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Police Checking Clues in Parcells School Vandalism

Police Checking Clues in Parcells School Vandalism

All the News /' ,i" .... \',':. "

of All the Pointes

Every Thursday Morning. rosse ews I ~a~t8 Complete Neivs Coverage of All the Pointes ;-lome of the NeWl VOLUME 23 - No, 48 . Entered as Second Class Matter » IIt the Post Of{lce at Detroit, Mich. GROSSEpOINTE, MICHIGAN, NOVEMBER 29, 1962 70 Per COpy , S4.00 Per Year 28 PAGES- TWO SECTIONS-SECTION I

------.:.---'.1-, ---!-..--:..------

Cubabn officials, is said to be \l,e~t qUietly to .thelr llquor Wednesday before. Thanksgiv'-. 'I .' Baldwin, was n-a me d to the George Romney, now gover- tion and answer period, by tape, working hard to get the bearded cablllets and threw out every-. ' Children's Theatre, 25c; all Employes at -.Plehe s Ba~ber post by the 14th District GOP nor-elect, had publicly attacked from 10.10 11 p,m. the night 0If dictator to rescind his tltreat.:;, thin"Af" in sightII ; 109,Several children we. r e ob- inothera.l"ancetickp.tsat free,the War~yailableMem- FSh.op,d 17005 .Kerchev.al,g t f d alTlvedth t e'xecutive committee, following Durant for mem.b<>rship.. in the. the l{'ctu1"e. , or at least co mprl>mise on his h t.er a ,a . man-event '. a man serve d f'ddl'1 109 WI.th . th e cag e,- orial"""(office. ChristInn.ay morno.n.t 0fr(}nt10 of tha.. ar Baldwin's decisio!l to resign in ultra-conservative ;.John Birch Radio Station WWJ will present position. Turning point w o~e ac~uam ance WltP. p~nk lock Thursday evening and, . as. ree 10 .' ell' . order to devote more' time to Sooiety, and called' .upon voters broadcast the lectures later in in the crisis came last Tuesday, elep_ants IS mort: than noddmg h tl it 10 p 'the deer' ,This is - the program '.for store .had bee~ pushed down ,fraternal affairs.' in the 14th DistriCt to repudi- each week of the series.. . when Khrushchev promised -,be~s to do a bit o~ serious: s or YdaT~ey ';e~~"seen'rac- tlie ~corp~n'gw~k oCevents a.nd':dirt scatterea.'9ver the en-.} . 1 ,.' "', ate him. \ . ..i'he enltire senes will be K thmkmg when he sees a rein- ~so3lPe , '. '. scheduled in connection wIth tLre .area. . . Bal4win. stated that :~urant" ';' " , ennedy all Soviet J' et bombers lng dl>wn Kercheval avenue to- . . 'h b I . dl'Strict "ice chal'rma'n' 'fo':t-the Although. the vl>te""'_,dId suc- taped and the tape preseJ:iJted to deer looking in his window.t the open.ing of.the 'new Fries T e Bait' erShop personne . Y. ,. . • -;. ed'n t'n' D u>""a t nd t' h G P . '"" C tr:al Li would be removevd from Cuba Th k . ward Detrol 1 c, th'- .. b' . . I past,slx years, .was..... e ~com-.t- ce I ous 1 g. r n a e rosse om""" en • an sgIving night. ' Au d it 0 r i u m at the War caned e d n{ re _ I'll ...... within 30 days, aDd the U, S. S f d P tt f nn e uP., ..' ens. a - tee's unanimous c h-0 ice 'fo.r many of his followers as ,prc- brary, from, where it ~r be president, m. turn, l'ft1 ed th e Pointe'sAt first "Thanksgivingglance, GrosseRein- even.0 ar,Exceptso goo.for ,th.ere fact"thaty u '!J', Memorial Center. thrp.lacc."dt.heto treeth .. t I.t,t had ben chal.rman','_".....L•• Mrs ... Ll.lll.a,n B. cm'ct delegates he' (Durant) bo~'~~HVWt:U by all Po.:_"~~ _"D"""'u'ps'. naval blockade a g a ins t the deer Incident" seems merely me semi~wild animals' had t>:en Saturday, Dec'ember, 1, 8:30 own 10 . e s ree . Chambers;' theorganizahon's ex- maintaJ.ned control' at :the Dis- A letter has also been sent tOo island. d ' h If mad by e~lodmg p.m. -' AN EVENING OF Pity police, on, regular p~trol, eC'Utive .director sin c e 1956.. trict Con v e n t Ion, . pushmg Detroit's Superintendent of >I< • • comic. There's something deIi. ,rIven a: , . ONE 'AC'..T PLA-:rS.'; f d t Chr' t 't t . , - . th' h B ld . , n.1 t' "'-h I.s H Io..~, ... B' II d nitely rib-tickling about two flrecrackers,. tossed mto theIr oun ._ wo . IS!~ rees op- succeeds'Durant as' vice chair': rcug a WUl s re-t:llec U1n. "'" 00 ero=h rowne, a • Saturday, November 24 reindeer (with names like Pran- cage by the same youngsters Sunday, .December .2 -' pled over SaturdaY.night, Nov- man. Mrs. Chambers is current- Durant's candidate .was elected Yising hJi.m that the tape will be SEVENTEEN per ~o.n s die.d cer and Dancer, at that) roam- who let them escape. -OPEN HOUSE, '~:30,to. 4;30 . em):>er. 24,' one in. from. of ly completing her second two- convention chaifman, and the available fdr use in Detroit. yesterday, when a Umted AIr ing up and down the streets of . And exc~pt for the fact that ';p;m.; . DEDICATION; ,2:30' Mic~l~~n Con~li~Gas year Rep~bl~can,: State CeI!tral delega~ vot~d, to retalin Dur- All of the speakers have in;' Lines Viscount enrou~ from one's own 'commtirJty. reindeer uc;ed to roaming about I, p:m. ' HOSPLtality Center,. and one in C'.ommittee'term. ant as vice clhUrman. melted .they will make major

(Continued on Page 9) I At second glance, One tends (Continued on Page 2) 1 .. .. ' (Continued on Page 2) Baldwin" ,ch~ .0,£. the (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 2)

.\ \ . "P"' ...... ,...... ----- ...... ----...... ----jiiiiI"" - - .. ,.,.-...... -...... -----~--...... -...... - po ':"'" -- • ~ • pi jiiiiil>'" paP. *' pi F' P • F • FE_ ••••• pp •••••••• P .• '!"'" F 4 •• » ••• ,~ •• » P •• _ • FE •• - ya - .....-:------S{ C ~ .. )

Page Two G R 0 SSE POI, N T' ENE W S Thursday, November 29, 1962 Thursday, November 29,

STRAY DOG BAILED OUT the golden retriever's owner to EI D City police captured and im- be Lydia Sherer, laO RJdge ect urant pounded a stray dog found at road. She was notified, paid the -- Stupid Children~,s'Prank Kills Reinde'er the Naegele res i rle nee, 656 $2 Impounding fee, a~d was (Continued from Page 1) call in extra ~ ~ men, but Is trying swing shifts I ~ ! with personnel already avail- A I Swing Grill ~ able. N ~ Converts fir...... lace into indoor ~ IR ~~I;i~ad~:~I:~m~:~::.~" Avail- .~~' LeCture Coup, C E I $6. 95 ~ (Continued from Page 1) S ~ ~ policy speeches on the part of .~ ~ ~ the organ:izartions they repre- ,~"f() + ~ Electric ;,1 sent. ()v. KITCHENS OF CHARM ~ ~ Ticke-ts for the series wiN be {i\ ¥.o on, « ~ George Glanert, 46, Qf 1238 .~ :of<. If Your Kitchetz Is UJ, I Call or write for free brClchure on Fireplace Furnishings ~ Lakepointe, a Twin Pines milk- ~'; ,'7f ¥<:,!3 A~.e o You Should Be c it ~ man, suffered a severe on ~ '* .~ "fA-V ~ Woods Mantel & I.-Ie ! the left wrist on Thursday, No- ,.~.O~~iI~ o.~()'* • f.( l& vember 22, when a milk bottle _dIu.o o*t> ! COMPANY ?J broke while he was taking it R l!l out of a chute of a home on o T@>.*Q' ~ 21323 H 7 B1 k N J 8 M'/ Rd ~ Hampton near Wedgewood. He 1Jounfl ~---- I( arper oc S • 0 t e • ~ was c;onveyed to' St. Jgh~: Hos- 0 ,,*e> ~ PR 1-1300 DR 1-1985 ! pital by Woods police where 1, ' , I. Open Ever"'! Evening until Christmas ')oJ eight stitches were needed, to ~" lSl stop the bleeding and close the Your. PENDLETON' I I '9 : I :~ ~~~~_!S:l!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wound. , 0*:"':";<+" *":~ ~ 1f;fI *Q "0 ,Q* in the Vi • ~~ *0*,<;.. ~*c~6 I'~-~~--~-~----~~_~M~~~~_~~~~~~ Comejoin '~ ~'--!("~*~ ..... tree-lighting ~ 4; o";C~ I ~ O~ o '"Q Q.'Kf) I ~ , ~..... '. "..:*~-rr" V~'f o.'k o'*"" G*o~ , partyJ Imale caUl I It's a magnificent tree-the largest we could ~ ~ find-an~ we are decorating it with 70,000 Iyou'll have a ball if you visit ~ Christmas lights. Santa himself will be on \. hand to flip the switch and light it in all its I ~ brilliant glory. ITHE CAMERA CENTER I " Several hundred voices, choral groups from I ! the area all around, wiU hail the Yuletide ' I on Men's Night-Dec. 3rd ~ with familiar and wen-loved carols. In honor I ~ otHim whose birth we celebrate; there will I ~ be a life-size Nativity scene in an aIabastef' I ~ setting ofpre beauty. , We hope your entire family W'JI join us in i • I All Men Are Invitedt From 7 to I this Christmastide observan'ce. For the I ------1A children there will be Christmas books filled I l~ p.m. (We Will. Close From 5 to ~ with delightful stories arid pictures co~ I ------~ memorating the jOy'S of the season. I 7 To Prepare for YouD ~ lhe ceremony will lake place in front of our central OffICeBuilding at Michigan Avenue I ------~ I * gorgeous lnodels to p'hotograph ~ ~ * free camera kit and movie ~ / I light as prizes l4 There's such a parade I ~ and plain colors in the n I * camera demonstrations ~ ets, you're certain to fin I ~ you perfectly. Lightwei ~ * fresh stocks o.f "photo" gifts for Christmas I warm, Pendleton jacke indoors or out. Here's l' dyed, spun and woven b: you years of p~oud sel I I today! S.M~L-XL. $1~ I THE J I I Remember "MEN'S 1\ December 3rd. (Men Onl: I CAMERA I~ I '~ I CENTER I W I 16930 Kercheval in ..MOTOR COMPANY TU 1.92! I l4 I 17114 Kercheval in the Village TU 1.4096 ! Open Monday Thru Frida I------~------, .!... De~. 4th to t~ I .. rtcr. __ 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 77 sriErness. rrssssssss rreenGr 7. ee. • •• __• ,er 29, 1962 Thursday, November 29, 1962 G R 0 SSE 'P 0'1 NT'E NEW S Page., Three

voeational rehabilitation. Gifts Pointe Doctors Receive Grants to student aid funds totaled Introd uci ng Pointe's Newest 'Teachers $20,894.94. The largest, $17..125, iO)'S involved. ac~ Gifts and grants of $181,100 Children ~nd Adults Inc., to was from the Gene'ral Motors lice Chief Thomas were accepted by the, Wayne continue support' of' the pro- Corporation to continue its md all have been SLate University Board of Gov~ gram in special education and s~holarship priJgram. Their par~nts I ernors at its monthly meeting .e restitution, esti~ I on Tuesday, November 20. , ~tween $300 and , The largest single grant was FAMOUS ~s will be filed $68,930 irom the U. S. Public in Juvenile Court. Health Service to_ Dr. Walter lan \vho saw the H. Seegers, 832 N()tre Dame, HUDSON BAY GARMENTS in his window? Grosse Pointe, professor and' mse~f a gooci stiff chairman of physiology at the ••• College of MedicIne. Dr. See- NOW gars will continue his research on prothrombin. tone of the We have endeavored to ease your shop- clotting factors in blood. Beautiful and pracrical, these The Upjohn Company also ping by offering a large se!ection of fine top quality coots, jackets and granJted $5.000 for Dr. Seegers' clothing and carefully selected mens blood coagulation studIes. shirts, are in 0 clos!. by themselves, furnishings, chosen with the discriminat- Some other U. S. Public irg taste of Grosse P~inters in mind. It Health Service grants, which totaled $97,588, indude: $8.666 the ship's wheel is pariicularly important that gifts modest for chemical research titled 19605 Mack TU 2-1340, i'1 price come from a fine store ... for "Anthracene-Type Carcinogenic these articles need most the good taste Aryl Hydrocarbons" directed by Dr. George' H. Schenk, Jr., 3124 I of this type of shop, We believe you'll Coolidge, Royal Oak, of the rind it an enjoyable experience to shop College of Liberal Arts; $7,992 with us. to Dr. Adrian C. Kuyper, 1776 RosIyn, Grosse Pointe Farms, College of Medicine; for his re- search on the chemistry of bone Open 9 'til 6, Thursday 'til 9 salt formation; $5.300 for' con- tinuation of research on the' , "Chemic<11 Composition of Iso- I lated Cell Walls of Fungi" by picard-'llorton Six teachers who are newcomers to, the earth, are (L. to R.) SHIRLEY Dr. Jerome M, Aronson, 8521 92 KERCHHVAL --- On the HiL~ the Trombly School staff this year CORFIS, G r ad e 1; MRS. JEAN Yale, Oak Park, of the qiolOgy department, ' GR.O~S& P01l'ITa; gathered for a conference with PRIN- ESTES, Kindergarten (A. M.); MRS. CIPAL FRANK J. WELCENBACH' MARION KUSTER, G r a de 4; MR. Harper Hospital gave $18,020 recently so that he miglit check on WELCENBACH; SARAH ALLAN, for the Department of Medicine their adjustment to the school system. / Music; RUTH ANN BAKER, Grade 3; Training Program Fund. " The Nati_onal Science' Foun- Shown examining one of the newer and MRS. ELAINE BRYDEN, Grade 1. dation granted $10,a60 to sup- teaching ., aids,• • a transparent1 globe of , _ port a "Research Participation for High SChool Teachers Pro- Trombly'S new music teacher, I AAUW study committees. !lus- teaching: fourth gradl at Trotn- gram" direcbed by Dr. John P . Sarah Allan, was born in band Tom is on the Pierce bly School. A native of St. .oliver, 24041 Norwood, Oak Davenport. Iowa. After grad- Junior High staff. Both came Louis, she was graduated from Park. of the chemistry depart~

uating from DeKalb (Missouri) to Grosse Poi.nJte from Longw East - St.' Louis (Illinois) High ment . , N. Y. High School, she attended the mont, Colorado and the Uni- School and attended Milliken Dr. JQihn J. Lee, 15143 Greeno: University of Tulsa and earned versity of Colorado. Teaching University in DecatUlr and view, of the Collelge of Educa- E her diegree in music education. experience was gained in the Washington University in St. tion received $3.000 from the While there she was awarded LongmQnt and L a fay e t t e Louis as .well as Eastern Illinois Michigan Society for Crippled D the Mary Clay Williams' Out- schools -there. Daughters Jill. U. A degree' was earned last I s~ding Senior Award and 9, and Cindy, 6, attend Ke'rby sPring at W~e State Univer- Colleges. Summers have found A S serve'd as a counselor fOTfresh~ School. Jan. 3, is at home in sity.While an undergraduate, he'r active as a Waterfront •p men women two years. Other Ridgemont road. she was. elected to Who's Who Director -at various Girl SCout 0 study has been carried on at the Mrs. MarUm R. Ku.ster is in American Universities and UniversitY of Minnesota and, _ . . _ camps in California. Connecti- p N cut and Michigan. As such, she Harvard. _ i L gave instruction in sailing, Kenton Conunty, Kentucky is I canoeing and swimming. The I S the birthpl'ace of Trombly's new ~. family residence is in Alter E 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Elaine road. , , A Bryden. She completed high R RUtil Ann Baker is new to N sOOoolin Covington and attend- the Trombly staff as a third V ed Tl'aru,'j"lvania College. Re- C grade' teacher. Born in Muske- J quirements for a degree and a • gon. she completed high school E C teaching certificate' were com- in Muskegon Heights and en~ pleted at Wayne State Univer~ 'Dress Up' Suils rolled in Muskegon Commu- S E sity a year ago. Two children nity College. Her bacheior of attend Pointe schools; Lynn is science degree was earn.ed at a Brownell 7th grader" and- We'stern MiCihigan University John is in Kerby's 5th grade. for the Bolidays KITCHENS OF CHARM AND CHARACTER last June. The Kalamazoo Pub- Mrs .. Bryden enjoys gardening lic' SClhools provided the oppo:t"- a.~d fishing but likes reading BY tuJnity to accomp-lish the prac- best of all. The family home is Here are two nice dark suit suggestions for' tice teaching required for certi- in Mt. Vernon road. looking your best at parties (and church). fication. This is her first, regu~ CURTIS MO\VER Shirley Corfis is a native Dc- Whaling's careful attention to perfect fit will lar teaching assignment~ She troiter ann a graduate of Den- further ~nhance your wearing ease. makes her home in whittier by High School. Her training road; Detroit. 18538 MACK at TOURAINE to teach was accomplished at Concordia Teachers ColI e g e NAVY BLUE suits in unfinished TU 5.3206 and Wa~m'e State' University. worsted with sma r t bengaline If Yo~,r Kitchen Is Unbecoming To You, Previous experience was gain~ weave. 75.00 You Should Be Coming To l)s. ed at St. Peter's Lutheran School in East Detroit where 'I IMPORTED Sharkskin, world's she taught four years. Active in f.i n est clear finish lightweight church work, she is recordiIlg worsted. Choice of navy or black. secretary for the musician's \ 125.00 guild ann has directed a chil- dren's choir three years. She makes her home in Manning @ avenue, Detroit. • Service as a substitute te'ach- YOUI' PENDLETON headquarters er in several Grosse. Pointe in the Village s c h 0 01 s prec~ded Mrs, Jean Estes' appointment as a kinder- garten teacher at Trombly this fall. A long time' resident of 520 WOODWARD 7 MILE near LIVERNOIS the community, she has been North of City' County Bldq. Open Thursday:, i1nd Friday Eves. active in CihurOOand club work. Open Tonight, She was president of the Grosse AND IN THE FISHER BUILDING Thursday. Pointe Faculty Wives' group Till 9 p.m. ~ one year and has headed

ON lADIES WEAR A at'Grosse Pointe's Favorite Men's Store

:,:liMES-SAGE1 "x' , ,:,1'TO 'THE MAN ry' WHO\ HAS FRI. SAT. NEVER WORN 9:30 - 9 9:30 - 5:45 q)1t~f~rd.~totb.es BLOUSES - Reg. $5.00'- $21.99

These are the finest hand-tailored merr's clothes that ~an be found , NO\~ $2.50 - $11.00 There's such a parade of plaids, patt(;rns" .anywherein the world. We believe that we can fit you SKIRTS _. Reg~ $11.99 - $13.99 , f and plain colors in the new Pendleton jack. admirably-and with a minimum of time and annoyance. ets, you're certain to find the one that suits NOW $6~OO'- $7.00 Oxxford Clothes are blue-chip evid~nce of your good taste -an-d you perfectly. Lightweight yet ams.zingly warm, Pendleton j.lckets are perfect for insist~,nce upon the best .. We'd wekome a ch~nce to SLACKS'- Reg. '$5.99 - $18.99 indoors or out. -Here's rich virgin wool ••• show you wh)~ they're your kind of ,buy. Won't you come NOW $3.00 - $9.50 . " dyed, spun and woven by Pendleton to give In and tryon a suit of Oxxford Clothes? you years of pJ;'oud service. Select your. CO-ORDINATES -, Reg. $15.99 today! S.M-L~XL. $18.95 Accessories to Compliment Oxxford Clothes NOW $8.00 TROY GUILD'SHIRTS KEVIN McANDREW HATS BLAZERS - Just 2 Left! Reg. $25~90.... Remember' "MEN'S NIGHT" Monday NECKWEAR' BY CHARVET, COUNTESS MARA, BRONZINI December 3rd. (Men Only 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.) Christmas FRANK BROS. SHOES , NOW- $12~50' - , Reminder: " "Fine Apparel 2St~ ANNIVERSARY ~ CELEBRATI~N,' JACKET-S - Reg. $14.98 ~~ 6MEN'S WEAR,.INC. Makes l.he Finest of \.::Iii ts" , - NOW $7~50- Over ... .- 16930 Kercheval in Grosse Pointe . ILGOR~onJHURD , ~, TU ,1~9252 Gift Certificates K! Available All SAlES FINAL!' 17012 KERCHEVAL ,1259 WASHINGTON BLVD. 'INTHE,B.O.O,K ,TOW.LR Open Monday Thru Friday Till 9 p.m. From WO 2-519,1 CASH'- ONLY-AI.TERATIONS Plenty of Free Parkin

", ' /

I 1 • _ ...... _ • ..-.. __ a.- __ .. _ : I 1~ ONe (;,R 0 S~' E PO' N T E NEWS. Thursday, November 29, 1962 Thursday, November 29, '196: National defense is not a I come · p · s '. C \..z Ch. T k R d.' C . L S't d' t I his relJdrng speed and compre- passing fancy~the day may or de

rl'.' 1'' •• ;;•• , ••• ". 1"1 ••• 1.1••••• 1.1.1 •••• It ••• I ••••••••••••••••• ,: bids submitted. The highest was to be ~omp1eted December 27, makes a key step forwaid in' ffi=Elmb-+- ....UlJI!!===z:Jm' .....-""""" ...s""1!J1!1 ===al(l:J-'---'I!J' Er-::S::S=S'I!IGI ==:=:J'I:JEr :::::::e3iEJiEll.:-n.....===""""""""""!l'm"""="""""' .....'m' ~ ~ . $2.978. is another improvement made our plans for an expandedmin- ~I!J .~ We Clean Wild Game .~ George Roth of Hubbell, in the pumping station. Recent-. istry by the oathedral. He will I SKI S~ ., ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••• , 1••• 1. II"'" II I" II II , •• ,.,. " . Roth and Clark, city engineers, ly, the Park. completed modern- have the major responsibility , Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.ll I told the council' that the firm ,ization of pump machinery in for increasing the effectiveness I!J • 19271 MACK AVE. I was a reputable one, and reeom- the station, and, ,the enlargin~ _ of our' commtmicatio,ns, not ~'I • Jo/.nny klac!Ps mended the work be given tb ,of a sewer from the Iltation to only between'our associated in- comlng'soQn • the company. All bids submitted '8 Detroit interceptor at Jeffer-,' stitutions - our three schools, • • were below the $3,000 estimated son and Alt~r roa~. .. tw.o colleges and the Oatlledral m '19521 MACK for home delivcrr TU 1.6000 cost of the rewiring job, 'Roth The modernizatton and Im-' Pl'Oper-but also, a full-scale, .~ saId. provements cost the city a total;. carefully - directed (outreach to The revision of, the switch- of $186.000, excluding ''the cost the ,world 'which .we serve; of the rewiring. " Washington, the NaHon and the another /. 'NEW ------The former program was un-/ Churc:h at large. I~'I dertaken when the Park was "In R,dditJI:on,he will join , with all the.reA D"& N~AG ES directed by \ the State 'Hea1th with me and 'Other. staff mem- ~., • .... .1..... Department, the Wayne County bers in our etffOlts to< relate to m \. you'd expect Health Departme~t and the. and oommtmiCBitewith "men a,t ~_ State Waterways Commission in work" in this great city, - the E LEe T R Ie' H EAT Lansing to stop polluting Fox crossroads of the world and the , COJ! Creek;, politioaJ oapibal of 'Our national ~ TANNY to more tban it doC!I vie ell: For years the Park has been life. . " It's the pumping its stonn waters. and "For these responsibilities, I ROOM..BY-ROOM CONTROL sewage into the creek during. J.ohn Ooopin is uniquely quall- to be heavY storms, which raised pro- fled. He co-mes to us after lI!J tests from residents living ad- twelve years as Oomntundca- ~ • jacent to the wat~rway, and wh'a ti~ns Dit:ector of the Diocese of -In Grosse Pointe ~ use the creek far their boats. Michigan. Active in the larger GYM The residents took legal ac- life of the Episcopal Ghureh, he lEI tlon, claiming the pollutlon was l}as served as a parish vestry- ~ h.azardou$"to health a~ reerea- man: a deputy to General Con- ~ Dial the exact warmth you want, in the hon. and after several meet- ventiQn, a member of the Pre. (I block north of cleaR and QUIET room you want. Turn the heat down in ings with state and lotal health siding Blishop's Co:1pJ1n.itteoon lEI AT 20835 MACK AVE. Ver~ier Rd.) 811 eleetrle light offic)als, the Park acceptea fun Laymen's Work, and' a member ~ rooms not in use-lower heating costs, responsibility and agreed' .to of the Bo-ard of Directors of the. I take. steps to eliminate the con. Church Society for College dition, Work. lEI The'. last phase of' the big "Professional:J.y, he j,s a mem~ ~ project, the installation and be'I' of the Public Relations So- " connecting of the enlarged sew- ciety of America, the NatiO'nal er, was completed dudng the Reli~ous Pubidcity Counci1,"the lEI early part of June. Associated Church PreSs and is ~ featuring: 100% ----_ a p'ast officer or the National Youget fuDuse of All floor space. OAR Ch DioceSlal1Press. There's none taken up for fuel EF.FICIENT! apter to Hear "We welcome him with en-lEI • - . the ultimate in gym faeilities WITH ELECTRIC HEAT. ALl. 01" THe thusiasm." ~ HEAT 1& USABI.E-NONK GOB:. Trio Sing Yule Songs with personalized supervision. storage, chimney. UP A FL,UE. A native of Grosse Poin'te, ]'ort Poneh8!t"tradn Chapter Mf.chdg.an, Mr. Chapin gradu- .,I D.A.R. will have their Ohrist- alted/cum 1aude from St. Paul's lD mas ProgrTam Friday, Decem-. Sc:hool, Cohcord, New Hamp- ~ STEAM ROOM ber 14, at the Women's City shire, and with honors from t Oluh. . Yale University. He spent Mrs. Oarl Boyle will be the neaTly £01.11" years in the Marine I!J Quick! ohairman anclalso will be the Corps serving in the Pacific ~ SUN SOLARIUM accompanist fo,r Mrs., M. L. and rising from Private First Turn a dial and the heat's on Krevson, Miss Jean Riohards Olass to CaplJain. and' Mrs. J. K. Rosevear whO' Preceding' his work with the m. Meet Detroit 'tchen and wh.ereyou want it. No waiting j",r heat to build wiU sing as a fll'io. Diocese -of Michigan. he was an ~ MASSAGE PARLOR el'Bn hat! ----- account executive at McManus, NGcold spots Dr drafts, DO blasts of hot aIr: up elsewhere in, your home. SALES PITCH J()hn and Adams, one of De- football 51 - citt~~~a::ft~a:okec:: :::.t's largest advertising agen. ~lEIl' There's little to wear out, of .the n'aTcotic ""!lriety. ----- CHARTER MEMBERSHIPS NOW BEING nothing to rust out, no -""',------Despite m'o d ern scientific " m progress, TB still takes a life ~ burners. ~to replace.. Gross~- somewhere in this country ev- OFFERED PRIOR TO GRAND OPENING! II ery 50 minutes. But more than MILT PLUM nO). nt~ Nt'9ws ninE' million liV'es have been I!J • r' ~ ~ saved from tuberculosis since ~' the first Christmas Seal was is- EASY ON THE BUDGET. Published every Thursday by I Grosse Pointe Village-Me sued: Ohristmas, Setals now fight Your coat of operation can he spread Anteebo Publishers, Inc. for information call Hospitality Center, /6906 I lowest upkeep! over 11 month. with an acljuatment in 99 Kercheval Avenue ~e~d other respiratory dis- fl, the 12th :n'l0nth. Grosse 'Pointe 36, Michigan Monday, December 3, Phone TU 2-6900 Keep y'Our aft e r dinner rn 7 P.M. - fO P.M. A qualified Electric Heating Contractor Three Trunk Lines Y.U 1-6161 How much ask Second Class Postage paid at De- speeches short-the capacity of m will gladly come and estimate the cost troit, Michigan. the mind to' absorb is liIr.ited m Pose for pictures with the~: will it cost to Install and operate electric heat in Subscription. Rates $4.00 Per YeQl' ~o w~atthe seat can endure. I~m_i __ ',\!Ii yOU? home. It may surprise you how DETROlrf'- by Man ($5.00 "u t sid e Wayne Be our coffee guest, along with \ County}. All News and Advfli4JSlng to heat your ..home easily you can enjoy all the comfort Copy Must Be In The News Office and canvenlenl;& of electric heat. by Tuesday Noon to Insure Inser- electrically? EDISON' tion. MICHIGAN CONSOUDATED GAS I: Address aU Mall (Subscriptions. Chantge of Address Forms 3579) to 99 K"e r c h e val Avenue, GrOllse Po1nte 36, :Michigan. .

••••••••••••• a (l ACT TODAY! ••- • I Funds in by December 10th • • "I'M CERTAINLY • GLAD WE JOINED ~ earn from December'lst~ • DETROIT & NORTHERt ~ • ~ • CHRISTMAS ,CLUB. you WILLreceive.o full month's earnings on all funds placed in your account • IT'S NICE TO HAVE ,by Decen,ber 10. Your savings, up to- $10,000 are insured by the Federal' Save • ALL THAT ings" and Loan .Insurance Corporation, an ageney of the u.s. Gov'ernment. Ad • EXTRA MONEY ••• " today! Takit advc:intage of the AMAZING 4% -with safetyl The curren'" per • annum high rate will be added to all accounts on December 31, and quarterly • thereafter .. ~AsJCfor the handy Savings Se:hedulesl . • •• • • ~,AT- PEOPLES SAVINGS ••••••••••••••• 'EVERY DOLLAR IN 4 YOUR ACCOUNT -4 ... cz 4li EARNS THE o 4 MAXIMUM II ItGridley can't seem t? forget his' GRACE LINE CRUISEtt 4Il tII Neither can many other Suburbanites! A Grace Line cruise l4 aboard the magnificent Santa Rosa or Santa Paula is an Ask the Expert •••. II , unforgettable experience. This winter, you can cruise for thirteen your experienced 411 wonderfu1~.sun-fined days in a dream world of Iwrory and 'leisure. local Travel Agent The things you do . • . the places you see . ~. everything will add a.-- up to your most enjoyable vacation ever! Your ship is a . . • .- luxurious resort afloat; the food and service are superb. You'll GRACEUNE •~ visit 'colorful tropic ports: Cura~o and Aruba, Netherlands 141 West Jackson Blvd. .. Detroit & III . West Indies; La Guaira (Caracas), Venezuela; Kingston, Chicago 4, III. .' CURRENT RATE HarrIson. 7-4450 41 Jamaica; Port-au-Prince, Haiti.; and Fort Lauderd81e; Florida. PER ANNUM .. Sailings every Friday from New York. Fares from $495. ' PEOPLES Nnrthern ( 4 I . sA VI,N G S. i FEDERAL \ tfODle omee. Hancock. Mlcb. FOR FULL INF9RMATION .ON GRACE LINE DOWNTOWN OFFICE • • • 1201 Griswold at State ..... WO 1.017a Sc HARPER.OFFICE ••• 14129 Harper at Outer Drive ••• LA 7-7210 Ir CHEY SAMPSON TIA VEL "S,ERVICE 'SAVINGS EASl DETROIT OFFl.CE• ,.,~21650 Gratiot at Toepfer •• PR 2-5500 - ROYAL OAK OFfiCE••• 31Ug N. Woodward at Woodslee .'. U 9.6600 100 Kerche'!Jal, on the Hill ru. ~-7S10

I' J .. '. I'-'~----'#'- - -.',- - ..._ "t .. _ .. • .' Thursday, November 29, '1962 'ovembsr 29, 1962 GROSSE. POINTE N.E.WS I , , Page Five ,ding speed and compre- National defense is not a I come when it win mean me n. Bo~'s and girls are passing fancy-the day may or death. Rotunda Display Substitute Wayne Singers Plan Concert ,0 scan a page faster anet Prescriptions Filled ~t the same time broad- Maud NosIer, soprano, will be Miss NosIer is among the na- their com pre hen sion NOW OPEN! featured at the premier concert tion's most noted oratorio and md learning better study of Poulenc's "Gloria" to be pre- Bach soloists, has sung with the Ray-Ban Sun Glasses [Ueli. sented Monday, December 3, at Boston Symphony. the Chicago 8:30 o'clock at the Community Symphony, the St. Louis Sym- cis W F S k e 1. la boratory ne'w NORM ARCHERS" Arts Auditorium, Wayne State phony and the Kansas City Sym- -. reports that students in University. phony as well as appearing with ION OPTICIANS ~ularly scheduled class Maicolm Johns, organist and the Mormon Choir of Independ- 20 i83 MACK AVENUE" i 0 ubI e d their reading choir master of Grosse Pointe ence. ;ince the beginning of the Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, will conduct Betwecn 7 and 8 Mlle Roads year. this first concert of the New PRIMROSE PATH , University Singers and Choral It's always easier to hear the TUxedo 4:5770 Ili:h-u:m= 'mi ~ Union. The penormat¥:e which faint voice' of temptation than will also feature the Wayne the Shrill voice of conscience. p------:-----:---~~, SKI SHOP State University Symphony Or- J:1 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily chestra will be a memorial to the late Harold Tallman. 19271 MACK AVE. PHONE 884-5660 Oriental Rug Service I ager. The massed choirs and Since 1899 community sing will be led by Raymond C. Kooi, director of the Ford Chorus. I .- .... p~ ••• ': "--. .< More than 200 Boy Scouts <' from the Sauk Trail District, Detroit Area Council, will dis- tribl.J.~esouvenirs to children. ~K. MAGARIANyV) Free parking will be avail- able in lots at the sides and rear of the Ford Central Office Building, at the Dearborn Civic For a most unusual and lasting y Center off Michigan Avenue east of Southfield road, and at- It's the ell. the American road branch of Gift for Christloas Manufacturers National Bank m on Michigan avenue between ••• from Mats to Room Size to be G r e e n fie 1d and Southfield roads, l • The company has arranged We Buy, Sell and Exchange olnte A 75-foot Norway Spruce tree is eased into a 9,000- tne community sing and tree- pound concrete base in front of Ford Motor Company's lighting program in lieu of the Central Office Building in Dearborn. The tree-to be Ford Christmas Fantasy which trimmed with colorful 01'------_ had been held annually at the ORIENTAL BUGS naments and 70,000 minia- Reid, I'ord Motor Company civic Ford. Rotunda since 1953. The k north of Rotunda was destroyed by fire 12876 E. JEFFERSON VAlley 1-9500 ture J.ights-is being read- and governmental affairs man- November 9. lisr Rd.) ied for a Detroit-area com- ~ munity sing to be held Sun- g11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1llIIllIlIllIlIlIllIllIllIllIlIlIllIlIllHlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1I1I1I1I1I1I1II1II1I1I1I1I1l1I1I1I1I1II1I1IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIIIIJlJIIIII~ day, December 2, at 5 p.m. = ' = The area-wide observance '",,;,;~~< r"; \"ill feature a massed choir ~ 1 !.::: of more' than 2,000 school ,\ ~:~~!~: children and the 100-Voice ~1, ~~:( Ford Chorus which will ~ j;eJ.' ~ m i~:~~ present holiday selections and lead visitors in singing ~}~ traditional C h r i s t mas 10." ~ ~i:~?~ carols .. EI ,..t~~ -" J2.~:'" *- * * '-:-';''... An area-wide com m u nit y .>," ,-:~-:. " sing led by a massed choir of I ... ~..._~c MEN more than 2,000 voices will be .~...... ~. _\.~i - held on Ford Motor Compa~1Y's "front lawn" in Dearborn Sun- day

if" ••••••••••••••••••••• ~! ,•.'.f~, • • Y! rry - • • '.~t-'. . ,. 10th • •e r :- ':!;j' : "I'M CERTAINLY .:. t:~,1 • GLAD WE JOINED •• ~) ~r'1st. ~" • • ~~ • DETROIT & NORTHERN'S e ~ re",' : CHRISTMAS. CLUB. : .f:,.~

:~:~' j" your account • IT'S NICE TO HAVE • ~y' 5.'.~' : ALL THAT : he Federal Say. W-i ;overnment. Ad if : EXTRA MONEY ••• " rhe current, per If ., and quarterly •

• , ,j

; _ J~ . ',:~; e lf~\~ I7i-1 -:1 ~... ~ f ••••••••••••••••••• •..' -..• '.• .• • " ••• AND SUCH AN • I ••. EASY WAY TO SAVE! • : JUST $1 A WEEK : • GAVE US $50 • • FOR CHRIST~S. • •••• WE MUSTN'T FORGET : On Christmas Street (Kercheval) in Grosse Pointe Village ••• TO SIGN UP NOW •

..' • FOR NEXT YEAit" • T RATE Detroit&'.,! )i • • JNUM Northern'. • • SA\i'INGS - " .- Co....#! £arly - Stay Late! ..••••••••• 8 ••••••••• 80ml Olflcf. Hancock, ~lcb. Again Grosse. Pointe Village stages a. shopping night exclusively for gentlemen! •• WO 1.017a Savings insured by the Federal Savings and loon • • LA 7.7210 Insurance Corporation, a U.S. Gavernment Agency • Guest stars ••• beautiful fashion nlodels •.• fascinating displays ••• Dixieland band. • • PH 2.5500 your neorest D & N office You''ll find it a delightful experie nce and a real sh,opping pleasure • 'I..U 5.6600 1.9307 Mac:k. North of Moross E HOUI'II Mon. thru Thurs. 9:30 to 4, Friday 9:30 to 8 ! There's No Place Quite Like Grosse Pointe "In the Village" ~f1l11l11l11l11nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlIlIlIIlIIIIUlllllilllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllDlIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIIlIlII1II1111111111111111!II1I1I1II1I1II1II1I1II1II1I1I1II1I1II1I1II1I1II1I1II1I1I1I1I1I1II1I1I1I1II1I1lI1II1I1II1I1II1II1I1I1I1II1I1l1I1II11111111111111IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllUiiillllllUIlIilllllllllllllllJlIIII1I1111111111l11111111111111111111111nlllUIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIII1ll1


....- ",' . -- - - ".. - - - .-- .... -- .~ .... -- -- ~ ...... II .----- ...... ~ .. ~ .. . .. ,.- .;. .. . -. .. .; .,,' :;. :,;. . ' .' ). - ..- ,., ...

Page Six. G R 0 S,S E POI N TEN E W S Thursday, November 29, 1962 _ Thursday, November 29, '19 :llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJlIlIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIIlIlIIlIlIlHlIIIIIllIIIIIllIIlJl1I11l1l111111111111IJIIltllllllllllllllIJIIIIlIIIII received hi~ A.B. degree from Robert; and six grandchildren. Am.ong the survivors are his Tuberculosis - the oldest O'Leary Cadillac knoWJ.l reSPiratory disease_ the University of Michigan in Services wete Wednesday, wife', Hazle; a son, David A.; a ! •• 111 "I....IJ ,. n II~S November 21, at the Verheyden daughter, Mrs. H. Raymond STORE HOURS: 9:30 - 5:30 DAILY gets Its name from the' small •• a ~ HH7, his Ll.B. degree, again from U. of M., in 1924. He was Funeral Home. and, ,int~rment Barr; his mother, Mrs. Emma Scene of rfheft ; :~~ or tubercle, in which I,------_._------_. I an attorney, partner in Long, was in WI:Ute Chapel 'Memorial Benner; a brother, Harold; two OPEN MON. & THURS. UNTIL 9;00 P.M. ine TB y usually encases invad- . g germs. Christmas Seals R. GERVEYS GRYLLS I Berry Kercheval. died Monday, Ryan, Grylls, Franseth and Spi- cemeterY. sisters, Mrs. Florence Baling Over $500 worth or" car ac- R. Gerveys Grylls. member November 26, at 'his home, 271 and Mrs. Miriam Kempf; and fI.ght TB and other respiratory cer, and, during, World War r, * * * cessories were s t ole n from dISeases. of a pioneer Detroit family and Hillcrest. He was 66. served as a 1st lieutenant in the JOSEPHINE WIARD one grandson. O'Leary Cadillac, 17153 East great-grandson of Ben jam in I Born in Detroit, Mr. Gryl1s Flrst Pursuit Squadron, U.S.A.F. Mrs. Wiard, .77, of 2167'Beau- ServIces were at the A. H. 5 fait, died Wednesday, N'ovem- Peters Funeral Home, Mack and 'J efferson, Thanksgiving n1ght, I Mr. Grylls was a membe! of ber 21. in BonSecours Hospifal. == Detroit Rotary, the ,Country Vernier, and Peace Un i t e d November 22. ' FLORIDA Club of Detroit, Sigma Phi So- She is survived by her 'daugh- Church of, Christ on Monday, The theft was reported at ciety. Witenagemote Club, the ter, Mrs; Evelyn Weamer; and November .26. Burial was in 8:15 a.m. the following morn- CITRUS Detroit, Mich., State and Amer- a grandson,' D-avid Weamer. ' Forest Lawn cemetery. ' \ng~ . Concentrating on cars T::'~~:., Services ,7ere Saturday, No~ , *. * '* FOR ,1\ [~ and Windows ican Bar Associations. He had parked in the lot, tM thieves vember 24, at the Verheyden " I anJ .1,. been a Grosse Pointe resident COL. , JOHN. -', ,J; FULME~ff took -three Delco batteries, one I!\, any ,hap, for 34 years, and served several Funeral 'Home, and bUrial was Col,. John :J .. Fulmer, U.S. .from a '58 Cadillac, the others CHRISTMAS D in Forest Lawn cemetery .. Direct. from Our Own groves- OUR 161!1 YEAR ~ ". '" terms as a member of the Farms Army Retired, died suddenly from a '61 and a '59 Cadillac. MaklnJ :;C~:::I:l'-:'; ;;, :;,vK/.\ :;:'SH FOR , ';I~~ra.';' City Council. Monday, November 26, at his the .finest Inidan River fruit * * *' They also stole two 8.20 by o~tatnable .. Order now for I Survivors Include his wife, SARA W. WALSH r~sidence. 1007 Cadieux road. Replacement Hdw. FULL 1" Thick 15 U.S. Royal tires and wheels. fnends, bUSiness associotes or for Ste •• Windows 1Y. He was 84. FENESTRA 0 All Hdwe. Lee Jenks Grylls: two daugh~ A native Detroiter, Sara yourself. Beautifully packaged tel's, Mrs. Donald R. Hoover, of Walker Walsh, 53, of 1832 with white rims, froni the front TYPE WINDOWS TWinbrook 2.1800 'THICl( Included A native _of Reading, Pa., he select ~ronges and seedles~ Wheaton. Ill .. and Mrs. Edwar.d Hampton road, died $aturday, served :in the' Spanish-American end of the '59 Cadillac. grapefrUit of premium quality 640 EAST EXTRA HEAVY DELUXE DOOR S, Reid. nI, of Brooklyn Heights. November 24, at her residence. !Iz bu. $5.95. Full bu $895' dir A I R • TEe War, World War I and World Slashing the top of a '59 Cad- 1 MILE RD. N.Y.: a brother. John R. J. She was the' wife of the late ~ig 90 lb. crate $12. 95. P;ice~ sev War II. illac cpnvert.ible, they entered Include guaranteed delivery - Grylls. of Phoenix, Ariz.: and Thomas W. Walsh. eSI Col. Fulmer is ',Survived by the vehicle and removed four ~ ",~;,:::," anywhere in U.S. five grandchildren. Survivors include a brother. I~:;(' of his wife, Viola Brooks Fulmer. cigarette lighters, a red nylon 95 W. M. Walker, Jr. trEe Services were at. the William Services and interment will SCOTT FRUIT CO. Aluminum Door .. $17 front floor mat, two door knobs ~ ::~:fI':" .:' ter R. Hamilton Co.. 3975 Cass ave- Services were Tuesday, No- be later in the week; at Arling- and a rearview mil:Tor. Lic:ensed & Bonded Growers and 5io I" nue, and Christ Church. Grosse S~,ppers. 6605 S. Federal Hwy Ft THICK ... HARD'WARE INCLUDED vember 27, at the Verheyden ton National cemetery. IJ'..:~'~' P,~rce FI~. "Our 35th Year S~tis~ lea Pointe, today. Thursday, No- Funeral Home and St. Joan of Total value of' the damage = ", fy,ng Frclt Connoisseurs." ba! and missing goods is $581.76. vember 29. Burial will be in Arc Church. Burial was in Mt. * * * ~~,.,. bel Combination Storms and Screens ESTHER S. OLSON Wo:"dmere cemetery. ' Olivet oemetery. ~ :,' ',' I. Esther Sofia Olson, for many City police have the matter The family has requested that under investig.ation. * * * years a leader in Detroit's , VELVETEEN in memorial tributes be sent to the WILLIAM G. KRUMPEL Swedish colony, died Tu~sday, BUl PORCH ~/ American Heart Fund. ENCLOSURES SOSh Servic-es for Mr. Krumpel, 55, November 20, in her home at vember 16, in Deaconess Hos- JUMPER DRESS SCOTTSDALE * * '" of 849 Grosse Pointe court, 806 Westchester road. She was pital. ' ~Phoenix, Arizona) Gr( • Awnil\g Windows S &- -ROSS B. THOMA were Monday, November 26; at 75. ' Born in Chatham, Ont., she for your Christmas girl. it's • Jalousies Il el'ee" Rl>SS B. Th(\ma, who retired the Verheyden Funeral Home . Born in Sweden, she came to lived most of her life ill De- At I six years ago as president of the Iuterment was in FOTest Lawn Storms for Steel Windows~Oil'$ the United States in 1904, Designed with deep JOKAKE INN ed G ,Highland Merchandising Co., cemetery. settled in Detroit in 1911. She troit. She was the wife of the Kerch Free Quotations ______,died Monday, November 19, in Mr. Krumpel, a native of Ger- was among the founders of the late Earl Dunlop. loose pleating. PARADISE INN Satun I Bon Secours Hospital. He was many, died Saturday, November Jenny Lind Club and the Survivers in c 1u d e three got a\ SCREEN and 72 nnd lived at 824 Park lane. 24, at St. Anne's Convales Friday, Novem- He is survive"d by his wife, den Funeral Home and Imman- __ the ca: WOODWARD 1~9704 bel' 23, at the Verheyden Funer- Hilda Martin ,Luke; a son, uel Lutheran Church on Friday, registf al Home. Interment was in Lawrence; a daughter. Linda; November 23, and burial was in Dolls man's I Woodlawn cemetery. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodlawn cemetery. ets. al * * * Clarence Luke; and a sister, Real Volues teries. * * * DON rd. eRA WFORD Mrs. Charles King. LORNA WILSON Santa's Mail Box lights, Services were at the Verhey- . tern-t) Don M. Crawford, 76, former- den Funeral Home' and Grosse Services for Miss Wilson, 76, Last! ! . An i ly of 411 Notre Dame, died Fri- Pointe Methodist. Church, 211 of 161 Lakeview, were Monday, = mg. da~. November 16, in Phoenix, Moross road, on Tuesday, No- November 19, at the Verheyden $3.49 , WALK Ariz. , vember 27, and burial was in Funeral Home and St. Paul is at Jacobson's $4..49 Born in South Bend, Ind .• he F.airview cemetery, Brighton. Churcn. Interment was in Our and served as assistant freight traf- The family has requested Lady of Mercy cemetery, Sarnia, _ Mote RIGHT fie manager of Grand Trunk in that memorial contributions be Ont. $5.49 I she's f Detroit, and was a life member sent to the Grosse Pointe' Miss Wilson died Friday, No- and W' of the Michigan Traffic Golf Methodist Church. vember 16, at Harper Hospital. Values up to $11.97 IN to your nearest Auto Club office and Association and the Detroit * * * Born in London, Ont., she is sur- acquaint yourself with all of the fiue services Traffic Club. CALVIN E. BENNER vived by two brothers, Douglas. - The He is survived by his wife, Mr. Benner, business admin- of Wilmette, IlL, and Nonnan °M~:~Lhas tra that are available to you as a Michigan REPAIRS CorpSI. .motorist with Auto Club membership. Mary L. Crawford; two sons. istrator for the Peace United Wilson. Dells for repair should be Robert L. and Don M. Craw- Church of Christ, died Friday, * * * ford, Jr.; a daughter, Mrs. November 23, in Bon Secours EVELYN M. DUNLOP brought now if wanted in !lIIil1l1l1l1i. Ask as many questions as you want con~ oCettepj -AJJrejjeJ to good time for Christmas. ,cerning the services offered by the Club. Robert Miller; a sister, Corinne; Hospital. He was 55. and lived Mrs, Dunlap, 67, of 745 Uni- two b I' a the r s, Kenneth and at 21610 Van K drive. versity place, died Friday, No- Maybe you want to know about AAA - CHAIR. RECANING Travel Planning and guaranteed accommo- ~III1I1I11I1I11HilllflllllfllliIJlllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJlIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIlIlIIlIl!!l1IlflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIl1lfllllflllllllll~ Santa Cfauj Wtt Be dation rates; or maybe you would like more KAMMERER II 'information on AAA 24-hour Emergency i LEARNING IS FUN ~ Road Service and personal accident ;])elivereJ to tke north DOLL REPAIR insurance. Auto Club membership repre- II WITH EDUCATIONAL TOYS I sentatives at all 56 conveniently located SHOP == offices throughout the state will welcome 8705 Gratiot FIS~~ER ! g BUSY BOX: Long-lived fascina- pole - and An6wereJ EST. 1895 WA 1-2710 any and all questions you may have. Talk it over ... think it over .•• then join iI tion. 10 absorbing activities. the more than 600.000 Michigan motorists by Santa! who enjoy motoring distinction. recognition I,~====_~====-=====_- dialsKnobstotospin.turn,Attachesdoors toto open,crib •. and aid wherever they traveL Stop by or I \Call today! 16" wide. 9 mos. to 4 yrs. Do you want Santa to know exactly what you want fer Christmas? Write your letter to him and put it in The Santa Claus Mail Box Detroit AutomohlJe 3.80 on Jacobson's second floor~ A Northwest Orient Airliner will de- Inter-Insurance Exchange liver your leHer right to Santa, himself, at his Arctic workshop. at Automobile £:Iub of Michigan and then bring his reply back to you. GROSSE POINTE DIVISION Be sure Mom or Dad writes your exact name and address on the NOAH'S ARK: Mr. & Mrs. Noah Jewel 15415 E. Jefferson back of your letter, so your answer from Santa comes directly and 12 animals board by gang FRANCONIA PHONE: 821 ..8000 to you. CHINA plank, 01" roof lifts off for easier George Measel, Manager "One of Europ~r Finest' access. Ark can be pulled on its 5 pc:. PLACE SETTING rollers over carpets. 10%" long ;{ This'*Is Santa's* Mail* Plane with 10%" dinner plate: ---~~~------00 6" high X 41/2" wide. 3-8 yrs. $16 CARL JOYNER'S Also a Selection of 5.00 ~i;s~~Ti;_~;~:¥t~f~. " '/ ~.. ' MATCHING STEMWARE STUDIO CAMERA SHOP >:g:: .~~~.\:;'r$;::,:bni~\,~:f;;~'$~ 20229 MACK AVE. TUxedo 1-6200 i OPAL 17142 Kerc:heval Ave. CARPENTER BENCH: 5 Tools Bet. Neff & St. Clair TU 2-8884 for the 'AMATEUR' like dad's wit h accompanying bolts, nails and screws that are 'PHOTO' locked in place so they won't get LAMP lost. II" long x 5" wide x \6%" TROUBLE -GIFTS high. Ages 3-6 yrs. Bring it to us! for the 'PROFESSIONAL' I~i 3,,00 .This is the giant Northwest Orient airliner that i~ii Take Advantage of our "Professional Know How" carries your~ leHer from Jacobson's mail box to WE CAN PARTS Sa~ta's'North Pole workshop ••• and then returns e REPLACE • Cameros • REWIRE • COMPARE THESE EXCITING TOY VALUES Santa~s, letter direct to you. layaway WE • Projectors i / Raise or lower the base. now for RENT • St;reens KING-ZOR The Dinosaur .• 9.00 HAUNTED HOUSE Game. 8.00 Christmas • Darkroom TINY THUMBELINA " '. 6.90 KISSY DOLL 9.90 IF IT'S A SLIDE Supplies GAYLORD THE DOG 10.20 ETCH-A-SKETCH 1.99 • Film LA.MP WE • and / ALL THE • Flash Guns Can Fix It MOVIE • Gadget Bags. ( . LATEST . ,,' "")) Equipment • Polaroid MODELS OF Cameras Ollig For Your QUALITY • 'Viewers Jacoh~(Jns) ~oliday Partie! Electric Shop MERCHANDISE etc., etc.; etc Youth Center Second Floor. 17222 E. WARREN ,AVE. Toyll!nd-Second Floor I Open Every Evening Until 9 Till Christmas Opp. 1:. Warren Bowling Alleys TU 1-1977 TWO HOURS FREEPARKING-Ticket Validated When You Make a Purchse ;;j

~' I' <.' I ',' I i ( J

• rrltrc1 Ed'" d ....__ _....__ .- __ ...-...... Ed..... _ rd ...... ad.- ad cd .... PC _ d rt rt cd .... _-- ...... _ ...... _-- .-_ ...... , '...... """ '.


Thursday, November 29 'J 962 .-. .~_._- .vember 29, 1962 - , 'GROSSE POINT~ NEWS Tuberculosis - the oldest 1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1l1111111111l1l1l1ll1ll1111111111 known respiratory diseal;e_ gets its name from th~ small Timely' Tips F~r Holiday Table 'Settings Drop,S Cigaret, ~o- 5:30 DAilY capsule, or tubercle, in which the body usually encases lnvad. -~-'>T g~. 0& • I ....,..: Runs into Pole !!!IlIIlJIlilIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIlIIlIlIlIIlIlIlIIlIIlJIlflll'lflfllllllllJllllllflllllllllflflllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllfIIlfllllHllllllllllliillllllllllllflllflllllllHlU ). UNTil 9:00 P.M. lng TB germs. Christmas Seals fi~ht TB and other respiratory Raymond p, Duffy, 21, of 78 dlsea~s. Handy place, took his eyes off the road for a few seconds while groping f-vr a dropped lighted cigaret in the car he was FLORIDA driving, and smashed into a Detroit Edison. poole. The acci- CITRUS dent took place on Monday; FOR Nov.ember 26. The youth told police that he CHRISTMAS was driving north on Edgemere Direct. from Our Own groves- and was making a right hand the finest Inidan River fruit turn onto Grosse Pointe boule- o~toinable, Order now for , Superb's vard, when he dropped the cig- frtends, business associates or aret. yourself, Beautifully packaged, Smooth on select oranges and seedless 1:,4):,,,,,4*E',"4<'"Fholo court .... Of Melamin. Council. He said he took his eyes off = grapefruit of premium quality the road and continued turn- ~2 bu. $5.95. Full bu, $'8.95: DECORATIONS for holiday SET TIN G THE TABLE B,g 90 lb. crate $12.95. Prices dinner parties can be made should be done with care. This irk The vehicle jumped the ItSecond-Skin" ' include guaranteed delivery several days in adv~nce - hostess has chosen green and, curb and hit the p'()le. He was anywhere in U.S. especially if a large number red velveteen mats shaped like able- to drive the car to the of guests is expected. A holly holly leaves to blend with the. THE CO~PLETED SETTING reflects the imagination of front of his house where' he _ SCOTT FRUIT CO. tree has been chosen as a cen- centerpiece. These wasbable the hostess. Silver rimmed goblets, on the red "berry" place parked it. -' Luxurious Li~on~ed & Bondod Growors and terpiece for this joyouS occa. mats' can be- used 'on top of ~ats, enhance the patina of fine silver flatware, low cayndle- ShiPPors. 6605 S. Fedorol Hwy Ft sion. On its rattan form, a plain white cloth. The ele. sticks and melamine dinnerWare. For each guest, a'remembrance The car is' owned by George P;!,rco FIC!. "Our 35th Yoor S~tis; Washabla fYlng F,u,t Connoisseurs." leaves of holly. Christmas g ant 1y patterned melamine has been placed on white linen' napkins' also bordered with silver M. Black, Jr., of 286 Touraine. , baIts, miniature pine cc;,.es and dinnerware is appropriate for thread. Just before receiving the guests, the hostesl; has lit the Police estimated damage to the belIs are wired onto the base. this formal settl'ng. " . dl d h d'" d 1 I ~ . c_~_n_e_s_,_re_m_---'ov_e__ e_r_a_p_r_o_n_,_a_n_._c_a_rrI_es_ln_aco_v_e_rc__ ca_s_s_er_o_e.__ front end of the automobile at lanolin-treated $300. There was no damage to In the pole. Duffy was n()t in- lEATHER GLOVES VELVETEEN Burglar Robs Visitor Rohhed Watel. Pl.oblem Parley Called jured. SCOTTSDALE Duffy ~as not given a viola- in,fength to JUMPER DRESS ~Phoenix,Ariz;ona) I Gray's Sports III G. P. Woods '1Miohigancan .claim title to-e-v-er-t-o-b-e held in the state. tion ticket. it's the largest fresh "water supply CO-SlPODlSo~of the conferi fit every costume ••• ,ur Christmas girl. A burglar' or burglars invad- Einno Heikkinen, 52, former- in the world," said' Ha.rry R. ence, set for Tuesd'ay, Decem- JOKAKE INN ed Gray's SPorts Shop, 106 ly of Marquette, Mich., lost his Han. executive vice .president be.r 4, are the Mic:hdgan' Farm Rotary Hears I esigned with deep Kercheval, during the hours of suitcase and overnight bag s ()f the Michigan State Oham- BU'1'eau, Michigan United Coo- winter thro'ugh spring PARADISE INN saturday, November 24, and filled ';'ith clothing and other ber of Commerce, "and Still servatti.on OlubG and the Mich- Lee 'Smits loose pleating, g()t away with a total of $412 item~, to a thief who broke into t~e ax-cheol'OgiSitsof the' future igan Municipal League, all of Stunning to wear. ROYAL PALMS INN in cash anu goods. his Rutomobile that was parked will dig up what remains of our wh()m are vitally concerned Grosse Pointe Rotary mem- Each distinctive inn nestled again~t , . fat and wasteful society and with waote!!"l,L<;esand abuses. Perfect to give. pearl hearts and Roland Gray. OWner O'f the on Mornlngside, near Pea C h fhid amnIe evidence to con- \ bers heard LeE; Smits, former beautiful Camelback Mountain. shop, told Fanns p()1ice that Tree lane, on Saturday. Novem-'" The aJI day sessiollJS will start Swim, ride, play tennis, dance, golf newspaper 'reporter and radio he opened' his place at about bel' 24, elude thart; we were a poorly at 9:30 in the morning and will Whitel blaCK, shades tton lace-trimmed on 18 hole private course, or h)st civilize:d rece or--paglanistic de- commentator, last Monday at ~ relax at pool$ide in warm Arizona 7:45 a.m. Saturday,' and dis- Heikkenin, who moved from structiOndsts with little, if any, continue most of the day in the the week~y meeting at the War I~ ~unshine. Outstanding food. Mtlals covered that the glass had been 711 Front street in Marquette; real appl"eclillltiO'11of.. our mag. Lansing Civi~ Center, with top- Memorial:"~. ~ of brown. 6-7'12 sizes. )USe,by Goodikin. Interchangeable between inns. broken out of the renr door .to find another home in the nilicent natm-al heri.tage," notch speakers and panelists and the shop ransacked., 'H~ Woods, was stayfug with rela- on the progrnm. In llddition tot Mr. ~mits,'~ guest speakers. were' ,Ed.',Katz ~ ~merald and black. call or write MiSSRYAN closed at 7 p.m. the previous tives at 611 Peach Tree lane. Hall's sta..'1;l.ingstaJtement~was Ra1'1 is urgJi.ng that eve r Y 9 East Huron, Chicago 11, III. and Dick Schmitt, St. Paul ~igh" ~ evening, Gray said. . DUiLng the night a thief en. made just recently in an article bWiinessman consider the con- School students, who have'.bt!en ~ I, 7.10 sizes, 12.98 Area (ode 312-787-3933 Det. Sgts. Jack Paisley and tered his CRt:", which contained in the"November issu~ of "C.~. fcrence as an import.ant "first Rotary;s guests for the p'ast ~ George Van Tiem said the' his belongings, by forcing open lenge, ,the chamber s offlClal step" in meeting the situation. month at the weekly meetings. ;: thief, or thiev~s knocked away the left front vent window an1 .publicatioon. "Everyone is involved, either Over' the past few years' 'it the steel mesh grating and unlockibg the car' door. "Michigan's lLIlIPaTall-edwater directJ1y or indiTeetly about a has been Rotary"s custom to in- = climbed in through the rear Taken from the car, Heik- resources serve 'as an~xample sound, s,ensible. and workable vite students. to attend the meet'::" ~ SALE OF door opening. kenin told - Woods police, were of thoughtless waste" Hall con~ solution," he said. ' in~s to gain' an! insight into the ~ Gray told the detectives that a suitcase, two overnight bags, tinued. ,"While it i~ true that p'urpose and work of Rotary. . ~ Accessory-;Sar GIRLS the cash was taken from a cash two garment bags and a shoe Michigari-' can rightfully be In October, the.group's guest~ ,~,. First Floor register. Also taken were a box with shoes. Also missing caned 'The Water Wonderland,' , Always watch your step, and were Charley Toepel and Paul = Dolls I man's and woman's parka jack. was a chrome c.offee maker and this does not rUle out the fact you'll have a better cha,nce of Remtenbach, of the Grosse ets. a number of flashlight bat- a flash camera. that we have W>aJterpr()bleInS. staying on your feet. Pointe High Sc~ool. _ Real Values teries, two three-cell flash- ' The total loss, according to We do have p.rob1ems, but they While They lights, and three six-volt lan- Heikkenin, is est i mat e d at have not yet reached the Crlti- 1'lJImlnnlllllJlllllIIIJlIIIIIJlIJlIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIJIIJIIIIJIIIIIIIUIJIIJIUIIIIIJlIIIJlIlIlJUlIlIlJIumllD1nUlillmllmIJlIIUIiIiJUDlllllllllnlllJllllnlllllllllllll~ last!! "'" - tern.type lights. $1,000. ' cal stage, Certatin p01"teThtious OX An investigation i!: still pend- The case is being investigated trends need to be recognized I $3.49 ing. by D~t Sgt Walter O'Dell and now to meet future needs of Det. Leroy Tobian. indusotry, recreation, agricul- $~49 ture, and rapid:Iy expanding 1 5 DOUBLE-TAKE and municipalities," . Mother has a difficult role- THE JONESES $5.49 she's expected. to be lID angel, A universal problem is keep- The S1Ja.teChamber of Com- and work like the devil all cay. ing up with the neighbors while merce, x'eali?ing this tremen- There/s Everything at Jacobson/s Values up +0 $Jl.97 keeping up with expenses. dous importance of water. as a ~ basic resource to every person The Unliversirty of Michigan' Analysis of tolerance snows and every bus.iness in MiClhigan, REPAIRS ~A:E;L has traineci two groups of Peace that' it is (:omposed of half ig- is comi>l~ng plans for the first _ Corpsmen for duty in Thailand. n'Orance and half self-conceit, Dolls for repair should be Water Resources Conference to make brought now if wanted in grJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/:lIIl1lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllflllllllllflfllllllllllllflllfllllllf1II111f1l1l1l1ll1ll!!!III1I1I11I1111lflflllllllllllllllflllllllfllllIfIllIllIll1l1f1l1ll1f1ll1ll1l1ll1l1ll1l1l'1I1111111111II1111111111111ll1l1l1!;1II11111l1ll~ MEN'S NIGHT good time for Christmas. CHAIR RECANING "} MONDA Y, DEC. 3rd .' 7:00 to 10:00 P.M• e • KAMMERER • A Brilliant Gift • • .':'*.~.'~.. ••• an enjoyable ,shopping exp.erienee! DOLL REPAIR ..- .. . • PIN NOEL SHOP • • • , 8705 Gratiot FIS~~ER e •• =. EST. 1895 WA 1-2110 .. •• A repIic'a of your • • Christmas Tree Candle, decorations Meet Bruce Maher and Pat Studstill FOOTBALL GREATS ... Detroit Lions football stars, here t for Christmas? and tree in sparkling on Men's Night to talk spo.rts and provide autographs. I Claus Mail Box SHOE SALON ~ FIRST FLOOR Airliner will de- gay holiday-colored ~rctic workshop, stones. Jewel ~ address on the '5.00 plu.s tax. I comes directly .= FRANCONIA , FAST GUN EXPERTS.•• BillSchaeffer ,and Sam CHINA Accessory Bar Ellis, of the. Grosse Pointe Fast Gun Club, will "One of Europe'r FinesI' First Floor demonstrate with a fast. gun display that will 5 pc. PLACE SErTING amaze you. l with 10%" dinner plate: YOU'TH CENTER.- SECOND FLOOR one $1600

~~~1...... ~...."..--'-~'l Also a Selection of

, .;...:. . ")""1 MATCHING STEMWARE OPAL Vie Stasiuk and Alex Delvechio 17142 Kercheval Ave. OUR OWN RED WINGS •.• will be at Jllcobson's to sign Bet. Neff & St. Clair TU 2-8884 autograph's and discuss the coming Red Wing hockey •";.",', ,:..., ~J'! sc~edule. .. '~j HOME DECORATIVE SHOP :; ..:~ LAMP ~~~':;;;:":;v ",'" . j' .. .. ''- , :: ~ TROUBLE GENTLEMEN, here is your opportunity to shop in , .~ . "peace" unhampered by aQyof the fairer sex! Only our

.~:•... :.. ',.".~.... 'r . J Bring it to us! i own helpful salespeople, ready to assist you in every way ~i1:~':'~\~>..'....'~ T&'~" ;.~':m'i:it .-with suggestions, modeling, and gift~wrapping on the spot ... In fact,. ~ver-ythin9 but, .placing. the gift under' ler that WE CAN "her" tree on Christm'as mornin'g~ Bring your list to PARTS box to • REPLACE Jacobson's Monday night and solve those "what-ta. • REWIRE give-her" problems af t~e' store famous for pleasing the I returns Raise OJ' lower 'most ~iscriminating feminine' taste! the base. IF IT'S A LA.MP WE .. .'- ; , . • GUE RLAIN,. i.~ Can Fix It ~ . J(I('f)bS()f.~- Shalimar Perfume t ~ ~ Ollig Alluring, sophisticated', completely captivating. ~ Electric Shop Accessory Btsr i First Floor 6.00" 10.00, 13.50 plus tGlt I 17222 E. WARREN AVE. i opp. E. Warren Bowling Alleys , I TU 1-1977 I Kercheval at St. C1ak , I I .J I \ ., " .. i •' I ldl . I I ----- ..... ~--......

Page Eight GROSS"E POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 29, 1962 Thursd~y, November 29 f'}~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'i~' ._----- WALLE1' VAN.ISHES ,. dentists, and others with a free 1 .. ------,: I promotion.sitiou' hc hcld until. his recent IWednesday, wh,o are interested B. I Headlines I Christmas Cards ~ Mrs. W. E. Wlllard, 1015 J Ne.lghborhood .CI~bNe'w's may call the Club. TU 5~4600 USI ness A native of Chicago, Dr. Con. ~ for that special, friend and relative. A ~ Bishop, reported the loss of her I or stop by any Wednesday. ,troulis holds a Master of Arts

I ' British and American missions pt:.I!!I~.'*'-~~I!!f beautiful. Come in-look over our large I 9:00 A.M.- 2:3~ P.M.-Girl Sc~ut Training Course. \ I VISIT ':, ''- : ..~ . ..~ 9.30 A.M.- 3.30 P.M.-BadmInton. ~ in New Delhi have been advised I J selection of every kind of drapery fabric. to make this "carte .blanche" as- ,':.;~~}~rF:{:;;:'.: . 12:30- 3:00 P.M.-Enameling on Copper - Sr. Members. I ~ 1 .:.~t~r:!,'h:t;:::::;:r .1a-c~bsors; sistance offer clear to Prime I 3:30- 5:30 P.M.-Games Room Activities. .~ Minister Nehru. at the' same ): .' '., . >.' :1.~:'.jJ.jColoramic Paints to match your background in Latex-FLAT -SEMI-GLOSS 3:30- 5:30 P.M.-Billiard Room - Boys Ages 13 & 0'i . '~ er ...... ' > time assessing India's needs 4:00- 5:00 P.M.-Tap Dancing Class - Ages 7-1.2. ~ speedily and competently. from QUALITY • SERVIC~ ~.,(~~:'. ..,i;?!:~~::~I'~/l~~l."'~"'. ., .' 4:00- 5:00 P.M.-Dramatics Class - Ages 8-12. ~ on-the-spot observation. , t '.. ilAIFUUSJI.. .: "Your Home Decorating 6:30- 9:30 P.M.-Billiard Room "'I Boys Ages 13 & over. ~ Western aid, according to the; Headquarters" 6:30- 9:00 P.M.-Billiard. Room ~ Boys Ages .13 & over",i ~ Epicure Shop London sources. would include i transport planes, perhaps even j 6.30- 9..00 P.M.;-Enamehng on Copper - Sr. Members., ~ fighters, bombers and artillery, I 7:30 P.M.-Sr. Badminton Group. i ~ 1 (Continued on Page 10) I: -- • . 1= .1 Paint - Wallpaper & Boys Gym Class meets from 3:30-4:30, and the. ~ Trying to find a gift for that "hard to please" name on your , . There are now a few openings Friday Giant (Ages 10-12) which ' ~ list? Ther. here is the place for you - a shop within our store :1 Decoratinq Studio in the Neighborhood Club's meets from 4:30-5:30. Enroll- I~ COLOR TV :1 15701 E. WARREN at 'BALFOUR that features a bountiful selection of gourmet treats beautifully Boys Gym Classes for the fol- ment will be first come: first ~~ • LOWEST PRICES • lowing groups: Tuesday and Fri- served and a Club membership I ~ packaged in those fascinating Gift~Pacs. Each is an unasual and day Midget (ages 7-3) which is required. Bays Gym fe3tures Ii ~ welcome gift for any occasion. Many are packed with distinc- Good Housekeeping Shop ------~------a physical fitness program along ~ tive and useful decorative items to be enjoyed long after the 14321 Harper near Chalmers VE 9-2400 food has become a fond memory. - ~======-~===. Badminton is now available at ~ Quiek. Dependable .1 the N e i g h b 0 rho 0 d Club on ~ Wednesday yom 9.:30 a.m. till ~ For ~ shopping adventure in delectable food - for gift-giving TV. RADIO I. A PARADE OF lASTI NG GOOD TASTE = 3:30 p.m. as well as t.he regular ~ or' for yourself ~ visit the EpJcure Shop. where you will find a ~ .Wednesday night group. Busi- ~ SERVICE' i; selection of delicacies to delight. the most discerning connois- I ~ ness and professional men are ~ seur's heart. L. L. DACKEN i: ~ especially invited to join during ~ see our collection of Tea Services 20431 Mack TU 1.2791 1 ; ~ this new time period. Dodors, ~ - • ~ I - ~ i; 1< ~lIl1nllnlllllllnnlllllllnlllnnlllllllnnllln"n~IIlJ"nnlJnllelln""n"""I~ ~--~~~~~~-~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~_~~ __ ~_~ r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,-;;,-;;,-;;,-::.-::.-::.-;,.-;.,-;,.-_-_-_-;! . - in Sterling Silver and Silver Plate~ APTITUDE TESTS :i - I Enable you to leaI'D the kind ot i: work ir. which you can best suc- I'.: HOSTESS SERVICE ACCESSORIES FOR ceed, the stucaes best fOr you. - You will kn'ow that impressive entertaining and memorable gift-giving go For men, women, boys and gUls. I: VocatiOnal Institute ,. == hand in hand when you see this exquisite collection .of resplendent i'ea HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING DANIEL L. BECK. DIRECTOR t: 722 Fox Theatre I!ldg. I : sel~vices and thei~ matched silver waiters. So elegant for your table, buffet In the Modern Simplicity and Beauty of Stainless Steel. Phone 961-4355 I ' 17 Years Serving Detroi~ 'I :.... or sideboard ••• a pride of possession for now, and generations to come. (Formerly in Maccabees Bldg.) - '. - Entertaining is a p;easure with easy care Plated tep services from 59.50; Sterling Tea Services, $345. Visit Jaco,b- . . .' . ,. buffetware of gleaming stair:less steel en-: ~SA-N-TA-C-LA-U-S'Ii son's tomorrow and enjoy seeing this creative work of the s~iIIed craftsman. = riched with warm-tone walnut .handles.) MECHANICAL Designed by Ernest Sohn. I~ Six Feet TaU i' A. FQndue forks, sef' of four, 4.95 I: .... --FOR RENT - I; B. 3~quart covered chafing dish, 9V2( By Day or Week ,i ~ round by 10" high. W.armer and stand~ ~ Christmas Parties I = ~ Children's Parties I = 16.00 ", Stare' Display I i, C."'24,c;Jp samovar. 8" high by 7*7 Phone 568.1440 i : I Stellman Con;r.lltants, Inc. I : round. Warmer and stend. 30.00 ~------.p . D. 14" circular fray. 5.00 . --;efore You- Close -On I~ A. I: E. 2.quart covered casserole, 8" round i by 10" high. Warmer and stand. '8.00 FO!DS ii "f(.' Dick Warner i ~ • "Top Hatter" I ~ ! Simms-Dawson Ford, Inc • 15401 Ea~t Jefferson , Gro~se Pointe - VA 1..1000 Res. TU 1.5251

, ' I i \~. :'. ~I IN JACOBSON'S HOME DECORATIVE SHOP. - 17141 KerchevaJ fOnou ••• YOUR FAMIlT ... YOUR GUESTS Villag~Food Markel _ I - TWO HOURS FREE PARKING-Tic~~ts VaJid~ed When You Make 'a Purchase 18330 Maek Avenue GrOsse Pointe Farms

I' r .. I • \ / .... '-, • " -j. , ., _. -, ,". -

, -'.". ~ ' , . ,

Thursday, November 29, 1962 -~_.- "-_.~----~------Thursday, November 29, '1962 G R 0 SSE ,p 0.1 N T E,. N~E.W S sition he held until his recent Page Nine promotion. Headlines ~SS A native of Chicago, Dr. Con. Meet Teachers,' Parents Advised' tmulis holds a Master of Arts (Continued from Page 1) Face to face in conference-;;:-- Co.,mera Club Meets Dec. 4 d('grec from the University of ;-';cwark, N. J., to Washington with the teacher, parents can . "In any, case, to walk into a The Grosse Pointe Camera month a different topic dfs- S Cincinnati. and a Ph. D. degree is ~ational Airport, crashed mys- learn best just, how their' child conference cold,' without any Chili will meet Tuesday, De- .cussed. This is a good medium from the University of Michi. teriollsly on a fal'm near Elli- stands, say!; William H. Mills, preparation on' either \side, cember 4, at 8 p. m. at the gan. to improve picture taking, and ('ott City, Md. The plane had University of Michigan assistant could b~ a disappointment. Neighborhood Club, 17145 it has been demonstrated that is has bc('n He servc ..1 with the army dur. already been cleared for filial pro;essor of education. Waterloo. many of the pictures takeI1 by h S dd r of ParK£'. ' ing World War II, and is a tlletn. approac. U en Iy. It. dropped Mills says he feels a parent- "At the beginning of a COn- the group who attend the work- ir d In addidon to the mona. market rc-' her of the American Chemical from the a port ra arscope, and, teacher conference should be a ference it is well for the teach- chrome. and color slide com- shop have been accepted as d I t let to present a paper and pencil )ment dc- Society. and Sigma Xi. sccon s a er, P ummetcd to shared discussion, sUpplement- , petition, there will be a short honors in club competition. earth in a heavily wooded area ing the report card pare.n.te: re- to each parent, or even an out- in~ to ~r. Dr, Controulis resides at 284 program; '''Wire for Sound'" All regular meetings of the •Ir.. \'1('(' :\loran road. immodiately north of Washing- ceive from the sehool at- the line. Growth data should be D C This will portray beautiful in- camera club are open to the )r of com- ton. .. It exp I0ded upon hit. e~d of each mar.king period, and prepared in advance," Mills says . dustrial pattern shots set to public. Guests and new .mem. tlllg'tl 10 groun d. shOuld be conducted in a free "After the conference' the music. BOY HURT IN FALL bers are cordially invited. oined the Ten Civil Aeronautics. Board period when neither the- parent teacher should keep a written' investigators were dispatt:hed to nor the teacher is hurried to record"':"'what we talked about, Members of the club have utical firm .been attending a monthly class ..Tames Bery, eight, of 2021 t :h ('hcmi~t he scene, but so far no one has end the interView because some- what commitments were made- UNREST Kenmore, tripped and fell over ;Isccrtained the actual cause of, one else is waiting. to continue the line of com- conducted by Mildred Briggs. \'cd m the At the last session of that a ehair in his home, striking the Ihc disaster. The British-made "It should be informative munication 'for further talks, as This old world of ours may th£' patent group, reflection pictures were top of his head against a wall prop-jet apparently came down objective, positive in tone and needed, by parent or teacher. not be flat," but nowadays it 'shown and discussed. Each co:-ner, He was taken to Cottag~ almost vertically, falling like an take into account the attitude "The value to the child is the certainly is on edge. )01nt cd ;l.~- Hospital by Woods pollce fo1" (lul.of-control elev~tor, as its of the student," Mills says. important thing," says Mills. "It rOGuct (ic- i",nnm"lnm,m'IUDI'UU'"'IU"'llllUnUUIDl."m,m""I'n1"""H1'UnDl,"mnl",'UUII'UUllnJlllJUHlmmUDIIJnJIII tr£'atmcnt of a two and a half wrcckage was all In one heap The T.T.M educator suggests helps the teacher Understand 59 became jnch gash in his scalp. The acci- \\ith no path of destruction C\\t- that both the teacher and the the child better." It helps the I\.eting 0 to 40 feet in the air above t he trees." A Baltimore -resi- dent, W, S. Herb, also described the noise made by the Viscount's engines immediately before the ('I'ash as "funny." Herb, who l'~limated the lj'lane's altitude at I about 1.500 feet when it went into a nose dive, said it hit the ground "like 20 sticks of dyna- DRAMATIC mite going off." These preliminary accounts The exciting new French inspired sel'm to indicate that the Vis- W~.1t, its Rolls-Royce engines "coiffures are carefully calculated to captivate ra ;f.d most reliable in aviation b~~lhe Federal Aviaiion Agency's •.• a smashing success with fashion's o\'J; statistics. must have suf- - fer 'd some kind --of freakish flutd feminine look. look to the gala mil }iple.engine failure. ~ " * * sed~';)n just ahead and let Jacobson's Sunday. November 25 THE UN1TED STATES and Beauty Salon enhance your natural beauty Britain will give India "any as- ~istance" she requests, regard- with a fresh new slant that will give Irss of the manner in which she a lift to your looks. I India) decides to deal with Peking"s truce terms. High diplomatic sources in London H'\'ealed Saturday that both the SHALIMAR I - - . - British and American missions in New Delhi have been advised I to make this "carte .blanche" as- .9k~#h~, .Jacobsons ~istance offer dear to Prime II - E ~ :\linister Nehru, at the. same I .A WOMAN'S HOME IS HER CASTLE ,!hen she plans her Christmas holiday buffet around a lime assessing India's needs pottery castle and hearty fare. There's cheese fondue, a 'bowl of steaming hot punch and a ' ' .'~ Be~uty Salon :o:peedily and competently, from nriety of fresh fruits and all are complemented by festive melamine din.nerw~re. Plaee mats in on-the-spot observation. the shape of holly leaves provide the seasona) green. Second Floor Western aid, according to the UERLAIN -~=* .., London sources, would include G )hop TEL - TU 2-2160 transport planes, perhaps even fighters, bombers and artHlery, '30~ Corps Helping ~ f (Continued On Page 10) " to please II name on your ,- - a shop within our store SHALIMAR P~fftme I'G} '$/ OJ$13,JO} $25J$50 gourmet treats beautifully COLOR TV .T~:::~e:~::b.1 • I.OWEST PRICES • , Cologne $5} $850 • B4th Oil $7} Talc $2.25 , sending thousands 'of teachers==_=====s cs. Each is an unusual and . . to' nearly 40 nations throughout , are packed with distinc- Good Housekeeping Shop DpJting Powder $5.00 (prices plus tai) 'the world, the organization will >eenjoyed long after the 14321 Harper near Cha/mer. actualIY help increase the sup- e VE 9-2400 ply of trained teachers available g - --~------in the United States during the' ~ next few years; a Peace Corps ~ Quick, Dependable I official told Michigan college ~ , audiences.. ~ ,Ie food - for gift-giving TV. RADIO Harry Kranz, special assistant ~ :>P, where you will find a to the Associate Director for ~ most discerning connois- SERVICE' Peate Corps Volunteers, spoke ~ l. L. DACKEN at Mercy College M 0 n day ~ 20431 Maek TU 1.2791 morni'rug and at Madonna CQl- ~ lege, Livop~a' that afternoon. ~ 16926 Kerche~al-in the Village "Of the 3,325 Peace Corps ~ - Volunteers now overseas in 38 ~ Deliveries-TV 5-8900 countries," K ran z declared, ~ ,\ - APTITUDE TESTS (Continued on Page 10) i Enable you to learn the kind of ~llIIilllIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIIllIIlIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I111111111111111111111111111111111!111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111l1l1ll1l1l1ll1~ work in Which you can best suc- ~CESSORrES FOR ceed, the studies best for Y(lu. For men, women, boys and girls. Vocational Counseling Institute i ' I( ENTERTAINING DANIEL L. BECK, DIRECTOR 722 Fox Theatre Bldg. Phone 961-4355 'auty of Stainless Steel 17 Years Serving Detroit (Formerly in Maccabees Bldg.) ~asure with easy care ling stainless steel en- You can be 'one walnut handles.} SANTA CLAUS sure she wants ;ohn. MECHANICAL Six Feet Tall s, set of four, 4.95 exquisite FOR RENT - ered chafing dish, 9Y2i By Day or Week ligh. Warmer Md stond~ ~ Christmas Parties ~ Children's Parties .., Store' Display

ovar, 8" high by 7* ~ Phone 568.1440 Stellman Consultants, Inc. and stand. 30.00 _.__ .~--~~----- tray. 5.00 Before You Close On stock~ngs. Matchless :red casserole, 8" fvuncf quality and legsized to fit A Holiday Toast to . Varmer and stand. 8.00 FORDS better and wear longer. SEE ROBES WITH Dick Warner Wonderful new fashion / .... FIRESIDE CHARM "Top Hatter" 'shades. Seamless or Simms-Dawson fashioned by Flobert. Ford, Inc. fully.fashi,o~ed. lovely to look at, 15401 £:Jst Jeffer90n Gro~e Pointe 1.35 to 1.95 pair. delightful to wear, " VA 1.1000 Res. TU 1.5251 '8rev-for .len~er or sm,,11legs and easy to care for. Modit"':'for ~ver"ge legs Machin~ wash arid drip dry. 'Duch •• s-:-for t"lI; fuli legk A~,Orion acrylic pile, ~elvet- Cra.,ie-forst~tue5que leg, 1 , covered buttons and bow. '. 'Butter/bronze, blue! royal, _ J ) , pink! azelea. I0-16 si~es. 19.98

;;: jiWIJIJSOIlS _ B. Arondo arne! and nylon fleece. ~ == ~ - J 101' YOU ••• YOUR FAMIlT ••• TOtlI mm ~ Je~el trim.of~rls a~d rhinestones.' Pink,azalea. bIue..I0-18-~zes..22_.98 Villag~ Food Markel I ...- 18330 Mack Avenue ~ I ;a ______Grosse Point. Farms ~11 lWO ~OU.RSFREEEARKING-Ji.cliets Y~idateCiWhen You Make a Purcnase

; J \ '~. 'i.i , p •••• wows we ... .,....~------....

Thursday, November 29, '1962 . Page Ten I G R 0 S S EP 0 I N T E NEWS to tour United State's bases- · T h H dli - f h WI' cially as the Kashmir dispute Guatemalan University Students reet hit on president Ydigoras' has been categorically rejected orps e pS ratn eac ers ea nes 0 t e ee r is still unsettled, and the West- Association director,' Arnulfo office, but the 67..year-old Army by the United States Govern- C H ______1 T _ ~ ern. allies ar~ makip.g every ef~ Parada Tovar, brought $300,000 general, who dire.cted military ment, Tenning the Caribbean Fast 'n Fancy FI (Continued from Page 9) IUnit.ed States before they were (Continued on Page 9)' posted to India, .or th~t British- .f~rt ~o assur~ th~ Pakistan~s f.com Cuba to finance the re- operations against the rebel!':, strongman's latest "deal" an at. "1800 are teaching-a variety of selected, trained and sent over~ as well as sman arms and 10gls- developed atomic weapons" may th,at arms shIpments. to. IndIa volt. Rebel Air For~ units at- was in another room at the tempt. to circumvent inte'rna- subjects in elementary, second. seas by the Peace Corps for tic sUPi>Ort.The United States, be ,used against the Chinese WIll in no, way en~anger the ~cked the President~al Pala~e time and escaped- injury. tional safe~rds against Cuba ary and apprenticeship schools teaching assignments, but the Canada Britain and AustraJla Reels, 'Western policy, say the current ".I~dla-Pakistan balance- and Army barracks Snnd~y, theIr Leading the rebels were four aga1n becoming an offensive and in colleges and universities, experience has led many to 1n- atread; have increased their mlli- London sources, is. prompted of-power. strafing warplanes missing a di- Air Force colonels, Oscar Giron weapons base, U,S, authorities Of the 1,015 men and women dlcatc their desiTe to Jaunch tary aid to IndIa, and technicians neither by a desire to. push neu. * .I< * f red hit .on presidel!'t Ydigoras, Perrone .. once mentioned as a decla.red prIvately that they had currently in training throughout teaching careers when they re- from all four nations' are cur- tral, India into the "free world" .Monday November 26 at work 10 the buUd1Og,only by possible candidate in Guate- no intention of agreeing to this the United States in Peace turn to the United States after rently "assisting" in the border camp nor by a wish to bring , THE GU~TEMALAN 0 n- chance, mala's 1963 elections,. Carlos, latest proposal, adding that Corps training programs for their two-year tour of Pence war, Although American com- India' directly intp the "cold ment, reports yesterday~s ve~ir ,Accor~ing to a ~overnJ?e,nt' :~?'~~~JO~ar~~n~~~n~~~~ RU3sia and the United States have alrb~dy come to an agree- projects in the first 38 coun- Corps duty," bat troops will pro~'ably not be ar,", b~t by ~he n~es~ty \~ Force revolt has .been crushed commumque,' LoyalIst anh-alr- Th 'd "th t have w. ment on UN inspection in Cuba. tries. as well as 3 additional Kranz, a former Grosse Poi~tc called into action along the gIve. Ind!a :mass v.e suppo unt President Miguel Ydigoras Fuen~ craft batteries shot down one ~ are ElU el er o'-h 'es th 500 d Hi 1 f ti . 'D Itai she can bring her substandard t 1.. .' , fled to EI Salvanor or to ave countn ,ano er are ee- Park resident who was an ad- roa ayan ron er, ~r n re- , es. has tue full support of the of the attacking planes. Only t kef' G at ala's 8al- The ,awthorities stated that tined for teaching assignments ministratlve assistant to UAW fuses to rule out the pos~ibi1ity def-enses up-to-date, Army, and the situation in the two aircraft actually took part ,a en r uge 10 u em th'e United states is the injured overseas, President. Walter P. Reuther that British troops may be In India, the Com m u n i s t Central American Republic is in the raids, the maJority of vadorean Embassy. party in the Cuban missile base "Thus half the Peace Corps I from 1957-1959. is visiting Mich------threat is omnipresent. VV,heth.ernow completely under .control. the, Air Force units remaining * * * affair and that the U.S, Gov- Volunteers have not only learned igan universities and c i vie 'Of the health professions, or not she accedes to 'Peking's YdLgoras, speaking. on' radio. and loyal and reinforcing Army Tuesday, November 27 ernm~nt does not.,intend t6 be foreign languages and about groups this week to describe the Kranz said that Peace Corps truce demands, Western officials .television Sunday night, accused units at the beseiged barracks. FIDEL\.CASrnO'S reciprocal coerced into naaking further foreign cultures. but are getting more than 600 openings in the applicants can contact him at believe India will need"Wel>'i'ern hi's, implaca.ble. enemy, Fifiel Red Cross officials report two inspection offer - n. proposal concessions on inspection. cas- invaluable practice in teaching Peace Corps next Spring ~nd th\:l Park Shelton Hotel, Detroit, military assistance. for' a long Castro,',of masterminding yester- civilians killed and some 30 which would permit United Na- tro's "reciprocal ins p e c t ion foreign students under difficult Summer for teachers, agricul. this week or write to hi11'\at the' time to come, Pakistan, how- day's uprising.' The President wounded, most by stray bUillets tio11JSinspection teams to oper- in deal~' was proposed in a 2,000- conditions. Many Peace Corps turalists. industrial and con- Peace Corps. Washington 25; ever, .still fearS an extensive said he had lt~arned, via his in- from planes attacking the bar- ate in Cuba provi9 g similar word Havana~issucd. staterne!nt. Volunteers ilever taught in the swction workers. and members D.C. . Indian miU~' buildup, esp~ telligence service, that former racks. The plan-es scored a di- inspection teams were a1low('(i ~ For gifts, for snacking, or to serve w ...... ope!! house, there's nothing quite like ri recIpe fits the b'usy s~ason's schedule ni< with Date Bread Mix. With a few quid loaf

• • • CHRISTMAS I TABLE~ White, green, red ... 3 yo yards, 6.95 ... 52" square, TOP 0' THE I number 104




number 72 '--

America's Finest Cars Will Line "Christmas--Street" (Kercheval) For 17th Annual Event, -Monday Night

~ -

Some mighty powerful gift suggestions ••• the nation's leading ,the middle of Grosse , Pointe's Traditional Christmas. , Street (Ker- automobiles ..• will be featured next Monday evening, Dec. 3, cheval Avenue between St. Clair Ave, and- Cadieux road) and oe- o ,J' in Grosse Pointe's 17th annual Men's Night. fore' the very doors ~,f the rrrany shops tha+" co~oper.ate to make

Mounted on special display platfonms, the. cars will be located In I this glamorous annual event for" men.

Contributing Dealers , . . _ BUICK . CADILLAC CHEVROLET FORD O'LEARY CADILLAC TED. EWALD, CHEVROLET SIMMS -DAWSON- FORD, 'INC. t,!!!l~! TOM ROUSSEAU, INC. 15401 E. Jefferson, Grosse Pointe 15103 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe 17'153 E, Jefferson, Grosse Pointe 15175 E..)efferson, Grosse Pointe * * ...... >II. * * ... * * * * I PONGRAGZ dE'" PQNTIAC RAMBLER number 91 '1 LINCOLN OLDSMOBILE-- . ..WILLIAMS .MOTOR SALES, iNC. FRANK ADAM, INC. WHYTE. OLDSMOBILE CO. JIM' CAUSLEY PONTIAC, INC. 17677 Mock Ave" Detroit 13243 E. 'Ifarran Ave., Detroit i 130. K!!rcnevol Ave" Grosse Pointe 14806 E. Jefferson, Grosse Pointe f:::if~ ...... >II ... * '" * . ~%!~I

.. , t I f j r

_ -& • .-_ .... _ ... -"' ._ And d drld« C dd 'dsCrl ... ddtdd'" '«Cd •• C'd •• drtrd •• r7'4e«' •• c ssm S $ de a trid CdS r. Cd cr •. tt smrss '.? ••• c •__ • 2 t n. •• • E7 .. ':"I!t 4f ..,.":"Itf., ~. • EO ""If. 4f - ..'! "T. a;p: "u ....4P 't'I" 9! __ . .'" 4" ee "7 '4' '* ""! 444 uc • • •

. 29, '1962 Thursday, November 29, '1962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS 1- State's bases- rical1y rejected Sunday in 'Advent):' 8 a.m. Youth Group); 7:30 p.m., Thistle Tfollcheri. States Govern- Eucharist. 9:30 a.m. MOl:nlng Olub (Se'lldor High Youtlo!. the Caribbean Fast 'n Fancy Fruitcake I. I Wins Trip to Bermuda. • • Church News Prayer and .Sermon. '11:15 a.m. GToup); Wednesday:•7:45, Advent Serv- ;t "dear' an at- Choral EucharIst and Sermon. nvent intC'rna- * • • ices; 8:30 .General ChristmaJ POINTE METHODIST Church School, lnfanl .. through ; against Cuba Tuesday, Dec. 4: 8:45 a.m., M€eting, W.' of C.; 9, Choir Re- 211 Morosl!l Road " Grade SIx, during above two an offensive W 0 1~1en's Association Joint hearsaI. James D. Nixon services. 5:30 p.m. Senior Chi J.S. authorities Board Christmas Breakfast; 7:30 . Alfred T. Bamsey Rho Club (Gra,dcs. 10, 11, 12.) y that they had . Ministers p.m., Chr~ti:m Educatioii Coun- POINTE 'MEMORIAL ,grceing to this * *,'* ell; 7:45 p.m.; Stewardship Com- UNITED PRESBYTERIAN adding that Sunday, Dec. 2: - 9:30 a:m. Tuesday, December. 4. 9:30 mittee meeting. CHURCH United States Worship & Church School. a,m. Eucharist. * * * 16 Lake Shore Road. 1e to an agree- 11 a.m: Worshjp & Chw'oh >4< .~ * Wednesday, Dec. 5: 10 a.m.- Ministers: The Reverend Ber. ection in Cuba. School. Wednesday, Decemb~r 5: 7 2:30 p.m., Detroit Presbyterial tram deH. Atwood,' The Rev. 5:30rp.m. Jr; High MYF; , p.m. Junior Chi Rho Classes. meets at Westminster Presby- erand Lyman B. Stookey, The ~ stated that terian Church; 7:30 p.m., Boy RevereDd Ben L. Tallman, The 6:30 p.m. Asbllry Choir. ; is the injured 7:30 p.m. Sr. Hj~h MYF. ,WOODS PRESBYTERIAN Scout Troop 546 meeting; 7:45 Reverend Richard W. Mitchell. an missile base 19950 .Mack Avenue, p.m., Budget Committee meet- Sunday, December 2: 9:30 the U,S. Gov- '" * * at Torrey Road' ing;. 8. p.m., Men's A~sociation I and 11:15 a.m., Communion, It in'..end to be Tuesday, Dee. 4: ...... 8 p.m. Thursday,' Nov. 29: 10 a.m., Executive Board meeting. Meditation, Mr. Atwood on Ohristian SoC'i4< stockIng. . . 7:45 p.m. Chancel Ohoir. * '" Village, who awarded the prize as an OPENING fea- First Worship Service; 9:30 a.m., * * >I< ']'uesday, December 4: Circle Date Fruitcake 8 p.m. Methodist. Neighbors #5 and 23 nlce-t. ' tlJTe is shown, giving Mrs.' Hagerman her credentlal~. Church Scliool, Nursery ~through Sunday: 8:30 and 11, Semi- Day. 10 a.m" Women's, Associ- 1 ra.ckage Date Bread 1¥2 cups chopped candied Senior High; 11 a.m., Second nary Chorus; 9:45, Sun day ation Sewing and K.nitting. 10 ~hx fruit 9:15 p.m. Bowling League. ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL 'a.m. Eucharist. . Wo r s hip Service; 11 a.m., School, all ages; 9:45, Adult. a.m., Service guild, free nura- 1 cup chopped pecans lh cup raisins * * 'I< • - * ... * C h u r c h S c h 0 01, N u r s - Ed,ucation Program; 11, Sunday ery care provided. 1:30 p.m., P~epar~ Date Bread: Mix adding candied :fruit, p'ecans and Friday, Dec. 7: - 8 p.m. 204,75 Sunnindale Park ery through Junior .High and S<;hool, ages 1-8; 7, Holy Com- Circle 6, youth lounge. 8:30 rmms WIth t.he dry nux. Bake at 350 degrees for 65 to TO min. Methodist N e I g hoors #18 (Near Mack and Vernier) - Friday; November 30, (Feast Adult Bib 1e CIa S s. Ser.L:\on munion. p.m.-A.A. utes. Glaze wlth warm co~n.syrup and garnish with candied fruit. meets. Cool thoroughly befo!'e,sl1cmg. . The Rev. Edgar, H. Yeoman, of st. Andrew the' Apostle). 6:45 theme at both services: "Heralds '" '" * Wednesday, December 5: 10 MINIATURE FRUITC~ES: ~ake in 24 paper.lined or greased ... '" ... Rector a.m,' Eucharist. 9:30 a.m. Eucha. of Good News," -Reception of Monday: 8, YACS; 8, Re- a.m.-5 p.m., Heirloom Sale. 4:15' muffin cups for 30 to 35 mmutes. Saturday, Dec. 8: 10:15 a.m. The Rev. Paul S. Downie, rist. new members .at both services; coverY. p.m., Junior High choir. 7 p.m., God & Coun1try Award Class. Associate Priest * * * 6 p.m., Senior Choir rehearsal; '" * * Chancel choir . . 11 a.m. Confirmation Class. Thursday, November 29, 6:45 Sund>ay, December 2, (First 6 p.m., Hlghlimders (Junior IiIgh: Tuesday: 7:45, Sunday Sehool (Continued on Page 27) ~------~------_._-----_ .._~._- ----~~----




. • • CIfRISTMAS PRINTED •• " FOR A GLOWING CHRISTMAS • • Complete Service Department TABLECLOTHES ••• • choose a lamp from

1. THE tvIt\GNIFICENT SIMPLICITY OF WE FIND I'T IMPOSSIBLE TO PICK ANY / Orrefors ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL ITEMS TO AT THE DANTS ••. DECANTERS ••• ADVERTISE. Wr: FEEL THEY ARE ••• THE FABULOUS Y2 and 1;2 ••• VASES ••• FEATURED ARE "ROMEO AND ALL WORTH CROWING ABOUT. FOR , The two.'superb Grace Rush Fruit Cakes ..• •••. HERE'S MUSH IN YOUR EYE ••• JULIET" •.. AND "WISHING ON HAPPY HOLIDAY GIVING .•• FOR A white with Rum .•. Dark with Biandy ..• THE MOON" ; MERRY CHRISTMAS. COME LOOK! No fndecision here ... an exquisite gift ... People once treated styes with corn meal and\ ,I Be~utifully packaged. \ honey. Today we wouldn't think of using a con- 2 pounds $4.25 THE DANTS coction such -as this hear our eyes. But then, number 98 THE LEAGUE SHOP HAMLIN'S .INO. we're lucky. We have many fast-acting, pleas- '.'Fine Foods and Wine for the Gourmet" ant antidotes for infections ... thanks'to medi. number 72 . .!'lumber 89 TU 5-8400 cal 'science. Ask your physician about these

'newer. effective' remedies •.. let him decide TRULY INSPIRED GIFTS ••• which medications are best for your needs. THE GENUINE ALLIGATOR BAGS ••• OR Then, bring his prescrip+ions to, us for com. POLISHED CALF ONES ••• METICULOUSLY DETAILED ••• EACH A TREASURE ••• ••• HOLIDAY JlELYETS •• ' pounding .. ALLIGATORS FROM ONE HUNDRED Slacks ... skirts ... dresses .•. toddlers AND NINETY~FIVEDOLLARS. ••• thru size 12. OTHERS FROM. THIRTY~FIVE., ••• VELVET ACCESSORIES TRAIL APOTHECARY SHOP, purses ••• headbands ••• ANTHONY'S . ' i n'.:mber 121 ':', ~ OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS number lIS TU 5-9955 ~e! YOUNG OLOTHES, INO. TU 1~5688 ... number 110 ,

••• FOUR DROPS •••

;.di11...... '~ ':':.:i":::;: of jewels • • • emernld, rub'y, pearl and stJpphir8 :,::::::::?~ . .:.,~,;,,, colors can be quickly interchanged in II glitterin.g DELUXE WOOD CASE rhinestone p'in •.• reall , foolproof jewelry for efJery ••• CONVERSATION PIECES ••• J itfi co~tume in J'our closet • • • by Ciner • • • ten tHtd our new exclusive sofid brass and Georgian wall fif:een dollars. brackets ... imported\ ..• to see them is to CHESS • Gowns Irving's • Millinery I appreciatl? the.ir beauty. I :~:?~::1 number 82 :::':..':..~ SETS ••• ,'" MAURIOE WOOD, INO. also Poke'r Chips and number 70 TU 2-2840 Racks from 3.95. Magnetic Playing .Cards, are 7.95 ••• THOROUGHBREDS ••• PONGRACZ JEWELERS these proud, beautiful, enduring~ashmere sweaters Miniature ChCBBmen in Solid Hard- number 91 TU 1-6400 wood C~e size 4. ~ X 6 X 1~ Of closed,-. fashioned. by Hadley, ••• hatuisomety detailed ••• beautiful lacquer ftni8h. BJ'IUl8hard- ware. Compartments on ends to hold NOWI ... 500 Cruis'es to. choose from sirigle needle stitching, ••• htt:nd-fratlfed collars ••• captured Cheumen. 1Ultural,1UWY! sUver and gray. Cardigans, 39.50,' V as low' as $,541!! E~cellent selections. neck .pull-overs, 32.50;' and sleeveless pullover vests. /~Open Thursd~y Evenin,gs" 24.50 ••• at.- ' - GRAY'S RACQUET AND SPORT SHOP OHET SAMPSON PICARD • NORTON TU 1.2262 number .106 . TU 1-52b2 number'lOO , TU 5-7510 numbe~ 92

.' .' Thursday. Nov~mber 29, 1962 Page Twenty-eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twelve Recall Firemen To, Fight Blaze Two Devils On living room and the rear of the 'Signs Autographs ar School' Banquet Fire Department personnel Lakers of St. Paul Open pOrch fireplace ablazc, and lind equipme'nt raced twice to All BCL Squad flame5 creepil~g up the basement Dr. Burke W. Arehart's resi. wall. Th~ fire was ,extinguished Cage Season with Victory By Bill Hagman dence, 37 Fisher, on Thursday, quickly. and firemen departed, No v e m b e r '22; Thanksgiving By Roger Joseph only \4> be recalled less tban an Itwas disclor,ed on Tuesday, Day. hour later when it' was dhcov. . St. Paul opened the 1962-63 basketQall campaign on Both City trucks' responded to November 20~ at the Dads Club ered that studding at the ,back the first call shortly after 7:30 ~ vIctory not~ as they swept by a veteran Ser:vite squad dinner, that the G.P.H.S. Blue of the living room fireplace was p,m~ They 'arrived to find the In a non-league game 52-45, on Tuesday of last week. Devils had placed t\\.o players ' still f;moldering, ' on the all BCL squad. Tackle wall next to the fireplace in the Balance, both in scoring and I Marc Lonesk and halfback Tom This time. firemen cut the teamwork was the predominant 52.37 ,lead. Coach Lauer then Thompson were namcd to the Faith in others may be a studding away and carried it factor in this victory. Only in pulled .his starting five and the outside. Smoke damage inside the first quarter was balance Lllkers coasted to a 52-45 vic- team. necessity hi this life, but home I is still about the onl~' place the house was min~r, and thcre missing, when the Lakers were tory. The co-captains for the year where you can trust the hash. were no injuries. -' outplayed and outscored 14.11. I Game scoring honors found were also ann 0 u nee d. 'rhey The second quarter. however, the losers' Jerry Biebuyck with were Greg R e y n old s' and 16941 Kere proved to be the breaking point 16, and abo Bill Koch with 13. Thompson. Few. can figure out ho\v old Kids 'Like Us of the game as a hustling de- For the victors, four men were Thc coaches then name,' the the" hum'an race is, but most fense held Servite to a meager in double figures: Jim Bigham letter winners. They were as c\'eryone wil1~ agree that it's five points while the boys in with 14. Bob Martin and Barry follows: Gary Anderson, Andy , old enough to know better. red and white tallied 13 points Trombley with 12. and Brian Baker, Bob ,Breen. Jerry Chand- of thcir own to make the hal£- Schick, 11. 'The other starter, ler, Buzz DeMeyer, .Joe DiNoto, ,J oe Schmidt, ace linebacker 'I time SCOre24-19. While the play Gary Ghesquiere, still suffering Dwight Dowdell, Doug Firth, of the Detroit Lions, has been I of the first quarter was carried from a football leg injury, has Mike Healy, Tom K ,e n n e d y, team captain for six straight - Mack at Somerset Andy Kimmel, Bob Kutscher, by Servite and the second by yet to reach last year's form, years. q ;;_._-----_.- St. Paul, the third was played but it is expected to improve Don Law, Bill Lenz, Larry Link, on an even basis, 3s each team as the season progresses. !~Iatc Lonesk; John Miculs. Bill traded baskets until. at the qual'- St. Paul's next opponent will Maher, Bill MaiolO, Ed lV1ourad, ter's end, the Panthers were be the Aviators of St. David, Tony Rago, Tcrry Raven, Joe seven points behind with a quar- who last Friday swamped Class Reed. Greg R e y n old s, John Indoor Golf School ter score of 40-33. A De La Salle 65-49. The game ReynolCls. Scott, Shaw, George In the first five minutes of will be played this Friday, No- Short, Jim S pie w a k, ' Steve for beginners and advanced players the final quarter. st. Paul fought vember 30, at 8:15 p.m., in the Staryk, Dick S c he rr, Dick Smith, Jack Tee ta e r t, Tom their way to an overwhelming St. David gym. Thompson, Carl Vcrtregt, Ron 14 LESSO~S (45 Minutes), $20.00 Wallace, Al W rig h t and Jay Yeckley. St. Paul Sports Schedu'~s The players were praised by PGA Pro. the coaches for their spirit and . Al Blixt Photo AL, LOPEZ, BASKETBALL desire. The coaches also said BILL .GADSBY, 17-year veteran of letie Banquet on Tllp.sday, November SUNNYBROOK GOLF CLUB that the players wore coachable the NHL, obliges many of .the young 20. He and teammate Gord Howe were . Ko\'. 3Q. Friday -St. Paul at St. David and it was a pleasure workin.g the guest speakers and the affair. Phone CO 4-2471 WE WilL Dcc. 7. Friday -St. Paul at St. Clement of Centerline Home with them. The Devils' three autograph see k e r s at the annual Dec. 14, Friday -51. Paul vs. St. Thomas defeats were at the hands of the Grosse Pointe University School Ath- • first, fifth, and seventh ranked BE KNOW!i Dec. 21, Friday -St. Paul at St. Florian .lan. 3. Thursday-St. Paul vs. Sacred Heart of Roseville Home teams in Class A in the state. Hockey Tealns'Play Two Ties Jan. 8, Tuesday -St. Paul vs. St. Catherine. at S1. £lizabeth Gym The' Blue Devil mentors were pleased that the team carne in Jan. 11, Friday -5t. Paul vs. St. Ladislaus Home second in the tough BCL com- The end of play Saturday Gage while Matt Divine bagged Jan. 18, Friday -St. Paul vs. St. David -. Home petition. poin.ter fans may look morning, Nove1nber 24, at Ice two' on relays from Bob Nutter UNDER .Tan. 25, Friday -St. Paul vs.'St,. Clement Home forward to a successfu1 sea- Flair in the Grosse Pointe and sliCk skating Guiliani 1.0 Feb. 1, Friday -51. Paul at St. Tbomas son next year. Hockey Le'ague Pee Wee di- even the score. H In the last period Mike Kelly Feb. 5, Tuesday -St. Paul vs. St. Florian ome, __ ---- vision, saw four evenly matched from Ge:ge put the Bruins ahead :Feb. 15, Friday -St. Paul at Sacred Heart teams play two tie games. Away Hockey Greats In the opener Bill McIntyre's but Nutter's score with a minute Feb. 22, Friday -S1. Paul at DeLa Salle third period goal from Mike to go from John and Davy Hoag Feb. 26, Tuesday -51. Paul at Harper Woods Away At GPUS Banquet Messina earned a tie for the earned- the Wolves a tie. Eight Home Gamcs at G:-osse Pte. High. Wings against the Stars who year old Monte Gage looked By Al Blixt had taken a three to 'one lead sharp for t1he Bruins. * Gordic Howe and Bill GadsbY, on early ~oals by Steve Guba, _ :This week'S cQntests in this SWIMl\lI~G veteran stars of the surprising Bill Wilson and John Walsh. 8 to. 12 division will see the Catholic High School Le",~e Detroit, Red Wings, together Messina notched the Wings' Stars take on the Wolves while Location Time' with Jack Moreland of the De- first goal and Jim Grace the Wings go against _the Bruins. Datp Meet and Eire, Michigan 7:00 troit Pistons were the special second. Walsh figured in all the Each tealll can handle two more Thw'S., Dec, 13 .\\VAY *MasonHigh BrownellSchool 5:30 guests as Grosse Pointe Uni- Star's scores with a'n alert per- players. Call Jack HO:lg, TU HO~lE Notre Dame Fri., Jan. 11 Brownell School 5:30 versity School honored its out- formance and' hard shooting. 1.2356. Dct. CathedJral 'LECTRIC SHAV Fri" :l\Iarch 1 HOME BrownellSchool5:aO standing athletes at it,s, annual \-he ,Bruins game with the Tues., Jan. 15 AWAY *Mason High US h 1 5 30 father and son football banquet Wolves saw the Wolves jump Wed" Jan. 23 HOME *Lincoln High Browne c 00 :. last Tuesday, November 20. off to a lead on a goal by John Kids BrownellSchool 5:30 Thurs., Jan. 2-1 AWAY Salesian N ....h R 5'1" Howe and Gadsby, both veter- Hoag, assisied by Art Guiliani. In' the' second\ frame the Bruins Fri., Feb. 8 HOME Salesian o,,~ ern cc. . vans of seventeen years in the countered with scores by Jim Thurs., Feb. 1-l SWAY Notre Dame Northern Rec. 5:15 National Hockey League are two Praught, Sandy Sides and Monte Fri., Feb. 22 HOME Det. Cathedral Warren, Mich. 4:00 big reasons why the Wings find themselves riding alone atop the FRELIMll'lARIES AND CHAMPIONSHIP MEET standings. Ch old' E ° Mock at Somerset (Catholic High School League) The banquet opened with ai" ren nJOY 4:30 fine roast-beef dinner,. The var~ Preliminaries Patton Poot' IArt the Most ' :Mon" March 4 4:30 sity letters were the f1rst'to be Wed., :March 6 Preliminaries Patton Pool awarded. Coach Richard Trim Children may enjoy art more FINALS Patton Pool 2:30 called 17 of his players to the Sun., March 10 than adults do because children JULIA MAY speaker's table. MICHIG,\l'I STATE CHAMPIONSHIP HIGH SCHOOL l\'IEET rely upon their imaginations. They were: Dave Hughes. Jeff Adults, however, are "restrict- Class B) Faeial Tissues Seyler. Bob Portenga, M i k e ed" by their knowledge of what Ann Arbor Evening Turnbull, Kerry Pike, Stan Bry- Fri., l\Iarch 15 University of Michigan has been acoe1pltJedart in the Ann Arbor All Day ant, Dick Tipton, George Perrin, Box of Sat., March 16 University of Michigan past, a c cord i n g to Patricia 400 Charlie McFeely, Dick Green, Klobe, Michigan State Univer- AU HOME meets will be held at the ,Brownell Jr. High Tim Martin, La r r y Manning, sity home fumishings specialist. Ti~sues 15~ School, 260 Chalfonte. Grosse Pointe Farms, MiClhigan, Located, Rick Levey, Craig Jennings, and "Adults also tend to feel a f near Mack and Moross (Seven Mile Road), co-captains Ken Perry and John need to ,identify the subject Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Goo Only team members and coaches permitted in the locker Golanty. The squad finished the matter in a painting with some at Kerchl!val-Notre' Dam~ stor. onl room. Spectators enter the pool without entering the locke~ room, season with a 3-4.0 r e cor d. object or experience with which Captain: Walter (Skip) Kramer. George Perrin, junior quarter- they are familiar," she adds. , back. received the Co a c h e s' "As children, _we were all Award for the most valuable natural artists living in our Bur2:lar Visits Home. W d player on the squad. Perrin worlds of vivid imagination. But L,l III 00 S completed 50% of his passes as we grew up and learned the ~ ...... during the season for 678 yds. \facts of life,' we began to rely 98e MICRIN Charles Wartian of 1464 Cook Also several items of jewe1ry and ,five touchdowns while ru~- mOre on re1ason and }ess on in- road, returned h 0 me Sunday were taken. evening, No..,ember 25. after a I ning for six TD's. The awarding stincts and fee 1i n g s , " Miss Oral Antiseptic iour-day visit to Indiana to Police said that entry into the of reserve, junior, midget, and Klobe explains. "Our past ex- perience and knowledge affect find his house had been burg- house was made by springing soccer letters followed. By larized. the rear stC!'ID door and prying The evening. was closed by a the way \ we rt:gard the things Johnson Missing, Wartian told Woods open the door leading into the few words from both ,Howe and w'e see." and Johnson "To thoroughYy appreciate' police, were a Polaroid camera kitchen. A screw driver type in. Gapsby and a que s t ion and art," she continues, '~we must 14'.Oz. Size and an 8mm movie camera, val- strument was used it was said answer per i 0 d for all three 69 . ' . . \ athletes. be willing to accept new experi-' , Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. ues no t 1mown, an d $350 l!l Wartian said he Came home ences and emotions whicl1 the at Kercheval-N_otre D.ame store on' cash belonging to his church. and found the entire contents . Yale Lary,------Detroit Lions de- artist is attempting to convey." of his dresser drawers in his fensive halfback and a two-term UnfortunatelY,.adults are not bedroom dumped on the bed: A member of the Texas Ip.gisla- always willing to accept those We large number of burne'd book ture will not seek re-election' new experiences offered by the matches were scattered on the but ~il1 enter 'private business. artist" because adults tend to I floor. ------connect everything with mem. , i Ory' the specialist says. Chil- 73c BAYER 1 The incident is being inve:;ti- Milt Plum, Dc tr 0 i t Lions dren, on the otheF hand, haven't gated by Det. Sgt. Walte:- 0'- quarterback arid field goal kick- er, was recognized as a top col- developed the memories to re-" ASPIRIN ~ Dell and Det. Leroy Tobian. lege puntflr during his under- strict them and. therefore tend Mock at Somerset They' are ;;till looking for clues. Igraduate days at Penn State. to be more c:reative. They ap- predate prainrtin.gs in an emo- Bottle tional way. They can grow uP' of appreciating contemporary art 100 il we let them. To illustrate this idea, Miss Klobe poirits to the case of an art library for children, where the majority of youngsters in- The Pointe's Otdest Markel' dependently c h 0 0 s e brightly 898 St. Clair Ave., near Mack TU 5-' 565 TU 5-1566 colored, ahstraet paintings deal- ing wit h fantasy instead oJ those dealing with realistic'subM U.S.D.A. PRIME CHOICE ject matter. Boneless Rump or Rolled BEEF ROAST Antwerp Cut 97fb' Like Home Made,SKINLESS' HOT DOGS . 49< Ib.'1 •. I Milani's Planters Land 0' Lakes Fresh BUTTER GROUND CAESAR Dry Roaste4 Mack at Somerset BEEF DRESSING CASHEWS 45 8.0x. c ALCORT lb. Ibs.1 Bottle 39~a 8%.Ox.~::~Jar 59 ea 69c 3 ,/ailli,"- 1.13 KOTEX Pillsbury S&W / Sanitary Napki RED KIDNEY BEANS CAKE MIX because only ,the beSt is labelled Bellows - C,hoicewhiskey, choice ' . White or Double Dutch Devils Food 3-0x, Size Can gift! Ifere'~ Bellows_Pa~ers Ch9i~~,- remarkably light and ,satisfying Box of 48' 1 a SU'per or blended whlskey-now,~~e~~nted in a magnificent. holiday decanter. And Regular Offer expires Sun., Dec. 12nd. beautifully wrapped ~or gracious giVing,all at no extra cost! ' ",t Kereh!!vAI-Notre Dame 5tore ./ 12.0x. Pkg. $1..29' , '}SHRIMP CURRIE ..... ,lud,1i Stouffer's . 10.0x. Pkg. 53c BOATS AND KITS Frozen .' WELSH RAREBIT . . .'. Ex:cellen~ fer Gift Giving GREGORY BOAT CO. Partners .' FREE BELWWS CHOICE 9666 E, Jefferson - FREE You can always be sure of QUALITY FOODS at Verbru¥ge'l D~LlVERY BEllOWS" COMPANY,lOUISVIUE, KY•• BlENDED WHISKEV.4,1%, K~TUCKV/ STRAIGHTW!lISK1ES •60ii GRAINNEUTRALSPIRIJS .86 -PROOF. DISTR. BY.","'lIONAL .....nIl> IllLER& PRODUCTS Co. DELIVERY Phone 823-1900

\ .1 -~-~_ .... , ..... -- ...... , -- ...... -. ---_ ... _--- .... _....--.- ..... ---- ...... _----~, ~-~--- -;-' - • ....-.. ~. --:- .~ ,-"'-- .-. -y -- ~

. ' '

November 29, 1962 Page Twenty~eight . G'R 0 SSE . P,O IN TEN E W S " Page Thirteen To Fight Blaze _

living room and the rear of the porch fireplace ablaze. and SPECIAL PURCHASE flames creepiZlg up the basement wall. The fire was extinguished BUR'MA Quickly. and firemen departed. i only to be rE.'ealled less than an hour later when it was discov- .IIXED ered that studding at the back of the Ii'.ing room fireplace was . P'"f. , stiB smoldering. STRING ~f35 i i This time, firemen cut the . ,IUTS 'LIGHT SET' 13.0:. Vacuum : studding away and carried it -, i outside. Smoke damage inside , Can : the house was minor, and there were no injuries. C ------16941 Kercheval co_r.Notre. Dame S9 Kids Like Us - 1.49 "

I J Mock ot Somerset olf School I advanced players Minutes), $20.00 PEZ, PGA Pro. (. GOLF CLUB ) 4-2471 WE WilL NOT BE ,KJ1/0W/NGLY UNDERSOLD

l~~~z:.~~~....~..,;.,-',... ",. "" _"",-:.,\t ...'l! . ~• ~ . ~~\:tJ9!, .I..~h_ ;-~:.!!:~ R EftU SALE DAYS .... TODAY THRU SUNDAY !t.~~~~~;i. " LAR 1.50 ' .. f1, WILLIAM'S - BOXED - AQUA VELVA., AMERICAN EXPRESS and Christmas Cards . In Tradition~1 and =. 'LECTRIC SHAVE Contemporary Styles • ..... New Shapes, Sparklers .".. MONEY ORDER - Use the easiest. most c"cnvenient way to send money REG. '"':HOUSEtf.~:.' ~ , .It:.~'~!t£~~ .....~. ":~.ril.1~;L and to pay bills while s'hopping. at no cost] Just ~.OO "rj~:-:n:;'.--I19 '~l.i'.~;"'. ek;N1ER< ,.,' ",' :~~~'~~' . ~~:l't .. ~-~~~ ...7.!.vt;;'".t~ ' .- '!.~~r~~"".' Another of Cunningham's friendly'ervices to YOU! ~~.~~~~. ilY.!~.'f:!' ";\'~ ~r;:.' lCHIGAN ~~i~~:-:;~.t.'-lii'W-~:!.. _ :t. 'r ,if"'~"h~'~W'i:l1t . ~."'.: ",,;,t,,,~.,.,.~ ...m = '. "~~~~\..~fil • • "I • Add tax where applicable. wi rI"n" tll•. rtlht t. 1I.lt "lIIt~tl'" 1 JULIA MAY 1 S8!: Johnson & Johnson I. 1.19 METRECAL I LILT I I Facial Tissues I. BABY POWDER I WAFERS 'I Home Permanent I Box-of c 36 c c I ~~~f.:15~a1 J;i~n~~r;y69 I:' Wafers ,86 I ~~r 99 I Offer expires Sun;, 1)ee. 2nd. Good Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Good Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Good 1 1 at 'Kercheval"Notre Dame store only. , at Kercheval.Notre ..Dame storB only. at Kercheval-Notr~' Dame s!ore only. I I 98c MICRIN ' . 1.48 " 980 BAN. I' 98c HALO 'I I Oral Antiseptic I'SQUIBB or LILLY I , . DEODORANT 'SHAMPOO C I Jo~:'on 69c I .INSULIN 88cl ;';'1._ 1K.PI~~~~te:=r.57 I LH~i:sJ~r.69C I . and Johnson ' - U40 . I) _I Odor Free. I Manageabfe I 14'.Oz. Si:e ".1 J Oce •. I Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Gooel Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Good Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Good Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Good , I K . at Kercheval-Notre D~me store only. ; .t K."h••• I.N.t" D.ma,t." o"y. I...t K."h•••l.No". D.m. ,to" ."y. I Iat .. ,h..,'-"'.'" D.om. ,t." 0"'. I I..i I 73c BAYER I 3.54 MEAD'S 1. , ':.~. OLD SPICE 980 JERGEN'S ASPIRIN 1 POLY-Vi-SOL I. I Bottle Vitamins 19 49'( 2 .J,:'; Size Reddened of 1 for ,Children I' ., ~ I. 77- I Hands, Elbows 63 I , ,', ,'Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Good Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Good Offcl' ex~~~s Sun., Dec; 2nd. Good Offer exp~~:csun., Dec. 2nd. Good 1 '<;;'~~;' I', at R'erch.vaf.No~. Dame store only. Iat Kercheyal-Notre Dame store only. I I~t K",h..,'-No'" Dam.,t." •• 1,. I." K",hm'.No",D.m. n .... ",. I. ..' . .. I 1.29 BUFFERIN I 7.45 SQUIBB I':,? 'I 2.94 'ONE-A-DAY I 1.83 GELUSIL 1 I TABLETS I THERACiRAN I II VITAMINS I Liquid or Tablets I Bo.ttle Fast Relief 100 Tal:>lets! c ,.188 137 79 488 Stocking of .100, for Gastric \ I I FRelieverast Pain 1 ofBottle100'. 'I ,',', Capsules Hyperacidity I. Offer expires $u•• , Dec. 2nd. Good ,Offer expires SII'JI., Dec. 2nd. Good I Offer e"pires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Good Offer expires Sun., Dec; 2nd. Good ., '\ -n I .t Kercheval-Notre Dame store only. I cst Kercheval.Notr. Dam. store only. I .1 at K.. ,hm'-N.t .. D.m. ,t." o"y. I .t K",h~"I-N.t.. D.m. n ... o"y. I. Popular Brands. of .. - ., .... beer. finest assortment of wines I I 1.73 KOTEX 97c CEPACOL. and cbampagnes,a firie'selection '.1. -1J8 CORI~IDIN . COLGATE TOOTilPASTE I I. .1 'of imported and dome'stic,lfquors. I TABLETS I FAMILY SIZE I ISanitary Napkins.1 ANTISEPTIC I ,Cocktail accessories for theho'me ,., _ ,.. . " bartender. ' 24l::~~ts!. c Req. c 12 c -.'1 '. Nasal, SinUS 66 I- a3e 49 I I ~?;~i!'1 1 t~~;.63 I. , Co~gestion ,- Value , . Offer exp.ires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Good Offer e:pires Sun., Dec. 2nd. Gooel' Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. ~ Offer expires Sun., Dec. 2nd. GoCId at Kereheval-Notre"'Oame store only. at K~rcheval-Notre'D4~; store only•• lit Kerch!tvAI.Notre Damp store only. at Kercheval.Notre Dame store -only. :OICE \ r IUTIOIIAL DJSIILI.£RS PRODUCTS co.

" t ."\

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.' ( Page Foorteen GROSS'E 'P,OINTE 'NEV/S Thursday. November 29, 1962 .. aross~ Point~'N~ws PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY Memqri~1 ~en~er Sthe9ulel ''-'hat ~:es On, Whal'6 new on ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. ' OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL NOVEMBER' 29 TO DECEMBER' 6. 1962 GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAN "I ·h ' "r,~I,~ ..II. •'. Second Class Post;\ge Paid.at DetroIt, Michigan r., _ ': OPEN DAILy'9 A.M. TO 9.P.M. " ... our .AI rary r!: r ...... ; t., SUNDAY; 12 NOON" TO 5 P~M. J By Vlrlrinla Leonard B R b t . FULLY PAID CIRCULl\.TION *ALLMEMORIAL SPONSORED ACTIVITIES Y 0 er a

M Phone TU 2 b900 , ,w ". OPEN.xO THE GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC What' shall, we give Aunt Washington intrigue which de- Tit'is Gal is not wrapped up eating a Northern Spy M--em-be-r-M-il!-h-i~-a-n-p-r-ess-A-s-SO-c-Iat!Qnand NationalEditorialAssocJatlon'NOTIC~: Please ,call f91"lost items n,t . Agatha .f~r. Christmas? Or pc:,- velops with logical and disturb.' ... nor a Jonathan" • " or reading a good book, as NAJ,~:ityL:e~V~6~~~SkN~Gr::~:~~:S~~~c~IYE. They will be held for thirty days. , . . haps seoon4-cousin Sebastian is ing .in~vitabnity. interestilig-as it might be. Not thi~ gal. She and.he 404 F"th AvenueNew cgk 19 ~ k BY t 9 7300 H ';"t'l' . " ' .the problem. When you have run h" 't to th local Shoppl'ng center (the HIll) u • • ew .....r . yan' OSI,1a eqUIpment l!vaI1able, for free loan-. c.ru.tches,. tho e gamut' of loth t "Dearly Beloved," by Ann'i are Ie-Ing 1 e . CHI AGOOFFICE' h I h' h t I . '. d'h 't I b d BI 'd' . "~. c es" ,gourme 'w'h'ere everythm' g tJ1ey w~nt for Christmas is found 333 North MichiganAvenul! Phone FInancial6.2214 \y ee c aIrS, ea. amp a~. . OS~1a e~. " O~. aval.t- delights, mechanical g a,dget s indbergh. A first novel by a ROBERTB. EDGAR, .. , .. ,EDITOR and GENERAL-MANAGERabl~. t9 Grosse' Pomte resld~nts In case ;'0£,acclde~t or and "g~m~rusted fly-swatters, weli known writer. Mrs. Lind~ ... and where parking, beginning December 1, next MATTHEW ~1. GOEBEL ADVERTISINGMANAGER em~rgency-.£ree of charge.: . there is alwa~s one,str!>nghold bergh shows how the lives. of Saturday, will be free until Christmas. PATRICIA 'lALBOT FEATURE PAGE SOCIETY. . G P . t G d 'C t d L'b M' to fall' back upon a book-or those presant at a June wedding , . • "'I' .o/l\TEWS rosse Oln e ar en en er an I rary- rs. ' ,'- . 'f d d' h '- . JAMES J. NJAI~.. " , , , ' ~ .lhI 'd l' ' " "'.' ,. perhaps several of them, There are af ecte an c ang~d. " So mer,ry • r • SO bright JANET MUELLER ' " _.EWS an G Imour on duty Tuesday, Wednesday and, 1 . h . t BILL ADAMO ., " ADVERTISING Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4: p.m. A volunteer consultant ISh'a wayfs suc b sta vlarIe y to In the field of non:'fiction we are, tlJ.e holiday sho~pers at Pongracz J e~eler~ '.. "'IARY LORIl\IIER ' ADVERTISIN", d F"d '" c oose rom: e -se ersl old h th t' t f unt'l Chrlstm tbey are servmg pIpIng .I' ••••••••••••••••••••••• , •• ', ... on uty rI ay 2 p m to 4 pm (TU 1-4594 ) f ..' .' ave ese 0 sugges: rom now I as JOHN McKENZIE , .. , ,', BUSINESS ' , ,. * '~. *' aV?rltes;funny ones, l~ghtones, 1 hot coffee this in addition to their other numer- ALBERTA WIL;KE CLASSIFIED AD.v~RTlSING .. Th ':-, ~erl(~us ?n~~. T~ere IS"e~cape "The I Hate 00 Housekeep OllS services. 91 Kercheval. FERN GREIG CLASSIFIED , ursday, Novem~er 29 ~eading, edu<;.ati~nalre",ding- Book," by Peg Bracken. A bOOk] JOANNE EASO~ "...... •...... ' ACCOUNTS 9:15 a.m.':':-'Junior League Glee Club.- Rehearsal. ,a booklfor every mood and.pur. both delightful and amusing on • FLORA HARDING, CIRC.ULATION*10 a.m.-American Red Cr.oss Braille T;ranscription'~ pose~ how to'cope with 'Those endless' , Did' you hear

I ' , , .' Clasp"::'- Miss Ella. McLemi~m"- Instructor. . ,.In an attempt to ~~gges-tsome household tas~, , that Gray's Racquet and Sport Shop was robbed last 12 Noon-Village Garden Gl'ub --;- Luncheon. '. yol1;lmes.fori Christmas' giving, "Silent Spring," by Ra'che'1' 'Friday night? It was ... and we can hardly blame The Reindeer .Incident 2 p.m.-::-A qlristinas Arraii'gerrieJ;ltsLeCture-Demon~ the \ G~osse.'Pomte',, ~ubiic . Li;- Carson. An eloquent expression ,the culprits .. '. everything is so giftable at Gray's. , stration 'by Mrs,' Harold Brooks of W,estfield N. J., .b,raryhas comp~leda list of rela. of concern~ about our indis-~_. : • Any act of cruelty to animals produces in most presented in .the new Fries Auditoi-ium. by 'the tIvely:.recent titles w~ich' may criminate use of chemicalswhich Notl1ing rivals ~

~~~~~;~i~:~~~l~;~~erhea~ f~~~~; ~ii~t:S::i~~e;:l~~~ I Gtosst: Poil!te Gard~n Ce.nt'€~r-fr~eof charge toth:ir ~;:;:. ~~r;e~vi~~.~~Ufist\g~tf:~o~f ~~~~~iS~~eo:ral:~~7ro~~e~~~ure the glow',of Christmas tapers •.. and Virginia Wil- members unde~ the auspI<:es. of the Berry Memo'nal, these to whet youi' curiosity liams Gift Shop is bulging with candles for every similar demonstration against a child, or a helpless Lecture Fund. .' '. ' / .. ' ': ."0' Ye Jigs and Juleps," by "centerpiece.'and candlestick-you own ... all sizes and human being of any age. So it is that the community *4 p.m. to' 7:30 p.m.-Banet Cla~ses-l\Cary Ellen Co~p~r ...In.' the field -of fiction' we' Virginia Hudson. Hu~norous.,?b-, shapes:,~nd"colors are here at 79 Kercheval. has seethed this week over what has come to be known -Instructor. . : 'suggest: servances of various aspects of .' • as the Reindeer Incident. * life by a precocious 10~year-old, Chr."st'ma' stubs * * "Portrait in Brownstone," by describi.ngevents that take place It has been a long time since such a widespread F.riday, November 30 Louis .Auchincloss.,This depicts in 1904. with galei' backgrounds all be-jewelled and sequin- ex pre s s ion of shocked indignation has been heard *9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 3 p.m.-Adult Art Classes- t~o gener~tions of a family who ,"/ ned and trimmed for Christmas are filled with pine locally. For any who might'not have heard the story, Prof. Robert Wilbert- Instructor.' , lIye beh1O~ th~ !Jrown?tone "Everyone But Thee and Me," cones at The Lea~ue Shop. They are handsome for i it is briefly told in the Letter to the Editor appearing *9 30 d 1 A . CI M facade,. whIle cl1Og1OgfIrmly by Ogden Nash.. The inimitable fifteen dollars. ' below. : a:m. an p.m.- Frower rrangmg- as~- rs.! to their fa~ly identity' in spite Nash in action again with a tf ~ , RIchard Gerathy-Instructor. of ..flaring feuds' and crosscur~ happy book of poetry. •. r It is difficult to understand the workings of minds 12 Noon-Grosse Pointe Real, Estate Women"::'" Lunch- rents. "What Time's the Next At the Sign of the Mermaid ,i that could conjure up such a nauseating production, .... ,eon.., '. ;'Charles," by VictJ:>riaLin- Swan?", by Walter Slezak. AI- we found many interesting gifts ... for example ! presumably for their own amusement. One's normal 4.30 p.m., 5.30 p'.m. and 7 p,~ .. -. Ballroom Dancmg co~n. This novel is an impas- though basically ,an autobiogra- " . , . artichoke dishes ... first reaction is to think up the foulest of pudshments ' Classes ---i Mr. and Mrs. BIll WIlson - Instructors. sioned. personal re-creation Of phy. it is equally a son's tribute 'glass top tables, hand- to heap on the perpetrators of such a piece of inhuman ,. >I< ~ ~ the ,YictC?rian writer, Charles to 'his father. Lee, a great tenor. p a i n t e d with, a grape deviltry. And then we begin to wonder. What a horrible Saturday, December 1 . Dickens. Written with warmth and hi. motif, a wine holder with burden to bear ... the memory that you goaded a *9:30 a,m. to 3:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes _ Mary Ellen "A Shade of Djfference," by larity. - the same .motif sets on helpless, caged animal to fright-induced madness, then Cooper-Instructor."' Allen Drury. A superior politi- For a period beginning No- these tables. White chairs set him free to plunge in frenzied terror to his death *9:30 a.m. and 11~15 c..m.-Childr,en's Art ClaSses-Mrs. cal "novel with vividly drawn vember 26, the display cases in match 'the table ' Cot- in the cold lakp. waters, seeking escape from he knew Stirling Loud _ Instructor. I , ' " characters :who deal with ex- all three of our libraries will tage cheese bowls and not what, ';'10 a.m. to 5 p.m.--Children's Theatre _ Glasses _ Mrs: plosive issues. carry book jackets for these and attractive salt sets are _ _ ~ ' '1 other books suitable as Christ- . f I If these Voun!!sters have not now the capacity to Sydney Reynolds - Instructor. "FaI -;3afe." by Eugene Bur- Just a ew.'Of their specia .J ~ d' k A f mas gifts. As a by-product of \ be suffering the tortures of the damned, they should *1:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe War Memorial Puppeteers- .lC,' ascinating and provoca- this publicity, it is also possible Christmas ideas. 75 .Kercheval. TU '2-1610, be permanently locked up lest they devise some equally' . Cl-a-ss-R"qbert Rathbun-Instructor. tive novel expounding the pos- that YOU yourself might find • ghastly repetition in their quest i,)r fun. *7:30 p.m.-Memorial Bridge Club - Duplicate Bridge- ~~~ili~~~~l:~~;~~\)::r d~~:n;~ a book or two for personal read- Gay whimsies .. It is to be hoped that many, many parents will . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walrond -'Directors.. system. ing. The Htles are av.aUablein decorate the attras;tive mantle, table, and side-board seize upon this opportunity to impart to their' own 8 p.m.-Good Companions - English' Old Time and "S D' ' ,tlie Central Library ~s well as candle arrangements at the' Wm. DenIer arId Co. . I . I d d Sequence dances. even ays 10 ,~ay," by in the two ,branches. Do come where they have man'\.' artistic Christmas gifts to young a mos t pOIgnant esson move an un erstanding *8 3' ' Fletcher Knebel. Wntten by in and select a Y~letide present J and the priceless virtue of kindness. : 0 p.m.-An Eve~mg of One ~ct Plays presented by. talented journalists, 'this novel for a friend or relative---{)rfor choose from, too ... ash trays ... lamps ... and ac- * * '" 'the Gros~e Pomte Commumty Theatre-:--Free ad- of suspense has a plot full of yourself! ' cessories for the. home abound inside this shop" In addition to this shocking display of cruelty, there mission by tickets available in advance at Center's ----- ...... ----~~"------• have been other evidences that drastic action is'needed office.' Have you seen to curb the misguided activities of some of our young. '" * * , Monday Is "Men's Night - in the Viflage the be:mtiful lines of Kent and Dunhill at Trail The wholesale destruction done at Parcells School re- Sunday, December 2 ' \. Apothecary Shop? We have •.. brushes for him and 8 cently by vandals calls for an unrelenting search by the 10:30 a.m. to 12 Noon-First Church of Christ Scie11tist- .SamSonI-te Slelhouett' e . her ... ditto cologne and after-shave lotion., police until the culprits are found and proper' punish- Church Servic~s and' Sunday School-Fries Audi- '.1...1 • ment meted out. The rob\>ery of more than $15~000 of torium, Infants Room - Alger House. ~ Many of the stores savings of an elderly boarder in a Fisher road home, by *12::3~.p.m.--Gr~sse Pointe War Memorial Youth coun- The Gift thq.t goes far on the Hill are open Thursday evenings until Christ- a youngster whom the theft victim had .helped raise, ..11 ~ Meetmg. ., I ' . h mas for your convenience. makes an incredible story of badly bent twigs. Sunday, De~ember 2 i wit , ever)i0ne The week before, when all' the large Christmas *1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p,m.-0Pen House in Fries Auditorium wreaths to be used to decorate The Village shopping . -Exhibit of Art of the Children 6f India:, courtesy center, were piled against one of the stores, some young- of the White House, Mrs. John F .. Kennedy. sters were interrupted in thei~, attempt to set them *2,:30 p.m.-Fries Auditorium Dedication ~eremony - i afire. They escaped before the police could be sum- All Grosse Pomters are cordially invited to attend. moned. Some other "'v"andal or -vandals deliberately "', * * * dumped a large Christmas tree in front of another Vil- MondaY'I.December 3 I lage business establishment. *10 a.m.-Cancer Center and Information Service - I These are all most disturbing signs of the tim'es Volunteer Work I En.sign David Turner. Has First Solo Flight which point to a need for a con<:erted effort to, curb the 12:15 p.m.-Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe - Luncheon ! PENSACOLA, Fla. (FHTNC) multi-engine air C l' aft, land spread of such imbecilic nonsense. We hope the police and Meeting. ' I -Navy Ensign David C Tur- aboard aircraft carriers, fly in catch all the guilty parties and that our law enforce- *12:30 p.~.-Meniorial Bridge Club - Bridge and Le'c- 'ner Jr., son of, Mr. and Mrs. all types of weather, and shoot ment agencies see fit to pass on -penalties' fitting the ture for Ladies....:...Mrs./AndrewWalrond-Director. '. \ David C. Turner of 515 Wash- accurately at a moving target. crimes. And here again, we urge parents to keep close 1 p.m. to 4 p.m~""':"'BasicDrawing and Painting - Class - : ington rd., G.r 0 s s e,P 0 i n t e. Mich.. made his first solo flight 11------, tabs on the extra.curricular amusem'ents sought by', Steve Davis Instructor. ' I in a naval aircraft on October their young. Strict surveillance on the home level may *4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper: 20. I How food fads save a heap of trouble. -Instructor. . The flight was made while he *7 p.m.-Dale Carnegie Leadership Training-Class. was undergoing bas i c flight *7:30 p.m.-Ballroom Dancing - Class - Mr. and M]"s. Beauty Case, $25.00 training at tbe Saufley Field can fool you Letters to the Editor Bill Wilson -' Instructors. , 1 Naval Auxiliary Air Station, ______..l *7:30 Instructor.p,m.-Nocturnal . Painters - Class - Steve Davis- i Pensaeola, Fla. It followed 12 By FRED KOPP, R.Ph. I I flights of dual instruction dur- To The Editor: see. The second day of. the ex- *8:30 p.m.---':'Grosse Pointe Men's Chorus - Rehearsal. ing which It~e flight student re- We don't mean there's any- I ceived i.nstruction on flying thing wrong with eating yo- This is a story about the hibit, Thanksgiving Day, was a *8:30 .p.m.-Gross.e Pointe Sinfoi1ietta Concert-Harpsi- I warm spirit of Christmas, how repeat success, but time was the single-engine trainer air~ g"..lrtand wheat germ and so a group of Grosse Pointe busto, running oUitfor t}1e&ebeautiful ' cord solo-:-Alice Lungerhausen-.Free admission by , craft. on. They are fine, healthful nes!;men spent a good deal of beasts. tickets available in advance at the Center's office. In l~er phases or the 18- foods. But here's the rub. Ad- time, effOl'tand money to bring At approximately 11 p.m. on >I< ',* _* month flight training program, he will learn to fly jets and vocates of some food fads it to Grosse Pointe, and how it the nigllt. of Thanksgiving, a. ,'Tuesday,De,em~r 4, promise benefits that diet was crushed to pieces in a ten.. small g'loup of young men saw *10 a.m.-Service Guild for Chiltlren's Hospital - Vol- alone can't deliver. Occasion- minute spree Of' cruelty by a f!t to break open the loek of unteer Work. . ' . . " , . r;::;~:d:~"~;o-;.;:~:;;-i ally, someone with a medical malicious group of youngsters. the enclosure, throw in a num- 12 30 D t . S . L" h i T~u::_and Frl. Till 9:00 P.M. It all started about two ber uf lighted firecrackers, and' : p.m,-- e rOlt orOSIS.-. 'unc eon.' , I problem will try to solve it months ~.go.when Grosse Pointe stand by with fiendiSh gl'ee as 1 p.m.-Senior Men's Club of G-rosse/Pointe - Crib- . WE DELIVER i 1 by living mostly on cabbage Commerl;eand Civic Association the teni.fied deer stampeded out " ,bage and Bridge. :,'- . . On Order of $S or More I juice or some such thing. met to discuss Christmas plans into tlJe streets' of Grosse *1 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Basic Drawing and Paintirig - - . Special foods and diets, how- for the Village. Someone sug- Pointe. What followed is now Class - Steve Davis - Instructor. ' ROSLYN i ev~, have limitatio-n---eanbe gemed that it would be a' big history. The nightmare chase of *3:45 p.m.-Brownie Troop - Meeting. ( harmful \V hen improperly thrill for the kids (and grown- the police through the streets 6:30 p.m.-Exchange Club of Grossefointe -:- Dinner ~I MARt(ET used. So if you think there's ups) to bring some real, live from one end of Grosse Pointe d M t' ,I reindeer for exhibit in the t'o the other ended with one an ee mg. -"- " , ' "! anything wrong with you, by Village for a few weeks prior deer being captu~d and the 7:30 p.m.-Allied Youth of Michigan, Post #4 - Party I , Oldest in the Woods I all means see your physician, to Christmas. The idea caught other plungilig illIto the icy and Meeting'..'. ThLc; is the 989th of a serie6 or Editorial advertisementsap- fire as the members recollected wate'1'of Lake St. Olair to dle 7;30 p.m~-Pointe's Dance 'Club.' . pearing In this paper each week, their own childhood thrills at from fright and exbau&tioo. *8 p.m.-Yoga Chis~ - G~orge Johnston - Instructor. I~~~~.~~~~:;~~:Y:Rd:l Chrlstmas time. In the weeks To prevent any furtheor tra. *8:30 p.m.-An Even'ing ox Ballet by Mary Ellen Cooper that followed a source for the gedie~ the owner of the deer and the. older students of the- Center's Ballet Hat Box, $20.00 ladies' O'Nite.$27.50 deer was loc~ted 80 miles from was called the. next day to re- '. School, with songs . by ,the Grosse Pointe Men's \ All prkeJ plus talC Detroit. an agreement was..made move the exhibit. He was paid Chorus .. Free adIriission by tickets available" in with the owner to transport for his loss, of coUrse, and .as ' Men's luggage from $27.50 them here and provide a proper he drove away, he also camed ad~ance at the C:nter: offi;e.-' , en-closure, permission was ob- out of Grosse Pointe some of l' "'.' Give them the luxury o( 'Silhou~tte, the jet~age tained from City officials, and the warmt.h and, kindness of Wednesday, December 5 luggage that goes all the way'in lightness and effi- fInally they arrived the day be- Ghris,tmas. leaving a shameful *9;30 a.m. to 11 a.m.-Intermediate French Conversation ciency! It's the luggage that's elegantly designed for. fore Thanksgiving. stain of cruelty fOT us to re- Class- JohThJ. Lakich - Instructor. everyone on your Christmas.list. Made w}th light. TheWm.R.fIalnilfon (to. The exhibit was an immediate member., . 12 Noon-Grosse ~ointe Women's 'Club - Bridge. success. All day long eager We sincerely hope thalt the 12 l\T G p' . t W 'CI b B'd weight magnesium... covered in ".strongvinyl th:st Over a Century of Service groups of kids and parents persons responsible for this act ....,~oon- rosse .olD,~ oman s u _- rl ge. scoffs at scuffs and wipes"clean.with a damp cloth crowded around thE"enclosure will consider the results and *3:30 p~m. t6 \6 ,p.m.-Ch~ldren'~ Theatre - Rehe~rsal. at the corner of Kercheval and perhaps that tlheir parents will *.f p.m~ to 9:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper •.. features.Samsoriite'sexclusive "Hidden ~cks." eUNERAL'DIRECTORS St. Clair, to watch Santa's take tim~ out to explain tc them -Instructor. Six hightashion c~l~rsfor women..... foUrfor men. steeds con.tentedly munching the real meaning of Christmas. 6:30 .p:m.-.~Detroit Group~ J hay and proudly lifting their Grosse Pointe Commeree and 7 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Toastmasters Club - Meeting .. magnificent antlers for all to Civic .Association 7:30 p.m.":':'Pointe's,,:D~ce Club: ' " " Servin!!o *7:30 p.m.-MemorHil.BtJdge Club - Duplicate Bridge, GROSSE POINTE DETROIT -Mr. and Mrs. AridiewWcilrond:- Directors. AND SUBURBS i~-' SERVMCING THE GROSSE POINTES *8 p.m.-Yoga Class -,.George Johnston :- Ins1;uctor: .FOR OVER Y2 'CENTURY , 8 p.m.-First Church of Christ Scfentist --:-'Testimonial Meeting.' ' ' WILT.T AM R. HAMILTON II DAVID M. .l'1.AM1J,.T.ONtr, *- Every style 01 Fence . , . " * '>I< * CLARENCE E. OTTER ' " erected for, you , '. ,Thurs.day~ December 6 , 9:15 a.m ....;...JuniorLeagpe Glee Club - Rehearsal. CHAPELS I WA.1.6282. *10 a.m.-American Red., Cross Braille Tra.Dscrintion -'- ,16835, Kefcheva I Class - Miss :Ella ~McLennan' - Instructor;, '. DETROIT BIRMINCIrAM lnc1llldlnC ,; 1 p.m.-The IBEX ~ Tea': .. ' S975 C~s AmnIi Chain Link All-Steel and -in the Village 820 EAST 'M.ApL1l: ' *4 p.m. to 7:30 p:m>:.-BaIlet"'C lasses-Mary' Ellen Cooper' TE 1-2712 MI4.6000 Rustic ~tyles Instructor. ' '. . GROSSE POINTE *3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m ...-CJ;illdren'13 Thea:tl'e - Rehearsal: NORTHWEST *8:30 p.m.--;A Classic Movie -to' maugurate our new 18900 JAMES COUZENS TUxedo 5-1'232 Dl1.1300 MEHLENBACHER Classic'Film Club. Free admission to Grosse Pointe FENCE CO. Public by tickets avwa:ble in advan~e' at the Center Open 'Every Evening Till. 9' P.M. 10403 HARPER RESIDENTIAL" INDUSTRIAL office. ),

'. "- , J. \

.... 7 7 .2 _.'.2.' _? 777 77 27 S ' f ...., ~ <"" ...... " ..... ;=z+i _. __ __ zq. 2i( , .;....-..,=-'''' .. Q{ ," ,4 ',_._ Elf. .Q •• tau~_,> ... q .c, 4 a::=<:-~

Thursday, No.vember 29, 1962 GROS.SE POIN'TE NEWS Page Fifteen .... St. Philomena's Joins Fc'ir Ranks Mrs. LoCicero plans GP Symphony Tea Plans For Valentine Day Fashion Show to Benefit Orchestra Set at December 3 Meeting In Chatrman's Th'ree Mile Drive Home Mrs. Tnomas V. LoCicero, fashion show chairman fo.r the Grosse Pointe Symphony Society, will open her home on .Three Mile Drive to her committee for a meet .. ing and tea on Monday, December 3) at two o'clock. --~------_. Plans for the Valentine's ert Armstrong, Mrs. Raymond Day date Fashion Show on B. Bacr, Mrs. Russell Bauer. :rhursday, February 14,will Mrs. Edward A. Baumann. Mrs. WOMEN'S PAGES be ann 0 u n c; e d by Mr.s. Bogdan Bayneroject. the Mrs. Edward p. }<'rOhlich, Mrs. of View Purdue AFROTC ,J u n i 0 r proceeds of whioh help to sup- Cadet CHARLES R., EMER~ \ Thomas Hurns, ~..Irs. Winfield port the Grosse p'ointe SymM By PatriCia Talbot SON, son o.f MR. and MRS. H. phony Orchestra. S. Jewell, Jr., Mrs. Kenneth J. EMERSON, of Washington Kimmel, Mrs. Arnold W, Lun- road, has been assigned to the Mrs. LoOicero has asked the gershausen, Mrs. George Mehl- This year again the Junior Women's Association for post of Flight Comm~nder in president. Miss Camilla Ayers, ing, Mrs. Thomas McCarthy. the. Detroit Symphony Orchestra is sponsoring the the 220th Air Force ROTC to '-relate current concert plans Mrs. John McGrath Mrs. John CHriStmas Walk, a tour throu,e:h Pointe and Bloomfield cadet air dJvision' a:t Purdue and activities of the Orche&tra's Motschall will be others. ~ P.hoto by Eddie McGrath. Jr. homes dressed in their holiday decor. University, Laf'ayette, In-d. The holiday fairs c row din g the left, Dads' Club president, in v i t e d Tenth Anniversary Year-as Cadet Ern~rson has r~eived 1 \vell as to mention highlights Mrs. John W. Nelson, Mrs. Mrs. Charles M. Endicott and Mrs. Robert H. Healy this assignment on the basis of ca endar have a new a~dition .. St. DAN .,GRANELLI, representing the in the history of the orchestra. Thomas Nester, Mrs. Domenic are in charge of the Pointe division of the Christmas outstanding achlevement and Philomena's Church has' set December' Ushers' Club, and MRS. JOHN SHEP- Pucci, Mrs. Felix ResniCk, Mrs. 'Valk, which will be held from 1 to 5 o'clock on Decem- demonstratjd cai>abilities in 1 and' 2 for an annual fair and festival PAR:Q, Altar Society president, to his Assisting Mrs. LoCicero will Pe,ter Ruprich, Mrs. Herman C. be her co~chainnen; Mrs. AI- Sattler, Mrs. Wilfred A. Stein- ber 13. The Bloomfield homes will be opened the follow~ the military field, it was stated. in the church. on Marseilles 'and Rivard boulevard home last week to hall fred D. MO'ran, Mrs. Don Nigro er, Ml"'};. Gerald L. Stoetzer. ing day. . In this position he will receive . Ma~k avenue. TENNYSON MEYERS, discuss final plans. com man d experience which ------~------~-- .------~ and Mrs. John C. Purcell. Mrs. Roger F. Waindle, Mrs. Among the. Commibtee Mem- Clarence J. Williams,' Mr.s. \vill be applied upon entering JOHN BRYCE, pianists. and I J 0 ~ N W. WRESSELL, of from Winchendon School in Among those who will deck their hcuses with holly bers I< >I< >I< ," ** on November 29 at F.ort Knox, 0J.l Saturday the Homers. enter~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Ewald, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. A. D'I The PRINCE1?S BEATRICE MR. and MRS. T H? ~ A S K~ntu<:ky.,.A it e r hlS rettl7~. taI~ed for them ert(}n road. on December I her parents, MR. ano MRS .. MENGDEN, of New b err y Tou~ame road, entertame~ a Pointe's y(}~g single set at ~he committee plan to have hosts Grosse Pointe Memori~l Church is gathering precious .6, at 12:30. Members <;ireasked JOHN. F. Me COR M 1 C K, of place returned home for the I famIly group' for the hol1'uay Grosse' Pomte War MemorIal. and hostesses (}n hand to weI. to bring "Hjs and Her" gifts South Oxford road. Mr. Reno h l'd" 'ft d' t week-end at their hunting lodge The party is Friday evening CQxueeach guest -and introduce antiques for an Heirloom Sale on December 4 from 10 g VO until 5 o'clock. for .residents. of the British ushered. at the Thanksgiving'. day wee.s0 IkaYS'ta tahe,eCr'OISl~Pteners msea \Is- near Amherstburg ,. Ont . I December 7' at 9 o'clock . ., him or her. Dates will not be Home in Chicago. weddmg of JACK JENNEY and 1 d G ' , ...... * .. . necessary. Several hundred in- For several years pa~t the Association has financed MARCIA .CHEADLE an, a. , . This will be a festlve occa- vitations have been mailed for >I< ... * . * *.* '. J U L I ANN E McMILLAN, sion with the young ladies the biennial Christmas Fair with the proceeds of a rum- MICHAEL M HURLEY l\.~R. d l\'~RS HARO . d 1t f th WILLIAM C this affair, however, it is not . • son * * * J.VJ. an m .' LD R. aug 1 er 0 - e . . w~aring dressy wools 0: cock- necessary to receive an invita- mage sale. This year the heirl()oms will do the job. of MR.. and"MRS. EDWARD J. Among the natio.n's leading SULLIVAN, formerly of South .McMILLANS, of Kenwood tal.l gowns and the men 10 .dark tion to come. All single Grosse Mrs. Oscar Markus is in charge of rounding up rare HURLEY of Pemberton road, springer spaniel field trial con- Edgewood drive. are in the road, flew in from New York, SUItS. S~owflakes and p~cket. Pointers in their twe.nties and completed recruit training Nov- tendel,'s who have had entries Hawaiian Island:; on an exte'nd- where she is studying dra- fences ~ill decorate' ~el scene thirties are welcome and the silver, glass, china and other bric-a-brac from church ember 2, at the Naval Training accepted' for the National Eng- ed'Vacation. maties, for the hOliday and to and blaZl~g Y1!lelogs WI I warm Committee hopes those not on members' home for the sale. Assisting her are Mrs. C. D. Center, Great Lakes, Ill. Ush Springer. SpanieL Cham- * * * celebrate her birthday Sunday. the walk-m flre p-Iaces. the Center's mailing list will Campbell, Mrs. D. L. Castle, Mrs. Dee Chalmers, Mrs. During the nine-week indoc- pionship to be held this Friday, DR. STANLEY CQOK, Eng. * • * 'nation recru1",- are tral'ned I'n S l' h' tr G Cups of cheer will be offer- make' themselves lmown so George Christensen, Mrs.'R. S. Daley, Mrs. R. W..Edd~r, trI ~ aturday and Sunday at. Weldon ISms uctor at rosse Pointe GEORGE E. REICH, of, Hid- d hr h' t th . t ha th . t' hysical fitness, basic military H'gh Sch 1 . h e t oug ou e evenmg a t t ey may reoelve no lees ~1rs. Harvey Fischer, Mrs. Hugh Harness, Mrs. R. E, P Spring, Mo., are MRS._ ROY D. 1 00, attended- t e Na~ den lane, begal! six months of candlelit tables and thC're will in the future. Helms, Mrs. J. C. Hurley and Mrs. Leon Jacobi. la\'.', miLitary drill, customs and CHAPIN, JR., of Country Club tional Council of Teachers of active duty training on Novem- 1 _ etiquette of the naval. oorvice, lane, and M-R S. WI L L I A M English convention in. Miami, ber 27 at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Others are Mrs. hor Menzies, Mrs.-William Porter, swimming and su,rvival, first LANE, 0'£ HaH pla<:e. Fla., during the Thanksgiving After his return, Reich will re- l\"lrs. L. I. Ruby, Mrs. D. ~. Schuur, Mrs. Walter E. aid and basic shipboard rou- recess. Dr. Cook, Grosse Pointe sume his military training with Knapp-Ryan Troth Told Simmons, Mrs. Drew C. Smith, Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. tine. . ... '" '" High School's only, representa- the.33oth Regiment in Detroit. Mr. a~d Mrs. Reade H. Ryan IPlainfield, New Jersey, and the Harold Wilbur, Mrs. Tom Zur Sehmiede, Mrs. Samuel * * • MARTHA JANE ADAMS has tive at the convention, has at- * *. * of Danen, - Conn., have an- late Mlr. and Mrs. T. Reade MR. and MRS. ROGER D. returned to' her studies at the tended- similar. sessions in pItil~ C. Turner, Mrs. E. !"l. Morang, Mrs. A. C. Beaumont, -- MR. and MRS. FORD - BAL- nounced. the engagement of Ryan of New York City. WILLEY, of Cincinnati. 0., an- National,.College of Education, adelphia, Denver and Chicago. LANTYNE, Jr., of Touraine Mrs. Harold Gummper, Mrs. Walter R. McAdow, Mrs. nounce the birth of a son, JEF- Evanston, Ill., ailer spending the This year, he was one of a their daughter,' :Miss Susan Mr. Knapp was graduated Robert Conder and Mrs. Edward A. Wishropp. road, were the guests of their Cross Ryan, to ?eorge Owen from the Hill School artd Is a FREY DALE, November 11. holidays with her parents, MR. three-man panel discussing "the son. FORD III, at the recent Maternal grandparents. are DR. and' M.RS. FRED W. ADAMS, use of the audience in the writ':' Knapp, III. He 15 .the son of senior at Yale. '" * * La~e Forest College Parents Mr. and Mrs. George Owen . and. MRS. C. ROY'BROOKS, of of Rivard boulevard. Her house ing situation." Cavemen Take Note Day. Ford is in his sophomore' Knapp of Darien He IS a grandson ~f Mrs. Lakeland avenue. guest;was her,' roommate, BET- * * * year ;it Lake Forest, located in . . Frederick C. Gratwick of Buf. If you have a primitive dinner jacket, preferably in * * * Sy'TERRY, orN'intucket, Mass. MR. and MRS. ROBERT A. Lake Forest, Ill. Miss Ryan a t ten d e d the falo, and Mrs. William J. MRS. WILLIAM F. PISHAL- '" • '" MAL GOL Y. of Lakepointe bearskin style. this is, the dress required for the banquet '" * * Grcsse Pointe Country Day Knapp of Lake George, New SKI. of Ridgemont road, na-' avenuet announce the birth of TERRY S. SEYLER, son of School, was a me-mber of Sig- York. sponsored by the Circumnavigators, December 7 at the 'Returning to 'Webbl::r Colle g'e' a 0 TIMOTHY ROBERT N Sheraton Cadillac Hotel. tionalpresident of Lambda Kap- s n. , 0- MR. and MRS. FRANCIS W. ma Gamma here, w.as gradu- A fall wedding is planned. pa Sigma, internatfonal soror- i!1 Babson Park,. Fla., this Mon- vember 11. Mrs. Malo.oly was SEYLER, Deeplands, has been ated . from' the Thomas School This fascinating group of round the world travelers ity for women pharmacists. will day was JOAN TAYLOR, who formerly MARIA MELKEN, named to the newly appointed in Rowayton, Conn., and is a have bid members to a "primitive" banquet with four. be hostess at this Friday's meet- spent Thanksgiving with her daughter of the PHILIP M:EL- senior board of the "Bachelor" senior at, Vassar College. She MAKES HOLE IN ONE foot Siberian crabs, smoked Orinoco eel and Antartic ing of the sorority in her home. parents, the JAMES TAYLORS, KENS, of Lakewood avenue, magazine, at Rensselaer Poly- was presented at the Junior Oscar Freimann, of Lothrop , * * of North Oxford road. Detroit, and' paternal grand- killer whale (cubed to £it a toothpick) on the hors * technic Institute. Terry, a major League Cotillion at the Stam- road, scored a hole-in-one at * * * mothp.r . is MRS. RACHEL Gowanie Golf Club last Sun- d'oeuvre menu. . Starring' with - the .Madrigal Twin 'sons were born Novem- MAL 00 L Y of Beaconsfield in architecture .at the, Institute, ford Yacht Club in 1959. is the new literary editor. The' day, November 25. Mr. Frei- Club of .Detroit under the direc- bel' 24 to .MR. and MRS. JACK road. ' She is a granddaughter of Giant clam shens pulled from the Great Barrier magazin& is devoted to humor roann used a fwo-wood for his Reef will serve as dishes, courtesy of Vince Vlasoff, tion of August Maekelberghe E. WEDGE, of Kalamazoo. Mrs. * * * Mrs.' John J. Moment and the '199-yard shot or. the No. 12 Queensland crocodile hunter. Starring as centerpieces December 4 at the Wayne State Wedge, is the'_ former MAR- H(}me. for the weekend WIth (Continued on Page 20) late Rev. JohnJ. Moment of hole, and shot 93 for the round, Community Arts Auditorium are GARET. ANNE D 0 W N I E. their par:ellts, the CHARLES will he shrunken heads, ice sculptures and carved wood- MRS. W. A. BAILEY, of Balfour dau'ghter of the J. HASTINGS LeB; HOMERS, of Touraine _ en statues. road, and MRS. CARL GROUND, DOWmES, 'of Balfour road. d CHUCK HOMER of Barrington road. .roa • were ". Two explorers, John M. Goddard, a young Californi- an, and Lewis N. Cotlow, of New York, will speak. * * * Goddard is the only explorer ever to voyage the length MRS. KENNETH COSTLEY of Pemberton road assisted by of both the Nile arid Congo and will show films of the MRS. HARRY BANTA will en- savage tribesmen. Also films of the New Guinea cqast 'tertain members of Musicale where young Michael Rockefeller '.;ras lost will be Art' Club Thursday, November shown. 4 • 29. Following brunch a musical Fred L. Shaw and J. Leslie Berry are in charge of program will be presented by the banquet. On the invitation list. are Pointers Robert MRS. FRANK LORENTZEN, MRS. VERNON COX, MRS. (Continued on Page 18) ROBERT HAUSS and MRS. --~ =

Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30


Brighfen the hour~ of her A.M. and P'.M. '* IWright ,Kay has .8n'~~fth~ fi~est. ~hin~ . ~ ~nd gift collections in the United States. life for Christmas- with.' a * Wright Kay carries -all ..th~ fine names colorful robe in a 'cozy such:' as Lenox, Wedgwoo~,. Spode, Arondo of Arne! Royal Worcester, RoyalOoulton, Min- ~ee~~ . ton; -Crown Derby, Rosenthal and oti'l.ers. 1\e.ll\\nt>E;R. To "1\\f. t'\EN - )'O\l~NlbHT triacetate' and nylon. Pretty .* Wright Kay buyers' ~ravel .the world for and practical in tu~qtioise~ To S\IOP 1sT\\\3 MOllt)l\'1,1)Ec.3RO ! . . . .ne\!{ and unusuel imports.' We ~~\\ Jo~e ~\:.5p.~.• fco'm 1toiD ' '!9ya}, red or pin~. open *. With" Wright Kay's. "Club Plan" you Sizes 10 to 18., 11.00' . can 'enjoy ,fine china.for_o'nly$5.' a mont~ .. per place ~ettlng, 'or buy:on convenient Mail crnd phone orders fitled deferred p-ayments. , " ...- l1u., Wa)llN\.-~.ilh.c:I~S~ /" ( * The Wright Kay. Brid_olConsultant and • Registry'is always at your service. Gift . #\0\ c.~4m

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. Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. November 29, 1962 Thursday, November 29. 196: Society News Gathered fr'om'Allof the Pointes Womall

) IKristin Gordon .Mrs'. Hugh J. McGuire Lochmoor plans Mary, Jane Wilson Is Christened Holiday Dinner Mothers' Club Yule Newlywed (

On Sat~3rday aIternoon in The Christmas, sea s 0,11 at Weds Mr. McGuire Christ Chl1~ch the Rev. Erville Lochmoor Club <...ill start off Tea Set for Dec. 4 To Live In Jc Pair Speak Vows Saturday in St. Joan of Arc Church i\laynard offioiated at tJhe christ~ with a gala formal dinner party, this Saturday, December 1. , ening of Kristin Edgar Gordon, Expect 2,000 to Attend Traditi?nal E.vent.in High Travel to Hawaii and then Fuchu ) With Reception at Pick Fort Shelby Hotel; Mrs. Clarence. Bessert, chair- daughter of thc John Robert Saturday in St. Paul's on th~ Tr~vel to Ft. lauderdale. Fla. man of the ladies .social' pro- School Auditorium ~GymnasIum; Christmas Gordons, of Univeor;;ity pla"ce. gram, announced that her com- In Many Lands' Is Theme Recep!ion at Hur' In St. Joan of Arc Church Saturday Mary Jane Wil- The god pare ruts for the one- mittee, composed .of Mrs. Alex A new home i;;~g~ve;n~e-~: son, daughter of Mrs. George E. Wilson, of Hampt0lt S7.migiel, Mrs. Mitchell Simon, "Christmas In' Many Lands" is the theme of the year-old are Pat O'Keeffe, of Mothers' Club annual Christmas Tea, to .be held on Tues- Fuchu Air Station, Tokyo, J ap3L road, and the late Mr. Wilson, became the bride of Hugh New York, Mrs. Gordon's room- and Mrs. Hamilton' 'Ko1\:cher,will Joseph McGuire, of Detroit, son of Mrs. J ohri McGuire, have the club transformed into day, December 4, at 3 o'clock in the HIgh School gym- John Terrence G:.tra who are -no', mate at M1. Holyoke OollegE"; after. their wedding Saturday in :: of New York, and the late Mr. McGuire. Mr. Gordon's brother-ia-Iaw a holiday wonderland. nasium-aud~torium. ------',ranging the tea tables of shore. ----. The bride wore a blush I Dr. Lee 'Vosburgh; of Plandome: Al Navarro's orchestra will I Some 2,000 mothers and '~Christmas In Many Lands" pirik organza gown with a Th()mas P. M()ore It, of Royal L. I., and Mrs, Ford Wright; provide the music for dancing, The bride is the former veilec fitted embroidei.ed .bodice Oak, was best man and seating Jr., of Garden City, 'L.T. and the B. Siegel Company will friends are expected to are... Mrs. J. Cullen Kenz:edy, Arner U.S.A.; Mrs. T. R. Colhoud. guests. 'vere John B. Hig- present a lavish style show for am Mary Martha McCallum, pink:' and short sleeves. An ~c- ~c Because the godparents were thrill to teeh hora 1pro.gr ,France; Laos, Mrs. 1~homas the ladies and their husbands. Dar cordian pleated panel ac- gms, LOUIS C. Bosco;- Jr., unable to attend the ceremony daughter of the Kenneth . Eugene A. Schwartz, Samuel A. Among those 'with early re- directed by Mr. John Fmch, Munson; Uruguay, Mrs. Robert Mrs. Erie Stroh ..and Mr. and James McCallums, of North was I. cen.ted th: flared skIrt Payton and David N. Schaar.- servations are the Alfred Mun- and tlie delicious' refre~h- Redlin; Finland, Mrs. William MrS. Henry J. Fitzgerald, of. wh~ch fell mto a cathedral For her daughter's wedding derlohs, J. Wilfred Harrisons, et Gorenflo; Australia, Mrs. Leroy Edgewood drive. and; the were TorDnto, Mr. Gordon's. other ments served on tables, S Barker; Germany, Mrs. Don tram. and the reception at thl?' Pick Clarence . B a u e rs , William Granf brother-in-law and sister, were air force officer is the son A matching pillbox Df em- Fmt Shelby Hotel Mrs. Wilson Nimzs, John N a I a n s, Henry as they might be at Christ- Miller; and Spain, Mrs. Sydney proxies. A smaU cocktan }XU'ty of the Joh'1 T. Guras, of Ross. broidered org-anza caught her wore a blue-green brocade Munsons, Norman Merollis, Rob- mas in F ran c e, Laos, Sinclair. at the. Gordons followed the '. Tea pourers are headed by Peoria, Ill. : R. Ch illusion veil and she carried sheath with a matching jacket ert Kemps, William Sellheims, ceremony. Uruguay, F 1n 1and, Aus- Mrs. Thomas J. Pearsall and her W. 1~ white and garnet pink roses and emerald green acceswri-es. and A. R. Motschalls. For the I'ites the bride chose co-chairman, Mrs. Ant h 0 n y with ivy. Mrs. McGuire was in a royal tralia Germanj;l Spain aJld an ivory peau de soie gown TimOll Mrs. Raymond Deryck. Jr.. blue b l' 0 cad e shea,th with the U~ited States. Colett. Mrs. Charles Tompkins with appliques of Aleneon lace Detroit Garden' Club and Mrs. George Sherman are For was matron of honor in a malching accessories. Bot h Zeta Tau Alpha Bids on the bodice and a peacock The Grosse Poi n t e High in charge of silver tea services. and ;: sheath of holiday red with a 'mothers wore cymbidium Dr- Sponsors Holiday Sale ~viothers to Y:~le Party train edged m lace. A matcu- School Choir v..iJI march into Traffic and service is handled tion a; flared Dverskirt. Her pillbox chids. ing pillbox caught her silk illu- the auditorium singing the tra- by Mrs. Robert Gould, Jr. In- Calluli was in a matching shade and A Papal blessing was read at The Marketing Committee of Zeta Tau illpha, national so- sion veil and she carried white diti9nal processional, "DeckThe vitations were destgned by Mrs. Italia,. she carried shaded pink Fugi the ceremDny. The bride was the Detroit Branpoh of National cial fraternity~ will have the De- roses and white rubrum lilies. Halls" which is a Welsh num~ Edward Suits and 2,500 invita. Alenc' mums, W hit e pDm poms and given away by her uncle, John Farm and Garden has been. troit's Mobher's Club. of the fra- I. ber. Other carols, sung in other mons were hand-addressed by wheat. Madura, of Niies, Ill. working through the summer ternity as its guests at the an- Mrs. Charles C. Adams, of I' mg p. Dressed. like the honor at- FDr traveling to Ft. Lauder- in order to have a large and at- nual Christmas party. lands, include, "Caroling, Carol- her committe'E!. Del Rio, Tex., was matron of Jillnk ing" by Burt,' and typically Key Club members will help tendant were the bridesmaids dale, f'la.,' the bride wore an tractive selection of plaques, The party is to be held Tues~ honor and the bridesmaids I con h American; "God Rest You Merry with the. parking and the Y Constance Wi Iso n, Synthia antique gold walking suit with cone, .nut and fruit wreaths, . day, Deceqtber 4, at the Hospi- were Virginia Mills, of Chilli- Both. i Gentlemen," English; "Lullaby Teens and Hi-Y members will Stcinke, of Park Ridge, Ill., and black accessories. They will live hurricane lamps, floral arrange- Photq by Beatrice Zwaan tality Center on Kercheval at cothe, Ill., Nancy Hinrichs, of OrChlG for Jesus," Polish; "Christmas assist with the refreshment3. Patricia Hardt, of Berkley. in Chatsworth avenue. ments and other arlicles suit- 8 p.m. Round Grove, Ill., and Jane! . For ------MARY JANE WILSON, daughter of Mrs. George Songs of Sweden"; "Song of the Mrs. William Adams assists ----_._------._------_._------able for gifts for the Christmas The Eastside group of Zeta IVkCallum. I bride Wilson, of Hampton road, and the late Mr. Wilson, was Crib," German; "Carol of the this group. Sale on Saturday, December 8, Tau Alpha, under the chair- They wore autumn rose vel- i with 1 Bells" by Leontovich, Ukrain- School will be dismiseed at Future Nurses Receive Pins from 10 a.m. at 15047 E. War- married Saturday in St. Joan of_Arc CliUl'ch to Mr. manship of Mrs. Joseph Bruno, veteen gowns with matching pillbo; ian; "Star Carol" by Burt, 2:15 o'clock. This means that ren avenue at Maryland. McGuire, son of Mrs. John McGuh"e, of New York, and Manchester road. will be the Who says no one is doing Secretary, Karen Stokely. American; "Hostodi Pomilui," there will be ample parking lot the late Mr. McGuire. hostess group at the party. anything about the nursing The money raised will be Russian by Lvovsky; lilld the facilities available. Gowanie Golf Club Havi, Judy MIholik, vice-president, The ChDroleers, a segment of shortage? One hundred. girls used for the scholarship fund French carol by Gevaert, en- gave the wolcoming speech and the A cDppela Ohoi:r, from the Mrs. Albert Law, Mothers' Dr. and Mrs. Robert B, i Aft. from Grosse Pointe High School as well as 110rticultural ther- Catholic Study Club To Honor Presidents titled, "A Joyous Christmas introduced Miss Wicks CDttaga Grosse Pointe High School will Clull president, states that, Clarke of University place have i con tin can honestly say they are work- H 0 s pit a I Admin1SJtr~tor, and apy. The group WQ.l:ks at Eloise Song." The Catholi~ Study Club of there will be a bus trip to serve as entertairiment. The "This is a community event, been named chairmen of "The memb ing on this problem President Kay Jorene talked a~d Harper Hospitals and funds I Deb.oit will have its annual Monroe,""--the bus leaving De- Ohoraleers are under the direc- Mrs. Ch~.des R. lVioore, chair- one that is always a traditional Wine Affair" which will take The girl's, men.hers of the about the club itself and con~ ~e needed for the exchange Presidents" Day on Monday, troit Edison Company, '2000 tion of John Finclt, a music man of the Christmas Tea, and highlight of the holiday season place at Gowanie Crlllf Club go or Hlgh School Fu.lure Nurses ducted the introduotion of the students program. December 3. Second boulevard, at 11 a.m. teacher at Grosse Pointe High her co-mmittee are working ef- and everyone is invited who i~ next Sunday afternoon, Decem- variet Club, work as Pink Ladies every new members. The f 011 0 wIn g have been M J J H S The purpose of this trip is to School. ficiently together. In charge of any way contributes <>1'partici. bel' 2. ,,'ine ( Saturday and holidays during rs. ames . ayes, 1'., food, hundreds and hUJ:ldreds .Each girl was called by name working to make the sale a suc-' chairman of the social commit- "Tour the AtDmic Energy In addition to the entertain- pa-tes in Mothers' Club." the schoDl year and every day of co.oklies and sandwiches, and to receive a gold F.N.C. pin cess. Mrs. Joseph F. Nagel, tee, will honor the guest presi- Plant". .-- ment, .there will be an oppor- during the summer. scroll and a candle. The pi;;:s gallons and gallons of tea and Miss Jane Simpson, Mrs. Lan- dents with a tea and social hour Mrs. Sam Zilly} national tunity to buy Christmas decOra. New members and officers are coffee, are Mrs. Earl Zuehlke have been generously dDnated neau Bell, Mrs. Henry Burk~ in the English Lounge at 3 chairman of the ciyies depart- tions and Christmas cookies. and :Mrs. Robert Carl. Their ~Schedule Sale installed a.t a traditional Can- by the Women's Auxiliary to hardt, Mrs. Carl Carlson, Mrs. ment asks the club members The decorations, supplied by p.m. soliciting cll.a.irmen are Mrs. dlelight Ceremony. This year Cottage Hospital. George De Land, Mrs. Elmore to make reservations ear~y for the Eastside group, were done Douglas Wade and Mrs. George At Bon Secours the installation took place at Mrs. Earl R. Sticlel of the Frank, Mrs. John Peterson, The tea will be preceded by the tour and for the luncheon under the leadership of Mrs. "SERVICE BEYOND THE Christ Church on Wednesday, Women's AU'lQiliary to Cottage Mrs. Jack Whiting~ Mrs. Ervin the business meeting at 1 p.m. John G. "Ralius. The cookies Frederickson. which foIl ows. The ~n Seoouxs Hospital November 28 at 4 o'clock where Hospital, voluntee-r chairman, WHee, Mrs. Otto Williams and after which the guest presi- were baked by the Junior In charge of sandwiches is Guild is sponsoring a Christ- 67 girls repeated their vows and pinned the F.N.C. pins Dn the dents will be introduced to the group under the chairmanship Mrs. Jack P. Gierman; cookies, Mrs. Norman Swayne. club members. mas sale tomoITOW, Friday, became active members of the members, With candles lilt the Holiday Fair of Mrs. Jerry Lankeneau. Mrs. Jolui Klock; Mrs. Paul Future Nurses Club. girls stood in a half circle and ------I At 2, I p.m. Albert SualI'ez, Nash, .tabde settings; beverages, November 30, at the Science As the motheors and friends of repeated their vows, after which The first Christmas Seals to tenor, also the Don Large The Auxiliary to the Salva- l\Irl>. Donald MarslhaI:l; and Mrs. Hall <>f the Hospital, 468. new and old members watC'hed, Dfficers were inducted by tuberculosis were used in "Quintones" will make. it a tion Army will give its 13th an- DREAMER Clintc";:l Amluxen, clean-up. CadIieux road. How-s are from the girls marched in and took Club's sponsor. Miss V. Elson, Denmark in 1904,. Now Christ- memorable afternoon with their nual Holiday Fair this Thursday Flights of fancy are okay nOw Co-ehairmen fO'r decorations 10 in the morning until 9 at 'ARTHURJ. ] their seats in front. An opening Grosse P()inte' Hi g h School .mas Seals fight 'fB and other "Holiday Harmony". in the Jade Room of the Detroit and then, but don't get in the are Mrs. Charles Gauss and night, and the public is cDrdial- AND COMP.Ac prayer ':"Iasgiven by the Club's nurse. respiratory diseases. On 'l'uesday, December 11, Leland Hotel. habit of making non-stop flights. Mrs. J. Charles M.arkley. AI- ly invited. INSURAl'i

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Whether you're strictly a spectator Sport: .. A so-called snow-bunny ••. a or whether you take the slopes in Graceful "Wedeln" style ..• ,You'll Take- to these ski fashions with WARRE Price tags to fit every pocketbook. DIAMor


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CHARLES W• WA~RE JEWELERS AND SIt STEUBEN GL 1520 WA-S.HINGTOI~ .'Detrolt 2~1Michigan-Phone WO 2-51:i .WALTon.PIERc.e, -: K1RGitIYN.-A1'~$T•.'LAIR .. .(;IOU •. roINTI , ., .l * "f /.io .. ~., ('

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/ Page Seve~teen ,p 0 I N T ,E. ,N E W S Thursday, November 29, 1962 G RQ. SSE < by, of, and fOf, Pointe Women tes Woman's Page • • • \ with ho] iday touches for fOl,lr Center Slates Dut,ch Evening dollars per person. Three hun- Garden Club Mrs. John T. Gura dred may-be accommodated in The Gros;e pointe War meJlus of the dishes prepared as the new facility. All wishing tOo. rule Newlywed Guras Designs Favors Memorial is seheduling for the well as the souvenir menus. attend are urged to have their paid reservations in to the cen- first time one of its interna- Following dinner guest.; will The Christmas program of ter office by Friday, December tional dinners and programs in adjourn to the theater on the the Windxpill Pointe Garden floor below where they will be 7. I. To Live in Japan Club will be" .launched at the the new William Fjries Audi- 4 torium. It will be "An Evening entertained by an informative home of Mrs. Otis 'u. Walker, In Holland" with the Hans talk on th.e Netherlands by a The n('xt best thing to saving nt in High Travel to Hawaii and then Fuch~Air Station after Rites of Trombley rO'ad, Wedn~day, native of the country. Then December 5 a;t. 10 o'clock. Brinker theme welcoming win- for a rainy day is a reputation hristmas Saturday in St. Paul's on the Lakeshore and te'r and the Christmas season. beautiful color travel films of , \ for paying bills promptly. Holland will be shown. Reception at Hunt Club For the past e,ight years the A real Du'tch dinner will be , -~~~ --~. - - ~--- - members have spent their Dec- served in .the Fries banquet'" Dinner and the ,entire festive I Tact is saying nothing in a .heme of the A new home in a government housi.~g project near ember meeting making tray ballroom on December 10. at 7 evening are offered by the held on Tues- Fuchu Air Station, Tokyo, Japan, awaits Lt. and Mrs. favors. for the U.S. ,Public Memorial Association cOomplete' way that leaves nothing unsaid. o'clock. -Every 'guest. will ., receive School gym- John Terrence Gura who are now traveling to Hawaii Health Se'rvi~e Hospital. which after their wedding Saturday in St. Paul's on the lake- houses 125 mell and 45 women. ,ea tables of shore. i ------'-.La$1; year the Gardlm" Club "- Many Lands" The bride is I veiled pillboxes, They carried added the Marine Guild of tHe ll.1len Kennedy, the former I American' beauty .roses and MiC'hi~n Memorial Ins,titute, '. R. Collicud. Mary Martha McCallum, I pink rubrum lilies, Mrs. Irwin Amberg and Mrs. I~ Mrs. 'rhomas daughter of the Kenneth I Daniel T. Gura. Oof Peoria, James Ogden are in charge of lY. :1\1.rs.Robert J M C 11 f N h the project this yea,r. and th{!y . Mrs. William ames c a urns, 0 ort was best man anc the ushers have planned s'cm'eth.ing quite ilia. Mrs. Leroy Edgewood drive, and; the! were David D. Tauer. of La difierent, ny, l\'lrs. Don air force officer is the son II Grange Park, Ill.; David N.' After luncheon, and• the busi- in, l\'Irs. S~'dney of the John T. Guras. of! Ross. of La G~"OXcaught her. s11....ll~u- Callum chose a seafoam green Gould. Jr. In- ~on veIl and she carrled whIte Italian silk sheaHi with an ~OOiJ esigned by Mr-,;. rOses and white rubrum lilies. Alencon la<:e bodice and mat(~h- nd 2.500 invita- Pointers Attend Id-addTessed by Mrs. Charles C. Adams, of I ing pillbox. Mrs. Gura was in fliJrJ Del Rio, Tex., was matron of z.nir.k toned chiffon wit.h Alen- A'tvards Dinner mbers will help honor and the bridesmo'ids con lace and a matcohll1g hat. ng and the Y were Virginia Mills. of chilli- Both mothers wore cymbidium A score of Grosse Pointe cothe. HI.. Nancy Hinrichs. of orchids. ,Photo by Beatrice Zwaan DO] ( members will area couples will be among~ e refreshments. Round Grove, Ill.. and Jane! ' For traveling to HawaE the the 800 persons expected to MARY MARTHA McCALLUM, daughte:r;. of the :McCallum. bride wore a black wool suit Kenneth I James 2.YIcCallum,of North Edgewood drive, l~ij Adams assists I attend the Knight of Charity They wore autumn rOse vel- I with black fox and a matching Award dinner at Cobo Hall was married in St. Pau,l's on the, Jakeshore SaturdaY,to De dismi~ed at veteen gowns with ma'tching pillbox. December 1 at which three Lt. Gura, son of the John T. Guras, of Peoria, Ill. 'his means that ___ ~. __ ~ ... ----- ~_,_~~4~" ~_' -_ prominent Michigan business- nple parking lot men will be honored at a $100 )le. Gowanie Golf Club Having Wine Affair Plan Breakfast a plate event. Federated Clubs OQ La'w. Mothers' Dr. and Mrs, Rob~rt-R I After sipping and rating both Cited at the inter-faith affair for person-to-person charity Ingailiering of funds to sup- to its own membership to cast t, states that. Clarke of Univer~ity place ,~ave 11 contint'ntal and domestic wines will be men of three different port projects of Federation of a play for the 'December. 13 mmunit)-, event. been name? chall~men?f rhe members and their guests will faiths: Anthony De Lorenzo, Women's Clubs of Metropolitan "speci.q1 emphasis day," at the ays a traditional Wine Affalr" ",vhlch will takc I . . 'G If Cl b go Oonto a dInner featuring a vice-president of G en era 1 Detroit gets a booSlt De£emb{!r Federation clubhouse. ~ holiday season p Iace at Gowame 0 u ' llext Sunday afternoon. Decem-I variety of gourmet foods and Mot 0 r s. Catholic. John E .. 4 at an auction breakfast set Written and direoted by Mrs. Ii invited who in Lurie, founder of Wrigley for 9:30 a.m. art:the fecl~ration Herbert E. Noms. a. Christmas butes or partici- ber 2. winc cookery. Super Markets. Jewish; Alvin clubhouse. Cheer-a.,Rama/wili be ,present- 'rs' Club." M. Bentley. Owosso industri- Club women are currently ed at the 10:30 a.m. assembly. alist; Protestant. I concentra,ting their efforts on Included in the cast are Ber- Dinner chairman this year I a program 'of psychological and nice .Mutch. Redford' Suburb-an e Sale is Kenneth D. Cassidy. vice- psychiatric counseling for teen- League; Marquerite Veys, Pal- president of the Ford Motor ager:; on probation from ju- estine Woman's. Club; Eunice T his Door Secours "SERVICE BEYOND THE CONTRACT" Comp'any. Benjamin LevinSQn venile court. Mrs. Zaio Wood- Ha milt 0 n, Detroit Woman's , is co-chairman. Chairman of ford Schroeder is ,chairman. Auxiliary - National Transport Complete your Christmas shopping easily. >ecours Hospital the women's committee is Mrs. Mrs. Frederick Bokelman, Association; Florence Thurmon, Detroit Review Club: Corrine soring a Christ- James H. Quello. heading the committee for the We have thoughtfully collected the beautiful, norrow. Friday, Lenke, Red for d Suburban Presentation of the "Knight" auction breakfast, urges mem- League; Florence' E. Norris, at the Science awards will be made by trustees bers of federation clubs to Detroit Review Club; Mrs. Al- the charming, the unusual and the whimsic",1 Hospital, 468 of Maryglade College, Mem- scour attics, basements and o?d fr d E. Thomas Detroit Study Hours are from ARTHUR J. ROHDE phis. Mich., whic~ will benefit nooks ~nd corners. for family, CI~b. ' to make Christmas giving a joy. 'rning until 9 at Al'iD COMPANY frolTI proceeds of the dinner. and hClTloom treasures to ,do- public is cordial- OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY UNTIL CHRISTMAS The eoltege.' under' direction nate to. the auction stock. Christmas Smorgasbord of the Pontifical Institute for .The federation has Deen add- INSURANCE Mission (PIMEl which has been ed to the lengthening list of Clark Women to Serve ill existence 110 years, trains sponsors for. the National Cul- young American men for volun- tural Center in Washington, The Clark Women's Club will meet at .12 noon' 'on Monday, LO 7-6100 tee:r; work in religious. educa- D.C., to be built for' the pur- 2711 East Jefferson, Detroit 7, Mich. tional, medical and social' fields pose of encouraging "new December 3, at Christ Metho- in underdeveloped nations of achievements from established dist Church~ for a Christmas 397 FISHER ROAD the world. artist~ and provide enlarged Smorgasbord. Private Parking Among more' than 100 mem- OPPQrtuniJties to young artists." After a short business meet- bers of the executive' committee It ~nvisages "a great stage ing, gifts, SO~gs and stories ,will Entrance on St. Paul ) are many Grosse Pointers in- where the best in performing complete an .afternoon of en- cluding: Cletus J. Welling, arts will be presented." Mrs. jo~ment. for your lady/s Christmas JOohn R. Wilt, George A. Gar- John F. Kennedy and Mrs. della. Eugene A. Casarol~, Dwight D. Eisenhower are HenrY T. Bod m ~ n. FranK honorary ehatiTmen. Col~er, Fran,k A. Colombo, Locally funds will be raised a LOU1SPalomblt, Bert Cr'eme~s, at a two-hour show, "An Mark C. Stevens. M. A. Cudllp, American Pageant of the Arts." Benson. Ford, John Gardella, C. Thursda November 29 at 9 A. Gremer and J. A. Mullen. Y. , . Z G'lb rt d hi ba d p.m. at ,the Fox TheaJtre, WIth WARREN . an .1 e ~n s n Leonard Bernstein hOSltfor the' w:ll pr9Vldem?SlC for the ev~. telecast and ianist Jose Iturbi mng and commg to entertam ., p from the .Cotillion Room in appearmg m person. '. .t 'II b ng Mrs. Herbert E. NorrIS, 1-3983 ew Y or k C1 y Wl e so - DIAMOND. Nt L ' h G ' I Greenvlew'. road, chlalrman. ..for s ress elg reen. ,the federation's fund raising campaign, may be contjlcted for' Give the fellow who. offers tickets. you something for nothing a Instead of importing talent wide berth-it's. a good time to from professional levels. Fed- figure the price. will be too eration O'f Womem.'s Clubs of high. Metropolitan Detroit will turn


Magnificient Furs for I Chl"istmas

'There is no gift, more genuinely appreciated than a fine diamond. And there is no better tim~'than Christmas to surprise your lady with a diamon~ 'from Warren's. Truly impressive showings of modern de,sign rings, brooches, earrings, necklaces, bra,celets and watches await your consideration. You .will,see many exclusive ./ and one-of.a-kind creations. Every piece of W;arren's Black Dyed Persian' Lamb m a versatile jacket that is further enhanced by a diamond-set je"':'elry is of exquisite craftsman~hip, flattering collar of ••. Natural 'Dark superb quality and' most dependable value. Ranch Mink or EmbCl* .~ICerulean"* Mink. Gift p'ri'~ed'at ~.. $425* .

CHARLES & COMPANY w. WARREN• JeWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS S T E U 8 E N G L A.S S ROLLINS FURS 1520 WA"SHINGTON BOULEVARD 47 East Adams • Detroit Oetrolt 26, MIchigan-Phone WO 2.5158-Storo Hours 9;30 to 5:00 Star. Houri: 9:30 o.m, tG 5:1on p.m. Man, thru Sot. .f- •. *TM "EMBA'" Mink ,8rlld.ra Anoclotlon ,.' Plul. TOl(,,~.; Fur products lab.led • •. .,', 'j' ~' . . ,- .-'~ ..... ,.... ' ... , : to .how country of orlllln 0' ImportOd f1Ira.

~,I' Page Eighteen Thursaay, Novemb'er 29, ]<;1 ,GROSSE POINTE NEWS .fhursdsy, November 29, 1962 Society News. Gathered from All ,of the Poirites WomaI The only thing some }1eopleI Hardluck is rampant every-' M . I learn from experience is that where, but the greatest suffer- use u a r Altar Society they made another mistake. ing in the world is 1dgret. , Dystrophy Yule Bride FrarYl Another Pointe of View Whites to EI - . - Plans Yule Tea ...'" .. (Continued from Page 15) ..... Monsignor Francis J. Mc...... Powers, George Toubeneck, Ro~ert Koebel, Simon Den .... March Set for Dee:.4 Phillips will present. a' short ." . Frank J. Slat...... Johnston Ohristmas message and the St. Uyl, teo Fitzpatrick, George Cossaboom and David ...... Expect 5.000 Mothers to Join in Driye to Collect Funds Paul Boys' Choir, a ~':review of Fl~k . Liggett School's Future Head ...... & Murphy Under Porchli.ghts; Mrs. Eml'Det E. Tracy' their Ohristmas music, directed * Harrisburg, Pa., to Be Hon •• Is Pointe Chairman . by Mr. Edward PerSon, at the ...... meeting of the St. Paul Altar Dinner in Provencal ; Society, Monday, December 3, World Travelers Report ...... I More than 5,000 mothers from tht! East 'Side of De- at 1:30 p.m. in the Pa,rish Circumnavigator Leslie Berry and his wife A dinner meeting at the Pro: ;'...... troit will march. from door to door on Tuesday evenIng, J. will House. be able to. report to banquet guests on their 95-day trip Charles M. Whites will bring 11 ."...... December 4, when' the Detroit Chapter. of the Muscular' ••• Altar Sodety president, Mrs. from the North Sea to the North shore of Africa. Thev master of the new Liggett Scho.) John M. Murphy, will. be hos- ...... Dystrophy. Associatio~ condtlCt.s its annual porchlight have just returned from a long motor trip from Holland with the committee heads of t ...... campaIgn In ques't of funds to fIght the disease that an- tess for the tea hour whi'oh Fund. The get-acquainted part .. \'.ill' follow the business meet~ through Germany, Switzedand, France and Spain, cli" .. .. llually takes the lives of thousands of children through. will be held this Saturday even ...... out the nation. Dystrophy last September 13, ing.Assisting Mrs. Murphy , maxed by a tour of Casablanca, Marakech and Tangier. Guests in c Iud e: Mrs. Imitt,~ • .;,.• .. Mrs .. Emmet E. Tracv, of when eight-year-old Allan, Ko- will be: Mrs. Edward C. Roney. In Ludwigsburg, Ger~l1any, they visited Co!. and ..... • Provencal road is general walski of thi~ .city died 'in Chi!- Jr., Mrs. Z. St~ven Bowen, Mrs. William L. Drennan. Mrs. D. is the former Mary John N. Failing, Jr., chair-: f~~ Mrs. Edward J. Shuma~er, Mrs. • • ..•... chairman of the women dren's Hospital after a sudden Lou,ise Goodson, of Mi::rriweather road. man of Special Gifts; Mr. i ~ . Thomas PErtzold, Mrs. I' E. D~ •••• - marchers for Wayne Coun_attack .of pneumonia, which is The Berrys will leave two days after the primitive and Mrs. B. Courtney Ran-I ~e . ) O'Leary and Mrs. John Don- kin, Special Gifts; Mr. and DL • • • t C . r1 1 d ' usually fatal to those afflicted nelly. dinner for Marathon Shores, Fla., where they will reo ...... y. c.mpalb,n ea ers from with Dystr.ophy. F,or three years cuperate and plan their next trip, possibly to South Mrs. John Kenower, chair- here .... •... the \ ~ast SIde, ~ho ~ave prior:, to his' d'eath; the Kowalski America, one of the few continents they haven't \'isited man of General Gifts; Mr./ Slad ~ • • organIzed and WIll dIrect boy was national' poster boy for W ' Cl b' yet. and Mrs. Frederick S. Ford, of h.~ : ..:.: Tuesday night's march are: the' M.D. drive, his. picture ap- otnen S _,U Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Ster- co-eha.irmen with Mr. and ,I mer ...... Mrs. Gordon Simpson, 395 pearing thI'Qughout the coun- ,To Give Party' ba, of Whittier boulevard have * Mrs. Lansing Pittman of For~ .. .. Lakeland, \ Grosse Pointe, try 'Ylth such well known celeb- announced the engagement of * ...... , Mrs. Anthony English, 463 rlties as Jerry - Lewis, Perry 'their d a ug h t e r, VERENA Scholar from Tunis the Liggett To m orr 0 w! f' ~g ...... , Elizabeth Court, G r,o sse AlColmoDorotHy, Collins and Steve The Bridge Group of 'the CHRISTIANA. to Dr: Robert Fund, and Mr. and Mrs. ~~gg . • .. ., en Grosse Pointe Women's Club in- Michels, of ChevY Chase, Md. Spending a year in the Pointe while he attendo; William Gilbride, president ~th:; ...... Pointe Fa~ms, Mrs. Fred 1'4e~bers of this year's Mus- vites YO'll tiJ an afternoon of Miss Soorb.a is a graduate of Austin High School is Kevin Brennan, son of the EdwarrJ. of the board of trustees. I and 1 ...... J & M Sho~ are custom.designed to look Baker, 1421 S 0 mer set, cularDystrophy committee have foibles, fun, and ~ancies-the the Grosse Po~nte CollO'try pay T. Brennans, now with the American embassy in Tunis. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bayne, I are !J ...... better, fit perfectly, and last long~r ••• with Grosse Pointe Park, Mrs: held' dances" candy sales and annual Christmas party will be School and the Sarah Lawrence Young Kevin is staying with his cousins, Mr. and president en the Associate Hi ' ...... h I h . th 1 Robert M. Hoffer, 31 Colo- millionaire part i e s to raise held at the Memorial Center on College and rect>ived a master's Mrs. William Gilbride, of Radnor 'circle. His father will ...... t e resu t t at lD e ong run )'ou spend less nial Road, Grosse Pointe money ,for the organization's Wednesday, December 5: degree at the New Yo.rk Schcol Alumnae AssOCiation; Mr. and a S€: ...... for the finest shoes ever made. Try a pair of Shores and Mrs. Albert W. treasury. However, nex~ Tues- Mrs. Louis. Vollmer, chairman of Social Work. Columbia Uni- be posted in Tunis untjJ the fan of 1963 when the family Mrs. John C. Hodges, chairman revi€, hopes to return to Washington duty. of the Parents Solicitation; Mr. new ! ...... J & M Shoes today. Schoh1 1490 Anita Grosse day night's neighborhoo~ door of the day, has asked th'e fol- versity. She is currently a His grandmother ~s Mrs. Walter Raymond Meier, and Mrs. James Wineman, lO-ac: ."...... Pointe 'Woods. I to door cam~gn, which 'w~ll be lowing members to assist her: psychia,tric social worker at the one of the Pointe's most talented artists, who now liveo; chairman of the Building Com- whe:r,! • .. from $30 conducted by over 25,000 march- Mesdames Erlana Reuter, Wi!- New York State ,Psychiatric I • ~..... These women, together lWith ing mothers in the Wayne Coun- Ham Rochelle, George FllP.k.. Institute of Columbia Univers- in Menton, France . . • • .. hundreds of other group lead- .. ty Area;"'is counted on to ,pro- James Wallmer, and George ity. ••••.. .1 L ers throu~hO'llt the city, have ch1ce the money that will fur- Moore. Dr. Michels is th-e son -of ...... car/" slerr been ~or~ng for t,yeeks under: nisp medicattreatment to some A sandwich buffet will be Mrs. Ann Michels and the late Speci ...... the dlIectlon of- D. T. Neder- 700 child victims of this' dreaded served at 12 noon with bridge Mr. Sam .Mkhels of Chica~o, AAUW to Hold Yule Program ...... ON THE HILL lander, general chairman of the disease. ' , starting at 12;30. Members wish- .TIL He is a grnduate of the • SHAMPOO and WAV American Association of unI- I bas will be. presented. The • HAIR CUTS . • ~... - 1962 Muscular Dystrophy Drive. ' According to statistics fur~ ing to attend may call Mrs. University of Chicago and versity Women axe planning a • • the menJs wear shop T~~ Nederlander ?ame .is fa- nished by' the' Muscular Dys- William Rochelle, PRo 1-9250. Northw~stern Unliversity Medi- Choral Group will sing a few • TINTS ....••••••.•• special Christr.1I8S program to ....• mlhar to Motor CIty playgoers trophy Medical ResearCh Center Mrs. Donald Leahy is general cal School, and completed his songs under the direction of • BLEACHES ., ••••••• be held Friday, December 7, in Mr. Mendel Lucatsky. Kercheval Avenue a1! tbe driving force behin~ the iq New York, today's, child vic- chairman of the Bridge Group psychiatric training at Colum. •• SO the Banquet-BallToom, Fries • PERMANENTS ...... • operation of the Cass and FiSher tim has, a life expectancy or for the year. bia University. He' is current- Reservations for the dinner Auditorium at the GrQ'Se which is open to members and ...... Theater~. . about five years longer than was' ------ly a research associa'te at th,~ Pointe War Memorial. Drinner ..... ~ Doily 9 to 6, Thursday 'till a:~o DetrOlt;~s were made aware the case some ,years ago. Dr. National Institute of M~ntal friends should 'be made by noon FREDERICK'E _-_.._. ~=~_o_f_,t_h_e_v_Ic_ro_u_s_u_s_S_~_M_U_S_C_~_arM~N~m~~~~~~Go~on.R~no~R~s .fu~,B~~a,~. AD~ will be served at 6:30. The pro- Deocember 5 by calling Mrs. AJ. gram will follow promptly at 8. Ien A. Brunson. TU 1-9514 {lr 17640MACK AVE. Detroit M. D;' Clinic, expressed To Be Read in February ember wedding is planned. An origin'aI play wri1Jten and co~idence yesterday that a ~ure _. _ Mrs. James P. StuaM.. TU directed by Mrs. Louis L. Bam- or means of preventing the dis- 2-3863. At a recent family dinJner, ease from attacking children- at St. Mary's of M~nroe 'TIl. CHRISTMAS' the time- of 'birth, is not too the engagement of Mrs. James ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M. Reynolds (Maty Lee' Melin) many years away; "Maybe not A~umnae to Have Tea of Birmingham, and Edgar ~IDEAI. CHRISTMAS GIFT, next week.. but with the help ~!t. of so many millions of people George Gordon, Jr. was an-' The. Detroit C1lapter of the ~' FOR'CHILDREN AND ADULTS '1~'" throughout the United States, nounced. . Alumnae Association of St. this disease, just like polio, is Mrs. Reynolds is the daugh~ Mai:-yAcademy, Monroe. Mich., ~BAU~H & lOMB BALSCOPE l".EN bound to be conquered." tel' of. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence will sponsor ..a Christmas T~a L. Meh~ of Spokane, Wash. Mr. at the Birmingham home' of MoVie star Jerry Lewis is ~ ~ ' ~--.c;b-..a..' Gordon IS the son of Mrs. E~gar, Mrs. Richard Schroeter on Sun- National Chairman ofthe Muscu- G. Gordon, of Monroe, MICh., dab', December 2, from"2 until ~._:~~ lar Dystrophy Association. Na- and the late Mr. Gordon. 6 o'clock ~ .... ~ .. tional campaign chairman is Mrs. Reynolds attended Wash~ . .::: Mrs. Lou Gehrig, widow of- the ington State' University and is !"frs. Thomas.K. Fisher and famous Yankee first baseman, an alumna of Michigan State' MISS Mary .Jan.e Kirchner, are himself a victim of a similar University. She is aff¥iated Grosse Pointe chairmen for the disease. The country's First \with Alpha Chi Omega. affair, plann!'!d to benefit the 11\; Designed by Lady, Mrs. John F. I):ennedy, is Mr. Gordon lives in Grosse missions of the Sisters of the ~0;;~~;~ honorary chairman of the 1962 Pointe. He' is an alumnus of Immaculate Heart of Mary, with Arthur Umanaff ?1 ,Y - • Nationill Canlpaign, while Mrs. Cranbrook School, Princeton Mrs. John C. Grix as general John Swainson will fill the same University, the Harvard Law chairplan, assisted by Mrs. IWil. ~ ''':~,.:....."'A QUALITY TELESCOPE: role for the State ..of Michigan. School, and attended the Har- Ham P. Brennan in Birming- ~; .' , b'E Move up close at sports events, vacation scenes, on nature trips AT vard Graduate School of B'usi- ham. ~ and even the moonl Here's big IO,power range with optical qual. ness Administration. ' Grosse Pointers expected to ~ Ih' never before cffered at this prIce. Balscope Ten (only $9 95 A February wed din g is attend include Detroit Alum~ b'E lO¥4" long, 9 ounces) ~smade by Bausch & Lomb-worid.famous' • SOLID HAND-OILED WALNUT Ohio Stat,e Women's planne'd. nae President, Mrs. Thomas ~ American makers of binoculars, microscopes, CinemaScope Club Party Dec. 9 ------Blessing, Mrs. Emmett Eagan, ~ lenses and other precision optical equipment See one today at ACCENT PIECES Some people seek ways of Mrs. S. Patrie O'Connell. Mrs. The annual ChJristmas tea for ma1dn,g-a living without work- Eugene Freitas, 'Mrs. Gerald ~ JOHNSTON OPTICAL COMPANY ing, but most of them won't Kane, Mrs. Peter Wayne and ARE YOU LIVING WITHOUT THESE MARVELOUSLY USEFUL LITTLE the Ohio State Umversity Wo- i 87 Kercheval . 20148 Mack men's Club of Detroit will be work. Mrs. Powell 'Peabody. ACCENT PIECES?They're just about the handiest held SUnday afternoon, Decem- ~ Grosse Pointe Farms. Grosse Pointe Woods things that ever happened to your living room (or family ber 9 at the" home of Mrs. S. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L. Shenefield, Grand Marl/I.is room). And the .fact that they're so charming is frosting boulevard. on the cake when you see their low, low price tags. All Mrs. James Lloyd will tell of her, experiences when she in ~tock for immedi~te delivery. was a student living in one of the two alumnae soholarship houses on the Ohio State' cam- pus. " Mary . Pomerene House and Davisson" Hanley H{)use are continuing projects of the De- " . .I. .'. troit Club. A donation will, be made for Houses. Mrs. L. Dale Sief of Wash- 1"1 ington road, club president, '. ( , will preside. ' Assisting the hostess will be ,I Miss Miskel Schaeffer of York- shire, mad.

A 11.3 victory for the Detroit

t " Lions, over Chicago in 1962 was .;~:::I~~:~~~~t~~~~~>~:i_:.~~~j~j,i~.::;:~ the first game since 1950 .that the Lions and an opponent bOth were held without a touchdown: In the' season 'of '50, Chi- NEST OF 3 TRIANGLE TABLES cago beat the Lions' 6-3. ' , . Solid hand-oiled walnut iegs.ond fram€.':white, block or pumpkin. Specially Priced everylhing-r~si I nl plo:lic top. 16ft high, 17" top . $27.99 . OCCASIONAL TABLE Solid hand-oiled walnut frame with solid walnut top. 20" high, 18" diem. $19.95 • Holds '0£ a 10 DOUBLE MAGAZINE RACK for you-by hiding shadows Oiled walnut. 22" overall heig'ht, Pair 13~" Red Bohemian lines to give your skin tho 16*N widtlf, Gloss Vases. Rare and Beautiful look of carefree youth. ~ $19.95 New England Hooked Rugs.. 2 R!JssianSamovars, 1 toil,' 1 low. 2 Tin Decorated Wood. Bo~es 20" Graceful New. England CIRCULAR TABLE wrought iron Andirons and "!f )1 . liond-oiled walnut bose and ~ther fine~exomples 'I~. bross . top with square everything. , resistant plastic insert. 19" h:gh, 36" diem. COUNTRY CHECKS ••• TVICTO'RIAN. QUILTING ••• F6r your active life, In w~ody tones 'of brown and beige ~ glV~ you the demure s'op~istic:ation ot an old fashioned $64.95 • wool, tailored to a "T". Knee skimming "AU skirt 10.95. ml~sw en you go. on your round of holiday parties. Quilted Knickers 13.95~ 80th 6-16. MatChingdark bro~ shetlelMd Ve ~eteen comes, In cranberry red cr fir green. Dress in CI 'UPHOLSTERED STOOL THE. cardigan with cheek trim. 34-40. 15.95. The same sepa. Christmas tree !hape' 6.}4. 36.00. Jumper s.MJ. 3~OO. Solid walnut frame with seat rates ,are also qvaiiabIe in olive or navy herringbone woo'l To be WOl'!t 'WIth 01', without CQ elegant cottoD t btec:lotb upbofstered in turquoise, with matchlng shetland cardigans.. damcrsk blouse in. pare pink for the cranbeny Nd or Ice corell, white or blad MITCHELL'S blue for the fir green. 8-16. 16.00. Noug~de. $15.~5 ; 733.1' Mock ot St. Crolr Thl Villagl. Store '16926 Kercheval-in Our phion. ,i1l'1II&.""I. t.... lalll. Thl Villag. Store NORTHLAND '. l" - IlflMINGHAM 1]1I0llE 'OINTE .sAGINAW ANN AIIBOII TU 2.47~'4 2Il5PlltGeSL Q'KmheY,1 IOSI. Jlfftne!t IZOS;. Un'nt1ltr IlIlMlNGHIlM '"0ISE 'OINTt SAGINAW ANNAIUlOII Deliveries-TV' IIfftttt"71D1 . T"i.1It"7110 'IIt11tltWlt7 1C1tUIdJ'" ' 'llS " .. It, .. keraltnll' 11111.~ 1211$1.Ua!YInItJ GROSSE POINTE STORE OPEN THURS. NIGHTS. TI'LL 9:00 ~ .... 4-11. T..... 4-11...... ZoilU IIInIIllIr waat . ' , GROSSE POINTE STORE OPIN THURS. NIGHTS TILL 9:00 , , ~.... IJS \.,.~ .1 I . I .c 0'C4&44CC= • & SQa a,.c.=

.. ThursClay, November 29, :1962 Page Nineteen ay, November 29, 1962 G R 0 S S,E POI N TEN EW S I - • _i olntes Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe Women Pointe of View Mrs. Hodge~ In' a Victorian Mood School Holding Christ Child's New Store Whites to Entertain Fetes Club Pancake Supper rllm Page 15) In Village Aids She'lter Robert Koebel, Simon Den The Grand Marais Garden A pancake supper for the Frank J. Siadens, Jr. Club will meet MOonday, Dec- whole fami.!ly will be held by Christ Child Society's newest many hand-made articles by the rge Cossaboom and David ember 3, at 10:30 art the home the Barnes School PTA from "J e n t u r e is s t r ic tl y "Top many t a I e n t e d members, fm- Liggett School's Future Headmaster and Wife of of Mrs. Earl Hodges of To:n- 5:30 tOo 7:30 p.m. on Wednes- Drawer," a gift shop located in ports, Christmas treasures, gifts nanc()ur place for :Lts C~iSJt- day, December 5, in the school for men, luxuries for milady and * Harrisburg, Pa., to Be HCl'Iored at Saturday mas Workshop. gymnasium. _ "The Village." The unique name a fine lin~ of accessories for the T0p Drawer was selected for Dinner in Provencal Road Home The prOoject for this year is An annual event, this year's the shop's outstanding merch.1n- .home. Christm.as cenJtierpieces for the supper will feature si.t-doW1ll dise and its top floor location The Kiddie Korner, referred A dinner meeting at the Provencal road home of the tahles in men's and \¥'Orn.eTI'S service at tables. rather than lie Be:rr~' and his wife will at 17007 K e r c h e val in the to recently as a "Grandmother : guests on their 95.day trip Charles M. Whites will bring together the new head- wards o-fReceiving Hospital. the uswal caJfetenia-style line. m~ster of the new Liggett School, Frank J. Sladen, Jr., CoJhostesses wtiill be MTis. Pointe. W hIt e awnings with Trap," features precious gift ~orth shorE.'of Africa. Thev The menu will include pancakes, green, silk tassels over white WIth the committee heads of the Liggett Tomorrow Cecil Shuert and Mrs. Edward sausages, applesauce, ice cream, flower boxes will indicate the items for a, tot or toddler to Illgmotor trip from Holland Biederman. coffee, and milk. and, France and Spain, cli- F1:tnd. The get:acqllainted party honoring Mr. Sladen store's 100cation to passerbys. cuddle or to wear. You'll find wIll be held thIS Saturday evening. " The cost wil:l be $1.50 for everything from a French Tele- Dca. l\Iarakcch and Tangier. adults and $1.00 for ~hildren, Mr. James V. Lemhagen, of phone to a camel that plays Guests i n c 1u.d e: Mrs'l mittee; Mr. and Mrs. H. Brad- any. they visited Co1- and and continuous children's movies Norllh Oxford road, is chairman. "Song of India." The welcome John N. Failing, Jr., chair- ford A~ons. gen-oral chairman ~Irs.D. is the former Mary will be shOown in the kinder- She has made trips to Chicago mat is out. man of Special Gift. M : of the LlggeLt T()mO'lTO'wFund; Jackie"- Backs garten during the evening. and New Y 0 r k to find the ~ather road. s'R r. Mrs. Edsel B. Ford, advisory, , All proceeds go to, maintain d M B C t ;.: \\"0 days after the primith'e ~ rs... ~ur ney an- are others. Sale'of Seals unique a::d un u sua 1. Mrs. the Christ Child House, which kID, SpeCIal GJfts; Mr. and During his week-end visit George Van Lokeren turned the '. Fla .. where they will re- former doctor's office into a is a temporary shelter for chil- Mrs. John Kenower, chair- here frOomHarrisburg, Pa., Mr. ....:1 Hospital Aides ~xt trip. 'Possibly to South Mrs. Jacqueline Ken n e d y, shop with some of the quaint- dren, regardless of race, color. Sladen stay in the hOome Itinents they haven't visited m'ln of General Gifts; Mr. will First Lady and wife of the ness of a Georgetown shop com~ or creed, and the new Christ and Mrs. Frederick S. Ford, of his p~rents, Dr. Salden, for- ,~.: ,'. ,~.lSet Holiday Tea President of the United States, . 1.$ CidB1 __ bined with the intimate E'1e~ Child S c h 0 0' I foT' educable co-rhairmen with Mr. and mer Chief. of Staff of Henry has urge'd all Americans to give gance of,a Fifth Avenue Salon. mentally retarded children. Mrs. Lansing Pittman of Ford HospItal, and Mrs. Sladen. "> &Q The montWy meeting of the generous support to the 1962 Fontbonne Auxiliary of St. A few of the local members the Liggett Tom 0 r r '0 w . Ligge~t's new headmast~r. Ohristmas Seal Campaign. ,,;:::,':«l The sparkling showcases dis~ '.:..::::;':.,::.;.~~..J John Hospital will take place play the wide assortment of gift who have given so tirelessly of Fund and M M fmds hImself well-versed In In a recent lett~r to William . .' . .r. and. rs. Liggett tradiotiOonas his sdsters items, each one carefully selec- ~~~~~rn~~:e~~:f~O~~c~es~~~: P Pomte while he attend;:; WIlliam GIlbrIde, preSIdent Catherine, Mrs. Roland Hall, J. Maa-tin, president of the Na- g~i:J~!r~~o~~:t:::Sd: tional Tuberculosis AssociJation, ....,;'.:;~:i,;~':'1;:::\(~ ted to please. The shop is dedi- Mrs. Donald Currier, Mrs. John Brenna....'1,son of the Edward and lnin, Mrs. John Wardwell, cated to serving its customers. of the board of trustees. Mrs. Kennedy wrote: P. McGough, Mrs. F. Mullen :unerican embassy in Tunis. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bayne, are bO'th graduates. ,::>:;"":'>\:>i ~~~~r~o%eS;e~:~i:~; The per son n e 1, all Chl'ist Barrett, Mrs. David C. Turner, "I welCOomethis occasion to ' t~: ..... :.. ,: .:....; : with his cousins, Mr. and president of the AssOociate His week-end plans include convey to you and to dedicated '.' Annual Chris1mas Tea. The Child members, are under the Mrs. John G. S c h a fer, Mrs. :ldnor circle. His rather will Alumnae Associ:. Jameg P. Stuart. TU Ohristmas Seal drive. is planned for the Eastern sons, and Mrs. outo Lundell 2-3863. will pour. china The Christmas Seal Cam- Metropolitan Chapter of the The Christmas party- of the Mrs. Albert P. Holst, presi- paign goal in Wayne County Siena Heights College Alumnae Grosse Pointe Woods Garden ... Williamsburg re-produc- ~~~~~~~~~~~ . this year is $300,000. Association O'n De<:ember 2 at Club will take place, at the home dent, will preside at, a business 2 p.m. J.Ileeting preceding the tea. tions in Delft 'and other. The funds d e r i v e d from ()f Mrs. J. E. McCaughey, of ~AS GIFT ~ft. Mrs. Margaret Schaible of Christmas Seals bearing the Beaufait road, on Tuesday, De- Bishop rood is opening her Delft pieces •• ~ ~D ADULTS1r OrOossof Lorraine is the only cember 4, at 11:30 o'clock. home for the festivities affO'rd- FOl.um to Hear support of the TB & Health: So- ing the Chapter members the Assisting Mrs. McCaughey will iALSCOPE TEN ciety and the DetrO'it TuberCu- by Turi opportunity of a pre-holiday be Mrs. Charles' BrOownell, Mrs. Mrs. Sanford IO'sis Sanatorium for their pro- E. C. Netherton, and Mrs. L. A, grams of aid to TB patients, re~ "get-togc!lher." of Norway ••• handpainteq The price of admission is a Lotgering. Marcelline Hemingway San- habilitatiOon, cas e - fi n din g Members are asked to bring silkscreen pieces ... plates .. ~ through tuberculin testing of bundle of clothing or a donation ford will be guest speaker at an attractively. packaged giFt for children and chest X-rays for of money which will be used the Grosse Pointe Unitarian the grab bag. platters .•• flower bowls adults, health eduoation, me'di- fOorthe purchase of food. The Church Sunday Evening Forum I • _ • cation, medical research on TB proceeds will be distributed tOo on Decemher 2 at 8 Oo'clock.The pitchers ... ash trays .•• and Oother respiratory diseases needy families enabling them to Children's Hospital public is invited.. . very provincial ... very and the Christmas Seal camp have a merrier Christmas. Mrs. Sanford, long a resident for childu:en. Plans Benefit Dec.' I I of the POointe,-will speak from softly colored. Mrs. Finch' to Direct her recollections of the earlY years of her family and of her The Women's Auxiliary of Seven members of the Detroit DAR Music Program brother, Ernest Hemingway. Children's Hospital will have a Lions 1953 World Championship Ohristmas music will high- A distinguished drama critic Virginia ben'efit featuring gourmet' cook- ,cenes, on nature trips team are coaching, either in top light the December 3 meeting and lecturer in her own right, ing and holiday fashions De- ,"g~ wit!! optical qual- colleges or in the pro ranks, in- of Elizabeth Cass C hap t e r, Mrs. Sanford began recording cember 11 at tl~e Statler Hilton , Balscop9 Ten (only eluding the Lions' Les Binga- Daughters of the American her recollections in 1956 as a r. lomb-w!lrld.famous Hotel. ' Williams man, the Rams' Jim David, the Revolution, at the Women's family chronicle for the sake of scopes. CinemaScope Mrs~,,charles T.' Fisher III is lent. See one today at 4gers' Jack Christiansen, the City Club. her children; The complete Steelers' LaVern Tor g e son,' Mrs. John Finch, of Cadieux honorary .ch~inan ,of th~ party manuscript, "At The Heming- Notre Dame's Dick Stanfel, Jim road, cilapter chairman of with Mrs. Paul N: Short, presi- ways," was released this year ~tff!l Martin with Denver and Oliver American music, has charge o~ dent of the "auxiliary making by Little, Brown and Co. It is a the arrarig~rjieJits. . . 20148 Mack Spencer with 'Oakland. the program for the day. warm, personal account of a dy- namio family environment. Grosse Pointe Woods . ' ~~~~~~~~~~~!f . Milt Plum of the DetJ:oit Lions joined the ranks of the 10,000 yards passers in the sixth game of the 1962 season, his sixth in the National ,Football' League. gJIIIIIIIlIlIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlIIIIIIIJlllIlIlIlIlIIlIlIIlIlIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIIlIIlIIlIJlllIlIIlIlIIlIJlllIIlIIlIIlJIlI1I1II111111J11IlJIIIIIJIIlIlIlJllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllJllJllIlIIlJllIIlIlIlIlIlIIlJllIlIJIIIlIlIlIllllf Luxurious French ::= ~ ... i you :~eo~:Vited

PARFUMS trunk showing

of 1962-63-

resort fashions Makes the Clamorous ,Gift! by . FOR HER PAT SANDLER Guerlain Suzanne Chierry Prince Matchabelli Jacques Fath Nettie Rosenstein Antoine of Pa.:is II for Christian Dior Jean Patou Henri Bendel Balmain Marcel Rochas Balenciaga HIGHLIGHT FASHIONS Este Lauder Nina Ricci Ro~rt of Fifth-Ave. Mary Chess Lanvin Ceil Chipman Jean D'Albert Elizabeth Arden Lancome Carven' Ie Galion 4711 Caron Schiaparelli FRIDAYi NOVEMBER 30 Holds the secret 'of a lovelier make-up Chane! Royal Lyme Yardley for you-hy hiding shadows and smoothing INFORMAL MODELING ,10-4 P.M. lines to give your skin the shining open FOR HIM 5

1_. • look of carefree youth. 5.00 plus tax. .1 Bronzini of Italy Lanvin for Men Schiaparelli ~I Henri .Bendel Elizabe~ Arden for' Men Yardley Mr. James Sutton of Highlight will be here fo show the -most-extensive Marcel Rochas

.~-'&t.:..., . . • • b b b •• b b h hz 'neb b. >t he he ht b b b b h h b. " b b b h. b b. ",.' • hr-" -. ~~ "'-- Page Twenty G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W'S Thursday, November 29, J962 Thursday, November 29, 191 Society News Gathered, from All of the Pointes Womall

Sixten Ehrling Shores Garden Club to Meet Suburhia Today Swis Betrothed Short and to the Pointe I Tryl; Gala Holiday Show your To Conduct Here A meetJi:ng of the Grosse Christmas program by Myra J. Spotlights Yule (Continued from Page 15) geant of the Reserve Training Ga, Pointe Shores Garden Club will I Brooks of Westfield, N.J., on J Center in Fayette,' Mo. Hc was visite The noted Swedish conductor, and saUre. A graduate of Grosse beheld at 11:30 &.t.m.on Thurs- holiday flower arrangements. graduated from Redford' !Ugh You'll read hOoWPearl Buck, Kenn On DAC Calendar Sixten Ehrling, will begin a six- Pointe University school, Terry day, November 29, alt the home This is given under the aus- famous author of "The Good School in 1952, received both week tenure as guest conductor is also a membel' of Delta Kappa of -Mrs. Kenneth Strang, 647 pires of the Raymond H. Berry Ea.rth," celebrates Christmas rzo;.:J..Z':: his bachelor's and his master's !-? of the Detroit Symphony Or- Epsilon. Hidden lane. Mrs. Strang will Memorial. . Eve at home when the Decem- ~ Jeah Cenn, Soprano and Ventriloquist Russ Lewis To c h est r a with concerts next degrees from the University of be assisted by Mrs. Carl John- ' ber edition of your News brings ~ Michigan, and attended the Entertain Diners December 7-15; Special New Thursday and Saturday at 8:30 '" '" '" son and Mi'S. K. M. McColl.' you the December issue of CHARLES F. EMMONS, son University of Missouri. His wife, The Detroit Lions went five *- Year's Eve Party, T o~ p.m. in Ford Auditorium. SUBURBIA TODAY. Miss Buck ~ OofMR. and MRS. HAROLD H. DONNA, lives in Bear Creek Luncheon will, be served, fol- game'S (Packers, Rams,' Giants, hangs up "Nineteen Stockings I~ ------,- , The program for this week EMMONS: Jr., of Radnor circle drive, Columbia, Mo. lowed by a short business meet- Bears, and Rams) scoring only 'With the Yuletide season's rapid approach, the will present Ehrling in the dual De- has been nam.ed to the Honor ing, after which the members five touchdowns, winning three by the Chimney Piece" - one I~ troit Athletic Club is shaping plans for two galas! New role of solo pianist rind conduc- RoU at Avon Old FaTms School, • • • will go to the new Fries Audi- and dropping two, then matched for each of her own and her I,1 Alpha Gamma Delta will meet grandchildren and adopted chil- ~~ Year's Eve and the special holiday floor show. tor with the playing of Hinde- Avon, Conn., for the first mark- torium at the War Memorial the TD total in one game, 38-24 on Tuesday, Decembef 4, at dren - and all by herself she ~ ~ ------:--- muth's Theme and Variations ing per i p d, it has been an- annex. They \'Jill hea:r a special against San Francl8co. The early announcement "'l'h F 'T 12:30 p,m. at the home of MRS. fills them to overflowing. She I , , I VlSlOn.. performances to h~r 111- e 0 u r emperaments." nounced by Dr. GeOO'geD. Kin- H jii-; NORMA A. BAKER of Stephens tho • I Yh of the DAC ~ N~w Year s ready impressive aocompllsh- Also scheduled are Brahms' kade, Dean: uses IS tlme to reflect on the @ I road. MRS. PAUL CORNELI- Eve celebratlon IS to en- ments. She comes to the club Symphony No. 2 in D major years just past and yet to come ; ~i!$. SEN will serve as co-hostess. • . • . warm serene reflectIOns,• I~z.;: able members to get their frOom Europe and personal ap-jl :lnd Falla's Three Dances .from J. PATRICK* '" WRIGHT,'" of Under the direction of MRS. tn,,! will tell you a great deal i :; reservations in before the peal'ances there. the Ballet "The Three-Cornel'- Kenwood court, has been named CARL W. SWANSON. the about this Nobel Prize winner ; ~ Christmas party avalanche Russ Lewis, a bright new. ed Hat.'" , , to the national "Who's Who In gro'up will spend the afternoon and something about your own ! ri takes all attention. comer to the entertainment American Colleges and Univer- MID HOLIDAY SALE Ehrling made his American making toyS for children at Re- Christmas, as well. I :t field, will be the 'other aottz-ac- sities" from 'Marquette Univer- debut with two concert p'airs ceiving hospital. Santa.s in the sllburbs this ~~ Reservations are limited to tlon. His poriormilnce as a sity in Milwaukee, Wis. 350. and guests are limited tOo with the Detroit Symphony Or- time of year, whether he comes ~ ventriloquist, with the aid Oof A sendO!r in j()urnalism' at * '" * DRASTIC CLEARANCE those from out of town. A chestra in November of 1962. Secular and sacred music will ' by helicopter, jet plane or one- ~ "Clarence," has proven to be Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Marquette, he is the son of MR complete evening. including a The event" made' it clear that be sung by the Wayne State horse sleigh. In this month's I f.d terrifically amusing. George, of McKinley avenue, and MRS. JOSEPH WRIGHT filet mignon dinner. buffet this is a talent to be considered University Men's Glee Club at of Round Table, SUBURBIA TO- I m announce the engagement of and p.resident of the Journalism breakfast. dancing to music of Dinner will start at 7 o'clock seriously as a successor to Paul their annual, winter concert Fri- DAY asked e~.itors of suburban I~ their daughter. CAROL ANN, Council at Marquette. each evening, with dinner- Paray as the Symphony's per- day, December 7 in the Ford, dresses, ,costumes, knit suits, newspapers, How Does Your. ,',;.: Dick Wilson and his orchestra. to Jan Traver Hallenbeck, son Wright is also a membeT of and typical noIsemakers to hail dancing until the 9:30 o'c1:)ck manent conductor. ' Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. CRAIG • Town Keep Christmas?" and i;?- of Mr. and Mrs. Chester T. Hal- the student Senate, of tlhe Inter- 1963. is on the docket. show. McCAUGHRIN, of Lakeland sweaters, blouses, skirts, slacks from across the country they I i:1 lenbeck of New York. Fraternity Council and of Alpha Among those \'lith early res. Detroit audiences will have a avenue, is one of the 55 W.S.U. reported that people are ...... ill- I ) The h 0 lid a y dinner-floor ervations fOol' Oone 001' another rare Oopportunity "to hear their The bride-to-be was gradu- Delta Sigma adlvertising £ra- I)ingers. ing to experiment with new ,~g show. opt'ning December 7 and evening are Dr. and Mrs. Olar- orchestra present a truly varied ated with honors from Denison terruity. - ideas, like the shoe party in lJ. continuing through December I ence Maguire. the R. E. K~Ilers, repe,toire during Ehriing's stay University, and is presently a * * '" Oak Cliff, Texas, for instance, ;::~ DR. and MRS.'" '" RICHARD'" H. The Detroit Chapter, Daugh- 15 (except Sunday and MOon- the Kenneth W. Cunninghams, at its helm. The programs in candidate for the degree of ters of the American Colonists, but the old familiar cele'brations f~ day) will feature the lovely Mr. and Mrs. Herman Joos, the period have been especially Master of Sacred, Music at ROBERTS, of Toledo, 0., an- Open Thursday Nites 'Til Christmes are .still the favorites (Of cHI!- d nounce the birth of a son, on Wednesday, November 28, and talented Jean Fenn, sopra- Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Ruedemann, designed to display Ehrling's Union Theological Seminary in gave a bridge party and tea as pa"lle.. 1- MR. JOHN t~ DU MOUCHELLE ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~ MISS MARY ANNE i A....~ I FOR THE HOLiDAYS ~ ART GALLERIES COMPANY MISS RUTH ~ ' j{.'"'''~ . l4 Stylists: MISS BARBARA KENNEY, Receptionist l! 1JCl:~~~:~i:u~~~~J! --- manicurists: Bemlce, Cathy ! MISS RUBY 409 E. JEFFERSON AVE. Ruth Overstreet ~ ~~~~,: ~:~~:raD/J BEAVTY ~ALON ~ II Lawrence F. Du Mouchelle, Auction •• , & Approl .. , I:~~:~:l 84 Kercheval A.ve., on the Hill TV 2-9440 1:i:~j~~~ ~ Through' • Bill . formerly Ann Louise Solon ,. \ ~ Iii For information call WO 3.6255 ~ Sat • Lou 405 Fisher Road ,a,t St. Paul . , n ~ • , Grosse Pointe " . " TU 2-6300 ~ Ml~; '.~~..~~T~f:%W;Ff¥llivr~*":~~¥<::mW)mfN@Wrnt0im[[~I¥n~JMM!MffifID~mmmlljf[@~j&iW&f$.tliii I~~$l •tot • ~~~~~~9:l:~~~~~9l(9Il£S¥~~ llo" ,

I , " \. i '" ..' < Q 4 o QaaCQOCCEZCCQSs2.a22S 42 saeastSd.C!S QZsCaaa).sCeCCQOACCCc.Q4ZcaZaCcccssccascsasac asa as cacs is I j / ,

/ Thursday, November 29. 1962 G R OS S' E . PO I N TEN E W S Page Twenty-one- , tes Woman's_ Page • by, of, and for Pointe Women

, .' .--. ~leet Suburbia Today Swiss basler brunsli cookies. (n ear Wilmington, Delaware), lconservatory has ma~e's of warm a('l a rain forest. Long~ As usual, cartoons abound. activities on a rainy day and a flies his own plane •.. 'and a Try some of these delicacies for and he recommends the spec- large red poinsettias aglllinst a wood has "Three, Acres Under "Suburbia" Any Day" shows harassed motber .and <\ dart' mother in Michigan who paid ram by ::\Iyra J. Spotlights Yule your holiday, e'Iltertaining. tacular .gardens-both inside background of lush green grass. Glass" and whether you go dur- "Oh, Day, Poor Dad" in an un: game. } a strange visit to Santa Claus ;tfield. ~,J,. on . ~« :-...... ;.;w.. ~'.' ;.::,;~~', .. o @x' ••• ' •• ~' ~.. .. ~.~ ., .' .~~.~ "-.MNf.":~:V:~i'n"X1'!';';~;;A.:;.;.;.~~.:.;.;.;..,«...... ",'~'~"~" ;*~~. W~ ~~~N~. '.ui; :I;.~ '>}~' ~ • ~~» m-~N' . J' • ber edition of your News brings )~ the :'ions went fi\"e YSOUUu December issue of :.~.?:j Rams. Giants, B RBIA TODAY. Miss Buck . IS) scoring only hangs up "Nincteen Stockings t..~,~. by the Chimney Piece" - one :.,' , winning three for each of her own and her o. then match£'d C~ grand<.'hildren and adopted chil~ II one game. 38-24 H /1:. ~ For the ' , K n' i 9 h t dren - and all by herself she lj lcisco. 11.'.\ ./~- fills th~m. to overflowing. She ~t-"""= 'fA ,I ~ ~ \ ,.~. .. uses ~llS time to reflect on the M '. ~~~ I B e for e' . yea~s Just past and yet to come m 0 ~~ I . . . . warm serene reflections ?:" • • .N' . that will. tell you a .great deal !:~ :. r~\. , about thIS ~obel Pnze winnel' 1n .//1. Christm.as- ALE and somethmg about your own :'i~ , Christmas, as well. ::~ Santa's in the' suburbs this ~]~ who time of year, whether he comes \~ chooses Scents-ably! :E by helicopter, jet plane or one- M horse sleigh. In this month's % Round Table. SUBURBIA TO- m DAY asked editors of suburban m ALL THE GREAT NAMES IN :ts, newspapers, "How Does Your 1:ij Town Keel> Christmas?" and T ,. leks from across the country they d reported. that people are will- ~~:; ing to experiment with new ~t ideas, like the shoe party in @ Oak Cliff. Texas, for instance, ~ill but the old familiar celebrations ?~ Perin_es iOS are still the favorites of cliil- fJ dren and grown~ups alike. \1 In this ic;sue, too, Lydia Rat~ d \ cliff brings back news from the m Scandinavian Design Cavalcade, ~@ a report on the best ideas in g everything from furniture to {~ flower pots for our own kitch- :11 e'ns and patios and holiday ta- ~;~ I • ' bles. Her "Greetings from (;os_eti~s.. ~- d a.od ... ." . Scandinavia" include Finland's n ~ .... e.. • flameproof earthenware and ;,) children's (,-~lairsfrom Sweden, M ~ ... .-. decorative tiles made in Nor- m • way and Danish "candle burst" \1 '}uned - all things of beauty for 3; are here at KOPP'S .... .on Christmas Street • • • • • In the Village! evei-yday use'.?! Do you gird your~e1f (men- ~); tally and physically) for a hec- ;'a tic weekend of shopping and ;,j chores and baby-sitting in the n suburbs? Take a breather with n "The Weekend Game" by car- % FIFTH AVENUE HAS NO FINER! toonist Roy Doty and his wife. f~ It's fun to read and actually ~:~ :S fun to play, too. And thEI win- ::;:,~ Fine Costume S . ner gets a luxurious treat. M You've seen movie star Her~ I hi Elizabeth Arden Hattie Carnegie Detchema Simonetta Jewelry by mione Gin,gold as "Gigi's" I ~;mj grandmother; the head witch in :# Revlon Charbert Sdrtilege Hattie Carnegie "Bell. Book and candle"; and /1 Mary Chess the mayor's wife in "The Music H ~ Marie Earle leiS Habe' Man." This month, you meet Ji Lanvin Ciro Weil Miss 'Gingold as herself-a (1 Lilly Dache' Napier suburbanite at heart. "If I Lived U Germaine Manteil Corday Worth in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin" ~~j Frances Denney Eisenberg she begins . . . and from there 1l Caron Dana Moustache 0!1 she-and you-are on homc ili;~l Max Factor Ciner ground. . ,:,:1 Chanel Milkmaid You can't lick car pools, but j Coty' don't join them eithE'r; begs :~~ Dorothy Gray Marvella Robert De Roos in his unspar~ j\~ Guerlain D'Orsay Nuit De Longchamp ing account of the wear and tm Kent of London tear parE:iIlJtssuffer wbile haul- til Carven Alfred Dunhill Millot (Crepe de Chine) Fine leather ing their offspring fro~ ~ne f~ Lucien Lelong and Imported ' place to another. ClasSlfymg (~ Rallet' Dior Evya'n' Handbags by ve. Salon himself as a "car poolist, ret.," N ,..... Raphael Mr. De Roos recounts his years ~::~ Jean Patou St. John's ~mports from the nursery..gchool ca,r ~:;~ Franad MatchabeUi Elizabeth Arden 'pool, where three. year - olds ?1~ Faberge' S~ortsmen fought in the back seat and J,j Ann' Haviland Evans somebody wound up with a @ Millot (Insolent) bloody nose, to his duty with ilill Estee' Lauder Old Spice Houbigant ~' ~, Walborg the' high school crowd, who re- n Nina Ricci ; garded his car as a "genuine m Princess Marcella Borgh~se • ',1 TuVache Richard Htldnut ,",-' Chas. Kahn antique." Whatever the age of m Marcel Rochas the children you drive, you're ~tj Jean d'Albret Scandia Bond Street sure to find some chuckles ~J La,ncome' Helena Rubinstein (and twinges) in "CaT pools:' @ Tussy Vickie' The Unusual Suburban Home Balmain iji Lentheric \ this month is a Swiss chalet in ii Nettie Rosenstein Marlow Minne'tonka Village, Minnesota. m Bergdorf Goodman Colonia (4711) Yardley Inside, this "House of Many~ ~) , Schiaparelli Marianess Splendored Things" is filled J Henri Bendel Carnet de .Bal . Morley Fine Soaps . with woodwork and brass hard- iJ Prince Gardner ware and terra cotta tiles from jl the finest craftsmen in Europe i~:~ Enger Kre~s -all collected from the wreck- ii ing of the "palaces" built in the t~ last century by th~ Minnesota ~~I:' lumber barons, g 'Gumdrop Trees" make deli- r:;: cious decorations for the holi- r: day season. They're fun to cre- t ate right at hOI]le and they can ~~ , cost less than $3 to make. You i9.~ ,'. can get the children in on the f; project or clear off one section f{~ of the kitchen table and make mi a gmndrop tree all by yourself. [;:J, Complimentary Gift for' == The complete directions are i~i ,. given in tM article, so get a ~i~ bag of gumdrops and get start- M All the KNIGHTS ed. ill ,f Mr. Food Editor Melanie De ~~ ., ?roft presents festive holiday f:~ .' on Men's Night . " Ie is ~ :0 • dishes "To Enjoy, To Remem~ ~~ )Wn in ber, To Cherish." There a!e ;1 Monday Evening, Dec. ~, 1962 recipeS for cinnamon ~apple ~;~1 'salad' .golden apple shp.lIs filled , h''':1; with smooth creme de pommes; t~ ..... Austrian pecan cookies; and t~ - lIer 16926 Kercheval ,in the Village .~. Grosse Pointe '~J arren I' - ,field o II II ~~~~~~ ~]

~ i~ Gift I ~] Our Center . , it,;! Pr.escription .- it;':l Department Deliveries - TU 5-8900

;:;;. f, .. I "e%-'-»pj¥@ Wgg_"ie) _artr1!i'WfeWiMif1 ''Me tttt'E"'. W¥&5-S*i4t&Q 4 'w.

/ ...... "" ... --- ..- ..... "'-.-.- ---.-.-- ..--.--.-",---~-.-~

Page Twenty-two G R 0 SSE POI, N TEN E W.S Thursday, November 29, 1962 Thursday, November 29, 1'

Society News Gath_ered .from. All of. the-- Pointes- Womal Contralto Stars ~Chrusci~i' Recipe, Favorite of Michigan Poles, Yule Heritage Exhibit Offered Plan Exhibit At Mltsicale [University SchooL Notes Under the chah'manship of I collections of their own, their An exhibition of approxi- chr Found ~nNew Cookbook Assembled by WSU Alumnae Mrs. Walker L:' Cisler •. the ex- families and friends to present mately 45 etchings, lithographs I ed hibi~, "I?etroit.s' Chi ill; t mas pictorially, and in three dimen- . and woodcuts, entitled "The i Among the ThanksgivIng tre.~ James Page. There are (1150 Graphic. A..rts .of the Post-Im- h ' Florence Kopleff. noted con- ditlons at Grosse Pointe Uni~ citizcnship cups for underclass~ HerItage , opened to the pub- sion. the Yule customs of their lie. on November 24 at the De- native lands. pressiomst Pe'I'lod." will be dis- a tralto. who sang with the De~ Ivcrsity S c h 0 01 is a chapcl meri L y n n McNaugr.ton and , played in the Print Gallery of To troit Symphony Orchestra last assembly the day before the Matthew Zukowski, a war de d troit His tori c a 1 Museum, Woodward and Kirby. The dis- The significant Christmas the Detroit Institute of Arts ~e season, is coming to appear at holiday at which a faculty mem- last June as were the cups for from December 4 throu~h Janu- tIC a concert of the Grosse' Pointe bel' qi:;cusscs the. mooning of school spirit to last year's 11th play reflects the' DumneJ;'S and display is presented by the Dc" cuStoms of the many national- trait His-torical Museum in co" 3rY 27. The object of this col- Ai l\'1orning Musicales on Thurs- Thanksgiving and its traditions. grade boys (this year's seniors) lection is to coordinate the gra- is day morning, December 6, at This year's speakcr was Mr, and the cup for the highest ity groups involved in this operation with t.he International spedal pageant of Christmas in Institute of Metropolitan De. phic arts with the major exhibi- lee 11 o'clock in the Country Ch~b, }o'rancis J. ("Coach") McCann. scholarship to the then-gradu- tion of paintings by Vincent Dt many lands. troit. The chapel choir sang two n:.:m- ating. seniors. Van Gogh, opening December an A subscription luncheon to bers, lind the whole student Just a step away in a hand. The first section of the 12, and to show Van Gogh in sp' honor the star will follow her body sang "We Gather '1'0- some frame are the names of Christmas exhibit is 'devoted to District Nursing Society relation to his contemporaries. appearance at 12:30 p.m. gether to ask th'e Lord's Bless- last June's Terrill~N e w n a n- seasonal table setting using old To Meet on Wednesday lnO' " , award winners. They are the world linens and serving pieces; The selection of graphic arts to: A native New Yorker, Miss "'. . _ ' will offer a few works by Im- ra; Kopleff has sung with all -the I O.her s pc a k e rs In recent students with the top scholastic ikons, manniquins dressed in The regular meet.ing of the pressionists such as Sisley, plr major symphonies and has ap- years have been Mr. Earl Kim- records for their respective original co~tumes, dolls and District Nursing Society will be pissarro and Manet,. but the ex, peared with the Boston Orche". bel', Mr. 'Donald. Roberts, and grades_ 7th grade boys: Fred- other S'Pecial holiday acces- held cn Wednesday, December main emphasis is upon a much Ml . . hIt fi Miss Jody Perkins who is now eric M. Sib 1e y, III, Earl 1. sories are shown. tra twenty tImes In t e' as ve ' 5. at 11 o'clock in the Iroquois larger group showing the work ti( years with Mr. Charles Munch on the faculty of Milton Acad- ,Heenan, Ill, Clift0t.t McFeely, Mrs. Brykalski stirs up a batch of crispy, sugared chrusciki, shown in finished form at right. The following ethnic~ groups avenue home of Mrs. C. Henry of me'll often referred to as conducting. She has made rcc- emy, l\Jliltont Mass. ~S\tthew ~ukow~ki: 7th grade ( . . are represented in this portion Hecker. ords with RCA Victor and Co. . Another Thanl,{sgiving tradi- gIrls: Beth WhlbJ:Iey, Rebecca DETROIT-"Lover's knots" turing this and 92 other recipes Beat yolks in bowl until Post - Impressionists: D e gas. of the exhibit: Armenian, Mrs .. Renoir, Cezanne. Gauguin' and lumbia. tion is the field.house get-to- F r en c h, Margaret Vaughan; is the name given by Polish. from the kitchens of members. thick. Add salt, sugar and Nerses Nersessian; Estonian. gether of facul~y and the alum. 8th .grade boys: David Harris, descended Michigania,ns to de- The book sells at $1 per copy flavoring. Beat well. Add Toulouse-Lautrec. en -~ -~-----_. n~ of the preceding four years WillIam Barr, Ly.nn McNaugh- liciously crispy pastries which to adt:! to the Club's scholar- cream and ilour alternately Mrs. Gilbert' Spargo; Lebanese. qu on the Friday afternoon after ton; 8th grad,e gIrls: Margaret over the years have delighted ship fund. Through this fund until well blended. Turn dough Mrs. William Housey; Bulgar- Two rather rare prints by pI' G th ' those who munch them. prospec.tive Wayne students onto floured board. Cover and ian, Mrs. Vera Nicoloff; French, Van Gogh himself will be I the holiday for a reception and ~m; ea erine ~inelli, Mar- These cookie.like twists, are encouraged to attend'the allow to rest for ]0 minutes. Mrs. Jesse R. Pitts; Ukra1t.ian, shown: bis early study for the tea and a chance to exchanga tna Ford; 9th grade: Samantha which in Polish are known as University.. Knead llntil dough begins to Mrs. William Volker 'and Mexi- Potato Eaters, one of the paint- : news of college activities and Rosner, Elizabeth Goodenough, .- "chrusciki," were, in their Mrs. Brykalski, who is fund blister. Roll thin. Cut into CO, Mrs. Frank Zarata . ings' in the major exhibition. oU . to ,reminisce. This year's glth- William Swan III, La u r a in e country of origin, .likely to be chairman, accepts orders for strips abciut 1 inch wide by On December 14 a secop.tj and a portrait of Dr. Paul Ga- ce! . ering saw some hundred stu- Cain, Nor m a t.t J~mes Levey; prepared f0t:' hol1day fea.s~s, the book at her home. 16029 about 4 inches long. Cut gash . dents and teachers present 10th grade: R 1Ck Y Peterson, says Mrs. VIcki Brykalsk1. a Amh~rst Road, Birmingham. in center and twist end'through. portion of the exhibit will be III : . Richard Buell, Cecily Smith, Wayne Sta,te Unive~sit4' alum- This is .the chrusciki recipe This forms the knot .. shOWn and features trees dec- Stephen Fischer, Nels Olson;, na, There are spe.clal reasons as it appears .in tne cookbook: Fry in deep fat 375 degrees orated in a manner typical of HOLIDAY In the Upper-School lounge 11th grad\:!' John Bu 11 Dav'd for Mrs: Bry~alsk1 ~o be inter~ ,5 egg yolks" '. until lightly browned. Drain on the nationallW represented. Ex- I there are a number of items of '. 7 ' 1 ested In thIS dehcacy and % teaspoon salt absorbent paper. When thor- quis1te Lithuanian straw fig- t interest to whoever t a k e s a Hughes, L e s 11 e Rem, Susan others from forp.ign lands. ~~ cup sugar oughly cooled dust with vanilla ures and intricate and colorful ; second look as he passes. One is Lenz, Margaret VanDeGraaf; .J The Alumnae Club of Birr-l- 21,~ cups flour flavoredr powdered sugar. Buy : a large map of the Un i t e d 12th grade: Jan Sod e r s ten ingham, of which she is ,vice 5 tablespoons cream, sweet the dry vanilla bean and keep origami decorations mad~ by i States in color on which are (American Field Service stu- president, has prepared an or sour it in jar with powdered sugar. members of the' Japanese- TAYLOR DRAPES ;placed indicators of where re- dent from Sweden). Jus tin e "International Cookbook" fea- l'teaspoon vanilla Makes 3.4.dozen. ,.- American Citizens League are WINDSCOPE* i cent graduates of the Univer- T l' U b e'~.., John VanPeGraaf, but two examples of the mag- Cleaned . sity Schoo! are attending col. Rosalie Morrison, Harrop Mil- nif~cent ~ecorations t? be used. I A WINDSCOPE. Wind Speed and Christia : lege. Concentrated largely in ler. quirement an int2rest in the ThIS sechon of the dlSplay con- Direction Indicator is a "muse" £. 'the East and Mid w est, they 4 Important Ingredients . s;,Jort. By and large, they a1.e tinues through January 6, 1963. sailors, flyers and other outdoo;: point, to name a few, to Wil- Detroit Sorosis to H€iar an outgoing group that quickly Trees to ~~ de~rated in-. men. Indoor indicator can be 2,000 20'0 OFF clude-Canad:an by members feet from transmitter. (#3105), perfur liams, Smith. Am hers t, and Madrigal Singe!s' Dec. 4 assimilates the new skiier and Expires Dec. 15 I Dartmouth (1959),' to Oberlin, Make Skiing Glamourous makes him feel as thQugh he of the Impel'lal Order, Daugh- $99.95. SepaJ;:atewinddirection unit Sarah Lawrence, John Hopkins, tel's of the Empire; Czechoslo. (#310G>,orwind speed unit (#3107) The "Birmingham, Madrigal "belongs." and Vassar (960). to Wellesley, What is thert~ about skiing There is an aura ,of glamour vakian, Mrs. A. Zemene; Dan. $59.95. Taylor Instrument Compa: 1 Guaranteed beautifully Singers" will pres.ent a Christ- The gaiety that prevails at H a I" val" d, Swarthmore, and that makes it so attractive? composed of many ingredients ish" Mrs. Gudrun Rosenkrands; I nies, Rochester, New York. or 1 Middkbul'Y (1961), and to Ham. mas program at Detroit Sorosis' a ski resort afteir a day on .the Finnish. (Dr. and Mrs. George I Toronto, Onto ] luncheon meeting, scheduled for There are at least two good th,at Clings to the sport of ski- slopes is an infectious thing. cleaned by specia lists ilton, Kenyon, Duke, and the reasons why this c.uestion ing. Any of the elements in this Sippola; German. Mrs. Beate i 'Trade Mark ( Tuesday, December 4, at 12:30 Descriptions of a particularly University of Michigan (1962). hasn't been thoroughl~' explor. compound may be habit-form- Lisa Harter; Hungarian Mr. I ( o'clock, at the Grosse Pointe thrilling run or a funny ex- Near the map in a glass show. ed. First, the so'ciologists who ing, but \\ hen. the uninitiated and M.rs. S. Zoltan; LithUanian, I TAYLOR MEANS ACCURACY FIRST Gall us Fi,rst War Memorial. perience are f eagerly shared case is a collection, of trophies would be expecte'd to delve into are su,bjected to a full-strength Mrs. Leonard Michaels; POlish. Hostesses for the day include with the group around the fire- awarded for a v a r i e t y of such ari inquiry have' been con- dose the chances of addictionS Mrs. M. Allix; Romanian. Rev. Mesdames William Browne, Karl ,place. - [RED' achievements to I a s t yeilr'S cerning the m s e 1ve s with are e'normous. Fr .. ' Con s tan tIn e Ginescu; i seniors - Carol Johnson, Ste- Senff, and 'V. G. Eversman. Mrs. weightier maotters; and second, -. Four of the most important Michigan's more than 80 win- Swedish, Dr, and Mrs. Bernt SEA.J.j VA. 2.4908 : phen Parks, Nancy Fisher,. John Donald Draper will be chairman skiiers are too busy enjoying ingredients are: the excitement ter sports centelrs p~ovide an Ekvall and Mr. and Mrs. John for the Christmas Party. . IEvans. Hal' l' 0 P Miller, and themselves to examine the rea- of the sport itself, the pic- abundance of all the ingre- Soderberg; Norwegian. Mr. and dients that com p 0 s e the sons why. tures.:,ue qualities of ski areas," Mrs. Wm. H. Caswell and J a- Opticians and Jewelers Bridge is the top time Con. However. at Michigan's 83 the. appealing design. of color- glamour of skiing. A descriptive panese, under the direction of 30 Clifford St., Detroit sumer on Detroit Lions chartei' winter sports centers-most in ful ski-we'ar, and the alluring booklet and detailed guide to Mrs. James N. Shimoura. MissD; fli.ghts for a gr:oup composed of the' nation-the consensus is social asr;e.cts of skiing. these centers is available from Exhibitors have drawn from WO 2-3622 For Home Delivery I MIlt Plum, Tom WatkIns, Ken that the appeal of skiing can te This combination of ingre- the' Michigan Tourist Council, i Webb, and trainer Millard Kel-\' wrapped up in one word-' dients prnves to be qwte a lure, Lansing 26. " ley. • Mon., Thurs., Fri., Phone LO 7.:0178 "glamour." and thousands of new devotees d' .. --- - ,-_.. jOin the ,sk~ing throng each Br"1 gee Iu b Sat. till 9 Diorissi year in M1clllgall~ Fred and Pat Jean New techniques in ski in-. w. ]fountain Valley Water of str;uction enable be'ginners. to I Lists 'f Inne rs , learn faster and better. And 'n. Delightful t'j:{OT~PJUNGS. - It ~ • ~ ~ ~' /J. /J /;) once the novice experiences the I --- ~A""A#ltJA.s Tasting ---- Keeps O~ _. ~ ~.a.t; L.-O: exhilaration of sweeping down Grosse Pointe Me mol' i a I ..Ul0ral1 • slopes covere'd with newly fa11- llridge CIll.b winners have geen

en "powder," he usually joins announc€d. W New and .so very Dior ! All the Fine for Serving at the Festive Table Announce Their Grosse Pointe Store . the band of en,thusia'sts for November 19: - North and ,i YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED whom the "yea;r" is encom- South, Jackie Wilcox and-Betty .of your favorite fragrance in a : AT THESE GROSSE POINTE STORES SERVINGGROSSEPOINTERS FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY, passed by the fir~t and last ski Tuer; Adele Beatty and Helen Perfume Spray for the purse ...aDio' Forms Market, 355 Fisher Road ...... •• ', .. TU 2-5100 'in silver and gold tones. It's leakpr 1925 VERNIER"RD. F~~~fal ~~;;:~ TU 6-0600 I' rU~o~~,e~o s;:~~n~njoyed both LO;;St :nd W~t:-Helen Wal- Hamlin's Market, 89 Kercheval Ave. .. _• ••.. TU 5-8400 proof and refillable. A most signi! Verbrugge, C. Market, 898 St. Clair ...•••.. , ... TU 5-1565 ---- spoits compare skiing to soar- rond 'and Lee Houk; Niobe i Ask for free booklet - Mountain Valley. Water - 3343 Gratiot, Detroit 7 : ing in a glide'r. The same !?en- Gates and Emma Harvey .. ~ 5°'- sation of solitary exuberance NovembCT 21: - No'rth and Have you visited our excitingly new -I salon is felt when beginning, a long South, Mr. and Mrs.,. Marvin Decorator Galleries? I I downhEl run as the feels Dress; Ruth Arbury and Ha~ry From our designer's group ... OPENING SPECIALS-..M-...ri' when he noses his silent craft Smith. contemporary lines, finest craftsmanship, Shampoo ahd Set ••..•• ,. 1.75 into a swooping descent. A East and West: _ Mr. and . In bronze, gold, silktone fabric. Perma'nents (Complete) •••• 5.95 ; sense or' elation at 'being in Mrs. Andrew Walrond;. Ann Haircut ••••••••••••.••• 1.25 coinmand of a natural £,01'00' Fletcher and Mary Watson. A Kaufma1' sweeps through you as your November 24: _ North and FURNITURE Tint , ..•••.•.•••••••• 5.50 Exclusive skis swish ~ilantly through South, Mr. and Mrs. William J(au!ma~ Bleach & Toner •••••••••• 8.00 I the snow. Mouss13ux' l1r and Mrs Royal 9605 Grand River. T~ 4-4700 5550 Chicago West_ ,.~~~ ContributiI.lg heavily to the Hayden.' . 1 • I glamour of skiing are the sur- Eilst and West:-Miary Wat- 16926 Kercheval- r=-=-= PHONE ~ roundings of the sport. Snow son and Lena Ben'; Mr. and GROSSE POINTE ,can camouflage the most, ut.t-.. Mrs. Andrew Walrond. Delif,'eries- T; X ,TU 1-1849 ~ sightly area but the effect IS 18020 MACK AVE. ~.:x:'-~.::,. magical when it enchances the Do'm-rn-IcanParents Plan natural beauty of Michigan'S PIJBLIC SALES ------,------_. pine'tcovered slopes. The result 'Meeting on December 5 1; Not An Auction - All Items Priced --- \ is a glistening cover that brings Ii ( the skier to a halt in admiring The IV[.others"and Dads CI~b I! sih~nce before pushing off to of Dominican, High School will I ~'" inscribe his twin-tracked signa- hold its regular monthly meet: I ,I ture on. the surface. ing on Wednesday, December ~l Attractive lodges and chalets 5, at 8 p.m. I ~, -,------with inviting- firepI1lCes provide Entertainment for the~ social ~; pleasant havens for flush-cheek. hour will .be the choral Group, ' ii' iii Mr. Harolel.lsrael I ed skiers between run\ The cgIDposed. of sopho'mores and i . Presently Showing popularity boom in skiing has freshmen, under the direction' ~I ca~s7~ a pa;!'allel expansion in of Sr. Marie,Johanna. I ~ 18065 Ohio, Detroit 37 PAINTINGS BY faCll1tles, WIth the result that Mrs. Patrick McDonnell so- I ~I accomnlOdatiorisnow are avair- phomore vice-president wiii be ' ~ Saturday, December 1, from 10 a.m. DOMINGO 5AGLiNBENE able tQ, £l.t any pock~tbo?k.. hostess,~~s a'dessert and bev-'r i~ Through December 8th Ac~ordmg ~ the Mlch1g.an I erage .is served by her com. I ~, TOurIst Council, one of the t1g- ,mittee, ' 1: gest bargains offe'red the tour- ii' SALES CONDUCTED BY ist-skieris the "Ski Week" John F. Bracken, 337 Rivard , @ 'package-that is now offered by boulevard has been. named ac- many of. the, sta~e's. winter .count ex~cutive of CampbelI- H. O. M,cNierngy David D. Stalker, Inc. sports centers: PrIces range, Ewald's newly acquired Florist's from fifty to .mnety dollars ~er Telegraphy Delivery Associa- Appraisers 424 Book BuiYcling STYLE SETTIN G LOTION period per person •. depen~l,ngtion account. Thomas B. Adams, Breckset, the new style setting lotion, assures on ~he type of accommodabon1?, president of the Detroit adver- WOodward 1"9085 Fl\. you of sets that last. Br~ckset gives you the .•...•fl...... des1rep. tising agency has anhounced. The week. generally starts at ' firmness you need and the softness you like. dinner-time. on Sunday: and i'9.t~~~~~~~~~~;;;:g~~~~~~~~~~~~J::lQ:l:lSili~~~~~~~~. More in detail.. this ha' Itnever leaves hair stiff or sticky. Brcckset . _~ o:mtinues through lunch on the ~" ~ Living room (14'6"x2I'; following Friday. Prices include ,~ •• ~ the practical ... the pretty ••. the unlfsual .• ~'the unique ! the new way, the sure way to long-lasting One Stop for adjoining ;; lodging, meals, tow fees, and, ~. ~ 'lI (9'b"x 13'b") hair sets with all kindg of hair styles. . Kitchen (1I'xI2'6"). ThE 8 oz. Plastic Applicator Bottle dailythe additionalinstruction advantages'pe~!oqs. Withof 'f!.~ g-Ifls" ga' 10' ,ire :.q~ $1.00 plus tax less~owded faci~ities and to-p I~ rA (9'b"x 13'b") (8' 1Q"X 13'6' Wherever Cosmetics Are Sold condition of the slopes, the' ~ 'lI Everything "Ski Week" package is an ap- v,' iA heat. Two car garage. pe'aling buy for the winter vaca- ~ All Proceeds For Children: Madame Alex.' rA ~ccurate but not guaran Partake', of our f r iend Iy rJfair tioner. ~ to the Christ' onder DaJls, Tyke-Toys (mo- Boutique Gift ! "Penny 'Bowl"--and be ou~ Another glamorous facet of~. Child Society chine washable)' Bon'tom toys, Items)'i guest for, parking-when you' skiing' is' the atttactive and .f,( (home for hondm.ade imported ;I,fonts '. .:Jl / B c K stop in for your liquor 'needs. colorful clothing that is popu-W obandoned_ wear. For 'MUady ~ P.S.-For ~uper~fad service, lar with both men .and women. ~ children), '-0 ~ We Have Man skier~; Parkas, sweaters, stretch .1 ... R THE HOME~ ImpQ~s from Paris, Italy, Norway and Denmark J why not phone your' order? Our system of pants. special. after-ski clothiJ;1~: ~ THE a.,ther and wood cr~fted, 9 ' ',tems We'll have it waiting when F?R MEN: La, 1 \ ' and multi"hued, accessories. are .U _ u ft ~ .~'-~ you drop by ~n your way shorten time-cor, '("J~,:: •. :\~\.w both ~~~ti;e~n~' ~)uriCtioriaL" ,~ .. ", home. Speedy free delivery,' I EuropeaIland American de., lj\E' We're Especially Proud of, Our Display ~f Christmas Angels I .~,,~,(ll/~. " 'i.. too. signe~;ai:l'f.creating, styles both 'fi ' Complete f1m, of wines, liqueul'll, . for. the,.rslcpes' aiid"after-ski' re~ K' Open 'Monday and Thursd'ay Evenings Till 9 ~I cIV~f' r i!I ,\, brandies. Imported and domestic . laxatioii:'that,'aI:e att.raeting the ~ 'lI MAXCI beer! Glassware bal suppHes, gift .,f .. *. POINT,.,E".'- hampers, pam. tovors. Gift wrap- pIng a specialty, . Grosse POI'nte's Most 8: . GII.OSS! , Compll!te Beverage - Center i~~:;~.,j:~=t,.~t':!~ ~\ C~ The Top Drawer i .The"soc'iaf aspects of skiing ~ . I Q@ UNUSUAL GIFTS » Deal with Full -: -'16926 Kercheval-in the Village village wine shop exert a pawerful attraction for tl'.:' 311 . newcozners. Skiie,rs, _lik~ fliers ~ '" . ' ,17007. Kercheval Ave - -In the Villa ' ~ -or sports' car drIvers, ..tend to t.l., \ ",' , " ge ~ 5-8900 Deliveries-TV 15228 E. Jefferson (at Beac~nsfield). VA 1.1177 form a. loose fraternity. :vhich, ~ ' " • \ Phone 882~3438 M.' l! I ...... 0 has as J,ts only membership re- ~~~---~~~r ~ ... , \ •

, ., - •• ~ • ~ .J~ ...... 4wf ... ~ III • ~~. d •• sri'. riz 7 • M en t • t in b P $' ------.------me. ------.--- ll -- .....,,~---'JI--..c- ,...IIIIII ..PSII•• ;•• '•• 2.,.,. ._,*-4-.-2.-6- ••••• -.-.-0-.-, -.-.-2--0-' -C-9-C..-.-.-.-.-.-e-e-CQ-q-q-, .c-o.g-q-.-q..c-a;-.4- ae-9-.- ;-cc..eq-..- ..--- saq--- ,- -_r ,_ ..-~--~-~-~-- --~----'------I ..

\lovember 29. 1962 Thursday, November 29, 1962 G R'0 S 5 'E POI N'T E ~ EW 5- Page Twenty-three intes- Woman's' P'age • • • by,of, and for Pointe Women ibit Offered .~1':~;'<~~~$.'~~~l '.' Old t S H lth. GREEN-LIGHT Plan Exhibit At Institute' * '. ~ A,Ctlve ~ s ers tay ea ler 'I K.i.ndiless is a good sideline- chons of their OWn, their An exhibition of ap~roxi- chet, a physician who befrie'nd~ Older people ca~ be happier tivities that h~lp .are' writing ': SW~teh ~at ~ears the way lies and friends to present mately 45 etchings, lithographs ed many painters. r and hea!thier. if they keep ac- letters, attendin,g church serv-I 01" e main e. and woodcuts, entitled "The .~ Marie Bird Gets Credit I tive, according' to a doctor, at ices, and doing maintenance I ,rial1y, and in three dim en- Graphic Arts of the Post-Im- The majority I of the works The University ~£ Michigan work.'. Your dreams will never come the Yule customs of their have been box:r.owed from the pressionist Pe'riod," will be dis- Medical Center. , . . I A simple thing like develop. I true unless you wake up. 'C lands. played in the Print GaHery of Toledo Museum of Art, the ~ .' for Professional Prap,tices .1 Lessing' J. -Rosenwald collec- Dr. C. J. Tupper, direlctor of ing an inquiring attitude about I LC significant Christmas" the Detroit Institute of Arts .'1-. '.', employees' .periodic examina~ food can make me'altime an ad- Anger makes a man's mouth tion and. the Art Department of .:4. ',: ~J. lay is presented by the De- from December 4 through Janu- : -\ - m tions, offers a concrete pro- venture rather than a dull rou- work faster than his mind. Albion Col1~ge. Another lender Historical Museum in co- :lry 27. The object of thiscol- gram of daily a~ivities to. help tine, he adds. ------l('ction is to coordinate the gra~ is Bernard Walk~r, Detroit col- ;~ . a~~a~;et:~~:' ~~o ~: ;~~az, ~oon~, ~a::~'~~~i~~~~~:~r~~~,~~ at ion with the International lector, whose "Spirit of. the 1~,' Bird Beau,ty Salon at 117 A P r i c o't and' Chestnut. guente-:Buck, Style ~ec':. % the aged' help themselves. He Finally.' Dr. Tupper says, Be a full ti~e citizen-regis- phic arts with the major exhibi- tnte of Metropolitan De- Dead Watching" by Gauguin ~ ,Kercheval on the Hill, Marie Bird~s approach to,' tor' of.'NHCA to.consult. ~1 advi~s them to: . these points can serve as' a ter and vote m every election. tion of paintings by Vincent m came iIi for some very successful color has been with locaI.women. Several' t~ "an Gogh. opening December and several fine Renoirs are of -Cultivate appropriate ex- daily checklist to constantly re-, special interest.. f~ fine mention in the De- thl'ough ilie development times the shop has paid"?:1! trovert activities. Mod era t e mind senior citizens that they I:ecp up yo~ rourage and 1:!. and to show Van Gogh in ~;~ cember issue of CLAIROL' of exclusive techniques for stage productions al"Jd', ~:j sports and cl~b activities, he can do s.i)mcthing about the your courage will keep :rou up .. rriet Nursing Society relation to his contemporaries. b NEWS as the Salon of that. make timid., souls' charity shows presenting ~~ M~ss ElIzabeth Payne, cura- says, can "lead to a feeling of way they feet ------Meet on Wednesday tor Who is responsible for ar- ~~ the Month. eager to try' color. The Madame Buck," W. The selection of graphic arts t~ now pOopular "tone on m belonging and of being a con. His comments were made on Any man's happiness depends will offer a few works by Im- ranging. the exhibition, is sup- l:i The artlicle, states in .tone" effect has been a Marie Bird was first in ~l tributing individual." a "University broadcast, co- on the quality of his thoughts. i1C regular meeting of. the pressionists such as Sisley, plementmg the loans with som~ ~QJ ~art, ':Marie Bu:ct's sloga~, favorite in hei' salon since giving.~sC'holarships, even r~ -Keep in touch with current sponsored by the Michigan rict Nursing Society will be Pissarro and Manet,. but the excellent impressions from the ~~ Beautiful Hair IS a Fanll- 1954. Another hafrcolor:' pri01.' to(the ,National or-' :::':i: affairs. An older person's' con- State Medical Society. Bad example has much in I on Wednesday. December main emphasis is upon a much MUlieum's permanent colI e c- l*l ly Affair,'. is attested. to lng technique practiced in ganizatfons." She would f1 versation can be ipterest'ing and ------common with conta~ious dis- t 11 o'clock in the Iroquois larger group showing the work tion. 11"" by the. three and four gen- leaving several strands of pick a"iliigh school gradu- W. stimulating if he~s up-to-date ease. me home of Mrs. C. Henry i. erations of several Pointe the grayest hair free of ate and pay to spOnsor m , It's a proven fact that the of men often refE:rred to as r families who hav£! -worn tint so it can be used in her beauty school career. [~ on sports, politics, and books, ker. Post - Impressionists: D e gas, Dr. T,upper explains. "Forget W'orst banIcrup.t in the world is Good diplomats never get in Bef{>r~ any man decides to f~ \coiffur~s done by her., the (.'Oiffure design as Then if the girl chose she ~i the feUow."who has lost faith Henoir, Cezanne, Gauguin' and ;~ frosting or silver' streaks came to work i.rI- the shop. ,:~~ your past when talking no ma~ hot water-they have the ability Toulouse-Lautrec. enter politics he should get ac- i~ "In fact patron cOonfi.' -this idea .has become a Two of these recipients i~J. ter how superior you thinit it in' himself and others. of knowing how far to go tOG quainted with the theory and :ij dence runs so high that "signature touch" f c'r work in her salon now. M may ,have been. Focus your far. Two rather rare prints by principle of good government. i~¥. many mothers allow their Marie.' These activities and 38;!:~ min~, on the present and fu-. Men .who think: they know it Yan Gogh himself will be d teenage daughters to have years in the' beauty pro- {i shown: his early study for the :~ their hair cOolored.This is "Mrs. Bird beJ.ieves that fession have made Marie ~1~1 turep tt r t d all get old too soon and wise I Good advice is never given - ay more a en lon 0 ress too late. . free-it's always paid for. Potato Eaters, one of the paint- Profit by the mistakes of H' indeed a tribute to owner any person or organiza- Bird one' of the Pointes ' ~. and posture. "Walk buoyantly _ ings in the major exhibition, ill Bird as her salon is in a tion gaining profit from a best known hairstylists ~~" others, but don't expect to suc- ;)i:! . conservative 'community community must return, and her Beauty Salon a ~;?: and sit erect, and try to keep ~~~~%1"2:$.~~~J.{;:};:m:W',Q>~-. -~--&-?~~.wr~w::g(;~tJ and a portrait of Dr. Paul Ga- ceed solely on their experience. ,t1 where the majority of cli- something to the com- - favorite. M your face as free from di,stqr- i\i~~ ~H tion as possible." :Qr. Tupper ~ ~~:?: stresses that a better appear. M '62 BUICKS n ~~:~~n~~u~~~~i~e~:l~~~ I . I

TAYLOR ~iEi~~~51. WINDSCOPE* s;;~~a'~2i49;:lectrasI of 80 can be. st:rikingly mascu: t:~ >:•• VINDSCOPE* Wind Speed and Christian Diot line," Dr. Topper says. I?-'<. Car Need Service? Call for Free Pickup and Delivery % ~ction Indicator is a "must" for :>rs,flyers and other outdoors- PI~~~t~~ f::O~~e~l~~~~e~f r ,TOMTaylor Bniek~ IDe. I"i I. Indoor indicator can be 2,OQO humor. All too frequently. he The Only Buick Dealer on the East Side of Detroit i.~i.' : from transmitter. \"3105). perfume tii. says, a person's sense of humor h~ .95. Separate wind direction unit departs with the onset of aging. ~ 13033 GRATIOT LA 6-3000 ij 06), or wind speed unit (#3107). .95. Taylor Instrument Compa- He points out that other ac- l3m;.~.$~~~"f,;F'~B~'#;$

L '1 .pticians and Jewelers R~ Marie Bird putsi'he fbishing touches to a flaxen blonde coiffure. Her staff of ten ID 30 Clifford St., Detroit MissDior :: ,?' nil operators are all women. . ' _ ~ WO 2-3622 'r.' •.•.w •••••••••••••••••••Y.y.•...••..wm ....~ .. Y"'=.mY"" , • " . ,I' ,~~ __ ~ ~-m_mxx;.;::'i'r.-'T.<'@:,;;;;~.?;.~.,.,:~:",<'""~",:m::::~~mmm~~"ma.m,'I:~~$~'~:t. - .

Holiday Crafts Being Displayed' ~laIl: .Symposiuin • I Diori'ssim The crafts of an earlier Candie making, an important At Bon, Seconrs Christmas will be featured in 17th and 18th' century dome~ic the ann'ual' holid'ay eXhibition craft, will be featured as the Two Grosse Pointe Physi- 'T~. at Henry Ford MUseum Decem- candlerilaker. produces Ch1ist:. cians, members of the faculty ber 7 through December '30. mas gifts whiCh were' onee a of Wayne State University Col~ Vl0ral11a Christmas ornaments. gifts ,necessity. Oa1lIdleswill be form- lege of Me'dicine, will partici- and' greeting oards of l.ate 19th ed of beeswax and bayberry pate in a Sympos.lum on Thy- • century style will_be fashioned from antique candle mo),&. roiditIs to ~ held at Bon, se~ New and .so very Diot' -! All the brilliance by skilled oraftsmen of the . coprs H9SPital. Wednesday" De- • $33.500 of yout' favot'ite fugunce in a measured Museum and Greenfield ViI- A V~ctorlan Christmas tree cember 5, from 10 a. m, to 12 T~is attractive .and well built Colonial is only 3 years old and In near- Perfume Spray for the purse ...aDiot' Original lage. They will demonstrate decorated with candles and. noon, . . in silver and gold tones. It's leakproof,spill- their handcraf.t skills as part handblown glass ~ents will They are members of a team perfect condition. . a .unique. exhibit:Ion of aaJ- highlight the exhdbitiO'D,. of investigatorS at ,the Medical proof and refillable. A most significant gift, a:- It contains a. large living ro'om with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with tiques aSSOCIated WI:th. holidJay A visit to "The Crafts at School'which been working I has disposal. terrace and lavatory o'n the Ist floor; and 3 bedrooms and 2 500 pl!,S tax custOI?s and traditions of .the Chr.istmas" exhibitfon, accord- on the ~roblem of .thyroid .dis- baths' on th'e 2nd.. : excitingly new AmerIcan' pa61:. ing to the Museum's CUl"lltrorof ease for :ljleveralyears ..Tlie sub- Jlleries? Antique .cookie cutters will decO

JCTED BY Mike Bundra, rookie defen- .Great favors seldom come to .If sive tackle for the Detroit Lions, anyone unrtil they learn to ap- is of Russian descent. preciate the', small ones. rid D. Stalker, Inc. ~24 Book Buirding Goi.ag Out 01 Business 1-9085 200/0 'O,F'F ,On E,erything ~~~~Zj~~~~~ rd ••• 'the unique I CAMERON'$.GIFT SH,OPPE' . ,- '. . I 15005 E. J EFFERSON 'AVE. Grosse Pointe at -the Limits »re I • n..... J -I-IrdhrdII Boutique Gift v Lt.tJJll' •.u.... , .. the appliance that makes the difference! See it in this new Items I cust~m ,b~i1t Cape Cod house--any afternoon. For 'Milady J A Cape Cod Colonial with 4 bedrooms, 2112 bal'hs and a paneled family room with parquetfe floor, located in the Woods near Deeplands. Has double windows aly. Norway and Denmark J (Glidorama); alumi!,!um~screens, face brickt ventilated picture window. large 2-ear 'ted gift items attached gar



',':'- ...... - . , ," \' ,,-" ," ,4...... ,,' ,." .,:...... '". 0 : ' ' ; :.- . .. ~. .. " 1 ' .' ...... " ..

, ' ,Thursday, November 29, 1962 Page Twenty-four 'G Ii0 SSE POI N T E' NEWS Thursday, November 29, 1962 a gal n s t a member of the Sacred Co~cert ,peadliest ,Month Vandals Raid Woods Church church, They have: que&bioned Citrus Mikes'A Holiday'Wreath! several suspects,' but without VandaJs entered the Woods a.m. Sunday. atr.whJich time the At St. Paul'Ev. Starts ~aturday Baptist Church, 1805 East Eight d-amagc was discovered. suecess, ;"'%r;W~{~~f7;~Pk'{\~21~r~~fL:-1:~f:}1 1\olile road. on Sund-ay. Novem- '" Sonnenberg said tha ber 25, and pulled plantings sid~rable dama,ge' was done to from urns around the altar, the plantings whi.ch, were tos- Flankerback .Pat Studstill' of Evangelicail Lutheran TheoU)gl-, year in D,ettoit traffic begins sed allover the altar and the Detroit Lions is playing his cal Seminary ,o'f the ,American Saturday, December. 1. The vandalism was discover- . . L).1theran Church, located at Co- Historically more persons are floor. 'He said that as far as ed by Arthur Sonnenberg of pro football on "borrowed time'" Iumbus, Ohio. w111sing a sacred, kilied. in Detroit,.each Decem: is known. nothing appeared to 4987 South Lawn, Warren, as he had accepted an oil field concert at both mornipg serv- bel' 'than ,in any 'Other' month . , be missing from the church. church c u s to d ian, who told .' ices at st. Paul Evangelical Lu- according to records of the De~ Woods police that the culprits Woods Det. Sgt. W'a It e I' Job after finishing. college be- theran Church next. .SundllY'. tr'o'tI Pol'Ice Df'PI,l rtmen t Acci- must have entered the chUrch O'Dell and Det. Leroy Tobian fore he was invited for a tryout December 2. at 8:30 and 11 dent PreyentionBm-eau. In the sometime between 6 p.m. &t- sadd that the' vand,als a'ppear by the LlOns. o'clock. ' Ias t deca de, an average of 26 CLASSIFIED RATES 13-LOST Atl urday. Novcmbt>r 24, and 9:10 to be persons w'ho had a grudge . ,,' About 40 pre-theological stu- persons has met dea1lh ea,ch Chargs Ads-12 words tor $1.00 LOST Biack : dents are in the chorus which is December, the records 'show ' I Co!lsh Ads-12 wor-:!s for 90c ~ound, a.~s': directed .by Dr. ,Eugene Brand Two f cis ' . • dd" Morgan I of the seminary faculty. The '. a stand .. out In an 10C eaen II Itlonal word Lincoln RO'l young men w111 be housed iIi ~alY'SIs of the r-;cords: Call TU 5-8676 the homes of members of the 1. Most" of those kIlled are fJ1!! (MIEL-LOG parish on Saturday evenL'lg:' pedestrians. \ , .. TUXEDO 2-6900 ward. They' wilJ.1be served a covered 2. Mos,t of the fatal victims 3 Trunk lines 4-Hc~PW; dish dinner on Sunday nOon are struck at night. LINER STATIONS MALE a)' 0/'0111" Iti'tf'!het' prior to their ,departure f~r ;10- Aggravating' the December Your Christmas wreath is probably the first thing to greet Ute CUNNINGHAM DRUGS INSURANCE other' e~gagement at Glbson- situartion, is a rising trend of eye of a visitor entering your home during the holidays. Be or- EnlOY Hours of • • • iginal an9,1Ilake'your own beautiful wreath us~g citrus and other HI!l41 Kercbeval at Notre Dame Pointe arec. burg, OhlO.. fatalities and serious injury small fruits of nature instead of the usual greens. The wreath is 'I'll 5-9698 In addition to musical num- accidents on ,Detroi,t streets in named Della Robbia',after the famous 'Italian Renaissance sculp~ HARKNESS PHARMACY ,lion, Agenc, DANCING FLAMING RADIANCE 2U313 Mack 'Ave, at Lochmoor, I hand requi bel'S the cllorus will provide the recent months that has resulted tor, Andrea delia Robbla, whhiavored l'ound)£orms inhis works. TU 4-310u experience. The Della Robbia wreath is.'easy and f1m to 'make • .You'll find liturgists and preachers.- Mem- in a present 13 per cent in- NEWS SALY.S STATIONS Detroit 15. bel'S, of the community are crease in traffic deaths and' an styrofoam wreath shapes at five.and.ten-cent stores or your local DOWNTOWN AREA -~~--- , fi0F,istshop. PictUFe thec;Olor,har~ony'i~ an'assortment of citrus welcome. identical 13 per cent' increase Grand Circus Park News nand frUlts-golden oranges, deep-orari'ge tangerines and yellow grape-' Ma]el't1c: Bldg. News Stand i TRAINEI in injuries. The ~rend. has caus- fruit-fruits 10ngasso'ciated with the Christmas' season and now l. JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITS I I I ed both Mayor Jerome P. Cava- in excellent supply from $lorida., Attach the fruits to the styro- Alden ::'ark Manor, E. Jetlerson i :'\0 PREY E-' A 198-yard rushing effort by nagh and Police Commissioner foam using .wire or plpecleaners, toothpicks and skewers. Fill in jlnd VanJJyke , . . . , the spaces' with small fruits such as kumquats or lady apples, . Camerons Gift snop. Wayburn I George Edwards to appeal to & Jett : H,S. grad I 1 Bob Hoernschemeyer in 1950 is then finish with a generous red or green velvet bow and stream~ Detroit drivers and~ pedestrians Parte Drugs. l.:lty LImit.> mediately' af the top indiviclual ball carrying ers. ' I mark in the Detroit Lions record to exercise greater caution and GROSSE POINTE PARK iod as mach.: Hang your 'Della Robbia wreath on a door or wall or place it Mll1er Pharmacy. Wayburn and books. courtesy in this period. over the fireplace ~antle for everyone to see. The wreath will , Kercneval I porter. For "I am greatly alarmed by lend a lavish touch'to your house throughout the holiday week. Stlwvan Pharmacy, HeaconSfteld 5-8165 ~1iss " To make your Della Robbia wreath you'll need: and Kercheval ' * * * the sharp increase in serious LoUl6 Party Store on Charle\'olx i --_ ..~- It took Carl Brettschneider, motor vehicle accidents in our Flor!da orange~ ' Styrofoam wreath shape GROSSE POINTE. CITY ACCOU:K regular linebacker for the De- city d u r in g the last few Flor!da ta~germes Red or green velvet ribb(i~ KOPP'!1 Pharmacy. CadJeux and East Side rr; 'Flonda grapefruit 3 or 4 inches wide . Kercheval troit Lions for thre~seasons, 30' months," Mayor Oavanl,lgh sa~d. Kumquats (optional) Florist wire or pipecleaners Cunnlnghams lJrugs, Notre 'Jame! pany. J\lust r for your nearest dealer- regular season games before he "Unless our citizenS 'exercise' and Kercheval : accounts rec. :Lady apples.. Toothpicks, 6-inch metal Notre lJame PhaITIH1c\'. Notre d Phone Douglas Coal & Supply ,Co. ,TO 8-6770 intercepted his first pass a;va greater 'care and 'courtesy Small green leaves skewers lJame and Kercheval' I an payrcll. Lion in, the fourth game of the in traffic, as both drivers and ' , Scissors GROSSE.POINTE. FARMS I Grosse Poin 1962 season. . , pede~ians, the toll will be TraU Pharmacy. Kercheval on, qualifications the HlU ' sired Farms Urugs, l"LSher Hd. and" . KerCllevaJ ' --- -- .. even. heavier during ,the weeks SChettiers Urugs. Fisher Rd and JOY immediately ahead," Maumee ' KmseJ Drugs. Mack ancl 7-Mlle PERC Commissioner Edwards urged • Hoad I - both drivers and pedestrians to Wood's lJrug Center. Mack and: FEE I Bournemouth (7 MIle Rd) O'bserve the traffic laws. GROSSE.POINTE WOODS ,. i SECY.• :\Iotio "Because of increasing hours Grosse POinte Pharmacy. :';lacK f SECY .. Ad A of darkness, this is the most ana HuntlnJnOn 'TYPIST Rae H~rkness Pharmacy, Mack and'SEC" S' 1 dangerous period of the year .ochmoor : J. •• a es for traffic acclcl,ents," he said. Howard JOhnsons, Mack 3M 8-; RECEPTIONl "Our investigations show that G~~~O, Mack and' Amta ! RECEPTIONI 90 per cent of all motor ve- Friday Thru Tuesday Arnolds Drug, Mack and Haw-I.JR. TYPIST CLiff Robertson - Suzy p'arker' thorne 'I TYPIST 1 G'. hicle accidents are' caused by Bob'l'; Drugs, Mack and Roslyn • traffic law violations. So I am "The Interns" DETROIT AREA Other Positi:1 appealing to all citizens to help BrIggs Drug Store. Mack and: '] prevent accidents by carefully rouralne ' Saturday Matinee 01lI1y .Hands MedIcal ServIce Pharmacy,! YOU,' observing these laws, ,particu- MaCK and Moran ! larly at night and during ,twi. "Three Worlds of Blue Cross Urugs. Mack and Neff Some collegf' , Gulliver" Blue HIll Pharmacy, Mack anO light hours." . , J:lJue HIll qualify you f( in Color Uevonshlre Drugs. Mack and training pro UevonshIre STARTING WEDNESDAY L & L Pharmacy. Mack and B.::a, now in s.ale~ consfleJd "THANK YOU" Sandra Dee-Bobby Darin COlony Patent Mealclne 15645 I surance. mol Mack • from $375 to "If A Man Answers" ST. CLAIR SHORES ! -- . The staff and members of the in Color Arnold Drugs, Marter Rd. and! 2, ;)30 HAR; Neighborhood Club wish to ex- Jefferson P~ press their sineere thanks to 2627 Da' Mr. and Mrs. Wi:lli:am C. Mor- l-PUBLIC NOTICES WI: rison of Bedford. road and FAMOUS CANTONESE Ernest Kelly of University for OHINESE FOODS CASS RICH and ORCHESTRA SALESLAD) their recent dQIlJauonS to 'the Music to fit the Ottasion. shop over Club .. Mr. and Mrs. MoJ:I':is.oo 1-0278. , HONG l\tKONG Vln'ewood 2-1589 contributed a piano;' which has GENEI: been placed in the main Games Room, and a redio-phono com- 2A-MUSICAL Good typist! bination which is in coootant Chop Suey INSTRUCTION ment. KnOW:l __ ~ .inj:! helpful. use in the Boys Billiard Room. CARRY OUT SERVICE Also adddng to the fUJIl in the PIANO. organ, v 0 ice, theory., Grosse Point: Phorie'TU 2-0102' Pre-schOol through university. . Billiard Room is the ~lectJric Hours: Sun- thru FJ;1~ bow I i n g game, which was 12:30 Noon'to 9 p.~ ' level. Walter Mueller, 482 Co- Tj'Plst ,and ~ Sat.• 12:30 Noon thru 11:00 lonial Ct. N., TU 6-1090. to 4 days ~flu( donated by Mx. Kelly. To these p.m. ______~ Good tYPISt. people again we say "tbJank 16719 Mack, at Yorkshir!t 2 blks, t..om Outer Dr, GROSSE POINTE Gross e PI' YOu." CONSERVATORY office. East :0" Staff of Professional Teachers I sant telephon j "1'il"ifRE"jj..w1"Pjj.T l PIANO ORGAN ' 35-50 years n HARPSICHORD' MAXON R - . VOICE, VIOLIN, THEORY T1] • A Bit Of 5 Beginning ~tudents through BOOKKEE! New Yo'rk' East Fifties ~ artlSt level. Upstairs "Ni'ekelodeon Room". 'A,'I'ailable : , 20758 Mack. near 8 Mile I Experien:ed, TU 4-9843 ' TU 6-2359 N.C.R., In . I , For Private Parties :. ______1 and payable I Must have 1 Fine Food and Liquor : PLAY the ORGAN Write Box F News. ParkinJf Attendant at' Door E ,~pecialists in popular organ ins t rue ti 0 n, 16427 EAST WARREN TU 5-8880 : wee k I y lesson with 4A-HELP' Op,en 4:30 p. m. For , Dinner and Supper S instrument furnished (Dome ...... 11.11••• . ~.II.11.11 • .11 ,••• .11 • .11 • .11.11 •• ~ •••••• ~ Ill_ 1t •• .II ••• _a.ll • .II.11 ~"".II.11.11" 11.... .11 ••• .11.11 •••••••• " ••• .11 .... in your home, $25 per LOCAL n month. Lessons on some laund Bald\\'i1f, Lowrey ;ind days per \ dinners served 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. weekdays Hammo

~- " .':. . Building. days. Red Grosse Pointe reference!' : r""'"""'""''""~''''''"m.m'm""''m'""=""'"''''''''''"''m''='''m''"''''''''''''""''''I VAlley 2-!:l! Teacher: MILDRED BRIGGS . _ TUxedo 2-5680 EXPERIENq for cookir., PUNCH AND JUDY Fond of d MUSIC STUDIOS stay two ~ Plano. guitar. classic guitar, ences. Tu~ banjo, accordian. nolin. FEEL LIKE A PING PON~GBALL?, J , Ii ~ BABY SIT'fJ 15 Kercheval. ~ g THE VERMOUTH home ne'l Grosse Pointe Farms Charlevoh i Don'~ eat this. Don't eat that. Calories. Cholest~roI. ~oly- Because no one knows y~Ur indi~idual health problems JI:i 'r.i. , TU 4-4440 Res. 372-8994 HOUSEKEE iE unsaturates. Heart disease. like y~)Urpl(ysiciail. W~,aon't. f.(:And,pth~r~oodpeopl~ don't, "Ii THAT'S DRIER 21-rUTORING grown cr either.) There~s no such thing a::lnllversal diet~:- I,' . ! . g , _. ~s', . h.. • 1 Phort!; g , sionally. 1 The' current rash of do-it-yourself diets and food fads is THAN GIN ITSELF! COMMUNITY 1-6763. enough to make you feel like a ping pong ball. Bouncing Fer g90d nutrition, .the' American' Medical Associatio:ri:. 1\1 .•...•• , DR 1-7,00 l~ TUTORING SERVICE (October 12, 1962) r~coIIll;l1ehds 'well-baianc~d diet chosen "~l:::;;;:c::::::::::::i:::::::::::;;;::::::::::::::~:;:::::,::::;;::::;::::;;;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::,::::::::::::::::::;::::::::\i .:a Every drop of Gancia Extra - MRS. LOUIS MARICK,'OiREC. S-SITUA1 from claim to claiIp. TOR. Tutoring by degree teach- I, Should you change your diet. or not? Are these dangers from these four basic food, groups: ,(a) The Milk group' ' Dry makes your cocktail drier. ers avallahle in all subjects for (milk~c4~e~e~ice.c~eam),:~{l»J;be\lv~,eat'gx:ppp,(c) T~e:Vege~', il'ades high school. college and real or not? Are they proved or not? Is there someone you adult education. BABY SIT It's a fact-Gancia'g drier than VACATION table-F.nnt.group,~ al1d .(0.) The .Bread-Ce~eal group.; 339 Merriweather, can,trust in all this? r '...,' A ~, .'~' : ,"" ~' •• ':... , maternity c gin itself. Made ih Italy for Grosse Pointe Farms That's why we: urge ygu':q.otto'kndanger'your health with, , Licensed, TI There is. Your physician. the American taste, it's the TUxedo 4-2820 CALL do-it-yo~self foo,d'plaIis'ot to' change, your'diet because: of 'OPENING,S FOR TEACHERS And the:first thing he'll probably tell you is: don't change. widely publicized food ,fears-'"lik~'cholesterol. '," Our week end special pe~~ctsilentpartner for your EXPERIEN' your diet Unless you're, sick. ALL ELEMENTARY grades and care of ill Your physician ~ll.tell you this himself: Trust 'him. Wedo. friday, Saturday and Sunday Only favorite gin or,vodka. Say remedial rea din g. Detroit Grosse Po And if you are sick, trust him to get you back on the right Board of Education list. Call 8-5217. We're people; to~. ' ", ; ~ ... ,IMoy's Combi~atio~ Plate ({~han:cha." Do say it'soon. jafter 4 p.m. TUxedo 4-4323. diet-not unproved food claims: " . SECRET} Egg Roll, Subgum Chow Mein, , " $1'95 PRrv ATE TUTORING TELEPHO Even if he asks you to cut down on some of the products Fried Rice, Sweet arid Sour , VIVIANO IMPORTERS INCl lN MIME we represent, that's all right with us. american dairy \associatio.ti. Pork Including ~UP, Dessert ~15 ,Exclusive Michigan Distriburorsi YOUR OWN HOME F I .,' and Beverage. .' All subjects;' all g~ades. Adults PH( VoIce 'of the DaIry Farmers In the ,Market Places of AmerIca , '. I ' 2030W. Fort SL Detroit't6. Mich.( and children. Certified teach- VILLAG 'I E. Jefferson'and Marter Road ers. Cl962Jh!!os..Qarn!.'IJ~New York.N.J.) 643 NOTR1: V:z Mil. soilth of 9 Mile Rd., St. Clair _Shor.. Call: C«rry.outs, PR 2-6662 ' Open Oally. from 11 a.m. to 11 " .. DETROIT AND SUBURBAN LICENS' ~ful tm.9HhO ~-MeQ~~tement.of.Oct..1Z. 1962~vailabJQb1....itin~Jiea~.Diet..Ameman-~ A$~On. 2CN.Wacker..~ive,Dilpt..D;.cm~g~UL' ,Plan ,.'A Party,. Now! ' available- , ' I •• -~ TUTORING SERVICE KF..NWOOD T-4653 or hooPit .' ,I , " I !u.

1 -- ____ _ -lIII. ; ,. eft d .-. d • d d d « d Ed rt rt d st de d d C d d • 1 •• rt rt d d « c d d .. d S sC d d Cd d ,7ft * s ,,' -, - ---~--"!",,, ~E4"', ,..22lf~.SQ Q CIllll!lll,cc I'11 4~S ..2Q.. , '" C•••• 4 IIlI, ~ JC_ Q_ ..s._CSQ (IIlIl..-CIlCSl441tS IIl ,.SIlll.4 &11'1"., : IIIIp••,,1Il,4"""'fS.. pll!l,w ~ PW4111"!11}.II'!, ..4i'!.QI!!I,@S4 ---.-- --,. -""'!"I_.,.- --- ,!"l'"";""lIC-----.-~------~------~,--.-.~ --

Thursday. November 29, 1962 Page Twenfy..nve ember 29. 1962 G R ci SSE POI N TEN E)W S

Three Trunk LiMs, ~o Serve You 9uic:kly CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You 9uic:kly DEADLINE 3 P.M, TUE$DAY - ----'==------_---:_------_!-.-_------._------'------CLASSIFIED RATES 3-LOST AND FO~ND IS-S}TUATION WANTED SC-CATERING SERVICE 6-FOR RENT 1X-CHRISTMAS 18-ARTICi.:£S FOR SALE . 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE Chorgs Ads-12 words tor $ I .00 LOST Black and white B-assett NUR:::>E,), practical, night duty, VIRGINIA MALEY (Unfurnished) SUGGESTIONS WHITE PORTABLE sewing ma- COUCH-BED, two sofas, chairs, Ct'l;h Ads-12 words tor 90c hound. answers to the name afternoon duty, baby sitting 418 CADIEUX, 3 bedroom up- NEW CONSOLE or' spinet chine, 5 years old.- Clarinet smaH table, desk. Small elec. IOc each additional word ~MOrgan", in the. Vicinity of or half days. Grosse Pointe PARTY ..CONSULTANT per, $125. Inquir~ 414 Cad- pianos from $395, Smiley and trumpet. Reasona'ble. Call trical appliJances. TUxedo 5- incoln Road and Mack. Tel. references. VA 4.0022. I C.ft.TERING ieux. Bros .. Music 00.,5510 Wood- after 5 p.m. TUxedo 2.4154. 0695.

Call TU 5.8676 or TU 2-9727. Re- Weddings a Specialty ward, TR 3-6800, Open Mon. --~------'-- \ ward. SECRETARIAL SERVICE Serving G. P. Clientele 268 McMILLAN. Colonial, 3. hru . l1'x16' CARPETING . ....;. Rose TUXEDO 2-6900 ______f . 20 ' t Fn. eves., Sun. 1-5. HOOVER SALE TELEPHONE SERVICE or years.. bedroOl;ns, llh baths, recr~a- __ . , beige wool. Good condition. 1962 Upright $49.95 3 Trunk lines 4-Hl:~P WANTED - THESIS PAPERS VALLEY. 2-4332 tion room, side lot, 2 car ga: TUxedo 1-4838. 1962 Deluxe $59.95 LINER STATICNS MALE and FEMALE ROSEMARY GANT TU 4-2545 rage, $250. 'l'Uxedo 5-2546. "MAKE lIER CHRISTMAS B-0-Y--'S-2-6-"-b-ik-e-,-,-us-e-d--o-n-Iy1963 Portable $49.95 CUNNINGHAM DRUGS INSURANCE AGENCY. Grosse 6-FOR RENT I MERRY" Eureka Upright $48.00 lti!HI Kercheval at Notre Uame Pointe area. Permanent posi~ NURSE'S AIDE, experienced, (Unfu'l"nished) 16821 E'. JEFFERSON with beailtiful china, silver. or i~d~~8.was.-$50, for $28. TU. Eureka Vibra-Beat $49.00 'Ill ".Y6!J1I tion. Agency experiencE), short private or instit;,~tjonal. Avail- ALTER ROAD south of Jeffer- Two and three bedrooI.n ter- crystal for her table. Christmas 25 VACUUM BARGAINS' . HARKNESS PHARMACY TWIN CORD1J;ROY bedspreads, 21131:\ M~cl( .A\'e, ilt Lochmoor. hand I'equil'cd, Give age and able. PRescott 2-5337. son. Attra'ctive 3 rooms and races. Newly decorated, electric discounts, monthly plan. Rebuilts, 1 Year Guarantee TU ,.-3100 experience. P. 0 .Box 3786 EXPERIENCED nurse's aid. In- bath. Adults, no pets. VAll~y stove, disposal, garage, beauti- TUxedo 4-0073 ' drapes, ant i que crochet.ed Hoovers w beater $16.95-$39.50 rugs, 48.inch imported hand SEWS SALES STATIONS Detroit 15. '1. val d s, convalescents. Any 2-4595. ful grounds. Park privileges. Rebuilt Eurekas - ~16.95-$29.95 DOWNTOWN AREA --~--~-_._~---~- cases at llome or in nursing WOodward 1-0321, ext. 25 blocked linen. After 6, 881- Rebuilt G.E.'s $19.95 t;~and C1rcu~ Park NeW! nilnd 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 5293., ~lil1elltlcBldg. lI:ews Stand TRAINEES 18 +0 30 home. Good referen ces. 488 NEFF. Duplex, upper, HOMER W.A:RREN & CO. Rebuilt Royals $21.95 E. JEFHRSON TO CITY LIMITS Phone 331-1037. large. 3 bedrooms, 2 bat!ls. Jh TO OFF! CUSTOM 3-piece living room HARPER VACUUM GROSSE POINTE. Rivard Blvd. Jh I Al~~~~~~y:~anor, E. Jetterson NO PREVo EXP. $150 PERWK. $165. TU ,5-1459. Hotpointe Ele~t:ic stove. 36", sectional plus large match- 17176 E. Warren TU 1.1122 SECRETARIAL SERVICE Lower 5 rooms, gas heM, ga- Hoover-Eureka Auth. Service Camerons Gift ShOp. Wayburn IBM Executive BEACONSFIELD, lower 6 very good condltion ...$38. .:Finest ling 0 t tom an. Many room &. Jet! H,S. grad. Income hc~ins im- rage. VAlley 4-2848. tobogg, made ~n Canada,~ seats arrangements possible. Per- P..rK Uru;;s. L:lty Limits mcdi~tely after schooling per- Medical Transcription rooms, gas heat, redecorated. AUTO DRIVERS! Only $7.54 MimeS & Offset Adults, no pets. VAlley DUI='LEX, 500 -Neff Road. - 3 or 4, .$14. Boy's drafting feet condition. TU 1-1883. quarterl~ buys $10,000-20,000 . GROSSE POINTE PARK iod as machine shorthand. re- table, 36", use .as desk, adjus------~------I 1.llIler Pharmacy, Wayburn and p Three bedrvoms, $190 month .. Bodily Injury and $5.000.00 ..ercneval porter. For appt. call WO Resumes _ Mailing _4_-1_0_8_5_,_a_f_te_r_4_ _.m_. _ able top, $12. 'I' square. New AMERICAN FLYER tIDain set, PRescott 8~4060, TU 1-4527. I Propert.{ Damage Liability. St:lllvan Pharmacy. Heaconsfteld 5~8165, Miss Nelson. Mildred Sherban, 5028 Harvard ATTRACTIVE three rooms. Pri- hpckey skates, "size 8, gl9ves excellent condition. 8 it. and Kercheval . TUx~do 1-2376. Loul.SParty Store on Charlev01XI ------~~---- Anytime, TU 2-5506 vate entrance. Private home. 794 TROMBLEY Rd.; Grosse and sh~guards, $12. Boy Scout, bowling alley. TUxedo 5- GROSSE POINTE CITY ACCOUNTANT-MALE , Four Mile Circle,' .:fefferson Pte. Park, 2 bedrooms, 2 sleeping b..g, $10. 25 Magic 0695.. HEAD skis, new, 6'9", competi- Knpp < Pharmacy. Cadieux and East Side manufacturing com- LADY WITH reference will East. VAlley 2-3625. ' baths, den. Adults onJy. $210. Tricks, $6.50. New Log slide Kercheval pan" Must ha " FLORIDA BOUND. BIack Per- tion Ve c tor. Convertible Cltnn~nJ::hamsUrugs, Notre ')ame oJ. ve .experIence In care for elderly or convales- VAlley 1-1514. rule, $10.50. TU 1-3319,~ after sian lamb coat, wedding sports car trunk rack. TUx- i!nl1 Kercneval accounts receivable, pay a b 1 e cent. TUxedo 4-5574. GROSSE POINTE - 900 Har- 5 p.m. . edo 2-3237. :"~~~1e ualln~eK:r~~~~:ICY, Notre and payroll. Write box G45, court. Lower 2 bedr'oom, fire- ST. CLAIR, 477-L 0 w e r five gown, train table, toys, lad- ders, 28" boy's bike, chair, GKOSSf: POINTE FARMS Gros.s~ ~ointe News, giving AWNINGS, screens removed. place, gas heat, 2-car garage, rooms, heated. Stove, refrig- YOUNG LADY'S skirts, sweat- KNITTERS-Will assemble and p banquet table,' stove, roaster, Trail Pharmacy. Kercheval on I CJuahflcahons and salary de- Storms washed and hung. park. p r i v i leg e s, $180, erator, combination was her ers, dresses,' size 9-10 ll. Ex- block your sweaters, ~tc .• the HIll sired. Eavestroughs cleaned. Wall 962-7656. and dryer. Adults, $110. TU cellent condition. 839-9226. etc. TUxedo 4-7256. shorten ;)'our knitted dresses. I'-arms Urltgs. ,fISher Hd. and __~ . washing and painting. VAlley 2-3091. Kercheval - ~-~------MAN'S Omega wa.tch, Key- GIRL'S ROl ...1 Crown English Reasonable, quick. TU 4-4677. SchettJers Urugs. F1s~r Rd aM .JOY DOMAN 1-4127. STAELENS' I .\laume« 6A-fOR RENT ston& movie camera, 4 li~ht b-leyC'1e,three speeds, excel- MEN'S SUITS, slacks, coat, size Kmsel Drugs. Mack an(l 'l-Mlle PERSONNEL GARDEN TERRACES bar for movie making. -New lent condition. TUxedo 5-, 40. Shoes, 9lh D. Excellent Hoao Your Girl Friday (Furnished) Wnoc1's Urug Center. Mack and FEE AND FREE -lWack at .Lakeland. Lovely two Shirley Temple dolt with 0695. ,______condition. EDgewater 1-9915. I::iournemouth(7 Milt.-Rd.). SECY. Motion Pictur. $400 Secretarial Servic:.e bedroom apartment. Will deco- 4 BEDROOM house. Reasonable wardrobe, new mohair stole. GIRL'S WHITE double ronnel' I-ES-T-A-'I-'E-S--b-o-u-g-h-t-a-n-d--so-l~d. GR.OSSf: POINTE WOODS ',...' , es .. " _ rate to suit tenant; Large living to res p 0 n sib 1e family. 2 These items are all very good Grosse POinte Pharmacy. Mack SE ~Y., Ad Agency $3;,0 Mimeographing room, good closet space, G. E. months or Ion gel'. West- buys anc:~would make excel~ skates, size 3. Boy's brown GQmplete or odd pieces. An- and HunUnlo':ton TYPIST, Radio & TV $260 d(}uble runner skates, size 2. tiques, silver, china furn1- HarKness Philrmacy. Mack: and SECY Sales Future $350 Mrs. Coleman Tl) 4-6442 stove and refrigerator, air-con- chester road. VAlley 4-7505. lent Christmas gifts. TU ' ochmoor ., . $3 each. Tuxedo 5-1833. ture, Oriental rugs. Hugh C. I 8- ditioned. free parking, Park l!""URNISHEDhouse for rent for 4-,3939. Hr,w:.<:s Urug Store. Mack and I To List 757 NOTRE DAME-Three bed- Grosse Pointe News. .____ and evening dresses table, hench, mirror, chair, l'ouralne GROSSE POINTE'S PNUSUAL room ranch, near schools and LOWER flat, close to tranSP(}r- NATIONAL add~~g ID,achine . NEIGHBORHOOD and night stand, good. condi- HanClS Medlcal SerVIce Phar:nacy. SECRETARIAL SERVICE and subtracting), movable THR IT S 0 tioo, $100. Dming room table .\lacl( and Moran YOUNG MEN shopping, $175. TU 5-2713. tation.' Available December blue Cross Drugs. Mack and Net! Some college background will • Letters, Resumes Composed carriage, enters accounts re- I Ii P and small side board, $55 for Blue HIll Pharmacy, Mack ana 15 to April 15. TU 5-5167. ceivable, prepares monthly 17121 Waterloo, ..:or St. Clair both. Small Oriental throw tUlle Hill qualify you for future executive • Dictation Taped by Telephone FOR LEASE, 4 bedroom, ranch, statements ready to mail. 12" 10 a.m.-12 and 2-4" p.m.. rugs, $6 each. Larger On- DevonshIre Drugs. Mack and traitiing programs. Openiugs • Silk Screen Mimeographing Uevonshlre attaehed 2-car garage, $150 bB-ROOMS ,FOR RENT carriage for posting. Slightly Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. ental, $12. Antique china now in sales, management. in- • Telephone Answering L &: L P~armacy. Mack and B~a. per month. Tuxedo 2:0898. used. Original price, $900, 10 a.m.-12 Sat-1-9 p.m. chocolate pot, $10. Small consfleld surance, marketing. Salaries HESTER "WRIGHT-IDEAS" LARGE, clean, .quiet room for COlony Patent Mr;dlclne, 1:::'645 $350. TUxedo 4--2494, TUxedo Thurs. eve. paintings, pictures and other ~lack from $375 to $550. BATCHELOR Grosse Pointe Manor gentleman who appreciate~ a 11545 ----~------small'antiques. 840 Barring- ST, CLAIR SHORES 27530 HARPER AVE. S.C.S. .-TUxedo 2-6034 - • I MUST SELL Fisher stereo am- ton RQad, Thursday 12 to 3, A~nold Drugs. Marter Het. and CADIEUX ROAD, BETWEEN good home. VAlley 2-4593: Jefferson PR 2-5600 YOUNG GIRL'S ic~ skates, si4e plifier and Fisher deluxe FM VAlley 1-8499. IF YOU'LL NAME the job you KERCHEVAL AND ST. PAUL ROOM FOR RENT-Business 2627 David Stott Bldg. 4, like new, $4. VEnice 9-2036. tuner. 881-5194. want done I'll do it! VA 3 BEDROOMS, llh BATHS man, quiet home. References. 'G.E. TELEVISION, 21" floor l-PUBLIC NOTICES WO 2.7160 4~9172. A beautiful, spacious 6-room Call evenings,. TUxedo 1- BOY'S C.C.M. figure skates, CUSTOM GUNSMITHING model. TU 1-7052. --~------tcrrace apt. for the discrimirrat- 4128. CASS RICH and ORCHESTRA SALESLADY to help in .nower size. 3, good condition, $10. }'rancbised Dealer ing. Garage, garbage disposal TUxedo 4-0606. Colt, Ithaca, Browning SPINET piano, like new. Sacri- :'olusic to fit the Ot'Casion. shop over holidays. TUxedo TRI-CITY CHilD CARE and finest in s~hools, shopping NICE FRONT ROOM, lady. Pri- fice. No dealers. 22933 Gra- 1-0278. Bausch & Lomb . VIn'ewood 2-1589 --- State' Licensed and Bonded, and transportation, $175. vate en t ran c e, lavatory. HAND crocheted ecru double Winchester Advisory Center tiot near Nine. GENERAL OFFICE "We will stay while you're away, TU 5-1172 WO 2.4607 Kitchen privileges, or with- sized bed spread. 'PR 9-1690. Re-Loading Equiplilent and out. Somerset. LA 6-3519. DOUBLE-BREASTED tux e d 0 Good typist for billing depart- any hour night or day." . 2A-MUSICAL DIAMOND. RING in unique. Fishing Tackle and Prince Albert. Bot h ment. Knowledj;(e of bookkeep~ ATTRACTIVE colonial brick Mature, competent babysitiers, flowered design; 2.74 carats; B, McDANIEL CO. clean and in excellent condl. INSTRUCTION . in.'! helpful. Write box E44, convalescent and elderly care. duplex, 5. rooms and garage . be-OFFICE FOR RENT 823 Neff Road. Cal~ VAlley ,- consisting of 3 marquise, 3 13333 Kercheval VA 1-8200 tion. Size 41. Tuxedo 2-1134- PIANO. organ, vol c e, theory. Grosse Pointe News. Domestics. OFFICE SP ACE jor rent at 1-9868. .baguettes ana 10 small cut I Pre-school through university I 754-6070 19802 Mack Avenue~ 2 rooms. diamonds. Will sacrifice. Reo WORLD' BOOK Encyclopedia, BLOND Magnavox r3.dio-phono_ level. Walter Mueller, 482 Co~ Typist and Receptionist for 2 IN GROSSE POINTE. First . 885-4666. ply Box J-35, Grosse Pointe 1958 edition, all supplem'ents graph console. TU 4.9491. lonial Ct. N., TU 6-1090. to 4 days (flucluating) per week floor, seven rooms, 2 baths, ";s. included, never been uSed. Good typist. G e n e I' a I work NEED a baby sitter? The Sit- Ne " NEW Early American Hide- pantJ:'Y, disposal, incinerator, 17907 E. Warren G r 0 sse Poi n t e Real Estate ters Crub. PRescott 7-0377. 881-4992, apBed, brown, $175. TUxedo GROSSE POINTE private laundry storage, ga- ll'x20' paneled office with 4 CHRISTMAS choir boys for office. East side resident. Plea- Licensed and bonded. HOTPOINT electric range, de- 5-8262. , CONSERVATORY" rage. '$175 per month. Drive built-in bookcase, adjoining outdoor decoration, $65. ED. Staff of Professional Teachers sant telephone personality, age NURSE, P.N. Part time or re- 8'x20' waitiIlg room. Air;condi- 1-2472. luxe model. $90. Maple 35-50 years old. by 421 Rivard Blvd., if you dinette table and benches, VACATING 11 room home. ::Mis- PIANO, ORGAN, lief dUIty. VA 4-5378. like what you see, .call TU tioned and utilities furnished. cellaneous furniture sale. TRAVERSE draperies, cornice' $15. Power mower, $20A Out- TUxedo 2-1539. HARPSICHORD MAXON BROTHERS, Inc. 2.9552 for appointment. ' TU 2-6000 RELIABLE, educated gentle- ALBER'( COUVREU R boards 'and rods for windows; door fur 11 i t u r e. TUxedo "DICE, VIOLIN, THEORY men seeking caretake'r job GROSSE POINTE Flat. Pic- TUxedo 1-3000 picture 'window, 12' 10"; 2- 4-2628 COMPLETE phot ogra p hie Beginning students through • BOOKKEEPING MACHINE 62"; 1-83"; 1-56". TUxedo ------~- equipm~nt for amateur dark artist level. - Diversified abilities. 882-4028 ture windows, wall-to-wall KERCHEVAL "Village" busi- Experienced on Burroughs or ( carpeting, garage, porch, dis- 1-2982. AMAZING! See the new Conn room. Enlarger trays, etc. 20758 Mack, near 8 Mile ness d.!.strict. One' or. more or g a n with transistorized TUxedo 5-0695. N.C.R., in accounts receivable SA-SITUATIONS WAN,TED posal. Adults. VA 4-2794. TU 4-9843 TU' 6-2359 rooms. TUxedo 2-7252, TU~- LIONEL LARGE gauge train keyers. Piano and Organ and payable. East side office DOMESTIC edo 5-0518. \ on 4'x8' table, 2 Diesels, 1 Mart, 22933 Gratiot, 'near 9. , LO-,vER $225.. 2 bedrooms. 767 Must have own transportation steam locomotive, complete Hours: 11 a.m., ~ 9 p.m. PLAY the ORGAN Write Box F54, Grosse Pointe LADY wishes .laundry work Harcourt. Stove, refrigerator , OFFICES available Decembe'r Pi~nos - Organs porch, carpeted, 2-car gar- village, 15 .assorted cars in- News. Prefers working in own home 1 in most modern building in 9'x10lh' rug - A Ie x.an d e r FOR Specialists in popular but will go out. Experienced age. VA 1-8108, VA 2-4874 cluding special l-'Olice and organ ins t rue t ion, Grosse Pointe Park. Heated, .. fire cars, .cattle loader, $125. Smith, pad induded: Good 4A-HELP WANTED TR 5-4973. air~c 0 n d it ion e d. TUxedo condition .. Reasonable. TUx- Christmas. ,Delivery wee k I y lesson with I 3 ROOMS, and bath. Newly dec- TUxedo 5~3085. '5.3230, or TUxedo 1.6~~2. edo 2-3167. instrument furnished ( Domestic) . GIRL WISHES 2 or 3 day work orated: Heated. $50. 1001 in yc;ur home, $25 per -~- Maryland. University 2-3697 GAS STOVE and Easy washer, NEW AND USED PIANOS L 0 C A L resident. Cleaning, References. 882-0920. . MEDICAL SUITE available in month. L es son s on cheap. Call TUxedo 4-1165,- HE~D SKIS ?' 3", Slbandard. From.. some laundry. Prefer two lh WOMAN WISHES days or week 20951 VERNIER RD. new air-conditioned building. Friday l1ke new wrth Cubco lJind- Baldwin. Lowrey and days per week. _~n arrange 18342 Mack. Call TU 2-7480. . ing, $30. TU 5-2219. H'lmmond studio in- Home nights .. Grosse Po,inte $395 h 0 u l' s for convenience of 1 Bl.ock East of X-WaY' Evenings, DU 1p0882. WILCOX-GAY portable tape struments $3.50. references. 883-1676. Now renting - New. luxurious , woman with school children. recorder. Junior double --ski TUXEDO, 38 .regular. , $15. USED ORGANS 1-bedroom, 2~bedroom, 3' bed- 6F- TOSH'ARE' S~I1LEY BROS. MUSIC CO. - Character .eferences' re- EXPERIENCED LADY wishes boots size 3. Girl's blue ski. ladie:: black wool fitted ~t, quired. Eve n1 n g s. TUxedo room apartments. Large rooms I LIVING QUARTERS pants: size 10. TV 4-6846. Dolman fleece,. size 7, $20. Baldwin & Lowrey Organs day work. Grosse Pointe ref- From 5-9314. erences. WE 4-4578:" and closets. Completely carpet- __ ~_----_--_ Both in perfect conditio!:. TU 5510 ~oodwa!d TR 3:6800 ed. Heated. Latest kitchen ap.- .POINTE' AREA, will. s h are MINK JACKET, size 18' tall. 5-3486. $395 HOUSEKEEPE~ needed by LADY with Pointe references pliances, convenient parking. home' with employed. or .mid- Worn- three times. Owner de- ---'--~. ------.-- I family with four children to desires cleaning, laundry , CHESTER P. JANKOWSKI die-aged 'lady. References. ceased. VEnice 9-1964: 2 NEEDLEPOINT bags, almost No money down •.• no new. 12 Rosenthal china serv- THE manage. 'house. Private room days or week. TRinity 5~2117 TU 1-9098 8.81p3281 . $75 a month .. TUxedo '5-8347. payments 'til February. and bath. Other' help em- . 8" CRAFTSMAN. table saw, ice -plates, gold band, $50. DUNNING COURSE -M-EA-T-W.-RA-P~P-E-R-wantswork BUILDER O}VNER hG-STORE FOR RENT complete with s,tand, ext en- Nesco electric roaster, $20. ployed. TUxedo 4-6882. Christmas Layaway plan PIANO and THEOR~ -urgent. Also care for con HOLCOMB' ,AT' JEFFEIRSON sions, guard,.guide ,plate, and Electric deep fryer, small, WHITE woman, genet:al' :tJ,ouse- - available. BRIGGS MUSIC STUDIO valescen,t. Own' tr!lJnsporta - Very attractive, newly decorat- GROSSE POINTE special ~witch, n h.p. capac!- $7. Call evenings. TUxedo 15 Kercheval-Pun1:h and J~dy work and laundry. 3 or 5 tl'on DI l' 9462 tor mo""r Wl.th 3-speed pul- 1-7552. . -. ed, furnished or unfurnished , Mack,' 16115. . Modern 'store, lAI Building. days. Recent Grosse Pointe ley. Good condition, $75. TU. SMILEY BROS. references. $8 and' bus fare. GENERAL child Clare, 5 days , single or 1 bedroom apart- 18'x60'. Newly decorated, gas Grosse Pointe $35 and car fare. 823-1822. men-ts. Wall to waIl carpeting , heat, tile floor, latest style light _2_-_32_3_3_. SECOND HAND Detroit: 5510 Woodward near VAlley 2-9497. X-way. Open Monday thru Teacher: MILDRED BRIGGS large closets, good transporta- fixtures. LIGHT WEIGHT strong bar- SKI CLOTHING Fri. TUxedo 2-5680 EXPERIENCED maid, 30 to 45; LADY desires housekeeping po - tion. Exceptionally fine build- VAlley 2~2'i'95 rels, comp'lete with covers, eves. Sun. 1-5. for, cooking and downstairs. sition. Live' in. References. . and TR 3-6800 PUNCH AND JUDY Fond of children. Five days, WOodward 5-8199. ~1'1-1663 ED 1-7253 7':""'WANTED TO RENT ' $2. TUxedo 5-3000. I EQUIPMENT SALE MUSiC STUDlUS stay two nights, $45. 'Refer- MAPLE BUNK"'beds, chests and SILVER BLU let--out mink Piano, guitar. classic guitar, ences. Tuxedo 5-1425. A-1 GIRL' wish~~ work: three I 'KENS I N G TON 1'441. 3 bed MATURE family of three de- .' hutch cabinet. TU 4-3813. 478 LINCOLN coaJt, size 14, like new. Sac4 days - Mondays, Wednesdays, room, re'decn.""'ted, gas heat '" . sires 2 bedroom furnished SLoe "172" banjo, accordian. nolin. I d. "'Y 6 292 vu, 1 GROSSE POINTE rifice, $435. urn...... BABY SITTER for daytime for FJ;i ays. ~ - 2. I' Adults, $175: TUxe40 1-8500 . rental for- 6 month period. SQUIRREL cap~ s:to e, $35. 15 Kercheval, home near McKinley and TUxedo 5-6259., Mahogany-drum table, leath- DECEMBER 1st and 2nd BLACK Persian coat, $25. Boy. Grosse Pointe Farms Charlevoix. TUxedo 5-2688. EXPERIENCED Swedish' lady 23200 EUCLID near. 13 ,Mile : er top, 35'" round,' $40: Cosc<;, and girl's good coats, jackets, IE VERMOUTH TU 4-4440 Res. 3'12-8994 wishes day work - cileaning, Three bedroom ranch dj,lplex 7X-CHRISTMAS utility drop leaf serving cart, 8:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. $5. Teen's watch, $5. Hand I HOUSEKEEPER, 3 days $25, 2 ironing. Steady. References. Extra. clean, good loc~tion ,- . S.UGGESTION. S $10.. TUxedo_ 1-5787. '. --~------knit sweaters, $7.50. TUxedo 2B-TUTORING grown children, stay occa- VAlley 4-5088. g'as. Cut to $85. TUxedo 2- AIR TEMP window a:ir-condi- 2-0337. HAT'S DRIER sionally. References. TUxedo 9258. PIANOLA, small spinet" size AN EXECUTIVE movin.g to ti~ner, $25. Black wrought COMMUNITY 1-6763. EXPERIENCED 1 ad y. desires 'MA;..LINA n"'ar Moross Road. J play~r piano in lovely walnut California'. House of eJ.eg.ant iron sofa bed, complete, $25. 8A~OFF1CE E9UIPMENT fAl'1 GIN ITSELF! TUTORII\lG SERVICE - work of any kind, Mondays, ~.., finish. A gift the whole. fami- furniture, custom made Kar- Polaroid print copier, $5. FOR SALE MRS. LOUIS MARICK.JDIREC- S-SITUATION WANTED Thursdays. References. TO Three bed roo m bryck col- ly will enjoy. Smiley Bros. ges, Grosfield, etc. Marble Pair 0 l' a n g e upholstered ! ery drop of Gancia Extra. TOR. Tutoring by degree teach. 9-6442. oniatl. Garage, gas heat, $150 Music Co., 5510 Woodward, top tables, hide..a~bed, white chairs .. $7.50. Call after six: TYPEWRITBRS anO adding ers available in all subjects for CARELS monthly. WO 1-1'749. TR 3-6800. Open Mon. thru breakfront, living room, din- TUxedo 5-1813. macbines, new. rebuilt. Rea~ grades high school, college and WOMAN desfu:es five days cook~ el Fri. .eves., 'Sun. 1~5. , ing room, den, bedroom. kit- . -d. ------sonable prIces. National Of~ 1makes your cocktail drier. adult education. BABY SITTING AGENCY ing, light '.housework. Exper- 285 MORAN: Lov y 7 "room chen, air-conditioner, washer, NEW B.l'JLTONE hearing aid ficeEquipment. 16833 Harper VACATION duty, invalid and ienced, l' e fer nee s. Home 'ColoniaL 3 bedrooms, .1~ . ' FINE' d~'er, drapes, carpeting, an- glasses. Co&t $640. Will sell at Bishop. TUxedo l-USO. 339 Merriweather, e A ;a fact-Ganci a's drier than maternity care, do~estic help , nights 834-0907. . baths, stove, carpeting; drap- CHRISTMAS PRESENT tiques. Mink coat-; j a c k e t, reasonable. TUxedo 5~6735. I Grosse Pointe Fartps Licensed, Bonded, Registered ----. ----'------. eries, gas heat, terrace, 2-car ~, stole. Corner of 8 Mile, 20653 ' --- 9-ARTICLES WANTED l itself. Made in Italy for TUxedo 4-2820 CALL US, VE 9-9066' SCOTCH lady needs few hours .garage. Adults.,$225. Wurlitzer, s pin e t organ,' Stratfox:d,5 blocks east of ORIENTAL RUGS, like new. OPENING,S FOR TEACHERS -----~--~--~--- daily. Child, or eld~ly. $1 886-0866 . • Model 4420 with "percussion; , 9>.:12 Kasban. Kirman and WANTED - Wing chair with }American taste, it's the EXPERIENCED LADY wishes hour. VAlley 4-0815. ' mahog,any,. plus stool. New," Livernois. UN. 1-6620. . Hammadan runners. Sarouk high back. Smal-l daybed or ALL ELEMENTARY grades and care of invalid, convalescent . I GROSSE POI N T.E ..WOODS,' $1400; sacrifice ,at $75.0. NEVER USED K 0 d a k Stereo scatter. TUxedo 6-1363, sleep chai'!', Good coodition. {ect silent partner for your remedial rea din g. Detroit Grasse Pointe references: TY MIDDL E pArtGEtJ?.whih.tewoman loveiy single r~sidence, 3 oed- Evenings. and weekends, . camera;. lights,ca:s~ and 'HAMMOND org"" A 2 type 82b8499. t Board of Education list. Call 8-5217. wan s pa, lme orne nur- rooms, 2 _baths, carpeted. 'ruxedo 6-0294 viewer, $69. TU 4-8886. --. -. vorite gin or, vodka. Say after 4 p.m. TUxedo 4-4323. sing' or child care. LO 8-0~1l6. .Loads of closets; 2 car garage. spinet., Excellent oondition, BOOKS. Ptj'RCHASED for Cash. SE'CRETARIAL SERVICES GIRL wishes baby'sitting ()l"day $200.. Immediate occupancy, CARPETING, child's chrome TUxedo 2-2105. Entire nbrarles or fine lingle ,han.eha," Do say it soon. PRIVATE TUTORING TELEPHONE ANSWERING lease. TUxedo 4-9099: ... CHILDREN'S .set, china cups and S!lJucers, ' items. MidwesfBook SerViee. IN MIMEOGRAPHING work. References., Very re- silverWare, chr.omft, breakfast SOFAS AND CHA:RS 4301 Kensington. TU 5-2450. lhble. VAlley 1-1512. NEFF ROAD-Lower six and PASTEL PORTRAITS 'set,ooffee table, ,lamps, mis- LIKE BRAND NEW VIANO IMPORTERS, INe YOUR OWN HOME PRINTING All subjects; all grades. Adults PHOTU-CDPYING LADY wishes' babysitting and bath,. "iall-to-wall .car' pet, By. _' cellaneous. .vAlley 1~9560.. VAN .UPHOLSTERING BAMBOO chair ,to matcl1 what housekeeping. &tay, nights. newly decorated, gas furnace, Stephen' ,6yUrich" 13235 Harper I bought at Greiner sale ~clusiveMichigan Distributors' and children. Certified leach. VILLAGE LETTER SHOP ers. References. 'VAlley: 1-2904. fireplace, stove, incinerator, BI!JJ-R00M SET. Double bed, I PReseott 8-9079. 130W. Fort St. Detroit'J6. Mich.; 643 NUTRE DAME TU 4-7064 . porch with awning; comb. " dresser, vanity, 2 night 2 YEAR Oi.DWurlitzer spinet ----~~----- CaB: IDEAL XMAS 'GIFT l62 rac Jos. GaTMllJ Co" lint Yori. N.") L ICE N SED pratical nurse EXPERIENCED laundress and storms and screens, garage,' stands, $95. Also .Stauffer' re- . piano with. b e n c.h. Ebony PACKING t1t'U11k. ~: epart- DETROIT AND SUBURBAN cleaner. GOod 1roner,Grosse adults, no pets. $140.' 885- 1677 Stanhope, G. P. Woods ducing maohine, $100, finish, $385. Oall evenings. ment IIi1.e e1&atrie avai1able-priva~ duty, home COst sa or TUTORING SEltVICE pOInte references.' 925~7704. 4173. . TUxedo '10;5852 $350. TUxedo 4-9951. . TUxedo 6~1B. IIlloYe- 'rthaedo ,,",982. KENWOOD '1-4653 or hospital VAlley .4--3500.

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ThursddY, November 29, 1962 ember 29, 1962 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E)\Iv S Page Twenty.five

Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly .(hree Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly r CALL TU~'edo2-6900:' DEADLINE 3 P.M. TUESDAY . I , CLASSIFIED RATES 13-LOST AND FO~N~ __ S-S}TUATION WANTED SC-CATERING SERVICE 6-FOR RENT 7X-CHRISTMAS 8-ARTICL"ES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE ., (Unfurnished) SUGGESTIONS Chargs Ads-12 words tor $1 .00 LOST Black and whHe Bassett NUR~E, practical, night duty, WHITE PORTABLE sewing ma- COUCH-BED, twu sofas, chairs, VIRGINIA MALEY 418 CADIEUX, 3 bedroom. up. NEW CONSOLE or spin~t chine, 5 years old.- Clarinet C~;h Ad~-12 words tor 90e ~oun~, a.?s\~/crs to ~he .namc afternoon duty, baby sit~ing PARTY CONSULTANT small table, desk Small elec- 10 h dd' f I d MOlgan . In the. vlcimty 01 or half days. Grosse Pomte per, $125. Inquire 414 Cad- pianos from $395. Smiley and trumpet. Reasonable. Call tCATERiNG trical appuances: TUxedo 5- c Me <9 110M wor Lincoln Road and Mack. Tel. references. VA 4.0022. ieux. . _ Bros" Music: Co., 5510 Wood- after 5 p.m. TUxedo 2-4154. 0695. Call TU 5-8676 or TU 2.9727. Re- Weddings a Spedalty Serving G. P. Clientele ward, TR 3-6800. Open Mon. , SECRETARIAL SERVICE 268 Mcl\HLLAN. Colonial, 3 thru Fri. eves., Sun. 1-5. ll'x16' CARPETING ...... :..Rose TUXEDO 2-6900 ward. for' 20 years. beige wool. Good condition. HOOVER SALE TELEPHONE SERVICE bedroOl;ns, 1~ baths, reer.ea- 1962 Upright $49.95 VALLEY' 2-4332 TUxedo 1-4838. 3 Trunk lines 4-Hi:!.P WANTED . THESIS P1\PERS tion room, side lot, 2 car ga: 1962 Deluxe $59.95 "MAKE HER CHRISTMAS LINER STATIONS MALE and r:EMALE , ROSEMARY GANT 'I'U 4-2545 rage, $250. TUxedo 5-2546. 1963 Portable $49.95 6-FOR RENT , MERRY" BOY'S 26" bike, used only CUNNINGHAM DRUGS INSURANCE AGENCY. Grosse Eureka Upright $48.00 NURSE'S AIDE, experienced, (Unfur~ished ) twice. Was.. $50, for $28. TU. lIjll~1 Kercheval at Notre Uame Pointe area. Permanent posi.- 16821 E~JEFFERSON with beautiful china, silver or 1-2108. _. Eureka Vibra-Beat $49.00 'I'll ~-!ltl98 private or institutional. Avail- crystal for her table. Christmas tion. Agency experience, short .ALTER ROAD south of Jeffer- Two and three bedrooi}t ter- 25 VACUUM BARGAINS HARKNESSPHARMACY able. PRescott 2-5337. races. Newly decorated, electric discounts, monthly plan. TWIN CORDQROY bedspreads, :!031;J MacK 'Aye. at Lochmoor. hand requu~d. Give age and son. Attra'ctive 3 rooms a!1d Rebuilts, 1 Year Guarante~ stove, disposal, garage, beauti- drapes, ant i que crocheted TU ..-;1100 experience. P. 0 .Box 3786, EXPERIENCED nurse's aid. In- bath. Adults, no pets. VAlley TUxedo 4-0073 - Hoovers w beater $16.95-$39.50 ful grounds. Park privileges. rugs, 48-inch imported hand NEWS SALf,S STATIONS Detroit 15. val ids, convalescents. Any 2-4595. Rebuilt Eurekas $16.95-$29.95 DOWNTOWN AREA cases at home or in nursing WOodward 1-0321. ext. 25 blocked linen. After 6, 881. Rebuilt G.E.'s $19.95 Grand L:lt'CUSPark NeWlfnand 488 NEFF. Duplex, upper, 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE home. Good l' e fer e nee s. HOMER WA'RREN & CO. 5293. Rebuilt Royals $21.95 ~Ja.l".tlC Bldg. News Stand TRAINEES 18 t 30 large. 3 bedrooms, 2 batps. E. JEFFERSONTO CITY LIMITS I 0 Phone 331-1037. TO OFF! CUSTOM 3-piece living room HARPER VACUUM $165. TU 5-1459. GROSSE POINTE. Rivard Blvd. ¥.J Jh A'~~~ :a~~y~anor. E. Jetterson I NO PREVo EX!? $150 PF..R,WK. Hotpointe Electric stove 36", sectional plus large match- 17176 E. Wa,rren TU 1-1122 SECRETARIAL SERVICE - Lower 5 roon1S, gas heat, ga- Camerons Gift :Shop. Wayburn ---- very good condition, $38. Finest ing 0 t tom an. Many room Hoover-Eureka Auth. Service BEACONSFIELD, lower 6 rage. VAlley 4-2848. & Jeff H.S. grad lncome begins im- IBM Executive tobogg, made in canada ..) seats arrangements possible. Per' Park Urugs. Clty Limits mediately after schooling per- Medical Transcription rooms, gas heat, redecor~ted. AUTO DRIVERS! Only $7.54 DUPLEX, 500 'Neff Road. -- 3 or 4, .$14. Boy's drafting fect condition. TV 1-1883. GROSSEPOINTE PARK iod as machine shorthand re- MimeS & Offset Adults, no pets. VAlley quarterI) buys $10,000-20.000 Three bedrooms, $190 month .. table, 36", use .as desk, ,adjus-I ",It IIer Pharmacy. Wayburn and port F t II 'wo Resumes -:- Mailing 4-1085, after 4 p.m. Bodily Injury and $5,000.00 Kercneval cr. or app. c a PRescott 8~4060, TU 1-4527. able top, $12. T square. New AMERICAN FLYER tNln set, St:tll\'an I-'nal"macy. l:leaconsfleld 5.8165, Miss Nelson. PropertJ Damage Liability. and Kercheval Mildred Sherban., 5028 Harvard ATTRACTIVE three rooms. Pri- hockey skates,' size 8, gloves excellent condition. 8 ft. Lou16 Party Store on CharleVOIx ------Anytime, TU 2-5506 . vate entrance. Private home. 794 TROMBLEY Rd., Grosse and shin.guards, $12. Boy Scout. bowling alley. TUxedo 5- TUxedo 1-2376. Pte. Park, 2 bedrooms, 2 GROSSEPOINTE CITY ACCOUNTANT-MALE Four Mile Circle,' ~efferson sleeping bag, $10. 25 Magi..: 069:;.. HEAD skis, new, 6'9", competi. Kopp'~ I-'harmacy. CadIeux and I East Side manufacturing com- LADY WITH refcre~ce ~ill baths, den. Adults only. $210. East. VAlley 2-3p25. ' Tricks, $6.50. New Log slide tion ye c tor. Convertible Kercheval pan" M t h " VAlley 1-1514. FLORIDA BOUND. Blac:k Per- l:unnln~hamS urugs. Notre 'Jame J. us ave, experIence In care for elderly or convales- rule, $10.50. TU 1-3319,' after GROSSE POINTE - 900 Har- sian lamb coat, wedding sports car trunk rack. TUx- ana Kercheval accounts receivable, pay a b I e cent. TUxedo 4-5574. 5 p.m. . !l:ntre Ullme Pharmacy. Notre and payroll Write box G45 court. Lower 2 bedroom, fire- ST. CLAIR, 477-L 0 w e r five gown, train table, toys, lad- edo 2-3237. Uame and Kercheval . , rooms, heated. Stove, refrig- G~OSSI:.POINTE FARMS Grosse Pointe News, ~iving AWNINGS, screens removed. place, gas heat, 2-car giu'agc, YOUNG LADY'S skirts, sweat- ders, 28" boy's bike, chair, KNITTERS-Will assemble and park. p ri v i leg e s, $180, erator, combination was her ers, dresses,' size 9-10-11. Ex- banquet table, .stove, roaster, Trail Pharmacy, Kercheval on II <1.ua1ifications and salary de- Storms washed and hung. block your sweaters, ~tc.• the Hill I SIred. Eavestroughs cleaned. Wall 962-7656. and dryer. Adults, $110. TU cellent condition. 839-9226. etc. TUxedo 4-7256. .rarms Urugs. ~'Isher .nd. and shorten your knitted dres~es. washing and painting. VAlley 2-3091. Kercheval . I -~~ MAN'S Omega ....,a.tch. .Key- GIRL'S Royal Crown English Reasonable, quick. TU 4-4677. SchetUers Drugs. FlshJ!r Rd p!l.dI JOY' DOMAN 1-4127. STAELENS' .\lawnee 6A-fOR RENT stone. movie camera, 4 light bicycle, ~ speeds, excel. MEN'S SUITS, slacks, coat, size Klnsel Drugs. Mack anet 7-Mlle PERSONNEL GARDEN TERRACES ( Furnished) bar for movie making. New lent COnGlt::.>n. TUx~do 5-. 40. Shoes. 9~ D. Excellent Hoad I . Your Girl Friday \\ nod S urug L:enter. Mack and i FEE AND FREE ..Mack at .Lakeland. Lovely two Shirley Temple doll with 0695. condition. EDgewater 1-9915. Bournemouth (7 Mile Rd.). SECY. Mot'on P' t . $400 Secretarial Servi.c.e badroom apartment. Will deco- 4 BEDROOM house. Reasonable wardrobe, new mohair stole. GIRL'S WHITE double r..mner (,KOSSE:POINTE WOODS ,I IC ures ..• ~ rate to suit tenant: Large living. to l' e s p 0 n sib 1e. family. 2 These items are all very good ESTATES bought and sold. Grosse POinte Pharmacy. Mack SECY .. Ad Agency, $3,,0 Mimeographing skates, size 3. Boy's brown room, good closet space, G. E. months or Ion gel'. West- buys and would make excel- Gomplete or odd pieces. An- aM Huntlns::ton TYPIST, Radio & TV $260 Mrs. Coleman TI.) 4-6442 double runner skates, size 2. H~ro~~e~soo;harmaCy.Mack and SECY., Sales Future $350 . stove and refrigerator, air-con- chester road. VAlley 4-7505. lent Christmas' gifts. TU tiques, silver, china furnI- ditioned, free parking, Park $3 each. TUxedo 5-1833. ture, Oriental rugs. Hugh C. H()ward Johnsons. Mack and 6- RECEPTIONIST, PbX $265 EXPERIENCED Grosse Pointe }'URNISHED house for rent for 4-6939. privifeges. Call at 867 Lakeland Bolan, 10233 Woodward, TO t;~\[I~J~tIO.MaCK 645 Thurs. eve. paintings, pictures and other MacK from $375 to $550. BATCHELOR Grosse Pointe Manor gentleman who appreciates a $350. TUxedo 4"'2494, TUxedo ST. CLAIR SHORES 1-1545. small .antiques. 840 Barring. A,-nold Drugs, Marter .nd. and 27530 HARPER AVE. S.C.S. ."TUxedo 2-6034 CADIEUX. ROAD, BETWEEN good home. VAlley 2-4593. MUST SELL Fisher stereo am- ton Rqad, Thursday 12 to 3, Jefferson PR 2-5600 YOUNG GIRL'S ic~ skates, sue plifier and Fisher deluxe FM IF YOU'LL NAME the job you KERCHEVAL AND ST. PAUL ROOM FOR RENT-Business VAlley 1-8499. 2627 David Stott Bldg. 4, .like new, $4. VEnice 9-2036. tuner. 881-5194. want done I'll do it! VA 3 BEDROOMS, 1~ BATHS man, quiet h-ome. References. l-PUBLIC NOTICES WO 2.7160 A beautiful, spacious 6-room G.E. TELEVISION, 21" floor 4.9172. Call evenings, TUxedo 1- BOY'S C.C.M. figure skates, CUSTOM GUNSMITHING terrace apt. for the discriminat- model. TU 1-7052. 4128. size 3, good condition, $10. Franchised Dealer (ASS R1CH itnd ORCHESTRA SALESLADY to help in flower ing, Garage, garbage i:Iisposal shop over holidays. TUxedo Celt, Ithaca, Browning SPINET piano, like new. Sacri- TRI-CITY CHilD CARE and finest in s~hools, shopping NICE FRONT ROOM, lady. Pri- TUxedo 4-0606. ~lusic to fit the Occasion. 1.0278. Bausch-& Lomb fice. No dealers. 22933 Gra. and transportation. $175. vate en t l' a nee, lavatory. Vln'ewood 2-1589 State Licensed and Bonded, HAND crocheted ecru do~ble Winchester Advisory Center tiot near Nine. Kitchen privileges, or with- GENERAL OFFICE "We will stay while you're away, TU 5-1172 WO 2.4607 sized bed spread. -PR 9-1690. Re-Loading Equipment and Good typist for billing depart- any hour night or day." out. Somerset. LA 6-3519. DOUBLE-BREASTED tux e d 0 2A-MUSICAL DIAMOND RING in unique. Fishing Tackle ment. Knowledge ot: bookkeep- Mature. competent babysitters, ATTRACTIVE colonial brick .and Prince Albert. Bot h INSTRUCTION flowered design; ,2.74: carats, . inEZ helpful. Write box E44, convalescent and elderly care. duplex, ~ rooms and garage . 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT B. McDANIEL CO. clean and in excellent condi- 823 Neff Road. Call VAlley ',- consisting of 3 marquise, 3 13333 Kercheval VA 1-8200 tion. Size 41. Tuxedo 2~1134. Domestics. I PIANO, organ, vol c e. theory. Grosse Pointe News. ' , I OFFICE SPACE .,for rent at .baguettes and 10 small cut Pre-school thrcugh university -- 1-9868. 754-6070 19802 Mack Avenue'. 2 roC"'XlS. diamonds. Will sacrifice. Re- WORLD BOOK Encyclopedia. BLOND Magnavox r8.dio-phono. level. Walter Mueller, 482 Co- Typist and Receptionist for 2 graph console. TU 4-9491. to 4 days (fluctuating) per week. IN GROSSE POINTE. First 885-4666. ply Box J-35, Grosse Pointe 1958 etiition, all supplements Ionia! Ct. N.• TU 6-1090. floor, seven rooms, 2 baths, included, never been uSed. Good typist, G en era 1 work. NEED a baby sitter? The Sit- News. NEW Early American Hid~. ters Club. PRescott 7-0377. pan4"y, disposal, incinerator, 17907 E. Warren 881-4992. GROSSE POINTE G l' 0 sse Poi n t e Real Estate a-Bed, brown, $175. TUxedo Licensed and bonded. private laundry storage, ga- ll'x20' paneled office with 4 CHRISTMAS choir boys for office. East side resident. Plea- HOTPOINT electric :range, de- 5-8262 CONSERVATORY' rage. $175 per. month. Drive built-in bookcase, adjoining outdoor dec<>ration, $'65. ED. , sant telephone personality, age luxe model, $90. Maple Staff of Professional Teachers NURSE,- P.N. Part. time or re- by 421 Rivard Blvd., if you 8'x20' waiting room. Air;condi- 1-2472. • 35-;;v yC'ars old. dinette table and benches, VACATING 11 room home. Mis- PIANO, ORGAN, Hef dUlty. VA 4-5378. like what you see, call TU tioned and utilities furnished. <;ellaneous furniture sale. HARPSICHORD MAXON BROTHERS, Inc. 'rRA'VERSE draperies, cornice $15. Power mower, $20. O..:.t- RELIABLE, educated gentle- 2-9552 for appointme.nt. TUxedo 2-1539. VOICE, VIOLIN. THEORY TU 2-6000 ALBERT- COUVREUR boards and rods for windows; door fur nit u l' e. TUxedo Beginning students through men seeking caretake.r job. GROSS.E POINTE Flat. Pic7 TUxedo 1-3000 picture 'window, 12' 10"; 2- 4-2628 COMPLETE phot ogra phic ,BOOKKEEPING MACHINE artist level. - Diversified abilities. 882-4028 ture windows, wall-to-wall KERCHEVAL "Village" busi- 62"; 1-83"; 1-56". TUxedo equipment tor amateur dark: Experienced on Burroughs or I 1-2982. \ AMAZING! See the new Conn 20758 Mack, near 8 Mile ca=peting, garage, porch, dis- ness district. One or more room. En1arg~r trays, etc. N.C.R., in accounts receivable. or g a n with transistorized TUxedo 5-0695. TU 4-9843 TU 6-2359 SA-SITUATIONS WAN.TED posal. Adults. VA 4-2794. rooms. TUxedo 2-7~52, TU~- LIONEL LARGE gauge train keyers. Piano and Organ and payable. East side office. DOMESTIC Must have own transportJltion. LO-NER $225.'2 bedrooms. 767 edo 5-0518. • on 4'x8' table, 2 Diesels, 1 Mart, 22933 Gratiot, near 9. PLAY the ORGAN Write Box F54, Grosse Pointe LADY wis~es .laundry work. Harcourt. stove, refrigerator, OFFICES available December steam locomotive, complete Hours: 11 a.m.' - 9 p.m. village, 15 .assorted cars in- Pianos - Organs Specialists in popular News. Prefers working in own home porch, carpeted, -2-car gar- 1 in most modern building in 9'xl0~' rug - Alexander but will go out. Experienced. age. VA 1-8108, VA 2-4874. Grosse Pointe Park. Heated,' cluding special police and FOR organ ins t r u c t ion, fire cars, .cattle loader, $125. SmiU1, pad included.' Good 4A-HELP WANTED wee k I y lesson with TR 5-497? 3 ROOMS. and ba1:h. Newlydec~ air-c 0 n d it ion e d. TUxedo TUxedo 5-3085. condition. Reasonable. TUx- Christmas ,Delivery instrument furnished (Domestic) GIRL WISHES 2 or 3 day work., orated: Heated. $50. 1001 .5-3230, or TUxedo 1-6~~2. edo 2-3167. in your home, $25 per GAS STOVE and Easy washer, L 0 C A L 1"csident. Clf"aning, References. 882.0920. Maryland., University 2-3697. MEDICAL SUITE available in NEW AND USED PIANOS month. L s son s on cheap. Call TUxedo 4p1165,. HE:\D SKIS 3", ~n~~d, e some laund:-y. Prefer two ~ .7' From. Baldwin. Lowrey and WOMAN WISHES days or week. 20951 VERNIER RD. new air-conditioned building. :F'riday like neW wl'th Cubeo blnd- -days per week. Can arrange 18342 Mack. Call TU 2-7480. HammGnd studio in- Home nights. Grosse Po,inte 1 Block East of X ~lTa'" . ing, $80. TU 5-:t219. $395 h 0 U r s for convenience oi - Yf ,T' Evenings, DU 1-0882. WILCOX-GAY portable tape struments $3.50. woman with school children. refe'1'ences. 883-1676. Now renting _ New luxurious , recorder. Junior double '-ski TUX:~~O. 38 reg~ar, $15. USED ORGANS SMILEY BROS. MUSIC CO. Charaoter l' e fer e nee s re- EXPERIENCED LADY wishes I-bedroom, 2-bedroom. 3 -bed- 6F-TO -SHARE' boots, size 3. Girl's blue ski. ladles black wool .fItted cpat, quired. Eve n in g s. TUxedo day work. Grosse Pointe re1- room apartments. Large rooms, I LIVING 9UARTERS BaJdwin & Lowrey Organs pants, size 10. TU 4-6846. Dolm~n fle~ce,. SIZe. .7' $20. From 5.9314. ere'nces. WE 4.4578. and closets. Completely carpet- . Both 1D perfect condItIon. TU 5510 Woodward TR 3:6800 ed. Heated. Latest kitchen ap- POINTE AREA, will s h are MINK JACKET, size 18 tall. 5-3486. $395 HOUSEKEEPER needed by LADY with Pointe references pliances, convenient parkhg. home with employed. or mid- Worn three times. Owner de- . family with four children to desires cleaning, laundry, die-aged lady.. References. ceased. VEnice 9-1964. 2 NEEDLEPOINT bags, almost CHESTER P. JANKOWSKI No money down ••• no THE manage. 'house. Private room days or week. TRinity 5-2117. . $75 a month. TUxedo 5-8347. , new. 12 Rosenthal cltina serv- TU 1-9098 881-3281 pa~'ments 'til February. DUNNING COURSE and bath. Other' help em" 8" CRAFTSMANj table saw, ice plates, gold band, $50. ployed. TUxedo 4-6882. MEAT WRAPPER wants work BUILDER O}VNER ~G-STORE FOR RENT complete with stand, exten- NescCt electric roaster, $20. PIANO and THEOR~ -urgent. Also care for con. .sions, guard,' gU:de plate, and Electric deep fryer, small, Christmas Layaway plan WHITE woman, genet;al' ~ouse- HOLCO:-1B AT' JEFFEIRSON BRIGGS MUSIC STUDIO valescent. Own' transporta- special switch, lh h.p. ,capaci- $7. Call evenin'gs. TUxedo available. work and laundry. 3 or 5 Very attractive, newly decorat- GROSSE POINTE 15 Kercheval-Pun1:h and Judy tion. DI 1~9462. tor motor with 3-speed pul- 1-7552. ed furnished or unfurnished, Mack,' 16115. Modern store, Building. ' days. ReceDt Grosse Pointe ley. Good condition, $75. TU. references. $8 and' bus 'fare. su{gle or 1 bedi-oom apart- 18'x60'. Newly decorated, gas SMILEY BROS. Grosse Pointe GENERAL child Clare, 5 days, 2-3233. VAlley 2-949.'. $35 and car fare. 823-1822. ments. Wall to wall carpeting, heat,' tile floor, latest style light SECOND HAND \ Detroit: 5510 Woodward near Teacher: MILDRED BRIGGS large closets, good transport:a- fixtures. LIGHT WEIGHT strong bar- X-wa~'. Open Monday thru Fri. TUxedo 2-5680 SKI CLOTHING EXPERIENCED maid, 30 to 45,- LADY desires housekeeping po- tion. Exceptionally fine build- VAlley 2~2'i'95 rels, compiete with covers, eves. Sun. 1-5. and for. cooking and downstairs. sition. Live' in. References. ing. . , $2. TUxedo 5-3000. TR 3-6800 PUNCH AND JUDY Fond of children. Five days, WOodward 5-8199. VA 1-1663 ED 1-72537~WANTED TO RENT MUSIC STUOlUS stay two nights, $45. 'Refer- MAPLE BUNK>beds, chests and EQUIPMENT SALE A-I GIRL' wishe~ work / three SILVER BLU let~ut mink Plano. guitar. classic guitar. ences. Tuxedo 5~1425. KEN S 1 N G TON 1441. 3 bed~ MATURE family of three de-' hutch cabinet. TU 4-3813. 478 LINCOLN days - Mondays, Wednesdays, coa.t, size 14, like new. Sac- banjo. accordian. nolin. room, redecorated, gas heat. sires 2 bedroom furnished BABY SITTER for daytime for ~da:ys. TY 6~2922. SQUIRREL' cap~ stele, $35. GROSSE POINTE rifice. $435. SLocum 4--1724- 15 Kercheval. Adults, $175: TUxeq.o 1-8500; rental for' 6 month period. home near McKinley and Mahogany -drum table, leath- Grosse Pointe Farms TUxedo 5-6259. DECEMBER 1st and 2nd BLACK Persian coat. ~25. BoY's Charlevoix. TUxedo 5~2688. EXPERIENCED Swedish lady 23200 EUCLID near. 13 . Mile. er top, 35" roun.d, $40. Cosc9 8:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. and girl's good coets, jae.keis, tiE VERMOUTH TU 4-4440 Res. 372.8994 wishes day work - cleaning, Three bedroom ranch dhplex. utility drop leaf serving cart, HOUSEKEEPER, 3 days $25, 2 7X-CHRISTMAS $5. Teen's watch, $5. Hand Extra clean, good location,_ $10.. TUxedo 1-5787. 2B-TUTORING grown children, stay occa~ ironing. Steady. References. . SJjGGESTIONS knit sweaters, $7.50. TUxedo gas. Cut to $85. TUxedo 2. . . . I AIR TEMP window air-condi- HAT'S DRIER sionally. References. 'I1Jxedo VAlley 4-5088. 2-0337, 9253. PIANOLA, small spinet size AN. EXECUTIVE moving to tioner, $25. Black wrou'ght COMMUNITY 1-6763. EXPERIENCED I a d y desires play~r piano in lovely walnut California. House of eleglant iron sora bed, complete, $25. 8A-OFFICE EQUIPMENT TUTORING SERVICE ~ MALLINA near Moross Roatt. furniture, custom made Kar- Polaroid print copier, $5. tIAN GIN ITSELF! work of any kind, Mondays, finish. A' gift the whole. fami- FOR SALE MRS. LOUIS MARICK, UIREC~ 'S-SITUATION WANTED Thursdays. References. TO Three bed roo m brj.ck col. ly will enjoy. Smiley Bros. ges, Grosfield, etc. Marble Pair 0 ran g e u.pholstere-d , ery TOR. Tutoring by degree teach- 9p6442. oniail.. Garage, gas heat. $150 Music Co., 5510 Woodward, top tables. hide.a-bed, white chairs .. $7.50. Call after six. TYPEWRITERS anoa d d 1n g drop of Gancia Extra ers available in all subjects for CARELS monthly. WO 1-174~. TR 3.6800. Open Mon. thru breakfront, living room, din- TUxedo 5-1813. machines, new, rebuilt. Rea- WOMAN desiJres five days cook- grades high school, college and BABY SITTING AGENCY Fri .. eves.,' SU!l. 1-5. , iog room, den, bedroom, kit- '.. sonable prIces. National Of- y makes your cockta.il drier. adult education. ing, light :house\rork, .Exper- 285 MORAN: Lovely 7 ,room chen au'-conditioner washer NEW BELTONE hearmg aId fice Equipment. 16833 Harper VAr.ATION duty, invalid and -Colonial, 3 bedI"OOIP.S,.1~ 339 Merriweather .. ienced. r e..£e r ~ nee s. Horne drye;, drapes, car~ting, an~ glasses. Cost $640. Will sell at BIshop. TUxedo 1-7130. ~a fact-Gancia's drier than maternity care, domestic help. baths, stove, carpe.ting, drap- , A FINK Grosse Pointe Far1jlls nights. 83~-0907. \ tiques. Mink coat;. j a eke t, reasonable. 'l'UxedO 5-6735. Licensed, Bon.ded, Registered. eries, gas heat, terrace, 2-car CHRISTMAS PRESENT ... . stole. Corner of 8 Mile, 20653 ORIENTAL RqGS, like new. 9~ARTICLES WANTED 1 itself. Made in Italy for TUxedo 4-2820 - CALL' US, VE 9.9066 SCOTCH lady needs few hours .garage. Adults. $225. Wurlitzer. s pin et organ,' daily. Child. or elderly. $1 Stratfo~, '5 blocks east of !Jx12 Kashan. Kirman and OPENIN~S FOR n;ACHERS ------886-0866 • Model'4420 with percussion; WANTED - Wing chair with , '. Liv'ernois. UN. 1-6620. Hammadan runners. Sarouk e American taste, it's the EXPERIENCED LADY winhes hour. VAlley 4-0816. manO'gany, .plus stool. New,. high back. Small daybed or ALL ELEMENTARY grades and care of invalid, convalescent. I. GROSSE POI N T.E WOODS,. $1400; sacrifiee o.at $75.0. NEVER USED. K 0 d a k Stereo scatter. TUxedo 6-1.363. sleep ChaiT. G«>d condition. rfect silent partner for your remedial rea din g. Detroit MIDDLE-AGED .white woman G=vsse Pointe references: TY lovely single residence, 3 bed- Evenings and weekends, . camera •. lights, case, and ,- wants part time hGme nur- HAMMOND organ, A-2 type 821~499. Board of Education list. Call 8-5217. ~ rooms, > 2 baths, carpeted. Tux:~do .6-0294 viewer, $69. TU 4-8886. si>inet.. Excellent condition, vorite gin or, vodka. , Say after 4 p.m. TUxedo 4-4323. . . sing' or child care. LO 8-098:6. Loads o£ closets; 2.car garage. BOOKS PURCHASED for eash. SECRETARIAL SERVICES CARPETING, child's chrome TUxedo 2-2105. ~han.cha," Do say it soon. GIRL wishes ba1:>ysitting or day $200. ' I~edlate, oc~upancy, Entire libraries or fine single PRIVATE TUTORING TELEPHONE' ANSWERING lease. TUxedo 4--90!.}9. .. CHILDREN'S set, ~hma cups and saucers, items. Midwest Book Service, . MIMEOGRAPHING' work. References., Very re- SOFAS AND CHAmS lN liable. VAlley 1-1512. silver)Vare, chrome breakfast 4301 Kensington. TU 5-2450. VIANO IMPORTERS, INn YOUR OWN HOME PRINTING NEFF ROAD-,-Lower six and PASTEL' PORTRAITS set, coffee table, lamps, mis- L;KE BRAND NEW All subjects; all grades. Adults PHOTO-COPYING LADY wishes" babysitting and . bath, wall-:to-wall' c a r-p e t, By c~llaneous. ,.vAll~ 179560. . VAN UPHOLSTERING BAMBOO chair to mateh. what ~clusiveMichigan Distributors: and children. Certified 'teach. VILLAGE LETTER SHOP. housekeeping. Stay. nights. newly decoNted, gas furnace; Stephen .~yurich \. 13235 Harper I bought at Greiner sale ers. BEDROOM SET. Douhle bed, )30 W. Fort St_ Detroit'!;). Mich.( 643 NOTRE DAME TV 4-7064 Re£erences.V Alley' 1-2904. fireplace, stove, incinerator,. PRes~tt 8-9079. Call: ' porch .with awning, comb. .' IDEAL 'XMAS 'GIFT .dresser, vanity, 2 night 2 YEAR OLD Wurlitzer spinet 962The Jos. Garn~o Co.. New York. N. ,.) L ICE N SED pratlical nurse EXPERIENCED laundress and storms and screens, ganige, stands, $95. Also Stauffer re- ,pia,no with. lane.h. ,Ebony PACKING 1lrlmk. larIe: apart- DETROIT AND SUBURBAN '1677 Stanhope. G. P. Woods TUTORING SERVICE . Avadlable--private duty. home cleaner. GOod ironer .. Grosse adults, no pets. $140.' 885- ducing maohine. $100. COst finish. $385. Call evenings. ment eizJe gas or eIectrie or hospital VAlley .4--3500. POinte references. 925~7704. 4173. TUxedo "'1:5852 $350•.TUxedo 4-9951•. TUxedo 6-0018. Rove. TO'Ddo 4-4982. KENWOOD 'f-4653 , I rc •

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( Thursday, November 29. 1962 Page Twenty-six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November '29,


GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY C eC 4£ cI: HOOVER W DEADLINE 3 P.M. TUESDAY FACTORY AUTHORIZED m YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines To .Serve You Quickly ,CALL TUxedo' 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly \ \ ' SERVICE so 14-REAL ESTATE U1 9-ARTICLES WANTED ll-AUTOS FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAt. ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13~REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE POINTE VACUUM FOR SALE FOR SALE/- FOR SALE WANTED' WANTED-Provincial or Early SUNBEAM Rapiel' '58 4-speed FOR SALE \ FOR SALF. FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY MIDDLE-AGED couple desires Ameri~ dining set. Living transmission, bucket seats.' 4-BEDROOM NEW - REBUILT - PARTS p room tables, .....chairs. Good Excellent condition. Must 1013 AUDUBON ROAD HILLCREST 319 -_ Attractive MR. & MRS. HOUSEHUNTER HILLCREST LANE. modest two bedroom brick BRICK COLONIAL Dutch Colonial. on, obe of the home with garage. Woods or TU 1.1014 TU 1-0647 condition. TUxedo 4-6475. sell. TUxedo 1-9491. An unusually attractive Coloni- Off G,P. Bouiev~rd, on secluded I Beauliful de<:or throughout, 21h Farms' favorite streets. Sun- WE'RE IN ~ U S .IN.E S S TO ,------al home' on ~arge, well land- lane: Stylish, farm Colonial. 3 Farms. By January 6th. PR 21019 MACK convertible. '51 baths, library, Mutschler kit- room, 2 bright, cheedul bed- FIND YOU THE HOUSE THAT USED GUITAR. TUxedo 4-2540. '49 FORD scaped lot near"Jefferson. Con- Bedrooms, paneled family room. 8-5118. pick-up. New chen, 2-car ,garage, close to rooms, large lot with lovely MEETS YOUR ~ E QUI R E- Studebakc'r tains 4 bedrooms, 21;2 batlu1, li- Modern kitchen. Smart, fresh -21 E-CUSTOM CORSETS Plymouth chasis. TUxedo transportation and' sr.hools. St. shade trees. Tastefully deco- MENTS. IF ANY OF THE WANTED brary and e x cell e n t fami~y . decor. 16-PETS FOR SALE Paul parish. By owner, $34,500. rated and' (n fine condition.' FOLLOWING SOUND INTER- ~~- --- 5-0695, room. Completely air condi------._---- SPENCER CORSETS OLD CLOTHING 689 'Fisher Road.' Call TUxedo ESTING, PLEASE CALL FOR WESTWIND LAN~ POODLES A.K.C. black mini- Individually des i g ned, lIght- F, 1955 THUNDERBIRD, classic, tioned. Many other fine features MUIR, 182.-- Large TV room, BEST PRlCES PAID 2~6064 for appointment., MORE'INFOMATION. atures, 8 weeks. Reasonable weight fOUlJdations and sur. a1 red, two tops, all power, low SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT .. breakfast. room, bedroom and Close to the Lake. Beautifully Will hold until Christ:nas. gical gar men t s. over 26 S FOR MEN'S SUITS mileage, top C\.indition. $1,700 'bath dO'wn, 2 bedrooms and First t i me advertised. Near des i g ned, custom-built semi- TUxedo 4-6949. years experience 1\1 a u d e 2 TOPCOATS AND SHOES cash. VAlley 1-4584. T. RAYMOND JEFFS lavatory up. Cash or' terms. lake. This on,e floor house is ranch. 3 Bedrooms, 3 'laths. Bannert. 368 McKinley, 2: TUlsa 3-1872 Wellington 81 Kercheval TU l-11QO easy on the housekeeper. Two Master suite on 1st floor. Large BEAUTIFUL. AKC Yorkshire FIRST OFFERING paneled LffiRARY. Most desir- Terrier pups. Stud service. Grosse Pointe, TU 54027 or A telephone call will bring us 12A-BOATS AND bedrooms plus a Library con. able location. TOwnsend 9-3317. E to you immediately MOTORS ti62 LORAINE. ,Brick 2-car at- TOURAINE, nr, Ridge. A large vertibJ,e to a bedroom, 2lh bath- TUxedo 2-9531. Place tached gars,ge, four bed- wooded lot provides an ideal rooms. Ac'tivities room. $38,900. POODLE puppies, small minia- REGULATION size pool table, B.-C. NEAL hydroplane, $125. Grosse Pointe"i; rooms, gas heat, carpeting setting for this Early Ameri- BRUCE N. TAPPAN, 21 G-ROOF SERVICE ture, silver, 6 weeks. A.K.C. TUxedo 4:7627. EDgewater 1-0222, after 9 N':lwest Subdivision throughout, d~~hwasher and can Coloma!. 4 bed:rooms, Do you have a fairly good sized Realtor Tuxedo 6-1109, after 4 p.m. ROOF REPAIRING - p.m. or Sunday. disposal. $23,500. FHA, $2,500 3lh baths, including 1st floor family? Only $23,500 .for 4 bed- DINING ROOM suite, large Between Jefferson and the bake TV 4-6200 • Expert on leaky roofs, gutters, City of Grosse Pointe down, TU 1-4604. maSite,r bedroom with dress- rooms, sleeping porch, and li- FRENCH POODLES, standards. I size. Traditional, must be in, 16 FT. THOMPSON boat, traiI- ing room and bath. 2lh-car brary. Pan e 11 e d re<:reation decks, caulking. VEnice 9-2220, good condition. Phone after 5 er, 30 h.p. Mercury Il}otor, All No. NINE: sired Vi Macs Champion Ap- LAkeview 1-6427. E BERKSHIRE, corner Vernor, attached gaI"age,' circu.1ar room. Breakfast room, 23200 EUCLID. near 13 Mile. ollo. AKC, 6 weeks. Tuxedo o'clock. 293-3759, bought :Jew in 1959. Will sell 4 Bedrooms drive. Nea,r Kerby and Brow. Large ranch duple>::.New dec- Colonial, center hall, 10' years, 5-3428. ALL ROOF and gutter work.l for $400. TUxedo 5-7972. 2lh bathl>. $57:500 nl:}Hschools. Conveniently close to schools, or, gas heat. Both sides only 4 bedrooms, 15x18 family room, New, repair. Metal decks, I POSITIVELY HIGHEST No. SEVEN: 2 car garage attached with .bus line and lakeside park. And $12,900. Owner can fimnce. 20-PIANO SERVICE , 12F-RESORT PROPERTY SHOREHAM' 45-IDarly Ameri- the floor plan is convendent too. caulking. Gut t e !' s cleaned. PRICES PAID Under construction. 4 bedrooms, breezeway.__ . TUxedo 2-9258 FOR SALE 2 baths, 2 powder rooms. can cOllonial tucked away on It' includes 4 bedrooms, 21;2 PIANO TUNING and servicing, TUxedo 2,5539. For Furniture and $59,000 BIRCH LANE, corner Morning- a 120'. wooded lot. 4 bed- bathrooms and a p Ii n e lIed guaranteed. Walter Mueller, AUDUBON ROAD CALL from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. for Appliances. La.rgc traC't of foreSt lan<1 in rooms., 3 baths, jn~uding 1st Uhrary. $39,900. . TUxedo 6-1090. I side. A really lovely colonial, 3 gutter work and roof repairs. "I Piece or a HousefuL" Lake Superior Region. $15 per WALTER H. MAST CO. years old, with a family room floor master bedroom. Near Less than Ih block to parisil COMPLETE plano service. Tun- • 30 years' experience. Fully acre. BILDOR TU 2-1400 and 21;2 baths, excellent loca- schools. \ Charming Early American. You school. 3 bedrooms, 2lh baths, I PRescott 5-5733 and relcreation room and li- ing. reuuliding, re!inisbmg, ,insured. Low priced. PURDY & EDGAR tion for all schools. You will won't want to resell it but the PRICE REDUCED FIRST OFFERING brary are pan e 1e d. Under de-mothing. Member Piano RICHARD WILLERTZ ELDERLY gentleman would ap- TU 4-2228 like this price. Call us. resale value of this popular Technicians Guild. R. Zech, TIT 1-8170 or TU 4-2545 preciate new or used hear- New 3-bedroom brick ranch, LITTLESTONE - Attractive ar(".hitecture is good for your $34,000. BISHOP,Nr. Mack - Brick ing aid, either voluntary or G,E. kitchen, llh baths, carpet- Colc)Dial SUl'rounded by beau- financial statement. Three spa- HAMILTON CT. ranch, excellent -condition, 3 tiful slUlde, trees, Fiamily cious bedrooms, panelled li': 21 A-~ENERAL SERVICES 21 H-RUG CLEANING reasonable. VA 1-3367. 13-REAL ESTATE ing:- draperies, tiled b~sement, Just a s t e p to' Kerby and bedrooms, fireplace, built-ins, room, 3 bedrooms, Ilh baths, braxy and recreation room. 75 H FOR SALE gas heat, 2-car garage. Land. BrO'wnell schools, 4 bedrooms, WE BUY old gold, jewelry and 1--- 11)2baths, gas heat, 11h garage. many extras. OwneT bought' fo.ot lot near lake. $32,500. DRYERS VENTED scaped, $22,500. Private sale by 2Jh bat h s, paneled library. BESTCARPET CLEANERS silver. Vogue Jewelers. 22377 largeT home and is' eager to owner. PRcscott 2-4898, CHALFONTE, near Moross, Co- Good and Ilractical- iay-<.Jut. Out $15 Complete Moross Road. Home for Large Family selL - One of the fiIlJest gardens in . CLEANING, DYEING I lonial, 3 bedrooms, 31h baths, of town owner. Grosse Pointe. A hit on the REPAIRING paneled family room, recreation N. OXFORD 1131-Center en- 5 Yrs. Experience WANTED: Old irem ~ a I'd e n I RATHBONE PLACE, ELABORATE Garden Club tour. And a fine G. P. CITY PRO~fPT HOME SERVICE bench and chair, statue and room, all in excellent condition. 'trance Colonial on attractive- LA 7-0533 or TU 1-4162 GROSSE PO!NTE CITY bit of Colonial archdtecture. App't Only FREE ESTIMATES NEW HOME ly landscaped 100t.Mah{)gany I fountain. Oriental rugs 9'x12' Three bed roo m s, 2Ih bath- INSURED GRAND MARAIS, A Colonial paneled library, spa c i 0 u s 1:7020 Jeffm-son. At t r act i v c CARPET LAYING or smaller, condil:iO'n not im- I Call owner for appointment SUNNINGDALE, 1213; 0 v e r nea; the lake, 5 bedrooms, pan- rooms. Greenhouse. $47,000. portant. Private. ,B21-8499. looking L 0 c h moo l' Golf Florida room, 3 bedrooms, older home with charm and NEW AND OLD TUxedo 6-1145 eled library, 3 baths, 95x157 lot, TU 2-6556 course. 2 baths, finished b..sement Immaculate' and easy to keep charactet to spare. 5 f ami 1y Stair Carpet Shifted UPRIGHT piano for recreation 2 car attached garage, St. Clare RADKE CARPET CLEANERS w . with 2nd lavatory. Fine con- that way. Only one floor. Two bedrooms, 4 baths, 2 lavatorie's. Repairs of All Types -5 bedrooms, 3\t2 baths . Parish. Carpets, rugs, tacked down or 0'. room. Reasonaable. TUxedo ANITA - 1st offering. Ranch dition. good sized bedrooms and a Almost 1;2 acre lot near the BOB-TRUDEL $63,000 loose and llPbolStered funiiture 5-3441. with 3 be1rooms, mahoga...'y HIDDEN LANE, Nr. Morning. screened porch overlooking at- Lake. Handy to everything. TU 5-0703 ~------I S RENAUD, 689 - Exception- cleaned and moth proofed, in p;:.neled family room, con- side, center ball ranch, 3 bed. tractive garden. Only $22,900, HUGH CHALMERS GIRL'S 26" Schwinn bicycle, ally well built ranch with LADY'S h and y man service. vement utility room. roor.us, 21;2 baths, family room, TU 4-4040 your home the modern \vay excellent condition. 34350 Rieha rd pan'eled 1i bra r y, FI{)rida Specialize in chimney repair, with the latest Rug Deteger, P. Maple Lane, Warren. COn- THREE MILE, 1168-The house 2 attached garage. - room, 2 bedTooriis, 11;2 baths, MANY OTHER- GROSSE also odd jobs. PR 7.3452 . dries o~ernight. B' gress 4.2932. . you have always admired. 5 fine conditiO'n. Cash or terms, POINTE HOUSES 13A-LOTS FOR SALE family bedrooms and maids, Kimbrough LOCHMOOR, California ranch, Repairing, serge binding, throw BOOKS bought iv any quantity. Modern kitchen. excellent condition, gas heat, 2 CONSULT OUR GROSSE POINTE SHORES Suburban Maintenance, rugs and runners, picked up garage, large lot, owner leaving COMPREHENSIVE Entire libraries, book cases, SHOREHAM, 65 - Southern 40 North Duval Road Associates and delivered. LAKELAND, 571 - SubstSl-o- state. TOLES art objects. Mrs. B. C. Claes, Colonial semi-ranch, 3 bed- CATALOGS FOR LIST J.20x:91 "No Job Is Too Small." Free est i mat e. reasonable HallY' built. 5 bedroom home, 74 KERCHEVAL TU 5-4100 1670 Lever~tte, WO 3-4267. rooms, 30' family; room, ,LAKEPOINTE, Ylindmill Pointe TAILORED FROM FLOOR By Owner prices. DR 1-3133. ~lose to schools and shopping, One phone call for all home Drive, custom built, 3 bedrooms, PLANS AND PHOTOGRAPHS FURNITURE for my recreation THREE MILE - New. 5 bed- 2lh baths, ,library, $32,500. TUxedo 1-0060 maintenance problems. room. Reasonable. FO 6-9533, rooms, one of which is on 1st den, 2 attache<;l garage, breeze- Licensed Builders TACKED DOWN CARPETS i way, 2 patios. ALLARD A TIME SAVER CHRISTIAN HILLS, % acre, after 6 p.m. floor; 3 baths, family room, LENNON, 1915 - llh story TU 1-8444 PR 6-3038 AND FURNITURE Spacious, well mamtained co- sewer, paved, near MSUO, library. $49,500. ' spacious 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, CASH fvr your clothing and MT. VERNON,. corner . Chal- lom,al. 3 bC?'drooms, llh l>a:ths. C h r y s Ie l' expressway, 309 HARCOURT, 792 - Luxury flat dining room, mode'rn kitchen, 21 C-ELECTRICAL household discards. For pick fonte, owner transferred, 3 bed- ~y room fir'st fl..oor. Quick MAXON Nor t hum b e r I and. Sac- CLEANED on with Florida room. 6-6: jalousie terrace, nice carpeting, rooms, Colonial. Must sell, large SERVICES. up call 10-5 daily, TU 1.8082. possession. Owner anxious. BROTHERS, INC, rifice. DR 1-4317. LA 1-6468. INDIAN VILLAGE 2 car garage'. lot, terr:ific buy. A NNIEL ELECTRIC-Residen- GOOD TWIN BEDS, complete, IROQUOIS, 2184 - Colonial LOCATIO~J FAIRFORD, 669 83 Kercheval TU 2-6000 CARMEL LANE tial, commercial, small jobs with chest, night ta,ble, 'etc., \ completely renovated, 4 bed- IDALANE W., 19759, cor, Cook RENAUD,', N. Ranch, 10 years, RUGS PICKED UP 21 6 years old.' Center hall ranch. welcome. Reasonable, PRes- for adults. Good high chair. rooms 2nd floor. $31,500. Rd. Oenter hall ranch, 2 nice 8 beautiful large rooms, extra Choice lots (10()xI65') in lovely AND DELIVERED bedrooms, glassed terrace, at- nice -finished basement. Lot 3, bedrooms: 2 bath, built-ins in new -subdivision -off Lakeshore cott 1-1453, TUxedo 4-3846. TUxedo 2-0523. OPEN SUN. 2:30-5 tractive- 2-car garage. 70' l~ 100x150, 2 attached garage. kitchen, 'Attached 2 oar, garage, / HURRY, HURRY Road near Crescent Sail Club. BARRINGTON, 805 - 4 bed- pJ ' extra closets, perfect condition. 1OA-MOTORCYCLES - to buy ALSO 21 D-ELECTRICAL rooms, sunroom, gas heat. ROBERT JOHN, near the lake, 20% ill FOR SALE SEVERN, 1829 - 3 twin "size Your Terrace Home Fine lot (approximately '=?'3 acrej APPLIANCES OFF CASH and CARRY. GR~YTON, 11'16 - Well kept bedrooms, full size dining room, beautiful contemporary colo- HANDY, 89 MOTOR SCOOTER, Valient, On Cranford Lane, c 10 s 'e to on the water at foot of Park family house, 5 bedrooms, 3 family kitchen, -glassed terrace. nial, 7 large rooms, including Beautiful location in the Farms. SINCE 1947 S130. Excellent condition. Lane. ba,ths. $28,500, Vacant. Price reduced. family room, 2 attached garage. CO'ntemporary, custom built. 3' schoois and bus. 3 Bedrooms': PRIDE TU 4-6168. KARL DAVIES TV 5-3220 HOOVER-EUREKA BERKSHIRE, 743-Near- lake, SUNNINGDALE, C h arm in g bedrooms, 2 baths and library Extra bedroom and bath on 3rd, CARPET AND FURl\TJTURE 21 BSA, JAWA, VELOCETTE, JO. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, $5,000 dn. or ,4th bedroom. Only $17,500. Easy Terms. AUTH. SERVICE SILLC)'WAY & CO. brick-stone American colonial DEEPLANDS, ,North. Choice FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY HATSU - All makes cycles, BERKSHIRE, 1410 - 3 Large with 3 bedrooms, library and 120'x150'. Available for im- W] TUxe'do 1-3760 HARCOURT, 5-5 4-6200 ALl. MAKES CLEAN'ERS Mopeds, scooters, repaired bedrooms, library, gas he.at. Florida room, 2 car garage. TAPPAN TU mediate building. Will con. FREE ESTIMATES and s e r v ice d. Fair prices, HAWTHORNE, 992 -:- $1,500 Large rooms, country kitchen sider terms. Owner. 'Tuxedo HARPER VACUUM 260 STEPHENS- 3 bedrooms, TORREY, near Mack. Semi- good work. Deluxe Motor- down $200 per month. Center with bay, 3 car garage. Step to 6-1444. 17176 E. Warren TU 1-1122 10615 CADIUX 2lh baths. Fine "Farms" lo- ranch, . 3~ bedrooms, spotless, cycle Sales, 31015 Jefferson, hall, 8 bedroom ranch. transportation: Ide a I ren:1al FiRST OFFERINGS TUXEDO 5-5700 , near 13 Mile, PRescott 2-6168. cation in Kerby 'and St. Paul 2 car garage, location, Undex:, $40,000. 'J TU 5-6063 LO 7-4706 districts. Full y. equipped, JUST THE HOUSE you may GUIDE SERVICE WEDGEWOOD, near of the have been waiting for: 5 bed- TO GOOD l1-AUTOS FOR SALE $39,500. Call TUxedo 2-5928. star 21 I-PAINTING Sea, Ranch, 5 years, 8 rooms, 2 I . HAWTHORNE, 2158 rooms, 3 baths, in the Fanus. AND DECORATING Sr '1959 BELAIRE 6, 4.door, pow. GOODMAN car attached, garage, many ex- PrIce reduced, ex~ellent buy. Modern kite-hen and family 'IE; tras. Bedroom and bath d()wn, bed- room. Pric~d at $42,500, PAINTING, exterior and in- er steering, power brakes, 4 BEDRM. - 21 BATHS l 12 room plus study up, beautiful terior. Wall washing. Grosse radio, heater. Original own. SAVE CENTER HALL COLONIAL Electrical Repairs er. Excellent condition, $1,- WHITTIER, A beautiful' spa- family room, all walk-in closets. A PRIZE HOME in a prize lo- Pointe references. Mr. Page. NR. LAKE FRONT PARK-:-" 095. TUxedo 1-3276. $3,500 cious 9 room colonial, 10 years, Immediate occupancy. Vacant, cation. Country Club Drive VAlley 2-7348. enclosed--terrace, sprinkler sys- ' L is 1!he se'tJting for this exqui- Appliance. Circuits I 4 bedrooms, 2lh hths, full It sparkles! Excellent home for A.I LEO P. KISTN~R CADILLAC 1960, '62 series, 4- basement full tti ith d large family, Be'autifulkitchen tern, 2 car garage, St. Clare Par- ' LOTHROP,: 312 site single story 'home. Too ~ PROMPT SERVICE door sedan. One owner. Very . ' a c w ce ar with breakfast ,room, ,games ish, This beautifully i' maintained many extras.to enumerate. Interior painters, exterior, clean, excellent condition, closet. Recreation room, Grosse rooms with fireplace. Priced be- Free estimates, work guar- WHITTIER, neaz. E. Jefferson, rambling l'aDch has. 2 tWin size Kra'usmann Electric Co. Grosse Pointe. $2,700. Pri- Pointe Park. Near schools and low market. TV 1-6300. NOT JUST ANOTHER ranch anteed. Rat('s reasonable. I I Colonial, 7 years, 4 bedrooms, bedrooms, den or 3rd. bedroom, Serving the Gro~e' Pointe area I vate. TUxcdo 5-8617. transportation. Red u c e d to llh' baths, 90-ft lot, terrace, house, but a fine family home for over 36 years TU 2-5900 Custom worK and color'. I plus Florida ;room; kit~hen plUS Johnstone & Joh~stone outside ' barbecue, 'recreation which features an immense' PRescott 7-5876, PRescott CADILLAC '62, 4-door; 7,000 $36,000. nook, built-ins. room, 2-ear, attached garage, activities room plus an equal- 7-5853. miles. Excellent condition. 25 FAMILY' APARTMENT ly laJ;ge covered and sereo::ned Owner. LUzon 1-4278. TU 1-7157 WHITTIER, near Kercheval, Co- sprinkling sYl1tem. Owner leav- Have you' $20,000 and a good terrace. HOUSE and garage painting. lonial, brick,. excel1E;nt cond., 4 ing state. Very reasonable. Free esti- 840 BARRINGTON reputa1ion? Then yO,u can buy FORD '61 COUNTRY sedan, bedrooms, plus family. room, 2 'mates. Excellent references. Fordomatic 6. White s'ide- ~s 25 family apartmeni build- fireplaces, 21;2 baths, 2-gar~ge. MADISON, .413 Price reduced to $21,900, will BY APPOINTMENT 821-9684.' walls, 20 miles per gallon, ing near Grosse Pointe, between co-operate. Brokers protected. Pictures and a complete list . Terrific buy in Farms location. CENTER ENTRANCE COLC~ Sharp, $1595.. TU 4-1908. Jefferson ana Mack. But would Three bedroom brick;one floor. available in our office, 3 twin size bedrooms, 1;.2 baths. NIAL on Hall Pia c e, with A'71-PAINTING and Paperhang- 21 Modern kitchen. A real bargain! you reC()gnize a goOd invest- Do call us for appointment. CHEVROLET Belaire, 1961; 4- \ four second floor- bedrooms. :mg, Residential and Commer- Ct VA 1-8499 - VA 2-5766. ment if you ~~w one? Here YOU' Vacant. Must be sold. door, powerglide, power ,OPEf'l DA!LY price recently. reduced to fa- :Cial. BaseJIlents and stucco can test yourself: Gross rent, spraying. 'Patch plastering. steering, radio, heater. TUx- cilitate a quick sale. • Busine'ss Machines income $19,000 per year. Price MAPLETON, 124 Insured. Skilled colored work- edo 54450. '1 -:I '$80,000. Cash down payment • Ru~e; Stomps I5 Under $20,000.00. 4 bedrooms, TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE er. Free estimates. C 1e a n N ew C 0 I0 n -..l $20,000 and balance of $60;000 Seldon~Weber • Fine Printing Service, 1960 ALF A ROMEO red con- TU 2,2100 11;2 baths,' walkirig ~distance' to and see'ing t his' impeccably workn1anship. A-I references. UNDER $19, 100 at only $600 pcr month. Figures shopping and' schools. • Wedding Invitations vertible with detached hard------,------1 decorated co-op terrace will JAMES L. CRAWFORD top. Radio, heater. A-I shape. 2031- 2045 Roslyn, Grosse about, 15% profit on money iD'~ amaze you. Carpeted through- Cli Pt d b vested. Worry free. No ups and GROSSE POINTE SHORES ADDING •, WA 3-2122 TUxedo 5.2364. Spacious Custom 4" b~droom' MT; VERNON, 350 out, {except"where floors have e. Woo s.3 ed..'ooms,11,,'2 downs like stocks and bonds: 24 Hour Answering Service baths, tile basement, gas ./ Ranch, 12 closets, pantry, sep- Charm.in.g 4 bedroom ()a,pe Cod, been tiled. First floor _lav" MACHINES '53 MG TD. Good condition. he-at, copper plumbing. G.E. You could have Smith-Bishow, arate breakfast area, 2 fire- Wonderft\l value at $~6,800. and den-tf.ree full baths up. TYPEWRITERS 211 Tuxedo 4-6116, after 5 p.m. built-in::... or Homel' Warren, on the Sillo~ PAPER HANGING, painting, places, 2 baths, dining room, \ washing, any type. Low dPEN SUN.,' 2 _6 way Co. manage this apratment and SP 1959 CADILLAC convertible, .1ar,ge Florida room floor, to MEADPW LANE,. -110 NOTRE DAME, Four be'drooms Sales winter rates now. Grosse building for you and ~'ou could and features attradive' fam- ex(',~llent condition. M a k e ceiling glass, many extras. Own- This completely- air conditiooed end Pointe references. White, go fishing,' qr traveling, .or just ily room with access to the Service offer. Days VAlley 1-2200, loa!' What could be nicer? er, PO Bo?,:52tll, Detroit 36, CO'loni~l, house . in an - ideally PRescott 6-1828. evenings and weekends, TUx- AIbert G. ------convenient -location has'thi-ee kitchen. Completely' fenced Telcpbone thc' owner anytime. yard. Owner has purch

I '". .',...-~.~.~'" :. '," ••

,~\ .'l rsday. November 29. )962 , .. _-~ .,.-_.

/ ' GROSSE PO~NTE NEWS Page Twen+y-seven 21R-cEMENT WORK I Classified C.ontinued BRICKJ block and, c e men t Ir----.,,~------II \ - I I J 'w.ork. new.or repail's. FIRST CHURCH r--~-""'~----~~-----~a.,.~u.B~.r~'AII~OJL~---.-"

21D-ELECTRICAL 11'-PAINTING AND , ( ;s~~~~~s.a;~~~:7;;';~!ts. Free' OF ,CHjUST. SCIENTIST .. ft. ", APPLIANCES DECORATING nU ti7UI. W~8,ll ~.f4er- • - Grosse. Poine Farms'. J)IY LJ"'" "~,.,, I" (JII,. "lime MJ If-q~ GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY 21$-CARPENTER WORK Sunday Services-l0:30 a.m. .---_~ ~=---I COMPLETE decorating service Sunday Sc:hQoland Infants' Room !nterior and exterior paint~ ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS - 10:30 c.rn. _ _ lng. Paper removing and F_amf,1Y rooms. porch- e:lclosure''s." WednesdayTestimonyMeeting HOOVER paper hanging. Wan washing 8:00 p.m. . THERE IS NOTHING $0 GENUINeLY \ . , OlIN MEASUREMENT FO/(, modern kitchens. attics 'c~nvert- William Fries Auditorium SHOES WA5.E6TAB1I5HEP /N /324 : DEADLINE 3 P.M. TUESDAY FACTORY AUTHORIZED Workmanship guaranteed t~ AMERICAN AS A SASEBAlLB417a' .. SERVICE ed. , 32 Lakeshor. Rif. IN THEHANt?S 0;:: A 1f£tti!.7/(Y : ' , BY KfNG EPW,4K17)Z. HE P£CIlEet:' ! be the best. For estimate COMPLETE MODERNIZING tiTTLe LeAGvER ••• ANP NO' , . 7I.f.4T THREE &4Kle.Yca~ 7i4KEN call ' I 14-REAL ESTATE POINTE VACUUM , LICENSED & INSURED All Are Welcome . SOt/NP G4N 7JlR/Lt. .so.MANY, ' F~H t;ENT~ OF lHE EARRACEP • WILLIAM FOR&YTHE 'Radio' Pr()gram: AMEK/CANS A 77IE $MA(//( " ENp:roENP ~t;VAUEPONe IHOf. I WANTED' IT WAS ,cOllNP l}/4T 39 BAIQ.EY- FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY VAlley 2-9108. HEL E "The Bible Speaks to You" OPA eAT e:Jolf'c A HOMt:l?UIj. . r , M R tXlRN5, 50 Pl.ACCP EQVAlLet7 - i :mDD~LE-AGE-D-c--o-u~p-l-e-d-e-si-re-s !,EW - REBUILT - PARTS TUxedo 4-0522 CKLW(800 kc:)-9:45 a.m. Sunday PAINTING, papering, paper THE L.eNGj1l OF THE.~ONGE5r• modest two bedroom brick II------.,;:~ __ __l BATS HAVE CHAR"1CT£R ':'-'~IJNCW'MAL FOOT- •• MCAl/55 S9 'ACCOKPING ro THE MAJtes A.A. 240 Chalfonte s,t Lothrop 1'------' also odd jobs. PR 7-3452. dries overnight. Better homesJ officesJ churches. Licensed Contractor *- * * Minister .... ------. Complete Modernization FRANK J ST AMOUI'lJ SaturdaYJ December 8: One Arnold Dahlquist Johnson RepairingJ serge binding. throw Our work strictly custom. •• 1'\ . First EnC!lilh Day Scout hike. , SundaYJ December 2. 9:30 St. Paul Ey~ Suburban Maintenance rugs and runners, picked up Plerse call after 6 p.m. TU 2-8324 TO' 5-5791 21T-DRESSMAKING a.m. Worship' service. Church and delivered. 'PR h""t 5-8511 Ey. _Lutheran Associates ALTERATIONSJ HEMS. a' Spe. school for' crib room through,' Liilheran Church ' esw~ CUSTOM MODERNIZATION Fffi.3T CHURCH OF" CHRIST. Chalfont. alld Lothrop "No Job Is Too Small." Free est 1mat e, reasonable ---.------__ cialty. Neat workJ reasonable. SCIENTIST . senior high. 11 a.m. Worship service. Church school for crib . TU 1-6610 ' One phone call for all home prices. DR 1-3133. Painting an' d Decorat'lng Ad~ons; aIte-rations, reCrea- Immediately available. VAl. Fries. Auditorium Church. ~----______tion rooms a;nd kitchens. Free room. through' senior high. 7 W" Invite Yo u To Worship maintenance problems. ley 1-3851. The need for spiritual vigi- Best of Grosse Pointe estimates. I p.m. Junior P.F.' meeting in Vemier Road at Wedgewopd 8:30 a.m.~~~hi~S TACKED DOWN CARPETS References lance will be stressed. at Chris- ~ l Licensed Builders youth room .. 7 p.rn. Senior P.F. Drive, Grosse Pointe Woods 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School AND FURNITURE SEWING alteratIons, a d u Its tian Science church services TU 1-8444 PR 6-3038 • Interior '. ExterIor THE BARLEC CO. 11 a.m.-Worship _ ':I and children; hems, zippers this Sunday. meeting in Lounge. 9:30 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1t a.m.-Sunday School Free Estimates TUXEDO' 2-2322 J pla..in"dra)?es. Blankets bound Keynoting the L e s s 0 n-Ser- (Ages 1-8) ~ 21C-ELECTRICAL CLEANED on * * * 11 :00 A.M. Rev. Chartes W. Sandrock SERVICES JOHN R. FORTIER JIM SUlION TU 1-7455, mon entitled "Ancient and MondaYJ December 3. 12:45 CHURCH WORSHIP Posto, '. Mod ern Necromsncy. alias PR 7-3551 r 1677 BRYS p.m. Women's Association bowl- TUxedo 4-5862 Mr. Jerald Borgl. ANNIEL ELECTRIC-Residen- I'ORI NG Mesmerism and Hypnotism, De- LOCATION Ca.."'J)enter Work,' Repairing & TAI d J tial, commercial, small jobs L announced" is the GOlden Text ing league 20422 Ma~k Av~nue. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~v;;ic;;ar~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 1 RUGS PICKED UP 2lJ-WALL WASHiNG Remodeling, Attics, Porches, 6:45 p.m. MenJs Club bowling i 1 welcome. Reasonable. PRes- DRESSMAKING from Romans: "If God be for AND DELIVERED 't>~------1 Garages. league, 19748 Harper Avenue. ~I cott 1~1453. TUxedo 4-3846. BRITTA LOWGREN and USJ who can be against us?" WALL WASHING TU 4-2942 7 p.m. Girl SooUlt mariners in CARL ERICSSON One of the citations. to be Social Hall. CITY OF ; 21D-ELECTRICAL PAINTING & DECORATING Formerly in Norge :Village read from "Science' and Health 20% REDUCED WINTER PRICES are now located at ' with Ke:y to the Scrip,tures'J by OFF CASH and CARRY. * * * ~Ii APPLIANCES Cu,sto m C ra TuesdaYJ' December 4: 9:30 ELMER T. LABADIE, ft QUEEN 'CLEANERS - Mary Baker Eddy states (p 324) SINCE 1947 CONSTRUCTION 19641 MACK AVE. 884-1700 "Be watchful, sober.' and a.m. WomenJs .ASsociation Board PRIDE TUxedo 2-2064 ' , -----~___ vigilant. The way is straight in Low:.ge. 1 P.rn.' Senior Six- ~tO~St ')?ointe'Jtmntt )I HOOVER-EUREKA COMPANY and narrow. which le'ads to the teens in lounge. . CARPET AND FURNITURE Additions and Remodeling ol 21U-PLUMBING understanding that GOO is the AUTH. SERVICE 21K-WINDOW WASHING < * * * ~ FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY all types ~xpertly done. I:L~I:-:C=E=N~S=E=D------I only Life. It is a warfare 'With WednesdayJ December 5. 9:30 , WINDOW cleaning. screens and • Family Rooms' • Kitchens . master:, plumber. the flesh,! in which we must am. Rible Study class, in SUMMARY OF MINUTES ALl. MAKES CLEANERS storms, wall washing paint- J R d I d R .....i R e pal r s. remOdeling, etc. conquer sin. sickness and lounge. 7:30 pm.. Board and FREE ESTIMATES • emo e e • ecreiiWon' .Guaranteed electric, lSewer J :> HARPER VACUUM ing. Pointe references. VAlley 4-SH72. . Rooms • Porches • Attics death, either ~ere or hereafter, C.: ,JAMES CRAWFORD TU 1-9744 .'ni 4-3011 SERVICE The Council authorized the installation of a sidewalk •• ~' "reI> Towing in and •• L. All Welcome Church/ School. Around ,DI>I,oil CHAIRS RECANED. dolls re- -D-O-I-N';"'G-a-ll-typ-e-s-ot--ca-t'}J-e-n-te-r along the Moross Road side of the St. Paull Cemetery. the WA 3-2122 9:30 and 11:15 cost to be borne half by st. Paul Churoh and half by the 24 Hour Answering Service paired. WA 1-2710< work,' remodeling, a.ttlC Landscaping School from Crib thru Cn~ . CASH~~EDEP t ' "I PAPER HANGING, painting. 219-PLA.STERING rooms. porcheSt Small or big Lawn Maintenance A report of the aCtivities at the Pier Park for the 1962 : United Trans!!yssiDn Service: washingJ any type. Low jobs •.Estimates free. TUxedo "FOR SERVICE season was received and ordered filed. : 1S201 Ke~cneval C1llClk~poin •., : SPECIALIZING in r e P a irs, 5-5892. - winter rates now. Grosse Bethany ..' G,01o\!,. P',Jjnt{~r Pdr~ • OI18ck:ed ceilings made ~Hke ------THAT SHOWS" .St. James Mr. HJ.gh Cibialmers was appointed as a member of ilb.e : VA2.0800: Pointe references., WhiteJ Christian Church Board of Review for the term explrlng December, 1964. ' .. PRescott 6-1828. new. "The Price i:s Right." , CALL LEO J. ATHMAN Call 'l91-~636 VA 1-7051 VA 4-3()22 . HOME MODERNIZATION FOUR STAR' ..(Disciples ot C;1lr2at) Lutheran ,Ohurch on proper motion. made, supported snd carried, the 5901 Cadieux Road QUALITY painting at reason~ ---~------'. Family roomsJ kit~hensJ add!- LANDSCAPING meeting adjourned at 9;45 p.m. At Linville Kercheval at McMillan able prices. DependableJ im- 21R-CEMENT WORK tionsJ garages. Will prepare mediate l;ervice. Serving Grosse- Pointes TU 4-0511 WILLIAM F. CONNOLi. Y. JR. Serving the Point~ Area CHIMNEYSJ porchesJ built and your, plans. Tenns. WE WANT TO BE SHURTLEFF DECORATING repaired. Tuck pol~ting. ~ll TU 4-2494 . 293-3302 . REV. 'KENNETH BRADY. Sunday Se!0'ices..:..-9:30 and MAYOR ' TU 1~7336 TU 4-7296 other repairs. VAlley 2-3822. FOIl"lIlerassessor for 28 ye81"Sof PASTOR 11:00 a.m:, (Nursery dur- DAWSON F. NACY' YO'U R ing bOth services)~ .. Grosse pte. Woods. ,9:30' Church. Scho'ol CITY CLERK Sunday Schoof- 9:30 a.II1-. - . 10:45 Worship Published in the G.t"05SePointe NewsJ Adult Bible ClasS-.9:30 a.m. 21T-~RESSMAKING 6:30' Youth Fello.wships issue of November 29, 1962. Rev. George Ku~ Pastor . 'r. _ f ALTERATIONS and sewing. Ex~ PRINTER cellent references. Will .pick ~p and deliver. TU 1-3~69. E 0 c h ro b receIves our' s pee i0 I attention . . ._ \ Grosse Pointe Cab CUSTOM dressmaking. design- ingJ re-styling, alterations. ass u,r in 9 you that we' TU 2-5300 Best refe:t~nces. Van Dyke- are w~rking for YOU R Jefferson, area. Mrs. Sharp, best in fa res t in the FIREPLACE .WO.OD ADams 1-9150. ' WHY M,pVE?'IMPROVE- e~aluation of your' own , ,. It', less costly to modernize your pi'Clsent hom~ r~ther than REWEAVING ~ Clothing, moth s pee i'o I requirements. 18,inche$ and 24 inches moving into a new home and much more convenient. Why holesJ burnsJ' tears. 11 yearsJ not build that extra room? Or brh'l your older dec~r up to . experience. 22549 Raven. PR Delivered. (lnd Piletl GROSSE POINTE date in the most' modern fashion. Free counseling and 7-4381. HARDWOOD' & WHITE BIRCH Television Spec. Co. estimates. K'RAMER. ALTERATIONS - For tho s e . PRINTERS" . , , CANNEL" OOAL Prompt, Courteous Service .. Serving Grosse Pointe for.:!8 Y/'(/I'\' ,.' ,.' Q) who require exquisite work. Meld,rum Trucking , a.m. - a P.nt. MOlt. _ Sa~. L1THOGR,AiHERS HARRY S)\lITH":BUffJ)I;'\G c('()~ . Mrs. Whelan, TUxedo 4-29~5. FIRE-QUETS' ! TU 4-2184 15306 E. Warrer. TV 5-3900 Llcensed lnsurcd TV 5-7013 WO .1-3969 &~G~rden 'Supplies TU 2-0052 E X C L U S I V E alterations by KINDLING WOOD I Marie Stephens. Quick service - 432 Mechanic Street 17921"MACK AVENUE, DETROIT 24, MICH. on hems. (Furs:> TU5-7610. ' Rotory Offset P;intei-s • , '. .. " -~"'------.".,_...._------") ... 040 .... __ ••• , ~

Page Twenty-eight \ , GR.OSSE PO,INTE, NEWS, Thursday. Novembe-r 29. 1962 '

B N * * F'e a-t u r e Pag~ b * * * 11 * " , .....'~;z:.'!;'~(-G.. , t * e. Poin.ter. of In-terest, 4! cl ~hen the POINTE . ' Favorite Recipes ~ '"lUaS + + + rr 9rowln9 up .of • ' SI People in T/~ Kn,ow VJ4%izte U PUMPKIN PIE WITH Counter Points GINGER' SNAP CRUST. ,~ Contributedby. by Pat Rousseau By Pat Talbot " I Mrs. Robert Koebel Destined To Go Places . . , and do things for you While Fren'ch pioneers and early American settlers'" Crust .•• Walton-Pierce's little hats! They are so popular that were farming their ribbon farms along the, Pointe's 22 ging~r snaps Wal~on-Pierce has gathered a collection from which you shore in the mid~nineteenth century' their neighbors in l/4 cup butter can find just the right one. Whether you select a chapeau Detroit \ were enjoying a mo~e sophisticated existence. of feathers, sequins, fur, fine felt or draped fabrics ..• Sometimes Pointers made the four hour trip to town to lf4 cup sugar it 'will do things for you in a big way. shop and join in th~ gayety at Detroit's two most famous Filling: * * * hotels. 1 cup ~anned pumpkin Look Again ••• and see all the wigs under the dr)'ers at The Mansion House, built in 1824 where Cass joins 3 eggs separated Leon's. There's Nino witb two beds in each hand getting East Jefferson avenue, was a magnificent structure for 1Jz cup sugar read1 for a co".z,b.out.The reason of course is that Le01Z,'S wigs its day. Constructed from stone ruins of the old fort it are the fittest and the care they have lavished on them is had a high open porch supported, by imposing pillars 1 cup milk tender and expert. Join tbe ldies' who have learned the con- and overlooked the river from a prominent bluff. On 1/2 tsp. salt venience of havi.ng one of these beautiful wigs. Call TUxedo the grounds was a summer house, where band concerts 1J2 tsp. ginge];, 4-9393 for more information. were held, and from it steps led to the river. ;4 tsp. nutmeg * tIo * General Winfield Scott was entertained at the' Man- 1 tsp. cinnamon Clean Sweep ... in,the kitchen! You would really be amazed sion House in 1832 and so was General Lewis Cass at the remodeling that Mutschler Kitchens can do for you. They before he left for Washington to take up his duties as 2 Tb. butter 1 envelope plain begin with .the design. Then they use only the finest materials Secretar)' of War. The great Indian chief Black Hawk, gelatin and decorator s~rces. You get beantiful results along with all en route home from a treaty talk in the nation's capitol the work saving convenience.... As for style, you can'choose Con- 1/4 cup cold water was also feted at the hotel. temporary, Early American. French and. now Williamsburg at . " 1/2 cup sugar 2,0489 Mack Avenue. -, The proprietor was Andrew Mack, of the fam:ty for EDGA KR'" • " Photo' by Eddie McGrath, Jr. \Butter nine hiC?hpie ,plate. which the great avenue is named. The hotel was de- 'R A. ATTLI, DIrector of the Neighborhood Club - Roll gingersnapsto fine crumbs, * * * I tllolished in 1834 when the nearby Cass farm was graded By PatriCia Talbot add melted butter ar.:l sugar. Holiday . . . or Christmas baskets . . . welcome down and dumped into the river to make more river to provide the',physical activi- Make' crust. Chill, For filling goodies from The Village Win~ Shop, 15228 East J effer- front land available. Cot. Mack, also the U. S. customs ~hen Edga~ A. Krattli ~at in a seventh grade cla~s ties which these'cofuer'agencies cookpumpkin in double boiler, son at Beaconsfield. Scuppadine Sauce, "21" Sauce officer, retired and mc,ved to a farm aboV(~Port Huron room In ,St. Trams he had not yet decided about his life's cannO'tprO'videbut if it- is to stirring' occasionally for ten minutes. Mix egg yolks, sugar, Maison . • . Cheese Crispies from Holland • , . cocktail on the St. Clair river. work. ~IS teacher thought' he h~E. But they both ended justify its. existence broader tid-bits ... and Babas by Raffetto •.• not to forget a In 1837, Daniel Webster, who made one of his noted up as directors of recreation ,centers in Grosse Pointe.' programs must beinst~tuted. milk and .add to pumpkin with salt, spices and butter. Stir un- wide selection of spirits. orations from the nearby Cass orchard, stayed at the -The teacher was John Lake, \-, I " ,Counseling O'r group gUIdance til custard consistency.Remove Mansion House. The hotel also housed Senator Stephen directcr of, the War Memorial, able to troubled children re- 1 qlethO'dsmay be one answer. A * * * and h~ well remembers Ed ferred by the classroomteacher. teen cante:enand opportunities from heat. Add gelatin softened GALLERY GAZING • at Les Galleries de Renee, Douglass, who was to debate with Abraham Lincoln Kra'litli in his junior. high Problem Children ' ,for child counseling might be in lA cup cold water. Stir until 14944 East Jefferson helped us with our Christmas list ••• before the 1860 elections. classes. They are boUI alumni Ed had his share of'handling another. ' , dissolved. Chill. Whe~ lilling and will with 'yours. Think wbat wonderful gifts pri1zts begins to stiffen fold in stiffly From the Mansion house hill patrons could glimpse of the same college, Principia. the bully, who fought other Budget of $64,000 make •. , or to bave refinished an old family painting ..• Oliver Newberry's warehouse, the Detroit Iron Works Ed grew up in St. Louis and childr.en O'n ,the playground, The Neighborhood's budget b~aten egg whites to which Jh cup sugar has been added. Pour with a resculpturing of the frame • . • atui for stocking and the dwellings outside' Sandwich and Windsor across after colle.gethere he worked a~d the adults who tried to''help fo: -tI:~ ~ear ~s$64,OOO.Half :of treasu1'es •.• the little sleek an.imals made of wood ••• are - the river. On the porch of the hotel such famous De- two years 10a settlement house hIm, as well as the pa~sive this IS supphed 'by, the Thrift inio (lrust and chilI for three troitprs as the boy governor, Stevens T. Mason news~ in Cedar Rapids. He chose his child who would enter no' Shop, the resale shop neaD:'the hours. Whipped cream may be a perfect surprise! paper editor Thomas Sheldon and Jndge Wilki~ oe'~n work because he had always 'activity. He learned that the club. The rest will come from added as toppingbefore serving. * * .;. gathered. enjoyed. social activities in grO'upmethod of dealing with increased membersh~p'fees to Pass It Along... if you are a blonde and are l~king for an R I school and liked working with the difficult child proved more the 1300 who belong' and in- eyebrowpencil th:lt will G~centlight eyebrowsnaturally. be sure ep acing the 1'IIansion House in popularity was -the people. effective in many cases than creased prices for programs to try Dorothy Gray's Blonde EyebrowPencil. Woe thought there Michigan Exchange, at Jefferson and Shelby, built in For his, graduate work he the old, individual relationShip such ,as_:the swnmer day camp, Helen's wasn't suc~ a thing in existence... but MissLillian at The Notre 1837 by Shubal Conlnt, a four story pressed brick and went to Chicago, to the Uni- ,between counselor and client. which may then become almost I Dame Pharmacy suggested It and it really wol'1cs.Incidentally, stone bu.ilding with a silver plated mahogany bar as its versity of Illinois and lived in .This Labor Day he accepted self supporting, New shuffle. , there's a sharpener that screws into the pencil that really works focal pomt. The stage coach for Port Huron left from a settlement house, in the hISpresent position as director boards, the tenniscourtls, a new ANTIQUES the Exchange daily. Some of the hotel's best patrons South. side for t\~o years, i~' of t?e' Neighborhood Club, re- t u nib 1in g and gymnastics \ too! were officers of the Fourth U. S. Infantry staHoned in' ~he nudst of a PolIsh ~0'?llU1;1- plac10g George Elworthy who course, these are some of, the You Are * * * ~ty. We Asked" ',' "Leo, what Is the speciality of your \ Detroit in the forties. They includ d Ct' 'u S Ed remembers ~hioago for, ,serve~ for 42 years since the recreational' facilities 'offered CordiaHy G a I . '" e ap ~l1n . . Its large concentration,of na- club first opened its doors. The but more planning surveys will salon?" Of course, this was a little difficult to answer r nt, recent y a b?degroom, ~lways taCIturn and tion,ality grouPS which had a Neighborhood' Club's rO'le in 'result in more serVicesby the Invited - . .. but because of his studies in Europe of color tech- backwards about c:ommg forward,s., .. prO'foundeffect on that city's the communityis chiefly recre- club. To Come in niques ... he said that tinting was. As for styling ..• Capt. Grant dId not dance but hIS bnde dId and he culture. He was never depress- atiO'nalbut Ed KraWi believes Ed Krattli is an energetic, wo:ud spend many an evening in the bar with the boys ec;Iby living'in 'an area low on the changing scene in Grosseentlhusiilstic young man with And Browse the bouyant dancing wave is a good basis of a coiffure. while she graced the ballroom. Capt. Irvin McDowell was the social and economic scale Pointe will mean innovations great faith in new'methods ill for UNIQUE His staff incltldes Milan, Irene, Jeanne and Mary. This another infantry officer to gain Civil War fame who alf:h0ugh his work \~ith the for the club if it is to survive. his -field. He. has experience, CHRISTMAS' new and very popular salon is located at 15 Kercheval ..• in The Punch and Judy Block ... 885-8851 is the number spent his off hours at the Michigan Exchange as did c~I1?ren was demandmg and For many years the club has ' and he wants to oiferrhis train- GIFT JTEMS to call for appointment. Gen. George Meade, of fame. General GeorO'e dlfflCUIAt't"1:11 d C t been receiving dollars 'frO'm ing and, ideas.to Grosse Pointe. C st th d l' t . h f 'l 0 .. 00 s en er the UCS Recently the board He ,feels the communityis re- pu. ~r, .:n,; sh~on \eu e~an~ stralg ft rom Nest For a complete change of .has decided that these funds ceptive to his-.new'conceptS. 14633 E. Jefferson Ave. Woman watching movi~ of surgeons operating: "The o~l' .W~I ~~6~r t ~~caNt ~ app~ntment rom Govern- scene he accepted a post in are not needed for recreation A bachelor who likes totrav- Phone 821-4424 prices they charge--I don't wonder they wear masks". or aIr m a e IC g~n xchange. GrO'sse~ointe Woods' at the in the Pointe area, which is el and CamP,he has reCently The Exchange lasted ~mtl1 almost the end ,of the CommUnIty,Club ',",:he:e he now served so successfully by adopted'sailing as- ~ hablb-y.His * * * century when s~ch hostelries as the Russell House and .found .new,challenges In the th,e pdult education program, fresh O'utlookon the Pointe Skimg is best when you have lots of white snow and the Pontchartram became the popular hotels o'f the era. recreatIon fIeld. The~ he. ac- the War Memorial,the church- and its needs"his willingnessto plenty of Blue Cross ••• Earl Wilson. cepted another postm down- es, schools and,park programs fight- for' new services and to town DetrO'itcwiththe Neighbor- ',New Role for Club . expandand lchange the role of Fu'rna'ce • , hood S e r vi c e. Organiza~on . A new ,;iew of the club's role the Neighborhood.Club mean a Trouble? ',. ~vherehe ser,vedm,,:)new fIeld In community lite is being new life-, fO'r -our community who!9where and ,~hatnot m co-operatIon,WIth the De- taken by the board of trustees center and_anew challenge for Call b-ywhooz# troit Schools Behavior Project. and 'the new director, _Th~ its patrons as well as its-q.irec- 'INV-ESIMEN'T'COUNSE1.ln"c~ There he was part of a team NeighborhOOdClub may n d t Mitman Healing (0. -' '!' which identified and helped po- ~__ ee, or. "ESTAsqSHE-D 1930, " . -' . Hunters' stories are apt to out-rival fishermen's, but tentially delinquent' youths.. Services of a socialworker, Vis- ' TU 2-9700 Arthur Stringari's expedition after deer in the great iting teacher, recreation-helper Oil and Gas Burner Service announces its new North Woods tops them all. Mr. S. arrived at the GPYC and psychologistwere all avail- Honeywell Control Systems bowliD:g alleys last week with a colonul black eye: He told his curious friends that it was a souvenir- of his .L*inves;;;;:~u:e~~~ce: hunting trip. U~1ike many hunters he not only saw a State Artists' deer, but the arumal walked right up to him and when G & J Electric Co. GROWT'H Get I,i'vi'tation / ' ' I, , he turned to pick up his gun the buck kicked him in the' J im Krausmann; Owner_ ACCOUNTS eye. Fellow nimrods and friends are still unbelieving. The Detroit Institute or' Arts Electrical' Wiring , These accounts are designed for clients * * * invites Michigan artlst-craits- and Repairing Instead ~f the traditional bride's bouquet Sonja men to submit entries for the whose portfolios range from $25 000 to Pe~rson,. who is n,ow teaching at Maire School, carried a 17th Exihibition of Michigan $99,000 and who want. their capItal in .. whIte BIble for the recent rites which united her with Artists-Craftsmenno later than TU 4.2738 ve9ted for the greatest possible growth _January 12. Up to six entries Wanen J. Windisch. As a special gift, 11 of her students Grosse Pointe & East Side commensurate with proper standards of from her former post at the Keeler School in Redford may be submitted I'D the deco- rative -arts; 'ceramics,' jewelry, safety. A descriptive folder is available Township presented her with the white Bi~J.e 10vinO'ly weaving, silver, wo~dWO!Lking, & ... on request. inscribed with their names. Mrs. W. welcom~d the'" 11 etc. by Michigan ar,gst-craits- , , ': ' -, .~;..-t;,U : students to her ''\vedding where they were enraptured to .' men, including those, who live , , be greeted by their favorite teacher in her beautiful out of'state. The exhibitionwill ••• are excitingly, different! -~~-~~~---~~---~-~~--~~----~ white gown and saw with their own eyes their gift in open Feb, 12 and run through INVESTMENT -COUNSEL INC. her hands. March 3. :'O~I, 800 Buhl Bldg• Selecting .the best examples . ,A ~erfect. Found~tion .for .An.°r. H~ir 'St)~le~, Detroit 26 * ... * for exhibition"will be the fol- Railings, Columns Room: Tel. 9634828 . Arthur F. Neff has quite a reputati~n w'ith- his ,Miracle W 0 r kin 9 Protein Polype'p .. IO'wing'tm'ee:-man jul-y: Karl i~es" and'" Dividers and Gates S neIghbors as a !lo~er arranger and his gift 150uquets of Martz; associa'teprofessor, De- 'Gen'tle Waving LotiQris RevilJltizes; the, nair' FREE ESTIMATES : Please send your Managed Growth Accounts Folder to: bl~oms :f:0m hl~ FIsher road garden have always been paftmetnt' 'of Fine Arts, In- ... -giving Your C~if{ure~the right am~iJnt.of b,ody Quality work since 1949 ~ NAM"-E --.; _ haIled WIth dehght. Now this retired senior citizen has diana. University; Frederick A. STREET. *_ devel?ped his. hobby one, step further. He is designing Miller, head metalwcn-kdepart- and Curl to keep you looking loveiy'Arourid..:tn~- Macomb Melal (rafl ~ -.f~9ni 22506 Sherwood, Warren, Mich. E CIT'i-- 1PHONF _ beautiful ChrIstmas Della Robbia wreaths ~'"ldwill take ment, 'Cleveland Institute of C~lock. Permanents $ I5.00, by .expert sta,ff- ," Art; and' Paur"Sinith, Museum 'under,the ,personal', supervision- 'of' SL 7-7037 : I orders until December 18 for the holiday decorations at MARIE ...... i a local market. of ,Contemporiry Crafts, New 'York City. " BIRD. * * * Fifteen cash and PU4'ch.ase • Mrs. Joseph L Hudson's blond beauty was stun. prizes totalin.gover $1,000 will' TAKE TIME to call' TUXEDO'l ..6833 I , - . . '- .. " , \ nmgly accented at a recent performance of "Oliver" by be ofi-e'red. ' an un~ual pale orange wool sheath cocktail dress. The Or- Drop In At ' ) ",' , stu~ullng Mrs. H. has a penchant for tiny pillbox hats' which she wears perched atop her upswept blond hair. ,111 KEJRCHEVALon~the-:Hill Because the wee hats are so hard to find she has many Always Open Mondays for- Your Convenience' ~f them made, the latest a circle of black and white' • "I' ., ' •• checked tweed to match her new line bulky winter coat. " , ;;. * * The Scrooge-like hooligans who were resp'onSible for the death of one of the two reindeer in th'e Village HE,Y GANG. '. ,; 'IT'S THE T.lMf. OFYEAICFOR last we.ek are re~ponsible for many heavy hearts. In the .~ail came thIS poi~ant note from Mary Geralyn LoulSlgnau, aged seven: Dear Santa, Too bad that you · HAYRIDES have lost a steed. I feel badly that he is gone. Happy ENJOY A WONDERF~L' RiDE'THROUGH ACRES' Christmas." As Santa's emissary our ~ditor is happy to AND ACRES OF SCENIC 'WOODLAND~ 'CLUS-" forward Mary's note, on carefully lined paper. and HOUSE AND COOKING FACILFflES: ARE AVAIl.:-' headed with two lambs, to the North Pole. "BLE AND, IF YOU WISH, BUSTRANSPORTATION * lit * CAN :E:: FURNISHED - ' , ' '. PILFERINGS HORSE~ACK RIDING'. ,'•• for Begln"ers, or "Pros" The only suitable ~hristmas gift for the man who l\HAT AWONDER.FUL;SMELL:the wonderful'atoma:-of' ,a~tum!l'in 'the~outdoo:rs.,AiId what .m{)re~'eXhlliratiri.g),way ,has eyerything is your deepest sympathy ; •• Saturday to.' enJoy f~ll than horseback riding thro~gh. gorgeo~s Evenmg Post. wooded 'h-ails. ,- ' , SP,END"ALLDAY'-SATURDAY $400 '" * ~ OR,SUNDAYFOR JUST...... ' - Fed-up w~th repeating endless commerci~s with If- you're a beglnn.r, this $4 will entitle you to transportation, and their fantastic claims, an annoUncer on Hollywood's basic Instruction under adult, supe:v.i.lon"':'lf YOII wish. KFWB, in the midst of extolling the virtues of' a new - r : RIDING LESSONS AYAILABLE vitamin, suddenly declared: "They are especially made SEq~OND AJ ,MILWAUKEE CmCLE S RANCH for pe~le who have taken vitamins A., B, C, D, E,.F, and ,0 < 3217f 25 Mii. R,,~1 Mil. E.of G~otiot ' G and atilllook like H." ' R.servations phone TR 1..1790 For hlformatlon and R''',.,atiolll call TU 5-2172'0,749;.577' .... ;1 ," • ,\ , ,

'ch ..... ~~ ' '_' .. • • Lass? 2 s 777 57 5 ? S s? ? S ,. S 2 7 S S 7 F5s?S????? 2 am 7pdc 11 7 21'$ t at S'._-.. n 2 •••• Octd + it • e