All the News /' ,i" .... \',':. " of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning. rosse ews I ~a~t8 Complete Neivs Coverage of All the Pointes ;-lome of the NeWl VOLUME 23 - No, 48 . Entered as Second Class Matter » IIt the Post Of{lce at Detroit, Mich. GROSSEpOINTE, MICHIGAN, NOVEMBER 29, 1962 70 Per COpy , S4.00 Per Year 28 PAGES- TWO SECTIONS-SECTION I -------------------------------------------.:.---'.1-, ---!-..--:..--------------------------------<ic:t HEADLINES 01 the Police Checking Top Leaders \VEEK To Help Open' As Compiled by the Clues in Parcells Grosse Pointe News Auditorium I Thursday, November 22 , I School Vandalism Emerich, Cavanagh, Cis- INDIAN PRIME MINISTER I ler. Ford and Woodcock Jawaharlal Nehru warned today i to Be Heard in Special that the Sino-Indian 'border war I, Dozens of Susp.ects Narrowed Down to Three Who Series at Memorial :may drag on for years, current . Might Be Responsible;' If Guilty, They Red-ordered cease-fire notwith- standing. "As far as we know. Will PayFull Penalty Five, and' po s sib 1y six tl:ere has been an effective --------. , 1e c t u res by outstanding cease - fire." the 73 - YNir - old . Woods police are pursuing their investigation of'the personalities and -leaders in Asi;::n political leader told his November 17 vandalism of Parcells Junior High School, their c h 0 S e n fields, have Parliament. "Apart from that, and expect to make arrests within a few days. been schedUled, as the most nothing else has taken place." Det. Sgt: Walter O'Dell and ~I" imp 0 sin g feature of the Speaking to a Red Cross youth Det. Leroy Tobian said on Tues- 13 Year O'ds varied program. which is rally later in the day. Nehru day, November 27, that they. •. t celebrating the opening of warned all young Indians to "be have questioned dozens of sus- the beautiful new William prepared for a lon~ dl'awn~out peets and have' narrowed the H. Fries Auditorium at the war with China and be deter- Tell Police number down to -three boys, all , Grosse Point~ War Memo .. mined to face any crisis to drive students at the school. out the Chinese from Indian Of Vanda'l:sII m rial Center. soiL" The officers said that it is The lectures are dedicated Peiping has declared official- possible that none of the three to their issues and problems con- ly that the next move in the i youths is guilty, but the way it Admit B r'e a kin 9 Street nected by the general title, Himalayan border crisis is up to presently -appears" it is likel,Y. h ' E d "The Community, the Corpora- H the boys are guIlty, they Will Lig ts, Tossing ggs an tion and the National Purpose." Jndia. A cease-fire, caHed by I the Red Chinese. went into ef- receive. the full penalty of the Other M",licious They will be hearo on succes- fect yestcrday at midnight, but law, the detectives, added, OestrucHon sive Tuesday evenings, begin .. Peiping announced at that time Damage Set at $4,000 ning January 8. The list .of that "the cessation of the bord- Vandals entered the school Six 13-vear-old boys all, sp2akers and their subjects, er conflict . , depends par- and left several rooms in but' one "'from the <Pointe, f",11ows: ticularly on whether or not tne I ,shambles. Damage was set at confessed to malicious de- The Schedule Indian government responds $4,000. struction of property on January 8;-The Rt. Rev. positively." Informed sources I In spite of the chaoti.c condi- Halloween, and '.vere placed Richard S. Emrich. Presiding believe the Indian Government . tion left by the'culprits, a crew on unofficial probation. Bishvp, Episcopal Diocese, of will reject Peiping's terms for I HENRY FORD, II, and GEORGE. McMULLEN Ford will be the speaker on February 5. Mr,. Mc- of 15 workmen labored through- Woods Patrolman AI A!;end, Michigan. His subject will be a negl>tiated settle:nent of the got together to review details of the series of lectures Mullen suggested the series and has done the contact out Sunday, No v e m b e r 18, Juvenile .officer, said that on "Business Morals." The lnvoca- month-old war, terms which the i which will be given in the new Fries Auditorium at and organization work for the outstanding program. cle-aning up the mess and mak- Saturday, November 24, he lee- tion will be given by Msgr. Hindustan Times descri?cd a'i; the War Memorial Center, starting January 8. Mr. ing rep~irs. - Their efforts per- tUl-ed the boys in the presence, Francis J. McPhillips, pastor of an ultimatum rather tnan a'~. c_' __ ~'_'~ ' • ~ _ mitted classes to go on as of their parents and placed the St. Paul's on the Lakeshore peace offer. I Tl - f T k C .. Ch G- .- usual 'the next day. I boys on six months probation; Catholic Church.. St~t:~ri~~~~;~i~e~~~t~it~~1 An electric clock in a hall The officer ordered the boys Januan.'y 15:-The Hon: Jer- tle a es ommllnlty ,orus IVlng Merchants way was smashed by the van- to study _their school work at Dme P. Oaganagh, Mayor of the State, arrived in New Delhi P t I M "" A .I Cl-_.. t . C t daIs. The hands were stopped least three hours..a day during OiW of D~troit, His subject; today at the head of a 24-man OS a ol"ey nnua IlrISmas. oncer at 10:30 sharp indicating abOut the probation period and pre- be "Problems of the Metro- U. S. "fact-finding mission" to ~ ' will Alarmed 'by the'time ::he ~andalism started. sent their report cards to him' politan Area." The invocation determ~e ways and means I~r Order Blallks TWIce December 2 and'il . - .- showing an improvement in \fill be giv.en by the Rev. the Uruted States 1.0 help IndIa , Jlandalism " The, vandals ~ntered several their scholastic grades. Charles Sandrock, minister of in her battle against the Chinese rooms on the, fIrst. and. second M t W ite Ess St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Communists. "We want to find floors; smashing 12 offlce and ~ . r ays Poll out the reaction of the Indian .ce .and Post Off.lce In- First Will Be Presented in Parcells School Auditorium', B . '0. I I' Classroom windows and 21 out- In addlti,on, each boy must Janua~ 22:---:Leonard ~ood. - '" . usmessmen ISCOs~ nel- side building windows. write a 10o-word essay on ~ cock, Vl~e-PresJ.dent, Un 1t e.d government and people and re- .spectors Warn All Mer- In.~rie,(Audit,o~iu,m at War Memorial Cent~r: . de6t~ They.Olqn't, .~' ~vils of .property destruction Automobile,Workers, C.I.O; He port back tl> the President," chant's About Cashing .: '. ",O'rily 0.. Reception Planned' .' . Repor(to 'City Fo~tai.ns Smashed and personally give the essays will speak on "The Obligation iIarriman stated, adding that n'e Also smashed were three to him by December 12. of Responsible Labor in a the U. S. Government had, as Stolen Paper Gross'e .Pointe Cohununity Chorus will present its Police" drinking fountains in the haIl- Abend said that his depart- Democratic Society." The Rev. yet. no official reaction to the . annual Cl]ristmas concert twice this year,. due to the fact ways.' The hoodlums went into ment had received a number of James Nixon, pastor of the cease-fire. Sir Richard Hull, :r~leves stole a box con- that overflow crowds have featured every one of its Merchants in "The ViI- the tool shop and scattered tools complaints on Halloween in Grosse Poi n t e Methodist Britain's Chief of General Staff, tammg postal ~on~y ol'der i ~hristmas concerts in recent years. The flrst presenta- lage," alarmed bYI recent on the floor, 'pulled out desk which it was reported that a Church, will give the invocation. is in India- as he:ld of a U. K. blanks and rub- tion will be on Sunday afternoon, December at outbreaks of vandC!-lism) are drawers and strewed the con- group of bo~"S-had shattered at Janu'1li"y 29:-Walker L. Cis. mission similar to Harriman's, 2, 3:30 and the first of six Canadian ber stamp, and $71 In post- o'clqck in the auditorium of Parcells Junior High School, wondering precisely how to tents all. over the room. ' least 13 street light bulbs, ler, President., Detroit Edison DC-3's arrived for the Indian age stamps on Monday, No- with a reception for all attending immediately following cope with Y<;lUngsters whose They ripped thermostats from !~ssed eggs at hl>uses and pass- Company. His sU'bject will be air force today. vember 26, from the Arnold the concert. ~ I ideas of Christmas "fun" the walls of three rooms and in mg cars and caused other dam- "National Purpose." The wvo- D t 20853 1\1 k l' one room almost tore 'off the age. '. cation will be given by the Rev. '\< * * r~g sore, ,J.\ ac The second presentation, from Benjamin Britten's "Cere- include setting fire to ho 1':' wall ph,one. I '!'he _,?ohceman saId that a Erville P. Maynard, rector of Friday, Kovember 23.. aven.,ue, a post offIce sub- with an identical program, (ex- m(}ny of OllTOls",'a NegrO,snir- ,day d~OI:ations;. pushing tb: . h L .177 .callber pellet gun. owned Chri ,~~.....Church, Grosse Pointe. stat~on. cept for the reception) will be itual and tradiUona,l carols.
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