WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples -- Authorlaed to publl.h Goveromeol Notice. affecting Native. Yol. It. !\,' 7'1 Itr,.lo\.tod .~ H.. 0_1 Jonl.''UUt!l BUIU1, 27111 JUl.,. I03li. 1'I)OI.(IftI", ... ~ ....po.~t. Pri •• 3d MUSSOLINI RESOLVED ON WAR ! League Of Nations Will Consider Abyssinian Crisis On Monday Possibility Of Four Years' Campaign

AR belween 1t:1ly and Abyssinia is now ylrtually certain. Opinions vary as to when It will br.3k out, some brUtving thai bostilliu W wil l begin in nve wefks. olhers In rlcM we t' ks and some think twelye ~eeks. Hopes of pt"a ctfui st'tllement are f:ldlng. There Is to be a Council meeting of tbe u3gue of N.lllons on Mond.y, July 29 at Grnn'. In Swlturland, when last minute efforts will he made tJ bring ahout peace. The hope of doing n Ii very small, tor Mussollnl seems bent on war and Is stndinl:' 18rte nunlbt-rs of troops through the Suu Can II to Ernrta whlfb adjoins Abyssinia; abo ,uns, equipment and aeroplanes. Fore l, ne~ 100. bave been I~a..,!ng Abyssinia In Ihe belief thlt thue will shortly be war. Gre.:t.t Bri tain also see ms to bell e\"e In the Inevltablllty of war and has s.enl one million slndban to be packed around the Britl ~ h legation and other buildings at Addis Ababa, the Ingest town In Abyssinia, At th.. Ie.ac: ue of Nations meeting on fl10nday n xt it Is h o p ~ d that Italy wblc b hu only made vague ~tatements about the cau~ of her quarrel with Abyssinia, will explain to the league exactly what her grievances are. All tbat Is known of them is that she resents Aby s5 lni~n raids on her border In wh1ch many under Ih li ln connol ba\'e been killed: and she objects to slave-raiding by Abyssinian Irre,ulars. Th ~ re Is no doubt thai the Aby»lnlans are slavers and tbat they have many Bantu tribesmen working in the country. I The Abys)inlan Emperor. Ras Tararl, denies tbe right of Italy to Invade or seize his lerritory and has referred his case to the League of Nallon~. which. as stated. is meeting on Monday neu. July 29. Mean.-hile. an Ab)'~sinian envoy is In London tr)'lng to raise £2,000000, probably to buy munitions. but also, It b cialmed, to develop Ab)'sslnla's great mineral resources. ,\B\SSi:\[_\:\ _\:\1"1 \!Ht'H.UT (;l'z\:\EH. mak, u .f hi "t to uhLlln purdUJ."Il·' 011 hi'l ~Ull It b 1I'llrnl'd that tlit' ann 1- of th,' ABYSSINIA AS BIG AS UNION OF S. A. C'rluntr i. ,hurt "f artiH, \ 1'l1lan, llllIlmulutlOn _-,Ill .It,

A BY~""I:\I.-\ " .tn·"","" n, _\h, 111M will tn""tual" I r I·d t .. t.III1"'" ,.,untr. Inl.n· thllil 1\11 ... · :,IN'.HIHI mdullUl.l! th('"1\all\[' 1('\1(' tilt" 'l1-\' "ftllt' Oran!!,· Fr('O :-:tllh' and tilt' nln"a d \" in Entnll lind itllllIU't in our .l!reat ~y com· ill oonqut'rin~ it . l... ~ially If the thl' Olfell8IH' beglllll" petition, we han:' d('('rdtd to utend Ah\'~~ ll'uan~ rt't'·l'Ilt(·d inlo Ibe tho:' date of tntr,\' to Sunday. &pte­ TJm~ hundred morc bomI.Jillg aero· N EARLY 300 Natin.ti IIcre arfe!;t;,'d wher 15. mo'untaill" and raHi('·d from them, and pJanN are Icaving "hortly for North ..0 ("011.111(1(011 ~u(OTilta lIarflln'_ in Jk·noni on Sunday moming Thus thl' I)(NtlOn i, that we are AfrIca under command of General I\hen a la1').:(>o body of poliCtl. drawn offcring £30 :. 15,- in prl1C ~ to our Tht AI,v,IIlIan.. "" hal'(' .. t Rand town8, readers in respect of two ('omIJetitJon~. one of which i~ I\n Cq "3Y competition one or two al'rOplllnt;I but thl'~- ha\"t It 1.'1 ~ aid that Mussolllll r~ preparing Ila.rticipat;,·d in OM of the 11Ig,;:06t open to all sen>! and age is fully aware of tbe enorwoU8 dim· An unu."ual number of aasaulu the other I ~ a COffijlttlllOn for African l'qWPP("''- Tb,·)" h;IH been trailll"li to culti(oS ('onfrontul,ll; his armlt"Oi" H e Ilr(l n ou.i week·end. ane! thf' occurrenct" women and girl~ detail~ take- ("{.wa. to u I"t ("lllllouHa.l!('. to IU\IIIIII thai the country through whic h recently of S('\"eral burl'!: larioo. prornl)' Full of both til .. " com· ted thc poil c(' to mo.k" 0. thorough petJtioll ~ will be- found in tlur IIl"id€' march liJ..l" EUJ'OI)("IIJb, alld to ohcy Ill' w III haw to fip:ht is perhaps the their ofl"n~ TI,,·i.· dud ln~trll('tor wost difficult rn th6 world and that cleo.n Ull of t he location" pag~. i, a ~\1""Ii~h olli.{"r Gpnerai \-'r ~lll, t hl' .Ja jlant'S(' ha \'1' e'l:pre:<-·,ed an ir\leret't l\ OOUt luo Europ.. ",n and ,-lit Naln"c Both co mpetitions no" eAd on III ,\I'\~~mia Ilnd arc b\' no mearL~ police. \nth throe Sl1h. l n~p(·('to"'" in September 15. Why sbottld you not be Mussolini's IIJoo Battle Planes IlCl'('s,ilflh" 011 111. bide. lie l ~ ncycr· ('har~e, ~urrnunde-" Ih.· lot'ation umlN a winner? TI\{' Italian anllY will prol.mhl"\ tr'y tlwl(·s.... , Ycry l'oufidcnt, con'r of (1I\rkn('~s" lind ntl !t rn flud to I'tIZI" II l'ortlOJI of Ahy .., .. iwIJ." III th{' cour~,· of II most inlo:'fe» tl nJf the signnl 10 IIl1i /o:il"('l1, The ing III all to ahuut ~.UOtl 1Iallol1.:lo of lIJ akin/o: great 11'(' hf it:. 10041 uattle artll'k in tht· Hand Daily Mallon cordon Wl\i dr,1111I li~bl~r 0.11(1 liqnor and "ortll lIJ1proxilWltely !.JUII, 'Jllaneo- Signor ~Iu... solini illl"""". i~ .J uly 13. {'nlltl('11 "" Can lt a"l.I Conqucr cvery ~ard and hou.,,· II,\~ l"I.iitcd "as Ilc.4royt:d In tint' Ultitllnllf' th~' "aid to boo coulltmg 011 1118 af'rol'lancs .\h\8 illla . "Mr Patrid, BOI\t·c ,tatt'1J: Xumht·"'" (Of "~k()I..III'1I\ qUI'l'I~~" policl' had to halll'l- ,1""11 a. parl1ocke

~II to"''''II''IUI/~1I1 III H Idd,..1»d 10: efforts to avert war. It is BOil.... ~ilOD. recognised tbat. wars nowadays African National Congress P.O. Box. .6211, have a babit. to sprt!adiug aod Jo.... _."D'O. dral!ging to other nations. It is reoofgo ised indet>d to,day P".IIJheIi W.. II,. tb&t ally W>t.r iuv"lviug a firat.· 018118 Europeao powrr lIooh as Important Session Next Week Oaa Y_, Italy, IS a. tbrra' tu tbe peaoe of tbp world . Tt)l8 It! 110 With the al" MOlIt~ AbY!ll!ian criels brciuse there President's Wise TbrM MOllt~ are oalionalil or CILlzenll of Nagana Outbreak mit n" other cou 0 trie8 elillirving Coullsel 10 Abyssinia. who might suITer In Zulu land ([Imtcleh wa ~antu iDjury or death at tbe hands DR. P. itA I. SEnE, President., --- of the combataots, aud so African National Congress, ~\Tites A deputation wall appointed at ! ~ 27ib JOLY, 1935. mi ght drag into the war the as 10110"'11: large Illoc ting of Zululnlld farlUt'1"M cf) nntries to whom they belong. The Nath-e Bills place before tilO held at 1 ·;~howo 011 n -iday week to ---~ I Moreover British and French public of South Africa, perhaps for the proceed t.o Pr('wria. to interview tho first time, t ho prescnt Government·'!! Departmcnt of J\gnculturc aoout tho 'en;'o,;,; adjo;o Aby,,;ola, MAY THE LEAGUE Native Policy, in answer to the outbreak of IU"a/IS and to IIrge tho and events might happen there burning demands for jUJiticc sud fair immediate a d ~pt.atlOn of the Ham.1 PEACE! wb;ch m;gb' m, ke ;t d ,fficult play which are constantly being made I fly trap in tho affected arolUl BRING fur those couutru'S to keep for and on behalf o,r t~e Africans. The The disca&c is spreading to the entirely out of the struggle. Government hu inVited the leaders lldiacenL settlemcnt of Ntamhnlluna of both Hou)le8 of Parliament. to assist am1 to the neighbouring natiw', re­ HE Italo-AbY8sioian orieie is For these reasons the hope them 10 their most difficult task, It serve:>, ?'.'kwaleni " a lley is the "ceno T to-da.y absorbing the at­ i8 widespread that the Le&g~e 8CCrus therefore that. the Union Parlia, of the pl"t':iCnt infection, wh<' re 50 pe r tention of statesmen all over of Na.tious under thp lea.derablp ment is taking the responsibility of cent. of the cattle in this lI~tt l e mcnt facing t.he world and saying that this ha\'e been INt. the world : and developmentB of Great Britain, will cootio,;!e is the very best we eM do, with the _ •• _ as they ooour are be!og eagerlY to strive with might 8nd malO support of public opinion, for the dieoD8sed by AfrioAnB . It. and with eventual lIucoeS8 to Alricanll in this country, ... canDot be denied that the arrange a peaceful settlem~nt The African National Congress i3 Mr. E. O. Leake bF\tween MU8110lini the Itahao preparing a reply to show and to prove sympathy ?f. moat ~ati?D8 ie that, in tho premises given, the Union with AbY88101il. for It u (elt Diotator, and Ras Tarari, the P arliament 8hould and can do very Passes that there is DO real ground Abysllinian Emperor. some­ Inuch more for tho AtriUM, who in for the Italian attack upon times describt'd 88 .. Negus fact are the very foundations of the her. At tbe eame time certaio Negasti" or King of Kings, economic and the political life of this Sincere Friend Of cODsideratioD& ought not to be country, Tho National Executive Ooe might have tbought the Co mmitteeof the Congress has therefore The African overlooked by AfricanB tb~m· If llSOD8 of th~ Great War would invited all tho leadel'il of organised aelvee: and one of '" these is II {It have bf'en forgotten 80 African bodica to attend t.bo 8eS9ion of TH"1' , d 0.1 tl I 0 f 'II r, "I'1',( Will 0 r 1lIu( 1 0 that the Abyssiniao! are al" vere easily by Mus80liui who ~ook the amalgamated Exeeutive Commit· Leake, a I:I lIIcere friend of tho who raid Afrioan tribesmen 00 ptLrt in it. It waS deSCribed teo8 of the Congrosson 3rd-5thAugu8t, Afriean, took place lato last wC(!k at their borders. They raid for 1936, at Bloemfontein, This wiU be Ilis rt!sidenco ill J ohannesburg. Ho alt a .. war to end war:" and a nece88ary conference for preparing eonstantly championed t.he Nati\o C!t.ptlv6a, ill­ men and women n. .1lllo08 who etru/!gled over the African public, in South Africa, causc, and the township Orlando Wil" deed carryon the vl1ry tr~ffi..· 1 h '" batl;lefield of Europe in for the General African National Con· named after him. He also prescnted whioh the great LtVIOgHOIl" 1914·1918 undoubtedly be­ terence or Convention whirh will take a lIOCial h JA lI , Eloct ul pera n c~, and wa~ hand that wbile murders and Unfortunately, the bleBllings already published by the General the first llayor to pro\'ide tea III plllC6 executions in AbY8siniit. a.rt' fre· o1nticipated as likely to foll ow ~ccretary of the Congre:;,;, the Rev, of champallll(, for toast at the mayoral Elijah JUdolomba, a:>ki ng allleadl'fS of reception quent, yet cruelty is D Ot. .. thE' declaration of peace, have marked feature of the Abys· enlightened AfricAu thought and TIl(' funeral took place on Sunday not followed. Natioos suoh 8S optOion, the graduates of African last \\hl'n /I. big I'rOCt'''~ion of earriag:E'lI sinian chara.oter; and tbu.t In Germany and Austria- have not Colleges and higb in"titutiolls of learn· and can! f .. llowed the hea ril~ t.o tho war they seldom kill their bet'n able to rise from the ruins inS to attend that lIl) portant session. gran'. prisoners, When a roan !s of their once proud fortunee ; The learning whi('h· YOll have acquired convioted of murder, he IS helongs to the Afnean people and you • t.he world's money has been mu ~t be the eyes to the blind. The ha uded over to the rei \tIVf'!l I f di!lOrg>t.nised aud trade has pre"ent politieal andeconomie difficult· the deceased who may either snflered with it ; great countries irs berore your people compel us all tu Sentence On put him to death or acoept a slioh ae tbe United States bave Join hands and to eonfer wl lh aU the ransom, W hen the murdered been made to feel the pioch of Il'aders of or~{Ulised AIrican SOC iety. Motorist peraon bas no relativell, the 0.1)(\, in ordl'r to be abl€' to form our want. Every nation to·day reply ttl the ~€' ri ous eha ll en~e made III - priests toke to themselves tbe bas millions of meo and women the l' Nativ€, Bilill by the Union Parlia­ office of avengers, for wbom it can find no work. ml'nt, to African I'ip;hw of dtizcn.~hl'p, £60 For Widow Of prOJ.."'I'~~ and de\,('lopllwnt. The na.tional indolence of That is what the G reat \Var the people bas been fostered Tht, propo'ed General ..\frlcan Dead African did for the world, In view of b y the constant wars, whic,h National Confcrence or ConventIOn tbat we feel that those wbo ~hollld meet as an organised body. F1~E of t::!;, (or threll' Ilwnth'" h ':;\,ve disoouraged peaceful 00' A are wise will pray fervently for attC'nded b\ dul.\· lU.'('reditfti delegate! hard I;\Ioo(lr) \\.J Iml"''''·'' 1111 .~ oupations. The s ddier::! ivl;' I"t'I)reo;('nt'"~ a.."""oc i atlOn~ or organised 4i-.rt'.lr.uld Ellrol)Clln, i"r("/ I,·rkk \"a u tbe success of the peace efforts Afrl('an~ . We a;hould not come to­ by plunder, ~ he monks by. a lm~ . of the League of Nationll, Eyk, hv 'Ir. C. H 1'01)1'" III thOj The haughtiest AbYllll10180 18 p;etht'r a.~ a mcre ma.tll:l m~lIng of P retofl:l ' 1,1g"llOrt in fill!lin.;: him $Zulity (If ("((11'",]'11, not above be~giog, f'xcu~itoA of no head or no tall mO\'t'ment. homlcill .. h imaelf with the remark, ., God in its train. To·day, in the risk it entails of another world Th" Afrit·sn ~lItional Conwe'l8 \\111 In a a..~\'" th,' .\£rl(·an people to 8,'nll rt'· confio!;gratiou, it is 1I0mething 1

S R. ::'>IBAT.\, HOWICk, Natal, I" l\rri~'1 1 men have Idt t heir \\ IVes £15 For Six Good Ideas • wnt('Oj I bt'lHlld M h OIl.6C kc <, pcr ~, Thoy ~ec m ThQ nun inlt of c-hildr(,11 i~ dlfJr;<'nt nut to enjoy tho IJit' ture Ilt the theatre, AIVJ. 'I';NTION is (trawl! to the dotails Ilatural, or mot her'lI IIl1l k, from nUl'~ng- ,'ld.ult~1 '1 0><0 ! or a .Iance ~ t tbo tillIlC{1 hnll , or even .iI. of II. great nOw competition for (~) j"ailin,L( t hat 1 wou\(\ foo::d It ('l h ~I'f\'a l lOn I~ n\"'('('lo; •• af,\ for ChI, dron 1('11. party, III t he Jln~' nce of th(, lr African women open to a ll rcadeu of \llt h ...... ('.Hmot tell \"011 hllw tllc,\' fce!, you I \\ In'~, so thcr pref(' r to be in the Umteteh , (a( ) I:v (' hllfl .. houlrl ha\'e plenty f,f mu~1 filuiout for ,~',)II!'lt('lf, T beyaT(' romplun" of )'ollng Rirl.8, The poor It had long been fclt thaI the t imelt hKh~ and fre" h Jur ~Il .. on l'olour all<1 "ell 8ll:alll, wiH'f4 nrc ill a ~a d JlIiJl: hl The hoW<'. o"(' rdue for Il oompelitlon e"c1lLSiyely ( I) It ~hou l( 1 be w &.-~ hed frequE' ntiy a nd hav~ not got much !S trength t() hold work cea.~ to be plcasa.nt ami fOI' African women and glrb, which 111111 kcpt clean : baUle Wi th real cb,,('a.s6 and soon may I bec om e~ a burd('n iTUI tead , more shall onable thom to e llpr ~ t heir (oil I would ,.,.:e to it that flies-tho "lIccumh to a. ACriOlls. a t~k . . el! pc<:i a ll y wben tbo whole lilo of a ideas on the fcoding and buildinJl: u Jl IH-" t ~ that !rill .->0 many bab i ,," ~ -aro llabll)g have no Imagln.ab on ,. no womll n is bereft of all pl Ol18 uro, no of tbo bodi~ of African infa l'lt.H . ,\ k<' pt a wa\-' from II IlCf\'C!', no byslerl!l : 1\ 11 IS ~ulu ne l ' port, no bi (),;co~, no concert, no pnzo list of £15 i ~, therefore, being (0) 1 " :0111(1 ::;i\"o It fr('('dolll to movo With theUl . Ii they find ddticu ty ~n I dance no recreation of any kind for offered to tho Oloth('n and singlc It1 li mb", and thUII to takE' It9 0 "11 "\\lIlIowing, for U1stance, or oo mpl~U\ hl'r ; n'o, not even her husbllnd'/J com. women and girls of Alrican or colourro Jlat ural c):er.-i.(' from birth onward_, (ll 'IOte t hr()ll. t , lW'e to It. a t. on:e-- or pany Tbis life 18 worse than birth, for tbe beat ij ill: ideas, ()r hy f.:l\"l n~ it light cl othi~g ill "ummer, II bah,)' IlCver ImagUlC Open t() all to regulat-e .tbe child 8 bowels. M~ social gatherings. Ha r..lly a month Third PriUl ...... £1 10 0 African " omcn, girls and scbool girL!. e very day IS not good lor Ito ch d would elapse before men fI()gged their PourthPrir.e '" £1 0 0 bf> undcr ten years age; an:d never ~i "6IL or bad a ' 6tring 100&0' in their Fifth Prize ... 10 0 They may married ex unmarried. 0.' It is suitable lor aU - and ~ I mple more .han oncc. dally. Porridge and h(,3ds. Yet womcn ha\'(' to put up 30 Prues of 5/ . eacb ... £7 lO 0 rwlk , stewed frUit, or tomato or (N'ange with all that and more for all their -~ enough for aiL Tbe Pfl[1'8 are wortb Toc.al ...... ,,, £15--0-0 having aod are plentiful, jUice, brown bread and b~tter for li\'es. Gentlemen, we ' must. honour break1aat is whol(l8()me. Eggs and them lor their power of endurance, We feel -" ure, therefore, that the Simple-Abybod1 Can Enler many tb oD ~ ands of African women fish may be served as a change fr~m patience and good. will and beundlees woot for dinner ' followed by w llk sen.'IC of dutv. All you have to do is to write out intcre;;tcd in tbe aubjeot will try to puddings, e.g., junket, etc., and fresh . si:E ideas or prinoiples, number them, \\Ill one of the pruell. In ent('rin:; fruit. • and put them dO~"D one after the th~y may learn Illuch that may be Tbe dressing of blisters, cuts, or otber, Then you sign your Dame with of U-.'iC to them. nddrcss at the foot cl your six ideas Competit()rs In tui t !:>e nd ill their ~i:( ~ uch like will pass unnoticed if tbe Happy and Successful child dOO6 not see .. hat is being done. or principlell, and sond tbem in, m&rked Ideas or principles on or befor~ Sunds): The absence of imagination alld there· Marriages .. Women'a Competition," BO:E 4525, Scillember 15. lmmediawly tbe name!l fore of nervoUS anticipati()n is a great Johannesburg. of the winner;; are announced, the H ere is a llpecimen entry lor guid· priz.e money will be poeted off to thew. blCS8ing. .' . (By MODER.'i LADY CcRR£$ P'1 '" nEST) When givmg 011 , warm It at the I ance: Xo !; ucce.:s.sfuJ competitor will be kep& fire in the bettie with the cork out, '" . (I) The best food for an ilifant is waiting for her prize money. a nd put the required dose Into a little INthi S article I WIsh t() offer ad\'lce Lmon juice with sugar. The little t~ those of my reople recently Ilatien\ "Irill awallow it at once with· mamed ~ well ~ thOEle who are out observing the taste. Ccd li\'er oil contemplating. marna~ . . i ~ better tAken alone, bowe" er, and '1'h~ ~ntlal ba:sls for ma~le::t children get to like it. Dip bapJlIllC9S IS the ablht,r on the wil~ B the spoon in watcr, pour the oil into ptl;rt fully to appre<: Ul.te the asplr it and s rinkle a little sslt. ()n top. a~ l oWi ()f. her. husband, and to I~ve P him despIte bls faulte; alwsys bearing - in mind that he must do the lIame if he is to be husband and friend to his wife. There must. be plenty of gi \'e Married Women or and take, not- as is so ()iten the CaBe -aU the taking being 011 the womall's HOllsewives ? side. Try to bear with each ()thcr I and, above all, do not, if you can Tb!l Editor, "Umt,.t,.e l," help it, do irritatillg tbings. Things \ MR, H . B. NAZO writes : Sir,-I n that matter so much t.o women are diecUSllUtg lobola in .. Umteteli " generaUy beneath a man's notice and at the beginning of the year J con· he will be surprised wben a wile t ended that the legal statll8 of Bantu ell"plains to him what has upset her ,.;omen WM relati~ely the lIame as that '''''Id caused her pain. Women arc apt of ~omen of other Haoes. Now what to bring up old grievances. My ()f t heir social position 1 I am talking advice is: Guard agaill.llt this cven if particularly about the position of the it docs mean a. sacri6ee. educated Bantu wom~n . Do our ::'>Iake your home as comfortable as edueatocl girls who get m&rried receive possible, darn your husband's socks, l!()C ial equality with their educated !leW on Ius buttoM and make his hw bands ? Before marrying, no home so attractive that he wiU habit· doubt, these women are free persons ually look forward to returning to it who enjoy themselves to the same after his day's work. Ha"e an eneot 8.8 men do. But whether they appetising meal ready for him wben maintain that freedom of tbe in · he c()mes home. Be caroful of your dividual during their married life is ()wn appearance. \Vives are apt to 'OVA Llr1IN E' ,'cry doubtful. think that it is not necessary to appear attractive in their own bomes ) Ien complain of W()mcn 88 being I "OvaltJne"lmnandl and "ill trail mund in slippers and "O.'alttne " ke 6eno backward and () pposed to progress. embonyeoJ. Ylnhle monate . to dre.ssing gown or in a soi led dress­ .. When men fail hold themselvell Impela kubo bonke molemo ho boble b•o up ' III tbeir society they find it easy witb an unwasbed faee. Wear simple ngoba nodotela batt elen!!. hore h. •• to put the respolIBihi lity on their overalls wben you are busy in the ylnhle kakulu eku_ Ilmakatso ba Ilngab qlnbenl urnzlmba, II buoa k:l eotla m oo wives. Can it be true tbat women kitchen, and always remove tbem and ho batIehang maatla. put something freah and becoming rctard the progress of tbcir husbands • .. Oval tine " yen_ "O"altJne " II' ent,oe ill anyone walk of lifo 1 Many mon before appearing at a. meal or welcom· I.lwe nl10blal olutsha, •• lebeae Ie lecha, will eay" yea!" Why 1 Because ing your husband. nanlllUllaqanda am· m •• • macha .. ' meta. E m on;ue generally Bantu husbands keep their Remember how you II.'Ied t() dress ataha nanltamabele. t[wakala !fana Joaloo Chokolet3 wives in tb.e background, and natur. to pleue him when he was your 'm e Ie hona II' oonolo noswidl emlonyenl ally women resent this, and do all in 6ance ! Keep up the standard, a8 boeet.a bore alPeno alPe n()tlii ng deetroys romance more quickly 'ud Ipusdr:a Ir.ahle aetle .eo ae ratoanll their power to keep their husbands IqlDl,e &Jnadoda ke banna ba baholo, "ithin their reach. Bantu husbands than a sloyenly.looking wife. Your babuUou:ana nnln- baroet'ana b. forgct the saying that" no nation can husband will ()therwise oheerve how Ilan"" nonnenQ ., bana . rise higher than ita women." fNlllh and dain~y looking your girl [n purely Ahican society, men friends are, and hi will perha~ sub· " ...1> "'. ..ullol. e... I III move along with tbeir wives. At coMCiously , make compari80M. Do 1,,11_. ,," "." ...Ih 1<1 ...... your beauty treatment, but remember, I~ "0... 111,,* ." a:u"". marriage fcasta you will find hll9band I""...... ~"Ill"" 08l I'rt'\ "",.1 \' ad \t'rt ,~.,1. '1L \nnn ~1,'jL' left 011 Sunday for It IlilI Ill' .,h,.,rn,d '''lOu'ILIIU' ,Iurlll~ HIOI'lIlfonh'L1\ on II hoh'lay \'i~it . ,\up:u~1 tlu- ,lnh' hlloJ 1\1 (0) I,r Iixl'd~ \[r, E. HlLlw ,\(lhaYL: the national Simmer and Jack ~ I n~t(',lfl, nil :ibl ,Iuly i\\'l~hL< ,Ia.v). ,I I,od. "ho hall bt"'n on a holiday \'i~lt i:;jU P,IlI" 11Ll' lir.l ~"I'It· Hill will 1.,. to , J ohall1w.,hnr~ wilh hi~ d'luj!ht.cr. r"a.lulid l·'pitunr.l In 1111' "ullik and. \'alt'IwllI, Idt Oil SUlIIlay ni~ht for if dl'.ir"d, mterpn't(·" II li'lll' allol' QIH~cn~tu" n. . adi"l.'u. '1011 \\111 follo\l It I~ inku,k!! Of Natives in Urban Areas 'li~, Eh/.abctu Sl'hultw of ,JoiJannu. Residence aftt'r tllLl Bill>! hllH' Ill'('n Ihnrou)!hh uUl'~, II ho uM 00<>11 "i~itlU~ r('lati\'c~ csplnin{'d, tu arran,RC' a '('TH' ()f (I"hah: III th(' j<'r('I.l i-)tntc, ha~ rl'lnrm'd to tho child ren. Th e~e ,1'Otlll,l...-"l(·1 l\t'nl to on Iho \'ariou~lVIpt'f't~ of til(' e Bill~ , T ~iJllIUt r fn IIY Ihe ~lIlU\\er and ,11\(·k ('rlekctCluh, Ihat a h I O~I'OIIl' Kho\\ ,oemld h" mRul' Ihree days. Their flI'RndmOlhcr had Nll.tin' T o\\'n~lnp, ,Jolulnne-~hurg, hus till' ()('cao-i,'u Iwing Ihe l,reM'lItation ('Jf lI('xl j"nday, ~fX'('i!\II.\' for adulh. ],ut b('('n "ll.sl('i)p . fOI' Sl'1 nnl (Inyll and Il'fl for l'i {'nIHu'~ Hi WI' on mis~ i otl tILe N.lU ('ri('k\-I ('up which !'1I11llwr tllL~ sl,,)w ha" 110\\ IIl'j'n "I/I{-j·lle, l, thor had cooked and catl'll all the wOI'k and Jack "Oil f"1 tht' Ii""l tillll', ~Ir. ]\lr IWiul T~hane, of '-an Rvn " The Ilign of till' {'ro,s will I" .E. C R ' 1]1 lwh' pn·~idt'tl. ~\lpport~'d food tu the houl'(', Dwp, 11!l.~ 11 \'i.~ilor to J ohallTlt'~bL;I'g ('xluhito'd on SalunLn' onll- Whill' the hl:'llr 1'.:-'; A (i \\ek, 1""- l\h'nt of tht' Housing Loan la,t. w(·,'k-j'n~, managem('nt. W)1l de) ('\'~ r ,\'lhinl1: po~. T'fall:;\'alll ('ru:'I;t'1 tllllon. ;ll r , A, T ho KrugeI'lldorp '1'011'1\ Council 'iL"II At-:n('>< Tu~i , of .Johllnnf'l'Uurj.':, Sl ble (() pro \'ide ncc()lIIllwd nt Ion. i nll'IIc!­ M nda'" "IL i, ]lre,uient l< llOrt ~ noein I iOIl. has made application to tht' Pro\'in· It'ft (>n ,\IOII(lll,\' lll)!;ht lor Ne-wca'!tle. lIIg p4trOtl~ an' a(ili ('J IU Iluok theIr :-llllm('r "n,1 .Ia(:k 'II'. )h"haba. ('ial allthori t ic~ for a Io.,n of 1 1.0110 IIIlwn' hcr moth{'/' pa~'ctl away. seats hdor{' -1 1),Ill. OIL !'Qtnnla.l', :Ircl chairman. ~HI\lIII'r (111,1 ,1.ltk (rid;t,t from hom;e fund~ for thl" purpo'e of 'Ii 1- 1... N. Soga.of the Bantu 1:nite,) Augu~t, Til(' pro~ramlllt for lith Cluh. ~ lthtl~ prL's.mt \ll;'ft' :'olr. ef('('hug dwelli~ for XatlH' eOlplo~'t'e$ Srilool. Kroon,~la d. \1;\'1 amon~~ thl" Augu~t indlld('~ a W..-..tt"fll Drama i.e RUHlL ('Oull-.ouml :'Ilana!-!('r ~inllllt'r of th(' .' l uni('ipa!it~ It would '('{'Ill l>M1E', on l'rida\. as'urt'<1 the tlu!> Ih)II th(· m,'[laf!:l"ment rt~'ul'l.. rati\'(' holida). full." ;\PI,n·('l

SMOKE OFFICERS' l1ESS ClGAllE'ITES • UMTETELI WA BANTU, 10HANNESBURG, 27TH,,;J;U;L;Y;,,',,1;;.,,',,"=;:::::======- Bloemfontein News And Notes Important Annonncement IMIPBANGA M BATA -NIjI",i88 iziblobo :.ami ezi. cud& !lkuti ukupel. kW8ododana To Readen of U Umteteli " Red Badge Native Labour Organisation yami II Sbongillk ... ai Wilfred Mdudni uJ!hooe op:o Iweai Bili ago IG July. (BY AHBMET) Obee&n8 likA~1 ",ide tgula, yeoa nbell8 WITH the iooreaeio!: ciroulation of nyaog. ("l.lliabumi ubudal.. Kuteke MR. ROBERTSON after bolding a ------"Umteteli " readeta are makiog iogani op;i ogumb.~bi kolloda.D, leritt of meet.iDII in tbe Loca· more aod more nee of itl colo mOl for .bantu b.-ap. b.OOOIII utaodo nomsa tioDa (in poblic and In oommittee) bae Parys News melligel aod annooncementl to tbeir owes.brkayo, blogigone ogato III:OOk8 formed the above mentiODtd organi.,.­ friend, aod relativel, aod in order to izindlela, oSAe bo agelulet. nezioye. tian in Bloemfontein Tbe organiaa. (By W J. L.) timplify matterl thl BU Bioe(ls Maoage. mbeozi. 10koo2.0 yamollewabo ibe tion bae a committe of Europelot and ment. of "Umteteli " bavI deoided to vkulu k,ltulu ipet"'e ngo Mnu M. Z. Africana. The Africao membera of MISS MILDRED S. LE'l'LHOO, "ho celebrated her birtbdayon obarRe one l um , namely, half-a·cro"n Ngllban8 urn Ilatecbiat 111'18" Churoh. tbe committee a re Meldamea E, for all notioeB coming onder Iuob 2ht July waa a atuden~ of tbe Modder· Engins.bab.lula abl'be pate lomlebe­ Mononi, H Mpool{O, aod E. Beojamio; heading_ a9- uzi ugo MO il . S. Shlti, S. S Shui, and Meurs. C. R. Moikaugoa, T. M. poort Institute wbere Ihe completed Ito couree in domeetic acience. She ia DOblESTIO L. Kanyile, T. Mtabali, B. Dela, ilapikela, J . B. Maneoe, Wm. Motlatai, J . Pungul.; Makosk Puogula, J, S. A. Lelboai, and S. J. Mokuena oow 00 the ataff of Min J Armetroog, ButTSS proprietor of tbe Parya Maximee Cafe. l\htiw8ne, Zwaoa, M,doneela, Ngo. The orgalJi~atioo baa opened ita office DEATHS A num be r of friends aod relativel l'ILA RBJ.A. G Jt.!I bane, Mkite, Nurse S. R. Mb.t. DO at 12 Ficbardt Street.. Ooe of its Jabulile, No m vula, nabanye. Kate aiml il to proteot tbe Africao attended the birthday celebratioo. NOTIOIIS 01;" ENOAGEMENTS EvangeliBt J . Tladi, of .he Methodiet amfo ka Nguballe wawiea amazwi labourer, elpeeially in proved oaBee of TheBe Noticea mod be in writing, ap,kemeyo, 8duduZ8YO. ~gibalule uoder.payment and diamill8l without Chorch, officiated; and Mr. Wm. Lofafa, proprietor of the" Boioboko addrea88d t o tbl Bueinen Maoager, ukuti .. Vomelaoi abaot..ana buo proper notice. No fee il cbarged to " Umteteli ," P.O. Box 4525, Johan­ kimi nl!':oba nmbUIO w8zulu Dogo"aha joiu thil orgaoillatioo, but member. Native Eating Hon!l8." joined Mr . Tladi in espreeling good wiabel. Tea nleburg, and mUlt be accompanied ojalo I" Ngino njabnlo onkoln nam_ to enrolmeo~, bave obtain a badge 00 by poetal order for half·a·crown. bla on ogiqonda okot.i i~ugu lami for "bich a Bu m of 1/. ia oharged. w.. served, aod matrumentai mu.io wal topplied by Melin S. Stampi t.o that amonnt will be ao· namhla lill8 Mbuaweni .0 Zuln t Ba· Deparlure of Mr. I . Edgar M' Bel"'", Litlbakanyena and Phil Sethibe. Mias oepted. bueiBiwe abafayo befela 0 NkoBini!_ The Metbodilt Sohool aod Cburch Letlhoo it the daugbter of Mr. and A. B . MBATA ( oyi,e womot.aoa), al .eU .. the puhlio of Bloemfontein Mn. Letlboo, residentl of Bloemfontein Georgedale Natal. auatain a loal by the departure of tbil (3137 Bochabela Locatioo) Mr. and youog man. On Sunday be oocopit.d Mre . Philemoo Nkbi were reBponalble POONE! POONE!! POOHE!!! '" botb teNiool at St. Peter', Met.hodiat for preparationl; and the looc"oo wal Churc b Kafufontein in farewell I8r­ beld at their reaideoce. A nomber of KE rekiaa Poon, a lengoang ke 'na KATTEY.-K~Ulgoeizi olulnnlu nko· mOjlI to tbe cbildren aod pareota. At frienda IIliBted and the gtthering wa. baebele Paone a Ta'ebla (Sahara) vakalisa kozihlobo eziknde nezi. I pm. he "13 eotertained at a fare­ a great IUOce". e T.'oen (Bickory King) Mokotla 0 kofopi nmbiko we ntombi yetu enkulo well dioner by the pa rente of Patb­ Africant will learo witb pleuure boima ba 200 Ibt. 0 ja 9/6 bntle ho ebudala buyi miny .. ka elillh omi eline­ tioderlof hi'leo tion at Mr. aDd Mre. tbat Mr. Wm. Lolala hal eucclBB'nlly tefo ea Terene, kapa 11 /6 hlmmoho liblaou (15) egama liogu Lillilo Maude Molehane', retidence at 3080 opened a Native Eating H ooae onder Ie tefo ea Terane LitelheneDg tllOble Tukn elwelekele e Dordrecbt apo Boobabela. AmongBt thOle preaeot tbe bUlineae title of "Boicboko ta. 'Mulo oa Kopauo. a. 0 batla ebeye lI:ona ogokoblaziya . impilo ko were Mr. and Mra. M. Moebochoko, Eating Houae." 924. Paone romela ohelete._ P. SMULOVITZ, nioakulo a Nkolk. L J. Kalipa ngo Mr. aDd Mr.. Nyamela, Menu • Smalfootein, Botbaville, Freietata. 1 ku July, 1935.-GEOROE G K..l'M'EY Mouai9ll" Letlobo, Motalmai, aod 923 (oyille), 40 End Street, JohanD8Iburg. Mayabi; and Miuea Pamla, K .. le Ncapai aod aeveral otbert. At 4 p.m., . Modder Bee News Barolong Burial Sooiety bid bim God- It' t-- .peed at a fnncHoo Ipeoi\lly a. rranged • A ennl' ma cb · wal played at Vao , by tbe committee of t.bie lociety of R yo Eetatea between the Roee­ • whicb be "11'8, a leeretary for 3: ye~fI. Buda L.T.C·Tlnd Modder Bee non· Speeehee were delivered by Meier. . European L C. The R08e-B?d, Iyeza Lo Kohlokohlo Lika Chamberlain P . L. ldoliaapoli (President), A. J. S. won by 15 gamea. The outltandlOg Mayatau, J . G. Ntlaheng, J. P. playete of the Rope-Buda ~e re Measrl Maehomulutea, J Lobere, lod Rev. M. Kumalo, H . Mayelu80 and J. S. Mkiva. AlI apoke feeling:y of t be Ml88ko; aDd for Modder Bee, Mealta Yonu Into :r-yf boo:IJa oIr... ku,,-" 0. lloyeni uqWl:lbil ... Wa,.. tervice. of Mr. M'Oet"a. Be VaoStadeo,S Nomgea, B S.Gqabau, n-,A.,a ebaroba-baro.b& ugapab.Li wal pre&ent.ed with a u,eful fountain. W. J . Ng~lwane, J . J. Lolwanaaod 1< .. II ukambili .-elan ' .. dandulul. !" 'H t 'd b' t· A. Nkookl. k..-; ·oko&ibz.i , .. ke f)'AyiCopa pen. Mr. M e wa reoelve II rain- M' Ad I 'd Se f Ih n,l;:_ Itll

wboth('r YIlU (l,re enmpted or Dot, you THE PROTECTORATES AND ,till fall uoth,r the raok aud file, IN CORPORATION Native Teachers' Salaries Oocauee, wbll~b e r you oarry ao • exemption, you an .till a.ked for a. The Editor, "Umtetell." pall, Wbat do you think of a pin for In the O.F.S. ~he 8Xllmpt.ed mUD, ioet!"ad 01 a oerti- O NE WBO KNOWS writ-, Sir. fkate 00ly1 Let your oorrelplOdente cot out. to urban Nativet by Towo Council.. 2. Tho Nowolate Munioipality all thil talk about" protectioo" aod r, like.o many otberll of your reader8, houtes. Wbot do you tbink 01 a .. w.. it Oeooral B ertl.o~', declantion M UMUO JUMBO writes Si r,- Ilgree with you about Municipal boute with 0011 bedroom, but 00 of bis policy reg'ndiog th., Nativ, Kiodly allow me ap.ce In oootroL But "" certainly tbiok beer littlng room. no kit.clillo I What do T('fritorie•. Then we. wbo Ite moetly •. UmteteJi ,. to Illy a word or two maoufaotured by Muoicipillitid will you thiok 01 twelvo people io lIuob a cooceroed, will be able to t ake a de­ about Tea()ber'1 ..Iarl!'s io Ib~ 0 F S. ocver become popular \lith drinklog bou.ol ci.ioo bued 00 actual cOlUpari'oo~ of In a receot il!ue of "Omlet eli " Nativel. The mioell on the Reef aod 8. The Piok-up-v\o. Bow about policie. and decide wbl'ther we rilmaio appeered an article by "Cooc~roe~l," ellewhere give beer ratioo. to their iotervie"iog the autboritiu reg.rdiog io tbe fryioR p .. o or jllmp illto tbe dealiog witb tu.ober'. .allflu. employe,,~, but thi, beor oover was the Piok up van, ioatead of writiog 6re, wblch comea to the eame tbiog. .. Coocerned" Wal not partioularly aod never will be popular. Further- about it in our AfricAo pap,·r.! ('oocerned with soy Pro\"illce, hut more it caMot be l8id that tha Natal 4. What do you tbiok of the Native W89 Bpea kiug of the t eachera' ealarif~ Muoioi pol Ka6r beer caotGen' bave ao oo mmodatioo at the South Afriolo io tbe Uoion al 0. wbole. III tblS bl.'l'1l IioIlUCce8S. I ,u8.(eat that if Kamr Railway Itatioo" aod at other puhlic IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION articlll I am coocerofd partioulary beer muat be aold to Nativl'l. let it be placeal with tb O}<' S. tel{'hen' I8lariel dooe by pnvlIoto enterpri,e uoder G llicorporatioo_ Atbio~of ypar. I Tho. JoAiJtur. It il pathetio to tbioK of the wagOi Muoicipal Iloeooe. Liceocel oould be h it DOt. 101 Whatdo you think of the RYPH IN S. VOYI, Stlltterheim, tbat tbeee teachen Me plid. Th!'y issued to 'lIitable Native applicaote io Ioew draft proolamatio08 by tbe Higb MR are ridiculously low . Odioary the lIame way a, botel aDd Ii qoor Commiuioue r for th" Protector .. tell write.: Sir,-Where will the Municipal labourers In Bloemfontein Iictooe ...re iuued to the liquor trade 6, Aid to our Native ioaUtutioo •. leade ... of tbe Baotu come from; Mo t are better paid tbao tbeee teacbera amoog Europeaol. ~ativOl wbo will Wby il it tbet our Baotu people do aNorlldly tbey will come from amon~ A teacber, a profeuiooal mao, who be fouod lelliog Iiqoor witbout a oot give aid to our Nalive IOltitu­ tbo;J8 wbo bave vilion (i.e., a broad outlook). The wo rld movell very ought to be better paid, i;t tbe wor,;t li oonoe to be punilbed uoder the tioo' 1 There are IIO lM of our Bantu upidly in ao me r ee~cta. rn tbe nur wao paid, 10 muoh 10 that tb~ tea­ existing I.. w. A, for home bre"iog it peo ple who. are ricb, but they 000- futore tbere will be a big demaod for chen "e ao objed of laughte r In the dOi'I oot luit cooditiool io tbe nrblo tribute bardly aoythin" t o our L()(:atiool a Dd everywbere ei!e. No", area.. Tbe ideal ,hio>!, of courl8, oollegoa. Tbele iOltitutiom beloog educated Native people. Tbe band· let oa fi cd wbere tbe fault comta froOl. would be total probibitioo for BI .. ok t o them. H doel oot matter whether .ritiog 1100 tbe wall. There ..ilI be Ie it from the teaob!"r biOlsell ' It aod White_ an io,titotioo hal beeo Itarted by ucelleot opportooitiee for tboae wbo hiS oome to my koo"ledge tbat before Eoglilh or Dutoh milliooarie!, bnt it have prepared tbem8c[vel to takl tbe Icbool. were graot·aided, tbe advaotage of them. It ia the duty of Tbe Editor," Umt.eteli " il our ioltitutioo. tMC' en "ere paid a certaio .urn of I am merely giviog tbe98 .nbject5 pue.ntl t.o edocat~ tb~ir obildreo, aod mooey pH mootb, but .Iioce theae MR. G J. NCALO, Jobaoo".burg, for oor leaden to coo.ider. I a primary edocatlon II oot eooogh. Irt.ntl, wbiob were an aid to . "bat "rilea: Sir,-Allo" Ole Ip.ce In w ... paid to the teaoben, .ere lotro­ your 'Widely read paper to .ay I regret duced. tbe "uleriea" paid the tea­ to ooto tbat Mr. W. Dimba it io cheu were .,Seoted. Tbus ooe clearly favour of kaffir beer oaOWleOI and eeee tbat we depeod upoo the graote, Muoioipal cootrol. (I) He Mid Mooi­ .hicb of oourae, can be witbheld aoy oipal cootrol of lI.ffir beer oaoteeo. mome~t if tbe positioo ill oot loitin~ would defioitely rednce many crimes aod wb~re 'Woold the teacbere be ! oommitted by Native.. (2) ~coodly What I "ant to ano" 18: Wby bave undtr .nch a oe" eobeme there wonld the "Ial.rlell " been affeeted ! I be • control over nOMaive .elliog 01 write ... oDe of tbOie teachere who are liquor. Relaid affir beer .... bealth .uffering from "out of servitude aod a prinoipal food amoogtt Nativel under tbia finanoi.1 Itringeooy. The elpeoially io kro.all. (3) Tbat tbere right type of meo ao~ women, ".bo ('ould be 00 reMOo.ble objection to are 6t for the ~ea.cblog profe.. loo tbe eaLa!)\iehmeot of Kaffir beer are handicapped. Natur"Uy ~be. pro­ caoteen. partioularly on Nlhgioo. and gTeU will come to a .t.aod IItlll, II the crimin.1 gro1l0M. pr8lleot Itate of aSaiu coot!ooel. Are My,ugg8lltioo on the lira' poiot il ..e geiog to relit .whe~ IUO~ 18 tbe atatc tbat crimes .iIl ioorll&18 i , aboodance, 01 affair. ! It III high time tbat "e becau88 Nativu io both Locationll and Ibould .tand 00 our feet aod figbt tbe family will DOt "aot to pay mooey th!1 battle. for IItu8 tbat il like water, witb tbe We are formed iota an auociatioo reeult they will go and mike atronger kQOWD al tbe O.F.S A.T.A., aod it ie driok. the duty of that body t? tr~ aod put On tbe &eoond poiot, tbe MunicipII­ thio!!:s right. How loog II thll Ilavery ity bat beeo arHItiog people for I }iop; to cootinM ! K.Ili, beer ... if it "" a poieoo. It •. Ngoaua ea la Ileag 0 Ihoela i... id that the Kaffir beer 'Wall a tbariog." priocipal food .moog~t Nativee. If ao, wby ha, Mr. Dimba beeo io ftlvoor of the M.uoicipalitYI8C bemel Aod wby KAFFIR BEER did be oot ... y thi. adVlotlg~ ahoold The Editor, "Umt.cteli," be giveo to Nativ8fl ~ 10 fbe Cape R. B. B. NYATI, Vereeoiging, Proviooe tbere i. 00 restriotioo aod M • ritel: Sir,-I lee you adovocate tbere are le811 crimM . tbe eupply and oootrol of Kaffir beer 00 the third poiot be .aid tbere could be 00 objection to Kallir beer Canteeol partioolarly 00 religiou. aod criminal groond.. I. enbmit t_hat religion as a "bole IS oot ag'lO~t liqnor. What i. "aoted aQlong UI II barmony, etreogtb, sympathy, aod EYOD. compalllioo. My oonteotioo ia th~t 001881 'We improve oureelvel we Will Ddlol. oot beoome a sucoeuful Natioo. Tbo8e wbo lite ahead of otberl ahould epeloloyo be . ble to lift up our backward people. '--",- C I GAR E T T E S mpel. voku PASSES AND EXEMPTIONS-AND I OTHER MATTERS PLAIN AND cbeb. JIJ im':Il~u yot-u lola The (:;ditor, "Umtet.cli." , elizweni 10 Imi~ll:u yoJ:u "Ila R. M. K. SEGOGOANE, 01 Stofberg . CORK TIPP ED M Ttaioiol College, writea : 8ir,- I Allow me io " U mteteli " to 8Iy lome- I "VALET" thing whicb I luggest out leaden I ~w.op might iuvestigate. : _____= 1. The worriea of pa'lell and I Safety Razor exemptiooll. I bave fouod out that 8 UMTETELI WA BANTO, JOHANNESBURG. 27m JULY, 193~ . Kroonstad Doings And Jottings Sibasa News Frankfort News --- (BY CA.LVIN T. P. LIPUOKO .) (By 8. R . M OT'ju .. ' .... Il) INth e Me~hnd ilt Cb or~b. tbe BOly R. A. MPAPELE il lpending hie CommuOlon wee admloletered by Resignations Of Board Members M winter holiday. at Valdelia an? Rev K 8. Mpa!iea . Seven caodilatu Kurulen. Be is • ~t udeot of Amanz~. "ere admitted to foil membeUbip 01 WHILE it ••• ,tated It t.be monthly loyal, I .... abieg reeideot. of the mtoti Inltitute. and will write hie the Ch ur ·b. .nd two habie. were meetinR of the To"!) Council on Locltion." Natll T3 io Deoembe r . baptiaed Mooday (15th J oly) lut the AfriClIo otl Regular meetingl are beld every After their marriage a ~ Mabedi, Mr . J OI. Ma fohokoaoe(Site No II I) wieunderstood tbe COllocile attitude Suoday, and I.. , Bunday law the Mr . aDd Mfl. E A. Tlakula bave re ie II gem· rel de.ler. with regud t.o tbe control or K.ffir largMt gathering in the Marab.etad turnpd to Elim Mr. Tlakola ie a Mr Solly Seele h.. opeoed I beer, that the actual propoMl bad Square. Women of different Church teaoher there. Both are ex·.tudentl Conlinn~l in "redo", I"ulumn been carefully el:pl$ioed to tbe lead6f8 Societiee are holding mafia demoo· of Lemlna Training IU ltitution. . of Native thought, and that u • r88ull etratione and procenionl to interview Miee U. M Dl.ivane, a mltrio popll of an interview tbey bad ohanged tbe authoritiel to d ro p the wbole at St. Agofll, RoeettenviUe, i& lpend· ~ their .tandpoillt. the Native. coolioue loheme. iog ber wioter holidlye in Sib"a at .. KURRA" to agitate agaiolt tbe Co uncil', A warm reoe ption WAR acoorded her home. TABLETS Rev. aod Mre . A. D. Tlholne io tbe decieioo at meeting. in t he Loc.tioo. Rev. J . Weetpbal haa returoed to ~\FI l' "SO 8,· ;"T. A well· attended meeting paned " D. R . C. pareooage laet Saturday. Makond. for Minionary work, after f8.olotioo. oppoaiog it, and five Mr. A. M. Chak.no aoted a, malter of furlough. LAUGH ceremoniee. 10 the eveniog thero WAS members of tbe Native Adviaory Board Mr. 8. M. Dl. ivaoe. he~d teaber of f"'" pa"a a.a), raligned a, a relult of motion. of do. magic lantern blo.cope in the Church. Mph.fuli Sohool, il visitiog chiefe' .Jlh confidence A general election of ,ix Several huodred of people were kralle in Venda. He il anistin(i: .. "n...... ·• T ~BLnt membeuof Location Baud ia expected prel6nt. eome Europelne in the collection of to take place. ! Social aDd Personal epecimen8 for the Tranlvaal MUBeum. HEADACHES. NEURALGIA At Mooday', meeting the Native Milll RoIY Mogoye returned on After teaching at Elim .ioce 1925, .-\XD ALL rAI~S '-A~ ISH AfI.in c..Dllllitt.ee reported that a Monday from J ohaonuborg. Mila Mr. Sh, Mongalo ie leaving for Mpha Doe. ynur b~a.j T1JJtoB .,lb ~iD! 1)(1 deputation cODeiBtiog of teo Native Se.rah Loow of Hersohel. now teach­ blele. where ho will open a ooune for YOII .ufJ~r conl,nuaJly from R£.t.o. luder. had waited UpOD it, and iog at Steynerolt. p &i .! a vilit to S tandard VlI. "'''KY... TOO'TfU.nn:. NEl"'lU.LCI .. ; 0. protelted again.t the re cent dac i,ion Standard VI relult. are onto Veoda from RKEO ..... TI~"' . LL ...... co. NJ:CllI· to wo. Til. or ItOOW' maddtD'Ug Nun; P.ux of the Cou.ocil to approve of the Scboole did .ell. T.bakoma Sohool cannot ",eeouutforl .. " K OlIRA" principle of the Bale of K.ffir beer Mr. and Mr •. S. A. J . Mahcle, after lpending their wioter bolidaye with lent in ten popil. Bod obtained 100% 'r,",'C', ••,ii1l 11 your paio. II) a under mnnioipal control. The Loca­ to l.ali:e aud not the Rev. and Mre. E. Motlooog paaeea. tioo Superinteodeot had beeD in· retnrned to Wioborg on Monday. Re v. K. 114, Nkabinde eolemoi"d I structed to prepare a complete acheme the marriage hetweeo Andriel for con8ideratil)n at the next meeting, Mr. Ernelt Mautje ha. left for WiD' hUfg on three weeki' holiday. Mphohoni and Annab Marema at wheD a reoommendation would be Uti. Keable 'Mote returned frnm Oooldville. m.de to the Couocil. Bloemfontein. Mr. a d lIrol. 'Mote Tr, " KURRA ~ Tlhleh ollce Illd The Towo Clerk .tated that there entertaincd Mr , and Mra E. K . ,00 will ne'er be withoot tbem ... wn miauoderataoding in. the Location. COnlinlUd from. fou rth column Nhtapo, Mie9 Sarah and Mr. Obtl, ..able from all Cm:lflST' alld witb regud to the Couocil'e decision. Lou\\' Mioh. Molello lalt Sunday at tbeir hotcbery. D u. E., P r o< e 1:9 ",od Ji If tbe, Ire It .a. ~Ot proposed to effect a The Ratepayer.' Auociatioo con· out 01 ~toek . .. rite d ..~ c, tll...tOlia; rMidenDe, Bablalloe.na Cottajl"'. moo~y, to comp l e~ Municipaliution of the nle ttonel to hold meetinga, all dO&l the of K.lEr beer, but only to Hell it under Mn. Eliza Mabela hal left t.o join her hUlbaod i , JohannMburg. Ad,iaory Board. W. CROWDEN MEDICINES, Municipal cnntrol. P. O. 80S" 4~3. JOHANllESBURG. Mr O. MOfeki, Itodent at Madder. The Banto United School re-opened Coonoillor J. A. Rantenbach, chair_ poort and a keeo re.ler of "Umteteli," 23rd July under tbe principalahip of ; I man N. A. Committee, eaid tbat the il holidaying at hom". Mr. 801. P. Mataego. eituQtion h,d beeu made very olear to tbe Afrioan depuhtion, who leU • tbe meetiog in a differeot hame of miod from tbat in which they had Krugersdorp Notes arrived. Couocillor A. Fairweather uid that (By S, N. SInTI.) Are you clean the poeitioo .aa not uodentood a9 it , T a glthering convened hy the ehould be. Tbere ehould be eo me A Churoh of the Province of South propaganda among the Nativee to Africa at Alexandr. To.nehip, which ioetroot tbem '" to the true poei tioo. b e ga~ on 23rd July. oor KrggerMIOlp inside? Couocillor Rautenh.ah eaid that repreeenhtivea were : Rev. T. R Siki~ i . residents of L')cationl would be tully Teacher Z. Lelloni (appointedd dele· informed when once the Superioteod . g.tel.od Mr J . K Nqlll'ebo(catechiIlJ. Intestone clears away eot of Locatioo! had completed hil Vigiton tJ Krugeudorp Ire: A. &ebeme. O.ootboom, a gueet of Mr. Ind Mre all body poisons MODsier Protest Meetings Voyi, Mr and Mr s Huma, Miae Tinga (of B .... k.burg), Mr. M. May.pi. Min IN every factory, c,·cry orkshop anJ every The Baotu .deputation whicb waited A Huma, Miu B. Njoli. aod MISS kitchen therc I~ ~l'mc rubbish left over. JU$t 00 tbe N. A. C<>mmittee delivered ite Florence. so with the HL'.\tA~ BODY. The StorQ.3ch report at a Location meeting on Miae J. Huma, of St Paul'e Minion and the Livcr turn the: fooJ 1010 Blood, Tueeday (16th July) io tbe evening School, ie touriog the North. The Locatioo Hall wal t oo Imall to Mia! Mbenge baa rtcovered from flesh and encr~·, but Ih~r \cal·c much waSle accommodate tbe huge gatheriog. her ilIoe!8. over. If thi~ \la

THE memben of the Sub·Ccmmittee Death Of Mr. Training School (Non-Euiopull Stctioll) are work· Vredefort News iog bald to make Hulth Week a John M. Kotu -- Illccua. The week will commence on .(By ST'L'DE!' ho) ht Augun and ",ill continue till ith MASTER GILBERT LETHOBA Augult. PeI't,., in kind. Riven by the of the United School, Vredefort rBE death occured of Mr. J. M. Kotll FOR 10m!." yeare, Nati'l'ea, by courteey on 11th July. He was the only Rotary Club, Pretoria, 101'111 be gi'l'en (100 of Rev. and Mu. J. Letboba) of the Cape Educatioll Depart. for the cleanest houte ia lIarabastad hM left for Evatoo to join the Norm .. i brother of Mr S. M. K oto, of Orlalldo mellt , ba'l'e beeD aI/owed to he trained and Bantule Ltlcatioll. ht Prize Department of the Wilberforce Towll.hip. The fllileral Ben'ic~ was ae teachera at tbe Peraeverallce Traill' conducted io the A.M E. Cburch. £I 10," 21ld priz.e il; 3rd prite 10," IOiStitute. Vredefort. ,,"iehto' him good illg School fOf Coloureds, but, aince luclr. in his Dew apbere of Itud"!I. Plm'l'IU~. The Ren. Shllpioyalleog, the u:hool Wa9 oat .all Allicio .chaol Prizea Will allo be giveo for the Imartelt MOllkldl, MaarohanYtl, Pha9umane. group turo'llut attelldiog the gralld When the ecbool closed Rev. D. J. 001.1 a limit.f.d number had to ~ Puiutu and Bub-deaoon J. K. Mokh.hle and.othera htladed the fUlleral pro. takell. parade 011 Saturday, 3rd Augult. ce1810n. The cbief mournen were European ladiel "ill be tbe judge'!. i38ued 24 Merit Certificatee to tbree Now tbe Diocese of Kimbtrley and first pupile on each claBS. Gilbert Mtllete S. M. Kotu, S. T. Kotu, J. Koruman haa atarted a Dew Nati'l'e Per'OIlI who wiah to lompete sbould Kotu, an!! C. P. Ramaeodi. Tha pall aend io tbeir names alld addreeael to Lethob., Catberine S. Moltitlane and ttailling aohool bep:iooiop: with tbe P.ulioa Sebume were recipients 10 bearere were Mellle R. A. Bradlowa preeellt N P.L. 1 clan. The school the offi'e of tbe Superioteodent of alld Co's Africao etafJ (who were given Locationa, Marabutad or aalltule 00 Standard Six . is the buildiog on tbe louth.eut Paulina Vicroria Sebume, who ie a day off &e a sign of reapect to the co tller of the preEellt grounde of thtl or before 4 p.m. MOllday, 29th July. memory of their fellow labollrer). On Mooday, let Augult, at 3 p m. a the youngut pupil at Yredefort to Co loured trainiog Ichool and hu itll pasa Standard Si.!:, is joioiog the MI!!I8fd A. R. Bradlo" aDd Co. showed own elltrallce. Next year, there will fretl bioecope elltertainment "Ill be deep aympathy with the hereaved. giVfU io tbe Empirtl Bioacope Ball, Kilnerkm Higb Scbo;)l, ., Up and on" be ao .additional cll&!. thull gi'l'ing the Evangelist .F. E. M./eme, wbo bae Thtl late Mr. John M . Koto b!lod beeo school N P.L la&d 2. 10 1937 the Boom Street. Health talkl will be a reaident of Pi~ ville for 28 yesu, for giveo by medica l mell, Illd a lpecial' been io clurge of tbe Ned Gerf. Kerk eohool will be up to·date gi'l'illg ue for 10 yeara, bas realsued aud joined tbe 27 yeare of "hlchhe bad been in the N.P,L.I, 2 alld 3, i.tI, Na'ive Primary Native day will take place at Empire employ of MtI!8fa A, R. Bradlow & Co. Bio~cope at J pm, on Wedlleaday 7th A M.E. 00 Sunday, nb July, he and Lower Teacher'a Third Year Certl' Augult. otbeu "ere received into tbe ord~r. fi cate. The Sub Committee consiau of Mauy people came from far and oear. • Theae cla8!ea 1M African. training Coullcillor Loreot .. (ex· officio), Chair. Tbere "ere t"o lorry load! fr .:l m a! teacbers "ill be hous ~d in their man of the Health Week Committee Edenville aud Parye relpectively. Clocolan News And 0"';1 .buildillg, aod form a eepa.rate and of the Native AdvilOry Board. Among thOle who "ere present were • tralolog echool. The aim of thia i. to Chair; Mra. Cbriatie. Membera; Rev. J, Seotao (80thaville), Rev. J . Doings atop IIflildillg pupil' away on tbe Coullcillor \\1 E. Hardy (Chairman, Makhema (Senekal), Mrs. Agnea ground that" there ia no room." and Public Health and Native and Aeiatio Abrabams, Alfred Radebe (Johanuel' (Sy B. S. T. LIK6TE) tbe Dep!.ftment haa '''0 difJetellt Affaire), Mr. C. Jo'. Killoaid (Com. burg), aud Mrs. Saunah Mokitlane ayllabusce for Coloured aDd N&tive miniOMr of Aaiatic Affaira), Mr. "ho was the recipient of a token for TBE 1I0hooia were givtlo three weeka teacbeu. BudlOn and Mr. Rogeu tN"tive her eervice. as ete"lude.lI. The Rev. for the winler vacatioll alld tbe We are proud of the Itudenh, Commialiolletl), Mr. A. C Lo"e L. N. L,thoba w.e M C. followiog local teachere wellt to wbether Colou red or Nati'l'e, that the (Superiottlodent of Locatiolla), Mr. J. Baautoland to vieit relativel alld Per8everance School baa turned out Hardy (AullItant Superintendent • frieod.: Mente M. Te. Ntai, of tbe in the paat, alld are eure that the two of Loc .tiolll) Dr. Donnolly, Medical Modder Bee News B.O.S. alld local agent of "Umtet.eli," traioing Bchoola will cOlltinue to do Officer of Health (Hon. Seoretary), Dr. A. L. Motuboli, Prillcipal of the '0. KellOo, Auiaunt Medical Offioor of R CS., and Mi8B V. V. Motahabi alIa We ask our friellde to loppcrt U8 Healtb, Mr. R. Mooloo (Aliatia NURSE LYDIA BEMA apent her of the B.U S. alld buy our echool magazine' 60 that Repreeentativr), Mr W. Paulae (Rtl. day off witb friend, at Gedald On 7th July a chorob festival was D~O Europealll ' may el.o a~y that Klmherley ie all tlduoation .. 1 oelltre prel6ntive 01 Cape ColJured), alld Mr. whilst Norse Linda Legodi e~at her~ conduoted by Rev. Alex Damautl 1. Bud M'belle, (Native Represeot&. with friends at Brakpan. local mini,ter of tbe Collgregationai for all floea. Helpera ,hould "lid cOlltrihutioDe to The PrinCIpal, Per· ti,e member of tha Native Advi~ory Doring the week end the followiog Churoh, aniated by Deaconl J. Malall, Board, alld Life Prelident Pretoria "ere amoog the viaitors : M. P. Gawler, Z. Teotioho, E!.. Hlalele, and the eeverallce Traillig School, Kimberley. Native Welfare Aaaoci.tion). Mr. D. Nduna, Mr. A. Ntootela, Mu. "riter, in thtl Clocolan Coogregatiooal 8. J. Mbere, Hr. Njikelaoa, aod Mr. Church. • J . Majombo'ti. Three of tbe teachers who had gone tbelr holiday, "itb parenh in this Mre. M Gobinaa ie apending a "bort to Blfutolalld arrived hertl on 19tb Location: Melin Aan and lIokbeaeng. United African Happy holiday with ber daughter (!tire. E. July. The aohoole reopened 00 23rd of Stofberg and Modderpocrt Illa'itll_ Makiwane). July. tiolla reap6(ltively. Tbey will return Mr. J. Gobioca bae return~ from Tbe follo"ing atudellh are spending to their reapectin collegea ellly in Lads at Umtata hia holiday at Dorban. CtmliniUd in next colvma. AUglllt.

- • • A cOllcert alld danoo " .. given by the United African Happy Lad. of Mount Frere at the Jubilee Ball, Umtata 011 the Ilight of 6th JUly. • The audience very much tllljoyed tbeabo". Mr. G. Kala (clown) e'l'oked peals of laughter when he lallg hi. solo tlntitled "Ezindollgelli Uyui ke Wella." After tbtl ahow, the" Lada" loulld tbeir ludgillg place ready for tham at Mn. Ntshona'. Hotel, alld theyapeot tbe SUlld.y ill Umtata. Mr. G. Kal., pra8ident alld manager 01 the Happy Lade Compauy, thanked Mre. Ntebona for her ho.pitality on behalf of the CompallY aod elso Mr. Nt"ala aod othen who kiodly aui,ted in makillg the ahow a lucce... The Company consieta of Meaara. G. Kala (Pre,ident .Ild Clown). C. D. Nt"a.a (pianiat) J. T. Blole, R N. I Partons Zikwenzela Okukhulu Ngapezu Kwezinye atanyamalala aDd G. M. 'futa. Ipilisi Unokufumana IpHlsl e:tinlngi I!!.\rudisayo Impllo enhle evez.a kukusebenz(sa I Partons • kupela. UDokufumana IpHlsl ezlnlngl ezokun­ Purlfyiog Pills Itshetsh'ibOoakale. Seluleh State Mines News ika amandhla kube kupela. Kepa loye kupela "onke umuntu ukaba azilinge. Izltelo 'tern· Iplllsi ehlanganise UKURUDlSA NOKUN­ plio eohle zorela masloyane. Zlgwlnye IKA AMANDHLA, leyo ie yi PARTONS kuslbl.a oje uzaoellse kulenkulumo ye tu nge PURIFYING PILLS. (BY A. J. ALLIES) Partons. ARRIVALS at ~ tate Minel ioclude I Partons sislnyatelo senqubela-pamblll Mr. Gugwioi, No. 1 Shaft Clerk, emitini kulemlnyaka yamanje. ZINIKA after a month'a holiday at Alice. AMANDHLA NGESIKATI ZIKLINA. Zlnl­ Joho, eOIl of Mr. and Mu. A. Allie., ka amandhla kuwo wonke umblllni Dakuzona haa been called home from Lo'l'edale ndawo ezilaula ukugay"a kokudhla. I Par. I Olltitutioo, througb the iIIoen of his tons azlsebenzi ukukllna kwetumbu ellgayako motber. kupela. kodwa zlnyakazlsa Inyongo nako konke Mr. J. B. Juqu, Bead Clerk at okwemukela ukondhleka ekudhleni ngesikaU State Minee il In in· patient at the Mine hoepitat. Mr. Dao Moahloli ie kudhlula est swini nase matunjtnL z, p .p 5 actiog io his atead. Mr . Sol. Molelle ha! heoen trAlla. ZITENGISWA YONKE INDAWO NGE t /6 JGABHA ELINE 50 PILLS. NOMA ferred from tbe Native Time Office to I UQONDISE KU P.O. BOX 1032, CAPE TOWN UTUMELE IMALI. tbeComPOU"":d~O~------ft~,,,~, ______~ ____~::::~~~~~~;;~~~~;;;;~;;~~;;~::,::::::~~~::::::§::::::::::: ::::~. ____.. SMOKE OFFICER-..·,' ~ESS CIGARETl'E.~ OMTETELI WA BANTU, JORANNH8BURG, 27,.0 JULY, 1935. • lod deatroy tbe ml ou ~c rip le. Temple of the Old Teetament. The bitter eomity bet"et!o the Jew! aod tbe walla .ere besplttered with blood tbe Samaritaol kept their retpective Bihl·, Biblel toro aluoder aod boroed, a great hcg wae .tlughtered in tbe RELIGION AND SOCIAL from ioOoeocing each other . Ez.ra appoiot.ed IcribeR tc interpret temple ittelf I nd the broth of ita 61th,. pluch. the ecripture_ The Jewl, while in fteflb Ipriokled on tbe lacred meots. The hattie of Emm.uI follow. exile, beoame loou.tomed to the Bpetch SERVICE of Cbaldea and the reeuit .as a ed aDd the Jf'We "ere led by Jud • • tbe eombioatioo laogoage called Aramaic Mlcc.bee The Je"iah "arriOH wen' Thil mlde the RCripturee tbe property out calling for ycogt30ce aud t blY got h. CONDUCTED BY BEV. RAY E. PHlLLIPS of tbe educ.ted. Aramlic W88 tne laoguage Bpoken in Paleetioe wben Wheo Jelu!! Cll

KUKO ngozi i n~e o~iwa lukoblelo A oluvoodileyo xane i Chamberla in '~ Cough Remedy umkobleli anyaogwa , ogayo aM .gcine ojlogo gulayo. "Iyeza Eli Lungileyo!" from ,£2-19..6. Yona ikulula nkohlelo, i66nge amaku· AU other ma1te~ ;0 .took. tyukntyu oxakaxa, yeoze UkotBbica I . Tbe~ebe.pest place in town for rep.a;"e. kobe lula, yenze amandla okohlelo Linyanga Ukohlokoblo ne Ngqele H. BODENSTEIN, olotlozayo luoqote oamlndla 11010 at'o· Da ....gb HOUIle, t'e. Njengoko ingen.bo oqowe, ab.ne I 29. PLEIN STREET, cor. HolUt ST. ngozi ingaeezwe. no Yl ua mntwanll no Mkuhlane. 'Phone 714gOeot. BOI6953. mooinane ngokoteojwa okozeleyo. 1l:::::~~~~~::::::::::::::~~·~[,~,:"~g~W~'~':~~ik~.~m~i'~i~n~.;"~'~i:':'";k~iI;'";;i'",R;~:;~~~i5:~~~if~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::-:--:::__::_-: __ ~.,; 'l'SHA YA I OFFICERS MESti CIGARETTES UldTET E LI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 27m JULY, 1936.

Ez ase Q 0 nee Ezibeleni Kwa Komani kwa Gqwet\l Dower kuogeoe u Mol,l KLASI yabafnodi abaot.luodu be mbla ..e 12 ka July kudlale u Mon. I· Bhodi Imele Igqoogo W. Z. W. Mbali . Kwiodawo y1,1 Techoical Coll~ge yalapa i"l'ulile K. Marambana uinga e Nqamakwe Nkou;. K . L . Maci kwieikolD ease n go Mvulo we 1.1 ka J uly mabafoodi Pesha kwe Nciba ogomtebeozi wa ke UTYA LWA heai Xoea abu zanga MDravi, ku vule u Nkoez. Liziwe Toiae .bali H. I Pri ucip.. l, II Mo u A. F. ..ok u"l'avanya it.ikolo t.enteapo. E buvuDyelwe yi Kaniele ya lapa, wllee MODti. U Mou Matyilo wa'e Graot , M.A., WeDt.e !OkLo yokwam­ Grey Bo,pital ogombla we U lIa July ekute kulupi oje Ylcela u mtet o WD' Macubeoi u og!'oe e Weaile k wiailr. u. 80 leI" abafoodi k~akODa, ate ebtoqwo!· kub'nb'e u Mnn , L aw reoce Nunzan .. kuba k u baojelwe ne gwele Ie mbala, ndla Mnu . D. K . Manual. Umku. Dela uknbooa nbu60 obuttba obunloti. wale PeeltOIl. I lahiekelwa kak ulll te il.ity. -:r.opu lwe. I _Advi80ry Board hlane OlDinzi pakati komzi, abaoto Ute Ie klaei abafuodl mabakumbule, ity.like yue Dipeode kubl ebelieekelll itabatele emagxeni ayo ukuba ku abloiozi bale Ie, eei bul elayo ukoOOol ide lilioge .okuqooda ultuba abantu elipambili 10 mfundiai eoempembelelo vunyelwe igqoogo. Kwiminyaka em­ aba bepakamile: aba Numz E. N. abanteuodu baollko oa ukunyaoil8ka, eokul u c bandl&o L Sivuya u kwa . bllwa edlulileyo eli cebo ali u oge Baba Mahluhhaoa, R. Mavata ku oye bat.iogiee kwioto abayeozayo ezifu­ mkllla pakati k wetu u Mo u. O. Ilmke lwc og.b. aili. I-Kao8ele yooa 0 1,1 N koek. " Jimmy " Mogcete. ndweni et.ipak.mileyo. Umpatlawa­ Pember wa @e Bbai ozokntabata loda­ ifu na okooyanzeliaa inkaoti t. ayD, Kundnluke i motor car ez; ioe ukuya Mluodo ucde ogeluogu Ie Pillamente wo yetitahala Y!e itatu eyongeziweJo eO l\: afunwa mpela-mpel .. ogu mt. i. kwi receptioo yo Moo.. 1,11,1 Nk08k. L. lalapa ukuba atunyelwe logzelo yale a pa e Bigher Mi.ion Scbool ugllollia K .. i veld ed lnlileJo, k wi aikolo lI aee Mtimkulu e Lady .F rere. U Mo u. n . l la" ngokupatelele kWI "aqubela, uta­ yoll oo.yu ka kw amanani abaot wana; Wel ile, kotele u Mn u. n acklaod .. a8e T. Mooa kw eyake I car waye kwele L. azelelo, iogqootio nokuya eZIb. lu!Di. ngo k u abaotwana beeieikolo (V 00 \'I ) Natala , ngeogot.i . yoku!ela utyalw. neotombi yakbe epakati u Nkon. Ute u Rolum eottl unyule i Kowiabooi Ii 123. U Mnu . P. Kopo oogumt ati beai Luogu nobeai Xosa, etolikelwa R oberta M1,1na , kweyo Mou, B. L. utaba.oje yokuqwalaeela nokwe nu welipe pa Doyi vice pre,ideol ye ogu Mon . R. Mn yakama. uliihlalo Mbetehe yayi Dgu MO ll. no NkDek. iogJ.:elo ngemf undo yabaotaundu 00' ' Gai ka' L . Teonie Club unduluke kw i· iogu Min. A. S. More wama Weeile . Gladetooe Pelem, MOll. no Nkoek. T. k uba u Rulumtote ayit abatele kuye veki epel il ~yo walinga koma Gcuwa, E m veni kwe oteLo yo OlnUID tan& 1o, Mk- utuka 1,1 1,1 Nkou. Stella Hethcott na lemfuodo. Ngoku qioieekile)"o Ie Keotani, Pes ha kwe Nciba rogo mee­ kupakanyiewe ivoti yo mbulelo, yaeo­ iqela labavumi be Merry Makera lali i laei Iy.kuba o g nm ~e ke l o-u k ub. bent.i wokuhlola it.ikolo. Si"l' uya uk u­ ng'4 a ugo w hobe. kwele kw i cbrY8le r eyayl qbu~ywa ogu abafuodl baquba. kakuble kwtlt.logo. va uk ub" u Mfa. S. D \\' Mq omo Ibloro endala yala pa eyaziwa ogo­ Mou . .. Wo rk " Mbeje iogaba Nuo;ll:. ngoma t. lfuowayo koba kulungil(l, ko· wama Methodi apa obelele ot.ima uba yi Komani brid ge, ichitiwe, N. T Klan, D. K. Maoual 00 Kho dwa ukllba baquba kakubi bayako. o'lokwapuka kwempilo e Mouot Co ke ngcoxa yobuxi ogwa bayo obubn banga Mama ; eyoku gqibela yayi yeyo Mnu . Dleela a baninzl. Maze 1.e baocede lIo! pi tal , uoobub'etele. U Mou. iogozi zoku gitana kwe moto. Ngo ~ u Malotaoa ilayiabc aba Nll mz . L Ted bugljoogi kupela il. iqo %abo , koko Edward Ngeei wue Bh.i ulap .. kwa­ kwa khiwl. umtyabulo opaogaleleyo, Marwanqa, W. Z. W. Mbali, O. D. bakangelele i ll ~we llipela. Watlho Dyana ogokuog" pill , u ioqweoela uku­ oyaku tata itu b ~ pambi kokuba ogqi. Beo M6loWi no J . D. Beo-Mazwi. Ult l utuoa amagtma amateba. U,e ba abnyele empi"""eoi ya ke ugoku ­ ty ..e . Ku maDywe ngeqbina lom t.bato iogxelo yenqubo ynioyanga zipelileyo kauleza o Mnu . H. M.aiza ofu ndiaa e Ki· apa., u MO ll Jamel Nget u Mn K:u le, 1,11,1 evela et.itiUb" ltloi :tale klfUi ogeotle Ngomhla we 13 kB July amaoene mbili, ubel u ndwendwe 10 Mou. no NkolZ. Maggie Nomemela Pukwaoa L. akulo, kodwa uyinqweoela ibeot le e kamplnl yabavumi ell ut""a y i "The N k ~@ k . J . Dalam ba. cauka ekaya. e wa'e Dyamala ongu maebenzi mdala ogapezulu nknyakupela kooyo.k ... Border Three" of E L. benze i conoert Tlorno, ' po azitye kbona ibol ide et.i walapa. Siba Dqweoele\a ubomi Dmo. oyaoo Lw(' otsana De dance ebeoempumclelo enku lu. zobulika . U Mnu' B. Gumede oogu 1,1b ude, De mpumelel1,1 . lO lloma yabo iyatembilD., oendlell Oll6benzi e Mont i, wenze owe nkawu, Kwi Cawa ed luliley1,1 kubeko i aocial Ngo Mvulo we 15 ka July ibiyi­ a babeta ngayo it. igodlo iyataDdeka. et.e ogemici mbi ye kb aya kuoye no kwi C. M Mallett Ball, ebi&e o"tiwa yi Dtlangaoi80 yonya ka ye Noo-European Amagama abo ngo MeB8 ee T. Paoyana Nomoode. Uye wa buya kwa Blca u All B1acke R.F C. Ibiyi mbuto yo­ Child Welfare :society eSt . Andrew8 (Maoager), T. Njokwaoa, A. Mazi ngi, Mlu. A. S. Mazwi apo ayi chite khooa kuqala eyeoziwa nge Cawa kule Bolo, H all iogu Mon . Hiokman el ihlalweoi. S. Nkune, A. Buya, F. SolomoD . Liqe­ ibolide. U Mnu. Wesley Bam obe ya yola og1,1kwenene, kuko imidlalo Kwiogxelo yake yooyaka u nobala I.. Ie Spriog Rose R .}o' .C. fu ndiea e Franabury, oyoko vula e y alo lonke uhlobo, neogoma ipet wa t.i uvak .. lile ioquOO entle ekuqaJekeni • Tlnl ra ku le kwata. U Mn u. R. P . Nq ami amanene ka!.i ata c1 ab eqo.qu- kooyaka, iotlangaoilo ne ciioici t. i­ B.fo Mak.Hm a wa ll p", ude "'II'35ifu­ baojl,a kakuble, ote kodwa ekuyeoi maoa ieikolo e Molteno apo eele fuodiaa zNeulam ot..e :r.;· ~;::! : :~~~~!~~ . MDO. C . Jimmyingaba e kupetweni kouyaka uiota t. iboniee Ezase Douglas kha na ogolr. n, kumeebeot.i ebe kuwo Daweti ukubuya um va , njeogDko ngeogx:e lo - - )"& H ealt h vititor Iblmana i,itabo. Kn­ (Non MSZU.WETI) ngenwe kuloDyo.lo Iwamagoea oDyaka U MNU. W. MFULO uququzelele i omhha Ualhtalo Re v_ J . Wood ; Ramente yue T. beuhi nkuba umncediBi ai hlalo Mn. C. Lever ; DO ' Olayibe neoto eyeozayo malonga 00- ndye bo G. Whitaker ; oobhala P_ M. kubamba komka Mva . T. h""ibaoa Ngeei (booke beoYDlwe ok ..etibloi ), neotaapo y ake, abanikwe ituba loku· kunye nekomiti yamaoeoekazi amblo· pomla ngoko ba nkeoenkene kWl'mpilo TRUCK BOYS. pe .. malAndato, Kot.e kwako6ka yoslpo. U Min. B. O. Cbat6eld we· L.WltUba lo knba k o.oyulwe ikomiti nze ir1teto f moandi yokumkotaza f! ogama luogn aogama 24 anttund u, nokumoqwenelela nbambo oluble. When p.. hing a trnck, look , o Si blato wenn amazwi odano olu · Nge Cawa, ogomhla we 30 June, kulu ngokuti kulontiaoganilo yo· kublaogene irameote zooke etyaJiiteoi oot for the man in front of nyaka babebabini kupela abantu yaae Tl hetehi uko.zakubllli.ea. u J evrou. ab.nt. undu • • baoomz. P. M. Ngeai no U NkolZ. Vivian Ramahloko Dvela you • .61 . O'C. Dingil ..a yo. Ngaloou uoyulo e Vry burg ofi lr..ile okozotata iodawo 1.l le komiti Iwarosilelwa intlanga. YD kuocedi!a celr.olweoi etei Xoea oilO elaodelayo, k way al~ lwa lamalu­ Med ium Scbool. Simnq wenelela impu. ngu ant.aundu mabiol ukuba eze Da· melelo emleoonzini wake. mag.ma a bantu .bavumayo ukutlgeoa U Mt.a . W. Ntahe oi , igosa IEcawa You may hurt kule ko mit i. ye blelo laee Topiya usiogi,e e Kuko .. mah omhum okuba ngomhla Ntaanhabane (P08tmuburg) nge ze we 3 ka Augwt ngo IIlgqibelo i 'Oalka' Lizwi. him. Teo oil Club Iyakudlalll> a p .. De Tennie S i ~a ukoba 0 Biehop Siehuba .. e­ , Clu b yaee Butterworth ; Belemak ul u blelo Ie Topiya ebeke wase Bakbuie a malungill6lelo e ~oc ill De dance oko­ (Douglas) ogeveki Ylillibioi ku J uly. nwabiaa iudwendwe ezo. Abalele paotei k uku gull 0!ll: u Nk08k. IDUanga ni~ o yo Manyaoo hrelihba- E . Hendriok8, no Mnu Nd laogiea BAQUBI NGOLOV ANE. I. t.edolopu Ie idibana apa e Higb,· r no Mn. Ma:;aogo ( Mamc wetbeJ. Aba · Millioo ~ c hGOl t oom ogolweei Blanu ba bioi balandelayo bokuqala baba· OI Ul.aYD , ~ Augult. Sh·. ultuba kuya. mbbeke nzima. Sicela ImitaDdazo l..wllot.iwa ingulo Dgabatunywa abe· et.iblotyeni. Xa nilyala iogolovaoe, kangelelaoi Umolu beye kwi ngquo gqulela Ylltitabala kwa I ntombazana ka Mva. B. Tlhlziba oa Qumbu. we hlelo IMe Tehetahi eg&ma liogu opamhi kweou. Okung3 B3nlu Maod , ipakeme emva kwetuba elide Si"I'Uyil1oa ngokopeJeJeyo 00 Mnu. igula. Ngu Mou. Hendricka eliOOoa O. O. Magobiane ingqonyela yodomo e6ka ukupalalela umkosi weokOllikati Cll uhle Iwe Bi!!: her MIMio n School apa, yake Ie igola ogokungatembitiyo. (ltlbate 00 NL.olt.. \'. MazYai, ot ittha­ Uvela k we IUt! Ta un g~ David Ninga menzakalisa. lakazi we BrowplMl Minion School. Ma goliani, umtana we Sec wa n .. Sibaoqweoelel3. indalo yolonwaOO ku­ Mediom School "Wapuke umlente be­ bom obutaba abaogene kobo. Ngo· dlala i Rugby. Ugqita uoebiee nku ba makatlillyel ..e e Hospital e Kimberley Siyawabulela amadodaoa amaknlu alomzi aogala. : Mnn . Brent (Soper. BAQHOBI KOLOVANE. ioteodeot Native Location!) Mill Sea banks Pharmacy, Cb. tfield, St. Martin'e Church, lita .booana 0& Divi8ioaal Co uncil oko· Ha Ie sbofa kolovaoe, hlokomela monna ea P.O. B.. 88, Dorhan, knba lomtana afuoelwe omandlalo (MAIL ORDER CH E MIST ) (bt:d ). Ugqira o.mtyelele oglmaze· ka pele ho lona. ah. atile. l udleko t.iya bllbhatalwa Bnala l,lcel~ ipapa lemi ti yetu yi Co und l • Umoge .... bo wtlododa endala t'nll;u IMBIZA YAMAKOSIKAZI Mfi . Abraham Malgal obemkulu ami bini. Si\'"nyisao.a (,0 Mno. H . T. T . Le ka mo ntsa kotsi. Um'.lti Deiuyo kubantu heai· Bidi, iOjZqooyela 1e Sec"'ana Medium fazaDa abahlalhya pDulo. :O:chool kooye ne Nkoek. M. Bidi • Iil&Oi 10 - oga polL ogoknlizwa og-eotombi. Balr.aogeleka I " ,-...... _..: bt>pilile 0 Nina nowtana. lJMT~T l ~ LI \VA nAN'ro, JOllANNI':Slluno. :'7'111 JULY, )033,

u Gqira Rubushe Nemfundo Wasindiswa E Boots & Shoes Umngcwabo ka Nkosi Kufeoi Inqubo Ye Bodi Speci.1 Purcbue of Mtiwake ka Sigonyela Isihlo Sase Zambesi (Nll\' \"l'l.1HtlLl:t. .. \\A!I. 'l'1!\IAU4) l io:NKOSI Ibhuhhe :n Ikomlnv.ka hnbo.lI. NYlltll.I·ldln-- yo Mlundl.1 Bankrupt Stock. BA~\' E h .... 11I btoblllU }Intdo kilo (l ugam ..hllml amane .uulb-hor.o A Dr. All'l; Il.ubu.be 8 ADD, (4S Jure) ilhi,a. Intnmhl y ••e I webll'llu Ie A M 1<:. Cburob aylloul \;;wl· KIWI Msqoowen l n.lwa kwa Msklll~lIke­ t,elike y ••e T.beLlhl ugobuluku :', J.:hhE'rlt.oo Terrsco. Me.. Boots dam. ukomllulu er.lllj:!lUnakwtlllkwII lIydf\ Park, bombl. Wt! I:, Jllly IIAWbl kW'flqol .. .m.hloi. Kuta k.II(\.ltoogonl ,oku. All Silf~' labapulapull I.'·NI, n, ~:II,:t;land, wa Irwa.yo iaimnka kun~a kuraaYtlyan. JuO(! I, 10;),j. From Ab;mtu .h"boko baoRe loojtqoodi (lr.uha ukufa kw"yo Ikuule njll Llll; o, Mpl~n CII'mborl,~l u '. (Pty) Ud., 16/6 iut.luuuu Yf'mCllmJo .yiolC8JX'd IIl-utt'!. uooko) y.ylmlqoko7.o .hlLutu ukula­ 2;)2. ~Ir L'lwry Kond. nlngoo. in~to y.yo yah. Ir:u(upi k'll'l kuloodillo lomhlko, k"lugali kumbltt. YUN! et.imbiul il'u.• Dltt'odlela I!hmge V.. p. Town, l:lou~h Afrll'a. kweOleldl ('ti.lblo kulllr.i "lin Ma. ~o· oRayo imfuudo uokwakl!k. komotu tcol AU amlduna all MUllltlni, B"z"lwIUl fl , yiyo ogokuujalo nlmalunRe!o ati ,fu· kwa Zulu. e LUI1l! u nakwllo NOOBU NY I ~ ubuluku kufu t'hlne Me., Shoe. maDeke kumntll on .. rufuodo. T.haoll:loll amane ukuquleka kwaoMltJ u ud.odl~(l lubambeol ku Mlo.mbo Nltu Mill. A. 8 NtlelUfoIt .. ow"'''''ogo leoto iliphupba, Ngcll LL qumlaya kuttl "(I Z·Lmbt-.I. Norl b(lrn Rhodelis,od •. "O~ 21{- libhlo OWlt\ emveol kokutl gqaba­ kubl ak.6blwlogo. ogolu u at..l!Joneltl fum.I.I" ulI\y.l~zo okaulllziloyo kwi Ilqaba .mll"lnl oltond'lfeodwe 1"001- ogllo (6 July) ... qo elelaoa Itlltwe ,ltutLy"a ~o Ntanodu rodlofl l~ ukubll ketela ku MIll. J Ham ukuba apo •• o~ombla .e I ·' July ukunkukapa ndlkl\ll"'.e odlye kumluogu wake POST FREE a mu"i ol",amkela ekute "'eou ama· owayft lifo.. umotln. oo~omlukul ...oa .. ekumk.ol ea.b With ble ugilkuocoma loto eotle ate u Oqlu Wlmllo Xoea. Zite ke ink.bl ogenkabl Ekubf'ul ndlham be o ~.itunywal ohD ' Rubulbe "'ayeou, n~kuti akaramaoa ..... M.tab ••eo i ""00,1"8 .. ulokoli. ku u mblni udldo ndaBka kalomntu OrJt'r 01 imroodo k"ili .. "e eli\,;ade ele 0.,0 Nkoei Mtutolteli k. Ndeli ouka ol.}·<) elele eluoanttini k"lodlu yah C. O. D. eoyo. M.nsi"a, Nk}li Bangalitah.blle 1.. Ndlte ndlkobon. ukupbefumla k"ako R Tlhettbi ogobu. bombla "e Moot.a,m. , NkOili Ouid N. k. C. ksbubluoltu, nokulloblela oll:".ku. li July amaluolu. Bodi abil. loUa· Mdiogi, NkOli Ayliff T,blloa .. Imuba mbul.la kudiboofl ookotabica oku. osaoito yom'li, ogokowucuell ogom'" leeawe bezimelw. ogab. Luog. t:. niolti, nda(IOnd", uk uba ogeoeoe tlu.­ beoli ab.te bawur('1a n. Council. Mdolomba, Saodblsn., \Jquqo, kotlblb.. kuba. I.ihedlel. _II kufupi hihlalo libaoj". ogo Mno . M. Ma .... i Oqam.ne. Uogew.tywe ke ogeok onr.~ yayi lub.mbe I.{'nhoku eliotlloo ()te emV'eoi koll oyival. lot.laogaoito e .. ukileyo kumpak.ti "";Vlte. U Mfu . oku,a kona. Ndlfuoa apa eogJ:O' ..acela a Mlo. A B Ntlemna oo,",u Mdolomba .aoele ukuyn'1I1a iOI(oOlO "eoi yam J.mayen de od.fuman. Nobbala we bodi okokuba acnele um d ••c ... a umnombe Duiulo 1(' 010011. ibotile ye "Sloan'. Llnimoot." Nd •. ogeodibe.no. U Nobbala uo .... ukoba Kute emveoi koko kw.tet. u Mfu y.lela abutu bl),e ukuba ba-nhlikihle i Kanlil. I;."akooa irola implhll Mqo 'io ioiko lomlo. KulikL .. e em. o~ e "Slna.n.·' uifuOelli oue mqnlo yok"aka komnto nglmny. ongomblali ogn.abeoi k.avunyw. ellka Ntelkana, ookutl bamgoioe egquoy"e ogeogubo "al.p6 ngolublobo. Imp.hla yelbuml k"st~ta imbeo!!i yetlz ..e lot() k. S. E. DlI:alo lonh ilf'lha Ngoeuku olull' LADIES SHOES from 1616, leponti .ogatl umotu a,iblaulele kanei· Mqayi ; k .. apauleh nokuba imbboogl Ildfll.yo • nd.odi .imk. odaodio!!: •. ooi, kOO ... ixelba leotl.ulo If'yolin!!:". Ie iyamazi umB b,• .,bunt"aneni t.ho uku tlllo ndobuye odiyibeoe londo. gqiti k"iminy.lta emibl.ou iog.f•. da, ndlkoll"e ukuba lodlela yoko. z waog.. Impapla ,am.. hllml ama· . T I mllndi ... ",i'l(ll..o, kodwa od.m'nga. WOLF BROS., bioi epooti iogadluli lotleulo yayo kudade "abo oloodl,a e op ya uodu· n,wa xa ndimbonl eodibambela emva Inriabomi lemioy.ka. K ••kooa u lnke ogobnluku bombla we 18 July u k.evekl er.lotatu epile qete o.n k ••. 44 5t G•• r,. 5" CAPE TOWN. Nobbala ovakaliee niodawo. I odlo Mou J . B. Rabaoa uku.ioga e Fort. ku qOlldakal. uaati obuya e1.ul80i )eyo Iy.k ... ki .... k"io.la la,e Xaba; aare apo afonda kona. Em.,.. kok u· LeodOOa yeoye yamadoda .maoiOli yobilia i.elnol;el"eni Ie g.oaile de cit. ibolide ""bo emakaya aLbalola k.elo I... Ceotr.1 Ald"a .waoord •• ifu."e nkubl.olel ..e; ofudukayo enga. uititlb.l. uile u.buye!1 k.awdko· "akulu kuku eebenzi .. eliye a lenu INKATAZO yifenog. okuyibbatala akanako o1.:u. I.eoi ubo: Aba Mou . D. S Petaoa Hluoge kUII'· l~. yitengiaa yoba lilila I.e Klolil. ; I (Bootrog), M. Mpoloogwana (St 0""01 ogokooyaoieek., k.OIile yorole .m.dogi o.m.plaoga M.ttbe ... ), \Y_ W. Jobo (Rafu) o.la kupela. M.kon. C. N. Solilo (Hum.o,dorp), HU:8EI.:T PaRCY 8UI:88111'O, ZE SIFUBA Kl1m cimb'''e baaad u Nobbal. ote, E. Tbu (Addo)_ Ngu Nko.k 0_ Owaye ngu Mluod!.i kufnubane, e ;Dguqulelo 0o.kwicala lemin,aka 10' Tyamt.ath... Me No,mera ol-ollUq.li •• SE' fu ls M ~i"o St.atioo, Pan. Evaogel. Z'PELISWA MS'~YA J.o. oba -omnlao. oogummi ...Iapa, ulJllltbent.1 k .. i,ikolo lite T.hrot,bL i",,,1 Muti,m"y S _·iot" Nortbero I Bontol ioced. m {oyao, klW) p.mb koknb•• beoel uD~lo lokuo.ge- ng'lkooj.lo o.b. Num". S. 0.0.0 Rhodeli •. sooke inkatuo r.o fuba, oko\""logt~ka ob",mbe iod."o k. Nllou. O. O'·ou D",. eli .baao,' ku.loo~b~" .be nogy.mmi It"a Tyulo opiodale e.kol_eni 00 kwe ~ifoba, ookobloll:ohlo 01l10111n a ... aps Llitu)\ t1rlga I ogapaotll we· M V" M b II uomkoblane, ukoblokoblo oloo.:.."ya. mioyaka emiblaou. nu ~Iog,.oto .lIe qa." "",one. Ezase Standerton "R"ki, u.bowboto. obuhloolto bam.­ U }If. J_ ~oljlo W"Ole amllwi oogpoele kWluttbala ute TnpJV. papo, oedoye iok.tlZo ze~ifoba oa. Okoyikatu. ,h, Ii ngokoo",om. Dg'-I Ngu ~oo. Ga~"od. wale W.lmer map.pu . h' .- T h' L f:\· IJ MI I-' ELI WA5.0SA) maodla um~ebenll nmble ete ya"eo.u. ("\:"on!!fZWe"• Ie .. a ..... ee ,t. 1(' " IOf'ne libbala Ii~iti 1.lig\lla lilifob. kuloo.yak. ukuI~ bo;,oula ,b.ntu_ i Xab. uoo. Ilkulo 'Lkulu kub. otlhb .. t.. SELK 01-: wa'i IIh "a yi Kaotele yala- okweveki nimbiei ohnye uatato. buo b .. hl.ou ukuqah •• ogaku DI!'0 p. U r>;ur ~ Ao~liut Chtlla .a'e Illolo Nab.olu July. rloer" ukul .... ablt yeytlibioi nlj;ok:u Ku .... b"lomvuk"ll d., akooynloke_ Umtamo omnye tll'e Boutol.amli I'da, Impt.wu zokub. i Tin.ra nalo liyi. Ngu Mou J. H!tt.;"oi ovoku\ ",,,lap.. u~ing" kwele mbokotwe Ka"!1tla b"'lhlat. oianddlYo} leokonlt? b~oziwe ogu m,bumayt'li (Llcbtt'oburlll apo ayokuvelala iotombi Bocwa .a,e We8ile. Iokoozo y Yllk-e. Uyichlta kUmaJ:"go ape i holi. "BORSTOL" mgc .. abo Yf'otiwe ogo M.lu. J. N . dayi Yllke u Mnu ReutJeo Ngob~., To!.aoa w.t-olelwa ngo Mvang~1i K ufundLII- e Ne ..cutle. Udlule apl U J Modllyi Zlpome looke imvab l \1ou, G.mede oyiogqonyel" 181lkolo "PAIHIHE " INFLAr.1MATION OlL ogemv.ba· It'mao)'IH.o zamanLoa ",kwa oj'.o e Platraud ukulioga It lyn. 10 V .. ho,\I .. I. ba kuJll l~'" ,k,l· 0 ~. Vge Biza P",k.mile Madaki e Bok.burg apa bt, • .\iou Ab • .,!om Sibi.i walapa 00 N . on. pooIl 3/-. benlte umtti weok ...o ollomoimbi Agoel Sthili ..ale Rautini. Udlule Bell\h Med,ciOll Com, ..lh·, Ch~lI>;.lII. i okaulezi!eyo. Ukwele Dgobuauku be apllo u Mou no Nkoek. C Zilwaoa Ad~lai,I'·. C.I'_ 14 July u Mou A M. W. Lupood ... o. b ..e Wakkefltroom ukuliogs e Rauti· 1:;17_1 ukoaing. e KOr8 ten .Pl) afuodi .. kona. oi. Uyiobita kubluJi bike e Joub6rt. U.ukabile umkuhl.oe u Nkoek. Kop u Mou W Mbhele oluodi,a e Brakpao. 0 Mou. X,b. olondiaa 0 Mitba M.joll. emveoi kokuba •• ye· Pa,udekop Uzokuvelel. abaz"i bake Am'hfoort uYlkuval. k"er.ayo i "ot. Blue lei. iqel. leveki OIiz .. e og<.l otombi u Nkoek. S J Ntyingila oyioko.ikni e a.rriamith k"iaikolo siyi Baatu o Mou. no Nkoak. A. Kohe b .. lr.wa yo Mfu. E. Ntingill\ wale Vryheid. Uni~d. U Nltollt. JMlie .MokgotiJf' Tyuln kwioYlnga epeliloyo .lvuyi18olt. 11g,lell"ke Ir.wepbeJileyo u Mou _Oeo rge ube nenhnlr. ••oa ku bauli .pe evel!> kakulu oabo. Ng"pambili kakulu T.babalala ofundi.a e Ge rmi.tO Ll ezo· e Springe_ U Mou . no Nko.k. Albert Gillettes am.longi8e)o e konlati ya&ll Tlbet.flhl kuh lola aba""li. Uyiohitela apa i Twa!" balizwe ngenkwenk-we o~omhla ogomhl. we Ii Auguat. Ngu Muu . bolideyi y.ke u NkolZ. B. V. S. ....0. 10 koyo Itl oyaog.. 0 NkOlz. 3/. Ipakell ,61111 10 IncIlI.uba J_ H. Nyati w&le Veeplaatl ojL ke kWII- Mboogwe Oia Allerton ngent&eben-zo, O"tberioe Nkut. uyokuela ODlOY" e YIYO YEZIGOYO ZE GILL ETTE pelileyo iveki ukupindela emeebeo .. ini kwano Nko.k. L. J . Radebe w•• e Durban. U Mno . Moloi a.lnae e w.ke ..ok ufundiaa kon.. Kal/ucla kurnhlaa ola"de/ayo Spriog. k"epheli leyo jqeki.

~~~~~~--==~==~~~==~~------TSHAYA I OFFlOERS' MESS OIGAllETTES ­ UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 271"0 JULY, 1935. Iziganeko Zakwa Gompo Ezase Somaseti Pesheya Kwe Nciba ---- Ezaku Isolo Semisebenzi Vase Makaya INGQELL yak",a Ncjoli iOXlomeJe Isikolo ukulaula oomiublaoe pakati It"'a Nc.ow ... Kc,,, .... EKlTULWENt k",ezikolo Zall('ma · I nyanga Uk.o'6Ia ~ Goli. U Nkcet. baotu u)'a upakama ogokupakama. BAQALI~E abantu uku'luoa ogati khaya ogo &I"ulo "'6 ca",a edluh· L,t,,,,e To,ae oYlotomb, eoLuiu ka U Mou. J. Oliphaot oguye umotu kubl Itn'uuo zitw.I"'a ogeotlok leyo, ineot'kui eJitb,le elimblope NltOlk.. Maria Toiee uelog' kwa ooobul"'t'I"'e f'mpil",eoi kwaye lelene· -akuyi tileyi Djeolla. .e mI01.keo~ etime-Ie 1,1 Rulumf'ote we&ebe Ie Mhllldo KOlllao, kwinwa edluhleyo, apho ];uha e-tibika oon ahamba bambayo ngaon yokuog. biko kokudla. ~ we Poodo lall!! Kapa, libambf!le oti. afumro' indawo yokuluodisa. Impilo I pakati iwm:1;i epa Itue.dle ukuba uya baoye bagqibela akwiodl. oko\ hbala betikolo talap" f'zitbathu, y~ Mou. E. Ruba Maliza, ongumhloli ~ui. kakulll. Sioolizi ukuvak.ahaa. ema.im,ni. Sebeqalile .baoye ukot.e~ Metbodilt, Rabe oe Tlbatabi oP;I!!ojo, z,kolo ayigioyi@i matbe kIt,ogaogokuba ~kuba II Niou M ISocilbe oogumfu. Dga um.bboo. ezivtokileni, kati kat· ngo zokwenu amaluop:iaelelo okugqi. unya~~('leke okokuba ata.bate i "aick odiei ot8'lopO apa kwa Nojoli akabuya· kulioy"'. koba kuyioio.. I l ela mayelaoa oomkoodo ekozakuba· leave eo.gaogeoy.og.. U Mou. oa:a ukuvel. tzibolideoi uke e Steytler­ U~avuta. umOI.I) "'e teoes" nko. ojw. o~a",okwi,kolotlitaha.e Dome· ~otcalfMahz~ ofuo?~e~ort HnT(' ~Iyi- ville apo tlic:itele kooa ngeoxeoi ~'e Iweol '0 Limo ae Bhuogl, a,ezi &tic ScieoC(\ fOIi'ikankanye kwioqako cite apa kuyleeknl Ibohde yobuuk.. fin" .. mhlaRele kooa kodwu aioetamba balula lamaoeueiazi kulollldillo letulokugqibel. kulomblati. Belipbele. U Nkoez. Evel~'oa Voyo Kawa wa1apa, lokuba u Mamfene 10 wohle ayikabe Makosk. J.N. Mji, C. B. Mai Mlkon k .. a ogu Nkolk. W.ddell, iokoeik.ti oyokunda kW I Bkolo 8alle Adelaide Ie 6\-a NRomhl. we IG Jooe u Mnu. N. Mbalaoe, W. Magoma, N. 'Pot",aoa' yogqira wodumo Iw.lapa, eaekomitini kule kwata. 0 Nk.oez. Mt~wo .wale S. N. Mguba 00 J. MtSlllwaoa 00 Mali N. Mji, R. Njikel., E. Sil ulll b' ye National Couooilof Wow eo, Ngqu@hwauvulekwlDolucstlCScleooe babele Bu/fellooteio og~Zl' van~eli Gobioduko, E.. yapi H. N~apa: Abanlu Nenlo Zabo School apba, kule kwat.. b"buya beoft:alibeli um86beoti omble J. ~golomhaue llitahlia yolimo uks U Mou. M. Dibella uoduluke ogo • k oa. IJ Mou. ~. N. Mguba DO ""atl gxa.da. e FlagataJf eallol ..eoi Mgqihelo we cawa edluliJeyo ukuliop:a E K Noripula bami~e i bakaoa etimbini lolimo ubuy. epil. U Mhhloj ... 10 ekbayaeNgowazi ogobamhelo;oyaku- apa kll Rulumeote ogowbla we IS July uocoma ububele obooj;!a tetekiyo dlulele o.le Bb.i apho .y.kuyiqolbe- hatioge e Kobonqaba ogom!lebeozi beoto zo Nd.m ••e J. ClfTl,;. Mou Iii. kon. ililu yathe. 0 Mou. Simon N GO"HLA.... we,- • wemlyo. k uga ' ele • e wabo Nworipulo. U Nkoer., Njokweoi Mgudlwa,. B. 1Ila.~ter, P. Yak.o, ti~ Saleoi wue .. Woodlei,h" 'Df... o Nk:01 k-'. FI orence IV . H . N qale ...I ,,~e I!.lluebw. (be iundwMdwe loka hb.l. SlD:I"Oto oam.kosihti abo t .. ica.... epbelileyo o.ye ukuliog. o~el. etlbeleol k",a Komaoi ute ku rt 01,1 XYObl "Im~ Tiyopiy. uyibambe o· b.o~e. Aba booi.i 10 limo bab ekhaya e liei LaUdl, oy.kuaiog' II ndof. Daye ek.ogt!lek. tsempilweoi esinge e Rioi ngombl. we 19 July beo~a lotaokwana uioe ap. eekolwroi Kom.ni ukupom •• pbo, .buye emt"eoi el1tle. Apa e oitiebioi odipaule .b~ ttiy. kuvul. iliaolo kooa eaipaoh' 11.0 110 hmo bet kuhlniy",a. Umbl... e L:wubumileoteuku. UHoo Lepoleea ababe mputumile W. G. Mlambiaa Mougameli 0 J.oquel ",.ma MetbodL 13 ~uly, a.u80ze olibaleke twab.beko wodumo oloh!e Iwate Bloemfoutein. A R ..Yeoao •• S. S. T.hwete, S. S: Ngomhla we I !) Joly kuodoloke iqela eodlb.oeol yokovoyi •• o. 00 Mou ole Fnrt B .re tw.kooa ogemfuodo, Nkookl, B. Ngaba, W. Dyubao. I,bactw.oa beaio.la yue Nxokwebe Arcbibald Jord.n opumelele I B A. ~ eml""eoi kokucita.iholide [email protected]. L. T. Peziu oe nkosi yak".kcl. '0 J. RO:lo, A. Ndubela, M. Peta 00 V: Fort a.re. hiteti yab. t.ezi F.ther eluodweod .. e )0 Moo . 00 Nkolk. Tlohohe waite Mtw.ku. U Mlu. W. Ram ..y, Father C.U ....y. Ab.oomz. K uneoe, ubufele kWlWla Fort Rare. • T.otlObe weozll oweok.wu e Goldeo Kuogoaiti oluko lu ukuv.kali.. V II T ...M.dala, Mh!oli ..e Zikolo, G. B. U Nkolk. D. Rathebeo, 00 Nkon. P. u k ongapili Iro Mou. N",,,,, obe a... ey,. ogomL .b l.I weS·L 1 7 Jolyh leba wako MJI, S. Mda, Tlolo, ooyiee ...10 rofao .. Vatlbobeui b.kbe b.blmbek. n,oko. pa ... I .. omz, o. , .. e aett e 00 Moo . ngumaebeozi apa edolopioi ko matr"i C M X M bl h . N ~wa.ku dityeo",e og.ye owattho kwa. :salia.yo u,olo mkbublaoe, lowokn,qi.'u:eaba , , emioyaka. eliqel. edloleyo, 10 . . -.. . ab· uta .n.d I w.se xoba. Slia. K "'atetw. intet.o ezipak.mileyo bela o.ngokuaibh.l.yo ul.xomile mfo kuv.kal. uk ba lelede w.b. Ie ete ogemlolm I apa e ° opioi kwepeli­ w.apeodola 0 Archie ogeotew ehlln.e- ameblo omkuhlaoe w.kbe. No Mou. h . . leyo. 8;00voyo okwaziea ogo Nkoaz. oa pitlh ogaoxa yoiutambek. II. we- L M 1r.I1~.yo oef uodia.yo. K ... t.oo ... tyi .... A. Roeeell Mholek,,_ io,qDDye). ., ke S . . x.otwa o:Jgumfuodiei ohlpo kwa k:uJlkw.. Ababelr.o : F.ther o.U ....y mabhalloe yue Weet Bank Locatioo mplok ya. imuqweoelela. okuba H a I It I 1,1 k Ub I ubuya 6"Dobubetele oltu- ap. ame u Maimao,o 10. itiblobo %Ike I I·.· Father Rama.y, Mu_ . 00 NkOlk: Office olalis",e o,nmlr.oblane itob. k b 'Ie ~ e I 01 L yeoy.ogl eziot.tu. Uodo- wm om ola kwizikuo,o Z&1:O. I k I N , S· . A. Ma bandl., Mou. DO Nkoek. 1. eling.pezulu kwecawa ezimbini ngoko- 0 l eu .. oe. I%lnl nomzukolw.na. Mad.la, Moo . 00 Nkoek:. 110gceke. ozima ; oga)oxeeba ob.ojelwe ogu Joly. lnkonzo w oke zalomioi i; ,pa.otei w.ke u M. Sinoi ulr.oaioga. e Bh.;. Moo. 00 r.; koak. Du.o. Moo 00 Moo. O. C. C. Dotw.oa we .Eaet Baok koloogamelo 10 Mlu . D. S. W. Ndubela. lqel a Ie Tigen Rugby Football Club Nkoe~. Ngoma, Moo. Jord.n Nkon. Locatioo Office. U Mou. Laytoo Z. kote ekopumeoi komt.eodele ko lowo ~iya pitir.ehl tipractiti 7.okoluogiaelela N. MJI, B.numr;. Gqadu, Mpambani. Mtobi oaye uleleozim. yicelini. U alimila ahwho amadod.n. ak",. I teaml ez06 k. ap. oge holide yomhla P. Mbewaoa, J . D. Mj i M,..mbo S Nk08r;. L. G. Njikel.oa, M.ko,k. Bella ~?IIl . isixeko e&.h?m.yel.. Iyaqa1i.a we 5 August. Ibiyingxikela yomte­ Sibangel. O. Xaba, N'koak: . J . Xak.­ J.ji, E. 8. Njikelana 00 Mou. G. W. laloodl y.heroodisl b.1e Wesile kuvek.i odeleko wama Welile ogomhla we 14. Moo. S . Md., Sister Jord.o. Leodi­ ,lamel. babuye 080mhla we 7 kola- e%lyo ogombla we 7 Auguet e Tin.ra. (Kangt.lo kumhlati wuibini) b ~ DO y.yiae St. Cotbberu.


IJ keke oa khohlisoa ba u reka lieta tse nang Ie "Iiiso e. Lieta tse lokileng. Ha u bona lets'oao lena seeteng u tsebe hore seeta seo se lokile. Hobane se thata, setla qhoba nako e lelele, se boloka chelele ea hao. Lell'oao lena hale behoe seeteng so sa liang: marena amaholo a mekoli a boletse joalo. Ha mOlhe a u rekisella Iieta talima pele bore lell'oao leteng. Hana ho reka Iieta Ise senang lI'ireletso. Seeta sa Mekoti "Seeta senang Ie Lets' oao la 'Nete. UMTIi:TELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 27TII JULY, 1933. - -- . Ezase Holy Rood Endhlozane I Nkomfa ye r. T.A. e Tutura -- -- IDABUKILE ".lnll11 ogokufa 1..0 LOMUUTO we Tiwhala tal" Tra.nlkei S mfo".,tu II a_bri.,! Mavulo IIldo­ udibeue ngombla we 24 June, dana eneaoe k. MOll. D loie! Mavl,llo wongloyelwe ngo Muu. J . Muyani umaki om\:oll1. Uli,hiy., DAolw., eplbl.c ogamlbilitaoi Ike, S. P. SiDe ogombla ka :!7 Jone em .. kn Ngculu, E. 0 . Ndandaai, S. N. dio. ogakoke ogeou yokuba ~ODktI Nin~itl, a. M. Ngun, e. 0 Mpablwl, lingeo" ,ikati la oeli,il. kakulu Impe­ S Mp,hlwl, T . D. Sidziy. 00 Tboo, l. eeibhedhleh" ukub. baai vuma1., Np;ou. eize aimtate uge Souto aikululeldle InLet.o ka Moogameli Ibi yccingit.yn lIOoke tina .b6 kubo. Kuts ke use iye oingiwe futi iozu lu ioomfuudllO Sooto ."ye eamtata 'Imuyi.a ekaye kloj~lo yabolelwa lIoyange I. Ie nUa· lake e Sophia Towll 1. abe bde ebl.la u8&.OI&o u Mou. a. Swa.art Booi into kona cote lelm kooa DO muoye II cuyihleli pantai idll Imaudla Iyo mvaogeli we 800to lakiti e ~h~rob of y ..eke"ra yiododaol elMta. ngobuble Province etooyelwe umfuodll' oll;oba elilweni u Mon. Theo. Nguu. - yeoa ogn"","" eogtl oa80 ilik.~i O,ibl,lo nke wayimi'l iotllnglui,o IllflnIa YOID.ebenli koo& MO~t..~OI. Ylke imiluzwlnl etile i.edlmile nge· 0:11 yoilulben];iewl paklti kWlYo AbuiogaU be,i dumbu bel' kip. TilE S"~N~KAL llH,\XCH {'HOIH. aodblioi aba faoa batobo banke eka· inl.likl ya lenUa.agluillO u Mou . L. W. ya ojengoba pela 0 Mavuso yena 10. Ma.in oog&.8&koyo ao Mnn . Alfred Willll'·r.! of ;\Ioroka:~ Cup. I!I:H. Madotyeoi. Ngembalel.aoo netiuye ali ebiyile iyooa bu. yetu ku S",.ZI Back ro\\ '-L. Maklwmn, \lhS :\[ MOf' t,. S , PIlf'rn, :\It.:; 11. ('hO.,"II, 1-'. in~lang,oilo zetitablla ozi plkatl kwe Male Voice Choir. Motsiclon, M'-K K l\Iollgo lnki, :\ Xtjekf'ln, Mi, K E . Ntimll Second r UII Noiba no·Mzimkulu, iliodelwe imioi A. Mnkoko, i\h!18 P.l\lllkhl' oo n, T. Lepntl, 1\11><8 H. Mnuwzllnn :-; Rooi llJ>\S o ekuYlkon kughlboke etingqoodweni K Mor()wi, P. Nt.hatisi .•J l""tholn. Hittiug._ .\ Mnkoko, ,J, ':\Inun;l:uu, Ie tiltblll etikwi Tran,kei.n Terri. "'li~~' J. Makbcwn, 'hHS, M. l.A·phokon,!(), H . l.olxmn (l'ollductor), i\lju :\1. ReJlillllla. tories tieondelelaoe teOIe inUlosanillO A. Hawlltho (chaIrman), :\h~!i So AIntlolaue, 11 L\lbl ~1 (8e.cretary). Fl ont Umao)'aoo OIukhulu enye eyi Ooited Trla,lteilo Territorial ro w. - '11.~9 J :'oloting()(', :\li"~ K K~ lllmh'_ Native Teacher'l Coofereooe nku!ukl Lwesizwe e &himkuln uiloYI komi nge Noiba. Siyambolell u Mou . B. Monlkali Imvuselelo yama Tempile Lt.mt. gort. t.bt.zili benene t.ye agale. i~iuball eokolu y&HI Tutorl Minion leb k.ab.nlnd ababeko lingabalul. albaucedi.i bake u Mou. PIP" 00 E Bisdolopu ,ba Bro. Maeogane (ntambo'dalt. bde MANYANO oluk- lweeitwe, beln· Nkon. Mgodiwi nlbanye oglmllo­ ~mqongqota) F. Oxoyiy, (ik.lnge U hllnleoe e Oermiston nge 19th ngilelelo nixbllo. NOEMVUM E nobubele ob.ubuleleh- lakw. al'a), Bro. Ren. Muwi (n Jone, Iblfuadiei ab.vell kuyo yonke _0- yo bo Mfo. P. S. Mbete (circuit 81Hnbekangele), Bros. Z.eni no ioda..o blbe kana, ,blbe ogekbo be· mioieter) nego.. like I.. e kb.ya Ipl u Tutli. Lite eliqell Ilkofika, Ylthi tomele ilioewldi tokozi bikl ukoba· Isaziso Esibal ulekileyo Mou. E. 1. Meko Imatempile ale ougona imvnla iziogile ngokonlml_ mbeka k.lbo. nokuthi blnlthi nabo kbaya.pI.be neOlvueelelo enkulo kwe­ ndla, llteho Ilyifudomeza inkoDUl.

BUY Reka Phofo enang Ie lets'oao IIINKOSI BRAND" la Mealie Meal " NKOSI." BECAUSE· • - \~ It ia more eaeily dige8tOO and contain. mooh more nutriment Ke phofo e jebaog hi monate 8 nleang motbo math~ 'meleng HEALIEMEAl ho fetl pbofo tole liog kaolela t.8eo a ka Ii relllng. tha~ the ordinary Mealie meal you buy. -.- ...• .... ·'·.. .. 0 •• It i. packed io bage of l SOIb., 100 lb., 50 lb., 25 lb., 10 lb. UNION , lC~ '1 Hil l ~ l' E fumlneba likheteaoeng tEo boirnl bo 180 lb•. , 100 Ibe., , ...... _..... "" ." - 50 Ibl., 25 Ibe., 10 Ibe. Ie 61be. and 6 lb...... -'

Ooce you have tried If yourHrador doea not atock it, 18k bim to .rite to; Haag (ell ba 0 ka leka "INKOSI".e are Union Flour Mills, Ltd., pho(o eOI ea "Inkoei," anre you will use no re 0 tiiBetaa hore 0 ke otber. P.o. Box 393, JohaDDesburg ke 080 hlola 0 Bebe1iaa for aupplio&. engoo. It i. truly the KiD, of Meal •. We do not supply direct. Ehlile ke eona Morena 0. Ii piolo.

TSHA YA I OFFICERS' MESS OIGARE'l"rES Hi UMTETELI WA BANTO, JOHANNESBURG, 27'rB JULY, 1935. • Tsa Excelsior Ketelo ea Morena S, H. Tsa Libeng Sa Likubu Molapo Ganteng A 100 9 July Cannon Mochoohoko Ie K Sub-DeaooD Piteo (W iobnr ~) Ie Rea te'epa boble kaofela ba tla tba. ba bang bOo ne ba tlile ka motokara bOo bo utloa hore Morena Sekhonyana bo tmiea maoyalo pakeng tea Mr. Blaaoa Mol.po 0 teng koaoo Lejoe. Likolo Tsa Motse Li Butsoe Meehael Mokooe Ie Mi se Jael Tbamane lepoteoa. Eka eo mor'a Molapo 0 Ie Mr. Mateabela Ie Mi as M. Maeakane. tlile bo tla kopana Ie moholoalle oa (KE MONGOLLI OA RONA) Au Mra Tbinane 0 etehce ke morali hae aleng Habolaooe RIMoa Molapo ka !itaba tie teng tsa bolulo ba LeIO. 00. boo e mobolo, e mooyenyaneeeoa 0 LIKOLO t9a motee Ii buteoo ka di ---,-,..------::-:--- tho. Re mo lakaletaa phomolo e ntle 23 Phnpu, bana ha. ha eBO finyelle bootee Whites. Eka Sub· Deacon Tleru 0 nkile pbomolo ea beke t ee leatong laoa la hae hofiblela a hoela hanlla boba aka hoja boogata ba bona Tsa Phiritona bae Ta'oana-Mabalane. Rea h'ep!lo. tbaro, 0 ea ile baneog Marquard. Ell. bo Ita ta'oeroe ke bo kotu!a. Ntbo e Mehoalle ea moreoa ao e tla tlul»., thabieaog ho bateo81i, litichere Ie bana 80 Mr. LlZarue Hlahane, moana Ie timeteeng ka 10. 15 July ke molo Wm. Malia 00. ha ' Maaepala, a sa ka a kula, babolo bo utloa hore 0 teng Ie h ~i a ate ka bo utloa hora blablobo ea Std. I V mafumahali a bona, ba ila Brak­ ka leeto la lekbota'oaoyaoe hakulo. e liatieog taa Ntlo-kbolo, Maogaoog. pao ho ea booa mora aa kulang babo· a o'a ile moeabetsiog ka la maobane. Ho bilo Ie mokete 00. 8&18110 kera· 10. Taa morao Ii bolela hore mora eo o eiBe moblolobali Ie mosbanyane. 0 bolokiloe ke Rev_ Moteieloa (D.&'C.) koog aa Topia ka di 21 Phupo, moao· o timetae. Mahlomola ke bobane 0 8Io,llog" hilo 'ttl Ntlonu, h ilo Ie betelo t8amaieoa ka Rav. P_ Kheea, na a ell. taoa nyala ; okabla. ka re 0 Matlo a rekiaetaoang rente ka baka Oni, lokatazo ze Sinyl. mookameli ; 8alallo eo. Moreoa eo. ata­ kane marerong oa leoyalo a ee a nhe 10. ho labloa ke beng ba ona a tla ea meloa ke ba baogata. J efroo Elizabeth a la bolutu. Re lIa Ie nUo ea Hlahane booa k,ljeno. Baele batho ba bang be. KUTENI UBUlALEKA? Khasa 0 khutlile Natala moo a neng a ka tablebelo e kana· kana. oe biro bltsitsoe (Iommooed) ka molao UMUHI ZA WAMAKAMBI. ila ke. morero 00. kerake. Re leboha ho bona Mr_ Jacob bo botsa Ie bo ba ,obela nako eo bOo Motsepe a teobila liphateog, feala eka MELCIN, Umhlambululi _e Gnl Dill • • KI\ di 16 Phupu ka phirimaoa ntlo h'oaoetaeng hD lela ka eooa, bOo baog ndla apindwtl ka Bini, no,anga 10btt.~o Ie eo. Holo e oe e tlet8e bauDa Je mafu· ha a ello thu9ahe bantla, ehila 0 pala­ ke Iikboeli tee t&'eleteeng. Mokbo· Hlonze, i.gazi. i·Sinyi A.nianl; Aneoiile,0, mabali. Morero 00. piteo eo a ue e Ie me koloi ea mollo bo eo. Lejoeleputsoa hlaoe 0 robalitee batho ba baogato. hllonda f.o·M.lambo, 10.l<_eto, Uku.klli. ho amobela raporoto aa taba tea thi­ bo ea bona bo nkhekbe ba teog. Mr. moheoll ona. Ndr.i.m8, Amatumba, UmqaJa obu 1II\1.11gt1 Ariel Khathe Ie eella 0 ee a hloka boo i. Kumatiaeoe, Umcito Olle T,efu, Amahl.: telo ea joala. Liboi ebite tiohere Mr. Bo "Umteteli" oa 20 July ebile ka. ba, \lieu Dumh-. ulru Vuz.a. IuJooda ed E. K. Nblapo, a tlahiteoe ke Rev. phelo bo hloekilanlj: ; 0 paJame Ie cena phOBO horo Mr _ A. Loeabe 0 ilo etaoa BOldhkayo. Ukub.odezeleka. Ubut.taka. J. S. Litheko. Banna ba Boroto, ke bo I['a Gaudeng. Eka a ka fela a bla­ operate Bloemfontein ; eeoa ke moro­ 1.[llyi esi Butatau II Tlbif!oeka; 6/6, 10/6 lIa bore Iibolokomane t ~e blauo ba lahla joa ke moea 00. teng a thuseha kapala. toaoa 00. Modderpoort, 00. ope rati o~ 21f· I _Melcin OiDtmellt 101allsa Aalaeapa. litulo ka hore eeohaba ee bolela bore ba Re soaba ho boJela bore bo tllDa Z. ObUI", Aroaqaleuva. Uknraolelt.. logo. ke Min J_ Malebo,o bile 0 khutlile. roballe: 1/9 ne 3/6.-Rightbou",,', Chemltt. ee 8a ba. batla. Ho Be ha inahela S. timela M08ebi Dipbara, mora e mo· Re leboha Molimo. 0 o'a felehalit80e ~ OpticlaWl, BOll: 6696. 11, Loveda, Shed, D. Chakaoe, 19oatiul Mbaco, TbOfl. nyenyaue oa Mr. Jobo Dipbare, among ke ausi oa hae Mu. Mokbaloaoe eo. J ob_nouburl/: . lMlnleko nllH! ..... Rapulane, R. A. Sallo Ie E. Molate_ oa malheo ea mohe ona. Eeala 8eba­ nyetsoeng Mangaong. \ Yillani ukullo ndibona ngamleebo ."e.Usa. Khetbo a tl. ba t eng baufi. kana a kola.. Ke ogoaoa oa nang a Ke Sondaha eeale ka Iialla, Mr. E. ratoa ke ntataa Ie ke motea ohle. E - Molate 0 n'a h'oete piho lebaieng 10. oa e la ngoaoa ell. ikokobelitlleog ell. hae. Eitee bona ka Sontaba ka nako hlooephaog b8tho ba babolo. eo. 5 manhiboea, patlalong ea molee, Likolo lia bnloa, re lebalet.ee masuoa NUTRINE makes Vigilance Committe aa ts'oara phu­ a neog e nkile maato ho eo. pbomola tbeho eo. Bechaba. Ho bile teog baeti bakaog he Iiog ho khntla vekoog ea All children strong baoa eleng Iibolokomano Mr. Joaeph h088sanc. Phetobo e till. b8 kbolo Leepile (MangallDg), la Mr. Samuel Sekolong sa Kopano hob.ne mesuoe e Maibi (SteynBruet). BaDDa ba. ilang maog ea khale 0 hamaile, ho tla ba and fit ba buoa e ne e Ie Meeere. Soga J _Skele, bacha litolong tsa booa. Eka komiti Simon Ndhlovu elita la bolokomane oa a leka ho fumaoa meSUO E; ea mang% • • • • because it is Good, Pure food_that Stayneruet, Hr. S. Ma ihi a pbahameog. Ba babile ho ba 1a builds solid bone, firm fleEb and great srhlopha lIa Boeopa (StandBfd VII) If :rou would like further strengtb tbe same way tbat natural Re hoa bolaltoa ke Mafomabateana sekolong seoa. Octobia Moblabana, Alrina MpotJe, Ie Mr. Mtembu, principal eo. sekolo particulars write to;­ feeding does. It can be wed witb,~or Jobanna Mollo bora Behlopha aa !ibioi sa Kopano 0 Ee a la teog ho t la loki. HIND BROS. & CO. LTD, instead of oaturaifooding and Nutrioe tee bit.Boaog Hungry Liona ee tla ba Ie Beha polo ea Sekolo. Rev. P. M. Umbilo, Natal. is made for All cbildren. mokata 00. lipina ka la 7 Pbato, kere­ Seitisbo 0 khutlile Newontle moo a keog elro Topilro. "Morning Star" ea Ileog a chakeu e ho bona bana ba hae, ' Mamababane e ntse lakatwa ka Tau Ie Rev. P. N. Salepe 0 kbotlile Botha. tAle lapileng ha Bolibeng-ba-Likubo. vila moo. neng a ile teng. Ke tba ba Mies Susanna Kenehiloe Moeket.i 0 ho bolela bore Mornti A. R. Pobo 0 kile a teamaea Ie 'm'ae bo aa Lekoa ea haotle bahhlo boblokong bo h'o­ eloDg la ntat'aa. BllUg bo nang bo mo ta'oere. Mr. J . Leepile oa 11aogauog ebile Ticbare J . Theepe 0 ea Parye ka moeti oa Rev. la Mra J . Tsunke. botichere, empa 0 ee a kenatse boruti ., Mn. Elizabeth E. Molate 0 khutlile karekeog ell. Methodist. Ventenborg Ie mora. Moruti A. D. Tlboloe Ie mofumshali • hr bammoko Ie Mr. A. M_ Chakane ba 'Mila Oa Main fihlile. Kereke eo. Fora e ile ea ba Reef et&etaa moket.e 0 moholo oa kamobelo. (KE s. S. M.) BAPALAMI ba dibaeaek.fle ba ba • palamallg boaigo ko ntle ga di. pone bOo ipatlela loeho ka bomo. Mo­ Tsa Ladybrand tho a pagf!. me hela lehibi a re a bo go eena mapodisi, a &eke a gopoll gore (KE DAVY. ISH. Mos.) tsela e e &0 naDg mapoJiei ka eone e hosbnla k8 gore leba u ka gatoa ka K A Sootahs, 7 Joly, bo bile Ie mo- dikoloi tee lBa bone tee di tabogaog kete 0 mobolo oa Selallo kerekeng bela di sa golegoa. kilo dipitae Ie ha ale ea D. R . k()' Saterataba. Mr. D. S. ka aepe-eleog hela ka mahura, @a. u Mphutlane 0 lie a Iota 'me ha ruta aka oa bonoa ke ope. U tla bona bOo Moruti J. Motairloa kemor'a bu. mtho a BeDa go gatoa ke motorokara a Eitea ha a qeta mofumabali oa hae a kokoanecoe ke bo&ele, eo mo gf!.tileng , u Mphutlane. AUBi Alina Ie 'm'a Manora tla robf'ga Ircogo klZotBa leoto ' me ga ba Marseille8_ u keke oa la reka. Ke raea Ie ba ibile Mr. Erna8t PhiteaDe, principal ea motho eo koloi ea gagoe ego gali'eog Fouriaahurg 0 kiJe a ba teng mona a a ka bonoa ga a kaka a noll. Ie molato fetela hac. Mr. Masuoa 0 taoa bOo ka gora go. U 00. 10booE'. Leba ele te0R: bau6nyanl' a tlile ka eetbutbothu cooe koloi ba dikgosi kgoha dikgo. Mr. A. L. Mokbathi 0 ntle a mem" lana Ii na Ie lipone ha coDe gole· batho bere a tlo ba oka Ii enap tsa dioa barle bOfigo. ThuBaog hrla ka ~le. dipona.

• UMTKTIi:LI \VA DANTU, JOBANNESBURO, 27TH JOLY, 19311. 11 ...,..----_...... :..:.-=. African National Children's Congress c hest trou bles

Nothullt ~trlkes fear mto a parent'~ heltt a, dO(' Om 1 h Il III a young child. Real dan~er of 1')';\.01 hfe: CJ[1$(S !)\l.IJ}; Pitso Ea Lekala La Johannesburg to pos\lhk PIlCUmOnlJ or chok'nJ;: from phlegm In th: Bron(;hlal Tube<; \~hi(;h causc~ fir~lly the ~kin, hp~, etc., tIl go bluc and later fn 'evere car.e~. death. MOORQdi 080 " Umttteli" 10 tllmo line, Ie bore ({' oa Moruti Any ordinary ,old ,an develop into Br onl;hjtj~. A~ ~o In MONOHALI,- Ka di 30 Juoe f'bile .Jawe8 Rim. f{'na a f~ tllf't fO kopo oa M the w nter oommcn(es the (ounlry I' IOv~ded by CI'I' piteo fOe I~kal" I" Boob. hela I. Prelidllot S. M loIalrg..tho ho Rev. demlC" of wlds, ~omcume1 called 'Flu, whl<:h alwa)'~ JtIW! Job,oouburR (Jobaoof',burg EUWofO E. Mdolomba Ie IoIr TLema. rl'C I(l hackm):; (ough~ and Mlmetim<'\ to Croup, 8ron(hlh~ Braoch). PitlO f'a bulo. ke roorarelli and Pneumonia. The IllJnn~r In whkh lhlldren are alf,· ... eJ IRev.) J .HI IS R aMO!>&Na, , II " 08 eeob8ba (~v . Jemel Ramoeeoa) Cb'pl,io , , . depcnd~ on the re\1\I3n,e of the 'h'ld', 1.0n~Ulution a~ \\oJl ka tbapelo Ie Ita mant.eoe a se makae Tranevul Alrioao Coogle ... GARI.! .\" ,,,,'~. a~ the virulence of the I'Jrucular infe'tion (;ontucted. mab.pa II! boemo ba ditaba hale· eh .. ba la ba·Afrik\ a fe: A re rode.· • • tRing '0" bo tlobile nlmane e l<,' na ta What GAR LEX IS kbaturu. ho taekllaooa lIamallO U BOO LOKELANO. GARlEX Ii Ule wmp<'uml Ull'lIct (If Gad,,. T~ "'.>n<...,ful rn""n, wh 11 ditaba ha leebaba.a ba·Afrika. MORO oa sekb coo" 0 biteoang 101" Garloc I'<",e,..::, of rounleraCtlng the gtrm ,n Cough. In..! .."h~r (..hc'l ,,,,ubiu h aa ems. molul"letnlo oa lekal. Mr. bttn known for many yean, tht slronll: n ~lUral lu lph ,<.I~ b"'ng ant"ep"c wh,~h ('Iueel 0 elsa bore rootbo II rate permeale Ihe enlire brealh"'g SY~lcm, Lung., Bronch,,11 Tube, ilnd brcJlh. D. Hlakudi, a begela pbutb~RO ka ha lijo. Batbe k" h'oaoelo bore motbo lensolo la Pruldeot. S M. M.ltsatbo, • tlebe bore t.bul.o ea bae e lokllo. CAR LEX has saved hundreds of children leo ka :ooa • kopaog hore alokiaetloe aa tbuilo e loki Ie u ka heba bo ja dipitao, II horl han a dlpittoog tMoa b,mon,tII Cbamb. rl.in'I Tablet, te. Immediately a child (":llteh" cold it

---ANNU AL--- SA

• ON"-




---- TSUBA OFFICERS' MESS CIGARETTES UM TETELI WA B ANTU, JOHANNES BORG, 27TH JULY, 1935. l' - Tsa Harrismith , Ho No Ho Felise Hloobo Tsa Alexandra ITowns hip E Bohloko Isoa 6hla. baufiuyane Rev S. L. O P. Moloi ho t8, a Joha.onesburg Hoba-- e MoqaJe Bonyenyaneng ka I !H k('H'ke ('0 a a hamsiBaDg ea Apo!tolw tho reh of S.,uth Africa. Ba Hae Mokhohlane 0 H o uti )allal .. bore hkolo Ii butaoe Tsa BothaviIle ka la 22 PLupu, lilicbere ke he Dcha, Monli a Mo Kenyetsa Kruuhen Tung S ape 8~ko l ollg 8a KopaDo ha r eo tiebe bore kOID,tj e ~ebeta a hfe. o DB 8itllO a bo utloiei ..... hore hllXlho , Iphile Matla bobloko (' De fe li_ ke'Dg lI o pel~. lloal Rev. J . P Mocboko oa Africaa (K E OA. T ENG) oa hM a rn o holeJla , eab. 0 lula fo( 0 Etbiopian Church. h'a phomole ruri. 0 o.ll;"olo ,ngolo le n8 :_ (KE D. M. KllA.SAKE) M ONA Mopht.te re bone Mohisho p O} ruta k ~ h ohle lipo!aai og. Moren!l 0 I " L,le mo t ~a ka Ii U2. 'me esale lIa k, n. AESO mona mokhohlane 0 ipbil(' Chache ea aeng a tliI'o tiieelet98 e", beha Ie eena, ba bolel i b~ haeo ba se lie Ie moabooyana ea liIe mo Ii 10. ke o. ~ "" opelollo ke ll ioo ho haholo. Empa IcmWI! t ~ H mati. baholo, re booa liogaka tea kala 21 Pbupn. ba Ie baugat80 . peli tee fe tileog ho opa h.. hloho ha /pla_ makbooa Ii lapakana liter.teng amp. Rev. A . Sekhoaaoa 0 taamaile ka leha ka ke $a Ie t,ebe- . Ka mohla ha k Ba fiblileng fe bcma Measu Blubi, I Ie be ho Ie )0810 batho b. hlok.hala Umpikeleli Nkomo. G. J. Leepile j ha E vaugeli ho eo" Standerton. 'raala. tsJ,t8i Ie leng morum al.lh oa "a 0 rnpo leU ka boogata- bana Ie batho loa b.holo ts'oeu Moreoa Selr.h oea. hare ke De ot;;e "'" eebeli, a Kru.ehen Salt! Missee Seata Ie Mapbiki. bana boble teeog ea ka oallo e ka bang lema tee pel . lui ntho e ts'oan8ng. Re II. Ie b. h. Se butaoe sekolo ea pbirimana R8. ke matichere a mona. Le 'm 'a rona K" sa otB4lo e k,e e i ebeli .... hobaoe ba k~ Maruti Lebooa ka ho hlokaballoa ke Jefrou Mokbothll ea neng a iUe khllo baseb e t~i ba Mr. Rev. S. L. F. Moloi teem. letho Ie 10h'I{'og joal{'b.a eona 'meltlls ' mor.li Oil. booa oa kbarebehali e kholo ho ea Leaotho 0 fiblile a pbela bantle. ka I. 23 Pbupu. Moh'oari 010 aODa ~. T. . hooa qalong .akhoeli ena ea Phopu. 1.:e E. A. Pbutsiei. Blookll e bohl oko ha ngata 110 fUlllalltha Sekolo ea Kopano 86 buteoe ka I. I.e b. b. Maluti Mngomezulu 1>& hi D­ ft v . S \V. Maeger 0 mooa ka tall. hore e ba.koa ke mala a BilaJet8t'!lIg Ie bet 23 Phupu. Ho ntaong bo ipbile matla b o ll~ b.. !!lila 'meleng e ,ken,II\i'"helo kahaletaoe ke mor.1i 0& bona, Ie &eM mo!ebetai 010 kereke. 0 bIle la Olokete mooa Botbaville ke selame. mabuS· Ntl a hebefu tsena-lithi~le It e ne 18 e Ie motba e mobolo ea nan!! Ie oa mahlonoko ka la 23 Pbllpll. 0 na eeke taabQ,kellana hlpe-'me khalhateo!.sa bana. K. Labobeli ho DO ho patol!. Elta motbaka. oa bolo 0 rata ho t eo tbll9ina Ie rtf ears NgokwaDo Ie bao Ii tla fela bODl~ taat@ing leo. 'Me lr. ~ monoa'lDobolo emong Mr. Moher.ne aaa ka Phato. Blajwayo Ie Fred Maeger . .. ooa mokbol 00 KrulCheo Sal'" e hlahi!lll.ng thuao kapele bakeDg 11& hlooho", hohloko 0 oa m.pol.aiog, na tlile mooa Iinga­ Mot'a Moruti Seots'o, Godlrey, 0 Kru8Ch ~ D Saltl e thUJIs Blabo bo hloe~ keng. Re II. Ie mohlolobali Ie bana nte'a itokiaetsa bo boela eekoloog sa 'mele oa baa kilo bo ntaa te',la e bokell&n&.llg ba hae hammoho Ie baog Ira. een. St. Cyril'l College, Moddelpoort. Krueeheo 8 rekisoa f.\&eng lohle. E ..: boble. Ka L.bor.ro ho hlak.beta. Mokete oa Lipina beu.oa ke batho ba. maf.t.e a 11 9. lIaf •. mODna-moholo emoDg oa ogaka ea hi­ MonU oa Moruti Mokhothu, Martha !seog -.ria oble ha ho letha 18 lokilto joeleka eona-uita e hlahiM-ng thUio ~ tloang Kalobe Olio Mouoet.la. Re lIa Ie eenl 0 ate'a itokiaetea bo ea St.ol· berg Oedellk Skool. lsoalll! bo KruscheD. Ia ba habo kaofela mohlaoka eo 0& Hlohloloane KrulIChen Salta 8 fnmaooa ltkemiaeng h o. Molimo; ba bo moo 116110 116 leng eieo • hi", Ie rnabenlr.elf:og ks 2/6 botlolo. mona Aleundra. A la 19 Phllpll ho fiblile Mr. Micb. Re bile Ie tbabo ho ka ra obakeloa Mot.bo ea chaketeeng hae hababo ke K T. Ntai ('0. Daog a ohakehe Mr. Jamee Ntaala, mongoli e moholo mooa kbatiaong kl LaOOlaro hoseng h8habo Mob8leshoek. Mr. B. L . Haele Mr. John Cecil Rhod~ Mole. oa litt'. tae rokisolllg t.ea Alexandra ke Mr. Eliaa Serero. Cha 0 talimeha Likate eeoa 0 kile are kbalo bo ea boo teane 0 n" pbomotse bona mona bae. Townlhip. Ha habo ke Qoaqoa hantle Mosia enol.. I na mehoalle Peka, 'me ka Ie blahla· Ho bile Ie mokete oa 8ela110 D R.e. ha Morena Mopeli. Re mo lakaletsa maDg ha fibl" Mis8 V. P. Motebabi Ie lehlohODolo la lee t.o la }Jae, eka a ka • ae tsamaisoa ke MOluti Bartenhoflt• eeDa 0 na chaklltee motea moholo Peka a tlataitsoe ka 'Moleli Aau KI Ii IU a.,hutJa baotlo eo mor'a Seepbeepbe Ea theohaog bona k.jeno ka terene ha Mr. A. A Botaoane, mohoalle 080 ho bile mokete Oil lipina 0 mooate, o Emoog ea okileog leet.o bo ea ea ka pbiril!lana ho ell. Durban ka rona. B~hlompbebi bana ke mati· blokaag meferefer6. Motsamaiai ele Brakpeo kboelio8 e eboeleo8 ke Mr. mOlebetli 010 Jisampola ke mohlompha· chere a mOlla ba!". 'me ba tla ba pbets Thomu Sekbotbo, ba re tl6be bore hi Mr. Belnard Marumo Sekese. Mr. Babiogtoo Siowley Likatf', molD. tie ntla I" Ipe /lI1 I"mo beo ba Ii boo IIIo ·aetulo ele Mr. Daniel Matee. 80 ba o ntaa phela joang moo II. leog teog. ne:lg Ie ho Ii utloa bakeng t€e liog. Re mo lakaletfla bopbelo bo botle oeog ba Ie teag te ka holela Mr. Sam • B8 hon hila ka mafolofolo hore ba Taotaotao (Gumtree) Missee S. Aao, Baoa bao e uleog ba ceaka pbela bsotl~ , ba okile moea 0 mocha. ba Jikolo Ii koaloa ke ba Mr. D. BLOKOMELA 'METSO OA HAO Makbetba, Mekate Ie Mpati ; Meml T alima $(rape" fJ 8e la/dang Moroeog, Aau Ie ba bing. M. Kbaeake, baoaoYlI.oa b l babeli Ie HANG ba u k'oer ~ e ke mokhablane moebloyaoa. &, ba lobeletee ho khu· Be ke oa lieha bobloe 0 ka !ieha tla ha likolo Ii buloamdelooga kMeli ho u lelll.. U ka noa mo bamo oa eoa e moholo Bllelaos Hilda 0 chao Cbamberlaiu'a Cough Remedy. Ho ketae Springs Location j ba babeli • U N , " • leta mona etaa bore u se ke oe. ha Ie £~lI'NG Baai" Lawrence II) Mot.eabi K.te ba mamina - bobane a ne. Ie chefu HO ,,{N'" ohaket.aa Eutera Native Township. Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy a tla Re ba lakalaha leeto Ie leUe ba atea hore 'meteo Ie mata'oafo a blo Ii khotla k. khoko. be aa Ie Ii loki Ie hota u ae ke oa kenoa ke mokhohlaoe kapa btonkaete. E • rek loa IikemeBeog Ie mabeokeIeng Tsa Stofberg bob Ie . • (KE NTSOE.F!KA) • ONGHALlle Mofomahali Sekano Tsebiso ea Bohlokoa M G. S. Nt.oaoe bn filoe CHoa na Olio lIloshemane pehoa.majoeog kilo III 27 Pbnplane. Mothoe mocha Ie 'm 'ae "0 Babali ba "Vmteteli" ba atee ba ell. baotle. Mooa re !Jona mokhohlane 0 ea eeng A baka la ho eketeeha ba " UmteteJi " tlung, 0 h'oere batho ba hangah j bll. K babali ba se ba eebelisa babolo ha Mr. Ie Mre. Mzolo bl. kuJeloa ke Iirapa ha eooa bakang sa melaalBa Ie ngoana. NgOI II a bo rona Mamophote liteebiso bo meteOllolle Ie ha habo bona, -eena re utloa bore 0 taoile tluog ea 'me ho oolofatsa litaba Batsamaisi bakuli moo a a eog a ilo pbuongoa. • ba Moeebehi oa "Umteteli" ba Daha. LI PARrO - He tbaba Ie ba babo kaofela nne ho atsa poreili ele 'ngoe ea 2a 6d Re bona moaho oa Sekolo ae Pha· bakeog aa liteebiBO tee tlang katlae'a U LI mOLE HOSASA. hameog 0 t80elela pele, ' me re ka lihloobo heoa :- thaba bo bona batloali ba romela ba· Joaleka MoabloH ea setsuantsong sena se kahollmo Ie na eekoloag eana. Ts A. LEIlAE UENA U KA BA MOAHLOLI OA LI PARTONS Re utlDft ka mohala oa chenhe TSOA.LO PURIFYING PILLS. hore eka hoja barutoana ba mona 8 0 SUOA H.. U nil Ie mocheso, bloho ea han ele bobloko. litho II .. b:o Ii foktln Stofberg ba rata ho qaJa Miguine ea Ii kbalbUu, ba II Il l. Ie oyooko. mota 0 Dkh .. Ie lelu"e It ko~~eIM' bnoa. Eta ba ka fela ba e qala ele MANyA.LO kt boSthht. bo bonlliLDg bore Le la Ie leholo It Ibl bane ke I~Ja IU hore barutoao8 ba aekolo aeoa ba hOYlng cb efu 'meltng 01 hao ·re II ko!,J. hare u be Moahloh 01 It LITSEBISO TSA LITEBEL'ETSO. Parlonl Purifying Pdls. L, kot lly t boslong b01l1 hi 01. robsb . U kb.le ba hebe !16 etlCaog s6ko\ong blokomel, klmoo ,lIart bou.u mala a bao a se beut banUt Ie ks Litl6biao hena Ii ta'oanetae bo -IIena kajeno. pbdhtha " Iletung. Hlokomtla kamao u 11.1 ikut luang II phe lU. II ngololl, 'me Ii romeloe bo Bueine8B Ie m&lolofo lo, u thabi le u Lhtllla hore II hlotki le kabare . Re ueba Maoagar, "Umteteli," P . O. Box bort II til. PO LI PARTONS PURIFYING PILLS LI LOKILE . 4525, J ohannesburg, 'me Ii ts'oanela Empa Ii Parlons Ii Itbelsa 11 0 le la moo . Li itbeliae joalo ka. nah ho felebetloa ke pampiri cbelete ea u. Yekt tapa tioll peli. Li II I. IUl llduu. !ikaha.e I.soblo, n)' oo~o, Ie 2/6 kapa litempe tee lekaoang cbelete hoble 110 uUlndung ho Ihu"'DI Ie 110 ".I>,"a hIl mal .. ho II. bla h ~' 1 bo phelo bo bolle. Ha Ii 5e Ii II st~li l lt nl.llaui afeng ,,,.kle m~11 J. eo. I bao a II. hlotkl boba nf • iphtpa ka. IIJo UtI relang maltng a h!oe k olen~ I pbtlHng h.ntle. Bopbtlo bo bOlle bo Ill. 0 tha U tbali. II be m"ll. I pioda kabini I impilo ye Sho· UMPHANGA Leb Ii Parlonl. Li Ih10le ka HO Ii It etung. Keofela h.. II-eO I:i !:!iko. pe u Irollang. E. Kemi'ing kapa Btnk.leng. Li rtlr.iaoa b ALAZO,-K obhuhhe u Noteki mka 1.'6 botlolo t nang It 50 p,U5. E lelefataa boo T mil u Salmaoi Mtuozi neotombi Ha hOle thall 110 Ii furnanl pbelo ba liehuae k8. mfi .M kabile Mabang'i Mgcioa, nge n~olJa bo P.O. Bo~ 1032_ CAPE tea hao babeli. 2fl Joot'. 19:.5, e Barkly West. hi· TOWN. • 1 blobo manoeliswe ngu lombiko. oll JL~ I 1.2 Co • • UliTETELI WA. BANTU, JOIlANNES,...;B"O"R",O;"':,.,;2,,;,:m=,:JU;;,;;L~Y~. ",;.1'~l5=."... ______...:.; 19~_ Inter-Provincial Jobannesbnrg Bantn Johannesburg African Football Football Association Soccer Association

Saturd.y. 27tb July J:loHp.IO; lIotb<'rwelJ '":I ao..... llIta., .t<.'lIy ne.p. 1,45; ~ StalliOQll va EDUrp..... ,.t 21m DIVISION Sa turda y, 271b July Pfo.pect. 2:16; Rainbo... 'tIS .-'yin,g S ...I_ THE O,F.S.B.F.A. team to meet. the CONSQCKS DIVISION 10_ a~ 18 Shalt. 2:16. J.B J!.A. at Wemmer Sports DanaeroQl D.rlti" , ... Orlllldo B. ,,!'Il.:!:~"" VI, lligJ. bl.odN·••• Nt B.SC. 2; TUrRD DI"YISION. f;round on 5th August, for the L. Rangera,.' Wemwer, 2:-10. :,,,; ...... vea "m~ .. VI ~ •• "ullu"" vs Buffll0e0> ••~ CroWD Reei.. ~uzman ' 8 Trophy, will be: n.s.c. I. 3:~: Ro),.l Hibo!mien. Vl 3:'~; Jupiter S ..eellCn." B" va O.F.S. Jom. Charlie Ntshale (Bloemfontein), ~ KNOCK·OUT COY.PETITI0N AJu.n"'" Xl. at (;l"Own Reef, 3:30; pel'S, at Nourte 1rLi.o~.. , 12:16; O.K. Leo~ W.N.L.A. ". Le-op-erda. •• t 8 S.C. I, 2:15; .... Li.kil ••• t Nourae Minet, 3:46; N.tal David Hat" (Bethlehem), Domino N.ughty Bo~ ' .. Hungry Li.o .... It Wem. Pul'!' Vuur , .. Higblannbo ... " A " ••t (Bloemfontein). EIi8S }lobapi (Bloem­ EIe"eo E.,perience VI Range"',.t B S.C. Modderfontei.o. 12:-lS; Pim, Ooelll Swa..llo..-.. Rebellioll8 V. Bu!b Bu~k~ •• t Wemmer I, 3:46; Cre.m g .ppy H~ ..ta va O.F S. fontein), Simon Zim (Bet hlehem), 2:16. :Uartlll Mi nnie (Bloemfontem). Mr. Defende .....t Cro ..n Reef. 12 :45; Ro-bcr~ille Cordtttued in 'u.cntd column SOUTH AFRI ~AN TOURNA¥E:sT R.,nbo.... v. Jupiter Swe-ep"'''''~ B.S.C. I. l~rael Moehotle (~Ianal!'er). TRIAL MATCH 12,45; ~~ ..ca,~le H ome L.d. ". Eut.ern T •• n.vIII B.ntu Football "'ociation TraIll".. 1 Koodooe ••t Cro.. n Reef, 2:16; (Selectio ... , .... T ..o ...... J Coloured 8<>cce • 8e'l:"':;LIe Lion~ ... ' Uoited Roy.tl.'~ B.!.C. I. • Board (Sdectio... ). 2:16, Home S ..eepoe ... VI O.F.S. Cail;n..t POWDE R B.S.C. 2.2:16. D. PENRY ROBERTS DlVISION I HULs..Ls.. SECOND DIVISION Witwatersrand District KNOCK·OUT ....bo _. Amannndn, la.a h la...... Klipepruit Cb.mpiOIll VI Rebelholll A, .t Ete~-en E~ r ienee "A ,. ". B.S. C1ub • • t Itonl _ e. laMkumba. 80gb Oqoo.rqo. African Football Asn. W ~mrno: r. 12:46; B'-t:kburo Roveft ..... BS.C. I. \I: Jupite. Sweeperl .• A" ...,.. Iligh· ,-_., C. oeodiJe. A, It W e mm~ r . 11 :16. I,Dden" A " • • t RoeherviUe. 12 :46; Kn's:bt of R.-. VI Hometoeb. It CIty Deep. 2: 16; Yem:i •• e Brilni. Itellli ••• areah­ UVTET ELI DIVISION City Deep VI t'n;Ud Roy.l, .. A'·• • t CIty IlO bpel• . KNOCK·OOT Buoda, 21st July 1'raGIVI.t Tige.. v. Zebr ....t E od St. 2, Fl.R81' DIVISION 12,46; W~mmer Blue Bird. "I Violet., .t End ijt. 2. 2:16. Trani"'" R.nge.. "I Home Zebr_ It Stirtoov.lle 3:30; All Blae" va G. 111 . B. UNI ON COLLEGE DIVISION THE St, ,,, . t W ,~ D«p. ),30; E.RP M. Callies K NOC K ·OUT "GEO. BRUNTON" SPECIAL SOCCER ... 1 OldNat ,li'Da,at Simmer a nd Jack , 3:30; CaOV" Come Ag.;1lI ". Goldell Arro..-•• Jack a..romen vs Glen 8. Starl, at Glen .t WNT 2. 2:15; Celti" v. W • ..., b hank Deep. 3 30 RoIIH,.t WNT I. 2:H5. FOOTBALL BOOT SPECIALLY DESIGNED SECOND DIVISION KATZ AND W URI E DIVISION T ...... I Rangt .. ". Glen S. Sk ... at KNOCK·OUT AND CON ITRUCIED TO THE SPECIFICATION OF TH P. WELL­ Stlttonville, 2; AU Blae .... ve SA.P . BiberDI.D.v.Victori ...... t E!>.T 1. 11:16; KNOWN SOCCER PLAYER WHOSE NAME IT. BEARS. Defe Dd ~,., ., W.t ~~p, 2; R.O. S ...lIo .. , VII Pie", ... burg D ..t "et va Pl'!'mier•• t ENT2 Old N.ul;."", .t GI"o Deep. 2; E.R.P.M. 11 :16. -c.lhu ". Un,on S. St.. ". H e . cul~l. 3:30; D1l1enDlly Special Ankle aad J ..::k Hammen' B BI.ek CaIMI, at S,mmer H UN T LEUCHARS DIVISION CODstructed. Instep Supports . and J.ek. t . Rho. Sweeperl vi Rebelliona B. W NT 2. Agreeabl, THtRD DIVISION 3:46 ; IH, 1"r.i,hilJ ". W, Sw.ll o .... A, at Rubber Heel In"rl W NT I, 3,46; Cannoo! A VI Alriean Centrale, Comfotlabl". hdes\fuctlble Toes "R.llIen. y, ",II BI.c\l.l• • t w .t Co .• 3:lO; Pi ... "We.3:45; Young Tige ... A VI Mokon' O ri ~ntAll u H ume Zebr ....t Bume P 'pe. H . L,de•• t E Dd S' . 2. 3 :46. 3:)(1; E.R.P.V C.llif!jl v; G.lI B. Stan. at H ercwe., 12:30; Tr. nllVI.1 RaI\gt:'Tt va Old SAUL PINCUS DIV ISION N.t. h.ol. It Simmer DMp. 3:30; Good liar- .... flu ..... S ..eept" . a ••t tl ....p" ... 3·30 Unit#.t V .. lt"..- VI Shoot,oll StaTt A . • t ENT 3. 3:' 6; Celtic5 A,·, Weo.lmer U. BIrds FO URTH DIVISION A •• t We""ner, 9:45; )O ly'ng L,o,,' va B uot Leuc" .... A, It E NT I. 1 2: . ~; StOOl! Bre.ker. Orient.t. VI Try Ag.inl, I t ~nn i .to n v. lmperi.l•• a t Orll' Ddo, 3 :46. Nort.b. 1 :30; Trlnlv ..1 Range ...... Good H Op"•• t 8h .ton "ill~, 12 ·30; H u me z"bn. STEWARTS AND LLOYOS DIVISION VII R. O. S ...lIo ... B • • t H ume P ,pe. 2; R . 0 , S " lllo"l A VI Un on JICIIt•• t S.mmer R u.knburg 0 , Digge ... ". Stonl! D",,,ketl Deep 2' BJ..,h Calli" n Union S. St l"', A • • t ENT 1.2:16; HMutol.nd Duote ... "s Germ'i .~n W ~.t. 3:30 Old Nltallans Y1I Tr...... 1 M.ddelbu'g ••t ENT I. 3:45; Stone B",lken, Germi.ton No.tb, 2. J(oonhllbt St.,. A v. D UDgry Spiden, .t Utl.ndo. 2:16: Rellen,,».. C VI Ste.d), FIFTH DIVISION I't.}"en .• t ENr 2, 3:46; P.eunburg D. A v. Arcedia D . Boya.• t p,mv,lIe. 2:15. Orient.l..... Stone Brukl·l" •• Gfrml.~OI\ W~st. 2; All Ol."k. v~ E Rl'.M Clllie, .•t W,' 8 E RBY TAYLOR AN O ELLIS DIVISION Co. Ii B ~.n8 v' Old Nltal:I"'•• t FI}"lllll Lion. A VI Crooodile. D, .t E.NT 2. S"M'p"", 2; JI"k H.mel"." vi 1,;0100 S. 2 16. Wemblie., ,'. Ar<.,h. If Bo)'. A, It Stl,..11 !';'mm Ind .11<·k.".12:30. EN1' 2. U'4~; Wemmer Blu~ Bordt C .. ' u..pp}" Lade•• t ENT 3. 2: 15; )o'lre }o'ight...-.. • A ... , \hmUler B. Bird. B ... t ENT3, 1.1;45; W .... libllok Ra.'a A "J Bunt Leu~b ... D,.t WN r 2. J2 '6; V;cto.iala A ,.~ ,s A. W,I,I Beaootl, .t W',1' I. I! l ~. A SARETSOE HAMPE GEORGE BRUNT ON '

Conli1l~d from fourth column SPECIAL Matsoeoyebo a Moroetsana "A" , .• Sllirp Sbooters,.t 16 sb.ft Crown Tan or Bi lek . .MI~*. II :34); Afr,c.n :Slo .. ;\101100 ... U.... g· .... 11,· L'ooa' A'·,.t B S.C. I. 11.30; Roy.h~t POPULAR .. A " v. CallIe.•• t B.S.C. 1. I~ U; Trlo, .... 1 QUALITY 1519 "0 "''''hoe btm~ 60 ·m·.·bana ba. J),.tende ..... A .. ,'a P,(U ()c,eaD S ••llowe •• t "'O~ltl be nile m.bal< •• bo t,u. I)~nl ka Cro... o RHf. 11,30; H'8hl.n.le ... "B"~.. lIaroet.llo. b. bQn.. 110 hol~o!t ha ble. :spr;ollllok.... ~ 'loddrrfooteID, 2'16, Be;•• MEDIUM mati .... 011:08"'08 a k. lehlo, ke 1>0 hoi. Mar io'.C. ",0.F.8. Juropet8" A", dOS-C. QUALITY 211- k.pele; bon. bo in:l~h.. m.lolto " 'mele oa 2,3.15. h.e. ('bo' 111'1 01 ~1",lo •. FU""TH DIVISION. SUPER Lilt'upo t~. ho qll. he k. tobclloang Spriollbok." A" , .• ~.t.J ReiDbo". "A". QUALITY 2716 at lIod"'~rfoutoein. 3 ,'(>; n.l>hllnd~n ,. D" \l.1! ho bar'" bo b.ld•• ho It"p·ll. I.. ho "1 N... ea.tle H La~" A·· ••t (.'ity J:>eep 2. op<'loa h blooho. Ho oPe h. f""lo Ie bo 2:1·. Vultu,,"" A" "1 CIty Inoep "U". t.:ity b,p,l.n. bo e hl.h~. Ie 1.0 oyah.ma. 1)(0,01' Z, 12:U; Africln Slow 'lotIon' A • i."t FOOTBALL Rhod Morn. Stan!. at Oty ~p 2. 3:-15; lta Litt'UllO tN ho q.l. t8I ho ,..~IOI btoneb",.ke,. ... 5e'g"IJ1e Lion. ·.B "'1 b.\ ro.l, Ii bl.ha, boo ·m'. bIn. ('Ita kilo... Nourw Mone., 12 ~". JERSEYS. lI. eme k. lOaoto. Ho-' falimrbrle bo _reloe b. ",.Ii h. ng.t. "0 bak. pbokolo Sunday, 28tb Jaly ea bopb.. lo. empt h. u elell"" h(>re m.li. DIP'FERENT DESIGNS TO morCM't.&nI oa h.o ha _",loa. b. ho I~t..b ALEXANDRA TOWNSAIP GROU~D 250 SELECT FROM, SPECIAL EXHIBITION FIXTURE I. hore U tt·lbe. Ntbo I! lold~o!t baholo DESIGNS CAM BE MA DE TO ba.l~DfI _ bo eniea mall a "-"jOlDllke Or. Pure Yuur (A1~xand .. ) .... W N L.A.• t WIlI ..~' P,nlt P,III; m.h a Moekllrng • O RDER. 2:16; JoiOf"O<"OO Llona .... Happy Heam. 3,45. onefubrlu a et.oana k' hp,I", .t...,•• tl. foli_ ho _1'1110' k.pele·f""LI!. Li.,La mill.· CROWN lIINES EX81BITION GAMES. fata bophelo be mOl'OettaGl 01 MO .... ta SEE US FIRST FOR FOOTBALL KIT. o tI. ba I, bapbelo bo botl~. be 1f!0811a bOlll. 11 ,30. m. PunviJ11! (keen 9 ...110"," A • hili be b .... ,., Sharp Sboou.... . 110 mot.mo bo ken. blopheng II bat",,· n ,'6 p.!;g. RInger, "A" '.. Hying '-08 be. beagtlot. ba bor.belo bo bolle. ba S... l1o .... _ " .. h10u.a., e Ie ...1. Dr Willi..... · 2 16 p.lD. Ra.inbow~ (lIIodd<-rfonu.o) ,., Ponlt PtI1 •. U fu"""'01 mabf' .. a-I~"i ohk. l1y,oll ,swallow_ bpa Q&'OIIa b. Or W.u...... Vl'dI,ilW Co .• P.O 80., &0& . Crape Town::J. Sd. botlole, 3:~6 p.lI1. lll&hllllck ...... """' '-..".r. ....f'I' cae '-·el.... O& b 11>11 .• u _life po.o. I , tS p.m. W.ndere,. .... "'elf'''''''' l'StiA YA I OFFICERS MESS OIGAREl'TES UMTETJ.:LI WA DANTU, JOHANN Et;IIIJRO, 27m JULY, I"Jn. A SOCCER ENTHUSIAST'S IDEALS Football Dreams I Aliwal North Sports Ezemidlalo e Monti (Ih ,\" ,( 0,,,,,\1 hr""1 j,,,I'1 News UKI1N(JAN(jI~Nl kWMtl'D,It"OI8<1 ye 'RullunJ .. l" I "~f'rum 1,<111" III I e l' A,hi • ..,y IICl~nl U'f' t; ••t Bllok .lm"l"p kuku ••hel. empbll'),bo I)\)II('IC ph.l" I,' kl "I' tI, ( IU ,>1 0 ..0 \\~.t 11"0" ",lti') ,July ogt'8iutu 1" • .,Iyo umdht.lo r ••,1":- •• I tol'Uf'I.'o ,,! ,Iro IU'~ l.uC Cn lilt' tl, \ 11kunR I.malno,ltu oltwe· o .. "yak"Ljot II, t.l< :r.i Id,b .. e illllLili1 IW("U I •• {"illl" Oil <1''>('(1 In",ht IIII,n 111 ""Ii k"'~n'fJI 1.1\\ _\1. ':\OH III will lIt't \ llli ou. i fl",rum, k ,kll,I,,',I". og"kllp'" !.'I!Oml". 1 G U. y.a yad!I" I "C,,, h In... "I IJ ... rill' 'It.tlllr til Ih,' A 1 11" "f thl IInnll d r'I1'I" hltll",JI,I" nt ml,;U, k,.h,} kllku) IImt'iIliLI wol.ul, •. dr~ •• fie Ill.ek Lior). hlk'.­ thllUllht I lm",CIIIl lloall ,,1,,11 ,', t,I-\,I.I\,' 0.,,,\, nprub. '(). ~lar'IIO. lA1l1tult.. liD ".Iu,hl, nlllll 'It.11 1«' '.~rl1l.·t,'1 If nR' •• s njfab.,JI.11 kud.l. e Hodiol \1'odl"oi kill I .. thrl'e":r.'I HIOM .. , "ill lor It. Ill.d,,1 8p"rt~llIall. l.a~II1": \h" oJ :o.; ..rlh LilT-Un, .". H i'(' .or, UkUO,ll.hl.ollalll "wayo ke nll"ko, 1.. 1,,· k .. !.hulu, sbakadl.1I 11.111 Clip 1X" o"" Illlj:\' HI.".J-, 1IIJlII I'"r,' till· tIll' I'Tl1'<.'nl h.,ld, "f "lit ,\II', 'Ih, kubemlt·",I. illl~ko yuoke yemirimLi FlJI:lur~a :r.,'OQ1.k •. lOol.,.., 1l11l1't't'lJ!.:lIiafO lind nlll,l,w(I. Thfl day 1Il1(~1 h'WII, llmlnlA IIIHI ,\11\1111 :\\,rth, TIl{' E:ltt Loodo .. N.tive Rugby Uolon mq t>],} nam.odl. e 8 •• 11 0., h. ~\Il'\'I.\" ('01111' \\ hl'n 'itT "ball ~in\ honour II'IUII Ilill tlrrln' ('11 Y. Hcu urojlkl"lu w-okuqate kwi Cup t o whom 11(ll10111' .'< du,' an,1 ('ur \'i~IIiI1,io: ~l1rL11 .. 10Dy.ka. ba,.e 1H!>:r.ilahltll eko.lI, 41h AujoZu t. pnd 11111 II(' 11,-1'"1111·,11'" FiJ[turu :r.ayo y~ye i" Log" l'tiylbrke dlalt'lc'n} ~mbut.o waoo. I \;~nllt j ll'iKmt'lIt II(' II fniT a" 'Il' al"'I_' hnl>l' Ih(' ~I")\lr at '1.'·hurgIJ :-11:" p Ilute ~loomdl.11 0611.yo oo:r.ih,IQ. h,: I ,hall lot' lold that lUI loath.U Wh"o a dqlUtatlOn, h('l\,I"d hI' 'lr y(ln&~ into yaml"hlo k_ i .. jo'"at Round" d.no.aw~ "'III IWH'r roWE' tn;t' E"cn I.yo yooke imibl. OOJtIl Xht.alaza .\ E Harn"" 1<1\'nl, Eur-.Vr ... an yt.-k"yiMa wOllaou i .. match" uro, ...to Dbal. omdlalo walr.he uOO'lIIkhita 60, r 1m 01\ ,tn,awiOll-". R F ('. walt(>d on the Banlu aport. Kub",dl,1i b.re" riob,'· u M.6hka og"kukod •• , w.ye eX.I.e ogok.DotG­ Clubs Dgill OD Dreams f.'<.mmlt(N' entl &ls. Y(I(Irs altO t\lI('h tnurnaml"nt, the fi",rl e"ronutt"' og"kuba u Joti ufumeoe olllsa!.;. '1"0 I~ .. rQr • .,dl" uigqogqil.,o. ogo. l outN-il groullds I\.~ th08l' or Rawblcn!, "I'f'{' H'r) "ympali.<'Iil' 111111 .Irnmtf'olt " bur,kun:r.i" .k •• ti_a og""o ollaba. kUT.j"lo loto .. Mo.oeoa. I Yooog B I,)ClUfOIltE'm. S.A.R, Johauul'tburg, thl" pound, and .lIIo I'roml"C"d tf,) Ill\"(> bukeli I BI",k Lioo dh.b.tha WAnd,rU' :r.ue Camhridge e:r.ibd~ and ol IJ ~ "ould hll\"c ~n f'l"gll.rdcd their I:(·1, .... to 1;(1 irOM okur.,la ioq.ba "oba ngo P. W, L 0 Pti. «-ntra.lu;'11 of thougbt ewongM ell l1('r ct'Ilt o! tht> .. ~t:'h)~ It i MgqilMolo life 13 July, oakuya itt·ta i Tembu United s:; 0 OH) t'OllJl(,(,~ with It. The gam", U Iii W"On.irrful t~am tbal dOMI tlC<1 "~Iose III ., ~ lI"w. o.'t'" 8 ("DIDU to 6 kO llidlalo B'ack Lion oJ 3 I I t L~ thai ("'OlInl",. If tbt·"" L". Iv~t.'m mao~' ~m(!S 00(' "'<'"Of' III thl' dUIIII oozim. I ."n.... rd :r.ale "club' fzioo S.allo"l ,') .~ 2 I tI, .t sbould mllke us ~ f\POr1~ml"n of I'lli<'l(,nI.'", antlll H f) 1,.. ,,1 t.'am 'It hlf'1l ~ptnflu. Bb;d, Maoyaoa, ool)hn'ord 8ptiO~ Rooe ~'~"'!0 4 81,,:1 f'1D"b~ the \"alu(l (If good doe.! 1101 l'1'\("al .n ('H:r~ mill< h (III!' Njrs"h.alll (.,I ... lwe IWI:I "roll· back,", lod.lCU. ;.11')31)4 1i,I(,rt>Lawrocl.5, DI....,L·DuJ, d ..... gned mh'nhOD X.ko .. ho rah. fotibolo e or Tht' H B!L..utc>~. ent! Iht'y M'fI (:ood foot l>all , ;.!'OOt'1 ,"ort II Dl'bll' ae II libhle 'me 1)3 ba08at. b. all\ .•.,· "!lI{'hinl!, But I ,;()ul,1 -of ,Ii !IT< 0'\ ,Ir. ", Ion" "a tl" kbot,el. hae bo uo. likc t.o tator- ioin!! to !ln~' 'Ii'l ,To IH contull<,d), p.paliog l'a oale mafalobo 1(1 m"lelet,o, Ba Ie 18 fumao(l DIVISION TABLES OF THE JOHANNESBURG ItLI,re .e lokileog joale f'o mon~ 01. looa • Ira litiaoa AFRICAN FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION ho e. mOllflbehiog oa hae Ire o.ko e telllie. !'..-\Tl"RDA Y LEAGt:E THml) DI\'JsIO~ P. W. L. D. .F. A, Ptl. Rlogen A 16 13 I 342 1520 Higbl8llden 14 10 2 2 44 I. 22 O,F.S. Jump 16 9 2 :; 39 14 23 W.N.LA 1410 2 2261222 NO. E:J:preea 16 9 :f "29 1(; 22 Ke atho e ntle ho Pure Va or 14 9 2 3 41 I~I 21 O.K Leaparda 16 10 .. 1 31 20 21 hlokom.ela k.amoo liba· T. Jumpera 14 \) 4 I 36 I, 19 "ulturea Hi ~ 3 .:; 33 HI 21 peli tie 'lej'leog tn Alenodr.XI 14 :-. 4 2 48 20 18 T. Jumpera A 1.1 9 4 :! 2 ... 20 20 mahtae Ii bap.. l.ng Leopard. 14 6 So 0 22 41 12 T. DefeLdere l .j b ·1 :1 32 24 19 neko eohle ea futibolo WeodererB 14 4 !:I 2 23 27 10 Likila U 6 l'I I 17 3;; 13 ii I. .eoyebeloe ke Negron 14 3 9 2 13 3.:; 1:1 J . 8 w6ept're B 16 3 7 ti Ii 36 12 boph~lo kapa ts. aiti­ R. Hiber-oiaWl 14 ·l 10 2 19;:;0 6 Zulu Darkiee I;; 4 i -1 I-I 3"11 aDa ho pbelha mo~e· Highlandere C 14 I 13 0 ~ -u 2 0, Swallowl 15 3 U 3 16 3 .• 9 belli o. tlooa Leba­ Bofflloes 16 2 12 2 13 3, ti ka keleDa, Biokollielo fIRST DIYISIOX F. Sw.lIowl lG I 14 1 5 3 3 e. lilemo e rutile \ib •. peH taeoa hore Ii I. .. Berg, Liona 15 II I 332925 FOl"RTB DJ\"ISIOl\" it.'i~letla ka ho pLeJa E Espaneoce 16 II 4 1 292223 Ii e oa Ie b'ltlolo I!a ..J , Sweeper. 16 I) 2 (j 33 16 22 Calliee 16 14 0 :! 42 J5 30 Slo.o'e Lioimen~ . H,. B. Sweepen 15 9 4 2 21 18 20 HigblanderaB 17 12 2 333 Ii 25 ba hleheloa I.e koui Ranger. 16 7 3 62~2020 A. S, Motion Ii 9 I') 6 34 21 24 ba pballela ho Slolo'a ~ \Joi~ Roy.I.15 7 3 Rainbow. 'A' 16 10 3 3 45 21 23 5312319 kapele-pele moo b .. R. Rainbowl 16 i 4 B. Liooa "A" 17 9 4 4 372022 5311719 {omaoang thulO Ie pholiso. La e 0l1li N , Raiobow. 16 4 6 6182214 8priogbok. I6 9 Ci 2 34 25 20 mekbatlo (18 boo. ea futibolo ~ , U . Heerte 16 6 9 ba hlokomela laba I"oe boo be 10iaDI be OIl 111:;2013 P.O Sw.ll0.' 16 8 5 3 3o! 17 19 Ie 8101i08 Liniment, N , Homel.de 16 4 10 2112.510 Royaliat' A' 15 6 7 2 8 22 14 E .T . Kootiooa 16 3 10 327349 Shp, Shooter. 15 4 7 4 13 21 12 K. hoo ha Ie nonyeteeba O.F,8 , Celliel 15 2 II 2 13 45 6 Rangel1l "B" 14 4 8 2 15 37 10 bpli Ie pbobf.l. plplliog, O.F.S. Defeo. 16 1 13 2 16 27 4 OFS, J.'A'15 210 3 Jl 27 7 Ie .poy,mg n.ko Ie chelete T , DefeodeTIiIA 13 I 10 :? 10 32 4 bo litlolo luo hothoeng Ii na SECOND D[n8IO~ Beir. Mar. 17 I 16 0 2 16 2 Ie thu.o, em pe nk.og kapele­ RoyelUte 17 14 2 1 36 10 29 P .O Swat 'A' 17 0 17 0 1 4 0 ~Ie hotlolo I!a Slon'" Lini· Highleoden 17 II I :') 37 16 27 FitTS D1\ ISIO:\ llI ent. Le til ro.kltlOa ke Reinbow. 17 12 2 3 59 16 27 thullo I!a teog boba Ie e piki. Homelocka 17 12 3 225 19 26 Bi8blaode.'D' 14 8 3 32til319 tie baog feel. Ho ope bo e. , .J.Sweepel1lAI7 II 33342025 N 8 . Lade A 14 7 3 4 2423 18 feel. , Ie hoo. ho roroha ho B.S. Club 17 9 5 320 1921 CityDeep'B'1384 1331117 kokobele. aD lebeliaa ~e· ~ , I K , of R OBee 16 5 6 n 10 21 Ifi Sprillgboka'A' 14 7 I) 218221G hl"re leol\ ka oako h oble ho • City Deep 16 {) 7 4 17 33 14 N. Raio."A" 14 7 I) 2 16 20 16 tbiba bo utalla 'me ho phakiea ho foli e•. Motherwell 17 G 9 22226 14 ASMotiooA12 6 3 3251215 Enterprilee 17 4 10 3 14 30 11 R..Ra'bllwa, A 14 G 7 112JGI3 Bolell.ng melloille ellon. eohle bore e sebtlise Sloan's liDiment F . S wallow. 17 3 13 J II 12 , V ulturee "A" II 1191 111 bakeDg .a Matetello Ie Pbobelo, RedStillioo.17 3 13111137 StoOllbre.kera 12 • • 3 l{l 2-! 11 'E. EJtptor, A 17 2 12 3 9 IS 7 B. LionB"B" II • • o II 31 8 HoplI!a hore Sloan's LiDiment h. e Dooe, e eI pikillol. V Royels A 17 2 15 0 4 , 4 R .Moro. Shnl 12 • 7 o 725 6 3 " ------Printed .nd Pobn.bed by the Proprit:torl ~ative Ptioting a: Pubh.hlDI'I Co., Ltd., 46 End Street, Joh.noMburg.