
S O CIT1 Zl Vol. 87 No. 38 South Amboy, N.J. Advertising Less Than 75% Thursday, September 29, Price 3f {Out of Tow* ?•) •PITOWIAL SUPERINTENDENT NA6LE TO RETIRE VANDALISM CONTINUES AT SCHOOL, In an Informal talk with Mr. Nagle after last Tues- BOARD CONSIDERS LEGAL ACTION WHO CARES? day's meeting* he revealed chat he started to work for New steel doors that were I He. 22, Christmas pro- SCHOOL REPAIRS DUE TO VANDALISM ARE the city on Jan. 3, 1951installed in the public ele- gram to be presented by and he feels that he Is now mentary school within the the Hoffman High Choral COSTING TflE TAXPAYER ready to "Call It iday"l. last 3 ' weeks at an Group In their debut per- "Old Superintendents apptoxlmaip cost of $500. forRune* und#r the leader- ship of Joseph Mabevj Jan. Within a period of two week*, the Board of Education don't fade •way," he para*-< have been damaged by van- phrased, 'they wash dals and estimated repairs 6, Cheerleaders has reported continued vandalism on the school plant Feb. 16; Lincoln-Wi on John St. Last year, repairs causednb? vandalism away". "And*' be added, to Install new door checks "If this drought situation will cost the Board of Edu- ton Day's progran cost some (4000.; during September, with school only Forrest Wills, pen in Its 4th week, repairs to the roof and replacing doesn't clear up soon, there cation very near the won't be enough water to original cost of the doors. director of Syncro tas> lids on ventilators has been estimated at $700. This set of vandalism and c'hlnea, as guest speaker; According to school officials, the monies spent for eveh do that!*' Asked, In a kidding man- others by unknown cul- Mar. 17, National Honor repairs would have been better employed to supply an prtts that continue on a Society Induction jrapMU audio-visual aid system for the school, purchase books ner, by this reporter, If he would have taken the steady basis on the school April 7, guest Speaker to or needed equipment. plant raised the Ire of board be Serafln G. Menooel, Cu- Public appeals to parents, for It Is assumed that lob if he knew that It would last for only thirty-five members who are consid- ban^ clrisen and SMOUtlv* most damage is done by students, have gone unheeded. ering legal action to prose- of American and Foreign In desperation, the Board of Education Is advertising yearB, "Mike*' replied, "I was ready to give It up cute anyone caught damag* Power Co., In., who will that It will file charges against anyone destructing ing school property. discuss "The Lesson the school property. every day for the first ten United State* .can learn We arc appalled that so many people, so many Michael Nagle years, they were really Frederick Reese, board, rough times!" vice-president, said he was from Cuba"; May 5. Student taxpayers, Just "don't care". If a child were found "very much annoyed; per- council AssemblyiandMay ripping up shrubbery or tearing shingles off a private One bystander in the hall- 26, Memorial Day Program home, we are sure the ary would be '^'d and clear After thiny-flve years of way said, "I don't know haps we will have JO place faithful service to the city, who the new Super will be. the school property. In- with the Hoffman Choral and the culprits caught and prosecuted. However, a Mr. Michael Nagle, Super- cluding the playground, off- Group and the gueit public property, belonging to all the people of a com- But, everytime I take a speaker to be Jams* J. munity, aeeme to be unimportant. The damage is done intendent of the Board of djrink of Water, it will still limits after certain hours Public Works has an- be a "Mike Nagle Cock- If this vandalism ' con- Howard, currently serv- but the culprits are never known. tinues." Although the ris- ing in the House of Repre- The necessary repairs caused by vandalism to public nounced that he has applied tail," (Ed's. Note; This to the New Jersey Civil remark seems to sun) up ing vandalism has been sentatives for the »rd property costs money ... the repairs are made and publicised In the press, Congressional District. paid for. We think parents might examine their con- Service Commission for the deep affection that we retirement applications. all have for Mike Nagle.) it evidently has failed to POLL NAMBD DIRECTOR sciences now, and say, "Yes,, we must try to stop Impress those Involved and OF EVENINO SCHOOL this vandalism", or else they must be quiet when Mr. Reese said, **w* must By a vote of J-2. Michael taxes rise, and not claim one of the reasons as the appeal to the parents and E. Poll was named director rising cost of repairing damage caused by vandalism. ask them to be responsible of the Adult Evening School AFTER MUCH DELAY, for the acts of their child- at a salary of 1600. Mr. ren." Poll Is a teacher on the According to Superintend- high school staff. Plan* art PULASKI DAY PARADE To Hold LAPIN DWELLINGS APPROVED ent Eugene Dobrzynskl, ap- now being made for the proximately $4,000. was courses to be offered and TO TAKE PLACE SUNDAY Christinas Bazaar By a four to two vote, the In Mr. Nagle's report to spent during the last school registration will be held Board of Public Works ap- the Board, he commented so that classes will begin The annual Pulaskl Day year on repairs caused by on or about October 17. The Ladies Aid Society proved the construction of on the fact that the Board's vandalism and so far this Parade will be held in New twenty, one bedroom apart- foresight in shoring up the The other application for York' City on Sunday, Oc- of the First Presbyterian month, $700. has been spent was from Church of South Amboy will ments, and sjbc two bed- water front, in the vicinity to repair damage to the J the director's tober 2. * ing before the Board were- of the Sewerage Plant, Leading the Middle- hold a Christmas Bazaar roof, laolMdiM the r»pUc* James on Thursday, October 6, Mr. Lapln, jg* attorney neJly paid off in the big ing of Uds that had been I Supt. . ski reported sex County contingent will Mr. George Kreiss and a storm of last week. They be Rev. Ladlslaus Madura, In the church hall in con- torn off the ventilators. that tha^Sknedlal reading junction with a chicken din- representative of the arch- all agreed that It was s In an attempt to curb this ram begun under Till* pastor of St. Stanislaus R. itect, Mr. Brown. job well done and that there C. Church, SayreyiUe. ner. flagrant destruction, the n the Elementary and The bazaar hours will be Ac of August is still room for improve- board voted to Insert an Secondary Education Act Is Grand marshal from South 8, Lapin's request for the ment on the Henry St. side. Amboy will be Mayor Rich- from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. advertisement In the paper being continued on a ftill- Dinner setting will be 5 construction of these Joint 'action with the City warning that anyone caught tlme basis In all of til* ard J. Schultz. apartments on the Old Pub- Council will remedy this Anyone Interested in tak- p.m. and 6:15 p.m. The damaging school property city's schools. There is complete - chicken dinner lic Service property On situation was the consensus would be prosecuted under a full-am* reading spe- ing part in the parade may Feltus St. was turned down of opinion. contact Adam Rzepka at (homemade bread included) existing lies. cialist assigned to each will be $1.50 for adults due to a tie vote. Mr. Vail, Nagle also reported that ASSEMBLY PROGRAMS school and as student* with 721-0096. Buses will leave Mr. Stolte and Mr. Halml Public Service Transport near the Sacred Heart and $1.00 for children. FOR HIGH SCHOOL reading problems reach Tickets for the dinner may voted against irSuid Mr. was reluctant to psy the Supt. Dobrzynski told the their grad* l*v*L a*w stu- Parking Lot at 12:30 p.m. Sullivan, Mr. Tarallo and full bill for repairs to the The Pulaski Banquet will be obtained from any mem- board that a new system dents on a priority list ber. Mr. Duggan voted for it. storm sewer that was dam- of assembly programs for are entered In the program* be held on Sunday, Octo- At Tuesday night's meet- aged by their buses on the ber 9, at the Waldorf As- There will be no admis- high school students had The supsrlntendont re- sion charge to the bazaar. ing Mr. Vail changed his corner "of John St. and been started this year. The marked that the program 1* toria, New York. Anyone vote to yes stating that he Stevens Ave, Public Serv- wishing to go may contact The booths will feature programs were organised bringing about tbi vary handmade articles, cakes, did so because the new spe- ice wants to psy only, one by s staff of teachers under best results" la th* stu- Adam Rzepka at the above" cifications that were pre- half of the bill, and the number. candy novelties, gourmet, the chairmanship of Mrs. dents' school work. books, white elephant, sented made for a much Board Is adamant bf their Lousita Reese, art instruc- The superintendent was floral arrangements, more desirable building. demands tor the full tor. The opening progrsm authorized to advertise Christmas articles, fish Lapin's original applica- amount. was held' last Friday when transportation bids for COLONEL DAVID KELLY pond and pick-pocket. tion submitted in January the Rev, Edward R. Cook, tralnable and cducabl* stu- Homemade bread will also called for 38 units on the rector of Christ Church, dents for the 1966-67 ROTARY CLUB SPEAKER be sold. 1.5 acre site. The board was the guest speaker. school year to be received A hot dog luncheon will reduced the number of units GOVERNOR PROCLAIMS Programs to follow dur- at the October meeting. At the regular weekly be served at noon. The to 26 and returned the ap- ing the remainder of the Supt. Dobrzynskl also an- meeting of the South Amboy cost will be 250. plication to the Zoning school year are: Oct. 11, nounced that th* School Pa- Rotary Club, Colonel David Refreshments will be Board of Adjustment. The 4-H CLUB WEEK Columbus Day Program trol will start their duds* Kelly, Superintendent of the served all day. zone rs approved the change with the Carteret High In October and thai s mem- New Jersey State Police, The public is cordially on July 13 and. returned Gov. Hughes signed School Choral Group; Nov. ber of the State Police will was the guest speaker. invited to attend. the application to the Board a proclamation this week 10, Veteran's Day Program meet with advisors and pa- Colonel Kelly spoke on the of Public Works on August creating a state observance with the speaker being trol member* on th* 4th present operation of the 10 when a tie blocked to run concurrently with Elton B, Selover, former Monday of each month dur- New Jersey State Police, action. Again the applica- Hoffman High student and ing th* school y*ar. PLEASE PATRONIZE tion came up on' August National 4-H Club Week, its plans for expansion, and OUR ADVERTISERS Sept. 24 to Oct, 1. veteran of the Normandy A totter will be **M to the numerous facets which 30, but due to a tie vote . Although traditionally as- Invasion, World War II;the Mayor and Council re- make up the integral func- action was blocked again. sociated with rural boys Nov. 23, Thanksgiving questing information on th* tions of the department In other business, a let- and girls, more than half progrsm to be presented test borings. If computed, When asked how die New ter was received from of New Jersey's 22,000 by the Junior and Senior on th* landfill area. Th* Jersey State Police com- Be A Sport Charles Thompson, Super- members Uve in non-farm members of die National boring* were authoxttsdhy pared with other state po- intendent of the Sewerage the clfy authorid** to M* DRIVE THE NEW homes. Honor*Society; Dec. ^ath- units*, Colonel Kelly, Plant, requesting the The Governor's procla- letic program under the whether th* sit* would b* quoted Governor Richard Board's consideration for mation says, "4-H is for sponsorship of teachers foaslbi* for th* location of Hughes, who quoted the CAMARO the position of Superintend- all young people, John Zdanewtcz, Lynn a new school; governor of Mississippi ent of the Board of Public wherever they live, help- Search, Ray Tomaszewskl, Board members and th* who acknowledged "that Thurs., Fri., A Sat. Works, when Mr. Nagte ing to achieve a better and John Moran with the superintendent will sttsfld . according to Edgar J, retires. and fuller life for all Amer- guest speaker to be Donworkshop* In. Atlantic City Hoover,, the New Jersey WE WILL BE GIVING Several requests for new icans." Newcombe, former mem- on Oct. 30 - 21 -22. The AWAY TICKETS TO THE street lights were held State Police are considered It also salutes 4-H mem- ber of the Brooklyn workshop* are sponsored the outstanding unit in the over, pending further study Dodgers baseball team; by th* state Federation of United States." • Phil!. Elf IIS . of the finances of this par- bers, their families, 4-H Boards of Education. ticular account in this leaders- and professional N. Y. Gluts Gut year's budget. Also under workers whom hi aays advisement Is the feasi- "promote . friendship and Mali Liuir Stars understanding through use** YANKEE STADIUM bility of making repairs OftUseerMsJNtDevMtV sUVHL to UK pH equipment of ful learning projects and October 23,1966 activities. »otm T«i. PArkwey 1-0137 the water plant. tsey Paifc a. BUI NOTHING TO BUY T tA 1-11*4 Open TKs Swdqr When y* riHsfc'ef Urn * COSMETICS Fard Arin/i •fcink •! *of*i and t«vfce 1.J. Hirripi Ct., ht • toy KTOSM nUNUCV It. f, MADMON TOWNfMft? iUyr**UU Cester) la C*M«I WOTttWlftt 100 *.•••« C •tort* P»»»«jirtU«i •!<««• UN 1S2 N. Brotdvty PA 1-0117 PAHt Tfc» MM Til AM saw* 4 ITlftfen -I- Thursday, September 29, 1966 Sabris Oefsat St. Mary's In Opener 60 LEGAL NOTICE CALFNDAR Of SVENTS With an assist from the pass, Joey Graber to Tom mask penalty helped the St. An appeal tea* been filed I .. wsamsrman who turned a Wortley, was good for 8 Mary's team to the by James Rlelly request- rainy day Into one bathed yards. Skarzynski made 3 26. Sabre defenses were ing a variance in the re- The Friendship Circle The St. Mar/8 In sunshine, the South Am* through the mlddfe* equal to the task and forced quirements of the Zoning Bible Class of the Method- Rosary Society will now boy Sabres met St. Mary's Bucklewlcz 9 around right St. Mary's to give the ball Ordinance of the Cny of ist Church of South Am- their monthly meeting on of New Brunswick and de- end, Skarzynski 6 thru up on downs. Joey Graber, South Ambov, N. J. toXpcfr- boy will meet on Tuesday, Tuesday, October 4, at 8 feated the Invaders' 6-0 for tackle. It was the Sabres on two Quarterback sneaks, mit a two-family dwelling October 4, at 7:45 p.m. p.m. In the cafeteria. their initial win of the1966 ball on St. Mary's 30 yard ate up trie remaining time. on premises presently used at the home of Mrs. Betty (season. A crowd upward line. A double reverse, Final Score — Sabres 6, • as a one-family dwelling, Grimes, 231 First St., to 800 viewed the contest. Joey Graber to Ed Skar- St. Mlry*s 0. on property known as Block South Amboy. Mrs. M. Foxe Coach Robert Epplnger*s zynski to Bruce Buckiewicz Sunday the Sabres travel 58 Lot 12 on 242 Second and Mrs. D, Johanaon will £ee Wee's started the day's sprinted the 30 yards Into to Sayreville High School Street. , be the co-hostesses and GUS action and set a good ex- the end zone. Score, Sabres field where they will meet For the purpose of hear- Mrs. Almeda Gaul is in ample for their big broth- 6-0. Skarzynski's buck off the Morgan Panthers who ing objections to or pro- charge of devotions. ers when they defeated St. right tackle failed for the defeated South River 19-6 tests against the granting A hot dog luncheon will POTTS' Mary's 19-0. extra point. In the season's opener. The of said appeal, the City of be held oh Thursday, Oc- For the first quarter, St. The third quarter saw St. PeeWee game is slated to South Amboy Zoning Board tober 6. Mary's kicked off and Dave Mary's unable to mount an start at 12^30 p.m. w|th" of Adjustment will hold a Kee,nan returned the ball offensive and the Sabre at- the Midget game scheduled public hearing on October to the Sabre 44 yard line. tack suited. Defenses took to get uhder way at 2 p.m. 5, 1966 In the Council St. Mary's Grammar Keenan made. 9 yards off over. Score, Sabres 6-0. Chambers, City Hall, at School P.T.A. executive tackle, and then 3 yards St. Mary's late lit the 7:45 P.M. board will meet on Mon- on the, same play. Sklppy fourth quarter, started to tjr on CritMsm By order of the Zoning day, Oct. 3, in the school, Mlnnlck made 9 yards on move the ball but Freddy Two kind* of criUctam Board of Adjustment. at 7:30 p.m. PArkway 1-4781 a right and run. St. Mary's Chodkiewtcz intercepted a I've very frequently met: The first regular meet- was oft side for a 5 yard St. Mary's pass and on the Constructive (the kind I give) MARY CICALA, Secretary ing of the new school year BORDENTOWN AVENUE* penalty. Mlnnlck cruised run back in turn fumbled And the other (the kind I fet.) 9/29/66 " 6.72 will be held on Thursday, SOUTH AMBOY, N J. 14 yards around right end.. the ball with St. Mary's —Richard Armour. October 13, at 7:00 p.m. The ball was on St. Mary's recovering. A 15 yard face in the cafeteria. (Near 8. Amboy HosplUl) 1 9 yard line. Quarterback Renard Plcclnl fumbled on the.St. Mary's 4 yd. line. St. Mary's was forced to kick from the 4 yd. line. A IS yard, roughing the kicker penalty followed with St. Mary's retaining possession on their ^.Sa- bre guard Artie Burke thru the defense and Ride Rwtfs NewWave for '67! threw St. Mary's for a 5 yard loss. Score — 0-0. In the second quarter, a At your dealer's poor kick gave the Sabres the ball on the St. Mary's 8 yard line. Skippy Min- nick, on a first down went up the middle for a touch- down. Score — 6-0. Gene Berardo failed to reach Friday! the goal line on the extra point attempt. Score —6-0. St. Mary's received' the 1967 Mustang Hardtop- kick-off on the 49 yard line. brad first to be first St. Mary's off side. Mike Kilcomon8 thru St. Mary's for an 8 yard loss. St. Mary's kicked to the Sabre 41 yd. line. Illegal use of the hands penalty set the Sabres back 15 yards. Berardo shot a pass into the left flat to Marty Ber- gin who sped 54 yards to the St. Mary's 2 yd. line where he was run out of bounds. Minnick rammed thru center for the TD. Score — 12-0. Keenan skirted left end for the extra point. Score T- 13-0/ 1967 I ORD XL 2-Door Hardtop Half ended. the ultimate in sports/luxury cars The third quarter saw St. Mary's kick off to the Sa- bre 45. Berardo passed to Marty Bergin for 13 yards. Minnick made 8 on an end run; Keenan, 14 yards on an end run. Walter Nebu.s made 3 yards, Keenan, 2 yards. Ed Szaro rammod center for the T.D. Score -- 19-0. Berardo's attempt for the extra point faile but here people even call them short limousines. '67, Ford Motor Company Lifeguard-Design St. Mirrp stiffened and 3 ItatdarbMs: Unique, exciting, the Choose from classy Sports and Club safety features arc standard on all models. Buckwwics had to gunt. ultimate in luxury. There art two new Coupe, sedans and wagons. Ride Ford's new wave tor '671 Defenses prevailed the rest of the quarter. S core 0-0. In the Second quarter, St. Mary's WM unabw- to mount SAYRE-WOOD AUTO CORP. fi£ A short RT. 9, MADISON TWSP., SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. . The SOI TH AMIOV I ITIZKX Thursday, September 29, 1966 Rev. Cook Speaks At DIMEI Hoffman Assembly LIST OF ft Of C ElliTS mm Highlighting Of* The following birth* hive Under the capable leader- forthcoming events tor. been recorded at the South ship of Miss Frances Plrk, South Amboy Council #O6»< Ambpy Memorial Hospital: acting president of the stu- knight* of CohimtoM Son to Mr. * Mra. Doug- dent Council, Hoffman High (hitr annual Past O r*i las Ball, 2 Mablllne Rd., held Its first assembly of k night* • Dtnner*OtMt Madison Township. the school term on Friday t>< held at the K Son to Mr. and Mrs.afternoon, September 23. i Home on Fourth St« Edward Galley. 56 Hillside The program was opened Saturday rvcntng, Octofesr Ave., Sayrevtlle. by Mr. < John Moran, ad- s Otnncr will be *tr*t4 Daughter to Mr. ii Mrs. visor to the Student Coun- • t H p.m. Thomas Harrlgan, 3 Am- cil. Mr. Moran took the I bonus ift*ly, herst Place, Parlln. occasion to' mention that Activity chjlrmsn, to 1ft Dau$ner to Mr. e. Mrs. Hoffman had every reason charge of arrange mn«nile# John Lukle, 259 Main St., to be proud of its repre- v South .Amboy, tho affair, assists* toy* sentation, at the summer Vrrnnn Tlcer Al DsPon* Son to Mr. & Mrs. William session of student council Daniel Kerr, Btmt Re** Llndblad, 397 Rarlun St.. roups. Miss Pirk was gan, Joseph BlaMtnuMO, South Amboy. Soff man'a delegate. homtnlc Gssparro, Daughter to Mr. & Mrs. The featured speaker of i harivs Hunting and John Roger J. Wimmer, 9 Cor- the program.,was Rev, Ed- Hcmtng. James Hager- nell Rd., Parlln. ward R. Cook, rector of min. immediate past grand Son to Mr. & Mrs. Carl Christ Church, South Am- knighi, will be tho guest Baranowski, 11 Lincoln St., boy. Father Cook, a former Morgan. of honor. member of the teaching 11ckeis are available Son to Mr. & Mrs. Daniel profession, delivered an from members of the com- Nebus, Vernon St., Parlin. eloquent and inspiring talk \ mlttee or at ths otab, with Daughter to Mr. & Mrs. on the need for coopera- reservations dosing on Joseph Zak, 17-24 E Ac- tion} between the home and Wednesday, October S. cess Rd., Pariln. the school If the complete The local council is sjaln Son to Mr. k Mrs. Ed- education of the student is sponsoring a Community ward Faircloth, 337 Cedar to be realized. He empha- Birthday Calendar, avail- St., Sou* Amboy. sized the fact that the OFFERS CONGRATULATION S- latea Fran and F.d Sobush on the occa- Mayor Richard J. Schultz congratu-. sion of their25th wedding anniversary. able to members and Son to Mr. k Mrs. Wil- school can do little to build friends, with proceeds ear* liam Vineyard, 275 Lau-character and a mature marked for ths council's rence Parkway, Laurence sense of self control, in Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tarallo Ed is employed as a mill- mortgage debt. Joseph Harbor. students unless the same The surprise gala, held at the Step Inn Ballroom on of Bordentown Ave. Mr. wright foreman at the Na- Blancamanno and Dominic Daughter to Mr. & Mrs.ideals are upheld in their Sobush was the son of the tional l^ead Go. and Is a Gasparro are co-chslrmen Harold Krumm, 43 Cedar homes. Sunday, September 18, was attended by more than 400 late Mr. and Mrs. E. So- member of the Sayreville of the committee In charge, Terrace, Parlin. The speakc. was intro- bush of Canal St., Sayre- Emergency Squad. and are urging all mom* Daughter to Mr. & Mrs. guests. The affair was duced by Mrs. Frederic L. given by friends of the ville. They arc parishion- The Sobushes are the par- bers io do thetr part to Charles Vreeland, 186 Or- Reese, program chairman. ers of St. Mary's R. C. ents of four children: Mrs. mahe ths program s suc- chard Av*e., Laurence Har- Sobushes. The assembly was brought Residents of 152Conlogue Church where they arc Joanne Wojacxyk; Edmund cess. bor. to a close by Mr. James members of the PTA, Jr., now serving with the Plans are being formua* Son to Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ave., Fran and Ed Sobush Croddick, high school prin- were married on^ Sep- Fran is a past president U. s. Army in Paris, lated for the council*e an- Garcia, 22 Vermeer Dr., cipal. of the Sayreville Colum- France; Judy, a 5th grader nual Bam Oanos to be held Madison Township. tember 7, 1941 in St. Mary's R. C. Church. biettes and is currently at St, Mary's and Ann at the X of C Horn os Son to Mr. & Mrs. Nicoles State Catholic Action Marie, a 2nd grader at St. Saturday evening^ Novem- Poznanskl, 73 Coolldge Mrs. Sobush is the former Mary's. They also have two Fran Tarallo, daughter of Chairman for the Colum- ber 10. Joseph^***** is Ave., Carteret. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY blettes. granddaughters. chairman of arrangements. Son to Mr. & Mrs. Sil- He has announced that Prod vano Guadagno, 35 Cedar TO HOLD MEETING ST. FETErS SETS O'Brien and his profes- Terrace, Parlin. sional caller have bsenen* Daughter to Mr. & Mrs. The regular monthly . PflE-NURSING TEST gaged for ths aitsir. John F. Kuhn, 109 So. Stev- meeting of the Womart's Eagle Echo jt.WOMAN*CLU§ The next regular meeting ens Ave., South Amboy. Auxiliary of the South Am- The first pre-nurBingtest for applicants for the 1967 HOLDS MIITINO of the council will be held boy Memorial Hospital will on Thursday evening, Oc- be held on Monday, Octo- class at St. Peter's Gen- eral Hospital School of by Monica Hrankowski tober 6, immediately.fol- The following births have ber 3, at 1:30 p.m. in Christ The South Amboy Jr. lowing Prayers-for-Peafie been recorded at the Church Memorial Hall. Nursing will be held on Woman'* ,Club held their Perth Amboy General Hos- Saturday,. October 1, in the* The week of September meeting on Monday, Sep- Services at St. Marys The ladies of South Am- 19' - 23 was a hectic one Church at 7tJ0p.m. pital: boy are cordially invited to school audkoriunv tember- 26, at thjr Protec- A daughter to Mr. and SimilarjCuta are sched- for S.M.H. At this time. tion Flrehouse. Join the Hospital Auxiliary. Student Council presiden- Mrs. Arthur Utter, 33East Anyone desiring to become uled far^November 5, De- Plans for the annual tag Eupshc St., Sayreville. cember 3, and January 7, tial and secretarial nom- day which will be held on STUDINTS AT a member will be welcomed inees -'who had previously A daughter to Mr. and at this meeting or any sub- 1967. Candidates for the Friday, October 14. were tITON HALL Mrs. Robert Ramberger, class are required to take teen nominated by the sen- made. Mrs. Edward Con- sequent meeting throughout ior class - could be seen 11 Robert Circle, South the year. the pre-nursing test on one diraccl Is chalrlady. The following area rest- Amboy. of these dates. and heard campaigning. Mrs. Robert Zera, pres- dents a rev among the 700 A very active season is Those candidates were A daughter to Mr. and planned. Additional Information ident, reported on the State new students at Sston H*U Mrs. JVilliam Mazonla, 24 may be obtained by writing Daniel Hanaell, . Kenneth Fall Conference which was University. GarcHp., Cliff wood. or telephoning the school's Devlin for president and held on Saturday, Septem- Sayreville: Francis Kot* A son to Mr. and Mrs. registrar. . ' . Christine Freeman, Pa- ber 24, at th* Hotel Robert lowaki of 19 Second Street. Thomas Kellett, 6 South tricia Howarth for secre- Treat, Newark. Mrs. South Amboy* Louts Zre- Amboy Rd., South Amboy. tary. Rupell Stratton,, advisor, blec, Jr., of 420 David A daughter to Mr. and Married At Local Church All Maryltes participated also attended. Streeti Wayne Mtsuxos of Mrs. Carl Stephens, County by wearing buttons en- A letter from Governor 277 Rarttan Street! Michael Rd., Cliff wood. Saint Mary's R. C. Church, South Amboy, was the dorsing their choice. Also, Hughes proclaiming the Fablszewskl of 1 OrOVfr setting Saturday afternoon, Sept. 24, 1966, at 3 p.m. S.M.H ers were caught up week of November 7 as Avsnuet Psul Jankowsld of The following area births for the marriage of Miss Kathryn Frances Roberts, in a whirlwind of speeches, • Junior Woman's Club Week 326 John Street! Joseph have been recorded at St.-daughter of Captain and Mrs. James T, Roberts, 140 entertainment and rallies in New Jersey was read. Lukie of 924 Oak Streets Peter's General Hospital. Feltus St., to Aladin Anthony Cirlllo, son of Mrs. sponsored by the can- The next meeting will be Thomas Zrobric of 4» didates and their commit- held on October 10. ' David Street; New Brunswick: Adeline Siewarga, Parlin, and Anthony Cirlllo, East tees. No student could walk A son to Robert & Patricia Orange, N. J. the length of a corridor Ptaszynski, 12 Haag Street, The bride's sister. Miss Mary Roberts of South without encountering some Apt. #3, Sayreville. Amboy, was maid of honor. The bridegroom's sister, type of propaganda poster. Mrs. Irene Swat ling of New York, was the matron of A daughter toMaichaeIE., honor. Bridesmaids were: Mrs. Betty Kampo, South Actual voting took place Jr. & Dorothy Poll, 252 Amboy; Miss Eva Lorentz, Hope lawn; and Miss Donna on Thursday of that week, Armstrong St., South Am- Gavron, Carteret? an ami-climax to the three boy. Edward Jacobs of Sayreville was best man. Ushering previous campaign days. A daughter to George & were: James Roberts, New York City; Frank Roberts, Announcement of the re- Vernocia Place, 12 Access South Amboy; both brothers of the bride; Robert Wonski, sults of that voting was Road, Apt. 9, Parlln. made on Friday, the 23. Parlln; and Joseph Zaldi, Perth Amboy. The winners being: Dan- The bride was given in marriage by her father iel Hansell and Christine and wore a floor length gown of white, handmade, im- Freeman. Congratula- ported French Chantllry lace held to a delicious purity tionsl of silhouette,, then whipped into a froth of ruchlng Congratulations are also at elbow-length sleeves and hem, the skirt forming a in order for vice - presi- cathedraF length train. The headdress was a cluster dent Ken Devlin and to of the same lace accented with seed pearls with an Pat Howarth for the ex- elbow length illusion veil of silk tulle. The bride uberance and good sports- carried a bouquet of stephanotis, miniature chrysan- manship displayed on their themums, croton leaves and baby mums. behalf. Planning Bridal attendants wore gowns of turquoise silk shan- . On the social calendar, a tung with forest green shadow lace and carried bouquets contlgent of students will of fall flowers. be attending press confer- a Wedding Mrs. Cirillo, a graduate of Hoffman High School, Is ences at Villa Nova Univer- employed at the Perth Amboy General Hospital in the sity on October 1 and at Admitting Office. Fordham University on Oc- JURSKI Mr. Cirillo attended Sayreville High School and the tober 15. Sister Mary Sochonne, The University 6f Paris, Paris, France, Frederick, "CROWN" ad- FORMAL WEAR ' He* served four years In the U. S. Navy and is now visor, will accompany the employed by Local 469, Perth Amboy. students. Widdints • From After a motor trip to Florida, Mr. and "Mrs. Cirlllo • Club Dates will reside at 210 George St. South Amboy. FUR RENTALS Wear A Palm Beach Celebrity Formal Whatever the "ratten NEBUS MARKET demands, be- Impeccably 801 TH AMBOY'8 tailored*, comfortably OUT8TANU1NC MARKET Open Daily; 8 a.mi . 4t4S p#m. correct and you'll enjoy Tuesday - Wednesday - Tborsdsy yourself Just that much C»rrylnc A F»U Lift* *f 6i30 to 7^0 p.m. ': " more. INSURANCE QUALITY MEATS I GROCERIES Saturday; • a.n% to 12 noon . 1V7S Ftmk V«f«taklM — k# Qw*mm — Prawn fmi 433 AUCUiTA STREET, SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. tw». P. A. 230 N. FELTUS STREET SOUTH AMBOY. N. i. MMIII ar V* PArkway U212J * III SMITH IT KIT* AMtOV For Frc* Delivery Dul PArkway 1-022S 10th ANNIVERSARY YEAR. The SOI TH AM ROY MTIZKN -4- Thursday, September 29, 1966 MELSTROM RECEIVES MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZED VICI PRESIDENT GOVERNMENT CONTRACT! VISITS RUTGERS A $15,050 government contract has been awarded lady Luck, riding on to MELSTROM MANU- storm clouds, playedatan- FACTURING CORP., a talizlng game with Rutgeri* Rmall-business concern In lasi week as the State Uni- South Amboy, New Jersey, versity laid plans for the by the Defense Supply hjgh jx>lnt of the year- Agency's Defense Elec- long celebration of its 200th tronics Supply Center, birthday. First she Dayton, Ohio. frowned, then she smiled, [ he. contract calls for and then she teased. But 35,000 electrical connector In the end ahe rode with covers which will be manu- I'utger8 all the way as the factured In accordance with I niveraity held its Blcen- military specifications at t e n n i a 1 Convocation in the contractor's plant in splendid pageantry on the South Amboy. historic Queens Campus This is a fixed-price con- mall in briefly beautiful tract which Was awarded weather. PACKAGING SI.Hl'IH - Dr. Seymour cillu-n, pro- after formal advertising. Indeed, after five days fessor of food science ai Kutgt rs Inlvcrsiiy's ( ollcge The Defense Electronics of alternate record tor- . of Agriculture and Environmental Science, tests food Supply Center procures, rentlal downpours and sun- packaging materials for possible volatile substances manages, and supplies shine a light rainfall which might migrate to package contents. common parts of electronic Thursday morning stopped equipment used by the and the sun broke through Boxes, bags, cellophane scientist pointed out. . Armed Forces and various the clouds Just as the bell wrappers, plastic con- "One of our projects is government agencies. in the tower of Old Queens tainers, bottles, cans — to find out how these pack- began to peal in signal of packaging pervades the aging materials and addi- the start of the ceremony. modern American scene. tives affect taste and odor It turned out to be a con- Nearly everything sold in of the contained food. To Jacobs Slat* vocation that seemed to a supermarket or over the do it we have to find out have a little of everything, counter comes in a pack- how much of these pack- Reading Chairman pomp and circumstance, a age, and the American pub- aging materials migrate to major appeal for reasoned The Reading Reform academic support of the lic spends 25 billion dol- the food. That involves sci- Foundation announced to- lars a year to put it there. entific research." The marriage of Miss Barbara Powers, daughter Johnson administration by day the appointment as the Vice President of the Food packaging costs For part of .this research, Chairman of its New Jer- of Mrs. Rachel A. and the late Mr. Daniel Powers,, the Department has a of Woodbridge, N. J., to Harry C. Weissenburger, United States, and. orderly nearly half of this. sey State Committee, of Dr. picketing at a respectful That is one of the rea- $10,000 grant from the William Jay Jacobs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weissenburger, also of Federal Food and Drug Ad- Woodbridge, took place Saturday, Sept. 24, 1966, in distance from the cere- sons why Rutgers Univer- Assistant Professor of mony, both in support and sity's College of Agricul- ministration and several Education at Rutgers Uni- the Meeting Hall of Rossmoor Leisure World New Jersey, near Cranbury, N. J. in protest of the war In ture and Environmental graduate students are al- versity, New Brunswick, Vietnam. Science is going In for ready working on the proj- N. J. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, food packaging as a major ect. Watson Washburn, Presi- Gilford Christensen. Judith M. Powers, sister of the An audience of 12,000 research, project with a This will serve to develop dent of the Foundation bride, was maid of honor while Kathleen R. Roach, heard Vice President Hu- program for graduate a graduate program BO that stated that Dr. Jacobs was niece of the bride, was flower girl. Paul M. Powers, bert H. Humphrey give the study. Dr. Seymour G.Q11- a young man or woman can born in Cincinnati, Ohio In of Perth Amboy, N. J. brother of the bride, served Bicentennial Address. bert is the man In charge. get a master's or doctor's 1933. He graduated from as beBt man while ushers were: Daniel Powers, Jr., Reporters and photog- In his attic-like office atop degree in food packaging. the University of Cincinnati another brother of the bride, Don Novotny, of Free- raphers from every major the college's Food Science "Understand, our purpose In 1955, with high honors, hold, and Gary Jay, of South Amboy. newspaper and many of the building Jammed" with is one of fact-gathering," and was elected there to The bride wore a gown with a tear drop lace bodice smaller newspapers in New equipment and graduate Dr. Gilbert said. "Some Phi Beta Kappa; and held and silk crepe skirt while the maid of honor and flower Jersey and the huge metro- students, the professor of people say that the 1958 the Taft Memorial Fellow- girl wore gowns with tafetta brocade bodices and crepe politan papers in New York food science explained rea- Food Additive Amendment ship. skirts. The bride carried white roses, her attendant* converged on the mall in back of Old Queens for the sons for packaging re- of the Federal Food, Drug He also held the World carried pink spider mums. search. and Cosmetic Act built a Rev. A. Rasmussen, of the Woodbridge Gospel Church, colorful event. The two Book Encyclopedia Fellow- major wire services, the "There are going to be lion's cage to house a ship while completing his performed the ceremony while Mr. Christensen was many more development* kitten. the speaker at the Bervice. Following the service a Associated Press and • doctorate at Teachers Col- United Press International, in food packaging in the "But I'd .rather have it lege, Columbia University. reception for more than 100 guests was held in the that way and be safe. When main banquet room of the Leisure World clubhouse. provided coverage for years ahead -- there's no Dr. Jacobs had seven newspapers throughout the doubt about that/* Dr. Gil- scientists collect more years of high school teach- The newlyweds are honeymooning in New England facts, maybe we'll find the and • Canada and upon their return will reside United States and abroad. bert said. "I ihink it's ing experience, the last Two television networks, up to food science depart- law need nor be so strict. four as Chairman of the in Fords, N. J. The bride is on the secretarial staff of Rossmoor CBS and ABC, and several ments of universities such In any case, we' 11 know what, Department of History, Independent television sta- as ours to prevent helter the proper cage should be River Dell Regional Corp., Cranbury, while the groom is employed by the Haberman Glass Co. in Newark, N. J. tions filmed portions of the skelter development, to for that kitten. ' Schools, Oradell, N. J. He program either live or for produce the trained people Dr. Gilbert explained that has frequently reviewed re broadcast later in. their the food industry needs." in many cases the human history and historical fic- newscasts. The program It isn't the bright idea senses of smell and taste tion for children for THE TO SHOW NEW PROGRAMS AT NJEA CONFERENCE was also carried on radio man who can dream up appear to pick up the NEW YORK TIMES, and on the ABC and Mutual package designs to attract presence of these indirect has published numerous New Jersey school dis- R. Sizer, dean of the Har- tricts pioneering new pro- vard Graduate School of Broadcasting System net^ the consumer s eye that Dr. additives at levels far be- articles. He is Children's works. Gilbert is training, but low those which could be- Book Review Editor of the grams, ideas and teaching Education, at the 2 p.m. rather the scientist who gin to affect safety. TEACHERS COLLEGE techniques will demon- conclusion. The academic procession has to apply a knowledge This fact-gathering about RECORD, at Columbia,and strate them at the New Jer- New Jersey's educational of some 2,000 scholars be- of chemistry and physics the food packaging most Consultant in History and sey Education Assn.'s an- innovations will be shown gan on the signal of a fan- to make the bright idea a people have come to take Social Sciences for Mc- nual Professional Im- in 33 small-group work- fare of herald trumpeters useful, effective' product. for granted provides a wide Graw-Hill Junior Books. provement Conference Sat- shops. Those taking part and the lines of march of "Right now you find food field for the Rutgers re- Dr. Jacobs said that his urday, Oct. 1, in Trenton include: • delegates in their quaint packages made up of all searchers — "all the way first step as Chairman had Central H. S. This year's Mrs. Pearl Albrecht of medieval costumes filed kinds of things — cello- from finding improved been to write to Governor topic is "Innovations in New Brunswick's Bayard solemnly into the mall from phane, polyethylene, poly- packages for astronauts* Hughes, urging that in ap- Education/' Schpol, "Creative Dra- four different directions. pointing a successor to Dr. Some 1,500 teachers from matics for Children"; Ed- The delegates from other styrene and other plastics food to of keeping colleges and universities put together wlthadhesives potato chips fresh on the Raubinger as New Jersey all parts of New'Jersey ward Blumberg of New Superintendent of Edu- are expected at the con- Brunswick's Roosevelt In- and learned societies num- and made decorative and supermarket shelves. bered about 700 and came Informative with inks," the cation, he choose an edu- ference. General session termediate School, * "Ex- cator who understands that speakers include Harry tending School Health from every continent on the . the teaching of reading in Phillips, chief of the In- Services*'; and William C. face of the earth Bave Ant- kindergarten and first novative Centers Branch Bowser of South Bruns- arctica, from such far away Gomolka's grade must be based from at the U. S. Office of Edu- wick Twp. H.S., "Teach- countries as India, LOVELY AUTO BODY the beginning on the alpha- cation, at the 10 a.m. ing the Emotionally and Australia and South Africa. bet and phonics. opener, and Dr. Theodore Socially Maladjusted." Delegations from the ' Body & Fender Work faculties of the 16 degree- Plumbing . Complete Refiniehinj, Welding granting divisions of the and Heating (DuPont Spray - GUilng) State University, each \ GARDENERS VISIT RUTGERS DISPLAYS SWIM CLASSES TO identified by its own ban- GAS ner, and representatives HEATING Professional gardeners, America . Selections of OPEN AT RUTGERS Unit* of students and alumni most of them from various petunias. Swimming classes will added to the color of the 359 Henry Street seaboard states, visited They inspected trial plots once again be offered by procession. trial plots and display gar- where selections are being SOUTH AMBOY dens of flowers, trees and the Rutgers Division of Dr. Mason W. Gross, TeL PArkwiy made of American holly Physical Education this (TOWING SERVICE) shrubs of Rutgers Univer- seedlings, plots Where year, commencing Satur- president of Rutgers, pre- Phone PArkway 1-ft 109 sity's College of Agricul- more than 65 selections of day, Oct. 1, and continuing sided and gave the salu- ture and Environmental Tazus are planted, field tation. Greetings were ex- '/, mile past S. Amboy Hospital Science. throughout the year except tended by Sir George Pick- HIGHWAY 35 MORGAN trials of systemic insec- for University holidays. THMMBCmZEIV The visitors were mem- ticides and anti-dessicant ering, Regius Professor of materials on Japanese The'classes, under the di- Medicine at Oxford Uni- fvblilhad Evary Thvndoy - bers of the National Ass*n. rection of Frank (Jim, Rut- by .h. of Gardeners attending the holly, mulch demonstra- versity, on behalf of the group's 52nd annual con- tions and other highlights gers swimming coach, are delegates; His Excellency, So. Amboy Publishing Co., Inc. of the College's horticul- coeducational. They will be Carl W. A. Schurmann, 433 Avgvila »(.. South Awfcoy, N. J. ference in Princeton, held in the College Ave. JULIE'S The gardeners inspected tural work. Ambassador to the United tttebliihee' 1112 G ymnasium. Two < classes, States -and Professor Doc- the College's shrub garden Two Rutgers Coopera- will be formed, one at 10 and shade tree collection tive Extension Service ape- tor A. R. Hulst, both repre- J. R. Woj«ifchow»ki a.m-.j the second at 10:45 senting the Netherlands', which contain 1200 dif- c i a 11 s t s, F loriculturist a.m. Meneflnf 4dltor Beauty Parlor ferent varieties or spectes Malcolm R. Harrison and and Gov. Richard J. of plants and are used as Plant Pathologist Spencer Instruction will be Hughes/ representing the Phone PArkway 1-0004 EXPERT HAIR CUTTING specialized for all levels State of New Jersey, a living laboratory" in H. Davis, Jr., addressed of ability and the size of luterve' ei Ie*»n4 Cleu Matter at th« SpecUU|ing in teaching. They saw the an- the association during.their Vice President Humph- classes will be limited. rey, in his appeal to the lewtk A high school seniors Mary's R. C. Church, Perth Grammar School. The will be able to spend this Amboy; Rev, JpsepAHolup, Hagermans are parishion- i hrtst ma» without worry- a classmate; and Douglas ers of St. Mary's Church ing about acceptance to the King, former coach at St. where they are members college of their choice. Mary's and now princi- of St. Mary's P.T.A. Mr. (•lAMsboro State Coltoge's pal of Carteret High School. Hagerman Is also a mem- "early decision" program The reunion committee ber of the following: The win enable about 200 amd-. consisted of: Mrs. Irene Holy Name Society; Noc- t'nm to receive acceptance DeJoy; Mrs. Joan Bilo- turnal Adoration Society; notices by December 15. holowski; Mr. and Mrs.Middlesex County Chapter 1M. Donald SalUbury, di- William Kinnelly; Mrs. Ar- 4, Knights of Columbus; rector of admissions, an- lene Hanaway; Mrs. Clare and is an usher at nounced today thatatudema Counterman; Ken Clebak; St. Mary's Church. I deairlng consideration for Rev. Joseph Holup; James Mr. Hagerman Is an em- Whik- atu-nding a first lU-clcti d .idv.inum In ' l».n tint's lun^s vsllt 1H early acceptance must aj>- Majoney; Francis Kilmur- ployee of the American OH aid course that included IS not rlU'litS' .1 hl-llr* of plv before November IS. ray; Mrs. Dorothy Ditski; Company of Carteret, N. J. methods of artificial re- but is njHTi, similar i<> a cylindrical, (lixHili, »yn A few years ago, we Mrs. Marie OlexBa; and and holds the title of suscitation, Michael A. stri'tchiT, with ih< resus- chronlzrd Iaratus at- will L-xori a kneading action a smaller, experimental intendent. some $15,000. later turned tached. I his type of device, on precisely the part of basis and found It success- Principal speaker for the into an electrical physio - he says, leaves the pa- the body to be manipulated. ful," Dr. Salisbury said. ST. PITIfS TO affair will be Mr. James therapy resuscitator for tient's body available for A resident of 220 First The other five state col- Sullivan of Iselin who Is which he has a federal treatment to parts or- St., the 64-year old Mr.leges have adopted the pro- HOLD OMN HOUSI the State District Deputy paptem and which he is dinarily covered by a lung Paatrlck is the father of gram this year also. About of the Knights of Colum- currently trying to market and more easily enable* the 2 children, Clalr and John. loo students were admitted An "Open House" for all bus. to hospitals and rehablla- removal of. foreign matters He attended the Perth Am- under the program for the twin-county high school The dinner-dance com- tation centers. from the body, such as boy Public School System, 1966-67 schoofyear. girls Interested In the mittee appointed by Grand Explaining the process of water from the lungs. the Middlesex County. Vo- Candidates not selected nursing profession will be Knight Coman consists of artifical resuscitation, Mr. While the main advantagea cational School, Perth Am- for early acceptance wilt held at St. Peter's General Thomas Healy, Chairman; Pastrick says that since of the resuscitator would boy , Junior College, New- remain as candidates for Hospital School of Nursing assisted by Eugene Arm- "a steady cadence Is be medical, Mr. Paatrlck ark Technical School and final decisions with regul- on Sunday, October 2, at strong, Vernon Tice, and needed with a relief helper envlalons Us possible use the National Radio Insti- ar candidates. 2:00 p.m. Al De Fort. to continue the process", for physical therapy of tute. A veteran of World 1o qualify for early ac- Part of the afternoon's his idea was that a muscle and brain-damaged War II, he la a member ceptance, the applicant program will include a tour mechanical device that patients, for exercising, of the E kxrrleal Work- shouldi of the hospital. would do this would be a weight removal, and swim- ers, Local 358, l.B.E.W. I.) Apply only to bit first- High school girls planning more sure method of con- ming , Instruction, among Although he admlta that choice state college by to attend are requested to tinuous help to the person other uses/ his current project is (he November tl telephone the school's re- temporarily Incapable of The device allows the pa- biggest he's ever under- | 2.) Possess a strong sea- giatrar, K I-5-8000, exten- breathing. tient's body to be supported taken, both in time and dvmic sion 392. The more commonly used on the table In a prone money, It la not his first S.) Present evidence ef Eugene A. Morris methods require direct position at the same time invention for he also clalma high scholsstlc aptitude. physical manipulation of that it lifts the shoulders credit for inventing the (Scores reported on sec- j Painta, Oil* and Varaiah«a the patient's body. Involv- allowing the lungs to ex- flrat practical Illuminated ondary .school transcripts MRS. SARAH Brnthoa, Glaaa, Bronsas ing the lifting and releas- pand and fill with air, then toggle switch. are adequate for early ac- Gold Leaf, Stain, Bte. ing of the prone patient's the shoulders are released Weighing some 700 ceptance.) Readings and Advice shoulders, applying pres- with pressure applied to pounds, his resuscitator 308 Smith Street WALL FAPBR sure to his back, while al- the patient's back, in order would work wherever an Perth Amboy, N. J. ternating the compression to deflate the lungs and elocrlcal current Is avail- £83 First Stnat, South Amboyj HI 2-9891 and release oj his abdomen. expel carbon dioxide along able and Mr. Pastrick Is RARITAN Dial PArkway 1-0435 A lthough a current method with any present; foreign confident that Us patent of mechanical artlflcal matter. Intermittent pres- wilt insure its prac- respiration is available in sure to the abdomen to ticality In efficient, quick DINER the iron lung, Mr. Pastrick aid In the entrance of air artlfical •resuscitation. 0*an OaSy * • ••• tO •«.. feels his invention has a and expansion of the pa- Iff CIAI — FISH PLATTER METHODIST CHURCH Gem Service Started AREA RESIDENTS SHMMF *UTTM ANNOUNCES EVENTS By Spiral Metal ATTEND MILLENNIUM scAuof rurm I• TuIwt fs i •fJsjs^BjsjsstU^^^AI^BJJAf* ATTENTION The Methodist Church of New Jersey Polish Mil- t Dinned to «« owl of oil South Amboy announces Aa part of Its continuing lennium Day was observed their church calendar for drive to develop new over the weekend at Newark sources of precious metals N.J. the forthcoming week. " for its electrolytic and hy. The Intermediate M. Y. F. The day's program start- PARENTS & TAXPAYERS drolytlc refineries, Spiral ed with a Solemn High Mass will meet at 5 p.m., at the Metal Company, Inc., has von church on Sunday. All sev- in Sacred Heart Cathedral announced a new precious with Archbishop Thomas enth and eighth graders stone service. ATTENTION PARENTS & TAXPAYERS welcomed to attend. Plans A. Boland as celebrant. MOCRAI K will be made for the year Spiral Metal will accept The Most Rev. Bishop CONTINUED VANDALISM AT HOFFMAN and refreshments will be precious and semi-pre- Wlsdysiaw Rubin of Rome, served. At 6:30, the Senior cious stones In silver, gold Italy, a representative of HIGH SCHOOL AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL M. Y. F, will meet. This and platinum settings. The Stephaif Cardinal Wyszyn- week, they will have a dis- company will remove and skl, gave the sermon. IS COSTING THE TAXPAYERS OF SOUTH cussion on Eric Fromm's, return the stone to the During the church proces- "Art of Loving." All high owner, and pay for thesion, John J. Wolczanafcl, AMBOY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PER school students are wel- precious metal content of State Chairman of New Jer- comed to attend. the setting — less a re- sey Polish Millennium YEAR. THIS MONEY COULD BE USED TO fining charge. Committee and Commanu- The Commission on Stew- When it has reached the er Rheinold W. Smyczek ardship and Finance will . BETTER ADVANTAGE IN PURCHASING company, Spiral Metal will of Old Bridge carried chal- meet on Monday evening assume complete, respon- ices filled with Holy Hosts at 7:30, and the Commis- MUCH NEEDED EQUIPMENT AND SUP- sibility for the safety of for Communion to the al- sion on Missions will meet the'stone. ter assisted by nuns and on the same evening at ~ PLIES. IF THIS PRACTICE CONTINUES THE Rings, necklaces, pend- school children. Over 3000 8 o'clock. ants, bracelet*, earwigs, attended die ceremonies. t The Friendship Circle BOARD OF EDUCATION, QF NECESSITY tiara*, cuff links, tie clips Rt. Rtv. Msgr. Alexander RICHARD I. Bible Class will meet at and watches are all Items W. Fronczak of Walilng- the home of Mrs. Elizabeth WILL DECLARE THE SCHOOL GROUNDS,. from which Jewelers might ton was In charge ot the SCHULTZ Grimes, 231 First Street, be Interested in recover- religious program. South Amboy, at 7:45 p.m. MAYOR INCLUDlNtflHE PLAYGROUND ON GEORGE ing gems. If the jeweler Peaks S. Bruks of Perth on Tuesday evening. Mrs, doesn't want me precious /Milton Fox and Mrs. Rob- Amboy was In charge of STREET, OFF LIMITS AT 7 P.M. AND metal recovered, die com- the Millennium Pageant at en Jobansen will be co- pany, will pay the assayed FtEDHEMV , •*• • nostesses arid Mrs, Steven Barrlnosr High School, . TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED. value of the sliver, gold ••r Gaul will lead devotions. or pladnim. At me auditorium, Mr, CevncMsisn At • ***** The Senior Choir will re- Wolczanakj Introduced hearse Wednesday evening Far additional Informa- Mayor Hugh J. AJdonizio. Signed: at 7 o'clock, and at S p.m. tion, contact; Spiral Metal Other assisting In this area the Official Board will Company, Inc., Broadway, were Adam Rzepks of South meet. There will P» an South Amboy, New Jersey Amboy and Mrs. Stella Jed- election of mres-full-tsurm 06879. wabnlk of Old Bridge. Trustee* and on* two- THE SOUTH AMBOY year-term Trustee.

Your BOARD OF EDUCATION BUY • "• ' U. S. SAVINGS BONO* The SOI TH AMIOY llflIB\ -6- Thursday, September 29. 1966 •mum Federal Tax Facts TAX STATUS ' RAYMOND PQHL SB. Born In Jersey City, Mr. OF FELLOWSHIPS Quirk resided hare torth e BATfl 0MN» MP«-»OVP|$«T Out! Raymond Pohl Sr., 383past 15 yean. Fellowships are grants Conover St., died Septem- He was employed as a made to graduate students "A frank-and uninhibited ber 2t at the South Amboy. millrlght by the National at colleges or universi- exposition of the on rash Memorial Hospital. He was Lead Co... % • ties. Like scholarships of physical desire! 63 years old. Survivors Include his granted to undergraduates, Born In South Amboy, he wife, Anna; 1 daughter. most fellowships are ex- resided here all of his Miss Josephine Quirk, at empt from Federal bicome life. home; 3 sons/Michael of Tax. Mr. Pohl was an exempt) Avenel, and Raymond and However, according to fireman. He was employed Paul of Cliffwood; 2 Bis- Joseph M, Shotz, District by E. ]. DuPont de ters, Mrs. Emily Hoffman Director of Internal Reve- Nemours & Co. as^'a chem- of Perth Amboy and Mrs. nue for New Jersey, there ical operator for 37 years. Helen Holdlrth of New are four major exceptions A communicant of Sacred Brunswick. • to this general rule: Heart R. C. Church, he Funeral services were •1. Any portion of a fel- was a member of the held yesterday at 8:30a.m. lowship grant which repre- church's Holy Name So- in the Kurzawa Funeral sents compensation for ciety. Home, 338 Main St., South Amboy. teaching, research or other The highly acclaimed Swedish film "DLAK JOHN" Survivors Include h i s services in the nature of ITS now playing with "NONE JHJI I HE BRAVE," in wife, Stephana; 2 sons, part time employment is color, starring Frank Sinatra, Clint Walker and Tommy Raymond Jr. and Joseph; MICHAEL CH ISM A R taxable Income unless such Sands at Loew's "35" Drive-In. < 3 sisters, Sister Mary Michael (Buck) Chlsmar, work is required of a 11 can- "DEAR JOHN" is a dramatic love story about a Mildred of the Franciscan 519 Brace Ave., Perth Am- didates for a particular young sea captain on a weekend shore leave. It stars Order; Mrs. Catherine boy, passed away at the graduate degree. Jarl Kulle In .the title role and Christina Schollin as Doling of Sayrevllle, and 2. Grants made to enable his love interest'. The film has btkjken records throughout NOnCE TO CONTRACTORS Mrs. Mary McNeany of Perth Amboy General Hos- Separate and Mated proposals will pital. a student to pursue studio© the world wherever it has been shown. b« received by the City Council, City South Amboy; 3 brothers, Mr. Chlsmar was an em- or research primarily for "NONE BUT THE BRAVE" Is an exciting war drama of South Amboy, Middlesex County, John and Arthur of Parlin, the benefit of the grantor about a group of U. S. Marines stranded on a tiny ', New Jersey for the contraction of and Bernard of South Am- ployee of the Rarltan Cop- . the alteration of the Fre« Public per Works for over 36 do not qualify as fellow- Pacific island held by an abandoned Japanese patrol. Library, located on Stevens Avenue boy; and 3 grandchildren. years. ship grants. They are tax- The film shows how these men, both Japanese and and Second Street, City of South Am- Funeral services were able income to the recip- boy, New Jersey. Proposals will be He was a life-long resi- American, live together peacefully until World War II received on October 4, 1966 at B;00 held last Saturday at 10 dent of Perth Amboy. ient. again catches .up to them on this forgotten atoll. P.M. at City Hall, City of South Am- a.m. In the Kurzawa Fu- Mr. Chlsmar was a par- 3. Grants which are com- boy, New Jersey. neral Home followed by a pensation for past, present Alteration Free Public Library • Solemn Requiem Mass at ishioner of St. Stephen's Sldino. R.C. Church. He was act- or future services are not Information for bidders, form of 10:30 a.m. in Sacred Heart ive several years ago with fellowship grants. They GARDEN NEWS proposal, bid and performance bonds, R. C. Church. must be reported as tax- revised specification*, may be ex- the Boy Scouts. a native of New Jersey amined at of Frederick N. Interment was held In the The son of the late Mr. and able income. RED MAPLES Fischer, A.I.A., Architect, Main and church cemetery. Mrs. Michael Chlsmar, he 4. Payment made to a TURN GREEN . that grows 30 feet tall under Stevens Avenue, South Amboy, New student for services per- QUESTION: When is a red favorable condition* Jersey. Copies of revised specifica- is survived by: his wife, Leaves are 4 to 10 inchest- tions may be obtained from the archi- Mrs. Emily Miskinis Chls- formed on a research maple green? tect's office and/or the City Clerk's RAYMOND S. WITKOWSKI project for which the school . ANSWER: In hot, dry wea- long. office at City Hall, South Amboy, mar; one daughter, Mrs. Plants grow rapidly and New Jersey, upon the deposit of five Robert J. Olsen of Manas- is being paid is taxable in- ther. . dollars ($5.00) for each set. Bidders, Raymond S. Witkowskl, 36 quan, 1 son, Michael,. Jr. come to the student. The why of the red-to- it's hard to keep them upon returning revised specifications Kearny Ave., Melrose sec- of Perth Amboy; one grand- Grants made to graduate green act is something else from getting too tall. For with bid, and In good Condition, will tion of Sayreville, died Sep- students under Title IV of again, and Rutgers special- this reason it might pay be refunded deposit In full; any bidder tember 21. child; 3 sisters, Mrs. Anna you to think twice before not returning revised specifications (Decker) Dyczkowski, Mrs. the National Defense Edu- ists such as Don Laceyhave with bid will not be refunded the VBorn in South Amboy, he cation Act of 1958 to assist been explaining this all using one in a foundation five dollars ($5.00), resided here all of his life. Rose R. Andrejewski, both planting. Proposals must be made out on the of South Amboy, and Mrs. them in preparing for ca- summer. standard proposal form and in manner He was amployed by E. 1. Elizabeth Kovalsky of reers as college teachers Like so many garden LOCAL NURSERYMAN designated thereon, and as required, DuPont Co., Photo Divi- are not taxable. problems this terrible by the revised specifications and must sion, for 30 years. Perth Amboy. Then there's " Rhododen- be enclosed In a sealed envelope Funeral services were Amounts received by summer you can lay this dron catawbiense, describ- bearing the name and address of the Mr.Wltkowskl was a com- held on Monday from the United States citizens for one to the heat, too. ed as a spreading shrub bidders, and the subject of the pro- municant of Sacred Heart Musk a Funeral Chapel fol- study and research abroad It's simply a case of the 6 feet high that may grow posal clearly marked on the bottom R, C. Church and a mem- under the Fulbright Act high temperatures des- left-hand corner of the envelope and ber of the Holy Name So- lowed by a High Requiem to 20 feet. You'll have, a addressed to the: Mass at St. Stephen's R.C. are not taxable but addi- troying the red pigment in better chance of success CITY COUNCIL ciety. tional amounts received for the leaves. with this one if you buy JOHN J. TRIGGS, CITY CLERK Survivors include his Church. Interment was held CITY HALL in the church cemetery. teaching and lecturing Not sodrasticallyaffected it from a local nursery- SOUTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY wife, Ann; one daughter, abroad are taxable. were the green pigments. man who carries variet- Each proposal must be accompanied Mrs. Joseph Smyth Jr. of These were in the leaves by an approved surety company bid Graduate students who are ies suited to our Garden bond, ox certified check, for not Neptune; 2 sons, Leonard not candidates for a degree all the time, but the reds State. of Fords, and Robert of ELIZABETH WOODHULL leas than ten percent (10%) of the are limited in the amount dominated them so that the Azaleas are rhododen- amount of the base bid of the work South Amboy; 4 sisters. Mrs. Elizabeth DeVine of a qualified fellowship greens didn't show through. and must be delivered at the plaos Miss Valaria Witkowskl of Woodhull, 158 Princeton drons, too, but nursery- on, or before, the hour named. grant which may be ex- men and horticulturists us- The Mayor and the Council, City of Camden; Mrs. Helen Sharo, Rd., Parlin, died Monday cluded from income but LOOK FOR BLOODGOOD South Amboy, Middlesex County^ New Mrs. Anna Wojciechowski at Rahway Hospital. ually call the evergreen Jersey, reserves the right to waive degree candidates have no According to Lacey, spe- species rhododendrons and and Mrs. Martha Soden, Born in Newark, she re- such restriction. cialist in home horticul- any Informalities in, or to reject any all of South Amboy; and 8 sided there ail of her life the deciduous kinds, azal- or all proposals. Fellowship holders who ture, some red maples re- eas. By order of the Mayor and Council. grandchildren. prior to moving here 1 year sist such on s laugh ts of hot JOHN J. TRIGGS ago. haj/e further questions on I hardly knew any of this \ City Clerk Funeral services were the tax status of their weather better than others. 9/22-9/29/66 15.12 held last Saturday at 8:30 Mrs. Woodhull was a com- grants may have them ans- One of these is called until I started browsing a.m. in the Kuarzawa Fu- municant of St, Berna- wered at any InternaLReve- Bloodgood, and if you're through the newly reprint- -aeral Home followed by dette's R.C. Church, Par- nue Office. y thinking of a red maple in ed bulletin called "Rho- a Solemn Requiem Mass lin. your landscape scheme it dodendrons and Their at 9 a.m. in Sacred Heart The wife of the late Le- may pay you to shop for Kin," offered by the Co- Roy V. Woodhull, she is operative Extension Serv- R. C. Church. cpFRED BARBIERI this one. Interment was held in the survived by: 2 daughters, And while we're talking ice at the Rutgers College B. J. church cemetery. Mrs. Augustus Berg and Fred Barbieri, 355 Au- about shopping, I'd like to of Agriculture and Envir- Mrs, William Hewitt, both gusta St., died on Septem- remind you that you ..can onmental Science. of Parlin; 1 son, Thomas ber 27 at the Roosevelt see a variety of shrubs,, Packed between the cov- Excavating ers of this 16-page bullet- WILLIAM F« PKlMKASRRTM1 . J. Brady of Rahway; 1 sis- Hospital following a long trees, vines, evergreens ter, Mrs. Ruth DeVoe of illness. and whatnot suitable for in is much information, not GRADING 4 William F. Primka Sr., Newark; 1 brother, Arthur Mr. Barbieri was a re- home landscaping at your only about the selection of CELLARS DUG 251 George St., died Sep- J. DeVine of East Orange; tired employee of the Cen- Rutgers .College of Agri- rhodies, azaleas, laurel tember 25. He was 64 years and 13 grandchildren. tral Railroad of N. • J. culture and Environmental and other heaths, but also TOP SOIf. — MASON SAND • old. Funeral services were where he had been em- Science. detailed advice for their NIX DEBT held this morning at 8:15 ployed for 35 years. care. Born In South Amboy, Mr. The gardens are near the It's all yours for the price t DAYTON STMSET Primka resided here all a.m. from The Gundrum A parishioner of St. intersection of Route 1 and of his life. Home for Funerals to St. Mary's R. C. Church, he of what my grandma used SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. Ryders Lane,*south of New to call a penny postal." He was employed as a Bernadette's R.C. Church was a member of the Holy Brunswick. guart at the Frog Hollow where a High Requiem Name Society. He also was Ju$t mention ' Rhodies- Phon* Swim Club. Mass was offered at 9a.mV a member of the Ameri- RHODIES AND KIN 389" on your card, print Mr. Primka was formerly Interment was held in can Legion, Luke A. Lovely If drought and hot weather your name and address, quite active in local sports. Shoreland Memorial Park, Post; Veterans Em- played havoc with your rho- and send it to your.county Survivors include his Hazlet. ployee* A ssociation. dodendrons and azaleas Extension office or to Gar- wife, Dorothy; 1 son, Wil-. Brotherhood of Carmen this year, you may be con- den Reporter, College of Association. sidering replacements. Agriculture, and Environ- Ham J. Jr. of Dover; 5 Then you may be interest- daughters, Mrs. Clara SOPHIA G. BOOKET He was a veteran of mental Science, Rutgers, ^or Cjracioui Whisner and Mrs. Joan World War I and saw ac- ed in the kinds of plants that New Brunswick 08903. Thompson of South Am- Mrs. Sophia G. Booket, tion in the European thea- grow best under New Jer- boy, Mrs. Betty Csakal of Fort Plains Rd., Free- tre. sey conditions. CLASSIFIED ADS STEVE UR Colonia, Mrs. Gloria hold, died last Wednesday Survivors include his For example there's GET RESULTS Donato of South River, Mrs. at home. She was 66 years wife, the former Mary Rhododendrum maximum, Joyce SUolak of Old old. Mataranglo; one daughter, Bridge; 2 sisters, Mrs. Born in South Amboy, she Mrs. Marie Weir of Ise- 6! YEARS OF Marge Solover and Mrs. resided in the Freehold lin; two sons, Anthony and area for the past 3 1/2 Martha Holton of South Am- Francis at home; and two CONTINUOUS boy; 25 grandchildren; and years. grandchildren. SHOP AT 1 great-grandchild. Survivors include 2 sons, Funeral services, will be Funeral ' services were Stanley Bogarskl of Farm- held on Saturday at 9:30 NIATINO OIL HOME held yesterday at 10:30lngdale and Francis A. a.m. from his late resi- a.m. in Christ Episcopal Gorchess of Perth Amboy; dence followed by a Re- SERVICE Church. Rev. Edward Cook 4 daughters, Mrs, Marie quiem Mass at 10 a.m. officiated. Interment was Estelle of Freehold, Mrs. at, St. Mary's R. C. call held in Christ Church Sophia Jankowski of Farm- Church. Interment will be SWAN HILL ICE & COAL CO. 249-5422 Cemetery. ingdale, Mrs. Pauline Ust held in the church ceme- G. Manvel Appleg-ats and Sons Funeral arrangements and Mrs. Patricia Dean, tery. were made by the Kurzawa both of South Amboy; and, Friends may call this Funeral Home, 338 Main 2 stepbrothers, William evening. Fuel Oil - Kerosene - Coal and Ice Cubes St., South Amboy. Gorzynski and Michael Arrangements are by the — DEGREE DAYS DELIVERY — Gorzynski, both of South Noble Funeral Service. Amboy. Funeral- services were Oil Burnir Sales I Strvici ' THOMAS J. QUIRK , held last Friday. A Solemn DRIVIRS 17 to 24 340 MEW MUNSwICX, N.J. home on September 25. He held in Sacred Heart Ceme- U MSM P*liS SSStaV II Ml>» wag 58 yjsars of age. tery, Sayrevillo. 14*-$42? lit.'. *>«•• IH IMHOt (lltlti* -7. Thursday. September J9» IO6© S(]IMI 1 I ri I k Polite News SERVICE SLANTS *o Armv Privates ftOHI "Although the Items that Mayor K ichard Scbuttz lames FUXTISS of J*r»c)t and given a suspended sen- rf. Ar-N'V, N.J., JoSSfft, I deal with may lie, 1 am and Council President Boring and Drill Co. came tence oi thirty days tn the KrttuU, Jr , 19, sJSl noi lying when I say that Henry attended the Demo- to headquarter* and re-County Workhouse on each M\e* J. iMIIar. 2l.oo*>- of two charges. One com- you really get "Tend«r( cratic dinner held at 4* ported the theft of a can. i ;••-.' » ii*i( vehicle dri- Loving, Care* in the South Forsgate Country Club teat vat cover from a piece of plaint was fer sseault on a v)urinR the eigac-i a well.-known business es- principal speaker. Co. Is taking test borings to a female minor. The v.ur«r, they were in the land-fill area. suspended sentences were tablishment in South Am- given en ooaiitten that he it iu<- operation and boy. The other BOYS that According to tWTtcnor of seek'medical aid. tc< .tree of military were with htm Agreed last Tuesday's/meeting of James P. Paige of 90 cU•» up -- ind llinlSjit»g wholeheartedly. the Board of Public Works, Norton St., Morgan, re- &c two e one hatf torn the light stnattion U not quested an officer at the Kasnsin Strawham of 17 4th St., SeyrevlUe. was itiuk. ln»t.uctlon «ftisjg# Sign* of the time*? We to be taken LIGHTLY. local hospital-parking lot gi\ the South Sea aid- their soccer-Uke" kick- to Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhne THEM 7OCHY...ASK THE iod, he received more tha# submarine warfare train* ing of extra points. Right of So. Stevens Ave. on the QUEST/ON OVER ANt> ; 200 hours of instruction In ing exercise"SiIverskats" now the program is stir birth of'a daughter. Mrs. OVER... guerrilla warfare, the use aboard thU U. S. Seventh on an intra-mural basis Kunhe Is the former Claire of Infantry weapons, com- Fleet unit. but we hope to see the boys Dexhelmer. bat patrol a, and squad tac- This five-day exercise, In—competition at a later • tics. designed to increase Fleet date. Anniversary congratula- Hi8 next assignment Is defense tactics against po- tions go to Mr. and Mrs. *j?O HELP SUPPi Y AN ANSWER, four weeks of basic spe- tential enemy suEmarhMs, Gary GomoUca of 3 Per- Joseph McCarthy of Ward THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE cialist training to prepare begins September J3. It rlne Ave., Morose, cele- Ave. They will celebrate MAG COME OP WfTH A SXANP him fox • specific job In lqvolv«t major surface, brated his 12th birthday their 14th on Tuesday. NEW STOCK MPCX... the Marlne^Corps. Marines submarine and air uluti or on September 27. Many to be assigned to infantry the Seventh Fleet, as well happy returns! units will be taught sub- aa Royal Navy strips, in Anniversary congratula- specialties such as the offensive tactics againita* tions go out to Mr., and technical operation of the •'aggressor" force of three Welcome home to Mrs Mrs. Charles Damico of machine gun, grenade U. S. submarines/ one Helen Reyes of 23S Davl Lincoln St. Many, many - ...ANPA POLIAK ANP CENTS launcher, or mortar. Those nuclear powered. St., upon her return from more. entering highly skilled oc- a 6 week trip to Aurora, A9 OF me*tA*t«cr /H Seventh Fleet units, THM MO*E THAN /, 2SO STOCKS I/STEP cupational'fields will re- operate throughout the Colorado. Nels Thomsen bowling In OH 7HE06SOAXP. COMPUTE? ceive advanced -training at Western Pacific from the the South Amboy Business- ElECTROHKAUY, THE HEW /H0CX resident technical schools. Artie to the Antarctic, in men's League at Kozy S/VES THEHAT/OH'S JHVE3TOK9 a 30 million square mile Lanes last night had a A CONTINUOUS COMPOStTB +K/CE area. One and one*! fVCTWE OF AU STOCKS l/STSP OH CLASSIFIED A06 So let - Parts and Service ' sparkling 275 game. He THE HEW y&fK STOCK EXCHAHOE. lion people, more than half A-1 Used Car* had an open frame In the GET RESULTS the world* a population, live [IT. 9, MADISON TOWNSHIP first and then threw 10 on the Aalan land mass ad- 200 ft. S. of Seyrtwood Shopping Cl strikes in a row! jacent to these waters. UA6Q6 „„, Notice To Persons Desiring Absentee Ballots

If you are a qualified and registered voter of the State who expects to be ab- sent outside the State on Nov. 8, 1966, or a qualified and registered voter who Ttore are a let ef will be within the State on Nov. 8, 1966, srfsai—ta ever eetd but because of Illness or physical dis- ability, including blindness or pregnancy, or because of the observance of a religious holiday pursuant to the tenents of your religion, or because of resident attendance at a school, college or university, will be unable to cast your ballot at the polling place In your district on said date, and you desire to vote in the Geoeral Election to be held on Nov. 8, 1966, kindly write or apply in person to the undersigned at once requesting that a civilian absentee let'i get aomethhig straight before we ihove off. •ballot be forwarded to you. Such request I'm the-eaptain of this ship!" must state your home address, and the address to which said ballot should be sent, and must be signed with your signa- ture, and state the reason why you will not be able to vote at your usual polling place. No civilian absentee ballot will be BILL'S HIGHLANDER furnished or forwarded to any applicant unless request therefore, is received NOT 0FT LESS than 8 days prior to the ejection, THOMAS | CHADWI ATMOSPHERE •„*«• $ MUSIC and contains the foregoing Information. PREScNTS Forms of application can be obtained AL ALOIS! from the undersigned. * , If you are leaving the state your date •'••. Piano Soloist of departure |* required.


Clsr ••* "•• COUPLES ^ LADm* GENTS i IHSMIMI {.-•- 1. i«|. Opp. $tMarys timmitm Mf» .<*«•• «M /<••..,. • • •(,».! Thursday, September 29, 1966 1967 General Motors Cars On Display. Testa Italiana1 Opens At Garden Tuight STRIKES SPARES Daniel Zack, president of door locks were standard B r 1 g g s Chevrolet, an- on 1966 models); fusible '/ nounced prices of all 1967 link wiring to minimize fire model passenger cars. All hazards and to facilitate MQDUSEX OOUOTT RESULTS 1967 cars will include as electrical repair; and a VZJKHn*8 IiUOUX Three game winners: standard equipment certain freeway lane changer, a Starting* (us of 9/^2/66 Marie's Dell. items which were extra driver controlled device Two game winners Dean's, cost items in 1966 and operated in conjunction Semoneit. other product improve- with the directional signal Madison Park #1 ments. The 1967 passenger lever when rthe driver Prwldtnt Park car price adjustments are wishes to indicate that he irnor or coumis less than the 1966 option intends to change lanes, prices for those items have also been added. Suanlt aa of made standard equipment All 17 items required by 4 in 1967 plus an adjustment fodaptadena* 5 If L the General Services Ad- Madteon Park #2 6 for the cost of product im- ministration will be avail- provements. Thus, the cus- Laurenoe Barber Kxeapti . 6 tfondap Mr a 1 able on 1967 model GM Uur«M« Harbor T3M* 2 7 Hurlga?s tomer will benefit from the' passenger cars, and six- Raritan Engine Oo. 2 7 7 a economies of nfess produc- teen of these items are Flrrt kid l a tion resulting from the in- standard equipment. Four- l creased volume of these HONOR ROLL art«n < M*n Shop 8 4 teen of these items were Amrlsui Window 01 g. 5 4 items and product im- standard on 1966 models Bob McGowari 179-218- provements. 182—579; A. Merwln 220; Ajtarlta florist 5 4 including among others Parlprsy Ubtjwrs 5 4 front and rear seat belts L. Gruska 218;N. Thomsen 4 5 The price adjustments 213; B. Robertson, C. Lom- Donnally Photofl»phy made on 1967 passenger and anchorages, padded in- Bulaan*! Shall 4 5 strument panel and visors, bard! 211; W. Kenney 208. Lov*nXar« 3 6 cars for both the optional RESULTS items and the new product two-speed windshield wip- Bay Olty Liquors ers and washers, backup Three game winners: En- Kuraatra Funaral Horn* improvements made stand- The highlights from races, the Joust of the 4* ard average $53 for all lights and an outside rear terprise over L. H. Fire, Oomolka Auto 1 8 Italy's tournamentsand Saracens, maneuvers a s President Park over First passenger cars. Prices on view mirror. festivals Including chariot "mounted chessmen" and Aid, Madison Park-1 over HONOR ROLL three models remain un- Two G.S.A. items have been added as standard races, gladiators, armored mock battles. Madison Park-2. Ray Szaro 222-188-214— changed. The price on one knights, costumed, flag Alfredo Danesi, who was Two game winners: Rar- 624; Frank Fierro 204- model Is reduced aa a re- equipment on 1967 mod- els -- the dual master throwers, dancers and the chariot racer pitted ltan over Summit, Pro- 220-200—624; George sult of the deletion of cer- singers will converge on against Charlton Heston tection over Independence,, Kardos 211-199-204--6L4; tain equipment formerly cylinder brake system Madison Square Garden to- in the movie "Ben Hur", Progressive over L. H.. L. Nebus 214; W. Eldrldge standard. The adjustments mentioned above and the night for the U.S. premiere will be one of the chariot Exempts. 213; V. Cannata 211; M. on other models range from four-way hazard warning of" Festa Italiana . racers and handle by him- Plocic 205; G. Gandy 201; $29 to $89. flasher system which The assemblage of daring self four horses as the G. Gelslnon 200. The price adjustments do serves as an emergency horsemanship, muBic, chariot race-- in the tra-^ SOUW 1MB0Y RESULTS not include any provision to measure to warn other dances and colorful pa- dition of the Roman Col- StMdlngf as of 9/22/66 Three game winners: Won- recover Increased wage drivers by simultaneously geantry will be presented iseum—opens the festiv- der Bar over Lov*n Kare, and fringe benefit costs flashing all turn signal ities. V L lamps. The seventeenth in New York through Oct. Qundrun S«rvlo« 6 3 Harrlgan's over Green's. which average 6 per cent 12, before starting its first Elaborate and colorful 2 1/2 same winner: Jackin above those in effect a itejn, the General Motors American tour to cities Brings Chwrolat 5 4 Air Injection Reactor Ex- dances will also be pre- So. Araboy Bruit Oo. 5 4 8t Cross over Kurzawa'a- year ago or for increased including Boston, Philadel- sented throughout the spec- Julian'i Auto Body 4 5 Two game winners: Bul- prices paid for steel, cop- haust Emission Control phia, Buffalo, Pittsburgh tacular. Southern Ital/s Eddls*« Prl«nd. S«rv.4 5 man's over Mike's: Amer- per, and other materials. System, will be included and Washington, D.C. popular Tarantella will be Kojy Lants 3 f> ican over Astarita s; Don- As a result, 1967 marks on all cars purchased for Under Gino Landi, one of performed by 20 ballerinas nelly over Gomolka's; the ninth consecutive model Government use or pur- Italy's leading directors and 50 magnificently cos- HONOR ROLL Parkway over Bay City. year that General Motor's chased in California. and choreographers, the' tumed male dancers all Hi Set - Marie Sorremdno cars have been priced at Alt models will have im- local flavor of the world- with tambourines In hand. 142-154-167 463; HI the 1959 model levels proved 5-tumbler locks to Games - Agnes DeMiauro PATHEft-SON-«OTHEIWWJOHTER (priced in the fall of 1958), renouned Italian festivals For the children, "Festa KOZT LANES minimize theft. and tournaments has been Italiana" will offer Puldin- 191; June O'Leary 181; adjusted only for equipment Evidence of the improved compressed into a single ella, the humerous Italian Helen Borbely 180; Ruth 1 W L changes. product value, quality and spectacular. figure which gave rise to White 179; Nancy FlaU KB i In addition to certain performance of the new Iria Murphy 165; Agnes Jullan s Auto Body 7 2 Equestrian lovers will be the "Punch and Judy" Frank's Radio 6£ 2£ former optional items now models Is the extension in for a thrill as superbly show. Also, the "living" Robinson 163; KaiAleen Stahlay Beverage 6 3 being made standard on all of the warranty period on Lovely 162. trained horses and riders Sicilian puppets will stage J.J. Harrigan 6 3 1967 models, many other GM'B 1967 model pas- participate in chariot a battle infullarmor. "^ RESULTS Astarita Florist 5 4 product improvements senger cars to cover five Ford* Sporting 5 4 Two game W/inners: Ed- l 1 have been made in keep- years or fifty thousand »««a'n s Men 3 Shop 4J> % ing with GM's long-stand- miles, whichever comes die's Friendly Service over So. Amboy Trust 4 5 Gundrum fiervice: Kozy ing policy of improving first, on the power train JOE'S KOZY BAR an* KOZY LAMES Superb Rag Servloe 4 5 each year the safety, Lanes over Julian's Auto Hulsart 4 5 components (engine, trans- hrilw Aiirk— iMtMnmt — ltillm>A«Mrkm imrmhartj Body, So. A'mboyTmatCo. 1 6 quality, performance, and mission, drive line and (Evtry MHt S ML-Soday! «n4 H«4M«yt 2 ML) Kozy Lane " 3 attractiveness of its prod- rear axle) in addition to over Brlggn' Chevrolet. Brlgg* a Chevrolet 3 6' 14 MUNSWICK BOWIINO ALLEYS MoCorniok 3 6 ucts as engineering knowl- the current warranty cov- Bulnsm*B Shell 2 7 edge and technology erage of 24 months or continue to advance. HXgr 'JUES ZKD. KUED HONOR ROLL 24,000 miles on the entire Catering to Standings aa of 9/26/66 A. Shortlidge, Sr. 202; M. Certain .former optional car except tires (which are McCormick 202; R. Thom- items are being made warranted by the tire man- Weddings - Banquets W L sen. 184-169-168—520; K. standard on all 1967 ufacturer). ^iill»s Dr. In • 7 2 Porter 179-166—501; J. models, including the four- The 1967 GM passenger Jursltl Formal Hr. 6 3 Pryor 200-166; B. Pear- way hazard warning flasher cars will go on display Blue Flane Oil 5 4 system, non-glare break- in dealer showrooms to- Parties - Social Functions Morgaa Rxar. 5 4 son, Jr. 192; Mary Her- trm 10 f 259 ceg 177. away interior rear view day for Chevrolet, Pontiac, Ko^jr Lams 4 5 mirror, front seat belt re- , Oldsmobile and Buick Suparlor Oil 4 5 RESULTS tractors,- and tire size models, and on October 6 KT. 3S - PA 1-9710 - MOMAII Harrey's Strikers 3 6 Three game winners: Jul- changes to permit single for Cadillac models. Vlda, Oontr. 2 7 ian's Auto Body. inflation pressure for most Two game winffers: Bul- normal use, ae well .as HONOR ROLL man's Shell over Hulsart, some convenience items. K. Brown 225; J. Han- Frank's Radio over Mc- The 1966 list prices of sell 202-204-196—602; J. Cormick, Fords Sporting optional equipment made Harvey 213. over Superb Rug Service. standanr on 1967 passenger- Notice! To Persons In Military Service Or Patients Women: F. SwalUck 179- car| range from $10 to $71 161. J. Kraszewskl 181. and average $37. In aome L. Harvey 168, T. Wis- SOUTH AMBOY BUSINESSMEK instances, certain items niewild 166. x LEAGUE formerly standard equip- In Veterans'Hospitals And To Their Relatives RESULTS Standings as of 9/28/66 menrhave been deleted and Three game winners: V, L. prices have been reduced Jurskl Formal Wear over Engliah Chevron .10 2 appropriately. Harvey's Strikers, Heidi's Cipo Cleotric 6 ' 4 And Friends Crive In over Superior Oil. Superb Carpets 8 4 In total, 29 new or im- Roddy'3 Tavern ' 8 4 proved safety items are in- Albem's Sea Food 6 6 corporated in the 1967 Cook's Shell 6 6 model General Motors pas- Bottle Stop 6 6 senger cars. The new If you are in the Military Service or HOtOLT NKK? MEED -Top Amusement 6 6 safety improvements in- are a patient in a veterans* hospital and Starting* u of 9/28/66 Anton & Chuok's 5 7 clude— the engergy-ab- desire to vote, or if you are a relative a*een*s Men Shop 5 7 aorblng steering column, or friend of a person who is in the military W •i Koiy Lanes 4 8 service or is a patient in a veterans' hospital 2 the first to be announced Mario's D«U 7 Bebro 4 8 in the Industry: in4he event who, you believe, will desire to vote in Daan'i • 6 3 Bill** Highlander 4 B the General Election to be held on Steotult 5 4 of a levere front-end col- Wonder Bar 4 8 lision, the steering column Nov. 8, 1966, kindly write to the under* HUl«r ft Kurtz 4 5 signed at once making application for a Chant i 6 - HONOR ROLL compresses at a coritrolled Maaon Wilson 2 7 Hank Vashey 207-201-202 rate when impact pressure • military service ballot to be voted in said 610; Nela Thomsen 175- is applied at either end. election to be forwarded to you, if you Also included $re dual are in the military service or are a patient HONOR ROLL 275-154-604; Ed Kennedy 1 202-206; S. Makwinski 223; master cylinder brakes and in a veterans' hospital, stating your name , C. Rzepka 221; G. Batch- warning fight, representing age, serial number> home address and the elor 185; H. Alien 173- R. McGowan 222; H. Robin- son 215; S. Rader 213; R, a significant contribution to address at which you are stationed or can 181; M. Mathisen 163; M. greater vehicle safety a*nd be found, or If you desire the military Scully 161. Chrzan - W. Eldridge 212;, J. Nemeth 207; R. Mytnick reliability — one of the service ballot for a relative or friend then* P. Ust 206; R. Kurowsky dual cylinders will con- make an application under oath for a military 202; E. Nebus 201; F. Chon- trol the front brakes and service ballot to be forwarded to him, sky, J. Rzepka 200. the other the rear brakes — stating in your application that he Is over RESULTS thus two-wheel braking the age of 21 years and stating his name, power will- be maintained serial number, home address and the address Air Electric Three-game winners: if either circuit is dam- at which he is stationed or can be found. IMC English over Green's; Top aged or broken and a warn- over Wonder Bar, ing light signals failure in Forms of application can be obtained Two-game winners.- High- either system. Folding from the undersigned.' lander over Zebro, Kozy seat back latches that lock over Apton 61 Chuck, Al- coupe front seats and sta- DATEDj Sept, 26, 1966 INDUSTRIAL 1CSI0ENTIAL bern's over Cook's, Rod- tion wagon second Beats COMMEtCIAL dy's over* Bottle Stop, in place; passenger-guard sr ATI tic 1 ite Cipo's oVer Superb. .FRANK SCHAT3MAN, AM Mvfct• •* MtllfMO front and rear door locks County Cltrk, .. VACUUM CLIANItl which prevent the front . County Administration Bl_ doors, when properly • : , • -Ntw Brunswick, N. J, 08< Mrkwiy 1-0094 locked, from: being opened Clifford 4-0017 PLEASE PATRONIZE either inadvertently or in OUR ADVERTISERS the panic of a crash situa- •VJ T SOUTki «IVW tion, (passenger guard rear