League of Nations Will Consider Abyssinian Crisis on Monday Possibility of Four Years' Campaign

League of Nations Will Consider Abyssinian Crisis on Monday Possibility of Four Years' Campaign

WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples -- Authorlaed to publl.h Goveromeol Notice. affecting Native. Yol. It. !\,' 7'1 Itr,.lo\.tod .~ H.. 0_1 Jonl.''UUt!l BUIU1, 27111 JUl.,. I03li. 1'I)OI.(IftI", ... ~ ....po.~t. Pri •• 3d MUSSOLINI RESOLVED ON WAR ! League Of Nations Will Consider Abyssinian Crisis On Monday Possibility Of Four Years' Campaign AR belween 1t:1ly and Abyssinia is now ylrtually certain. Opinions vary as to when It will br.3k out, some brUtving thai bostilliu W wil l begin in nve wefks. olhers In rlcM we t' ks and some think twelye ~eeks. Hopes of pt"a ctfui st'tllement are f:ldlng. There Is to be a Council meeting of tbe u3gue of N.lllons on Mond.y, July 29 at Grnn'. In Swlturland, when last minute efforts will he made tJ bring ahout peace. The hope of doing n Ii very small, tor Mussollnl seems bent on war and Is stndinl:' 18rte nunlbt-rs of troops through the Suu Can II to Ernrta whlfb adjoins Abyssinia; abo ,uns, equipment and aeroplanes. Fore l, ne~ 100. bave been I~a..,!ng Abyssinia In Ihe belief thlt thue will shortly be war. Gre.:t.t Bri tain also see ms to bell e\"e In the Inevltablllty of war and has s.enl one million slndban to be packed around the Britl ~ h legation and other buildings at Addis Ababa, the Ingest town In Abyssinia, At th.. Ie.ac: ue of Nations meeting on fl10nday n xt it Is h o p ~ d that Italy wblc b hu only made vague ~tatements about the cau~ of her quarrel with Abyssinia, will explain to the league exactly what her grievances are. All tbat Is known of them is that she resents Aby s5 lni~n raids on her border In wh1ch many under Ih li ln connol ba\'e been killed: and she objects to slave-raiding by Abyssinian Irre,ulars. Th ~ re Is no doubt thai the Aby»lnlans are slavers and tbat they have many Bantu tribesmen working in the country. I The Abys)inlan Emperor. Ras Tararl, denies tbe right of Italy to Invade or seize his lerritory and has referred his case to the League of Nallon~. which. as stated. is meeting on Monday neu. July 29. Mean.-hile. an Ab)'~sinian envoy is In London tr)'lng to raise £2,000000, probably to buy munitions. but also, It b cialmed, to develop Ab)'sslnla's great mineral resources. ,\B\SSi:\[_\:\ _\:\1"1 \!Ht'H.UT (;l'z\:\EH. mak, u .f hi "t to uhLlln purdUJ."Il·' 011 hi'l ~Ull It b 1I'llrnl'd that tlit' ann 1- of th,' ABYSSINIA AS BIG AS UNION OF S. A. C'rluntr i. ,hurt "f artiH, \ 1'l1lan, llllIlmulutlOn _-,Ill .It, A BY~""I:\I.-\ " .tn·"","" n, _\h, 111M will tn""tual" I r I·d t .. t.III1"'" ,.,untr. Inl.n· thllil 1\11 ... · :,IN'.HIHI mdullUl.l! th('"1\all\[' 1('\1(' tilt" 'l1-\' "ftllt' Oran!!,· Fr('O :-:tllh' and tilt' nln"a d \" in Entnll lind itllll<lll ~mllh 300 Natives Umteteli's £30/ 15/­ 1·ran-\d.. .] tOJ:'etlwr 1I1.I.·l·d It" un'd I~ land" . After that 1."O(l .tH"' m('11 Wal nht mu~h 1. ·!iS than that of till' {'nlOn ,,,,11, · unlltr arm~. T(,t Ah\" ~miar;_, Arrested Competitions (of :-'Quth :\fri,"a" "i~ ~ai, 1 110111 till" \l.~ ., whoh· ('<.u ld Ilut 1,IIIIIt .i""t mN} «)unt'!" !!,'I' it~ lIamf' from th(· word into the field If till' EmpI.'wr bad tl1l' .. Ah,*"- Il('('all." of II'! numl)("rlc~" ~u pport of hl "~ minor chidtain"q or ATthl ' requc"t of man.,- n·aJ.. r~ who ba l'C fc prt.-,;cntl·d to u.~ that the pl'\.'('ipiu" or aby (,S. Ind,... d it It a HII e~ 11 ill rumoured thai ,"igllor Big Raid 00 Beoooi \8A natur;tl r"rtn"!lS" Thl' fu\l~t and ~luWlIin.i will \-bil Eritrta alld Italian lnHuelWl. epidellli<.: and th.. IIC'hoo l I ,'~('.t t:urOI)e8n Rrmih III th(' worlrl Somalilaurl on a tour of IIL'Ipoction hohdllY" haw pn·\cnted thtm from lIould f'll)(-rien('(' tlu- utmOt<I (lIfti ," ult)" probably III Septt mber and Ju"t before Locatioo taking l>IU't in our .l!reat ~y com· ill oonqut'rin~ it . l... ~ially If the thl' Olfell8IH' beglllll" petition, we han:' d('('rdtd to utend Ah\'~~ ll'uan~ rt't'·l'Ilt(·d inlo Ibe tho:' date of tntr,\' to Sunday. &pte­ TJm~ hundred morc bomI.Jillg aero· N EARLY 300 Natin.ti IIcre arfe!;t;,'d wher 15. mo'untaill" and raHi('·d from them, and pJanN are Icaving "hortly for North ..0 ("011.111(1(011 ~u(OTilta lIarflln'_ in Jk·noni on Sunday moming Thus thl' I)(NtlOn i, that we are AfrIca under command of General I\hen a la1').:(>o body of poliCtl. drawn offcring £30 :. 15,- in prl1C ~ to our Tht AI,v,IIlIan.. "" hal'(' .. <IIIit' ,r:!:\lIlS. \" a li Iialian l'nder Secretary of War. a ('(HlJ'i{krablc numb("r of Tltll·". and from Ih(' five E lU>t Rand town8, readers in respect of two ('omIJetitJon~. one of which i~ I\n Cq "3Y competition one or two al'rOplllnt;I but thl'~- ha\"t It 1.'1 ~ aid that Mussolllll r~ preparing Ila.rticipat;,·d in OM of the 11Ig,;:06t open to all sen>! and age<!, ... bile the no arm" to ht l'OmparNI WIth tho~e for a four ,Yeai'll campaign and Ibat hI' raid.!! ever conducted in the location \I-ith II 1.1' h tl,(" Italian arWI II iii Ix> is fully aware of tbe enorwoU8 dim· An unu."ual number of aasaulu the other I ~ a COffijlttlllOn for African l'qWPP("''- Tb,·)" h;IH been trailll"li to culti(oS ('onfrontul,ll; his armlt"Oi" H e Ilr(l n ou.i week·end. ane! thf' occurrenct" women and girl~ detail~ take- ("{.wa. to u I"t ("lllllouHa.l!('. to IU\IIIIII thai the country through whic h recently of S('\"eral burl'!: larioo. prornl)' Full of both til .. " com· ted thc poil c(' to mo.k" 0. thorough petJtioll ~ will be- found in tlur IIl"id€' march liJ..l" EUJ'OI)("IIJb, alld to ohcy Ill' w III haw to fip:ht is perhaps the their ofl"n~ TI,,·i.· dud ln~trll('tor wost difficult rn th6 world and that cleo.n Ull of t he location" pag~. i, a ~\1""Ii~h olli.{"r Gpnerai \-'r ~lll, t hl' .Ja jlant'S(' ha \'1' e'l:pre:<-·,ed an ir\leret't l\ OOUt luo Europ.. ",n and ,-lit Naln"c Both co mpetitions no" eAd on III ,\I'\~~mia Ilnd arc b\' no mearL~ police. \nth throe Sl1h. l n~p(·('to"'" in September 15. Why sbottld you not be Mussolini's IIJoo Battle Planes IlCl'('s,ilflh" 011 111. bide. lie l ~ ncycr· ('har~e, ~urrnunde-" Ih.· lot'ation umlN a winner? TI\{' Italian anllY will prol.mhl"\ tr'y tlwl(·s.... , Ycry l'oufidcnt, con'r of (1I\rkn('~s" lind ntl !t rn flud to I'tIZI" II l'ortlOJI of Ahy .., .. iwIJ." III th{' cour~,· of II most inlo:'fe» tl nJf the signnl 10 IIl1i /o:il"('l1, The ing III all to ahuut ~.UOtl 1Iallol1.:lo of lIJ akin/o: great 11'(' hf it:. 10041 uattle artll'k in tht· Hand Daily Mallon cordon Wl\i dr,1111I li~bl~r 0.11(1 liqnor and "ortll lIJ1proxilWltely !.JUII, 'Jllaneo- Signor ~Iu... solini illl"""". i~ .J uly 13. {'nlltl('11 "" Can lt a"l.I Conqucr cvery ~ard and hou.,,· II,\~ l"I.iitcd "as Ilc.4royt:d In tint' Ultitllnllf' th~' "aid to boo coulltmg 011 1118 af'rol'lancs .\h\8 illla . "Mr Patrid, BOI\t·c ,tatt'1J: Xumht·"'" (Of "~k()I..III'1I\ qUI'l'I~~" policl' had to halll'l- ,1""11 a. parl1ocke<l to o\"crwhdm Ab .... ~III1lH\ qlu('kt) The I\'('r(' arr..".l.·,j und thmr ,Ioek rlllwullt · door hefor" thl"1 l"lIulrl ~t·t III a. J tahan EII~t Arrie-an forces fol' lI't' in Contin1<td in page 3 OonlinU4l in 1Itzt column. "«\lCt'lI" nml hcr' hlJlH'r, • UMTETELI WA BANTU. JOHANNESBURG. 27'fB JULY, 19a5, ~II to"''''II''IUI/~1I1 III H Idd,..1»d 10: efforts to avert war. It is BOil.... ~ilOD. recognised tbat. wars nowadays African National Congress P.O. Box. .6211, have a babit. to sprt!adiug aod Jo.... _."D'O. dral!ging to other nations. It is reoofgo ised indet>d to,day P".IIJheIi W.. II,. tb&t ally W>t.r iuv"lviug a firat.· 018118 Europeao powrr lIooh as Important Session Next Week Oaa Y_, Italy, IS a. tbrra' tu tbe peaoe of tbp world . Tt)l8 It! 110 With the al" MOlIt~ AbY!ll!ian criels brciuse there President's Wise TbrM MOllt~ are oalionalil or CILlzenll of Nagana Outbreak mit n" other cou 0 trie8 elillirving Coullsel 10 Abyssinia. who might suITer In Zulu land ([Imtcleh wa ~antu iDjury or death at tbe hands DR. P. itA I. SEnE, President., --- of the combataots, aud so African National Congress, ~\Tites A deputation wall appointed at ! ~ 27ib JOLY, 1935. mi ght drag into the war the as 10110"'11: large Illoc ting of Zululnlld farlUt'1"M cf) nntries to whom they belong.

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