LP 30/5/1/2/2 /2/10161MR

July 2019 ______

Prepared by:

Bateleur Environmental & Monitoring Services Cell: 082 338 6607 PO Box 70706 Fax: 086 619 3120 Die Wilgers E-mail: [email protected] 0041


In terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act 28 of 2002 as amended) ("MPRDA"), the Minister must grant a prospecting or mining right if, among others, the mining “will not result in unacceptable pollution, ecological degradation or damage to the environment”.

Unless an Environmental Authorization can be granted following the evaluation of an Environmental Impact Assessment and an Environmental Management Programme report in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998) ("NEMA"), it cannot be concluded that the said activities will not result in unacceptable pollution, ecological degradation or damage to the environment. In terms of Regulation 16(3)(b) of the 2014 EIA Regulations , any report submitted as part of an application must be prepared in a format that may be determined by the Competent Authority ("CA") and, in terms of Regulation 17(1)(c), the CA must check whether the application has taken into account any minimum requirements applicable or instructions or guidance provided by the CA to the submission of applications.

It is therefore an instruction that the prescribed reports required in terms of applications for an environmental authorisation ("EA") for mining and related activities are submitted in the exact format and provide all the information required in terms of this template. Furthermore, please be advised that failure to submit the information required in the format provided in this template will be regarded as a failure to meet the requirements of the Regulation and will lead to the EA being refused.

It is furthermore an instruction that the Environmental Assessment Practitioner ("EAP") must process and interpret his/her research and analysis and use the findings thereof to compile the information required herein. Unprocessed supporting information may be attached as appendices. The EAP must ensure that the information required is placed correctly in the relevant sections of the Report, in the order, and under the provided headings, as set out below, and ensure that the Report is not cluttered with uninterpreted information and that it unambiguously represents the interpretation of the Applicant.



The objective of the Environmental Impact Assessment ("EIA") process is to, through a consultative process –

a) determine the policy and legislative context within which the activity is located and document how the proposed activity complies with and responds to the policy and legislative context; b) describe the need and desirability of the proposed activity, including the need and desirability of the activity in the context of the preferred location; c) identify the location of the development footprint within the preferred site based on an impact and risk assessment process, inclusive of cumulative impacts, and a ranking process of all the identified development footprint alternatives focusing on geographical, physical, biological, social, economic, heritage and cultural aspects of the environment; d) determine the – I. nature, significance, consequence, extent, duration and probability of the impacts occurring to inform identified preferred alternatives; and II. degree to which these impacts –  can be reversed;  may cause irreplaceable loss of resources; and  can be avoided, managed or mitigated; e) identify the most ideal location for the activity within the preferred site based on the lowest level of environmental sensitivity identified during the assessment; f) identify, assess, and rank the impacts the activity will impose on the preferred location through the life of the activity; g) identify suitable measures to manage, avoid or mitigate identified impacts; and h) identify residual risks that need to be managed and monitored.




Platinum Group Metals RSA Proprietary Limited ("PTM RSA"), a registered South African company and a subsidiary of Platinum Group Metals Ltd (Canada) ("PTM") was granted nine prospecting rights over various properties located in the Waterberg area in the Limpopo Province, in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) ("MPRDA") by the Department of Mineral Resources ("DMR") for prospecting rights (the "Prospecting Rights").

PTM RSA then subsequently entered into an agreement with Waterberg JV Resources Proprietary Limited ("Waterberg JVCo" or the "Applicant"), PTM, Mnombo Wethu Consultants Proprietary Limited ("Mnombo") and Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation ("JOGMEC"), in terms of which all the Prospecting Rights held by PTM RSA would be ceded to Waterberg JVCo. The Minister of Mineral Resources (Minerals Minister) duly granted consent in terms of section 11(1) of the MPRDA to transfer the Prospecting Rights held by PTM RSA to Waterberg JVCo. On 16 October 2017 agreements were concluded between Waterberg JVCo, PTM RSA, PTM, Mnombo, JOGMEC and Impala Platinum Holdings Limited ("Implats"), whereby Implats: (i) purchased shares in Waterberg JVCo, representing a 15% interest in the Waterberg Project from PTM RSA and JOGMEC; (ii) acquired an option to increase its stake in Waterberg JVCo to 50.1%, through additional share purchases and earn-in arrangements; and (iii) acquired a right of first refusal to smelt and refine Waterberg Project concentrate. The now ceded Prospecting Rights have been included in the shareholders agreement, executed by the shareholders of Waterberg JVCo on 16 October 2017.

Waterberg JVCo intends to undertake mining on the properties held (or previously held) under some of the Prospecting Rights, in particular:

 LP 30/5/1/1/2/10667PR;  LP 30/5/1/1/2/10809 PR;  LP 30/5/1/1/2/1265 PR renewed under LP 30/1/12/11013 PR; and  LP 30/5/1/1/2/10804 PR, and construct associated infrastructure required for the mining activities (the "Waterberg Project").

PTM RSA will manage the Waterberg Project on behalf of Waterberg JVCo and its shareholders.

The Waterberg represents a large-scale platinum group metal ("PTM") resource with an attractive risk profile, given its shallow nature. The Waterberg Project will facilitate fully mechanised production, with the potential to have amongst the lowest operating costs in the PGM sector. The Waterberg Project will be particularly focused on palladium.


The area to be mined is situated on Rosamund 357 LR, Disseldorp 369 LR (Disseldorp), Millstream 358 LR, Ketting 368 LR (Ketting), Portion 1 of Goedetrouw 366 LR (Goedetrouw) (once registered)1, Goedetrouw 366, Early Dawn 361 LR (Early Dawn), Old Langsine 360 LR, Langbryde 324 LR, Lomondside 323 LR, within the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex in the Limpopo Province (Mine Area).

The mining associated surface infrastructure for the Waterberg Project ("Surface Infrastructure") will be limited to only a few properties ("Surface Infrastructure Area").

Portion 1 of Goedetrouw (once registered), Goedetrouw; a portion of Disseldorp and Ketting have been identified as Surface Infrastructure Alternative 1 (as contained in Appendix 1). The surface infrastructure positioned on Ketting, Early Dawn and Disseldorp only is refered to as Surface Infrastructure Alternative 2.

The alternative position for the TSF is located on the farm Norma and is refered to as TSF Alternative 2.

Surface Infrastructure Alternative 1 and 2 were assessed during the Environmental Impact Assessment ("EIA") Report ("EIAR") and will be presented and considered during the public participation process ("PPP")).

It is also proposed that an existing construction camp on Portions 12 of Harriets Wish 393 LR (Harriets Wish) will be expanded onto Portions 10, 13 and 14 Harriets Wish, for use during the construction phase of the Waterberg Project ("Construction Camp Area").

The Construction Camp Area, Mine Area and Surface Infrastructure Area are collectively referred to as the "Project Area".

Three mining alternatives were considered. The mining alternative that has been identified as the preferred option at present, being the South Complex with a Portal accessing the T Zone and F South Zone and a Portal accessing the F Central Zone. This complex will be producing (RoM) 4.8 Mtpa until depleted with the North Complex accessing the F North and F Boundary replacing the depleted production. This production rate indicates a Life of Mine of 45 years, the worked out areas remaining open to harvest water inflows for the purpose of water supply to the mine, In addition to this water supply a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield will also be utilised for the water demand. ("Preferred Mining Alternative").

If the Preferred Mining Alternative is selected, the Waterberg Project will initially site the underground workings on the farms Ketting for the Tailings facility and Goedetrouw for the

1 Although there is a registered SG diagram for Portion 1 Goedetrouw, the subdivision has been approved but not yet been registered in the Deeds Office.


Metallurgical , Backfill plant and surface infrastructure that will consist of 2 surface mining Complexes North and South that will serve as access to mining up to a depth of approximately 1200m below surface. Once the Southern complex has been mined out it is planned that the mine production will continue from the Northern Complex.

Water will be provided for the Waterberg Project from boreholes on properties in the vicinity of the Project Area (the "Wellfields"). A pipeline will be constructed to transport the water to the Surface Infrastructure Area (the "Water Pipelines").

The Waterberg JVCo is required to apply for a mining right to the DMR to authorise the proposed mining activities (the "MR Application").

Under the: (i) 2014 Environmental Impact Assessment ("EIA") Regulations (published under Government Notice ("GN") R982 in Government Gazette 38282 of 4 December 2014 (as amended by GN R326 of 7 April 2017), in terms of the NEMA ("2014 EIA Regulations"); and (ii) List of Waste Management Activities that have, or are likely to have, a Detrimental Effect on the Environment ("NEM:WA List") (published under GN R921 in Government Gazette 37083 of 29 November 2013, in terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act 59 of 2008) ("NEM:WA")) certain activities that will be conducted as part of the Waterberg Project require EA and waste management licence ("WML") prior to commencement (the "Waterberg EA / WML").

The procedures to be followed to obtain the Waterberg EA / WML are provided in the 2014 EIA Regulations, in particular a Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessment ("S&EIA") process and a Scoping Report and EIA / Environmental Management Programme Report ("EMPr") need to be submitted to the DMR for adjudication.

A separate EA application is pending for the Waterberg Powerline. A separate EA application will likely be required for the Wellfields Pipelines.

S&EIA process

A S&EIA is conducted in two phases. The first phase entails scoping and the second phase the EIAR / EMPr compilation.

The Scoping Phase commenced once the application was submitted to the CA (in this instance the DMR) and the Final Scoping Report ("FSR") has been submitted to the DMR. The following tasks were undertaken: identification of interested and affected parties ("I&APs") and stakeholders; identification of relevant policies and legislation; consideration of the Waterberg Project's need and desirability; consideration of alternative technologies, mining alternatives, alternatives for the Wellfieds and Wellfield Pipeline, and alternative Surface Infrastructure Areas; identification of the potential environmental issues; determination of the level of assessment and PPP required for the EIA Phase; and identification of the preliminary measures to avoid, mitigate or manage potential impacts.


The objectives of the EIA Phase will be to assess the potential impacts associated with the Waterberg Project, as per the terms of reference for the assessment that are set out in the FSR. The EMPr also details the measures required to avoid, mitigate and/or manage the potential impacts.

The requirements for the S&EIA process are specifically contained in the 2014 EIA Regulations.

Under the 2014 EIA Regulations, the EIA process can take up to 300 days to complete in terms of the EIA Regulations (87 days for the Scoping Phase, 106 days for EIA Phase, and 107 days for CA to review). An application for extension of the period within which to submit the EIA was applied for and granted and consequently the EIA process will be 350 (87 days for the Scoping Phase, 156 for the EIA Phase and 107 days for the CA to review).

MPRDA Application Accepted S&EIR Process

Pre-application (Optional)


Application Consultation Scoping Notice of intent DMR report acknowledged Continues to (10 days) process public participation including CA (30 days) MPRDA 44 44 days incorporate PP comments Follows application NEMA EIA Site inspection Scoping Report Submitted Process BEE Proposal & permission to

43 43 days proceed 43 days accept or SLP Refuse application (30 days) develop EIR & EMPr Mine Health Consultation EIR & WULA and Safety EMPr submitted 270 days (100 days) Submit EIR & EMPr Notification of addition EA Decision prerequisite for MPRDA prerequisitefor Decision EA 106 106 days 50 days PP WULAC DMR draft recommendatio recommend ation for Consultation EIR & n EMPr (110 days) MWP Decision

50 days BEE Public participation incl CA (30 MH&S days) & Incorporate PP EIR & EMPr review comments (20 days) 107 107 days Submit EIR & EMPr DMR and DWA meeting: 157 days DMR & DWA recommendations (20 days) 30 days EIR & EMPr review Decision WML AEL Decision WUL Decision MPRDA 107 days DECISION (Mining) Decision 300 DAYS (Non- substantive) 350 350 DAYS (Substantive) substantive) 300 DAYS (Non- 60 days AEL Decision Decision (other)

In event of substantive S&EIr process all time-frames extended by 50 days


Project Overview

The MR Application is for 20 482 hectares.

The top of mining zones in the current Waterberg mine works plan occur at depths ranging from 170m to approximately 350m below surface. The Pre-Feasibility Study ("PFS") mine plan limits mining depth to 1.250m below surface.


The Waterberg Project is located along the strike extension of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. The geology consists predominantly of the Bushveld Main Zone gabbros, gabbronorites, norites, pyroxenites and anorthositic rock types with more mafic rock material such as harzburgite and troctolites that partially grade into dunnites towards the base of the package. In the southern part of the Waterberg Project Area project area, Bushveld Upper Zone lithologies such as magnetite gabbros and gabbronorites do occur as intersected in drillhole WB001 and WB002. The Lower Magnetite Layer of the Upper Zone was intersected on the south of the project property (Disseldorp 369 LR) where drillhole WB001 was drilled and intersected a 2.5 m thick magnetite band. On the property, the Bushveld package strikes south-west to north-east with a general dip of 34º - 38º towards the west is observed from drillhole core for the layered units intersected on Waterberg property within the Bushveld Package. However, some structural blocks may be tilted at different angles depending on structural and /or tectonic controls. The Bushveld Upper Zone is overlain by a 120 m to 760 m thick Waterberg Group which is a sedimentary package predominantly made up of sandstones, and within the project area the two sedimentary formations known as the Setlaole and Makgabeng Formations constitute the Waterberg Group. The Waterberg package is flat lying with dip angles ranging from to 2º to 5º.

The first decline will be utilised for all personnel and material transportation down the underground mine workings, as well as rock haulage while the Conveyor System is being established. The second decline will host the Conveyor System, which will be responsible for handling once the mining is in steady state. The muck bays are aligned with the connections between the declines and are 12m in length.

The underground silo and vertical dam are positioned at the end of the main declines.

From the main declines, there is a breakaway towards the production area, from which the spiral ramp will access the main levels and sublevels.

Workshops are established at the decline breakaway, as close as possible to the production areas, to reduce the travelling distance required to service the mining equipment, thus reducing idling time.

From the underground silo position, a secondary conveyor decline is developed along the footwall of the ore body and will be connected to the production areas by means of tipping points. Each leg of the secondary conveyor will have one tipping access. The conveyor decline will be developed up to the tipping point, when construction of the tip will begin. A connection between the conveyor decline and the tipping access will allow the decline to continue with development while the tipping point is constructed. The tipping access will have a 15m manoeuvring bay for trucks.


The development in the Blind Longitudinal Retreat (BLR) mining method is predominantly on-reef. The main accesses are placed at an apparent dip of 9° while the production sub- levels are horizontal.

At the edges of the BLR mining area, there are spiral ramps that connect the main on-reef declines to the return airways (RAW) below. These are developed off-reef.

The two-sublevel open stopping (SLOS) methods require spiral ramp development in the footwall waste to provide access between the sub-levels and the main declines. The turning radius for the spirals has been fixed at 30 meters, to accommodate the mining equipment, and the dip was set at 9°.

The ore will be brought to surface by conveyors and will be deposit the ore on stockpile, from where it will be conveyed into the Process Plant. Waste rock brought to surface will be trucked to the Waste Rock Dumps ("WRD") North and South.


The Project Area was considered due to the positive results obtained during the prospecting phase and prospecting drilling with regards to the underlying high-grade platinum. As the Waterberg JVCO already holds, or held, the Prospecting Rights on the Mine Area, and with the favourable results from the prospecting phase regarding platinum deposits, the Project Area locality is optimal for mining platinum.

Alternative Surface Layout Sites

Two alternative sites were identified for establishment of the Surface Infrastructure:

 The Surface Infrastructure Alternative 1 is on Portion 1 of Goedetrouw and Goedetrouw,

 The Surface Infrastructure Alternative 2 layout area is located on the farm Ketting.

Two alternatives were also identified for the establishment of the TSF:

 TSF Alternative 1 being located on the farm Ketting and southern portion of Disseldorp.

 TSF Alternative 2 being located on Portion 1 and the Remaining Extent of Norma.

The PFS was prepared on the basis that the Surface Infrastructure would be located on Ketting. The Surface Infrastructure Alternative 1 has however subsequently been chosen as, it is considered to provide easier, more direct and more cost-effective access to the ore body. It is also advantageous, as it allows the Process Plant and Northern and Southern


Complexes to be group together in close proximity where the bulk of the operational activities will occur.

The EIAR considers the Waterberg Project's impacts on the Surface Infrastructure Alternative 1 and Surface Infrastructure Alternative 2 Layout Sites and they will be presented and considered during the PPP.

TSF Location

The selection of a suitable site for the TSF was considered by Epoch Resources (Pty) Ltd (Epoch). Various governing factors that were considered included:

 required capacity and footprint extent;  method of deposition and development;  structural geology, hydrogeological and geotechnical constraints;  overall topographical terrain;  existing and future infrastructure and servitudes e.g. power lines, roads etc;  sterilisation of ore reserves/outcrops;  depth of undermining;  environmental and social constraints;  land ownership, and  burial and archaeological sites.

As noted above, initially a total of four sites were identified. Following the initial identification of the Potential TSF sites, the following constraints were applied:

 the distance from the Process Plant to the TSF to be kept to a minimum, to minimise capital and operating costs;  rocky outcrop/ridges to be avoided, as they are considered environmentally sensitive areas;  streams are to be avoided, as far as possible; and  upstream (northeast) of the Goedetrouw community.

The site selection during the PFS preferred the Ketting location, due to the risk and cost factors described above. During the early stages of DFS currently in progress, a review of the siting was undertaken considering the potential TSF sites listed above. This exercise resulted in the selection of the preferred TSF site.

Mining alternatives

Three mining alternatives were considered –

 Mining Alternative 1: 7.2 Mtpa for up to 25 years of mining with a 7.6 Ml/d wellfield; and


 Mining Alternative 2: 3 – 4.2 Mtpa for up to 40 years of mining with discontinuation of dewatering once areas are mined out and a 6.2 Ml/d concentrated wellfield; and  Mining Alternative 3: 4.8 Mtpa for up to 45 years of mining with worked out areas remaining dewatered for the purpose of water supply and a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield.

 The mining alternative 3 that has been identified as the preferred option at present, being the South Complex with a Portal accessing the T Zone and F South Zone and a Portal accessing the F Central Zone. This complex will be producing (RoM) 4.8 Mtpa until depleted with the North Complex accessing the F North and F Boundary replacing the depleted production. This production rate indicates a Life of Mine of 45 years, the worked out areas remaining open to harvest water inflows for the purpose of water supply to the mine, In addition to this water supply a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield will also be utilised for the water demand.  ("Preferred Mining Alternative").

 If the Preferred Mining Alternative is selected, the Waterberg Project will initially site the underground workings on the farms Ketting for the Tailings facility and Goedetrouw for the Metallurgical plant, Backfill plant and surface infrastructure that will consist of 2 surface mining Complexes North and South that will serve as access to mining up to a depth of approximately 1200m below surface.  Once the Southern complex has been mined out it is planned that the mine production will continue from the Northern Complex.


The Preferred Mining Alternative at present, being extraction of Mining Alternative 3 - 4.8 Mtpa for up to 45 years of mining with worked out areas remaining dewatered for the purpose of water supply and a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield.

Primary access to the ore body is via a 5.0mH x 5.0mW, 9° twin decline systems spaced 20m apart, skin-to-skin and connected by laterals every 100m. The decline systems will initially start from two portals, which will be excavated to a high wall depth of ±25m .

Technological Alternatives

The following alternatives were considered in relation to alternatives to the Surface Infrastructure and mining method.

a) Tailings Disposal


A trade-off study was undertaken by Epoch, to determine a suitable depositional methodology and to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology (Epoch Study). The following methodologies were investigated:  conventional/thickened tailings;  cycloned tailings;  paste tailings; and  dry-filtered tailings.

The following conclusions were drawn from the Epoch Study:  Paste disposal is untested in the platinum industry. It would pose a significant risk and require an extensive testing regime to consider implementing.  Dry Stacking is a possible option and the potential water recoveries could make this option feasible, however the high capital and operational costs associated with dry stacking may not be feasible compared to a conventional/thickened tailings dam;  Cycloned tailings may provide a cost saving due to the higher rates of rise achievable, however test work is required prior to recommending this option; and  Conventional/thickened tailings are the safest option and well understood in the platinum industry. This was therefore selected as the preferred option for the Waterberg Project.

b) Mining methods

An alternative to Blind Long-hole Retreat and Transverse Open Stoping, namely Longitudinal Sub Level Open Stoping (SLOS), is being applied in the current study as the preferred mining method for all the mining areas.

The reasons for choosing SLOS are as follows:  Less risk regarding pillar placement;  Single mining method throughout the mining areas;  More flexibility within the mining schedule;  Uniform training within the labour force; and  Lower cost per ton mining method.

c) Ore processing alternatives

A MF1 (Mill – Float) circuit was initially proposed and tested.

During the PFS different options for the metallurgical processing of the ore were considered. Metallurgical test work campaigns were conducted, during which the flotation response of the various Waterberg ore types was tested and compared. Two flotation flowsheets were tested during each of the different campaigns, i.e.:  MF1 (Mill – Float) circuit utilizing the reagents - Oxalic acid and Thiourea


 MF2 (Mill – Float- Mill- Float) circuit utilizing typical Southern African PGM reagent suites. At the conclusion of these test work campaigns for the selection of a single process flow and reagent suite suitable for the treatment of the Waterberg ore, the MF2 circuit was selected.

Water Supply and Treatment

Initially it was considered that the Olifants River Water Resource Development Project (ORWRDP), which was designed to deliver water to the Eastern Limb and Northern Limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC) of , would be able to supply water to the Waterberg Project. The Flag Boshielo Pruizen pipeline's implementation has been put on hold because of funding issues and withdrawal of commitments from some mines due to low commodity prices. This required the WatebergJVCo to investigate other options for the Waterberg Project, which is located on the northern extremity of the ORWRDP area

During the PFS, the options considered were the use of water from the Glen Alpine Dam; transfer of water from Lephalala River; and groundwater and effluent from various Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) including Louis Trichardt / Makhado and Seshego.

A combination of sewage effluent and groundwater was initially assessed as the most viable.

Further geohydrological investigations undertaken after the completion of the PFS identified that groundwater could supply all the Waterberg Project requirements of 6.2 Ml/d and identified targets of low-quality water suited for industrial use.

The mine is currently developing groundwater sources for general water use. A total of 37 boreholes have been drilled for water supply purposes. All boreholes yielding greater than 3l/s (23 boreholes) were test pumped to determine their aquifer parameters. Results obtained from the drilling and testing exercise indicated that the Waterberg Project can be supplied by a wellfield with a yield of 6.2 Ml/d.

Water Pipelines routes

Various potential routes for the Water Pipelines were considered.

The most likely feasible route for the Water Pipelines is expected to come from: (i) wellfields present on various properties to the east, entering the mining infrastructure area from the northern part of Goedetrouw and (ii) from boreholes on Disseldorp.

A further supply of water from the west has also been identified and would cross the northern part of Ketting before joining the route from the Process Plant to the TSF.


Land Use Alternatives

There are two main feasible land use alternatives to the Surface Infrastructure Area.

The first alternative is to continue to use the land for agriculture, mainly for grazing and crop production.

The second land use alternative is tourism. Tourism is one of the most viable alternatives to the current land use in the region and includes guest houses and tourism activities in the area. The site is, however, too small and remote, with very little infrastructure, to be suitable for tourism.

While most of the above activities currently exist in the area, there is still some potential for additional growth and thus these activities are considered as alternatives to mining. Mining is, however, a temporary land use and it is possible that all of the above options can be pursued in conjunction with mining and after mining has ceased. What must be determined however, are the potential impacts of mining on the long-term alternative land uses.

These alternatives have been explored during the EIA Phase.

No-Go Alternative

Should the Waterberg Project not take place, the land will continuously be used for agricultural purposes, since there is limited scope for development or tourism. Food security is undoubtedly crucial; and the agricultural sector contributes to Limpopo and South Africa's gross domestic product ("GDP"). This contribution is however not nearly as much as that from the mining sector. The land is furthermore only being used for grazing and subsistence farming and not commercial agriculture. The Surface Infrastructure Area or Alternative Surface Layout Sites do not appear to overlap with distinct subsistence dryland agricultural areas; and it is therefore anticipated that the direct agricultural impacts will be low. This finding is supported by the Soil, Land Capability, Agricultural Potential and Impact Assessment ("Soil IA"), which notes that, due to the severe limitations in terms of rainfall, no crop production can be conducted on the Surface Infrastructure Area commercially. The only agricultural activity that can be conducted on the Area is extensive grazing. The carrying capacity of the Surface Infrastructure Area was not determined but this parameter will vary according to the rainfall variation. Due to the erratic nature of the rainfall, overgrazing during dry spells is a distinct risk.

The Waterberg Project will have significant favourable socio-economic impacts on the local and regional economies. It will make substantial contributions towards job creation and the overall local, regional and national GDP. As noted above, in terms of the proposed Social and Labour Plan ("SLP"), the Applicant has committed to Human Resources Development ("HRD") and various Local Economic Development ("LED") Projects.


The positive socio-economic impacts will, however, be more prominent in terms of the regional and local economies.

The no-go option would also have potential serious impacts on the funding provisions for basic services to the local municipalities. The Waterberg Project is currently integral to the regional development of basic services and it is planned that the Waterberg JVCo will be a direct contributor to the costs of these services.

By not implementing the Waterberg Project more than 2,248 permanent jobs and 200 unskilled job opportunities in the construction and operational phases will not be created.

Converse to the above, the following benefits could occur if the “no-go” alternative is implemented:

 There will be no platinum mine development at the proposed location;  Only the agricultural land use will remain;  No vegetation will be removed or disturbed during the development of these facilities;  No change to the current landscape will occur;  No additional water uses.

While the “no-go” alternative will not result in any negative environmental impacts, it will also not result in any positive community development or socio-economic benefits. Hence the “no-go” alternative is not currently the preferred alternative.

The "no-go" option will therefore result in:

 commitments made in the SLP (prepared in accordance with the terms of HRD and LED) will not be achieved;  there will be no contributions to the Limpopo Province and South Africa's GDP; and  zero contributions in terms of poverty alleviation and local and regional social upliftment.

Whether the No-Go alternative is viable will be assessed in more detail during the EIA phase.

Need and desirability of the Waterberg Project

The Integrated Environmental Management Guideline Series 9: Guideline on Need and Desirability was promulgated in terms of the EIA Regulations, 2010 in GN 891 in Government Gazette 38108 of 20 October 2014. According to these guidelines, the consideration of “need and desirability” in EIA decision-making requires the consideration of the strategic context of a proposed project along with the broader public interest and societal needs. The guidelines further state that the development must not exceed ecological limits and the proposed actions must be measured against the short-term and


long-term public interest to promote justifiable social and economic development, essentially ensuring the simultaneous achievement of the triple bottom line (i.e. social, economic and environmental aspects).

This section will examine the need and desirability of the Waterberg Project, as well as the importance of PGMs as a mineral resource and the desirability of platinum mining operations at the proposed Project Area.

It is recognised that mining activities are an essential component of South Africa’s economic development. According to the Chamber of Mines of South Africa’s Integrated Annual Review (2017) the mining sector accounted for 6.8% of South Africa’s GDP, contributing R312 billion to GDP. Due to higher mining production, employment is estimated to have increased by 1.6% to 464,667 during 2017. This eventually arrested the rate of job losses which stood at 30,000 jobs between 2014 and 2017.

The sector contributed R80.9 billion to fixed investment in 2017, which constituted 18.2% of private-sector fixed investment and 10.8% of the country’s total fixed investment for the year. The following economical components are applicable to the mining sector:

 Mining employment represents 6.1% of private non-agricultural employment and 4.8% of total non-agricultural employment.  The sector contributed R80.9 billion to fixed investment in 2017, which constituted 18.2% of private-sector fixed investment and 10.8% of the country’s total fixed investment for the year.  The industry exported R307 billion worth of produce, which is 27% of the country’s R1.1 trillion export book.  In the 2016/2017 fiscal year, the industry paid R5.8 billion in royalties, representing a 56% increase on the previous year. The industry paid R16 billion in taxes over the same period.  The overall weighted dollar commodity price index (coal, iron ore, gold and platinum) for South Africa hardly moved between 2016 and 2017. In dollar terms, this was due to gold’s lacklustre price trend (+0.8%) and the decline in the platinum price (-4%), negating increases in the price movements of coal (+28%) and iron ore (+22%).

The market and prices for platinum, palladium and associated PGMs have continued to be volatile. The Waterberg JVCo relies on research from various third parties to assist in the analysis and understanding of supply and demand trends.

Autocatalysis and pollution control in the automotive sector have historically been the primary demand driver for both platinum and palladium. Based on global automotive trends, palladium and rhodium have vastly outperformed platinum since 2016. The Volkswagen emissions scandal had an extremely negative impact on the European diesel market and the perception of diesel technology globally. Platinum has historically been used in diesel autos for autocatalysis and that demand segment has been weakening. It is


expected that this trend will continue. Gasoline and hybrid automotive technology has been the primary benefactor. Palladium and rhodium are used as the primary catalysts in gasoline and hybrid automobiles. The gasoline and hybrid markets are expected to continue to grow, particularly in China where stringent new emissions legislation is expected to increase palladium consumption significantly. There is a great deal of discussion concerning battery electric vehicles ("BEV"). Although BEV technology is currently less than 1% of the global auto market, there are projections for this market to grow. BEV technology does not require an autocatalyst and is thus considered a significant threat to PGM metals demand in general. The perceived growth of the BEV market has had a dampening effect on PGM market sentiment.

The Waterberg resource is palladium dominate, which is a unique metal balance compared with the traditional South African PGM reefs. Palladium is typically used in gasoline engines and legislative changes are already driving autocatalyst palladium loadings higher in Europe, North America and Japan, and there are expectations that new regulations in China will be brought forward, driving further demand for the metal. Automotive demand for palladium is predicted to grow by around 2% in 2018.2

The predominance of palladium over platinum in the ore, positions the Waterberg Project well as a future source of PGMs, especially as the supply pressure grows on existing marginal PGM operations elsewhere in South Africa.

The Waterberg Project will contribute to favourable economic impacts on both a local, regional and national scale. This will result in numerous job creation and skills development opportunities and provide an economic injection in the region.

In terms of the proposed SLP submitted with the MR Application, the Waterberg JvCo has committed to various HRD and LED projects. The proposed LED Projects include3:

 Provision of infrastructure and educational support to local schools: modular units or containers, called Digital Education Centres, will be provided in a form of library and computer library centre, with equipment and material to three primary schools and one high school.  Mine and community bulk water supply and reticulation: contributing financially towards the development of the water infrastructure. The project will be done in partnership with the Limpopo Provincial Government, Department of Water and Sanitation ("DWS"), CDM and Blouberg Local Municipality ("Blouberg LM").  Extension and equipping of existing clinic / health facility: providing three additional consulting rooms to the existing clinic.  Construction of a creche and pre-school.

2 John Matthey – PGM Market Report May 2018

3 Page 45 of the Social and Labour Plan submitted as part of the MR Application.


 Support to local Small, Medium and Micro-Sized Enterprises ("SMMEs"): providing buildings for SMMEs to operate from and assisting more SMMEs to expand and employ more people.  Road Construction: constructing a 31km road to improve mobility in the area,(collectively referred to the "LED Projects").

If the Waterberg Project was not to proceed, the additional economic activity; skills development; LED and social upliftment; and jobs opportunities would not be created, and the platinum reserves would remain unutilized.

In assessing the Waterberg Project's need and desirability, the followjng potential negative impacts must be considered;


o Loss of access to livelihood activities o Economic displacement refers to the loss of productive assets (including land and crops), usage rights or livelihood capacities as a result of the Waterberg Project. o Currently local communities could possibly make use of a wealth of natural resources, or ecosystem services, that are freely and readily available in the Project Area. The primary ecosystem services include livestock grazing, subsistence farming, collecting wood for cooking, collecting water for drinking and gathering traditional herbs and medicine for household consumption and commercial use. These natural resources provide households with valuable sources of food, fuel, income and various other uses. The loss of access to, and/or availability of, these natural resources could have a detrimental impact on the livelihoods, including income and food security, of households in the Project Area. o Tensions over limited employment opportunities and procurement contracts o While it is expected that a limited portion of the local population might be able to benefit from employment opportunities and procurement contracts from the Waterberg Project, a significant portion of the population will not benefit from employment opportunities and will therefore need to continue subsistence farming to secure their livelihoods. o It is generally expected that subsistence farming will yield a lower and more uncertain income than that associated with employment from the Waterberg Project, and that community members who will benefit most from employment opportunities and procurement contracts are those with the highest levels of education and experience. o The employment of only a portion of the population is thus likely to lead to increased tension and economic disparity in the Project Area between those employed / contracted and those unemployed. The latter might find that they cannot maintain the same living standard or access existing or


new services and facilities that are either exclusively for mine workers or are too expensive. o Mining can also contribute to the marginalisation of specific groups within a community, specifically the uneducated, illiterate, landless, elderly and women (particularly those with children).


o Migrant labour influx and increase in informal settlements as a result of influx o On a project of this nature where there are high levels of unemployment and limited economic opportunities in the area, influx into the Project Area is considered a significant impact. This is made easier by a lack of land management practices, which could result in illegal squatting in the communities neighbouring the Surface Infrastructure Area. o Influx will most likely peak during the construction phase, when the demand for unskilled labour is at its highest. It is anticipated that job seekers who do not secure jobs will leave, however some may remain in hope of securing future project benefits. o Increased pressure on social infrastructure and services as a result of influx. o Increased livestock theft. o Social unrest due to conflicts between work seekers and land occupants. o Increase in social pathologies (teenage pregnancies, school drop-outs, alcohol and substance abuse).

Health and Safety

o Increase in communicable diseases and other diseases such as HIV and Tuberculosis ("TB"). o The Waterberg Project has the potential to contribute to the spread of communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases ("STDs") or TB). Communicable diseases and STDs, in particular, if present and untreated, can greatly increase the risk of HIV transmission. In the communities neighbouring the Surface Infrastructure Area, existing healthcare services do not have the resources to address the impact of increasing cases of communicable diseases. o Increase in traffic and road accidents.


o Surface and Groundwater Contamination. o Depletion of Groundwater reserves. o Alteration of hydrological regimes. o Impact on sensitive heritage features including graves and historical buildings. o Removal of natural vegetation and fragmentation of habitats. o Faunal displacement and mortality.


o Loss of SCC . o Dust emissions. o Soil contamination and loss of soil resources. o Land use conversion (agricultural to mining). o Noise and vibration nuisance.

Numerous platinum mines occur to the south of the Project Area near Mokopane. The Waterberg Project fits in with these developments and land uses. If the Waterberg JVCo is not to proceed with the proposed MR Application, mining of these platinum reserves will not necessarily be avoided, as another application in terms of the MPRDA can be made by another company. Unless the Government declares these areas as restricted for mining and/or the demand for platinum subsides, mining companies will continue to attempt to mine these platinum reserves.

Public participation process (PPP)

A PPP forms part of the EIA Phase, which is central to the investigation of environmental and socio-economic impacts, as it is important that stakeholders who are affected by the Waterberg Project are given an opportunity to identify concerns and to ensure that local knowledge, need, and values are understood and taken into consideration as part of the impact assessment process.

Objectives of Public Participation:

 Provides I&APs with an opportunity to voice their support, concerns, and questions regarding the Waterberg Project, application or decision;  Provides an opportunity for I&APs, EAPs, and the CA to obtain clear, accurate and understandable information about the environmental, social and economic impacts of the Waterberg Project or implications of a decision;  Provides I&APs with the opportunity of suggesting ways of reducing or mitigating the negative impacts of an activity and for enhancing positive impacts;  Enables the Waterberg JVCo to incorporate the needs, preferences, and values of affected parties into the application.

The following PPP has been followed during the EIAR / EMPr / Phase of the Waterberg Project:

 Draft PPP Chapter for Draft EIAR ("DEAIR") / EMPr o The Draft PPP Chapter will focus on the PPP to date and emphasise the process still to be completed.

 Notification and Availability of the DEAIR / EMPr and a o Send out notification (email & SMS) of the availability of the DEAIR / EMPr and engagement sessions;


o Placing an advert in a newspaper; o Placement of written notice board at visible and accessible places to the public; o Giving written notice to relevant stakeholders of the availability of the DEIAR / EMPr; o Download link for the availability of the DEIAR / EMPr. o Placement of the DEAIR / EMPr at identified public places and making hard copies available to Government Departments. o 30-day period for comments on DEIAR / EMPr.

 Engagement Sessions o Allowance for 11 meetings (Provincial Government, Municipality and Communities) during the DEIA/EMPr commenting period

 Comments and Response Report ("CRR") and final PPP Report o From all the comments received and questions/comments recorded in the meetings, a comprehensive CRR will be compiled. o The CRR will be included in the Final EIAR/EMPr and also sent out to all stakeholders separately. o The PPP Report will be updated for inclusion in the Final EIAR/EMPr.

 Notification of Final EIAR/EMPr Report Send out notification (email & SMS) of availability of the Final EIAR/EMPr.

 The EIA/EMPr PPP will commence on 8 July 2019 and will continue until 7 August 2019.

It was intended that the PPP for the integrated water use license application ("IWULA")_for the Project ("Project IWULA"), in terms of the National Water Act No 36 of 1998 ("NWA"), would be done in conjunction with that for Draft EIAr. The landowners' consent of the properties on which water uses will be conducted for the Project is however required before the IWULA can be submitted to the DWS. Before obtaining such consent, the Waterberg JVCo appreciates that the landowners would first wish to consider and comment on the draft IWWMP. The formal PPP process for the Project IWULA in terms of the IWUL Regulations has therefore not commenced, but PPP will include comments on the IWWMP.

The following PPP will be followed during the IWULA Phase of the Waterberg Project:

 Draft PPP Chapter for Draft “IWWMP” o The Draft PPP Report focuses on the PPP to date and emphasise the process still to be completed.

 Notification and Availability of the draft Integrated Water and Waste Management Plan ("DIWWMP")


o Send out notification (email & SMS) of the availability of the draft IWWMP and additional engagement sessions; o Placing an advert in a newspaper o Placement of written notice board at visible and accessible places to the public o Giving written notice to relevant stakeholders of the availability of the DIWWMP; o Download link for the availability of the DIWWMP. o Placement of the DIWWMP at identified public places and making hard copies available to Government Departments. o 60-day period for comments on DIWWMP.

 Engagement Sessions o Allowance for additional stakeholder and community meetings during the DIWWMP commenting period

 Comments and Response Report ("CRR") and final PPP Chapter o From all the comments received and questions/comments recorded in the meetings, a comprehensive CRR will be compiled focussed on the IWULA. o The CRR will be included in the Final IWULA and also sent out to all stakeholders separately. o The PPP Chapter will be updated for inclusion in the Final IWULA.

 Notification of Final IWWMP Report Send out notification (email & SMS) of availability of the Final IWWMP.

 The dates of the IWULA PPP will be confirmed.

Purpose of this report

The purpose of the EIA process is to ensure that potential environmental and socio- economic impacts associated with a project are identified, assessed and appropriately managed where possible.

Various specialist studies were undertaken during the Waterberg Project's evaluation, to inform the EIA report. These include:

 Soil, Land Capability, Agricultural Potential and Impact Assessment (Soil IA);  Surface Water Impact Assessment ("Surface Water IA");  Hydrogeological (Groundwater) Assessment ("GIA");  Biodiversity Impact Assessment ("BIA");  Air Quality Impact Assessment ("AQIA");  Noise Impact Assessment ("NIA");


 Visual Impact Assessment ("VIA");  Blasting and Vibration Impact Assessment ("Blasting IA");  Heritage and Palaeontological Impact Assessment ("HIA");  Socio-economic Impact Assessment ("");  Health Impact Assessment ("Health IA");  Traffic Impact Assessment ("TIA");  Waste Classification; and

A summary of impacts identified include:  Surface and groundwater contamination.  Depletion of groundwater reserves.  Alteration of hydrological regimes.  Impact on sensitive heritage features, including graves and historical buildings.  Removal of natural vegetation and fragmentation of habitats.  Faunal displacement and mortality.  Dust emissions.  Soil contamination and loss of soil resources.  Loss of agricultural land.  Land use conversion (agricultural to mining).  Noise and vibration nuisance.  Direct and indirect job creation.  Economic stimulation and growth.  Community based projects, which will benefit the local communities.  Increased traffic volumes.

Summary of Impact Assessment


Rating Post Post Operation Decommissioning Post Construction Operation Decommissioning Closure Closure Mitigation Soil compaction  Soil compaction  Fugitive  Arable land  Visual Soil quality  Alien invasive dust  Land use Alien invasive  Fauna mortalities plants  Fauna Loss of habitat mortalities Fauna  Noxious fumes Major mortalities (High) Noxious fumes Visual

Water quality  Fugitive dust  Water  Soil horizon  Soil compaction.  Soil compaction Water runoff  Visual quality  Soil fertility  Soil quality  Alien invasive Drainage  Soil compaction  Groundwater plants patterns  Groundwater users  Fauna mortalities Groundwater quality  Groundwater  Visual users  Loss of habitat drawdown Groundwater Moderate  Loss of plant  Groundwater drawdown (Medium) quality Groundwater  Alien invasive  Loss of habitat quality plants  Fauna mortalities Fugitive dust  Ground vibration Noise  Visual

Groundwater  Noise  Decant  Water quality  Water runoff  Fugitive dust  Water baseflow  Drainage patterns  Water quality  Noxious fumes quality Non-  Fugitive dust  Drainage patterns  Noise  Decant Minor communicable  Noxious fumes  Groundwater  Fugitive (Low) diseases  Noise baseflow dust Increase in  Air blast  Alien invasive

Rating Rating Post Post Impact Pre- Construction Operation Decommissioning Post Construction Operation Decommissioning Closure Closure mitigation Mitigation  Cultural  Fugitive dust  Heritage  Noxious fumes  Graves  Noise  Non-  Non- communicable communicable diseases diseases  Increase in STDs No impact No impact No impact Major Major Positive (+) (High) (High)  Local economy  Employment  Local economy  Skills Moderate  Employment  Skills Moderate development Positive (+) (Medium)  Economic development (Medium) multiplier  General health  LED Projects  Economic  General health  General health Minor Minor Positive (+)  General health multiplier (Low) (Low)  LED projects



1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION...... 43 1.1 Background ...... 43 1.2 Location ...... 44 1.3 Surface Infrastructure ...... 45

2 AUTHORISATION PROCESS ...... 57 2.1 Scoping Phase ...... 57 2.2 EIA Phase Process ...... 58

3 PROPONENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PRACTITIONER (EAP) DETAILS 60 3.1 Details of the Proponent...... 60 3.2 Details of the EAP ...... 60 3.3 Property Description ...... 61 3.4 Landowners ...... 63

4 POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE CONTEXT ...... 66 4.1 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996 as Amended ...... 66 4.2 Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 ("MPRDA") ...... 67 4.3 National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 ("NEMA") ...... 68 5.1 National Water Act 36 of 1998 ("NWA") ...... 75 5.2 National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008 ("NEM:WA") ...... 95 5.3 National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 ("NEM:AQA") ...... 98 5.4 The National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 ("NHRA") ...... 100 5.5 National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 ("NEMBA") ...... 102 5.6 The Conservation Of Agricultural Resources Act 43 of 1983 ("CARA") ...... 103 5.7 National Forests Act, 84 of 1998 (NFA) ...... 104 5.8 National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 Of 2003 (NEMPAA) ...... 105 5.9 Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 (SPLUMA) ...... 105 5.10 Environment Conservation Act 73 Of 1989 (ECA) – Noise Control Regulations...... 106 5.11 Noise Standards ...... 107 5.12 Explosives Act, 1956 (Act No. 26 of 1956) ...... 108 5.13 Spatial Development Policies ...... 108 5.14 Other Acts, Guidelines and Plans Considered ...... 109

6 DESCRIPTION OF THE SCOPE OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY ...... 111 6.1 Mining Operations ...... 111 6.2 Listed And Specified Activities ...... 113

7 NEED AND DESIRABILITY OF PROPOSED ACTIVITIES ...... 113 7.1 Platinum as an Important Resource ...... 113 7.2 Waterberg Project ...... 114 7.3 Period For Which EA And WML Is Required ...... 117

8 PROCESS FOLLOWED TO REACH THE PREFERRED SURFACE LAYOUT SITE ...... 118 8.1 Location Alternatives ...... 119 8.2 Technological Alternatives ...... 120 8.3 Land Use Alternatives ...... 124


8.4 No-Go Alternative ...... 126

9 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS (PPP) ...... 129 9.1 Objectives Of Public Participation ...... 129 9.2 Legislation ...... 129 9.3 Identification Of I&APs ...... 130 9.4 The PPP ...... 130 9.5 Background Information Document (BID) ...... 133 9.6 Notification Of I&AP's ...... 133 9.7 Availability of Project Documentation ...... 135 9.8 On-site Notifications ...... 135 9.9 Availability of Project Documentation ...... 136 9.10 Engagement Sessions ...... 136 9.11 Comments and Response Report ("CRR") ...... 137

10 ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES AND DESCRIPTION OF THE BASELINE RECEIVING ENVIRONMENT ...... 148 10.1 Geology ...... 148 10.2 Climate ...... 149 10.3 Surface Hydrology ...... 152 10.4 Biodiversity ...... 178 10.5 Soils, Land Use And Land Capability ...... 253 10.6 Social Aspects ...... 267 10.7 Cultural Heritage ...... 300 10.8 Air Quality ...... 369 10.9 Groundwater ...... 411 10.10 Noise ...... 515 10.11 Traffic Assessment ...... 541 10.12 Visual Assessment ...... 552 10.13 Blasting and Vibration ...... 588 10.14 Community Health ...... 602 10.15 Climate change ...... 618

11 IMPACTS AND RISKS IDENTIFIED INCLUDING THE NATURE, SIGNIFICANCE, EXTENT, DURATION AND PROBABILITY ...... 619 11.1 Methodology ...... 619 11.2 Identification Of Impacts...... 621 11.3 Impacts and Cumulative Impacts identified for the Waterberg JV Project ...... 622 11.4 Summary of specialist reports ...... 689 11.5 Unplanned Events, Risks and Management Measures ...... 689 11.6 Environmental Impact Statement ...... 690

12 Monitoring, Compliance with and Performance Assessment ...... 690 12.1 MONITORING OF IMPACT MANAGEMENT ACTIONS ...... 691

13 Indicate the Frequency of the submission of a Performance Assessment Report ...... 699

14 Environmental Awareness Plan ...... 699


14.1 Manner in wHich the applicant intends to inform employees of any Environmental Risk which may result from their work ...... 699 14.2 Manner in which risks will be dealt with in order to avoid pollution or degradation of the environment ...... 700

15 Information for Consideration and Inclusion...... 701 15.1 Assumptions, uncertainties and Knowledge Gaps...... 701 15.2 Aspects for inclusions as considerations of the EA ...... 709 15.3 Proposed Management objectives and outcomes for inclusion in the EMPr ...... 710 15.4 Rehabilitation Requirements ...... 712 15.5 A reasoned opinion: Should the Waterberg Joint Venturs Project be approved? ...... 712 15.6 Period for which EA is required ...... 713 15.7 Other information requirements ...... 713 15.8 Regarding Correctness of Information ...... 713

16 Financial Provision ...... 714 16.1 Closure Cost Methodology ...... 714 16.2 CONFIRM THAT THIS AMOUNT CAN BE PROVIDED FOR FROM OPERATING EXPENDITURE ...... 717



Appendix 1: Preferred Surface Layout Plan Appendix 2: EAP Certificates Appendix 3: EAP CV Appendix 4: Public Participation Process Appendix 4-1: I&AP Register Appendix 4-2: Notification Letter Appendix 4-3: Background Information Document Appendix 4-4: On-site Notice Appendix 4-5: Proof of hand-delivery of hard copies of Final Scoping Report to Commenting Authorities Appendix 4-6: Proof of hand-delivery Register Appendix 4-7: Advertisement Appendix 4-8: Invitations to Engagement Sessions Appendix 4-9: Minutes / Minute Notes of Engagements Appendix 4-10: Comments and Response Report Appendix 4-11: Written Submissions Appendix 5: Application form submitted Appendix 6: Proof of MR Application submission Appendix 7: Specialist Reports



Figure1: Locality Map ...... 45 Figure 2: Surface Infrastructure Alternative 1 ...... 46 Figure 3: Alternative Site 1 (Goedetrouw & Norma) ...... 47 Figure 4: Alternative Site 2 (Ketting) ...... 48 Figure 5: Location of boreholes identified for production purposes...... 53 Figure 6: EIA Process Timeframes ...... 59 Figure 7: Project Area ...... 62 Figure 7: Settlements ...... 65 Figure 8: Project Area Geological Map ...... 149 Figure 9: Wind direction distribution ...... 151 Figure 10: Quaternary Catchments ...... 153 Figure 11: Regional mean annual evaporation (mm) ...... 155 Figure 12: River classification (DWA 2005) ...... 156 Figure 13: Drainage density ...... 158 Figure 14: Location of the Project Area in eco-region ...... 159 Figure 15: Identified impacts with 100m buffer zones, Alternative 1...... 163 Figure 16 Identified impacts with 100m buffer zones, Alternative 2...... 164 Figure 17: Catchment areas of surface water runoff impacts ...... 167 Figure 18: Local catchments areas combined for Alternative 1& 2 ...... 168 Figure 19: Proposed surface water mitigation measures, Alternative 1...... 173 Figure 20: Proposed surface water mitigation measures, Alternative 2...... 174 Figure 21: Proposed mitigation measures, TSF Alternative 1...... 175 Figure 22: Proposed Surface Layout Alternative 2...... 178 Figure 23: Vegetation map based on floristic composition and associated abiotic factors present in the WJV Project Area...... 180 Figure 24: SAC performed on the track transect data collected in the WJV Project Area . 198 Figure 25: Observational success using Track Transects in the WJV Project Area...... 200 Figure 26: Collated observation success based on vegetation clusters in the WJV Project Area...... 201 Figure 27: SACperformed on the camera trap data collected in the WJV Project Area. .... 203 Figure 28: SAC performed on the Sherman and spindle trap data collected during the survey period (5 to 18 June 2018) in the WJV Project Area...... 208 Figure 29: Small mammal capture success based on habitat clusters in the WJV Project Area...... 210 Figure 29: The SAC (red line) for 112 points sampled in the WJV Project Area...... 214 Figure 30: A SACfor arthropods collected from 12 sampling sites by means of pitfall trapping in the WJV Project Area...... 226 Figure 31: Digital elevation model...... 254 Figure 32: Topographic wetness index (TWI) for the entire survey area...... 255 Figure 33: Soil map of the areas covered by the proposed mining infrastructure, Alternative 1...... 256 Figure 34: Soil map of the areas covered by the proposed mining infrastructure, TSF Alternative 2...... 257 Figure 35: Soil map of the areas covered by the proposed mining infrastructure, Alternative 2...... 258


Figure 36: Capricorn District Municipality ...... 268 Figure 37: Blouberg LM Wards ...... 269 Figure 38: Population statistics of the Project Area...... 270 Figure 39: Age structure of Capricorn DM and Blouberg LM (Source: StatsSA) ...... 271 Figure 40: Employment status by Gender, Blouberg LM (Source: Blouberg LM Draft IDP/Budget) ...... 274 Figure 41: Main Economic sectors, Capricorn DM (Source: CDM Final IDP/Budget) ...... 275 Figure 42: Example of community development process of the Mine ...... 277 Figure 43: Education levels (Census 2011; CS 2016: StatsSA) ...... 280 Figure 44: Service delivery: Capricorn DM & Blouberg LM (StatsSA) ...... 283 Figure 45: Sites identified during various surveys in the Project Area...... 307 Figure 46: Lower grinding stone at Ketting...... 308 Figure 47: More lower grinding stones at Ketting...... 309 Figure 48: Decorated pottery from one of the three sites on Early Dawn...... 311 Figure 49: Some of the graves at site no. 1 - Ketting...... 315 Figure 50: Some of the graves at site no. 2 - Ketting...... 316 Figure 51: Some of the graves at site no. 6 - Ketting...... 317 Figure 52: Some of the graves at site no. 8 – Ketting...... 318 Figure 53: Some of the graves at site no. 9 - Ketting...... 319 Figure 54: Graves at Site 13 - Ketting...... 320 Figure 55: Graves at Site 14 - Ketting...... 321 Figure 56: Graves at Site 15 - Ketting...... 322 Figure 57: Graves at Site 16 - Ketting...... 323 Figure 58: Graves at Site 18 - Ketting...... 324 Figure 59: Graves at Site 19 - Ketting...... 325 Figure 60: Graves at Site 20 - Ketting...... 326 Figure 61: Graves at Site 21 - Ketting...... 327 Figure 62: Graves at Site 22 - Ketting...... 328 Figure 63: Graves at Site 24 - Disseldorp...... 329 Figure 64: The graves at site no. 25 - Goedetrouw...... 331 Figure 65: The graves at site no. 26 - Goedetrouw...... 331 Figure 66: Some of the graves at site no. 14 – Early Dawn...... 332 Figure 67: Some of the graves at site no. 15 – Early Dawn...... 333 Figure 68: Some of the graves at site no. 16 – Early Dawn...... 334 Figure 69: Some of the graves at site no. 17 – Early Dawn...... 334 Figure 70: The grave at site no. 18 – Early Dawn...... 335 Figure 71: Some of the graves at site no. 18 – Early Dawn...... 336 Figure 72: Some of the graves at site no. 20 – Early Dawn...... 337 Figure 73: Some of the graves at site no. 21 – Early Dawn...... 338 Figure 74: Some of the graves at site no. 22 – Early Dawn...... 339 Figure 75: Some of the graves at site no. 12 – Old Lang Syne...... 340 Figure 76: First possible grave at site no. 13 – Old Lang Syne...... 340 Figure 77: Second possible grave at site no. 13 – Old Lang Syne...... 341 Figure 78: Graves at site 27 on the farm Norma (courtesy of Nel et. al. 2013)...... 342 Figure 79: Historical remains at Site 4...... 343 Figure 80: Historical residential remains at site 5 - Ketting...... 345 Figure 81: Historical remains at Site 7...... 347 Figure 82: Historical residential remains at site 10 - Ketting...... 349


Figure 83: Historical stone walling at site 11- Ketting...... 351 Figure 84: Historical remains at Site 12...... 353 Figure 85: Historical remains at Site 17...... 355 Figure 86: Historical remains on Site 30...... 357 Figure 87: Historical remains on Site 23...... 360 Figure 88: Historical remains on Site 25 ...... 362 Figure 89: Historical residential remains at site 23 – Early Dawn...... 364 Figure 90: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in the greater Limpopo region...... 371 Figure 91: Monthly ambient NO2 concentrations at Louis Trichardt...... 372 Figure 92: Monthly ambient SO2 concentrations at Louis Trichardt ...... 372 Figure 93: Locations of the stack point sources – Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 ...... 374 th Figure 94: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – 24hour, 99 percentile...... 386

Figure 95: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – 24hour, 99th percentile ...... 387

Figure 96: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – 24hour, 99th percentile...... 388

Figure 97: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – Annual Average...... 389

Figure 98: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – Annual Average...... 390

Figure 99: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – Annual Average...... 391

Figure 100: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – 24 hour, 99th percentile...... 392

Figure 101: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – 24hour, 99th percentile...... 393

Figure 102: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – 24hour, 99th percentile...... 394

Figure 103: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – Annual Average...... 395

Figure 104: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – Annual Average...... 396

Figure 105: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – Annual Average...... 397 th Figure 106: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – 1hour, 99 percentile...... 398

Figure 107: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – 1hour, 99th percentile...... 399

Figure 108: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – 1hour, 99th percentile...... 400

Figure 109: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – Annual Average...... 401

Figure 110: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – Annual Average...... 402

Figure 111: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – Annual Average...... 403


Figure 112: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) – Annual Average...... 404 Figure 113: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 – Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) – Annual Average...... 405 Figure 114: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 – Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) – Annual Average...... 406 Figure 115: Cumulative Distribution of borehole yields ...... 414 Figure 116: Distribution of borehole yields ...... 414 Figure 117: Piezometric map of groundwater level ...... 417 Figure 118: Local piezometric groundwater levels ...... 420 Figure 119: Correlation between ground surface and groundwater elevation ...... 421 Figure 120: Bayesian piezometric groundwater levels ...... 423 Figure 121: Water exploration Drill localities...... 425 Figure 122: Location of villages and irrigation ...... 434 Figure 123: Location of boreholes in use...... 436 Figure 124: Location of mine boreholes...... 438 Figure 125: Location of boreholes and water quality class by TDS ...... 441 Figure 126: Location of boreholes and Water Quality class by Nitrates ...... 443 Figure 127: Height of tailings for Alternatives 2 and 3 ...... 448 Figure 128: Conceptual Model ...... 454 Figure 129: Model domain and Quaternary catchments ...... 459 Figure 130: Model Boundaries ...... 461 Figure 131: DTM of model domain ...... 462 Figure 132: Observed vs simulated water level ...... 471 Figure 133: Residual error in simulated water levels ...... 472 Figure 134: Inflow into declines for Alternative 1...... 473 Figure 135: Inflow in to stopes for Alternative 1...... 473 Figure 136: Inflow into declines for Alternative 2...... 474 Figure 137: Inflow in to stopes for Alternative 2...... 475 Figure 138: Change in inflow by hydraulic conductivity multiplier ...... 476 Figure 139: Change in inflow by storage coefficient multiplier ...... 477 Figure 140: Aquifer storage loss and mine inflows ...... 481 Figure 141: Baseflow reduction ...... 482 Figure 142: Mine with wellfield Layer 2 drawdown ...... 484 Figure 143: Mine with wellfield Layer 4 drawdown ...... 485 Figure 144: Water level in surrounding boreholes in shallow aquifer ...... 486 Figure 146: Layer 2 Big mine water level drawdown during recovery ...... 491 Figure 147: Sulphur vs NPR ...... 497 Figure 148: NPR and % sulphur ...... 498 Figure 149: Paste pH and AP/NR...... 498 Figure 150: Sulphide neutralisation potential versus sulphide content ...... 499 Figure 151: NPR and % sulphur ...... 500 Figure 152: Paste pH and AP/NR...... 500 Figure 153: Sulphide neutralisation potential versus sulphide content ...... 501 Figure 154: Plume migration in layer 1 after 84 years – TDS above background in mg/l, Alternative 1...... 507 Figure 155: Plume migration in layer 2 after 84 years – TDS above background in mg/l, Alternative 1...... 508


Figure 156: Plume migration in layer 1 after 84 years – TDS above background in mg/l, Alternative 2...... 508 Figure 157: Plume migration in layer 2 after 84 years – TDS above background in mg/l, Alternative 2...... 509 Figure 158: Cumulative TDS load ...... 509 Figure 159: 2018 Waterberg baseline ambient noise survey - existing ambient noise levels...... 516 Figure 160: Noise study area...... 517 (SANS 10103) ...... 522 Figure 161: Noise monitoring locations...... 529 Figure 162: Existing ambient levels...... 530 Figure 113: Sources of Noise in the Construction Phase ...... 531 Figure 163: Night-time noise impact at Infrastructure Alternative 1...... 534 Figure 164: Night-time noise impact at Infrastructure Alternative 2...... 535 Figure 165: Night-time noise impact of Infrastructure Alternative 1 on affected communities within the 3dB and 5 dB Impact Contours ...... 536 Figure 166: Night-time noise impact of Infrastructure Alternative 2 on affected communities within the 3dB and 5 dB Impact Contours ...... 537 Figure 167: Present Roads Network ...... 542 Figure 168: Surrounding road network...... 543 Figure 169: Alternative routes with average daily traffic volumes ...... 544 Figure 170: Three most critical intersections...... 549 Figure 171: Alternative routes with average daily traffic volumes...... 550 Figure 172: Local settings and views...... 556 Figure 173: Views and visual receptors...... 557 Figure 174: Landscape character (Views 1 - 3)...... 558 Figure 175: Landscape character (Views 4 - 6)...... 559 Figure 176: Landscape character (Views 7 - 9)...... 560 Figure 177: Landscape character (Views 10 - 12)...... 561 Figure 178: Landscape charcter (Views 13 - 15)...... 562 Figure 178: Landscape types and sensitivities...... 564 Figure 179: Viewshed analysis - Infrastructure Alternative 1...... 571 Figure 180: Viewshed analysis - Infrastructure Alternative 1...... 572 Figure 181: Simulation (View 7)...... 575 Figure 182: Simulation (View 6)...... 576 Figure 183: Simulation (View 2)...... 577 Figure 184: Mitigation measures...... 585 Figure 184: Fly rock prediction calculations...... 601 Figure 185: Vegetation sensitivity, Alternatve 1...... 638 Figure 186: Vegetation sensitivity, Alternative 2...... 638 Figure 187: Schematic representation of the main elements of the proposed infrastructure (Alternative 1) in reference to the critical habitat of the short-clawed lark ...... 639 Figure 188: Schematic representation of the main elements of the proposed infrastructure (Alternative 2) in reference to the critical habitat of the short-clawed lark ...... 640 Figure 189: Sensitivity analysis: Alternative 1...... 641 Figure 190: Sensitivity analysis: Alternative 2...... 642 Figure 191: Visual mitigation measures...... 662 Figure 192: Proposed monitoring borehole sites ...... 694



Table 1: Boreholes identified for water supply purposes...... 52 Table 2: Properties in Project Area: ...... 61 Table 3: List of Landowners ...... 64 Table 4: Listed Activities triggered by the Waterberg Project under NEMAError! Bookmark not defined. Table 6: Activities associated with the Waterberg Project which will require a WML ...... 98 Table 7: Acceptable Dust Fall Rates ...... 99 Table 7: Notifications...... 135 Table 8: Public Documents table ...... 135 Table 10: Comments and Response Summary ...... 147 Table 11: Specialist Reports conducted during the EIA phase and Associated Appendices ...... 148 Table 12: Average monthly precipitation ...... 150 Table 13: Average maximum, average and minimum temperatures ...... 150 Table 14: Annual maximum, minimum and average monthly evaporation...... 152 Table 15: Catchment data of the Seepabana River Basin ...... 154 Table 16: Seepabana River naturalised run-off at the exit of quaternary catchment A62H (mcm = million cubic meters) ...... 154 Table 17: Main attributes of the Northern Plateau Ecoregion ...... 160 Table 18: Classification of river health assessment in line with the RHP ...... 160 Table 19: Summary of the ecological status of quaternary catchment ...... 161 Table 20: Impact of proposed components, Alternative 1...... 162 Table 21: Impact of proposed components, Alternative 2...... 162 Table 22: Estimated impact on surface water runoff as percentage, Alternative 1...... 167 Table 23: Estimated impact on surface water runoff as percentage, Alternative 2...... 167 Tables 24: SWMP mitigation measure types ...... 170 Table 25: Surface water mitigation measures Alternative 1...... 171 Table 25 a: Surface water mitigation measures Alternative 2...... 172 Table 26: Impacts with no mitigation, Alternative 1...... 176 Table 27: Impacts with mitigation in place, Alternative 2...... 177 Table 28: Overview of the number of survey plots per topographic attitude class within the WJV Project Area...... 179 Table 29: Overview of the mean estimated percentage vegetation cover associated with the vegetation communities of the WJV Project Area...... 182 Table 30: Overview of the mean estimated vegetation height associated with the vegetation communities of the WJV Project Area...... 182 Table 31: Overview of the number of species per major growth form recorded within the WJV Project Area...... 190 Table 32: List of the four plant genera, which contains more than 10% of the plant species recorded within the WJV Project Area...... 191 Table 33: List of the eight plant families, which contains more than 50% of the plant species recorded within the WJV Project Area...... 191


Table 34: List of provincially protected species per plant community within the WJV Project Area...... 192 Table 35: List of species with medicinal properties recorded per plant community within the WJV Project Area...... 194 Table 36: List of declared alien invasive species recorded per plant community within the WJV Project Area...... 194 Table 37: Carbon values for the Associations in the WJV Project Area...... 195 Table 38: Proportional observation rates using Track Transects in the WJV Project Area.199 Table 39: Proportional capture rates of all animal species detected using remote cameras in the WJV Project Area...... 204 Table 40: Capture success based on using Sherman and spindle traps in the WJV Project Area...... 209 Table 41: IUCN Red List of mammals observed in the WJV Project Area ...... 213 Table 42: Total number of Red Listed (Taylor et al. 2015; IUCN 2017), endemics and biome-restricted species (Marnewick et al. 2015) expected and observed species in the WJV Project Area...... 215 Table 43: Summary of biome-restricted species observed in the WJV Project Area...... 216 Table 44: Globally threatened / Near Threatened species (IUCN 2017) at the Blouberg IBA...... 217 Table 45: Nationally threatened / Near Threatened bird species (Taylor et al. 2015) at the Blouberg IBA...... 217 Table 46: Typical bird species recorded on the WJV Project Area...... 223 Table 47: The dominant arthropod taxa / groups collected on the WJV Project Area...... 227 Table 48: A list of scorpion taxa confirmed for and expected to occur on the WJV study area, Limpopo province ...... 229 Table 49: A shortlist of expected and observed bat species on the WJV Project Area...... 231 Table 50: A concise summary of the wet and dry season herpetological survey results for the WJV Project Area...... 233 Table 51: Herpetofaunal survey representativeness in the WJV Project Area...... 248 Table 52: Soil texture, textual class and pH (KCl and water) for the 11 sample...... 260 Table 53: Soil analysis results (selected chemical properties) of 4 topsoil sample...... 260 Table 54: Extractable cations on an equivalent and percentage basis for the 4 sample. .. 261 Table 55: Base and acid saturations for the 4 topsoil samples ...... 262 Table 56: Land capability classes for assessment of land ...... 263 Table 57: Land capability classes for assessment of land ...... 263 Table 58: Unemployment rates 2011 (Census) and 2016 ...... 273 Table 59: Alldays Police Station crime statistics per category (Source: www.saps.gov.za) ...... 282 Table 60: Cultural significance of Site 3...... 309 Table 61: Cultural significance of Site 24...... 311 Table 62: Cultural significance of Sites 1-2,4,6-9, 11-22 & 25-27...... 313 Table 63: Cultural significance of Site 4...... 343 Table 64: Cultural significance of Site 5...... 345 Table 65: Cultural significance of Site 5...... 347 Table 66: Cultural significance of Site 10...... 349 Table 67: Cultural significance of Site 11...... 351 Table 68: Cultural significance of Site 12...... 354 Table 69: Cultural significance of Site 17...... 356


Table 70: Cultural significance of Site 30...... 358 Table 71: Cultural significance of Site 23...... 360 Table 72: Cultural significance of Site 25...... 362 Table 73: Cultural significance of Site 23...... 364 Table 74: Primary Pollutants...... 373 Table 75: Point Source Parameter – Scenario 1...... 375 Table 76: Estimated emission rates for the underground mining activities – Scenario 1. .. 375 Table 77: Point Source Parameter – Scenario 2 ...... 376 Table 78: Estimated emission rates for the underground mining activities – Scenario 2 ... 377 Table 79: Normal Operating Conditions Point Source Emission Rates – Scenario 1 ...... 380 Table 80: Normal Operating Conditions Point Source Emission Rates – Scenario 2 ...... 383 Table 81: Modelled 1st Highest / Maximum Concentrations for Scenario 1 ...... 407 Table 82: Modelled 1st Highest / Maximum Concentrations for Scenario 2 ...... 407 Table 83: GHG Emission summary for Scenario 1 (Tier 1, IPCC guidelines) ...... 408 Table 84: GHG Emission summary for Scenario 2 (Tier 1, IPCC guidelines) ...... 408 Table 85: Summary table of number of boreholes with data ...... 413 Table 86: Local number of boreholes with data ...... 413 Table 87: Drilling results...... 424 Table 88: Test pumping results...... 426 Table 89: Macro chemistry of newly developed boreholes...... 427 Table 90: Estimated water use by village ...... 432 Table 91: Boreholes for mine wellfield...... 437 Table 92: DWS Water Quality Classes ...... 439 Table 93: DWS Water Quality Threshold Classification – Macro chemistry ...... 444 Table 94: Water Quality Classification ...... 445 Table 95: Recharge and Harvest Potential ...... 446 Table 96: Aquifer storage ...... 447 Table 97: Hydraulic properties of tailings ...... 448 Table 98: Characteristics of TSF ...... 448 Table 99: Model permeabilities...... 464 Table 100: Recharge in mm/a ...... 465 Table 101: Conductance of underground mine workings ...... 467 Table 102: Mining schedule ...... 468 Table 103: Model simulations performed ...... 469 Table 104: Mine wellfield abstraction...... 478 Table 105: Project Area water balance ...... 479 Table 106: Drawdown in boreholes ...... 486 Table 107: Acid base accounting ...... 495 Table 108: NAG results ...... 502 Table 109: Maximum concentrations of constituents of concern ...... 504 Table 110: Transport parameters asigned to model layers...... 506 Table 111: Typical outdoor ambient noise levels in various districts (SANS 10103) ...... 522 Table 112: Expected community response to an increase in ambient noise level ...... 522 (SANS 10103) ...... 522 Table 114: Broad noise implications for interested and potentially affected Communities 540 Table 115: Transport corridors...... 545 Table 116: Value of the Visual Resource ...... 563 Table 117: Potential Sensitivity of Visual Receptors...... 566


Table 118: Visibility...... 568 Table 119: Sensitive Receptors – Visual Exposure ( Surface Infrastucture Alternative 1). 568 Table 120: Sensitive Receptors – Visual Exposure (Surface Infrastructure Alternative 2). 569 Table 121: Sensitive Receptors – Visual Exposure (TSF Alternative 1)...... 569 Table 122: Sensitive Receptors – Visual Exposure (TSF Alternative 2) ...... 570 Table 123: Visual intrusion rating...... 574 Table 124: Intensity of Impact (Magnitude) of the Waterberg Project...... 579 Table 125: : POI Classification used ...... 588 Table 126: Blast design technical information...... 589 Table 127: Blast design information from simulation...... 590 Table 128: Expected Ground Vibration at Various Distances from Charges Applied in this Study ...... 591 Table 129: Proposed prediction equations...... 592 Table 130: Air Blast Predicted Values...... 593 Table 131: Excerpt of Limpopo Province and CDM causes of death in 2016...... 604 Table 132: Baseline (current) receptor area mortality numbers 2018...... 605 Table 133: Current receptor area hospital admission numbers 2018...... 606 Table 134: PM2.5 exposure concentrations at communities and settlements...... 608 Table 135: 99th Percentile 24-hour average SO2 concentrations...... 609 Table 136: 99th Percentile 1-hour maximum NO2 concentrations...... 609 Table 137: 99th Percentile 8-hourly maximum CO concentrations...... 611 Table 138: Short-term PM2.5 health risks as increased percentages of personal risk...... 612 Table 139: Long-term PM2.5 health risks as increased percentages of personal risk...... 613 Table 140: Short-term SO2 exposure health risks in Ga-Ntsoko, BLM ward 1...... 614 Table 141: Short-term NO2 health risks as increased percentages of personal risk...... 615 Table 142: Short term CO exposure health risk...... 615 Table 143: Impact Methodology ...... 620 Table 144: Significance ratings ...... 621 Table 145: Summary of criteria used in sensitivity amalysis...... 640 Table 146: Impact summary with/without mitigation for both alternatives...... 642 Table147: Levels of significance ...... 643 Table 148: Impacts with no mitigation, Alternative 1...... 644 Table 149: Impacts with mitigation, Alternative 1...... 645 Table 150: Impacts with no mitigation, Alternative 2...... 645 Table 151: Specialist report summary...... 689 Table 152: Key findings with high impacts ...... 690 Table 152: Monitoring schedule recommended ...... 694 Table 153: List of possible monitoring positions ...... 698



GN 704 Government Notice no. 704 (4 June 1999) on the Use of Water for Mining and Related Activities aimed at the Protection of Water Resources AEL Atmospheric emissions licence AIA Air Quality Impact Assessment Alternative 1 Portion 1 of Goedetrouw (once registered); and Goedetrouw, with the TSF being located on Portion 1 (for the and the Remaining Extent of Norma. Waterberg Surface Infrastructure) Alternative 2 Ketting, with the TSF also located on Ketting. Alternative 3 Ketting, with the TSF located on Portion 1 and the Remaining Extent of Norma. Alternative Alternative 1, 2 and 3. Surface Layout Sites AQA List Minimum National Emission Standards were published in Government Notice 893 of Government Gazette No. 37054 on 22 November 2013 AQMS Ambient Quality Monitoring Stations Bateleur Bateleur Environmental & Monitoring Services (Pty) Ltd BEV Battery Electric Vehicle BIA Biodiversity Impact Assessment BIC Bushveld Igneous Complex BID Background Information Document Blast IA Blast and Vibration Assessment BLM or Blouberg Local Municipality Blouberg LM BLR Blind Longitudinal Retreat CA Competent Authority CARA Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act 43 of 1983 CBA Critical Biodiversity Areas CDM Capricorn District Municipal Construction The existing construction camp on Portions 12 of Harriets Wish 393 LR ("Harriets Wish") will be Camp Area expanded onto Portions 10, 13 and 14 Harriets Wish, for use during the construction phase of the Waterberg Project. CRR Comments and Response Report DAFF Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries DEA Department of Environmental Affairs DEIAR Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report DEAT Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism DFS Definitive Feasibility Study Diesel Under- and-above ground diesel tanks and refuelling facilities Facilities DMR Department of Mineral Resources DSR Draft Scoping Report DWS Department of Water and Sanitation EA Environmental Authorisation EAP Environmental Assessment Practitioner ECA Environment Conservation Act 73 of 1989 EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIA Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 - Published under Government Notice R982 Regulations in Government Gazette 38282 of 4 December 2014 2014 EIAR Environmental Impact Assessment Report39 Emulsion Storage facilities for emulsions

Facilities EMPr Environmental Management Programme Report Epoch Epoch Resources (Pty) Ltd FEIAR Final Environmental Impact Assessment Report FP The Financial Provisioning Regulations published in Government Notice R1147 of Government Regulations Gazette 39425 of 20 November 2015 FSR Final Scoping Report GDP Gross Domestic Profit GHG Greenhouse Gas GIA Geohydrological Assessment GIS Geographic Information System GN Government Notice GN 704 Government Notice no. 704 (4 June 1999) on the Use of Water for Mining and Related Activities aimed at the Protection of Water Resources published in terms of the NWA.

HIA Heritage and Palaeontology Impact Assessment HRD Human Resource Development I&AP Interested & Affected Party IDP Integrated Development Plan Implats Impala Platinum Holdings Limited IWWMP Integrated Water and Waste Management Plan IWULA Integrated Water Use Licence Application IWUL Water Use Licence Application and Appeals Regulation, 2017 - Published under Government Notice Regulations R267 in Government Gazette 40713 of 24 March 2017.

JOGMEC Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation Landfill GNR 635 (published in Government Gazette 36784 on 23 August 2013) provides the National Norms Norms and Standards for Disposal of Waste to Landfill Listed Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations published in Government Notices R983 to 985 of Activities Government Gazette 38282 on 4 December 2014 (as amended by Government Notices R327 to R329 of 7 April 2017) LED Local Economic Development LoM Life of Mine LUS Land Use Scheme MAP Mean Annual Precipitation MAR Mean Annual Runoff MAP Mean Annual Precipitation MF1 (Mill – Float) circuit utilizing the reagents - Oxalic acid and Thiourea MF2 (Mill – Float- Mill- Float) circuit utilizing typical Southern African PGM reagent suites Mine Area Rosamund 357 LR, Disseldorp 369 LR, Millstream 358 LR, Ketting 368 LR, Portion 1 of Goedetrouw 366 LR (once registered), Goedetrouw 366 LR, Early Dawn 361 LR, Old Langsine 360 LR, Langbryde 324 LR Lomondside 323 LR, within the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex in the Limpopo Province Mining The extraction of 7.2 Mtpa for up to 25 years of mining with a 10.6 Ml/d wellfield. Alternative 1 Mining The extraction of 3 - 4.2 Mtpa for up to 40 years of mining with worked out areas remaining Alternative 2 dewatered for the purpose of water supply and a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield. Mining 4.2 Mtpa for up to 40 years of mining with worked out areas remaining dewatered for the purpose of Alternative 3 water supply and a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield Mnombo Mnombo Wethu Consultants Proprietary Limited MPRDA Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 MR Mining Right application to the DMR Application NCR National Noise Control Regulations (published in GN R154 of Government Gazette 13717 on 10 January 1992) NDP National Development Plan


NEM:AQA The National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 NEM:BA National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 NEM:WA National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008 NEM:WA List List of waste management activities that have, or are likely to have, a detrimental effect on the environment, published in GN R921 of Government Gazette 37083 on 29 November 2013 NEMA National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 NEMPAA National Environmental Management Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003 NFA National Forests Act 84 of 1998 NHRA National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 NIA Noise Impact Assessment

NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide NWA National Water Act 36 of 1998 ORWRDP Olifants River Water Resource Development Project PCD Pollution Control Dam PFS Pre-feasibility Studies PTM Canada Platinum Group Metals Ltd (Canada) (PTM) PTM Platinum Group Metals

PM2.5 or PM10 Particulate Matter POI Points of Interest PPD Pan Palladium PPP laws NEMA, the EIA Regulations and the MPRDA PPP Public Participation Process Project Area Construction Camp Area, Mine Area and Surface Infrastructure Area PTM RSA Platinum Group Metals RSA Proprietary Limited RAW Return Airways RoM Run of Mine RWD Return Water Dam SAC Species Accumulation Curves SAHRA South African Heritage Resources Agency SANS South African National Standards SCC Species of Conservation Concern S&EIA Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessment SDF Spatial Development Framework SIA Socio-economic Impact Assessment SLOS Sublevel Open Stopping SLP Social and Labour Plan SMMEs Small, Medium and Micro-Sized Enterprises Soil IA Soil, Land Use and Land Capability Assessment SWMP Storm Water Management Plan.

SO2 or SO2 Sulphur Dioxide SPLUMA Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases STP Sewage Treatment Plant Surface The properties on which the Waterberg Surface Infrastructure will be located Infrastructure Area Surface The footprint or infrastructure that is above ground. Layout Area Surface Surface Water Impact Assessment Water IA Tailings Tailings pipelines running from the process plant to the TSF Pipeline TB Tuberculosis TIA Traffic Impact Assessment TSF Tailings Storage Facility


VIA Visual Assessment VOC Volatile Organic Compounds Water A pipeline will be constructed to transport the water to the Surface Infrastructure Area Pipelines Waterberg Waterberg JV Resources Proprietary Limited JVCo or the Applicant Waterberg Mining activities to be undertaken on the properties held under some of the Prospecting Rights, in Project or the particular: Project LP 30/5/1/1/2/10667PR; LP 30/5/1/1/2/10809 PR; LP 30/5/1/1/2/1265 PR renewed under LP 30/1/12/11013 PR; and LP 30/5/1/1/2/10804 PR, and associated infrastructure required for the mining activities Waterberg The mining associated surface infrastructure required for the Waterberg Project Surface Infrastructure WIM Women in Mining WJV Project This doesn’t seem to be defined. Area WMA Water Management Area WML Waste Management Licence WMLA Waste Management Licence Application WPP Water Purification Plant WRD Waste Rock Dump WWTW Waste Water Treatment Works 2014 EIA The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Published in Government Notice (GN) R982 in Regulations Government Gazette 38282 of 4 December 2014 (as amended by GN R326 of 7 April 2017)




PTM RSA, a registered South African company and a subsidiary of PTM Canada, was granted nine Prospecting Rights over various properties located in the Waterberg area in the Limpopo Province, in terms of the MPRDA by the DMR.

PTM RSA then subsequently entered into an agreement with Waterberg JVCo, PTM, Mnombo and JOGMEC, in terms of which all the Prospecting Rights held by PTM RSA would be ceded to Waterberg JVCo. The Minerals Minister duly granted consent in terms of section 11(1) of the MPRDA to transfer the Prospecting Rights held by PTM RSA to Waterberg JVCo. On 16 October 2017 agreements were concluded between Waterberg JVCo, PTM RSA, PTM, Mnombo, JOGMEC and Implats, whereby Implats: (i) purchased shares in Waterberg JVCo representing a 15% interest in the Waterberg Project from PTM RSA and JOGMEC; (ii) acquired an option to increase its stake in Waterberg JVCo to 50.1%, through additional share purchases and earn-in arrangements; and (iii) acquired a right of first refusal to smelt and refine the Waterberg Project's concentrate. The ceded Prospecting Rights were included in the shareholders agreement executed by the shareholders of Waterberg JVCo on the 16 October 2017.

Waterberg JVCo now intends to undertake mining on some of the properties held under the Prospecting Rights, in particular:

LP 30/5/1/1/2/10667PR; LP 30/5/1/1/2/10809 PR; LP 30/5/1/1/2/1265 PR renewed under LP 30/1/12/11013 PR; and LP 30/5/1/1/2/10804 PR and construct associated infrastructure required for the mining activities.

Waterberg represents a large-scale platinum group metal (PTM) resource with an attractive risk profile, given its shallow nature. The 2016 independent Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) outlined the Waterberg Project as one of the largest, lowest cost undeveloped PTM assets globally. In the PFS, Waterberg is designed to be a low cost, multi-decline, fully mechanized mining complex along an initial 13 km deposit strike length.

The mining methodology is based on the PFS for Mining Alternative 1 and 2, the Mining Alternative 3 is the preferred option and is based on the DFS.

 Mining Alternative 1: 7.2 Mtpa for up to 25 years of mining with a 7.6 Ml/d wellfield; and  Mining Alternative 2: 3 – 4.2 Mtpa for up to 40 years of mining with discontinuation of dewatering once areas are mined out and a 6.2 Ml/d concentrated wellfield; and


 Mining Alternative 3: 4.8 Mtpa for up to 45 years of mining with worked out areas remaining dewatered for the purpose of water supply and a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield.

 The mining alternative 3 that has been identified as the preferred option at present, being the South Complex with a Portal accessing the T Zone and F South Zone and a Portal accessing the F Central Zone. This complex will be producing (RoM) 4.8 Mtpa until depleted with the North Complex accessing the F North and F Boundary replacing the depleted production. This production rate indicates a Life of Mine of 45 years, the worked out areas remaining open to harvest water inflows for the purpose of water supply to the mine, In addition to this water supply a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield will also be utilised for the water demand.  ("Preferred Mining Alternative").

 If the Preferred Mining Alternative is selected, the Waterberg Project will initially site the underground workings on the farms Ketting for the Tailings facility and Goedetrouw for the Metallurgical plant, Backfill plant and surface infrastructure that will consist of 2 surface mining Complexes North and South that will serve as access to mining up to a depth of approximately 1200m below surface.  Once the Southern complex has been mined out it is planned that the mine production will continue from the Northern Complex.

For Mining Alternative 2 and 3, a single 4.2Mtpa module Process Plant will be constructed in a single phase. Phase one concentrator module and associated infrastructure will be constructed during the first three years, while the second module will be completed later.

For Mining Alternative 1 a Processing Plant, with a steady state capacity of 7.2 Mtpa would be needed. Construction would take place in two phases, with each phase comprising a 3.6Mtpa concentrator module. Each module comprises a three-stage crushing circuit, which feeds crushed material to the primary milling circuit, flotation cells are used to separate and concentrate the mineral bearing ore from the waste. The flotation circuit operates in Mill- Float-Mill-Float (MF2) configuration.

The Process Plant will process the ore to produce a saleable concentrate, at a 4E grade of no less than 80g/t. The concentrate is filtered and transport from the site for further processing.

The tailings would be pumped overland to the TSF.


The Waterberg Project will be located 13km west of Senwabarwana, 74km north-west of Polokwane, 63km south of All Days, within the Blouberg LM and CDM area.


Figure1: Locality Map

The area to be mined is situated on Rosamund 357 LR, Disseldorp 369 LR (Disseldorp), Millstream 358 LR, Ketting 368 LR (Ketting), Portion 1 of Goedetrouw 366 LR (Goedetrouw) (once registered)4, Goedetrouw, Early Dawn 361 LR, Old Langsine 360 LR, Langbryde 324 LR, Lomondside 323 LR (the Mine Area).


1.3.1 Location

The Surface Infrastructure will be limited to only a few properties on the Surface Infrastructure Area.

Portion 1 of Goedetrouw (once registered); Goedetrouw; the south-eastern corner of Disseldorp and the south-western corner of Ketting have been identified as the Waterberg

4 Although there is a registered SG diagram for Portion 1 Goedetrouw, the subdivision has been approved but not yet been registered in the Deeds Office.


Surface Infrastructure Alternative 1 (Preferred Surface Layout Site). The TSF located on Ketting and on Disseldorp is named as TSF Alternative 1.

Figure 2: Surface Infrastructure Alternative 1

The Alternative Surface Layout Sites (which has been assessed in the EIA and will presented and considered during the PPP) are:

The TSF located on Portion 1 and the Remaining Extent of Norma is named as TSF Alternative 2.


Figure 3: Alternative Site 1 (Goedetrouw & Norma)

Locating the Surface Infrastructure on Ketting, Disseldorp Early Dawn is named as Surface Infrastructure Alternative 2.


Figure 4: Alternative Site 2 (Ketting)

It is also proposed that an existing construction camp on Portions 12 of Harriets Wish 393 LR (Harriets Wish) will be expanded onto Portions 10, 13 and 14 Harriets Wish, for use during the construction phase of the Waterberg Project (Construction Camp Area).

The Construction Camp Area, Mine Area and respective Surface Infrastructure Area alternatives are collectively referred to as the "Project Area".

1.3.2 Details of Waterberg Surface Infrastructure

The Waterberg Surface Infrastructure listed below is proposed to be constructed and operated on the Preferred Surface Layout Site (or the Alternative Surface Layout Sites).

Tailings Storage Facility (TSF), including: o Tailings Pipelines; o return water pipeline running along the same route as the Tailings Pipelines ("Return Water Pipeline"); o a RWD that will collect, and store water reclaimed from the TSF; o the RWD will consist of two compartments, one for normal operation and one to contain stormwater falling within the TSF footprint;


A north and south portal complex (the Northern and Southern Complexes): o each Complex will have its own WRD (referred to as "WRD North" and "WRD South"), conveyor system, fire and potable water storage facilities and associated vent shafts and will be supported by various offices, changing facilities, workshops, parking bays, warehouses, control rooms, first aid stations, vehicle wash bays; access control facilities; and storage and handling facilities for dangerous goods ("Diesel Facilities"); Emulsion Facilities; and waste handling/sorting facilities; o ore stockpiles will be located at the Northern Complex; o RoM from the Southern Complex will be crushed at the exit of this Complex, before being conveyed overland to the Northern Complex; o the Northern Complex will have two portals, which will provide access to the underground workings. These portals are referred to as the North and Central Portals; o compressors to supply air to refuge bays will also be installed at each portal; o a pollution control dam ("PCD") will be situated at each Complex (referred to "PCD North" and "PCD South"), with associated PCD pipelines to the PCDs (discussed below);

Overland conveyor system: the conveyors will run from the South Complex and North Complex to the silos that will feed into the Process Plant, situated between the North Complex and South Complex. The conveyor system will transport more than 50 tonnes per day (the "Conveyor System");

The Process Plant will include: o an area surrounding it with associated infrastructure, including a MV substation; offices; change house; store / warehouse; workshops; waste handling/sorting facilities; fuel storage facility; water storage; parking bay Process Plant control room; fire water pumping systems; assay laboratory (grade control); weighbridge; first aid station; and access control; o a PCD ("Plant PCD"); o a screening and crushing circuit: this screening and crushing circuit will draw ore from the stockpile and storage silo at the North Complex and is designed to produce a -13mm product as feed to the mill feed silos; o mill feed silos: the undersize products from the coarse and fine ore screening and circuits will report to a dedicated 10 000-ton mill feed silo. The mill feed material will be extracted from the mill feed silos at a controlled rate, using belt feeders; o primary milling and classification circuit: the primary milling circuit will consist of a 9MW, 6.31m × 9.15m EGL, grate discharge ball mill, operating in a closed circuit with classification screen. A dechipping and trash removal system will be provided; o primary rougher flotation: the primary rougher flotation circuit will consist of a 3 single bank of 6 × 50m forced air tank cells in series, designed to produce a


single concentrate product. The concentrate product will gravitate to the primary rougher concentrate sump, from where it will be pumped to the primary cleaning circuit. The primary rougher tailings product will gravitate to the primary rougher tailings sump, via a two-stage sampling system, from where it will be pumped to the secondary mill classification cyclone surge tank located in the Mill Building; o secondary milling and classification: the secondary milling circuit will consist of 9MW, 6.31m Ø × 9.45 m EGL, overflow discharge, ball mill, operating in a closed-circuit configuration with a classification cyclone cluster. Sized material from the mill will be pumped to the secondary rougher floatation cells; o secondary rougher and scavenger flotation: the scavenger flotation circuit will consist of a single bank of 6 × 300m3 forced air tank cells in series, to produce a single concentrate product that will gravitate to the scavenger concentrate sump form, from where it will be pumped to the scavenger cleaning circuit. The scavenger tailings product will gravitate to the scavenger tailings sump, via two staged sampling systems, from where it will be pumped to a final tailing thickener dedicated to each concentrator module; o cleaner flotation: the primary cleaning circuit will consist of a single bank of 3 × 20m3 forced air tank cells in series to produce a single concrete, which will be pumped to the primary re-cleaning circuit. The primary re-cleaning circuit will consist of a single bank of 2 ×10m3 forced air tank cells in series to produce a final high-grade concrete, which will be pumped to the concentrate thickening circuit. The secondary cleaning circuit will consist of a single bank of 3 × 50m3 forced air tank cells in series to produce a single concentrate, which will be pumped to the secondary re-cleaning circuit for upgrading. The secondary re-cleaning circuit will consist of a single bank of 3 × 20m3 forced air tank cells in series to produce a final medium grade concrete, which will be pumped to the concentrate thickening circuit. The scavenger cleaning circuit will consist of a single bank of 5 × 130m3 forced air tank cells in series to produce two concentrate products; o tailings handling and disposal: the floatation circuit tailings will be pumped to a single high rate thickener for dewatering of the tailings of the slurry to a 60% solid concentration. The thickened underflow will be pumped to dedicated final tailings tanks, from where it will be pumped to the TSF; o concentrate handling and dispatch: concentrate from the flotation sections will be collected in a concentrate thickener, from where water will be recovered and reused in the Process Plant. The thickened underflow from the concentrate thickener will be further dewatered in a filter before being loaded on to trucks for transport to a smelter.

A Shared Services Complex, between the Northern Complex and the Process Plant, which will include: o administration offices (with space for approximately 100 people); induction and training centre; central medical facility; change house; proto room; central


security office and gate house; central stores; the Balancing Dam (and water reticulation system) (discussed below); a WPP and potable reticulation system (discussed below); storm water and pollution control infrastructure; a remote facility for storage of explosives ("Magazine"); Explosive Destruction Facility; mine ventilation and refrigeration surface infrastructure; a helicopter landing pad; IT and communication systems; o a main consumer sub-station and standby generator is located to the south of the Process Plant;

Clean bulk water pipelines (Water Pipelines) o groundwater will be extracted from various boreholes remote from the Project Area, within the CDM area. The borehole yields are indicated in Table 1 below and the locations indicated in Figure 5. A network of pipelines will connect to a single main pipeline, which will pump water to the Process Plant; o the Water Pipelines are expected to come from the east, from wellfields present on various properties. Additional water supply from boreholes on Disseldorp to the west has also been identified and would cross the northern part of Ketting before joining the TSF Pipeline route; o Water demand for the Waterberg Project is estimated at 6.2 Ml/.


FINAL MODEL Pumping AVERAGE DAILY: BOREHOLE LONGITUDE LATITUDE DEPTH BLOW POTENTIAL RECOMMENDED FARM schedule POTENTIAL YIELD RECOMMENDED USE NO DRILLED (m) YIELD YIELD (l/s) PUMPING RATE (hrs/day) (m3/day) (ℓ/s) (m3/day) H04-3087 28.83792 -23.35960 Disseldorp 189 10 6.5 24 561.6 300 Production borehole H04-3088 28.82558 -23.35423 Disseldorp 108 4 2.8 24 241.92 200 Production borehole H04-3089 28.87165 -23.40543 Vianen 83 20 10.8 24 933.12 400 Production borehole H04-3030 28.87675 -23.40622 Vianen 138 5 3 24 259.2 200 Production borehole H04-3090 28.90841 -23.42173 Vianen 80 10 13.3 24 1149.12 400 Production borehole H04-3091 28.91775 -23.42436 Vianen 36 25 20 24 1728 450 Production borehole H04-3093 28.93264 -23.43073 Vianen 80 6 9 24 777.6 350 Production borehole H04-3094 28.94199 -23.43340 Vianen 61 6 11 24 950.4 350 Production borehole H11-1650 29.08128 -23.36005 Briliant 64 15 6 24 518.4 300 Production borehole H11-2593 29.08748 -23.36184 Briliant 84 30 15 24 1296 400 Production borehole H04-3102 29.0008 -23.41485 Uitkyk 79 8 3.5 24 302.4 200 Production borehole H04-3103 29.01525 -23.38426 Uitkyk 109 >10 6 24 518.4 300 Production borehole H04-3104 29.01029 -23.3723 Uitkyk 90 >10 4 24 345.6 200 Production borehole H04-3105 29.01704 -23.37881 Uitkyk 84 >10 8 24 691.2 300 Production borehole H04-3106 28.97719 -23.40799 Uitkyk 84 >10 200 Production pending test H04-3107 28.83089 -23.35743 Disseldorp 200 >10 150 Production pending test H11-2776 29.05096 -23.38354 Terbrugge 70 >10 4.4 24 380.16 200 Production borehole H11-2775 29.02499 -23.36119 Amulree 67 >10 7 24 604.8 300 Production borehole H04-3110 29.05212 -23.40994 Terbrugge 79 >10 3.4 24 293.76 150 Production borehole H04-3112 28.98516 -23.45945 Rosenkrans 92 >10 150 Production pending test H04-3113 29.00362 -2347268 Rosenkrans 65 >10 150 Production pending test H04-3115 28.93472 -23.46212 Kransplaats 72 6 150 Production pending test H04-3118 28.91495 -23.45546 Kransplaats 72 6 150 Production pending test H04-3108 29.09511 -23.51944 Leesdale 85 >10 150 Production pending test HO4-3109 29.07953 0.00000 Leesdale 100 >10 150 Production pending test Table 1: Boreholes identified for water supply purposes.


Figure 5: Location of boreholes identified for production purposes.


Three pollution control dams ("PCDs") (storm water and contaminated water), including drains feeding into the PCDs. In particular: o there will be three PCDs - the PCD North, PCD Plant and PCD South; o the PCDs, equipped with submersible pumps, will capture storm water falling within the footprint of the Process Plant and each of the mining portals and the associated infrastructure. Drains will collect the run-off water and direct it to the PCDs. Any captured storm water will be pumped to the process water circuit; o the storm water management measures will include cut-off berms, to divert storm runoff upstream of the Surface Infrastructure Area; o the contaminated water management measures include the following features: - run off drains local to the Process Plant and portal areas to collect all polluted water; - site wide run-off drains, to collect polluted water from other areas in the Surface Infrastructure Area and deposit to the various PCDs; - dedicated contaminated water drainage systems around the stockpile areas which direct the water to the PCDs; - a pumping system to capture this water for use in the mining operation and the Process Plant; - slit traps to allow the removal of grits reporting to the PCDs; - in accordance with the overall water balance, water will be pumped out from the PCDs back into the water circuit.

Process water / balancing dam (the Balancing Dam) including overland pipelines feeding into this Dam. In particular: o pipelines from the PCDs ("PCD Pipelines"), which will deliver the captured storm water to the Balancing Dam and process water circuit; o pipelines between the South Portal to the Balancing Dam ("South Portal Pipelines"); o the Balancing Dam will be also fed by the RWD, excess water from the Process Plant and mining portals; o clean effluent from the Sewage Treatment Plant ("STP") will also to be pumped to the Balancing Dam; o the bulk water supply from the Water Pipelines will also report to the Balancing Dam for distribution into the operation;

Clean water reservoirs: o the Water Pipelines will transport the clean water to a raw water tank in the Process Plant ("Raw Water Tank") and the Balancing Dam (with planned capacities of 3,000m³ and 25,000m³ respectively); o the Balancing Dam will combine surplus infiltration water, surplus process water and treated sewerage water with raw water, from where it will be pumped to the WPP;


o from the WPP potable water will be pumped to three fire water storage tanks, with estimated capacities of 1 750m³ capacity each, at the Process Plant, Northern Complex and South Complex ("Fire Water Storage Tanks"); o other reservoirs and tanks - +- 200m3 of potable water at each portal and the Process Plant for domestic use ("Potable Water Tanks");

Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) located at the South Complex: o it will produce a clean stream of water that can be recycled back into the process via the Process Plant; o the associated sewage pipelines ("STP Pipelines") will run underground from the Process Plant and Northern Complex, along the overland Conveyor System route to a septic tank, which will supply the STP (the "Septic Tank"); o treated water will then be pumped back to the Process Plant and residual sludge will be removed from the Septic Tank by an external contractor and transported off site as required; o the maximum usage of the STP will approximately be 1000m3 per day;

An access road along the Ketting / Goedetrouw boundary (the "Access Road"). The road is planned to be 7 metres wide and will join the national road network on the road running along the southern boundary of Goedetrouw and connect the South Portal, Process Plant Complex, Shared Services Complex and North Portal to the national road network. Internal roads are also planned;

Various service corridors will also be constructed for the: o TSF Pipeline; Return Water Pipelines; STP Pipeline; PCD Pipelines; and South Portal Pipelines (the "Pipelines"); o Conveyor System; o the service corridors will provide for gravel service tracks to allow vehicular access to the Pipelines and Conveyor System (Service Road);

Waste handling facilities: o operational and domestic waste handling facilities will be provided at each portal and the Process Plant (Waste Storage Facilities); o wastes will be collected from the Waste Storage Facilities and transported to a collection facility outside the security fences, from where it will be collected; o inside the Surface Layout Area where administrative and operational activities will be conducted; o the following waste handling areas will be provided, either separate or combined (depending on mine layout and requirements): - Salvage Yard for the storage, separation and salvaging of operational wastes, such as mine equipment and scrap; - General domestic waste, such as produced by the offices, will be separated into organics and recyclables (metals, plastics, glass, paper etc) and stored in skips prior to disposal;


- Hazardous industrial waste, such as oils and lubricants, will be stored in suitable containers prior to removal and disposal of by an accredited service provider; - Hazardous medical waste disposal facilities will be provided for each of the portals' first aid stations and the central medical station. From the central medical station, the medical waste will be disposed of by an accredited service provider;

Construction in proximity to watercourses: The Waterberg Surface Infrastructure that will impact on watercourses will be the TSF, Northern WRD, Tailings Pipeline, Return Water Pipeline and Service Road, Vent Fans, likely the Water Pipelines and Access Road; and potentially the Magazine. In this regard, some of the vent fan installations will be near to the watercourses and may exceed 100m2 in extent.

Powerlines and substations - the bulk electricity supply infrastructure for the Waterberg Project will comprise, inter alia, the following (which are already authorised or subject to separate EA application) o two 132kV line feeder bays at the Eskom's Burotho Main Transmission Station (Department of Environmental Affairs ("DEA") Reference no: 1412/16/3/3/1/1498); o two 132kV overhead lines, each about 73km in length from Eskom's Burotho Main Transmission Station to the Eskom 132kV switching station to be located on the Goedetrouw property (DEA Reference no: 14/12/16/3/1/1/1498); o an Eskom owned 132kV switching station, to be located on Goedetrouw (DEA Reference no: 14/12/16/3/3/1/1498); o a Waterberg JVCo owned 132kV to medium voltage (most likely 11kV) distribution; o step-down substation (DEA Reference no: 14/12/16/3/3/1/1498); and o various mine owned medium voltage distribution substations, and medium voltage cables and overhead line networks.

A helipad will be constructed, and provision needs to be made for a telecommunication mast.

Underground infrastructure: o ore and waste handling systems; o underground electrical reticulation; o lighting; o water supply and dewatering systems; o workshops; o refuelling facilities; o personnel and material transportation; o refuge bays; and


o ablution facilities.


To proceed with the proposed Waterberg Project, Waterberg JVCo has submitted the MR Application in respect of the Project Area to the DMR.

In support of the MR Application, the Waterberg JVCo submits the Waterberg EA / WML Application for underground mining activities and construction and operation of the Surface Infrastructure.

The Waterberg Project will also require submission of the Project IWULA, which will be applied for once consent of the landowners on which the water uses will be undertaken is obtained.

Under the: (i) 2014 EIA Regulations and (ii) NEM:WA List, certain activities that will be conducted as part of the Waterberg Project require an EA and WML prior to commencement.

The procedures to be followed to obtain the Waterberg EA / WML are provided in the 2014 EIA Regulations, in particular a S&EIA process and a Scoping Report and EIA / EMPr need to be submitted to the DMR for adjudication.

The purpose of the S&EIA process is to ensure that potential environmental, economic and social impacts associated with the operation and closure / rehabilitation of the Waterberg Project are identified, assessed and appropriately managed.

These two phases are discussed in more detail below:


The Scoping Phase is conducted as the precursor to the EIA process and is the stage during which:

 Project and baseline environmental information is collated. Baseline information for a scoping report is gathered through visual inspections during field visits of the proposed Project Area and surroundings; desktop studies, which include GIS mapping; and review of existing reports, guidelines and legislation.  Landowners, adjacent landowners, local authorities, environmental authorities and other stakeholders which may be affected by a project, or that may have an interest in the environmental impacts of a project, are identified.  Interested and affected parties (I&APs) are informed about a proposed project.


 Environmental authorities are consulted to confirm legal and administrative requirements.  Environmental issues and impacts are identified and described; and remote impacts are excluded from the scope of the EIA.  Development alternatives are identified and evaluated, and non-feasible development alternatives are eliminated.  The nature and extent for further investigations and specialist input required in the EIA phase is identified.

The draft scoping report ("DSR") and FSR are submitted for review by authorities, relevant organs of state and I&APs.

Key I&AP issues and concerns are collated into an issues and response report for consideration in the EIA Phase.

A plan of study or terms of reference for the EIA Phase is developed.


After the initial Scoping Phase, the EIA Phase of an application includes:

 Specialist investigations, undertaken in accordance with the terms of reference established in the scoping assessment (plan of study for EIA appended to the scoping report). The scope for specialist work is determined according to the nature and scale of the project impacts.  An evaluation of development alternatives and identification of a proposed option.  An assessment of existing impacts (no-go development option); environmental impacts that may be associated with the proposed project option; and cumulative impacts, using the impact assessment methodology.  Identification of mitigation measures to address the environmental impacts and development of actions required to achieve the mitigation required.  Consultation with I&APs.  Incorporation of public comment received during scoping and the draft EIAR /EMPr into the final EIAR / EMPr.  Issuing of the final EIAR / EMPr for review.  Comments received to the final EIR / EMPr can be submitted by I&APs to the CA.

The requirements for the S&EIA process are specifically contained in Chapter 4 Part 3 of the NEMA Reg No 326 (amended on 13 July 2018). The EIA process usually can take up to 300 days to complete (87 days for scoping phase (completed), 106 days for EIA phase from the date of acceptance of the FSR (14 January 2019), and 107 days for the CA to review). The Applicant applied for an extension for the time period within which to submit the EIAR. The CA granted a 50 day extension and consequently the EIA phase will take 156 days.


MPRDA Application Accepted S&EIR Process

Pre-application (Optional)


Application Consultation Scoping Notice of intent DMR report acknowledged Continues to (10 days) process public participation including CA (30 days) MPRDA 44 44 days incorporate PP comments Follows application NEMA EIA Site inspection Scoping Report Submitted Process BEE Proposal & permission to

43 43 days proceed 43 days accept or SLP Refuse application (30 days) develop EIR & EMPr Mine Health Consultation EIR & WULA and Safety EMPr submitted 270 days (100 days) Submit EIR & EMPr Notification of addition EA Decision prerequisite for MPRDA for prerequisiteDecision EA 106 106 days 50 days PP WULAC DMR draft recommendatio recommend Consultation EIR & n ation for EMPr (110 days) MWP Decision

50 days BEE Public participation incl CA (30 MH&S days) & Incorporate PP EIR & EMPr review comments (20 days) 107 107 days Submit EIR & EMPr DMR and DWA meeting: 157 days DMR & DWA recommendations (20 days) 30 days EIR & EMPr review Decision WML AEL Decision WUL Decision MPRDA 107 days DECISION (Mining) Decision 300 DAYS (Non- substantive) 350 350 DAYS (Substantive) substantive) 300 DAYS (Non- 60 days AEL Decision Decision (other)

In event of substantive S&EIr process all time-frames extended by 50 days


Figure 6: EIA Process Timeframes




For the purposes of this project the following person may be contacted:

Contact Mr Mlibo Mgudlwa person Address 1st Floor, Platinum House, 24 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg 2196 Telephone (mobile) +27 82 859 4453 (main) +27 1 782 2186 E-mail [email protected] Fax +27 11 447 1000


Waterberg JVCo, the Applicant, has appointed Bateleur as an independent EAP to undertake the S&EIA process that is required to support the MR Application. Bateleur has no vested interest in the proposed Waterberg Project and hereby declares its independence, as required by the 2014 EIA Regulations.

For purposes of this S&EIA, the following person may be contacted at Bateleur:

Contact Mr Gert Pretorius person Address 546 Harrop Allin Avenue, Die Wilgers Pretoria 0041 Telephone (mobile) +27 82 3386607 E-mail [email protected] Fax +27 86 619 3120

3.2.1 Expertise of Environmental Assessment Practitioner Qualifications and Memberships (Appendix 2)

Mr. Pretorius holds a B.Sc. Honours degree in Environmental Management from the North West University (1996) and is registered as a scientist with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP). Summary of past experience (Appendix 3)


Mr. Pretorius has 15 years’ experience as an environmental consultant, compiling and managing EA applications, including EIAs and EMPrs, rehabilitation plans and environmental auditing. This included fieldwork, data collection, preparation of permits and licensing studies, compliance monitoring; community engagement and project managing interdisciplinary teams and contractors.

3.2.2 Specialist studies

Specialists have been appointed and specialist studies were undertaken to address the Waterberg Project's impacts. The specialist studies involved the gathering of data relevant to identifying and assessing impacts that may occur because of the Waterberg Project. The specialists recommended appropriate mitigation / control or optimisation measures to minimise potential negative impacts or enhance potential benefits, respectively. The specialist assessments will be made available during the EIA Phase.


Property description details for the proposed Waterberg Project are provided in Table 2. All farm names applicable to this S&EIA are listed below.

As noted above, an EA application for the Powerline has been submitted and an EA application for the Water Pipeline will likely be required.

FARM NAME SG Rosamond 357 LR T0LR00000000035700000 Millstream 358 LR T0LR00000000035800000 Disseldorp 369 LR T0LR00000000036900000 Ketting 368 LR T0LR00000000036800000 Goedetrouw 366 LR T0LR00000000036600000 Portion 1 of Goedetrouw 366 LR portion not registered Early Dawn 361 LR T0LR00000000036100000 Old Langsine 360 LR T0LR00000000036000000 Langbryde 324 LR T0LR00000000032400000 Lomondside 323 LR T0LR00000000032300000 ALTERNATIVE SITE FOR TSF

Portion 1 of Norma 365 LR T0LR00000000036500001 Remaining Extent of Norma 365 T0LR00000000036500000 LR CONSTRUCTION CAMP Portion 10 of Harriets Wish 393 LR T0LR00000000039300010 Portion 12 of Harriets Wish 393 LR T0LR00000000039300012 Portion 13 of Harriets Wish 393 LR T0LR00000000039300013 Portion 14 of Harriets Wish 393 LR T0LR00000000039300014 Table 2: Properties in Project Area:


Figure 7: Project Area



Landowners for the application properties are indicted in the table below.

PROPERTY REGISTERED TITLE DEED COMMENT LANDOWNER AS PER TITLE DEED Disseldorp 369 LR Samuel Phukubye, Obed T45890/1980 Privately owned - Mautla, Frans Phukubye, deceased estate Daniel Ramokgaba, We take cognisance of the Richard Phukubye, Alfred fact that additional Ngwepe, Sampson documentation may exist Ramokgaba, Phanuel which indicates either Masebe, Johannes additional co-purchasers or Ngwepe, Dolphas next of kin. Phukubye, Phillemon Phukubye, Daniel Masebe, Egiton Phukubye, Ezekiel Mokata, Piet Senosha, Johannes Kgomo, Samson Rapheaha, Israel Ramoroka, Phineas Phukubye, Maphuti Ngwepe, Phineas Sepuru, Albert Mahlangane, Phapharas Mehale, Erik Seakamela, Josias Phukubye, Makgabo Phukubye, Johannes Maperemisa, Solvere Ramoroka, Bethuel Ramoroka, Josua Masebe Ketting 368 LR Samuel Phukubye, Obed T45890/1980 Privately owned - Mautla, Frans Phukubye, deceased estate. Daniel Ramokgaba, Richard Phukubye, Alfred We take cognisance of the Ngwepe, Sampson fact that additional Ramokgaba, Phanuel documentation may exist Masebe, Johannes which indicates either Ngwepe, Dolphas additional co-purchasers or Phukubye, Phillemon next of kin. Phukubye, Daniel Masebe, Egiton Phukubye, Ezekiel Mokata, Piet Senosha, Johannes Kgomo, Samson Rapheaha, Israel Ramoroka, Phineas Phukubye, Maphuti Ngwepe, Phineas Sepuru, Albert Mahlangane, Phapharas Mehale, Erik Seakamela, Josias Phukubye, Makgabo Phukubye, Johannes Maperemisa, Solvere Ramoroka, Bethuel Ramoroka, Josua Masebe.


PROPERTY REGISTERED TITLE DEED COMMENT LANDOWNER AS PER TITLE DEED Goedetrouw 366 LR Abel Chosi, Jonas Mankga T9735/1940 Privately owned - Ptn 1 Kobo, John Phuti Magwai, deceased estate. Goedetrouw 366 LR Charles Mashilo Maifo, Joel RE Khabo Manamela, Andries We take cognisance of the Mafisi Ramotsepane. fact that additional documentation may exist which indicates either additional co-purchasers or next of kin. Rosamund 357 LR National Government of the T2209/1947 Republic of South Africa Millstream 358 LR National Government of the T3770/1946 Department of Rural Republic of South Africa Development, held in trust (held in trust for the Bakone for the Bakoni Tribe. Tribe) Early Dawn 361 LR National Government of the T3770/1946 Department of Rural Republic of South Africa Development held in trust (held in trust for the Bakone for the co-purchasers. Tribe) Old Langsine 360 LR Government of Lebowa T33786/1947 Department of Rural (held in trust for the Development held in trust Bahanana Tribe) for the Bahananwa Tribe. Langbryde 324 LR Government of Lebowa T11275/1948 Department of Rural (held in trust for the Development held in trust Bahanana Tribe) for the Bahananwa Tribe. Lomondside 323 LR National Government of the T8148/1921 Department of Rural Republic of South Africa Development held in trust for the Bahananwa Tribe. Norma 365 LR RE Government of Lebowa T22164/1942 Department of Rural Development held in trust for the Batlokoa Tribe. Norma 365 LR Portion National Government of the T18309/1937 Department of Rural 1 Republic of South Africa Development held in trust for the Matlala Tribe. Harriets Wish 393 LR Klaas Kobali Maifala; T11533/1955 Privately owned Portion 10 Setlhana Johannes T99169/2013 Kgopong; Mametja Issabel Kgopong Harriets Wish 393 LR Nnyedi Solomon Kgopong; T99171/2013 Privately owned Portion 12 Ntsetse Makotloa Kgopong Harriets Wish 393 LR Nnyedi Solomon Kgopong; T99171/2013 Privately owned Portion 13 Ntsetse Makotloa Kgopong Harriets Wish 393 LR Lazarus Matlakala T11537/1955 Privately owned Portion 14 Table 3: List of Landowners

With the landowners a number of communities and settlements are associated as set out in Figure 7.


Figure 7: Settlements



This section provides an overview of the governing legislation identified which may relate to the Waterberg Project.


Environmental legislation is shaped by the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

Section 24 states: “Everyone has the right—

(a) to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being; and (b) to have the environment protected, for the benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that— (i) prevent pollution and ecological degradation; (ii) promote conservation; and (iii) secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources while promoting justifiable economic and social development”.

This right is binding on the State and people, both natural and juristic. Sustainable development is the cornerstone of South Africa's environmental law regime.

In fulfilment of its constitutional mandate to take reasonable legislative measures that give effect to section 24 of the Constitution, the government has promulgated several environmental laws since 1994. These laws provide a legal framework that embodies internationally recognised legal principles.

The framework legislation governing activities that affect the environment is NEMA.

Reference to where applied:

The EIA process is being undertaken to determine the impacts associated with the project, including environmental, social and economic. As part of the EIA process, mitigation measures and monitoring plans are recommended to ensure that any potential impacts are managed to acceptable levels to support the rights as enshrined in the Constitution. The project must prove to be sustainable and balance the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainable development.

How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

An application for an EA for the proposed project was submitted to the DMR on 28 August 2018. A Scoping Report was compiled and submitted to the DMR on 15 October 2018 which


detailed the biophysical, economic and social environments which will be affected and was accepted by the DMR on 23 October 2018. An EIA phase is undertaken where the impacts associated with the proposed activities as well as measures to mitigate, manage and monitor the impacts are being determined and included in the EMPr.


The MPRDA is aimed at the equitable access and the sustainable development of the country's mineral resources. It provides mechanisms that will ensure the protection of the environment throughout theLoM.

Social and environmental sustainability is enhanced through the requirement to submit a social and labour plan (SLP), which contains a company’s commitments to sustainable social development. This includes commitment to training and social investment, also with the goal of transferable skills that can be used after mine closure.

The MPRDA outlines the procedural requirements an applicant must follow to obtain a right to proceed with mining, which includes that the applicant must obtain an EA in terms of the NEMA.5 The MPRDA is administered by the DMR and governs the sustainable utilisation of South Africa’s mineral resources.

In support of a mining right application, the applicant is required to compile a Scoping Report and EIAR/EMPr; conduct a consultation process with I&APs, including making the Scoping Report and EIAR/EMPr available for comment; and compile a CRR that needs to be submitted to the DMR for adjudication.

Section 37 of the MPRDA requires that all mining and prospecting operations and related activities are to be carried out in terms of section 2 of NEMA, which contain environmental management principles.

Reference where applied:

A MR Application for the proposed Project was submitted to the DMR on 28 August 2018. This EIA Report, which relates specifically to the Waterberg JV Mining Right applied for, has been compiled in accordance with the MPRDA.

How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

5 Section 5A of the MPRDA indicates that: “No person may prospect for or remove, mine, conduct technical co- operations, reconnaissance operations, explore for and produce any mineral or petroleum or commence with any work incidental thereto on any area without – (a) an environmental authorisation;”


Waterberg JVCo has submitted a MR Application, together with the SLP, to mine platinum group metals. The EIA process will be undertaken to meet the requirements of the MPRDA read with the EIA Regulations, 2014. Financial Provisioning and Closure Costs will be included in the EIA.


One of the purposes of NEMA is to provide for co-operative governance by establishing decision-making principles on matters affecting the environment.

In terms of the 2014 EIA Regulations, an applicant is required to appoint an EAP to undertake the EIA, as well as conduct the PPP. In South Africa, EIAs became a legal requirement in 1997, with the promulgation of regulations under the Environment Conservation Act 73 of 1989 (ECA). Subsequently, NEMA was enacted in 1998.

Section 24(2) of NEMA empowers the Minister of Environmental Affairs (Environmental Minister) and any MEC, with the concurrence of the Environmental Minister, to identify activities which must be considered, investigated, assessed and reported on to the CA responsible for granting the relevant EA. On 21 April 2006 the Minister of the then DEAT promulgated EIA Regulations in terms of Chapter 5 of the NEMA. These regulations, in terms of the NEMA, were amended in June 2010 and again in December 2014 (being the 2014 EIA Regulations). The 2014 EIA Regulations are applicable to the Waterberg Project.

The 2014 EIA Regulations objective is to establish the procedures that must be followed in the consideration, investigation, assessment and reporting of the activities that have been identified. The purpose of these procedures is to provide the CA with adequate information to make decisions which ensure that activities which may impact negatively on the environment to an unacceptable degree are not authorized; and that activities which are authorised are undertaken in such a manner that the environmental impacts are managed to acceptable levels.

In accordance with the provisions of sections 24(5) and 44 of the NEMA, the Environmental Minister has published the 2014 EIA Regulations, which sets out the process for conducting EIAs to apply for, and be granted, an EA. These Regulations provide a detailed description of the EIA process to be followed when applying for an EA or WML for any listed activity. The Regulations differentiate between an EIA and a simpler basic assessment process (required for activities listed in GNR 983 and 985 in Government Gazette 38282 of 4 December 2014 (GNR. 983 and 985)) and a more complete EIA process (activities listed in GNR 984 in Government Gazette 38282 of 4 December 2014 (GNR 984)). In the case of the Waterberg Project there are activities triggered under GN R 984 and, as such, a full S&EIA process is necessary. On 7 April 2017, the 2014 EIA Regulations were amended and,


accordingly, the activities as amended under GNR 324, 325 and 327 of Government Gazette 40772 of 7 April 2017 are applicable to the EA Application.

A S&EIA process is required for activities which have the potential to result in significant impacts which are complex to assess. This process accordingly provides a mechanism for the comprehensive assessment of activities that are likely to have more significant environmental impacts.

In terms of section 24C(2A) of NEMA, the Minerals Minister is the CA to issue EAs under the NEMA and WMLs under NEM:WA for activities which are directly related to mining.

The Financial Provisioning Regulations was published under NEMA on 20 November 2015 (in GN R1147 of Government Gazette 39425 of 20 November 2015) (FP Regulations). The FP Regulations replace section 41 of the MPRDA and Regulations 53 and 54 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Regulations (published in GN R527 of Government Gazette 26275 on 23 April 2004). The purpose of the FP Regulations is to regulate the determination and furnishing of financial provision for the costs associated with the undertaking of management, rehabilitation and remediation of environmental impacts through the lifespan of such operations and latent or residual environmental impacts that may become known in the future. Under Regulation 5, financial provision must be made for: “(a) rehabilitation and remediation; (b) decommissioning and closure activities at the end of prospecting, exploration, mining or production operations; and (c) remediation and management of latent or residual environmental impacts which may become known in future, including the pumping and treatment of polluted or extraneous water.”

Section 28(1) of NEMA states that “every person who causes, has caused or may cause significant pollution or degradation of the environment must take reasonable measures to prevent such pollution or degradation from occurring, continuing or recurring”. If such degradation / pollution cannot be prevented, then appropriate measures must be taken to minimise or rectify such pollution. These measures may include:  Assessing the environmental impact;  Informing and educating employees about the environmental risks of their work and ways of minimising these risks;  Ceasing, modifying or controlling actions which cause pollution/degradation;  Containing pollutants or preventing movement of pollutants;  Eliminating the source of pollution; and  Remedying the effects of the pollution.

The Applicant has a responsibility to ensure that the Waterberg Project and the S&EIR process conform to the principles of NEMA. It is obliged to take actions to prevent pollution or environmental degradation, in terms of section 28 of NEMA and ensure that the


environmental impacts associated with the Waterberg Project are considered and mitigated where possible.

The NEMA National Appeal Regulations (published in GN R993 of Government Gazette 38303 on 8 December 2014) make provision for an administrative appeal to be lodged against any decision issued by the relevant CA. In terms of these Regulations, an appeal must be lodged with the relevant CA in writing within 20 days of the date on which notification of the decision (the EA) was sent to the Applicant or IAP (as applicable). The Applicant, the decision-maker, I&APs and relevant organ of state must submit their responding statement, if any, to the appeal authority and the appellant within 20 days from the date of receipt of the appeal submission.

NAME OF ACTIVITY AERIAL EXTENT OF LISTED APPLICABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT THE ACTIVITY ACTIVITY LISTING AUTHORISATION HA OR M² NOTICE GN R983 (as amended by R327) Listed Activities6 The development and related Tailings Pipeline; Return 10 GN R983 operation of infrastructure Water Pipeline; and exceeding 1000 metres in length Service Road: for the bulk transportation of approximately 7.8ha sewage, effluent, process water, waste water, return water, South Portal Pipelines: 4, 2 industrial discharge or slimes 000m with: (i) an internal diameter of 0.36 metres or more; or (ii) with a peak throughput of 120 litres per second or more: Tailings Pipeline and Return Water Pipeline; South Portal Pipelines; The development of TSF: 409 ha 12 GN R983 infrastructure or structures with a physical footprint of 100m2 or Water Pipeline: To be more where such development confirmed. occurs: (i) within a watercourse; or (ii) within 32 metres of a Tailings Pipeline; Return watercourse: Water Pipeline; and TSF; Service Road: Water Pipelines; approximately 7.8ha Northern WRD; Tailings Pipeline; Return Water Magazine and access Pipeline and Service Road; road to Magazine: Vent Fans; 3,460m2 Potentially the Magazine; and Potentially the Access Road; WRD North: 55 ha

Access Road: 55,743m2 The infilling or depositing of any TSF: 409 ha 19 GN R983

6 We note that Activity 9 and 25 (in relation to the STP) were included in the EA Application but will not be triggered. The EA Application form will be amended to remove these two activities.


NAME OF ACTIVITY AERIAL EXTENT OF LISTED APPLICABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT THE ACTIVITY ACTIVITY LISTING AUTHORISATION HA OR M² NOTICE material of more than 10m3 into, or the dredging, excavation, Water Pipeline: To be removal or moving of inter alia confirmed. soil, sand or rock of more than 10 cubic metres from a Tailings Pipeline; watercourse: Return Water Pipeline; . TSF; and Service Road: . Water Pipelines; approximately 7.8ha . Northern WRD; . Tailings Pipeline; Return Magazine and access Water Pipeline and Service road to Magazine: Road; 3,460m2 . Vent Fans; and . Potentially the Magazine; WRD North: 55 ha. . Potentially the Access 2 Road; Access Road: 55743m The development of a road with Access Road 55743m2 24 GN R983 a reserve wider than 13.5 metres, or where no reserve exists where the road is wider than 8 metres. . Access Road GN R984 (as amended by R325) Listed Activities The development and related Storage of emulsion: 4 GN R984 operation of facilities or 107m2 infrastructure, for the storage, or storage and handling of a Diesel Facilities 264m2 dangerous good, where such storage occurs in containers Magazine 450m2 with a combined capacity of more than 500m3: Explosives destruction . Storage of explosives at area: Magazine; 1088m2 . Emulsion Facilities; . Diesel Facilities; . Explosives destruction area.


NAME OF ACTIVITY AERIAL EXTENT OF LISTED APPLICABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT THE ACTIVITY ACTIVITY LISTING AUTHORISATION HA OR M² NOTICE 5 The development of PCD Plant 6 GN R984 X facilities or infrastructure 13,000 m2 (TSF) for any process or activity which requires a permit or PCD North license or an amended 25,240 m2 permit or license in terms of national or provincial PCD South legislation governing the 17,950 m2 generation or release of emissions, pollution or RWD 2 effluent, excluding inter 13,000 m alia: (i) activities identified and included in GNR 983; (ii) activities which require a WML; (iii): development of facilities or infrastructure with daily throughput capacity of 2000m3 or less for treatment of effluent / polluted water / wastewater or sewage: . PCD Plant, PCD North, PCD South and RWD (including silt traps and sumps); . the Balancing Dam;

Possible activities triggered (to be confirmed)- . the PCD Pipelines, Sewage Pipelines; Tailings Pipeline; Return Water Pipeline; South Portal Pipelines; . the Septic Tank; . various infrastructure in the Process Plant, which store and transport the tailings, including inter alia: the final tailing thickener and final tailings tanks, from where the tailings are pumped to the TSF. The development and related 32 ha 7 GN R984 operation of facilities or infrastructure for the bulk transportation of dangerous goods in solid form outside an industrial complex using funiculars or conveyors with a throughput capacity of more than 50 tons per day: . Overland conveyor


NAME OF ACTIVITY AERIAL EXTENT OF LISTED APPLICABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT THE ACTIVITY ACTIVITY LISTING AUTHORISATION HA OR M² NOTICE The clearance of an area of 20 Extent of disturbance by 15 GN R984 hectares or more of indigenous Surface Infrastructure vegetation: and Construction Camp . the Surface Infrastructure - approximately 630 ha and Construction Camp require indigenous vegetation clearance. Any activity including operation Extent of disturbance by 17 GN R984 of that activity which requires a Surface Infrastructure mining right as contemplated in and Construction Camp section 22 of the MPRDA Approximately 630 ha including: (a) associated infrastructure, structures and earthworks, directly related to the extraction of a mineral resources; (b) the primary processing of a mineral resource including winning, extraction, classifying, concentrating, crushing, screening or washing: . Underground mining activities on the Mine Area; and . Waterberg Surface Infrastructure on the Surface Infrastructure Area. GN R985 (as amended by R324) Listed Activities The Project Area falls within the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve and a Critical Biodiversity Area (CBA) Development of reservoirs, excluding dams, with a capacity Raw 2 GN R 925 of more than 250m3 in a CBA or Biosphere Reserve: Water . Raw Water Tank with capacity of 3000m3; Tank - . Three Fire Water Storage Tanks, with estimated 1200 m2 capacities of 1 750m³ capacity each, at Process Plant, Northern Complex and South Complex Potable . Four Potable Water Tanks at each portal and the Water Tanks - Process Plant (+- 200m3 each) for domestic use; and 1800 m2 . Reservoirs in the Construction Camp (combined total

approximately 1000m3). Fire Water Storage Tanks - 1200m2

The development of masts or towers of any material or type 200m2 3 GN R925 used for telecommunication, broadcasting or radio transmission purposes where the mast or tower: (i) is to be placed on a site not previously used for this purpose; and (ii) will exceed 15 metres in height in a CBA or Biosphere Reserve: . Telecommunication tower.


NAME OF ACTIVITY AERIAL EXTENT OF LISTED APPLICABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT THE ACTIVITY ACTIVITY LISTING AUTHORISATION HA OR M² NOTICE The development of a road wider than 4 metres with a Access 4 GN R925 reserve less than 13.5 metres in CBA or Biosphere Road Reserve. 55743m2 . Access Road and internal roads; Internal roads 46 ha The development of aircraft landing strips and runways Helipad 7 GN R925 1.4km and shorter in a CBA or Biosphere Reserve: 900 m2 . Helicopter landing pad. The development and related operation of facilities or Storage 10 GN R925 infrastructure for the storage, or storage and handling of a of dangerous good, where such storage occurs in containers emulsion with a combined capacity of 30 but not exceeding 80m3 in : 107m2 all areas: . Storage of explosives at Magazine; Diesel . Emulsion Facilities; storage . Storage of diesel in underground and surface storage on tanks at the mine complex; surface 2 . Explosives destruction area. 264m

Magazin e 450m2

Explosiv es destructi on area: 1088m2 The clearance of an area of 300m2 or more of indigenous Extent of 12 GN R925 vegetation in a CBA: disturban . The Surface Infrastructure. ce by Surface Infrastruc ture and Construc tion Camp Approxi mately 630 ha The development of infrastructure or structures with a TSF: 409 14 GN R925 X (TSF) physical footprint of 100m2 of more where such ha development occurs: (i) within a watercourse; or (ii) within 32 metres of a watercourse in a CBA or Biosphere Water Reserve: Pipeline: . TSF; To be . Northern WRD; confirme . Bulk Supply Water Pipelines; d. . Tailings Pipeline; Return Water Pipeline; and Service Road; and Tailings Pipeline; . Vent Fans.



Magazin e and access road to Magazin e: 3,460m2

WRD North: 55 ha;.

Access Road: 2 55743m Table 4: Listed Activities triggered by the Waterberg Project under NEMA

In terms of section 24N(1A) of NEMA, where an EIA is being undertaken for the application for an EA or WML, the Minerals Minister must require the submission of an EMPr before deciding an application for an EA. A draft EMPr for the Waterberg Project has been prepared.


The NWA also has a role to play in regulating mining. Mining almost always uses water and/or has an impact on a water resource such as a stream, wetland or river. The NWA is administered by the DWS.

The NWA section 21 defines eleven water uses that require an integrated water use licence (WUL) or another authorisation:

21 (a): taking water from a water resource; 21 (b): storing water; 21 (c): impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse; 21 (d): engaging in a stream flow reduction activity contemplated in section 36;


21 (e): engaging in a controlled activity identified as such in section 37(1) or declared under section 38(1); 21 (f): discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall or other conduit; 21 (g): disposing of waste in a manner, which may detrimentally impact on a water resource; 21 (h): disposing in any manner of water, which contains waste from, or which has been heated in, any industrial or power generation process; 21 (i): altering the bed, banks, course or characteristics of a watercourse; 21 (j): removing, discharging or disposing of water found underground if it is necessary for the efficient continuation of an activity or for the safety of people; and 21 (k): using water for recreational purposes.

Where a water use cannot be authorised as a Scheduled 1 Use (permissible use without an authorisation requirement), a permissible water use in terms of section 22 of the NWA; or as a General Authorisation, a water use licence ("WUL") must be obtained and an application in terms of sections 40 and 42 of the NWA must be submitted.

As noted above, the Project will require a WUL for water uses in terms of sections 21(a), (b), (c), (i), (g) and (j) of the NWA and the Project IWULA will be submitted to the DWS in due course.

Reference to where applied:

An IWULA and an associated IWWMP are required in terms of Section 21 of the NWA for the Project and will be submitted to DWS for the applicable Section 21 water uses.

How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

An IWULA will be submitted to the DWS for the triggered water uses under Section 21 of the NWA.



1 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 109 500 Diesseldorp 369 underground operations.

2 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 109 500 Diesseldorp 369 underground operations.

3 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 164 250 Harriets Wish 393 underground operations.


4 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 109 500 Harriets Wish 393 underground operations.

5 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 127 750 Vianen 396 underground operations.

6 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 127 750 Vianen 396 underground operations.

7 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use Vianen 396 will be for both domestic use and 109 500 underground operations.


8 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 182 500 Vianen 396 underground operations.

9 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 164 250 underground operations.

10 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 146 000 underground operations.


11 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 146 000 Uitkyk 394 underground operations.

12 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 109 500 Uitkyk 394 underground operations.

13 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 109 500 Uitkyk 394 underground operations.

14 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use Uitkyk 394 will be for both domestic use and 109 500 underground operations.


15 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 127 750 Uitkyk 394 underground operations.

16 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 73 000 Terbrugge 156 underground operations.

17 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 36 500 Rosenkranz underground operations.


18 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 73 000 Rosenkranz underground operations.

19 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 73 000 Leesdale underground operations.

20 Section 21 (a): taking The water will be used during water from a water construction and operation phase

source. of mine development. The use will be for both domestic use and 73 000 Leesdale underground operations.

21 Section 21 (b): storing For the storage of groundwater Capacity: water pumped from the abstraction Goedetrouw 366LR m3 boreholes.


22 Section 21 (c): Impeding Diversion of the non-perenial N/A or diverting the flow of stream from the tops of Blouberg water in a watercourse mountain for the construction of Northern WRD

Goedetrouw 366LR 23 Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perennial stream from the characteristics of a tops of Blouberg mountain for the watercourse construction of Northern Waste Rock Dump

24 Section 21 (c): Impeding Diversion of the non-perenial or diverting the flow of stream from the tops of Blouberg water in a watercourse mountain for the construction of a section of access road in the vicinity of Processing Plant

Goedetrouw 366LR 25 Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perenial stream from the characteristics of a tops of Blouberg mountain for the watercourse construction of a section of access road in the vicinity of Processing Plant

26 Section 21 (c): Impeding Diversion of the non-perenial or diverting the flow of stream from the tops of Blouberg Goedetrouw 366LR water in a watercourse mountain for the construction of a section of access road in the


vicinity of Southern Mining Complex

27 Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perenial stream from the characteristics of a tops of Blouberg mountain for the watercourse construction of a section of access road in the vicinity of a section of access road in the vicinity of Southern Mining Complex

28 Section 21 (c): Impeding Diversion of the non-perenial or diverting the flow of stream from the tops of Blouberg water in a watercourse mountain for the construction of a Tailing Storage Facility

Ketting 368 29 Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perenial stream from the characteristics of a tops of Blouberg mountain for the watercourse construction of a Tailing Storage Facility

30 Section 21 (c): Impeding Diversion of the non-perenial or diverting the flow of stream from the tops of Blouberg Ketting 368 water in a watercourse mountain for the construction of a Tailing Storage Facility


Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perenial stream from the characteristics of a tops of Blouberg mountain for the watercourse construction of a Tailing Storage Facility

31 Section 21 (c): Impeding Diversion of the non-perenial or diverting the flow of stream from the tops of Blouberg water in a watercourse mountain for the construction of a Tailing Storage Facility

Diesseldorp 369 32 Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perenial stream from the characteristics of a tops of Blouberg mountain for the watercourse construction of a Tailing Storage Facility

33 Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perenial stream from the characteristics of a tops of Blouberg mountain for the Ketting 368 watercourse construction of a RWD adjacent Silt Water Dam

34 Section 21 (c): Impeding Diversion of the non-perenial or diverting the flow of stream by bulkwater pipeline Ketting 368 water in a watercourse from abstraction boreholes to the Buffer Dam


35 Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perenial stream by characteristics of a bulkwater pipeline from watercourse abstraction boreholes to the Buffer Dam

36 Section 21 (c): Impeding Diversion of the non-perenial or diverting the flow of stream by bulkwater pipeline water in a watercourse from abstraction boreholes to the Buffer Dam

Ketting 368 37 Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perenial stream by characteristics of a bulkwater pipeline from watercourse abstraction boreholes to the Buffer Dam

38 Section 21 (c): Impeding Diversion of the non-perenial or diverting the flow of stream by bulkwater pipeline water in a watercourse from abstraction boreholes to the Buffer Dam

Goedetrouw 366LR 39 Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perenial stream by characteristics of a bulkwater pipeline from watercourse abstraction boreholes to the Buffer Dam


40 Section 21 (c): Impeding Diversion of the non-perenial or diverting the flow of stream by bulkwater pipeline water in a watercourse from abstraction boreholes to the Buffer Dam Goedetrouw 366LR 41 Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perenial stream by characteristics of a bulkwater pipeline from watercourse abstraction boreholes to the Buffer Dam

42 Section 21 (c): Impeding Diversion of the non-perenial or diverting the flow of stream by bulkwater pipeline water in a watercourse from abstraction boreholes to the Buffer Dam

To be confirmed To be confirmed 43 Section 21 (i): Altering the Altering the bed, banks, course bed, banks, course or of non-perenial stream by characteristics of a bulkwater pipeline from watercourse abstraction boreholes to the Buffer Dam

44 Section 21 (g): Disposing For stockpiling the Northern of waste in a manner Portal RoM. To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally impact on a watercourse.


45 Section 21 (g): Disposing For stockpiling of the Northern of waste in a manner Portal WRD. To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally impact on a watercourse.

46 Section 21 (g): Disposing For containment of wastewater of waste in a manner generated within the Northern To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally Mining Complex impact on a watercourse.

47 Section 21 (g): Disposing For containment of wastewater of waste in a manner generated within the Northern To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally Mining Complex impact on a watercourse.

48 Section 21 (g): Disposing For stockpiling the Southern of waste in a manner Portal RoM. To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally impact on a watercourse.

49 Section 21 (g): Disposing For stockpiling of the Southern of waste in a manner Portal WRD. To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally impact on a watercourse.

50 Section 21 (g): Disposing For containment of wastewater of waste in a manner generated within the Southern To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally Mining Complex


impact on a watercourse.

51 Section 21 (g): Disposing For containment of wastewater of waste in a manner generated within the Southern To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally Mining Complex impact on a watercourse.

52 Section 21 (g): Disposing For containment of wastewater of waste in a manner (sludge) generated from the To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally treatment of groundwater from impact on a watercourse. abstraction boreholes

53 Section 21 (g): Disposing For containment of wastewater of waste in a manner (sludge) generated from the which detrimentally treatment of reclamation To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR impact on a watercourse. wastewater from the mining operation

54 Section 21 (g): Disposing Dust suppression on the access To be confirmed of waste in a manner road within the mining complex, Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally Northern, Central and Southern impact on a watercourse. Mining Complex

55 Section 21 (g): Disposing Dust suppression on the access To be confirmed of waste in a manner road within the mining camp site Harriets Wish 393 which detrimentally


impact on a watercourse

56 Section 21 (g): Disposing Dust suppression on the access To be confirmed of waste in a manner road to the TSF Complex Ketting 368 which detrimentally Disseldorp 369 impact on a watercourse

57 Section 21 (g): Disposing Dust suppression of the To be confirmed of waste in a manner underground operations at which detrimentally Northern and Southern Portals impact on a watercourse. Goedetrouw 366LR

58 Section 21 (g): Disposing Containment of sewage from the of waste in a manner ablution facilities within the To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally mining complex impact on a watercourse.

59 Section 21 (g): Disposing STP of waste in a manner To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally impact on a watercourse.

60 Section 21 (g): Disposing Construction of the Magazine

of waste in a manner To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally


impact on a watercourse.

61 Section 21 (g): Disposing Clarified Water Reservoir of waste in a manner To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally impact on a watercourse.

62 Section 21 (g): Disposing Northern Portal Sump. of waste in a manner To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally impact on a watercourse.

Section 21 (g): Disposing Central Portal Sump. of waste in a manner To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally impact on a watercourse.

63 Section 21 (g): Disposing Southern Portal Sump. of waste in a manner To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally impact on a watercourse.

64 Section 21 (g): Disposing Disposal of water from the of waste in a manner proposed dewatering process To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally into the Northern Portal impact on a watercourse. underground workings.


65 Section 21 (g): Disposing Disposal of water from the of waste in a manner proposed dewatering process To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally into the Central Portal impact on a watercourse. underground workings.

66 Section 21 (g): Disposing Disposal of water from the of waste in a manner proposed dewatering process To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR which detrimentally into the Southern Portal impact on a watercourse. underground workings.

67 Section 21(j): Removing, For the continuation of mining at discharging or disposing the Northern Portal workings of water found underground if it is To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR necessary for the efficient continuation of an activity or for the safety of people.

68 Section 21(j): Removing, For the continuation of mining at discharging or disposing the Central Portal workings of water found underground if it is To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR necessary for the efficient continuation of an activity or for the safety of people.

69 Section 21(j): Removing, For the continuation of mining at To be confirmed Goedetrouw 366LR discharging or disposing the Southern Portal workings


of water found underground if it is necessary for the efficient continuation of an activity or for the safety of people.


The NWA defines wetlands as: “land which is transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is periodically covered with shallow water, and which land in normal circumstances supports or would support vegetation typically adapted to life in saturated soil.” Wetlands are protected by the NWA and conventions, as they are recognised as a valuable resource. In terms of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention, 1975), to which South Africa is a party, the Contracting Parties must formulate and implement planning, so as to promote, as far as possible, the wise use of wetlands in their territory (Article 3.1). Additionally, in terms of the Convention on Biological Diversity, to which South Africa is also a party, it is considered a duty to conserve wetlands and to rehabilitate them.

Government Notice no. 704 (4 June 1999) on the Use of Water for Mining and Related Activities aimed at the Protection of Water Resources Summary of the Government Notice:

Mining and associated infrastructure development is guided by the provisos in the GN, particularly Regulations 3, 4, 6 and 7, which are described as follows:

 Regulation 3 – this Regulation states that the Minister of Water and Sanitation may, in writing, authorize an exemption from the requirements of Regulations 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, or 11 on his or her own initiative or on application, subject to conditions determined by him or her.

 Regulation 4 – this Regulation addresses the locality of developments, where estimated flood zone widths are set as buffer zones for development, or zone widths are prescribed. These include the following: - No facility, including residue deposits, dam, reservoir to be located within the 1:100-year floodline or within 100m from any watercourse, borehole or well. - No underground or opencast mining or any other operation or activity under or within the 1:50-year floodline or within a horizontal distance of 100m, whichever is the greatest. - No disposal of any residue or substance likely to cause pollution of a water resource in the workings of any underground or opencast mine. - No placement of any sanitary convenience, fuel depots or reservoir for any substance likely to cause pollution within the 1:50-year floodline.

 Regulation 6 – this regulation requires every person in control of a mine or activity to - - confine any unpolluted water to a clean water system, away from any area; - design, construct, maintain and operate any clean water system at the mine or activity so that it is not likely to spill into any dirty water system more than once in 50 years; - collect the water arising within any dirty area, including water seeping from mining operations, outcrops or any other activity, into a dirty water system;


- design, construct, maintain and operate any dirty water system at the mine or activity so that it is not likely to spill into any clean water system more than once in 50 years; and - design, construct, maintain and operate any dam or tailings dam that forms part of a dirty water system to have a minimum freeboard of 0.8 metres above full supply level, unless otherwise specified in terms of Chapter 12 of the NWA; and. - design, construct and maintain all water systems in such a manner as to guarantee the serviceability of such conveyances for flows up to and including those arising as a result of the maximum flood with an average period of recurrence of once in 50 years.

 Regulation 7 – this Regulation addresses the measures to protect water resources and includes the collection and re-use, evaporation or purification of water containing waste; measures to be taken to minimize the flow of any surface water into any mine or opencast workings; prevention of erosion or leaching of materials from any stockpile; and ensuring that process water is recycled as far as practicable.


NEM:WA lists activities that will be triggered for the Waterberg Project and duties for the management of waste that will be generated as part of this Project to prevent environmental pollution and littering.

It defines waste broadly as "any substance, material or object, that is unwanted, rejected, abandoned, discarded or disposed of, or that is intended or required to be discarded or disposed of, by the holder of that substance, material or object, whether or not such substance, material or object can be re-used, recycled or recovered" and includes all wastes defined in Schedule 3 of NEM:WA. NEM:WA now regulates mining residue deposits or stockpiles (discussed below).

Section 16 of the NEM:WA must also be considered which states as follows:

A holder of waste must, within the holder’s power, take all reasonable measures to-

 Avoid the generation of waste and, where such generation cannot be avoided, minimise the toxicity and amounts of waste that are generated;  Reduce, re-use, recycle and recover waste;  Where waste must be disposed of, ensure that the waste is treated and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner;  Manage the waste in such a manner that it does not endanger health or the environment or cause a nuisance through noise, odour, or visual impacts;


 Prevent any employee or any person under his or her supervision from contravening the Act; and  Prevent the waste from being used for unauthorised purposes.

These general principles of responsible waste management will be incorporated into the requirements in the EMPr, to be implemented for the Waterberg Project.

The NEM:WA provides for specific waste management measures to be implemented, as well as providing for the licensing and control of waste management activities.

It is necessary to hold a WML for waste management activities listed in the NEM:WA List. The NEM:WA List is separated into three categories i.e. Category A, Category B or Category C.

An application for a WML (WMLA) must be supported by an EIA that complies with the 2014 EIA Regulations. An integrated process covering NEMA and NEM:WA activities is being undertaken. The procedures for licensing waste management activities are stipulated in Chapter 5 of NEM:WA and have been included in the overall S&EIA process.

Category C activities do not require a WML but must comply with the Norms and Standards for Storage of Waste (DEA, 2013). Such facilities need to be registered with the DEA 90 days before construction commences.

Classification of waste streams are required in terms of GNR 634 (published in Government Gazette 36784 on 21 August 2013), to ensure that the correct waste management standards and disposal methods are implemented.

GNR 635 (published in Government Gazette 36784 on 23 August 2013 provides the National Norms and Standards for Disposal of Waste to Landfill ("Landfill Norms"). This includes liner requirements and design specifications. Type 3 waste may only be disposed of where a Class C liner is used in terms of the Landfill Norms or alternatively an alternative barrier system (if it can be demonstrated to the DWS that the material performs the same, if not better, than a Class C liner) (in accordance with an approach generally agreed to by the DWS).

In 2014 the National Environmental Management: Waste Amendment Act (Act 26 of 2014) was promulgated to include residue deposits and residue stockpiles from:

 mineral excavation;  physical and chemical processing of metalliferous minerals;  physical and chemical processing of non-metalliferous minerals; and  drilling operations, as hazardous waste under NEM:WANEMWA.


Residue deposits areas defined in the MPRDA as "any residue stockpile remaining at the termination, cancellation or expiry of a prospecting right, mining right, mining permit, exploration right, production right or an old order right". Residue stockpile means "any debris, discard, tailings, slimes, screening, slurry, waste rock, foundry sand, beneficiation plant waste, ash or any other product derived from or incidental to a mining operation and which is stockpiled, stored or accumulated for potential re-use, or which is disposed of, by the holder of a mining right, mining permit, production right or an old order right".

Regulations regarding the Planning and Management of Residue Stockpiles and Residue Deposits, 2015 was published in GNR 632 of Government Gazette 36020 on 24 July 2015 ("Residue Regulations"). The Residue Regulations provide for the planning, management and reporting of residue stockpiles and residue deposits, which obligations include:

 the assessment of impacts and analyses of risks relating to the management of residue stockpiles and residue deposits;  characterisation of residue stockpiles and residue deposits;  classification of residue stockpiles and residue deposits;  investigation and the selection of site for residue stockpiling;  design of the residue stockpiles and residue deposits;  impact management;  duties of the holder of mineral rights or permits;  monitoring and reporting system for residue stockpiles and residue deposits;  dust management and control; and  decommissioning, closure and post closure management of residue stockpiles and residue deposit.

The Residue Regulations provide the tools for and corresponds to the statutory provision relating to managing residue stockpiles and residue deposits in the manner prescribed in Section 43A of the NEM:WANEMWA (as amended by the National Environmental Management Laws Amendment Act 25 of 2014).

The Waterberg Project will operate a TSF and two WRDs. Tailings fall within the definition of residue stockpiles and are considered waste under NEM:WANEMWA. WMLs were required for the construction and expansion of residue stockpiles from 2 September 2014 and reprocessing of residue stockpiles from 24 July 2015.

The Waterberg Project triggers activities under Category B of the NEM:WA Listed Activities.

GN R921 OF 29 NOVEMBER 2013 WML ACTIVITIES Category B Activities WRD South; WRD North 7, 10 and 11 GN R921 and TSF (waste classified as hazardous)


Table 6: Activities associated with the Waterberg Project which will require a WML

Reference where applied:

The listed activities which are triggered under the NEM: WA have been identified and provided in Table 6.

Category B activities were identified, therefore a full EIA process is required for the proposed Project. The triggered waste management activities have been applied for as part of the Environmental Application to the DMR.

GNR 633 includes the establishment or reclamation of a residue stockpile or residue deposit resulting from prospecting or mining activities as a listed activity.

How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

A WML is included as part of the ‘one environmental system’.


NEM:AQA The National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 (as amended) (NEM:AQA) is the main legislative tool for the management of air pollution and related activities. The objectives of NEM:AQA are to protect the environment by providing reasonable measures for-  the protection and enhancement of air quality in South Africa;  the prevention of air pollution and ecological degradation;  securing ecologically sustainable development, while promoting justifiable economic and social development; and  generally, to give effect to section 24(b) of the Constitution in order to enhance the quality of ambient air for the sake of securing an environment that is not harmful to the health and wellbeing of people.

The NEM:AQA mandates the Environmental Minister to publish a list of activities which result in atmospheric emissions and consequently cause significant detrimental effects on the environment, human health and social welfare ("AQA List"). The AQA List and Minimum National Emission Standards were published in GN 893 of Government Gazette No. 37054 on 22 November 2013 and lists atmospheric emissions for which an atmospheric emissions licence ("AEL") will be required. Examples of such activities include the use of combustion installations, storage of petroleum products, slag processes, carbonisation and coal gasification, mineral processing and disposal of hazardous and general waste by way of incineration. It does not appear that the Waterberg Project will require an AEL.


According to the NEM:AQA, air quality management control is regulated by the local government, with district and metropolitan municipalities as the licensing authorities. Provincial government is primarily responsible for ambient monitoring and ensuring municipalities fulfil their legal obligations, with national government primarily as the policy- maker and coordinator. Each sphere of government must appoint an Air Quality Officer responsible for co-ordinating matters pertaining to air quality management.

The National Pollution Prevention Plans Regulations, which came into effect on 21 July 2017, tie in with the National Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulations which took effect on 3 April 2017. In summary, these Regulations aim to prescribe the requirements that pollution prevention plans of greenhouse gases declared as priority air pollutants need to comply with, in terms of the NEM:AQA. The Regulations specify who needs to comply, and by when, as well as prescribing the content requirements. Mines have an obligation to report on the GHG emissions under the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulations.

The National Dust Control Regulations were promulgated on 1 November 2013 in GNR 827 and provide dust standards and measures for dust control. Table 7 presents acceptable dust fall rates issued in terms of the Regulations.

RESTRICTION DUST FALL PERMITTED AREA RATE (D) FREQUENCY (MG/M2/DAY, OF 30-DAY EXCEEDING AVERAGE) DUST FALL RATE Residential D < 600 Two within a area year, not sequential months Non-residential 600

Of further importance is to note that the Waterberg Project falls within the Waterberg Bojanala Air Quality Priority Area (WBPA), in terms of section 18(1) of NEM:AQA. The Air Quality Management Plan for the WBPA must be taken into account when considering activities in the area and effect must be given to the goals of the Air Quality Management Plan.

Reference where applied:

An Air Quality Assessment (Appendix F12) has been undertaken as part of the EIA Phase to determine the baseline conditions prior to the implementation and potential subsequent impacts.


How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

The Project’s activities will set out to abide by the NEM:AQA and standards set out in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The required mitigation is included in the Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) as part of this EIA.


The purpose of the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 (NHRA) is to ensure that the heritage resources which are of cultural significance, as described in section 3 of the NHRA, will be protected. The protection of heritage resources is overseen by the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) and provincial heritage resources authorities, dependant on the heritage resources in question.

Under section 34 of the NHRA structures which are older than 60 years may not be demolished without a permit issued by the relevant provincial heritage resources authority.

Section 35 of the NHRA deals with archaeological, paleontological and meteorite heritage resources and requires that any archaeological or paleontological objects that are found on site must be reported to the competent heritage resources authorities. The discovered archaeological or paleontological objects may not be removed, damaged or destroyed without obtaining a permit from the heritage resources authority.

Section 38 of the NHRA requires that SAHRA must be informed of any proposed development that exceeds 5000m2 prior to undertaking the development. SAHRA may then require a heritage impact assessment (HIA) to be conducted before it consents to the development.

Where an HIA is undertaken as part of the EIA process and an applicant for an EA complies with the requirements of the relevant heritage authorities, then such an applicant is exempted from having to comply with the other provisions in Part 2 of Chapter 2 of the NHRA, including the requirement to obtain permits for the: alteration or demolition of any structure or part of a structure which is older than 60 years; destruction, damage, excavation, alteration, sale or disturbance of any archaeological and palaeontological artefacts or meteorites: or destruction, damage, alteration, exhumation or removal from its original position or disturbance of any grave or burial ground older than 60 years which is situated outside a formal cemetery administered by a local authority as contemplated in section 36 of the NHRA.

Chance finds subsequent to the EIA Process


The NHRA states that human remains older than 60 years and younger than 100 years are protected by the NHRA. Procedures for the removal of graves are set out in section 36(5) of the NHRA, including procedures for consultation regarding burial grounds and graves where such graves are situated outside a formal cemetery administrated by a local authority. If the grave is not situated inside a formal cemetery but is to be relocated to one, permission from the local authority is required and all regulations, laws and by-laws, set by the cemetery authority, must be adhered to.

Human remains that are younger than 60 years are protected under section 2(1) of the Removal of Graves and Dead Bodies Ordinance, No. 7 of 1925, and are under the jurisdiction of the National and Provincial Department of Health. Final approval for removal of human remains must be submitted to the office of the relevant Provincial Premier. This function is generally delegated to the Provincial MEC for Local Government and Planning or, in some cases, the MEC for Housing and Welfare. Authorisation for exhumation and reinternment must also be obtained from the relevant local or regional council where the grave is situated and the relevant local or regional council to where the grave is being relocated. To handle and transport human remains, the institution conducting the relocation must be authorised under the National Health Act and the Regulations relating to the Management of Human Remains (Published under Government Notice R363 in Government Gazette 36473 of 22 May 2013). For this, a specific procedure should be followed which includes social consultation. For graves younger than 60 years, only an undertaker is needed. For those older than 60 years and unknown graves an undertaker and archaeologist is needed. Permits should be obtained from the Burial Grounds and Graves unit of SAHRA. This procedure is quite lengthy and involves social consultation.

Reference where applied:

In accordance with the legislative requirements and EIA rating criteria, the regulations of SAHRA and Association of Southern African Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA) have also been incorporated to ensure that a comprehensive and legally compatible Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) is compiled. So far no comments have been received from SAHRA, but all comments made during the draft EIA report will be included.

How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

The applicable legislation will be followed in terms of sensitive historical features such as buildings and graves prior to any construction activities should the mine be approved. A Heritage Impact Assessment will also be and has been conducted in order to identify these sensitive historical features and mitigation measures have been proposed in order to ensure the preservation and protection thereof.



The overarching aim of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEM:BA), within the framework of NEMA, is to provide for the:

 management and conservation of biological diversity within South Africa, and of the components of such biological diversity;  use of indigenous biological resources in a sustainable manner; and  fair and equitable sharing among stakeholders of benefits arising from bio- prospecting involving indigenous biological resources.

Certain portions of the Waterberg Project fall within CBAs, as identified in the Waterberg District Environmental Management Framework Report and SANBI BGIS Map viewer and Vhembe Bioregion.

The EIA will therefore take into consideration of the following regulations promulgated in terms of NEMBA:

 GN 1002 of 9 December 2012 containing the National List of Ecosystems that are threatened and in need of protection, promulgated in terms of section 52(1)(a) of NEMBA;  GN R152 of 23 February 2007 which are the Regulations regarding Threatened or Protected Species. The purpose of listing threatened ecosystems is primarily to reduce the rate of ecosystem and species extinction. This includes preventing further degradation and loss of structure, function and composition of threatened ecosystems and preserving sites of exceptionally high conservation value; and  GNR151 of 23 February 2007 containing the List of Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable and Protected Species.

Under NEMBA, if any listed ecosystems, threatened, endangered or vulnerable species or protected species will have to be removed or will be disturbed, a permit will be required.

Other objectives of NEMBA include the identification, control and eradication of declared weeds and alien invaders in South Africa. These are categorised in the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations (published in GN R151 of Government Gazette 29657 of 23 February 2007) and the Alien and Invasive Species Lists (published in GN R864 of Government Gazette 40166 on 29 July 2016), according to one of the following categories, and require control or removal:

 Category 1a Listed Invasive Species: are those species listed as such by notice in terms of section 70(1)(a) of NEMBA as species which must be combated or eradicated;


 Category 1b Listed Invasive Species: Category 1b Listed Invasive Species; are those species listed as such by notice in terms of section 70(1)(a) of NEMBA as species which must be controlled;  Category 2 Listed Invasive Species: Category 2 Listed Invasive Species; are those species listed by notice in terms of section 70(1)(a) of NEMBA as species which require a permit to carry out a restricted activity within an area specified in the Notice or an area specified in the permit, as the case may be; and  Category 3 Listed Invasive Species: Category 3 Listed Invasive Species; are species that are listed by notice in terms of section 70(1)(a) of NEMBA as species which are subject to exemptions in terms of section 71(3) and prohibitions in terms of section 71A of Act, as specified in the Notice.

The provisions of NEMBA have been considered and, where relevant, will be incorporated into the proposed mitigation measures and requirements of the EMPr and any required permits will be obtained. A fauna and flora impact assessment for developments in an area that are considered ecologically sensitive which require an EA in terms of NEMA is important and a Biodiversity Assessment has been commissioned and the findings included in the EIAR.

Reference where applied:

A Terrestrial Ecology Assessment (Appendix F3) was undertaken during the EIA phase.

How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

The provisions of this Act have been considered and where relevant incorporated into the proposed mitigation measures and requirements of the EMPr. All Alien Invasive species (AIS) will be monitored and managed according to an eradication and management plan during the construction, operational and rehabilitation phases.


CARA provides for control over the utilization of the natural agricultural resources in South Africa in order to promote the conservation of the soil, water resources and vegetation and the combating of weeds and invader plants; and for matters connected therewith.

In terms of CARA, landowners are legally responsible for the control of weeds and alien vegetation. CARA makes provision for three categories of alien and invasive species:  Category 1a: invasives that must immediately be removed and destroyed;  Category 1b: invasives that need to be immediately removed and contained;


 Category 2: invasives that require a permit to retain the species on site and where steps are required to ensure that they do not spread. All category 2 plants in riparian zones need to be removed; and  Category 3: a permit is required to retain these species. All category 3 plants in riparian zones need to be removed.

CARA also regulates the conservation of soil and states that degradation of the agricultural potential is illegal. It furthermore requires the protection of land against soil erosion and the prevention of water logging and associated salinization.

Reference where applied:

A Soil, Land Capability, Agricultural Potential and Hydropedology Assessment, was undertaken during the EIA phase

How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

Rehabilitation of the mining operations will be required post-mining operations. The land needs to be rehabilitated to pre-mining conditions. It is anticipated that the land will be restored to grazing capacity land.

The preservation of topsoils is vital to ensure successful rehabilitation measures.


Section 12 of the NFA gives power to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to declare certain trees as protected species. The latest list has been promulgated under GN R908 of Government Gazette 38215 on 21 November 2014. Section 15 of the NFA indicates that no protected species may be cut, disturbed, damaged or destroyed without a licence granted by the DAFF.

Reference where applied

A Terrestrial Biodiversity Study has been done to determine the tree species in the Project Area and specifies if there are any endangered species. A permit for the removal / destruction of protected trees will be applied for with the relevant department in terms of Section 15 of the NFA.



The protection and management of South Africa’s protected areas are controlled by the NEMPAA.

NEMPAA provides for inter alia:  the declaration of nature reserves and determination of the type of reserve declared;  cooperative governance in the declaration and management of nature reserves;  a system of protected areas to manage and conserve biodiversity; and  the utilization and participation of local communities in the management of protected areas.

It provides that, despite other legislation, no person may conduct prospecting or mining activities in special nature reserves or protected areas without the prior consent of the Minerals Minister and Environmental Minister. NEMPAA binds all state organs and trumps other legislation, including the MPRDA, in the event of a conflict concerning the development of protected areas.

The Project Area, though partly situated in a CBA and the Vhembe Bioregion, will not traverse any area protected under NEMPAA and consent is therefore not required.

Reference where applied:

A Terrestrial Ecology Assessment has been undertaken to determine whether any protected areas are located within the project site. There are currently no protected areas within the study area.

How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

No action is required as mining is not taking place within a protected area.


SPLUMA is a framework law, which means that the law provides broad principles for a set of provincial laws that will regulate planning for South Africa. It introduces provisions to cater for development principles; norms and standards; inter-governmental support; SDFs across national, provincial, regional and municipal areas; LUSs; and municipal planning tribunals.

SPLUMA also provides clarity on how planning law interacts with other laws and policies. It is a uniform, recognisable and comprehensive system that addresses the past spatial and regulatory imbalances; and promotes optimal exploitation of mineral resources. It achieves


this by strengthening the position of mining right holders when land needs to be rezoned for mining purposes. SPLUMA’s impact on optimal exploitation is particularly evident where conflict exists between mining right holders and landowners. Economic and policy considerations, as well as practical necessities, often motivate the State to grant mining rights to entities other than landowners. SPLUMA is a new national framework Act that provides clear principles and standards for provincial and local governments to formulate their own new spatial planning and land use policies. The new provincial legislation can regulate, among other things, land development, land use management, spatial planning and municipal planning.

Reference where applied:

The Mining Right Area is currently zoned as agriculture.

How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

The affected properties would have to be rezoned from agriculture to mining in order for the mine to continue, should a mining right be approved.


In 1994, with the devolution of regulatory power from national government to provincial government, the authority to promulgate noise regulations was ceded to provinces. Each province could henceforth decide whether to develop their own regulations, or to adopt and adapt existing regulations. Some provinces (e.g. Gauteng, Free State and Western Cape) have promulgated such provincial regulations. Elsewhere, including Limpopo Province, no provincial noise regulations have been put in place.

In noise studies undertaken in provinces lacking official noise regulations, the Regulations in terms of Section 25 - Noise Control published in terms of the Environmental Conservation Act No. 73 of 1989 ("Noise Regulations") apply. For further guidance, it is noted that noise criteria in all previous national and current provincial regulations, as well as current metropolitan noise policies, are derived from SANS 10103. SANS 10103 defines the relevant acoustic parameters that should be measured, gives guidelines with respect to acceptable levels and assessment criteria and specifies test methods and equipment requirements.

Section 4 of the Noise Regulations prohibits a person from making, producing or causing a disturbing noise; or allowing it to be made, produced or caused by any person, machine, device or apparatus or any combination thereof. A disturbing noise is defined in the Noise Regulations as "a noise level which exceeds the zone sound level or, if no zone sound level


has been designated, a noise level which exceeds the ambient sound level at the same measuring point by 7dBA or more".

Section 5 of the Noise Regulations prohibits the creation of a noise nuisance. A noise nuisance is defined as "any sound which disturbs or impairs or may disturb or impair the convenience or peace of any person’". Noise nuisance is anticipated from the Waterberg Project, particularly affecting those residents that are situated near the Project Area.

South African National Standard 10103 also applies to the measurement and consideration of environmental noise and should be considered in conjunction with these regulations. A noise specialist study is proposed for the EIA process.

Reference where applied:

The Noise Regulations will need to be considered in relation to the potential noise that may be generated mainly during the construction and decommissioning phases of the proposed project. The two key aspects of the Noise Regulations relate to disturbing noise and noise nuisance.

A NIA is provided in the EIA report.

How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

The proposed project activities will be set out to abide by the Noise Regulations and standards set out in SANS10103.

The noise impacts associated with the proposed activities have been determined and mitigation and monitoring measures were proposed to minimise the impacts during the LOM, as indicated in the Noise Impact Assessment and EIA.


There are a few South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) standards relevant to noise from mines, industry and roads. They are:

 South African National Standard (SANS) 10103:2008. ‘The measurement and rating of environmental noise with respect to annoyance and to speech communication’;  SANS 10210:2004. ‘Calculating and predicting road traffic noise’;  SANS 10328:2008. ‘Methods for environmental noise impact assessments;  SANS 10357:2004. ‘The calculation of sound propagation by the Concave method’;  SANS 10181:2003. ‘The Measurement of Noise Emitted by Road Vehicles when Stationary’; and


 SANS 10205:2003. ‘The Measurement of Noise Emitted by Motor Vehicles in Motion’.

The relevant standards use the equivalent continuous rating level as a basis for determining what is acceptable. The levels may take single event noise into account but single event noise by itself does not determine whether noise levels are acceptable for land use purposes. With regards to SANS 10103:2008, the recommendations are likely to inform decisions by authorities but non-compliance with the standard will not necessarily render an activity unlawful per se. The noise assessment will take these noise standards and impacts into consideration.

5.12 EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1956 (ACT NO. 26 OF 1956)

A licence will be required for any explosive magazines on the premises used for the storage of explosives. The licence is issued by the Chief Inspector of Explosives or his delegate.

Reference where applied:

A licence will be required for any explosive magazines on the premises used for the storage of explosives. The licence is issued by the Chief Inspector of Explosives or his delegate.

How does this development comply with and respond to the policy and legislative context:

The Applicant will apply for a permit. This is a separate application and will be submitted to the South African Police Service.


5.13.1 The National Development Plan 2030 (NDP)

The NDP is a long-term development framework and plan for South Africa and was released in August 2012. All major development policies and strategies of district and local municipalities find expression in the NDP. The NDP must be referred to when determining the socio-economic impacts of a development or project on the surrounding area.

5.13.2 2016/17-2020/21 Final Capricorn District Municipality Integrated Development Plan

An IDP is the document through which a municipality prepares its strategic development plans for a five-year period. The main goal of an IDP is to develop interdepartmental strategies and developmental goals for the District.


The CDM IDP recognises that mining is one of the key economic sectors and according to the IDP mining is one of the sectors that must form the base for economic growth.

It further recognises that mining holds major possibilities for the district and that the utilisation of the mining sector can serve as a catalyst for the development of other economic activities.

The CDM IDP also refers to the Capricorn District SDF and particularly to the set of principles which was used to draft the SDF. One of these principles focused on the optimal utilisation of mining potential within the district in such a way that a sustainable balance will be maintained between mining, agriculture, and the natural environment.

In light of the above, it is clear that the MR Application accords with the CDM IDP.


Provincial legislation and other guidelines considered by the specialists include amongst others:  Limpopo Environmental Act, 7 of 2003 – makes provision for the protection of terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity;  The Limpopo Conservation Plan of 2013 was designed to support integrated development planning;  Limpopo Environmental Implementation Plan 2015 - 2020 (published under PN 64 of PG 2715 on 10 June 2016) - describes policies, plans and programs of different state departments (such as the provincial Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism) that perform functions that may impact on the environment and how the departments' plans should comply with NEMA's principles and national environmental norms and standards;  International Finance Corporation Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Mining - the IFS guidelines recommended noise levels for noise sensitive areas is 55.0dBA during the day and 45.0dBA during the night;  United States Bureau of Mines – USBM (1980) Structure response and damage produced by ground vibration from surface mine blasting - USBM 1980, provides limits for ground vibration levels resulting from blasting. Ground vibration levels as a result of blasting should not exceed 10,0m/s for clay huts and 25.0mm/s for brick or formally constructed buildings;  NEMA Implementation Guidelines: Sector Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation (published in GN 654 of Government Gazette 33333 on 29 June 2010) - this guideline provides guidance on how to compile EIAs containing information and analysis of a high quality and which is sufficiently comprehensive to enable the decision-maker to make a well-informed decision. It explains the requirements in the EIA Regulations and provides practical guidance and tools for the EIA process;


 DEAT (2004); Cumulative Effects Assessment, Integrated Environmental Management, Information Series 7, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), Pretoria - this guideline provides information on cumulative effect assessments, integrated environmental management, and highlights the potential approaches for incorporating cumulative effects into EIAs;  DEA (2011); A User-Friendly guide to the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008. South Africa, Pretoria - this guide gives a simplified overview of the contents and application of NEM:WA. It also covers processes or directions on how to manage polluted land and develop industry waste management plans. It provides guidance and information on the licensing of waste management activities, waste information, compliance and the consequences for non-compliance NEM:WA;  DEAT (2004): Criteria for determining Alternatives in EIA, Integrated Environmental Management, Information Series 11 - this document provides an overview of the key criteria for determining project alternatives, in the EIA Process;  Guideline for Implementation: Public Participation in the EIA Process (published in GN 807 of Government Gazette 35769 on 10 October 2012) - assists applicants, I&APs and EAPs to understand their roles in the PPP. It provides information on the benefits of the PPP and guidance on conducting the PPP; and DEA (2017), Guideline on Need and Desirability, Department of Environmental Affairs Integrated Environmental Management, Information Series 11 (Guideline) - This guideline contains information on best practice and how to meet the peremptory requirements prescribed by legislation. It sets out both the strategic and statutory context for the consideration and of the need and desirability of a development.

NEMA and the EIA Regulations highlight specific considerations that must be taken into account for every application for an EA, including the principles set out in section 2 of NEMA, the general objectives of Integrated Environmental Management set out in section 23 of NEMA, minimum requirements set out in section 24(4) of NEMA and criteria set out in section 24O of NEMA and in Regulation 18 of the 2014 EIA Regulations. In terms of the 2014 EIA Regulations, when considering an application, the relevant CA must have regard to various specific relevant considerations, including specifically having to consider “the need for and desirability of the activity”. The EIA Regulations appendices specify that the scoping report and EIA Report provide a motivation for the need for and desirability for the proposed development, including the need and desirability of the activity in the context of the preferred location. It requires that both the “need” and “desirability” must be considered by the developer, his/her independent EAP, the specialists, and the CA. I&APs must also be afforded an opportunity to make representation in terms of their views in terms of the need and desirability considerations.

The need for and desirability of the Waterberg Project has been addressed throughout the EIAR.




The MR Application is for 20 482 hectares.

The top of mining zones in the current Waterberg mine works plan occur at depths ranging from 170m to approximately 350m below surface. The mine plan limits mining depth to 1.250m below surface.

The Waterberg Project is located along the strike extension of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. The geology consists predominantly of the Bushveld Main Zone gabbros, gabbronorites, norites, pyroxenites and anorthositic rock types with more mafic rock material such as harzburgite and troctolites that partially grade into dunnites towards the base of the package. In the southern part of the project area, Bushveld Upper Zone lithologies such as magnetite gabbros and gabbronorites do occur as intersected in drillhole WB001 and WB002. The Lower Magnetite Layer of the Upper Zone was intersected on the south of the project property (Disseldorp 369 LR) where drillhole WB001 was drilled and intersected a 2.5 m thick magnetite band. On the property, the Bushveld package strikes south-west to north-east with a general dip of 34º - 38º towards the west is observed from drillhole core for the layered units intersected on Waterberg property within the Bushveld Package. However, some structural blocks may be tilted at different angles depending on structural and /or tectonic controls. The Bushveld Upper Zone is overlain by a 120 m to 760 m thick Waterberg Group which is a sedimentary package predominantly made up of sandstones, and within the project area the two sedimentary formations known as the Setlaole and Makgabeng Formations constitute the Waterberg Group. The Waterberg package is flat lying with dip angles ranging from to 2º to 5º.

6.1.1 Mining Methodology

The mining methodology is based on the PFS for Mining Alternative 1 and 2, the Mining Alternative 3 is the preferred option and is based on the DFS.

 Mining Alternative 1: 7.2 Mtpa for up to 25 years of mining with a 7.6 Ml/d wellfield; and  Mining Alternative 2: 3 – 4.2 Mtpa for up to 40 years of mining with discontinuation of dewatering once areas are mined out and a 6.2 Ml/d concentrated wellfield; and  Mining Alternative 3: 4.8 Mtpa for up to 45 years of mining with worked out areas remaining dewatered for the purpose of water supply and a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield.


 The mining alternative 3 that has been identified as the preferred option at present, being the South Complex with a Portal accessing the T Zone and F South Zone and a Portal accessing the F Central Zone. This complex will be producing (RoM) 4.8 Mtpa until depleted with the North Complex accessing the F North and F Boundary replacing the depleted production. This production rate indicates a Life of Mine of 45 years, the worked out areas remaining open to harvest water inflows for the purpose of water supply to the mine, In addition to this water supply a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield will also be utilised for the water demand.  ("Preferred Mining Alternative").

 If the Preferred Mining Alternative is selected, the Waterberg Project will initially site the underground workings on the farms Ketting for the Tailings facility and Goedetrouw for the Metallurgical plant, Backfill plant and surface infrastructure that will consist of 2 surface mining Complexes North and South that will serve as access to mining up to a depth of approximately 1200m below surface.  Once the Southern complex has been mined out it is planned that the mine production will continue from the Northern Complex.


As noted above, three mining alternatives were considered by Waterberg JvCo and the specialists (discussed below).

The Preferred Mining Alternative at present, being extraction of Mining Alternative 3 - 4.8 Mtpa for up to 45 years of mining with worked out areas remaining dewatered for the purpose of water supply and a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield.

Primary access to the ore body is via a 5.0mH x 5.0mW, 9° twin decline systems spaced 20m apart skin-to-skin and connected by laterals every 100m. The decline systems will initially start from two portals, which will be excavated to a high wall depth of ±25m.

The first decline will be utilized for all personnel and material transportation down the underground mine workings, as well as rock haulage while the Conveyor System is being established. The second decline will host the Conveyor System, which will be responsible for handling ore once the mining is in steady state.

From the main declines, there is a breakaway towards the production area, from which the spiral ramp will access the main levels and sublevels.

Workshops are established at the optimal position in relation to the production areas, thus reducing the travelling distance required to service the mining equipment and reducing idling time.


The conveyor decline will be developed up to the tipping point, when construction of the tip will begin. A connection between the conveyor decline and the tipping access will allow the decline to continue with development while the tipping point is constructed. The tipping access will have a 15m manoeuvring bay for trucks.

The two SLOS methods require spiral ramp development in the footwall waste to provide access between the sub-levels and the main declines. The turning radius for the spirals has been fixed at 30 meters to accommodate the mining equipment and the dip was set at 9°.

Ore brought to surface by the conveyors will deposit the ore on a stockpile, from where it will be conveyed into the Process Plant. Waste rock brought to surface will be trucked to the WRD North and South.

6.1.2 Surface Infrastructure

A comprehensive description of the surface infrastructure is set out in paragraph 11.3.2 above.


The Applicant has applied for a mining right, EA and WML for the development of a mine and the Surface Infrastructure. The listed activities that require EA in terms of GNR983 to R985 and a WML in terms of the WML List are indicated in Tables 4, 5 and 6 above.

An IWULA will be submitted shortly.



This section will examine the Waterberg Project's need and desirability and the importance of PTMs as a resource and the desirability of PTMs mining operations on the Project Area.

The market and prices for platinum, palladium and associated PTMs have continued to be volatile. The Applicant relies on research from various third parties to assist in the analysis and understanding of supply and demand trends.

Autocatalysis and pollution control in the automotive sector have historically been the primary demand driver for both platinum and palladium. Based on global automotive trends, palladium and rhodium have vastly outperformed platinum since 2016. The Volkswagen emissions scandal has had an extremely negative impact on the European diesel market and the perception of diesel technology globally. Platinum has historically been used in diesel autos for autocatalysis and that demand segment has been


weakening. It is expected that this trend will continue. Gasoline and hybrid automotive technology has been the primary benefactor. Palladium and rhodium are used as the primary catalysts in gasoline and hybrid automobiles. The gasoline and hybrid markets are expected to continue to grow, particularly in China where stringent new emissions legislation is expected to increase palladium consumption significantly. There is a great deal of discussion concerning BEV. Although BEV technology is currently less than 1% of the global auto market, there are projections for this market to grow. BEV technology does not require an autocatalyst and is thus considered a significant threat to PTM metals demand in general. The perceived growth of the BEV market has had a dampening effect on PTM market sentiment.

On the supply side, loss making production from South African PTM miners has continued to be seen. Although there has been some consolidation and rationalization of supply, there is still a surplus of platinum production in the marketplace. Palladium has been in a multi-year deficit based on the strong demand discussed above and the lack and inability of additional supply response for the metal. Should the price delta between platinum and palladium become excessive, there is a possibility that autocatalyst manufacturers could substitute platinum for palladium and change the current supply and demand dynamic for both metals. Evidence of substitution in the current marketplace has not been seen.

In general, it is expected that continued volatility for all PTM metals going forward will be seen, as market participants grapple with shifting demand trends and challenging supply factors.

The Waterberg resource is palladium dominate which is a unique metal balance, compared with the traditional South African PTM reefs. Palladium is typically used in gasoline engines and legislative changes are already driving autocatalyst palladium loadings higher in Europe, North America and Japan, and there are expectations that new regulations in China will be brought forward, driving further demand for the metal. Automotive demand for palladium is predicted to grow by around 2% in 2018.7

The predominance of palladium over platinum in the ore positions the Waterberg Project well as a future source of PTMs, especially as the supply side pressure grows on existing marginal PTM operations elsewhere in South Africa.


Mining in South Africa directly contributed to the establishment of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in the late 19th century; and today it still accounts for a large portion of its market capitalisation. From this, it is clear that mining in South Africa has shaped South Africa politically, culturally, and economically and that the South African mining sector has provided the critical mass for a number of industries that are either suppliers to the mining

7 John Matthey – PGM Market Report May 2018.


industry, or users of its products. These include, but are not limited to, energy, financial services, water and engineering services, and specialist seismic geological and metallurgical services. The Waterberg Project will not only contribute directly to the South African economy but will also contribute to the development and growth of other industries supporting the mining sector.

The Waterberg Project will contribute to favourable economic impacts on both a local, regional and national scale. This will result in numerous job creation and skills development opportunities and provide an economic injection in the region.

In terms of the proposed SLP submitted with the MR Application, the Applicant has committed to various HRD and LED Projects. The proposed LED Projects include8:

o Provision of infrastructure and educational support to local schools: providing modular units or containers, called Digital Education Centres, in the form of a library and computer library centre, with equipment and material to three primary schools and one high school; o Mine and community bulk water supply and reticulation: contributing financially towards the development of the water infrastructure. The project will be done in partnership with the Limpopo Provincial Government, DWS, CDM and BLM; o Extension and equipping of existing clinic / health facility: providing three additional consulting rooms to the existing clinic; o Construction of creche and pre-school; o Support to local SMMEs: providing buildings for SMMEs to operate from within the Project Area and assisting more SMMEs to expand and employ more people and o Road Construction: constructing a 38km road to improve mobility in the area, (collectively the LED Projects).

If the Waterberg Project was not to proceed, the additional economic activity; skills development; LED and social upliftment; and jobs opportunities would not be created, and the platinum reserves would remain unutilized.

In assessing the Project's need and desirability, the potential negative impacts must be considered. These include:


o Loss of access to livelihood activities o Economic displacement refers to the loss of productive assets (including land and crops), usage rights or livelihood capacities as a result of the Waterberg Project. o Currently local communities could possibly make use of a wealth of natural resources, or ecosystem services, that are freely and readily available in

8 Page 45 of the Social and Labour Plan submitted as part of the MR Application.


the Project Area. The primary ecosystem services include livestock grazing, subsistence farming, collecting wood for cooking, collecting water for drinking and gathering traditional herbs and medicine for household consumption and commercial use. These natural resources provide households with valuable sources of food, fuel, income and various other uses. The loss of access to, and/or availability of, these natural resources could have a detrimental impact on the livelihoods, including income and food security, of households in the Project Area. o Tensions over limited employment opportunities and procurement contracts o While it is expected that a limited portion of the local population might be able to benefit from employment opportunities and procurement contracts from the Project, a significant portion of the population will not obtain employment from the Project and will therefore need to continue subsistence farming in order to secure their livelihoods. o It is generally expected that subsistence farming will yield a lower and more uncertain income than that associated with employment from the Project, and that community members who will benefit most from employment opportunities and procurement contracts are those with the highest levels of education and experience. o The employment of only a portion of the population for the Project is thus likely to lead to increased tension and economic disparity in the Project Area between those employed/contracted and those unemployed. The latter might find that they cannot maintain the same living standard or access existing or new services and facilities that are either exclusively for mine workers or are too expensive. o Mining can also contribute to the marginalisation of specific groups within a community, specifically the uneducated, illiterate, landless, elderly and women (particularly those with children).


o Migrant labour influx and increase in informal settlements as a result of influx o On a project of this nature where there are high levels of unemployment and limited economic opportunities in the area, influx into the Project Area is considered a significant impact. This is made harder by a lack of land management practices, which could result in illegal squatting in the communities neighbouring the Surface Infrastructure Area. o Influx will most likely peak during the construction phase when the demand for unskilled labour is at its highest. It is anticipated that job seekers who do not secure jobs will leave, however some may remain in hope of securing future project benefits. o Increased pressure on social infrastructure and services as a result of influx. o Increased livestock theft. o Social unrest due to conflicts between work seekers and land occupants.


o Increase in social pathologies (teenage pregnancies, school drop-outs, alcohol and substance abuse).

Health and Safety

o Increase in communicable diseases and other diseases such as HIV and TB. o The Waterberg Project has the potential to contribute to the spread of communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and STDs or TB. Communicable diseases and STDs, particularly, if present and untreated, can greatly increase the risk of HIV transmission. In the communities neighbouring the Surface Infrastructure Area, existing healthcare services do not have the resources to address the impact of increasing cases of communicable diseases. o Increase in traffic and road accidents.

Numerous platinum mines occur to the south of the Project Area near Mokopane. The Waterberg Project fits in with these developments and land uses. If the Applicant does not proceed with the proposed MR Application, mining of these platinum reserves will not necessarily be avoided, as another application in terms of the MPRDA can be made by another company. Unless the Government declares these areas as restricted for mining and/or the demand for platinum subsides, mining companies will continue to attempt to mine these platinum reserves.


The Mining Right, EA and WML will be required for a period of 30 years.



The identification and investigation of alternatives is a key aspect during the S&EIA process. All reasonable and feasible alternatives must be identified and assessed during the Scoping Phase, to determine the most suitable alternatives to consider and assess during the EIA Phase. There are however some significant constraints that must be considered when identifying alternatives for a project of this scope. Such constraints include social, financial and environmental issues, which will be discussed in the evaluation of the alternatives. The preferred option is to be highlighted and presented to the authorities.

Alternatives can typically be identified according to:

 Location alternatives;  Technological alternatives (mining methods, processing, tailings disposal);  Land Use Alternatives; and  Activity alternatives (including the No-go option).

For any alternative to be considered feasible, such an alternative must meet the need and purpose of the development proposal, without presenting significantly high associated impacts. The alternatives are described, and the advantages and disadvantages are presented. It is further indicated which alternatives are considered feasible from a technical and environmental perspective. Incremental alternatives typically arise during the EIA process and are usually suggested as a means of addressing identified impacts. These alternatives are closely linked to the identification of mitigation measures and are not specifically identified as distinct alternatives. This section provides information on the development footprint alternatives; the properties considered; and the type of activity, activity layout, technological and operational aspects of the Waterberg Project.

A Preliminary Economic Assessment on the original Waterberg JV was completed and announced in February 2014.

A PFS was then conducted for the Waterberg Project and completed in 2016. The PFS considered various throughput options for the Project, traded off mining methods and considered different options for the metallurgical processing of the ore. Metallurgical test work was undertaken to test these options; and this resulted in the selection of a single process flow and reagent suite suitable for the treatment of the Waterberg Ore.

The PFS updated the estimation of the inferred and indicated Mineral Resources based on the geological exploration and modelling undertaken at that point, in accordance with the requirements set forth in the National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Project (NI 43-101), Companion Policy 43-101CP to NI 43-101, and Form 43- 101F1 of NI 43-101.


A DFS is currently in progress, to provide a further update on the reserve; and improved cost estimation of the Waterberg Project based on the outcomes of the PFS. Optimisation of the Process Plant design and mining methods based on the latest geological information and metallurgical test work is currently in progress as part of this study.


The Project Area was considered due to the positive results obtained during the prospecting phase and drilling with regards to the underlying high-grade platinum. As the Applicant held, or previously held, the Prospecting Rights on the Mine Area, and with the favourable results from the prospecting phase regarding platinum deposits, the Project Area locality is optimal for mining platinum.

8.1.1 Alternative Surface Layout Sites

Two alternative sites were identified for establishment of the Waterberg Surface Infrastructure.

The Surface Infrastructure Alternative 1 is on Portion 1 of Goedetrouw and Goedetrouw; with Surface Infrastructure Alternative 2 situated on Ketting..

The TSF Alternative 1 is situated on Ketting and Disseldorp and TSF Alternative 2 situated on Portion 1 and the Remaining Extent of Norma (Alternative Site 3).

Refer to Section 1.3 for schematic lay-out of the alternatives.

The PFS was prepared on the basis that the Surface Infrastructure would be located on Ketting. The Preferred Surface Layout Site has however subsequently been chosen as, it is considered to provide easier, more direct and more cost-effective access to the ore body. It is also advantageous, as it allows the Process Plant and Northern, Central and Southern Complexes to be group together in close proximity where the bulk of the operational activities will occur.

8.1.2 TSF Location

The selection of a suitable site for the TSF was considered by Epoch. Various governing factors that were considered included:

 required capacity and footprint extent;  method of deposition and development;  structural geology, hydrogeological and geotechnical constraints;  overall topographical terrain;  existing and future infrastructure and servitudes e.g. power lines, roads etc;  sterilisation of ore reserves/outcrops;


 depth of undermining;  environmental and social constraints;  land ownership, and  burial and archaeological sites.

As noted above, initially a total of four sites were identified. Following the initial identification of the potential TSF sites. the following constraints were applied:

 the distance from the Process Plant to the TSF to be kept to a minimum, to minimise capital and operating costs;  rocky outcrop/ridges to be avoided, as they are considered environmentally sensitive areas;  streams are to be avoided as far as possible; and  upstream (northeast) of the Goedetrouw community.

The site selection during the PFS preferred the Ketting location, giving consideration to the risk and cost factors described above. During the early stages of DFS currently in progress, a review of the siting was undertaken considering the sites listed above. This exercise resulted a preferred site sited on the south-western portion of Ketting and south- eastern portion of Disseldorp.


The following alternatives were considered in relation to alternatives to the Waterberg Surface Infrastructure.

8.2.1 Tailings Disposal

A trade-off study was undertaken by Epoch, to determine a suitable depositional methodology and to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology (Epoch Study). The following methodologies were investigated:  conventional/thickened tailings;  cycloned tailings;  paste tailings; and  dry-filtered tailings.

The following conclusions were drawn from the Epoch Study:  Paste disposal is untested in the platinum industry. It would pose a significant risk and require an extensive testing regime to consider implementing.  Dry Stacking is a possible option and the potential water recoveries could make this option feasible. However, the high capital and operational costs associated with dry stacking may not be feasible compared to a conventional/thickened tailings dam;


 Cycloned tailings may provide a cost saving due to the higher rates of rise achievable, however test work is required prior to recommending this option;  Conventional/thickened tailings are the safest option and well understood in the platinum industry. This was therefore selected as the preferred option for the Waterberg Project.

8.2.2 Mining methods

The mining methodology is based on the PFS for Mining Alternative 1 and 2, the Mining Alternative 3 is the preferred option and is based on the DFS.

 Mining Alternative 1: 7.2 Mtpa for up to 25 years of mining with a 7.6 Ml/d wellfield; and  Mining Alternative 2: 3 – 4.2 Mtpa for up to 40 years of mining with discontinuation of dewatering once areas are mined out and a 6.2 Ml/d concentrated wellfield; and  Mining Alternative 3: 4.8 Mtpa for up to 45 years of mining with worked out areas remaining dewatered for the purpose of water supply and a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield.

 The mining alternative 3 that has been identified as the preferred option at present, being the South Complex with a Portal accessing the T Zone and F South Zone and a Portal accessing the F Central Zone. This complex will be producing (RoM) 4.8 Mtpa until depleted with the North Complex accessing the F North and F Boundary replacing the depleted production. This production rate indicates a Life of Mine of 45 years, the worked out areas remaining open to harvest water inflows for the purpose of water supply to the mine, In addition to this water supply a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield will also be utilised for the water demand.  ("Preferred Mining Alternative").

 If the Preferred Mining Alternative is selected, the Waterberg Project will initially site the underground workings on the farms Ketting for the Tailings facility and Goedetrouw for the Metallurgical plant, Backfill plant and surface infrastructure that will consist of 2 surface mining Complexes North and South that will serve as access to mining up to a depth of approximately 1200m below surface.  Once the Southern complex has been mined out it is planned that the mine production will continue from the Northern Complex.


As noted above, three mining alternatives were considered by Waterberg JvCo and the specialists (discussed below).


The Preferred Mining Alternative at present, being extraction of Mining Alternative 3 - 4.8 Mtpa for up to 45 years of mining with worked out areas remaining dewatered for the purpose of water supply and a 6.2 Ml/d extended wellfield.

Primary access to the ore body is via a 5.0mH x 5.0mW, 9° twin decline systems spaced 20m apart, skin-to-skin and connected by laterals every 100m. The decline systems will initially start from two portals, which will be excavated to a high wall depth of ±25m .

The first decline will be utilized for all personnel and material transportation down the underground mine workings, as well as rock haulage while the Conveyor System is being established. The second decline will host the Conveyor System, which will be responsible for handling ore once the mining is in steady state.

From the main declines, there is a breakaway towards the production area, from which the spiral ramp will access the main levels and sublevels.

Workshops are established at the optimal position in relation to the production areas, thus reducing the travelling distance required to service the mining equipment and reducing idling time.

The conveyor decline will be developed up to the tipping point, when construction of the tip will begin. A connection between the conveyor decline and the tipping access will allow the decline to continue with development while the tipping point is constructed. The tipping access will have a 15m manoeuvring bay for trucks.

The two-SLOS methods require spiral ramp development in the footwall waste to provide access between the sub-levels and the main declines. The turning radius for the spirals has been fixed at 30 meters to accommodate the mining equipment and the dip was set at 9°.

Ore brought to surface by the conveyors will deposit the ore on a stockpile, from where it will be conveyed into the Process Plant. Waste rock brought to surface will be trucked to the WRD North and South.

8.2.3 Ore processing alternatives

A MF1 circuit was initially proposed and tested.

During the PFS different options for the metallurgical processing of the ore were considered. Metallurgical test work campaigns were conducted, during which the flotation response of the various Waterberg ore types was tested and compared. Two flotation flowsheets were tested during each of the different campaigns, i.e.:  MF1 circuit utilizing the reagents - Oxalic acid and Thiourea  MF2 circuit utilizing typical Southern African PGM reagent suites.


At the conclusion of the test work campaigns the selection of a single process flow and reagent suite suitable for the treatment of the Waterberg ore. The MF2 circuit was selected.

8.2.4 Water Supply and Treatment

Initially it was considered that the ORWRDP, which was designed to deliver water to the Eastern Limb and Northern Limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC) of South Africa, would be able to supply water to the Waterberg Project. The implementation of the Flag Boshielo Pruizen pipeline has been put on hold because of funding issues and withdrawal of commitments from some mines due to low commodity prices. This required the Applicant to investigate other options for the Waterberg Project, which is located on the northern extremity of the ORWRDP area

During the PFS, the options considered were the use of water from the Glen Alpine Dam, transfer of water from Lephalala River, groundwater and effluent from various WWTW including Louis Trichardt / Makhado and Seshego.

Of all the water supply options considered, a combination of sewage effluent and groundwater was assessed as the most viable.

Further geohydrological investigations undertaken after the completion of the PFS identified that groundwater could supply all the Waterberg Project requirements of 6.2 Ml/d and identified targets of low-quality water suited for industrial use.

The mine is currently developing groundwater sources for general water use. A total of 37 boreholes have been drilled for water supply purposes. All boreholes yielding greater than 3l/s (23 boreholes) were test pumped to determine their aquifer parameters. Results obtained from the drilling and testing exercise indicated that the Waterberg Project can be supplied by a wellfield with a yield of 6.2 Ml/d.

8.2.5 Water Pipelines routes

Various potential pipeline routes have been identified.

The most likely feasible route the for the Water Pipelines is expected to come from the east, from wellfields present on various properties, along the road running on the southern boundary of Goedetrouw, unless a more direct routing can be negotiated and also water from boreholes on Disseldorp.

A further supply of water from the west has also been identified and would cross the northern part of Ketting before joining the TSF Pipeline route for the Preferred Alternative.



When considering the allocation of land for mining which will be affecting agricultural land, the agricultural implications must be considered together with the environmental, cultural and socio-economic aspects. In particular, prime quality land should normally be protected against permanent development or irreversible damage.

Consideration of land use alternatives is one of the cornerstones of community planning. Land use decisions must be evaluated in terms of sustainability, broadly defined as balancing environmental, economic and social equity concerns.

When considering a new development for an area, it is required that other alternatives are considered to ensure that the development is justified and viable. In the Project Area, present land use includes residential, crops, grazing, and minor tourism. Mining is a temporary land use but in cases where underground mining takes place, the surface land use can often continue, depending on water use and management.

There exist two main feasible alternatives to the Waterberg Project operation. The first alternative is to continue to use the land for agriculture, mainly for grazing and crop production. The second land use alternative is tourism. Tourism is one of the most viable alternatives to the current land use in the region and includes guest houses and tourism activities in the area. The site is, however, too small and remote with very little infrastructure to be suitable for tourism.


Stock farming and cropping, to a lesser degree, are one of the most suitable land uses in the region. Agriculture is an important producer of food for the nation and without local producers South Africa would have to rely on imports. Currently, South African agricultural land uses include maize, beans, fruit, dairy and livestock farming.

There are, however, various impacts that farming may have on the environment. The first is vegetation disturbance and damage. physically damage plants by eating, bruising and breaking them. If there is overgrazing, this disturbance to plants could subsequently lead to erosion in the form of dongas. Another impact is that of soil disturbance. Animals alter the structure of soils, by chipping or loosening the soil surface or compacting the soil, depending on its moisture content. Though the loosening of the soil can be advantageous, excessive soil loosening can cause soil loss through wind and water erosion. Soil is a limited resource in South Africa. When soil is moist, it can easily be compacted through hoof action. This causes a loss of soil structure, which causes the reduction in infiltration, aeration and water holding capacity. General conditions for plant growth will become less favourable.

These impacts are likely to be insignificant if correct management measures are applied.


Crop farming results in whole areas of natural vegetation and the fauna dependant on them being destroyed for the areas under cultivation. The impacts may spread from the site if pesticides and herbicides are used which may wash off the area. It is likely that a few years after crop farming has ceased the vegetation diversity will recover and return to its former state over time if excessive erosion has not occurred. Topographical disturbance may occur if contour drains are constructed. Dust can also be generated from agriculture during the ploughing season. This impact, however, is seasonal. Another impact is water use for agriculture. Often small farm dams are constructed without the necessary permits, which have downstream impacts. These dams are used for stock watering or irrigation. The use of this land for stock farming and crop farming compared to mining is less economical, as mining produces greater value, far quicker than stock farming per unit area of land. Agriculture, however, is more long-term and thus economically sustainable over the long-term. Stock farming is extensive, with large amounts of land needed to sustain the livestock. This not only means that more land will be subject to the impacts associated with this type of farming but also that it will be using more land than the mining operations, with less economical gain per hectare used. Farming, however, is more sustainable if the land is managed correctly, and if resources, such as water and soil, can recover. In terms of the social environment, agriculture employs a workforce, however these numbers are usually low per hectare as opposed to mining where employment is higher and more services are used, but again it is a temporary impact.

The cumulative impact on the environment from agricultural activities can be highly significant. The use of fertilisers and pesticides can impact on local water sources and cause contamination. Dust and noise during ploughing and planting can be a nuisance factor, particularly with other agricultural or mining activities in the area. If more areas are used for agriculture, there will be a loss of natural habitats and biodiversity. If large scale irrigation is used, water resources are pressurised and if no archaeological assessments are complete prior to clearing fields, sites of cultural history may be destroyed. Agriculture provides produce for consumption which, when considered cumulatively, is positive in that the population is growing and will always require staple foods.


Tourism involves guesthouses, eco-lodges, hunting and activities which promote the local biodiversity and cultural history of an area and generate income for the area. Recreation activities have been included under tourism, as often the activities are of a similar nature.

Activities, however, need to be managed so that they do not impact negatively on the natural environment. Recreation activities which are likely to occur in the area include hiking, bird watching, cycling, 4X4 trails, fishing, abseiling, and heritage tours. Currently tourism potential is growing in the Limpopo Province generally but not in this specific area.

Tourism activities are less intensive on the environment, if properly managed, and thus are an attractive alternative. Regional planning and infrastructure development is required


prior to tourism activities taking place. Tourism has the potential to uplift the local communities and preserve important heritage sites, however these activities must be planned in a regional context and will require input from several stakeholders to ensure the venture is a success.

Impacts which could result in negative consequences include introduction of alien fauna and flora (e.g. trout into rivers for fishing) and over utilisation of natural resources, such as water. Some activities such as quad biking and clay pigeon shooting can also result in a nuisance noise factor and require planning to minimise impacts.

Tourism, if controlled effectively, has a positive economic benefit for an area with minimal disturbance to the environment. Overall, the cumulative impacts of tourism are minimal and generally positive. Tourism is also a sustainable alternative if it promotes the development of the natural cultural diversity of the area and helps to develop the local economy.

Economically, tourism does not generate as much income as mining or agriculture, but it is more sustainable in the long term. Tourism has the potential to impact cumulatively on the social environment if the local communities are engaged and involved i.e. making products to sell at local guest houses.

Summary of alternative land uses

Although mining is an inevitable consequence of the compounding demand for minerals these requirements can be met by planning mining in such a way that sensitive areas are, as far as possible preserved.

Underground mining activities have a far lower surface impact that opencast mining and allow existing farming activities to continue on the surface.

The Waterberg Project will follow rehabilitation monitoring programmes and the EMPr strictly to ensure that these resources are managed in a sustainable way whilst meeting the needs of the growing South African economy.


Should the Waterberg Project not take place, the land will continuously be used for agricultural purposes, depending on the landowners. Food security is undoubtedly crucial; and the agricultural sector contributes to Limpopo and South Africa's GDP. This contribution is however not nearly as much as the mining sector. The land is furthermore only being used for grazing and subsistence farming and not commercial agriculture. The Preferred Surface Layout Site or Alternative Surface Layout Sites do not appear to overlap with distinct subsistence dryland agricultural areas, and it is therefore anticipated that the direct agricultural impacts will be low.


The Waterberg Project will have significant favourable socio-economic impacts on the local and regional economies. It will make substantial contributions towards job creation and the overall local, regional and national GDP. As noted above, in terms of the proposed SLP, the Applicant has committed to HRD and various LED Projects.

The positive socio-economic impacts will, however, be more prominent in terms of the regional and local economies.

The no-go option would also have potential serious impacts on the funding provisions for basic services to the local municipalities. The Waterberg Project is currently integral to the regional development of basic services and it is planned that the Applicant will be a direct contributor to the costs of these services.

By not implementing the Waterberg Project more than 2,248 permanent jobs and 200 unskilled job opportunities in the construction and operational phases will not be created.

Converse to the above, the following benefits could occur if the “no-go” alternative is implemented:

 There will be no platinum mine development at the proposed location;  Only the agricultural land use will remain;  No vegetation will be removed or disturbed during the development of these facilities;  No change to the current landscape will occur;  Possible contamination of surface and groundwater will not occur.  Possible depletion of groundwater sources will not occur.  The possible pollution of air will not occur.  Noise and visual pollution and disturbance will not occur.  Possible disturbance of graves and sites of cultural importance will not occur.  No possible increase in traffic.  No additional water uses.

While the “no-go” alternative will not result in any negative environmental impacts, it will also not result in any positive community development or socio-economic benefits. Hence the “no-go” alternative is not currently the preferred alternative.

The no-go option will therefore result in:

 commitments made in the SLP in terms of HRD and LED will not be achieved;  there will be no contributions to Limpopo Province and South Africa's' GDP; and  zero contributions in terms of poverty alleviation and local and regional social upliftment.


The negative and positive impacts are addressed in the impact assessment section where mitigation measures and recommendations are made to decrease negative impacts where possible. Where this is not possible, fatal flaws are identified which needs to be addressed.



A PPP forms part of the EIA Phase, which is central to the investigation of environmental and socio-economic impacts, as it is important that stakeholders who are affected by the Waterberg Project are given an opportunity to identify concerns and to ensure that local knowledge, need, and values are understood and taken into consideration as part of the impact assessment process.

Please refer to Appendix 4 for the Public Participation Report.


The objectives of PPP are to:

 Provides I&APs with an opportunity to voice their support, concerns, and questions regarding the Waterberg Project, application or decision;  Provides an opportunity for I&APs, EAPs, and the CA to obtain clear, accurate and understandable information about the environmental, social and economic impacts of the Waterberg Project or implications of a decision;  Provides I&APs with the opportunity of suggesting ways of reducing or mitigating the negative impacts of an activity and for enhancing positive impacts;  Enables the Waterberg JVCo to incorporate the needs, preferences, and values of affected parties into the application


The PPP must comply with several important sets of legislation that require public participation as part of an application for authorisation or approval; namely the:

 Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (Act No 3 of 2000);  MPDRA;  NEMA;  NEM:WA; and  NWA.

Adherence to the requirements of the abovementioned Acts allows for but does not require a single integrated PPP to satisfy the requirements for PPP referenced in all the above- mentioned Acts. As noted above, a PPP under the IWUL Regulations will be held once the Project IWULA is submitted to the DWS. A separate PPP will be conducted for the IWWMP after the EIA/EMPr PPP.

The details of the PPP are provided below.



A list of potential I&APs were compiled at the onset of the PPP in September 2018. The I&AP register has now been updated to reflect the current relevant stakeholders and community members that have submitted comments.

The I&AP register includes all relevant Government Departments and other agencies, landowners, registered community members and Environmental Interest groups / NGO’s.

This register is required by the NEMA, and EIA Regulations, 2014, and will be maintained and updated throughout the process.

Please refer to Appendix 4-1 for a copy of the I&AP Register as at the availability of the draft EIA & EMPr.


The following PPP has been followed during the EIAR / EMPr Phase of the Waterberg Project:

 Draft PPP Chapter for Draft EIAR ("DEAIR") / EMPr o The Draft PPP Chapter will focus on the PPP to date and emphasise the process still to be completed.

 Notification and Availability of the DEAIR / EMPr o Send out notification (email & SMS) of the availability of the DEAIR / EMPr and engagement sessions; o Placing an advert in a newspaper; o Placement of written notice board at visible and accessible places to the public; o Giving written notice to relevant stakeholders of the availability of the DEIAR / EMPr; o Download link for the availability of the DEIAR / EMPr; o Placement of the DEAIR / EMPr at identified public places and making hard copies available to Government Departments; and o 30-day period for comments on DEIAR / EMPr.

 Engagement Sessions o Allowance for 11 meetings (Provincial Government, Municipality and Communities) during the DEIA/EMPr commenting period.

 Comments and Response Report ("CRR") and final PPP Report o From all the comments received and questions/comments recorded in the meetings, a comprehensive CRR will be compiled;


o The CRR will be included in the Final EIAR/EMPr and also sent out to all stakeholders separately; and o The PPP Report will be updated for inclusion in the Final EIAR/EMPr.

 Notification of Final EIAR/EMPr Report o Send out notification (email & SMS) of availability of the Final EIAR/EMPr.

 The EIA/EMPr PPP will commence on 8 July 2019 and will continue until 7 August 2019.

It was intended that the PPP for the integrated water use license application ("IWULA")_for the Project ("Project IWULA"), in terms of the National Water Act No 36 of 1998 ("NWA"), would be done in conjunction with that for the Draft EIAr. The landowners' consent of the properties on which water uses will be conducted for the Project is however required before the IWULA can be submitted to the DWS. Before obtaining such consent, the Waterberg JVCo appreciates that the landowners would first wish to consider and comment on the draft IWWMP. The formal PPP process for the Project IWULA in terms of the IWUL Regulations has therefore not commenced, but PPP will include comments on the IWWMP.

The following PPP will be followed during the IWULA Phase of the Waterberg Project:

 Draft PPP Chapter for Draft “IWWMP” o The Draft PPP Report focuses on the PPP to date and emphasise the process still to be completed.

 Notification and Availability of the draft Integrated Water and Waste Management Plan ("DIWWMP") o Send out notification (email & SMS) of the availability of the draft IWWMP and additional engagement sessions; o Placing an advert in a newspaper; o Placement of written notice board at visible and accessible places to the public; o Giving written notice to relevant stakeholders of the availability of the DIWWMP; o Download link for the availability of the DIWWMP; o Placement of the DIWWMP at identified public places and making hard copies available to Government Departments; and o 60-day period for comments on DIWWMP.

 Engagement Sessions o Allowance for additional stakeholder and community meetings during the DIWWMP commenting period.

 Comments and Response Report ("CRR") and final PPP Chapter


o From all the comments received and questions/comments recorded in the meetings, a comprehensive CRR will be compiled focussed on the IWULA. o The CRR will be included in the Final IWULA and also sent out to all stakeholders separately. o The PPP Chapter will be updated for inclusion in the Final IWULA.

 Notification of Final IWWMP Report Send out notification (email & SMS) of availability of the Final IWWMP.

 The dates of the IWULA PPP will be confirmed.



Included in the I&AP notification letters, facsimiles, and e-mail is a BID. The BID includes the following information:

 Locality map and description;  Project description and background;  Legal framework;  Explanation of the Scoping and EIA Process to follow;  Provide opportunity to get involve and comment on the proposed project; and  Contact details.

The BID was translated into Sepedi.


Project Notification is sent via Email, where email addresses exist and are available; via fax, where a fax number exists; via SMS, if a cell number exists; and via post, if neither an email nor cell number nor a fax is available, but a postal address is available. The following notifications have been sent to potential and registered I&APs:

 Project Announcement (notification of applications) on 5 September 2018 (refer to Appendix 4-2 for the notification email and letter); distribution of a BID by email and hand and announcement of the availability of the DSR” (refer to Appendix 4-3 for a copy of the BID in English and Sepedi);  Landowner and Community Notification (Project Area) on 5 September 2018 via on-site notices (refer to Appendix 4-4);  Advertisements placed in Limpopo Mirror and Capricorn Voice on 31 August and 5 September 2018 (refer to Appendix 4-7);  Hand-delivery of notifications, BID and copies of the DSR to Commenting Authorities on 5 September 2018 (refer to Appendix 4-5 for the signed letters);  Hand-delivery of the notifications and BID to Local Municipalities and Communities on 5 and 6 September 2018 (refer to Appendix 4-6 for Hand-delivery Register);  Notification of the availability of the FSR on 17 October 2018 (refer to Appendix 4-2 for the notification letter); and  Notification of the acceptance of the FSR on 30 January 2019 (refer to Appendix 4- 2 for the notification letter).

The following table provides detail on stakeholder groups and method of notification: INTERESTED & AFFECTED METHOD OF NOTIFICATION DATE OF NOTIFICATION PARTY AFFECTED PARTIES MRA Landowners, Communities and Settlements Landowners within the Project Advertisements & On-site Notices 5 September 2018 Area Notification of Application, BID and 5 September 2018


INTERESTED & AFFECTED METHOD OF NOTIFICATION DATE OF NOTIFICATION PARTY Availability of the DSR Invitation to Scoping Phase 13 September 2018 Meetings. 19 – 29 September 2018 Scoping Phase meetings 17 October 2018 30 January 2019 Availability of the FSR Acceptance of FSR 8 July 2019 Availability of DEIR/EMPr Communities and Settlements Advertisements & On-site Notices 5 September 2018 Notification of Application, BID and 5 September 2018 Availability of the DSR Invitation to Scoping Phase 13 September 2018 Meetings. 19 – 29 September 2018 Scoping Phase meetings 17 October 2018 30 January 2019 Availability of the FSR Acceptance of FSR 8 July 2019 Availability of DEIR/EMPr Traditional Leaders Traditional Leaders Advertisements & On-site Notices 5 September 2018 Notification of Application, BID and 5 September 2018 Availability of the DSR Invitation to Scoping Phase 13 September 2018 Meetings. 19 – 29 September 2018 Scoping Phase meetings 17 October 2018 30 January 2019 Availability of the FSR Acceptance of FSR 8 July 2019 Availability of DEIR/EMPr

Land Claimants Land Claims Commissioner Advertisements & On-site Notices 5 September 2018 Notification of Application, BID and 5 September 2018 Availability of the DSR Availability of the FSR 17 October 2018 Acceptance of FSR 30 January 2019 Availability of DEIR/EMPr 8 July 2019 Land Claimant Not applicable Municipalities All District and Local Advertisements & On-site Notices 5 September 2018 Municipalities as contained in Notification of Application, BID and 5 September 2018 the I&AP Register Availability of the DSR Invitation to Scoping Phase 13 September 2018 Meetings. 19 – 29 September 2018 Scoping Phase meetings 17 October 2018 30 January 2019 Availability of the FSR Acceptance of FSR 8 July 2019 Availability of DEIR/EMPr Organs of State All relevant Authorities Advertisements & On-site Notices 5 September 2018 contained in the Authority Notification of Application, BID and 5 September 2018 Register Availability of the DSR Availability of the FSR 17 October 2018 Acceptance of FSR 30 January 2019 Availability of DEIR/EMPr 8 July 2019 OTHER AFFECTED PARTIES Adjacent Landowners Advertisements & On-site Notices 5 September 2018 Notification of Application, BID and 5 September 2018 Availability of the DSR Availability of the FSR 17 October 2018 Acceptance of FSR 30 January 2019 Availability of DEIR/EMPr


INTERESTED & AFFECTED METHOD OF NOTIFICATION DATE OF NOTIFICATION PARTY 8 July 2019 Adjacent Traditional Leaders, Advertisements & On-site Notices 5 September 2018 land occupants, settlements or Notification of Application, BID and 5 September 2018 communities Availability of the DSR Availability of the FSR 17 October 2018 Acceptance of FSR 30 January 2019 Availability of DEIR/EMPr 8 July 2019 INTERESTED PARTIES Environmental NGO’s / Advertisements & On-site Notices 5 September 2018 Conservation Organisations Notification of Application, BID and 5 September 2018 Availability of the DSR Availability of the FSR 17 October 2018 Acceptance of FSR 30 January 2019 Availability of DEIR/EMPr 8 July 2019 Other, as registered Table 7: Notifications


The following documents were made available throughout the process: TYPE OF NAME DISTRIBUTION DATE OF MEDIA OF PLACEMENT MEDIA Newspaper Limpopo Limpopo 31 August Mirror Province 2018 Newspaper Capricorn Limpopo 5 September Voice Province 2018 Newspaper Sowetan National 8 July 2019 Newspaper Capricorn Limpopo 11 July 2019 Voice Province Table 8: Public Documents table


The following on-site notifications (Appendix 4-5) were placed for announcing the project and application:

NAME OF COORDINATE DATE OF LOCATION OF PLACEMENT PLACEMENT Blomberg 23.276203 5 September Local 29.129481 2018 Municipality Bahananwa 23° 7”49.1583’ 5 September Traditional 28° 2018 Authority 57”26.0829’ Office Bayswater 23.415323 5 September Kwatala & 28.795987 2018 Son Crawcow 23.414937 5 September Phuti 28.828997 2018 Hardware


Early Dawn 23° 5 September Tashoma 19”35.8576’ 2018 Supermarket 28° 56”25.34998’ Goedetrouw 23.399721 5 September Mmatjatji 28.910421 2018 Cafe Harriets 23.415227 5 September Wish 28.886916 2018 Clinic Ketting 23.394536 5 September 28.876865 2018 Ketting 23.394552 5 September Seakamela 28.876875 2018 Tuckshop Lomondside 23° 14”31.866’ 5 September General 28° 2018 Dealer 58”59.3425’ Old 23° 5 September Langsine 17”58.0224’ 2018 Simon Phuti 28° Trading 58”50.7987’ Blouberg 23.276203 5 September Local 29.129481 2018 Municipality Bahananwa 23° 7”49.1583’ 5 September Traditional 28° 2018 Authority 57”26.0829’ Office


The following documents were made available throughout the process:

DOCUMENT TIMEFRAME DATE OF AVAILABILITY DATE OF COMMENT CLOSURE BID (attached as Ongoing 5 September 2018 Not applicable Appendix 4-3) The DSR (notification 30 days 5 September 2018 5 October 2018 attached as Appendix 4-2) The FSR (notification Not applicable 17 October 2018 Not applicable attached as Appendix 4-2) The DEIR/EMPr 30 days 8 July 2019 7 August 2019


Invitations were sent out to I&APs for engagement sessions via email and on-site notices (refer to Appendix 4-8).

The following engagements were held with the communities, land owners, municipalities and Tribal Authorities:



I&AP DATE NOTE Local Government Meeting Thursday 20 Sept 2018 at 9h00 Follow-up meeting to be (Capricorn District & Blouberg Blouberg Municipality, scheduled during the EIA/EMPr Local Municipality) Senwabarwana phase. Bahananwa Traditional Wednesday 19 Sept 2018 at Authority 10h00 Bahananwa TA Bahananwa Traditional Wednesday 25 Sept 2018 at Authority Headman meeting 10h00 Bahananwa Kgoro Early Dawn (Ga-Ngwepe) Thursday 27 Sept 2018 at 9h00 Community Meeting Ga-Ngwepe Old Langsine (Makgabeng) Thursday 27 Sept 2018 at 11h00 Community Meeting Makgabeng Community (tent) Lomondside (Lekgware) Thursday 27 Sept 2018 at 14h00 Community Meeting Lekgware Community (tent) Norma (Setlaole) Community Friday 28 Sept 2018 at 9h00 Meeting cancelled by Meeting Setlaole Community (tent) community, a follow-up meeting has failed to be re-arranged. Norma (Ga Masekwa) Friday 28 Sept 2018 at 12h00 Meeting cancelled by Community Meeting GaMasekwa Community (tent) community, a follow-up meeting was arranged for 4 October 2018. Meeting of 4 October 2018 was only attended by the leaders of the community (approximately 13). Harriets Wish (Ptn 10, 12, 13, Saturday 29 Sept 2018 at 12h00 Meeting was not attended due 14) Landowners meeting Contractors Camp to availability, reschedule during EIA/EMPr phase. Ketting / Disseldorp Saturday 29 Sept 2018 at 9h00 (Kgokonyane) Community Legwanyane (Ketting) meeting Goedetrouw (Kgatlu) Saturday 29 Sept 2018 14h00 The meeting failed, and was Community meeting Kgatlu rescheduled on 10 Nov 2018. Saturday 10 Nov 2018 10h00 Kgatlu

The minutes of all the meetings and the presentation has been attached in Appendix 4-9


All comments received from stakeholders on the DSR have been included in the CRR (Appendix 4-10). No comments were received by the CA, being the DMR. In addition, no comments were received by the following Departments, which have received a hard copy of the DSR on 5 September 2018: DEA and DWS (Appendix 4-5).

The FSR was submitted to the DMR on 15 October 2018. The DMR approved the FSR on 14 January 2019.


INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES DATE COMMENTS ISSUES RAISED RESPONSE CONSULTATION RECEIVED STATUS (CONSENSUS, DISPUTE, NOT FINALISED) AFFECTED PARTIES MRA Landowners Traditional Leaders, Communities, Settlements Goedetrouw Landowners X 5 Oct 2018 Required consultations Consultation i.e. PPP is Not finalised and Community prior to MR Application; ongoing throughout the SLP; and environmental MRA process in impacts of the Project. accordance with the laws governing PPP, in If not consulted, they particular NEMA, the EIA object to mining. Regulations and the MPRDA (PPP Laws). Request extension of These PPP Laws do not timeframes to allow for require PPP prior to additional consultation and making an application for longer report review a mining right or EA. periods. A draft SLP has been Request involvement in submitted to the DMR as the development of part of the MR Application avoidance and mitigation and the Waterberg JVCo measures. will conduct any further consultations required The identification and regarding it. assessment of alternatives to the Waterberg Project is The Goedetrouw limited. Community and all I&APs will be consulted with A dedicated public regarding the impacts and meeting or workshop for mitigation measures those directly affected on during the PPP in the EIA impacts and mitigations phase. was requested. 138

INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES DATE COMMENTS ISSUES RAISED RESPONSE CONSULTATION RECEIVED STATUS (CONSENSUS, DISPUTE, NOT FINALISED) An attempt was made to Provision of plain- consult with the language, executive Community regarding the summaries of reports, DSR. inclusive of specialist studies, in at least English Attempts to engage the and Sepedi Community at large will continue. Objective disclosure of benefits and the timing of Additional land use benefits. alternatives will also be investigated and have been assessed in the DEIAR for comment by all registered I&AP's.

Public meetings will be held during the EIA phase to discuss the information in the DEIAR. Translators have been and will be used at public meetings.

A non-technical summary of the DEIAR has been compiled and translated.

Information regarding job and business opportunities will be discussed during the EIA phase and any further consultations


INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES DATE COMMENTS ISSUES RAISED RESPONSE CONSULTATION RECEIVED STATUS (CONSENSUS, DISPUTE, NOT FINALISED) required on the SLP. Ketting / Disseldorp X 29 Sept 2018 Impact on housing and Part of the EIA is the SIA Not finalised Landowners and 5 Oct 2018 grazing. and HIA, which indicates Community the impact on houses, Impact on livestock and grazing, graves and plants/trees utilised to livelihoods and the sustain livelihoods. mitigation measures necessary. Impact on graves and informal cemeteries. The GIA has determined the potential impact on Contamination and boreholes in the area in depletion of groundwater terms of quality and resources. quantity. Norma A Land occupants X 28 Sept 2018 We do not support Noted Not finalised & Community 4 Oct 2018 establishment of infrastructure on Norma A, the area is already small for our houses and grazing land. Norma B Land occupants X 28 Sept 2018 We do not support the Noted Not finalised & Community establishment of infrastructure on Norma B. Early Dawn Landowners & X 27 Sept 2018 Impact on housing, Part of the EIA is the SIA Not finalised Community 5 Oct 2018 grazing, our graves and and HIA, which indicates our way of life. the impact on houses, grazing, graves and We encourage you to livelihoods. continue to unite our community and not to Our wish is also that attempt to divide us. communities stay united. Request for additional time A request for an extension 140

INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES DATE COMMENTS ISSUES RAISED RESPONSE CONSULTATION RECEIVED STATUS (CONSENSUS, DISPUTE, NOT FINALISED) to consider information for submission of the Final and provide comments. Environmental Impact Assessment and Assistance to understand Environmental the information, either our Management Programme own advisor or workshops Report (EIA/EMPr) in on the information. terms of 23(1) (b) of the EIA Regulations was submitted on 24 January 2019, and accepted on 14 February 2019, providing the applicant an additional 50 days. The primary reason for the first request for an extension of time was to provide time for further consultation with I&APsI. A further request for extension for submission of the final EIA/EMPr in terms of Regulation 3(7) of the EIA Regulations was submitted to DMR on 24 April 2019, and accepted on 10 May 2019. The primary reason for the second request for an extension of time was due to an expansion of the 141

INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES DATE COMMENTS ISSUES RAISED RESPONSE CONSULTATION RECEIVED STATUS (CONSENSUS, DISPUTE, NOT FINALISED) scope of work to investigate in more detail the placement of infrastructure on Ketting, as a possible preferred alternative.

A workshop will be held to discuss the DEAIR. Old Langsine Community X 27 Sept 2018 Although we are not The whole of the Blouberg Not finalised 5 Oct 2018 directly affected, will we LM will benefit from this still benefit from the mine Project's development. development? The SLP indicates the planned training, projects, Can the Applicant and local procurement. consider improving roads in the area, as it creates a This will be considered lot of dust? during the EIA Phase in the TIA. Lomondside Community X 27 Sept 2018 Although we are not The whole of the Blouberg Not finalised directly affected, will we LM will benefit from this still benefit from the mine mine development. The development? SLP indicates the planned training, projects, and local Do you plan to continue procurement. with prospecting? Prospecting may continue on the areas included in the Prospecting Rights that have not expired but will be done in


INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES DATE COMMENTS ISSUES RAISED RESPONSE CONSULTATION RECEIVED STATUS (CONSENSUS, DISPUTE, NOT FINALISED) consultation with the communities. Bahananwa Traditional X 19 Sept 2018 We cannot object to There will be employment Not finalised Authority 25 Sept 2018 development coming into opportunities. The SLP will our area as we know that address the entire employment opportunities Blouberg LM boundaries. will help our children. The community meetings We need the engagement are scheduled for 27 Sept to be conducted with our 2018 at Old Langsine and communities. Lomondside, at 11h00 & 14h00 respectively. Consultation i.e. PPP is ongoing throughout the MR Application process in accordance with the PPP Laws. Bakone Matlala Traditional X 5 Oct 2018 Bakone Matlala requires Consultation i.e. PPP is Not finalised Leader consultation regarding the ongoing throughout the proposed mining MRA process in development. accordance with the PPP Laws. Consultation with the community is ongoing and will continue throughout the process. Land Claimants Land Claims No comments received to Commissioner date Municipalities District Municipality X 20 Sept 2018 Investigate the need for a We will engage with these Not finalised rezoning application. In Departments as part of the terms of Tribunal, follow-up meeting. 143

INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES DATE COMMENTS ISSUES RAISED RESPONSE CONSULTATION RECEIVED STATUS (CONSENSUS, DISPUTE, NOT FINALISED) Blouberg is still considered as a rural area, so it is better to communicate with Mahlaku Mojapelo from the Development Planning Department in order to assist in the land use management.

CDM will not be providing formal comment on the DSR. Normally we give comments as part of a consolidated report with the Planning Department / Tribunal for Rezoning of CDM. Local Municipality X 20 Sept 2018 Follow-up meeting to be Follow-up meetings will be Not finalised scheduled scheduled during the EIA phase when more information is available. Ward Councillors X 20 Sept 2018 Is there a possibility of The EIA Process Not finalised relocating any of the considers various communities? alternatives and determines each alternative’s impact on the communities. Once these reports are completed, we would be able to see if any resettlement would be required. Organs of State


INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES DATE COMMENTS ISSUES RAISED RESPONSE CONSULTATION RECEIVED STATUS (CONSENSUS, DISPUTE, NOT FINALISED) Department of Mineral No comments received to Resources date Mpumalanga Dept of No comments received to Economic Development, date Environment and Tourism Department of Agriculture No comments received to date SAHRA X 5 Oct 2018 This proposed mine will A comprehensive HIA has Not finalised have significant impacts to been commissioned as the Highly Significant part of the specialist Makgabeng cultural studies for the proposed landscape located within project. The results and the CBA of the Vhembe recommendations by the Biosphere Reserve. specialist consultant are contained in this DEAIR. Due to the highly sensitive nature of the region, SAHRA requires that a detailed HIA is undertaken by a suitably qualified Heritage Specialist in terms section 38(3) of the NHRA. OTHER AFFECTED PARTIES Neighbouring landowners, occupants, settlements or communities Adjacent Traditional No comments received to Leaders date Neighbouring land No comments received to occupants, settlements or date communities Neighbouring Mining Right 1 October 2018 Hacra is the holder of a Noted, no mining activities Holders mining right over the are anticipated in this 145

INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES DATE COMMENTS ISSUES RAISED RESPONSE CONSULTATION RECEIVED STATUS (CONSENSUS, DISPUTE, NOT FINALISED) whole of the farm Harriet’s property. There will be an Wish 393 LR. expansion of the existing construction camp for the Pan Palladium is the construction phase only. holder of a mining right over the farms Noted. According to our Kransplaats 422LR, La records, the Farm Pucella 693LR and Portion Kransplaats 422 LR is the 1 Nonnenwerth 421LR, closest to the Waterberg situated not far from the Project and is proposed new mining approximately 3km away development. from any of Surface Infrastructure. Pan Palladium will be kept informed throughout the EIA phase. INTERESTED PARTIES Environmental NGO’s / X Vulpro: Vultures are in the A detailed avifaunal study Conservation nearby area and there is a has been commissioned Organisations large colony at as part of the BIA and Soutpansberg, comprising includses a study of the of 200 odd breeding pairs possible impacts to the of Cape Vultures. Cape Cape Vultures. Vultures are currently listed as endangered with less than 4500 breeding pairs globally. Power lines are the biggest threat for vultures nationally. All power lines must be bird friendly and safe for vultures to avoid


INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES DATE COMMENTS ISSUES RAISED RESPONSE CONSULTATION RECEIVED STATUS (CONSENSUS, DISPUTE, NOT FINALISED) electrocutions. All lines must be fitted with flappers and spirals and all power lines designs must be used to avoid electrocutions. Eskom has standards which must be adhered to and used to avoid vulture injuries and fatalities. Other, as registered No comments received to date Table 10: Comments and Response Summary



A number of specialist studies were undertaken during the EIA phase for the proposed project, as shown in Table 11 below.

Specialist Study Appendix Air Quality Impact Assessment ("AIA") Biodiversity Impact Assessment ("BIA") Geohydrological Assessment ("GIA") Surface Water Impact Assessment ("Surface Water IA") Noise Assessment ("NIA") Traffic Assessment ("TIA") Soil, Land Use and Land Capability Assessment ("Soil IA") Blast and Vibration Assessment ("Blast IA") Visual Assessment ("VIA") Socio-economic Assessment ("SIA") Heritage and Palaeontology Assessment ("HIA") Table 11: Specialist Reports conducted during the EIA phase and Associated Appendices

The section below provides the baseline biophysical and socio-economic environmental conditions currently present on the Project Area, obtained from the abovementioned specialist reports and inputs were required.


The Waterberg Project is located along the strike extension of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. The geology consists predominantly of the Bushveld Main Zone gabbros, gabbronorites, norites, pyroxenites and anorthositic rock types with more mafic rock material such as harzburgite and troctolites that partially grade into dunnites towards the base of the package. In the southern part of the Mine Area, Bushveld Upper Zone lithologies, such as magnetite gabbros and gabbronorites, do occur as intersected in drill hole WB001 and WB002. The Lower Magnetite Layer of the Upper Zone was intersected on the south of Disseldorp where drill hole WB001 was drilled and intersected a 2.5m thick magnetite band.

On the Mine Area, the Bushveld package strikes south-west to northeast, with a general dip of 34º-38º towards the west, is observed from drill hole core for the layered units within the Bushveld Package.

However, some structural blocks may be tilted at different angles, depending on structural and /or tectonic controls.


The Bushveld Upper Zone is overlain by a 120m to 760m thick Waterberg Group, which is a sedimentary package predominantly, made up of sandstones, and within the Mine Area that sedimentary formations known as the Setlaole and Makgabeng Formations constitute the Waterberg Group. The Waterberg package is flat lying with dip angles ranging from to 2º to 5º.

Figure 8: Project Area Geological Map


10.2.1 Regional Climate

The Limpopo Province falls in the summer rainfall region, with the western part semi-arid and the eastern part largely sub-tropical. The western and far northern parts experience frequent droughts. Winter throughout the Limpopo Province is mild and mostly frost-free. The climatic conditions vary within the Limpopo WMA, which ranges from the Waterberg Mountains in the south, northwards to the hot, dry Limpopo River valley on the border with and . The mean annual temperature ranges between 16°C in the south to more than 22°C in the north, with an average of 20°C for the catchment as a whole. Maximum temperatures are usually experienced in January and minimum temperatures occur on average in July.

10.2.2 Rainfall

The largest portion of the Limpopo Province has a mean annual rainfall of between 300 and 500 mm. The south-western part has an annual rainfall of up to 700 mm and in the Lowveld the rainfall can exceed 1 000 mm a year in places.


The Blouberg LM, in which the Waterberg Project will be located, is a hot area, with annual rainfall varying between 380 and 550mm. Most rainfall is experienced during the summer months.

During the rainy season a maximum of 8 to 12 rain days per month is typically expected, whilst in the dry season a maximum of 1 rain day may be expected per month. The rainfall is mainly in the form of thunderstorms. Hail, which is often associated with thunderstorms, does occur during the hot summer months.

In accordance with the rainfall patterns the relative humidity is higher in summer than in winter. Humidity is generally highest in February (the daily mean ranges from 64% in the west to above 70% in the east).

The average monthly precipitation is indicated in the table below:


Monthly max 202 81 65 36 33 1 5 45 43 57 133 304 84

Monthly min 175 71 20 1 8 0 0 0 3 41 103 113 45

Monthly ave 186 75 18 19 18 0 2 18 20 49 115 185 59

Table 12: Average monthly precipitation

10.2.3 Temperature

The average maximum, average and minimum temperatures for Mokopane are given in the table below. Annual average temperatures for the area are given as 18.3°C.

The average daily maximum temperatures range from 22.9°C in December to 8.1°C in July, with daily minima ranging from 21.5°C in December to 7.1°C in July. Annual average temperature for the Project Area is given as 16.8°C.


Monthly max 23.5 22.3 21.6 18.8 16.0 13.0 10.7 14.1 18.8 20.6 22.0 23.3 18.7

Monthly min 21.9 20.9 20.3 17.5 15.0 11.1 10.3 13.3 17.2 19.5 21.1 22.2 17.5

Monthly ave 22.8 21.7 15.5 17.9 15.5 11.8 10.5 13.6 18.0 20.1 21.7 22.6 17.6

Table 13: Average maximum, average and minimum temperatures


10.2.4 Wind

The predominant wind direction is from north-northwest, with the secondary component from the northwest and west northwest. Contributions from the north and northeast quadrant are observed. Wind class frequency distribution per sector is given in the figure below.

Wind speeds vary between 6 – 11 kilometres per hour.

Figure 9: Wind direction distribution

10.2.5 Evaporation

As shown in the table below, the annual maximum, minimum and average monthly evaporation rates for the Potgietersrus (Mokopane) area for the period 1957-1987 are 244 mm, 130 mm and 178 mm, respectively. (Potgietersrus is the closest weather station that measures evaporation). It appears that this has also closed, hence the data being outdated.

The highest monthly maximum evaporation (322 mm) occurs for October. The rate decreases significantly down to 109 mm in June. The monthly minimum evaporation ranges between 180 mm in October and 68 mm in April.


Monthly max 289 262 224 190 223 244 257 261 288 322 277 320 289

Monthly min 88 120 93 68 79 70 85 111 155 180 178 128 88


Monthly ave 206 177 171 141 124 109 126 170 224 253 224 212 206

Table 14: Annual maximum, minimum and average monthly evaporation.

10.2.6 Extreme weather conditions

Thunderstorms occur frequently in summer and are usually accompanied by lightning, heavy rain, strong winds and occasional hail.

Periods of extreme heat during summer months occur frequently. This can be accompanied by drought conditions.


The Surface Water Assessment undertaken during the EIA Phase is attached as Appendix 7.1.

The Waterberg Project is located in the Seepabana River basin, which is a tributary of the Mogalakena River that drains north to the Glen Alphine Dam. The MAP distribution for the region varies from 700-500mm south of the Blouberg Mountains.

The Project is located in a hot-arid zone and experiences summer rainfall which occurs in the form of heavy thunderstorms or soft rain. It is characterised as being hot and dry resulting in high evaporation rates.

The Waterberg Project Area is located within the quaternary catchment A62H which is described in this section and shown in Figure 10 below.

The quaternary catchment is located in Rainfall Zone A6E. The mean monthly precipitation values are given in Table 12. The maximum monthly rainfall occurs in January and the lowest in August. The monthly distribution pattern of rainfall in the quaternary catchment is also shown in Table 12.


Figure 10: Quaternary Catchments



10.3.1 Runoff and evaporation

Seepabana River basin runoff

The DWS has delineated the country's river systems into 22 major drainage basins, referred to as 'Primary' catchment areas. Each basin has subsequently been subdivided into secondary, tertiary and quaternary catchment areas. The Limpopo River Basin was designated as river basin 'A' and the Waterberg Project is located within this basin. The Project Area is situated within the Seepabana Sub-Basin, which is a tributary of the Mogalakwena River, a tributary of the Limpopo River. The Seepabana River originates in the east, also known as the Natse River, and drains in a westerly direction to the confluence with the Mogalakwena River, at the outlet of quaternary catchment A62H.

The unit runoff in the Seepabana River is shown in Table 15 below. It must however be noted that the Surface Infrasructure Area is situated 2km north of this River with only one small tributary on the eastern side (flowing from north to south) that will contribute to the run-off of the Seepabana River during high intensity rainfall events. The proposed Surface Infrastructure Area, is affected by the tributary to the north.

The catchment hydrological data of this summer rainfall region is summarised in Table 16 below. The MAR value is based on the net catchment area shown in the table.

Quaternary Net Mean Annual Mean Mean Annual Irrigation Forest catchment area Precipitation Annual Run- (gross) area area

(km2) A (mm) off (mcm) Evaporation (mm) (km2) (ha) MAP MAR MAE (Zone 1B) A62H 871 439 5.67 1900 0 0 Table 15: Catchment data of the Seepabana River Basin

Run-off data was generated on a quaternary catchment area scale in the WRSM2000 model, an enhanced version of the original Pitman rainfall-run-off model, since there is no reliable long term measured flow data for most of the catchment. The current mean annual runoff ("MAR") is not reflected in the table, since it shows the naturalized run-off generated within the catchment. To obtain the present run-off, all surface water uses in the catchment area must be subtracted.

Quaternary River Mean Monthly Natural Runn-off (mcm) Mean catchment Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Annual Natural Run-off A62H Seepabana 0.15 0.37 0.62 0.77 1.11 1.05 0.76 0.48 0.21 0.15 0.13 0.11 5.88 Table 16: Seepabana River naturalised run-off at the exit of quaternary catchment A62H (mcm = million cubic meters)


The naturalized run-off in the Seepabana River upstream of the outlet of quaternary catchment

A62H has been compiled from data in WR2005 and the resultant MAR is 5.67 million m3/a as shown in Table 16.


Mean annual evaporation data is given in Table 14.

The spatial representation of the regional mean annual evaporation is shown in Figure 11 below.

Figure 11: Regional mean annual evaporation (mm)

10.3.2 SURFACE WATER Locality and background information

There are no DWS registered dams in the Seepabana River quaternary catchment A62H.

There is no surface water use in the Surface Infrastructure Area and its immediate surrounds. The water use in this area is supplied from ground water via boreholes. Stream Classification

A watercourse is defined in the NWA as follows:


a) River or spring; b) A natural channel in which water flows regularly or intermittently; c) A wetland, lake or dam into which, or from which, water flows; and d) any collection of water which the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, declare to be a watercourse, and a reference to a watercourse includes, where relevant, its bed and banks.

River channels may be classified according to guidelines by the DWS in "A practical field procedure for identification and delineation of wetlands and riparian areas", as shown in Figure 12 (taken from DWA, 2005). Three sections along the length of a watercourse is defined, with the upper Section “A” defined as being above the zone of saturation and it therefore does not carry baseflow. They are mostly too steep to be associated with alluvial deposits and are not flooded with sufficient frequency to support riparian habitat or wetlands. This type does however carry storm runoff during fairly extreme rainfall events, but the flow is of short duration, in the absence of baseflow. The “A” watercourse sections are the least sensitive watercourses in terms of impacts on water yield from the catchment.

Figure 12: River classification (DWA 2005)

On the Surface Infrastructure Area Section A channels occur on the mountain slopes and foothill slopes in this dry region, also along the smaller streams on the lower region.


The Seepabana River is classified as only a Section B stream. According to the DWS's guidelines, the “B” Sections are those channels that are in the zone of the fluctuating water table and only have baseflow at any point in the channel when the saturated zone is in contact with the channel bed. In these B Sections baseflow is intermittent, with flow at any point in the channel depending on the current height of the water table. Because the channel bed is in contact with, or close y to, the water table, residual pools are often observed when flow ceases. The gradient of the channel bed is flat enough in these Sections for deposition of material to take place and initial signs of flood plain development may be observed. Surface water quality

There is no published surface water quality data for the Seepabana River.

Water quality sampling cannot be done as part of the surface water assessment for the Project. Due to the arid nature of the area, streams and the rivers are mostly dry and surface flow only occurs after significant downpours. The surface water run-off accumulated during such events does however not represent the true surface water quality because the river only flows over a short distance, whereafter it seeps into the deep sands. It is thus recommended to refer to the groundwater report for an assessment of the water quality.

10.3.3 Current drainage system Drainage density

Each system of stream tributaries exhibits spatial characteristics that provide important information about the nature of the drainage basin. The extent of channelization can be represented by measuring the drainage density. Drainage density indicates how dissected the landscape is by channels, thus it reflects both the tendency of the drainage basin to generate surface runoff and the erodibility of the surface materials.

Characteristics associated with high drainage densities are impermeable land surface, steep slopes, limited vegetation cover, limited rainfall, gentle slopes and large channel frequency (tributaries).

Characteristics associated with low drainage densities are permeable rock, high vegetation cover, limited rainfall, gentle slopes, and lower channel frequency.

It is clear from Figure 13 below that the southern portion of the Project Area has a low drainage density. This gives an indication that the infiltration capacity of the ground cover may be high and lower than typical runoff volumes can be expected.

The northern portion of the Project Area has an intermediate to high drainage density, indicating a more impermeable ground cover and higher than typical runoff volumes can be expected.


The drainage density of the catchments associated with the Project Area was envisaged to be intermediate of nature, with permeable to semi-permeable land surface; relatively high vegetated land cover; limited rainfall; and gentle slopes.

The drainage lines and drainage density of rivers and streams surrounding and including the Project Area are shown in Figure 13 below.

Figure 13: Drainage density Drainage pattern

The general drainage pattern of the rivers and streams in and around the Project Area was envisaged to be dendritic of nature, meaning this type of river or stream forms a spreading, treelike pattern, usually in horizontal sediments or in crystalline rocks.


The information below was sourced from Kleynhans, Thirion & Moolman (2005). Ecoregions

The Waterberg Project mainly falls within the Northern Plateau Ecoregion No.5, as shown in Figure 14 below, overlapping a fraction of the Limpopo Plain to the north.


Figure 14: Location of the Project Area in eco-region


Primary boundary determinants:

The topography, dominated by plains with low to moderate relief, is characteristic of this plateau. Vegetation consists mainly of Mixed Bushveld, but with limited areas of the North- Eastern Mountain Grassland also being prominent.


The seasonally flowing Seepabana River is the only major river here. No perennial streams have their sources in this region. Some reflection of this is the low drainage density here.

 Mean annual precipitation: Generally moderate  Coefficient of variation of annual precipitation: Moderate  Drainage density: Low  Stream frequency: Low to medium  Slopes <5%: >80%.  Median annual simulated runoff: Low to moderate  Mean annual temperature: Moderate


Main Attributes Northern Plateau Terrain Morphology: Broad division(dominant Plains; Low Relief; types in bold) (Primary) Plains; Moderate Relief Closed Hills; Mountains; Moderate and High Relief (Limited) Vegetation types(Dominant types in bold) Mixed Bushveld; Clay Thorn Bushveld (Primary) (Limited). North Eastern Mountain Grassland (Limited) Altitude (m a.m.s.i) (Secondary) 900-1500 ()1500-1700 limited) MAP (mm) (modifying) 300-700 Coefficient of Variation (% of annual 25-35 precipitation) Rainfall concentration index 60 to >65 Rainfall seasonality Early to mid-summer Mean annual temp. (oC) 16 to 20 Mean daily max. temp. (oC) February 24 to 30 Mean daily max. temp. (oC) July 18 to 24 Mean daily max. temp. (oC) February 14 to 20 Mean daily max. temp. (oC) July 2 to 5 Table 17: Main attributes of the Northern Plateau Ecoregion

10.3.5 Status of the river system in the area

Water resources are generally classified according to the degree of modification or level of impairment. The classes, used by the South African River Health Program ("RHP"), are presented in Table 18 below and will be used as the basis of classification of the systems in future field studies.

Class Description A Unmodified, natural B Largely natural, with few modifications C Moderately modified D Largely modified E Extensively modified F Critically modified Table 18: Classification of river health assessment in line with the RHP

Studies undertaken by the Institute for Water Quality Studies assessed all quaternary catchments as part of the Resource Directed Measures for Protection of Water Resources. In these assessments, the Ecological Importance and Sensitivity ("EIS"), Present Ecological Management Class ("PEMC") and Desired Ecological Management Class ("DEMC") were defined and it serves as a useful guideline in determining the importance and sensitivity of the aquatic ecosystems. The results are summarised in Table 19.


There was no river resource listed in Kleynhans (1999) for this catchment.

Catchment Resource EIS PESC DEMC A62H N/A Low/Marginal Class B D: Resilient Systems Table 19: Summary of the ecological status of quaternary catchment

A62H According to the ecological importance classification for the quaternary catchment, any system within this catchment can be classified as a resilient system, which in their present state can be considered a Class B (largely natural).

10.3.6 Flood peak calculations

The flow paths within the area are of such a nature that no defined streams occur in the Project Area. The typical surface flow pattern can be described as ill-defined dispersed overland flow. No floodlines can be determined for overland flow conditions.

A number of methods can be used to determine flood peaks, as described in the SANRAL Drainage Manual (Kruger, 2006). These are generally categorized as deterministic, statistical or empirical methods, being:

 Deterministic methods include those methods where the flood magnitude (the effect) is derived from an estimate of the catchment characteristics, including rainfall (the cause), for the required annual exceedance probability. These methods have been calibrated according to selected regions and flood events and its application is usually limited to the size of the catchment on which they can be applied. Included in this category are the Rational, Unit Hydrograph and Standard Design Flood methods.  Statistical methods use actual annual series flood peak data, to which a statistical Probability Distribution Function ("PDF") is applied. The validity of the result depends on the: record length; quality of the data; and aptness of the applied PDF. A graphical presentation of the data and the fitted curve should be made to select the best PDF, which include the Log-normal, Log-Pearson Type 3 and General Extreme Value functions.  Empirical methods are calibrated equations that may be partially based on a deterministic relationship, such as the Midgley-Pitman method. Also included in this category is the Regional Maximum Flood method, developed by Kovacs. Flood estimates of site streams

In terms of Regulation 4 of GN704, as detailed above, any mining activity within the 1:100-year floodline of a river or stream or within a horizontal distance of 100 meters from its banks, will trigger the need for a WUL. In the absence of the defined flow paths, the 100m buffer zone will apply to the site (GN704).


Figure 15 shows the 100 m buffer zone as per GN704. It is evident that the location of mining activities is impeding this zone and therefore it will be required to construct diversion infrastructure, along with mitigation measures, to maintain a natural conveyance of stream flow in the drainage system as far as possible. Hydraulic assessment

As described above, natural floodlines were not determined for the site.


The impacts on surface water manifest as changes in the quantity and/or quality of water in streams.

Table 20 and 21 below lists the impact number related to the specific project component and the locality is shown in Figure 15 and 16.

IMPACT NUMBER PROJECT COMPONENT Dirty Area 1 Tailings facility Dirty Area 2 Waste rock dumps Dirty Area 2 Mining Process Area Table 20: Impact of proposed components, Alternative 1.

IMPACT NUMBER PROJECT COMPONENT Dirty Area 5 Tailings facility Dirty Area 4 Waste rock dumps Dirty Area 4 Mining Process Area Table 21: Impact of proposed components, Alternative 2.

The various expected impacts on surface water resulting from the Study Area’s mining activities are described in this section of the report. Residual impacts on the surface water system is identified and quantified where applicable.


Figure 15: Identified impacts with 100m buffer zones, Alternative 1.


Figure 16 Identified impacts with 100m buffer zones, Alternative 2. Impact on mean annual runoff (MAR)

Mean annual runoff (MAR) from the identified areas of impact is anticipated to be primarily affected by the following:

 Direct rainfall on the TSF and WRD. Rain falling directly onto these areas will collect in PCDs respectively at the lower end of the facilities. This water is earmarked to be recycled for re-use in the Process Plant or be evaporated in the PCDs, should sufficient surplus water be available for the mining operation, thereby decreasing the MAR of the catchment.

 Concentration of flow when runoff is intercepted by canals. The use of a canal system will intercept run-off that would otherwise have flowed naturally over the ground surface until reaching a defined watercourse. Vegetation and surface topography, particularly in flatter areas, would in the natural state have encouraged interception and infiltration. Once water has been intercepted by a canal however, no further interception or infiltration is likely until the canal discharges the flow into a watercourse. Change to peak flow rates in the mining area


An increase to the peak flow of flood events on the Surface Layout Area could cause erosion and change in run-off characteristics, e.g. alter flow path roughness and cause eroded sediment to be deposited downstream.

However, it is expected that the Surface Layout Area’s activities will cause only a slight change to peak flows due to the following factors:

 Change in surface coverage. Development of the Surface Layout Area will change the surface coverage in some areas from vegetated soil to buildings, hardened gravel roads, paved areas (parking), and compacted earth. These new surface types will allow considerably less infiltration into the ground (typically 0 - 20%) than the natural surface (typically 60 - 70%), resulting in more surface runoff following storms and consequently higher peak flow rates.  Capture of Run-off. Capture of runoff in the form of an impoundment would lower peak flow rates.  Canalisation of runoff. By intercepting runoff from the hill-slopes above the TSF and Surface Layout Area the flow could reduce the time that water would take to reach the natural flow path. This is due to the decreased friction on the water associated with concentrated flow in canals, as opposed to sheet flow on the hill slopes, and consequently the peak flow rates would increase. Transition structures are required where the flow is discharged into natural streams to lower the flow velocities and thus prevent erosion. Furthermore, increasing the length of flow paths and implementing other detention measures, would assist in minimizing the negative impact. Drying up of tributaries and establishment of new watercourse due to canalization

A cut-off canal system is required to separate unpolluted (‘clean’) and polluted (‘dirty’) water, which is a positive intervention. Increased sediment load

In the natural state of the Project Area, vegetation cover reduces flow velocities and concomitant erosion – a stable state has normally been reached. If for any reason flow velocities in the clean water system are increased, there is potential for increased erosion to occur. Increased erosion means that the runoff contains a higher silt or sediment load. A component of this sediment load is particles fine enough to remain in suspension, ‘clouding’ or ‘muddying’ the water. It is however unlikely, with the typical overland surface flow expected, that the extent of this effect can be quantified by measuring the suspended solids in the water – in the event of high concentrations, this can negatively affect biological life, if any exist.

In addition, a changed sediment load could have similar morphological effects to the flow paths as changing peak flow rates, such as changes in channel character or dimensions and changes to bed roughness. All of these changes could potentially affect biological life.


The following activities are likely to cause an increase in flow velocities, or directly increase erosion:

 Stripping (vegetation clearance) of areas prior to construction;  Construction of hard-standing areas that increase runoff volumes, including roads, buildings and paved areas;  Canalization of run-off, particularly if canals do not discharge directly into a natural stream; and  Construction activities that loosen the ground surface.

Furthermore, if runoff from the Surface Layout Area is uncontrolled, such runoff would likely contain a high sediment load, due to the fine particles in the waste product resulting from the ore crushing process.

It can thus be stated that, without any mitigation measures, the sediment load will increase as a result of the activities associated with this Project. Impaired water quality due to pollutants in runoff

The water chemistry modifications due to the mining activities generally follow three common trends: downstream water becomes more saline; the pH of the water becomes more acidic; and the water also develops a strongly modified ionic composition.

Wastewater from the process would contain pollutants in excess of the target water quality ranges for the water uses of the receiving water body and discharge of this would impact negatively on the surface water quality. A further consideration is the runoff of pollutants from the Process Plant area following rainfall, due to the activities within that area.

Overflow of dirty water systems, whether into surface or groundwater, could release pollutants to the surface water environment. Impaired water quality due to hydrocarbon product spills

Leakages, spills (petrol, diesel, oils/lubricants) or runoff from vehicle wash bays, workshop facilities, fuel depots or storage facilities of potentially polluting substances have the potential to contaminate surface water resources. Quantative impact of the proposed mining development on surface water runoff Total reduction in runoff

The total reduction in runoff shown in tables is based on the worst case scenario at the end of the life of the mine, assuming that no rehabilitation of the Mine Area has been done and the

Page 166 SURFACE WATER ASSESMENT overburden dumps and plant areas retain polluted runoff. Figure 17 & 18 below shows the extent of the affected footprints.

The footprints of the discards, plant and tailings were used in the calculations in Table 22 & 23 below.

QUATERNARY % OF PROJECT STREAM % OF STREAM CATCHMENT QUATERNARY FOOTPRINT CATCHMENT CATCHMENT A62H AREA CATCHMENT (ha) AREA (ha) AREA (ha) A62H 663 1 678 87 118 39.5% 0.76% Table 22: Estimated impact on surface water runoff as percentage, Alternative 1.

QUATERNARY % OF PROJECT STREAM % OF STREAM CATCHMENT QUATERNARY FOOTPRINT CATCHMENT CATCHMENT A62H AREA CATCHMENT (ha) AREA (ha) AREA (ha) A62H 648 1 678 87 118 38.6% 0.76% Table 23: Estimated impact on surface water runoff as percentage, Alternative 2.

Figure 17: Catchment areas of surface water runoff impacts


Figure 18: Local catchments areas combined for Alternative 1& 2

Mean Annual Runoff of catchment A62H (WR2012) is estimated as 5,67 mcm/ annum. A localized combined volume impact on runoff was done for the two local dirty water ring-fenced areas that will impact on the runoff to the volume of 0.0431 mcm/annum.

The expected flood peaks to be diverted by the Clean Water diversions for Dirty Water Area 1 is estimated at 73m3/s for the 1:50 year flow recurrence and for Dirty Water Area 2, 40m3/s for the 1:50 year event.

10.3.7 Mitigation Measures: Implementation of Surface water Management Plan

The mitigation measures include the implementation of a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) as prescribed in GN704 and DWS’s Best Practice Guidelines. The guiding principle is the separation of clean and dirty storm water runoff, where the unaffected flow is routed to the receiving water body while the contaminated flows are contained for re-use and/or evaporation. If the contaminated flow volumes exceed the capacity that can be re-cycled or evaporated, treatment of the surplus outflow is required. Secondary effects are the impact caused by the SWMP, mainly by reducing (however slightly) runoff in the drainage system; the unavoidable disruption of natural drainage paths; and concentrating flows in some streams, leading to morphological changes accompanied by increased sediment loads (until a new equilibrium state is reached).


This section describes the various mitigation measures that were proposed to be incorporated to comply with the implementation of the GN 704 requirements in relation to the NWA with the following in place:  Residue deposits including tailings facilities, PCDs or discards located 100m from watercourse  Construction and maintenance of clean water systems with the aim to prevent water pollution and “keeping clean water clean”  Construction and maintenance of dirty water systems with the aim to prevent water pollution, and maintain the capacity thereof “collecting and containing dirty water”

A conceptual layout or master plan of the required stormwater system has been done, based on the requirements in the Best Practice Guideline G1: Stormwater Management, DWA, August 2006.

Note that the conceptual layouts do not take the timeline into account. We have assumed that no drainage structures may cross over rehabilitated zones and therefore long diversion structures around the continuous mining operational areas are required. Furthermore, we have indicated mostly the major systems required to contain dirty water and divert clean water around sensitive areas. In the operational phase, more nominal sized conduits and ponds may be required which are also indicated in the conceptual layout. Small scale layouts are available from DRA Consulting.

As a general mitigation measure, it is proposed that all access and haul roads be constructed so as to act as diversion berms and incorporate canals, where required.

It is required that runoff at all dirty areas be contained by dirty water berms and excess water be drained by canals (if no access road or haul road can fulfil this function) to discharge dirty stormwater to the proposed dirty water ponds.

Table 24 lists the various types of SWMP mitigation measures that are proposed and Table 25 shows the details of the mitigations.


I Construct dirty water collection berms downslope of all “dirty areas”, i.e. areas where pollution of a water resource is likely to occur.

II Construct clean water cut-off canals upslope of dirty areas to convey unpolluted water to its nearest outfall. III Construct a PCD for the retention of water containing waste (“dirty” water).

IV Construct bridges, culverts or low-water crossings over drainage lines to minimise disturbance of streams.


Tables 24: SWMP mitigation measure types

Figures 19 - 21 shows the localities of the mitigation measures that are proposed for the various sections respectively and should be read in conjunction with Table 25 and should be implemented as part of the EMPr.

The following abbreviations should be noted:

CW – Clean Water cut-off DW – Dirty Water cut-off PCD – Pollution Control Dam WRD – Waste Rock Dump


ITEM PROJECT MITIGATIO DESCRIPTION OF IMPACT NUMBER COMPONENT N TYPE Tailings Facility CW 3&4 A clean water cut-off canal is proposed to convey unpolluted water from just upstream of the tailings facility and discharge into II the nearest downstream release point.

DW 4&5 It is proposed to construct dirty water cut-off berms at the downstream portion of the tailings facility to retain any pollutant I surface water runoff.

PCD 5 Dirty water runoff form the tailings facility captured by DW 4 & 5 will drain to a properly designed and constructed PCD. III Mining Process

Area A clean water cut-off canal is proposed to convey unpolluted water around the mining operational area on the western and CW 1&2 northern boundary respectively into the nearest downstream release point. II

DW 2 It is proposed to construct dirty water cut-off berms at the downstream portion of the northern portal, process plant facilities and I southern portal to a properly designed and constructed PCDs respectively. PCD 2 III Dirty water runoff from the process plant facilities captured by DW 2 will drain to a properly designed and constructed PCD. Northern Portal WRD 1 The construction of dirty water cut-off at the toe of the dumps to convey dirty water to PCD 1 & 4. III A clean water cut-off canal is proposed to convey unpolluted water around the mining operational area on the western and CW 1&2 northern boundary respectively into the nearest downstream release point. II

DW 1 It is proposed to construct dirty water cut-off berms at the downstream portion of the northern portal to a properly designed and I constructed PCD. PCD 1 & 4 III Dirty water runoff from the northern portal, captured by DW 1 will drain to a properly designed and constructed PCD. Southern Portal WRD 2 The construction of dirty water cut-off at the toe of the dumps to convey dirty water to PCD 3. III CW 1&2 A clean water cut-off canal is proposed to convey unpolluted water around the mining operational area on the western and II northern boundary respectively into the nearest downstream release point. DW 3 It is proposed to construct dirty water cut-off berms at the downstream portion of the southern portal to a properly designed and I constructed PCD. PCD 3 Dirty water runoff from the southern portal captured by DW will drain to a properly designed and constructed PCD. III Table 25: Surface water mitigation measures Alternative 1.


ITEM NUMBER PROJECT COMPONENT DESCRIPTION OF IMPACT MITIGATION TYPE Tailings Facility A clean water cut-off canal is proposed to convey unpolluted water from just CW 5 upstream of the tailings facility and discharge into the nearest downstream release II point. It is proposed to construct dirty water cut-off berms at the downstream portion of the DW 7 tailings facility to retain any pollutant surface water runoff. I

Dirty water runoff form the tailings facility captured by DW 7 will drain to a properly PCD 8 III designed and constructed PCD. Mining Process Area

A clean water cut-off canal is proposed to convey unpolluted water around the mining operational area on the western and northern boundary respectively into the CW 5 II nearest downstream release point.

It is proposed to construct dirty water cut-off berms at the downstream portion of the DW 6 northern portal, process plant facilities and southern portal to a properly designed I and constructed PCDs respectively.

PCD 6 & 7 Dirty water runoff from the process plant facilities captured by DW 6 will drain to a III properly designed and constructed PCD. Table 25 a: Surface water mitigation measures Alternative 2.


Figure 19: Proposed surface water mitigation measures, Alternative 1.


Figure 20: Proposed surface water mitigation measures, Alternative 2.


Figure 21: Proposed mitigation measures, TSF Alternative 1.

Page 175

Impacts with no mitigation measures in place.

Impact on Quantity of runoff reaching the main stream Score Impact on Quality of runoff reaching the main stream Score

A change in the volume of runoff will A reduction in the water quality of Tailings Facility be LIKELY, and a LARGE change is 9 Tailings Facility runoff will be VERY LIKELY, with 9 anticipated. a LARGE change in quality. A change in the volume of runoff will A reduction in the water quality of Mining Process Area be LIKELY and a LARGE decrease 9 Mining Process Area runoff will be VERY LIKELY, with 9 in volume is anticipated. LARGE changes in quality. Table 26: Impacts with no mitigation, Alternative 1.

Page 176

Impacts with mitigation measures in place.

Impact on Quantity of runoff reaching the main stream Score Impact on Quality of runoff reaching the main stream Score

A clean water diversion canal will It is LIKELY that a clean water VERY LIKELY alter the volume of canal will retain most of the water Tailings Facility 6 Tailings Facility 4 runoff, a MODERATE change is still quality with a MODERATE change anticipated. anticipated. It is VERY LIKELY that no clean surface water runoff will reach the It is LIKELY that LARGE changes Mining Process Area downstream river reach. 6 Mining Process Area 6 in surface water quality will occur. MODERATE change in volume is anticipated. Table 27: Impacts with mitigation in place, Alternative 2.

Page 177

Figure 22: Proposed Surface Layout Alternative 2.


A draft Biodiversity Impact Assessment ("BIA") was undertaken by Nyengere Environmental Solutions for the Waterberg Project which considers both the Alternatives. The sections included herewith are extracted from the BIA and the full BIA is provided in Appendix 7.2.

10.4.1 Flora - Vegetation classification Ecosystem diversity (Vegetation communities)

The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission ("SRTM") Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 1 arc (30 m) was used to derive slope, aspect and wetness potential. These three datasets were combined to provide a topographic attitude model. Based on the diversity and accessibility of the Project Area, 63 survey sites were identified as a minimum requirement to assess the ecosystem diversity. The sites were allocated randomly (Table 28) within the topographic attitude classes within 250 m of available access roads. The 63 plots include 10 (63%) of the 16 topographic attitude classes present within the WJV Project Area. The 10 classes surveyed covers 89% of the remaining natural vegetation present.

Topographic Hectares % Cover Number of % cumulative


attitude plots cover 111 2410 14 11 14 112 271 2 2 15 121 1788 10 15 25 122 296 2 0 0 131 3110 18 9 43 132 446 3 2 45 141 2787 16 12 61 142 403 2 0 0 211 1815 10 3 71 212 12 0 0 0 221 955 5 3 77 222 3 0 0 0 231 2215 12 5 89 232 16 0 0 0 241 1179 7 0 0 242 17 0 1 89 Totals 17724 100 63 * Table 28: Overview of the number of survey plots per topographic attitude class within the WJV Project Area.

The collected vegetation data was submitted to Two-way Species Indicator Analysis ("TWINSPAN"). Based on the first results, four plots were omitted because the resulting clusters were not defendable. The subsequent unsupervised classification produced four discrete clusters, which was refined within the Braun-Blanquet table. Based on the information available, it was concluded that the four clusters represent two main plant communities and six sub-communities Figure 23.

The floristic and abiotic data were subjected to Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA)14, which indicated that the main environmental factors influencing the distribution of the six sub-communities identified is:  Altitude  Surface rock  Soil depth  Slope  Percentage clay in the A-horizon

Page 179

Figure 23: Vegetation map based on floristic composition and associated abiotic factors present in the WJV Project Area.


The two main plant communities and four sub-communities are:

 Plant community 1. Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland o Sub-community 1.1. Acacia nilotica - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland o Subcommunity 1.2. Euphorbia ingens -Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland o Subcommunity 1.3. Acacia karoo - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland

 Plant community 2. Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland o Sub-community 2.1. Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland o Sub-community 2.2. Burkea africana - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland o Sub-community 2.3. Mimusops zeyheri - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland

A description of the two plant communities and four sub-communities are presented, to facilitate identification of these vegetation units with the landscape.

Plant community 1: Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland

Plant Community 1 covers 21% or 3912 ha and occurs on the low-lying terrain features along the south and south-eastern boundary of the WJV study area. The mean altitude is 1039 m above mean sea level (amsl), with a mean slope of 2° or 4%. This plant community is thus associated with plains. The soils are predominantly deep at a mean depth of 1143 mm; with the topsoil (A-horizon) being coarse textured at a mean estimated value of 5%. Surface rock is effectively absent at an estimated percentage cover of 1%. Well drained, red and yellow-brown apedal soils were present in more than 80% of the plots associated with this plant community. These soil conditions are generally associated with the Hutton and Clovelly soil forms. Slopes are mainly east to south facing. Plant community 1 occurs mainly on upper and lower midslopes. The mean overall percentage vegetation cover is high at 77%, with shrub forming 28% of the cover, herbaceous plants 46% and grasses contributing the largest portion of 36% (Table 29). The mean highest height of the trees is 5 m, shrubs at 4 m and herbaceous plants at 39 cm (Table 30).

Community nr. % Estimated cover – mean values Number (Twinspan of plots Total Trees Shrubs Herbs Grass Forbs cluster) 1 (1000000) 12 76 3 31 43 37 6 1.1 (110000) 19 78 5 26 46 35 8 1.2 (120000) 3 82 2 30 47 37 10


2 (200000) 16 66 5 18 42 35 7 2.1 (210000) 21 65 9 15 40 34 7 2.2 (220000) 3 80 35 18 25 20 5 Mean value 73 75 10 23 41 33 7 Table 29: Overview of the mean estimated percentage vegetation cover associated with the vegetation communities of the WJV Project Area.

% Estimated vegetation height – mean values Community nr. Maximum Number Highest Lowest Highest Lowest Highest Lowest (Twinspan height of plots trees trees shrubs shrubs herbs herbs cluster) herbs (m) (m) (m) (m) (cm) (cm) (cm) 1 (1000000) 11 4 2 4 1 9 4 47 1.1 (110000) 18 6 4 5 1 5 3 34 1.2 (120000) 3 5 3 4 1 7 3 39 2 (200000) 14 7 2 4 1 12 5 56 2.1 (210000) 16 8 3 4 1 7 3 63 2.2 (220000) 2 7 3 4 1 10 4 60 Mean value 73 6 3 4 1 8 4 49 Table 30: Overview of the mean estimated vegetation height associated with the vegetation communities of the WJV Project Area.

The following species has been recorded in Plant community 1:

Forbs: Abutilon angulatum, Acrotome inflata, Agave sisalana, Aloe greatheadii, Aloe transvaalensis, Berkheya insignis, Blepharis subvolubilis, Chamaecrista mimosoides, Coccinia rehmannii, Coccinia sessilifolia, Commelina africana, Crotalaria laburnifolia, Cyphostemma sandersonii, Dicerocaryum eriocarpum, Dipcadi glaucum, Dipcadi gracillimum, Erlangea misera, Felicia mossamedensis, Gossypium herbaceum, Heliotropium zeylanicum, Hermannia grandiflora, Hermbstaedtia fleckii, Hibiscus caesius, Hibiscus micranthus, Huernia zebrina, Ipomoea crassipes, Kalanchoe brachyloba, Kalanchoe rotundifolia, Kyphocarpa angustifolia, Lablab purpureus, Lantana rugosa, Leucas sexdentata, Limeum argute-carinatum, Momordica balsamina, Pegolettia senegalensis, Pergularia daemia, Phyllanthus maderaspatensis, Plectranthus cylindraceus, Pupalia lappacea, Sarcostemma viminale, Schkuhria pinnata, Senna italica, Sesamum triphyllum, Solanum panduriforme, Vigna vexillata, Waltheria indica, Xanthium strumarium, Zinnia peruviana and Zornia glochidiata.

Gramnoids (Grasses and sedges): Aristida species (26_1738), Aristida congesta, Aristida diffusa, Aristida meridionalis, Aristida stipitata, Bothriochloa radicans, Cenchrus ciliaris, Cynodon dactylon, Digitaria eriantha, Eragrostis biflora, Eragrostis lehmanniana, Eragrostis rigidior, Fingerhuthia africana, Heteropogon contortus, Melinis repens, Panicum maximum, Perotis patens, Pogonarthria squarrosa, Schmidtia pappophoroides, Setaria sphacelata, Tragus berteronianus, Tricholaena monachne and Urochloa mosambicensis.

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Woody species: Acacia erioloba, Acacia karroo, Acacia mellifera, Acacia nigrescens, Acacia nilotica, Acacia tortilis, Albizia versicolor, Boscia albitrunca, Bridelia mollis, Canthium cilliatum, Clerodendrum glabrum, Combretum apiculatum, Combretum hereroense, Combretum molle, Combretum zeyheri, Commiphora africana, Commiphora glandulosa, Commiphora mollis, Commiphora pyracanthoides, Dichrostachys cinerea, Diospyros lycioides, Dombeya rotundifolia, Ehretia rigida, Euclea crispa, Euclea divinorum, Euclea natalensis, Euclea undulata, Euphorbia ingens, Flueggea virosa, Gardenia volkensii, Grewia flava, Grewia flavescens, Grewia monticola, Lannea discolor, Lycium horridum, angolensis, Maytenus heterophylla, Maytenus senegalensis, Mystroxylon aethiopicum, Opuntia ficus-indica, Ormocarpum trichocarpum, Pachystigma bowkeri, Peltophorum africanum, Protasparagus cooperi, Protasparagus nelsii, Psiadia punctulata, Ptaeroxylon obliquum, Rhigozum brevispinosum, Rhoicissus rauvoli, Rhus lancea, Rhus leptodictya, Rhus pyroides, Schotia brachypetala, Sclerocarya birrea, Spirostachys africana, Strychnos madagascariensis, Terminalia sericea, Turraea obtusifolia, Vangueria infausta, Ximenia species (14_1671) and Ziziphus mucronata.

The diagnostic species Acacia tortilis (Species Group A,) and characteristic species Dichrostachys cinerea (Species Group H,) indicates this community’s proximity to human influences such as overgrazing and abandoned cultivated fields (Coates-Palgrave 2002; Smit 2008). The well-drained, red and yellow-brown apedal soils are considered to have high agricultural potential within the South African context (Fey 2010).

Sub-community 1.1. Acacia nilotica - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland

Sub-community 1.1 covers 9% or 1585 ha and occurs on lower lying terrain features, mainly towards the south-eastern boundary of the WJV Project Area. The mean altitude is 1025 m amsl, with a mean slope of 2° or 3%. The soils are predominantly deep at a mean depth of 1191 mm; with the topsoil (A-horizon) being coarse textured at a mean estimated value of 7%. No surface rock is associated with Sub-community 1.1. Well drained, red apedal soils were present in 45% of the plots associated with this sub-community. These soils represent the Hutton soil form. Slopes within this sub-community are mainly east facing. Sub-community 1.1 occurs mainly on upper and lower midslopes but trends towards the crests are also observed. The mean overall percentage vegetation cover within Sub-community 1.1 is high at 77%, with shrubs forming 30% of the cover, herbaceous plants 45% and grasses contributing the largest portion of 39%. The mean highest height of the trees is 4 m, shrubs at 4 m and herbaceous plants at 47 cm.

The following species are diagnostic of Sub-community 1.1: Cynodon dactylon, Acacia nilotica, Tricholaena monachne, Urochloa mosambicensis, Sclerocarya birrea, Pogonarthria squarrosa and Schmidtia pappophoroides (Species Group B).

The following species are characteristic of Sub-community 1.1: Ziziphus mucronata (Species Group H).

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The presence of thorn trees such as Acacia tortilis and Acacia nilotica confirms that this community has a higher percentage clay content than the other communities identified. The source of the higher clay content can be attributed to the underlying geology, which is igneous and metamorphic rock (known sources of finer textured soils) (Read & Watson 1983; Strahler & Strahler 1987; White 1987). Furthermore, Sub-community 1.1 occurs near the non-perennial stream which drains the Project Area. Therefore, it is expected that finer material will accumulate in this lower lying area through natural erosion/weathering process and occasional flooding (Read & Watson 1983, Strahler & Strahler 1987). The occurrence of sub-soils associated with illuviation, movement of finer material into the soil profile, such as neocarbonate B-horizon and pedocutanic B-horizon supports this observation. The low occurrence or absence of species known for their association with sandy soils (coarse textured), such as Grewia flavescens, Terminalia sericea, Grewia monticola, Aristida stipitata, Combretum apiculatum and Perotis patens (Species Group H). Species Groups C to Species Groups G confirms the overall higher clay content in the soil. Due to the higher clay content Sub-community 1.1 represents the sweetveld (Bothma 1995) in the landscape, which implies that livestock, whether domestic or game, should favour the area, resulting in overgrazing and subsequently bush encroachment (Van Oudtshoorn 1991; Tainton 1999). The presence of a potential water source (non-perennial stream) should add additional pressure on the system. Sub-community 1.1 has the highest mean percentage shrub cover of all the vegetation communities present at 30%, which supports this observation. However, not all the bush encroachment can be attributed to exploitation, because Sub-community 1.1 also includes abandoned cultivated fields, with secondary vegetation. The national land cover dataset of 2014 classified this area as woodland / open bush and thicket / dense bush, which confirms the secondary / successional nature of a large portion of Sub-community 1.1. This area was most probably considered suitable for cultivation due to the presence of red apedal soils with a higher clay content, which would improve water retention in a semi-arid environment.

Sub-community 1.2. Euphorbia ingens - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland

Sub-community 1.2 covers 9% or 1686 ha and is associated with higher lying terrain features, mainly towards the south boundary of the WJV Project Area. The mean altitude is 1047 m amsl, with a mean slope of 2° or 4%. The soils are deep at a mean depth of 1114 mm, with the topsoil (A-horizon) being very coarse textured at a mean estimated value of 4%. Limited surface rock is associated with Sub-community 1.2, mainly large stones at 1%. Well drained, yellow-brown apedal soils were present in 50% of the plots associated with this sub-community. These soils represent the Clovelly soil form. Slopes within this community are mainly south facing. Sub-community 1.2 occurs mainly on upper or lower mid-slopes (83%) but foot-slopes were recorded in 10% of the plots (Appendix 7.2). The mean overall percentage vegetation cover within Sub-community 1.2 is high at 77%, with shrubs forming 27% of the cover; herbaceous plants 46%; and grasses contributing the largest portion of 35%. The mean highest height of the trees is 6 m, shrubs at 5 m and herbaceous plants at 34 cm.

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The following species are diagnostic of Sub-community 1.2: Euphorbia ingens, Acacia erioloba, Protasparagus nelsii, Boscia albitrunca, Commiphora glandulosa and Acacia nigrescens (Species Group C)

The following species are characteristic of Sub-community 1.2: Grewia monticola (Species Group H).

Sub-community 1.2 represents a patch of land not historically used for cultivation. The reason why not cannot be derived from the survey results, as most of the similar habitat in the surrounding landscape had been ploughed. Sub-community 1.2, therefore, represents natural veld (primary vegetation), which had mainly been influenced by over-grazing, as indicated by the strong presence (high constancy) of the following species: Dichrostachys cinerea, Waltheria indica, Aristida congesta and Terminalia sericea (Species Group H,). Due to the very coarse texture of the soil and presence of surface rock it contains transitional species, which it shares with Community 2, more specifically Sub-community 2.1, as indicated by the species in Species Group F i.e. Eragrostis lehmanniana, Protasparagus cooperi, Grewia flava and Strychnos madagascariensis.

Sub-community 1.3. Acacia karoo - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland

Sub-community 1.3 (Appendix 7.2) covers 3% or 583 ha and is associated with lower lying areas to the east of the study area. The mean altitude associated with community 1.3 is 1 015 meters amsl, the mean slope is 1° or 1%. The soils are deep at a mean depth of 1 133 mm, with the topsoil (A-horizon) being very fine textured at a mean estimated value of 41%. No surface rock is associated with sub-community 1.3. The dominant soil form is Arcadia, representing vertic topsoil. The sub-community represents low lying areas within the landscape associated with very fine textured soils. The higher percentage clay is associated with the illuviation of finer sediment into the low lying areas from the high lying areas. The presence of the vertic soils can also be attributed to igneous parent material, which is experiencing chemical weather due to the higher potential for water to accumulate in the area, mean topowetness value 10.7, the highest of all six units classified.

The following species are diagnostic of sub-community 1.3: Acacia karroo, Brachiaria eruciformis, Setaria sphacelate, Ischaemum afrum and Bothriochloa radicans.

Community 2: Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland

Community 2 covers 63% or 11 656 ha and occurs on the higher terrain features, such as ridges along the northern boundary of the WJV Project Area. The mean altitude is 1161 m amsl, with a mean slope of 5° or 10%. The soils are relatively shallow at a mean depth of 493 mm, with the topsoil (A-horizon) being very coarse textured at a mean estimated value of 3%. Surface rock is prominent at an estimated percentage cover of 23%. The very coarse textured orthic A-horizon (topsoil) overlay hard rock in 47% of the plots surveyed, with 30% of the plots associated with yellow-brown apedal soils. These soil conditions are

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generally associated with the Mispah soil form. Slopes within this community are mainly north to west facing. Plant community 2 occurs mainly on crests / upper mid-slopes and lower mid-slopes / foot-slopes. The mean percentage vegetation cover is high at 66%, with shrub forming 17% of the cover, herbaceous plants 43% and grasses contributing the largest portion of 36%. The mean highest height of the trees is 7 m, shrubs at 4 m and herbaceous plants at 60 cm.

The following species has been recorded for Plant community 2:

Forbs: Abutilon pycnodon, Achyranthes aspera, Acrotome inflata, Aloe marlothii, Asclepias fruticosa, Barleria transvaalensis, Bidens pilosa, Blepharis subvolubilis, Cheilanthes species (28_1697), Clematis brachiata, Commelina africana, Crassula swaziensis, Felicia mossamedensis, Hemizygia canescens, Hibiscus caesius, Hibiscus micranthus, Indigofera melanadenia, Justicia matammensis, Kalanchoe brachyloba, Kalanchoe paniculata, Kyphocarpa angustifolia, Lantana rugosa, Leonotis ocymifolia, Limeum fenestratum, Monechma divaricatum, Myrothamnus flabellifolius, Pellaea calomelanos, Peristrophe paniculata, Plectranthus cylindraceus, Plicosepalus kalachariensis, Pollichia campestris, Pupalia lappacea, Rhynchosia minima, Rhynchosia totta, Sansevieria aethiopica, Sarcostemma viminale, Schkuhria pinnata, Sesamum triphyllum, Sida ovata, Solanum tettense, Sphedamnocarpus pruriens, Tagetes minuta, Viscum rotundifolium, Waltheria indica, Xanthium strumarium, Xenostegia tridentate and Zornia glochidiata.

Gramnoids (Grasses and sedges): Andropogon gayanus, Aristida adscensionis, Aristida bipartita, Aristida congesta, Aristida diffusa, Aristida meridionalis, Aristida stipitata, Brachiaria serrata, Bulbostylis hispidula, Coleochloa setifera, Digitaria eriantha, Enneapogon scoparius, Eragrostis gummiflua, Eragrostis inamoena, Eragrostis lehmanniana, Eragrostis pallens, Eragrostis racemosa, Eragrostis rigidior, Loudetia flavida, Melinis repens, Panicum maximum, Perotis patens, Pogonarthria squarrosa, Schizachyrium jeffreysii, Setaria sphacelata, Sporobolus africanus, Sporobolus stapfianus, Stipagrostis obtusa, Tragus berteronianus, Tricholaena monachne, Trichoneura grandiglumis, Triraphis andropogonoides and Triraphis purpurea.

Woody species: Acacia gerrardii, Acacia mellifera, Acacia nigrescens, Acacia nilotica, Acacia robusta, Adenia spinosa, Albizia versicolor, Annona senegalensis, Bauhinia petersiana, Berchemia zeyheri, Boscia albitrunca, Brachylaena huillensis, Bridelia mollis, Burkea africana, Canthium species (32_1783), Canthium cilliatum, bispinosa, Clerodendrum glabrum, Combretum apiculatum, Combretum collinum, Combretum hereroense, Combretum molle, Combretum nelsonii, Combretum zeyheri, Commiphora africana, Commiphora glandulosa, Commiphora mollis, Croton species (32_1784), Croton gratissimus, Cryptolepis oblongifolia, Cussonia natalensis, Cussonia spicata, Dichrostachys cinerea, Diospyros lycioides, Dombeya rotundifolia, Ehretia rigida, Elephantorrhiza burkei, Englerophytum magalismontanum, Entandrophragma caudatum, Euclea crispa, Euclea linearis, Euclea natalensis, Euclea undulata, Eugenia natalitia, Euphorbia cooperi, Euphorbia ingens, Faurea saligna, Ficus species (70_1878), Ficus

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abutilifolia, Flueggea virosa, Gardenia volkensii, Grewia caffra, Grewia flava, Grewia flavescens, Grewia monticola, Heteropyxis natalensis, Hexalobus monopetalus, Hippocratea crenata, Indigofera swaziensis, Kirkia wilmsii, Lagynias lasiantha, Landolphia kirkii, Lannea species (45_1876), Lannea discolor, Lippia javanica, Maerua angolensis, Maytenus heterophylla, Maytenus senegalensis, Maytenus undata, Mimusops zeyheri, Mundulea sericea, Mystroxylon aethiopicum, Ochna species (58_1754), Ochna pulchra, Olea species (58_1759), Olea europaea, Olinia species (58_1760), Ormocarpum trichocarpum, Osyris lanceolata, Ozoroa paniculosa, Pachystigma bowkeri, Pappea capensis, Parinari capensis, Pavetta species (64_1801), Pavetta eylesii, Peltophorum africanum, Pouzolzia mixta, Protasparagus cooperi, Protasparagus nelsii, Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia, Psiadia punctulata, Pyrostia hystrix, Rhoicissus rauvoli, Rhus chirindensis, Rhus lancea, Rhus leptodictya, Rhus pyroides, Schotia brachypetala, Schrebera alata, Sclerocarya birrea, Scolopia zeyheri, Securidaca longepedunculata, Spirostachys africana, Steganotaenia araliacea, Sterculia rogersii, Strychnos madagascariensis, Strychnos pungens, Syzygium cordatum, Tapiphyllum parvifolium, Tarchonanthus camphoratus, Terminalia sericea, Tetradenia riparia, Triaspis glaucophylla, Turraea obtusifolia, Vangueria infausta, Vitex obovata, Vitex rehmannii, Ximenia caffra, Zanthoxylum capense and Ziziphus mucronata.

The diagnostic species Combretum molle (Species Group D) and characteristic species Grewia flavescens (Species Group H) indicates this community’s association with rocky and sandy environments (Coates-Palgrave 2002; Van Wyk & Van Wyk 1997). The high percentage surface rock and steep slopes limits the agricultural potential of this area to livestock grazing. Due to the very coarse textured soils and position of this community within the landscape, Plant community 2 is classified as sourveld.

Community 2.1. Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland

Sub-community 2.1 covers 35% or 6545 ha and is associated with higher lying terrain features, mainly towards the north-eastern boundary of the Project Area. The mean altitude is 1201 m amsl, with a mean slope of 8° or 14%. The soils are relatively shallow, at a mean depth of 376 mm, with the topsoil (A-horizon) being very coarse textured at a mean estimated value of 4%. Surface rock covers up to 31%, consisting of 18% rock and 8% large stones. Hard rock subsoils belonging to the Mispah soil form were present in 50% of the plots associated with this sub-community. Red and yellow-brown apedal soils occurred in a ratio of 14:29%. No single aspect is dominant within Sub-community 2.1. Sub-community 2.1 occurs mainly on crest / upper mid-slopes and lower mid-slopes / foot- slopes. The mean overall percentage vegetation cover within Sub-community 2.1 is high at 71%, with shrubs forming 20% of the cover; herbaceous plants 46%; and grasses presenting the largest proportion of it at 39%. The mean highest height of the trees is 7 m, shrubs at 4 m and herbaceous plants at 56 cm.

The following species are diagnostic of Sub-community 2.1:

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Pappea capensis, Psiadia punctulata, Pyrostia hystrix, Commiphora mollis, Euclea crispa, Monechma divaricatum, Rhoicissus rauvoli, Turraea obtusifolia, Bidens pilosa, Hexalobus monopetalus, Flueggea virosa, Kyphocarpa angustifolia and Elephantorrhiza burkei (Species Group E).

The following species are characteristic of Sub-community 2.1: Combretum apiculatum (Species Group H).

Sub-community 2.1 is the steepest and most rocky vegetation community present within the WJV Project Area. The mean terrain ruggedness index value for this community is the highest at 3.068. The rugged terrain is a source of microhabitats, which is expected to result in the presence of high plant diversity. Due to the shallow soils, high surface rock and steep slopes, it is expected that Sub-community 2.1 will be a significant source of runoff during rainfall events. The mean magnitude of wetness index value of 8 supports this statement, as this value is the lowest of all the communities within the Project Area. It is expected that the runoff will occur mainly to the west due to the general slope of the landscape.

Community 2.2. Burkea africana - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland

Sub-community 2.2 covers 18% or 3356 ha and is associated with lower lying terrain features, mainly towards the western boundary of the WJV Project Area. The mean altitude is 1127 m amsl, with a mean slope of 3° or 6%. The soils are relatively shallow at a mean depth of 595 mm, with the topsoil (A-horizon) being very coarse textured at a mean estimated value of 2%. Surface rock is less than Sub-community 2.1, at a mean coverage of 17%, consisting of 10% rock and 5% large stones. Soils representing the Mispah soil form were recorded in 45% of the plots associated with this sub-community. Slopes within this sub-community are mainly north and west facing. Sub-community 2.2 occurs predominantly (75%) on upper or lower mid-slopes. The mean percentage vegetation cover within sub-community 2.2 is high at 61%, with shrubs forming 15% of the cover; herbaceous plants 40%; and grasses contributing the largest portion of 34%. The mean highest height of the trees is 8 m, shrubs at 4 m and herbaceous plants at 63 cm.

The following species are diagnostic of Sub-community 2.2: Burkea africana, Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia, Ochna pulchra, Eragrostis pallens, Securidaca longepedunculata, Blepharis subvolubilis, Indigofera melanadenia, Bauhinia petersiana, Ximenia caffra, Sesamum triphyllum, Landolphia kirkii, Pachystigma bowkeri and Canthium cilliatum (Species Group G).

The following species are characteristic of Sub-community 2.2: Terminalia sericea (Species Group H).

Sub-community 2.2 represents a mosaic of shallow, very coarse textured soils and rocky islands. Due its position in the landscape, it is expected that it would have higher clay

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content, due to illuviation of finer material from the higher lying area to the east. It is also expected to experience higher grazing pressure, due to the expected clay content / nutrients (Tainton 1999). However, it is not the case since Sub-community 2.2’s mean estimated percentage clay content is the lowest (2%) of all the plant communities; while it also has the lowest overall vegetation cover and shrub cover. Therefore, compared to Community 1 and its sub-communities, Sub-community 2.2 does not experience bush encroachment. The low presence (low constancy) of the shrub Dichrostachys cinerea (Species Group H) supports this statement. The low percentage clay within the topsoil is attributed to the movement of soil moisture, resulting in the removal of finer material both vertically (top down) and laterally. The source of the soil moisture is most probably the runoff from Sub-community 2.1. The strong presence (high constancy) of the tree Terminalia sericea supports this statement, as it is known to occur in areas where lateral flow occurs in the soil (E-horizons). The potential for moisture to accumulate in this landscape is evident and confirmed by the higher mean magnitude wetness value compared to Sub-community 2.1.

Community 2.3. Mimusops zeyheri - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland

Sub-community 2.3 covers 9% or 1 755 ha and is associated with the highest lying areas within the study area. The mean altitude associated with community 2.3 is 246 meters above mean sea level; the mean slope is the steepest at 11° or 25% (Appendix 7.2). The soils are very shallow at a mean depth of 50 mm, with the topsoil (A-horizon) being fine textured at a mean estimated value of 14%. The percentage mean surface rock is 35% the highest of all the communities identified. The soils are associated with the Mispah/ Glenrosa complex, representing young, pedological landscapes with surface rock (Land Type Survey Staff 1985, Fey 2010). Due the cooler, local climate conditions, more soil moisture is available despite the steep slopes, allowing for the establishment of closed canopy vegetation dominated by trees. Therefore, this vegetation community has the highest percentage of tree cover of all six communities identified, with the lowest overall herbaceous cover, confirming the forest appearance of this sub-community 2.3 along the open slopes, upper slopes and valleys.

The following species are diagnostic of sub-community 2.3: Mimusops zeyheri, Zanthoxylum capense and Rhoicissus tomentosa.

Signs of human inhabitancy were found in the valleys associated with sub-community 2.3, most probably because it provided a view of the surrounding landscape and protection due to the rugged terrain. The heritage significance of the Makgabeng Plateau is well documented.

The results confirm a concept developed during the fieldwork that the livestock exerts higher pressure on the elevated areas (Sub-community 2.1) due to the presence of surface water in the rainfall / summer season. The surface water collects among the cracks and fissures in the rocks making the area accessible and hospitable during the

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summer months. Therefore, the resource pressure is increased on the vegetation within Sub-community 2.1, since domestic livestock graze from Sub-community 2.2 to the water and back. The low-lying areas (Sub-community 2.2) is only utilised when the livestock leaves Community 2 due to the limited availability of surface water during the dry / winter months for borehole water only available in the low-lying areas. It is the limited availability of surface water, especially during the winter months, and ruggedness of the terrain within Community 2, which has most probable resulted in the protection of this ecosystem against excessive exploitation by land-use practices applied. The estimated ecological resource capacity of the area is low and adapted to migrating herds, which only remains in the area while surface water is available. The introduction of permanent water sources, such as boreholes, will most probably have a significant negative impact on the vegetation, unless animal stocking density is maintained well below the ecological resource capacity. Species Diversity Species Richness

Species richness is a parameter of diversity measuring, which does not consider frequency of occurrence of the species within the Project Area (Kent & Coker 1992). Alpha-diversity concerns the overall species richness, while Beta-diversity concerns the diversity between communities.

The alpha-diversity recorded during the study was 275 species (Table 31), of which 83 species are forbs (30%), 44 species are grasses (16%) and 148 species are woody species (54%). The high number of woody species confirms the Project Area’s association with the Savanna Biome.

Major growth form Nr of species % frequency Forbs 83 30 Grasses 44 16 Woody species 148 54 Total 275 100 Table 31: Overview of the number of species per major growth form recorded within the WJV Project Area.

In terms of Beta-diversity, the highest number of species was recorded within Community 2, while in terms of the sub-communities, Community 2.1 had the highest number of species at 166. This trend repeats itself, irrespective of the parameter evaluated and is attributed to the high ruggedness index associated with Community 2.1. This result confirms the statement made that the most rugged terrain will have the highest number of species due to increased microhabitat features. Sub-community 1.1, which is associated with the secondary vegetation has the lowest species richness, except in terms of the Beta-diversity index based on the ratio of percentage of the mean species recorded per

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plot over the percentage of plots surveyed per community. This third highest biodiversity index value of 4.0 is attributed to the secondary or sub- nature of the vegetation due to the presence of a mixture of pioneer and climax species (Barbour et al. 1980; Kent & Coker 1992). If Community 1.1 can recover over time, its species diversity would change towards the species diversity of Community 1.2, which represents a primary / climax vegetation community.

The 275 species represents 196 genera, of which the following four genera contain 10% of the species i.e. Acacia, Aristida, Combretum and Eragrostis, Table 32 and represent 69 plant families, of which eight plant families i.e. Poaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Asteraceae, Rubiaceae, Lamiaceae, Anacardiaceae and Apocynaceae (Table 33) contain 50% of the species.

Taxa Cumulative Nr of species % frequency frequency Acacia 9 3 3 Aristida 7 3 6 Eragrostis 7 3 8 Combretum 6 2 11 Table 32: List of the four plant genera, which contains more than 10% of the plant species recorded within the WJV Project Area.

Taxa Cumulative Nr of species % frequency frequency Poaceae 42 15 15 Fabaceae 29 11 26 Malvaceae 14 5 31 Asteraceae 13 5 36 Rubiaceae 13 5 40 Lamiaceae 10 4 44 Anacardiaceae 8 3 47 Apocynaceae 8 3 50 Table 33: List of the eight plant families, which contains more than 50% of the plant species recorded within the WJV Project Area.

NOTE: Cognisance must be taken of the fact that due to the timing of the survey, the species lists for the Project Area survey is not comprehensive. Had the survey been done during the optimal summer survey period of February / March, then the Braun-Blanquet approach would have recorded 95% of the species, depending on the number of plots surveyed. However, taking in consideration the timing of the winter survey and the number of plots (63 plots = 1 plot / 309 ha), it is likely that the actual number of species in the area can exceed the estimate of 343 species. Therefore, the current 275 species represent only 75% of the species which could potentially occur in the WJV Project Area.

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The summer survey (April 2019) added an additional 40 species to the 275 species recorded during the winter survey (June 2018), bring the current total to 315 species. The 40 additional species are:

Acacia grandicornuta, Aptosimum procumbens, Aristida scabrivalvis, Balanites pedicellaris, Barleria lancifolia, Boscia foetida, Brachiaria brizantha, Brachiaria eruciformis, Cereus jamacaru, Chamaecrista absus, Cocculus hirsutus, Combretum imberbe, Commelina benghalensis, Commicarpus plumbagineus, Corallocarpus triangularis, Cyperus leptocladus, Ehretia amoena, Ficus burkei, Indigofera astragalina, Indigofera filipes, Ipomoea species (38_1916), Ipomoea magnusiana, Ischaemum afrum, Jatropha erythropoda, Kleinia longiflora, Melhania acuminata, Melhania rehmannii, Neorautanenia amboensis, Ptycholobium contortum, Scadoxus multiflorus, Sericorema remotiflora, Sida cordifolia, Stipagrostis uniplumis, Tephrosia rhodesica, Tragia rupestris, Tribulus terrestris, Vernonia fastigiata, Vernonia poskeana, Vigna frutescens, Vitex zeyheri.

The additional species imply an effective increase of 15%, highlighting once again the need to do the vegetation studies during the optimal time. The results from the 15 verification plots support this statement, with on average 30% species more recorded per plot verified compared to the number species recorded per plot during the winter survey. This implies that the when the 30% overall increase per plot is applied to all the plots surveyed during the winter survey, the statistics will remain the same with regards to the most diverse community, namely community 2.

On a provincial level in terms of the Limpopo Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2003), three protected species have been recorded within the 63 plots surveyed (Table 34).

Plant community nr. Major growth Botanical name form 1 Huernia zebrina Forbs 1 Spirostachys africana Woodies 2 Combretum collinum Woodies 2 Spirostachys africana Woodies Table 34: List of provincially protected species per plant community within the WJV Project Area. National and provincial protected species

No threatened Red Data plants were recorded within 73 plots surveyed. However, during the summer survey threatened Red Data plant specific habitat specific searches did result in the documentation of the presence of two threatened Red Data plants, namely:

1. Bowiea volubilis Harv. ex Hook.f. subsp. volubilis – a Vulnerable forb 2. Warburgia salutaris (G.Bertol.) Chiov. – an Endangered tree

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Both species were recorded within community 2, and mainly within sub-community 2.3. The discovery and positive identification of these two threatened species during the wet/ summer survey, highlights once again the need to do vegetation studies during the optimal flowering period from January to March in the summer rainfall area of South Africa. Several species listed as protected in the National Forest act (No 84 of 1998)16 were recorded for the study area. These include but are not limited to Acacia erioloba, Boscia albitrunca, Combretum imberbe, Sclerocarya birrea subs. caffra and Securidaca longepedunculata. Large specimens of Sclerocarya birrea subs. caffra are found in the core area of the farms Ketting and Goedertrouw.

On a provincial level in terms of the Limpopo Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2003), three protected species were recorded within the 73 plots surveyed, mainly in community 2: Combretum collinum, Huernia zebrina, Spirostachys africana. Species with medicinal properties

At least 19 known plant species with medicinal properties (Bromilow 2010) were recorded within the WJV Project Area (Table 35), of which the majority occurred in Plant community 2.

Major growth Plant community nr. Botanical name form 1 Acacia karroo Woodies 1 Dombeya rotundifolia Woodies 1 Euclea undulata Woodies 1 Ptaeroxylon obliquum Woodies 1 Schotia brachypetala Woodies 1 Sclerocarya birrea Woodies 1 Terminalia sericea Woodies 1 Ziziphus mucronata Woodies 2 Croton gratissimus Woodies 2 Dombeya rotundifolia Woodies 2 Euclea undulata Woodies 2 Heteropyxis natalensis Woodies 2 Lippia javanica Woodies 2 Myrothamnus flabellifolius Forbs 2 Olea europaea Woodies 2 Pellaea calomelanos Forbs 2 Schotia brachypetala Woodies 2 Sclerocarya birrea Woodies 2 Securidaca longepedunculata Woodies 2 Syzygium cordatum Woodies 2 Tarchonanthus camphoratus Woodies 2 Terminalia sericea Woodies

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2 Tetradenia riparia Woodies 2 Zanthoxylum capense Woodies 2 Ziziphus mucronata Woodies Table 35: List of species with medicinal properties recorded per plant community within the WJV Project Area. Nationally declared alien invasive species

Alien invasive species need to be eradicated or controlled in terms of both NEMBA's Alien and Invasive Species Regulations (NEMBA) and CARA. Three declared alien species i.e. Agave sisalana, Opuntia ficus-indica and Xanthium strumarium were recorded within the remaining natural area of the WJV Project Area (Table 36). Most of the alien invasives were recorded within Plant community 1, which is expected as it is the closest to human influenced areas. An alien invasive management plan needs to be compiled to eradicate, manage and control these species, since failure to do so implies non-compliance and can result in penalties.

Plant NEMBA CARA Major Regulations regulations botanical Botanical name growth form (Jul 2016 nr. Category Category 1 Agave sisalana Forbs 2 2 1 Opuntia ficus-indica Woodies 1b 1 1 Xanthium strumarium Forbs 1b 1 2 Xanthium strumarium Forbs 1b 1 Table 36: List of declared alien invasive species recorded per plant community within the WJV Project Area. Flora – Carbon sequestration

Plant community 1: Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland / woodland and Plant Community 2: Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland / woodland are used as the dominant subsets in calculating carbon content and sequestration. These plant communities correlate well with the respective Tropical Dry Forest and Tropical Mountain Systems described in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ("IPCC") guidelines (Eggleston et al. 2006). An additional unit characterized by impacts from settlement areas and associated vegetation changes due to preferred land-use practices do not correlate as well with any of the default IPCC descriptions. However, because of the habitat degradation and affinity with the Sub- tropical Steppe of surrounding areas (Baltimore region), these default carbon values could be applied.

Page 194 Association 1: Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland / woodland

Carbon values for the Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland / woodland plant community are based on Tropical Dry Forest receiving 500 to 1000 mm rainfall per annum that experience a 6 to 7 month dry period. Carbon stock values for soil is based on the dominant soil forms identified and the guidelines promulgated by IPCC (Eggleston et al. 2006).

 Total carbon stock in biomass (above and below ground) = 14 t c ha-1  Range of total carbon stock = 14 to 16 t c ha-1  Factor B: forest average above ground biomass (ipcc default) = 120 t dm ha-1  Factor R: root-to-shoot ratio (ipcc default) = 0.28  Soil carbon (ipcc default) = 21 to 34 t c ha-1

Based on these default values the Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland / woodland plant community has an above- and below-ground carbon stock of 14 t C ha-1. If this value is combined with the litter and soil values, then the total carbon sequestrated is 35 t C ha-1; equating to a carbon dioxide equivalent of 233.45 t C ha-1 (Table 37).

Above- Factor B Factor R and Total Unit Above Root-to- Soil Total below- carbon size ground shoot carbon carbon ground dioxide biomass ratio carbon ha t C ha-1 t C ha-1 t C ha-1 t C ha-1 t C ha-1 t C ha-1 Association 1 4667 14 120 0.28 21 35 233.45 Association 2 11441 13 115 0.24 21 34 226.78 Association 3 2372 9 70 0.32 27 36 240.12 Table 37: Carbon values for the Associations in the WJV Project Area. Association 2: Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland / woodland

Carbon values for the Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland / woodland plant community are based on Tropical Mountain Systems, typically found at elevations of 800 m to 1200 m amsl that experience slightly elevated rainfall when compared to the surrounding Tropical Dry Forest identified. Carbon stock values for soil is based on the dominant soil forms identified and the guidelines promulgated by IPCC (Eggleston et al. 2006).

 Total carbon stock in biomass (above and below ground) = 13 t c ha-1  Range of total carbon stock = 5 to 22 t c ha-1

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 Factor B: forest average above ground biomass (ipcc default) = 115 t dm ha-1  Factor R: root-to-shoot ratio (ipcc default) = 0.24  Soil carbon (ipcc default) = 21 to 34 t c ha-1

Based on these default values the Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland / woodland plant community has an above- and below-ground carbon stock of 13 t C ha-1. If this value is combined with the litter and soil values, then the total carbon sequestrated is 34 t C ha-1; equating to a carbon dioxide equivalent of 226.78 t C ha-1. Association 3: Human settlement areas

Carbon values for the human settlement areas and associated vegetation impacts are based on the Sub-tropical Steppe Systems associated with the surrounding areas (Baltimore region). Carbon stock values for soil is based on the dominant soil forms identified and the guidelines promulgated by IPCC (Eggleston et al. 2006).

• Total carbon stock in biomass (above and below ground) = 9 t c ha-1 • Range of total carbon stock = 2 to 25 t c ha-1 • Factor B: forest average above ground biomass (ipcc default) = 70 t dm ha-1 • Factor R: root-to-shoot ratio (ipcc default) = 0.32 • Soil carbon (ipcc default) = 21 to 34 t c ha-1

Based on these default values the human settlement areas have an above- and below- ground carbon stock of 9 t C ha-1. If this value is combined with the litter and soil values, then the total carbon sequestrated is 36 t C ha-1; equating to a carbon dioxide equivalent of 240.12 t C ha-1.

10.4.2 Fauna – Mammals

A limited road and track system are present in the Project Area, with some sectors being more accessible than others due to the pre-mining prospectings. The available road network was assessed prior to the study period in 2018 to ensure as extensive as possible access to the Project Area. The road infrastructure was enough for reaching most target survey sites expediently. All the survey sites were investigated by applying the following techniques, either singly or in combination:

 Track “recce” transects;  Remote cameras; and  Live capture of small sized mammals.

The dry season survey period (5 to 18 June 2018) and wet season survey period (2 to 14 April 2019) efforts culminated in the following total numbers of surveys:  A total of 47 belt “recce” transect were conducted during the dry season (June 2018), representing a linear distance surveyed of 9.4 km and a surveyed area of 1.88 ha. A further 89 belt “recce” transects observations were conducted during the

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wet season (April 2019), representing a linear distance of 17.80 km and a surveys area of 3.56 ha. A total of 136 transect observations representing 27.2 km and a surveyed area of 5.44 ha were thus surveyed in the WJV study area;  Using remote cameras, 58 surveys sites investigated with an effective 209 trap nights during the dry season (June 20118), followed by a further 48 surveys sites with an effective 141 trap nights during the wet season (April 2019). The remote camera surveys culminated in 106 sites surveyed over a period of 350 trap nights in the WJV study area; and  During the dry season (June 2018) and wet season (April 2019) survey periods, 24 survey sites were sampled successfully using Sherman trap arrays for small mammals. Incidental data obtained from pit fall trap arrays deployed by other biodiversity research teams further contributed to species diversity. The survey culminated in 1992 trap nights during the dry season survey period (June 2018), with a further 1920 trap nights during the wet season (April 2019) survey period. Collated data analysis (3912 trap nights), excluding the pitfall trap surveys from other biodiversity groups, and is in line with 10 comparable studies reviewed by Amori and Luiselli (2011). Track Transect “Recce” Survey Species Accumulation Curves (SAC)

A SACanalysis performed on the number of species accumulated (28 species) over the number of Track transects conducted in the Project Area during the study period (5 to 18 June 2018) revealed that 90% of the number of species (25 species) observed was reached after surveying 28 sites (60% of survey effort) and the remaining 19 sites (40% of survey effort) only contributed three new species (Figure 24). Logarithmic regression fit to the collated data for both survey periods was good (R² = 0.94, P < 0.05) and explains nearly all data points; a visually obvious “flattening” of the curve is present, indicating that species observations will not significantly increase with further increased survey effort. Additional sampling effort required for recording a single new species is calculated as 6.33 track transects per species and highlights that additional time and effort would not have been useful at the time of surveys in the habitats considered. It is, however, expected that observation success and species diversity would further increase during the wet season as natural resources become more abundant.

The current results can be considered as representative of the local situation and that the spread of mammal species encountered represents the most common mammal species likely to leave tracks and signs to be identified by using this methodological approach. As such, species inclined to leave tracks and signs that can be observed using the present methodology and not encountered are unlikely to be present.

The summary analysis for tracks and signs of mammal presence during the study period resulted in 403 observations, which led to the identification of 30 species over the 136

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track transects sites surveyed. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 3.02 (Table 38) indicate moderately good mammal representation with even distribution (May 1975; Mugatha 2002).

Figure 24: SAC performed on the track transect data collected in the WJV Project Area

During the wet season survey period (April 2019) the most frequently observed mammals are the Chacma baboon Papio ursinus and bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia. The steenbok Raphicerus campestris is considered sub-dominant during this survey period. Other mammals frequently observed are the porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis, black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas, Cape hare Lepus capensis, spring hare Pedetes capensis, slender mongoose Herpestes sanguinea and small spotted genet Genetta.

Based on the combined seasonal analysis, the Chacma baboon Papio ursinus is dominant, with the bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia being sub-dominant. However, these findings must be appraised with due consideration of habitat preference and availability of natural resources in the WJV study area. Furthermore, the presence of humans and grazing activity by livestock will invariably affect seasonal distribution patterns and natural behaviour in wildlife species. The Sorensen coefficient for the respective two survey periods is 0.79, indicating a high similarity in species. The combined seasonal data scores of 2.79, using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, indicate moderately good mammal representation with even distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

Collated data Scientific Family Common name Total Proportional Diversity name observations observations index BOVINDAE Oreotragus Klipspringer 5 2.4 -0.09

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BOVINDAE Raphicerus Steenbok 14 6.28 -0.17 campestris BOVINDAE Sylvicapra Bush duiker 13 5.83 -0.17 grimmia BOVINDAE Tragelaphus Greater kudu 1 0.45 -0.02 strepsiceros CANIDAE Canis Black-backed 11 4.93 -0.15 mesomelas jackal CERCOPITHECIDAE Chlorocebus Vervet monkey 6 2.69 -0.10 pygerythrus CERCOPITHECIDAE Papio ursinus Chacma baboon 29 13.0 -0.27 FELIDAE Caracal Caracal 1 0.45 -0.02 FELIDAE Felis silvestris African wild cat 3 1.35 -0.06 FELIDAE Panthera Leopard 7 3.14 -0.11 pardus GALAGIDAE Galago moholi Southern lesser 1 0.45 -0.02 galago HERPESTIDAE Atilax Water mongoose 1 0.45 -0.02 paludinosus HERPESTIDAE Cynictis Yellow mongoose 10 4.48 -0.14 penicillata HERPESTIDAE Herpestes Slender 11 4.93 -0.15 sanguinea mongoose HERPESTIDAE Mungos Banded 7 3.14 -0.11 mungo mongoose HYAENIDAE Parahyaena Brown hyena 10 4.48 -0.14 brunnea HYSTRICIDAE Hystrix Porcupine 19 8.52 -0.21 africaeaustralis LEPORIDAE Lepus Cape hare 6 2.69 -0.10 capensis LEPORIDAE Lepus saxatilis Scrub hare 15 6.73 -0.18 LEPORIDAE Pronolagus Jameson's red 7 3.17 -0.11 randensis rock rabbit MUSTELIDAE Mellivora Honey badger 3 1.35 -0.06 capensis NESOMYIDAE Cricetomys Southern giant 2 0.90 -0.04 ansorgei pouched rat ORYCTEROPODIDAE Orycteropus Aardvark 2 0.90 -0.04 afer PEDETIDAE Pedetes Spring hare 9 4.04 -0.13 capensis PROCAVIDAE Procavia Rock hyrax 6 2.69 -0.10 capensis SCIURIDAE Paraxerus Smith's bush 16 7.17 -0.19 cepapi squirrel SUIDAE Phacochoerus Common warthog 1 0.45 -0.02 africanus VIVERRIDAE Genetta Small spotted 7 3.17 -0.11 genet 223 100 3.02 Table 38: Proportional observation rates using Track Transects in the WJV Project Area.

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Figure 25: Observational success using Track Transects in the WJV Project Area. Diversity and Endemism

The vegetation habitat types i.e. Habitat 1.1. Acacia nilotica - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland, Habitat 1.2. Euphorbia ingens -Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland and Habitat 1.3. Acacia karroo - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland; Habitat 2.1. Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland, Habitat 2.2. Burkea africana - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland and Habitat 2.3. Mimusops zeyheri - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland (sensu Vegetation survey 2018/2019) were used to group datasets.

Analysis based on observations indicate that the chacma baboon Papio ursinus and bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia are most often encountered using tract “recce” transects. However, species distribution and habitat preference indicated that the Cape hare Lepus capensis, scrub hare Lepus saxatilis and slender mongoose Herpestes sanguinea is co- dominant in the Acacia nilotica - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland (Habitat 1.1), with the steenbok Raphicerus campestris and bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia being sub-dominant. Other species present are the black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas, yellow mongoose Cynictis penicillata, porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis and Smith’s bush squirrel Paraxerus cepapi. This habitat is considered well suited to the mammal species encountered in this open shrubland vegetation type dominated by Acacia species. However, due to the close approximation to human settlements and associated agriculture other larger mammal species are virtually absent but may be present sporadically. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 1.90 indicate poor mammal representation with scattered distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

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Figure 26: Collated animal observation success based on vegetation clusters in the WJV Project Area.

In the Euphorbia ingens - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland (Habitat 1.2) the chacma baboon Papio ursinus is dominant, with the bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia, Smith’s bush squirrel Paraxerus cepapi, porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis and steenbok Raphicerus campestris being sub-dominant but at much lower numbers. Other animals observed are the spring hare Pedetes capensis (restricted to deep sandy soils in this habitat), the ubiquitous scrub hare Lepus saxatilis and the black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas, brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea and small-spotted genet Genetta. Also present are leopard Panthera pardus, African wildcat Felis silvestris and caracal. The prevalence of these predators and meso-predators can be attributed to resource availability such as the Cape hare Lepus saxatilis, slender mongoose Herpestes sanguinea, banded mongoose Mungos mungo and rodent species (see section on small mammal trapping). The klipspringer Oreotragus, Jameson's red rock rabbit Pronolagus randensis and rock hyrax Procavia capensis (relegated to rocky ridges and promontories in the habitat) can also be observed. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 2.50 indicate moderate mammal representation with habitat associated distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

Only the black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas was observed in the Acacia karroo - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland (Habitat 1.3). The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 0.24 indicate very poor mammal representation (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002). The Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland (Habitat 2.1) is predominantly found on the higher altitude mountainous terrain, however, highly fragmented remnants are present at low altitudes. The bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia, chacma baboon Papio ursinus and steenbok Raphicerus campestris are

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considered co-dominant, with the spring hare Pedetes capensis (relegated to deep sandy soil habitat) and porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis being sub-dominant. The klipspringer Oreotragus, Jameson's red rock rabbit Pronolagus randensis and rock hyrax Procavia capensis (relegated to rocky ridges and promontories in the habitat) can also be observed. The presence of predators such as the leopard Panthera pardus and meso-predators such as brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea, black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas and small- spotted genet Genetta can be attributed to the availability of suitable prey base such as small antelope species and the ubiquitous presence of the Cape hare Lepus saxatilis, scrub hare Lepus saxatilis and yellow mongoose Cynictis penicillata. The larger kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros was only observed in this habitat type. The calculated Shannon- Wiener diversity index score of 2.57 indicate moderate mammal representation with habitat associated distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

The Burkea africana - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland (Habitat 2.2) generally forms a continuum with the Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland (Habitat 2.1). Subsequently, many of the mammals observed occur in both habitat types. The dominant species observed is the bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia, with the chacma baboon Papio ursinus being sub- dominant. Other prominent species present are the steenbok Raphicerus campestris and the ubiquitous black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas, porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis and Smith’s bush squirrel Paraxerus cepapi. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 2.43 indicate moderate mammal representation with habitat associated distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

The Mimusops zeyheri - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland (Habitat 2.3) is highly fragmented with relatively poor species representation or specialization. However, due to the availability of more fruiting plant species such as Mimusops zeyheri, both chacma baboon Papio ursinus, vervet monkeys Chlorocebus pygerythrus and porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis are dominant. The calculated Shannon- Wiener diversity index score of 1.95 indicate moderately poor mammal representation with associated distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

Based on observations during both survey periods it is found that no endemic larger mammal species are present and that the only endangered species observed are the vulnerable (VU) leopard Panthera pardus and the Near Threatened (NT) brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea. Habitat preference and availability of natural resources plays a major role in mammal distribution patterns and significant differences are present in the WJV study area based on ANOVA analysis (F= 4.35, F critical= 2.26, P= 0.5, df= 5) and verified using the Mann-Whitney non-parametric U-test. Remote Camera Trapping Survey Species Accumulation Curves (SAC)

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A SAC analysis performed on the number of species accumulated (n = 15) over the number of sites/trap nights surveyed during the dry season (June 2018), using camera trapping revealed that 90% of the total number of species observed was only reached after 189 trap nights (91% trapping effort) with the remaining 20 trap nights (9% trapping effort) contributing two new species (Figure 26). The regression fitted to the plot indicated a satisfactory representation / explanation of the data (R² = 0.90, P < 0.05), and the total effort implemented is thus considered representative for the period of investigation and the group of habitats investigated in the WJV study area. The additional sampling effort required for recording a single new species is calculated at 10 trap nights.

Figure 27: SACperformed on the camera trap data collected in the WJV Project Area.

A SAC analysis performed on the number of species accumulated (n = 13) over the number of sites/trap nights surveyed during the wet season (April 2019), using camera trapping revealed that 90% of the total number of species observed was only reached after 114 trap nights (66% trapping effort) with the remaining 59 trap nights (34% trapping effort) contributing only one new species (Figure 27). The regression fitted to the plot indicated a satisfactory representation / explanation of the data (R² = 0.89, P < 0.05), and the total effort implemented is thus considered representative for the period of investigation and the group of habitats investigated in the WJV study area.

Collated data Scientific Family Common name Total Proportional name observations observations

BOVINDAE Sylvicapra Bush duiker 10 3.89 grimmia CANIDAE Canis Black-backed 1 0.39 mesomelas jackal CERCOPITHECIDAE Chlorocebus Vervet monkey 1 0.39 pygerythrus

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CERCOPITHECIDAE Papio ursinus Chacma baboon 18 7.0 FELIDAE Panthera Leopard 1 0.39 pardus GALAGIDAE Galago moholi Southern lesser 2 0.78 galago HERPESTIDAE Atilax Water mongoose 1 0.39 paludinosus HERPESTIDAE Cynictis Yellow mongoose 2 0.78 penicillata HERPESTIDAE Herpestes Slender 7 2.72 sanguinea mongoose HYAENIDAE Parahyaena Brown hyena 1 0.39 brunnea HYSTRICIDAE Hystrix Porcupine 1 0.39 africaeaustralis LEPORIDAE Lepus saxatilis Scrub hare 10 3.89 PEDETIDAE Pedetes Spring hare 1 0.39 capensis SCIURIDAE Paraxerus Smith's bush 9 3.50 cepapi squirrel VIVERRIDAE Genetta Small spotted 3 1.17 genet Sub total 68 26.46 BOVIDAE Bos taurus Cattle 133 51.75 EQUIDAE Equus asinus Donkey 30 11.67 OISEAUX Birds 21 8.17 SOURIS Rodents 5 1.95 Sub total 189 73.54 TOTAL 257 Table 39: Proportional capture rates of all animal species detected using remote cameras in the WJV Project Area.

The collated summary analysis for species accumulation during both survey periods resulted in 430 observations, which led to the identification of 19 wildlife species over a combined period of 382 trap nights. Logarithmic regression fit to the collated data for both survey periods was good (R² = 0.89, P < 0.05) and satisfactorily explains nearly all data points; a visually obvious “flattening” of the curve is present, indicating that species observations will not significantly increase with further increased survey effort.

During the dry season survey period (June 2018), 68 wildlife species was captured at a rate of 32.54 animals per 100 trap nights. The mammal species most often captured on camera is the Chacma baboon Papio ursinus, with the bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia, scrub hare Lepus saxatilis and Smith’s bush squirrel Paraxerus cepapi being sub- dominant. Other animals captured on camera includes the slender mongoose Herpestes sanguinea, small spotted genet Genetta, yellow mongoose Cynictis penicillata and Southern lesser galago moholi. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 2.43 indicate moderately poor mammal representation with fragmented distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002). During the wet season survey period (April 2019), 66 wildlife species was captured at a rate of 38.15 animals per 100 trap nights. The mammal species most often captured on camera is the Chacma baboon Papio ursinus, with the bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia

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being sub-dominant. Other animals frequently captured on camera includes the steenbok Raphicerus campestris, black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas, porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis, Cape hare Lepus capensis, vervet monkey Chlorocebus pygerythrus and spring hare Pedetes capensis.

The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 2.28 indicate moderately poor mammal representation with fragmented distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002). The remote camera surveys revealed a relatively poor incidence of target animals triggering the camera traps, both in terms of number and diversity. Based on the total number of photographs taken during both survey periods the viable mammal capture events is calculated to be 31.16%, excluding non-targeted animals such as cattle, donkeys, rodents and birds, which contributed 68.84% to the number of events recorded. In total 19 mammal species are identified with a combined capture success rate of 35.08 targeted wildlife species per 100 trap nights and a Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 2.63, indicating moderately good mammal representation with even distribution patterns. The Sorensen coefficient for the respective two survey periods is 0.64, indicating a moderately high similarity.

The remote camera survey revealed a relatively poor incidence of target animals triggering the camera traps, both in terms of number and diversity. Based on the total number of photographs taken during the survey period the viable mammal capture success rate is calculated to be 26.46%, excluding not targeted animals such as cattle, donkeys, rodents and birds, which contributed 73.54% to the number of events recorded. Collated data from both survey periods indicate that the Chacma baboon Papio ursinus is dominant, with the bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia being sub-dominant in the WJV study area. Other animals most frequently observed are the scrub hare Lepus saxatilis, Smith’s bush squirrel Paraxerus cepapi, steenbok Raphicerus campestris, black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas, slender mongoose Herpestes sanguinea and porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis. However, these findings must be appraised with due consideration of habitat preference and availability of natural resources in the WJV study area. Furthermore, the presence of humans and grazing activity by livestock will invariably affect seasonal distribution patterns and natural behaviour in wildlife species. Diversity and Endemism

Analysis based on camera captures indicate that the chacma baboon Papio ursinus and bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia, as observed using track “recce” transects, are dominant in the WJV study area. However, species distribution and habitat preference indicated that the scrub hare Lepus saxatilis and Cape hare Lepus capensis are co-dominant in the Acacia nilotica - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland (Habitat 1.1), with the steenbok Raphicerus campestris being sub-dominant. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 1.23 indicate very poor mammal representation with widely scattered distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

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In the Euphorbia ingens -Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland (Habitat 1.2) the chacma baboon Papio ursinus is dominant, with the bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia being sub-dominant but at much lower encounters. Other species frequently captured on camera are the scrub hare Lepus saxatilis, slender mongoose Herpestes sanguinea, small-spotted genet Genetta, spring hare Pedetes capensis (restricted to deep sandy soils in this habitat) and Smith’s bush squirrel Paraxerus cepapi. Also present are the Southern lesser galago moholi, steenbok Raphicerus campestris, the black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas, water mongoose Atilax paludinosus, Yellow mongoose Cynictis penicillate and common warthog Phacochoerus africanus. Both leopard Panthera pardus and brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea were captured on camera. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 2.10 indicate moderately poor mammal representation with scattered distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

Only the black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas was observed in the Acacia karroo - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland (Habitat 1.3). The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 0.14 indicate very poor mammal representation (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

The Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland (Habitat 2.1) is predominantly found on the higher altitude mountainous terrain, however, highly fragmented remnants are present at low altitudes where a dominance of steenbok Raphicerus campestris and bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia were recorded. Also prevalent is the vervet monkey Chlorocebus pygerythrus and chacma baboon Papio ursinus. Other species captured are the greater kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros, slender mongoose Herpestes sanguinea and porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis. The brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea were also captured on camera. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 1.91 indicate moderately poor mammal representation with highly variable and scattered distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

The Burkea africana - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland (Habitat 2.2) generally forms a continuum with the Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland (Habitat 2.1). Subsequently, many of the mammals observed occur in both habitat types. The dominant species observed is the bush duiker Sylvicapra grimmia, with Smith’s bush squirrel Paraxerus cepapi, the chacma baboon Papio ursinus and black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas being sub-dominant. Other species present are the steenbok Raphicerus campestris, slender mongoose Herpestes sanguinea and Cape hare Lepus capensis. Also captured are the vervet monkey Chlorocebus pygerythrus, porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis and scrub hare Lepus saxatilis. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 1.98 indicate moderately poor mammal representation with habitat scattered distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

The Mimusops zeyheri - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland (Habitat 2.3) is highly fragmented with relatively poor species representation or specialization, however, no mammal species were captured on camera.

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Based on observations during both survey periods it is found that no endemic larger mammal species are present and that the only endangered species observed are the vulnerable (VU) leopard Panthera pardus and the Near Threatened (NT) brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea. Habitat preference and availability of natural resources plays a major role in mammal distribution patterns and significant differences are present in the WJV study area based on ANOVA analysis (F= 4.26, F critical= 2.30, P= 0.5, df= 5) and verified using the Mann-Whitney non-parametric U-test. Small Mammal Trapping Survey Species Accumulation curves (SAC)

A SAC analysis performed on the number of species (n = 7) accumulated over the number of sites/trap nights surveyed by using Sherman and spindle live trapping, conducted in the study area during the dry season survey period (June 2018), revealed that 90% of the number of species observed was already reached after surveying 9 sites (1272 trap nights; 63% of survey effort) with the remaining three sites (720 trap nights; 38% of survey effort) only yielding one new species. This survey effort culminated in the capture of 101 animals and the identification of seven rodent species. A further two incidental captures (one additional species) was obtained from another biodiversity team using pitfall trap arrays; however, this data was not used in the calculation of goodness of fit. The regression fitted to the plot indicated that the survey effort for the survey period (Figure 28), using capture data from Sherman and spindle trapping only, was moderately poor (R² = 0.74, P < 0.05) and that although slightly below the desired level of fit, the data was nevertheless reasonably explained by the fit of the regression. Additional sampling effort required for recording a single new species is calculated as 720 trap nights (which at 160 traps deployed per night represents 4.5 nights of active sampling).

A SAC analysis performed on the number of species (n = 10) accumulated over the number of sites/trap nights surveyed by using Sherman live trapping only, conducted in the WJV study area during the wet season survey period (April 2019), revealed that 90% of the number of species observed was already reached after surveying four sites (480 trap nights; 25% of survey effort) with the remaining eight sites (1440 trap nights; 75% of survey effort) only yielding one new species. This survey effort culminated in the capture of 183 animals and the identification of 10 rodent species. A further 10 incidental captures (two additional species) was obtained from another biodiversity team using pitfall trap arrays; however, this data was not used in the calculation of goodness of fit. The regression fitted to the plot indicated that the survey effort for the survey period, using capture data from Sherman trapping only, was moderately good (R² = 0.82, P < 0.05) and that although slightly below the desired level of fit, the data was nevertheless reasonably explained by the fit of the regression. Additional sampling effort required for recording a single new species is calculated as 1440 trap nights (which at 160 traps deployed per night represents 9 nights of active sampling).

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The collated summary analysis for species accumulation during both survey periods resulted in 284 captures, which led to the identification of 11 rodent species over a combined period of 3912 trap nights. Logarithmic regression fit to the collated data for both survey periods was satisfactory (R² = 0.77, P < 0.05) and explains nearly all data points; a visually obvious “flattening” of the curve is present, indicating that species observations will not significantly increase with further increased survey effort. During the dry season survey period (June 2018), 101 rodents were captured, with 5.07 animals captured per 100 trap nights. The rodent most often captured using this live trapping technique is the co-dominant Namaqua veld rat Aethomys namaquensis and bushveld gerbil Gerbilliscus leucogaster. The southern spiny mouse Acomys spinosissimus, Southern African multi-mammate mouse Mastomys coucha, Eastern rock sengi Elephantulus myurus and Cape pouched mouse Saccostomus campestris are considered sub-dominant.

Figure 28: SAC performed on the Sherman and spindle trap data collected during the survey period (5 to 18 June 2018) in the WJV Project Area.

Collated data Scientific Family Common name Total % TS Species Diversity name captured Tc/Tn*100 captured index

MACROSCELIDIDAE Elephantulus Eastern rock sengi 11 0.55 6 -0.23 myurus MURIDAE Acomys Southern spiny 9 13 0.65 -0.29 spinosissimus mouse MURIDAE Aethomys Namaqua veld rat 28 1.41 10 -0.30 namaquensis MURIDAE Gerbilliscus Bushveld gerbil 24 1.20 17 -0.36 leucogaster MURIDAE Mastomys Southern African 9 13 0.65 -0.29 coucha multi-mammate

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mouse MURIDAE Mus minutoides Tiny pigmy mouse 2 0.10 2 -0.11 MURIDAE Saccostomus Cape pouched 6 10 0.50 -0.23 campestris mouse SORICIDAE Crocidura hirta Lesser red shrew 0 0 0 0 101 5.07 59 1.81 Table 40: Capture success based on using Sherman and spindle traps in the WJV Project Area.

The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 1.95 also indicated moderately poor mammal representation with fragmented distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002). Collated data from both survey periods culminated in the capture of 284 rodent species at a capture rate of 7.26 animals per 100 trap nights. The co-dominant species are the Namaqua veld rat Aethomys namaquensis, Cape pouched mouse Saccostomus campestris, bushveld gerbil Gerbilliscus leucogaster and Southern African multi-mammate mouse Mastomys coucha (Table 40). The Eastern rock sengi Elephantulus myurus is considered sub-dominant. Other rodents, at much lower capture rates are the grey African climbing mouse Dendromus melanotis, single-striped grass mouse Lemniscomys rosalia and tiny pygmy mouse Mus minutoides. The dominant incidental species obtained from other biodiversity survey trap arrays is the lesser red shrew Crocidura hirta. The Sorensen coefficient for the respective two survey periods is 0.70, indicating a moderately high similarity. The rodent most often captured using this live trapping technique is the co-dominant and southern spiny mouse Acomys spinosissimus (Figure 29). The Southern African multi- mammate mouse Mastomys coucha and bushveld gerbil Gerbilliscus leucogaster are considered sub-dominant. Other ubiquitous species present include the Eastern rock sengi Elephantulus myurus and single-striped grass mouse Lemniscomys rosalia. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 1.94 accentuate the moderately poor mammal representation and fragmented distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002). Habitat preference, diversity and endemism

Analysis based on habitat preference and species distribution (Figure 29) indicated that the Namaqua veld rat Aethomys (Micaelamys) namaquensis, the Cape pouched mouse Saccostomus campestris and the southern spiny mouse Acomys spinosissimus are dominant, with the southern African multi-mammate mouse Mastomys coucha being sub- dominant. The eastern rock sengi Elephantulus myurus is dominant in terrain features such as rocky ridges and exposed promontories. However, in the Acacia nilotica - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland (Habitat 1.1) the Cape pouched mouse Saccostomus campestris is dominant, with the bushveld gerbil Gerbilliscus leucogaster and southern spiny mouse Acomys spinosissimus being sub-dominant at much lower capture frequencies. Other species captured include the woodland thicket rat Grammomys dolichurus and the southern African multi-mammate mouse Mastomys coucha. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 1.12 indicate poor mammal representation with fragmented distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

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Figure 29: Small mammal capture success based on habitat clusters in the WJV Project Area.

The Euphorbia ingens -Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland (Habitat 1.2) is dominated by the bushveld gerbil Gerbilliscus leucogaster and southern spiny mouse Acomys spinosissimus. Other species captured include the Namaqua veld rat Aethomys (Micaelamys) namaquensis and Cape pouched mouse Saccostomus campestris. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 1.25 indicate poor mammal representation with fragmented distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

The Acacia karroo - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland (Habitat 1.3) is dominated by the southern spiny mouse Acomys spinosissimus. The Cape pouched mouse Saccostomus campestris and single-striped grass mouse Lemniscomys rosalia are sub-dominant, albeit at much lower capture frequencies. Other species captured include the southern African multi-mammate mouse Mastomys coucha, grey southern African climbing mouse Dendromus melanotis, Namaqua veld rat Aethomys (Micaelamys) namaquensis, the bushveld gerbil Gerbilliscus leucogaster and Sundevall's Acacia rat Thallomys paedulcus (relegated to Acacia vegetation only). The calculated Shannon- Wiener diversity index score of 1.64 also indicating poor mammal representation (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

The Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland (Habitat 2.1) is predominantly found on the higher altitude mountainous terrain, however, highly fragmented remnants are present at low altitudes where a dominance of bushveld gerbil Gerbilliscus leucogaster and Cape pouched mouse Saccostomus campestris is present. The southern spiny mouse Acomys spinosissimus is considered sub-dominant. Other species captured include the Namaqua veld rat Aethomys (Micaelamys) namaquensis, tiny pygmy mouse Mus minutoides, single-striped grass mouse Lemniscomys rosalia and the southern African multi-mammate mouse Mastomys coucha.

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The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 1.49 indicate poor mammal representation with fragmented distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

The Burkea africana - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland (Habitat 2.2) is dominated by the Namaqua veld rat Aethomys (Micaelamys) namaquensis, with the southern African multi-mammate mouse Mastomys coucha being sub-dominant. However, the eastern rock sengi Elephantulus myurus (associated with rocky terrain features) and southern spiny mouse Acomys spinosissimus also occur at relatively high frequencies. Other species present include the bushveld gerbil Gerbilliscus leucogaster and the Cape pouched mouse Saccostomus campestris. The calculated Shannon-Wiener diversity index score of 1.62 indicate poor mammal representation with fragmented distribution patterns (May, 1975; Mugatha 2002).

The Mimusops zeyheri - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland – woodland (Habitat 2.3) is highly fragmented with relatively poor species representation or specialization, and no small mammal species were captured.

Based on observations during both survey periods it is found that no endemic small mammal species are present and that all are classified as Low Concern (Lc). Habitat preference plays a major role in mammal distribution patterns such as eastern rock sengi Elephantulus myurus, generally associated with rocky terrain features and the Sundevall's Acacia rat’s Thallomys paedulcus association with Acacia trees. Although, habitat preference and availability of natural resources will invariably play a major role in the distribution patterns observed, no significant differences in the distribution of mammal species between different habitat types are present in the WJV study area based on ANOVA analysis (F= 1.92, F critical= 2.30, P= 0.5, df= 5). IUCN Red List Checks and other priority lists

Of the more than 250 species of mammals expected to be present in South Africa, 36 animals are considered endemic to the country (IUCN 2018). Based on the mammal species expected to occur within a 100 km radius around the WJV study area (Appendix 7.2) and considering that many of these animals are also considered habitat specific, some species absent from the survey data were further investigated to determine possible reasons for not being recorded. After consideration of habitat requirements, such as permanent river systems and wetlands that are absent from the actual study area, the expected list of terrestrial mammal species could be reduced to 86 species most likely to occur. Based on the terrestrial animals encountered, a total of 36 different terrestrial mammal species (42% of expected species) have thus been confirmed to occur in the study area. Although none of these species were classified as endemics, the leopard Panthera pardus (VU) is under threat and population numbers are decreasing nationally (Table 41). The brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea (NT), although maintaining population numbers, is also increasingly under threat due to increased human encroachment and associated habitat

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destruction. Furthermore, six other animal populations are steadily decreasing i.e. African wild cat Felis silvestris, water mongoose Atilax paludinosus, Cape hare Lepus capensis, scrub hare Lepus saxatilis, honey badger Mellivora capensis and common warthog Phacochoerus africanus, due to habitat loss. Population trends for caracal, Jameson’s rock rabbit Pronolagus randensis, aardvark Orycteropus afer, springhare Pedetes capensis and the lesser red shrew Crocidura hirta are unknown and further studies will be required to determine national viability of these populations. The population trends for all other terrestrial mammal populations (24 species) encountered in the WJV study area are considered stable.

Scientific Red list Population Family Common name Endemism name status trend BOVINDAE Oreotragus Klipspringer LC Stable No BOVINDAE Raphicerus Steenbok LC Stable No campestris BOVINDAE Sylvicapra Bush duiker LC Stable No grimmia BOVINDAE Tragelaphus Greater kudu LC Stable No strepsiceros CANIDAE Canis Black-backed LC Stable No mesomelas jackal CERCOPITHECIDAE Chlorocebus Vervet monkey LC Stable No pygerythrus CERCOPITHECIDAE Papio ursinus Chacma baboon LC Stable No FELIDAE Caracal Caracal LC Unknown No FELIDAE Felis silvestris African wild cat LC Decreasing No FELIDAE Panthera Leopard VU Decreasing No pardus GALAGONIDAE Galago moholi Southern lesser LC No Stable galago HERPESTIDAE Atilax Water mongoose LC Decreasing No paludinosus HERPESTIDAE Cynictis Yellow mongoose LC Stable No penicillata HERPESTIDAE Herpestes Slender LC Stable No sanguinea mongoose HERPESTIDAE Mungos Banded LC Stable No mungo mongoose HYAENIDAE Parahyaena Brown hyena Stable No NT brunnea HYSTRICIDAE Hystrix Porcupine LC Stable No africaeaustralis LEPORIDAE Lepus Cape hare LC Decreasing No capensis LEPORIDAE Lepus saxatilis Scrub hare LC Decreasing No LEPORIDAE Pronolagus Jameson's red LC No Unknown randensis rock rabbit MACROSCELIDIDAE Elephantulus Eastern rock sengi LC Stable No myurus MURIDAE Acomys Southern spiny LC Stable No spinosissimus mouse MURIDAE Aethomys Namaqua veld rat LC Stable No namaquensis MURIDAE Gerbilliscus Bushveld gerbil LC Stable No leucogaster MURIDAE Mastomys Southern African LC Stable No

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coucha multi-mammate mouse MURIDAE Mus Tiny pigmy mouse LC Stable No minutoides MURIDAE Saccostomus Cape pouched LC Stable No campestris mouse MUSTELIDAE Mellivora Honey badger LC No Decreasing capensis NESOMYIDAE Cricetomys Southern giant LC No Stable ansorgei pouched rat ORYCTEROPODIDAE Orycteropus Aardvark LC No Unknown afer PEDETIDAE Pedetes Spring hare LC No Unknown capensis PROCAVIDAE Procavia Rock hyrax LC No Stable capensis SCIURIDAE Paraxerus Smith's bush LC No Stable cepapi squirrel SORICIDAE Crocidura hirta Lesser red shrew LC Unknown No SUIDAE Phacochoerus Common warthog LC No Decreasing africanus VIVERRIDAE Genetta Small spotted LC No Stable genet Table 41: IUCN Red List of mammals observed in the WJV Project Area

10.4.3 Fauna – Avifauna Species Accumulation Curve (SAC)

Dry season survey (June 2018)

The SAC for all bird point counts across all habitat units during the dry season reached an asymptote at approximately 25 point counts (Figure 29). The sampling sufficiency captured approximately 82 % of the number of species predicted by the Michaelis-Menten model, while 90 % of the predicted species was captured at 48 counts. According to Figure 29, 96 % of the predicted species was captured by the total number of sampling sites (n=112). Therefore, sampling was considered sufficient and captured most of the species present on the study area during the dry season.

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The blue line represents an accumulation of one species for every additional point count. The black line is parallel to the blue one and is tangent to the SAC approximately after 25 counts (as represented by the vertical red stippled line). The green stippled line represents the Michaelis-Menten curve. Figure 29: The SAC (red line) for 112 birds points sampled in the WJV Project Area.

Wet season survey (April 2019)

The SAC ) for all bird point counts across all habitat units during the wet season reached an asymptote at approximately 32 point counts. The sampling sufficiency captured approximately 82 % of the number of species predicted by the Michaelis-Menten model, while 90 % of the predicted species was captured at 62 counts. 91 % of the predicted species was captured by the total number of sampling sites (n=70). Therefore, sampling was considered sufficient and captured most of the species present on the study area during the wet season. Taxonomic Diversity Regional Perspective

According to the South African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP1 & SABAP2), approximately 277 bird species have been recorded in the quarter degree square that is sympatric to the study region. This equates to approximately 28% of the approximate 976 species listed for the southern African sub-region and approximately 32% of the 856 species recorded within

South Africa23. However, the SABAP2 database24 for the entire study area is 186 species (across nine pentad grids). According to personal and public observations, the average number of species observed per pentad grid within a given time (ca. 2 to 6 hours) is approximately 59.86 bird species (range=26 to 128 species). This is lower than the regional SABAP1 statistic and best explained by factors such as poor access or coverage

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of the area by citizen scientists. On a national scale, the species richness per pentad (106 to 140 species) in the WJV study area is considered moderately high. Local Perspective

The study area is expected to support approximately 271 bird species according to available habitat types. Of these, 218 species (including 204 confirmed during the wet season of April 2019 and 153 species during the dry season of June 2018) were confirmed during the dry and wet season surveys, including five threatened and one near threatened species. The observed number of species represents 59% of the expected number of species (Table 42). The observed species richness also equates to 18% of the approximate 856 species listed for South Africa (including and ). The observed total excludes Palaearctic and intra-African migratory species which represents 8% of the expected richness (c. 22 species, mainly cuckoos, warblers and swallows). These species were absent from the study area during the austral dry season. Although additional species (mainly cuckoos) are expected per unit area (e.g. during the austral summer), the observed species provides realistic evidence of the bird richness in the area (c. >80% of the expected number of species was sampled).

% of % of Expected Observed Parameter national expected number number estimate estimate Total number of species 271 32 218 80 Number of Red Listed species (Taylor et al. 12 9 6 50 2015; IUCN 2017) Number of biome-restricted species (Marnewick et al. 2015 – Kalahari-Highveld, 7 26 7 100 East African Coastal and Zambezian Biome) Number of national endemics (BirdLife SA 2 5 0 0 2018) Number of national near-endemics (BirdLife 3 10 2 66 SA 2018) Number of regional endemics (Hockey et al. 12 12 8 66 2005) Number of regional near-endemics (Hockey et 22 35 18 82 al. 2005) Table 42: Total number of Red Listed (Taylor et al. 2015; IUCN 2017), endemics and biome- restricted species (Marnewick et al. 2015) expected and observed species in the WJV Project Area.

It is evident from Table 42 that the observed totals, except for the biome-restricted species and regional near-endemics, fall below 50% of the expected total. It means that the number of observed species is positively correlated with the ecological condition of the terrestrial habitat types on the study area (as evidenced during the dry season) and the biogeographic process that may occur. It is possible that biogeographic processes, such as vicariance and other speciation events at high-altitude inselbergs (e.g. Blouberg mountain) are less perceptible on the study area. Therefore, the study area is poorly represented by local and regional endemic species, although it contains all the expected Biome-restricted species and 80% of the regional near endemic species. The observed Biome -restricted species (Table 43) include three species with Zambezian affinities, three

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species with Kalahari-Highveld affinities and one East African coastal species i.e. gorgeous bush-shrike Telophorus viridis that was recorded for the first time in the area.

Species English name Biome Occurrence in Project Area Calamonastes Barred wren-warbler Kalahari-Highveld Fairly abundant in microphyllous fasciolatus woodland (Acacia nilotica - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland) Cercotrichas Kalahari scrub-robin Kalahari-Highveld Fairly abundant in microphyllous paena woodland (Acacia nilotica - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland) Certhilauda Short-clawed lark Kalahari-Highveld Uncommon to rare and localised to chuana open microphyllous woodland Cossypha White-throated Zambezian Abundant, mainly in mesic woodland humeralis robin-chat (Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland) Cynnyris White-bellied Zambezian Dominant, abundant and widespread talatala sunbird Telophorus Gorgeous bush- East-African Dense mesic thickets on higher lying viridis shrike coast areas located within ravines Turdus Kurrichane Zambezian Uncommon, mainly associated with libonyana dense woodland and ravines Table 43: Summary of biome-restricted species observed in the WJV Project Area. Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA’s)

The avifaunal importance of an area is often analysed based on BirdLife International's criteria to evaluate and identify Important Bird Areas ("IBAs"). The criteria used by the BirdLife International Secretariat (Fishpool 1997) are outlined below:

 Category A1: The regular presence of significant numbers of globally threatened species. Only IUCN species listed as Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable are considered. The regular presence of a Critical or Endangered species, irrespective of population size, at a site may be enough for the site to qualify as an IBA. For Vulnerable species, the presence of more than threshold numbers at a site is necessary to trigger selection;  Category A2: The area holds a significant component of a group of species whose breeding distributions is restricted to an Endemic Bird Area ("EBA") or Secondary Area (SA). In other words, an EBA provides habitat for two or more species with restricted ranges co-occurring and have global distributions of less than 50 000 km2. It is noteworthy that 70% of these species are also globally threatened. A Secondary Area holds one or more restricted-range species but does not qualify as an EBA because less than two species are entirely confined to it. A typical Secondary Area includes a single restricted-range species, which does not overlap in distribution with any other restricted-range species. For Secondary Areas, species occur where there are disjunct records of one or more restricted-range species, which are clearly geographically separate from any of the EBAs;

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 Category A3: The area holds significant numbers of species whose distributions are largely confined to one biome. These species have shared distributions greater than 50 000 km2; and  Category A4: The area may also qualify on any one or more of the following four criteria listed below, the area is known:

o to hold on a regular basis 1% of a biogeographic population of a congregatory water bird species. o to hold on a regular basis 1% of the global population of a congregatory seabird or terrestrial species. o or thought to hold on a regular basis more or less 20 000 water birds or more or less 10 000 pairs of seabirds of one or more species. o or thought to exceed thresholds set for migratory species at bottleneck sites.

The Project Area is located 13 km south of the global Blouberg IBA, a partially protected area of approximately 36 270 ha, with the focus being the world's largest colony of Cape vultures Gyps coprotheres (Marnewick et al. 2015). It is also the only locality in South Africa where Rüppell's vulture Gyps rueppellii is regularly observed. The IBA provides breeding habitat for 900 to 1000 pairs of Cape vultures, which are also regularly observed foraging over the Project Area. Small satellite breeding colonies of Cape vultures also used to breed in past at some of the nearby farms (Millbank, Leipsig and Glenferness) but these no longer exists. The following biome-restricted globally threatened (Table 44) and Nationally threatened (Table 45) bird species also occur at the Blouberg IBA. Some of the bird species were also recorded on the Project Area i.e. southern pied babbler Turdoides bicolor, Kalahari scrub robin Cercotrichas paena, white-throated robin-chat Cossypha humeralis, barred wren-warbler Calamonastes fasciolatus and gorgeous bush-shrike Telophorus viridis.

Approx # of Mean Total Scientific name Common name Status breeding Nr (Max) pairs Gyps coprotheres Cape vulture Endangered 900-1000* 1700-1900** Gyps africanus White-backed vulture Critically endangered OV Polemaetus bellicosus Martial eagle Vulnerable 1-2** 3-4** Bucorvus leadbeateri Southern Ground-hornbill Vulnerable 2-3** 10-20** * - Numbers derived from Marnewick et al. (2015). ** - Numbers derived from Barnes (1998). OV - occasional visitor Table 44: Globally threatened / Near Threatened bird species (IUCN 2017) at the Blouberg IBA.

Approx # of Mean Total Scientific name Common name Status breeding Nr (Max) pairs Ciconia nigra Black stork Vulnerable - 2-3** ** - Numbers derived from Barnes (1998). Table 45: Nationally threatened / Near Threatened bird species (Taylor et al. 2015) at the Blouberg IBA.

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Appendix 7.2 provides an overview of the threatened and near threatened bird species that could occur on the Project Area based on their respective distribution ranges and the presence of suitable habitat. At least 12 Species are known to occur in the region, of which five species were confirmed during the survey (these are considered as residents and / or regular foraging visitors). Nine of the 12 species are threatened and three are near- threatened. Other noteworthy species confirmed from the Project Area include the globally Critically Endangered (CR) white-backed vulture Gyps africanus, the: globally endangered (EN) Cape vulture Gyps coprotheres, regionally vulnerable (V) lanner falcon Falco biarmicus, vulnerable (V) Verreaux's eagle Aquila verreauxii and regionally near threatened (NT) short-clawed lark Certhilauda chuana.

Verreaux's eagle Aquila verreauxii, lanner falcon Falco biarmicus and short-clawed lark Certhilauda chuana are suspected to be resident on the Project Area, with two vulture species considered as regular foraging visitors to the WJV Project Area. The high frequency of occurrence of these species is supported by high SABAP2 reporting rates, especially for lanner falcons (c. 40%) and Cape vultures (c. 70%).

Another two of the species i.e. secretary bird Sagittarius serpentarius and black stork Ciconia nigra could be present due to the occurrence of potential foraging and roosting habitat. The black stork has been recorded from the area (sensu SABAP2) and is regarded as an occasional visitor to the WJV Project Area. The storks are probably foraging individuals from the neighbouring Blouberg IBA. However, the steep south- and east- facing cliffs of the escarpment and rock faces provide optimal roosting and even breeding habitat for black storks. The Project Area also provides extensive foraging habitat for secretary birds, especially the Burkea africana - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open woodland on the lower lying, gentle north-west facing slopes. However, it is seemingly absent from the area even though suitable habitat exists, with a plausible explanation for the absence of this species being the disturbances caused by livestock and anthropogenic activities in the area. However, this assumption requires further investigation, since the absence black stork could also be due seasonality. The remaining five species are regarded as uncommon, irregular foraging visitors or rare residents (e.g. Kori bustard Ardeotis kori) to the WJV Project Area.

The following species accounts have reference to taxa confirmed on the Project Area:

Lanner falcon Falco biarmicus

Falco biarmicus is a common species within its global distribution range, where it occurs from south-eastern Europe to the Middle East, south-west Asia and across most of Africa (Jenkins 2005). The global population consists of more than 30 000 breeding pairs, with approximately 1400 pairs confined to the eastern parts of South Africa (Tarboton & Allen 1984). The national conservation status of this species was recently upgraded from Near

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threatened to Vulnerable, due to persistent transformation of suitable foraging habitat (e.g. open areas) to make way for agricultural land and disturbances at nesting sites.

This species is often associated with hills, ridges and mountain ranges, where it prefers to nest on steep and inaccessible cliffs. It prefers to forage over open terrain and will hunt indiscriminately over almost any open area with suitable prey (mainly terrestrial birds such as francolins and lapwings), although water holes located within open woodland is also preferred. It is regarded as a breeding resident on the Project Area, with at least 2 to 3 pairs present. One pair was observed investigating a nesting site, while another observation refers to a suspected nest site.

Cape vulture Gyps coprotheres and white-backed vulture Gyps africanus

Two species of large-bodied scavenging raptors are present: Cape vulture Gyps coprotheres and white-backed vulture Gyps africanus. These were formerly listed as vulnerable in South Africa (Barnes 1998), although recent evidence based on global declining trends has upgraded the Cape vulture status to endangered and the white- backed vulture to critically endangered (BirdLife International 2015a; 2015b). Of these, only the Cape vulture is regarded as a regular foraging visitor to the WJV Project Area, of which the steep south- and east-facing cliffs provide potential roosting and even breeding habitat. However, Cape vultures were not observed roosting or breeding on site during the survey and all observations pertain to foraging individuals that are part of the breeding colony at the nearby Blouberg IBA - the largest Cape vulture colony in the world. A total of 61 individuals were observed during the dry season survey period, consisting of 56 adult birds and five immature birds (with up to 20 individuals counted during a single session). A small satellite breeding colony used to occur at the cliffs on the adjacent Millbank farm (Marnewick et al. 2015).

The white-backed vulture is considered as an occasional foraging visitor, which often co- occurs with soaring Cape vultures. Three individual birds were observed during the survey, consisting of two adults and one sub-adult.

Both vulture species utilise the entire WJV Project Area during foraging bouts and their occurrence depends on the availability of food. However, it was evident that the steep cliffs and escarpment provided essential updrafts for these birds to enable them to soar across the landscape.

According to anecdotal vantage point surveys, it appears that most birds fly in a south- easterly direction from Blouberg towards the Project Area, whereby they change to a south-westward direction along the escarpment until they reach the southern tip of the escarpment. From here they accent (soar spirally) and retrace their flight route back towards Blouberg.

Verreaux's' eagle Aquila verreauxii

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The regional population of Verreaux's' eagle Aquila verreauxii is classified as vulnerable, owing to a population reduction of 42% since 1993 (Taylor et al. 2015). The species is restricted to mountainous terrain or habitat with prominent hills and koppies, where it preys mainly on rock hyrax Procavia capensis. The home range of one pair of adult birds overlaps with the Project Area, which is not surprising given the high abundance of available hyrax prey. Most of the observations of this species were from the edge of the escarpment on the north-eastern part of the Project Area.

Short-clawed lark Certhilauda chuana

The regional population of short-clawed lark Certhilauda chuana is suspected to be declining, with less than 5000 mature individuals (Taylor et al. 2015). It is classified as near-threatened and is a near endemic species vulnerable towards habitat loss, mainly owing to urbanisation, bush encroachment and inappropriate burning regimes. It appears that the bulk of the regional population is associated with rural landscapes and traditional agricultural areas. It favours semi-arid Vachellia (Acacia) shrubland with short grass and scattered low bush, similar in structure to the dominant Acacia nilotica - Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea shrubland in the WJV Project Area but will be absent from areas of dense vegetation. The sub-population on the Project Area was highly localised, uncommon and mainly recorded on the southern plains on old secondary land that were grazed by livestock or areas that were historically used as agricultural land. In addition, the sub-population of the Project Area is part of an isolated regional population, which is confined to the Polokwane Plateau.

It was not possible to estimate the entire extent of occurrence of the sub-population on the WJV Project Area, since the timing of the survey coincided with the dry season when this species is not actively displaying or calling. Therefore, most individuals will be overlooked, whereby it is highly recommended that a follow-up survey be conducted in summer to determine the approximate extent of occurrence of the species on the Project Area and the size of the sub-population (relative density).

Black Stork Ciconia nigra

The regional population of Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) has declined dramatically, with less than 1 000 mature individuals (Taylor et al., 2015). It is a solitary cliff nester and breeding habitat is therefore tied to mountainous regions. However, it is a piscivorous species and dependent on foraging habitat such as pans and dams containing fish. Such habitat was rare on the study site, and most of the ephemeral dams were not inundated during the survey period. The only reliable foraging habitat in close proximity to the study area occurs along the Seepabana River which is located to the south of the study area. The Black Stork is regarded as an occasional visitor to the study area. However, the study area provides suitable roosting habitat as well as potential breeding habitat. One adult individual was observed soaring overhead (14 April 2019).

Page 220 Novelties and “Out-of-Range” Species

Several observed bird species represent new records for the area, since they are either fully or marginally out of range according to their respective known distribution ranges. Some of these species are confined to forested or mesic (moist) thicket habitat at the extreme western edge of the Soutpansberg and Blouberg mountain continuum and northern edge of the Waterberg. They, therefore, include species that are at the western boundary of their distribution range.

Most of these species have simply not been observed in the region owing to the paucity of dedicated citizen scientists (e.g. the birding fraternity) visiting the area. However, these observations include overlooked species that were not previously recorded in the area during SABAP1 ("full out of range" species), which include the following:

 Retz's helmet shrike Prionops retzii - Two independent observations from two groups observed in Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland;  African cuckoo-hawk Aviceda cuculoides - A single observation of an adult bird flying along the escarpment edge;  Ashy flycatcher Muscicapa caerulescens - Two observations of two pairs from wooded ravines and mesic thicket;  Scarlet-chested sunbird Chalcomitra senegalensis - At least two independent observations of males corresponding to Euphorbia ingens -Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland on the plains;  African olive pigeon Columba arquatrix - Several individuals roosting in Mimusops zeyheri groves located within a narrow kloof on the north-eastern section of the Project Area;  Bearded scrub robin Cercotrichas quadrivirgata - Two observations of birds located within dense mesic thicket with a high prominence of cf. Usnea sp. Lichen; and  Collared sunbird Hedydipna collaris - Several individuals observed from wooded ravines and mesic thicket.

The following species represent marginal out of range species that were not recorded since the inception of SABAP2. They are known to occur from areas adjacent to the Project Area but have not been recorded on the Project Area.

 Bushveld Anthus caffer - At least three to four observations from Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland on the plateau;  Lesser masked weaver Ploceus intermedius - A single observation of at least five to six non-breeding individuals along the edge of mesic thicket and Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland next to a small drainage line;  Gorgeous bush-shrike Telophorus viridis - A single observation of a calling male from dense Grewia thicket near the base camp (S23˚ 19’ 09.0” E28˚ 54’ 00.8”) on top of the Makgabeng plateau;  Cape batis capensis - A pair was observed from a Mimusops zeyheri stand located in a narrow ravine on the north-eastern part of the Project Area;

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 Bronze mannikin Lonchura cucullatus - A small flock was observed feeding in a garden at Ga-Ngwepe village on the plains;  Red-headed weaver Anaplectes rubriceps - Several non-breeding individuals were observed from mixed-feeding flocks in Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland;  Striped pipit Anthus lineiventris - A single individual calling from a lightly wooded ravine.  Swallow-tailed bee-eater Merops hirundineus - Several individuals observed from Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland. This species is regarded as a regular winter visitor to the area; and  Grey tit-flycatcher Myioparus plumbeus - Two independent observations of two pairs observed from Euphorbia ingens -Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland. Birds of Prey (Non-Threatened Species)

The occurrence frequency of iconic birds of prey (herewith referring to large raptors or birds of prey with specific habitat requirements) can often be used to provide a general impression of the sensitivity of an area. In most instances, birds of prey are "K"-selected and therefore show extended breeding periods, extended periods before reaching sexual maturity and often produces small clutch sizes. They also live very long and often demonstrate high nesting site fidelities. Large birds of prey require extensive home ranges or territories and are therefore the first group of birds to become displaced during events resulting in habitat loss or disturbances.

Seven raptor species considered to be iconic birds of prey were identified on the study area (apart from those already discussed). These include the African Cuckoo-Hawk (Aviceda cucculoides), African Harrier-hawk (Polyboroides typus), African Hawk-eagle (Aquila spilogaster), Brown -eagle (Circaetus cinereus), Black-chested Snake-eagle (C. pectoralis), Steppe Buzzard (Buteo vulpinus), Wahlberg's Eagle (Hieraaetus wahlbergi) and Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pectoralis). The majority of these species occur on areas characterised by complex topographical features or extensive open broadleaved woodland (Burkea africana - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland) on north-west facing slopes.

Other smaller taxa which occur at higher densities include black-winged kite Elanus caeruleus, Gabar goshawk Micronisus gabar, shikra Accipiter badius, little sparrowhawk Accipiter minullus and rock kestrel Falco rupicolus. Bird Assemblage Structure and Composition Summary of point counts

A total of 143 bird species and 4,455 individuals were recorded from 182 bird points (both seasons combined). The data provides a combined estimate of the bird richness and their

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numbers on the study area obtained during the austral dry and wet season. A mean of 13.15 species and 24.61 individuals were recorded per point count. The highest number of species recorded from a point count was 33 species and the lowest was three species. The highest number of individuals recorded per point count was 70 individuals, and the lowest was four individuals. The mean frequency of occurrence of a bird species was 9.20% and the median was 3.31%, while the most common value (mode) was 0.55%. The latter represents those species that were encountered in only one point count. Only one species (White-bellied Sunbird Cinnyris talatala) was present in 80 % of the point counts, while five species occurred in more than 50% of all the point counts and 11 species occurred in more than 30% of all the point counts. Dominance and typical bird species

The dominant (typical) species on the WJV Project Area are presented in Table 46.Only those species that cumulatively contributed to more than 90% to the overall similarity between the point counts are presented.

Mean % Species Consistency Primary trophic guild abundance Contribution White-bellied sunbird 1.62 1.13 16.71 Cinnyris talatala Nectarivore

Dark-capped bulbul 1.19 1.00 14.48 Frugivore: upper Pycnonotus tricolor canopy gleaner White-browed scrub robin 0.87 0.89 11.61 Insectivore: lower Cercotrichas canopy foliage gleaner Chin-spot batis molitor 1.15 0.67 8.20 Insectivore: lower canopy foliage gleaner Long-billed crombec 1.02 0.55 5.96 Insectivore: lower Sylvietta rufescens canopy foliage gleaner Black-backed puffback 0.93 0.52 5.88 Insectivore: upper Dryoscopus cubla canopy foliage gleaner White-throated robin-chat 0.54 0.45 4.10 Insectivore: lower Cossypha humeralis canopy foliage gleaner Yellow-bellied greenbul 0.52 0.48 4.03 Insectivore: lower Chlorocichla flaviventris canopy foliage gleaner Golden-breasted bunting 0.71 0.39 3.88 Granivore: Lower to Emberiza flaviventris upper canopy gleaner Yellow-fronted tinkerbird 0.45 0.41 3.32 Frugivore: upper Pogoniulus chrysoconus canopy gleaner Emerald-spotted wood dove 0.42 0.32 2.29 Granivore: ground Turtur chalcospilos gleaner Marico sunbird 0.83 0.28 2.10 Nectarivore Cinnyris mariquensis Southern Boubou (Laniarius 0.54 0.27 1.72 Insectivore: upper ferrugineus) canopy foliage gleaner Black-collared barbet 0.55 0.27 1.64 Frugivore: upper Lybius torquatus canopy gleaner Southern black tit 0.41 0.22 1.15 Insectivore: upper Melaniparus canopy foliage gleaner Table 46: Typical bird species recorded on the WJV Project Area.

The three typical bird species with the highest frequency of occurrence on the Project Area include the white-bellied sunbird Cinnyris talatala, dark-capped bulbul Pycnonotus tricolor

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and white-browed scrub robin Cercotrichas leucophrys. The typical species forms part of nearly every bird assemblage and habitat unit on the Project Area and are considered widespread species. Approximately 50% of the typical species are insectivorous (either in the lower or upper canopy), while 30% are large to small bodied frugivores (consuming fruit). The remaining species are facultative nectarivores (sunbirds) and ground foraging granivores (feeding on seeds). Two of the typical species are restricted to the Zambezian biome. Seasonality

A total of 204 bird species were recorded during the wet season (April) 2019) and 153 species recorded during the dry season (June, 2018). The main differences in the compositions between the two seasons were the presence for Palaearctic non-breeding visitors and intra-tropical visitors during the wet season. Typical Palaearctic non-breeding visitors include swallows and martins (e.g. barn swallow Hirundo rustica and common house-martin Delichon urbicum), some swifts (e.g. common swift Apus apus), warblers (willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus, garden warbler Sylvia borin and Icterine warbler Hippolais icterina), flycatchers (spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata), bee-eaters (European bee-eater Merops apiaster), Steppe buzzard Buteo vulpinu) and Lanius shrikes (red-backed shrike Lanius collurio and lesser grey shrike L. minor). Typical intra-tropical visitors include cuckoos (e.g. Diederik Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius and Klaas' Cuckoo C. klaas), African Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone viridis), Wahlberg's Eagle (Hieraaetus wahlbergi) and certain nightjars (Rufous-cheeked Nightjar Caprimulgus rufigena). An analysis of point count data shows that the seasonal differences in the compositions in the major broad-scale habitat units are not statistically different (ANOSIM Global R = 0.1; p=0.001. Only slight differences occur due to the recruitment of Palaearctic visitors such as warblers and flycatchers in the wet season (also evident on the MDS, more dry season samples clustering among each other, and less overlap with wet season samples). A 122 species were recorded from the point counts during the wet season survey, and 108 species (in the absence of migratory species) were recorded from point counts during the dry season survey. Trophic Guild Profile

An analysis of the primary tropic guilds of the bird species on the study area shows that more than 50 % of the composition consists of nectarivores (mainly facultative nectar- feeding sunbirds) during the dry season. During the dry season survey, flocking (congregation) was noticed by nectarivores and frugivores at flowering parasitic plants of the Tapinanthus (Loranthaceae). The congregation of these birds were responsible for the high proportion of nectarivores and frugivores27 on the site. During the wet season the proportion of nectarivores is reduced to 25 %, while the proportion of frugivores, insectivores and granivores increase. The observed increase of insectivores, frugivores and granivores during the wet season is proportional to the availability of invertebrate prey, fruit and seed in the wet season, with a marked reduction during the dry season. In addition, approximately 30 % of the composition on the study area consists of frugivores

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(fruit-eating birds) during the wet season, while less than 10 % of the composition consists of omnivores, herbivores, carnivores and species that feed predominantly on beeswax (during both seasons). Carnivores and birds that feed predominantly on beeswax (e.g. honeyguides) were represented by the least abundant guilds and occur in low densities on the site.

An analysis of secondary guilds (foraging strategy) shows that the highest proportion of birds (apart from the high proportion of nectarivores during the dry season) are upper canopy frugivores (e.g. barbets, tinkerbirds, bulbuls, most starlings) and lower canopy insectivore gleaners (e.g. boubou's, scrub-robins, robin-chats). These include small to medium sized and non-passerine species. Upper canopy insectivores and granivores (lower to upper canopy) are responsible for 10- 15% of the composition, while remaining guilds occupy 5 % of less of the composition. Insectivorous bark excavators (e.g. woodpeckers) and air hawkers (e.g. bee-eaters and flycatchers) occurred in low densities (<5%). Specialised insectivores were present low abundances, and were represented by freshwater foragers (e.g. Three-banded Plover Charadrius tricollaris), honeyguides and carnivores (e.g. Lanius shrikes, goshawks and sparrowhawks). Apart from the high influx of nectarivores during the dry season, it was evident that most of the abundance of each guild increased during the wet season, which is probably related to the eminent availability and diversity of invertebrate prey, seed and fruit during the wet season. From Figure 58, the nectarivores and frugivores attained higher numbers in the mesophyllous woodland/shrubland (Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland on higher lying areas). However, granivores and omnivores (mainly unspecialised taxa) attained higher numbers in the microphyllous shrubland (Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland on low lying areas). Honeyguide species (feeding on beeswax), carnivores (mainly small birds of prey) and herbivores (e.g. game birds such as spurfowl) were uncommon in both woodland/shrubland units, although the species pertaining to these guilds attained slightly higher abundances in the microphyllous shrubland.

10.4.4 Fauna - Invertebrates General Arthropod Assemblage Structure Composition and dominance

Sampling effort for the dry season survey resulted in the capture of ca. 2049 arthropod specimens belonging to 79 different morphospecies, 46 families and 11 Orders including Classes. Prominent Orders were represented by the Coleoptera (beetles) and Hymenoptera (bees and wasps), while prominent families included the Scarabaeidae (scarab beetles such as dung beetles and miniature dung chafers represented by the Aphodinae) and Tenebrionidae (darkling beetles). Considering the seasonal constraints imposed by the invertebrate survey (low ambient temperatures and unstable weather fronts), sampling effort was regarded as insufficient to

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document a representative sample of the invertebrate richness and abundance on the study area as evidenced by the species-accumulation curve in Figure 30. Therefore, the results portrays the dominant taxa that are constantly (year round) prominent. A true reflection (or "snapshot") of the actual arthropod composition can only obtained by means of detailed sampling during November - March when invertebrate activity peaks. Therefore the results presented here are not exhaustive and provide an indication of dominant taxa only. The dominant taxa/groups across all the sampling sites are summarised in Table 47. The ground-dwelling invertebrate composition is primarily dominated by coprophagous (mammalian dung feeding) and detritivore (feeding on dead organic matter) taxa, although some of the taxa also include predators (taxa that prey on other arthropods). Typical taxa include Aphodinae beetles (miniature dung chafers), Zophosis species (darkling beetles), Muscid flies (various species) and Euoniticellus intermedius (a dung beetle).

Figure 30: A SACfor arthropods collected from 12 sampling sites by means of pitfall trapping in the WJV Project Area.

% Mean Primary trophic Species Consistency Contributio abundance guild n Aphodinae sp. small 36.0 4.56 19.70 Coprophagous Zophosis spp. 21.17 4.50 17.28 Detritivore Muscidae 62.25 1.35 11.52 Pollinator/detritivore Araneomorphid spiders 5.08 1.06 7.83 Predator Euoniticellus intermedius 2.25 1.06 7.28 Coprophagous Mutillidae 1.25 0.84 4.21 Predator Pachycondyla sp. 4.83 0.53 3.46 Predator Cheironitis cf. scabrosus 1.92 0.65 3.40 Coprophagous Scarabaeus rusticus 1.08 0.66 3.32 Coprophagous Aphodinae sp. large 2.83 0.53 2.72 Coprophagous

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Spilostethus pandurus 0.50 0.53 2.72 Phytophagous Tenebrionidae sp. "striae" 1.25 0.41 1.50 Detritivore Blatellidae 1.50 0.31 1.05 Omnivore Sarcophagidae 5.08 0.29 1.03 Detritivore Tachinidae 1.83 0.31 1.03 Predator Sepsidae 1.42 0.31 1.01 Scavenger Apis mellifera 0.50 0.31 0.97 Pollinator Eurychora sp. 0.75 0.31 0.89 Detritivore Table 47: The dominant arthropod taxa / groups collected on the WJV Project Area.

A further analysis (by means of hierarchical agglomerative clustering) with reference to sampling site locality (e.g. the spatial distribution of sampling sites) shows that three discrete invertebrate assemblages are present on the Project Area during the dry season. These are represented by a mesophyllous woodland assemblage, a mixed woodland assemblage at the base of mountain slopes and a microphyllous shrubland assemblage. The mesophyllous association occurs in habitat like that of the Burkea africana - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland / woodland (see flora section for more details on the floristic structure and composition). In addition, the microphyllous shrubland association occurs in habitat like the Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea dense shrubland on low lying, south-east facing plains with coarse textured, deep soils with limited surface rock. The mixed woodland association is confined to shallow rocky soils at the base of steep south and east facing slopes.

It is evident that the highest number of invertebrate taxa (richness) and abundances were sampled from the mixed woodland, followed by the microphyllous shrubland. Lower taxon numbers and abundance values were recorded from the mesophyllous woodland. However, the Shannon-Wiener index for the mesophyllous woodland association was higher when compared to the other associations, suggesting that this association is stable and represents a primary late-successional composition. Although the Shannon-Wiener index provides a measure of richness, it also takes evenness into account. Therefore, the equitability of invertebrate numbers is evenly distributed in the mesophyllous woodland, which suggests that most of the taxa have equal abundance values, while pioneer or secondary taxa are uncommon and occur in low abundances.

The two remaining associations are experiencing more and frequent disturbances (e.g. grazing and probably also access to wood-harvesting) compared to the mesophyllous woodland, thereby explaining the higher numbers of invertebrates (secondary taxa) and lower Shannon-Wiener index values. The low index value for invertebrates in the mixed woodland is best explained by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. This habitat is essentially a late-successional habitat but is experiencing localised disturbance events (e.g. removal of wood) which create "new" habitat for generalist taxa to colonise. This colonisation of secondary taxa results in elevated richness values at local scales.

Appendix 7.2 provides an overview of the dominant invertebrate taxa in each association. Although a high overlap of taxa occurs between the associations, notable differences refer

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to the occurrence of habitat specialists and specialist predators in mesophyllous woodland, which were driven by factors such as soil type, altitude and prey availability. Also, Cheironitis cf. scabrosus is specialist dung beetle of coarse-grained soils, and hence is more abundant on habitat with deep sandy soils. Many of the Hymenopteran taxa which occur in higher numbers in the mesophyllous woodland are parasitic taxa which prey on specific invertebrate families (e.g. the larvae of moths). This kind of specialisation is more advanced in late-successional habit.

The indicator taxa (mainly taxa restricted to a habitat) of the mesophyllous woodland association include: Pteromalidae (parasitic wasps), Histeridae (predators of dung beetle larvae), Tenebrionidae sp. "flat-elong" (a darkling beetle), Chrysididae (cuckoo wasps, these are hyper-parasitoids and they parasitize other parasitic wasps) and Chalcididae (chalcidid wasps).

The indicator taxa (mainly taxa restricted to a habitat) of the mixed woodland association at lower mountain slopes include: Sarcophagidae (flesh flies), Eurychora sp. (darkling beetle), Blaberidae (cockroach), cf. Mirperus sp. (an Alydid bug), Onthophagus rasipennis, Tenebrionidae sp. "granular" (darkling beetle) and Neosisyphus cf. rubrus (dung beetle).

The indicator taxa (mainly taxa restricted to a habitat) of the microphyllous shrubland association include: Bombyliidae (bee flies), Tenebrionidae sp. "small brown" (very small darkling beetles), Copris elphenor (dung beetle), Onthophagus aeruginosus (dung beetle) and members of the Staphylinidae (rove beetles). Dung Beetles

The surveys (June 2018 & April 2019) recorded 42 dung beetle species with the addition of one species obtained from museum records.

The of the Cheironitis cf. scabrosus complex is unresolved since Cheironitis scabrosus has a distribution range centred in the arid west of the country (mainly Northern Cape and ). It is possible that Cheironitis cf. scabrosus pertaining to the study site is undescribed and awaits formal description.

Scarabaeus schulzeae is a species of potential conservation concern that occur in well- developed Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens woodland on the upper plateau of the study site. It is endemic to South Africa and a recent conservation assessment (in prep.) has classified it as Data Deficient. The distribution of this species is centred along the west-east trending Soutpansberg Mountain range where it is relatively abundant (pers. obs.). It has a very restricted extent of occurrence of 2500 km2, and in the absence of any additional collection records, Scarabaeus schulzeae may in future qualify for the IUCN threat category of Vulnerable.

Three other Data Deficient species with distribution ranges tied to the Soutpansberg range could also occur. These include Scarabaeolus niemandi, Scarabaeolus soutpansbergensis

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and Copris cambeforti. Of these, Scarabaeolus niemandi and C. cambefori was confirmed from the study area, and both were collected from deep sandveld dominated by Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens woodland. Scarabaeolus niemandi is currently only known from arid savanna on the north-facing slopes of Blouberg, the Soutpansberg and the Waterberg. Copris cambeforti is currently known from two localities (with the study site being a third locality), one from Blouberg and another from Punda Maria in Kruger National Park. S. soutpansbergensis could also occur on the study site and is currently only known from arid savanna near the Soutpansberg and from the Limpopo River valley. Scorpions

Four scorpion species were recorded during the surveys (Table 48), of which Uroplectes planimanus was the most abundant scorpion on the site. It is worth mentioning that Hadogenes soutpansbergensis and Opistophthalmus lawrencei are both endemic to the central Soutpansberg Mountain range (e.g. at Van Collers' Pass near Waterpoort). However, both H. soutpansbergensis and O. lawrencei were not recorded and probably absent from the study area.

Family Species Occurence Status Buthidae Parabuthus mossambicensis Confirmed Parabuthus transvaalicus Confirmed Uroplectes carinatus Expected Uroplectes planimanus Confirmed Uroplectes vittatus Widespread and arboreal - expected Hormuridae Opisthacanthus asper Expected Hadogenes troglodytes Confirmed Scorpionidae Opistophthalmus boehmi Peripheral, could occur(expected) Opistophthalmus glabrifrons Confirmed Table 48: A list of scorpion taxa confirmed for and expected to occur on the WJV study area, Limpopo province Theraphosid Spiders (Baboon Spiders)

Based on Dippenaar-Schoeman (2014), Dippenaar-Schoeman et al. (2010; 2013) and the online database SpiderMap, four theraphosid spider taxa are likely to occur on the Project Area. These include:

 Augacephalus junodi (Junodi's golden baboon spider);  Brachionopus pretoriae;  Ceratogyrus darlingi (South African horned baboon spider); and  Idiothele nigrofulva.

Of these, Ceratogyrus darlingi was confirmed from the Pappea capensis - Combretum molle - Grewia flavescens open shrubland - woodland on the eastern part of the study site.

Page 229 Diurnal Butterflies

Butterflies, like birds and mammals, are charismatic and obvious in nature. They qualify as a valid target group, but seldom do so as a biodiversity indicator. However, they are included in the assessment, since they are one of the few insect groups that were assessed in terms of the IUCN criteria and relatively easy to identify in the field.

Forty-five (45) butterfly species were recorded on the Project Area during the dry season survey. However, the Project Area is relatively unexplored in terms of its Lepidopteran diversity, although it appears that the genus Colotis (Family ) represents the dominant genus on the Project Area. Members of this family breed on plant species of the (e.g. Boscia albitrunca). According to Mecenero et al. (2013), none of the threatened and near threatened butterfly species listed for the Limpopo Province have known distribution ranges sympatric to the Project Area. The nearest population of a threatened butterfly species is Telchinia induna salmontana (Soutpansberg area), which occurs on the high summits and peaks of the central Soutpansberg Mountain range.

10.4.5 Fauna – Chiroptera (Bats)

A rapid bat survey was conducted, with the objective to provide a preliminary list of species on the Project Area based on acoustic recordings at selected localities. It provides a shortlist of dominant species and those species expected to occur due to the availability of suitable habitat and/or because the distribution ranges of these species coincide with the study region.

Approximately 26 bat species (Table 49) could potentially occur on the Project Area, of which 18 species have a high probability of occurrence (sensu Taylor et al. 2013). These species are present on the Project Area and include one Epomophorus fruit bat and 17 insectivorous species represented by a sheath-tailed bat Taphozousi, a leaf-nosed bat Hipposideros, a split-faced bat Nycteris, four Horseshoe bats Rhinolophus, three free- tailed bats Sauromys, Mops and Tadarida and six vespertilionid (vesper) bats represented by the genera Neoromicia, Pipistrellus, Eptesicus and Scotophilus.

Of the 26 bat species that could potentially occur, ten species were confirmed from acoustic recordings on the site. These include the Bushveld Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus simulator), Smither's Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus smithersi), Long-tailed Serotine Bat (Eptesicus hottentotus ), Cape Serotine Bat (Neoromicia capensis), African Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus hesperidus), Yellow House Bat (Scotophilus dinganii), Flat-headed Free-tail Bat (Sauromys petrophilus), Egyptian Free-tailed Bat (Tadarida aegyptiaca), Miniopterus natalensis (Natal Long-fingered Bat) and a rather poor recording of what is nearest to Mops sp. nr. M. midas. Although imputable attention was practised during the identification of the acoustic recordings, some species such as Pipistrellus, Eptesicus and Neoromicia remain extremely difficult to separate acoustically from each other without supporting morphometric data (Kearny, 2005). In addition, two additional species were putatively

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recorded on the site, but identifications remain questionable due to call overlap with other passing species with similar calls (similar acoustic parameters). These include Temminck's Hairy Bat (Myotis tricolor) and Angolan Free-tailed Bat (Mops condylurus). Miniopterus natalensis (Natal Long-fingered Bat) was absent during the dry season and was only recorded during the wet season. This species represents a migratory species that are present in summer, although it is possible that it may "hibernate" in winter in caves structures.

Conservation Family Scientific name Common name Status on site status Could occur, although Egyptian fruit Pteropodidae Rousettus aegyptiacus considered to be rare or bat uncommon. Wahlberg's Pteropodidae Epomophorus wahlbergi epauletted fruit High, likely to occur bat Mauritian tomb Emballonuridae Taphozous mauritianus High, likely to occur bat Sundevall's leaf- Hipposideridae Hipposideros caffer High, likely to occur nosed bat Egyptian slit- Nycteridae Nycteris thebaica High, likely to occur faced bat High, likely to occur (also Smither's Rhinolophidae Rhinolophus smithersi NT present at nearby horseshoe bat Blouberg). Geoffroy's Rhinolophidae Rhinolophus clivosus Could occur horseshoe bat Darling's Rhinolophidae Rhinolophus darlingi High, likely to occur horseshoe bat High, likely to occur Peak-saddle (occurs at nearby Rhinolophidae Rhinolophus blasii NT horseshoe bat Wonderkop Nature Reserve). Status uncertain - a newly described species which Rhinolophidae Rhinolophus rhodesiae was recently discovered in the Soutpansberg. Bushveld Rhinolophidae Rhinolophus simulator High, likely to occur horseshoe bat Natal long- Could occur, possible Vespertilionidae Miniopterus natalensis fingered bat migratory species. Welwitsch's Status uncertain, Vespertilionidae Myotis welwitschii hairy bat peripheral to Project Area. Temminck's Vespertilionidae Myotis tricolor Could occur hairy bat Long-tailed Vespertilionidae Eptesicus hottentotus High, likely to occur serotine bat Cape serotine Vespertilionidae Neoromicia capensis High, likely to occur bat Vespertilionidae Neoromicia zuluensis Aloe bat High, likely to occur Vespertilionidae Neoromicia nana Banana bat Could occur African Vespertilionidae Pipistrellus hesperidus High, likely to occur pipistrelle Vespertilionidae Pipistrellus rusticus Rusty bat High, likely to occur Could occur (known to be Botswana long- Vespertilionidae Laephotis botswanae very common in the eared bat Soutpansberg Mountain). Yellow house Vespertilionidae Scotophilus dinganii High, likely to occur bat Flat-headed Molossidae Sauromys petrophilus High, likely to occur free-tail bat Midas free-tailed Molossidae Mops midas Could occur bat Angolan free- Molossidae Mops condylurus Could occur tailed bat Egyptian free- Molossidae Tadarida aegyptiaca High, likely to occur tailed bat Table 49: A shortlist of expected and observed bat species on the WJV Project Area.

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The dominant species with the highest frequency of detection (e.g. "bat passes") include the bushveld horseshoe bat Rhinolophus simulator, Cape serotine bat Neoromicia capensis, African pipistrelle Pipistrellus hesperidus and Egyptian free-tailed bat Tadarida aegyptiaca. Most of these species (e.g. Neoromicia, Pipistrellus), except for Tadarida are clutter-edge foragers and these species feed between and among vegetation. However, the Egyptian free-tailed bat Tadarida aegyptiaca has narrow long wings and high wing loadings and is therefore an open- air feeder above the canopy (along with other free- tailed bat species). The horseshoe bats Rhinolophus spp. is clutter feeders and forage close to vegetation. These species have short, broad wings with low wing loadings, rendering them as poor dispersers.

Two of the 26 species that could occur are regionally near threatened (sensu Child et al. 2016). These include Smither's horseshoe bat Rhinolophus smithersi and peak-saddle horseshoe bat Rhinolophus blasii, with Rhinolophus smithersi confirmed from a broad valley on the upper plateau near the escarpment (corresponding to the mountain camp site - S23˚ 19’ 09.1” E28˚ 54’ 00.9”). Rhinolophus smithersi is a newly described and near endemic species (Taylor et al. 2012) with the core of its distribution centred in the Limpopo Valley and the Soutpansberg - Blouberg - Waterberg mountain chain. It is, therefore, almost entirely restricted to the Limpopo Province (Taylor et al. 2016). Although considered to be widespread, it is nowhere common (as evidenced by a single "bat pass" obtained during the survey) and colony sizes are small, containing less than 40 individuals. There are approximately 19 known localities (excluding the WJV study area) with an estimated population of 760 individuals. However, this estimate is probably an under-estimation since unidentified sub-populations remain to be found but the consensus is that the overall regional population is less than 1000 mature individuals (Taylor et al. 2016). It typically roosts in natural caves and rock crevices (e.g. sandstone cliffs) or old mine adits. It is not experiencing any major threats now since anthropogenic impacts within its core distribution is low. However, concern was raised (Desmet et al. 2013) that extensive planned mining operations (e.g. coal, platinum and gas) over much of the Limpopo Valley and foothills of the Soutpansberg, Waterberg and Makgabeng Plateau could impact on residing sub-populations due to habitat loss.

Rhinolophus blasii is an uncommon species represented by a small regional population of less than 2000 mature individuals consisting of 20 to 30 sub-populations (Jacobs et al. 2016). Rhinolophus blasii could occur on the WJV Project Area owing to the relatively proximity of the Wonderkop Nature Reserve, where this species is known to occur.

10.4.6 Fauna - Herpetofauna

A summary of the most relevant results of the WJV study area, Limpopo province, herpetofaunal survey is presented in Table 50, with a summary of the trapping results presented in Appendix 7.2.

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DRY SEASON: The total number of records/observations (218) is reasonably good for a dry season survey. However, the recorded reptile species richness (28 species) is a substantial underrepresentation of the true reptile species richness for this area. The results for or amphibians are even worse, with only one species having being recorded in low numbers. Likewise, the overall trapping success was extremely poor, i.e. 12 individuals and an average daily trap capture rate of 0.02.

WET SEASON: The total number of wet season reptile records/observations (276) is a small (21%) improvement on that of the dry season. The recorded wet season reptile species richness (34 species) is slightly better than the dry season tally. However, the combined reptile richness tally is 43 species, which is a 35% increase from the dry season survey. The amphibian species richness tally improved significantly from that recorded during the dry season, i.e. one vs. seven species. Trapping success was notably improved compared to the dry season, i.e. 57 individuals and an average daily trap capture rate of 0.1.

Survey details (# = number of) Dry Wet Both Number of survey days 13 14 27 Total number of reptile records/observations 182 276 494 Total number of amphibian records/observations 4 66 70 Number of reptile species 28 34 43 Number of amphibian species 1 7 7 Number of trap days 690 600 1290 Average daily trap capture rate (all herps) 0.02 0.1 0.06 Number of recorded from traps 9 22 31 Number of amphibians recorded from traps 3 35 38 Number of reptile species recorded from traps 6 8 11 Number of amphibian species recorded from traps 1 5 5 % of all reptiles captured in traps 5 8 6 % of all amphibians captured in traps 75 53 64 % of reptile species unique to traps 3.3 5.9 7 % of amphibian species unique to traps 0 28.6 28.6 Table 50: A concise summary of the wet and dry season herpetological survey results for the WJV Project Area. Reptile Species Composition and Checklist

A combined total of 43 species of reptiles were encountered during the two WJV herpetofaunal surveys, and the occurrence of one other species (Python natalensis) was confirmed by means of interviews with people from the local community. The currently recorded known species richness for the study area is thus 44 reptile species, comprised of one chelonian, 28 lizard and 15 snake species. The potential reptile species richness (i.e. confirmed occurrence and probable occurrence combined) of the WJV study area is estimated to be about 78. Brief summaries of the various reptile taxonomic groups are presented below, including of unrecorded species that may potentially occur here.

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Justifications are provided for the exclusion of species that are known from the greater region, but that are not expected to occur within the study site. .

CROCODYLIA (Crocodilians): Crocodylidae

The ADU VM records the Nile crocodile Crocodylus niloticus from 2328BC. This is presumably based on incidences where crocodiles have been established on game farms and private nature reserves to cater for the tourism industry. The habitat conditions that are required to sustain crocodiles in the wild are generally absent from the Project Area and general region and thus this species is not considered to be part of the region’s herpetofaunal makeup.

CHELONIA (Chelonians): Pelomedusidae

Historically the genus Pelomedusa was regarded as being monotypic, consisting of only the one wide-spread species Pelomedusa subrufa. However, recent molecular and morphological investigations concluded that subrufa in fact comprises of a species complex of at least 11 cryptic species (e.g. Fritz et al. 2011, 2014, 2015; Vargas-Ramírez et al. 2016). Two of these are known to occur in South Africa, and both occur within the Limpopo province. A recent review records the two species at localities close to each other, which makes sympatric occurrence a possibility (Vamberger et al. 2018). The record of Pelomedusa subrufa from the Lapalala Wilderness Area in the Waterberg region is about 75 km south-west of the study area. The record of Pelomedusa galeata is another 80 km south of the Lapalala Pelomedusa subrufa. Habitat conditions at the study area are, however, generally suboptimal for pelomedusid terrapins.  Pelomedusa subrufa (Common Helmeted Terrapin): A single specimen was recorded from an excavated soil dam on the plains. A tissue sample was collected for genetic sequencing, but for the time being it is assumed that this taxon is P. subrufa. Guild 2 Reptiles: Aquatic lifestyle.

CHELONIA (Chelonians): Testudinidae

Three species of terrestrial tortoises may potentially occur within the Project Area. These are:  Kinixys spekii (Speke's hinged tortoise): This species may potentially occur on the plains as well as on top of the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Psammobates oculifer (serrated tent tortoise): This species may potentially occur on the plains as well as on top of the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

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 Stigmochelys pardalis (leopard tortoise): This species is likely to occur on the plains as well as on top of the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

SAURIA (Lizards): Agamidae (Agaminae)

Two species of agamid lizards were recorded during the dry season survey and a third (Agama armata – Peters' ground agama) may also possibly occur.  Acanthocercus atricollis (southern treeagama): Seemingly common on trees on the plains, but no specimens were observed higher up on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 3 Reptiles: Arboreal lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Agama aculeate distanti (Distant’s ground agama): Seemingly common on the plains and on top of the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SAURIA (Lizards): Amphisbaenidae

One species of worm lizard was recorded during the dry season survey and a second (Monopeltis infuscata – dusky worm lizard) may also possibly occur:  Zygaspis quadrifrons (Kalahari dwarf worm lizard): Seemingly common on top of the Makgabeng plateau, but it presumably also occurs on the plains below. Guild 4 Reptiles: Fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SAURIA (Lizards): Chamaeleonidae

One species of chameleon is likely to occur within the Project Area:  Chamaeleo d. dilepis (common flap-neck chameleon): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 3 Reptiles: Arboreal lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

SAURIA (Lizards): Cordylidae (Cordylinae)

Two species of cordylid lizards are likely to occur within the Project Area. Records of another two cordylid species, i.e. common girdled lizard Cordylus vittifer and Van Dam's girdled lizard Smaug vandami are also known from the region, but these are unlikely to occur within the Project Area:  Cordylus jonesii (Jones' girdled lizard): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 7 Reptiles: Mixed 2 - terrestrial/arboreal lifestyle. Although this mixed habitat use makes this a generalist species, it is in fact an unusual for girdled lizards to utilise arboreal resources. Most members of the genus Cordylus are primarily rupicolous. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

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 Smaug breyeri (common girdled lizard): Likely to be present in rocky habitat on the Makgabeng plateau, and it may possibly also occur at some of the rocky outcrops on the plains. Guild 5 Reptiles: Rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

SAURIA (Lizards): Cordylidae (Platysaurinae)

The region that includes the Makgabeng plateau and several other mountainous outcrops within a radius of about 50 to 100 km can be considered as an epicentre for the genus Platysaursus (i.e. flat lizards). Collectively, at least six different taxa are known from the Makgabeng, Blouberg, Waterberg and Soutpansberg outcrops. One species was recorded during the survey, and it is likely to be the only taxon present within the Project Area. However, chances are also reasonable that two other flat lizards may be present, i.e. dwarf flat lizard Platysaurus guttatus and Waterberg flat lizard Platysaurus minor:  Platysaurus monotropis (orange-throated flat lizard): Recorded from rocky habitats on top of the Makgabeng plateau and it may possibly occur on some of the rocky outcrops on the plains. This is a Limpopo endemic with a restricted distribution range. In fact, it is also endemic to the CDM area. This is perhaps the most noteworthy reptile species of the Project Area. Guild 5 Reptiles: Rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Currently listed as Endangered, but the revised status that was submitted to IUCN may see it being down-listed to Near Threatened.

SAURIA (Lizards): Gekkonidae

At least 15 species of geckos are known from the general region. The presence of six gecko species were confirmed during the wet and dry season survey, and at least another four gecko species are likely to occur here:

 Afroedura broadleyi (Broadley's flat gecko): Likely to occur in rocky habitats on top of the Makgabeng plateau, but probably not on the rocky outcrops on the plains. This species is a Limpopo endemic that was recently described as a new species (Jacobsen et al. 2015). Guild 5 Reptiles: Rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated, but a proposal has been submitted to list it as Least Concern.  Chondrodactylus turneri (Turber’s gecko): Occurrence confirmed from rocky habitats down on the plains and up on the Makgabeng plateau. It is a habitat generalist, utilising tree and rocky habitats. Guild 10 Reptiles: Mixed 5 - arboreal/rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Hemidactylus mabouia (commontropical house gecko): Occurrence confirmed from dead trees down on the planes, and it is likely to be also present on the Makgabeng plateau. It is a habitat generalist, utilising tree and rocky habitats. Guild 10 Reptiles: Mixed 5 - arboreal/rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Homopholis arnoldi (Arnold’s velvet gecko): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. It is a habitat generalist, utilising tree and rocky habitats.

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Guild 10 Reptiles: Mixed 5 - arboreal/rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN, nor by Bates et al. (2014) because this taxon was not recognised at the time. A submission has been made to the IUCN to list it as Least Concern.  Homopholis mulleri (Muller’s velvet gecko): A Limpopo endemic. Confirmed presence on the Makgabeng plateau, with existing SARCA records <2 km from the Project Area. It is less likely to also be present down on the plains. A habitat generalist species, with both terrestrial and arboreal lifestyle affinities. Guild 7 Reptiles: Mixed 2 - terrestrial/arboreal lifestyle. IUCN status: Currently listed as Vulnerable, but the revised status that was submitted to IUCN may see it being down-listed to Least Concern.  Lygodactylus capensis (common dwarf gecko): Occurrence confirmed from within the Project Area at both the plains and Makgabeng plateau regions. It is a habitat generalist, utilising tree and rocky habitats. Guild 10 Reptiles: Mixed 5 - arboreal/rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Lygodactylus montiscaeruli (Makgabeng dwarf gecko): A Limpopo endemic. Confirmed presence on the Makgabeng plateau, with existing SARCA records <2 km from the Project Area. It probably does not occur down on the plains. Guild 5 Reptiles: Rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Currently listed as Data Deficient, but a submission has been made to the IUCN to list it as Least Concern.  Pachydactylus affinis (Transvaal gecko): Occurrence confirmed from rocky habitats down on the plains and up on the Makgabeng plateau. The taxonomy of this species is currently being revised, and it appears that the population in the Makgabeng region is an undescribed taxon. Guild 5 Reptiles: Rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Pachydactylus capensis (Cape gecko): Occurrence confirmed from the plains, and the species probably also occurs on top of the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Pachydactylus punctatus (speckled gecko): Not yet recorded from the Project Area, but likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SAURIA (Lizards): Gerrhosauridae (Gerrhosaurinae)

Three species of plated lizard are likely to occur within the Project Area, one of which was recorded during the dry season survey:  Broadleysaurus major (rough-scaled plated lizard): Likely to be present on the Makgabeng plateau, and perhaps also within rocky outcrops on the plains Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Gerrhosaurus flavigularis (yellow-throated plated lizard): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle.

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IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Matobosaurus validus (common giant plated lizard): Occurrence confirmed from rocky habitats up on the Makgabeng plateau, and it probably also occurs within rocky outcrops on the plains. Guild 5 Reptiles: Rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SAURIA (Lizards): Lacertidae

The presence of four lacertid lizard species were confirmed during the dry season survey and another two species are likely to occur here:  Heliobolus lugubris (bushveld lizard): Occurrence confirmed from sandy habitats down on the plains and up on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Ichnotropis capensis (ornate rough-scaled lizard): May potentially occur on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Meroles squamulosus (common desert lizard): Recorded from the plains, but this species probably also occurs up on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Nucras holubi (Holub’s sandveld lizard): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Nucras intertexta (spotted sandveld lizard): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Pedioplanis lineoocellata (spotted sand lizard): Occurrence confirmed from sandy habitats down on the plains and up on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SAURIA (Lizards): Scincidae (Acontinae)

Four species of legless skinks are known from the general region, but only one is likely to occur within the Project Area:  Acontias cregoi (Cregoi’s legless skink): May potentially be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 4 Reptiles: Fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

SAURIA (Lizards): Scincidae (Eugongylinae)

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Two species of snake-eyed skinks are known from the general region, but only one is likely to occur within the Project Area:  Panaspis wahlbergii (Wahlberg’s snake-eyed skink): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 - terrestrial/fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SAURIA (Lizards): Scincidae (Lygosominae)

Only one species of writhing skink is likely to occur within the Project Area:  Mochlus sundevallii (Sundevall's writhing skink): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 - terrestrial/fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

SAURIA (Lizards): Scincidae (Mabuyinae)

Eight species of typical skinks may potentially occur within the study area. The various taxa recorded during the dry season survey were not all easily identifiable. Some confusion exists in the identification of Trachylepis striata and Trachylepis punctatissima; but for the time being it is thought that both species are present within the study area. It appears as though T. striata frequents mixed habitats on the plains, whereas P. punctatissima inhabits rocky habitat on top of the Makgabeng plateau. The other group of skinks that is of taxonomic interest is the T. varia complex. Two species were recently revived from synonymy (Weinell & Bauer 2018) with T. varia. Genetic sequencing of WJV samples confirmed that T. damarana and T. laevigata occur within the study area, but T. varia is seemingly absent:

 Trachylepis capensis (Cape skink): Not yet recorded from the Project Area, but likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Trachylepis damarana (common variable skink): This taxon has previously been recorded as Trachylepis varia, and it was recorded as such from all the nine QDS that were included in the literature and database review. Tentatively it would seem as though it occurs down on the plains and up on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 9 Reptiles: Mixed 4 – terrestrial / rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but a proposal has been submitted to list it as Least Concern.  Trachylepis laevigata (striped-neck variable skink): This is the second species that was revived from the Trachylepis varia complex. If the DNA analyses show this to be different from Trachylepis varia and Trachylepis damarana, then the Makgabeng population will represent a new geographical distribution record for this species (approximately 100 km north-east of the Waterberg population). It was observed on top of the Makgabeng plateau in close sympatry with Trachylepis damarana. It probably does not occur down on the plains Guild 9 Reptiles: Mixed

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4 – terrestrial / rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but a proposal has been submitted to list it as Data Deficient.  Trachylepis margaritifer (rainbow skink): Occurrence confirmed from rocky habitats down on the plains and up on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 5 Reptiles: Rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Trachylepis punctatissima (speckled rock skink): This species is tentatively included as being part of the Project Area’s herpetofauna, based on a photo record from the top of Makgabeng plateau. Guild 5 Reptiles: Rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Trachylepis punctulata (speckled sand skink): May potentially be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Trachylepis striata (striped skink): The specimens observed down on the plains were tentatively identified as being Trachylepis striata, but this will have to be confirmed by means of molecular analyses. Guild 7 Reptiles: Mixed 2 - terrestrial/arboreal lifestyle and Guild 9 Reptiles: Mixed 4 – terrestrial / rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SAURIA (Lizards): Scincidae (Scincinae)

A taxonomic revision of Scelotes is currently in preparation, and the outcome of this will likely see the elevation of Scelotes limpopoensis albiventris to a full species:  Scelotes limpopoensis albiventris (white-bellied dwarf burrowing skink): Recorded from top of the Makgabeng plateau and may potentially also occur down on the plains. This taxon is a Limpopo endemic. Guild 4 Reptiles: Fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Near Threatened by Bates et al. (2014).

SAURIA (Lizards): Varanidae

Although Varanus niloticus (water monitor) also occurs in the Waterberg region, the habitat conditions of the Project Area are generally not well suited for this species:  Varanus albigularis (Rock monitor): Recorded from the plains, but likely to be also present on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 9 Reptiles: Mixed 4 – terrestrial / rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SERPENTES (): Colubridae (Colubrinae)

Seven colubrine snakes are known from the region, but probably only six of these are likely to occur within the Project Area:

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 Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia (Red-lipped Snake): Recorded from the plains and likely to also occur on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle.  Dasypeltis scabra (Rhombic egg-eater): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 7 Reptiles: Mixed 2 – terrestrial / arboreal lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Dispholidus typus (Boomslang): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 3 Reptiles: Arboreal lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as LEA Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Philothamnus semivariegatus (Spotted bush snake): Recorded from the plains but should also be present on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 3 Reptiles: Arboreal lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Telescopus semiannulatus (Eastern tiger snake): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 7 Reptiles: Mixed 2 - terrestrial/arboreal lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Thelotornis capensis (Southern twig snake): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 3 Reptiles: Arboreal lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

SERPENTES (Snakes): Elapidae

Five elapid species are likely to occur within the Project Area, of which two were recorded during the dry season survey:  Aspidelaps scutatus (Common shield cobra): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 – terrestrial / fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Dendroaspis polylepis (Black mamba): Observed on the plains and on top of the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 7 Reptiles: Mixed 2 – terrestrial / arboreal lifestyle and Guild 9 Reptiles: Mixed 4 – terrestrial / rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Elapsoidea sundevallii media (Intermediate garter snake): Recorded from top of the Makgabeng plateau, but likely to be also occur down the plains. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 – terrestrial / fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but the species is listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Naja annulifera (Snouted cobra): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Naja mossambica ( spitting cobra): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

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SERPENTES (Snakes): Lamprophiidae (Aparallactinae)

Four species of aparallactine snakes are known from the region, with three species likely to occur within the Project Area. One species was recorded during the survey:  Amblyodipsas microphthalma nigra (Soutpansberg purple-glossed snake): Recorded from the Makgabeng plateau and within the lower reaches of a kloof that leads into this rock formation. These records represent a south-western distribution range extension from the Soutpansberg region. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 – terrestrial /f ossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern at the species level, and as LEAST CONCERN at the subspecies level by Bates et al. (2014).  Aparallactus capensis (Black-headed centipede-eater): Probably present on Makgabeng plateau and plains. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 – terrestrial / fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Xenocalamus bicolor lineatus (Striped quill-snouted snake): May potentially be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 – terrestrial / fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SERPENTES (Snakes): Lamprophiidae (Atractaspidinae)

Two species of stiletto snakes may potentially occur within the Project Area:  Atractaspis bibronii (Bibron’s stiletto snake): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 – terrestrial / fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Atractaspis duerdeni (Deurden’s stiletto snake): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 – terrestrial / fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SERPENTES (Snakes): Lamprophiidae (Lamprophiinae)

Five lamprophiine snakes are known from the general region, of which four may potentially occur within the Project Area:  Boaedon capensis (Common house snake): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Gracililima nyassae (Black file snake): Recorded from Makgaben plateau, and may possibly also occur down on the plains. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle.  Lycophidion variegatum (Variegated wolf snake): Occurrence confirmed on the Makgabeng plateau, and the species may potentially (less likely) also occur on the plains. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle.  Lamprophis guttatus (Spotted rock snake): This species has previously been recorded from the Makgabeng region, close to the Project Area. It is likely to be

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present in rocky habitats on the Makgabeng plateau, and perhaps also in rocky habitats on the plains. Guild 5 Reptiles: Rupicolous lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Lycophidion c. capense (Cape wolf snake): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SERPENTES (Snakes): Lamprophiidae (Prosymninae)

Two species of shovel-snout snakes are known from the region, of which one was recorded during the dry season survey:  Prosymna bivittata (Two-stripe shovel-snout): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 – terrestrial / fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Prosymna lineata (Lined shovel-snout): Recorded from the plains, and likely to also occur on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 – terrestrial / fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SERPENTES (Snakes): Lamprophiidae (Psammophiinae)

Seven species of psammophiine snakes are known from the general region, but probably only two of these are associated with the Project Area. One species was recorded during the dry season survey:  Psammophis subtaeniatus (Common stripe-bellied sand snake): Several specimens were observed on the Makgabeng plateau and it probably also occurs down on the plains. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Psammophylax tritaeniatus (Striped skaapsteker): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

SERPENTES (Snakes): Lamprophiidae (Pseudaspidinae)

One species of pseudaspidine snake may occur within the Project Area:  Pseudaspis cana (Mole Snake): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 8 Reptiles: Mixed 3 – terrestrial / fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SERPENTES (Snakes): (Leptotyphlopinae)

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Four species of thread snake are known from the general region, of which three probably occur within the Project Area. Two species were recorded during the dry season survey:  incognitus (Incognito thread snake): Recorded from the plains but may potentially also occur up on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 4 Reptiles: Fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Leptotyphlops scutifrons (Peter’s thread snake): Recorded from the Makgabeng plateau but may potentially also occur down on the plains. Guild 4 Reptiles: Fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Myriopholis longicauda (Long-tailed thread snake): Previously recorded from the Makgabeng plateau, close to the Project Area. This species may possibly also occur down on the plains. Guild 4 Reptiles: Fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SERPENTES (Snakes): Pythonidae

Only one python species occurs in South Africa. Locals from the general area that were interviewed claim that this species is present within the Project Area. Since the identification of pythons is unambiguous in this region, it was recorded as one of the confirmed species for this site:  Python natalensis (Southern African python): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau Guild 6 Reptiles: Mixed 1 – terrestrial / aquatic lifestyle and Guild 7 Reptiles: Mixed 2 – terrestrial / arboreal lifestyle. This species is also often associated with rocky outcrops, but it is not considered to be rupicolous as such. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SERPENTES (Snakes): Typhlopidae (Afrotyphlopinae)

Three species of blind snakes occur in the general region, one was recorded during the dry season survey:  Afrotyphlops bibronii (Bibron’s blind snake): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 4 Reptiles: Fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Afrotyphlops schlegelii (Schlegel's beaked blind snake): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 4 Reptiles: Fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Rhinotyphlops lalandei (Delalande's beaked blind snake): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 4 Reptiles: Fossorial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).

SERPENTES (Snakes): Viperidae (Viperinae)

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Three species of adders are known to occur in the general region, with the occurrence of puff adders within the Project Area been confirmed based on interviews with locals as well as a section of sloughed skin found on the plains:  Bitis arietans (Puff adder): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Bitis caudalis (Horned Adder): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014).  Causus defilippii (Snouted night adder): This species may potentially occur on the Makgabeng plateau, and perhaps also on the plains. Guild 1 Reptiles: Terrestrial lifestyle. IUCN status: Not yet evaluated by IUCN but listed as Least Concern by Bates et al. (2014). Amphibian Species Composition and Checklist

The two herpetofaunal surveys combined recorded seven out of a potential of 17 frog species that may potentially occur within the WJV study area. Although the wet season survey did coincide with substantial rainfall events, the timing of this survey was too late to catch the peak of the annual frog breeding period. Zero frog choruses or single calls were observed, and no tadpoles were encountered in the few wetland habitats that were investigated. Brief summaries of the various amphibian taxonomic groups are presented below, including also of unrecorded species that may potentially occur here. Justifications are provided for species that are known from the greater region, but that are not expected to occur within the study site.

ANURA (Frogs): Bufonidae

Five species of toads are known from the general region, with three species likely to occur within the Project Area:  Poyntonophrynus fenoulheti (Fenoulhet's pygmy toad): This species may potentially breed in seasonal pools in rocky terrain on the Makgabeng plateau, especially in some of the kloofs. It is probably not present down on the plains. Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Sclerophrys garmani (Garman’s toad): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Schismaderma carens (Red toad): Likely to be present on the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

ANURA (Frogs): Hemisotidae

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Although Hemisus marmoratus has been recorded from only one QDS in this region, it is nevertheless a probable candidate for being present within the Project Area:  Hemisus marmoratus (Mottled shovel-nosed frog): May be present on both the plains and on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

ANURA (Frogs): Hyperoliidae

Hyperoliid frogs are poorly represented in this region, with only one species likely to occur within the Project Area:  Kassina senegalensis (Bubbling kassina): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

ANURA (Frogs): Brevicipitidae

Two species of rain frogs occur in this region, but only one within the WMP Project Area:  Breviceps adspersus (Bushveld rain frog): Recorded form the plains, and most probably also occurs on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 12 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, with direct development life history strategy. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

ANURA (Frogs): Microhylidae

One species of microhylid frogs is likely to occur within the Project Area:  Phrynomantis bifasciatus (Banded rubber frog): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

ANURA (Frogs): Phrynobatrachidae

One species of puddle frog may potentially occur within the Project Area:  Phrynobatrachus natalensis (Snoring puddle frog): Likely to be present on both the plains and Makgabeng plateau. Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

ANURA (Frogs): Pipidae

One species of platanna occurs in the general region, and there is a reasonable probability that it also occurs within the Project Area:  Xenopus laevis (Common platanna): It was difficult to assess the extent of the Project Area’s wetland habitat during the dry season survey. For Xenopus to occur here, the area would need to have wetlands that can hold water for about six months of the year. This may be the case in some of the Makgabeng deep kloofs.

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A wet season survey would be informative in this regard. Guild 14 Amphibians: Aquatic or semi-aquatic lifestyle. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

ANURA (Frogs): Pyxicephalidae (Cacosterninae)

The following five cacosternine frogs may potentially occur within the Project Area:  Amietia delalandii (Delalande’s river frog): Likely to be present within some of the Makgabeng kloofs that keep water throughout most of the year. Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal or semi-permanent wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Cacosternum boettgeri (Boettger’s dainty frog): Depending on the extent of wetlands within the WJV Project Area during the rainy season, this species may potentially breed at pools on the plains as well as on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Strongylopus grayii (Clicking stream frog): This species may occur at the vegetated wetland terrain that is situated in the north-eastern reaches of the Project Area. Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Tomopterna cryptotis (Tremolo sand frog): Depending on the extent of wetlands within the WJV Project Area during the rainy season, this species may potentially breed at pools on the plains as well as on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Tomopterna natalensis (Natal sand frog): This species may potentially breed in seasonal pools in rocky terrain on the Makgabeng plateau, especially in some of the kloofs. It is probably not present down on the plains. Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.

ANURA (Frogs): Pyxicephalidae (Pyxicephalinae)

The Biodiversity Risk Assessment (Van Essen et al. 2014) listed the giant bullfrog Pyxicephalus adspersus as a species that may be of some relevance to the Project Area. However, in the absence of a wet season survey to adequately survey the amphibian assemblages in this region, it is not possible to state with any certainty whether this species inhabits this area. Based on the conditions that were observed during the dry season, it seems unlikely that the species does in fact occur here.

ANURA (Frogs): Ptychadenidae

Two species of grass frog is likely to occur within the study area:  Ptychadena anchietae (Plain grass frog): Depending on the extent of wetlands within the study area during the rainy season, this species may potentially breed at pools on the plains as well as on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 11 Amphibians:

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Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern.  Ptychadena mossambica (Broad-banded Grass Frog): A few specimens were recorded from an excavated soil dam on the plains. This species may possibly also occur on top of the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 11 Amphibians: Terrestrial lifestyle, breeding in seasonal wetlands.

ANURA (Frogs): Rhacophoridae (Rhacophorinae)

One species of foam-nest frog occurs in South Africa, and this species may potentially also occur within the Project Area:  Chiromantis xerampelina (Southern foam-nest frog): Depending on the extent of wetlands within the Project Area during the rainy season, this species may potentially breed at pools on the plains as well as on the Makgabeng plateau. Guild 13 Amphibians: Arboreal lifestyle, with foam-nest breeding in seasonal wetlands. IUCN status: Listed as Least Concern. Survey Representativeness based on SACs

A total of 28 reptile species were encountered during the 13-day dry season survey and 34 during the 14-day wet season survey. The total reptile species richness for these two surveys is 43 species, plus Python sebae which reportedly also occurs within the WJV study area. Due to the low species richness of frogs recorded during the two surveys (dry = 1 and wet = 7 species), SACs were not prepared for this group. Survey Respresentativeness based on Literature and Database Sources

In evaluating the success or comprehensiveness of biodiversity surveys, it is useful to compare the recorded species richness with the potential species richness. The latter was determined by means of extrapolations of species geographic distribution information that have been recorded in various literature and database sources. The most thoroughly surveyed herpetofaunal group is the lizards (74%). Only about 42% of the expected snake species richness was recorded and 25% of the expected chelonian species richness. 41% of the expected amphibian species richness was recorded. A summary of recorded herpetofaunal species richness versus the potential herpetofaunal species richness is presented in Table 51.

Survey richness Family Recorded richness Potential richness (%) Chelonians 1 4 25 Lizards 28 38 74 Snakes 15 36 42 Reptiles 44 78 56 Amphibians 7 17 41 Table 51: Herpetofaunal survey representativeness in the WJV Project Area.

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In a South African context, the Project Area falls in a region with a recorded reptile species richness that scores about moderate. The projected (or expected) reptile species richness is somewhat better than the currently recorded or known species richness for this region, and it is probably more accurate to state that the Project Area falls in a region of moderate to high reptile species richness. In a South African context, the Project Area falls in a region with a recorded amphibian species richness that scores low to moderate. The projected (or expected) amphibian species richness is somewhat better than the currently recorded or known species richness for this region, and it is probably more accurate to state that the Project Area falls in a region of moderate amphibian species richness. Endemism

In a South African context, the Project Area falls in a region with a recorded level of reptile endemism that scores moderate to high. The Makgabeng area and several other significant geological features in the general region (e.g. Blouberg, Soutpansberg and Waterberg) are renowned for relatively high levels of reptile endemism. At least 11 South African reptile endemics and seven Limpopo Province reptile endemics are likely to occur within the Project Area, with orange-throated flat lizard Platysaurus monotropis being endemic to the CDM area.

In contrast to the relatively high level of reptile endemism in this region, the level of endemism for amphibians is very low. In fact, none of the 16 frog species that can potentially occur within the Project Area are South African endemics. The only frog endemic in the general region (e.g. Soutpansberg) is northern forest rain frog Breviceps sylvestris. Species of Conservation Concern

A Biodiversity Risk Assessment (Van Essen et al. 2014) was prepared as a first step towards obtaining generalised insights of the biodiversity of the study area. The herpetological component of this report listed 22 reptiles and two amphibians as SCCthat are know from the general region.

One of the main objectives of the two subsequent multi-disciplinary biodiversity field surveys was that the various specialists should investigate or ground-truth their respective groups in order to obtain more accurate information on the actual or probable occurrence of SCC. Additionally, the revised conservation status listings that have occurred since the 2014 study should also be updated and integrated in the various specialist reports.

Although not yet official, most of the SANBI 2018 submissions to IUCN represent substantial down-listings. Of the original list of 24 SCC (Van Essen et al. 2014), only four remain threatened and three are Data Deficient (Tolley et al. 2019). Likewise, only four of the listed 24 herpetofaunal species are likely to occur within the WJV study area. The

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remainder are not deemed relevant to this project. Of the four SCC sthat are relevant to the study area, only orange-throated flat lizard Platysaurus monotropis will be listed as a threatened species. Site Importance Assessment ("Site IA")

The Site IA for reptiles in the context of the Project Area is HIGH at a regional and MODERATE to HIGH at a national scale. The respective Site IA scores were evaluated as follow:

1. A score of 1.5 is tentatively awarded to this category, based on the Endangered status as per the current IUCN listing for Orange-throated flat lizard Platysaurus monotropis. Note, however, that the revised listing for this taxon is Near Threatened, as per the recent SANBI re-assessments that were submitted to the IUCN for review. Likewise, a proposal was submitted to down-list the Vulnerable Muller’s velvet gecko Homopholis mulleri to Least Concern. As such, the SIA score will likely drop by one point (down to nine) once the IUCN has adopted these revised assessments. Even so, the Site IA for the Project Area will remain HIGH at a regional and MODERATE to HIGH at a national scale. 2. Not applicable (see above). 3. Platysaurus monotropis is endemic to the CDM area. 4. At least seven Limpopo Province reptile endemics occur or are likely to occur within the Project Area. 5. At least 11 South African reptile endemics occur or are likely to occur within the Project Area. 6. The projected reptile species richness of the Project Area is likely to be moderate to high in the context of the Limpopo Province. 7. The importance of reptile communities in terms of their contributions to the local ecological functioning within the Project Area is moderate to high. 8. The size of the Project Area is large enough that it could potentially serve as a viable sanctuary in which to sustain the reptile ecological functioning of the local herpetofauna. 9. Despite various anthropogenic influences and activities within the Project Area, the habitat quality of the site is generally good for reptiles. The habitat quality of the Makgabeng plateau is still good from a reptile fauna perspective. 10. From a reptile diversity perspective, the extent of habitat heterogeneity is moderate to high. Although the bulk of the area caters mostly for terrestrial generalist species, the presence of substantive rock formations contributes significantly to the habitat heterogeneity. However, ephemeral wetlands are seemingly scarce in this area. 11. Several protected areas are present within the general region. As such the WJV study Project Area is to a certain extent well situated to function as an ecological corridor. The site also contributes to the overall ecological resilience of the region’s reptile fauna.

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12. Similarly, to its functioning as an ecological corridor, the Project Area is likely to be of moderate to high importance in terms of its role as a source for reptile genetic exchange in the general region.

The SIA for amphibians in the context of the proposed mining site is LOW at regional and national scales. The respective SIA scores were evaluated as follow:

1. No threatened amphibian species are known to occur within the Project Area. 2. No threatened amphibian species are likely to occur within the Project Area. 3. No CDM area amphibian endemics occur or are likely to occur within the Project Area. 4. No Limpopo Province amphibian endemics occur or are likely to occur within the Project Area. 5. No South African amphibian endemics occur or are likely to occur within the Project Area. 6. The projected amphibian species richness of the Project Area is likely to be moderate in the context of the Limpopo Province. 7. The importance of amphibian communities in terms of their contributions to the local ecological functioning within the Project Area is moderate. 8. The size of the Project Area is large enough that it could potentially serve as a viable sanctuary in which to sustain the amphibian ecological functioning of the local herpetofauna. 9. Despite various anthropogenic influences and activities within the Project Area, the habitat quality of the site is moderate for amphibians. 10. From an amphibian diversity perspective, the extent of habitat heterogeneity appears to be low. Ephemeral wetlands are seemingly scarce in this area. 11. Several protected areas are present within the general region. As such the Project Area is to a certain extent well situated to function as an ecological corridor. The site also contributes to the overall ecological resilience of the region’s amphibian fauna. 12. The Project Area is likely to be of moderate importance in terms of its role as a source for amphibian genetic exchange in the general region.

10.4.7 SUMMARY

A biodiversity baseline study conducted in a wet and dry season for Waterberg Joint Venture Platinum Mining in respect of both Alternative 1 and 2 culminated in the identification of two plant communities and six sub-communities. Of the 315 plant species identified from 196 genera, 19 species have medicinal value, four species are classified as nationally protected trees and three species are classified as alien invaders. Two threatened Red Data plant species were recorded for the WJV study area. Several national and provincial listed protected plant species were recorded for the study area and specifically for the proposed core area.

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The terrestrial mammal surveys culminated in the identification of 36 species from the expected 86 species potentially present in the WJV study area. Analysis was based 28 species identified from track transects, 15 species from camera traps and 8 species using Sherman traps. The low rodent species diversity (18 rodent species not encountered but expected) can be attributed to inactivity and torpor during the survey period. However, with exception of the leopard Panthera pardus (VU) and the brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea (NT), no other endemic or Red List terrestrial mammal species are expected to occur in the WJV study area.

The avifaunal surveys culminated in the identification of 218 species from the expected 271 species potentially present in the WJV study area. The white-backed vulture Gyps africanus, the globally endangered (EN) Cape vulture Gyps coprotheres, the regionally vulnerable (V) lanner falcon Falco biarmicus, the vulnerable (V) Verreaux's eagle Aquila verreauxii and the regionally near threatened (NT) short-clawed lark Certhilauda chuana are confirmed as present in the WJV study area. However, species diversity can be expected to be substantially higher if the proximity of the Blouberg Nature Reserve (IBA) is considered. Furthermore, only an 81% observation success was calculated for the survey period, accentuating the need for additional surveys to be conducted during known higher activity periods.

Invertebrates contributed 2049 species, including 79 morphospecies from 46 families, 42 dung beetles from the expected 60 species, five scorpion species, one species of baboon spider and 45 butterfly species. Although no threatened species are expected, this large taxon is poorly studied and dynamic in nature with new species frequently discovered. The bat surveys culminated in the identification of ten confirmed species from the expected 26 species potentially present in the WJV study area. Although no Red List species were encountered, the presence of the Near Threatened (NT) Smither's horseshoe bat Rhinolophus smithersi and peak-saddle horseshoe bat Rhinolophus blasii are confirmed. If suitable habitat attributes are considered, at least 16 bat species could potentially be present in the WJV study area.

The herpetofauna surveys culminated in the identification of 43 reptile species consisting of 28 lizards, 15 snakes and one chelonian. From the expected 78 reptilian species present in the WJV study area, 11 reptiles are classified as South African endemics, with seven species being classified as Limpopo endemics. However, only the presence of the orange-throated flat lizard Platysaurus monotropis (EN) is confirmed as present in the WJV study area.

The frog survey culminated in the identification of seven frog species from 17 species potentially present in the WJV study area. However, no threatened or endemic species are known to be present in the WJV study area.

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The Soils, Land capability, Agricultural Potential and Hydropedology Assessment undertaken during the EIA Phase is attached as Appendix 7.3.

The proposed mining at proposed Waterberg JV Project Area (which lies between 23° 15’ 04’’ and 23° 25’ 22’’ south and 28° 47’ 33’’ and 29° 00’ 21’’ east approximately 80 km north-east of Polokwane in the Limpopo Province) has a potential to directly impact on the soils, land use capability and agricultural potential of the area. In this regard, it is important that the pre-mining condition of the soils within the mining area be determined. This will then be used a baseline information for the Waterberg Project and when required, will be used to audit the mine's rehabilitation programme.

10.5.1 Topography

Contours of the entire site were used to generate a DEM - Figure 31and topographic wetness index ("TWI" - Figure 32). It is evident that Project Area is characterised by two very distinct zones, namely a hilly and mountainous area in the north and west and a level terrain area in the south and east. These topographic features, the variability in shallow (mountainous area) and deep sandy soils (level terrain area), determine the dominant surface hydrological features as indicated by the TWI.

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Figure 31: Digital elevation model.

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Figure 32: Topographic wetness index (TWI) for the entire survey area.

10.5.2 Summary of results Soil survey investigation

The soil investigation yielded that the Preferred Layout Area is predominantly characterised by sandy soils. The three areas investigated, with their respective soils, are (Figure 33 - 35):

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Figure 33: Soil map of the areas covered by the proposed mining infrastructure, Alternative 1.

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Figure 34: Soil map of the areas covered by the proposed mining infrastructure, TSF Alternative 2.

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Figure 35: Soil map of the areas covered by the proposed mining infrastructure, Alternative 2.

1. The Preferred TSF Area: This area is characterised by deep (1.5 m +) sandy soils of the Hutton (orthic A / red apedal B / unspecified material – usually hard or weathering rock) and Clovelly (orthic A / yellow-brown apedal B / unspecified material – usually hard or weathering rock) forms flanking an area characterised by sandy soils associated with an old ephemeral drainage feature. The latter soils, of the Clovelly and Oakleaf (orthic A / neocutanic B / unspecified material – usually

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hard or weathering rock) forms, are characterised by a slight bleaching in the topsoil and colour variegation in the B horizon indicative of clay migration.

2. Main Surface Infrastructure Area: This area is characterised by deep (1.5 m +) sandy soils of the Hutton and Clovelly forms.

3. Eastern TSF Alternative Site: This area is characterised by moderately deep to shallow soils of the Clovelly and Hutton forms in the south; a small section of Clovelly and Oakleaf soils associated with an old ephemeral drainage area in the west; and shallow and rocky soils of the Glenrosa (orthic A / Lithocutanic B) in the north at the foot of the rocky outcrops.

The land cover of the areas under investigation is open savannah to shrubland (depending on soil depth) and shows signs of historical cultivation and tillage. These features have however been colonised by shrubland and woodland vegetation and it is apparent that cultivation is not practised currently. Soil analysis

Eleven soil samples were collected at four locations (with subsamples collected at various depths). These samples were submitted to EnviroTek Laboratories in Ifafi for analysis of basic soil physical and chemical properties. The results are provided in Tables 52 to 55.

Texture and Texture Class

The sand, silt and clay content of a soil sample is determined through a sieve and hydrometer method and the determined quantities are expressed as a percentage proportional to the sum of the three fractions. The resultant value is termed the texture of a soil and the textural class can be obtained from plotting the three fractions on a textural triangle. The clay content of a soil is for all intents and purposes a constant value (with certain natural and analytical variation) for soils that are not radically disturbed through the addition of soil or other earthy materials. The analysis results of the samples collected on the site (Table 52) indicate a dominance of sand fraction materials with finer fractions occurring at depth in most profiles.

Sample Depth Sand Silt Clay Texture pH pH

(cm) % % % KCl H2O 1 0-30 12 2 86 Loamy sand 3.7 1 30-60 14 2 84 Loamy sand 4.6 2 0-30 11 1 88 Loamy sand 4.7 2 30-60 16 2 82 Sandy loam 4.9 2 120-150 20 3 77 Sandy loam 4.8 3 10-30 10 1 89 Loamy sand 4.0 3 40-70 12 1 87 Loamy sand 5.0

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3 120-130 15 1 84 Loamy sand 5.0 4 0-30 14 3 83 Sandy loam 4.2 4 60-90 24 2 74 Sandy clay loam 4.5 4 30-60 20 3 77 Sandy loam 5.0 Table 52: Soil texture, textual class and pH (KCl and water) for the 11 sample.

Soil pH

One of the most often determined parameters of soils is pH. The pH is determined in the supernatant liquid of an aqueous suspension of soil after having allowed the sand fraction to settle out of suspension. The determination of the pH for the samples collected on the site was conducted in a 1N KCl solution (4 topsoil samples) and water (7 subsoil samples). Generally, pH values determined in KCl are one pH unit lower than the equivalent pH determined in water. The pH results (Table 52) indicate soils that are slightly acidic and considered to be in equilibrium with environmental conditions for sandy soils. These soils indicate that there has been no significant lime input in the immediate history of the site.

Phosphorus Bray 1

Although there is considerable debate and research currently being conducted regarding the long-term P supply characteristics of soils to plants it is generally accepted in commercial agriculture that levels around 20 mg kg-1 constitute adequate levels to produce maize on the Eastern Highveld. The P levels encountered in the samples (Table 53) are very low and inadequate for successful crop production.

Sample Depth pH KCl P Ca Mg K Na (cm) mg.kg-1 1 0-30 3.7 3 104 52 58 9 2 0-30 4.7 1 100 49 228 10 3 10-30 4.0 2 74 21 128 13 4 0-30 4.2 2 134 69 395 22 Table 53: Soil analysis results (selected chemical properties) of 4 topsoil sample.

Exchangeable (Ca, Mg, K, Na)

The levels of the basic cations Ca, Mg, K and Na are determined in soil samples for agronomic purposes through extraction with a buffered (pH 7) ammonium acetate solution. The levels of the basic cations are determined on a range of flame emission or absorption spectrophotometric apparatus and their levels are expressed initially as milligrams per kilogram (mg kg-1) of soil (Table 53). A lot is often read into these values but suffice to say that Ca levels are dominate in most normal soils, with Mg levels being lower and K levels even lower than Mg. Sodium ("Na") levels are often very low (absolute as well as compared to Ca, Mg and K) in highly leached soils but can reach relatively high levels in arid and improperly managed irrigation soils. Some workers use the ratios of Ca:Mg:K as

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indicators of soil health or fertility. High Na levels relative to the other cations, as well as Mg levels under some circumstances, often indicate salt affected soils that are referred to as “sodic” soils. This aspect is often also reflected in the R (or EC) and pH values of a soil sample.

The bulk of the soil samples collected on the site exhibit the profile of Ca>K>Mg>Na concentrations – a somewhat unexpected result, as the K levels are higher than anticipated for natural unfertilized soils. Comparison of Ca, Mg, K and Na levels on an mg kg-1 basis (Table 53) is erroneous however as they are of differing valence. In order to facilitate comparison in the form of ratios, the mg kg-1 values are recalculated considering the cation’s valence and molecular mass and the result is an expression of cmol(+) kg-1 (Table 54). Here the concentrations are expressed on an equivalent basis and ratios of the cations can be calculated through the expression of their percentage of an S-value (the sum of the concentrations of Ca, Mg, K and Na). Generally the percentage of each cation relative to the total is calculated and this value is often used to guide fertilizer recommendations regarding the “ideal” ratios of the various cations. The T-value is the sum of exchangeable bases and acidic cations (discussed in more detail below).

Exch S- T- Depth pH Ca Mg K Na Acid Sample Value Value (cm) KCl (KCl) Cmol(+).kg-1 1 0-30 3.7 0.52 0.43 0.15 0.04 1.14 0.64 1.78 2 0-30 4.7 0.50 0.40 0.58 0.04 1.53 0 1.53 3 10-30 4.0 0.37 0.17 0.33 0.06 0.93 0.27 1.20 4 0-30 4.2 0.67 0.57 1.01 0.10 2.34 0.06 2.40 Table 54: Extractable cations on an equivalent and percentage basis for the 4 sample.

Exchangeable Acidity

For samples with pH levels below 7, another parameter that is often determined is the exchangeable acidity. Depending on the texture and dominant clay mineralogy this fraction is either dominated by hydronium ions (H3O+ - or protons – H+) or Al3+ or a combination. The exchangeable acidity results in Table 54 are consistent with the sandy soil nature of the soils sampled on site.

Base Saturation

The base saturation of a soil is calculated by the summation of the basic cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na – molar concentrations of charge) and expressed as a percentage of the total cation exchange capacity (CEC). In the absence of a CEC determination, the convention is to take the total of all the extracted cations (basic and acid) and express the basic cation percentage of that value. This is provided in Table 55, with a calculation of the acid saturation as well. The sample results are within the parameters expected for natural sandy soils in the Project Area.

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Sample Depth pH KCl Ca Mg K Na Base Acid (cm) sat sat % 1 0-30 3.7 29.3 24.0 8.4 2.3 63.9 36.2 2 0-30 4.7 32.7 26.3 38.2 2.8 100 0 3 10-30 4.0 31.0 14.5 27.4 4.6 77.4 22.6 4 0-30 4.2 27.8 23.7 42.1 4.0 97.5 2.5 Table 55: Base and acid saturations for the 4 topsoil samples Land Use and Land Capability

Land Capability Classification – DAFF

Land capability refers to the specific land use and agronomic practices that a given piece of land is capable of in the context of the original land capability categories published in the USA in the 1960’s. The land capability concept is a bit broader than the “land suitability” approach expounded by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN ("FAO"), where the latter aims to pronounce on the suitability of a specific area of land for a specific “land utilization type” ("LUT"). In the more recent South African case for “land capability” the DAFF established a requirement for the classification of land based on the criteria provided in Table 56. These categories are not significantly different from the original concept but have been amended for the South African context.

The assessment of land capability rests squarely on the assessment of soil properties for agricultural purposes as discussed in the previous section. These properties will therefore be used to determine the specific land capability class for the survey area.

Land capability Definition Conservation need Use suitability class I No or few limitations. Very Good agronomic practice. Annual cropping high arable potential. Very low erosion hazard. II Slight limitations. High Adequate run-off control. Annual cropping with arable potential. Low special tillage or ley (25%) erosion hazard. III Moderate limitations. Special conservation Rotation of crops and ley Some erosion hazards. practice and tillage (50 %). methods. IV Severe limitations. Low Intensive conservation Long term leys (75 %) arable potential. High practice. erosion hazard. V Watercourse and land with Protection and control of Improved pastures or wetness limitations. water table. Wildlife VI Limitations preclude Protection measures for Veld and/or afforestation cultivation. Suitable for establishment eg. Sod- perennial vegetation. seeding

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VII Very severe limitations. Adequate management for Natural veld grazing and Suitable only for natural natural vegetation. afforestation vegetation. VIII Extremely severe Total protection from Wildlife limitations. Not suitable for agriculture. grazing or afforestation. Table 56: Land capability classes for assessment of land

Land Capability Classification – Chamber of Mines

The land capability classes above must not be confused with the classes required for the assessment of land for EIAs and mining licences by the Chamber of Mines. These classes are a simplification of the above, namely: 1) arable, 2) grazing, 3) wilderness and 4) wetland. It is critical to note here that the criteria for “wetland” in this classification are not specified, as is the case for wetland delineation discussed earlier. In this regard, it is often found that wetland delineation outcomes and land capability classifications of wetlands yield entirely different boundaries, mainly due to the inclusion of large areas of grazing, arable and wilderness land in the definition of a wetland in the NWA.

The current land use in the Project Area is extensive grazing by cattle and goats. This land use is the most suitable in the area, due to the relatively low and erratic rainfall that limits other agricultural uses such as crop production. Consequently, the land capability will mimic the land use and is therefore classified as “grazing”. The DAFF land capability rating for the site is VII (Table 57).

Land capability Definition Conservation need Use suitability class VII Very severe limitations. Adequate Natural veld grazing Suitable only for natural management for and afforestation vegetation. natural vegetation. Table 57: Land capability classes for assessment of land Agricultural Potential

The assessment of agricultural potential rests primarily on the identification of soils that are suited to crop production. In order to qualify as high potential soils these must have the following properties:

 Deep profile (more than 600 mm) for adequate root development  Deep profile and adequate clay content for the storing of sufficient water, so that plants can weather short dry spells,  Adequate structure (loose enough and not dense) that allows for good root development,  Sufficient clay or organic matter to ensure retention and supply of plant nutrients,

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 Limited quantities of rock in the matrix that would otherwise limit tilling options and water holding capacity,  Adequate distribution of soils and size of high potential soil area to constitute a viable economic management unit, and  Good enough internal and external (out of profile) drainage if irrigation practices are considered. Drainage is imperative for the removal (leaching) of salts that accumulate in profiles during irrigation and fertilization.

In addition to soil characteristics, climatic characteristics need to be assessed to determine the agricultural potential of a site. The rainfall characteristics are of primary importance and, to provide an adequate baseline for the viable production of crops, rainfall quantities and distribution need to be sufficient and optimal.

In the case where crop production is not possible, due to soil or climatic constraints, aspects such as grazing potential and carrying capacity are considered. Grazing capacity is mainly determined by vegetation characteristics of a site and would therefore have to be deduced from vegetation reports (that do address carrying capacity) or from dedicated discussions with farmers and land users. The combination of the abovementioned factors will be used to assess the agricultural potential of the soils on the Project Area.

Due to the severe limitations in terms of rainfall, no crop production can be conducted on the site commercially. The only agricultural activity that can be conducted on the Project Area is extensive grazing. The carrying capacity of the Project Area was not determined but this parameter will vary according to the rainfall variation. Due to the erratic nature of the rainfall, overgrazing during dry spells is a distinct risk. Arable land

The low rainfall of this area limits the utilization potential of the Project Area to low intensity grazing and wildlife conservation. Historically limited cultivation has been undertaken, with the main crops being leguminous crops. The land utilization ability to obtain a return on any cropping system will fall short of the national average (a measure used in the Land Capability Rating System), and thus negates the idea of even the deep soils being a potential for arable cultivation, unless the water requirements can be augmented through inputs by irrigation. There are no areas of arable potential. Grazing land

The areas that classify as grazing land are generally confined to the shallower and transitional zones that are well drained. These soils are generally darker in colour and are not always free draining to a depth of 750mm but can sustain palatable plant species on a sustainable basis, especially since only the subsoils (at a depth of 500mm) are periodically wetted. In addition, there should be no rocks or pedocrete fragments in the upper horizons of this soil group. If present, it will limit the land capability to wilderness land.

Page 264 Wilderness / Conservation land

Most of the area in question classifies as either conservation or wilderness land based on the shallow rocky nature of the materials, or the excessive depth of free draining (no clay) sands, both of which render the soils unable to sustain a crop yield that is at least equal to the current national average. Soil Erosion Potential

The deep sandy soil profiles are not prone to erosion, unless drastic land disturbances are caused. Soils should be protected through adequate erosion mitigation measures in road and mining infrastructure areas. Wetland Presence

No wetlands were encountered on the Project Area.


A reconnaissance level soil, land use and agricultural potential investigation was conducted for the Waterberg Project in the Limpopo Province. The topographical, land use and land type data available for the area were collected and assessed to determine the potential impacts of the mining activities. The following findings are made in this investigation:

1. The soils within the Project Area are divided into predominantly deep sandy soils in level terrain and shallow and rocky soils in hilly and mountainous terrain.

2. The dominant land use in the Project Area is extensive grazing, with sporadic dryland subsistence agriculture where deeper soils allow.

3. The agricultural potential is low, even in the deeper soils, due to low and erratic rainfall that limit dryland cropping potential.

4. The mining infrastructure is situated predominantly in the level terrain area dominated by deep sandy soils.

5. The proposed TSF alternative sites are situated on slightly sloping terrain dominated by shallower sandy soils.

6. None of the mining impact areas appear to overlap with distinct subsistence dryland agricultural areas and it is therefore anticipated that the direct soil and agricultural impacts will be low.

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7. The dominance of sandy soils in the area implies that material can be removed and stockpiled for post mining rehabilitation activities without significant challenges.

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The Social Impact Assessment undertaken during the EIA Phase is attached as Appendix 7.4.

10.6.1 Baseline information Municipalities

Blouberg LM, in which the Waterberg Project is located, is part of the CDM of the Limpopo Province, bordering Zimbabwe and Botswana. At 9 540 km2 it is the largest of four municipalities in the district, making up almost half of its geographical area (https://municipalities.co.za/; StatsSA, Census 2011). The CDM is predominantly rural and has the third-largest district economy in the Limpopo Province (https://municipalities.co.za/).

Half of the population of CDM resides in Polokwane Municipality, followed by Lepelle- Nkumpi, Blouberg, Aganang and Molemole with 18%, 13%, 10% and 9% respectively (CDM Final IDP/Budget 2016/17-2020/21). In August 2016 Aganang LM was de- established and amalgamated with Blouberg, Polokwane and Molemole, affecting this distribution slightly.

Roads R521 (P94/1 and P94/2) provide a north-south link between Blouberg and Molemole, Polokwane and the Makhado Municipalities. To the east the Blouberg LMis served by road R523 (D1200), which provides access to towns such as Mogwadi, Morebeng, Duiwelskloof, Tzaneen and Lephalale. The N11, which passes from Mokopane town to Botswana through the Blouberg LM, has the potential to stimulate the economy (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021). CDM has an international airport and is linked to Gauteng by the N1 freeway.

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Figure 36: Capricorn District Municipality

There are a number of rivers and tributaries in the Blouberg LM, which are used for agricultural purposes and various mountain ranges and heritage sites attract tourists. Blouberg LM is home to some of the most spectacular rock-climbing locations in South Africa.

The major economic sectors are agriculture, mining and tourism. Blouberg LM experiences challenges in the area of high levels of unemployment and high illiteracy rate. Most areas are not suitable for development. There is a huge infrastructure backlog in terms of water, roads, sanitation, education, health and recreational facilities (CDM Final IDP/Budget 2016/7-2020/21). Wards

Currently the Blouberg LM consists of 25 wards and, prior to its amalgamation with a section of Aganang LM in 2016, consisted of 125 villages. The Project Area mainly affects wards 1 and 2.

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Figure 37: Blouberg LM Wards

10.6.2 Key demographic information

This section of the SIA Report focuses on the demographic and economic status quo of the broader local municipal area and the key findings of the community profile done in the villages of Old Langsine and Early Dawn ("Surrounding Communities") for purposes of compiling the Draft Social and Labour Plan ("SLP") for the Waterberg Project, 2019 - 2023 ("Draft Project SLP") are incorporated where applicable.

For purposes of the SIA, it was intended that the focus group meetings could be held by members of the Kgatlu Community, who reside on Goedetrouw. However, due to a dispute regarding the amount of compensation paid due to PTM RSA conducting geotechnical drilling on Goedetrouw, these meetings have been delayed. It is hoped they can be agreed to during the PPP for the DEAIR and incorporated in the Final SIA.

The Surrounding Communities baseline information is however likely to be similar to the other Communities in the Project Area.

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Similarly, was intended that the focus group meetings could be held by members of the Legwaneng Community. They however wished a local social consultant to be utilised to hold the meetings and for this reason the meetings have also been delayed. Population statistics

The 2016 Community Survey (CS) estimated the total CDM population at 1 330 436. CDM had a population increase of 0.8% between 2001 and 2011 (with the largest growth in Polokwane LM of 2.13%) and then again with 1.21% per annum since 2011 up to 2016 (StatsSA). The average household size decreased slightly from 3.6 to 3.5 between 2011 and 2016.

1400000 1330436 1261463



800000 Population Household size 600000 Average househ size 378301 400000 342838

175085 172085 200000 44673 43747 3.5 3.8 3.6 3.9 0 Blouberg Capricorn Blouberg Capricorn 2011 2016

Figure 38: Population statistics of the Project Area. Unemployment Estimate for the Area

The total Blouberg LM population is estimated at 172 601 (2016), with an average household size of 3.9 (StatsSA). In contrast to the CDM, the Blouberg LM revealed a negative population growth per annum of -0.32% between 2011 and 2016 (https://municipalities.co.za/overview/1118/blouberg-local-municipality). This trend could most likely be attributed to a migration of people to urban areas looking for employment and improved service delivery (education and so forth) and, according to StatsSA, a large percentage people moved away to be closer to their spouses (marriage).

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In the Project Area, the average household size is considerably larger. The Draft Project SLP indicates that a household in Old Langsine is calculated at an average of 6.25 and at Early Dawn the average is 7.16 members per household. Age and gender

The age and gender structure of the population is a key determinant of population change and dynamics. The shape of the age distribution is an indication of both current and future needs regarding educational provision for younger children, health care for the whole population and vulnerable groups such as the elderly and children, employment opportunities for those in the economic age groups, and provision of social security services such as pension and assistance to those in need.

The age and sex structure of smaller geographic areas are even more important to understand, given the sensitivity of small areas to patterns of population dynamics such as migration and fertility. An increase in the young and economically active population of a municipality would thus mean the potential increase in income earnings, however the growth would place pressure on educational resources and job opportunities as there is the possibility for smaller and slower growing economies to provide work to the increasing population.

The predominant gender in the CDM and Blouberg LM is female, with an average of 53.2% females in the CDM and 54% in the Blouberg LM (CDM Final IDP/Budget 2016/7- 2020/21; StatsSA, Census 2011).


59.9 60.6 60 53.5 53 50

38.9 40 40 33.6 33.6 Under 15 30 15 to 64 Percentage % Percentage Over 65 20

7.6 10 6.5 7 5.8

0 Blouberg Capricorn Blouberg Capricorn 2011 2016

Figure 39: Age structure of Capricorn DM and Blouberg LM (Source: StatsSA)

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The age structure in the CDM and Blouberg LM has remained fairly constant since 2011, although there has been a slight increase in the number of young people (0-4 years) in the Blouberg LM. The number of elderly in the district has decreased slightly. Race

Out of the CDM’s total population, 96.1% are Black African, of whom the majority stay in townships such as Seshego and rural tribal villages (CDM Final IDP/Budget 2016/7- 2020/21). Similarly, most the population in Blouberg LM is Black African (161 075), followed by White (1 006), Indian (151), Coloured (65) and unspecified (332) (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021). Sepedi is the most widely spoken language.

10.6.3 Economic background Unemployment and youth unemployment

Employment status refers to whether a person is employed, unemployed or not economically active. The official unemployment rate therefore gives the number of unemployed as a percentage of the labour force. The labour force in turn is the part of the 15 - 64 year population that's ready to work and excludes persons not economically active (scholars, housewives, pensioners, disabled) and discouraged work-seekers. It is worth noting that, in South Africa, high unemployment coincides with low economic growth.

The overall official unemployment rate for South Africa during the first quarter of 2017 was 27.7% (https://tradingeconomics.com; StatsSA). Surprisingly the Limpopo Province, one of the poorer and smaller provinces in terms of economic size, has had the second lowest unemployment rate at 21.6% during this same period.

In line with the definition of official unemployment rate provided above, the unemployment and youth unemployment rates of the the CDM and Blouberg LM are compared with the province and broader South Africa in the table below. South Africa experiences challenges with regards to youth unemployment. Amongst the unemployed (15-64 years), the youth unemployment rates are almost double (2011). Youth unemployment in the CDM and Blouberg LM are also problematic.

Although youth unemployment improved since 2011, the youth remain vulnerable in the labour market with an unemployment rate of 37,1% which is 10,6 percentage points above the national average. Youth unemployment, however, registered a decline of 1,1 percentage points quarter-to-quarter. The latest figures for the CDM and Blouberg LM could not be obtained.

2011 2016 Unemployment Youth Unemployment Youth rate % unemployment rate % unemployment

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rate % (15-34) rate % (15-34) South 29.8 52.5 27 37.1 Africa Limpopo 38.9 42 19 - Province Capricorn 37.2 47.4 - - DM Blouberg 39.2 47.2 - - LM Table 58: Unemployment rates 2011 (Census) and 2016

Youth unemployment in South Africa are closely related to the inability of young people to obtain employment owing to their lack of experience, low education levels and various socio-economic factors, which are all too often compounded by a lack of skills. The result is a growing group of young people with severely limited access to formal sector employment, and limited means to do anything about this. The youth often drop out of school, have little work experience with poor literacy, numeracy and communication skills, making them undesirable for employers. In addition, these young people often lack resources enabling them to travel to areas where there are jobs. Those that do have the resources, family support and social networks, often display unrealistically high expectations for wages and salaries, resulting in prolonged periods of unemployment.

When young people are employed in the South African labour market, their employment intensity is the highest amongst the trade, agriculture, finance and other business services industries. Low and semi-skilled youth employment is concentrated in the trade industry, while high-skilled youth employment is in the community and social services, as well as finance and other business services industries (www.statssa.gov.za).

Unemployment levels in the Project Area are much higher than the local and district averages. More than 56% of the Early Dawn and 54% of the Old Langsine labour force is unemployed, and communities in both villages suffer very high rates of poverty. This is despite being in an area that attracts tourists and has an abundance of agricultural land. Many community members do not have required skills and prefer to be employed as general workers (Draft Project SLP). Employment by gender

The figure below depicts the employment status by gender of the population in the Blouberg LM.

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35000 32627


25000 23127

20000 Male 15000 Female 8584 10000 7255 6328 3903 3276 5000 1922

0 Employed Unemployed Discouraged not work seekers economically active

Figure 40: Employment status by Gender, Blouberg LM (Source: Blouberg LM Draft IDP/Budget)

Females are less likely to be employed, especially in jobs that are more labour and physically intensive. The unemployment amongst females in the Blouberg LM are almost double that of their male counterparts. Coupled with this is the high ratio of female headed households in the Blouberg LM (57.3%) (https://municipalities.co.za). Women are also often forced to become the main breadwinners, thereby placing tremendous economic strain on households. The inclusion of women in the employment process should thus be addressed. In order to achieve and maintain the required Mining Charter objective of women participation in mining, the Waterberg JVCo endeavours to eliminate any challenges faced through progressive strategies and action plans which will aim to encourage women to be developed in mining. Women will be given preference in filling certain positions and learnership opportunities. Amongst other, the identified women will be put on a mentoring programme to prepare them for the work in the various sections where they may be appointed upon completion of their programme (Draft Project SLP).

10.6.4 Economic sectors

The main economic sectors in the CDM are Community services, Finance, Trade and Transport. Manufacturing and Agriculture only make up 4.3 and 3.1% respectively. In the Blouberg LM Agriculture, Mining and Tourism are the main economic contributors and are elaborated on the sections below.

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3.1 2.9 3.3 4.3

30.9 Community services Finance 13.2 Trade Transport Manufacturing Construction Agriculture 14 Electricity


Figure 41: Main Economic sectors, Capricorn DM (Source: CDM Final IDP/Budget) Agriculture

There is abundant land in the Blouberg LM, which is mainly used for agricultural development in the commercial sector and to a lesser extent for the less established subsistence farming sector. The sweet veld and mixed grasses make the Blouberg LM especially suitable for livestock farming, particularly for Nguni and Bonsmara breeds. In communal areas, where land is scarce, most farmers are practicing farming at subsistence level. Game farming has been identified as one of the pillars of the agricultural sector, especially surrounding Alldays, Vivo, Tolwe, Maastroom and the Baltimore areas. Private game farms are prevalent in such areas and this has attracted massive tourist influx, especially during the winter hunting season. Unfortunately, the prospect of extermination through poaching has the potential to negatively impact this industry.

In terms of crop and vegetable production, the area is known for tomato and potato products that are mainly sold to national and international markets. The area is also suitable for tobacco cultivation and pumpkins (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019- 2021).

Subsistence farming is seen as a way to subsidize low incomes. Slightly more than one quarter of the households (27%) in both Old Langsine and Early Dawn subsidised their low income over the years through subsistence farming, such as small vegetable gardens, followed by livestock farming of chicken and cows for family consumption and selling to their communities. Due to a lack of entrepreneurial and production skills, this is done on only a very small scale (Draft Project SLP).

Page 275 Tourism

The Blouberg LM LED strategy identifies tourism as one of the key economic drivers. The geographical location of the Blouberg LM between the Waterberg wetlands and the Dongola Trans-frontier Park, which encompasses the Mapungubwe area, is of great tourist significance. The Blouberg LM is rich with cultural heritage and boasts two nature reserves, namely Maleboho and Blouberg. There are German missions in Senwabarwana and Liepzig that are seen as heritage sites and also the 1903 prison in the Blouberg Mountain. Rock paintings and Iron Age sites are prevalent in the Makgabeng Mountains (www.blouberg.gov.za). There are a number of popular rock-climbing spots and hunting farms boast tourism, especially during the winter months. The Glen Alpine Dam provides the Blouberg LM with the opportunity to enhance tourism, if developed to an acceptable standard. Tourists traverse through the Blouberg LM to access Botswana and Zimbabwe and the development of further overnight accommodation would be beneficial (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021). Mining

There are mining deposits, which have a potential of growing the economy and creating sustainable jobs, if explored and mined to the fullest. Potential of mineral deposits are found in areas such as Harris (platinum) and Arrie (pencil and coal, gold and other minerals) and huge potential for sand mining at Indermark and Eussorinca (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021).

10.6.5 Local Economic Development

The aim of a LED implemented by local government is to achieve economic growth, alleviate poverty, and inclusively improve the quality of life of all community members to redress socio-economic imbalances. It is not an isolated function and the output should be the result of co-operation between government and private partnerships. Projects, budgets and strategies for job creation, SMME development and skills development and training that are incorporated in the Draft Project SLP should thus be in line and be linked with IDP and LED initiatives of the affected municipalities.

The Community development process implemented by the Waterberg JV should therefore be in accordance MPRDA guidelines and should incorporate IDP/LED objectives and typically look as follow:

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Figure 42: Example of community development process of the Mine CDM

In order to address unemployment, CDM's LED function has established job creation targets and created permanent, temporary and internships through projects and programmes that create short and long-term employment, to meet the social and economic needs of communities. CDM is focusing on more labour-intensive methods during construction projects, resulting in in skills development, income generation and poverty alleviation for locals. It has also implemented a School Entrepreneurial Support Project.

The CDM IDP further states that more emphasis needs to be placed on:  Partnerships with private sector, to accelerate development initiatives in mining, tourism, agriculture and agro-processing; and  SMME development which has the potential to accelerate job creation.

CDM has identified activity corridors and nodes (nodal development points) that are adjacent to or that link the main growth centres where future settlement and economic development opportunities should be channelled and infrastructure investment should support localities that will become major growth nodes in South Africa and the SADC region. Twenty three per cent of the district population resides in these thirteen growth points, which include Senwabarwana, Alldays, Avon, and Eldorado in the Blouberg LM. Blouberg LM

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Key LED objectives for the Blouberg LM are listed as:  Promotion of job creation in the municipality by 6% annually;  Creation and promotion of LED initiatives in the SMME sector;  Broadening of the skills base of the communities; and  To acquire strategically located land for economic development.

A number of projects have been identified and funds have been allocated towards implementation including projects by Departments of Agriculture, Health, Housing and RAL. The importance of SMMEs should not be dismissed.

Retail and SMME development

The Blouberg LED Strategy recognizes the need for job creation through SMMEs and retails as pillars of growing the economy and job creation. The Strategy notes that the local retail sector has not been doing well in sustaining itself and recommends that the Blouberg LM be proactive in coordinating the retail and business sector and further come up with ways of supporting their sustainability. The Strategy identifies nodal points such as Eldorado, Alldays and Senwabarwana as areas where major retail should be encouraged. Three retail centers have been established in Senwabarwana and there is massive retail expansion in the town. A state-of-the-art retail center is currently under construction in Alldays, while Eldorado retail development is under the processes of surveying and environmental studies and finalization of land disposal and acquisition processes (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021).


Amongst some of the key private partners in development which the Blouberg LM has forged are Venetia Mine, MTN, Coal of Africa and Sanparks (Mapungubwe world heritage site). The partnership with Venetia Mine resulted in the implementation of infrastructure development projects, such as electrification of settlements; construction of schools; and community development initiatives on educational development. The Blouberg LM also patterned with the “UN Women” and Venetia Mine to capacitate female entrepreneurs known as AWOME (“Acceleration of Women Owned Micro Enterprises”). A NGO known as “Hand in Hand SA” was appointed and trained thirty (30) women from the Blouberg LM thus far, with the aim of training 250 women between 2018 and 2020. Other avenues of corporate social investments (CSI) need to be clinched with McCormick Property Development (owners of Senwabarwana plaza), Coal of Africa and Sanparks. Recent partnerships are with Anglo- American/De Beers, where more emphasis is on building institutional capacity, PTM and Haccra mining houses (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021).

Local development needs

The communities of Old Langsine and Early Dawn (where the community profile for SLP purposes took place) indicated a high need for water and access roads. They experience

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serious water problems and indicated that whenever the pump is broken it will take days before it can be repaired. The provision of access roads to the villages will enhance economic spinoffs in the communities.

The Draft Project SLP specifies that the focus will be on infrastructure projects that will directly benefit large portions of the population, and which will have a long-lasting impact. In addition to employment, skills development, training and capacity building, the Waterberg JVCo consulted with the Blouberg LM to endorse projects identified (Draft Project SLP):  Provision of infrastructure and educational support to local schools;  Mine and community bulk water supply and reticulation;  Extension and equipping of existing clinic/health facility;  Construction of crèche and pre-school; and  Support to local SMMEs (expansion of existing SMMEs).

10.6.6 Economic challenges

The Blouberg LM area, as a predominantly rural municipality, encounters economic challenges, such as high unemployment levels - especially amongst the youth; high illiteracy levels; skills mismatch; and insufficient infrastructure to support job creation initiatives. Local businesses have also not done well in sustaining themselves. Either most of them have collapsed or are being rented out to traders from India and North Africa. One of the factors that might have contributed to such collapse of local businesses is the failure of the business community to work as a team with a local chamber of business taking the lead. Another contributing factor may be the level of business acumen and training available at the disposal of local business practitioners and the age of such practitioners that hamper them to adapt to a changing business environment for their sustainability (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021).

10.6.7 Social status Education

Persons with no schooling are defined as people who never received any form of formal education. This implies illiteracy in most cases and would limit the person to perform manual labour. The importance of education is emphasized, as education plays an important role in labour market outcomes and education levels are thus directly linked with the population’s level of employability.

In the last quarter of 2016 (Q4:2016) the unemployment rate among graduates in South Africa was 7% and those with education levels less than matric contributed 59% of the unemployed with unemployment rate of 31.2% (www.politicsweb.co.za).

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29.9 30 27.4 24.9 25

19.5 18.9 20 15.7 No schooling 13.2 15 13.1 12.4 11.4 Matric Higher education 10 5.2 6 5

0 2011 2016 2011 2016 Capricorn Blouberg

Figure 43: Education levels (Census 2011; CS 2016: StatsSA)

In both the CDM and local municipalities the number of people aged 20 years and older who completed matric has generally increased since 2011. It is disconcerting that the number of people who obtained a tertiary education in the CDM has decreased and that the number of illiterate people has only slightly decreased with 0.8% during this same period. However, both the CDM and local municipalities compare fairly on par with the national illiteracy rate of 15.4% in 2015.

The communities of Old Langsine and Early Dawn reported high literacy levels. Old Langsine reported 77% and Early Dawn 84% of people who can read and write. Even though the communities are found in the deeper parts of the Limpopo Province, education remains key to their livelihoods (Draft Project SLP).

At the time of the community survey (situational analysis) Old Langsine had 207 and Early Dawn 126 matric students. Some struggled with funding to pursue their careers and others performed badly in matric. Only a few children from the community were able to pursue their studies at institutions of higher learning. The poor economic climate in the villages means people are struggling to have a sustainable income, which in turn makes it difficult for parents to provide for their children’s careers. Electrical engineering seems to be a career of choice for both communities, as the few children who went on to tertiary education are qualified in that field (Draft Project SLP). Dependency, inequality and poverty levels

Poverty is defined not only by levels of unemployment, but also characterized by a lack of access to education, health care, and basic services including water and sanitation. The

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following trends are evident in the CDM (CDM Final IDP/Budget 2016/7-2020/21; StatsSA, Census 2011):  Dependency ratio stands at 67%;  About 72.4% of the CDM’s population lives in informal rural settlements or villages and with the majority of the population being rural, the distribution of wealth is very uneven with serious economic challenges.

In the Blouberg LM a large percentage of the population is still under 21 years of age. This high number of young people poses an economic challenge to the Blouberg LM, as jobs will have to be created to absorb the ever-increasing number of entrants to the job market and social spending in terms of education and health is high in order to sustain this portion of the population. The youth represents quite a substantial number of the unemployed and that means a very high dependency ratio (www.blouberg.gov.za).

Furthermore, poverty levels at the Blouberg LM are also high. This brings with it a number of social factors. A large number of households survive with an annual income that is under R18 000. One of the biggest problems is the migrant labour system. In the past women headed a substantial number of households, as men had to go and make a living elsewhere, particularly in Gauteng. The trend nowadays is for households to be headed by children, as women also tend to go after their husbands. This has had a negative social impact on the lives of the children, as they have to struggle with independence and the effects of the moral decay prevalent today (www.blouberg.gov.za).

On a more local scale, the community profile done for SLP purposes determined that the most important source of household income in Old Langsine and Early Dawn is the old age pension from the government. In Old Langsine 43% and in Early Dawn 29% households are heavily dependent on a monthly income ranging between R801 to R1 500. A high number of families in these communities receive their income from old age pension, followed by child support grants. This clearly indicates a high dependency ratio, since most families survive on the government’s system of social grants. It could be expected that this same trend is evident in the remaining two beneficiary communities. HIV/AIDS

AIDS and other poverty related diseases place a tremendous strain on the health care system. CDM has implemented HIV/AIDS prevention and care programmes geared at reducing HIV infection and prevalence rates and have made advances. The district HIV infection rate has decreased from 23% in 2009 to 18% in 2014 (CDM Final IDP/Budget 2016/7-2020/21).

The HIV/AIDS infection rate in the Blouberg LM is considered average. For the reports ending March 2017 (for all the clinics including Helen Franz hospital) the highest prevalence is at Alldays at 7,6% and the lowest prevalence is at Rosencrantz at 0,50 %. All clinics in the Blouberg LM provide ARVs to their patients (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021).

Page 281 Crime

There are five police stations within the boundaries of the Blouberg LM (Senwabarwana, Alldays, Tolwe, Plat Jan, Eldorado and Saamboubrug) and three stations outside the boundaries but serving settlements of Blouberg (Mara, Mogwadi and Gilead (Matlala). There is a backlog of four police stations, as people still travel long distances to access services (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021).

Of all the reported cases at the Alldays SAPS, assault to inflict grievous bodily harm ranked high, followed by burglaries, drug related crimes, stock theft and common assault.

Crime category April 2013 – March April 2016 – March 2014 2017 Contact crimes (crime against the person) Murder 0 1 Total sexual crimes 8 5 Attempted murder 0 0 Assault with intent to inflict grievous 21 32 bodily harm Common assault 28 15 Common robbery 2 2 Robbery with aggravating circumstances 4 3 Contact related crime Arson 0 0 Malicious injury to property 23 19 Property-related crime Burglary at non-residential premises 5 17 Burglary at residential premises 21 25 Motor vehicle theft 1 1 Stock-theft 22 18 Crime detected as a result of police action Unlawful possession of firearms and 5 0 ammunition Drug-related crime 13 19 Table 59: Alldays Police Station crime statistics per category (Source: www.saps.gov.za)

Safety and security challenges in the Blouberg LM relate to insufficient and poorly equipped police stations, insufficient crime prevention infrastructure, poor visibility of police within communities, unavailability of street lights in communities and so forth. Emergency management

The objective of Fire and Rescue Services is to prevent the loss of life, property and protect the environment and enhance the principle of safer communities. Other objectives include rescue services, fire prevention and public education. Fire and Rescue Services are the function of the CDM in the three local municipalities of Blouberg, Lepelle-Nkumpi and Molemole, where there are three fire stations. Fire and Rescue in Polokwane is the function of Polokwane LM itself.

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10.6.8 Housing, infrastructure and services

An analysis of the current status quo of housing and service delivery could assist the proponent with priorities for the SLP. In general, the CDM has made progress with regards to improving access to basic services, such as water supply, sanitation and electricity, although the Blouberg LM is still facing many stumbling blocks. Housing

Both the CDM and Blouberg LMs’ residents currently occupy 92% formal dwellings. CDM recorded 3.5% informal dwellings in 2016 (CS 2016). There are no informal settlements in the Blouberg LM, but it has recorded a housing backlog of over 2000 housing units (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021). Since 2000 there has been an allocation of over 6000 low cost housing units to communities of the Blouberg LM, with Alldays and Senwabarwana being the biggest beneficiaries of such housing development programmes. The challenge of incomplete Reconstruction and Development Programme structures in some wards remains (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021). Service delivery

Service delivery figures for 2011 and 2016 for the CDM and Blouberg LM are reflected in the graph below.

95.2 100 95.2 88.4 87.4 90 80 70 60 50 40 Blouberg LM 30.2 29.7 30.4 26.6 30 23.3 Capricorn DM 19.5 19.3 20 16.6 7.8 5.7 5.5 10 1.4 0 2011 2016 2011 2016 2011 2016 2011 2016 Piped water Electricity for Flush toilet Weekly refuse inside lighting connected to removal dwelling sewerage

Figure 44: Service delivery: Capricorn DM & Blouberg LM (StatsSA) Water

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In the CDM, the major source of water is from the regional/local water scheme, operated by the municipalities or other Water Service Providers (WSP), followed by boreholes. The responsibility to provide clean and safe drinking water rests with the CDM as the Water Services Authority (WSA). Blouberg is serving as a WSP for revenue collection.

There are a large number of small villages (villages with less than 1 000 people) located in the Blouberg LM area. This low population density has serious implications for improving the levels of service provision to communities because the costs associated with the provision of service infrastructure in those areas are very high (CDM Final IDP/Budget 2016/7-2020/21). Other challenges include theft and vandalism of water system infrastructure'; ageing infrastructure and high water losses; inadequate bulk water supply and lack of funding; over-reliance on boreholes and so forth. Groundwater resource abstraction needs to be carefully monitored to prevent over-exploitation.

Delivery of piped water to dwellings in the Blouberg LM area is very poor and has decreased over the last number of years. Sanitation

Pit latrines are mostly used in rural areas, where there is no proper piped water system. The sanitation backlog requires a huge amount of money to bring up to date and is exacerbated by the scarcity of water resources to implement waterborne sanitation systems and expanding the reticulated water networks. Little improvement has taken place in the Blouberg LM during the period 2011 to 2016. Electricity

The 2016 Census estimates that 95.2% of the Blouberg LM has access to electricity (an improvement of 6.8% since the 2011 Census), meaning 4.8% use energy sources such as gas, paraffin, candles, solar and so forth. Challenges that are experienced include illegal connections, cable theft, vandalism of transformers, the cutting of trees leads to deforestation and soil erosion, limited Eskom capacities and budgetary constraints. Health services

CDM has seven district hospitals, four Community Health Centres (CHC), 96 clinics and mobile services. The health facilities vary between public and private. The public service is under pressure to deliver services to CDM's population. CDM is divided into five sub- districts and, for operational purposes, these sub-districts are further divided into fourteen local areas. The Blouberg Subdistrict has three local areas, with the following health facilities (Department of Health 2014):  25 Clinics (including 1 Gateway);  2 Health centres (i.e. Ratshaatshaa and Blouberg);  1 District hospital (i.e. Helen Franz);  2 CHCs; and

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 1 Mobile service.

In areas where the walking distance / radius to the nearest health facility are further than five kilometres, mobile clinic services are provided. All the clinics in the Blouberg LM provide ARVs to the patients. Problems experienced include shortage of medical doctors and assistant nurses in most clinics and in Helen Franz Hospital; clinics operate only five days in a week and not 24 hours; ambulance response times are extended, poor road infrastructure leading to the clinics; and shortage of ambulance vehicles in farming areas of Tolwe, Baltimore, Maastroom and Swaartwater. There is a backlog of about seven clinics and one hospital in the Blouberg LM, as there are some wards with no clinics (Draft Blouberg LM IDP/Budget 2018/2019-2021). Education facilities

There are 186 primary and 84 secondary schools in the Blouberg LM area and one institution of higher learning, i.e. the Senwabarwana campus of the Capricorn FET College. In support of education the district has initiated the Adopt-a-School programme in partnership with the Department of Education to empower and support schools in the rural parts of the district that are under-resourced and under-privileged. The CDM also offers full bursaries to study skills that are in short supply, i.e. engineering etc. (CDM Final IDP/Budget 2016/7-2020/21).

10.6.9 Potential Socio-economic impacts during the Construction Phase Local economic impacts

Although temporary in nature, possible positive impacts could manifest for the local economy during the construction period, which include:  Impacts on local employment;  Impacts on new local contractors and SMMEs; and  Impacts due to local procurement of goods and services, contracts with local service providers, salaries and wages and so forth.

It is important that the Waterberg JV and Blouberg LM are clear about their definition of “local”. The DMR refers to the local area as the affected parties that reside within a 50 km radius from the project and those that live within the local municipal boundaries. However, locals that reside closer to a project could feel that the majority of a project’s economic benefits should accrue to them and that they should be considered first for employment. Local employment

The severity/magnitude of the impact on the local economy will depend on the number of locals employed; preference given to local contractors and service providers; the duration of the construction period; and policies of the mining company with regards to a Value Chain analysis in order to prepare local communities for the tender processes.

Page 285 Impacts on new HDSA suppliers, SMMEs and other small businesses

During the construction phase, local SMMEs and other local contractors required for construction would typically include labour for trenching, digging and erection of infrastructure, catering, transport and so forth. Procurement from international companies for major components and engineering services will be required. A Preferential Procurement Policy and Plan has not been finalized yet and will be developed during the Detailed Feasibility (DFS) Phase and prior to construction and will take account of the scorecard objectives and the economic reality of the best and safest provider of services (Draft Project SLP). The procurement target will be detailed and provided post the DFS Phase in middle 2019. An amount of R6 million is, however, assigned for support to local SMMEs and the expansion of existing SMMEs from the period 2020 to 2023 (Draft Project SLP), although a portion of this will overflow into the operational phase. Waterberg JV is committed to ensuring the growth of HDSA suppliers and undertakes to maximize the value of cost effective and reliable procurement of capital, consumables and services from companies owned and controlled by HDSAs of the affected communities from the area in which it operates (Draft Project SLP).

Targets for HDSA Procurement are based on the Mining Charter 2018 Scorecard:  70% of HDSA spend on services;  50% of HDSA spend on consumables; and  40% spend on capital goods at the mine.

To encourage a fair, transparent and compliant environment at all levels of procurement the Procurement Action Plan will: (Draft Project SLP)

 Identify and record the level of procurement from HDSA companies on a quarterly basis, as well as geographical sources of procurement;  Encourage all suppliers to form partnerships with HDSA companies, without overlooking the necessary requirements of the tender process; and  Where necessary and feasible, provide mentoring and capacity building assistance to HDSA suppliers. General local economic impacts

As a result of contracts with HDSAs, SMMEs and local service providers, an increase in salaries and wages, and local procurement of goods (limited) and services, a positive impact on the local economy is anticipated. Local economic spin-offs as a result of the construction phase include contractors that reside in local B&B’s and guesthouses; positive impacts for local merchants and grocery stores as a result of higher spending power; and a possible increase in informal traders.

Page 286 Local economic impacts (negative) Impact on the local communities’ livelihoods

Locals supplement incomes and enhance their subsistence through livestock and crop farming, beer brewing from the Marula fruit, cutting and selling of firewood and traditional herbs for herbal medicine. Construction and erection of surface infrastructure; the movement of construction vehicles; and construction of new access roads, the construction camp and so forth could have a negative impact on these livelihood activities during the construction phase. Population impacts Impacts of an influx of jobseekers

For a construction project of this nature, and as a result of the high local unemployment rates, jobseekers from outside the municipal boundaries could move into the area seeking employment, often remaining once their contracts expire. Negative impacts associated with an influx of jobseekers are:  An increase in local unemployment, especially amongst the youth and unskilled, if jobseekers remain post-construction;  Potential conflict between locals and “outsiders” that compete for employment opportunities and other resources;  Increase in the number and size of informal settlements;  A potential increase in crime and other social issues in the direct vicinity of the Project and in the local municipal area (drug abuse, prostitution, etc.);  Impacts on spatial planning (retail space, office space, industrial land, residential units); and  Additional pressure on local government to provide housing, services, employment and so forth.

Discussions with members of council and the local community representatives, however, indicated that this impact is highly unlikely to manifest if the mining company involves the local Municipality in the employment process from the on-set of the Project and if the objectives set by the Forum. Community / institutional arrangements Attitude formation against the project (Goedetrouw community)

During the initial PPP some members of the community of Goedetrouw indicated their unwillingness to co-operate. This situation and subsequent negative community mobilization was brought on by a number of events:  Some of the Goedetrouw community members were of the opinion that insufficient consultation was done at the start of the mining right process;

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 Goedetrouw was not consulted during the draft SLP formulation; and  After the expiration of the lease agreement with Goedetrouw, the Waterberg JV engaged in activities such as drilling to investigate rock formations for infrastructure placement. At the community meeting of 10 November 2018 it was agreed that Waterberg JV will pay compensation to the community to address this issue.

Some of the Goedetrouw community representatives reside as far as Gauteng and, with the Lawyers for Human (“LHR”) who also came on board, inclusive communication with all community representatives has resulted in delays for the EIA process. Goedetrouw has subsequently confirmed their support for the Project, but the matter remains sensitive and should be treated as such. Conflict during the construction process (labour disputes)

Conflict during the construction process, resulting in labour disputes and strikes, could manifest as a result of:  Beneficiary communities and individuals that feel excluded from the process if they were not considered for construction jobs;  Outsiders that receive preference for construction related opportunities;  Poor communication with the local communities in terms of the needs and requirements of SMMEs and insufficient training for small businesses, resulting in SMMEs from outside the impact area that are awarded contracts;  Unsatisfactory salaries and wages, and so forth. Individual and family level impacts Traffic and intrusion impacts on access roads

Disruptions in daily living and movement patterns for surrounding communities, landowners and road users could manifest in the form of higher traffic volumes and intrusion impacts (dust, noise, light pollution, etc.) due to an increase in construction vehicles, resulting in short-term disruptions and safety hazards. Damage to public road surfaces could result in road accidents and temporary road closures (if any) could increase motorists’ frustrations. Intrusion impacts surrounding the construction site

Intrusion impacts refer to noise, visual and light pollution, aesthetic impacts and dust/air pollution during the construction phase, as a result of emissions, movement of construction vehicles, earthworks and general construction activities. These impacts are investigated and rated individually in a scientific manner by the respective Specialists as part of the EIA Report. For the purposes of the SIA, intrusion impacts as perceived by the community and affected parties are assessed. Although short-term in nature, the severity of the impact would increase if sensitive receptors are close to the construction area.

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Consequences of the impact may only be partially reversible as permanent health impacts (respiratory diseases due to air pollution) may result. Security impacts

Crime and security issues during the construction phase are often associated with the influx of outsiders and an increase in jobless people into the area. During the construction phase there is an increase in human activities, roads become more accessible for the wider public and materials and equipment are brought to site that attract criminals. The Project Area is generally characterized by low crime levels, which could be negatively impacted if the employment process is not managed adequately and insufficient security measures implemented. The nearest police station is located approximately 46 km from the site and the poor road conditions and intermittent cellular phone network coverage makes prompt reporting and police assistance problematic. Since the inception of the prospecting phase of this Project, more serious criminal incidences have already manifested, and an armed robbery has occurred. Borehole pumps, a generator, diesel, batteries and a company vehicle are among the items that have been stolen. Impacts on infrastructure and services Impacts on roads

Road infrastructure could be impacted and damaged as a result of an increase in the number and movement of large trucks and construction vehicles. Financial impacts could manifest for the CDM and local municipalities in terms of road maintenance. Safety and financial impacts are possible for road users should private vehicles be damaged. However, all new construction work that will be required in support of the proposed new mining activities will generate mostly on-site trips with only a few new trips on the surrounding road network in the form of delivery vehicles for the relative short term construction periods. Service disruptions

It is not anticipated that services in terms of water, electricity and sewerage will be disrupted during construction. Brief disruptions could, however, occur when connections with the new substation take place. Communication with neighbouring landowners, a complaints' register and the appointment of an operational CLO would be essential, as grievances should be addressed speedily.

10.6.10 Potential Socio-economic impacts during Operation Phase Local economic impacts (positive)

A project of this nature usually results in several benefits for the local economy, which can be enhanced through the implementation of appropriate management measures and

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specifically by ensuring that locals benefit to the maximum. The positive local economic impacts foreseen during the operational phase of the Project are discussed and evaluated below. Employment

During the mining phase it is anticipated that 200 permanent employment opportunities would be filled. The proposed mining methods are advantageous in terms of cost and efficiency and job numbers will be lower from an employment point of view. This would, however, make room for higher trained personnel, resulting in higher salaries when compared with employees employed in conventional labour-intensive methods (Draft Project SLP). Approximately 50% of the positions would be allocated to higher skilled employees, 30% to semi-skilled and 20% to lower skilled employees.

The Waterberg JV is committed to organizational transformation which is aligned to Mining Charter Employment Equity targets and will implement career development and performance management initiatives to ensure the development of HDSA’s in management positions. It is further the intent of the Waterberg JV to employ a strategy of recruiting from the local community and developing recruits guided by the career progression path and skills development programmes, to ensure a skilled and competent. In could be expected that temporary employment will also become available periodically for civil works and site maintenance, site clearance, painting of buildings and small maintenance jobs, such as plumbing. The employment of temporary workers would usually be done through a contractor and the numbers cannot accurately be determined at this stage. Impacts on local procurement / local SMMEs / supporting industries

The Mining Charter sets standards for mining companies to give preferred supplier status to BBEEE companies in its aim to enhance local economic impacts. During the operational phase, contracts with small local businesses could include contractors to transport and dispose of domestic and industrial waste; equipment cleaning (trucks, machinery, etc.); maintenance and repairs of infrastructure and roads; operation of tuck shops and similar recreational facilities; laundry and catering services; gardening; security, etc. The Waterberg JV is committed to ensuring the growth of HDSA suppliers and undertakes to maximize the value of cost effective and reliable procurement of capital, consumables and services from companies owned and controlled by HDSAs of the affected communities from the area in which it operates (Draft Project SLP). The Waterberg JV will develop and implement a Preferential Procurement Policy, which will lead to a fair, transparent and compliant environment at all levels of Procurement at operational level. Although the amount allocated towards procurement is unknown at this stage, a Procurement Policy will be formulated during the operational phase and an amount of R6 million is assigned for support to local SMMEs and the expansion of existing SMMEs from the period 2020 to 2023 (Draft Project SLP). The aim is to support emerging SMMEs in the mining communities, as the majority do not have the necessary resources and venues to

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conduct business. Buildings would be provided where these small businesses can be operated from. The Waterberg JV is committed to assisting more of these SMMEs to expand, to contribute to employment creation and LED. Incomes generated through lease agreements

Lease agreements will be concluded with the affected communities where infrastructure is erected and mining-related activities take place (surface), and to ensure surface area access. Positive economic impacts through lease incomes will be assured for the duration of the LoM. General economic impacts for the Blouberg local economy

During the operational phase, the local economy could benefit in the following ways:  A possible increase in municipal rates and taxes, as the land would be rezoned from “Agriculture” to “Special Use for Agriculture and Mining”, resulting in higher levels of rateable income.  Local communities would benefit economically through the SLP programmes and LED projects.  The establishment of new local suppliers and services established and possibly trained by the mine. The Waterberg JV Mine is committed to ensuring the growth of HDSA suppliers and undertakes to maximize the value of cost effective and reliable procurement of capital, consumables and services from companies owned and controlled by HDSAs of the affected communities from the area in which it operates (Draft Project SLP).  An increase in wages, salaries and spendable income and economic spin-offs for general dealers, transport services, accommodation facilities and so forth. Local economic impacts (negative) Loss of access to livelihoods

Access to natural resources and other livelihood activities supplement incomes and are a main source of income to some locals. Activities that could be impacted negatively due to mining and the related undertakings and which could result in the loss of incomes include:  Potential groundwater pollution affecting livestock and crops;  Dust generation on access roads and near the surface infrastructure that damage crops and grazing and affecting livestock health;  An increase in stock theft (security impacts) as a result of the influx of jobseekers and jobless people and higher unemployment levels;  Livestock being killed due to speeding construction vehicles and negligent driving;  Surface infrastructure that impacts Marula trees and other fruit-bearing plants, which are harvested for beer-brewing, eating and processing purposes;  Surface infrastructure and mining related activities affect the growth of and access to traditional herbal plants;

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 Cutting of trees for the selling of fire wood (lesser extent);  Poaching of wildlife and bird species (guinea fowl, springbok, hyenas, leopard, etc. Influx of outsiders / migrant workers Impacts on local communities as a result of an influx of outsiders / migrant workers

The prospect of work opportunities could attract jobseekers and migrant workers into the area. In addition, many of the semi- and higher skilled positions will be filled by ‘outsiders’ where local skills do not exist. Family members could follow, thereby increasing the demand for local housing. Jobseekers and an ‘outside’ workforce could have an impact on the villages and community members that surround the mining area in the following ways:  Security impacts and an increase in criminal activities due to an increase in local unemployment;  Increase in demand for local housing resulting in the erection of illegal structures and backyard shacks;  Population impacts placing demands on the provision of services (water, sewerage, electricity) and resulting in environmental degradation;  Conflict should non-community members buy / rent stands in the local villages (private land) and should some of the community members oppose these agreements.

It is the responsibility of each affected community through their respective Trusts/Committees to determine the protocol of how newcomers may be accommodated, e.g. whether newcomers may buy / rent property, whether backyard shacks are/are not permitted and so forth. Impacts on Waterberg JV as a result of an influx of outsiders

The influx of outsiders / jobseekers during the operational phase could result in negative impacts for the mining company in the following ways:  The size and number of the beneficiary communities would increase. The SLP is revised every 5 years and an increase in funding allocated towards projects and social development programmes, to incorporate the increasing number of beneficiaries would be required.  The Waterberg JV has a responsibility towards the local affected communities and additional pressure would be placed on their human resources division and CLO to mediate issues and conflict between locals and newcomers.  Provision of housing for employees that are not from the local areas, with a cost implication. A suitable locality will be liaised between the Waterberg JV and Blouberg LM.  Houses / illegal structures that are erected within the Surface Infrastructure Area and buffer zones would need to be relocated with a cost implication.

Page 292 Impacts on the Blouberg local municipality as a result of an influx of outsiders / migrant workers / jobseekers

Although the Blouberg LM stated that it has not experienced significant influxes of jobseekers due to infrastructure projects in the past, the possibility that this impact will manifest due to the Project cannot be dismissed. Negative impacts could include:  Conflict due to locals and ‘outsiders’ competing for the same resources and locals perceiving that their ‘jobs’ are being stolen;  Financial burden on the Blouberg LM to provide housing;  Additional pressure on education, health care and other social services. Skills development and social responsibility

The Mining Charter, amongst others, enforces the implementation of a SLP. This document is in line with and compliant to the local municipality’s IDP and LED objectives and does therefore not function in isolation. Once the SLP is approved and the Waterberg JV is granted the mining right, the Waterberg JV will be legally required to comply with it. It is revised every 5 years and sets out how the Waterberg JV intends to share some of the benefits that flow from mining. Outputs of the SLP community projects are usually streamlined with the IDP priorities and co-operation and collaboration with the LED Unit of Blouberg LM is thus required. The Waterberg JV’s focus on skills development is based on the intention to deliver an appropriately skilled workforce for its operational, needs as well as future career development opportunities within the mining industry beyond the needs of the Project's operational requirements. Focus is thus on the portability of skills, through the achievement of accredited qualifications by accredited training providers and programmes. Once the Project is operational, the SLP budget will be based on a percentage of the Projects income, which will be determined during the operational phase (Draft Project SLP). The following is provided through the Draft Project SLP:  Education, training and development through learnerships and bursaries, Core Business Skills Programmes, portable skills training, Career Progression Plans, Mentorship, Internship plans and so forth;  LED Programmes and infrastructure development;  Provision of housing;  Healthcare and nutrition; and  HDSA Procurement plan. Skills development, training and capacity building

The Waterberg JV’s training and capacity building programmes, as reflected in the Draft Project SLP, are briefly discussed and rated in this section of the report.  Training delivered at the Project (where feasible) will be conducted in accordance with accredited training programmes with the relevant SETAs. The Waterberg JV

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Mine focus on ensuring the portability of skills through the achievement of accredited qualifications by accredited training providers and programmes.  Implementation of a Skills Development Plan, to identify the skills and competencies that are required for the Waterberg JV to meet its production targets. To evaluate the skills base, the Waterberg JV will perform skills analysis on all prospective employees during the recruitment process. This will allow it to allocate training interventions and identify portable skills and requirements and assess functional literacy and numeracy levels of the community. This in turn will be used to determine the skills needed to capacitate the community.  Establishment of an AET programme, if required, to increase literacy levels. However, the skills required at the Project are for potential employees with minimum qualifications above AET level. The focus will be to empower youth by developing skills with existing Technical and Vocational Education and Training (“TVET”) colleges on technical skills.  Provide mining related Learnerships, as well as Learnerships with portability outside the mining industry. The total number of learners on the programme by 2023 will be 36.  Core Business Skills Training will be integrated with the Career Progression Plan and the planned Core and non-technical business skills training enrolments by 2023 is 150. The link between Core Business Skills Training and the Career Progression Plan serves as a framework for planning any training and development to support promotion in terms of the workforce plan.  Portable skills training to employees will be done to increase employees’ marketability in the open labour market in the possible event of retrenchments and mine closure. Such portable skills will have an impact beyond the Waterberg JV and provide for sustained employability and wherever feasible will also: o Build on employees’ existing skills and be recognized nationally; o Enable employees to manage their careers by addressing identified skills gaps; and o Supplement existing skills with business-related training where appropriate.

The focus will be on mechanized equipment operator and heavy-duty mechanic skills and non-mining related portable skills such as basic computing, plumbing, bricklaying, welding and entrepreneurship for portable skills. 60 enrolments between 2019 and 2023 is envisaged with a total budget of R375 000 allocated.

 Hard to Fill vacancies will be identified during the recruitment and operational phase and Career Progression and Mentorship Plans implemented for employees.  The up-skilling of individuals from the key labour sending communities, as well as its own employees, will be achieved through bursary programmes, as a mechanism for facilitating such skills development. The bursaries for community members will be for mining related courses. External and Internal Bursary Targets by 2023 is 6.  The Internship Plan provides the opportunity for work related experience that will help learners prepare for the world of work, mainly students from the surrounding

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communities, subject to constraints such as available time from line management to mentor students. Fields of study for external internships include Metallurgy, Chemical and Mechanical engineering, Geology, Civil & Structural engineering, IT, Administration and so forth. The target set between 2019 and 2023 is 30 interns with a total budget of R1,8 million. LED programmes and infrastructure development

The purpose of the LED programme and projects is to seek upliftment opportunities and to alleviate poverty within the labour sending area of the Project Area, but simultaneously to ensure that livelihoods created during the LED phase will be able to survive independently after the Waterberg JV has exited each programme and more specifically after the Project has closed. The focus is thus on long-term sustainability of entrepreneurship, job creation and incomes. The Draft Project SLP specifies that the focus will be on infrastructure projects that will directly benefit large portions of the population, and which will have a long-lasting impact. The Waterberg JV consulted with Blouberg LM to endorse projects identified (Waterberg JV Mine SLP, 2019-2023):  Provision of infrastructure and educational support to local schools;  Mine and community bulk water supply and reticulation;  Extension and equipping of existing clinic/health facility;  Construction of crèche and pre-school; and  Support to local SMMEs (expansion of existing SMMEs).

The total financial provision for LED Programmes for the period 2019 to 2023 is R320 600 000. HDSA Procurement

The Waterberg JV is committed to ensuring the growth of HDSA suppliers and undertakes to maximize the value of cost effective and reliable procurement of capital, consumables and services from companies owned and controlled by HDSAs of the affected communities from the area in which the Project operates. Although the exact numbers and amount allocated to HDSA procurement during the operational phase have not been calculated, the targets for HDSA Procurement based on Mining Charter 2018 Scorecard are used. At least 70% will be spent on HDSA services, 50% HDSA spent on consumables and 40% HDSA spent on capital goods at the mine. Limited benefits will accrue during the operational phase, as procurement is mainly aimed at the construction phase. Community / institutional arrangements Impact of failed processes for consultation and negotiations with local communities

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Although the Goedetrouw community subsequently confirmed their support for the Project, the matter remains sensitive and should be treated as such. Any failed processes for consultation and negotiations with this community or any other beneficiary community could result in hostility towards the Waterberg JV and Project. Other reasons for negative community mobilization against the Waterberg JV and Project could include:  Beneficiary communities and other locals who perceive that the benefits of jobs do not accrue to them;  Tensions due to limited local procurement contracts;  Unrealistic expectations regarding SLP outputs, community projects, timeframes, etc.;  Differences in customs between the Waterberg JV and the local communities and a CLO that does not understand local customs; and  Negative impacts on the environment and local cultural practices due to mining activities, an influx of outsiders, and so forth.  On-going consequences of failed processes for consultation and negotiations could then result in:  Temporary disruptions at the Project, resulting in temporary mine closures and loss of income for the Waterberg JV;  Financial implications for both the Waterberg JV and local community(ies) should legal recourse be pursued;  Fragmentation of community leadership, divisions amongst the locals and destruction of their local customs, which could result in further environmental and social degradation (increase alcohol and drug abuse, crime, prostitution etc.).

Continuous engagement with relevant parties through the CLO and Future Forum / Environmental Monitoring Committee and commitment to implement actions and address issues are imperative management tools. Labour disputes during the operational phase

 Labour disputes and strikes during the operational phase are always a possibility. Conflict in SA’s mining environment is, amongst others, usually the result of the workers / Unions perception of:  Promises made by the mining company that are not being fulfilled;  Unfair labour practices and unsatisfactory salaries and wages;  The intended positive impacts of the SLP that do not reach beneficiaries or when the SLP projects and process move too slow; and  Poor communication with the workers should the HR Manager, mine management and CLO not be transparent.

The result of conflict / labour disputes and strikes could extend beyond financial impacts for the Project (site only), as job losses, economic impacts for locals, environmental degradation and even death could occur due to violent protests.

Page 296 Equity of minority groups Employment equity of HDSAs

Government adopted several strategies aimed at opening up the mining sector for previously disadvantaged individuals as part of its economic empowerment policy and in line with the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998. The Black population, youth, women and the disabled generally fall under the category of HDSAs.

In South Africa, despite the perception that women are more reliable and less likely to misuse drugs and alcohol while in employment, it is very rare that females are hired for more physically challenging jobs. Females dominate the Blouberg LM population and there are also a high number of female-headed households present. Female-headed households are typically the result of male migration, death, unwed pregnancies and so forth and generally most individuals who receive benefits from the various welfare programs are women. This cycle of dependency is a result of the funnel of failure that women tend to fall victim to. Women are left uneducated and living in poverty. Despite their desire to improve their current situation they are unable to with the opportunities available, which emphasize the need of proactive inclusion of this group in the labour market. The youth represents quite a substantial number of the unemployed in Blouberg. The lack of the youth to secure employment is often owing to their lack of experience, low education levels and socio-economic factors, compounded by a lack of skills. The result is a growing group of young people, with severely limited access to formal sector employment and limited means to do anything about this. Intended and constructive inclusion of women, youth and the disabled in this Project’s operational phase (through employment, training, community projects and other initiatives) would contribute considerably towards addressing some of the socio-economic challenges that faces the local communities as a result of inequalities.

Targets projected in the Employment Equity Strategic Action Plan (Waterberg JV Mine SLP, 2019-2023) are:  HDSAs in Management Targets are set at 40%, although the exact numbers will be finalized during the operational phase;  Employment of a minimum of 10% WIM and progressively increasing the percentage, as outlined in the strategic plan. WIM will be represented at all Paterson levels and the Waterberg JV will endeavour to fill more management positions with women;  Give preference to local women who meet entry level requirements for bursary and learnership programmes;  WIM and HDSAs will be developed through the internship programme and learnerships will further focus on the selection of women, to secure opportunities in mining for women. The Learnership programme is also aligned to the business plan, with the objective of addressing scarce skills; Hard to Fill Vacancies; and critical positions both at the mine and industry wide.

Page 297 Impacts on women in mining (WIM)

While various legislations allow the inclusion of women in the mining industry, this sector faces specific challenges, especially since the mining industry was, and still, is a male dominated environment. One important area that needs urgent attention is the promotion and maintenance of health and safety for women working underground. Mining involves hard physical labour, under conditions of extreme discomfort, deafening noise, intense heat and humidity and cramped space. WIM are particularly vulnerable workers, with special occupational health needs. Some of the challenges WIM face include: (LI Zungu, 20 October 2011):  Exposure to TBand HIV/AIDS, which are significant health risks in the South African mining industry, much more so than in the general public. These diseases are bound up with living and working conditions of miners, such as migrant labour, single sex hostels, undiagnosed active TB and closed ventilation systems in underground mines;  Physiological changes and psychological vulnerability inherent among women that may affect their health and safety at work;  Impact of shift work on women’s family lives;  Personal protective equipment is generally designed for the male physique (based on the history of male dominance in the industry);  Resistance by their male counterparts to fully accept and regard them as equal work partners;  Chronic stress reactions, which results from feelings of discrimination in a male- dominated work environment and conflicts associated with balancing work and the family;  Other safety challenges, such as when a female mine worker is not aware of her pregnancy and continues to work underground and be exposed to hazardous chemical substances that can have an adverse effect to the fetus; and  Access to sanitary facilities is frequently a problem for women working underground and temporary facilities are usually unisex, often without privacy, and generally not very well maintained. Gender impacts on local mining communities

This section of the SIA focuses on gender impacts associated with mining operations, specifically the way that the Project could negatively impact women’s rights in the surrounding communities and increase their economic vulnerability. Gender impacts could manifest in the following ways:  Dispossession of land rights and loss of access to livelihoods.  Exclusion of women in the employment process.  Relocations that affect women on an emotional and physical level, as they are generally the caretakers and housekeepers of the family. It is, however, not

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anticipated that large-scale relocations will take place. A few households in Ketting might be relocated to another locality within the same village.  Impaired access to social services (food, water and health care). When children or household members fall ill from polluted water supplies, respiratory diseases, etc. it is usually the women that have to nurse their household members back to health, taking time off work and placing pressure on their financial resources. For this Project access to water, electricity and health care could be improved due to provision of clean water by the Waterberg JV, a mine clinic and improved accessibility to services in town due to improved public transport and better roads.  Safety and security of women and violence against women in male-dominated mining communities remain a concern (there are evidence of significant violence against women in many regions in South Africa). Also, in remote areas that attract large number of men as workers, women often resort to prostitution to make a living, increasing their vulnerability.  TBs, HIV / AIDS, respiratory diseases and other communicable diseases affect WIM communities more than the general public. This is because these diseases are bound up with living and working conditions of miners, such as migrant labour, single sex hostels, undiagnosed active TB and closed ventilation systems in underground mines.  Widows of mineworkers bear the financial and emotional burden of losing a main breadwinner and then having to take care of their households with limited resources. Impacts on infrastructure and services Water

At present, the quality of potable water in the local communities is of poor standard and locals expressed their concern that the mining operations could degrade groundwater quality even further. It is understood that Waterberg JV has obtained a letter confirming availability of water and as such signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with CDM for provision of water to the Project. Some of the local communities, such as Ketting, Goedetrouw, Uitkyk, Brilliant and so forth would in all likelihood also benefit. Discussions with local communities to determine the need for water provision is still underway and the details have not been finalised. Electricity

For purposes of the Project, Waterberg JV will construct electricity infrastructure such as power lines and a substation, which will be transferred to Eskom once done. The local communities have existing electricity supply, but some benefits might accrue to them as their shortages could be supplemented. Cellular phone network coverage

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Locals currently experience poor cellular phone network coverage and it is possible that the higher demand will result in the installation of a new tower and improved coverage. The Waterberg JV will, however, usually only cater for their own needs and it is the responsibility of the local communities to place a request to the network providers for better services, motivated by the fact that a population increase has manifested.


The Cultural Heritage Assessment undertaken during the EIA Phase is attached as Appendix 7.5.

10.7.1 Description of the area

Although the survey was done on six farms (being Old Lang Syne 360 LR, Early Dawn 361 LR, Goedetrouw 366 LR, Ketting 368 LR, Disseldorp 369 LR and Norma 365 LR), the general environmental characteristics of the Communities in the Project Area and surrounding it are more or less the same. On these farms there are small villages, consisting of houses, other buildings (e.g. schools) and dirt roads.

The farms consist of communal land, mostly disturbed by recent human activities. This includes agriculture and grazing, with the latter usually further away from the village. Apart from agricultural fields, some old fields were also noted. Most of the land used for livestock has been overgrazed. This results in areas with little plant growth, showing trees but little grass cover and areas with pioneer species, such as acacias, sickle bush and candelabra trees.

Although the underfooting of the surveyed area therefore is mostly open, there are areas with dense vegetation, with the accordingly negative effect on horizontal and vertical archaeological visibility. Other signs of disturbance found are possible earlier prospecting or even mining as well as erosion.

It needs to be indicated that the vegetation cover was much denser than during any other previous survey, due to the time of year it was conducted. However, although it may have had a negative effect on archaeological visibility, it needs to be realized that it is the fourth time the site was surveyed and therefore the surroundings were reasonably well-known.

The topography of the six farms is reasonably even. However, both Early Dawn and Ketting have a very steep rise to the plateau on its western side and Disseldorp to its north-western side. The general view here is rocky. At Early Dawn there also is a few smaller hills towards the northwestern and southeastern sides of the farm.

No large rivers are found close to the Project Area. A few non-perennial streams do however drain the entire area.

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10.7.2 Historical context

Twenty-seven sites of cultural heritage significance were located on the six farms surveyed. A few heritage reports of the surrounding area was found on the SAHRA database as well as the database of Archaetnos (see reference list – Nel, Pelser and Van Vollenhoven). Some of these were desktop studies, which did not provide specific information on the Project Area, but rather about the broader geographical environment.

A few scholars (see reference list) also did archaeological research in the area. Unfortunately, some of these reports are not accessible, although indicated on the SAHRIS system of SAHRA (SAHRIS database). Much of the information was however captured by Nel and Van Vollenhoven.

Many sites are known from the surrounding environment of the surveyed area (Archaetnos database). To place this within context and understand possible finds that could be unearthed during construction activities, it is necessary to give a background regarding the different phases of human history in the area.

It also needs to be noted that the Makgabeng Plateau is seen as being a very sensitive heritage area. However, the mining impact is limited to the plains east of the plateau. Therefore, only mention will be made of sites on the plateau. Stone Age

The Stone Age is the period in human history when lithic material was mainly used to produce tools (Coertze & Coertze 1996: 293). In South Africa the Stone Age can be divided in three periods. It is however important to note that dates are relative and only provide a broad framework for interpretation. The division for the Stone Age according to Korsman & Meyer (1999) is as follows:

 Early Stone Age (ESA) 2 million – 150 000 years ago  Middle Stone Age (MSA) 150 000 – 30 000 years ago  Late Stone Age (LSA) 40 000 years ago – 1850 - A.D.

Many Stone Age sites have been identified previously in the Limpopo Province. Sites dated to the Early Stone Age were identified at Blaauwbank close to Rooiberg, at the Cave of hearths and Schoonheid close to Mokopane, at Olieboompoort to the north of Thabazimbi and at Kalkbank to the south of Schoemansdal (Bergh 1999: 4).

Middle Stone Age sites are known at: Tuinplaats to the east of Bela-Bela; Olieboompoort to the north of Thabazimbi; the Cave of Hearths and Rufus Cave close to Mokopane; Grace Dieu and Mwulu Cave close to Polokwane; Kalkbank to the south of Schoemansdal; and Noord-Brabant and Goergap to the east of Lephalale (Bergh 1999: 4). One Middle Stone Age site is known from the farm Mont Blanc, close to the Project Area (Sadr 2005).

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Late Stone Age sites have been identified at: Wellington Estates to the east of Settlers; Modimolle; Olieboompoort to the north of Thabazimbi; the Cave of Hearths close to Mokopane, Noord-Brabant close to Lephalale; Kalkbank to the south of Schoemansdal and in the Greefswald area. Closer to the surveyed area only one Late Stone Age site is known. It is called the Makgabeng site close to Blouberg (Bergh 1999: 4).

Rock art are also associated with the Late Stone Age. Such sites were found in abundance in the Limpopo Province. Rock paintings are located along the Limpopo River, the Soutpansberg, Waterberg, Strydpoortberg and the areas in between these. Rock engravings were found along the Mogalakwena and Limpopo Rivers, and between the Olifants and Steelpoort Rivers (Bergh 1999: 4). This includes the Project Area.

It is clear that the mentioned sites were identified in rural areas and therefore there is a good chance of finding Stone Age sites in this environment, especially close to rivers and mountains. These natural features create an environment suitable for human habitation.

At least on Middle Stone Age site was identified close to the Project Area (Nel et.al 2013: 43-44). Nel et.al. (2013: 20-27) also indicates the Late Stone Age existence in the more immediate vicinity of the Project Area. They mention that more than 460 rock art sites have been documented in this region. However, Eastwood and Tlouamma (2006:9) indicate that they documented more than 670 sites in the region. This includes San rock art and finger paintings associated with the Khoi. Rock painting were noted on the plateau by Van Essen (2018), one of the specialists who did a biodiversity study on the plateau.

Late Stone Age sites on the Makgabeng Plateau was also researched and described by Bradfield et.al. (2009: 176-183). They indicate that research has been done in the past here by Roberts (1916), Mason (1962) and Sampson (1974). Bradfield excavated a specific shelter called Mphekwane.

Although no such sites were identified during the survey, it is clear from the above mentioned that Stone Age people did utilize and settled in the broader geographical area. There however are some hiatuses due to certain farms not having been researched before. One will therefore have to be careful when undertaking the Project that sites are not disturbed. These are however to expected against and on top of the Makgabeng Plateau which is adjacent to the area of impact.

Things to be on the lookout for would be caves, rock shelters, rock outcrops and areas with scattered stone tools in the open, especially close to rivers. This environment is found on the western sections of the farms Early Dawn and Ketting.

Stone tools can be recognized by it showing definite sharp edges and cut and hammering marks, which would distinguish it from ordinary stones. Rock paintings may also be found in caves and rock shelters, whereas large stones in the open may contain rock engravings.

Page 302 Iron Age

The Iron Age is the name given to the period of human history when metal was mainly used to produce metal artefacts (Coertze & Coertze 1996:346). In South Africa it can be divided in two separate phases according to Van der Ryst & Meyer (1999: 96-98), namely:

 Early Iron Age (EIA) 200 – 1000 A.D.  Late Iron Age (LIA) 1000 – 1850 A.D.

Huffman (2007: xiii) however indicates that a Middle Iron Age should be included. His dates, which are now widely accepted in archaeological circles, are:

 Early Iron Age (EIA) 250 – 900 A.D.  Middle Iron Age (MIA) 900 – 1300 A.D.  Late Iron Age (LIA) 1300 – 1840 A.D.

Very few Early Iron Age sites have been identified. In the Limpopo Province these include sites at Kommando Kop, Pont Drift, Mapungubwe and Schroda in the Limpopo Valley. Other sites are Happy Rest / Matakoma close to Schoemansdal; Klein Afrika to the north of Louis Trichardt; the Eiland site along the upper Letaba River; Silver Leaves close to Tzaneen; Harmonie to the south of Leydsdorp; and Diamant to the north of Thabazimbi (Bergh 1999: 6). Sites were also identified close to Burgersfort and Hoedspruit (Archaetnos database). No Early Iron Age sites are indicated in a historical atlas (Bergh 1999) close to the surveyed area.

Middle Iron Age sites include the World Heritage site at Mapungubwe and K2, Kommandokop and Schroda in the Limpopo Valley (Bergh 1999: 7). No Middle Iron Age sites are indicated in a historical atlas (Bergh 1999) close to the Project Area.

Late Iron Age sites are found in abundance throughout the Limpopo Province. Pelser (2011: 11) indicate that many such sites exist close to Alldays but do not provide any details. Knows sites include those along the Sand and Levuvhu Rivers; various sites in the Kruger National Park (including Thulamela, Makahane and others); at least 58 sites near Phalaborwa; 200 sites along the Lephalala River; 35 sites to the south of Polokwane; 42 sites to the east of Mokopane; 13 smelting sites in the Strydpoort Mountains; and 63 sites between Thabazimbi and Rooiberg (Bergh 1999: 7). None of these are in the Project Area.

Specific sites relating to archaeo-metallurgy were also identified. Sites where copper smelting were identified include some to the west and south of Musina; to the north and west of Phalaborwa (including Lolwe); sites to the south of Leydsdorp; between Tzaneen and Polokwane; along the Hout River; and close to Modimolle. Sites where iron were worked include those at Tshimbupfe to the east of Louis Trichardt; sites around Phalaborwa; sites between Polokwane and Tzaneen; to the north and east of Modimolle; and to the east of Thabazimbi. Signs of gold working were only found at four sites namely

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Mapungubwe, Machemma, Makahane and Thulamela. Tin workings were identified at Blaauwbank and Rooiberg in the south-west of the province (Bergh 1999: 8). More sites known are sites on the farm Icon, Matoks, Manavela, Tavhatshena and the farm Stayt (Archaetnos database). Van Schalkwyk also indicated that iron was worked at a site on the farm Millbank (Bradfield et.al. 2009: 180).

The lack of known sites on the farms included in the Project Area is merely an indication that these have not been surveyed in the recent past. Therefore, chances are good that Iron Age material and sites will be identified on some of these farms. Early Iron Age sites are usually found close to rivers. During a very recent survey such sites were indeed identified on the southern side of Blouberg and the northern side of the Makgabeng Plateau. Mention is made of several Early Iron Age sites on farms in and close to the Project Area (Nel et.al. 2013: 20-23).

During the mentioned recent survey close to the Project Area, Nel et.al. (2013: 20-29, 35- 40, 44-46) did identify Late Iron Age sites. They also mention rock art sites, known as finger paintings, associated with Northern Sotho speaking farming communities of the Late Iron Age. These were studied by Smith & Van Schalkwyk 2002: 235-254), who indicated that a specific painting of a camel can be dated to the early 20th century.

Van Schalkwyk indicated that Iron Age farmers moved into the area during the 13th century. He also did some excavations on the farm Millbank on a 16th and 17th century LIA village (Bradfield et.al. 2009: 176).

Late Iron Age sites are normally found on the foot or against slopes of hills. These sites can be identified by extensive stone walled complexes that served as homesteads and cattle kraals (Figure 26). Sometimes these sites can be identified by only a few potsherds. The lack of known sites closer to the Project Area may only indicate that no research has been done in this area. During the mentioned recent survey close to the Project Area, Nel et.al. (2013: 20-29, 35-40, 44-46) did identify Late Iron Age sites. They also mention rock art sites, known as finger paintings, associated with Sotho speaking farming communities of the Late Iron Age.

One such site was identified during the current survey, but since the environment is definitely suitable therefore one should be cautious. Caution should especially be taken when working in the areas close to mountains (against slopes, in saddles or on top) and rivers. On Goedetrouw some Iron Age remains were also noted (Van Vollenhoven 2015b).

On the farm Ketting a few sites have been identified by one of the project geologists. It includes seven Late Iron Age sites and one cave with pottery and other. The biodiversity specialist made mention of similar sites. These sites are important, and one will have to conduct further studies, especially on the cave site. These sites are however far away from the proposed infrastructure development on site.

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The strategic position of some of these sites indicates that the sites were utilized during times of turmoil, e.g. the Difaquane or the wars against the former Boer republic of the ZAR. This would place it within the historical era, but the characteristics of the sites are similar to that of Late Iron Age sites. Historical Age

The historical age started with the first recorded oral histories in the area. It includes the moving into the area of people that were able to read and write. This era is sometimes called the Colonial era or the recent past. Due to factors such as population growth and a decrease in mortality rates, more people inhabited the area during the recent historical past. Therefore, much more cultural heritage resources have been left on the landscape. It is important to note that all cultural resources older than 60 years are potentially regarded as part of the heritage and that detailed studies are needed in order to determine whether these indeed have cultural significance.

It is known that some of the early trade routes went pass the surveyed area, to the east thereof (Bergh 1999: 9). At the beginning of the 19th century different indigenous groups resided here. To the north it was the Hananwa who entered circa 1820/30 and to the south the Koni of Matlala, the Moletse/Kwena and the Langa Ndebele (Bergh 1999: 10). The Hananwa are the present occupiers of the area (Bradfield et.al.2009: 179).

The only early white traveler who visited this area was Coenraad de Buys in 1821 and 1825, who lived here (Bergh 1999: 12-13). The Voortrekkers under leadership of Louis Tregard also moved through this area in 1836 (Bergh 199: 14).

White farmers settled in the Soutpansberg area during the 1840’s and established the town of Schoemansdal (Bergh 1999: 14). They never settled further to the west in the Project Area. The white farmers were followed by the Berlin Missionaries and later other missionaries (Nel et.al. 2013: 21; Bergh 1999: 57).

In 1894 a war broke out between the Boers and the Hananwa in the Blouberg area. This was known as the Maleboch War. During the War several fortifications were erected, of which some are still to be seen today (Van Schalkwyk & Moifatswane 1991: 1-17; Smith & Van Schalkwyk 2002: 237; Nel et.al. 2013: 21-22; Bergh 1999: 36). This lies just to the north of the surveyed area. Late Iron Age/ Historical stone walled sites, linked to this period, have also been identified close to the Project Area (Nel et.al. 2013:31-34, 41-43). The Historical / Late Iron Age sites identified on Ketting (see above) may also date from this period.

It seems as if many of the farms surveyed were only used for grazing by white farmers. By 1904 the area was however allocated to different indigenous groups (Bergh 1999: 41). It later became part of the so-called Lebowa State (Bergh 1999: 43).

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It therefore is clear that one would rather expect recent historical structures in the Project Area than older or even prehistoric features. According to legislation everything older than 60 years can potentially be deemed as of heritage value, although one must also consider other factors, such as uniqueness and state of the site. It would be impossible to list every heritage site older than 60 years. Sites, features and structures that are known from nearby the surveyed area are nevertheless listed below:

 Schoemansdal Voortrekker town and graveyard (Stoffberg 1988);  ZAR fortifications at Blouberg;  Mission stations, including Phatametsane, Khalatlolu, Bethesda, Malokong, Blauberg, Medingen, Mp’hôme, Kranspoort, Georgenholtz, Ha Schewasse, Tshakoma and Valdezia;  Battlefields from the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) including Fort Edward close to Louis Trichardt, Fort Klipdam and Pietersburg to the north of Polokwane and Houtboschberg to the east of Polokwane;  The place where Louis Tregardt met Portuguese Askari’s and site of the State Artillery in Louis Trichardt (Oberholster 1972; Bergh 1999).

Declared national heritage sites include the following:

 Fort Hendrina in Louis Trichardt;  The first ore stamper for gold on the farm Eersteling close to Polokwane;  The Louis Tregardt monument north of Polokwane;  Schoemansdal, mentioned earlier;  Stonehenge, a residential farm house on the farm Bergvliet close to the Soutpansberg;  The trek route of Louis Tregardt (Oberholster 1972; Bergh 1999); and  Fort Klipdam north of Polokwane, mentioned above (Oberholster 1972; SAHRA database; Bergh 1999).

One may therefore expect to find buildings and structures of a similar age (i.e. mid-19th century) on the farms within the Project Area. This is likely to coincide with the missionaries or structures built by farmers. It however seems as if these farms were scarcely inhabited by white farmers and rather used as grazing land.

Sites to found will undoubtedly include graves. In fact, grave sites have been identified on farms adjacent to the Project Area during previous survey (Net et.al. 2013: 26, 29-30, 34- 35, 41; Van Vollenhoven & Collins 2014; Van Vollenhoven 2015a; Van Vollenhoven 2016). Other historical sites were also identified during the latter surveys (Van Vollenhoven 2015a; Van Vollenhoven 2016).

10.7.3 Discussion of sites identified during the survey

Forty six sites of cultural importance were identified on the six farms that were studied (Figure 45). Of these 30 were on Ketting, 2 on Goedetrouw. 2 on Old Lang Syne and 11 on Early Dawn. None were identified at Disseldorp.

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Certain of these sites are close to the Surface Infrastructure Areas, but not all will be impacted on directly. These are numbers 1 - 13, 17 and 25 - 27. Sites number 14 - 16 and 18 - 24 therefore will not be impacted on.

The sites consist of Iron Age remains, historical ruins and graves. The latter were found on five of the farms (nothing on Disseldorp), with Iron Age remains being found on Ketting and Early Dawn and historical remains on Ketting. Some large Late Iron Age sites (see earlier) were also identified outside of the area of impact on the farm Ketting.

Figure 45: Sites identified during various surveys in the Project Area.

Yellow – graves Blue – Iron Age Red- historical/residential Green – historical/residential with associated graves Iron Age

Two sites where Iron Age remains were identified were located. These are:

Site 3 - Ketting: Iron Age lower grinding stones

GPS: 23̊ 22’ 40.1”S; 28̊ 53’ 29.5” E

This site consists of nothing more than a few broken lower grinding stones (Figure 46). It therefore has low cultural significance and receives a field rating of General protection C (IV C).

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The site lies within the Surface Infrastructure Area but will likely not be impacted on. This report is seen as sufficient recording and it may be demolished.

Figure 46: Lower grinding stone at Ketting.

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Figure 47: More lower grinding stones at Ketting.

Table 60: Cultural significance of Site 3. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y N community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of Y N uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield N - information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in Y N demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects

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Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y L association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 1.25 - Negligable significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 1,25 x 2 = 2,5

The site therefore has low cultural significance and receives a field rating of Local Grade IIIC: The description in the phase 1 heritage report is seen as sufficient recording and it may be granted destruction at the discretion of the relevant heritage authority without a formal permit application, subjected to the granting of the EA.

Site 24 (site 11 from 2016 report) - Early Dawn: Iron Age pottery

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This is the same site as three sites identified by Nel et.al. (2013). However, it is very close together and consist of nothing more than isolated pottery and therefore is now combined into one. Only one decorated potshard was identified (Figure 48).

One cannot really base a pottery analyses on only one potshard. This one however does look similar to Icon pottery, which forms part of the Moloko branch of the Urewe ceramic tradition. If so, it would relatively date to between 1300 and 1500 AD (Huffman 2007: 183- 185).

GPS: 23̊ 19’40.9”S; 28̊ 55’ 28.5” E 23̊ 19’35.7”S; 28̊ 55’ 26.7” E 23̊ 19’34.0”S; 28̊ 55’ 22.5” E

It therefore has low cultural significance and receives a field rating of General protection C (IV C). The site lies within the Surface Infrastructure Area but will likely not be impacted on. This report is seen as sufficient recording and it may be demolished.

Figure 48: Decorated pottery from one of the three sites on Early Dawn.

Table 61: Cultural significance of Site 24. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High

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Its importance in the Y N community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of Y N uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield N - information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in Y N demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y L association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 1.25 - Negligable significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information

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6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 1,25 x 2 = 2,5

It therefore has low cultural significance and receives a field rating of Local Grade IIIC: The description in the phase 1 heritage report is seen as sufficient recording and it may be granted destruction at the discretion of the relevant heritage authority without a formal permit application, subjected to the granting of the EA. Graves

Graves are always regarded as having a high cultural significance. The field rating thereof is Local Grade III B. It should be included in the heritage register but may be mitigated.

Two possibilities exist, in particular to:

 fence the graves in and have a management plan drafted for the sustainable preservation thereof. This should be written by a heritage expert. This usually is done when the graves are in no danger of being damaged, but where there will be a secondary impact due to the activities of a mine (Option 1); and  exhume the mortal remains and then to have it relocated. This usually is done when the graves are in the area to be directly affected by mining activities (Option 2). Where graves are located outside of the EIA/HIA process, the procedure to be followed includes social consultation. For graves younger than 60 years, only an undertaker is needed. For those older than 60 years and unknown graves an undertaker and archaeologist is needed. Permits should be obtained from the Burial Grounds and Graves unit of SAHRA. This procedure is quite lengthy and involves social consultation.

Table 62: Cultural significance of Sites 1-2,4,6-9, 11-22 & 25-27. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y H community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history

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Its potential to yield Y H information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in Y H demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y H association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 6 - High significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 6 x 4 = 24

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The field rating for these sites are Local Grade IIIB: The sites should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority.

Graves on the farm Ketting:

In some cases, the grave sites include historical remains.

Site 1 – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 14 graves (Figure 49). Most of the graves are stone packed, with or without headstones, but some also have granite headstones and borders. Surnames identified include Ramokgaba and Mantla.

GPS: 23°23’16.0’’S; 28°52’26.1’’E

Figure 49: Some of the graves at site no. 1 - Ketting.

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. The oldest date of death identified is 1947 and the youngest 1993. However, graves from all three of the categories of graves were identified, being those: older than 60 years (heritage graves); without a date of death (called unknown graves); and younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves.

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Although close to the Surface Infrastructure Area, it seems these graves will not be impacted on directly. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

Site 2 – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 91 graves (Figure 50). Most of the graves are stone packed, with or without headstones, but some also have granite headstones and borders. Surnames identified include Ngoepe and Senosha.

GPS: 23°23’13.9’’S; 28°52’41.5’’E

Figure 50: Some of the graves at site no. 2 - Ketting.

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. However, graves from all three of the categories of graves were identified, being those: older than 60 years (heritage graves);without a date of death (called unknown graves); and younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves.

Although close to the Surface Infrastructure Area, it seems these graves will not be impacted on directly. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

Site 6 – grave yard

GPS: 23°22’57.1’’S; 28°53’10.9’’E

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This is a site containing at least 15 graves (Figure 51). Most of the graves are stone packed, with or without headstones, but some also have granite or cement headstones and borders. Surnames identified include Mmakwena and Phukubje. The oldest date identified is 1966 and the youngest 1995. Nine of the graves have an unknown date of death.

Figure 51: Some of the graves at site no. 6 - Ketting.

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. Graves from two of the three of the categories of graves were identified, being those without a date of death (called unknown graves) and those younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves.

The site is close to the development, but no direct impact is foreseen. Option 1 is recommended.

Site 8 – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 5 graves (Figure 52). All have granite headstones and borders. Only one surname was identified being Phukubje. The oldest date identified is 1904 and the youngest 1983.

GPS: 23°22’09.0’’S; 28°53’52.8’’E

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Figure 52: Some of the graves at site no. 8 – Ketting.

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. Graves from two of the three of the categories of graves were identified, being one older than 60 years (called heritage graves) and those younger than 60 years.

This site also is close to the development, but no direct impact is foreseen. Option 1 is recommended.

Site 9 – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 11 graves (Figure 53). Most of the graves have granite or headstones and borders, with 2 having cement borders. Only one surname could be identified, being Phukubje. The oldest date identified is 1966 and the youngest 1982.

GPS: 23°22’02.2’’S; 28°53’52.6’’E

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Figure 53: Some of the graves at site no. 9 - Ketting.

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. Graves from one of the three of the categories of graves were identified, being those younger than 60 years.

Although close to the Surface Infrastructure Area, it seems these graves will not be impacted on directly. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

Site 13 – grave yard

The graves have high cultural significance. At least 9 graves are present. No surnames or dates of death could be identified, but informants indicated that the grave are those of the Kgomo and Moremi families (Figure 54). The graves are all stone packed. The graves are therefore unknown and should be handled similar to heritage graves. The site probably is linked with historical residential site no. 11.

GPS: 23°21’54.9’’S; 28°54’01.6’’E

The site is close to the development footprint for both alternatives and will therefore there will be an indirect impact. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

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Figure 54: Graves at Site 13 - Ketting.

Site 14 – grave yard

This is a site containing 4 graves (Figure 55). They all have granite dressing. The graves are also fenced in. The only surname available is Baloyi. The oldest date of death noted is 1954 and the youngest 1975.

GPS: 23°23’46.99’’S; 28°52’27.94’’E

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. Graves from two of the three of the categories of graves were identified, being those older than 60 years (heritage graves) and those younger than 60 years. There will be no direct impact on the site and therefore Option 1 is recommended.

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Figure 55: Graves at Site 14 - Ketting.

Site 15 – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 5 graves (Figure 56). All of the graves are dressed with granite with accompanying headstones. Only one surnames was identified, being Mokwatedi.

GPS: 23°22’52.48’’S; 28°52’39.24’’E

The dates of death vary between 1956 and 1983. One is older than 60 years and two older. The remaining two have unknown dates of death. Thus graves from all three of the categories of graves were identified. Again, there will be no direct impact on site. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

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Figure 56: Graves at Site 15 - Ketting.

Site 16 – single grave

The grave has high cultural significance. The surname of the person buried here is Rapheaga and the date of death 1930 (Figure 57). It has a granite headstone and grave dressing. It therefore is older than 60 years and is regarded to be a heritage grave. The site is likely linked to residential remains at site no. 4.

GPS: 23°22’48.14’’S; 28°52’42.22’’E

The site will not be impacted on by the development. Thus, Option 1 is recommended.

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Figure 57: Graves at Site 16 - Ketting.

Site 18 – grave yard

This is a site containing 2 graves (Figure 58). Both have granite headstones and borders and date to 1972. The only surname identified is Phukubje.

GPS: 23°22’13.25’’S; 28°53’51.78’’E

It seems that the graves are fairly recent as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. Both graves fall within the category of those younger than 60 years. There will be no direct impact on the site and thus Option 1 is recommended.

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Figure 58: Graves at Site 18 - Ketting.

Site 19 – single grave

This is a site containing only one grave (Figure 59). It has a granite headstone and border. The surname on the headstone is Phukubje.

GPS: 23°22’08.82’S; 28°53’48.35’’E

The date on the grave is 1956. It thus is regarded as being a heritage grave (older than 60 years). It seems that these graves will be impacted on directly by the development. Therefore the proposed plans either need to be changed and if not possible, Option 2 is recommended.

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Figure 59: Graves at Site 19 - Ketting.

Site 20 – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 10 graves (Figure 60). Five of the graves are stone packed, with or without headstones, and five have granite headstones and borders. Only one surname was identified, namely Phukubje.

GPS: 23°22’08.82’’S; 28°53’47.47’’E

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. Those with dates range between 1982 and 2009. Thus graves from two of the categories of graves were identified, being those without a date of death (called unknown graves) and those younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves. It seems that these graves will be impacted on directly by the development. Therefore the proposed plan either needs to be changed and if not possible, Option 2 is recommended.

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Figure 60: Graves at Site 20 - Ketting.

Site 21 – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 46 graves (Figure 61). Most of the graves are stone packed, with or without headstones, but some also have granite headstones and borders. The only surname identified is Phukubje. The site seems to consist of two sections as some of the graves are a few metres away from the others. This may have no significance.

GPS: 23°22’06.70’’S; 28°53’38.09’E

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. The dates of death range between 1918 and 1986. However, graves from all three of the categories of graves were identified, being those older than 60 years (heritage graves), those without a date of death (called unknown graves) and those younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves. It seems that these graves will be impacted on directly by the development. Therefore the proposed plan either needs to be changed and if not possible, Option 2 is recommended.

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Figure 61: Graves at Site 21 - Ketting.

Site 22 – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 15 graves. One has a granite headstone and grave dressing whereas the rest are stone packed (Figure 62). The surname on the headstone is Phukubje. The date of death on the grave is 1929. The grave therefore is older than 60 years and therefore is a heritage grave.

No direct impact is foreseen on the site. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

GPS: 23°22’02.94’’S; 28°53’39.05’’E

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Figure 62: Graves at Site 22 - Ketting.

Graves on Disseldorp:

Site 24 – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 40 graves (Figure 63). Most of the graves have granite headstones and dressing, but some are merely stone packed. Surnames that were identified include Ngwepe and Mautla.

GPS: 23°21’58.86’’S; 28°51’34.78’’E

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. The dates of death range between 1918 and 1986. However, graves from all three of the categories of graves were identified, being those older than 60 years (heritage graves), those without a date of death (called unknown graves) and those younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves.

No direct impact is foreseen. Option 1 is therefore recommended.

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Figure 63: Graves at Site 24 - Disseldorp.

Site 26 – grave yard

This is a site apparently containing 40 graves. It could however not be located, but information was provided by informant. Surnames of people buried here include Mautla, Phukubje, Ngoepe and Moloto.

GPS: 23°22’08.7’’S; 28°51’33.9’’E (inaccurate, but this may be the same site as no. 24)

No direct impact is foreseen. Option 1 is therefore recommended.

Site 27 – single grave

Again this site was indicated on a list provided by the mine from information obtained from informants. The site could however not be located. It is indicated that it a single grave. The surname of the person buried here is Mautla.

GPS: 23°22’08.6’’S; 28°51’36.3’’E (inaccurate)

No direct impact is foreseen. Option 1 is therefore recommended.

Site 28 – grave yard

Again this site was indicated on a list provided by the mine from information obtained from informants. The site could however not be located. It is indicated that the site

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contains 22 graves. Surnames provided are Rapheega, Mojela, Maarala, Ngoepe and Phukubje.

GPS: 23°21’58.9’’S; 28°51’08.9’’E (inaccurate)

No direct impact is foreseen. Option 1 is therefore recommended.

Site 29 – grave yard

Again this site was indicated on a list provided by the mine from information obtained from informants. The site could however not be located. It is indicated that the site contains 11 graves. The only surnames provided is Ngoepe.

GPS: 23°22’04.9’’S; 28°51’20.2’’E (inaccurate)

No direct impact is foreseen. Option 1 is therefore recommended.

Graves on the farm Goedetrouw:

Site 25 (Site 1 from the 2016 report) – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 34 graves Figure 64). Two of these are stone packed and one has a granite dressing. The graves are also fenced in. The only surname available is Sepufa and this person died in 1951. The other two graves have no information.

GPS: 23°23’41.2’’S; 28°54’26.1’’E

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Figure 64: The graves at site no. 25 - Goedetrouw.

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. Graves from two of the three of the categories of graves were identified, being those: older than 60 years (heritage graves) and without a date of death (called unknown graves). Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves.

There will be no direct impact on the site. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

Site 26 (Site 2 from the 2016 report) – grave yard

This is a very large site containing at least 60 graves (Figure 65). All of the graves are either dressed with cement or granite with accompanying headstones. The graves are also fenced in. Surnames identified include Masehela, Laka, Boshomane, Monkoe and Makgoka.

GPS: 23°23’56.8’’S; 28°54’07.4’’E

Figure 65: The graves at site no. 26 - Goedetrouw.

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. Graves from two of the three of the categories of graves were identified, being those older than 60 years (heritage graves) and those younger than 60 years.

Again, there will be no direct impact on site. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

Graves on the farm Early Dawn:

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Site 14 (site 1 from the 2016 report) – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 60 graves (Figure 66). Most of the graves are stone packed, with or without headstones, but some also have granite headstones and borders. One of the surnames identified is Malebana.

GPS: 23°19’45.9’’S; 28°56’16.8’’E

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. However, graves from all three of the categories of graves were identified, being those: older than 60 years (heritage graves); without a date of death (called unknown graves); and younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves.

There will be no direct impact on the site. Thus Option 1 is recommended.

Figure 66: Some of the graves at site no. 14 – Early Dawn.

Site 15 (site 2 from the 2016 report) – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 50 graves (Figure 67). Most of the graves are stone packed, with or without headstones, but some also have granite headstones and borders. One of the surnames identified is Phuti.

GPS: 23°19’28.0’’S; 28°56’09.4’’E

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It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. However, graves from all three of the categories of graves were identified, being those: older than 60 years (heritage graves); without a date of death (called unknown graves); and e younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves.

Again, no impact is foreseen on this site. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

Figure 67: Some of the graves at site no. 15 – Early Dawn.

Site 16 (site 3 from 2016 report) – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 44 graves (Figure 68). Most of the graves are stone packed, with or without headstones, but some also have granite headstones and borders. Some of the surnames identified are Sekgala and Ngoepe.

GPS: 23°20’46.8’’S; 28°54’49.3’’E

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. However, graves from all three of the categories of graves were identified, being those: older than 60 years (heritage graves); without a date of death (called unknown graves); and younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves.

No impact is foreseen on this site. Option 1 is therefore recommended.

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Figure 68: Some of the graves at site no. 16 – Early Dawn.

Site 17 (site 4 from the 2016 report) – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 70 graves (Figure 69). Most of the graves are stone packed, with or without headstones, but some also have granite headstones and borders. Surnames identified include Ramoroka and Mojela.

Figure 69: Some of the graves at site no. 17 – Early Dawn.

GPS: 23°21’05.0’’S; 28°55’15.6’’E

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It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. However, graves from all three of the categories of graves were identified, being those: older than 60 years (heritage graves); without a date of death (called unknown graves); and younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves.

No direct impact is foreseen on the site. Thus Option 1 is recommended.

Site 18 (site 5 from the 2016 report) – single grave

This is a single grave with a granite headstone and dressing (Figure 70). The surname on the headstone is Ngoepe.

GPS: 23°19’47.3’’S; 28°56’13.1’’E

Figure 70: The grave at site no. 18 – Early Dawn.

The date of death on the grave is 1940. The grave therefore is older than 60 years and therefore is a heritage grave.

No direct impact is foreseen on the site. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

Site 19 (site 6 from the 2016 report) – grave yard

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This is a site containing at least 8 graves (Figure 71). Four of the graves have brick borders and four granite borders and headstones. One surname was identified being Motlokwane.

GPS: 23°19’43.8’’S; 28°56’16.9’’E

The oldest date of death is 1994 and the youngest 2000. This means that all the graves are younger than 60 years.

Again, no direct impact is foreseen. Option 1 is therefore recommended.

Figure 71: Some of the graves at site no. 18 – Early Dawn.

Site 20 (site 7 from the 2016 report) – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 50 graves (Figure 72). The graves mostly have granite headstones and borders, but some have cement dressing or are just stone packed. Surnames identified include Ngoepe and Ngwepe.

GPS: 23°20’23.5’’S; 28°55’102.6’’E

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Figure 72: Some of the graves at site no. 20 – Early Dawn.

The oldest date of death is 1993 and the youngest 2009. Some have no information. This means that two of the three categories of graves are present being those: with an unknown date of death and younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similar to heritage graves (older than 60 years).

No direct impact is foreseen. Option 1 is therefore recommended.

Site 21 (site 8 from the 2016 report) – grave yard

This is a large site containing at least 30 graves (Figure 73). The graves mostly have granite headstones and borders, but some have cement or brick dressing. A few are new graves only indicated by a heap of soil.

GPS: 23°20’08.6’’S; 28°55’22.5’’E

Surnames identified include Ramoroka, Thou, Sekwadi and Setumu. All the graves are fairly recent meaning they are all younger than 60 years.

No direct impact is foreseen on this site. Thus Option 1 is recommended.

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Figure 73: Some of the graves at site no. 21 – Early Dawn.

Site 22 (site 9 from the 2016 report) – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 30 graves (Figure 74). Four of the graves have granite headstones and borders and one have cement dressing. The remainder are all stone packed. Only one surname was identified namely Mosina. GPS: 23°19’21.5’’S; 28°56’59.1’’E

The oldest date of death is 1978 and the youngest 2008. Some have no information. This means that two of the three categories of graves are present being those with an unknown date of death and those younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similar to heritage graves (older than 60 years).

For this site no direct impact is foreseen. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

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Figure 74: Some of the graves at site no. 22 – Early Dawn.

Graves on the farm Old Lang Syne:

These are the only new sites identified during the 2018 survey.

Site 12 – grave yard

This is a site containing 2 graves (Figure 75). Both have granite headstones and borders. Only one surname was identified namely Mpebe.

GPS: 23°21’10.5’’S; 28°55’23.8’’E

The oldest date of death is 1963. This means that only one of the three categories of graves are present, being those younger than 60 years.

For this site no direct impact is foreseen. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

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Figure 75: Some of the graves at site no. 12 – Old Lang Syne.

Site 13 – grave yard

This site was identified by a community member. Only two stones are present, apparently indicating two graves (Figure 76 and 77). No other information is available.

GPS: 23°21’15.6’’S; 28°55’21.9’’E

Figure 76: First possible grave at site no. 13 – Old Lang Syne.

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Figure 77: Second possible grave at site no. 13 – Old Lang Syne.

This means that one of the three categories of graves are present, being those with an unknown date of death. Unknown graves are handled similar to heritage graves (older than 60 years).

For this site no direct impact is foreseen. Therefore Option 1 is recommended.

Graves on the farm Norma:

Site 27 (site 36.19 from the Nel et.al, 2013 report) – grave yard

This is a site containing at least 140 graves (Figure 78). Most of the graves have granite headstones and borders. Some of the surnames identified is Ramaroka, Ngoepe, Mojela, Setumu and Masekoa. GPS: 23°23’21.2’’S; 28°56’32.2’’E

It seems that most of the graves are fairly recent, as it likely coincides with the establishment of the Lebowa State. The oldest date of death identified is 1940. Unfortunately, Nel et.al. (2013) does not provide more information. For now it is assumed that it is likely that graves from all three of the categories of graves are present, being those: older than 60 years (heritage graves); without a date of death (called unknown graves); and younger than 60 years. Unknown graves are handled similarly to heritage graves.

There will be no direct impact on the site. Thus Option 1 is recommended.

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Figure 78: Graves at site 27 on the farm Norma (courtesy of Nel et. al. 2013). Historical remains

Four of these sites were identified. Three are on the farm Ketting and one at Early Dawn.

Historical remains on the farm Ketting:

Site 4 – historical residential site

This is a residential site containing various rectangular and circular remains, most likely dating to the early to mid-20th century. The historical remains are built from cement and stone (Figure 79). The site is likely linked to the grave at site no. 16.

GPS: 23°22’48.1’’S; 28°52’42.3’’E

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Figure 79: Historical remains at Site 4.

Table 63: Cultural significance of Site 4. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y L community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield N - information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in N - demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a

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community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y L association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 2 - Low significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 2 x 3 = 6

The field rating for the site therefore is Local Grade IIIB: The site should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority. The site will not be impacted on by two development but is very close (20 m) from it.

Site 5 – Ketting historical residential site

The site consists of rectangular, circular and square remains of buildings. These were originally built from stone and cement (Figure 80).

GPS: 23̊ 23’06.9”S; 28̊ 52’ 52.4” E

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The remains most likely date to the early to mid-20th century. It is not very old or unique. It therefore has low cultural significance and receives a field rating of General protection C (IV C). This report is seen as sufficient recording and it may be demolished.

Although the site is close to the development footprint, no direct impact is expected. The site may therefore be left as it is.

Figure 80: Historical residential remains at site 5 - Ketting.

Table 64: Cultural significance of Site 5. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y L community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield N - information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in N - demonstrating the principal characteristics of a

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particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y L association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 2 - Low significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 2 x 3 = 6

The field rating for the site therefore is Local Grade IIIB: The site should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority.

Site 7 – Circular stone walling

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The site consists of at least two circular stone-built kraals (Figure 81). These are likely historical livestock enclosures and may be linked to any of the residential sites identified. There is a slight possibility that it may be dating back to the very last phase of the Late Iron Age. It also most likely is associated with site no 6 – graves. The site therefore most likely dates to between 1900 and 1950.

GPS: 23̊ 22’55.4”S; 28̊ 53’10.9” E

The site will be impacted on by the development.

Figure 81: Historical remains at Site 7.

Table 65: Cultural significance of Site 5. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y L-M community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield Y L-M information that will contribute to an understanding of South

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Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in Y M demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y M association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 3.5 - Medium significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 3.5 x 3 = 10.5

The filed rating for the site therefore is Local Grade IIIB: The site should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority.

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Site 10 – Ketting historical residential site

The site consists of rectangular remains of buildings. These were originally built from stone and cement (Figure 82). Some glass shards were also seen lying around.

GPS: 23̊ 22’00.7”S; 28̊ 53’51.6” E

Figure 82: Historical residential remains at site 10 - Ketting.

Although the site is close to the Surface Infrastructure Area, no direct impact is expected.

Table 66: Cultural significance of Site 10. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y L community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield N - information that will contribute to an

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understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in N - demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y L association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 2 - Low significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 2 x 3 = 6

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The field rating for the site therefore is Local Grade IIIB: The site should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority.

Site 11 – Historical residential site

This is a residential site containing various rectangular remains, most likely dating to the early to mid-20th century. The historical remains are built from cement and stone (Figure 83). A refuse midden may also be present with glass and ceramic shards lying around. The site is likely associated with the graves at site no. 13.

GPS: 23°21’55.04’’S; 28°54’01.61’’E

Figure 83: Historical stone walling at site 11- Ketting.

The site is not very unique but does indicate an important aspect of the culture of the inhabitants. It therefore has medium cultural significance and receives a field rating of General protection B (IV B). This means that the site should be recorded before it may be destructed.

The site lies close to the development footprint and will probably not be impacted on. It may therefore be left as it is.

Table 67: Cultural significance of Site 11. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of -

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High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y L-M community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield Y L-M information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in Y M demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y M association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 3.5 - Medium significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information

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5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 3.5 x 3 = 10.5

The filed rating for the site therefore is Local Grade IIIB: The site should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority. The site is close to the development footprint and will therefore there will be an indirect impact. The site may be left as it is.

Site 12 – Historical residential site

The site consists of rectangular remains of buildings (Figure 84). These are manly stone built.

GPS: 23̊ 22’05.12”S; 28̊ 53’47.69” E

Although the site is close to the development footprint no direct impact is expected.

Figure 84: Historical remains at Site 12.

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Table 68: Cultural significance of Site 12. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y L community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield N - information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in N - demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y L association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 2 - Low significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

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Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 2 x 3 = 6

The filed rating for the site therefore is Local Grade IIIB: The site should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority.

Site 17 – historical residential site

The site consists of rectangular and circular remains of buildings and walls (Figure 85). These are manly stone built.

GPS: 23̊ 22’13.92”S; 28̊ 53’57.67” E

The site will be impacted on by the development footprint.

Figure 85: Historical remains at Site 17.

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Table 69: Cultural significance of Site 17. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y L community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield N - information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in N - demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y L association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 2 - Low significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

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Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 2 x 3 = 6

The filed rating for the site therefore is Local Grade IIIB: The site should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority.

Site 30 – historical residential site

The site consists of rectangular remains of buildings and walls (Figure 86). These are mainly stone built.

GPS: 23̊ 21’55.61”S; 28̊ 51’17.55” E

The site is within the development footprint and thus impact is expected.

Figure 86: Historical remains on Site 30.

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Table 70: Cultural significance of Site 30. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y L community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield N - information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in N - demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y L association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 2 - Low significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

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Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 2 x 3 = 6

The filed rating for the site therefore is Local Grade IIIB: The site should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority.

Historical remains at Disseldorp:

Site 23 – historical residential site

The site consists of rectangular and circular remains of buildings and walls (Figure 87). These are mainly stone built.

GPS: 23̊ 22’03.34”S; 28̊ 51’36.49” E

The site is far from the development footprint and thus no direct impact is expected.

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Figure 87: Historical remains on Site 23.

Table 71: Cultural significance of Site 23. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y L community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield N - information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in N - demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group

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Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y L association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 2 - Low significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 2 x 3 = 6

The filed rating for the site therefore is Local Grade IIIB: The site should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority.

Site 25 – historical residential site

The site consists of rectangular remains of buildings and walls (Figure 88). These are mainly stone built.

GPS: 23̊ 21’55.61”S; 28̊ 51’17.55” E

The site is far from the development footprint and therefore no direct impact is expected.

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Figure 88: Historical remains on Site 25

Table 72: Cultural significance of Site 25. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y L community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield N - information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in N - demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group

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Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y L association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 2 - Low significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 2 x 3 = 6

The filed rating for the site therefore is Local Grade IIIB: The site should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority.

Historical remains on the farm Early Dawn:

Site 23 (site 10 from the 2016 report) – Early Dawn historical residential site

The site consists of various rectangular remains of structures. These were originally built from stone and cement (Figure 89).

GPS: 23̊ 19’18.3”S; 28̊ 57’06.9” E

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Figure 89: Historical residential remains at site 23 – Early Dawn.

The remains most likely date to the early to mid-20th century. It is not very old or unique. It therefore has low cultural significance and receives a field rating of General protection C (IV C). This report is seen as sufficient recording and it may be demolished.

The site will however not be impacted on and it may therefore be left as it is.

Table 73: Cultural significance of Site 23. A place is considered to Applicable Rating: be part of the national or not 1 - Negligible/ 2 -Low/ estate if it has cultural 3 - Low-Medium/ 4 - Medium/ 5 - Medium- significance because of - High/ 6 - High/ 7 - Very High Its importance in the Y L-M community or pattern of South Africa’s history Its possession of N - uncommon, rare, or endangered aspects of South Africa’s natural or cultural history Its potential to yield Y L-M information that will contribute to an understanding of South Africa’s natural or cultural heritage Its importance in Y M demonstrating the principal

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characteristics of a particular class of South Africa’s natural or cultural places or objects Its importance in exhibiting N - particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community cultural group Its importance in N - demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period Its strong or special Y M association with a particular community or cultural group for social, cultural or spiritual reasons Its strong or special N - association with the life or work of a person, group or organization of importance in the history of South Africa Sites of significance N - relating to the history of slavery in South Africa Reasoned assessment of 3.5 - Medium significance using appropriate indicators outlined above:

Integrity scale: 1 – Bad state of preservation, but no contextual information 2 – Bad state of preservation and includes contextual information 3 – Reasonable state of preservation, but no contextual information 4 – Reasonable state of preservation and includes contextual information 5 – Good state of preservation, but no contextual information 6 - Good state of preservation and includes contextual information 7 – Excellent state of preservation, but no contextual information 8 – Excellent state of preservation and includes contextual information

Field-rating = Cultural significance x Integrity = 3.5 x 3 = 10.5

The filed rating for the site therefore is Local Grade IIIB: The site should be included in the heritage register and may be mitigated (high/ medium significance). Mitigation is subject to a permit application lodged with the relevant heritage authority.

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10.7.4 Conclusions and recommendations

The survey of the Project Area was completed successfully. Regarding impact on the sites the following should be indicated:

 No impact is foreseen at Harriet’s Wish. No sites were identified, but it needs to be indicated that only a desktop study was done here  No impact is foreseen at Disseldorp. No sites were identified. Only a small section of the (eastern side) was surveyed since the mining infrastructure is limited to this area.  No impact is foreseen at Early Dawn. The sites on this farm are sites no. 14 - 22 (graves), site 23 (historical residential remains) and site no. 24 (Iron Age pottery).  No impact is foreseen at Old Lang Syne. The two sites on this farm are no. 12 and 13 (graves), both identified during the 2018 survey.  No impact is foreseen at Goedetrouw. There are two sites on this farm, namely no. 25 and 26 (graves).  No impact is foreseen at Norma. There is one known site, namely no. 27 (graves). However, should it be decided that the TSF be constructed here, a site assessment will be needed as this farm was only investigated via a desktop study. It is therefore possible that more sites may become known.  Impact is only foreseen on the farm Ketting, but not on all the sites. At the following sites, no direct impact is expected – no. 4 (graves) and 10 (historical remains). Definite indirect impact is expected on the following sites – 1 - 2, 6 - 9 and 11 (graves), as well as no. 3 (Iron Age) and no. 5 (historical remains).

The following is recommended:

 The project may continue, but only after receiving the necessary comments from SAHRA as well as the implementation of the mitigation measures indicated below.  It is specifically recommended that development Alternative 1 be chosen , since its impact on heritage sites is less direct and easier to mitigate.

 Although twenty-seven sites of heritage significance were found in the Study Area, it is foreseen that many more may be located there, especially graves. In fact, residents of the area whom were spoken to during the survey (not a formal social consultation process) indicated that single graves are located throughout the bush. These however mostly seem to be outside of the area of direct impact, but it should at least be noted.  Buffer zones around any of these sites can only be determined during a Phase II study as it needs to deal with each of these sites individually. Such a study would inter alia be looking at the specific impact on such a site, which will then be used to determine specific buffers as these will vary in accordance with the

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type of work to be done nearby. However, a buffer of at least 20 m should be implemented as a rule.  It should always be noted that the subterranean presence of archaeological and/or historical sites, features or artefacts is always a distinct possibility. Care should therefore be taken when development commences that if any of these are discovered, a qualified archaeologist be called in to investigate the occurrence.  All the graves are regarded as being of a high cultural significance. There are two possibilities of handling these. It should be handled as follows: o Option 1 would be to fence the graves in and have a management plan drafted for the sustainable preservation thereof (“Option 1”). This should be written by a heritage expert. Option 1 is implemented when indirect or secondary impact is foreseen. o Option 2 is implemented when a direct impact is foreseen. Should any danger be posed to the graves, Option 2 will have to be taken. This option is to exhume the mortal remains and then to have it relocated (“Option 2”). For this a detailed motivation will have to be written and applied for to SAHRA. If approved, the specific procedure should be followed which includes social consultation. For graves younger than 60 years, only an undertaker is needed. For those older than 60 years and unknown graves an undertaker and archaeologist is needed. Permits should be obtained from the Burial Grounds and Graves unit of SAHRA. This procedure is quite lengthy and involves social consultation.

Should Alternative 1 be chosen:

 For the graves on the farms Old Langsine (sites 12 and 13), Early Dawn (sites 14-22), Goedetrouw (sites 25-26) and Norma (site 27) no action is needed. The graves are mostly fenced in and well looked after. The mine should however ensure that this situation remains unchanged. Therefore Option 1 should be implemented which would provide at least a monitoring plan for as long as the mine is operational in the area. Such a plan should be drafted by a heritage expert.  Option 1 should also be implemented for the following grave sites on the farm Ketting – 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 11. These will be impacted on indirectly. This means that dust from mining activities or other impacts (e.g. blasting) may impact on the sites and therefore a management plan is required. The plan should be drafted by a heritage expert.  All the historical residential remains (Early Dawn site 23; Ketting sites 4*, 5, 10 and 11*) are regarded as having low significance. This report is seen as ample mitigation and it may be demolished. However only secondary impact is expected, and it may therefore just be left as it is.

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 Note that sites 4 and 11 are repeated as it contains both graves and historical remains.  Site no. 7 on Ketting (historical stone walling) is regarded as having medium cultural significance. It should be documented after which it may be demolished. However, since only secondary impact is expected, it may be left as it is.  The two Iron Age Sites (Site 24 on Early Dawn and site 3 on Ketting) have been sufficiently recorded. It may be demolished, but only secondary impact is foreseen, and it may therefore also just be left as it is.  The impact of the Project on any new historical and grave sites identified during the course of the mines activities, should be assessed by a heritage specialist to determine impact and propose the needed mitigatory measures.  Should the TSF be moved to Norma, the area will need to be physically surveyed, since it was only dealt with as a desktop study for this report.

Should Alternative 2 be chosen:

 For the graves on the farms Old Langsine (sites 12 and 13), Early Dawn (sites 14- 15, 17-22), Goedetrouw (sites 25-26) and Norma (site 27) no action is needed. The graves are mostly fenced in and well looked after. The mine should however ensure that this situation remains unchanged. Therefore Option 1 should be implemented which would provide at least a monitoring plan for as long as the mine is operational in the area. Such a plan should be drafted by a heritage expert.  Option 1 should also be implemented for the following grave sites on the farm Ketting – 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 11. These will be impacted on indirectly. This means that dust from mining activities or other impacts (e.g. blasting) may impact on the sites and therefore a management plan is required. The plan should be drafted by a heritage expert.  Option 2 should be implemented for grave sites 9 and 16 on Ketting and Early Dawn respectively.  All the historical residential remains (Early Dawn site 23; Ketting sites 4*, 5, 10 and 11*) are regarded as having low significance. This report is seen as ample mitigation and it may be demolished. However only secondary impact is expected, and it may therefore just be left as it is.  *Note that sites 4 and 11 are repeated as it contains both graves and historical remains.  • Site no. 7 on Ketting (historical stone walling) is regarded as having medium cultural significance. It should be documented after which it may be demolished. However, since only secondary impact is expected, it may be left as it is.  The two Iron Age Sites (Site 24 on Early Dawn and site 3 on Ketting) have been sufficiently recorded. It may be demolished, but only secondary impact is foreseen, and it may therefore also just be left as it is.

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 The impact of the Project on any new historical and grave sites identified during the course of the mines activities should be assessed by a heritage specialist to determine impact and propose the needed mitigatory measures.  Should the TSF be moved to Norma, the area will need to be physically surveyed, since it was only dealt with as a desktop study for this report.


The Air Quality Assessment undertaken during the EIA Phase is attached as Appendix 7.6.

10.8.1 Regional air quality

South Africa is located in the sub-tropics, where high pressures and subsidence dominate. However, the southern part of the continent can serve as a source of hot air that intrudes sub-tropics, and that sometimes lead to convective movement of air masses. On average, a low pressure will develop over the southern part of the continent, while the normal high pressures will remain over the surrounding oceans. These high pressures are known as Indian High Pressure Cells and Atlantic High pressure Cells. The intrusion of continents will allow for the development of circulation patterns that draw moisture (rain) from either tropics (hot air masses over equator) or from the mid-latitude and temperate latitudes.

Southern Africa is influenced by two major high-pressure cells, in addition to various circulation systems prevailing in the adjacent tropical and temperate latitudes. The mean circulation of the atmosphere over Southern Africa is anticyclonic throughout the year (except near the surface) due to the dominance of the three high pressure cells, namely the: South Atlantic High Pressure, off the west coast; South Indian High Pressure off the east; coast and Continental High Pressure over the interior.

It is these climatic conditions and circulation movements that are responsible for the distribution and dispersion of air pollutants within the Project Area and between neighbouring provinces and countries bordering South Africa.

10.8.2 Summary of ambient air quality

Ambient air quality monitoring has not been implemented at the proposed site, and no historical reliable local or district municipal Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations ("AQMS") is in close vicinity to the enterprise. The DEA South Africa is however operating two AQMS in the Greater Limpopo region. The two AQMS (Mokopane and Lephalale) are indicated in Figure 90.

The Mokopane AQMS forms part of the Waterberg/Bojanala priority area and is approximately 90km from the proposed WJVR Project Area (indicated by PTM in Figure 90, whilst the Lephalale AQMS is approximately 120km from the proposed Project Area.

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The data quality of both these AQMS is unknown. EnviroNgaka contacted DEA on numerous occasions requesting data from these two stations, for the specific time period. Unfortunately, data was not received.

The Atmospheric Chemistry Research Group ("ACRG") at North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) operates a Deposition of Biogeochemically Important Trace Species ("DEBITS") station close to Louis Trichardt. Louis Trichardt is approximately 110km from the proposed Project Area (Figure B.1). This IDAF Program of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry) /DEBITS/Africa) was initiated in 1994 by French and African scientists, within the scope of the DEBITS Program, to study atmospheric depositions in the tropical regions.

In 2000, the IDAF (IGAC (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry) Debits Africa) network was formed with 10 stations situated on the African continent. Each station is representative at the regional scale of a great African ecosystem. The 6 stations of West / Central Africa are under the responsibility of the Laboratory of Aerology in France, while the 4 South African stations are under the responsibility of the North-West University (gaseous) and ESKOM (wet deposition), Johannesburg. Monthly mean gaseous measurements at the DEBITS sites are based on passive sampling, and these results were obtained for SO2 and NO2 for 2013 to 2015 from the ACRG. Unfortunately, data for 2016 and 2017 are not yet available in the public domain.

Figures 91 and 92 illustrate the monthly mean gaseous ambient NO2 and SO2 concentrations at Louis Trichardt for 2013 to 2015.

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Figure 90: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in the greater Limpopo region.


Figure 91: Monthly ambient NO2 concentrations at Louis Trichardt.

Figure 92: Monthly ambient SO2 concentrations at Louis Trichardt

10.8.3 Atmospheric emissions

The Waterberg Project will not operate Listed Activities in terms of Section 21 of NEM:AQA.

Emission sources at the site are point and fugitive sources from the processes operated and secondary sources from material processing, storage areas, handling and roads. The primary pollutants from the Project's emission sources considered relevant for this study are tabled in Table 74 below.


Pollutants considered Notes Applicability Considered Modelled

PM Classical air pollutant Total Particulate Matter Yes Yes PM10 &


PM10 Classical air pollutant PM with an aerodynamic diameter Yes Yes Yes of equal to or less than 10µm

PM2.5 Classical air pollutant PM with an aerodynamic diameter Yes Yes Yes of equal to or less than 2.5µm

SO2 Classical air pollutant Yes Yes Yes

NOx (as Classical air pollutant Yes Yes Yes

NO2) CO Organic air pollutant Not a classical pollutant Yes Yes Yes VOC’s Organic air pollutant Not a classical pollutant Yes Yes Yes Table 74: Primary Pollutants.

This study will assess the expected effect of the Project’s impact, emanating from atmospheric emissions on the surrounding ambient air quality.

This study will assess the expected contribution of the Project to the ambient air quality for the following scenarios:

a) Scenario 1: 300 ktpm (3.6 Mtpa) Ore Mined (i.e Mining alternative 2 and 3) Impact assessment is done against the emissions of all pollutants at expected concentrations against normal conditions assessed against full production capacity (achievable emissions);

a) Scenario 2: 600 ktpm Ore Mined 7.2 Mtpa (i.e. Mining Alternative 1) Impact assessment is done against the emissions of all pollutants at expected concentrations against normal conditions assessed against full production capacity (achievable emissions). Point Source Parameters

The emission sources with stacks/vents in the Project Area are the point sources from the different unit processes as indicated in Table 75 and 76 for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 respectively. Figure 93 indicate the locations of the point sources for Scenarios 1 and 2 at the facility.

The emission rates from the point sources/vents under normal operating conditions provided for Scenarios 1 and 2, are per achieved emissions rates/concentrations based on calculations/estimations for pollutants and or sources. The secondary emissions from the underground mining activities (roads and mining), are assessed in accordance with the information and methodology provided in Appendix 7.6 of this document in terms of the expected quantities of material consumed or processed, and moved for different Scenarios considered (see Tables 77 & 78). These calculated secondary emissions for the underground activities were extracted through specific vents based ventilation airflow from the PFS Ventilation & Refrigeration Report (BBE Consulting, 29 August 2016).

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It was assumed that a constant airflow of 900 kg/s, 1800 kg/s and 1300 kg/s air were vented through the Southern Portal, Central Portal and Northern Portal respectively (PFS Ventilation & Refrigeration Report). Incoming air temperature of 23°C and a vented air temperature of 35°C were assumed to calculate the volume and flow of the air.

Figure 93: Locations of the stack point sources – Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 Scenario 1: 300 ktpm Ore Mined - Emissions Point Source Parameters

For Scenario 1 the information provided in Table 75 applies.

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Point Source Parameters – Scenario 1 Point Point Source Name Point Source Height Height Diameter at Actual Gas Actual Gas Actual Type of Source Coordinates of Above Stack Exit Volumetric Gas Exit Emission Number Release Nearby Tip/Vent Temperatur Flow Velocity (Continuous / UTM UTM Above Buildin Exit e (m3/h) (m/s) Batch) Easting Northing Ground g (m) (K) (m) (m) P_CPE2 Central Portal Extraction2 (F3-UC2) 695518.2 7414767.8 10 0 4.50 308.15 1170317.10 20.44 Continuous P_CPE1 Central Portal Extraction1 (F3-UC1) 695373.8 7414272.7 10 0 4.50 308.15 1170317.10 20.44 Continuous P_CPE3 Central Portal Extraction3 (F2-UC1) 694493.7 7413433.9 10 0 4.50 308.15 1170317.10 20.44 Continuous P_CPE4 Central Portal Extraction4 (F2-UC2) 694651.9 7413605.8 10 0 4.50 308.15 1170317.10 20.44 Continuous P_CPE5 Central Portal Extraction5 (F2-UC3) 694734.4 7413722.7 10 0 4.50 308.15 1170317.10 20.44 Continuous P_SPE1 Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1-UC1) 692094.3 7412581.4 10 0 4.50 308.15 731447.99 12.78 Continuous P_SPE2 Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1-UC2) 692424.3 7411749.5 10 0 4.50 308.15 731447.99 12.78 Continuous P_SPE3 Southern Portal Extraction1 (T-UC1) 693153.1 7412065.8 10 0 4.50 308.15 731447.99 12.78 Continuous P_SPE4 Southern Portal Extraction1 (T-UC2) 692094.3 7411495.1 10 0 4.50 308.15 731447.99 12.78 Continuous Table 75: Point Source Parameter – Scenario 1.

Fugitive / Secondary Emissions – Scenario 1

Source Source Description Average emission rate4 Duration Code of PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO VOC’s Averaging Emissions (tonne (tonne (tonne (tonne (tonne (tonne Period /annum) /annum) /annum) /annum) /annum) /annum)

A_SPUR South Portal Underground Roads 33.5661 10.0698 1.8977 68.4995 24.7830 6.3626 Annual Intermittent A_CPUR Central Portal Underground Roads 61.4723 18.4417 3.4035 122.8557 44.4490 11.4116 Annual Intermittent A_NPUR North Portal Underground Roads n/ap n/ap n/ap n/ap n/ap n/ap Annual Intermittent

Table 76: Estimated emission rates for the underground mining activities – Scenario 1.

375 Scenario 2: 600 ktpm Ore Mined - Emissions Point Source Parameters

For Scenario 2 the information provided in Table 77 applies.

Point Source Parameters – Scenario 2 Point Point Source Name Point Source Height Height Diameter at Actual Gas Actual Gas Actual Type of Source Coordinates of Above Stack Exit Volumetric Gas Exit Emission Number Release Nearby Tip/Vent Temperatur Flow Velocity (Continuous / UTM UTM Above Buildin Exit e (m3/h) (m/s) Batch) Easting Northing Ground g (m) (K) (m) (m) P_NPE1 Northern Portal Extraction1 (F5-UC2) 696907.0 7416933.5 10 0 4.50 308.15 1462900.64 25.55 Continuous P_NPE2 Northern Portal Extraction2 (F4-UC1) 696109.4 7415881.6 10 0 4.50 308.15 1462900.64 25.55 Continuous P_CPE2 Central Portal Extraction2 (F3-UC2) 695518.2 7414767.8 10 0 4.50 308.15 1170317.10 20.44 Continuous P_CPE1 Central Portal Extraction1 (F3-UC1) 695373.8 7414272.7 10 0 4.50 308.15 1170317.10 20.44 Continuous P_CPE3 Central Portal Extraction3 (F2-UC1) 694493.7 7413433.9 10 0 4.50 308.15 1170317.10 20.44 Continuous P_CPE4 Central Portal Extraction4 (F2-UC2) 694651.9 7413605.8 10 0 4.50 308.15 1170317.10 20.44 Continuous P_CPE5 Central Portal Extraction5 (F2-UC3) 694734.4 7413722.7 10 0 4.50 308.15 1170317.10 20.44 Continuous P_SPE1 Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1-UC1) 692094.3 7412581.4 10 0 4.50 308.15 731447.99 12.78 Continuous P_SPE2 Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1-UC2) 692424.3 7411749.5 10 0 4.50 308.15 731447.99 12.78 Continuous P_SPE3 Southern Portal Extraction1 (T-UC1) 693153.1 7412065.8 10 0 4.50 308.15 731447.99 12.78 Continuous P_SPE4 Southern Portal Extraction1 (T-UC2) 692094.3 7411495.1 10 0 4.50 308.15 731447.99 12.78 Continuous Table 77: Point Source Parameter – Scenario 2

Fugitive / Secondary Emissions – Scenario 2

Source Source Description Average emission rate Duration of Emissions Code PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO VOC’s Averaging (tonne (tonne (tonne (tonne (tonne (tonne Period /annum) /annum) /annum) /annum) /annum) /annum)

A_SPUR South Portal Underground Roads 30.7765 9.2329 1.5680 56.8540 20.8875 5.3526 Annual Intermittent

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Fugitive / Secondary Emissions – Scenario 2

Source Source Description Average emission rate Duration of Emissions Code PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO VOC’s Averaging (tonne (tonne (tonne (tonne (tonne (tonne Period /annum) /annum) /annum) /annum) /annum) /annum)

A_CPUR Central Portal Underground Roads 71.2885 21.3865 3.5303 128.0067 47.0283 12.0514 Annual Intermittent A_NPUR North Portal Underground Roads 80.9712 24.2914 3.9989 144.9984 53.2709 13.6512 Annual Intermittent

Table 78: Estimated emission rates for the underground mining activities – Scenario 2

Page 377 Point Source Emission Rates (Normal Operating Conditions)

The emission rates from the point sources/vents under normal operating conditions provided for in Scenario 1, are per achieved emissions rates / concentrations based estimations/calculations for pollutants and or sources. Scenario 1: 300 ktpm Ore Mined Emission Rates (Normal)

For Scenario 1, the information provided in Table 79 applies.

Normal Operating Conditions Point Source Emission Rates – Scenario 1 Point Source Point Source Name Pollutant Average emission rate Duration of Emissions Number Name Concentration Averaging (mg/Am3) Period

Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- PM10 0.284 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- PM10 0.284 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- PM10 0.284 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- PM10 0.284 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- PM10 0.284 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- PM10 0.248 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- PM10 0.248 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- PM10 0.248 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- PM10 0.248 24h Continuous P_SPE4 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- PM2.5 0.085 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- PM2.5 0.085 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- PM2.5 0.085 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- PM2.5 0.085 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- PM2.5 0.085 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- PM2.5 0.074 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- PM2.5 0.074 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- PM2.5 0.074 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1)

P_SPE4 Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- PM2.5 0.074 24h Continuous


Normal Operating Conditions Point Source Emission Rates – Scenario 1 Point Source Point Source Name Pollutant Average emission rate Duration of Emissions Number Name Concentration Averaging (mg/Am3) Period UC2)

Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- SO2 0.083 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- SO2 0.083 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- SO2 0.083 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- SO2 0.083 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- SO2 0.083 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- SO2 0.074 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- SO2 0.074 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- SO2 0.074 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- SO2 0.074 24h Continuous P_SPE4 UC2)

9 Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- NOX 2.996 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- NOX 2.996 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- NOX 2.996 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- NOX 2.996 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- NOX 2.996 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- NOX 2.673 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- NOX 2.673 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- NOX 2.673 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- NOX 2.673 24h Continuous P_SPE4 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- CO 1.084 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2) Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- CO 1.084 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1) Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- CO 1.084 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1)

9 NOX is expressed as NO2 for all sources

Page 379

Normal Operating Conditions Point Source Emission Rates – Scenario 1 Point Source Point Source Name Pollutant Average emission rate Duration of Emissions Number Name Concentration Averaging (mg/Am3) Period Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- CO 1.084 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2) Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- CO 1.084 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3) Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- CO 0.967 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1) Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- CO 0.967 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2) Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- CO 0.967 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1) Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- CO 0.967 24h Continuous P_SPE4 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- VOC 0.278 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2) Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- VOC 0.278 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1) Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- VOC 0.278 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1) Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- VOC 0.278 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2) Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- VOC 0.278 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3) Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- VOC 0.248 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1) Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- VOC 0.248 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2) Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- VOC 0.248 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1) Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- VOC 0.248 24h Continuous P_SPE4 UC2)

Table 79: Normal Operating Conditions Point Source Emission Rates – Scenario 1 Scenario 2: 600 ktpm Ore Mined Emission Rates (Normal)

The emission rates from the point sources/vents under normal operating conditions provided for in Scenario 2 (refer Table 80), are per achieved emissions rates/concentrations based estimations/calculations for pollutants and or sources.

Normal Operating Conditions Point Source Emission Rates – Scenario 2 Point Source Point Source Name Pollutant Average emission rate Duration of Emissions Number Name Concentration Averaging (mg/Am3) Period

Northern Portal Extraction1 (F5- PM10 0.299 24h Continuous P_NPE1 UC2)

P_NPE2 Northern Portal Extraction2 (F4- PM10 0.299 24h Continuous

Page 380

Normal Operating Conditions Point Source Emission Rates – Scenario 2 Point Source Point Source Name Pollutant Average emission rate Duration of Emissions Number Name Concentration Averaging (mg/Am3) Period UC1)

Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- PM10 0.329 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- PM10 0.329 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- PM10 0.329 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- PM10 0.329 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- PM10 0.329 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- PM10 0.227 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- PM10 0.227 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- PM10 0.227 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- PM10 0.227 24h Continuous P_SPE4 UC2)

Northern Portal Extraction1 (F5- PM2.5 0.090 24h Continuous P_NPE1 UC2)

Northern Portal Extraction2 (F4- PM2.5 0.090 24h Continuous P_NPE2 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- PM2.5 0.100 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- PM2.5 0.100 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- PM2.5 0.100 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- PM2.5 0.100 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- PM2.5 0.100 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- PM2.5 0.068 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- PM2.5 0.068 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- PM2.5 0.068 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- PM2.5 0.068 24h Continuous P_SPE4 UC2)

Northern Portal Extraction1 (F5- SO2 0.078 24h Continuous P_NPE1 UC2)

Northern Portal Extraction2 (F4- SO2 0.078 24h Continuous P_NPE2 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- SO2 0.086 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2)

Page 381

Normal Operating Conditions Point Source Emission Rates – Scenario 2 Point Source Point Source Name Pollutant Average emission rate Duration of Emissions Number Name Concentration Averaging (mg/Am3) Period

Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- SO2 0.086 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- SO2 0.086 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- SO2 0.086 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- SO2 0.086 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- SO2 0.061 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- SO2 0.061 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- SO2 0.061 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- SO2 0.061 24h Continuous P_SPE4 UC2)

Northern Portal Extraction1 (F5- NOX 2.829 24h Continuous P_NPE1 UC2)

Northern Portal Extraction2 (F4- NOX 2.829 24h Continuous P_NPE2 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- NOX 3.122 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- NOX 3.122 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- NOX 3.122 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1)

Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- NOX 3.122 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2)

Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- NOX 3.122 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- NOX 2.218 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- NOX 2.218 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- NOX 2.218 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1)

Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- NOX 2.218 24h Continuous P_SPE4 UC2)

Northern Portal Extraction1 (F5- CO 1.039 24h Continuous P_NPE1 UC2) Northern Portal Extraction2 (F4- CO 1.039 24h Continuous P_NPE2 UC1) Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- CO 1.147 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2) Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- CO 1.147 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1)

Page 382

Normal Operating Conditions Point Source Emission Rates – Scenario 2 Point Source Point Source Name Pollutant Average emission rate Duration of Emissions Number Name Concentration Averaging (mg/Am3) Period Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- CO 1.147 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1) Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- CO 1.147 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2) Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- CO 1.147 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3) Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- CO 0.815 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1) Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- CO 0.815 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2) Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- CO 0.815 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1) Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- CO 0.815 24h Continuous P_SPE4 UC2)

Northern Portal Extraction1 (F5- VOC 0.266 24h Continuous P_NPE1 UC2) Northern Portal Extraction2 (F4- VOC 0.266 24h Continuous P_NPE2 UC1) Central Portal Extraction2 (F3- VOC 0.294 24h Continuous P_CPE2 UC2) Central Portal Extraction1 (F3- VOC 0.294 24h Continuous P_CPE1 UC1) Central Portal Extraction3 (F2- VOC 0.294 24h Continuous P_CPE3 UC1) Central Portal Extraction4 (F2- VOC 0.294 24h Continuous P_CPE4 UC2) Central Portal Extraction5 (F2- VOC 0.294 24h Continuous P_CPE5 UC3) Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- VOC 0.209 24h Continuous P_SPE1 UC1) Southern Portal Extraction1 (F1- VOC 0.209 24h Continuous P_SPE2 UC2) Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- VOC 0.209 24h Continuous P_SPE3 UC1) Southern Portal Extraction1 (T- VOC 0.209 24h Continuous P_SPE4 UC2)

Table 80: Normal Operating Conditions Point Source Emission Rates – Scenario 2 Point Source Maximum Emission Rates (Abnormal: Start-up, Shut-down & Maintenance Conditions)

Abnormal emissions for start-up, shut-down, maintenance and other uncontrolled emission conditions for these sources are limited with high APCE (Air Pollution Control Equipment) availability of the relevant processes. The emission rates / concentrations from these

Page 383

point sources under Start-up, Shut-down, Maintenance and other uncontrolled emission conditions are not applicable for the intent of this study. Fugitive / Secondary Emissions (area and or line sources)

The Project's fugitive / secondary emissions emanate from the following sources / operations:

 Mining activities;  Raw Materials / Waste Storage facilities;  Materials Loading & Unloading  Final product stockpiles – Loading & Unloading;  Diesel storage tanks - Refilling;  Vehicles and roads.

The main sources of secondary emissions from the Process Plant are the roads, waste disposal, diesel storage and refilling and the material storage areas. When relevant/applicable secondary emissions from secondary area and or line sources, such as stockpiles and gravel roads, are assessed in accordance with the information and methodology provided in Appendix 7.6 of this document in terms of the expected quantities of material consumed or processed and moved for different scenarios considered.

Page 384

10.8.4 Expected Contribution to Ambient Air Quality Standards – Dispersion Modelling Scenarios’ Results

The results of the impact assessment conducted by means of air dispersion modelling are discussed in this section by means of isopleths, as assessed against the South African National Ambient Air Quality Standards or ambient air guidelines for pollutants which do not have South African Ambient Air Quality Standards.

It is important to note that isopleths are provided in a range of different coloured contours in the figures which will follow. In the figures, the site is in the center of the map, and the location of the highest concentration modelled in each case is indicated by a white cross, with the concentration written next to it on the figure with a white background.

As indicated earlier, there are also blue, grey and white markers (filled circles) on each map, to indicate the locations of communities, schools and towns respectively. Please do not misinterpret them as isopleths/contours. The isopleths/contours are clearly distinguishable from these place markers.

th 3 Particulate Matter (PM10) – 24 hour, 99 percentile (Ambient Air Quality Standard: 75µg/m )

Figure 94 below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM10 emissions for Scenario 1 against Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region is localised around the facility, and exceedances of the ambient air quality standard is expected for both Scenarios (red isopleth). The exceedance impact region is approximately 500m to 1500m toward an easterly direction. Scenario 2 indicates an increase in the modelled maximum concentration compared to Scenario 1.


All Sources (per Scenario 1): All Sources (per Scenario 2):

th Figure 94: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – 24hour, 99 percentile.

Figure 95 below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM10 emissions for Scenario 1 versus Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region is localised around the Project Area, and exceedances of the ambient air quality standard is expected (red isopleth). The exceedance impact region is approximately 500m to 1500m toward an easterly direction.

Page 386

All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 1): All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 2):

th Figure 95: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – 24hour, 99 percentile

Page 387

Figure 96: below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM10 emissions for Scenario 1 versus Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. No exceedances of the ambient air quality standard are expected. It is evident from this figure that the highest risk is associated with the fugitive/secondary sources compared to Figure 95.

All Point Sources (per Scenario 1): All Point Sources (per Scenario 2):

th Figure 96: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – 24hour, 99 percentile.


3 Particulate Matter (PM10) – Annual Average (Ambient Air Quality Standard: 40µg/m )

Figure 97: below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM10 emissions for Scenario 1 against Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. Exceedances of the annual ambient air quality standard of 40µg/m3 are eminent (red isopleth). The exceedance impact region is approximately 100m to 500m toward an easterly direction.

All Sources (per Scenario 1): All Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 97: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – Annual Average.

Page 389

Figure 98 below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM10 emissions for Scenario 1 versus Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. Exceedances of the annual ambient air quality standard of 40µg/m3 are eminent (red isopleth). The exceedance impact region is approximately 100m to 500m toward an easterly direction.

All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 1): All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 98: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – Annual Average.

Page 390

Figure 99 below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM10 emissions for Scenario 1 versus Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region emanating from the fugitive/secondary emissions is clearly distinguishable as compared to Figure 98. The impact region is negligible, and the simulated concentration is well below the ambient air quality standard.

All Point Sources (per Scenario 1): All Point Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 99: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM10) – Annual Average.

Page 391

th 3 Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – 24 hour, 99 percentile (Ambient Air Quality Standard: 40µg/m )

Figure 100 below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM2.5 emissions for Scenario 1 against Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region is localised around the Project Area, and exceedances of the ambient air quality standard is expected for both scenarios (red isopleth). The exceedance impact region is approximately 500m to 1500m toward an easterly direction. Scenario 2 indicates an increase in the modelled maximum concentration compared to Scenario 1.

All Sources (per Scenario 1): All Sources (per Scenario 2):

th Figure 100: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – 24 hour, 99 percentile.

Page 392

Figure 101 below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM2.5 emissions for Scenario 1 against Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region is localised around the Project Area, and exceedances of the ambient air quality standard is expected for both scenarios (red isopleth). The exceedance impact region is approximately 500m to 1500m toward an easterly direction. Scenario 2 indicates an increase in the modelled maximum concentration compared to Scenario 1.

All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 1): All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 2):

th Figure 101: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – 24hour, 99 percentile.

Page 393

Figure 102 below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM10 emissions for Scenario 1 versus Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region is negligible. It is evident from this figure that the highest risk is associated with the fugitive/secondary sources as compared to Figure 101.

All Point Sources (per Scenario 1): All Point Sources (per Scenario 2):

th Figure 102: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – 24hour, 99 percentile.

Page 394

3 Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – Annual Average (Ambient Air Quality Standard: 25µg/m )

Figure 103 below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM2.5 emissions for Scenario 1 against Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. Exceedances of the annual ambient air quality standard of 20µg/m3 are eminent (red isopleth). The exceedance impact region is approximately 100m to 500m toward an easterly direction.

All Sources (per Scenario 1): All Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 103: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – Annual Average.

Page 395

Figure 104 below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM2.5 emissions for Scenario 1 against Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. Exceedances of the annual ambient air quality standard of 20µg/m3 are eminent (red isopleth). The exceedance impact region is approximately 100m to 500m toward an easterly direction.

All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 1): All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 104: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – Annual Average.

Page 396

Figure 105 below provides an indication of the expected impact of PM2.5 emissions for Scenario 1 versus Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region is negligible, and the simulated concentrations is well below the ambient air quality standard. It is evident from this figure that the main contribution is associated with the fugitive/secondary sources compared to Figure 104.

All Point Sources (per Scenario 1): All Point Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 105: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Particulate Matter (PM2.5) – Annual Average.

Page 397

th 3 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – 1 hour, 99 percentile (Ambient Air Quality Standard: 200µg/m )

Figure 106 below provides an indication of the expected impact of NO2 emissions for Scenario 1 against Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region is localised around the facility, and exceedances of the ambient air quality standard is expected (red isopleth). The exceedance impact region is approximately 1000m to 2000m toward an easterly direction (indicated by the red isopleth.

All Sources (per Scenario 1): All Sources (per Scenario 2):

th Figure 106: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – 1hour, 99 percentile.

Page 398

Figure 107 below provides an indication of the expected impact of NO2 emissions for scenario 1 against scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region is localised around the facility, and exceedances of the ambient air quality standard is expected (red isopleth). The exceedance impact region is approximately 1000m to 2000m toward an easterly direction (indicated by the red isopleth.

All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 1): All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 2):

th Figure 107: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – 1hour, 99 percentile.

Page 399

Figure 108 below provides an indication of the expected impact of NO2 emissions for Scenario 1 versus Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region is localised around the facility, and no exceedances of the ambient air quality standard is expected. It is evident from this figure that the highest risk is associated with the fugitive/secondary sources as compared to Figure 107.

All Point Sources (per Scenario 1): All Point Sources (per Scenario 2):

th Figure 108: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – 1hour, 99 percentile.

Page 400

3 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – Annual Average (Ambient Air Quality Standard: 40µg/m )

Figure 109 below provides an indication of the expected impact of NO2 emissions for Scenario 1 against Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region is localised around the Project Area, and exceedances of the ambient air quality standard is expected. The exceedance impact region is approximately 100m to 500m toward an easterly direction (indicated by the red isopleth.

All Sources (per Scenario 1): All Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 109: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – Annual Average.

Page 401

Figure 110 below provides an indication of the expected impact of NO2 emissions for Scenario 1 against Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. The impact region is localised around the facility, and exceedances of the ambient air quality standard is expected. The exceedance impact region is approximately 100m to 500m toward an easterly direction (indicated by the red isopleth).

All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 1): All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 110: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – Annual Average.

Page 402

Figure 111 below provides an indication of the expected impact of NO2 emissions for Scenario 1 against Scenario 2, as referenced in the heading of the respective isopleths. No exceedances of the ambient air quality standard are expected. It is evident from this figure that the highest risk is associated with the fugitive/secondary sources compared against Figure 110.

All Point Sources (per Scenario 1): All Point Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 111: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – Annual Average.

Page 403 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) – Annual Average (Benzene - Ambient Air Quality Standard: 5.00µg/m3)

The impact on the receiving environment as contributed by volatile organic compound (VOC’s) emissions are illustrated in Figure 112. No national ambient air quality standard is available for VOC’s, hence benzene with a national ambient air quality standard of 5.0g/m3 is used a proxy for discussions. The impact region is localised and the exceedance region of the benzene national standard is illustrated by the red isopleth for Scenarios 1 and 2.

All Sources (per Scenario 1): All Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 112: All Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2– Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) – Annual Average.

Page 404

The impact on the receiving environment as contributed by volatile organic compound (VOC’s) emissions are illustrated in Figure 113. No national ambient air quality standard is available for VOC’s, and benzene with a national ambient air quality standard of 5.0g/m3 is used a proxy for discussions. The impact region is localised, and the exceedance region of the benzene national standard is illustrated by the red isopleth for Scenarios 1 and 2.

All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 1): All Secondary Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 113: All Secondary Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 – Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) – Annual Average.

Page 405

The impact on the receiving environment as contributed by VOC emissions are illustrated in Figure 114. The impact region is negligible for both scenarios, and no exceedances of the benzene national standard is expected.

All Point Sources (per Scenario 1): All Point Sources (per Scenario 2):

Figure 114: All Point Sources, Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 – Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) – Annual Average.

Page 406

10.8.5 Modelled 1st Highest Concentrations

The highest/maximum concentrations modelled for the relevant pollutants under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 are provided in Table 81 and Table 82 respectively, together with their coordinates.

Scenario 1: Averaging Pollutant Concentration Coordinates period µg/m3 X Y date 24h 1338.8 695068.0 7414669.0 2017-08-23 PM 10 Ann 114.3 695068.0 7414669.0 2017 24h 401.3 695068.0 7414669.0 2017-11-16 PM 2.5 Ann 34.3 695068.0 7414669.0 2017 1h 873.1 694818.0 7414419.0 2017-04-14 SO2 24h 113.2 694818.0 7414169.0 2017-05-15 Ann 11.5 695068.0 7414669.0 2017 1h 31512.6 694818.0 7414419.0 2017-04-14 NO 2 Ann 416.2 695068.0 7414669.0 2017 1h 11401.3 694818.0 7414419.0 2017-05-14 CO 8h 3410.0 695068.0 7414419.0 2017-05-25 VOC Ann 38.7 695068.0 7414669.0 2017 Table 81: Modelled 1st Highest / Maximum Concentrations for Scenario 1

Scenario 2: Averaging Pollutant Concentration Coordinates period µg/m3 X Y date 24h 2873.6 695068.0 7414669.0 2017-08-23 PM 10 Ann 241.2 695068.0 7414669.0 2017 24h 860.5 695068.0 7414669.0 2017-11-16 PM 2.5 Ann 72.1 695068.0 7414669.0 2017 1h 1832.34 694818.0 7414419.0 2017-04-14 SO2 24h 206.08 695068.0 7414669.0 2017-05-15 Ann 22.97 695068.0 7414669.0 2017 1h 66447.86 694818.0 7414419.0 2017-04-14 NO 2 Ann 832.86 695068.0 7414669.0 2017 1h 24412.10 694818.0 7414419.0 2017-05-14 CO 8h 7263.45 695068.0 7414419.0 2017-05-25 VOC Ann 78.44 695068.0 7414669.0 2017 Table 82: Modelled 1st Highest / Maximum Concentrations for Scenario 2

10.8.6 Greenhouse gas emisions

The National Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulations was published in the Government Gazette (No. 40762, 3 April 2017), as well as a declaration of Greenhouse Gasses ("GHGs") as priority pollutants for South Africa (Government Gazette - No. 40996, 21 July 2017) under NEM:AQA . These GHG must be monitored, evaluated and reported.


GHG emissions for the proposed mining activity was calculated under Tier 1 of the IPCC guidelines, based on diesel consumption for non-stationary sources. The GHG calculations were performed utilising DEA - Technical Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by industry (Version No: TG-2016.1, April 2017). Although, IPCC category 1A2i pertains to stationary combustion sources under mining and quarrying activities, the GHG emissions were calculated as mobile sources per total diesel consumption.

Table 83 is a GHG emission summary for Scenario 1 with a total diesel consumption of 16 457 143.00 litres/annum, whilst Table 84 is indicative of Scenario 2 with a total diesel consumption of 27 514 286.00 litres/annum.

Table 83: GHG Emission summary for Scenario 1 (Tier 1, IPCC guidelines) Methodology and GHG Total GHG

emission factors used emissions in CO2 Activity (IPCC Source Category)[1] 2018 CO2 CH4 N2O HFCs PFCs SF6 to estimate baseline equivalents emissions[2] Total Mine Facility: Diesel Vehicles Tier 1: 3.15 tonne CO2 2018 Expected Capacity 39.4927 0.0022 0.0152n/ap n/ap n/ap 44.0554 (IPCC Code: 1A2i) /tonne diesel Total by gas (Gg) 39.4927 0.0022 0.0152 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 44.0554

[1] Activities for which GHG data will be required for PPP reporting (activities are presented in the National GHG Reporting Regulations, 2017) [2] As per the National Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulations, 2017

Table 84: GHG Emission summary for Scenario 2 (Tier 1, IPCC guidelines) Methodology and GHG Total GHG

emission factors used emissions in CO2 Activity (IPCC Source Category)[1] 2018 CO2 CH4 N2O HFCs PFCs SF6 to estimate baseline equivalents emissions[2] Total Mine Facility: Diesel Vehicles Tier 1: 3.15 tonne CO2 2018 Expected Capacity 66.0268 0.0037 0.0255n/ap n/ap n/ap 73.6551 (IPCC Code: 1A2i) /tonne diesel Total by gas (Gg) 66.0268 0.0037 0.0255 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 73.6551

[1] Activities for which GHG data will be required for PPP reporting (activities are presented in the National GHG Reporting Regulations, 2017) [2] As per the National Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulations, 2017

10.8.7 Additional information - concluding comments and recommendations from specialist

Subject to the information and assumptions provided in this report, the following additional information is provided for the attention of the Enterprise’s Air Quality Officer / Manager:

1. Key findings indicate the following matters:

PM10 & PM2.5:

i. It is foreseen to be “likely” that the secondary emissions contribute the most of all the sources, of which the roads and material processing / storage areas contributes the most;

Page 408

ii. It is foreseen to be “likely” that the Waterberg Project's contribution to the PM10 and

PM2.5 ambient air quality exceeds the relevant standards for a 24-hour average, which is “likely” to occur within a distance of approximately 500m to 1500m from the

site boundary for PM10 and PM2.5 respectively;

iii. It is foreseen to be “likely” that the Waterberg Project's contribution to the PM10 and

PM2.5 ambient air quality exceeds the relevant standards for an annual average which is “likely” to occur within a distance of approximately 100m to 500m from the

Project Area boundary for PM10 and PM2.5 respectively; iv. It is foreseen to be “likely” that the modelled ambient air concentrations under

Scenario 2 will increase for both PM10 and PM2.5; v. It is important that effective dust suppression measures need to be implemented on the current fugitive/secondary sources.


i. It is foreseen to be “likely” that the Waterberg Project's contribution to the SO2 ambient air quality falls within the relevant standards.


i. It is foreseen to be “likely” that the Waterberg Project's contribution to the NO2 ambient air quality exceeds the relevant standards for a 1-hour and annual average for both scenarios; ii. It is foreseen to be “likely” that the modelled ambient air concentrations under Scenario 2 will increase; iii. It is foreseen that the secondary sources (diesel combustion fumes from vehicles used) contribute the most to the modelled concentrations, and that it is “as likely as

not” that the 1-hour NO2 ambient air quality standard could be exceeded within a distance of approximately 1000m to 2000m from the Project Area boundary as a result of the secondary sources only, with due consideration that the diesel consumption rate could potentially have been conservatively overstated; iv. It is foreseen that the secondary sources (diesel combustion fumes from vehicles used) contribute the most to the modelled concentrations, and that it is “as likely as

not” that the annual NO2 ambient air quality standard could be exceeded within a distance of approximately 100m to 500m from the Project Area boundary as a result of the secondary sources only, with due consideration that the diesel consumption rate could potentially have been conservatively overstated.


i. It is foreseen to be “likely” that the Enterprise’s contribution to the CO ambient air quality falls within the relevant standards.

Page 409


i. In the absence of a South African Ambient Air Quality Standard for VOC’s, the national Benzene standard of 5.0 (µg/m3)-1 was used as a reference; ii. It is foreseen to be “likely” that the Enterprise’s contribution to the VOC ambient air quality falls within the relevant standards.

2. It is recommended that Site Management review their air quality / pollution management plan with consideration of the phased risk/impact assessment provided in Appendix 7.6 and the possible actions for the air quality management plan as provided in Appendix 7.6.

a) Apply more efficient dust suppression techniques; b) Reduce vehicle movement and associated diesel consumption (where practicable); c) Reduce fugitive emissions;

3. It should also be noted that this is a theoretical / modelling assessment and it should always be considered that there are several factors which influence the resulting uncertainty of such a study, as flagged/indicated by means of the comments made throughout the content of the AIA together with Appendix 7.6;

4. The results and conclusions drawn in the AIA is an indication/estimate of the impact of the Waterberg Project on the environment. Infrastructure development adjacent to the Waterberg Project could contribute to the ambient air quality.

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