WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples -- Authorlaed to publl.h Goveromeol Notice. affecting Native. Yol. It. !\,' 7'1 Itr,.lo\.tod .~ H.. 0_1 Jonl.''UUt!l BUIU1, 27111 JUl.,. I03li. 1'I)OI.(IftI", ... ~ ....po.~t. Pri •• 3d MUSSOLINI RESOLVED ON WAR ! League Of Nations Will Consider Abyssinian Crisis On Monday Possibility Of Four Years' Campaign AR belween 1t:1ly and Abyssinia is now ylrtually certain. Opinions vary as to when It will br.3k out, some brUtving thai bostilliu W wil l begin in nve wefks. olhers In rlcM we t' ks and some think twelye ~eeks. Hopes of pt"a ctfui st'tllement are f:ldlng. There Is to be a Council meeting of tbe u3gue of N.lllons on Mond.y, July 29 at Grnn'. In Swlturland, when last minute efforts will he made tJ bring ahout peace. The hope of doing n Ii very small, tor Mussollnl seems bent on war and Is stndinl:' 18rte nunlbt-rs of troops through the Suu Can II to Ernrta whlfb adjoins Abyssinia; abo ,uns, equipment and aeroplanes. Fore l, ne~ 100. bave been I~a..,!ng Abyssinia In Ihe belief thlt thue will shortly be war. Gre.:t.t Bri tain also see ms to bell e\"e In the Inevltablllty of war and has s.enl one million slndban to be packed around the Britl ~ h legation and other buildings at Addis Ababa, the Ingest town In Abyssinia, At th.. Ie.ac: ue of Nations meeting on fl10nday n xt it Is h o p ~ d that Italy wblc b hu only made vague ~tatements about the cau~ of her quarrel with Abyssinia, will explain to the league exactly what her grievances are. All tbat Is known of them is that she resents Aby s5 lni~n raids on her border In wh1ch many under Ih li ln connol ba\'e been killed: and she objects to slave-raiding by Abyssinian Irre,ulars. Th ~ re Is no doubt thai the Aby»lnlans are slavers and tbat they have many Bantu tribesmen working in the country. I The Abys)inlan Emperor. Ras Tararl, denies tbe right of Italy to Invade or seize his lerritory and has referred his case to the League of Nallon~. which. as stated. is meeting on Monday neu. July 29. Mean.-hile. an Ab)'~sinian envoy is In London tr)'lng to raise £2,000000, probably to buy munitions. but also, It b cialmed, to develop Ab)'sslnla's great mineral resources. ,\B\SSi:\[_\:\ _\:\1"1 \!Ht'H.UT (;l'z\:\EH. mak, u .f hi "t to uhLlln purdUJ."Il·' 011 hi'l ~Ull It b 1I'llrnl'd that tlit' ann 1- of th,' ABYSSINIA AS BIG AS UNION OF S. A. C'rluntr i. ,hurt "f artiH, \ 1'l1lan, llllIlmulutlOn _-,Ill .It, A BY~""I:\I.-\ " .tn·"","" n, _\h, 111M will tn""tual" I r I·d t .. t.III1"'" ,.,untr. Inl.n· thllil 1\11 ... · :,IN'.HIHI mdullUl.l! th('"1\all\[' 1('\1(' tilt" 'l1-\' "ftllt' Oran!!,· Fr('O :-:tllh' and tilt' nln"a d \" in Entnll lind itllll<lll ~mllh 300 Natives Umteteli's £30/ 15/­ 1·ran-\d.. .] tOJ:'etlwr 1I1.I.·l·d It" un'd I~ land" . After that 1."O(l .tH"' m('11 Wal nht mu~h 1. ·!iS than that of till' {'nlOn ,,,,11, · unlltr arm~. T(,t Ah\" ~miar;_, Arrested Competitions (of :-'Quth :\fri,"a" "i~ ~ai, 1 110111 till" \l.~ ., whoh· ('<.u ld Ilut 1,IIIIIt .i""t mN} «)unt'!" !!,'I' it~ lIamf' from th(· word into the field If till' EmpI.'wr bad tl1l' .. Ah,*"- Il('('all." of II'! numl)("rlc~" ~u pport of hl "~ minor chidtain"q or ATthl ' requc"t of man.,- n·aJ.. r~ who ba l'C fc prt.-,;cntl·d to u.~ that the pl'\.'('ipiu" or aby (,S. Ind,... d it It a HII e~ 11 ill rumoured thai ,"igllor Big Raid 00 Beoooi \8A natur;tl r"rtn"!lS" Thl' fu\l~t and ~luWlIin.i will \-bil Eritrta alld Italian lnHuelWl. epidellli<.: and th.. IIC'hoo l I ,'~('.t t:urOI)e8n Rrmih III th(' worlrl Somalilaurl on a tour of IIL'Ipoction hohdllY" haw pn·\cnted thtm from lIould f'll)(-rien('(' tlu- utmOt<I (lIfti ," ult)" probably III Septt mber and Ju"t before Locatioo taking l>IU't in our .l!reat ~y com· ill oonqut'rin~ it . l... ~ially If the thl' Olfell8IH' beglllll" petition, we han:' d('('rdtd to utend Ah\'~~ ll'uan~ rt't'·l'Ilt(·d inlo Ibe tho:' date of tntr,\' to Sunday. &pte­ TJm~ hundred morc bomI.Jillg aero· N EARLY 300 Natin.ti IIcre arfe!;t;,'d wher 15. mo'untaill" and raHi('·d from them, and pJanN are Icaving "hortly for North ..0 ("011.111(1(011 ~u(OTilta lIarflln'_ in Jk·noni on Sunday moming Thus thl' I)(NtlOn i, that we are AfrIca under command of General I\hen a la1').:(>o body of poliCtl. drawn offcring £30 :. 15,- in prl1C ~ to our Tht AI,v,IIlIan.. "" hal'(' .. <IIIit' ,r:!:\lIlS. \" a li Iialian l'nder Secretary of War. a ('(HlJ'i{krablc numb("r of Tltll·". and from Ih(' five E lU>t Rand town8, readers in respect of two ('omIJetitJon~. one of which i~ I\n Cq "3Y competition one or two al'rOplllnt;I but thl'~- ha\"t It 1.'1 ~ aid that Mussolllll r~ preparing Ila.rticipat;,·d in OM of the 11Ig,;:06t open to all sen>! and age<!, ... bile the no arm" to ht l'OmparNI WIth tho~e for a four ,Yeai'll campaign and Ibat hI' raid.!! ever conducted in the location \I-ith II 1.1' h tl,(" Italian arWI II iii Ix> is fully aware of tbe enorwoU8 dim· An unu."ual number of aasaulu the other I ~ a COffijlttlllOn for African l'qWPP("''- Tb,·)" h;IH been trailll"li to culti(oS ('onfrontul,ll; his armlt"Oi" H e Ilr(l n ou.i week·end. ane! thf' occurrenct" women and girl~ detail~ take- ("{.wa. to u I"t ("lllllouHa.l!('. to IU\IIIIII thai the country through whic h recently of S('\"eral burl'!: larioo. prornl)' Full of both til .. " com· ted thc poil c(' to mo.k" 0. thorough petJtioll ~ will be- found in tlur IIl"id€' march liJ..l" EUJ'OI)("IIJb, alld to ohcy Ill' w III haw to fip:ht is perhaps the their ofl"n~ TI,,·i.· dud ln~trll('tor wost difficult rn th6 world and that cleo.n Ull of t he location" pag~. i, a ~\1""Ii~h olli.{"r Gpnerai \-'r ~lll, t hl' .Ja jlant'S(' ha \'1' e'l:pre:<-·,ed an ir\leret't l\ OOUt luo Europ.. ",n and ,-lit Naln"c Both co mpetitions no" eAd on III ,\I'\~~mia Ilnd arc b\' no mearL~ police. \nth throe Sl1h. l n~p(·('to"'" in September 15. Why sbottld you not be Mussolini's IIJoo Battle Planes IlCl'('s,ilflh" 011 111. bide. lie l ~ ncycr· ('har~e, ~urrnunde-" Ih.· lot'ation umlN a winner? TI\{' Italian anllY will prol.mhl"\ tr'y tlwl(·s.... , Ycry l'oufidcnt, con'r of (1I\rkn('~s" lind ntl !t rn flud to I'tIZI" II l'ortlOJI of Ahy .., .. iwIJ." III th{' cour~,· of II most inlo:'fe» tl nJf the signnl 10 IIl1i /o:il"('l1, The ing III all to ahuut ~.UOtl 1Iallol1.:lo of lIJ akin/o: great 11'(' hf it:. 10041 uattle artll'k in tht· Hand Daily Mallon cordon Wl\i dr,1111I li~bl~r 0.11(1 liqnor and "ortll lIJ1proxilWltely !.JUII, 'Jllaneo- Signor ~Iu... solini illl"""". i~ .J uly 13. {'nlltl('11 "" Can lt a"l.I Conqucr cvery ~ard and hou.,,· II,\~ l"I.iitcd "as Ilc.4royt:d In tint' Ultitllnllf' th~' "aid to boo coulltmg 011 1118 af'rol'lancs .\h\8 illla . "Mr Patrid, BOI\t·c ,tatt'1J: Xumht·"'" (Of "~k()I..III'1I\ qUI'l'I~~" policl' had to halll'l- ,1""11 a. parl1ocke<l to o\"crwhdm Ab .... ~III1lH\ qlu('kt) The I\'('r(' arr..".l.·,j und thmr ,Ioek rlllwullt · door hefor" thl"1 l"lIulrl ~t·t III a. J tahan EII~t Arrie-an forces fol' lI't' in Contin1<td in page 3 OonlinU4l in 1Itzt column. "«\lCt'lI" nml hcr' hlJlH'r, • UMTETELI WA BANTU. JOHANNESBURG. 27'fB JULY, 19a5, ~II to"''''II''IUI/~1I1 III H Idd,..1»d 10: efforts to avert war. It is BOil.... ~ilOD. recognised tbat. wars nowadays African National Congress P.O. Box. .6211, have a babit. to sprt!adiug aod Jo.... _."D'O. dral!ging to other nations. It is reoofgo ised indet>d to,day P".IIJheIi W.. II,. tb&t ally W>t.r iuv"lviug a firat.· 018118 Europeao powrr lIooh as Important Session Next Week Oaa Y_, Italy, IS a. tbrra' tu tbe peaoe of tbp world . Tt)l8 It! 110 With the al" MOlIt~ AbY!ll!ian criels brciuse there President's Wise TbrM MOllt~ are oalionalil or CILlzenll of Nagana Outbreak mit n" other cou 0 trie8 elillirving Coullsel 10 Abyssinia. who might suITer In Zulu land ([Imtcleh wa ~antu iDjury or death at tbe hands DR. P. itA I. SEnE, President., --- of the combataots, aud so African National Congress, ~\Tites A deputation wall appointed at ! ~ 27ib JOLY, 1935. mi ght drag into the war the as 10110"'11: large Illoc ting of Zululnlld farlUt'1"M cf) nntries to whom they belong.
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