrabotenite nosii izveduvaat solo vibrira~ki glasovi i orata na bea samo dodatok kon boite na scenata. eden multikulturen narod, bea pove}e od dovolni Muzi~ki, pretstavata o`ivea so tri te „Pesni da gi rasteraat do`dlivite denovi na bluzot, od Makedonija i Hrvatska”, koi obelodenija hu- vo ~etvrtok, vo tekot na nastapot na Jugosloven - mo risti~ni i romanti~ni melodii. Vo edna od skiot folkloren ansambl „Tomov” vo Kolexot vo pesnite, grupata se uskladi na eden ne obi~no Salivan (Sullivan County Community College, SCCC). intuitiven, instinktiven na~in. Drugi te muzi~- Mnogubrojnata publika ima{e prilika da ja ki glavni atrakcii vklu~uvaa edna `ena koja iz - do `i vee kulturata na Srbija, Makedonija, ve de brilijantna xipsi solo na violina, dode- Hrvatska i Slovenija so posredstvo na oroto i ka gajdata gi obezbedi zvucite vo zadninata za muzi kata na prvit den na otvorawe na Salivan igroornata izvedba. festivalot '84, sponzoriran od SCCC i od Koncertot zapo~na so „Ora od Srbija”. Igro - Sullivan County for the Arts. or cite zapo~naa vo krugovi, potoa se {irea Slikata na selskiot `ivot, so igroorcite i pre ku binata. Eden povikuva~ gi inicira{e muzi~arite vo glavna uloga, ja obezbedi pozadi- dvi`ewata, dodeka igraor ci te `ivo udiraa so

,,[umadija’’ / The Šumadija dance



This is the text written by Marilyn Schwartz, and which used traditional stringed instrumentation as published in The Times Herald Record in the issue well as there modern instruments. Hand-made cos- of July 7, 1994, in which the following is said: tumes added to the color onstage. Loch Sheldrake – Emotionally sung harmonies, Musically, the show came alive with three “Songs vibrant instrumental solos and the dances of a multi of Macedonia and Croatia”, which revealed humo- -cultu ral nation were more than enough to chase rous and romantic strains. In one song a group har- away any rainy-day blues Thursday during a perfor- monized in an unusual visceral manner. Other musi- mance of the T0MOV Yugoslav Folk Dance Ensemb- cal highlights included a woman performing a bril- le at Sullivan County Community College (SCCC). liant gypsy solo on violin, while a ‘gajda’, an instru- A capaci ty crowd experienced the culture of ment similar to a bagpipe, provided background Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia through sounds for a dance performance. the medium of dance and music in the opening day The concert began with “Dances of Serbia”. of Sullivan Festival’84, sponsored by SCCC and the Dancers began in circles, then spread out across the Sullivan County for the Arts. stage. A caller initiated the movements as dancers A painting of village life featuring dancers and stamped lively from side to side. Women skipped musicians provided the backdrop for zesty perfor man- and waved kerchiefs. Lines of dancers held onto ces, and the liveliness extended to the orchestra, each other’s belts as they stepped side to side and

So Barbara Aran i Mori Englander / With Barbara Aran and Maury Englander


nozete od edna do druga strana. @enite potskok- brzi ~ekori, igroorkite me|usebno se dr`e a za nuvaa i mavtaa so maram~iwa. Igroorcite, vo ko lanite /po ja site i mavtaa so maram ~iwa. Ovoj pra vi linii, se dr`ea me|usebno za pojasite/ makedonski splet doka`a deka brejkdensot ne e re menite i dodeka igraa, se postavuvaa vo pra- ni{to novo, bidej}i edno trio igro orci pa|aa za vi linii i nakoso preku celata bina, a na kraj odozdola da si gi udrat nozete dodeka se ispra vaa. formiraa kocka. Ogneni povici gi pridru`uvaa @ivi ot „Splet od Hrvatska” go najavi vtori- igroorcite koi odea napred na svoi te petici. ot del od koncertot. Igroorcite skokaa ener- „Nevestinskoto”, ritual pred svad ba, be{e za- gi~no vo razni pravci. Prikazot na centrifu- sileno so metalnite pari~ki prika~eni na ma ra- galnata sila be{e neodoliv koga igro orcite vo mite koi yve~ea. ^ekorite bea umereno odr`u - krugovi gi dr`ea igroorkite okolu polovinata vawe na ramnote`a od edna na druga noga. Voz- pod racete i gi vrtea s¢ dodeka tie stanaa tolku dr `anite dvi`ewa variraa od ramnote`a do zabrzani {to nozete gi krenaa od po dot. lesno krivulkawe, do dopiri na stapalata vo Koreografot Georgi Tomov, ~ovekot koj vrte {e vid na krug. so kolkovite, igra{e edno oro so kama /no` vo Palavi e zborot za da se opi{at vla{ki te ma{koto oro „Dupqaja". Dvajca igroorci so dr{ ki ora. Na po~etokot, edna {apka na eden igroorec od metli mavtaa so svoi te stapovi i gi pri si li ja be{e ukradena od strana na edna igroorka. Oro- drugite da skoka at pod i nad stapot dodeka se to ja prika`uva negovata zbunetost dodeka se vrtea nao kolu. Site se ~udea kako eden bo kal so vi - obiduva da ja pronajde {apkata. Sinxir igroor- no sekoga{ stoe {e na glavata na eden igro orec ki sekoga{ go spre~uvaat da si ja zeme {apkata, dodeka toj igra{e i dr`e{e ramnote `a. Ig roor - sé dodeka dvajca igroorci ne doa|aat da mu po- cite se do bli `uvaa eden do drug so pee we vo hor, mognat da se izvle~e. vr tej}i so kol ko vite i ig raj}i so brzi ~ekori. Igroorkite vo redot prika`aa sin hroni zira no Sekoga{ koga go gledam „Glamo~” ~uvstvuvam ve{to igrawe so nozete, po toa igraorcite so liz- stravopo ~i tuvawe po radi negoviot miren, ti- gawe doa|aat na scenata, vikaj}i, „Hej haj, ura”. vok intenzi tet. Za vreme na turskata okupacija, Grupata izgleda deka se zabavuva{e so ova oro i kulturnite nastani bile zabra neti i na narodot navistina be{e golemo zadovolstvo da se gle daat. ne mu bilo dozvole no da sviri na narodnite Prika zot na igroornite stilovi od celata instrumenti. Po radi toa, oroto be{e izvedeno Evropa i Rusija be{e evidenten vo „Buweva~ko re~isi vo celosen mrak i ti{ina. Edin stveniot oro”. So grupi od eden igraorec i dve igroorki, zvuk be{e yvecka weto na metalnite pa ri~ki koi nekoi delovi od oroto bea sli~ni na ruskata bea pri ka~e ni na prslucite na igroor kite dodeka trojka. tie igraa vo krug i se vrtea, dr`ea ramnote `a i Yvon~iwata okolu glu`dovite vrz ~izmite na ve{to odea na prsti. ig roorcite obezbedija neobi~na pridru`ba, za- Vo „Spletot od Isto~na Makedonija” u{te si luvaj}i gi niv ni te ~ekori i {trakawe so pe- edna{ se pojavi povikuva~ koj gi izvikuva{e ti cite. razli~ ni te ~ekori. Igroorcite i igroorkite se Spletot od „Po vardarje” zapo~na so zvucite od dr`ea me|u seb no za kolanite, potoa `enskite gajdata vo poza dina. So ~ekori i potskoknuvawa, linii se presekuvaa me|u sebe i napravija for- krugot stanuva{e pomal i potesen dodeka igro - macija vo vid na yvezda. Oroto ja vode{e ve~er - orcite se do bli`uvaa do sredinata. Igraj }i so ta vo radosna zavr{nica“.

222 DEL IV - NIZ STRANICITE NA MEDIUMITE GEORGI TOMOV then in box formation. Spirited calls accompanied dancers walking forward on their heels. “Nevestinsko”, a prenuptial ritual, was enhanced by tinkling coins on headpieces. The steps were a gentle balance of weight of one foot to the other. The restrained movements varied from balance to a slight shimmy to circular foot brushes. Playful was the word to describe “Vlah Dances”. At first one man’s hat was stolen by a woman. The dance showed his bewilderment while trying to find the hat. By closing in on him a chain of women always prevented him from getting it, until two men carried him off. women under their arms spun the women around The women in line displayed synchronized foot- until they were propelled to rise with their feet off work, then the men slid on shouting, “Hey ha the ground. hupah!” The group seemed to have fun with this Choreographer George Tomov, the man with the dance, and it was great fun watching them. swively hips, danced a knife dance in the men’s The spreading of dance styles all across Europe competition dance, “Dupljaja”. Two men with bro- and through Russia was evident in “Bunjevačko om sticks swung their sticks and forced the other to Kolo”. With its use of groups of two women and one jump under and over the stick as he swung it man, sections of the dance were similar to the around. One wondered how a wine jug ever stayed Russian troika. on another man’s head as he danced and balanced Bells around the ankles of the men’s boots pro- it on top. The men joined one another in a chorus vided unusual accompaniment, augmenting their line of swiveling hips and fast footwork. steps to the side and the click of their heels. Each time I see the “Glamoč” I am in awe of its With the sounds of the 'gajda' in the backgro- quiet intensity. During Turkish occupation, cultural und, the “Povardarie Suite” began. With step-hops, events were banned, and people were not allowed a circle got smaller and tighter as it was led inward. to play instruments. Thus, the dance was done A quick vine step was used as women circled hol- almost in total darkness and silence. The only sound ding onto each other belts and waving kerchiefs. was the tinkle of coins on women’s vest as they cir- This Macedonian suite proved that break-dancing is cled, balanced, and walked on the balls of their feet. nothing new, as a trio of men dropped to kick their “East Mace do nia Suite” once more used a caller legs out from under them. to call out different steps. Men and women held A vivacious “Croatian Suite” introduced the se- onto each other’s belts, and then women’s lines cond part of the concert. Dancers jumped vigorously crossed each other, and made a star formation. The in various direc tions. The display of centrifugal force dance guided the evening along to a joyful conclu- was overwhelming, as men in circles supporting sion“.

,,Pirinski’’ igri / The Pirin dance


TOMOV VO TORONTO Pi{uva: Lilian Liber

Sledat tekstovi za folk predavawata na Be{e o~igledno od po~etokot de ka za Georgi Geor gi Tomov vo Totonto i intervju objaveno vo ~ekorite i ritmot se najednostavni i naj va`ni spisanieto “Ontario Folkdancer” , Tom 24, broj 4 detali na igroorstvoto i deka da se napra vat od 15 juni 1993 godina i broj 5 od 1 septemvri vistinskite ~ekori vo vistinskite rit mi, ne e 1993 godina, vo koi se veli: isto {to i „pravilno“ da se odigra edno oro. „Opu{tete se, pravete gre{ki. Na toj na~in Ona {to e najva`no vo {emata na ne{tata na vie }e nau~ite“, be{e sovetot na Georgi Tomov. Tomov e kako se igra edno oro. Da se odigra edno A, nau~enoto e tokmu ona {to nie go postignavme oro na „pravilen” na~in zna~i deka sekoj del od na negovata, glavno, makedonski predavawa po teloto e precizno tokmu na vistinskoto mesto i folk lor, na 17 april 1993 vo Toronto. vo vistinskata nasoka vo sekoj mig dodeka trae Georgi dr`e {e ~asovi za edno hrvatsko oro oroto. I dodeka nie bevme zafateni da gi na- (Slavonsko kolo) i za {est makedonski ora u~i me ~ekorite i ritmite, Georgi Tomov be{e (@al na majka, Skudrin ka, Berovka, Koqino oro, za faten so davawe instrukcii, pottiknuvaj}i i Kir~ino oro i @ensko ~am~e). Nekoi bea po- nama muvaj}i n¢ vnimatelno da gledame na broj- te{ki od drugite, no site bea dosti`ni za 50-60 ni te fini to~ki na stilingot koj toj ni gi opi- u~esnici, oso be no otkako Georgi stru~no gi se- {u va{e i demonstrira{e. ci ra{e {emite na ritamot i na rabotata so Pa taka, za da se zapo~ ne „Slavonskoto kolo”, nozete vo lesno sfat li vi segmenti. glavata treba da e podig na ta, ramenata nanazad,



Following are the articles concerning George To- dancing and that doing the right steps in the right mov’s teaching dances in Toronto and an interview rhythms is not the same as doing dance “the right with him published in the magazine “Ontario Folk- way”. What is most important in the Tomov scheme dancer” Volume 24 No. 4 of June 15, 1993, and of things is how a dance is done. Doing a dance “the Num ber 5 of September 1.1993, in which is written: right way” means that every part of your body is in “Relax, make mistakes. That’s the way you precisely the right place and the right orientation at learn”, was George Tomov’s advice And learn is just every moment of the dance. So while we were busy what we did at his mostly-Macedonian workshop on learning the steps and the rhythms, George Tomov April 17, 1993 in Toronto. was busy instructing, exhorting, and cajoling us to George taught one Croatian dance (Slavonsko attend carefully to the many fine points of styling he Kolo) and six Macedo nian dances (“Žalna Majka”, described and demonstrated. “Skudrinka”, “Berovka”, “Koljino Oro”, ‘Kircino Oro’ Thus to start ‘Slavonsko Kolo’: head up, shoul- and ‘Žensko Čamče’). Some were harder than ot- ders back, eyes on the person opposite in the circle, hers, but all were accessible to the 50 to 60 partici- left foot pointing in the line of direction, right foot pants-especially after George expertly dissected the pointing to the center; now walk, smoothly. All this rhythmic and footwork patterns into easily digesti b le preceded by a demonstration of the difference segments. between “walking walking” and “dancing walking” It was obvious from the start that, for George, and followed by frequent demonstrations of both steps and rhythm are only the bare bones of folk the “right” and “wrong” ways to hold the head, arm,


Od 70-iot rodenden na Georgi Tomov / From the 70th birthday of George Tomov pogledot kon liceto sprotiv no vo oroto, levoto na va deka site nie sme obda reni so razli~ni stapalo kon pravecot na igrawe to, a desnoto fi zi~ki talenti i ograni~u vawa i deka sekoj od kon centarot; sega odete, ramno merno. Na seto nas }e reagira na muzikata na na~ini koi sup- ova mu prethodi demonstra cija na razlikata po- tilno vlijaat vrz „pravilniot na~in” na koj nie me|u „odej}i igraj}i” i „igraj}i odej }i”, a pro - go igra me oroto. sle deno so ~esti demonstracii i na „pra vil ni” Za onie od nas koi u`ivaa vo ~asovi te na i „nepravilni” na~ini na dr`ewe na glavata, Georgi vo minatoto, predavawata bea prekras no racete, stapalata, torzoto, pri sekoj ~ekor od nostalgi~no patuva we; bevme vo mo`nost da gi oroto. usovr{ime onie ora za koi bevme sigurni deka Igroorcite mo`e, se razbira, da ne se sogla- gi znaeme i da gi nau~ime onie ora {to ne sme gi suvaat so toa dali postoi takvo ne{ to kako videle i znaele po rano. Za tie koi se zapoz na vaa „pra vilen na~in” na igrawe (jas, na primer, po- so Georgi, negovite ora i negoviot stil na pod - ve}e ja sakam verzijata na „@ensko ~am~e” {to u~uvawe za prv pat, be{e golemo zadovolstvo {to ja nau~iv vo moeto „selo” otkol ku verzijata na na raspolagawe imaa sovladlivo meni od priv - koja Georgi n¢ u~e{e). No, ako go prifatime le~ni ora, podu~uvani so kristalna jasnost. kon cep tot deka ona {to nie go u~ime e oroto koe Pre davawata se zavr{uvaa so ~as po peewe se ig ra lo (ili se igra) vo specifi~ no mesto - vo traewe od 60 minuti, {to go dr`ea Marti filtri rano, se razbira, preku percepciite i Rip son i Ven di [ea rer, nastavnici po peewe i sklo nos tite na u~itelot - toga{ predup re - istaknati peja ~i vo Ansamblot „TOMOV”. Tek- duvaweto toa da se odigra na „pravilen” na~in sto vite im bea distri buirani na 30-35 ~lenovi zna~i da se odigra onaka kako {to se igralo en tuzijasti, so toa {to i visokite i niskite de - tamu. Dali nie sakame na toj na~in, e ednostav- lo vi od pesnite bea ve` ba ni del po del, dode- no pra{awe na li~en vkus. ka celata grupa ne be{e sposobna da go ispee Georgi Tomov e topol, priv le~en u~i tel koj sekoj del od po~etok do kraj. Za moeto oko kako pottiknuva. Negoviot ak cent vrz finite detali gleda~/publika, be{e o~i gled no deka sekoj ce- na stilingot gi ~ini i najednostavnite ora da losno u`i va{e; a za moeto uvo kako slu{a~/pub- bidat interesni i pred iz vikuva~ki duri i za lika, rezultatite od eden ~as ve`ba we navisti- onie od nas koi tancuvame so godini. Naspro ti na bea mnogu impresivni. negovoto insistirawe na „pra vilen na~in”, ne - S¢ na s¢, prekrasno preda va we. Zarem ne vi go va namera ne e rekreativnite igroorci da gi e milo {to bev te tamu? Zarem ne vi e `al {to pre tvori vo klonovi na Georgi Tomov. Toj priz- ja propu{tivte?“

226 DEL IV - NIZ STRANICITE NA MEDIUMITE GEORGI TOMOV foot, torso and especially the “googy” (backside) with every movement of the dance. Folk dancers may, of course, disagree about whet her there is such a thing as a “right way” to dance (I, for one, prefer the version of Žensko Čamče I learned in my “village” to the one George taught). But if we accept the notion that what we are learning is the dance as it was (or is) done in a particular place-filtered, of course, through the per- cep tions and predilections of the teacher – then the admonition to do it the “right way” means to do it the way it was done there. Whether we like it that way is simply a matter of personal taste. George Tomov is a warm, engaging and suppor- tive teacher. His emphasis on the fine details of sty- ling makes the simplest dances both interesting and challenging, even to those of us who have been dancing for years. Despite his insistence on the “right way”, it is not his intention to turn recreation- Georgi Tomov vo Toronto / George Tomov in Toronto al dancers into George Tomov clones. He recognizes The workshop concluded with a one-hour sin- that all of us are endowed with different physical ging lesson, conducted by Martie Ripson and Wendy talents and limitations and that each of us will Shearer, singing coaches and featured singers with respond to the music in ways that will subtly affect the TOMOV Ensemble. Lyrics were distributed to the the “right way” we do a dance. 30-35 ent husiastic participants, and both the high For those of us who have enjoyed George’s and low parts of the songs were practiced phrase by teaching in the past, the workshop was a wonderful phrase until the entire group was able to sing each nostalgia trip; we were able to fine – tune those piece from beginning to end. To my spectator’s eye, dances we were sure we already knew and to learn it was obvious that everyone was having a thoro- those dances we had not seen before. For those ughly enjoyable time; and to my listener’s ear, the who were meeting George, his dances and his style results of a single hour of instruction were very of teaching for the first time, it must have been very impressive indeed. gratifying to be offered a manageable menu of In sum: a fine workshop. Aren’t you glad you appealing dances, taught with crystal clarity. were there? Aren’t you sorry you missed it?“

,,Crnogorka’’ / The Crnogorka dance



Geor|i Tomov dr`i predavawa za narodnite P: Dali nekoga{ ste pomoslile deka }e pos- ora od porane{nite republiki na Jugoslavija i toi tolku dolgo? go osnova i e rakovoditel na Ansamblot „Tomov“. O: Nikoga{ ne sonuvav deka }e bide taka, no Neodamna predava{e vo Toronto i vo Montreal. po s toi golema energija vo grupata. Prekrasno e. Pra{awe: Mora da ste umoren po patuvawe- P: Kakva rabota baravte? to vo Toronto za rabotilnicata i izlo`bata (na O: Studirav vajarstvo. Za da se dobie dobra 17 april, 1993). rabo ta, treba{e da se bide ~len na Komunis ti~ - Odgovor: Da, mnogu sum umoren. Osobeno kata partija. Toa be{e osobeno te{ko za mene poradi toa {to mart e naporen mesec za mene. kako Makedo nec vo Zagreb. (zabe le{ka na ured- P: Zo{to? nikot: Zagreb e glaven grad na Hrvatska) O: Rabotam so deca od treto, ~etvrto i petto P: Kako re{ivte da zaminete? oddelenie vo javniot {kolski sistem vo Kvins. O: Vo Zagreb, se zapoznav so edna Slovenka. Toa e eksperimentalna programa dadena preku Nejzi ni ot tatko neodamna se be{e preselil vo {kolskiot od bor vo sorabotka so Umetni~kite SAD. Planirav da odam vo Montre al so Ansamb - partneri, mladinska lot „Lado“ za Expo orga nizacija. Ova go 67; i taa re{i da doj- pravam ve}e devet de. Po dva mese ci, godini. se pak, taa se vrati P: Koja e celta na do ma. No, od toga{, ovaa programa? `iveam so nej zini ot O: Za decata od tatko. Toj ima 80 go- razli~na poteklo da dini sega i jas se se zapoznaat so na- gri `am za nego. Ne - rod nite ora, pes nite govata sopruga umrela i folklorot. Imam pred toj da dojde tu- tri oddelenija i pre- ka vo 1967. Nas tapu - davam gr~ki, polski vav so „La do“ vo Mon- i makedonski folk- treal, potoa vo SAD lor. Dr`am ~asovi od i na kraj vo Wujork oktomvri do mart, no jas ednostav no re- minatata godina bev {iv da osta nam. vo Av stralija i gi P: [to pravevte odlo `iv esenskite koga stignavte vo ~aso vi, taka {to sega Wujork? }e dr`am ~asovi do O: Zapo~nav da ra- juni. botam kako vajar vo P: Kolku e star Sculpure House, vr{ev Ansamblot „Tomov“? popravki, pra vev ka - O: Devetnaeset go - lapi, se kakvi raboti dini. Go osnovav vo povrzani so vajarst - 1974. Nared nata go- vo to. Bev studiral di na e na{ata 20-go- dve godini vo Skopje di{nina. Xein Aronovi} / Jane Aronovitch na Vi{ata pedago{ ka



George Tomov teaches dances from Macedonia A: To introduce folk dance, songs and folklore to (a part of the former country of Yugoslavia) was the children of different backgrounds, I have three class es fo under and director of the TOMOV Folkdance En- and I teach Greek, Polish and Macedonian dances semble. He recently taught in Toronto and Montreal. and folklore. In teach during the months of October The follo wing is the interview called “Tomov’s Mace do- through March, but last year I was in Australia so I nian Folklore” by Jane Aronovitch, in which is said: cancelled the fall classes and I will run classes until Q: You must be tired after travelling to Toronto June instead. for the workshop and show (on April 17, 1993). Q: How old is the Tomov Ensemble? A: Yes, I’m very tired, especially because March A: It’s 19 Years old. I started it in 1974. Next is such a heavy month for me. year is our 20th anniversary. Q: How come? Q: Did you ever think it would last this long? A: I work with children in grades 3, 4 and 5 in A: I never dreamed it would, but there is a lot of the public school system in Queens. It’s an experi- energy in the group. It’s wonderful. mental program given through the school board in Q: What kind of work were you looking for? cooperation with Art Partners, a youth organization. A: I studied sculpture. To get a good job you had I have been doing this for nine years now. to be a member of the Communist party. It was Q: What is the purpose of this program? especially difficult for me as a Macedonian in Zagreb

Vo studioto ,,Tomov’’ / In the TOMOV Studio

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 229 GEORGI TOMOV akademija za umetnost. Isto taka, bev i vo Pariz ponedelnik, vtornik i sreda popladne. Potoa, vo 1963? Da studiram nekolku meseci. studioto stana glavno sedi{te na igraornoto P: Od kade igraorstvoto? dru{tvo, po~nuvaj}i od 1974. O: Po Pariz, se vrativ i po~nav da igram vo P: [to ve natera da osnovata igraorno „Ta nec“. Toa trae{e sî do 1962. Se vrativ vo Skop- dru{t vo? je po zemjotresot vo 1963. Ja izgubivme na{ata O: Bev vklu~en vo davawe ~asovi na 14-ta ku}a, no site vo semejstvoto bea zdravi i `ivi. uli ca i 6-ta avenija. Friday might group? Toa Otidov vo Zagreb bidej}i po~nav da igram vo be{e poznata grupa vo toa vreme. Ima{e golem „Lado“, a zavr{iv vo Wujork po Expo 67. entuzijazam i lu|eto postojano me pra{uvaa koga P: Planiravte li da ostanete vo Wujork? }e po~nam so igraorno dru{tvo. Na kraj, re{iv O: Otidov vo Amerikanskiot konzulat i pra- da probam. Organizi rav audicii, po~nav da ku - {av dali mo`e da dobijam viza za prestoj od edna pu vam nosii i posvetuvav vreme na vodewe godi na. Rekov deka sakam da studiram vajarstvo. zabele{ki za koreografii. Me pra{aa dali sum pobaral otsustvo od direk- P: Koga be{e prviot nastap na igraornata torot na „Lado“. Rekov deka ne, deka sakam prvo grupa? da znam dali dali e mo`no da ostanam. Mi rekoa O: Prviot nastap koj jas go koreografirav deka voo bi ~aeno e prvo otsustvo, pa posle viza, be{e na Denot na blagodarnosta, 1974. Go izve- no sepak se slo`ija. Mi rekoa ni{to da ne zbo- dovme „Povardarieto“. ru vam, da ne pravam skandal kako Nureev, kako P: Toa e istoto kako dene{niot va{ „Povar - Bari{nikov! Go informirav „Lado“, vo posled- dar ski splet“? nite minuti pred da go napu{tat Wujork. Mi O: Ne, ima{e brojni promeni. Vo toga{noto rekoa da ne im ka`uvam na drugite igraorci. bea vklu~eni „Tino More“, „Buf~ansko“, a zavr- P: I, nazad vo Sculpture House vo Wujork... {u va{e so „Crnogorka“. O: Tamu navistina nemav mo`nost da rabotam P: Dali koreografiravte za drugi grupi? ni{to kreativno. Toa be{e samo biznis. Osta - O: Da. Go koreografirav baletot vo Linkoln nav okolu tri godini, do 1970. Cen tarot za Vienskata operska ku}a vo 1986 i P: [to napravivte toga{? isto taka koreografirav za Zimskite olimpiski O: Vo 1970, dobiv mala rabota vo Blooming- ig ri vo Lejk Plasid vo 1980. Mojot Ansambal dale’s. Celata ideja be{e da nau~am pove}e ang - nastapuva{e vo Linkoln Centarot skoro sekoja liski i da kontaktiram so lu|e. Gi sakam lu|eto. go dina. A vo 1988, imavme prva celove~erna Bev prodava~ vo ma{koto oddelenie. Ostanav nastap vo Karnegi hol. Drugite nastapi tamu bea tamu do 1975. Potoa, otvoriv tancovo studio i so grupi-gosti. rabotev vo nego do 1982. Jas sum, isto taka, ~len-osnova~ na amerikan- P: Kakov vid na tancovo studio? skata Organizacija za slavisti~ko nasledstvo O: Imav golemo tancovo studio vo Menheten. (Slavic Heritage Organization). Toa e neprofitna Davav sekakov vid na ~asovi po folklor, so raz - or ga nizacija koja se bavi so za~uvuvawe i prezen - li~ni u~iteli - kako Majkl Herman, Stiv Zalf, ti rawe na kulturata na slavjanskite narodi. Karl Finger i mnogu drugi. Imavme ~asovi vo Tie imaat nastap sekoja godina. Sekoj od 13

Vo studioto ,,Tomov’’ / In the TOMOV Studio


(Ed. Note: Zagreb is the capital of the Croatian republic). anything creative. It was just business. I stayed Q: How did you decide to leave? about three years until 1970. A: In Zagreb I met a Slovenian woman. Her Q: What did you do then? father had recently moved to the US. I was planning A: In 1970, I got a little job in Bloomingdale’s. to go to Montreal with Lado for Expo 67; she deci- The whole idea was to learn more English and to ded to go too. After two months, though, she have contacts with people. I love people. I was a returned home. But since then, I have been living salesman in the men’s department. I stayed there with her father. He’s 80 now and I take care of him. until 1975. Then opened a dance studio and worked His wife died before he came in 1967. I performed there until 1982. with Lado in Montreal, Then in USA, and finally in Q: What kind of dance studio? New York I just decided to stay. A: I had a large dance studio in Manhattan. And Q: What did you do when you got to New York? it offered all kinds of folk dance classes, with differ- A: I started to work in a sculpture house doing ent teachers – like Michael Herman, Steve Zalf, Karl repair work, casts, all kinds of work related to sculp- Finger and many others. We danced Monday, Tuesday ture. I had studied for two years in Skopje at the and Wednesday nights. Then the studio became the High Pedagogical Academy of Art. I also went to headquarters for the dance company, starting in 1974. Paris in 1954 to study for a couple of months. Q: What made you start the dance company? Q: Where did dancing come in? A: I was involved in teaching at the 14th St. and A: After Paris, I came back and started dancing 6th Ave. Friday night group. It was a very famous with Tanec. That lasted until 1962. I returned to group at that time. There was a lot of enthusiasm Skopje after the earthquake in 1963. We lost our and people kept asking me about starting a dance home but everyone in my family was okay. I went company. Finally, I decided to try. I held auditions, to Zagreb because I got work with Lado and ended began to buy costumes and spent time recording for up in New York after Expo 67. choreographies. Q: Did you plan to stay in New York? Q: When was the dance company’s first show? A: I went to the American consulate and asked A: The first show I choreographed was on Thanks- if I could have a visa to stay for one year. I said that giving 1974. We did Povardarie (by the Vardar River). I wanted to study sculpture. They asked me if I had Q: The same as your current Povardarie suite? asked the director of Lado for a leave of absence. I A: No, there have been all kinds of changes. said no, that I wanted to know if it was possible to That one hat Tino More, Bufčansko in it and finished stay first. They said it was supposed to work the with Crnogorka. other way round, but it turned out okay. They told Q: Have you choreographed for other troupes? me not to say anything-not to make a scandal like A: Yes. I choreographed a ballet at Lincoln Cen- Nureyev, Barysh nikov! I told Lado at the last minute ter for the Vienna Opera House in 1986, and I also before they left New York. They told me not to tell choreographed for the Winter Olympics in Lake Pla- the other dancers. cid in 1980. My ensemble performs at Lincoln Center Q: Back to the sculpture house in New York... almost every year. And in 1988 we did our first com- A: It didn’t really give me an opportunity to do plete show at Carnegie Hall. Other performances

,,Nevestinsko’’ oro / The Nevestinsko dance

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 231 GEORGI TOMOV ~lenki izveduva ora i pesni od svojata zemja. P: Slu{nav deka ima mnogu Makedonci vo P: Dali rabotite so nekoja druga grupa? Avstralija? O: Jas sum umetni~ki direktor na kulturnoto O: Ima silna Makedonska zaednica tamu, dru{tvo „Goce Del~ev“. Toa e grupa od 60-tina okolu 400.000. A, najmladite zboruvaat makedon- deca od Makedonskoto zdru`enie od Wu Xersi. ski so avst raliski akcent! Na stapuvame za crkvata ili ponekoga{ na fes- P: Pokraj site igraorni aktivnosti koi ve tivali vo Wu Xersi. oku piraat, razbrav deka ste mnogu aktiven vo P: Kako zarabotuvate? oblasta na ~ovekovite prava. Dali e toa to~no? O: Ne zarabotuvam! Bogat sum na poinakov na- O: Bez izbran za pretsedatel na Makedon - ~in. Mojata cel e da im pomagam na lu|eto i da skoto zdru`enie za ~ovekovi prava vo Amerika. gi pra vam sre}ni, da im go dadam moeto znaewe Rabotime naporno za da ja eliminirame diskri - za folklorot i da go zbogatam nivnoto znaewe. minacijata protiv Makedoncite koi se na rabo- Rabotam za podobro razbirawe me|u narodite i ta ovde vo SAD i tamu, na drugata strana. Sakame da ima mir na zemjata. po~ituvawe na ~ovekovite prava na Makedon ci- P: Zna~i, vie ne rabotite, nemate rabota? te za da mo`at da u~at na svojot jazik, da ja O: Rabotam na opredeleno vreme vo Citibank prak tikuvat svojata reli gija i da bidat slobod- - 20 ~asa nedelno. Toa mi dava pravo na zdrav- ni da patuvaat i `iveat kade {to sakaat. Tie stveno osiguruvawe. Jas sum [ef na Protokolot sakaat da `iveat vo mir. vo Salata za ve~era, no rabotam sî {to e pot- P: Dali e toa politi~ko telo? rebno. Toa e postojana rabota od 10:30 do 14:30 O: Ne, nema povrzanost so makedonskata vla- sekoj den. da. Toa zdru`enie e aktivno vo SAD. ^estopati, Toa mi odgovara bidej}i rabotam so decata od ne se soglasuvam so makedonskite politi~ari. 09:00 do 10:0, a potoa sum zafaten so grupata od Ne gi me {am ~ovekovite prava so politikata. Wu Xersi ili so mojot Ansambl. Rabotam od Toa e humanitarna, a ne politi~ka organizacija. 08:00 do polno}, ~esto sam {ijam nosii do raz- Autsajderi kako Bugari i Grci mo`e da gledaat denuvawe. Isto taka, predavam na rabotilnici, na nea kako na politi~ka organizacija. No, ne e. kako ovaa ovde i vo Avstralija minatata godina. Taa se formira{e poradi toa {to ima{e ne- P: Dali zatoa otidovte vo Avstralija? dostig na lekovi vo Makedonija. Isprativme 35.000 O: Brat mi i sestra mi `iveat tamu ve}e dol- dolari donacija za lekovi, a amerikanskata vla- go vreme. Toa be{e prv pat {to go vidov brat mi za da donira{e 5 dolari za sekoj 1 dolar {to nie ovie 30 godini. Ostanav dva meseca vo Avstralija go dadovme. Taa zapo~na kako organizacija da na gosti i predavaj}i na rabotilnici. Bev gos - dava pomo{. No, sega, taa e predmet na samoza - tin na avstraliskoto Zdru`enie na tancovi u~i - dovolstvo za onie od nas koi `iveeme vo SAD: teli i predavav vo Sidnej, Kanbera, Melburn, imame na{i ~ovekovi prava. Sakame na{ite bra }a Adelaid i vo Pert. i sestri, tamu preku, da gi imaat istite prava.

So Makedonci od Wujork / With Macedonians from New York

232 DEL IV - NIZ STRANICITE NA MEDIUMITE GEORGI TOMOV there were with guest groups. I’m also a founding and teach ing workshops. I was a guest of the Aus- member of the Slavic Heritage Organi za tion of tra lian Associ ation of Dance Teachers and taught in America. It’s a non-profit organization concerned Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Perth. with preserving and presenting the culture of Slavic Q: I’ve heard there are lots of Macedonians in nations. They have a performance every year. Each Australia? of the 13 members performs dances and songs A: There is a very strong Macedonian communi- from their country. ty there, about 400,000. And the younger ones Q: Do you work with any other groups? speak Macedonian with an Australian accent! A: I am the Artistic Director of a performing group Q: Besides all the dance activities that keep you called GOCE DELČEV. This is a group of 60 kids from busy, I understand you are also very involved in the Macedonian Association of New Jersey. We per- human rights. Is that right? form for the church or sometimes at festivals else- A: I was elected President of the Macedonian where in New Jersey. Asso ciation for Human Rights in America. We work Q: How do you make money? hard to eliminate discrimination against Macedoni - A: I don’t! But I’m rich in other ways. My goal is ans in jobs here in the US and over there. We want to help people and make them happy, to give peo- respect for Macedonians’ human rights, so they can ple my knowledge of folklore and enrich their learn their own language, pray their own religion knowledge. I work toward better understanding and be free to travel and live where they want. They between nations and to have peace on earth. want to live in peace. Q: You don’t have a job? Q: Is this a political body? A: I work part-time for Citibank – 20 hours per A: No, there is no connection with the Macedo - week. That entitles me to a health plan. I am Chief nian government. It is active in the US. Many times of Protocol in the Executive Dining Room, but I do l don’t agree with the Macedonian politicians. I don’t whatever is needed. It is a steady job from 10:30 to mix human rights with politics. It is a humanitarian 2:30 every day. It works well for me because I work organization, not a political organization. Outsiders with the kids from 9:00 to 10:00 and afterwards I like Bulga rians and Greeks may look at it as politi- am busy with the New Jersey group or with my cal. But it isn’t. It started because there was a shor - ensemble. I work from 8:00 in the morning to mid- tage of medicine in Macedonia. We sent a $35,000 night, often sewing costumes myself until the early gift for medicine and the American government do- hours of the morning. I also teach workshops like nated another $5 for each $1 we gave. It started as the one here and in Australia last year. an organization to give aid. But now it is a matter of Q: Is that why you went to Australia? self-satisfaction for those of us who live in the US: A: My brother and sister have lived there for a we have our human rights. We want our brothers long time. That was the first time I saw my brother and sisters to have the same rights over there. in 30 years. I spent two months in Australia visiting

Demonstrirawe na igra / Demonstration of dancing


Uredni~kiot odbor na ,,Folkvju’’ / Editorial Board of The Folkview




Folklorniot ansambl „TOMOV” ima{e uspe{ni folk-stil. Igraweto, sepak, be{e ograni~e no na turnei niz Makedonija, za koi bea objaveni brojni selskiot stil. napisi vo razni vesnici. Sledat serija tekstovi Selskite ora, vo najgolem del, bea izvedu- od ~lenovite na Ansamblot objaveni vo magazi - vani vo prava linija ili vo krug i se sostoeja not „Wusletr”. Prviot napis e na Xon Brando i se od osnoven ~ekor, prosleden so edna ili pove}e odnesuva na Ilindenskiot festival vo Bito la, varijacii vo ~eko rite. Pone ko ga{, ovie varija - vo koj avtorot veli: cii glasno gi imenuva orovodecot, no vo po ve - Bitola, grad vo ju`niot del na Makedonija, }e to slu~ai ednostavnite koreogra fii bea vo blizina na gr~kata granica, e mesto vo koe se aran `irani za festival koj vklu ~uva odreden odr`uva festivalot na narodni pesni „Ilin - {ablon na ~ekori. Mnogu ~esto edna grupa }e go den ski denovi”. Ovoj festival go slavi spome - zapo~ne{e svojot nastap so odigruvawe na scena not na makedonskoto vostanie od 1903 godina od selskiot `ivot kako, na pri mer, predewe i protiv Turcite i e sli~en na na{iot 4-ti juli. tkaewe, kosewe `ito (edna grupa, vsu{nost, Vo Bitola, „Ilindenskite denovi” se sostojat ima{e stebla od p~enica od sti ropor), gotve - od ~etiridneven festival. Pred 1979 godina, we, itn. Tipi~nata programa na edna grupa se u~estvuvaa isklu~ivo Ma ke donci od Makedonija. sos toi od tri ili ~etiri ora, sekoe pre zen- No, ovaa godina, osven Ansamblot „TOMOV”, ima{e tirano kako celina, so pauza pome|u sekoe oro. grupi i od Mi~igen, Avst ralija, kako i od drugi Mnogu ~esto, po `enskoto oro sle de {e ma{ko de lo vi na Jugoslavija. oro, a potoa nivnite redovi Fes ti valot zapo~ nuva so se spojuvaa za treto oro. parada, ve~erta vo sreda, na Ovie ora mo`ebi izgle - 29 juli. Folklor nite grupi, daat edno stavni za onie koi oble~eni vo no sii od niv ni te se zapoznati so komplici- sela ili kraevi, se sob raa na ranite ~ekori i {emi {to nazna~e noto mesto na pe- mo`e da se vidat vo mnogu riferijata na gradot, a potoa koreogra fii vo Wujork i vo zaedno se upatija kon centa - drugi delovi na Amerika, no rot na gradot za gole mata pa- preciznosta na spretnosta rada. Tie si probija pat do na nozete, vo sprega so `iva - mestoto na festivalot kade ta muzika i izvornite nosii, koncertite se odr `u vaa vo napravija ovie ora da bidat ~e tiri posledo va telni dena, nezaboravni. Stilingot i od 20 do 22 ~asot. edinst voto na dvi`ewe, pri - Mestoto na odr`uva we na stutni duri i kaj najmladite festivalot be{e na otvo re - ig roorci (nekoi od niv duri no, so gole ma scena i mesto za i ~etirigodi{ni), gi na pra - 10 000 lu|e. Sekoja ve~er pro- vija ovie ora tolku voz- gramata be{e sklop od muzi- budlivi. Festivalot na gle - ka, igrawe, peewe i folk lor- da~ite im dade mo`nost da ni ri tuali. Muzikata i pes- go vkusat bogatstvoto na raz- nite bea razli~ni - od tradi - nolikosta vo ramkite na ma- cio nalni pesni i in stru men - kedonskata folklorna tra- ti do ponovata muzika vo Nevestinska nosija - Kru{evo / Birdal dress - Krusevo di cija.



The TOMOV Folk Dance Ensemble had four suc- The music and singing varied from the traditional cessful tours throughout Macedonia, out of which a songs and instruments to more contemporary music number of articles were published in different news- in a popular style. papers. The following are the stories written by the The dancing, however, was restricted to village members of the Ensemble and published in the style dancing. Village dances for the most part are magazine Newsletter. The first article is by John done in line or circle formation and consist of a Brandeau and it is about the Ilinden Festival Days in basic step followed by one or more variations on the Bitola, in which the author says: step. These variations are sometimes called by the Bitola, a southern Macedonian city situated near leader, but in most cases simple choreographies the Greek border, is the location of the annual had been arranged for the festival which included a Ilinden Days folk festival. The Ilinden Days comme- set pattern for the steps. Very often a group would mo rate the 1903 Macedonian uprising against the start its performance with a re-enactment of a sce - Turks and are similar to our 4th of July. ne from village life, such as spinning and weaving, In Bitola, the Ilinden Days take the form of a cutting grain (one group actually had stalks of four-day-long festival of folk music and dance. Prior wheat in styro-foam), cooking, etc. A typical prog- to 1979, participation was almost exclusively limited ram for a group would consist of three or four dan- to native Macedonians. This ces, each presented as a unit year, however, in addition to with a break between each the TOMOV Ensemb le, there dance. Very often there would were groups from Michigan, be a women’s’ dance followed Australia, as well as other by a men’s’ dance and then parts of Yugoslavia. the lines would integrate for a The festival began with a third dance. parade late Wednesday after- These dances may seem noon, July 29th. Group s, dre- simple to those familiar with the ssed in the costume of their intricate steps and patterns village or region, gathered found in many of the choreo- together at designated areas graphies danced in New York on the outskirts of the city City and other parts of the and then converged on the country, but the precision of cen ter of the city for the the dancers’ footwork coupled grand parade. Afterwards with live music and authentic people made their way to the costumes made the se dances festival grounds, where the memorable. It was the styling concerts were held each of and unity of movement, pres- the four successive evenings ent in even the youngest dan- from 8 to 10 p.m. cers (some of whom could not The festival grounds are have been more than four years outdoors with a large stage old) that made these dances and seating for 10,000 peop- so exciting. The festival gave the le. The program each evening spectator a chance to sample was a mixture of music, dan- the richness of variety within cing, singing and folk ritual. Bitola / Bitola the Macedonian folk tradition.



^etvrti juli vo Jugoslavija i Makedonija e debeli crni ~orapi, verojatno nekolku potzdol- dr`aven praznik, kako na{iot Den na pomen na ni{ta, bluza so dolgi rakavi i xemper, a glava- zaginatite. Na okolu 14 milji od Ohrid se nao|a ta zamotana so marama. Gleda{e vo mene so seloto Bel~i{ta, a vo negova blizina e plani- qubopitnost, a i jas vo nea koga na{i te o~i se nata kade se odvivale `estoki borbi so German - sretnaa i razmenivme golemi nasmevki. Kako vo cite vo II Svetska vojna, vo koi mnogu Makedon - Sv. Naum nekolku dena pred toa, ima{e ra{tr - ci bile ubieni. Na vrvot na planinata ima spo - kani grupi od muzi~ari koi svirea na grupi me nik vo ~est na zaginatite borci. Na toj den, igroorci naokolu na planinata. Vo 12:30 se tamu se odvivaat posebni ceremonii na koi pri - sobravme kaj na{iot avtobus i zaminavme za sustvuvaat iljadnici me{tani i, pretpostavu- Struga, nedaleku na sever od Ohrid, za da ru- vam, malubrojni tu ris - ~ame vo ubaviot nov ti. Georgi ja od ne se hotel „Biser”, koj be - na{ata grupa tamu. {e otvoren samo tri Po patot do plani- dena pred toa. Izgra - nata ima{e tezgi na den e na stranata na koi se prodava{e ovo{ - edna karpa na ezer- je, igra~ki i sli~no. ski ot breg. Vsu{nost, Na dale~nata strana golata karpa pretsta- od pla ninata, na nejzi- vuva vnatre{en yid no to podno`je, ima{e na trpezarijata na ho- postaveno bina. Lu|e to telot. Dodeka se pri- se sobiraa na padi- gotvuva{e ru~ekot, nite za da gi gledaat imavme mo`nost da ceremoniite. Nekolku pro {etame naokolu. funkcioneri dr`ea Vendel i jas otidovme dol gi govori. Se raz- na bregot. Vidovme bi ra deka ne razbrav- ne kolku mali mom~i - me nitu zbor. Potoa wa kako igraat bad- sle de{e muzika i ig ra- minton na edno igra - we na nekoi folklor- li{te i Vendel im se ni grupi koi na sta pu - pridru`i vo igrata. vaat na Ohridski ot Potoa, dve mom~iwa festival. Ven del i jas mi se pribli`ija i sednavme na trevata do mi prozborea. edno steb lo. Sonceto Za ru~ek jadevme pe~e{e i dobiv izgo - oh ridska pastrmka ko- re nici po teloto bi - ja, isto taka, ja imav- dej}i bev os kudno ob- me i vo na{iot hotel le ~en. Ved na{ do mene vo Ohrid. Taa e mnogu sede{e edna me{tanka vkusna. Pastrmkata e celata zamotana. Ima- retka riba, vid koj {e ob le ~eno dolgo skoro izumira. Mi ka- vol neno zdolni{te, So Rod Magvej / With Rod McVeigh `aa deka taa postoi


TOURING WITH TOMOV by Lois Tietsworth

July fourth in Yugoslavia and in Macedonia is a understood not a word. That was followed by music national holiday like our Memorial Day. About 14 and dancing by some of the groups participating in the miles from Ohrid is the village of Belčista, and out Ohrid festival. Wendell and I sat on the grass down in the country near there is a hill which was the site by the stable. The sun was very hot and I was gett- of many fierce battles with the Germans in World ing a sunburn in my skimpy little sundress. Seated on War Il in which many Macedonians were killed. Atop the ground next to me was a native woman all bund- the hill is a monument honoring the war dead. On led up. She had on a long wool skirt, heavy black stoc- July fourth special ceremonies take place there kings, probably several petticoats, long-sleeved blou- attended by hundreds of natives and, I imagine, very se and sweater, and her head all wrapp ed up in a scarf. few tourists. George took our group there. She was looking me over curiously, and I her, when Along the path up the hill were stands selling our eyes met and we exchanged big smiles. Like at sweet cherries, small sweet green plants, and all St. Naum a few days before, the re were roving gro - sorts of things. On the far side at the bottom of the ups of musicians playing for groups of dancers here hill there was a stage set up. The people all gathe- and there on the hill. At 12:30 we met at our bus red on the hillside to observe the ceremonies. There and went to Struga, a short distance north of Ohrid, were long speec hes by some officials. Of course we to have lunch at a beautiful new hotel, the Biser

Na turneja vo Ohrid / On tour in Ohrid


Marti, Vaska i Vendi so ansamblot ,,Tomov’’ / Marty, Vaska, Wendy with the TOMOV Ensemble


Od repertoarot na ,,Tomov’’ / From the TOMOV repertoire

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 241 GEORGI TOMOV samo na u{te edno mesto vo svetot, nekade vo Ja- go vo narodni nosii! Sigurno razlikata e vo toa po nija! Mesoto e rozevo i mnogu vkusno i deli- so kogo odite i koj ve vodi. katesno... mmm... ah. Po `ivopisnoto pa tuvawe so avtobus od Georgi ponese so sebe eden magnetofon {to Struga do Skopje, pristignavme vo hotelot „Pa- ponekoga{ go koristevme za ig ra we oro vo edna no ra ma” na padinite na ridot od koj ima{e golema sala na vtoriot kat ili nadvor na tera- prek rasen pogled kon celiot grad. Vo 1963 godi- sa ta. Sekoja ve~er, orkestarot svire{e muzika na si len zemjotres go razru{il pogolemiot del vo amerikanski stil na terasata pod na{ite od gradot pri {to zaginale pove}e od iljada li - balkoni. Edna ve~er gi gledavme od na{iot bal- ca. Go posetivme Etnografskiot muzej i bevme kon, bidej}i orkestarot zavr{uva{e so svirewe preplaveni so ~uvstva od veli~enstvenite na - na polno}. Nekoi od na{a ta grupa s¢ u{te bea rodni nosii izlo`eni tamu. Vo noviot del od dolu koga nekolku svi ra~i na zurla dojdoa i bea gra dot ima prodavnici vo koi se prodavaat iz- zamoleni da svirat ora. A zurlite se navistina vezeni ko{uli (po~nuvaj}i od 20 dolari, a i bu~ni! Del od hotel skiot personal so tr~awe poskapi). Vo stariot del od gradot ima pro- im se pribli`ija i im rekoa deka e premnogu davnici za opinci, no ne od stariot stil. Edna docna za kakva bilo vreva. Pa taka, zurlaxiite ve~er, eden prijatel na Georgi donese kup make- prodefiliraa kon ezerot, sî u{te svirej}i, donski narodni nosii vo hotelot i mnogumina prosledeni so grupa od na{i igroorci,... tokmu od na{ata grupa kupija nosii od nego. Drug pri- kako gajdaxii. jatel na Georgi od KUD „TANEC” ni odr`a ~asovi Ne kol ku dobri na{i prijateli bea otideni za igrawe edno popladne vo hotelot, na otvore- na trinedelen odmor vo Makedonija nekolku go- nata terasa nadvor. Vrvniot nastan pri na{iot di ni pred toa. Iznajmile avtomobil i se vozele prestoj vo Skopje be{e veli-~estveniot make- niz se vernite i centralnite delovi. Se vrati- donski izlet {to rodninite na Georgi ni go la doma razo~arani velej}i deka za toa vreme ne priredija. No}ta pred toa, stavile pet jagniwa slu{nale izvorna muzika i deka ne videle niko- na ra`en i vo pekarata - otkako lebot be{e

Makedonski rezbi / Macedonian carvings


(the Pearl), which had opened three days before. It is tell them that it was too late for any more noise there. built against the side of a cliff on the lake shore. In So the zurla players marched off toward the lake, still fact, the bare rock of the cliff is the inside wall of the playing, followed by the gang of our folk dancers, ... dining room. While lunch was being prepared we had just like the pied paper. a chance to roam around. Wendell and I walked along A couple of very good friends of ours had gone the shore. We saw some little boys playing badminton for a three-week vacation to Mace donia several years in a field and Wendell went over and joined in the game. previous. They had rented a car, and drove through Then two young men came along and spoke to me. the northern and central parts. They came home For lunch we had Ohrid trout, which we also had disappointed, saying that at no time had they heard had at our Ohrid hotel. It is utterly delicious. It is a any native music or seen anyone in any native cos- very rare fish, an almost extinct species. I was told tume! It certainly makes a difference with whom you it exists only one other place in the world, some- go to guide you. where in Japan!! The meat is pink and very sweet After a scenic bus ride from Struga to Skopje, we and delicate ... yum ... sigh... arrived at Panorama Hotel on the side of a hill with George had brought along a tape recorder that a splendid view of the whole city. In 1963 an earth- was sometimes used for folk dancing in a large se- quake destroyed most of the city, killing thousands cond floor lobby or on an outside terrace. Every of people. We visited the Ethnographic Museum and eve ning an orchestra played American style dance were overwhelmed by the mag nificent costumes dis- music on a terrace below our balconies. One eve- played there. In the new part of the city were shops ning we were watching from our balcony as the selling new embroidered blouses ($20 up). There were orchestra finished playing at midnight. Some of our opanci shops in the Old City, but little in the way of group were down there still all wound up, when a cou- old costumes. One evening a friend of Geor ge’s brou- ple of zurla players came along and were asked to ght a load of Mace donian costumes to the hotel, and play for folk dancing. Well, zurlas are really raucous! many of our group bought from him. Another friend Some mem bers of the hotel staff came running to of George’s from the TANEC state folkdance ensemble

Sv. Jovan Kaneo vo Ohrid / St. Jovan Kaneo in Ohrid


Manastirot Sv. Naum vo Ohrid / St. Naum Monastery in Ohrid ispe~en okolu 3 ~asot utrinata - jagniwata bea pra {uva drugiot do sebe: „Dali saka{ da se iz- staveni vo rerna da se pe~at. Narednoto utro, mie{ i izbri {e{?” A odgovorot be{e: „Mi tre- rodninite napravija salati i razni jadewa, ba kapewe i su{e we!” Potoa, Georgi pu{ti na - vklu~uvaj}i mali kola~i vo {erbet so med za rodna muzika na magnetofonot i nie igravme na desert. Otidovme so avtobus na edno izletni~ko toa otvoreno mesto. Privlekov me golem broj po- mesto (javen trevnik) kade tie bea donele }ebi - patni minuva ~i koi bea zaintrigirani od wa {to gi rasposlaa na zemja za da sedneme, se- razli~nite ora {to nie, neobi~na grupa Ameri- kakvi vidovi pijalaci, itn. Jadevme golemi par - kan ci, gi ig rav me. Kako i samiot Georgi, i nego - ~iwa od mekoto, tenko, so~no, sî u{te toplo jag- vi te rodnini se mnogu gostoqubivi, dare`livi, ne{ko meso i od site drugi pre krasni jadewa so topli srca i mili. dodeka ne se zasitivme. Slu{ nav kako eden go

Ohridski pastrmki / The Ohrid trout


Veligden vo Skopje / Easter in Skopje gave us a dance workshop one afternoon at the ho- ground, all kinds of beverages, etc. We ate great tel on an outside terrace. The highlight of our stay chunks of tender, lean, juicy, still-warm lamb and all in Skopje was the marvelous Mace donian picnic Ge- the other wonderful food until we were stuffed. I or ge’s relatives put on for us. The night before, they heard someone ask another, “Would you like a had gotten five lambs, and at a bakery – after the wash and dry?” The answer was, “I need a bath and bread was all finished around 3 AM – the lambs dry!”. Afterwards George played the tape re cor der were put in the ovens to roast. Next morning the for folk dancing in the field. We drew quite a crowd family made salads and various foods including of onlookers who were intrigued by all the different little honey-soaked cakes for dessert. We went by dances done by the strange bunch of Ameri cans. bys to the picnic area (public parkland) where the Like George himself, his relatives are all very family had brought blankets to spread on the hospitable, generous, warm-hearted, and loving.

Sv. Jovan Bigorski / St. Jovan Bigorski


NIZ MAKEDONIJA Od Kristina Kalas

Kako {to posvetenite ~itateli na Wusletr nost da go rastegnat ona {to za nas bi bilo dob- ve}e znaat, ansamblot „Tomov” ima{e edinstve- ro dojde iska`ano vo 25 zbora, vo tekst od deset na mo`nost minatoto leto (1979) da odi na tur- stranici ot~ukani na ma{ina za pi{uvawe. I toa, ne ja i da nastapuva vo na Georgi rodnata Make- so eden prored. A ~esto ~itaat od zbor do zbor. do nija. Bevme pokaneti da nastapime na Bitol - Na priemot kaj gradona~al ni kot, Georgi uka`a skiot fes tival kako pretstavnici na na{eto ~est so toa {to preveduva{e, fraza po fraza, a rodno makedonsko selo...Wujork. po toa ^ing ni go preveduva{e negoviot prevod. Dolgoro~no gledano, pova`no od nastapite be - No, so umorot zad nas i so slivovicata nad- {e mo`nosta da vidime i da zapoznaeme del od vor od na{i ot sistem za varewe, naskoro bevme lu|eto i mestata vo Make donija. Imavme buren spremni da ja istra`ime zemjata i vo tekot na dve po~etok utrinata po na{eto pristignuvawe vo nedeli uspeavme da propatuvame niz cela Ma - Bitola koga moravme sosi la da se razbudime za kedonija, na{iroko i nadolgo od edniot kraj do da pojaduvame so gradona~alnikot. Kafe i gust drugiot, od Ohrid do Bitola, do Strumica, do sok. Nikoga{ vo tvojot `ivot: votka i slivo vica Skopje. servirani vo ~a{i so dr{ka, na srebre ni po slu - Edno od najprijatnite ne{ta pri posetata na `avnici, od kelneri polni so po~it i so ve{ ti na eden makedonski grad be{e patuvaweto do sta - da se pribli`at ne~ujno dopolnuvaj }i ja ~a{ata ri ot del od gradot. Vo pove}eto gradovi vo Ev- do rabot sekoga{ koga }e ja svrti{ glavata na ro pa, vklu~uvaj}i gi i onie na jadranskiot breg, druga strana. I be{e toa tokmu tamu koga prv pat bojata i `ivotot na starite kvartovi se ve{ta~ ki se zapoznavme so makedonskata razo noda broj za~uvani i staromodno i dopadlivo spakuva ni eden: dr`ewe govori. Kolku podolgi, tolku se po - za turistite; no, vo Makedonija mnogu zanaeti i ve li~estveni, tolku se podobri. Ma ke doncite, ve{tini ostanale nepromeneti u{te od sredno - Bog da gi blago slo vi, imaat izvonredna sposob- ve kovieto. [etaj}i po stariot del na Bitola i

Ohrid / Ohrid



As devoted readers of the “Newsletter” will al rea - dubious honor of phrase-by-phrase translations, with dy know, the Tomov dance group had the unique Ching’s simultaneous translations of George’s trans- opportunity the past summer (1979) to tour and per- lations. form in George’s native Macedonia. We were invited But with jet lag behind, and the slivovitz worked to participate in village festivals and celebrations out of our systems, we were soon ready to explore and, not least, to perform at the Bitola Festival as the country, and in the course of two weeks mana- representatives of our native Macedonian village ... ged to crisscross Macedonia from one end to the New York City. other, from Ohrid to Bitola to Strumica to Skopje. In the long run more important than the per- One of the most enjoyable things about visiting forming was the chance to see and get to know a Macedonian town is a trip to the old town (star some of the people and grad). In most towns of places in Macedonia. We Europe, including those got off to a roaring start on Yugoslavia’s Adriatic the morning after our coast, the color and life arri val in Bitola, when we of the old quarters have pried our eyelids open been artificially preser- wi de enough to have bre- ved and quaintly packa- akfast with the mayor. ged for tourists, but in Coffee and orange juice? Macedonia many crafts Not on your life: vodka and trades have remai- and slivovitz served in ned unchanged since stemmed glasses, on sil- medieval times. Walk ver trays, by deferential into the old quarter of waiters with the knack of Bito la and, tilted along creeping up silently and the patchwork of twist- replenishing your glass to ed, cobbled streets and the brim whenever you alleys, you will find leat - turned your head. And herworkers, blacsmiths, he re it was that we were jewellery-makers, ba kers, first introduced to the coppersmiths. Even a few number one Macedonian gnarled old men selling pastime: speechmaking. musty pieces of folk cos- The longer, the more sta- tume. It’s possible to tely, the better. Macedo- make some real finds-a nians, God bless them, vest, some socks, an have the uncanny ability occa sional apron. (The to stretch what to us wo - difficulty for most tou - uld be a 25-word welco- rists is in getting valu - me into a ten-page type- able pieces out of the script. Single spaced. And country, since the gover - often read verbatim. At n ment does not want the the mayor’s reception best of its folk heritage Ge orge accor ded us the Kristina Kalas / Kristine Kalazs to end up in the hands of

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 247 GEORGI TOMOV odej}i navaleno po zakrpenite i iskrivenite kaldrmi i sokaci, }e naidete na ko`ari, kova~i, zlatari, peka ri, kujunxii. Duri i nekolku starci so tvrda ko`a na race te koi prodavaat zastare ni delovi od narodna nosija. Mo` no e da najdete i vistinski delovi od nosii te - prs - luk, ~orapi, sve~ena prestilka. (Problem za po ve}eto turis ti e iznesuvaweto vredni delovi nad vor od zemja- ta, bidej}i vladata ne saka del od nejzinoto folklorno nasledstvo da zavr{i vo racete na stranskite kolek- cioneri.) Ne e problem da se naj dat i kupat opinci, bidej}i modernite ~ev la ri postojano gi proizveduvaat za prodavawe; prekrasno iskustvo e da vlezete vo pro- davnica i da vidite stotici i stotici para opinci ka - ko vi sat na yidovite, kasite, pregradnite gredi na ta- va not. „Rog na izobilstvo” za eden balkanski igroorec. Vo stariot del na Skopje ili na Ohrid mo`e da se sed ne vo kafe-restoran na edno toplo, vkusno gor~livo „tursko kafe” i da gi gleda te lu|e to koi pominuvaat. Mus limanskite `eni sekoga{ se lesno prepoznatlivi bidej}i nosat mantil i nosat marama na glavata. @iva - ta vo termometarot se iska~i na 40-ot stepen nekolku pati vo tekot na na{iot prestoj, no tie mantili ne samo {to ne bea soble~eni, tuku ne bea nitu otkop~ani. Isto taka, lesno be{e da se zabele `at albanskite `e ni koi nosat egzoti~ni pantaloni vo forma na vre}a. No, ne me {ajte gi niv so romskite `eni ~ii {alvari se dre~livo/upad livo {areni, no nikoga{ ne se vozdr `a - no mnogubojni kako na Albankite. Makedoncite koi gi zapoznavme vo tekot na na{ata turneja bea srde~ni, topli, otvoreni lu|e. Tie bea vos - hiteni i gordi koga doznaa deka ovaa grupa Amerikanci nau~i le dovolno za nivnoto nasledstvo za da gi nau~at nivnite pesni i da gi igraat nivnite ora. Tie toa go ze - maa kako kompliment za sebesi i so pravo. Edno od moite najdobri se}avawa e povrza no za edna stara `ena vo Bi - tola koja n¢ gleda{e kako pred paradata igravme na uli - cata. Koga muzikata prestana i koga zasta nav vedna{ do nea, samo se nasmeav bidej}i znaev deka ne ma me zaed- ni~ki jazik na koj bi mo`ele da zboru vame. Mi vozvrati so nasmevka, nejzinoto lice se zbr~ka vo iljadnici br~ki i taa me pregrna so nejzinite krevki, slabi race i se smee {e. Isto taka, imavme mo`nost da igrame vo brojni mali sela vo vnatre{nosta. Edno od niv be{e seloto vo koe voza~ot na na{iot avtobus, Ivan, go minal svoeto det- stvo. Toj vesel ~ovek, koj saka {egi i ima golema du{a, ja prifati na{ata grupa kako svoja i so gordost nî prika`uva{e kako toj sa miot da n¢ ima{e pronajdeno. Igravme vo son~evi, pravlivi selski sretsela so zavi- vaweto na zurlite, gajdite i so neumorniot tapan. Sela - nite mislea deka e prekrasno {to gi igrame nivnite ora, no tie sakaa da znaat kako izgleda koga Amerikan - cite si gi igraat svoite tanci. Pa, re{ivme da im po- ka`eme. I go igravme na{iot tanc so ~ukawe so klompi. I moravme da im zali ~ime kako divi jugoslovenski lu|e od guma - celosno oble~eni vo makedonska narodna nosija, prosledeni so glasni izvici dodeka gi vit kavme kolenata, mavtavme so racete i se obiduvavme zaludno da udirame so opincite vo prav li vata treva. Toa im se dopadna. Narodna nosija od Mariovo / Folk dress from Mariovo


foreign collectors.). Opanci are no problem to find and buy, since modern leatherworkers produce a steady stream for sale; it is a delightful experience to walk into a shop and find hundreds and hundreds of opanci hanging from the walls, the counters, the ceiling beams. A Balkan dancer’s horn of plenty. In the old town of Skopje or Ohrid one can sit in a cafe over hot, deliciously bitter “tursko kafe” (Turkish coffee) and people-watch. A Muslim woman is always recognizable because no matter what the weather or temperature is, she will be wearing a raincoat and have a scarf tied about her head. The thermometer topped 100 degrees more than once during our stay, and those raincoats not only stayed on but were not even unbuttoned. Equally easy to spot are Albanian women, who wear exotic, baggy “harem” trou- sers. But don’t confuse them with gypsies, whose balloon pants are colorfully gaudy, never soberly colored like the Albanians’. The Macedonians we met all throughout our tour were hearty, warm, open people. They were delighted and proud to learn that this bunch of Americans thought enough of their heritage to have learned their songs and dances. They took it as a compliment to themselves, and rightly so. One of my best memories is of a very old woman in Bitola who had been watching us dance in the street before the festi- val parade. When the music broke off and I ended up standing next to her, I just smiled, knowing there was no common language in which we could talk. She smiled back, her face breaking into a thousand wrinkles, and put her frail, old arms around me and laughed. We also had the chance to dance in a number of small, country villages. One of them was the childhood village of our bus driver Ivan, a jolly, fun-loving mountain of a man who adopted the gang of us as his own, and showed us off as proudly as if he had invented us himself. We danced in the sunny, dusty village square to the wail of zurlas, a gajda, and a tireless tupan. The villagers thought it was wonderful that we could do their dances, but what they wanted to know was it that Americans could themselves danced? Well, we decided to show them. We clogged. And must have looked for all the world like wild, Yugoslav con- tortionists-dressed in full Macedo nian costume, chugging knees to noses, waving arms, and trying vainly to make opanci tap-tap in the dusty grass. They loved it. Around Lakes Ohrid and Prespa In touring around we discovered that most of the Mace- donian countryside is hilly, but with occasional startling variations on the theme. The mountain areas around Lakes Ohrid and Prespa are strikingly beautiful. The scenery doesn’t take your breath away, the altitude and hairpin turns on the mountain roads certainly do. The world on top of the mountains seems a creation apart – a wild, ageless area where wind is the only sound and where you can look across the cold, deep expanse of Lake Ohrid to the Albanian hillsides on the far shore. The mountaintops are inhabited only by the solitary, self-reliant shepherds who live on the milk and cheese of their flocks for most of the year.

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 249 GEORGI TOMOV Okolu Ohridskoto Pri krajot na na{iot prestoj, otidovme vo ma nastirot Sv. Jovan Bigor ski, smesten vo edno i Prespanskoto Ezero prekrasno {umsko mesto na ostrite zeleni pla - Vo te kot na turnejata otkrivme deka pogolemi - ni ni severno od Ohrid. Tamu stanavme filmski ot del od makedonskiot predel e planinski, no yvezdi. „Vardar film”, skop ska filmska kompa - po vremeno so iznenaduva~ki varijacii na ovaa te- nija specijalizirana za dokumentarni progra- ma. Planinskite predeli okolu Ohrid sko to i Pres - mi, se zainteresira za stori jata na ovie wujor- panskoto Ezero se frapantno ubavi. Pejza`ot ne vi ~a ni za koi be{e izvestuvano deka igraat kako go odzema zdivot, no visinata i ostrite kri vini ~istokrvni Makedonci i so celata svoja ekipa po planinskiot pat zasigurno }e go storat toa. Sve- dojdoa vo manastirot da go snimaat na{eto trans- tot od vrvot na planinite izgleda kako rasko{na formirawe od farmerki i Foster Grants (pozna - tvorba - div prostor {to ne staree, kade vete - ta marka na obleka) vo tuni ki, prsluci i poja si. rot e edinstveniot zvuk {to se slu{a i kade mo - Go slikaa i samiot manas tir, so negovata spokoj - `e te da gledate preku studenoto, dlaboko pros- na, dostoinstvena vnat re{ nost ukrasena so iko ni transtvo na Ohridskoto Ezero do drugata stra- i rezbi. N¢ snimaa na stolbi{teto, obele`eno na, do albanskite padini na sprotivniot breg. so to~ki na na{ite nosii, a potoa i nadvor na Pla nin skite vrvovi se naseleni samo od osa me ni svetloto sonce kako igrame vo dvorot so kaldr- ov~ari, polni so samosi gurnost ostaveni sami na ma. Bev opiena od ubavinata i bojata na na{ite sebe, koi `iveat od mle koto i sireweto od niv - nosii na silnata son ~eva svetlina. Kol ku po - nite stada vo tekot na pogolemot del od godinata. ina ku od na~inot na koj jas otsekoga{ gi gledav Pove}eto predeli niz koi pominavme bea tol ku pod ve{ta~ko osvetlenie, na zatvoreno. vozbudli vi kolku i `ivo pisni: padini ob lea ni Potoa, filmskata ekipa n¢ po~esti so „mal ru - so sonce, suvi i topli, osven onamu kade re ki te ~ek” - ona na {to tie bea doma }ini be{e „produk - ili kana lite sozdavaat cvetni bav ~i, gradini i cija” od (najmalku) sedum jadewa koja se ottegna farmi. Domati, krastavici i piper ki se glav ni te po ve }e od 4-5 ~asa (ja zaboraviv to~nata brojka letni zelen~ukovi proizvodi, a na jug se gle da at po ne kol kute ~a{i vino). Od p~enkarno bra{no nizi i nizi tutun {to se su{at pokraj pati{ta ta. i jogurt kako predjadewe, do pe~enoto jagne{ko, Niz cela Makedo nija mo`evme da najdeme pa do bogato-vkusnite pa la ~inki kako desert - slatki lubenici i diwi i golemo, vkusno crno toa be{e jadewe dostojno na vizantiskata tra- grozje. Eden den zastanavme da kupime grozje od di cija na rasko{na manifes tacija. edna tezga pokraj patot i dodeka jadevme, piev - Na posledniot den vo Ma ke donija, filmskata me i sve `a izvorska voda. Pogledot se prote- ekipa dojde vo na{iot ho tel vo Skopje za da n¢ ga{e pre ku v`e{te no to i zagreano prostranstvo isprati. Dodeka se ka~u vavme vo avtobusot i od ridovi i pla ni ni koi se protegaa na jug, kon bevme podgotveni, eden od ~le no vite (onoj uba- Grcija i jas se osmeluvam da re~am deka tamu viot) se pojavi so polni race pred nas, na pros- polskite klo zeti bez vrata se edna od najubavi te torot me|u sedi{tata, i na sekogo od nas mu dade turisti~ki po volnosti vo Makedonija. sve` karanfil, ~okolatce i bak ne`.

Plao{nik / Plaosnik


Much of the countryside we passed through was less dramatic, but just as picturesque: sun-baked summer hillsides, dry and hot except where rivers or irrigation create thriving gardens and farms. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers are the staple summer vegetables, and in the south one sees row upon row of tobacco drying by the roadsides. Throughout Macedonia we found mouth-water- ingly sweet watermelons and huge, delicious, purple- black grapes. One day we stopped to buy some from a farmer’s roadside stand and ate them, with much melon-dripping and seed-spitting, on a nearby hillsi- de out of which flowed cold, fresh spring water. The view looked out over a heat-shimmering expan se of hills stretching south toward Greece, and I dare say that the outhouse there, sans doors, is one of the most scenic tourist vantage points in Macedonia. Near the end of our stay we made the trip to St. Jovan Bigorski Monastery, set in a beautiful wooded location in the steep green hills north of Ohrid. It was there we became film stars. Vardar Films, a Skopje film company specializing in documentaries, had become interested in the story of these New Yorkers who were repor ted to dance like true-bloo- ded Macedonians, and brought their entire crew to Nosii od Gali~nik / Folk clothes from Galicnik region the monastery to film our transition from jeans and Foster Grants to tunics, vests and sashes. They shot (at least) extravaganza lasting some four or five the monastery itself, with its serene, dark interior hours (I lost count after several glasses of wine). hung with icons and carvings. They filmed us on the From the cornmeal and yoghurt appetizer to the portico getting into our costumes, and then on out roasted lamb to the rich, sweet palatschinken dess- into the brilliant sunshine to dance in the cobbled ert it was a meal worthy of the Byzantine tradition courtyard. I was stunned by the beauty and color of of sumptuous display. our own costumes in strong sunlight. How different On our last day in Macedonia, the film crew ca- from the way I had always seen them in artificial, me round to our hotel in Skopje to see us off. As we indoor light. boarded the bus, one of the fellows (the handsome Afterward, the film crew treated us to a “small one) appeared in the aisle, arms full, and gave each lunch” nearby-what they hosted was a seven-course of us fresh carnations, chocolates, and a kiss.

Ribolov na Prespansko ezero / Fishing on Prespa Lake


,,POVARADRIJE“ I ,,GLAMO^“ NA BRODVEJ Sledniot tekst be{e objaven vo glasilata „Nova Makedonija“ i „Oslobo|ewe“

Za nivniot nastap na scenata na wujor{kata [to e toa {to gi privle~e kon na{iot folk- Ri versajd crkva - vedna{ pokraj Brodvej, na lor? - Otkako vo 1967 godi na dojdov vo Amerika, zapad nata strana na gradot - duri i strogiot vo mnogu kontakti - a posebno na ovde{nite kri ti ~ar na „Wujork tajms” napi{a: „Be{e toa univer ziteti kade dr`ev ~asovi po folklor - edna od najbogatite ve~eri na narodni igri mo `ev da se uve ram deka Amerikan cite, a poseb- videna ovde za mnogu sezoni!” Grupata se vika no mladi te lu|e, mnogu se zainteresirani za „Ansambl na Geor |i Tomov”, a nivniot visok kulturno to nasled stvo na drugi te narodi. Po- dostrel vo iz ve duva weto igri i pesni e dotolku ka`uvaa tol kav interes za na{i te zvuci i za posen zacio nalen bidej}i so godini - s¢ dodeka dvi`ewata, nosii te i za neobi~nite muzi~ki minatata esen ne im se pri dru`ile dvajca instrumenti, {to nas koro dobiv ideja da osno- Jugosloveni, bratot i sestrata Nenad i Jelena vam i ansambl koj }e gi igra na{ite ora i }e gi Milinkovi}, sredno{kolci od Sevojno - site pee na {ite pesni - ni raska`a denovive rako - muzi~ari, igra ~i i peja~i na ovoj Ansambl bea - voditelot na ovoj edinst ven ansambl Tomov, Amerikanci. nekoga{en profesionalen ig roorec vo skopski - ot „TANEC” i zagrebskiot „LADO”.

,,Povaradrie’’ na ,,Tomov’’ / The TOMOV Povardarie suit


“POVARDARIE“ AND “GLAMOČ“ ON BROADWAY The following text was published both in The Nova Makedonija and in The Oslobođenje newspapers.

Even the fierce critic of The New York Times What is that which attracted them to our folklore? wrote the following about their performance on the - Since 1967, when I came to America, many stage of the New York Riverside Church – near contacts, and especially at the universities here Broadway, on the west side of the town, “It was where I was giving folk lessons, have convinced me one of the richest evening of folk dance seen here that the Americans, and especially many young for many seasons!” This folk group is called the people, are very much interes ted in the cultural he- Yugoslav Folk Ensemble of George Tomov, and their ri tage of other nations and peoples. They have climax in performing folk dances and songs of the shown so great interest in our sounds and move- peoples of Yugoslavia is even more sensational ments, costumes and uncommon musical instru- because for many years – up to last autumn when ments, that I got an idea to also establish an two Yugoslavs, Nenad and Jele na Milinkovi ć, ensemble that would dance our folk dances and secondar y-school pupils from Sevojno joined them sing our folk songs – told us recently Ge orge To - – all musicians, dancers and singers of this mov, direc tor of this unique ensemble and former Ensembles have been Americans. pro fe ssional folk dancer of TANEC of Skopje and LADO of Zagreb.

,,Glamo~’’ / The Glamoč dance

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 253 GEORGI TOMOV Rodnokraen gostuva~ki karvan - I porano n¢ osvoi ovaa na rodna muzika, no koga gledate kako taa `ivee vo makedonskite Me|utoa, toj neobi~en son na Tomov ne mo`e{e sela {to gi posetiv me - toa e do`ivuvawe {to da se ostvari preku no}. Treba{e - na predava - se pameti cel `ivot. Ta mu zapoznavme mnogu wa ta {irum Amerika - da se zaraboti dovol no pri jatelski raspolo`e ni lu|e, so nekoi i se pari za da dojde nazad doma i da gi kupi prvite dopi{uvame. Ni se slu ~u va{e na zabavite, po no sii, da se ra{iri glas po wujor{kite tancovi na{ite nastapi, site od mestoto da se fatat na studija za ra|aweto na ovoj nov ansambl, da se oro, da zaigraat i da zapeat so nas. Toa vo Ame- so be rat prvite igroorci i da se zainteresira- rika nikoga{ ne bi go do`iveale. Tan cuvaweto at. - Ova poslednovo be{e naj lesno - veli To mov. i ovde e op{test ven nastan, no toj ne zra~i so - Tie vo na{ata muzika otkrija ubavina. Taa taa magija koja bi mo`ela da krene na noze celo tolku gi osvoi {to sami baraa da ve`bame {to edno selo, cel eden grad. pove}e, da bi dam {to postrog. A, koi se ~leno vite na ovoj ansambl? Wujor~anka od Ba{~ar{ija - Site se profesio nal ci vo svojata ra bota. Imame vo ansamblot i edna sarajlika - ni re- Pove}eto od niv imaat uni ver zi tetsko obrazo - koa na edna od ~etvrto~nite probi vo tancovo- va nie. Tuka ima i lekari i profesori i in`e - to studio na agolot na wujor{kata 14. ulica i ne ri i komp juterski progra meri, advokati, umet- [estata avenija. nici od site oblasti. Pra vo da vi ka`am, vo Ne`na, vitka, ubava, tivka de vojka ni ja po~etokot se pra {uvav kako vo ovoj zabrzan grad podade rakata za pozdrav: - kade mnogu {to se meri so vre me i pari - }e - Sintija Haxson - re~e. najdam termin {to }e im odgovara na tolku za- Po {to e sarajlika? fateni lu|e. Mi pomog naa tie samite. Ve` bame - Studirav vo Saraevo dve godini, 1974 i ora sekoj ~etvrtok od 18 do 23 ~asot, vo pone- 1975. Na Filozof skiot fakultet ja prou~uvav del nik imame dva ~asa peewe, a pred va`ni na - tamo{nata literatura, a osobeno deloto na Vuk s tapi se sobirame i ra botime, na nivna inici- Karaxi}. jativa, po nekolku ~asa i vo nedeli te. Toj niven Na {to od tie denovi naj ~es to se se}ava? entuzi jazam, taa `elba da nau~at {to pove}e i - Na prekras ni te lu|e, Ba{~ar{ija i na me- {to po dobro, za mene be{e vistinsko otkritie. lan holi~nata pesna „Kad ja poxoh na Bemba{u”. Kolku be{e izne - Taa pesna napravi - naden @ivko Va si - u{te toga{ - da se levski, pretseda te- vqubam vo va{ata lot na Maticata na mu zika, no ne mo`ev isele nicite na Ma- nitu da sonuvam de - ke do ni ja, koga za vre- ka ovde, vo Wujork, me na negoviot pres - edna{ i samata }e toj vo Wujork mu gi peam i }e igram, }e pret stavija Ame ri - sakam makedonski kan ci te koi tolku pesni i ora. uso glaseno ig raat i Se se}ava i na peat na{i ora i svoi te cimerki od pesni! Taka dojde i stu dent skiot dom, do pokanata Ansamb - na dvete devojki od lot da gostuva vo Ma- Livno - Sadrudina i kedonija: vo 1979 Emire („I tie znae ja u~estvuva {e na „Ilin - uba vo da zapeat”), a denskite de no vi” vo po toa i na vtorata Bi tola, a dve godini godina koja ja pomi- podocna povtorno nala kako potstanar do pa tuva. „gore nad Ba{~ar - Za tie sredbi ni {i ja” i ve~er nite raska`uva Stiv Sej- vra}awa doma. „Ne lemson, kompjuter- ostanuvav do docna. ski progra mer, koj Mi se ~i ne {e de ka be {e impresioniran toga{ na toa, vo toj od toa kolku muzi ka- kraj, se gleda{e so ta e sostaven del na nekoj blag prekor. `ivotot vo krai{ ta- Slu{ nav deka sega vo ta {to tie gi posetija: Saraevo e s¢ po ina ku Orkestarot ,,Tomov’’ / The TOMOV Orchestra

254 DEL IV - NIZ STRANICITE NA MEDIUMITE GEORGI TOMOV On tour in Macedonia on two occasions even before, but when you see how it is living in the However, that unusual dream of George Tomov Mace donian villages we visited – it is a memorable could not be realized overnight. He had to collect – experience. There, we met many kind persons who at lectures all over America – enough money to were friendly to us; we are still corresponding with come to Yugoslavia to buy the first folk costumes, some of them. It usually happened that after our to sprea d the news at New York dance studios performances, after parties, all people from that pla- about the birth of this new Ensemble, to gather the ce would join our group and would dance and sing first folk dancers and catch their interest. “That last with us. We could never experience anything like one was the easiest”, says Tomov. They have found that in America. Dancing is also a social event here, beauty in our music which overwhelmed them so but it does not radiate such magic that could make that they asked me for more training lessons, they all people from a village or a city leap to their feet. wanted me to be a more rigorous instructor. A New Yorker Girl from Baščaršija But, who are the members of this Ensemble? We also have a Sarajevo girl among us – they - Only professionals in their line of works. Most told us during one of those Wednesday rehearsals of them have university degrees. There are both at the dance studio on the corner between the 14th doc tors and professors; engineers and computer Street and the Sixth Avenue. pro g rammers; lawyers and artists of all kinds. A tender, slender, beautiful and peaceful girl Frankly speaking, at the beginning I was asking extended her hand to shake hands with us: myself whether I could manage to schedule the - Cynthia Hodgdson – she introduced herself. timetable for our training courses, for our rehearsals Why are you a Sarajevo girl? – here in this busy city where almost everything is - I studied in your town for two years, 1974 and being measured with time and money – a timetab - 1975. I studied your literature at the Philosophical le that would fit all of those professionally engaged Faculty, especially the work of Vuk Karađić. persons. In this regard, they helped me a lot. We What do you remember most from those days? practiced folk dancing each Thursday from 6 p.m. to - The wonderful people, Baščaršija, and the 11 p.m.; on Monday we have two singing lessons, melancholic song titled Kad ja pođoh na Bemba šu. while before important performances we gather and That song – even then - stirred my interest for your practice, on their initiative, even for several hours music, but I could not even dream that here, in New and also on Sundays. That enthusiasm of theirs, York, I myself would sing that song and dance your that desire to learn more and better, as much as po- folk dances. ssible, was a real revela- She also remembers tion to me. her roommates from the How surprised was dormitory, the two girls Živ ko Vasi levski, President from Livno – named Sad- of the “Matica na iseleni - ru dina and Emire (‘They cite na Makedonija“ when, used to sing beautifully, during his stay in New too’), and also the second York, he met those Ameri - year that she spent as a cans who dance our folk subtenant up over Bašč ar - dances and sing our folk šija and her return home in songs in complete accord! the nights. “I would not The result was the invita- stay out late in the nights. tion extended to the En- It seemed to me that in semb le to go on tour in that region it was not Macedonia; in 1979 it par- allowed; they used to look ticipated in the Ilinden at it with mild disapproval. Days in Bitola, and two I have heard that nowa- years later they also went days it is different in Sara - there. jevo – there are so many Steve Selemson, com- café barrooms, res tau- puter programmer, who rants, young people, and was very impressed by the also the Olympic Games!” fact that music is an int- When Cynthia mentio- eg ral part of the life in the ned the Sarajevo Olympic regions they visited, told Ga mes, her friends from us the following about the Ensemble told us that those visits to Yugoslavia: their greatest wish would We had been conque- be to go on tour in the red by Yugoslav folk musi c Pred OON / In front of the UN in New York Olympic city in the course

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 255 GEORGI TOMOV - si te tie kafe-restorani, mladi te, pa duri i i samata na{a zemja, nejziniot ~ovek i nejzi ni - Olimpi jadata!” ot prijatelski duh. Koga Sinti ja gi spomena Olimpiskite igri vo - Tolku n¢ zasakaa {to jas, na {ega, gi nare- Saraevo, nejzinite prija te li od ansamblot ni ku vam „Jugosloveni od ame ri kansko poteklo” - rekoa deka najgolema `elba bi im bila naredna- veli Tomov.) ta godina - za desetgodi{ ni nata od postoeweto Osobeno priv le kuva na~i not na koj Ameri- na grupata - da gostuvaat vo olimpiski ot grad. kan cite od ovoj Ansambl uspeale da gi sovladaat - Sme bile vo Lejk Plesid. Tamu, na zavr{na - i takvite egzoti~ ni instrumenti kako {to se gaj- ta ceremonija, duri go razviorivme i znameto na data, zurlata, kavalot i {upelka ta, kako i so Jugoslavija kako nareden doma }in vo Saraevo. peewe na jazik {to - ne go znaat. Ne znaeme kolku taa na{a `elba e realna. Bi - Se raboti za mnogu nadareni i ambicioz ni sakale da nastapime i ne kade nadvor od Makedo - muzi ~ari. Podgotveni se so ~a so vi i so de novi da nija, mo`ebi vo Dubrov nik, Split, ne znaeme ve`baat dodeka ne go nau~at toa {to go sakaat. u{te kade - veli Geor gi Tomov. Koga bevme vo Bitola i vo moja ta rodna Strumi - Most me|u kulturite ca, na{ite lu|e i eksperti za folklor, kako {to se @ivko Firfov i \or|i Dim~evski, ne mo`ea da Za po`rtvuvanata misija na ovoj vqubenik vo veruvaat kako tie lu|e sovr{eno svirat i peat - narodnite pesni i ora, mnogumina vo Amerika ve- raska`uva osnova~ot i voda~ot na Ansamblot. lat deka e „most me|u na{ite kulturi”. Kakvo Toa iznenaduvawe i sa mi te nie go do`i veav - sovr{enstvo postignal ansamblot na Georgi To - me slu{aj}i ja, na primer, Elen [ulman-Linder mov vo interpretacijata na na{ite igri i pes ni kako so ~uvstvo pee „Jo va no, Jovanke..”. Tie pe - mo`e bi najdobro }e posvedo~i podatokot deka de setina - 24 devojki, 14 mom~iwa, 9 svira ~i i nasta puval i na tolku poznatite wujor{ki sceni tri `eni koi vodat smetka za nosiite, koi i gi kako {to se onie vo Linkoln centarot i vo Kar- nema vo dovolen broj, bidej}i Tomov seto toa ne gi hol, deka u~estvuval vo olimpiskata kul- sam go nabavil - se sostanuvaat taka sred vozbu- turna programa vo Lejk Plesid i na mnogubrojni deniot grad da ja delat ubavinata od dru`eweto festivali. So zadovolstvo istaknuvaat deka po so muzikata na edna dale~na i na site nim draga zemjo tresot na crnogorskoto primorje, vedna{ zemja. Tie uspeaja „Povardarieto”, „Glamo~”, orga niziral koncert ~ij prihod e upa ten vo fon- „Linxo” i drugi ora i pesni da stignat duri do dot za otstranuvawe na posledicite od stihijata. wujor{kiot Brodvej i do onie laskavi ocenki za (Otkrivaj}i ja muzikata na narodite na Jugo- nivnata ume{nost na stranicite na „Wujork sla vija tie, kako {to samite velat, ja otkrivale tajms”...

Etni~ka parada vo Wujork / The Ethnic Parade in New York

256 DEL IV - NIZ STRANICITE NA MEDIUMITE GEORGI TOMOV of the following year – marking the 10th anniversary - They got to like us so much that I, as a joke, of the Ensemble. call them ‘Yugoslavs of Ameri can origin’ – says Tomov. - We were in Lake Placid. There, during the clos- Especially attractive is the way in which the Ame- ing ceremony, we even unfur led the flag of Yugosla - ri cans of this Ensemble have mastered the art of via as next host country of the Olympic Games. We playing such exotic musical instru ments as gajda do not know how much that wish of ours is a real- (type of bagpipe), zurle (type of woodwind instru- istic one taking into consideration the great number ment), kaval (type of flute) and flute, as well as of of guests that Sarajevo is go ing to welcome, but in singing in a language they do not know. case nothing comes out of it, we have just com- - It is about very talented and ambitious musici- menced our first negotiations for going on tour in ans. They are ready to practice and practice for hours Yugoslavia on the occasion of our 10th anniversary. and days until they learn what they want. When we We would like to give performances not only in Ma- were in Bitola and in my native city of Strumica, ce donia, but maybe in Dubrovnik, Split, we still do some Macedonian experts such as Živko Firfof and not know where else – says George Tomov. Ġorġi Dimčevski could not believe their eyes when Bridge between cultures they saw them playing and dancing perfectly - the In regard to the self-sacrificing mission of this founder and leader of this Ensemble is telling us. man in love with folk dances and songs, many in We have experienced the same surprise when Ame rica say that he is “a bridge between our cultu- we were listening, for example, Ellen Shulman-Lin- res”. The fact that this Ensemble has also given per- der singing, very emotionally, the song “Jovane, Jo- for mances on so many New York stages, such as vanke...” Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall, that it participated Those fifty performers – 24 girls, 14 boys, 9 mu- in the Olympic cultural program in Lake Placid and si cians and three women who take care of the folk in a great number of festivals speaks for itself about costumes which are in small quantities since Tomov the perfection that the Ensemble of George Tomov has purchased them by himself – meet here in the has achieved. They underline, with satisfaction, that heart of the exciting city to share the beauty of following the earthquake on the Adriatic coast in spending their time with the music originating from a Montenegro, they immediately organized a concert, distant country so dear to them all. They have mana- the income of which was given to the fund for alle- ged to stage the folk songs and dances such as viation of the consequences from the disaster. Povardarie, Glamoč, Linđo, which belong to the peop- Discovering much about the music and peoples les of Yugoslavia even on Broadway in New York and of Yugoslavia, they, as they say, have been also disco- to get those satisfying and gratifying appraisals for vering our country, our people and its friendly spirit. their skillfulness on the pages of The New York Times”...

Na Alis Ajland vo Wujork / On the Ellis Island, New York


NA[IOT IZVONREDEN DOMA]IN 27 amerikanska slavisti~ka konvencija (Va{ington, 26-30 oktomvri 1995) Prof. d-r Vera Stoj~evska-Anti} vo svojata kni- otvoreniot magnetofon vo rakata na kole{kata, ga „Vreme i pat” vo izdanie na „Menora” Skopje, pogledot mi otskituva po poplad nev nata vrvu- 1996, go objavi tekstot vo koj, me|u drugo to, se li ca na wujor { kite ulici, po soo bra }ajniot ve li. mete` po mostot „Xorx Va{ington”. Vo eden mig Definitivno na skopskiot aerodrom malata do mene dopira glasot na Xorx koj gi opi{uva nau~na slavisti~ka delegacija e vo poln sostav. zna~ajnite institucii i soobra}aj ni ci. Denot e Tuka se i drugi prijateli, kolegi i poznati. Ed - son~ev, proletno-esenski, vnesuva prijatno ~uv - ni patuvaat na me|unarodniot PEN klub, vo Av- stvo na toplina i qubopitnost kon prostranata st ralija, drugi vo Amerika. Do nas se i pogo le - slika na Wujork, Hadson i Wu Xersi. ma ta grupa stomatolozi od Skopskata klinika, Popatno, kole{kite gi slu {a at avtobiograf - koi letaat za Honghong. ski te raskazi na Xorx, im go prepu{tam izvon- Po dve sletuvawa vo Zagreb i Pariz, eve n¢ na redniot prijatel, a jas gi pribele`uvam patni - xinovskiot aerodrom „Xon Kenedi”, a vo tolpata te bele{ki. Ima mnogu da se zboruva za vremeto lu|e go zdogleduvam so neskriena radost likot na Georgi minato vo ansamb lite „TANEC” i na prijatelot Georgi To - „LADO”, a potoa za nego - mov, koj znae deka bi me viot sopstven „To mov rasta`il ako ne go vi - ansambl”. dam vo prvite redovi. U{te edna{ go raz- Tuka Georgi gi za poz na- gleduvam kvartot Kvins va site ~le no vi od De- na Wujork. Soobra}aj ni - le gacijata za koja rabo - ci te kako da se dvi `at, ti tokmu cela godina ka ko a ne kolite. Georgi pod - pretsedatel na make don- zapira pred poznatiot skata trkalezna masa. park, kade {to se odr`a Inte res no i Jadranka i Svet skata teh ni~ka iz- Vio le ta Piruze se uve ru- lo` ba, a i pred Kvins vaat ved na{ de ka moite muzejot vo ~ija blizina falbi na Ge orgija ne bea `ivee vo po seb niot do- po pus ti. Site ~lenovi, ma {en ambi ent Georgi. za edno so akade mi kot Pov torno se vklu ~u - Milan \ur ~i nov, go po - vam vo raskazite na Ge- ~uv st vu vaa tolku srde~ - orgi za interesnite pre- no i nepo sredno. Tokmu davawa za makedonskiot zatoa do krajot na na{i - folklor vo osnov nite ot pres toj vo SAD toj ni u~i li{ ta vo Wujork. gi pre ze de site gri `i. Minister stvo to za obra- A Jadranka ve}e vo av to- zovanie pred vi duva ~a- mobilot na na{i ot sovi za zapoz navawe na „Xorx” gi za po~ nuva raz- pove}e et ni~ki kulturi govo ri te so odrede ni i toa preku pesni i ora. pra{awa od svojot jazi - Xorx vis tinski voodu - ~en proekt. Osta vaj}i gi {e ven od edna detska vo `iv raz govor i so Bibliotekata na Georgi / The George Tomov’s library `elba ras ka `uva: „Edno


OUR WONDERFUL HOST The 27th American-Slavic Convention (Washington, 26-30 October, 1995) Prof. Dr. Vera Stojčevska-Antic wrote the text felt him being so familiar and spontaneous. That is “The 27th American Slavic Convention” (Washington, why he took care of our stay in the USA. My eyes November 26-30, 1995), in her book titled "Vreme i roved over the evening mob of people on the New pat" (Time and a journey) published by "Menora" York streets, over the traffic jam along the George Skopje, 1966, in which, among other things, she said: Washington Bridge. In a moment, the voice of Ge- At the Skopje Airport, our small scientific-Slavic or ge Tomov, who was describing noteworthy insti- delegation was in full composition at last. There tutions and traffic arteries, came to my ear. It was were also other friends, colleagues, acquaintances. a sunny, spring-autumn day that introduced a plea- Some of them were members of the International sant fee ling of warmth and curiosity about the spa- PEN Club waiting for the plane to Australia, others cious appearance of New York, the Hudson River were traveling with us to America. Next to us, there and New Jersey. was a larger group of stomatologists from the Along the way, I let my colleagues enjoy listen- Skopje Clinic who were traveling to Hong Kong. ing to the autobiographic stories of George, my Following the two landings in Zagreb and Paris, extraordinary friend, while I was taking notes about there we were – at our travel. There is a the giant ‘John Ken - lot to be said about nedy Airport’, and the time that George among the crowd I had spent with the managed to see, with TANEC and LADO obvious joy, the fig- sta te folk ensembles, ure of my friend and also about his George Tomov who own one – the knew that it would TOMOV Ensemble. make me sad if I did- Again, I joined n’t see him in the first Ge orge’s stories abo - lines. There, he met ut interesting lec- all the members of tures on the Mace do- the Delegation for nian folklore given at whom he had been the primary schools working as President in New York. The De- of the Mace donian part ment of Educa- Round Table for one tion has foreseen le- year. It is interes ting ss ons on several et- that Jadranka Vlado - hnic cultures through va and Violeta Piruze folk songs and dan- were also immediate- ces. George who was ly convinced that my excited, literally spea- compliment and ad- king, by a wish from miration of George a child, went on tell- were not in vain. All ing, "One child was members, to get her listening very care- with Academician Mi- fully and he fitted lan Ġurčinov, have So prof. Vera Anti} i Ahil Tunta / With professor Vera Antic and Ahil Tunta right into our dances.

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 259 GEORGI TOMOV dete dosta vnimatelno me slu {a{e i ubavo se slika „Cve }e” od Makedoni ja, a potoa bea pret- vklopi vo igrite. Neodamna mi re~e: „Jas sakam staveni fragmenti od objave noto intervju na da mi bide{ tatko, i u{te, sa kam da sum Make- Georgi Tomov {to go podgotviv ovaa godina, vo do nec!” Se izraduvav i jas. Ubavo e da se raboti knigata „So zbor vo svetot”. so decata.” No, mojot premol~en komen tar bi Istata ve~er, go zavr{iv intervjuto so sek- bil: „Georgi so sekogo ubavo ra boti!” re tarot na dvi`eweto - Milan Tuntevski, so na- 23-24 oktomvri, Wu Xersi, vra }awa kon bogatata vrvica od nastani vo ne- go viot `ivot. Ova dvi`ewe go poddr`uva na {i - hotel „Hauard Xonson“ ot Georgi vo sorabotka so Amerikanskata sla- Vo hotelot ve}e nî ~ekaat starite prijateli, vis ti~ka asocijacija, a ovoj pat toj oddeli od Vera i Blagoja, Liza, umetnikot Mio so soprugata. svojot godi{en odmor cela sedmica za da bide Cel eden drag odbor za pre~ek ve}e nî presret nu - so nas, do na{eto vra}awe. Negovoto posred- va. So dru{tvoto prodol`uvame na ve~era, iako ni{tvo ni pomaga vo komunikaciite so Va{ing- pred malku gi posakuvavme krevetite vo ho te - ton, koi ~estopati zatajuvaat so ogled na nas- lot. I, za ~udo, umorot is~eznuva so prijate - tanite na Balkanot. lite. Pri s tignuva i Todor ^alovski, na{iot do- Avtomobilot na Georgi Tomov e komoten za pis nik i star prijatel. Site pora~uvame ameri - kom pletnata pet~lena delegacija koja se upatu- kan ski spe cijaliteti, za smetka na poznatiot va kon Va{ington. Na ovoj pat doa|aat do izraz u`iva~ na vakvi ~estewa - Stiv Negovanovi}. Ne vkrstenite dijalozi, raznolikite razgovori, a dozvoluva nitu eden od nas da posegne po pari~ - centarot na vnimanieto e na{iot Georgi. Site ni kot. Dolgo ne mo`eme da se odvoime od pro- podednakvo i vedna{ ja dolovivme ~ovekovata {i renata masa. dobrina vo nego, {to go plenuvala i go ple nu va Ve~erta, na 24 oktomvri, imame zaedni~ka se kogo, pa i nas. Ovoj 25 oktomvri nie mu go sredba so Upravata na Dvi`eweto za ~ovekovite posvetivme na Georgi, a toj ni se posveti nam. prava na Makedoncite vo Wujork i Wu Xersi, so Podocna, Jadranka zabele`a: „Od ovoj prestoj, sve{ te nikot na MPC „Sv. Kiril i Metodij”, kako najubavoto {to }e go ponesam - }e bide ubavina- i so site drugi i dragi iselenici, so koi se od - ta na ~uvstvoto od retkoto poznanstvo so vi va na{ata sorabotka u{te od 1991 godina. Georgi. ]e go ponesam Georgi zasekoga{!” Doznava me od niv deka iseleni ci te poslednive nekolku nedeli bile opfateni so nas tanite oko - Vo glavniot grad Va{ington lu prome nata na znameto na R. Make donija. Ima{e Blagodarenie na Georgi, patuvaweto ne samo dosta raznovidni i aktuelni pra{awa, a Make- {to be{e besprekorno i brzo, tuku be{e i iz- don cite od Wu Xersi iska`aa nade` deka idna- von red no zanimlivo. Delegacijata vetuva{e ta godina uslovite }e bidat poblagoprijatni za dob ro raspolo`enie. pogolema sredba vo crkvata. Vo ovaa prigoda na Utrinata na 26 oktomvri se sobirame na Georgi so qu bov mu ja vra~iv me umetni~kata {tandot na MAKEDONSKI TE IZDAVA^I, za prv

Muzi~ari od ,,Goce Del~ev’’ / Musicians of GOCE DELCEV


Re cent ly he told me, ‘'I would like you to be my fragments from the published interview with George father, and even more, I wish I were a Macedo ni - Tomov were presented, which I prepared for my an!' That made me very happy. It is nice to work book "With a word in the world". with children." But, my tacit comment would be, The same night, I finished the interview with Mi- "George is working well with anybody!" lan Tuntevski, Secretary of the Movement, by turn- At the Johnson Howard Hotel ing to the rich chain of events of his life. This Move- in New Jersey ment has supported our George in cooperation with Vera and Steve, Liza, Mio, the artist and with his the American-Slavic Association. This time, George wife, were already waiting for us at the hotel. We has set aside a whole week from his holiday in order were met by a welcome committee, so dear to us. to be with us until our returning home. His media- Together, we set off for dinner, although only a tion helped us in our communications with Wash- short time ago we longed for our beds in the hotel. ington that often failed due to the latest develop- And, look, the tiredness simply disappeared with ments in the Balkans. friends. Todor Čalovski, our correspondent and old The car of George Tomov was comfor table friend, also arrived. We all ordered American spe- enough to accommodate the five-member delega ti - cialties at the expense of Stiv Negovanoviċ – one on heading to Washington. While driving, different who simply enjoys giving treats. He didn’t let any- conversations and intersecting dialogues took place, one of us take out our wallets. We could not leave but the focus of attention was our George. Imme - the expanded tables for a long time. diately, we mentally grasped the human goodness In the evening of 24 October, we had a joint in George which has charmed and is charming meeting with the Administration of the Movement every body, including us, too. We dedicated this for the human rights of the Macedoni ans in New 25th of October to George and he dedicated himself York and New Jersey, with a priest of the Macedo - to us. Later on, Jadranka would point out, "The nian Orthodox Church St. Cyril and Methody, as well most beautiful thing from this stay that I am going as other dear emigrants with whom we have had a to take along with me – will be the prettiness of the close cooperation since 1991. We learnt that a few feeling of rare acquaintanceship with George. I will weeks ago our emigrants had been engaged in the take George along with me forever!" events related to the change of the flag of the Re- In the Capital City of Washington public of Macedonia. There were different issues of Thanks to George, the travel was not only fault- current interest and the Macedonians from New less and fast, but it was also extremely interesting. Jersey expressed their hope that conditions in the The Delegation promised good mood. In the morning year to come should be more favorable for holding of 26th October, we gathered at the stand of the a greater meeting at the Church. On that occasion, Macedonian publisher which was present for the first we gave to George, with all our love, a painting time at that 27th American-Slavic Convention. The from Macedonia titled "Flowers" and after that the books were already there, while the commissaries

Baranski igri / The Baranski dances

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 261 GEORGI TOMOV pat prisuten na 27 Amerikanska sla visti~ka kon - Jadranka Vladova nastapi so tema vo vrska so vencija. Pristignati se i knigite, a komesarite sos tojbite i soznanijata za sovremenata make- na Makedonskata izlo`ba gi dovr{u vaat posled - donska poezija. Vo tematskiot izbor vo diskusi- nite delovi od scenarioto. Za s tapeni se osum- jata u~estvuvaa pristunite slu {ateli, posebno naeset makedonski izdava~i so naj no vite iz da - Viktor Fridman, Todor ^alovski, Ben xa min ni ja. Po nekolkugodi{ni napori, eve n¢ prisut- Stolc, so {to predvidenoto vreme be {e celosno ni na ovaa Konferencija so posebna tema, so ispolneto. Pritoa, celosnite izlagawa i dis ku - poseben {tand, pa duri i so dopisnik. Ja spo de - sijata gi slede{e makedonskiot diplomatski luvame neskrienata radost deka stig nav me do pretstavnik vo SAD - gospo|icata Qubi ca A~ev- Va{ington, spored site prethodni organi zirani ska. Na krajot od diskusijata, profesorot Ben- akcii. Potoa, site naredni denovi, make don ski - xa min Stolc go prika`a i promovira slavis ti~ - ot {tand be{e mestoto na site me|usebni i dru- kiot zbornik od Prvata severnoame rikanska-ma - gi po{iroki kontakti i sredbi. Ovde gi sre}a - ke donska slavisti~ka konferencija za makedo- va me naj~esto amerikanskite slavisti za in - nistika, odr`ana vo mesec juni 1991 na Univer- teresirani za literaturata, za prestoj na nekoi zi tetot „Mi~igen” vo En Arbor. Zborni kot na- na{i slavisti~ki sre}avawa. Se razmenuvaat sloven Studies in Macedonian Langua ge, Litera ture vizit-karti~ki i `elbi. and Culture sodr`i {esnaeset studii, od devet Taka dojde i vremeto za na{ata tema „Make- amerikanski slavisti i sedum - makedonski. Jas don skata literatura i sovremenost”, predvidena posebno bev zadovolna od pojavata na ovie stu- za prviot den na Konferen cijata. Na patot kon dii, za{to i vtoriot zbornik e pri kraj, taka salata „Truman”, ozna~e na so plakat za na{a ta {to Tretata konferencija }e ja do~ekame so dva tema, prv go sre}avame dragiot kolega Viktor gotovi zbornici. Fridman. Toj nikoga{ ne docni, pa taka i ovoj pat. Ovoj nepredvi den del od na{ata programa, Ponatamu go sre}avame, isto taka, na{i ot poz- koj be{e i spontan i o~ekuvan, osobeno od `en - nat amerikanski slavist Sti ven Batal den. To~no skiot sostav na de legacijata, ne bi bil celosno navreme, pretsedatelot na na{ata tema, Georgi i iskreno prika`an ako ja preskokneme „sve~e - Tomov, ja otvora trkaleznata masa, so na{eto na ta programa na dodeluvawe na najvisokiot or- pretstavuvawe. Vovedniot re ferat na akademi - den za spe ci jalni zaslugi, na najzaslu`niot ~len kot Milan \ur~inov gi sumira sogleduvawata za od dele ga ciajta - na gospodinot Georgi Tomov, makedonskata sovremena lite ratu ra od 1945 do koj „bdee {e” nad site nas, od pristignuvaweto 1995. Mojot referat se odnesuva{e na sovreme- vo Wujork pa s¢ do na{eto zaminuvawe vo Tatko - nata sostojba na srednovekovnata makedonska vinata.” Georgi Tomov, a i prisutnite, taka pri - kni`evna istorija. Za mitskite i folklornite jatno se vne soa vo ceremonijata, osmislena od elementi vo makedonskata sovremena proza go- Jadranka, {to na krajot site nie sfativme deka vore{e kole{kata Vio leta Tasev ska-Piruze. ova e samo predigra kon na{ata zaedni~ka `elba

Etni~ka parada vo Wujork / The Ethnic Parade in New York

262 DEL IV - NIZ STRANICITE NA MEDIUMITE GEORGI TOMOV of the Macedonian Exhibition were busy putting the so the anticipated time was constructively spent. finishing touches to the scenario. Eighteen Macedo- From the beginning, the discussion and presentati- nian publishers with their latest editions were repre- ons were followed by Ms. Ljubica Ačevska, Mace doni - sented. Following the efforts that took us several an diplomatic representative in the USA. At the end years, there we were - at that Conference with a of the discussion, Professor Benjamin Stolc present- specific theme, with our stand, even with our corr - ed and promoted the Slavic Collection of the First es pondent. We shared our unhidden happiness that North American-Macedonian Slavic Conference held we came to Washington in compliance with the all in June 1991 at Michigan University, Ann Arbor. This previously organized campaigns. In the days that collection, titled Studies in Macedonian Lan guage, followed, the Macedonian stand was the point for Literature and Culture consists of sixteen studies, our contacts and meetings. Most often, we met the nine from American Slavists and seven from Macedo - American Slavists interested in our literature and in nian ones. I was especially satisfied with the appea - attending some of our Slavic meetings. Visit-cards rance of those studies because the second co llection and best wishes were exchanged. was almost completed so that we would take part in So, the time for our theme ‘The Macedonian lite- the Third Conference with two new collec tions. rature between the tradition and modernism’ sche- That unexpected part of our program, which was duled for the first day of the Conference came. On both spontaneous and waited for by the female part the way to the Truman Hall, marked with a poster of our Delegation would not be complete and sin- for our theme, first we met Viktor Fridman, our dear cerely illustrated if we omit “the formal program – colleague. As usual, he was not late. Further down, awarding the highest decoration for special merits we met Steven Batalden, our well-known American to the most deserving member of the Delegation – Slavist. George Tomov, president of our theme, ope- to Mr. George Tomov who watched over us from ned the Round Table on time by introducing us to the moment of our arrival in New York till our the audience. The introductory paper by the academi- departure for our fatherland.” George Tomov and cian Milan Ġurčinov summed up the considerations also those present were pleasantly involved in that for the Macedonian modern literature from 1945 to ceremonial, devised by Jadranka, so that at the end 1995. My paper was on the modern situation of the we all understood that it was only a prelude to our history of medieval Macedonian literature. Violeta shared wish to watch also the real act of awarding Tasevska-Piruze, our colleague, talked about mytho- a prize to a man who, early on, had deserved high logical and folklore elements in Mace donian modern recognition but didn’t get any. Spontaneously, we prose. Jadranka Vladeva presented the theme on all agreed to sign up for initiators - proposers. the conditions and considerations for modern Mace - New York City - a gathering place donian poetry. During the selection of themes, The home of Vera and Blagoj Švrgovski was those present took part in discussions, just to men- selected to be a meeting point in New York for all of tion Viktor Fridman, Todor Čalovski, Benjamin Stolc

Sredba na ~lenovi na ,,Tomov’’ / Meeting of the TOMOV members

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 263 GEORGI TOMOV da bide me pri sutni i na vistinskiot ~in na nagra - Medicin ski ot fakultet vo Skopje, koj eve, neodam - duva weto, na ~ovekot koj odamna zaslu`il visoki na, ja dobi visokata nagrada za medicina, za iz- priznanija, a ne gi dobil. Spontano, pri fativ me vonredni re zul tati i otkritija vo dome not na da se javime nie kako inicijatori pred laga ~i. bolesta - {i zofrenija. Gi ima dosta, rasprs nati Wujork, 29-30 oktomvri niz Amerika, na{i vrvni specija listi i uspe{ - ni lu|e. Naj no vi te vesti od Gorazd Rosoklija se Zbornoto mesto vo Wujork za site nas e odre - odnesuvaat na negovite nastojuva wa i rezultati d eno vo stanot na Vera i Blagoj [vrgovski. za novi spe ci jalizacii na mladi makedonski Pris tignavme re~isi sve`i po patuvaweto so me dicinari i nau~nici na Kolumbi ja univer zi - na{iot voda~ Georgi Tomov. N¢ do~ekuvaat seko- tetot, kade {to d-r Gorazd Rosoklija raboti. ga{ vnimatelnite doma}ini, niv niot stan ure- Poslednovo popladne, povtorno n¢ pri bira den i klasi~no dekoriran, a pokraj toa bogatata site na{iot Georgi Tomov da n¢ doprati i is - trpeza na Vera, servirana vo „Lenoks” servisot. pra ti za Skopje. Bevme negova sedumdnevna „gla- Pred vi dena e ve~era za celo to dru{tvo, samo vo bolka”, no moram da priznaam i posebno zado- {to Ge or gi treba da zamine i da n¢ ostavi nav- volstvo. Ona {to nî povrza site nas proiz le ze istina na`a leni. Vera i Bla goj ne uspeaja da go ne kako od prstenovidniot sinxir spleten od na - zadr`at. Nivnata nenametli va presretlivost nî {ite so g ledbi, predizvikani od pokazot na dob - pleni site. Gri`ata za iz nenaduvawa, da se na- ri nata na Georgi, Vera, Naum, Milorad, popot pra vi mi got prijaten, da se sretnat lu|eto u{te Du{ ko Spirkovski. Vakvite primeri vo dat na- edna{, e del od na{eto bitisuvawe, samo {to pred i bodrat na patot kon istrajuvaweto. Ima Vera i Blagoja go priredu vaat seto toa so takt i ne{to od makedonskoto bitie koe i na koe da- uset, od zadovolstvo. Nie gi zapametivme site le~ no mesto od svetot da viree, vo odreden mo- tie podareni migovi i traewa. ment se javuva vid li vo, pokazno, za da se spoi Imame eden cel den pove}e za Wujork, bidej }i vo sopstvenite tekovi. Mo`ebi zatoa kaj site na krajot od mesecot se smeni celiot avi onski nas se javi istovremenata `elba da dopatuva vozen red. Vedna{ gi isplanirav ko ris nite sred - Georgi vo zaedni~kata tatkovi na, da go prodol- bi, me|u koi i razgovorot so prof. ^ervinski, `i me `i vo tvornoto dru`ewe, makar i za nekol- ured nik na Britanska enciklopedija i poznat ku nedeli ili makar za nekolku dena... slavist. Od neodamna sorabotuvame, a se nade- Zatoa, vo avionot kako da go ima{e Georgi i vam deka nabrgu }e ni bide u~esnik na Semi na- negovata dobrina. Zatoa, mo`ebi i ne zboruvav- rot vo Ohrid. Pokraj toa, uspeav da ja posetam me za nego. Znaeme deka strplivo }e ja ~ekame gospo|ata Doka Rosoklija vo Wu Xersi. Vo uba- novata sredba so nego, ovde kaj nas. [to li s¢ ne vi ot ambient od ku}ata na nejziniot sin, d-r Go- }e smislime za da go iznenadime i nie nego? Si- razd Ro soklija, specijalist nevropsihija tar, se gurna sum deka }e smislime ne{to ubavo, so {to }e sob ravme povtorno celo makedonsko dru{tvo, a n¢ pameti i nas na{iot Georgi. Toa }e go napra - me|u nas e i komentatorot na Makedonskoto ra- vime i posebno i zaedni~ki, za{to od spletot na dio Qubomir Gajdov. Prijatno e da se slu{a za okolnostite i situaciite se izgradija odnosi. uspesite na d-r Gorazd, diplomiran i educiran na Edna takva atmosfera n¢ slede{e dosta dolgo...

So Kate Ilievski / With Kate Ilievski


So Vasil Bogov i Doca vo Pert / With Vasil Bogov and Doca in Perth us. We arrived almost fresh from the travel with deed in compliance with the Ten Commandments. George Tomov, our guide. We were welcomed by They asked me where I had met such people like our hosts, always kind, at their tidy home decorated George, like Stiv and whether all friends of mine in classic way. In addition, there was a dining table that I had met in America were like them. laid with rich food served in the Lenox set of dish- In the last evening of our stay in America, Geor- es. The evening meals were foreseen for the whole ge Tomov gathered us again in order to accompany company, but George had to leave. Vera and Blagoj and see us off. We, who were his guests for seven didn’t manage to prevent him from leaving us and days. What connected us all has stemmed somehow we were really saddened. The not-intrusive atten- from the chain knitted by our observations caused tiveness of our hosts fascinated us all. Taking care by the goodness and kindness expressed by to surprise someone, to make the moment a plea- George, Vera, Naum, Milorad, priest Duško Spirkov - sant one, to meet people once again, was all a part ski. Such examples lead forwards and inspire along of our existence, but only that Vera and Blagoj were the road of persistence. There is something from doing all that with a tact and feeling, out of pleasu- the Macedonian essence that, wherever and howev- re. We have remembered all those moments and er far in the world it grows, appears as visible and events given to us as gifts. expressive in order to merge and joint together in We had a day more for New York due to the its own streams. As a result, we immediately felt a switch to the winter time at the end of October desire that George should come to our common when the flight schedules were changed. Imme- fatherland, to continue our life-giving relationship diately, I planned useful meetings, as well as a con- even for a few weeks or for a few days… versation with Professor Červinsky, editor of the Therefore, in the plane it was as if George and British Encyclopedia and famous Slavist. We started his kindness and goodness were with us. Accor- our cooperation not so much time ago, and I hoped dingly, we didn’t even speak about him. We knew that soon he would be a participant in the Seminar that we would be waiting, with patience, for the in Ohrid. In addition, I managed to visit Mrs. Doka next meeting with him, here in Macedonia. What Rosoklija in New Jersey. All members of the Mace- are we going to think out to surprise him also? I am do nian company met in the relaxing ambience in sure that we shall think out something nice, some- the house of her son, Dr. Gorazd Rosoklija, a neu- thing beautiful so that our George shall remember ropsychiatry’s specialist. Ljubo mir Gajdov, commen- us all for it. We shall do it both jointly and indivi- tator of the Macedonian Radio. dually, because relationships were built out of inter- During that travel, my colleague met Mr. Stiv woven circumstances and situations. Such an Nego vanović who was always ready to do a good atmosphere followed us for a long time…


AMBASADOROT Intervju na Mi{o Netkov so Georgi Tomov

MTV: Ima lu|e predodredeni, nadareni. Ce- folklorot. Vsu{nost, nema{e dovolno Makedon- li ot `ivot go minuvaat vo sozdavawe, vo tvore - ci da gi u~am, jas primav u~enici od univerzi - we na ne{to svoe, ne{to avtenti~no. Go `iveat te ti vo Wujork, Kolumbija, New York University. svojot `ivoten son, spodeluvaj}i ja realnosta Zemav rodeni Amerikanci i gi u~ev oro da so svojot narod bez koj sonot ne bi postoel. Ta- igraat makedonsko i pesni da peat makedonski. kov e na{iot junak. ^ovek neumoren, so nevero- Isto taka, vo 1980, so moja pomo{, makedonskiot ja ten tvore~ki duh: skulptor, publicist, umet- ja zik po~na da se izu~uva vo New York University ni~ki koreograf, osnovopolo`nik na brojni ma- kako predmet. ke donski folklorni asocijacii. So eden zbor - MTV: Vo 1975, pod pokrovitelstvo na Asoci- uspe{en ambasador na makedonskoto kulturno jacijata Albert Kay, ja osnova zdu`enata Folk- tvore{tvo na tloto na SAD. Ednostaven, skro- lorna fondacija i e nejzin pretstedatel. Vo nea men, ~ovek od narodot. Dostoinstven i gord na gi vklu ~uva site toga{ni folklorni dru{tva od drevnite makedonski tradicii. Georgi Tomov. jugo slovenskite etni~ki grupi i ovaa kulturna Georgi Tomov: Jas bev eden od prvite Make - institucija vleguva vo ramkite na kulturnite donci koi gi zapoznavav amerikanskite li~ nos - aktivnosti na SAD. Vo isto vreme, stanuva koor- ti so na{ata makedonska kultura, osobeno so ganizator i aktiven umetni~ki rakovoditel na

Vo Pariz / In Paris Vo Rim / In Rome


THE AMBASSADOR A television (MTV) interview with Mišo Netkov

MTV: There are people who are talented, pre- establishing the Department of Macedonian Lan- destined. They spend all their lives in creating so- guage at New York University in 1980. me thing of their own, authentic. They live their life MTV: In 1975 he established the Folkdance dream, sharing the reality with their own people, Foundation. And he became its president. This without whom these would not have existed. That Foundation included all folklore groups of all the is our hero. Restless man, with an incredible cre- Slavic nation. This association is a part of the cultur- ative spirit, sculptor, publicist, choreographer, al activities of the USA. In the same time he became founder of many Mace donian folklore associations, the co-organizer and art manager of the GOCE in one word a successful ambassador of the Mace- DELČEV folklore ensemble which is active within the donian cultural creations in USA. Simple, modest, Macedonian Orthodox Church ‘St. Kiril and Metodi’ man of the people, dignified and proud of the in New Jersey. ancient Macedonian traditions – Mr. George Tomov. George Tomov: Why is it important that these George Tomov: I was the first Macedonian to kids be included in this group? The intention is not spread Macedonian culture among the Americans, to make professional dancers of them, but to en- es pe cially folklore. Since there were not enough cou rage them to know their homeland, their own Mace donians, I was gathering Americans to teach folklore… When they grow up they will know who them Macedonian dances and songs. I succeeded in they are and what are their roots.

So Mi{o Netkov / With Mišo Netkov

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 267 GEORGI TOMOV Ansamblot „Goce Del~ev“ pri makedonskata ima nastapeno vo ON, pri svetskite zdru`enija pravo slavna crkva Sv. Kiril i Metodi od Wu i me|u drugo, pred pretstavnici na site nacii. Xersi. Odlikuvan e od ON kako ~ovek koj {to dava s¢ vo Georgi Tomov: Kakvo e zna~eweto na ovie svoite granici na mo` nosti da ja prezentira deca da bidat vklu~eni vo folklorot? Ne e poen - na{ata makedonska nacija. tata da gi napravime da bidat profesionalni Georgi Tomov: Taka, po~nav tuka. Potoa za igraorci, tuku vo niv da nikne edna nitka, eden ne kolku godini, koga steknav pogolema popular - 'rkulec za svoite koreni, da si ja poznavaat svo- nost, imav golem pritisok od mladiot amerikan- jata tatkovina. Da si go poznavaat folklorot od ski svet, od {koluvani deca koi zavr{uvaa ko - kade se dojdeni nivnite roditeli. Toa poneko- lexi i fakulteti. Tie si go obezbeduvaa `i vo - ga{ e pova`no. Denes, jas ne znam dali tie se tot materijalno, me|utoa nim im nedostasuva{e svesni {to pravat, no utre, koga }e porasnat, da imaat edna druga aktivnost, a taa aktivnost tie ve}e }e znaat koi se, {to se, kakva nacio- za niv be{e izu~uvawe i igrawe na folklorot, nalnost se i {to mo`at da napravat za svojata da ka`eme internacionalniot folklor. tatkovina. Vo 1974 go formirav mojot folkloren An- Sve{tenik Spirkovski: Gospodinot Geor gi sambl i od 1974 pa do 1998 tie postoeja i bea Tomov e aktiven ~len vo na{ata makedonska pra- mnogu aktivni. Dadoa pove}e od 350 koncerti vo voslavna crkva Sv. Kiril i Metodi i, me|u dru- Amerika, vo najgolemi sali kako vo Carnegie Hall, go to, ekoreograf na na{ata igraorna grupa „Go- Lincoln Center, itn. Patuvaa po cela Amerika. ce Del~ev“ koja {to raboti pri na{ata crkva. Duri bevme nagradeni, da ka`am, od Vladata na Dolgi godini gi podgotvuva na{ite mladi po ko- SAD za da bideme prisutni na sve~enoto otvo- lenija {to se ra|aat ovde, vo SAD. Me|u drugoto, rawe, zatvorawe i u~estvo vo Olimpiskoto selo dosega ima pominato pove}e od 5-6 mladi gene - na ZOI vo Lake Placid vo 1980. Toa be{e eden racii. Ovaa godina, gi imame najmladite i za specijalen, eden golem dostrel i edno golemo prv pat }e imame deca koi {to }e svirat na na- zadovolstvo ne samo za mene, tuku za site moi {i makedonski instrumenti po zasluga na g-di - ~le novi vo Ansamblot. Ne samo toa, tuku i spe- not Tomov. Toj e li~nost koja {to e od golema cijalen avion dojde da n¢ zeme, da n¢ odnese va`nost vo na{ata zaednica i od golema va`- tamu i da n¢ vrati. nost, }e re~am, na crkovniot, nacionalniot, MTV: Ansamblot „Tomov“ vo svoeto 25-go- folklorniot bit - na{ makedonski, bidej}i di{no postoewe ima postignato ogromni rezul- preku pesnata, preku oroto, preku nosijata toj go tati vo {ireweto na makedonskata kultura. Se- repre zentira na{iot bit makedonski. Nekolku koja godina ima odr`uvano od 6 do 14 koncerti pati, so na{ata igraorna grupa „Goce Del~ev“, vo najpoznati te svetski sali, kako {to spomenav

So ~lenovi na ,,Goce Del~ev’’ / With the members of GOCE DELČEV


Priest Spirkovski: Mr. George Tomov is an ac- Dance Magazine, Daily News, Riverdale Press, Dan- tive member of our Church, he is the choreographer ce Review are rendering the best scores for the cho- of our GOCE DELČEV folklore group. He is teaching reography, the perfect performing techniques and the youngsters born here and he has educated 5-6 the enthusiasm provoked by the ensemble with genera tions by now. Tomov is a person of great their authentic songs and dances from Macedonia. importance for our community here, important for Bob Liberman: I am glad to be here and I am the cultural, national, and folklore activities, becau- glad to see that you are preparing something about se he represents the Macedonian being through George. He deserves it since he has been working dances, songs, and national costumes. He went to so much on Macedonian folklore. I like George very the UN with his folklore group during the gatherings much. We are friends for 20 years. I know Macedo- of nations. Last year he was decorated with a medal nian. I came here in 1963, but I will go there again by the UN, as a man who does his best to present and I know all the wedding customs (especially in our Macedonian nation. Peštani. If there is somebody from Peštani, hello, I George Tomov: So, I started here. After I am uncle Bob). I like those customs, and I enjoy beco me popular, the young American people, who watching them. Although I am not a Macedonian were missing other activities, made pressure on me myself, I will come again to Macedonia. Whenever I since they wanted to study folklore. They were hear Macedonian music, I start dancing. I like danc- interested in international folklore. So, I established ing very much. I like the people also. They were my folklore ensemble in 1974, which existed until very friendly with me when I was there. Thank you. 1998, and held more than 350 concerts in the great- MTV: Macedonia and the Macedonian folklore is est halls such as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center. We not only existing here, but I will tell you a saying were invited by the Government of the US to take which I heard from my American friends. ‘When I part during the opening and closing ceremonies of hear Macedonian music my heart beats’. They say the Winter Olympics in 1980. It was a particular we are excited, we do like the songs: ‘Makedonsko honor not only for me, but for all the members of devojče’, ‘More, Sokol pie’, ‘Bitola, moj roden kraj’, the group. We got a special plane to take us there. ‘Dračevka’ dance… They know the names of all MTV: In its 25-year existence, the ‘Tomov’ en- these dances. They say that they feel the music so semb le has achieved outstanding results in spread- close to them, so exciting. I asked them why other ing Macedonian culture. It held 14-16 concerts each music did not excite them, such as Irish music, or year in the most famous halls such as Carnegie Hall, Hungarian music. Their answer was that ‘the other’ Lincoln Center, in Boston, Chicago and many other music is good but not so warm. Your music is places. They have been guests at many TV shows. caressing the soul’. Anyway, while I was giving The most famous newspapers New York Times, those lectures, I made a record under the title

So Blaga, Spase, Mi{o i Aco / With Blaga, Spase, Mišo and Aco

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 269 GEORGI TOMOV me|u niv se i Carnegie Hall i Lincoln Center vo Georgi Tomov: - Makedonija i Makedonskiot Wujork, pa vo Va{ing ton, Boston, ^ikago i mno- folklor ne samo {to e prisuten, tuku, }e vi gu drugi pomali i pogolemi gradovi vo SAD i ka`am edna ubava izreka koja ja slu{am po~esto Kanada. Gostuvaat na pove}e televiziski stani- od Amerikanci: „Koga }e slu{nam makedonska ci vo SAD. Najpoz natite vesnici: The New York muzika, tuka vo srceto me udira, ne mo`am, sum Times, The Times Herald, Daily News, Dance News, vozbuden“. Make donsko devoj~e, More, sokol pie Riverdale Press, Ballet News, Dance Review i Arts na Vardarot, Bitola, moj roden kraj, Berovka, i drugi, bez isklu~ok, u{te od 1974 pa do denes, Dra~evska, Sedenka, Belasi~ko oro, Crnogorka, davaat najvisoki ocenki za koreografijata, bes- ^u~ek..., site tie ora i po ime mi gi ka`uvaat i pre kornata tehnika na izveduvawe i voodu{evu- navistina se vos hiteni za toj folklor. Velat vaweto koe go pred izvikuva Ansamblot so izvor- deka melosot i muzikata e tolku bliska do niv nite ora i pesni od Makedonija. taka {to koga }e ja ~ujat, vedna{ im se dopa|a i Bob Liberman: - Mnogu mi e milo {to sum kako {to mi ka`uvaat ne{to gi vozbudu va. Gi tuka i da vidam deka vie spremate ne{to za pra{uvam „Za{to ne ve vozbuduva irskata muzi- Xorx bidej}i Xorx e mnogu poznat tuka. Mnogu ka ili za{to ne ve vozbuduva ungarskata muzika? raboti na makedonskiot folklor i nastapuva „ Odgovorot e deka i taa e dobra i taa e odli~ - kako umetnik. Site go znaeme Xorx i mene li~no na, ama ne e tolku topla. - „Va{ata muzi ka ima mnogu mi se dopa|a. Nie sme prijateli 20 i po - edno miluvawe, ne{to ~uvstvitelno se ra|a, ve }e godini. Jas znam makedonski bidej}i bev vo vnatre vo nea. „ Vo sekoj slu~aj, vo toj period, Makedonija tri pati od 1963 do 1975 i prisust- dodeka gi dr`ev predavawata, snimiv edna plo - vuvav na svadbeni obi~ai, osobeno vo Pe{ tani. ~a Macedonian folk dance and songs i sekoga{ Ako ima nekoi Pe{ tan ci, zdravo, jas sum ~i~ko koga odev vo tie klu bovi ja ostavav plo~ata kako Bob. Dosega nemav prilika da odam povtorno, no podarok za da mo`at tie da gi izu~uvaat na{ite }e odam pak vo Makedonija. Iako jas ne sum Ma- igri i da ne gi zaboravat. ke donec, po srce jas sum Makedonec. Znaete kako Takvi edni spomeni i den denes ostavija dla - srceto se razigruva koga }e slu{nam makedonska boka traga, fatija koren kaj mnogu pogolem broj muzika i po~nuvam da igram. Jas mnogu sakam da Ame rikanci koi u{te se ~uvstvuvaat slobodni igram. Ne samo muzikata, tuku i lu|eto. Mnogu da mi telefoniraat, da me pra{at kako sum, da- Makedonci mi se prijateli. Koga jas bev tamu, tie li u{te u~am i predavam folklor, itn. Se sozda- bea mnogu prijatelski raspolo`eni kon mene. de edna ubava dru`ina, edno ubavo semejstvo da

So Sandalovi} i Aronovi} / With Sandalovic and Aronovic


‘Macedonian folk dances and songs’ and I always tivals in Macedonia which are anonymous. You don’t gave one copy of it in each club I was visiting in know that only to the Valandovo Festival, there order to help them study our dances, and not for- could come more than 200 folklore fans from get them. So I made a lot of friends from America. Europe and America to listen to those new songs. They are calling me and asking me how I feel, do I To the Ilinden festival, 500 people could come and still dance, etc. So, a nice family was created, a enjoy the wonderful authentic Macedonian folklore. family who loved Macedonia through me. Then the Ohrid Summer, the Skopje Summer, Opera GT: The ensemble hosted more than 200 mem- Evenings. Through your associations and groups bers. A curiosity is that the American members of you can find foreign donors to support the Opera this ensemble formed a family under the name ‘The Evenings, so that people from Europe could come Tomov’. There have been marriages and out of 18 and listen to those opera singers. In order for Mace- couples I’ve got 37 grandchildren. I am happy. donia to be able to join Europe, we have to say to These children are phoning me, too, saying, ‘Hi, them we have possibilities, we have qualities. I hear uncle George’ and so and so. So I have a very nice many bad things about the Jazz Festival. This festi- family. val is well known in America, too, but you don’t pro- G.T: I was luckier than my other compatriots, mote it. The whole of Europe knows about it. But, since I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Albert Kay. you have to promote it. I hope that one day, the He is a manager representing many artists from all authorities, the ministers of culture, could make the over the world. He helped me a lot with the admin- culture equal to other branches so that Macedonia istrative work and I know that the managerial rep- could be presented properly. I have been trying, for resentation of artists is very important. In America, a longer period, to establish a representation office there is a book titled ‘Musical America’, published for Macedonian culture in New York. This office annually and they call it here ‘Art Bible’. The musi- would not represent only the musicians, performing cians and singers of all the world are represented in music groups, but also painters, sculptors… But, we it. I am sorry to say that in it, in the international have to try harder and better like other countries part, I found only two Macedonian representative do. I can see other countries like Slovenia, Slovakia, agencies mentioned - Ohrid Summer and Radio- Latvia… We are not worse than them. We have Television Skopje. I don’t know if the Ministry of quality which can represent Macedonia. We have Culture has got this book. If not, I will give them gifted artists who can spread themselves all over one copy in order to see that there are so many fes- the world and represent Macedonia. We have a rich

,,Tomov’’ pred nastap / TOMOV- before giving a stage performance

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 271 GEORGI TOMOV ka`am, koi, ete, preku mene ja zasakaa i Make- Jas se nadevam deka vo Ministerstvoto za kul- donija. tura postoi ovaa kniga. Da vidat deka vo Vo Ansamblot pominaa i pove}e od 200 ~leno - Makedonija ima ogromen broj festivali koi se vi. Eden kuriozitet e toa {to tie Amerikanci, anonimni vo svetot. Tie treba da izlezat od so niv noto doa|awe vo Ansamblot „Tomov“, svojata anonomnost. Vie znaete deka na formiraa edna golema familija koja se vika{e Valandovo mo`e da vi dojdat 100-200 qubiteli Tomovi. Me|usebno se zapoznavaa, se sklu~ija na folklorot od Evropa i Amerika da gi du ri 18 brakovi. Od tie brakovi imam 37 vnu- slu{aat tie novi tvorbi; Deka na Ilindenski ~iwa. Sre}en sum i tie mali de~iwa i den-de- denovi mo`e da vi dojdat 500 du{i da go gleda - nes mi se javuvaat da me pra{a at kako sum taka at toj prekrasen makedonski izvoren folklor; {to imam edna prekrasna familija. Deka na Ohridsko leto, pa Skopsko leto, pa da Jas imav edna malku pogolema sre}a, verojat- ne ka`am; eve, za Operskite ve~eri {to gi ima - no, od pove}e drugi na{i Makedonci, ta so moe- te. Pa toa e `alosna slika {to jas slu{am deka to doa|awe, vo mnogu kratko vreme, imav prili- e zapostaveno. ka da se zapoznaam so g-dinot Albert Kay koj ima Denes, za Makedonija da vleze vo Evropa, svoja menaxerska ku}a i koj pretstavuva po go lem mora da £ ka`ete deka imame i kultura i deka broj na umetnici od celiot svet. Vo na{eto dol- znaeme da organizirame, deka imame mo`nosti, gogodi{no poznanstvo, toj mi pomogna mnogu za imame kvalite ti. Ili va{iot Xez festival. Xez da mo`am mnogu drugi raboti, koi imaat admi- festivalot vo Amerika go znaat. Cela Evropa go nis trativen karakter, da gi zapoznaam, a i da se znae, ama vie ne go reklamirate. Reklamirajte zapoznaam so toa deka vo Amerika kade{to mena - go da vi dojdat turis ti, qubiteli da go slu{aat. xerstvoto na golem broj umetnici e mnogu va`- Samo na toj na~in vie }e mo`ete da prosperi- no. Denes ni tu eden umetnik ne mo`e da sklu~i rate. dogovor so niedna Jas se nadevam de- sala ako toj nema me- ka eden den, site onie na xer koj go pretsta- koi doa |aat da bidat vuva. ministri za kultura, Vo Amerika postoi treba da si najdat edna prekrasna kniga edno ramnopravno koja se vika Musical mes to so site drugi America, izleguva ed - granki za da mo`ete na{ godi{no i ovde da ja prezentirate vo Amerika ja nareku- Make do nija. Jas, mal- vaat „biblija za ku podolgo vreme, go- umetnosta“. Tuka, vo lem trud vlo`u vam da nea, se glavno, site se formira edna in- muzi~ari od sekoj in- stitucija vo Wujork strument, operski pe - koja }e bide pretstav- ja~i, sekakvi organi- ni{tvo na si te kul - zacii od cel svet koi turni umetnosti vo pretstavuvaat ili se Make donija da se pri - pretstavuvaat da bi- ka`at vo sve tot. Edna dat pretstaveni vo takva insti tucija koja svetot. Jas, za `al, }e ima edna mala kan - vo taa kniga, bidej}i celarija vo Wu jork }e mi e sekoj den vo ra- mo`e da gi prezenti- kata i ja upotrebuvam ra ne samo grupite, za mojata sekojdnevna ansamblite, pea~i, rabota, vo interna- in strumentalisti, cionalniot del naj- tuku i umetnici i dov samo dve make - slikari i skulpturi i don ski pretstav ni {t- s¢ {to postoi vo Ma- va da bidat reklami- ke donija. Samo mora- rani vo svetot. Tie me malku poseriozno se Ohridskoto leto i da se zafa time. Mora - Radio-televizija me malku, ako treba 5 Skopje. @alos na sli ka. centi ili 5 denari da Ne e samo `alosno, se dadat pove}e na tuku i da se pla~e. kulturata - da se

272 DEL IV - NIZ STRANICITE NA MEDIUMITE GEORGI TOMOV background, a rich history, that supports us and we MTV: The years of life and work of this Macedo ni - should promote it. My whole life in America has an immigrant in the USA make him the ambassador been dedicated to the presentation of Macedonia. I of Macedonian culture and folklore. He still conti nu es am in contact with various institutions. I try to pre- to popularize the cultural values of Macedonia where - sent Macedonian artists. Because, deeply in me I ver he goes – including the USA, Canada and Aust- am convinced that we have qualities, but organiza- ra lia”. These are the words of his manager, Mr. Al- tion is not our strong point, we are not well organi- bert Kay, in his last letter sent to the Archive of Ma- zed. The things should be pushed a little. Work is ce donia to which Tomov has given his record s as necessary. Time is passing, but we stay in one presents and where he has his own foundation ‘Ge - place. Macedonia should be coming out with all orge Tomov-folklorist’ since 1982. Acknow ledge ment those wonderful things we have. and privilege that are not accessible to every mortal. MTV: It is important to point out the publication Mr. Albert Kay: My company is the Albert Kay activities of Tomov which undeniably contribu tes to Asso ciation of Concert Artists. We are an internatio - the spreading of the Macedonian heritage in this nal company and we are very much happy that region. He has published articles and reports on the George Tomov is a key member of our staff. Perso- land and beauties of Macedonia and its cultural and nally, I have known Tomov for more than 35 years. historical monuments. I met him for the first time when he danced in Ta- G.T: There is a folklore magazine Viltis which is nec and Lado Folk Ensembles which went on tour in printed in 60,000 copies in Denver, Colorado. The the USA and all over the world. When he emigrated owner of the magazine asked me to write a report in Ameri ca, I managed to convince him to join our on Macedonian folklore. I wrote it in 1973 and it Company and since then he has been working exce l- was published. After a few months I was called by lently. George is an outstanding expert for folk dance the Yugoslav Consulate to be questioned whether I who has brought great glory to my company. On have relatives in Macedonia. I said ‘yes’ and they ma ny occasions, he has delivered a great number of said that it was a great mistake to write a report on lectures both at the American and Canadian universi- ethnic Macedonia in which the other two parts of ties and museums. I consider him to be the most Macedonia are included. They were rude, but I told outstanding Ambassador of Macedonia because he, them that I am an American citizen, therefore I through his lectures and performances, has brought have the freedom to write and speak. data for his motherland to many places in the United

[opska petorka - ,,Tanec’’ vo Saraevo, 1957 godina / Šopska petorka, TANEC in Saraevo, 1957

PART IV - THROUGH THE MEDIA 273 GEORGI TOMOV dadat za da mo`e toa da se prezentira. Gledam kultura i folklor koj i denes prodol`uva da gi ovde Litvanija Le to nija, Slova~ka, Slove nija - populari zira kulturnite vrednosti na Makedo - se iz von redno zastapeni, tie si imaat svoi nija onamu kade {to odi, a toa gi vklu~uva SAD, pretstavni{tva. Pa nie, pro{ tevajte, ama nitu Kanada i Avstra lija.“ Toa se zborovi na nego - po ni{to drugo ne zaostanuvame zad niv. Nie viot menaxer, g-dinot Albert Kay, vo poslednoto imame kvali tetni umetnici koi mo`e sekade vo pismo do Arhivot na Make donija kade {to Tomov svetot i da ja prezentiraat na{ata Makedonija. ima podareno svoj materijal i mu e otvoren li- Nie imame poza dina, imame bogata pozadina. ~en fond po ime „\eor |i To mov-folklorist“ Istorijata e na na{iot grb pozadi i n¢ turka za u{te vo 1992, priznanie i privilegija {to ne da mo`eme da izleze me, ne n¢ zadr`uva. Drugite im se dostapni na sekoj smrtnik. nemaat mnogu takvi „grbovi“ da gi turkaat, ama Albert Kay: Mojata kompanija e Albert Kay tie si pravat. Samite si pravat. Samite se but- Association of Concert Artist - Uprava na koncert- kaat, a nas n¢ turka istorijata i umetnosta. ni umetnici. Nie sme me|unarodna kompanija i Mene celiot `ivot {to sum vo Amerika mi e mnogu sme sre}ni {to Xorx Tomov e eden od na- posveten da mo`am na eden ili na drug na~in da {ite klu~ ni kadri. Li~no, se poznavam so Tomov ja prezentiram taa makedonska kultura tuka. ve}e 35 go di ni. Prv pat go zapoznav koga tancu- Stapuvam vo kontakti so razni institucii. Gle - va{e vo „Ta nec“ i vo KUD „Lado“ koi imaa turne- dam da pretstavam mnogu makedonski umetnici ja niz SAD i niz celiot svet. Koga emigrira{e tuka vo Amerika oti znam, dlaboko vnatre, deka vo SAD, go ubediv da se priklu~i vo na{ata kom- nie imame mo`nosti, deka imame kvaliteti, panija i od toga{ odli~no raboti. Xorx e istak- me|utoa na{ata organizacija e mnogu slaba. Nie, nat stru~wak za folk-tancot koj donese golema tamu nekako, {tom se doa|a na polo`ba - s¢ slava na mojata kompanija i na negovata rodna nekako „smrznuva“, nema rabota, nema aktivnos- zemja. ti. Treba malku i drsko da se postavat nekoi Mnogu pati dr`el predavawa na mnogu ameri - raboti; treba, {to velat Amerikancite - push, kan ski i kanadski univerziteti i vo muzei. Sme - push .Zna~i, treba da se raboti, ne mo`e da se tam deka e najistaknatiot ambasador na Makedo - stoi. Godinite izminu vaat, nie si zastanuvame, ni ja, za{to preku negovite predavawa i nasta- s¢ tapkame vo mesto. Dajte, izlezete nadvor od pi, donese podatoci za negovata tatkovina vo Makedonija! Imate so {to da se pofalite! mnogu mesta vo Soedinetite Amerikanski Dr`a- Imame prekrasni raboti. vi i vo Kanada. Tolku ja saka Makedonija, {to ne MTV : Zna~ajno e da se napomene i publicis - mo`am da vi opi{am. Koga e nadvor od kompani- ti~ kata dejnost na Tomov koja {to neminovno jata, 99% od vremeto go minuva vo proekti za pridonesuva za natamo{no {irewe na makedon- promovirawe na dobroto na negovata tatkovina skoto nas led stvo na ovie prostori. Toj ima obja - koja mnogu ja saka. Sekoga{ e golema radost za veno pove}e publikacii koi naj~esto sodr`at mene i za moite sorabotnici koga }e dobieme reporta`i za Makedonija, nejzinite ubavini i vesnik od Makedonija i koga }e vidime statii za kulturno-istoriski vrednosti. g-din Tomov. Toj navistina go zaslu`uva prizna- Georgi Tomov: Ima eden folkloren magazin, nie to {to go dobiva i mislam deka Republi ka „Nade`“, koj izleguva vo 60.000 primeroci vo Makedonija ima prekrasen ambasador za kultu- Denver, Kolorado. Sopstvenikot na toj magazin rata i folklorot, a toa e Xorx Tomov. me zamoli ako mo`am da napravam edna repor- Georgi Tomov: I taka, so toa {to go formi- ta`a za makedonskiot folklor i za Makedonija rav Ansamblot, jas dojdov do golem broj narodni voop{to. Taa reporta`a ja napi{av i be{e obja - nosii i raspolagam so eden golem fond. So otvo- vena vo 1973. Po nekolku meseci bev povikan vo raweto na novata sala vo Crkvata Sv. Kirili i jugoslovenskiot Generalen kozulat vo Wujork Metodij ili kako go vikame Kulturen centar, }e kade me pra{aa dali imam rodnini vo Makedo - gledame da gi smestime tie narodni nosii i na- nija. Jas rekov „da“. Mi rekoa deka e mnogu gole- kiti da bidat izlo`eni i prika`uvani za ame - ma gre{ka napravena {to vo toj magazin jas na- ri kanskata publika. pi {av statija za etni~ka Makedo nija kade gi Jas se nadevam deka moeto prisustvo me|u na- vklu~uvam Egejskiot i Pirinskiot del od Make - {i te tuka i ponatamu }e bide korisno za Make- donija, kako i del od Albanija. Bea mnogu grubi. don cite i za Makedonija i spored toa, sakam da Me|utoa im rekov deka jas sum amerikanski gra- ka`am, deka ne mislam da se vratam vo Makedo - |a nin i jas vo Amerika imam sloboda na pi{u- nija. Oti na vas ne vi e potreben eden penzio- vawe i sloboda da zboruvam {to sakam. Spored ner pove}e tamu, tuku eden postar i iskusen toa, velam, toa se fakti i si ostanav na moeto. ~ovek me|u Makedoncite vo Amerika koj mo`e da MTV: „Za izminatite godini `iveewe i rab- £ poslu`i pove}e na Ma ke donija voop{to, na ota na makedonskiot iselenik \eor|i Tomov vo misijata za nea ovde vo svetot. SAD se doznava edna celina koja go lansira na povr{ina i go pravi ambasador na makedonskata


Od proslavata na rodendenot / From his birthday party States of America and in Canada. He loves Mace donia G.T: And so, by establishing the ensemble, I so much that I cannot explain to you. When he is out mana ged to collect a lot of national costumes which of the Company, he spends 99% of his time in promo- I intend to be exhibited in the Cultural Center of the ting projects for the well-being of his home land which Church of Sts. Kiril and Metodi. I do hope that my he loves so much. When we receive a newspaper presen ce here, among Macedonians, will be useful from Macedonia, we are always happy to see articles even more. Therefore I don’t intend to come back to about Tomov. He really deserves the recognition Macedonia, since you don’t need another retired that he has been receiving and I think that the Re- person, but a mature and experienced man in public of Macedonia has an exceptional Ambassador America could be of greater use for Macedonia. for its culture and folklore, and that is George Tomov.

Od proslavata na rodendenot / From his birthday party






Od paradata vo Bitola / From the parade in Bitola

,,Linxo’’ igra / The Lindzo dance

Amerikanska igra / American dance


Georgi Tomov vo narodna nosija / George Tomov in folk costume Vo Filadelfija / In Philadelphia

Vo Boston / In Boston Vo Kopar, Slovenija / In Kopar, Slovenia


Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday


Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday


Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday


Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday


Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday


Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday


Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday


Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday

Na 70-iot rodenden / At his 70th birthday



Medalot na ~esta „Elis Ajland” (Ellis Island) poedinci koi - preku svojata li~na istrajnost, im se dava vo spomen i im oddava priznanie na `rtvuvawe i uspeh - pomagaat Amerika da ostane Amerikancite od kakvo bilo etni~ko poteklo na ~elo na naukata, biznisot, sportot, zabavata, koi dale zna~itelen pridones kon amerikansko- istra`u va wata vo zdravstvoto i na bezbroj to op{testvo. Toj se dodeluva edna{ godi{no od drugi va`ni pra{awa. Pretstavuvaj}i vino`ito strana na Nacionalnata etni~ka koalicija na na etni~ko poteklo, nagradenite od 2005 godina organizacii (NECO) - pokrovitelna grupa od po- ja primija svojata nagrada na 14 maj 2005, vo ve}e 250 organizacii koja go opfa}a spektarot senkata na istoriskiot Golem Yid kade milioni na etni~kite nasledstva, kulturi i religii. imigranti, koi do{le vo SAD vo vtorata polov- Ovoj medal e prikladno imenuvan „Elis Ajland” ina na devetnaesettiot vek, gi napravile bidej}i po mnogu ne{ta Elis Ajland e traen sim- prvite ~ekori kon eden nov `ivot. bol na emigrantskite koreni i razli~- nosta koi ja karakteriziraat ameri- kan skata golema nacija. Georgi Tomov e eden od onie koi go primile ovoj medal. Amerika otsekoga{ bila zasol- ni{te/pribe`i{te za legalnite imig - ranti od celiot svet koi doa|aat do amerikanskite bregovi so eden ednos- taven son; kovaj}i nov `ivot vo zemjata na mo`nostite, slobodata i slobodata - sloboda od religiozno, ekonomsko, politi~ko ili etni~ko progonuvawe. Koga imigrantskata stanica na Elis Ajland, Wujork, be{e otvorena na 1 ja- nua ri 1892 godina, na 700 imigranti im be{e dozvoleno da pominat niz nea samo vo tekot na toj prv den. Do vreme- to koga ovoj centar be{e zatvoren vo 1954, 17 milioni imigranti pominale niz negovite vrati. Administracijata i personalot na Elis Ajland prose~no procesuiraa do 5 009 lu|e dnevno. Mnogu od ovie novodojdenci slabo zboruvale angliski, re~isi nemale pa - ri i pristignuvale samo so ona vo {to bile oble~eni. Nasproti takvite pred - izvici, site tie bile spremni da gi ri zikuvaat svoite `ivoti za mo`nosta da izgradat eden podobar `ivot za niv sa mite i za nivnite semejstva. Meda lot „Elis Ajland” e voveden vo 1986 za da im se oddade ~est na onie



The Ellis Island Medal of Honor commemorates tant issues. Re presenting a rainbow of ethnic back- and recognizes Americans of all ethnic backgrounds grounds the 2005 recipients received their awards who have made significant contributions to on May 14, 2005, in the shadow of the historic American society. It is presented annually by the Great Hall, where the first footsteps towards a new National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations (NECO) – life were ta ken by the millions of immigrants who an umbrella group of more than 250 organizations entered the U.S. in the latter part of the nineteenth that spans the spectrum of ethnic heritages, cul- century. tures and religions. These medals have been aptly named for Ellis Island, as in so many ways Ellis Island is an enduring symbol of the immigrant roots and diver- sity that characterize Ame rica’s great nation. George Tomov is one of the recip- ients of this medal. America has always been a haven for legal immigrants from all over the world who come to American shores with one simple dream; forging a new life in a land of opportunity, liberty, and freedom-freedom from religious, eco- nomic, political or ethnic persecution. When the immigrant station at Ellis Is- land, New York, opened on January 1, 1892, it admitted 700 immigrants into the United States on just its first day of ope- ra tion. By the time the center closed in 1954, 17-million immigrants had passed through its doors. The Ellis Island admi- nistration and staff, on average, proce- ssed up to 5,009 people per day. Many of these newcomers spoke little English, had hardly any money, and arri- ved with only the clothes on their backs. Despite those challenges, all were willing to risk their lives in exchange for the opportunity to build a better life for them- selves and their families. The Ellis Island Medal of Honor was created in 1986 to honor those individuals who – through their own perseverance, sacrifice and success – continue to help keep America at the forefront of science, business, sports, entertainment, health care research, and myriad of other impor- Na ceremonijata vo Elis Ajland / At the ceremony in Ellis Island



Del od dobitnicite na nagradata za 2005 godina / Some of laureate for 2005



Georgi Tomov so svojot ansambl „Tomov“ u~est- don skoto folklorno dru{tvo „Goce Del~ev“ od vuval na brojni kulturni manifestacii vo SAD MPC Sv. Kiril i Metodij vo Sider Grouv, Wu i Kanada. Me|utoa, posebno treba da se istak ne Xer si, zede aktivno u~estvo na „Mileni umskiot u~estvoto pred Obedinetite nacii vo Wu jork vo forum“. Ovoj kulturen nastan se odr`a pred organizacija na Internacionalnata kulturna zgradata na Organizacijata obedineti nacii vo misija i Me|unarodnata imigrantska fonda cija. Wujork od 22 do 26 maj 2000 godina. Na Forumot Taka, zabele`itelen be{e nastapot na ansam- u~estvuvaa golem broj poznati i priznati umet- blot „Tomov" na 12-ata Me|unarodna kulturna nici i ansambli od brojni nacii, a vo prisust- proslava „Yvezda na harmonijata“ {to se odr`a vo na ambasadori i oficijalni pretstavnici od na 12 noemvri 1997 godina. celiot svet koi se vo OON. Kako rezultat na zna~ajnite postignuvawa na Preku oroto i pesnata na mladite igroorci poleto na zaedni~kite odnosi i pridonesot na na „Goce Del~ev", prisutnite se zapoznaa so edinstvoto i harmonijata, Georgi Tomov ja dobi makedonskoto kulturno nasledstvo. Toa prido - visokata i presti`na nagrada „Yvezda na har- ne se da se zbogatat sodr`inite na toj istoriski monijata“ {to ja dodeluva Me|unarodnata imig- „Mile ni umski forum" i da se dade zna~aen pri- rantska fondacija. So toa Georgi Tomov stana log na multikulturnata ve~er. Isto taka, Georgi prviot dobitnik na vakva nagrada na Obedi ne - Tomov ima dobieno pofalnica od Delegacijata tite nacii vo Wujork. na `en skiot klub na Obedinetite nacii vo Wu - Isto taka, Georgi Tomov imal i drugi nastapi jork. Priznanieto mu e dadeno za pretstavuvawe pred zgradata na ON. Me|utoa, negoviot udel na kulturata od Makedonija. kako umetni~ki direktor i koreograf na Make-

Od momentot na dobivawe na edna od nagradite / Moment form getting the one of the awards



George Tomov, with his TOMOV Ensemble, has participated in a number of cultural manifes- tations in the USA and Canada. However, the per- formance in front of the United Nation’s head- quarters organized by the International Cultural Mission and International Emigratio nal Founda- tion should be especially empha sized. It was an outstanding performance given by the TOMOV Ensemble at the 12th International cultural cele- bration titled Star of Harmony, held on 12 No- vember, 1997. As a result of the crowning achievements in the field of mutual relations and his contribution to the unity and harmony among people, George Tomov was awarded the Star of Harmony, a high and prestigious award by the International Immigrant Foundation. In that way, George Tomov has become the first winner of such an award by the Uni ted Nations in New York. In addition, George Tomov has given other per formances in front of the UN building. However, his share as an artistic director and cho- reographer of the GOCE DELČEV folk group with- in the Macedonian Orthodox Church St. Cyril and Met hody in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, had an active part in the Millennial Forum. That cultural event took place in front of the UN building in New York on May 22-26, 2000. A great number of fa mous and recognized artists and ensembles from different ethnic backgrounds participated in that Forum. Ambassadors and official representa- tives at the UN from all over the world were also present. Those present had an opportunity to be acquainted with the Macedonian cultural heritage through the dance and song of the young dan- cers of the GOCE DELČEV group. It all con- tributed to the enrichment of the content of that historical Millennial Forum and to the multicultur- al aspect that night. George Tomov has also got a Certi ficate of Merit from the Delegation of the UN Women’s Club in recognition of his activity in representing the culture of Macedonia.



G-dinot Georgi Tomov e dobit - nik na Kongresionalnoto priz- nanie na dr`avata Wu Xersi za 2001 godina. Ovaa specijalna na grada mu e dodelena za uspe{ - noto u~estvo na 26-ot Heritage Festival Ball. Inc (Bal za etni~ko - to nasledstvo) {to se odr`a vo Vest Orani, Wu Xersi, na 29 april 2001 godina. Toj se odr`a pod pokrovitelstvo na pretse- datelot na Senatot i izvr{en guverner na dr`avata Wu Xersi. Georgi Tomov e, isto taka, dobitnik na ova priznanie za 2005 godina. Dvete priznanija se izraz i odraz na negovite po- s tig nuvawa vo op{testvenoto `i vee we vo dr`avata Wu Xersi. Kako istaknat lider vo make- donskite zaednici vo Wu Xersi i Wujork, Georgi Tomov ima da- deno zna~aen prilog i pridones na balot. Ovie dr`avni prizna- nija se vo isto vreme i prizna - nie za negovoto u~estvo na raz- li~ni poliwa vo makedonskite zaednici, osobeno za formi- raweto na ansamblot „Tomov“. Inaku Georgi Tomov ima dobi- eno dr`avni bla godarnici za negovata koreogra fija i u~est - voto za jubilejnata 100-godi{ - ni na na Statuata na slobodata, vo 1986 i 1990 godina, kako i za u~estvoto na negovi ot ansambl na povtornoto otvorawe na ostrovot Elis, kade go lem broj Makedonci prv pat stapnale na amerikansko tlo, tokmu na ovoj po mnogu ne{ta neobi~en i ka - rak teristi~en ostrov.



George Tomov is a winner of the 2001 Congressional Re- cognition of the State of New Jersey. This special award was given to him for his successful participation in the 26th Heri- tage Festival Ball, held on 29 April 2001, in West Orange, New Jersey, under the auspi- ces of the President of the Senate and Executive Gover - nor of the state of New Jersey. George Tomov got this recognition for the year 2005, also. These two recognitions are an expression and reflec- tion of his achievements in the so cial life of the State of New York. Being an outstanding lea- der in the Macedonian commu - nities in New Jersey and New York, George Tomov has made significant contributions and donations to the Ball. At the same time, these national re- cog nitions are a recognition for his participation in different fields in Macedonian communi- ties, es pe cially for setting up the TOMOV Folk Ensemble. Na me ly, George Tomov has got national certificates of merit for his choreography and par ti cipation in the 100th anni- ver sary of the Statue of Liber - ty in 1986 and 1990, as well as for the participation of his En- semble in the re-opening of Ellis Island where a huge num- ber of Macedonians made their first step on American ground Moment koga go prima medalot od vlastite na Wu Xersi there. On the occasion of receiving the medal from the New Jersey authorities













Se}avawa na ~lenovite od ansamblot TOMOV za Georgi i za nivnoto vreme pominato vo Ansamblot

The following are recollections of TOMOV Ensemble members about George and their time with the Ensemble.

MAURY ENGLANDER: The first time I met George was one evening at a weekly folk dance session at New York University in Greenwich Village. It was one of the largest folk dance groups in the city at the time, and hundreds of dancers came each week. A typical evening consisted of an hour or so of teaching, followed by several hours of request dancing. Teachers were usually the more experienced dancers from the group, but often there were guest teachers. One evening our guest teacher was a dancer, new to America, from a small town in Macedonia. The teacher bounded into the center of the dance floor with a smile that radiated warmth and enthusiasm and immediately charmed the entire group. It was when he began talking that things became more interesting. The dance - I remember it clearly - was Slavonsko Kolo. His teaching directions - equally memorable - consisted of: "Now, is moving this feets. This ways!" "And now is so. And so." Some 300 folk dancers around the room strained to see just which feets is moving which ways. And we did in fact learn Slavosko Kolo, and we loved it. George, it turned out, was a wonderful teacher. He also made 300 new friends that evening. And it was no surprise to any of us lucky enough to have been there that first evening that George soon became a centerpiece of New York's folk dance scene.

SHEILA BEATTY: I was a young New Yorker in the 1970's when I caught the folkdance "bug". One could not dance very long in those days without becoming aware of a special performing group: the TOMOV Ensemble, which at that time was called the Tomov Yugoslav Folk Dance Ensemble. Becoming a TOMOV Ensemble member conferred great prestige on a dancer. So it was with much excitement, and some trepidation, that I audi- tioned for and was accepted into the Ensemble. George had high standards and worked us hard. He was a stickler for style: the foot must be pointed…just so; the head angled…just so; the arms held…just so. Though the Ensemble was George's pride and joy and his crowning achievement, it was far from his only contribution to the folk dance scene. He was a teacher who was much in demand to teach special work- shops spreading his native Macedonian and Yugoslav dances, both in New York and nationwide. He was a great leader, for many years presiding over one of the "hottest" recreational folk dance sessions in town. The folk dance community may not be very large, but it is tight-knit and devoted. Many in that commu- nity have been touched by this man, from the dancers who passed through the Ensemble over the years and who still feel a connection to that "family"; to the people informed and inspired by his many classes and workshops; to those who attended his dance sessions faithfully, week after week, for the sheer love of the dance; to the audiences who came to watch and be exhilarated by performances of his Ensemble. We owe him a debt of gratitude. Thank you, George.

CHING LI: In the summer of 1979, George and the TOMOV Ensemble embarked on a grand performing tour of Yugoslavia. At the Ilinden Festival in Bitola, George coached me to deliver a brief speech in Macedonian before we danced. I was thrilled to speak on the outdoor stage in Bitola in front of the large, enthusiastic local audience in their own language. After the speech, I was pumped up during the entire dancing. That was the most unforgettable night of my life.

PART V - 50th ANNIVERSARY RECOGNITIONS 309 GEORGI TOMOV ANN HIRSCH: In order to join Tomov Ensemble, we had to audition. Not all of us were taken. I was only taken on potential. George was serious about his artistic standards and wanted a cer- tain style. Even though I was allowed to join, I was not asked to be in a performance until a year later. The other girls who joined at same time were more organized (they'd write down steps, for instance) and learned more quickly. I mention this because it's speaks to George's vision. He knew exactly how he wan- ted things to look, and he had an eye for what would work now, and what might work eventually. It was impressive to me that he lived his work. His studio was his home, where he had classes and rehearsed the Ensemble. There was a beautiful sculpture that I was amazed to learn he created himself. I thought it was enough that he was a dancer and choreographer among the other things he did. But, it turned out he was yet another kind of artist as well. When we went on trip to Yugolsavia, George was very considerate of my being vegetarian. I remember him coming over to me and saying, look what really tastes good is a grape sandwich. He had put grapes between two slices of bread. I thought it funny but really nice that he was thinking of me. And it did taste good, actually! STEVE KOHN: I became interested in folk dance fairly late in life. At age 39, in 1981, I was a new member of George's dance company, and by the summer of that year I was performing in Macedonia. Now, almost a quarter of a century later, I consider those times I had with George to be among the peak experiences in my life. In a sense, the TOMOV Ensemble members became a "village". The friendships which developed last even now, and those of us who remain in the New York area continue to celebrate together. There have been marriages and lovers and divorces and children and death in this extended community. The village George created includes very few people of Balkan ethnic background. There are Australians, Finns, Taiwanese, Jews, Christians, non-believers. Performers ranged in age from one who first appeared before she was even born when her pregnant mother danced, up to those of us in our 40's and fifties. Professionally we ranged from those who were having some difficulties remaining employed to civil ser- vants to financial wizards to scientists to office workers to academics to corporate officials. One of George's special qualities is that he is a dyed-in-the-wool optimist. He truly believes things will work out. My natural bent goes the other way, and it has taken me many years to learn first to recognize, then to appreciate, and finally to adopt that attitude. Over and over, through the years George acted on the belief that things would work out despite obstacles. Had he not had that approach, I doubt he would have made the original trek to America, or started a studio, or a dance company, or created so many accomplishments for the benefit of others. George is a dancer and a teacher and an optimist, yet I have not mentioned a deeper quality. George is a lover. He deeply loves people. That love is the foundation of his optimism. He deeply loves art, and that is the basis of his craft and talent. Those who learn of him through reading will know of his accomplish- ments. I will remem ber him for the loves — of movement, of people, of the culture in which he developed, of life. Thank you George.

BARBARA ARAN: Of all the wonderful experiences that I have had with George, the best legacy he left me was the for- mation of an International Folkdance Group among my Hispanic students in the South Bronx. I had about 35 students in the dance group, and we performed at different schools and nursing homes. Many of the dances we performed (and costumes I made) were adapted from the TOMOV Ensemble. And in their seni- or year, several of them brought in music for an American dance and did their own choreographies. Their lives were changed for the bett er, the same way mine was, by George Tomov. LORRAINE BURGER: I have enormous respect and gratitude for the discipline I received from studying with George. Focusing on specific styling and timing, coordination, cleanness of moves, posture, interaction and overall quality absolutely improved my dancing. My appreciation increased as I had the opportunity to dance outside of New York City and saw that the Ensemble standards and quality were equal to the best quality I found elsewhere. George put great emphasis on the differences that make each cultural /country style unique. I saw it as living history, and greatly enjoyed the delicious variety. The dances of Macedonia were so diffe- rent from the dances of Croatia. I loved the physical challenge of precision, endurance, styling and communicating this culture, via dan- cing, to an audience. The members of the troupe were friendly and focused on dancing, serious about quality

310 DEL V - PRIZNANIJA ZA 50 GODI[NO TVORE[TVO GEORGI TOMOV and playful, hard workers who enjoyed a good time, and good-natured George maintained an atmosphere that enabled that to flourish. Yes, he was exacting; sometimes quite stern and demanding, but many more times cheerful, patient and encouraging. We had to do it right or it wasn't, well, right. So, we repeated the rehearsal until we had it right. No other standard was acceptable. Although initially "foreign" to my ears and feet, I came to appreciate and love the challenging rhythms and the often haunting music and songs. The ubiquitous "droning", in both music and song, is now famili- ar, comfortable and rich to my ears. As my taste expanded to include and welcome these differences so, too, did my awareness and appreciation for the culture and history that created this music and dance. Dancing wasn't the entirety of our performance; we had to dress the part, too. Here, also, we had a lesson in history and culture via the clothing, both the styling and the materials. It created an awareness of both differences and similarities; differences in each costume but also the similar desire in each culture to have special clothing for their dances.

DONNA HENDEL: I wanted to be a member of the TOMOV Ensemble more than anything I'd ever wanted before. I was practi cing like crazy before the audition. I was originally an Israeli dancer with arms and legs flying all over the place. George knew I wanted to try out and was used to seeing me at the studio. Three nights before the audition, I was dancing a wild Romanian dance next to an almost-beginner when I tripped over his mis- placed foot. I broke a major bone in my foot. George, bless him, let me into the Ensemble without the audi- tion. It was a dream come true. An interesting thing for me is, I never loved the performing as much as I loved the rehearsing and the camaraderie among Ensemble members. And, no question about it, I loved the prestige of being in the TOMOV Ensemble.

SUSAN KIRSCHNER: I think it is wonderful the Ensemble members have stayed in touch and stayed supportive. The creation of community is all-important, and George was indeed the catalyst for that. The interesting thing is how passionate I am about it 20 years later. Performing in that company was formative for me as an adult. The joys and frustrations are so deep because being in the company was about doing what I most value.

MARION BLUMENTHAL: Thinking about George Tomov floods my brain with so many memories that it is impossible to choose just one—so I won't even try. Rather I will write about my feelings for the man. George has been dance master, teacher, father, friend, enabler and sometimes even a learner. But above all he gave me the oppor- tunity to be part of an extraordinarily wonderful entity—The TOMOV Ensemble. This experience has been one of the most pleasing, gratifying and enduring events of my life. Not only did we share the performing and the culture of the former Yugoslavia, but we created a family, actually more than a family since we chose to be part of it. Many of us still dance together, socialize, support each other, watch the children grow. All this would never have been part of our existence were it not for George, and I will always be grateful to him for so enriching my life.


312 DEL V - PRIZNANIJA ZA 50 GODI[NO TVORE[TVO GEORGI TOMOV ROD MCVEIGH: When I began dancing with George, he was teaching and performing the dances of Yugoslavia. Most Americans had no real understanding of what or where Yugoslavia was. George showed Americans the wonderful variety of styles that existed in the country at that time. People who came to the shows were very surprised that there was so much variety in our program. It made for good entertainment. George always put on a good and fun show. We made our last ensemble trip to Yugoslavia in 1990. Artistically we knew changes were happening, based on the songs we sang. In 1985 the most popular song we sang was "Jugoslavia". In 1990 we came home singing "Makendonia". After we came home we started to see pressure on the country. Suddenly everyone in America knew about Yugoslavia, but nobody understood what was happening. Now George and the TOMOV Ensemble became teachers. When we danced the dances from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Macedonia, the audi- ence got to see the differences in cultures. They could experience from what they saw that all these peo- ple came from different worlds. George was an artist and an entertainer; but he was also a teacher. Those people who came to the Ensemble's shows were entertained, and they were also educated.

WENDY SHEARER: My favorite thing about George is his eternal optimism: he made things happen just because he want- ed it to be so, despite "nay-sayers" in the group. An example is our performance in Carnegie Hall: he want- ed the troupe to perform there, and so we did. He just made it happen. Of course, occasionally he missed a few details: I will never forget standing on the sidewalk outside the YMCA, the day before our Carnegie Hall performance, when we learned our rehearsal space had been double-booked, and unfortunately for us, the other group had gotten there first. So there we were, 30 dancers, costume trunks, band members with their instruments, and some 20 singers from Canada, stranded on the sidewalk! Fortunately, a mem- ber of the band was a teacher and was able to arrange for us to use a high school in the Bronx at the last minute. The space was even better than the Y would have been. So, again, it all worked out for the best.

MARTIE RIPSON: After dancing and singing with the troupe for over 10 years, my fiancй and I decided to have a folk dance wedding. We rented a campground and invited our family and friends for the weekend. George gracious- ly offered to teach a beginner class to those friends and family members who weren't folk dancers. Many of my relatives joined the lesson, including my father, to whom I'm very close. After the "regular" cere- mony, I dressed in a traditional Macedonian wedding costume belonging to George, and all of the current and former Ensemble members who were there performed a bridal choreography of George's. It felt to me like I had two fathers that night - one American and one Macedonian - and when, later that evening, I saw George leading a line of dancers with my father right behind him, I couldn't have been more proud.

REBECCA MCVEIGH: When I first met George Tomov, I admired his collection of costumes, particularly a Serbian one called "the butterfly" that was especially beautiful. When I finally learned to sing some of the songs that the Ensemble performed, George generously let me wear the butterfly costume at a performance! It was so exciting to be on stage with everyone else, and George was so proud of "his" dancers. George showed me how to fold the creases of the voluminous Croatian skirts, and how to store the costumes so that they would always come out of the costume trunks in good shape. Even though I eventually "graduated" to dancing, I will always remember how George taught me to treat the costumes so they would last a long time, and how beautiful they looked on stage under the strong performance lights.

KRISTINE KALAZS: George and the Ensemble taught me many things during my 15 years of performing. Outstanding among them were learnings about leadership, about true teamwork and ... about the power of laughter. By his example, George showed us how to lead and inspire people. He was and is a grand master at sharing a vision. George also inspired the Ensemble to embody true teamwork, to work together toward a common goal, with precision and dedication. But above all, what stands out in my memory is the laughter we shared over the years. Sometimes we laughed so hard, we cried. The Ensemble years are among the happiest memories of my life. Thank you, George, for making our unique "village" possible.





1. Poznati makedonski pretstavnici na umetnosta vo poseta na Wujork kako gosti na Georgi Tomov: Famous Macedonian art representatives that paid visits to New York as guests to George Tomov: D-r Georgi Georgiev D-r Mihajlo Dimovski Van~o Andonov - diplomat i pisatel Gute Avramovski - slikar \oko \eorgievski - muzikolog Mihail Dimovski- folklorist \or|i Dim~evski - muzikolog i kompozitor Petar Mazev - slikar Borko Lazeski - slikar Aleksandar Lekovski - dirigent i kompozitor D-r Bla`e Ristovski - pisatel Toma Pro{ev - kompozitor Simon [emov - slikar @ivko Vasilevski - pretsedatel na Maticata na Makedonija Ivan Naktarxiev - pretsedatel na Maticata na Makedonija Van~o ^avdarski - dirigent Majkl Radin 2. Dragi prijateli od ansamblot „TANEC“: Dear friends to the TANEC Ensemble: Bla`e Pal~evski Trpe ^erepnalkovski Vera [ijak Du{ko Georgievski 3. Nastapuvale na koncerti so ansamblot „TOMOV” vo SAD: Macedonian folk singers that performed together with the TOMOV Ensemble in the USA: Violeta Tomovska Ko~o Petrovski Vaska Ilieva Aleksandar Piperkov Aleksandar Sarievski Jon~e Hristovski 4. Ansamblot „TOMOV” vo publikacii: The TOMOV Ensemble in publications: „,Vie se oro Makedonsko“, G. Dim~evski „Makedonski iseleni~ki panoptikum“, Slave Nikolovski-Katin „Patopisi“, Vera Anti} Stoj~evska “Dance World 1979“ vol. 14, John WILLIS “Musical America“, Directory of Performing Arts “Who is who in America“, edit. 1992-1993 U.S.A. “Viltis“, Folklore magazine, Denver Colorado „Makedonija“, Spisanie na Iselenicite od Makedonija “Immigrant song book“, Jerry Silverman „Makedonski glas“, Wu Xersi, SAD Mnogu amerikanski i makedonski vesnici i spisanija 5. Koreografii vo repertoarot na ansamblot „TOMOV”: Choreographies from the repertoire of the TOMOV Ensemble: Georgi Tomov - Umetni~ki direktor i koreograf Ciga Despotovi} - Vla{ki ora Kete Ilievski - Splet na Egejski ora Hecoh Laurence - amerikanski splet Garry Karner & Jane Poak - Banat Suite (costumes by Wendy Shearer)


6. Sorabotnici na Ansamblot „TOMOV” pozadi scenata: Associates of the TOMOV Ensemble behind the stage: Elsa Georcia Mary Lokus Marion Blumenthal Louise Tietsword Rebecca McVeigh Wendy Shearer 7. Sorabotnici na ansamblot „TOMOV”: The TOMOV Ensemble associates: Bob Bethoney D-r Gorazd Rosoklija Kamenka Maxarova Traj~e Veljanovski Slavko Maxarov Petko Peev Gordana i Naum Popovski Pavlina Proevska Stiv i Lili Pliakas Mil~o Man~evski Judita Prelog Ivo Markovski Stanly Pelc Metodija Kulevski D-r Ludmil Kqusev Petar Kulinxiski Krste Popovski, - sve{tenik Carole Frank Slobodan Petkovski, - sve{tenik Bogdan Simonovski Du{ko Spirkovski, - sve{tenik Jeff Glenn Aleksandar Canovski, - sve{tenik 8. Nastavnici od SAD i od Kanada koi sorabotuvale so ansamblot „TOMOV”: Folk teachers and educators from the USA and Canada that have cooperated with the TOMOV Ensemble: Olga Sandolovi} Tom Bozigian Pece Atanasovski Benzi Tiram Atanas Kolarovski Moshiko Moshe Eskayo Marian & Michael Herman Bob & Susie Wetter Morley Leyton John Wagner Kete Ilievski Aleks Petli~kov Steve Zalph Judith & Maygar Kalman Andor Czampos Glen Bannerman David Vinski Alexandru David Mihai David Ellen Golann Karl Finger Danny Uziel Estelle Birnbaum Michael Ginsburg Martin Keoenig Ciga Despotovi} Elsie Dunning Susan & Stephen Kotansky Miriam Limster Bora Ozkok Erument Kilic Ives Moreau Arne Fosberg Kiril Stefanov Emil Cassetto Albert Kay Georgi Dimeski

APPENDIX 317 Igrata mi be{e mojot `ivot. Na site Vas, moi prijateli moi dragi ~itateli, Vi posakuvam `ivotot da Vi bide igra.

Dance was life to me. I wish you all, my dear friends and my dear readers, that your life be like a dance.


Ul. “Bo`idar Ad`ija“ br. 7 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia tel. + 389 - 2 - 2777 - 368 tel./fax: + 389 - 2 - 3136 - 318



Izdava~ki odbor / Editorial bord: D-r Dimitar Kerami~iev / D-r Dimitar Keramičiev Fidanka Tanaskova / Fidanka Tanaskova Jasmina Aleksova / Jasmina Aleksova

Urednici / Editors: Sne`ana Velkova / Snezana Velkova Sofija Semenpeeva / Sofija Semenpeeva

Likovno oblikuvawe / Art and graphic design: Toni Vasi} / Toni Vasić

Lektura i korektura / Proofreader: Elena To{eva / Elena Toševa Kristina Kalas / Kristine Kalazs

Kompjuterska obrabotka / Computer data: Sowa Prus / Sonja Prus

Fotografii / Photograps by: Od albumot na Georgi Tomov / From the album of George Tomov Edi Baret / Eddy Barrett Mori Englander / Maury Englander Luis Karner / Lois Karner

Pe~ati / Printed by: „SOFIJA“ - Bogdanci / SOFIJA - Bogdanci

500 primeroci / 500 copies CIP - Katalogizacija vo publikacija Nacionalna i univerzitetska biblioteka „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“, Skopje

929Tomov, G.

NIKOLOVSKI-Katin, Slave Tomov / Slave Nikolovski-Katin = Tomov / Slavè Nikoilovski - Katin. - Skopje ; Makedonska Iskra, 2007. - 320 str. : ilustr. vo boja ; 24 sm

Tekst naporedno na mak. i angl. jazik

ISBN 978-9989-157-87-5 1. Nasp. stv. nasl. a) Tomov, Georgi (1933-) - Biografii COBISS.MK-ID 68205066