

M e r l u z z i

t n l r p e


AUGUST 18, 1993 2 5 C EN TS VOLUME 23, NUMBER 33

K e y p o r t t o

checkerboard pattern will be removed in BY LAUREN JAEGER the process. Staff Writer Even the pavement of the courts is streaked with writing, and not a bench has been left untouched. FOCUS: The little things, such as garbage cans, Vandalism have been covered with writing; one read­ ing “The Drug War is On” and “untamed Story on page 6 bombers” as well as illegible scrawling in permanent marker. The aluminum base­ O vernight, unwanted artists have ball bleachers have several rows of red given Cedar Street Park, Keyport spraypaint of the words “United Bombers the look of a decrepit inner city. 903” and “Rero” three times. During the past , all the sur­ On one sidewalk is the word “Retro” faces in the park, from benches to black­ in red; twice. The basketball court is top to bleachers, have been coated with scribbled with ICON U.B. in white. On black, white, blue and red graffiti. the sidewalk, near the same court, is It’s going to be expensive to remove “NOBLE” in blue and white. most of it, but officials want the vandals Other writing throughout the park is to know that after the graffiti is off, they similar. want it to stay off. And they’ll do what­ “VCMRN, the Strong Est Posse Key­ ever it takes to make that happen. port” is painted in blue by a cozy sitting Mayor John J. Merla and Capt. area, while the benches are covered with Howard Ruth toured Cedar Street Park on obscenities. Thursday afternoon, shaking their heads at Two benches in the park have been what was once Keyport’s crowning touch. tom apart completely and can no longer Cedar Street Park, which overlooks the be used. Raritan Bay, was purchased with Green Ruth is puzzled by the latest upswing Acres Funds in 1978. Little expense was in damage, especially since there has been spared in creating the park, which boasts a no cutback in police protection. baseball field, basketball courts, marble “We’re not doing anything in particu­ checkerboard tables, high-quality wooden lar, nothing that hasn’t been done in the benches, and a children’s playground. past,” he said. The two tables alone cost $1,200 each Ruth explained that graffiti is a crime in 1978, according to Merla. that is fast and easy, and only takes a few Today, the marble checkerboard tables minutes to cause expensive damage. To are completely defaced with layers of make it even tougher to crack down on, he black and red writing. It will take some said, it takes place during evening hours intense sandblasting to remove the and there is little evidence other than the vandalism, and unfortunately, the Continued on page 6 Evan Lester and Tosha Matthews, both 7, play on the bleachers at Cedar Street Park, Keyport. Vandals have defaced much of the park with graffiti, and the bor­ ough is considering a plan of action. (Photo by Rich Schultz)

Tran sfe rrin g p rin cip al leaves district vacancy

BY MARILYN DUFF which houses fourth- and fifth-graders. ously; now there are three kindergarten Beers Street position in time for school Staff Writer Sardone is the second principal to through third-grade schools and two opening, Cleffi said. Until it does, he and transfer within the district for the coming fourth- and fifth-grade schools. Letitia Graybill, assistant schools superin­ B y filling a principal vacancy at school year. Former Cove Road Principal It is not uncommon for principals to tendent, will fill the gap. Cove Road School, the Hazlet Anthony Bruno has moved to Middle move to different grade levels, said “It’s another experience. I look for­ Board of Education has created Road School, a kindergarten through Michael Cleffi, superintendent of schools. ward to it,” said Cleffi, who has previ­ one at Beers Street Middle School. third-grade school, replacing Vincent He said that Sardone, who has a doctor­ ously worked in that capacity. Cove Road is a grades 4-5 school. McCue, who retired. ate, wanted to expand his experience. He He said Sardone has completed sched­ The board appointed Nicholas Sar­ Last year, the board restructured the was at Beers Street for five years and did uling preparations for Beers Street and done, who was principal at Beers Street, district schools. There were five kinder­ an excellent job there, according to Cleffi. Continued on page 3 as chief administrator at Cove Road, garten through fifth-grade schools previ­ The board will not be able to fill the O ur C lassified ads g ets results! 1-800-660-4A D S tz 331 t 'UZlh 1HFK1 1315CU E I-' 2 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT

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THIS ISSUE: H azlet m oves forw ard

on com m unity center

The township has approximately SPEAK OUT Building w ould $400,000 available “to pursue this,” the mayor said, $147,000 in community de­ 1-800-660-4237 velopment , plus $250,000 which house seniors group meetings. was donated about two years ago by the A basement is no longer used except a n d p r e s c h o o l Price Club and National Amusements, Inc. for storage because it does not meet cur­ rent code requirements. ______BY MARILYN DUFF______The community development funding is designated for construction of a senior “It looks very good,” said Milton Staff Writer citizen center and has time constraints. Rachlin, a member of the Hazlet Senior The other money has no strings attached. Citizen Club, after viewing the plans. He has quite a few question, however, per­ There had been talk earlier of using the T he Hazlet Township Committee.is taining to the nursery area and storage for large sum for a teen center, but based on preparing to finalize plans for a the seniors club, he said. combination community-senior cit­ what the mayor said, the funds will be Other senior citizens present shared izen center, to be completed in approxi­ combined. mately a year. At a special 5 p.m. work­ Hazlet Community-Senior Center conceptual plan shop meeting Aug. 10, the committee looked at concep­ tual plans prepared by archi­ tect Andrew F. Trocchia Jr. The face of Holmdel Road in D i r e c t o r Administration Reception C l o s e t Restroom Restroom of Sonnenfeld and Trocchia Hazlet is changing, as large lots Associates, Fair Haven. are subdivided. The one-story stone and glass structure would contain P a g e 10 8,400 square feet. A 4,500 square-foot basement would be optional. Multi purpose REGULAR FEATURES The layout includes a Senior Center nursery school area on one K i t c h e n K i t c h e n side and a large, multi-pur­ 6 5 ' x 3 1 ' • Calendar Page 28 pose meeting room on the Nursery • Classifieds Page 41 other. room, School which could be partitioned • Editorials Page 26 Area off into three separate rooms, • In the Spotlight Page 22 would serve as the senior-cit- 3 4 ’ x 4 9 ' • Letters Page 26 izen center. 4 3 ' x 1 8 ' 3 9 ' x 1 8 ' • Obituaries Page 32 The plans include two 12- • Sports Page 35 by-22-foot kitchens, one for not to scale • Police Beat Page 31 senior citizen use, with an • Property Lines Page 34 adjoining pantry and storage Rachlin’s view and were just happy to see • Yesteryear Page 23 room, and a second one which is accessi­ Bradshaw declined to say what sites ble from both the nursery school area and are being considered. Because of unre­ the project move forward. “It looks pretty the large meeting room. solved questions, “I don’t want people to good,” said Evelyn Pieniek, president of the group. They currently meet at the Ha­ The front of the building would con­ be misled,” he said. Phone numbers: zlet Firehouse on Holmdel Road, with an tain recreation offices, a center reception Two different sites at Veterans area, bathrooms and a closet. average attendance of about 75. Rachlin Editorial 747-0222 Ext. 237 Memorial Park are being considered, said they need parking for about 47 cars. Circulation 254-1755 “The light at the end of the tunnel is according to some officials. Deputy Display Advertising 972-6740 Ext.220 here,” Mayor John Bradshaw told an audi­ Mayor James Cullen said the building Bradshaw said the committee needs to discuss costs and then will seek comments Classified 1 -800-660-4ADS ence of about a dozen senior citizens who may replace the existing recreation center attended the workshop meeting. They had located at the Union Avenue entrance to from residents. No cost estimates were provided. FAX 254-0256 the opportunity to look at the plans but the park. That building, a two-story red could not comment. brick converted house, is used for the The meeting room area, when com­ Bradshaw said the committee wants Recreation Commission’s Playtime pletely open, could hold 253 people if ta­ move on the project “as rapidly as we Nursery School and recreation offices. bles and chairs are used, and 491 if only chairs are used. can,” but he cautioned there are still ques­ The nursery school area, which is on Managing Editor tions that need to be answered and that the second floor, is also used in the after­ The room could be partitioned into one 31-by-65-foot area and two smaller ap­ Judith McGee Feeney approval is still needed from Community noons for dance, music and art classes and Development Program officials. in the evenings for various community proximately 18-by-40-foot rooms. Sports Editor Mark Rosman Principal transfer leaves vacancy A Greater Media Newspaper

Boehler, Dorothy O’Connor, Carol would be someone currently in the dis­ Executive Editor Continued from page 1 Matarese and Thomas Sansevero partici­ trict. Cleffi told the audience the board is Gregory Bean pated. trying to move as quickly as possible everything will be ready for school open­ P u b lis h e r The qualities staff and parents said without compromising the decision pro­ ing. Kevin Wittman they want to see include: flexibility, firm­ cess. In a break with tradition, the board last ness, good organizational skills, and an Harry Camwell, president of the week invited Beers Street staff members The B avshore Independent circulation is ability to communicate well with staff, Hazlet Teachers Association, called it a subject to'audit by V erified A udit of and parents to comment on what, qualities parents and children. novel approach to seek parent and staff Circulations, Inc. Published W ed nesd ay by they would like to see in their new princi­ “They’re tough. They’re really tough,” input. the G reater M onm outh Publishing Co., pal. 766 S hrew sbury A ve, Tinton Falls, N.J. one teacher said about the middle school One thing that surprised him, he said, ADproximately 40 07724.Third class postage paid at East people turned out age group, commenting that the new prin­ is that applicants for the Beers Street job B runsw ick, N .J. $32 a year. First C lass for the brief half-hour get-together at cipal should be someone who can treat are required to have five years experience m ail subscription available at $65 for 26 Beers Street school. w eeks, 25 cents a copy. students with a firm hand. at the middle school level. Cleffi and board members Linda Several teachers expressed hope it “It’s unusual (for the district) to be so ii £S2- t n_ci'. ‘•'n:n^==EC im : n 4 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT

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FACE LIFT AT CROYDON HALL — Bill Vanderveen (I) and Bryan Byers remove a section of deteriorating molding under the roof of the MacLeod-Rice house at Middletown Township’s Croydon Hall complex on Leonardville Road. The 1896 mansion, which houses the Middletown Historical Society, is undergoing a $25,000 exterior makeover. Work started Aug. 1 and should be completed next month. (Photo by Rich Schultz)

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K e y p o r t fig h ts g ra ffiti

Continued from page 1 FOCUS: Vandalism paint itself. After the “artist’s” work is completed, the paint cnn is-discarded and the vandal remains evidence free. | SPEAK OUT Merla said he would like to offer a re­ 1-800-660-4237 ward for finding the vandals, but wonders if it would work. “I’ve offered rewards in the past, but hours of work.” However, taking off graf­ we’ve never gotten additional informa­ fiti isn’t as simple as wiping with a rag tion,” he said. “To be honest with you, the and some Windex. borough isn’t in a position to offer re­ Keyport’s Board of Education wards, and neither am I.” Secretary Frank Dragotta said removing One solution on helping keep the parks graffiti can cost up to $ 1,000 each time it nicer is to get the community involved in is scribbled upon a porous surface. keeping them nice, whether through vol­ Dragotta knows about graffiti and its unteers or activists, such as Keyport’s removal, since it has been a sporadic, yet Community Watch Group, according to ongoing problem in the schools. Merla. The latest work of the vandals is a “We need more community support,” black and white spraypainted word, Merla said. He urged residents to call the “Noble”, taking up about a 4-foot-by-8- police whenever they heard or saw any­ foot spot on the Keyport Central school. It thing suspicious. appears to have been done in conjunction Councilman Kevin Graham was with the Cedar Street Park graffiti. mortified to find Cedar Street Park van­ “If the graffiti is done on a smooth sur­ dalized, since it is a place his own chil­ face, such as wood or metal lockers, or dren frequent. painted walls, you could generally get it “It makes you wonder about the type off with super chemicals,” Dragotta said. of people who have been going there,” he “However, when it’s on concrete or said. brick, you have to sandblast it.” Graham feels that the only way to Sandblasting, Dragotta said, besides eradicate the problem is to take New York being expensive, is long, hard hours of City’s approach to its subway cars: re­ work. move the graffiti as soon as it appears. “It’s unfortunate,” Dragotta said. “In New York, if the graffiti’s there on “The money could be better spent on STOP THE NEGLECT — Kevin Fredericks, Greg Kliemisch and Jason Monday, it’s taken off by Monday night. other things. But the people who are Matia take a break from cleaning Therese Street Park in Keyport, which The cars won’t leave the yard if there’s doing this apparently could not care less. they regularly maintain. Despite their efforts, even this small park suffers graffiti on them,” said Graham. “It dis­ Hopefully, we’ll catch them. Then, they’ll from vandalism and neglect. courages artists from putting in several care.” (Photo by Rich Schultz)

Park run -dow n despite com m unity’s effort

KEYPORT — Kevin Fredericks, 20, were little,” Fredericks explained. “It’s and his friends have been the unofficial all we have.” Some things, though, could keepers of Therese Street Park. not be saved. It’s taken a lot of work to keep the There used to be a tennis court, but park decent, they say. because the net was torn down so many “We’re not getting paid to clean up times, it is just pavement today. the park and we’re not asking for And the pavement that is there is money,” he said. “All we are asking for unusable, since it is cracked, has pot­ is our park.” holes, and is overgrown with grass. Once, they chased a would-be graffiti What used to be a see-saw juts out artist, armed with spray paint, out of the of the earth — just the base remains. park, he said. Despite its condition, the small park “Another time we were playing bas­ remains a popular one in the community. ketball, and we saw a kid trying to push On Thursday afternoon, the park, the stop sign down,” Fredericks said. “We made him stop.” which has just two basketball hoops, a slide, and a small jungle-gym shaped Other times, they have had to rebolt like a rocket, was teeming with activity. the basketball backboard to its post. During the night, Fredericks explained, However, it seems like maintenance vandals like to unbolt them. is sorely lacking at Therese Street Park. But for the most part, maintenance is The basketball court is in dire need of in the form of sweeping up glass and repaving, and according to both men, the filling up the garbage cans, that, for drainage in the park is very poor. some reason or another, keep getting Mayor John J. Merla said that he toppled over. often sees the men out in the park, and “Every one’s supportive of the park, gives them “a lot of credit.” but it seems like there are ‘bad apples’ He said that maintenance to the park everywhere you go,” Fredericks said. was supposed to have been done, but the “A bunch of us use our own money to Public Works Department has been side­ tracked with other, unexpected jobs re­ ASSESSING THE DAMAGE — Keyport’s Mayor John J. Merla (I) and act­ buy new basketball nets,” added Greg Kliemisch, also 20. “We buy the paint cently, such as taking care of the recent ing Chief of Police Howard Ruth toured Cedar Street Park Thursday after­ garbage strike. noon to look over the latest incidence of graffiti. for the lines, also.” (Photo by Lauren Jaeger) “We’ve been playing there since we — Lauren Jaeger THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 7

Holmdel was accepted to Clemson sorority. O N CAMPUS University and Boston University; Robert Kenneth D. Klose of Matawan and Lambe of Lincroft was accepted to St. Leo Lev S. Kaufman of Holmdel were Carolyn J. Winston of Matawan was College; and Anthony C. Pansini of recipients of the Rutgers, the State SWASDES named to the dean’s list for the spring Holmdel was accepted to St. Peter’s University of New Jersey, National Merit semester at Clark University, Worcester, College and Fairleigh Dickinson Scholarships. Mass. University. Peter McNally Jr., son of Dorothy The following area residents were Mihir Patel of Matawan and Donna Dawn Schleicher of Middletown and Peter McNally of Hazlet, has been graduated May 23 from Pace University, Skop, Marie Facchin and Susanna received the Departmental Service Award inducted into the Bucknell University Pleasantville, Briarcliff and White Plains Shamy, all of Hazlet, were named to the at the Graduates Awards Night of Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Lewisburg, campuses, N.Y.: Joseph Ronan and dean’s list for the spring semester at Georgian Court College. Pa. He is also the recipient of a $2,000 fellowship for a summer research project. Bernard Shum, both of Hazlet; Thomas Union County College, Cranford. Christine McCallum, daughter of Paul Pessutti of Holmdel, Lauren Sweeney Pennie and Charles McCallum Jr. of Karen Morabito of Matawan received McGill of the Leonardo section of of Lincroft, Stephen Scanapicco and Keith Lincroft, performed in the spring dance a diploma in practical nursing from Union Middletown; Walter Schaefer of the Donohue of Middletown graduated May concert at Bucknell University, County College. Lincroft section of Middletown, and 23 from Providence College, Providence, Lewisburg, Pa. She is a dean’s list student Stephen Wing Tak Lam, son of Mrs. Joseph Mazza of Middletown; all earned R.I. and member of the Phi Eta Sigma and Molly Lam of Aberdeen, is a recipient of master’s degrees. Dawn Binetti of Recent graduates of Admiral Farragut Alpha Lambda Delta honor societies. She academic honors at Duke University, Middletown earned a bachelor of arts Academy have been accepted to the is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta Durham, N.C. degree. following colleges. Jason J. Adams of


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F i v e Hall of Fam e inductees are nam ed

KEYPORT — Keyport High School erators license. She taught cosmetology at champions in 1990, 1991, and 1992. She setting up security for the Governor as has selected five of its graduates for in­ Matawan Regional High School and later was a former president of the New Jersey well as a visiting United States President duction to its Hall of Fame. earned a degree in vocational education Arabian Horse Association and secretary and Vice President. In addition, Miele has They are Patricia Halsey Vena, Audrey with a minor in psychology from Rutgers of the Garden State Poultry Association. been a volunteer member of the Raritan Bama, Frank Miele, Harold Collard, and University, New Brunswick. In 1985, she She was a master exhibitor in 1990 and Hose Company for 22 years. Edward L. Carnes. earned her masters degree from Rutgers 1991 of the American Poultry Association Collard, a 1950 graduate, graduated Vena, a 1960 graduate, is a vocational University graduate school of social work, and the International Waterfowl Breeders cum laude in Physics from Harvard Uni­ teacher at Matawan Regional High also New Brunswick. Association. Bama graduated Douglass versity in 1954 and earned a PhD. in School. In addition, she is a personal Bama, a 1963 graduate, has been rais­ College, Rutgers University, in 1967, and Physics from Stanford in 1966. Upon counselor at Family and Community Ser­ ing and exhibiting Arabian horses, ducks, continued her graduate studies in the De­ graduation from Harvard, he served in the vices in Red Bank. She is also involved in geese and chickens since 1977, when she partment of Plant Biology at the universi­ Air Force in Germany for two years as a a support group of adolescents “Teen moved to a small farm in Hunterdon ty’s Cook College. target data .officer in a guided missile Helping Teens.” Vena, the mother of two, County. She established a small business Miele, a 1957 graduate, is marking his squadron. For the past 25 years, Collard attended the Wilfred Academy of Hair supplying egg artists with shells and man­ 26th year with the New Jersey State Po­ has worked as a NASA research scientist Design and opened her own beauty shop ufactured and marketed craft kits. Her . He is currently a captain. Miele has in Mountain View, California. He was one in 1964 after obtaining her managers-op- champion poultry has produced national had a variety of responsibilities, including of the investigators involved in studies of the solar wind using detectors on the Pio­ neer satellites. In addition, he is an active volunteer and has received the YMCA Distinguished Service Award. CRAZYJOE SAYS CUT PRICES Carnes, a 1962 graduate, enlisted in the United States Army in 1965. After at­ tending field artillery officer candidate school, he graduated in 1967 and became SUMMER SPEC1 NbVbJK a highly decorated veteran of Vietnam. He has earned the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star and Bronze Star. He re­ Philadelphia Beefeater tired in 1988 as a lieutenant colonel and is Gin presently an office manager for Rockwell International. He is a member of the 1.75 Liter $ 1 Q 9 9 Plus Tax $ 2 2 " Eatontown Lion’s Club and has served as 1.75 Liter an officer in many professional associa­ 100 ’S O F PRICES LIQUOR '• BEER • WINE • SODA Plus Tax tions that support the Fort Monmouth REDUCED WAREHOUSE PRICING Community. Malibu Gilbeys Keyport’s formal ceremonies will be­ Coconut Rum Rico Bay Irish gin on October 8 with a school assembly Light Rum Mist Sm irnoff 80 Vodka program. On October 9, there will be a pa­ $ 0 9 9 750ML rade prior to the Keyport Football game $ 7 4 9 and at half-time, the inductees will be rec­ Plus Tax $ 1 R 9 9 1.75 Liter f 1.75 Liter 1 0 ognized. That evening at Keyport High 1 0 1.75 Liter I U 750 ML Plus Tax Plus Tax Plus Tax Plus Tax School’s gymnasium, a dinner and formal Rosemount induction ceremony will take place. Paul Masson Wines Majorska Bacardi Breezers Beringer Chenin The Kail of Fame, established in 1991, Blanc or White Shiraz Cabernet recognizes the achievements of past grad­ $ ■7 9 9 Vodka All Types uates. After reviewing many nominees, 4 L ite r Zinfandel $ 5 4 9 Plus Tax this year’s inductees were selected by the $ 0 9 9 750 ML $ 1 0 4 9 $ 4 9 9 Hall of Fame Committee. 1.75 Liter 4 Pack 750 ML Plus Tax Plus Tax Plus Tax Plus Tax Seagram s or Bartles George Duboeuf New Kiw anis & Jaym es Coolers Canadian Mist John Begg Red or White Scotch $ 0 9 9 4Pack $ C 4 9 Club form ed v$ 1 I 0J'*'* 9 9 1.75 Liter - 1 1.5 Liter ■ ■ ■ Plus Tax $ 1 £ 9 9 Plus Tax 1 in Plus Tax ^ I f l 1.75 Liter ■ W Plus Tax MATAWAN — There is a new Ki­ Calvert Gin Bacardi Light or wanis Club in the borough. Dewars Amaretto DiSaronno The club held its first meeting on July Dark Rum 28 at Jerry Beyer’s Restaurant, Main Street. $ 1 0 4 9 1.75 Liter $ 1 ( 5 4 9 Plus Tax $ 1 0 9 9 199 At their weekly breakfast meeting that I - 1 750 ML I f_J 750 ML 1.75 Liter ■ Plus Tax Plus Tax Plus Tax day members received official Kiwanis — ------pins and a board of directors was elected. WINE SELECTIONS I BEER SELECTIONS OFF THE FLOOR Presiding over the ceremonies was GEORGE DUBOEUF 1.BUD Robert Gall, the organization’s Lt. Gover­ POUILLY FUISSE 750 ML...... * 8 " SUITCASE CANS...... BOUCHERON „ , 2. BUO LIGHT, BUD DRY & ALL MILLER nor and a member of the Eaton- RED OR WHITE 1.5 LITER...... * 5 79 SUITCASE CANS...... town/Tinton Falls club. 3. SCHMIDTS REG or LIGHT FETZER 20 PACK CANS...... The elected board of directors for the SUNDIAL CHARDONNAY 1.5 L * 1 0 " 4. ROLLING ROCK L0NG-NECK NR’S Matawan Club are: Paul Bowen, presi­ BOLLA WINES ALL 1.5 LITER...... * 8 " CASE ...... dent; Sandra Kay Homak, first vice presi­ FOLONARI WINES- , 5. C00RS, LIGHT, GOLD, ABSOLUT 80° ALL EXCEPT PINOT GRIGIO 1.5 L...... * 5 " EXTRA GOLD LIGHT 1.75 LITER dent; James Matol, second vice president; 2/12 CANS...... Susan S. Pike, secretary; Madeline H. STOCK SWEET OR DRY 1.5 LITER...... * 6 " 6. MICHEL0B ALL TYPES GEORGE DUBOEUF CHARDONNAY, 2/12 BOTTLES...... Bucco, treasurer; and James W. Nuti, COTES DU RHONE & COTES VENTbUX 750 ML.. $5 79 7. MEISTER BRAU/LIGHT Carmen Messina, Bea Duffy, Dr. Harvey 2/12 CANS...... $099 SUTTER HOME WHITE ZIN 1.5 LITER (NEW)..$6 99 8. LABATT BLUE Rein, and William Mirkin, board mem­ ROSEMOUNT TRAMINER REISLING OR 2/12 CANS...... bers; SEMILLON CHARDONNAY 750 ML...... $5 49 C A R L O ROSSI 9. KOCHS GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY OR LIGHT A dinner dance to celebrate the charter RUFFINO CHIANTI OR ORVIETO 750 ML.. $4 " 12 OZ C AN S...... WINES 10. HEINEKEN OR AMSTEL LT. of the new club has been scheduled for TOMASELLO WHITE ZIN 1.5 LITER...... * 4 49 2/12 bottles ALL TYPES 6:30 p.m. Sept. 22 at the Buttonwood mailed in' PriCe e,,e"ct've «iru 8/24/93. P^ces available a, this locaton only We reserve Manor, Route 34. For $30 per person a prime rib or chicken dinner, and a one-7 r SPE c Ta LS F R o U f THE D eI7~| ABERDEEN/MATAWAN 15% DISCOUNT hour open bar will be available. All are Boars Head Spiced Ham...... *2.29 lb. I ON ALL WINE welcome. To purchase tickets or for more infor­ Boars Head Reg, Lo Salt Turkey Breast...... *4.59 lb. i CASES MAY BE ASSORTED/EXCLUDES mation call Bea Duffy at 566-1067, or Boars Head American Cheese (yellow or white) ...... *2.59 lb. I ADV. & SPECIALS Carmen Messina at 566-2466. Boars Head Hard Salami...... *4.49 lb. J To w i m & Country liquor • Buy Rtte plaza • Route 54 So. • Aberdeen Questions regarding membership in­ 1/2 LB. .MIN. • WITH COUPON ONLY • EXPIRES 8-24-93 • IND formation in Kiwanis should be referred ______5 8 3 - 1 5 5 5 to Andy Daniele at 367-4535. THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 9 Early A m erica show n in exhibit A ntoinette’s H air & N ail Cosm etique It has been an active year for the explained. W orks, crafts of Matawan Historical Society. The mansion is now sparsely Ir SPECIAL W ITH LISA ONLY 1 society m em ber In May, more than 500 tickets were furnished, and some of the furnishings M en’s Ladies sold for a historic house tour in the bor­ might not belong in the historic mansion, J Wash * C ut * Blow Drv Wash • Cat • Blow Drv ough. to be displayed built in 1723. $ 1 2 9 9 On that day, the new Committee for “We're looking to expand member­ I * 9 " Preservation Awards gave commenda­ ship,” she said, adding that there are now BY MARK RONDEAU tions to five owners of historic Matawan 100 people on the society’s mailing list. I MANICURE & | 2 FOR 1 , Staff W riter homes for preserving and restoring their One does not have to be a resident of I PEDICURE | MANICURE properties, Ranson said. Matawan to join, and dues are minimal, Funds from the day were put into the she added. MATAWAN — After success earlier Historical Society’s acquisition fund to Those interested in becoming members this year, the Matawan Historical Society obtain appropriate historical furnishings may call Ranson at 566-8351 or the soci­ is closing the year with a bang. and decorations for the Burrowes Man­ ety’s incoming president, Regina Hawn, M a r k e t p l a c e A t M a t a w a n sion as they become available, Ranson at 290-9130. Route 34, Matawan/Old Bridge Beginning Sept. 4 and continuing With ad onlf» Cannot be combined with any other offer through the month, the Burrowes Mansion Expires 8-31-93 • Hours: Mon-Sat 10-‘ •NowOpen Sunday 11-4 290-0202 will host a special exhibit, “Decorative Arts in Early America.” This will feature the works of Roberta Edrington. Edrington is a member of the Histori­ cal Society of Early American Decoration (HSEAD), a group of artists whose aim is to perpetuate the decorating techniques and designs of early America. She has earned the Master Craftsman designation from the HSEAD, according to Joan Cantrell Ranson, chairwoman for special events and exhibits for the Matawan Historical Society. In April, the Independent featured Edrington’s historic old house on New Monmouth Road in Middletown, which she and family members restored. Edrington’s works will be supple­ mented by antique pieces on loan from the Monmouth County Historical Associa­ tion’s permanent collection, as well as pieces from private collections. During the entire month of September, the Burrowes Mansion will be open 10 d u n k i n a.m. to noon Saturdays and 2 to 4 p.m. Sundays to accommodate people who wish to see the display. Demonstrations of some techniques used by HSEAD members will be held during the month, possibly including Sept. IPONUTS 19, which is Matawan Day. The HSEAD-recognized techniques include country tin painting, stenciling on tin and wood, Victorian flower painting and reverse painting on glass. Those interested in touring should call Sarah Ellison at 566-3817 for scheduling. On display at the mansion through Oc­ tober will be the pieces on loan from the Monmouth County Historical Association and private collections. To coincide with the HSEAD exhibit, the Historical Society will be opening a small gift shop at the Burrowes Mansion. Located on the second floor, the gift shop will offer Historical Society notes and publications, handcrafted gifts, hand­ crafted bandboxes and kits to make a Pennsylvannia Dutch “feather tree.” At 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 20. Ranson will conduct a demonstration on “How to Make a Williamsburg Apple Tree,” featuring slides and a video, Christmas in I Colonial Williamsburg. s s * oHer'shop I There will be a $5 fee for Historical Society members and a $7 fee for non­ °""Goo4; g / 3 % 3 members. An instruction book can be pre­ ordered for $9.95. On Dec. 5, there will be a Christmas \ Musicale. During the month, each room \ of the Burrowes Mansion will feature a \ ______special theme, including Colonial Williamsburg, Victorian and Pennsylvannia Dutch. 1 O AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT

Medicine S h o p p e d

3250 Route 35, Hazlet, NJ 07730 Chelsea Place 888-7900 What A Pharmacy Was Meant To Be*

W E ' R E J U S T W H A T Y O U R DOCTOR J e f f r e y N . Ball, R.Ph. Formerly of Drug Fair ORDERED!

At the Medicine Shoppe, we offer just what you need to stay healthy...prescriptions, vita­ mins, and friendly, professional advice on the medication you’re taking! TRANSFER ALL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS S u m m e r H o u r s TO THE MEDICINE SHOPPE... Mon.-Thurs. 9 to 7 It’s easy! Just call us, or bring in your old Windsor Estates on Holmdel Road, Hazlet prescription bottle. We’ll do the rest...no Friday 9 to 8 inconvenience, no extra charges! And when Saturday 9 to 4 Medicine Shoppe keeps track of your pre­ Sunday Closed scriptions, we maintain personal customer Developer plans eight lot profiles which allow us to check for potential drug interactions. FREE DELIVERY 1 H olm del Road subdivision $ FREE 2.00 OFF BY MARILYN DUFF Tissues or Vitamin C250 Any Medicine Shoppe Staff W riter The new zoning application, which will with any purchase Brand Item HAZLET — The face of Holmdel Road between the railroad station and be presented for Void on prescriptions for Cannot be combined Route 35 is changing. Large lots are giv­ custom ers under 62 or PAAD approval in September, with any other offer ing way to small subdivisions. Expires 8-31 -93 Expires 8-31-93 calls for eight houses Poricy Builders Corp., Red Bank, has filed an application for a major subdivi­ to be constructed on a sion just south of Knoll Terrace, the com- cul-de-sac off Holmdel Road.

pany’s second development in that area. The new application, which was re­ W h o h e lp s viewed at last week’s Planning Board caucus meeting and will be presented for preliminary approval in September, pro­ poses eight houses on a three-acre lot. sm all businesses grow? Planning Board Chairman Joseph De- Virgilio, who has an interest in Poricy Builders, was not present and will exclude himself from hearings on the develop­ The businesses: Small and minority-owned companies seeking to seize new opportunities and ment. maximize growth. The houses would be constructed along either side of a cul-de-sac running off of The advantage: One loan officer to work with you every step of the way - no committees, no red tape. Holmdel Road. The developer is seeking a waiver for The goal: To simplify the process and provide capital whenever possible to qualified sidewalks in one section to reduce imper­ vious surface. Impervious surfaces are ar­ businesses. eas which water can no longer penetrate as a result of development. The result: More small businesses have grown larger with the help of United Jersey.® To find out Other than that, according to the appli­ how we can help you, stop by your nearest United Jersey® office or call Rick Edel, cation, no variances are required. The property is zoned R-70, requiring Senior Vice President, Community Lending at (609) 987-3618. 7,000 square-foot or 70-by-100-foot lots, with 25-foot frontyard and backyard set­ backs and 10-foot sideyard setbacks. Poricy Builders is developing Windsor Estates further south on Holmdel Road. M o else but That development was submitted by an­ other developer several years ago, but was delayed because of the sewer moratorium. It received preliminary approval in the last-m oving bank! 1988 and final approval in 1990. Poricy Builders received approval last October to go ahead with the development. The Windsor Court development is UNITED similar to the new proposal, with eight homes built on a cul-de-sac, except that it Member FDIC. Equal Opportunity Lender. Member of UJB Financial Corp., JERSEY is built down a steep slope behind an ex­ isting home. a financial services organization with over $13 billion in assets. T H E F A S T -M O V IN G B A N K THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 1 1 tWYtViYiViYmvrtYiym Yi 11 m w iiw IN BRIEF Ye Cottage Inn 149 W. Front St., Keyport MIDDLETOWN 908-264-1263 «§jgs» * * I------COUPON ------, S • Deluxe 5-6 Person A Granny’s Attic Sale is scheduled | Complete Luncheon Specials j Units, Totally portable ■ From *6.95 ! • 8 Hydo-Therapv Jets for 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sept. 18 at the Present Ms coupai & receive 50% (fl least I Middletown Senior Center, Croydon Hall, expensive luncheon when 2 people, dine. • Air Bubbler System Offer valid Tues. thiu Fri. 12-3 PM. • Low Voltage Light Leonardville Road, Leonardo. Tables are | Not valid will 1 dinner. Credit Cards or on Hotdays | available for $7; $6 for senior citizens. • Top Load Dual Filters The event will be held rain or shine. For • Topside Controls Reg. *4995 W as *3388 information or reservations, call the Early Bird Menu • Superior Redwood Cabinet Tues. to Fri. 3-5 p.r senior center at 615-2265. from'6.95 , " Dinner Entrees* NOW *2788 St. Mary’s Church, New Monmouth, , From *8.50, will sponsor a 10-day trip to Israel, with Reservations Not Required an optional three-day extension to Egypt. NEWLY REMODELED ERSEY The tour will leave Nov. 10. The cost is >ools...pa+io Sc m ore? BANQUET FACILITIES $1,799 for Israel and an additional $579 uver jj years ana rnrge generations ot product, pride and professionalism for the extension. Cost includes trans­ Major Credit Cards Accepted: AX, DC, MC, VISA, DISC. 4235 Route 9 North • Freehold, NJ 07728 • (908) 462-5005 portation to and from the airport, round- Store Hours: Mon., W ed.. Fri. 9 to 9; Tues., Thurs., Sat. 9 to 6; Sun. 11 to 5 trip airfare, hotel room, private motor coach for touring, sightseeing entrance fees, service charges and taxes. A $300 r ir deposit is required. For information or reservations, call Middletown Travel dur­ ing the day at 671-6910 or Pat Thompson in the evenings at 787-3652 before Sept. 1. St. M ary’s Theater Group, New Monmouth, is accepting reservations for a QUALITY & VALUE day of shopping in Flemington Oct. 23. A bus will leave the Mater Dei High School parking lot on Cherry Tree Farm Road at W ith a D ealer You Can Believe In 8:30 a.m. and return by 6 p.m. Cost is $15. Reservations must be prepaid. Qall Pat Thompson at 787-3652 or Rita Young at 787-9138 before Sept. 2. 1993 VO LVO 964


The Monmouth Council of Girl Scouts’ Annual Gold Classic, which was canceled due to inclement weather, has been rescheduled for Aug. 30 at the Fort * 3 5 9 Monmouth Golf Course, Eatontown. Registration begins at noon, with a shot­ p e r M o n t h gun start at 1 p.m. Openings for the tour­ nament are still available. For informa­ L , e a s e < tion, call Lori Sadwith at 938-5454. Seton Hall University will sponsor a “Day at the Races” for alumni Friday at Monmouth Park, Oceanport. Cost is $40 and includes noon .admission and buffet luncheon in Monmouth Park’s Omnibus O ffer Good U n til Terrace, Omnibus box seating and racing August 31, 1993 program. Post time is 1 p.m. For informa­ tion, call of Alumni Relations This 48 m onth closed end lease on a 1993 960 Sedan includes 6 cyl., auto trans, at 1-201-378-9822 or 1-800-992-GRAD. power steering, power ABS brakes, air conditioning, am/fm stereo cass., heated Registration for Storytime at the Red seats, heated power m irrors, alloy wheels, cruise, tilt wheel with $1900 down Bank Public Library will begin next Wednesday. The program is open to payment. Total of payments $17,232. Inception fees due, 1st payment, $375 preschool children ages 3-5. Programs security deposit, $450 acquistion fee. Residual $13,500. MSRP $36,720. 15,000 will be held at 10:30 a.m. every Tuesday miles per year, 15* per mile over. VIN #P0034806. Stk. #47217. VIN #P0035869. and Wednesday from Sept. 14 until May. Stk. #47334. To register, call the children’s room at 842-0690, or enroll in person. Applications are being accepted for OUR PROMISE TO YOU: BEST LEASE PRICING the 1994 Mrs. New Jersey United States National Pageant, to be held at Caesars ON AN Y VOLVO M ODEL Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City. Entrants must be at least 21 years of age, married, a resident of New Jersey and a citizen of the United States. No performing talent is required. Participants are selected based on their application forms. To apply, con­ 119 E. New m an tact Denice Becker, state director, Mrs. New Jersey United States National Springs Road Pageant Headquarters, P.O. Box 158, Riverside, N.J. 08075, or call 1-800-526­ R o u t e 5 2 0 6837. The Old Bridge Chapter, of the S h r e w s b u r y Deborah Hospital Foundation is sponsor­ ing a trip to Bally Grand, Atlantic City, Sept. 12. Buses will leave from Kmart, Route 35, Hazlet, at 11:30 a.m. and return by 9 p.m. Cost is $13, with $7.50 returned Prices include all costs to consumer except license, registration & taxes. in quarters. To reserve, call Lina Marini at 264-4179 or A. DeSena at 679-5876. V 1 2 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT

V o l u n t e e r the original produce growers OUR OWN RIPE RED AND JUICY CRIMSON a r e c e n t e r SUPER SWEET WATERMELONS!!!! Super Sweet OUR OWN 0 /1 Issue concerns 0 • JERSEY TOMATOES J S W E E T C O R N Ib. members serving • JERSEY PEACHES W W Fresh Picked Every • JERSEY PEPPERS

s e r v i c e s

o f d e b a t e Though an old township ordinance limits membership in the fire department just to Holmdel residents, this ordinance has long been ignored. In fact, Pontrelli lives in Aberdeen. The fire company wanted to limit the towns that volunteers could be drawn from to Aberdeen, Hazlet, Colts Neck, N e w Marlboro and the Lincroft section of Mid­ dletown. However, Cote didn’t want any limits on where fire company volunteers could come from. Equipm ent...

The fire company wanted to limit the N ew Facility towns that volunteers

to Aberdeen, Hazlet, Colts Neck, Marlboro Complete Tire and the Lincroft f t section of Middletown 50 Years o f E xperience And Auto Repairs

A motion by Cote to have the township attorney draft an ordinance • T u n e - U p s j allowing cross membership and setting no ALL MAJOR TIRE BRANDS restriction on where volunteers could be • B r a k e s drawn from was defeated by a 2-2 vote. • G o o d y e a r • D u n l o p However, committee members did reach a consensus on a multipoint plan. •Front E nds This will delete old ordinance provisions • M i c h e l i n • Y o k o h a m a limiting the number of members allowed • Shocks & Struts in the fire company, as well as the • BF G oodrich • B ridgestone Holmdel residency requirement. The committee also agreed to have • Exhaust System s Township Attorney Joseph Youssouf con­ • P i r e l l i • U n i r o y a l tact a consultant he knows to possibly do • Tim ing Belts a study on the controversial issues being debated concerning the fire company. • H eating & The committee also directed Youssouf to meet with the attorney for the fire department. W e Solve Ride Problems" C ooling Services etc... W etdown planned MATAWAN — On Saturday, Aug. 28, The volunteer Midway Hose Com­ pany No. 2 will hold a 90th anniversary celebration and a wet down for a new fire truck. The event is open to the public, and free food and soda will be provided. It will be held at the Matawan Community 310 Rt. 36 East • Hazlet • 787-4000 Center on Broad Street and will last from noon to 5 p.m., rain or shine. VISA. MC, DISC. AMEX accepted • Hours: MON-FRI 8:00-6:00. SAT 8:00-5:00 The new fire truck is a 1993 Pierce Lance, with a 10-man enclosed cab. N O W O P E N

TEIXEIRA'S c a f e IN D O O R AIR SPECIALISTS AIR DUCT CLEANING H ow A ir D uct C leaning Benefits You:

> Helps relieve allergy suffering » Fewer breakdowns, less maintenance ■ Helps remove pollen, dust and other irritants ■ Reduces heating & cooling costs > Helps eliminate household dust > Provides a cleaner living environment ' Eliminates possible health hazards E LTHIER 1118 River Ave., RT., 9, Lakewood, N.J. 908-901-1515 • 1-800-734-8620 609-693-7775 _ |R E A T H E COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL g 62 Highway 56, Keyport Call Ahead 8 8 8 " ! 1 1 9 '777777///7y//w//yyyyy/////i> ///^///////////i77 /////w /z za 1 4 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT N u tsw a m p OME SURPLUS E S E8SI ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I| NEW PRODUCTS ARRIVING DAILY We reserve the right to substitute product of equal value if merchandise is sold out. All items may not be on display at all locations. f a c e s a r e a

Residents w orry

KITCHEN CABINET SALE about potential

WHITE OAK TRIM CROWN II uses of site “EURO”-STYLE Woodgrain 60” Starter Set 60” Starter BY MARILYN DUFF Staff W riter MIDDLETOWN — Not everyone *19 9 00 supports the township’s plans to purchase of the Nut Swamp barn and Easy To Assemble transform it into a community/teen/performing arts center. A group of about 60 people living in PRICE PRICE the area of the bam met Sunday evening INCLUDES INCLUDES at the home of Jim Reilly, 926 Nut • 2-W1530 • 2-W1530 Swamp Road, to discuss their concerns • 1-60” SINK • 1-60” SINK and organize their opposition. The bam BASE BASE is located on Nut Swamp Road adjacent to Nut Swamp School. Their main concern is that the barn will be turned into a raucous teen center. MOEN VANITY SINKS “We want to know what they’re going FAUCETS > 1 4 ® to do,” Reilly said Monday. “They

500 INSTOCK won’t tell us anything at all.” 4 LIGHT FIXTURE VANITY STRIP LIGHT An ordinance to purchase the bam and 87515 — ■ ( STOCK KITCHEN SINKS 8.2 acres of land was introduced at the 801 BR * 9 .9 5 BEVELED MIRROR Township Committee’s Aug. 9 805 & 806 * . . _ _ OR workshop meeting and is scheduled for AB-BR * 1 4 .9 5 TUB ETCHED 200 INSTOCK* 1 9 95 adoption at the Aug. 23 regular ENCLOSURE 300 IN STOCK REG. $39.95 MIRROR reg. $42.95 m eetin g. COL “ PANEL” COL “PINE” The purchase price is just $2,000, to OBSCURE TEMP FROM J CERAMIC TILE 95 95 cover the Board of Education’s legal GLASS DOOR co sts. BRUSHED ALUM .1 0 * ea. 8”x10” .9 9 * ea. $1 2 EA. > 4 9 EA. 6 6 The committee had originally planned STRIPE 585 6”x6” .22* ea. 10”x12” $ 1 . 4 9 ea. PANEL PANEL to lease the structure from the board. ALUM FRAME COM *89"5 MAS PINE The tract includes six soccer fields GOLD FRAME GOH *99ts 6” x8” .4 0 * ea. 12” x12” $ 1 . 9 9 ea. ALL SIZES ALL SIZES installed by the town. TRI-DOOR 8” x8” .4 9 * ea. In a press release issued Monday, ALUM FRAME BCHIM ‘139"" R eilly’s opposition group expresses GOLD FRAME BGHIM *149°° HOLLOW CORE DOOR concerns about the proposed center’s CERAMIC CEMENT proximity to the school and questions Your Choice 9 9 & GROUT $ 0 9 9 $ 1 0 9 9 why traffic and other studies have not Novi American 349 FROM L TO I t been done and subjected to public Complete Neo Novi American LAUAN • BIRCH • MASONITE scrutiny. Angle Shower Kit Corner Shower Kit GAL* 6 9928«L*1 2 ” ALL SIZES IN STOCK They also fear the six soccer fields will be developed as part of the project. HOME SURPLUS™ HOME SURPLUS™ HOME SURPLUS™ Lastly, they question the use of taxpayer OF SUNSET PARK O F K E Y P O R T OF BROOKLYN INC. funds to renovate the bam. 711 3rd AVENUE 184 RT. 35N. KEYPORT, NJ 7305 NEW UTRECHT AVE. They contend there are other more 718-832-5000 718-259-3720 pressing needs the committee should be 7-4:30 Man,Thur,Fri 908-888-3600 8-6 Mon.,Tues.,Wed.,Sat. addressing, “such as courtesy bussing, 8 -4 S a t 8-8Thurs. & Fri. police staffing and transportation for Thurs, Fri, Sat 9-7 Open Sunday 10-5 senior citizens.”

“Vile grow th e w o r l d ’s sw eetest corn” u h t f o r i u m *OCEAN GROVE

« S « P e I „ W H I T E C O R N An Evening With...

S>W©e and TOMATOES •GreenBeans • Cabbage •Plum Tomatoes A L M A R T IN O duality Homegrown •Beels • Green & •Purple, Pink & •Cucumbers Yellow Squash While Eggplant Saturday; August 21st • 8 p.m. Produce From Our •Pickles • Kohlrabi •Yukon Gold, Red ‘Family Farm” •Peppers • Swiss Chard & Purple Potatoes • Leek •All Purpose Potatoes GENERAL ADMISSION *15°° * ” *18°° M en zel B ros. Farm For Tickets Call Toll Free in NJ 1-800-773-0097 • O utflffate (908) 988-0645 M HWY 34, HOLMDEL, ISI.J. •Tel.: (908) 946-3060 • OPEN 9-6 DAILY \ Handling Charge $1.50 Each fieket t THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 1 5 barn sale o p p o sitio n

Gregg Silva, acting director of parks and recreation, said last week, the town­ ship has no definite plans for the property. The committee and members of the Middletown Education Foundation, which raises money for the school district, have informally discussed converting the second floor into a theater and using the first for recreation classes, meetings, and storage. There has also been talk of getting funding for renovations from a bonding ordinance authorized several years ago for a teen center. “It’s a great opportunity for a great lit­ tle community center,” Silva said. But right now, his only instructions are to make the building air tight, he said. Asked Monday about the opposition, Karen Fenton board president said, “We find ourselves in an awkward position.” She said the board still has not seen the committee’s plans for the property, so does not know exactly what is planned. As of Monday, Fenton had not even seen a copy of the Aug. 9 ordinance. “I have five members willing to sell the land for enrichment and education,” Fenton said, indicating there may be op­ SUMMER CLEARANCE position to other uses. The board’s next formal voting meet­ ing is Aug. 31. On July 12, the committee authorized Mayor Anthony Musella to execute a Savings up to 70% lease agreement with the board, but those plans were scrapped in favor of a purchase agreement. Fenton said the board is prohibited from leasing property for long-term periods. The committee had wanted a 30-year lease, she said. “If you know clearly you have no need for it (property)” she said, the state De­ partment of Education prefers that you sell rather than lease, even for shorter terms. The board had to replace the badly de­ B rands Priced Less teriorating, asbestos barn roof or demolish the building. Allendale Plaza • Closter Plaza • Paramus Rt. 4 • Ridgewood • Westwood • Summit • Florham Park When the township verbally agreed to Montclair • Morristown HQ Plaza • Westfield • Flemington Mall • Middlesex Mall • Holmdel Plaza take the structure over, it went ahead Bricktown Center • Shore Mall • Rio Grande Mall • Rehoboth Beach, DE • Reading Outlet Center, PA and had the shingles removed and a COMING SOON TO SOMERSET SHOPPING CENTER mountain of debris carted away at a cost of $50,000.

OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY ASSOCIATES Sanford W. W ohlstadter, M.D., FACOG f y f a r y (Beth M cC abe (DM/D. R obert P. Penney, M.D., FACOG M ichael P. Conley, M.D. M arie C. Di Tom m aso C ertified N urse M idwife D e n t i s t r y We Accept Most HMO’s • Laparoscopic Hysterectomy • Laparoscopic Lasar Surgery General & Cosmetic For Adults & Children • A ll Current Forms of Contraception Available Bonding, Bleaching & Veneers, Implants • Tbtal Gynecological & Obstetrical Care In Our Office Nitrous Oxide Available 704 N. Beers Street 39 Avenue at the Commons (908) 957-8285 Holmdel, N.J. 07733 Shrewsbury, N.J. 07702 OA i Saturday & Evening Hours (908) 739-2500 (908) 389-0003 24 Leonardville Ra. By Appointm ent Immediate Availability Plus Evening & Sat. Appointments Available Middletown Most Insurance A ccepted 5 t n t r , j n a ;> j\ /'H ci/F' fhh n r


M uch to do w h en it’s tim e fo r school

etting ready for school is a big Some arrive when they are 4. person in line. And frequently a younger G child is outclassed in many ways by the topic with parents about this time They have their fifth birthday a month of year. The preparation includes after school starts and are in school with children who had a year’s more living in PARENTING many things, depending on the age of your children who come into school a full year the world. child. older. Older is better when entering kinder­ garten. This is especially true when the ARA Many of the things needed revolve That is because their parents kept them NUGENT around the first day of school. Others will out an extra year, or perhaps their birthday kindergarten is crowded and geared to­ be used well into the year, and some last fell so that they were not eligible and they ward the talents of an older child. for a lifetime. had to wait until next year. Being ready for kindergarten means When a student is almost a year being able to deal with buttons and zippers Being properly prepared when entering kindergarten means being able to take care younger than his peers he is at a disadvan­ and tying shoe laces. kindergarten will last an entire school ca­ of your own bodily needs without Mom. reer. It’s that important. tage in things such as holding a pencil and It means being able to take care of your It means feeling comfortable that first Every year some parents rush to get making letters and waiting his turn when own supplies, remembering gym shoes, li­ the class is large. brary books, snack supplies and being able day when Mom leaves you with a teacher their children into school. Frequently the that will be busy with 25 kids. child is on the cusp of the cut-off date. Sometimes a child has to be the 22nd to toilet by yourself. Yes, getting ready for That takes all the maturity a child can have. Being put in school when you are barely 5 or really 4 is unkind to young children. It rarely works for the child. For older children getting ready for school means having the needed supplies uFRANK’S and having a container in which to carry M w m s m w w & c r a f t s them. Older children need pencils, paper, an eraser, and pencil sharpener. Children need an established bed time FR A N K 'S FESTIVAL that gives them sufficient sleep each night so they have energy for each day. All children need a place in which to study. A quiet corner with a desk, good lighting and parents who explain that CRAFT-SALE! homework is important. Homework is really independent study, it’s the time a child gets to see if he has understood the lesson well enough to do some of the related work by himself. Parents need to make clear whose work 2 . 9 9 it is. And parents should expect kids to do Silk^ A d ult the work by themselves in that quiet study M um Bush Size T-Shirts area. Choose from 50/50 blend. several colors, Assorted colors or Parents also need to get ready for their each with white. Ready to child’s school year. 14 blooms. Now thru 8-29-93. Don't decorate. It is the parent’s responsibility to instill miss this fantastic event! Reg. 4.99 each in their children a respect for the serious Here are a few examples of the hundreds of craft items job that going to school is going to be. at unbelievable savings! SfH’cial Purch asc I They need to help their children take on homework as a serious commitment to be 1 . 9 9 done at the same time each evening BE­ Preserved FORE playing. Eucalyptus Daisy Kingdom Parents need to separate themselves 4-oz. Green from doing the work and allow their child and other colors. '• i: < No-Sew Holiday Transfers to shoulder the responsibility for the Fresh fragrance. ... ’•>*’. /'■ marks they earn. Regularly 3.49 Choose selected patterns at this Yes, parents have to set the stage to do great low price! independent work and then bow out. Along with sufficient sleep and a quiet place for homework, parents need to sup­ ply good food and regular meal times for ea. school children. 6 Yds. 4-oz. Polymark Creative Twist This means ensuring that the family Fashion Paint eats the five fruits and vegetables that Great for doll Squeeze bottles. making. good nutrition demands. It means having Asst'd colors. meals on time and encouraging conversa­ Assorted Reg. 1.99 ea. colors. tion during the meal. Reg. 1.19 Meal time is a great time for parents to encourage, listen and tell children about family expectations. It’s a good place for each family member to tell one good thing 2 . 9 9 that happened during the day. Frank's 4-oz. 2 9 . 9 9 Mini Glue Gun Parents have a responsibility to set the Tacky Glue school year for success. s Silk Ficus Tree Choice of reg­ Clear-drying. Gorgeous 6-ft. tree that ular or low- Get in the habit of asking your child Can be used on makes a great accent piece temp. style. what went well in school today. It means craft and for any room or office. 4" Hot Melt hearing the good news and establishing a household Choose from solid green or positive feeling about the day. And its a projects. variegated leaves. Glue Sticks. Reg. 1.49 pkg., now good way to teach your child that living successfully means extracting some good out of every day. BRICKTOW N 116 Brick Blvd. at Beaverson Blvd. (908) 920-3630 W. LONG BRANCH Monmouth Rd. Getting ready for school is many things Route 71. (908) 229-2587 "ENGLISHTOW N Rt. 9, four miles north of Freehold Circle. (908) 536-7748 for the entire family. H AZLET 2931 Highway 35, one block south of K-Mart. (908) 739-3032 HO W ELL Rt. 9 corner of Friendship Rd. 1/4 mile north of K-Mart. (908) 905-1818 KENVIL Rt. 46, one mile east of Ledgewood The reward is a child who does well ^ ) 584-3010 BRIDGEW ATER 794 Rt. 202, 2 1/2 miles south of Somerville Circle. and a family that works well together. (908) 218-1930 *Limited Craft Selection And that’s pretty special. Seniors! Wednesdays get 10% off your total merchandise purchase. Must be age 60 or over.

Store Hours; Monday thru Friday 9 to 9, Saturday 9 to 8, Sunday 9 to 6 Ara Nugent is director of Learning As­ sociates, Fair Haven. THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 1 7

D en tist s chair finds hom e in A rgentina

BY LAUREN jAEGER Young’s old chair, Goodman said, was we want something new and fancy.” served so many wriggling bodies, it had to in excellent condition. It was just the type But to people in dire need, he contin­ be reupholstered six years ago. Staff Writer of chair that the Rotary Club desired. ued, well, they are just looking for some­ “It was a good chair,” Stafflinger After all, chairs in sorry shape would thing that works well. said. J eff Donaghue noticed something be just as undesirable overseas as they The Rotarians take care of the entire A new dentist chair would cost roughly different during a trip to the dentist would be here, he explained. project from start to finish. They pack up $3,000, according to the Reliable Dental recently. The surroundings were So far, the Rotary Club District 7510, the equipment, they pay for its shipping, Equipment Group, Point Pleasant, while a fresher and brighter looking ... and the which incorporates 71 New Jersey clubs and make sure it arrives at its destination. used chair can cost anywhere from about chair he sat in was brand new. (including Matawan-Aberdeen) has And so, shortly the old dentist chair $400 to $1,000. Donaghue’s dentist, Dr. Larry J. equipped seven dentists offices in the for­ from Main Street will continue serving Mailing the old dentist chair to Ar­ Young of Main Street, had renovated the mer Soviet Union and one has been filled patients in a humid rural town in Ar­ gentina costs about $600, according to the office. in Argentina. gentina. Rotarians. “I asked, ‘What did you do with the “The technology is no different then Dr. Fred Stafflinger, a long-time den­ “Our budget commits to the shipping,” old chair?’ ” Donaghue recounted. His and now,” explained Elliott. “Today there tist who occupied the office at 105 Main said Elliott. “Other clubs, such as heart beat faster when the dentist told him is more plastic and nicer colors. We live Street before Young took his place, said Matawan-Aberdeen, are donating equip­ it was “downstairs, looking for a new in a throwaway society, and as patients, he purchased the chair in 1970. The chair ment.” home.” . A new home it soon received. On Friday, the old chair was taken away from Main Street forever as it began a trip to Argentina. There, many patients will open wide, just as they did in the borough over the D ay C are. D ry C leaning. past two decades. Luckily, Donaghue, a member of the Matawan-Aberdeen Rotary Club, recalled D e a d l i n e s . a four-year-old Rotary program which passes used dental equipment on to poor countries that desperately need them. If you’re a working mom, you’re either reading this in 30 “I had remembered hearing a talk seconds on your way out the door in the morning, or in about it during a conference in Boston in ‘92,” said Donaghue, the owner of the 30 seconds on your way off to sleep at night. You’re doing Mat-Key Press in Aberdeen. The program originated in the Franklin it all. The only problem is that you feel like you’re at the Township Rotary Club, explained Steve end of your rope. Goodman and Jay Elliott, past presidents of that club who drove to Matawan Friday Fortunately there’s a place where you can get afternoon in a pick-up truck to retrieve the old chair. help dealing with all the pressure you and “One dentist came up with the pro­ your family face today -T he Carrier gram knowing there’s good, used, equip­ ment sitting in garages that could be put Centers for and to good use somewhere else,” said Goodman, admiring the mint-green col­ Outpatient Treatment. They’re ored chair set squarely on the back of the part of Carrier Foundation, a truck. The club has advertised its service in private, nonprofit hospital that the Rotarian publication “World Commu­ has been providing specialized nity Service”, which comes out yearly and makes note of charitable offerings avail­ care for over four generations. able. In that way, people from around the Located in Somerset, Middlesex world who need dental equipment take notice and contact the club. and Monmouth counties, The Carrier Centers offer special programs designed lo help with everything from stress to depres­ sion, eating disorders, addiction and anxiety. Programs are offered in a relaxed environment on a convenient outpatient basis with day or evening sessions available lo suit your schedule. All sessions are com­ pletely confidential.

For information or to make an appointment, call The Carrier Centers for Counseling and Outpatient Treatment at 1-800-933-3579 or 1-908-281-1000.

TAKING A SEAT — Rick Patton and Jeff Donoghue of the Matawan Rotary Club load the old dentist’s The C arrier C enters for C ounseling C arrier Foundation chair from Dr. Young’s office on to and O utpatient Treatm ent a truck for shipment to Argentina. Where it all ends. Where it all begins (Photo by Rich Schultz) i *f(Cf.3'Tclf)U\ '19:>EC: M il HF 1 8 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT

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At The 1C B runsw ick At Exit 9, New Jersey Turnpike Three Tower Center Boulevard^ Route 18 East Brunswick, New Jersey THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 1 9

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Fulfilling the ultimate dream for any dog, a chow chow from Linden bested a SQGUST field of 20 hopefuls and was named All American Dog for 1993. 1 yRKORiV |.'4 l t Helped by strong showings in the swimsuit and sportswear competitions, Goliath, a 3-year-old, 60-pound, golden dog, swept to a narrow victory in the pageant, held recently at Freehold Raceway Mall. Goliath was resplendent in a snappy pair of shark-tooth swim trunks and Mickey Mouse sunglasses, and took the swimwear competition with ease. A miniature karate uniform, complete with protective headgear and nunchaku, earned Goliath a win for the sportswear It's T im e For competition, and served as the uniform The Best O f Sum m er for his entry in the talent competition. Fresh From O ur Farm Goliath is trained to chop a board in half with a well-timed, powerful karate August at Dearborn Farms brings you the chop, an act that thrilled the capacity very best of summer’s harvest picked daily crowd and sewed up the title for the pure­ at our family's farm and rushed to our store bred chow chow. for same day freshness. Pageant director Garrett Cashman said You'll taste the freshness of world famous the judges had a tough time deciding from Jersey tomatoes-beefsteaks, cherries and among the semifinalists, many from plums-zucchini, green peppers, yellow Manalapan, Howell and Clarksburg. squash, eggplant, string beans, cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloupes and more, all “No matter where the dogs are from, picked daily at our local farm. And since we they all share the dream of being the All grow our own produce, you're guaranteed American Dog,” Cashman said. “I’m the very lowest prices and highest quality. certain Goliath will prove to be a fine Don't forget. Dearborn is your summer champion.” cookout headquarters with everything you Cashman said the dogs are judged on need for the best barbecue ever! the same basis as their human Miss America counterparts — looks, person­ This W eek’s Specials ality, talent and poise. Goliath had all G ood fro m A ugust 18-23 those qualities and more, according to Cashman. PRODUCE Silver Queen “He was a charming dog, and he and White Corn...... $ 1 .9 9 /d z . his family came up with some great Fresh Maine Broccoli 2 for $ 1 .0 0 ideas,” Cashman said. From Our Farm: His owner, Kevin Berman of Linden, Sweet Bell said Goliath has been training for the Peppers (bagged)...... 2 9 0 / lb . competition for a few weeks and was very confident. Store-Cooked . “He knew he was the class of the Hirkey...... $ 4 .9 9 / lb . competition,” said Berman, who received From Our Kitchen: a gift certificate to the mall for his dog’s Stuffed Eggplant, victory. Peppers or Zucchini...... $ 2 .9 9 / lb . Berman said Goliath’s life shouldn’t change much as a result of his title; he will still take part in his favorite hobbies, Where quality and service chasing squirrels and sunbathing. Local favorite Scooby Doo of are fam ily traditions Manalapan, whose hobbies are getting treats and eating treats, was first runner- up. Also a finalist was Harry, a 3-year-old German shepherd and yellow Labrador mix from Howell. Harry performed a Michael Jordan-like slam dunk as his FARM MARKET, DELI & GARDEN CENTER talent. Sinbad and Jake from Clarksburg also placed among the top five favorites. Open every day. Mon. thru Sat., 8am - 6pm • Sun., 8am - 5pm • 2170 Highway 35, Holmdel, NJ • (908) 264-0256 2 0 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT

Now Little agreem ent BE A S T A R H Only 95 $ 9 (Reg. s2995) IFOR THE DAY★ ★ ★ ★ on police m erger

Shuey said. “You have to look at the big P o s i t i v e s , numbers to cut down taxes, and the biggest numbers are for the operation of negatives seen the police department.” HIGH FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY Aberdeen’s deputy mayor, John by both sides Mackay, said he is open minded. “Maybe this is before our time, and maybe not,” he said, adding “Even if we Your Special Glamour Shots BY LAUREN JAEGER don’t go through with it, the study was Experience Includes: Staff Writer worth the $3,500.” • A Glamorous, Complimentary Makeover Several residents of the borough and the township have stated clearly their and Hairstvling ABERDEEN — From government of­ • Foor Exciting Wardrobe and views. ficials to the average man on the street, For instance, a father and son — Joe Accessory Changes almost everyone has something to say McAleer, sr. of Matawan and Joe • A Fun IB-Pose Photo Session about Matawan and Aberdeen’s police de­ McAleer, jr., of Aberdeen — have oppos­ • Instant Viewing of Your Color Video Proofs partments becoming a unified force. ing views. • Portraits Back in About a Week They may have a lot to say, but they The son thinks a merger would be a Call For An are not saying the same thing. good idea. The father, on the other hand, Appointment Today “The important thing is to give the would like things to remain status quo. people plenty of opportunity to be in­ “A cop should go above and beyond 409-4700 volved,” said James Cox, township man­ Freehold Raceway Mall each call”’ according to the younger ager, who said a formal discussion is be­ McAleer, who said he feels the Aberdeen Located Upper Level* Sears Wing ing planned for later this month or next cops remain low-profile in his ‘ "I month. “You need to get a public review.” community. I The upcoming formal discussion may include the public, but will definitely in­ SPEAK OUT PHOTO SESSION ! clude both police chiefs, council 1-800-660-4237 members, the township administrator and ::' / V ; manager, and consultants from Police “The Matawan police answer iSliili Ik, town Bier IMS 8/lfl! Management Consultant Services Inc., promptly,” the father said. “I’ve had to itwisifliiyafffiftiief. Brick, who recently concluded a call them a few times because of medical commissioned study of the subject. reasons, and they’re here first with the • Gift Certificates Available • Portraits Additional Qlatnpurdhpts* The study, funded by Matawan and oxygen. I know we pay more per person • Satisfaction Goaranteed • Open 7 Days a Week Aberdeen, concluded “This would be an for the police than Aberdeen, but I think opportune time to (merge) the two exist­ it’s worth it.” t m ing police departments ... there is an op­ portunity to improve police services and The eider McAleer also questions at the same time reduce costs by hundreds whether a regionalized police department and thousands of dollars.” would also mean a loss of power for “It’s a complicated issue, kind of inter­ Matawan because the township has a esting and could be emotional, too,” ac­ larger population. cording to Cox. He pointed out that the Matawan-Ab­ Some people are remaining mum on erdeen regional board of education has the subject — in particular, the chiefs of more Aberdeen than Matawan members the two departments. because there are more Aberdeen resi­ SMALL Matawan borough’s chief Carmen dents. Messina feels it is still too early to make any comment on the matter. Aberdeen resident Sheilah Balavram, of Strathmore Gardens Apartments, SOCIETY 0 ACADEMY ® Aberdeen’s chief Brian Dougherty said, “It’s still being studied and it will be strongly opposes the idea of Matawan and Aberdeen joining forces. SCHOOL a while before any decisions are made.” A G ood D ecision Aberdeen’s mayor, David Lipman, She first emphasized that several years INFANTS • TODDLERS said he feels that “all avenues have to be ago. Aberdeen was formerly known as • PRE-SCHOOL explored” when it comes to efficiency and Matawan Township, but a referendum to cost saving measures in running a town. • K-2nd GRADE WM LOOK FOR 01 change the name was held to change “Matawan and Aberdeen have always Matawan’s name to Aberdeen in 1977 so 16 Luppatatong Ave. Keyport been Siamese twins,” he said. “They have it would stop being confused with the bor­ O P E \ H 0 l $ E a long history together, which isn’t always ough. Please C all U s For pleasant but always present.” “ would be detrimental,” Inform ation However, Lipman said the only reac­ Sunday October 3,1993 tions he’s gathered from the township she said. “You can’t take two forms of 264-9220 about merging with Matawan’s depart­ government and make them into one and ment have been positive ones. make it successful. “This isn’t a cut and dry issue, (but) Another Aberdeen resident, John everyone wants to save money,” the Buckley of Bechstein Drive, said he just Academic Excellence mayor said. “And (they feel) that by hav­ doesn’t feel a merger would work. ing police consolidate eff^s, it will avoid “Aberdeen has more problems than the 97% o f the Class o f 1993 duplication and .icjumptish a lot more.” borough has,” he said. Regionalization may be the wave of have enrolled in college me future, the mayor said, as more and Richard Wolfe of Warren Drive in more municipalities face ever-increasing Aberdeen said there is no way it could Athletic, extra-curricular and costs. However, the ride towards mergers work, unless Matawan and Aberdeen be­ social opportunities won’t likely be a smooth one. come one town. for personal development “All’s well and good when you work “And Matawan would be inheriting with (regionalizing) compost heaps,” the U.S. Dept, of Education “Exemplary Private School” our crime,” Wolfe said. Fully acreditied by mayor said. “But when you talk about po­ Middle States Assoc, of CoUege & Schools lice, it’s a very emotional issue.” “Where would they put the police sta­ Matawan’s mayor Robert Shuey said tion?,” he asked. “In the Cliffwood 850 Newm an Springs Road, many of the borough’s residents have School? In the Matawan town hall? What Lincroft, NJ been griping about the idea, but he would about response time? This report creates like to see the projected savings. more questions than anything.” TeL 908-747-1959 “For six years, I have heard people “This is a political statement, that’s complaining that the taxes are too high,” all,” he said. THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST T8,1993 2 1

From BABY Classes to the BROADW AY Stage... M aura H anlon o f H olm del d id it! Police D epartm ent From TAP SHUFFLES to the T V SOAPS... Joseph V alentino o f H azlet d id it!

From DANCE CLASSES to COLLEGE DANCE SCHOLARSHIPS... Jam ie R obinson o f Aberdeen d id it! From H IG H SCHOOL THEATRE to COLLEGE MUSICAL THEATRE ARTS.. to return to 28 m en Jessica P hilm us o f M ataw an d id it!. From Local RECITALS to RADIO C ITY M USIC HALL.. “There’s got to be a point where you J illia n B urke o f U nion Beach d id it! ABERDEEN — It is not everything say this is it,” Balavram said of the many From TALENTED STUDENT to TALENTED INSTRUCTOR.. N ancy C elestina o f M iddletow n d id it! they wanted, but it is better than what they children who run through the apartment From Just P lain Fun o r For The Serious M inded Student have. complex at late night hours. “The parents A nd F or The B eginner o r The P rofessionally M otivated... That is how many residents, attending aren’t there. When I was a kid, you knew Y O U C A N D O I T T O O ! a special meeting of the Township never to come into Aberdeen (to cause Council, reacted to the news that two new trouble).” BAYSHORE AC AD police officers will be hired. Hazel Baldwin of Gulden Avenue said Those in attendance said they had there needs to be more cracking down on hoped three new police officers would be the children who cause a ruckus late at coming to work in the township. night. “We are down by two people,” Town­ “At midnight, we are annoyed by the ship Manager Jim Cox said in explanation youngsters in the community,” she said. TRADITIONAL: Ballet-Pointe-Tap-Jazz-Mommy & Me-Pre School of the two planned hirings. “We are only “I’ve had to close my windows. It’s very SPECIALTY: Acro/(azz-Twiiling-Irish Step Dancing-Folk Dancing budgeted for 28 patrolmen.” annoying. If you call the police, they get Ballroom-Acting-Acrobatics-Street (Funk) Dancing “I’m a little disappointed not to get even with you by destroying property.” PROFESSIONAL: Broadway Musical Comedy-Ballet Ensemble three,’ said John Buckley of Bechstein However, Patrick McNamara, town­ ship attorney, pointed out that there are no NEW THIS SEASON: Country & Western Line Dancing - Cheer Dance Drive. “(The decision is) gratifying in one "A Class For Every Member of Your Family? respect and disappointing in another.” curfew laws in the state because they vio­ Buckley added that crime hit home late the First Amendment. when his next-door neighbor was robbed Debbie Brudnick of Loiraine Drive, five weeks ago. also made her unhappiness known about “These are the things that concern what she feels are crime-laden streets. me,” Buckley explained. “The drug activity on Cliffwood Av­ Lisa Currie, of Deerfield Lane, teaches enue and Raritan Street is unbelievable,” seventh- and eighth-grades at the she said. “The rapes are up and the mur­ Matawan Avenue School, and she says the ders are up. We’re near the main high­ lack of police officers affects the quality ways and the Garden State Parkway.” of her student’s life. Former chief of police John McGinty “There are students who have be con­ of Lake Boulevard complimented the fined to their homes after school, because council’s action on doing “two-thirds your of the drug dealing in the streets,” she job. I appreciate your efforts get a couple said. “They all complain about the same experienced guys.” However, he pointed thing. They feel like the police don’t re­ out, there must be an effort made to see spond.” that those guys want to remain with Ab­ Sheila Balavram, of Strathmore Gar­ erdeen, and not return to their old depart­ den Apartments, said her husband’s truck ments when there happens to be an open­ was broken into recently. ing there. On M Fine Century Furniture Experienced officers 0 - Upholstery ♦ Dining Rooms Bedrooms ♦ Occasional Furniture to be hired fo r force Entertainment Centers

ABERDEEN — And so be­ John Mackay, deputy mayor, about sev­ Enjoy the premium quality gins. eral meetings which took place between And once they are found, the two new township government officials Dougherty. of Century at very comfortable police officers that will be hired will bring Cox said the salaries the new officers semi-annual savings during the police force back to a staff of 28. would receive would be subject to negoti­ Middletown Interiors’ Famous “We are seeking two experienced, ation, but are expected to be a minimum street-ready officers,” Mayor David Lip- of $32,000. S u m m e r Sale. man announced at a special Aug. 9 For the township, the benefits of hiring Come choose from a vast se­ an experienced police officer far outweigh council meeting where the decision was lection of custom upholstered made. the hiring of a rookie at this time. Recently, there was a sudden loss of First, if the department chose to hire an sofas, chairs and sectionals, plus two men. Deputy chief Joe Booket passed untrained cop, the new officer would first bedroom, dining room, occa­ away and Patrolman Charles Patterson, have to go to the next class at the Mon­ sional furniture and custom who resigned. mouth County Police Academy and then In addition, the manpower shortage has finished chairs. All on sale now attend school for 18 weeks at a cost of been amplified by three patrolmen who at Middletown Interiors, the were out on disability. Two have recently $6,000. returned. The third however, Patrolman It would be another three to four original Century ShowPlace! CENTURY Frank Sigismondi is not expected to return months before the new hires could start Hurry in! Sale ends La borDay. S h w P I a c e* since he will retire on Nov. 1. work. The two new officers will join the Still, some people feel there is some Aberdeen ranks as soon as possible. benefit to hiring untrained officers. At the “The state keeps a list of people who special meeting in which the planned hir­ have been laid off,” according to Jim Cox. ings were announced, Elena Potemkine, of “We will hire the policemen as soon as we Greenwood Avenue, said that the council can.” should be looking at the qualified people ^MIDDLETOWN rl Brian Dougherty, chief of police, could already working for the township, instead not predict how soon the new duo would of hiring from elsewhere. arrive in the township, but he said he “One dispatcher was just about to be I n t e r i o r ^ ) hopes it will be as soon as possible. hired (as a police officer) the last time The Surprising^'Intelligent Place To Buy Fine Furniture Late last year, Aberdeen hired Darryl someone was hired,” Potemkine said. Richardson and experienced patrolman “The morale and support should be from 1270 Highway 35 • Middletown, NJ • (908) 671-6000 Mike Meany to replace Thomas Cadiloro within.” Hours: M on., Tues.: 10-5:30 ■ W ed., Thurs.: 10-9 ■ Fri., Sat.: 10-5:30 • Sun.: noon-5 during sale and Detective Ken Wicklund who retired. C om plim entary delivery anywhere in NJ • Visa/M C, Am erican Express “We want to do the right thing, and we — Lauren Jaegerr were in agreement with this totally,” said 2 2 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT

Schools head to take on facility p ro b lem

O ther issues include m oney, In the Spotlight district's needs technology in education. BY MARK RONDEAU “It’s an area that, at least on the sur­ face, appears weak,” he said. Staff Writer He added that the district needs to pre­ MIDDLETOWN — For new Superin­ pare children so that they can compete in tendent of Schools Peter Merluzzi, the market. bottom line is that school officials make The Middletown district has good test decisions that affect children. scores, a good staff and a lot of potential, “(Children) have got to be first and Merluzzi said. There’s a real concern foremost in what we do,” he said. among parents in the district for educa­ tional quality, he explained. He added that Merluzzi spoke with a reporter Aug. he wants to work with this concern to im­ 10, a week after beginning his duties as prove educational programming and re­ Middletown’s new superintendent of main current. schools. He recently signed a three-year contract with the school district, and will Computerization in the school district be paid a salary of $122,500 for the 1993­ is another area he feels needs to be looked 94 school year. at and improved. For instance, while he is not a proponent of discarding traditional “It’s basically a very good district,” he induStrial-arts programs, he noted that said of Middletown schools, and cited some districts have changed the course to quality staff and intelligent students. “technology education.” School officials need to strenghten it and emphasize the positives, he added. Merluzzi gained experience dealing with defeated school district budgets at his The district obviously has a serious fa­ last post, although he doesn’t like doing it. cility problem, he said, reaching for the He noted that doing long-range planning, multivolume Vittetta Group report on his perhaps five or 10 years ahead, is a way to desk. get things done, despite budget defeats The Vitetta Group is the school distric­ and financial problems. t’s architectural firm. “It’s a matter of planning and utilizing “We will have to resolve this facility what resources you have,”, he said. problem,” he said. “I’ve read all the facil­ The new superintendent said he has a ity reports.” “hands-on” leadership style and is easy to Merluzzi, who hadn’t yet seen the get along with. Though he has no trouble school facilities firsthand, said he is making decisions, he likes to give as scheduled to visit two or three schools many people as possible a share in the de­ with Business Administrator Ronald cision-making responsibility. In addition, Bolondi. he likes to be accessible, he said. Other problems to be dealt with in­ NEW SUPERINTENDENT — Peter Merluzzi recently took the post of He is a fast study, a hard worker and a clude a pending appeal to the state of the Middletown Superintendent of Schools. good listener, he added. Township Committee’s $2.5 million cut (Photo by Rich Schultz) in the defeated 1993-94 school district Although his previous district is not as budget. “It’s not all money, but a lot of it is, ” educational upgrade of facilities. large as Middletown’s district, there are many similarities, he pointed out. Another pending problem to be dealt he said of the district’s needs. Another of Merluzzi’s goals is to make with is the fact that the district’s contract Asked what he hoped to achieve as su­ the district’s curriculum better, though he “Kids’ needs are kids’ needs,” he said. with the teacher’s union has expired, and perintendent, Merluzzi mentioned several noted this is not to say that the district’s “Money is a problem there, and money is a new one has not been negotiated, a things. curriculum is bad now. a problem here.” month before the start of school, he said. First, he would like to make a decision Merluzzi said he has been discussing In addition, technology in education In addition, he said there obviously is a on how to address the facility problems in the curriculum with the supervisors of el­ also is an issue in both districts, he said. discrepancy between the amount of rev­ the school district. A recent presentation ementary and secondary education, and Merluzzi said that his management enue the district needs to fulfil its educa­ by the Vitetta Group indicated that it they have begun to identify a reasonable style is adaptive enough to adjust to the tional mission and the amount of money it would cost more than $30 million just to number of things to be accomplished in a differences between the two districts. do necessary structural repairs on district year. has. In addition, he has a lot of talented schools, and possible facility options He said he would try to “narrow the Another area he would like to improve people to help him in Middletown, he could exceed $100 million for a complete gap” in this area. in the school district is the utilization of said.

Guaranteed Lowest Prices From The Area’ s ONLY DISCOUNT Vision Center. STEPHEN J. SWARTZ, M.D. Board Certified Internal Medicine

HARRY M. SWARTZ, M.D. f i r s NOT Family Practice Announce the Singer/fpecs expansion of hours DISCOUNT VISION CENTERS Complete Eye 2 Complete Prs. Designer I Complete to Wednesday and Examination of Eyeglasses Frames Contact Lens Pkg. | certain Saturdays. IIncludes tests far: ■ , _ I This special selection includes IIn clu d e s: 2 prs. $ £ *1 9 5 ■ designs from: A/% a a f •Complete eye j, r s s $1G95i2prs • Liz Claiborne S Z I I V ) exam for contacts S\ New patients welcome. ■ ■ Visual acuities B W I J • Halston f / * Muscle Balance S . m . • One pair Bausch &> 8 9 95i Single-vision plastic lenses I *Guess S LomD Soft Spin • Depth & Color Perception K MART PLAZA • Sophia Loren • Many others or Ocular Science lenses. 138 Cherry Tree Farm Road, I • Peripheral vision I Stunning fashion collection I Oiler good with purchase of lenses only. Contact lens solution • Follow-up check-up I Coupon must be presented at time ol exam. . Over 100 styles of frames Rt. 35 & Bethany Rd. • Hazlet Lens may not be applicable to all patients Middletown 7 3 9 - 1 2 2 2 See optometrist [SingM/lpOCs]______| See optician iSinqot/Spct/ I i See optician Sinqef/fpec/ I See optometrist \ftnqet/tpcc/ for details. J _ toi- details. Marie Brusgard Cerra, O.D. for details. ------for details. ------6 7 1 - 3 3 1 3 ^jouponExpire^/n/93. IN^^joupon Expires 9/11/93. INdJ 739-0770 |^upon^ires^iy9^^1N^£^ujwnExpires 9/11/93. INlJ THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 2 3

Spne,f,! liS "0 i" ARCTIC OIL to GAS conversions esteryear AIR CONDITIONING, INC. Thousands of families in your area are using Arctic Air Conditioning already!... the hole in the wall at South Amboy. Mr. Kelson, while driving his car through the & • QUALITY WORKMANSHIP hole, released his brake and caused • HONESTY • VALUE W.H. Grant of Holmdel visited the several cars to strike each other; Jager and ' U U f a " ‘ Red Bank market last Friday. He was of­ Otto Schoeck started an argument with fered $1.25 per 100 for sweet corn, but X L 1 2 0 0 Kelson, but Kelson avoided them until Super High Efficiency refused the offer, as he sells all of his crop they reached Keyport. Then it is claimed AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM in New York for $1.40 per 100. that Jager and Schoeck attacked Kelson from John Hillyer Jr. of Middletown went and his wife, jumping on the running away last week, and his wife went to meet board of their car. continued for TRANE him at the noon train. The horse she was half a mile. Jager is said to have stabbed driving got frightened and ran into a yard. Mrs. Kelson and then jumped off the car. It ’s Hard Tb Stop A Trane. The carriage toppled over and Mrs. A big meeting of the potato growers is Hillyer was thrown out. Her shoulder was scheduled for Sunday afternoon at 3 o’­ 536-1711 or 583-9393 bruised. When they reached home, a clock at of Joseph H. Holmes, RESIDENTIAL SPECIALISTS.SINCE 1977 shower came up. Lightning struck a tree just west of Holmdel. Dr. Lipman and Dr. in the back yard and stunned a hired man Mel Cook and Theron McCampbell of who was sitting by the well. The lightning Holmdel have been making a tour of the Aerobic/Dance & Activewear also struck a chimney on the house and counties in Maine, where seed potatoes Largest Selection in the State! tore off a number of shingles. are grown, and a description of this trip Cheerleader Briefs In Stock James E. Conover of Holmdel is in and of the things which were seen in rela­ All Colors the busy vegetable mart nearly every day. tion to potato growing will be discussed at ■ Dance & Gymnastic Apparel • Dance & Gymnastic Apparel He is now selling apples and peaches. the meeting. • Discounted to Girl’s & Women’s Sizes-XS to XXXXLG Last Friday, he sold his load of peaches Mrs. Lucy Egolf of Holmdel spent (With this Coupon) ■ for 50 cents a basket. Thursday and Friday at Asbury Park. Mrs. We Stock The township committees of Holmdel Egolf received word Saturday morning of Capezio and Middletown townships met to con­ the safe arrival overseas of her son, Frank. sider the improvement of the road leading Dance & NEXT from Holmdel down past the Brookdale Gymnastic PURCHASE farm to Grover’s bridge at Newman 50 YEASS 4C0 Shoes (Excluding sale and clearance items) Springs. Col. Thompson of Brookdale I Expires 9/2/93 contributed $1,000 to the project. Red An ordinance regulating the estab­ shale from the church farm at Lincroft is lishment and operation of trailer camps in Fashions For Fitness being put on the road from the Holmdel Middletown township was introduced and line down to Lincroft. The hire of a man passed at Thursday’s township committee Lavawav H0LMDEL (Caldor) PLAZA • 739-6480 and a team is $3 a day. This road, from meeting. The ordinance establishes a li­ Available ( ln The Courtyard) Holmdel to Red Bank, will be one of the cense of $20 for each trailer. It also pro­ Hwy. 35 N. Holmdel best in the county. Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-5, Closed Sundays thru Labor Day vides for a fine of not more than $100 for John Johnson Jr. of Belford and his violations under the ordinance. cousin, W. H. Stilwagon, drove from Belford to Atlantic Highlands on Saturday night. There was a hole, five feet deep, and the young men drove into it. There was no light to show them that there was a hole in the road. Stilwagon’s wrist was An Old Bridge man was rescued by a sprained and he was battered and bruised. passing fisherman in Keyport at 7 p.m. The horses’ legs were skinned. The young Tuesday as his boat sank in the channel men have begun a suit against the borough leading to the marina. of Atlantic Highlands for the damage. Peter Perciaccanto told police he was entering the channel in his 20-foot inboard named the PJM when it suddenly began to sink. Mr. Richard Pine of of our Middletown Store Cheesequake, passing in the opposite di­ Alvin Bennet of Lincroft was knocked rection, returned Mr. Perciaccanto to Ped­ Celebrating at off his bicycle when his wheel was struck erson’s Boat Works, which in turn, towed by an automobile driven by Sidney the sunken craft into the marina. both locations Wheeler of Brooklyn. Mr. Bennet was Matawan Township (Aberdeen) is hurt on one arm. expecting $2 million in tax appeals, with Edward H. Jager of Union Hill was the major ones coming from the Matawan Featuring Selected Sets taken by Officer James McCann of Key­ Terrace Apartments, the Midland Glass port and charged with stabbing Mrs. Co. and the M&T Chemical Co., it was at unbelievable prices Moses J. Kelson. The stabbing was the re­ announced last night at the committee sult of an argument which had its start at meeting. up to 50% O ff All purchased just for this event. Stop in and see our displays. r o o m

• Major Lines Jen Sokolowski of Annmar Drive, seafood restaurant, Route 36, Keyport. • Best Selection Matawan, won a dinner for two for Each week, the Independent’s finding Andy Indy in the Aug. 11 issue mascot. Andy Indy, is hidden in a • Best Discount Prices of the Independent. different advertisement and readers are Sokolowski’s entry was the first invited to find him. one drawn from among those correctly An entry form for the contest can DISCOUNT identifying the cartoon character’s be found elsewhere in the paper. B a r o n hiding place. Forms should be sent to the DINETTES She spotted Andy in the Independent's new location at 7 advertisement for Baron Discount Edgeboro Road, East Brunswick Dinettes on Page 16 of last week’s 08816. MIDDLETOWN OCEAN paper. Entries must be received by (New Location) 1 8 3 3 Hwy. 3 5 1631 Hwy. 35 Sokolowski will receive a free Monday to be eligible for the weekly 6 7 1 -0 0 0 4 5 3 1 -6 8 5 5 dinner for two at the Chowder Pot drawing. 2 4 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT

DEADLINE: Aug. 23 ISSUE DATE: Aug. 18 ‘You, Me and Our Skeletons’ WIN DINNER relates plight of the homeless FOR TWO BY CHERYL MAKIN how he ended up on the street. “He says nothing in the beginning. I let ARTS & W hen you find Andy hiding Staff W riter people absorb the facts of him,” Oosthuizen in this week’s issue, you noted. “He is digging in the garbage to find m a y w in : T he man on stage has no home, food. He sits as if he is on the sidewalk. ENTERTAINMENT unless you call the cardboard box he a dinner for two at Lots of people would look on at him in dis­ crawls out of a home. He does; it’s gust, but he lets the audience know he is Fallender’s attention. THE CHOWDER POT all he has. This man, brought to life in a someone. He has feelings. “We were just talking and he said he SEAFOOD RESTAURANT tour de force performance by Andy “There are reasons he is where he is,” he draws,” Oosthuizen recalled. “He showed Located on Rt. 36 in Keyport Oosthuizen, is not unlike the men, women added. “He tells the audience why. Some me and Bruce Fallender what I thought and children who call cars, shelters or boxes Specializing in your favorite (reasons) are happy, some sad. Some are were these photographs of three faces. But home. Like the thousands of homeless, he they were not photos; they were charcoal seafood dishes along with a even very funny. He thinks back on his life has a story to tell. and tells them about his life. But he still has drawings. They were so detailed. He s u p e r s a la d bar. This story, told in this one-man perfor­ hope that he’ll get out of there.” showed me other work and I just thought, Just fill out the entry blank mance, is called You, Me and Our Oosthuizen performs this show about ‘My God, this guy is phenomenal.’ ” Skeletons, and is an original play penned a n d m a il it to: twice a year, noting it has a cult following. Because the work is of a realistic vein and acted by Oosthuizen, the founder of the “There are people who try to come to and is very intense, Oosthuizen believed it ANDY Amandla Theatre, Howell. Oosthuizen once each performance,” he noted. “One woman would complement You, Me and Our c/o The Independent again took the stage Saturday as he became has seen every single performance. She says Skeletons. Therefore, Reed’s artwork — this man with no home and told his story. 7 Edgeboro Rd, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 she always sees something new in it.” mostly urban landscapes, people and archi­ Though the process is extremely taxing, Like most of Oosthuizen’s perfor­ tecture — are on display in a debut show The winner will be drawn from the Oosthuizen has donned the tattered clothing mances, this production was a benefit. titled “Faces and Fractures” through the end entry blanks with the correct answer. and become possessed by this man’s per­ Proceeds this time went to the Adelphia of the month. sona for many years. Yet, unlike many Arts Center, located on Farmingdale- Drawing for as long as he can remem­ plays, each time it is performed there are Adelphia Road (Route 524) in Adelphia. ber, 26-year-old Reed, who graduated with changes. It is a continuing work in progress. This was also the site of Saturday’s show. an art degree from Rowan College, former­ “I always change it a bit,” said “Bruce Fallender always does a lot for ly Glassboro State College, believes it is Oosthuizen, a Freehold Borough resident other people, so this time this benefit is for his usually his charcoal drawings that garner from South Africa. “I interview people and art centei;,” Oosthuizen said. “That way, he his portfolio a lot of attention. add in their stories. Recently, I met a can continue to do the good work he does.” “I do these a lot,” Reed said. “They are , ' ,, VSWW : _ I woman whose family placed her in a mental Besides the poignant story of Oos­ fairly easy for me. They have a lot of impact Advertisement on Page _ a home though she shouldn’t have been put „ ; thuizen’s homeless man, the audience was of all the things that I’ve done. They are stark Name______I there. I added part of her story. I also added treated to the touching and startlingly realis­ close-ups of old people and black-and-whites more emphasis on his mother. There’s more Address. tic artwork of Freehold resident Mark Reed. of urban landscapes — very realistic stuff. I M s ? of a little bit of lightness as well. It’s very Coincidentally, Reed, a professional il­ guess a lot of it is pretty grim, but it gives a heavy and needed a light touch.” lustrator, is a neighbor of Oosthuizen and it good indication of what is out there.” Phone. While the character at first doesn’t have was just by accident that his work was dis­ For more information about the exhibit, much to say, eventually the audience learns M l covered by the actor-director and brought to call 462-7675.




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cM y F a i r L a d y : alw ays a first-class show

“Mary’s transformation is also wonder­ Prem ier Theatre ful,” he added. “She’s doing a great job.’’ The supporting cast includes Kent offers m usical Sweeney of Colts Neck as Eliza’s comi­ cal, money-grubbing father, Alfred on Lincroft stage Doolittle. Sweeney acted in last season’s Man of La Mancha. As Col. Pickering, James Marhold of ______BY CHERYL MAKIN______Old Bridge takes Professor Higgins’ bet to Staff W riter transform Eliza into a lady. Marhold was last seen at Premier in Oklahoma!, and W ouldn’t it be loverly to visit also starred in Carousel and 1776. with Eliza Doolittle and Diane Gonzalez of Marlboro, who was Professor Henry Higgins? Aunt Eller in Oklahoma!, will act the role Care to dance all night? Need to get to the of Mrs. Higgins, the professor’s mother, church on time? Well, all this is possible while Shelley Zeigler of Oakhurst, who thanks to the cast and crew of Premier was Ruth in The Pirates of Penzance, is Theatre Company, located at the Mrs. Pierce, the housekeeper. Henderson Theatre in Lincroft. Frank Andrews, who was in the other Under the direction of executive pro­ two Premier productions this summer — ducer Mark E. Fleming, My Fair Lady is as Will Parker in Oklahoma! and Samuel, being presented through Saturday. the pirate lieutenant, in The Pirates of Based on the George Bernard Shaw Penzance — is Freddy Eynsford-Hill, story Pygmalion, this musical, penned by Eliza’s suitor, in My Fair Lady. Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe, Next summer, Fleming has A nnie, tells the tale of a lowly flower girl who is Anything Goes and Me and My Girl transformed into a lady of regal bearing. planned. Call for subscriptions. Teaching subtle lessons of class and The show will be performed at 8 p.m. proper behavior, My Fair Lady contains tonight through Saturday. such popular musical numbers as “I Could Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for stu­ Have Danced All Night,” “I’ve Grown dents and seniors with ID and $10 for Accustomed to Her Face,” “W ouldn’t It children 12 and under. Be Loverly?” and “Get Me to the Church on Time.” The theater is located at 850 Newman FLOWERS AND PHONETICS — The Premier Theatre Company presents Springs Road (Route 520), Lincroft. For My Fair Lady starring Mary Keefe as Eliza Doolittle and Michael Chartier For Fleming, who has more than 50 more information, call 747-0008 or 758­ plays under his directing belt, this particu­ as Henry Higgins. The play runs though Saturday at the Henderson 1118. lar production had its fill of challenges. Theatre in Lincroft. “It’s definitely one of the biggest shows we’ve ever done,” the Spring Lake Heights native said. “The amount of M A EYEGLASS. changes that we did in the last 72 hours before the show was unbelievable. There are so many set changes and costume R R SAVINGS! changes. This time, we have 60 people in the cast. It’s really a small cast, but you have to have a chorus, and boy, do we UIM k i d s have one. Also, everybody always wants to be in every number, but I can’t have 60 [G M JZyg £ X a m a n ( | " l , | people on stage. There were challenges everywhere.” | Deluxe Eyeglass Package " Noting logistics and technical aspects as the greatest to conquer, Fleming is confident that his stellar group overcame all odds. “Opening night really was like Miracle List on Route 520,” noted Fleming, who found * 1 9 2 I* himself working on the stage crew one 1 Package Includes *f night. “Though we had a limited amount | • EYE EXAMINATION by Optometric |f of time, the audience loves it.” Doctors - J. Wildman, O.D., Larry Scharf, O.D. With a cast of Premier veterans, My I • Frame choice from Red Tag Collection Fair Lady stars Michael Chartier of Long I • POLYCARBONATE Virtually unbreak- J Branch as Professor Henry Higgins and able lenses, lightweight, kids safe, single vision Mary Keefe of Neptune as Eliza. Chartier I • Scratch Resistant Coating Included has worked with Fleming on many I • Ultraviolet protection Included productions, including such Jane Milmore . • No Oversize Charge and Billy Van Zant projects as Jesus ■ • Up to ±2.00 sph - 2.00 cyl Christ Superstar, while Keefe was seen in I • Unconditional guarantee for 14 months, j Pippin and South Pacific. I Dilation, therapeutic and contact lens exam additional. Higher Rx and bifocals I additional. No other discounts or insurance benefits apply. Prior purchases As for the actors, following in the excluded. Sale prices as total package only. Up to age IB. Expires 7/31/93 ^With coupon only. shoes of Rex Harrison, Julie Andrews and v i i s i o n c e r r o Audrey Hepburn can be a daunting task, MIDDLESEX/SOMERSET COUNTY MONMOUTH COUNTY but according to Fleming, they have E. BRUNSWICK Village Green Rt. 1 8 ...... 238-7373 EATONTOWN Office Max Plaza Rts. 35 & 36 ...542-3050 CHANGE YOUR pulled it off admirably. EDISON Oak Tree Center...... 494-8484 FRANKLIN PARKRt.27 Franklin Town Cntr ..940-0900 FREEHOLD 179 South Street...... 431-2290 ! EYECOLOR ! “Michael has really softened Higgins. WOODBRIDGE 675 Rt 1 & Gills Lane 636-7444 HAZLET Rt. 35, Hazlef Plaza ...... 739-4000 His style is unique,” Fleming said. I OCEAN COUNTY HOWELL Rt. 9. Candlewood Shop. Ctr 363-7100 Expires 8-31-93 LINCROFT 644 Newman Springs R d 842-6600 SOFT LENSES “People have been comparing him to Peter BRICK Drum PI. Plaza, Brick Blvd 920*1330 LAKEHURST Lakehurst Circle Ctr., Rt. 70 .657-1400 MATAWAN/OLD BRIDGE Rt. 34. Marketplace II.. 583-3600 reR Durasoft 2 Colors Reg $119. O’Toole more than Rex Harrison. You tllS ;" MANAHAWKIN Hrbr. Plz. Rt. 72...... (609) 597-0250 MIDDLETOWN Rt. 35, Pathmark C tr 671-7300 PAIR Blue, Green, Hazel, Grey have to love and hate this character at the I S J TOMS RIVER 28 Main Street...... 240-2021 RED BANK 60 Broad S t...... 530-5151 EYE EXAM, FITTING & 30 DAY FOLLOW-UP$ 8 U TOMS RIVERRt. 37 E.. Brookside Plaza 270-4080 WALL Rt. 35, Seagirt Mall...... 223-2800 (Proper maintenance requires sterilization, storage & cleaning in special con­ same time. But Michael shows he is more tainers & solutions. This cost is not included. Sale prices as total package only than just a taskmaster. MOST INSURANCE AND MEDICARE PLANS ACCEPTED Ii' not be appropriate for ail patients. No other discount or insurance apply. c - • ti , ti nn •n?-'-1 i - u —


O p i n i o n

New school heads have m uch to keep them busy

T he Middletown and Holmdel school districts have each welcomed a new superintendent of schools.In Middletown, Peter Merluzzi has assumed the hot seat as the new superintendent. He faces many problems in the 17-school district, including school buildings that are crumbling around the edges. In addition, a contract with the teachers’ union doesn’t even seem close to being reached, with the beginning of the school year less than a month away. And of course, later in the year will come the annual vote on the school budget, which is almost always defeated in this large and diverse township. The situation for new Holmdel Superintendent of Schools Susan Steadman LeGlise is much different. Financial problems are fewer, and the four-school district is much smaller. However, the latest teachers’ contract also has not been signed in this town, and an addition to the Village School may have to be built to accommodate an influx of early elementary-age children from new developments in the area. At any rate, we wish both our new superintendents luck, and predict that they will have a lot to keep them busy and on their toes in the coming years.

crime a night off.” Police w ork hard They came around to the different sec­ tions, spent time with children and citizens I just completed reading a letter to the and spoke with us. They were involved in editor written by Scott Mandel. He was an important citizens’ program. discussing the possible merger between It is . unfortunate that people who feel the Aberdeen Police Department and the as Mr. Mandel does, and letters such as What else can I do? This is my third Matawan Police Department. his, often get the most attention. T rying to find year of interviewing and I am no closer to Mr. Mandel was referring to the money Perhaps Mr. Mandel has not actually my goal of becoming an elementary a teaching job spent on the study for this merger when he had dealings with our police in situations school teacher than I was at graduation. stated that he can’t believe they “spend The purpose of this letter is to express such as I am describing. I would urge him I would appreciate any advice the public this kind of money on police.” He went on and any other citizen who feels as he does my frustration in trying to obtain a to say that all our police do is set up road­ position as an elementary school teacher can give me. I am not sure what else I can to get involved in community programs do. blocks to check for safety belts and give where we work with our police depart­ in New Jersey. I was graduated from out tickets. ment. Get to know our officers in these Douglass College in May 1991 with‘a 3.9 LISA ANN CHRIST These statements angered and horrified types of settings, as well as in emergen­ grade-point average in education and a 3.4 East Brunswick me. Mr. Mandel must not live in the same cies. They are our friends and our neigh­ overall. I took more than the required town that I do, or else he hasn’t taken the bors. They are an important part of Ab­ education classes and had a 4.0 two time and initiative to know our police. erdeen. semesters in my four years. The police in our town work very hard HELENE DRAPKIN My first year after graduation, I worked S p e a k o u t ! for us. If you need them, they are there. It A b e r d e e n as an accounts payable clerk after not is unfortunate that at this time, there is a being able to secure a teaching job. lack of manpower. This is the problem Express your opinion on local news. My second year after graduation, after that is trying to be rectified. Whether the T hanks for story merger is the way to handle this matter or interviewing unsuccessfully for seven Look for the stories marked with school districts in New Jersey, I not was not the issue of his letter. I’d like to thank Marilyn Duff for the the Speak Out symbol and call swallowed my pride and took a low- Whether or not I agree with the merger wonderful article she wrote about Huber with youir comments. paying, low-prestige, loW-respect position is not the issue of my letter. Woods Park in the July 28 Independent. as a head teacher in a nursery school/child G ive y o u r I have had personal dealings with both You cannot believe the number of peo­ the Aberdeen Police Department and the care center to gain experience. • Full name ple who showed up at the environmental • T o w n Matawan Police Department. I am the center, having just read the piece, and I also substituted during the spring of the 1992/1993 school year. • Phone number (to verify or clarify chairwoman of the McGruff House Pro­ “never knew this was here!” messages. Numbers will not be published) gram for both of these towns. Both de­ They were most pleased with them­ Since my graduation in 1991, I have partments have been working hard to en­ selves for finding the park, and seemed returned to graduate school, taking classes Speak Out is available 24 hours a day. sure the success of this program, which is delighted with what we have to offer. in mental retardation and learning Push-button phones only. geared toward the safety of our children. The Independent’s photographer, Rich desabilities, to broaden my scope of To reach Speak Out — press 3 In Aberdeen, they also are involved in Schultz, also did a fine job in selecting a educational knowledge. I have also To reach the Independent - press 3 the Neighborhood Watch Program. In fact, very lovely angle of the house and court­ attended numerous educational seminars a g a in just this week, many of our officers — as yard, framed in day lilies. and I have tried to stay on top of the You have one minute to leave a well as our chief of police — volunteered current literature. message; then the line will disconnect. on their own time to come out to the block ANNETTE A. WIESMILLER I have even gone to seminars to improve parties set up for National . This Huber Park Environmental Center my resume and interviewing skills. ! SPEAK OUT was a night set up nationally to “give M id d le t o w n *£>/ 1-800-660-4237 THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 2 7



BOUNCING BABY GIRL — Melanie Plichta, 2, enjoys the “Moon Bounce” at the Leonardo Community Fire Company’s Fireman’s Fair in Middletown. (Photo by Rich Schultz) MARKETPLACE MALL ’B iiie (N ecessities ROUTE 34, MABVWAN rnTTTPTHE T LINGERIE mr'TjTDTT? r\TT»TtTOUTLET XPrn (908) 583-3878


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C a l e n d a r

social hour. Doors open at 8 p.m. AUDITIONS Dancing, disc jockey, light refreshments. Group is non-sectarian. First Presbyterian Church, North Main Street, Hightstown (10 Today through Friday miles from Princeton) $6. For further • Auditions for Creative Theatre of information, call 446-2699, (609) 520­ Princeton’s September and October tour­ 9337, (215) 945-1695. ing production of The Sorcerer’s Appren­ tice. Needed are a male singer and a male F rid a y or female dancer with acting experience. • New Jersey Association of W om en Send resumes to Creative Theatre, 102 Business Owners, reservations due for its Witherspoon St., Princeton 08540. For an breakfast on Aug. 26, 8-10 a.m. Holiday appointment, call 1-609-924-3489. Inn, Tinton Falls. $17 for members and • Auditions for Marlboro Com m unity guests. Make checks payable to Candy Players’ October production of The Ceme­ Bennett, C.B. Services, P.O. Box 37, Fair tery Club. 8 p.m. in the teen center. Haven, NJ 07704. Needed are six female actors ages 40-60. • SingleFaces Dance Party, 9 p.m. Call 972:7217. Grand Summit, 570 Springfield Ave., Summit. $10, jackets required. For F rid a y directions, call 273-3000; for information, • Auditions for MeadowLark Produc­ call 462-2406. tions’ presentation of Dracula. 7-9 p.m. at the Meadow Theater in the Galleria S a tu rd a y Atrium, Bridge Avenue and West Front • SingleFaces dance party, Street, Red Bank. Needed are two women Scanticon, 100 College Road east, ages 18-25 and six men ages 20-60+. Princeton. For directions, call (201) 452­ Auditions also may be scheduled by 7800; for information, 462-2406. All appointment. Call 758-0099. dances are at 9 p.m., $10 fee. • Garden State Nu-Voice club for Sunday through Tuesday laryngectomees meets weekly 9-11 a.m., • Auditions for Center Drama Work­ in the auditorium of Riverview Medical shop’s production of Evita. 6 p.m. Sunday Center, Red Bank. For more information, and 7:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the call Ed Saville, 566-6632. The club is non­ Jewish Community Center, 100 Grant profit. Ave., Deal Park. All roles are open; chorus members also are needed. A separate S u n d a y audition for the childrens’ chorus will be • SingleFaces Dance Party. Hilton at held at 4 p.m. Sunday. Auditioners should Short Hills, 41 JFK Parkway, Short Hills. 8 be prepared to sing and dance. Call 531­ p.m. $10 fee, jackets required. For 9100 or 222-4560. directions, call (201) 379-0100; for directions 462-2406. Monday and Tuesday • Auditions for Theatre Guild of Old T u e s d a y Bridge’s October production of Dracula — The Musical? 8 p.m. at Carl Sandburg • Central Jersey Widow and Middle School, Route 516, Old Bridge. Widowers Group. Dinner and meeting. 7 Needed are four men and four women p.m. at the Burger Hop, Route 9, principles as well as numerous chorus Manalapan. For more information, call parts, all between ages 18 and 50. Audi­ 254-9293. tioners should come prepared to sing. For • Lakewood Piners’ Toastmasters information, call 290-7652. helps polish communication skills from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Lakewood Municipal Monday through next Building, second floor, 231 Third St., W e d n e sd a y Lakewood. UP, UP AND AWAY — Jeanne Rotola and her daughter, Courtney, 2, • Auditions for the Red Oak Music • Red Bank Area Barbershop Chorus, watch a balloon escape at Hazlet Township’s Old-Fashioned Block Theatre’s October production of The weekly meeting 7:30 p.m., Red Bank Party Friday at Veterans Memorial Park. The second annual township Middle School, 101 Harding Road, Red Music Man. 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Red Oak block party — postponed from the previous Friday because of rain — Bank. Ability to read music not required. Studio, 472 Somerset Ave., Lakewood. attracted about 400 residents. Auditions for children will be held at 2 p.m. Voice testing will be available upon (Photo by Rich Schultz) Monday. All roles are open. Auditioners request. For information, call 870-3310. should come prepared to sing and dance. Call 367-1515. CRAFTS EXHIBITS Hours: noon-5 p.m. Wednesdays-Fridays aind 11 a.m.-3 pirn. Saturdays. For CLUBS information, call Jeff Silverman at 264­ Today through September Today through Sunday 3939. • The Monmouth Chapter of the • New Jersey State Teen Arts Pro­ Today through Aug. 30 T o d a y Embroiderers Guild of America will exhibit gram 1993-94 Visual Arts Touring Exhibit, its 1993-94 projects at the Eastern Branch • Drawings by Angelika Fuellemann singles in community displayed at the Gallery at Bristol-Myers • SYNERGY, Monmouth County Library, Route 35 and embroidery by the Monmouth County service, 7:30 p.m. Monmouth Civic Squibb, Route 206, Princeton. Hours: 9 north, Shrewsbury. For further information, Chapter of Embroiderer’s Guild of Auditorium, Monmouth Mall, Eatontown. a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays; to 8 p.m. call the library, 264-3993. America, both displayed at the Eastern For further information, call the volunteer Thursdays; and 1-5 p.m. weekends and Branch of the Monmouth County Library, center, 741-3330. holidays. For information, call 1-609-252­ Route 35, Shrewsbury. Call 431-7251. • Monmouth County Conservative 6275. Club will meet at 8 p.m. at Town and DANCE Country Inn, Route 35 and Main Street, Today through Tuesday Today through Aug. 31 Matawan. Conservatives are welcome to • “Recovering Histories: Aspects of • Paintings by Middletown resident attend. Tickets are on sale now for the Today through Aug. 30 Contemporary Art in Chile since 1982,” Herb Korchin, displayed at Middletown Township Public Library, 55 New Mon­ group’s first dinner on Sept. 17. For more • Subscribers to the M onm outh exhibit displayed at Zimmerli Art Museum, George and Hamilton streets, New mouth Road. Hours: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon- information, call Don Gorman, 780-3347. County Dance Program will receive a 20 Brunswick. Free. Hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. • Shore Hills Chapter of Sweet Ade­ percent discount on single ticket prices if days-Thursdays and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri­ Tuesdays-Saturdays and noon-5 p.m. days. lines, weekly meeting 7:30 p.m., Raritan purchased before Aug. 30. A 15 percent Sundays. Call 932-7511. High School, Middle Road, Hazlet. Open discount is offered thereafter. The series at this time for new members. For more includes the Ballet Theater of Pennsylva­ Today through Sept. 2 information, call 264-3236 or 988-4598. nia in Dracula, The Ballet, \/iva Brazil Today through next Wednesday • John Billie will display models of • Liberty Oak Chapter of Sweet Ade­ Dance Com pany and the. Alvin Ailey • Kathryn Cooke will display Bunka gazebos and covered bridges at the lines, weekly meeting 7:30 p.m., Freehold Repertory Ensemble. All performances needlecraft at the Marlboro Branch of the Monmouth County Library Headquarters, Township Public Safety Building, Schanck are in Poliak Auditorium of Monmouth M onm outh County Library, Library Court 125 Symmes Drive, Manalapan. Call 431­ and Stillwells Corner Roads. Call 780­ College, West Long Branch. Tickets for and Wyncrest Drive. Call 431-7251. 7251. 9834 or 780-6513. the Ailey concert are $20; $18 for seniors • Photography exhibit by the Cov­ and students. Other programs are $18; Today through Aug. 28 ered Bridge Camera Club, Monmouth Every Friday $15 for seniors and students. For • “Classical in Color,” exhibition of 15 County Library Headquarters, 125 • Forum for Singles, discussion information, call the college box office at hand-painted photographs at the Studio Symmes Drive, Manalapan. Call 431­ groups with single-oriented topic and 571-3483. Gallery, Broad and Front streets, Keyport. 7251. THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 2 9

Today through Sept. 9 L. Montgomery Home, both in Freehold Monmouth County Library, Route 35, • Indian jewelry by Dhriti Bagchi, dis­ Township. For girls 14-17 to develop life Shrewsbury. Free. Call 842-5995. played at the Monmouth County Library skills, provide volunteer service time and • “College Admission: How to,” pre­ SPECIAL EVENTS Headquarters, 125 Symmes Drive, Man­ explore careers in . sented by Francine Garson, college ad­ alapan. Call 431-7251. Participants will work in departments such missions adviser. 7:30 p.m. at the Marl­ Today through Friday as nutrition, recreation, occupational boro Branch of the Monmouth County • Clyde-Beatty Circus, behind the Today through Sept. 24 therapy, nursing administration, patient Library, Library Court and Wyncrest Drive. Belmar Marina. Show times are 4:30 and • Watercolor paintings and colored- services and more. $6 fee; registration is Free. Call 536-9406. 7:30 dailly. Adults, $9; children 12 and pencil drawings by Joan Mullin of Middle­ limited. To register, call the Monmouth under, $6; senior citizens, 62 and older, town, displayed at the Red Bank Public Council of Girl Scouts, 938-5454. Next Wednesday $6; reserved saeting $2 extra. Call 681­ Library, West Front Street. Hours: 9 a.m.- • “Investment Planning for Your 2266. Longer Life,” presented by Sebastian 8 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thurs­ Messina, certified financial planner from days; and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdays and T h u rsd a y FIND-RAISERS Prudential Securities. 7:30 p.m. at the Fridays. Call 842-0690. • Last day for reservations to see Monmouth County Library Headquarters, “Kiss of the Spiderwoman," or “Guys and 125 Symmes Drive, Manalapan. Free. Call Today through Sept. 26 D olls"on Broadway. $79 includes F rid a y 308-3761. orchestra seats, transportation, all taxes, • Birdsong: The Avian Connection, • Fund-raiser for the Marlboro driver’s tip. Bus leaves at 6 p.m. from the featuring 28 contemporary and historic Democratic organization. Live Mater Dei High School parking lot, Cherry artists who include birds in their work, entertainment, buffet, dancing. Show time . Tree Farm Road, New Monmouth, and displayed at the Monmouth Museum, at 7 p.m.-midnight. Tickets are $20 per M l S IC returns approximately 11:30 p.m. For pre­ Brookdale Community College, Lincroft. person. Lakeside Manor, Route 36, . paid reservations, call Pat Thompson, Hours: 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Tuesdays- Hazlet. For tickets, call 536-4190. 787-3652 or Rita Young, 787-9138. Saturdays and 1-5 p.m. Sundays. Mem­ T o d a y bers admitted free. Non-members: adults, Every Saturday • The Sandy Hook Summer Beach S a tu rd a y $3, children and seniors, $2.50. Group • Deborah Hospital Foundation, Pine Concert series features the U.S. Army • Singles Delaware River Canoe Trip. rates available at $2 per person. Call 747­ Brook chapter, presents bingo, Saturday Swing Band. 6 p.m. at Sandy Hook Beach Leave at 5 p.m. from Thompson Park, 2266. evenings, Great American Flea Market, Area D. Free. Call 872-0115. Newman Springs Road, Lincroft. $16, pre­ Route 9, Howell. Doors open 6:15 p.m.; registration required. Canoe rental Today through Sept. 30 games start 7 p.m. $1,000 in prize money. Today through Saturday available. For more information, call • Quilted wall hangings by the Re­ For the sole support of Deborah Heart and • Keyboardist Morris Nanton per­ Monmouth County Park System, 842­ becca’s Reel Quilters Guild, displayed at Lung Center, Browns Mills. Call Jack forms evenings in the lounge of Jerry 4000; the TDD for the hearing impaired is Poricy Park, Oak Hill Road, Middletown. Tesser, 536-3611. Beyer’s, 113 Main St., Matawan. Call 583­ 219-9484. Call 842-5966. 2044. S a tu rd a y Saturday and Sunday Today through Oct. 24 • Arts and Crafts Fair to benefit the • Clear Water Festival, music, Adolf Strauss House on Prospect Avenue. • New Jersey Landscapes: 37 entertainment, bay sailing, children’s fun Memorial Park, First Avenue, Atlantic paintings, drawings, prints and watercol­ area, food, crafts. Noon-7 p.m. Sandy Highlands. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. PARK EVENTS ors on exhibit; also, Central New Jersey Hook. Reservations must be made for bay stoneware, at the Monmouth County His­ sailing. For more information, call the S u n d a y Clear Water hotline, 872-9644. torical Association Museum, 70 Court St., • Chicken dinner, sponsored by T o d a y Freehold. For information, call 462-1466. • Waterloo Peach Festival at Ladies Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign • Insects of the Night, 7-9 p.m. Poricy Waterloo Village, Stanhope. Peach Wars Post No. 4247, Third and Waverly Park, Oak Hill Road, Middletown. Bring a Today through Feb. 20 desserts, sundaes, homemade peach ice streets, Keyport. 4-6 p.m. Donations are flashlight. Free, no registration required. cream, hamburgers, hot dogs, tours of • Monmouth County Historical Associ­ $6 per person, $5 for seniors and $3 for • Smooth Dancing , 8-9 p.m. Tatum homes and Indian Village, crafts, country ation presents “200 Years of New Jersey children under 12. Call 264-8391. . Park Regional Center, Red Hill Road, games for kids, two blue grass bands. Maps,” 70 Court St., Freehold Borough. Middletown. Concentrate on the waltz, Culinary contest on Sunday, original Hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays-Satur- fox-trot, swing, polka. For local couples, recipes which include fresh peaches. days and 1-4 p.m. Sundays. Admission: fee is $40 per couple, pre-registration is HEALTH Prizes awarded at 2 p.m. Adults, $8; for adults, $2; seniors, $1.50, and children required. For more information, call the children 8-15, $4; senior citizens, $6. For park at TDD for the hearing ages 6-18, $1. Association members and 842-4000. more information, call the office, (201) impaired is children under 6 admitted free. Call 462­ S a tu rd a y 219-9484. 347-0900 or the parsonage, 852-2723. Swim 1466. • Supersitter course offered at • Prime Timer’s Recreational Time at the heated outdoor pool, Dorbrook Bayshore Community Hospital, 727 N. Recreational Area, Route Colts Neck. Beers St., Holmdel. Ages 11 and older. 9 537, a.m.-3 p.m. in Conference Room A. $30 Wednesdays 5-5:30 p.m.. Fee is $12 per person, pre-registration required. For THEATER includes course materials and more information, call the park at FILMS refreshments. Pre-registration required. 842­ Call the hospital, 888-7300, during 4000. business hours. Thursday through Saturday F r i d a y • Two Gentlemen of Verona, pre­ T h u rs d a y • Stroke Club meets at 10:30 a.m. in • Family Dinosaur Night, dinosaur sented by the Holmdel Summer Theatre • The Reivers, starring Steve the Neuberger Auditorium, Riverview tales, activities. 7-8 p.m. Holmdel Park Festival. 8 p.m. at the Duncan Smith McQueen. 12:30 p.m. at the Monmouth Medical Center, Red Bank. For more Activity Center, Longstreet Road, Theatre Barn, Holmdel High School County Library Headquarters, 125 information, call Community and Corporate Health, 530-2417. Holmdel. $1.50 fee, pre-registration complex, Crawfords Corner Road, Symmes Drive, Manalapan. Call 308­ required. To register, call Monmouth Holmdel. Tickets, $10. Call 946-0427. 3761. M onday County Park, 842-4000; the TDD for the • The Premier Theatre Com pany • Look Good, Feel Better, sponsored hearing im paired is 219-9484. presents My Fair Lady. 8 p.m. Thursday T u e s d a y through Saturday and a matinee at 2 p.m. • A Place in the Sun, starring by Monmouth Unit of the American Cancer Society. For women undergoing S a t u r d a y Saturday at the Henderson Theatre, 850 Elizabeth Taylor, Montgomery Clift and • Free Stenciling Demonstration at Newman Springs Road, Lincroft section of Shelley Winters. 2 p.m. at the Eastern chemo or radiation therapy. Free professional make-over, complimentary Longstreet Farm, Holmdel. 1-3 p.m. For Middletown. Adults, $15; students and Branch of the Monmouth County Library, more information, call 842-4000, the TDD seniors, $12; children 12 and younger, Route 35, Shrewsbury. Call 308-3761. bag of cosmetics. Registration required. Call the Monmouth Unit of the American for the hearing impaired is 219-9484. $10. Children admitted for $8 on Cancer Society, 280-2323. Sessions held • Country Square Dance. 7:30-10 Thursday. To reserve, call 747-0008 or 1:30-3:30 p.m. at Christiane Salon Ltd. p.m. Holmdel Park Shelter Building, 758-1118. FOR KIDS Crate’s Plaza, 12 N. Bridge Ave., Red Longstreet Road, Holmdel. Beginner and Bank. advanced. $2.50 payable at the door. For Thursdays through Saturdays more information, call the Monmouth through Aug. 2 8 Saturdays and Sundays through Count Park System, 842-4000. • First Avenue Playhouse, a dessert theater, presents the comedy Aspirin and A u g . 2 9 LECTURES S u n d a y Elephants. Dessert at 8 p.m.; show at 8:30 • The Meadow Theater Summer • Free Poetry Reading at Longstreet p.m., 123 First Ave., Atlantic Highlands. Clubhouse, variety show and story theater Farm, Holmdel. For more information, call Admission: $18 per person; $35 for two. presented by The Meadow Kids at 1 p.m. S u n d a y Monmouth County Park System, 842­ Reservations necessary; call 291-7552. Audience participates in sing-alongs, • The Rev. Dr. Kenneth Kinghorn will 4000; the TDD for the hearing impaired is improvisations, theater games, story preach at the 10:30 a.m. service at the 219-9484. 1-3 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through theater. The Kid Who Cried Wolf Great Auditorium at Ocean Grove, 54 Pitman Ave. Ben Haden, speaker on A u g . 2 8 .Saturday and Sunday and Aug. 28-29. Next W ednesday • Bob Fosse’s musical, Chicago. 8:30 Tickets are $8. Adults receive a $2- Changed Lives TV-Radio, will preach at • Day Off on the Delaware, along the p.m. at the Actor’s Cafe, 602 Main St., , discount when purchasing a child’s ticket the 7:30 p.m. service. Delaware River to the Water Gap. Leave Bradley Beach. General admission, $12; at full price. Located in the Galleria Atrium from Thompson Park, Newman Springs students and seniors, $10. Call 988-6165 at Bridge Avenue and West Front Street, T u e s d a y • Travel slide program about Egypt, Road, Lincroft; at 8 a.m. Fee is $16, pre­ for reservations. Red Bank. For more information and registration required. For more reservations, call 758-0099. narrated by Peter J. Koelsch. 7:30 p.m. at the Middletown Township Public Library, information, call the Monmouth County Saturdays and Sundays through Park System, 842-4000; the TDD for the A u g . 2 9 Monday through Aug. 26 55 New Monmouth Road. Free. Call 671­ 3700. . hearing im paired is 219-9484. • Beauty and the Beast, children’s • “Caring and Sharing,” program • “The Latest From Paris. A News • Senior walk at Huber Woods, Locust theater production. 1 p.m. at the Actor’s sponsored by the Monmouth Council of Report on Fashion, Food and Architec­ section of Middletown at 9 a.m. Cafe, 602 Main St., Bradley Beach. Girl Scouts in conjunction with ture,” slide show and talk by Ann Sterling. Registration fee. Call Monmouth County Tickets, $5. Call 988-6165 for reserva­ CentraState Medical Center and the John 7:30 p.m. at the Eastern Branch of the Park System, 842-4000. tions. 3 0 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT

Heil’s Energy C u lin ary Renaissance: art w ork Efficient 9000 Central Air By Marc Schlossberg mushrooms was as fine a lamb dish as we have had in recent memory. The sauteed, Conditioner C u l i n a r y thick little filets and natural pan juices et’s get right to the heart of the P lu s L would make any gourmand stand up, take matter. The Culinary Renaissance R enaissance Protection notice and make future reservations. The Restaurant lacks ambiance ... but fresh French thin green beans were a nice you can’t eat decor, anyway, and that’s 12 C enter St. U n til 1998 accompaniment. the only thing amiss here. Having gotten Not to be outdone, an intriguing that off my chest, the remainder is a M e t u c h e n / NO LABOR OR PARTS grilled fillet of snapper entree ($17) delight to report. CHARGES FOR 5 YEARS 548-9202 impressed us as a fine seafood choice. The / INCLUDED IF YOU BUY The restaurant’s name has been whis­ pered in my ear by, it seems, almost perfectly grilled (our waitress asked us the BEFORE AUGUST 31,1993 everyone. Have you been there? You have Hours: Lunch, 11:30 a.m.~2 degree of doneness preferred) snapper was / 12 RANGE S.E.E.R. to try it, etc. Sooner or later, you get p.m. Monday-Friday; Dinner served over a ragout of tomatoes, capers, / 10 YEAR LIMITED nicoise olives and basil. On the bottom of around to it, and you wonder why you 5:30-9 p.m. Monday- COMPRESSOR WARRANTY didn’t do it sooner. all this deliciousness was a roasted Saturday, 5-8 p.m. Sunday, Japanese eggplant. Chef Francis Falcinelli The 9000 is Heil’s most efficient A painted canvas menu brimming with has made a fine fish dish better. central air conditioner. Install one now foods and ideas greets you at your table. closed Sundays in August and we’ll include the Homeowner’s Organic green salad, pan-fried oysters, Reservations: Necessary We merely glanced at the dessert Extended Labor and Parts program grilled fresh summer vegetables, carpac­ Credit Cards: Amex, DC, selections, but a glance was all that was (H.E.L.P.)*, a no-worry, 5-year cio of beef, duck sausage, assorted pates, needed. Would it be a chocolate sampler, Disc, Visa & MC creme brulee, marscapone tart, almond protection plan that covers labor and shrimp salad and potato pancakes are Bar: BYOB parts charges on all repairs. some of the more refreshing appetizers; tart or strawberry shortcake? The shrimp salad ($8) was anything but Smoking: Non-smoking Hats off to the waitress again. At her Ask us a mayonnaise-and-chopped-celery combo. section offered suggestion, a fresh, sweet, baking powder about it! ‘ Mea tug a cool*c wxjucts Six nicely marinated and grilled shrimp Attire: Informal biscuit cut in half with a touch of pastry encircled a salad of agrarian greens cream, fresh strawberries, whipped cream YOUR HEATING & COOLING IS OUR CONCERN Accessible sprayed with a hint of strawberry vinai­ and raspberries ($5.50) reaffirmed our idea grette. A drizzling of sauce and fresh herbs of what strawberry shortcake should be. ^ J enhanced the shrimp’s hickory flavor. available as entrees or appetizers. However, one bite of the almond- The potato pancake ($7.50) was not Lest we forget, an individual mini hot pecan-caramel tart ($6.50) with fresh like Mom’s (with sincere apologies). A and crusty French bread deserves a salute. bourbon ice cream convinced us that SprAgueS fine weave of crisp fried potatoes is set Entrees of special note included Pastry Chef Gregory Alauzen’s accom­ O I L SERVICE. INC. atop thin roasted onion slices and a sauteed medallions of veal, hickory- plishments should be not merely read, but mousse of salmon. To add to this wonder­ grilled breast of chicken, cilantro-crusted eaten. Since the menu changes with the 26 LITTLE ST. ful combination, creme fraiche with dill is fillet of mahi-mahi, pan-smeared monk­ seasons, some of the aforementioned may MATAWAN served. fish, pan-roasted free-range chicken and not be available; however, I’m certain Although a pasta course was not se­ grilled filet of beef in 10-ounce or 14- their replacements will be as good. lected, fettucine with sauteed scallops and ounce size. 566-0821 basil, gnocchi with fennel-scented sausage, * Only at participating dealers. Homeowner must Our medallions of lamb loin ($19) set Marc Schlossberg has been associated complete H.E.L.P. contract. and ravioli of mushrooms and ricotta are over braised lentils and slivered shitake with the food field for more than 20 years.

* 4 0 . 0 0 OFF Any Complete Set of Eyeglasses LOADED WITH VALUES Glasses As Low As * 2 9 . 0 0 A Pair! FROM MERCHANTS Cannot be combined With Any Other Eyeglass Offer • With Coupon Only WHO WANT YOUR Expires 9-18-93 r ^ BUSINESS ^ 1 I — — ■ COMPLETE CONTACT LENS PACKAGE ■ j g B a a pn wm n v M OT MH aM ^ ^ m $ Q Q O O Only 5 # ? # jDEPII,AmON I I Ifliliaiitfillife. II ^ Catering For ■ with coupons Reg. '12900 ■All; Occasions _ - includes - ■ CENTER • Eye Exam • Evaluation • Fitting • Instructions II HA»HATTA!\' 11^ • 45 Days Unlimited Follow-Up Care > Oeli-Restaurant > Daily Wear Soft Clear, Spherical Lenses by B&L, Ciba and Barnes-Hind • Free Care Kit II i^BAGECF» i- IIS*Under RaODrrncal Supervision * A ppfitiZiO Q J t Dr. Shapiro, Independent Doctor of Optometry Lenses may not be suitable for all patients. Cannot DEMMTRON ■ I I11 I The Marketplace I be combined with any other contact lens offer. ' Exp. 9-18-93 Ilf f t R Baked Fresh All Day 1 1 Rt. 35. Shrewsbury • 908-389-57701 ' ' : ' : No needles. “ " Buy 1 2 Bagels No pain. Cet 4 Absolutely SS“ O FF I ^OMPL^TrE^MMiNATION ! Expires, y/15/V3 No hair. FREE on purchase of *25 or more 00 Including Glaucoma Test ] Deborah Spiftdell, Technician ■ ■ Bakers Dozen & Daily specials Eat In or Take Out I I * 2 2 . Exam by Dr. S. Shapiro. Strathmore Professional Blda. ?4 lfi j4iMati»an NI ■ ■ 9 0 8 - 8 8 8 - 7 7 1 7 on any other offer ■ Reg. $35.00 Independent Doctor of Optometry I OftK-SXV288X B * 3253 H w V 35 No > H azlet cannot be combined. V 1 y mm Chelsea Place exp.9/ 14/95 xp 9/30/95 j I With Coupon and Appointment ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I HI Bi ■ W ■■ — ------“■ Expires 9-18-93 WW H i MB : ■ ■ Home Delivery & Ptck-Up lit C lu lilf^ iip Y o u r A d Video Alevies i i The Marketplace It, Matawan II FALL SPECIALS Can Be Here 6 Sessions $15. II 12 Sessions S25. II « ,;r Plus $2 Session Fee Complete Rye W ear Service II Call Today to O rder & For Info on ______Expires 9/30/93 A t Affordable Prices New Releases FREE TRIAL SESSION Gift Certificates II 908-495-1000 Disposable Contact Lenses Check out the REN T < Medicaid & Most Union Plans Accepted II Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-7, Tues. & Thurs. 10-8 Wed.-Sat. 10-5 II 6 7 1 - 2 2 7 2 Hwy. 35 South, Bradless & Grand Union Shopping Center • Middletown Police Beat

All information in the following reports was taken from local police departm ent records. A Weller Place woman reported at about 3:05 a.m. Aug. 11 that she heard ABERDE strange sounds outside her house and re­ quested that a patrolman check the area. She also reported seeing someone kneel­ Patrolman Darryl Richardson investi­ ing behind cars. Patrolman Kenneth Mc­ gated the Aug. 2 theft of a citizens band Gowan checked the area, but did not find radio and an echo box from a truck parked anything unusual. on Myrtle Street. An East Lawn Drive woman reported A County Road resident reported Aug. at about 9 p.m. Aug. 9 that her house had 11 that while standing outside, his arm been damaged by BB pellets shot into her was hit by debris that was thrown out of a home’s siding. Patrolman Kenneth Mc­ passing car. He could not identify the sub­ Gowan responded and recovered two stance, but believes it might have been an .117 caliber pellets for evidence. egg or some other food. Patrolman Martin Starucci took the report. A wallet containing credit cards and $120 was reported lost by a person shop­ KEYPORT ping at Jamesway Aug. 11. Two surfboards were reported stolen from a Lloyd Road garage Aug. 11. Pa­ A man reported that he was assaulted trolman Stanley Parrish responded. Aug. 12 on Therese Street by six people. A Brookside Avenue woman reported They robbed him of $250 and some identi­ that her husband and their baby were fication, he said. missing Aug. 8. A disorderly person was reported At Eli’s Bagels on Route 34, a fight in­ Aug. 12 at the Keyport Club Village on At­ volving three men out Aug. 7. Ar­ lantic Street. Patrolman Ken Marr re­ rested and charged with aggravated as­ sponded. sault were Craig Sirota, 22, 3 Dundall “ Hold It Ri2lit Thar, Partner!” Place, Hazlet; Darren Sirota, 27, 88801 38th, College Park, Md.; and Martin MIDDLETOWN Hogan, 25, 104 East Harris St., “ fin fill you Can Eat Buffet?" Savannah, Ga. The three men also were listed as victims. Patrolwoman Kathy Sisti That’s right, Come on down to Middletown & Mario D. G iam popo, 42, Staten responded to the call. Island, N.Y., was charged July 3 with pos­ chow down at our Chuck Wagon Buffet which A $2,600 computer was stolen Aug. 5 session of under 50 grams of a controlled from a shed on Nathan Court. includes 80 items, featuring 8 entrees dangerous substance and having an open On Bayview Avenue, a 16- and 17- container of alcohol following a motor & a meat carving station. year-old from Newark were arrested by vehicle stop at about 1:15 p.m. on Route Sgt. John Powers and charged with We honor a Senior Citizen’s 10% Discount 36 and Avenue D. receiving stolen property, eluding police At the Howard Johnson’s m o te l, (does not apply to specials) and possession of burglary tools after they Route 35, six Middletown men were were found driving a gold-colored Acura charged Aug. 7 in connection with the rob­ Legend worth $15,000. bery of a guest. The incident occurred at about 11:40 p.m. The victim, a 46-year-old South Carolina woman, told police she was pushed against a wall by a group of ■ H S U S six young men, and her wallet and money — $170 in cash — were stolen. She later William J. Peck, 46, of 31 Guilford identified the six men after the motel man­ Place, Freehold, was charged Aug. 7 with ager led police to an alleged disorderly driving while intoxicated following a motor group also staying at the motel. Albert vehicle stop at about 2 p.m. on South Boyer, 18, of Walling Avenue, Belford, and Laurel Avenue and Lillian Drive. Barry Goldwyn, 18, of Knapp Circle, were Patrolman Dan Lynch made the stop. charged with theft by unlawful taking, and On Sycamore Drive, a car parked in William Bibaud, 23, of Woodbine Street, front of a residence was burglarized the was charged with receiving stolen prop­ night of Aug. 4-5. A $700 radio and $17 in erty. Also, in connection with the cash were stolen. Patrolman Robert Cirrito investigation, police charged Herbert responded. Kearney, 30, of Main Street, Belford, and A $2,481 cement mixer was stolen Robert Meehan, 18, of Acker Drive, with from a construction site at Village Court, disorderly conduct, and Dustin Strehl, 18, Route 35, sometime between Aug. 2 and of Creek Road, Port Monmouth, with 4. Patrolman Glen Hourihan responded. underage possession of alcohol. All were Two Poole Avenue residences were released on summonses. Lt. John broken into July 31. Jewelry valued at Pollinger and Patrolman William Straniero $10,000 was stolen from one house. At responded, and were assisted in the the other, the master bedroom was ran­ investigation by Detective Sgt. Michael sacked, but it was unknown what was Cerame, Detective Jeffrey Barner, Sgt. missing. Both houses were entered William Brunt Jr. and Patrolman Neil through the rear. At one, which was bro­ Hanson. ken into sometime between 2 and 10:40 At the Grand Union supermarket, 838 p.m., a rear garage door was pried open Route 35, Darrel Buckley, 34, of Grant with a screwdriver. There was also an Street, Long Branch, was charged Aug. 6 attempt to pry open a rear sliding door. At with one count of robbery for attempting to the other house, which was broken into shoplift seven items worth approximately between 6 and 10:15 p.m., a rear patio $390, including about $220 worth of ciga­ glass door was smashed with a patio rettes. He was held on $5,000 bail, with no bench. Patrolmen John Fitzsimmons, 10 percent option. He attempted to flee Glenn Mason and Richard Jaeger the store at about 6:15 p.m., but was responded. stopped by the store manager, who wres­ Thomas J. Durnin, 22, of 17 Oakwood tled him to the sidewalk. The manager Place, Keansburg, was charged Aug. 1 was not injured. Patrolman George with driving while intoxicated following a Freibott responded. one-car accident at Irwin Place and On Browns Dock Road, a o n e -c a r Monterey Drive. He was injured and taken accident involving three injuries occurred to Bayshore Community Hospital. He was at about 7:45 p.m. Aug. 8 between Cooper making a right turn onto Irwin Place when and Bowne roads. The driver, a 21-year- he struck a street sign and a fire hydrant, old Matawan woman, skidded on the road causing his vehicle to roll over on the dri­ and struck a tree. Three female passen­ ver’s side. Patrolman Mark Uptegrove re­ gers, ages 3, 13 and 16, were taken to sponded. Riverview Medical Center. UUT1, 93 H INDEPENDENT THE 1993, 18, AUGUST 2 3

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-- 8 i— he Lde Auiir o VF s 27. urviv­ S 2179. ost P FW V of uxiliary A r­ e J o., Ladies C e th Can orth N to erican m A g r vin fo o m orker Jersey w re fo in e b etal orn B re e sheet-m th e. hom d live at 10 e h s ug. A ity, C died n dletow oeh . r o Nrh dltwn n Wila illiam W and n iddletow M North a of s a Jr. w J. e h S Joseph t. n e m tire re r a e h as w re fo e eards b B , rs. ity M C y ago. e s years 30 n iddletow M ltwn a rte, oeh co c o Lake­ of icz achow D Joseph brother, a n; dletow sons, o tw Sr.; J. Joseph and husband, eansburg, K her are hurch, C ing ’s n n A St. of ber m e m children . S ervices w ere un der th e d ire ctio n of of eans­ K n ctio ire d Funerals, r e fo th e om H der d­ un yan R f o ere M. w great-gran i 15 n n and iA ervices Jacqueline id­ S D M . e North rin grandchildren children of e 15 th a Fla.; Phillips C land, Frances , argaret ille M v e r ughters, and y da a S three f eansburg o K riz.; n A a g o H cson, u T of M. in f en’ Fnrl me Atantc High­ H tic n tla A e, om H Funeral ’s n te s o P of tion Red , n w to enter, le C d id M edical f M o n tio c iverview e R s at o rd 9 a n o e ug. L A e th died f o t n e d burg. rnc lrn Sevcs r u e te r ­ c ire d the der un ere w ervices S , s n o ildren. s o grandch tw re a g in iv rv u S Rae, . 1 3 9 1 daughter, a in and d 1976; ie d in o h died w ho w es, Jam lands. ; o d r a n o e L son, a 1991; her in by died ased ho w redece p A., Leonardo as w f ercy o P he ber , S em m a husband hurch. as C w ennett aptist B B Mrs. Bank. h o e ad prtr f oe ihr, liff­ C Fishery, hore S of operator and ner ow the f o n o ils W f o ra a rb m a B illia of d W n a d n anless ., a W re O ., .Y , Jeanette N ille v , n k in ic daughters, M c rw o a M tw W f o Leonardo; ld a n o R w ife, V e ra A n d re w s D olan; a son, C arl Jr. of of Jr. arl C son, a olan; D s w re d n A ra e V ife, w retiring years, 37 for berdeen, A to of st e W oving m section e th ood w in before at d 10 azlet live H he of ug. A rt, o died yp section e K n in letow eansburg idd K orn M B of e. n hom ctio se outh m C orps veteran of W orld W ar II. S urviving are his his are urviving S II. ar W orld W of ichael M r fo veteran orps C driver bus a as w as later w He olan D 1975. Mr. in ago. rs yea six outh onm M ort P th e P olyclinic M edical C enter, H arrisburg. Born Born arrisburg. H enter, C edical M olyclinic P e th Florida; of en Frenchm rgaret a M sister, a zlet; , rs a arine e y M a y n a as w m r olan D fo , Mr. n w to ago. le d id years M o tw o., C retiring us B ori o L th e S e n io r C itiz e n s C lu b o f S o u th B e a c h , , h c a e B th u o S f o b lu C s n e itiz C r io n e S of e th n tio c e s ft ro c in L e th f o rly e rm fo , ip h s n w o T rt. eypo K rth o e, N om H f o neral u F re ay D e c f e o C n tio c ire e d in e rra th o L a , a s r rt; te is eypo s K Jacksonville; of of o E. tw Johnston rancis F athleen K son, a to are daughter, g in g v o m rvivin u S re fo e b n w to le d edical id M M rth o iverview N R t in a 11 d e liv ug. A died rt eypo K of tion of Day Funeral H om e, Keyport, w ith a M ass ass ­ M c a dire ith w e th r e Keyport, d un e, om H re e w Funeral Day ervices S of tion ildren. grandch F. n h Jo of n tio c ire d e th r e d n u a­ re H e w of s ond rvice n e ro S aym a R h of S arz , rs chw brother, S te h a g u Linda a n; d and o iddletow tw Falls M .; la orth F Tinton N of , ie c u L Kavendek t. S rt o P tio n o f B e lk o ff J e w is h M e m o ria l C h a p e l, l, e p a h C l ria o m e M ­ c h is dire w e J the r r, e d ff te o un is s lk e a four ere B w ; and ld f o h o onn.; e C ervices re S F n f artford, tio o H ildren. East as of ym R grandch dgarton is E Lo Jean r, te h g u a d in and ., .Y N Island, n tate S in lived she ork, Y etery. under em ; C n e ere k w w a ardens h G e e W ervices S f o ildren. andl H e grandch n u t J d eigh ick; n a runsw and B n w to East le f d o id er M agn W an V retiring. obert R fore e b brother, rs a e Co., y any obacco m T r sec­ and fo a as y, w andy she bo C m A ity, Fischler C iddlesex erth M P Mrs. y e ith rs w ago. e J retary years in 32 rn o B eyport K k. n a B ed R r, te n e C ad moil res meey Hazlet. hore­ S etery, in em C as w ent ardens G interm orial em M hurch, C ’s land h p se Jo of St. at eane D loria G her are ughter, da a urviving S es; A Jam Keyport. ago. hurch, eeks C husband, w eyport o K tw Joseph's and St. arrisburg H at ayreville to 8 S in ug. oving A m lived died she. before ark, ew eyport, N K in of erly form Pa., burg, n. iddletow M e, om H Funeral great-grandchildren. r fleger P fou and grandchildren 13 S ta te n Island . S h e w a s p re d e c e a s e d by her her by d e s a e c e d re p s a w e h a S . and Island one n te ta reehold S F to ew N oving in m Born fore e e. b hom at 8 Lincroft Aug. died l n, ria o m iddletow e M M e g rid b d o o W in s a w t n e m r te In rs r eg gandc l en ad 0 eat­ a re g 20 and n re ild ch d n gra t of t eigh n ; ica n u urg m m rrisb o a c H a s a w Lee rs. M aker, em hom ae ood. a Lakew are urviving S 1979. in , rence w of La ber em m a husband, as w ardella G Mrs. ago. years half VERO NICA J . B E A R D S, S, D R A E B . J NICA VERO C L A R A P. BEN N ETT , , ETT N BEN P. A R A L C C A R L J . DOLAN S R ., ., R S DOLAN . J L R A C A L Y C E N. VAN W AG N ER FISC H LER , , LER H FISC ER N AG W VAN N. E C Y L A ALICE F. B A T T ER SO N LEE, LEE, N SO ER T T A B F. ALICE R A F F A E L A G A R D E L L A , , A L L E D R A G A L E A F F A R 0 andchidr 4 t­ a e r g 14 d n a n re ild h c d n ra g 10 2 o te ot on­ M Port the of 72, 8 a lf on r si­ re ng lo life a 88, s e i r a u t i b O 7 o Nrh id­ M North of 77, 83, of F reeh old old reeh F of 83, 5 o Harris­ H of 85, 73, et 4 s ago. . i he e th s a w ser­ n lia u in G dry-cleaning d r. e M liv several . e o of h g a ner , ow rs ris a a e P and y r in 14 nde fou Jer­ rn n o ew w B N to of le . d e n om to H g rlin asonic u M B the , at y e 10 s ug. A died T e m p le 99 Free a n d A c c e p te d M a sons, and and sons, a M d te p e c c A d n a Dry Free ay 99 rchw A le p m e T cently re st o m 1925, id­ M to since oving m vices before ne ayon B and an ataw M Tall C edars of Lebanon, the Royal A rch M ason ason M rch A Royal the Lebanon, of and n e edars lia C om u H G Tall ic r. n M o s a ew N . M 6 7 9 e e 1 th th f f o o in r r e e te te as s s w rd a O m tru He as d ic n n o ra d 1961. s g e a rv in e M s th 116 y ster ergen e a B m rs e e e J th n n ful ip yo d a te B c orsh w ason le m e as now aster m 99, a served dge as Lo w He e n n yo a Bank. B in Red leaning, C V alley of N orthern N ew Jersey and Trenton, the the r. M Rite . Trenton, 6 7 9 and 1 cottish S to Jersey the f 3 ew o 7 N 19 ber em orthern m m N a fro of as n alley w V tio a also d n u o ulian F G rity a h C an d th e B e n e v o le n t a n d P ro te c tiv e O rd e r of of r e rd O e tiv c te ro P d n a t n le o v e n e B e th d an s ago. . ngs was a executve e tiv u c e x e an s a w s g in n n e J r. M . o g a rs a e y ed R e, om H the neral r u e F d un ay D o re e tw w E. s and n Joh rvice e S f o . broth­ n n grandchildren re a tio c ild h six ire c d d n ra ceanport; O t-g resskill; a C Fannie of re g of ife, ichard w art R V his and er, n are iddletow M urviving S ayonne. B lks, E a co m m u n ica n t o f H oly Fam ily C hurch, U nion nion U hurch, C ily Fam oly H f o t n ica n u m m co a re c e p tio n is t w ith C o n tin e n ta l In s u ra n c e C o., o., C e c n ra u s In l ta n e tin n o C ith l, w ita t p is s n o H tio p e c ity re n u m m o C re o h s y a B t a 10 . g u A f o n e h p te Bank. S , s n o s o tw ; n lia u G o tin s o g a D Englsht t ee si er Anna a n n A , rs te is s e re th ; n w to h lis g n E f o s a m o h T A m e ric a n V e te r a n s A s s o c ia tio n , N e w a rk . . rk a w e N , n tio ia c o s s A isabled rld D o W s the re n f a o a of r C te n ber e ra lth V em te a m e e v H a n y a ’s as rm n w ric ity A e e n M u m n also A m A re m o he o l. e II, C ysh d a B lm ar o re H W e o h th s r, f y o a te n B e t n C e f id o s re as p b w lu He C and 1988. , in each B retiring in d years, e 34 liv r fo he York, ew , N rk a w e N t s a E in rn o B l. e d lm o h S u rv iv in g a re th re e b ro th e rs , J o s e p h F. of of F. h p e s o J , rs e th ro b e re th re a g in iv rv u S three del olm H to oving m fore e b each B nion U direction of D ay Funeral H om e, Keyport, w ith a a ith w Keyport, e, om H e th Funeral f o ay D th of o b , direction n ia iv d V n a t a s re a rte re a h C T f d o n a . C n a rt e b o rrig a R G , s e k a L n to p m o P tio n o f G u n d ru m S e rv ic e H om e fo r Fu nerals, nerals, Fu r fo e om H e ic rv e S m ru d n u G ia boy n f m a A o h p n te outh S tio S f o , rs te is huller s S e ary M re th ; Parlin, e g f o rid b d bs o , o n o Jaco W s a of n re a tio g in iv rv u S . n rie ’B O i k s n o W e n n A in d live e sh , e g rid b o o W f o n tio c se s rd o F e th l ra e v e s the n d le n e under a H ere .; d w is n a W , ervices , n S le w a s. to d n le d lla nephew id o H M and f f o o nieces n n o tio c rris e e s M rd lfo e B d ire c tio n o f J o h n F. P fle g e r F u n e ra l H om e , , e om H l ra e n u F r the e r g e d fle n u P re F. e w n s h and o J rvice e f cotia; S o S . ova n n N re tio ild c Bay, ch d ire n d ra lace g G of e re th es Burke Jam na Le St. ter, of t n a d ic e n y u lo m p m m co lf-e a e s a as w s a He w il e cN a ersey. M J Mr. o. anada, C ag rs a Scotia, e y ova N in orn B e. hom at 9 ug. A ­ c dire e th der un ere w ervices S ildren. grandch sec­ Iselin the f o onski W ichael M and Parlin of sister, a and broth­ o onski, tw W 1991; nthony in A and died ho w eorge G A., ers, ichard R in band, orn B ospital. H Aug. orial em died M erly y form bo m berdeen, A A of ayreville, S outh S of section t a 8 ood section liffw C the Parlin of the of 66, in as w n. ent iddletow M Interm etery, hurch. em C C ily livet O Fam ount M Holy at ass M agtr Sadr Sndr f dltwn a sis­ a n; iddletow M of nyder S ra and S ew N daughter, 7 and 3 ork n Y w to ew le N d id in M to d-raiser g fun in v o m professional re fo e b ia rn lifo a C and e g n ra O t s e W f o sis­ o y e tw rk n; a h S iddletow t M re a of rg a t. M S tarkey S , f o rs arol te C r e b m e m daughter, a s a w l e d i rd lm o o L H t rs. a M 8 . o . g g a u A rs a d e y ie d n w to le h d id rc u M h C f o t n ris tio h C rt a e in H s d a re c w a S t n at e m ss r a M te o In a tw d . ith n h w a rc , u ; y e h o g b C m rid A B th u ld o O S f o y n e iz v S n illia L d of n a n tio onski c W e s n Stanley tio c n u J brothers, o th u tw o m ick; n o M runsw B e th South f o e c ru B ago. r a e y a arlin P to oving m before ood liffw C dltwn. iddletow M a Falls; Tinton f o cott Marie S ife, w son, his a are eil; acN urviving M S oady Bank. C ed R hurch, C in living 1941, in tates S nited U the to e cam of he n tio c ire d e th r e d n u re grandchil­ e w three s e and ic rv Va.; e a S od; . orfolk, o N n w 1977. re of d each in B Laird d of ie nne d A obert o R h w ased , 10 h son, p predece e a s n o s J a w w are to , le d he n d S a b id s u M urviving h S r to Lincroft. e h g in by v hurch, o C m lived o’s she e re L fo ark, e ew b N in n o Born is d E enter. C in onvalescent C boy. Am outh S etery, em C hus­ her by predeceased as w bertson Lam Mrs. l e Fnrl Home. Funeral del olm H RICH ARD S . GULIAN , , GULIAN . S ARD RICH C H A R L E S JEN N IN G S, S, G IN N JEN S E L R A H C N EIL H. M acNEIL, acNEIL, M H. EIL N , N O S T R E B M A L SKI N O W Y R A M E S O R P E A R L C . LORDI, LORDI, . C L R A E P 6 o te icot ­ c e s Lincroft the of 76, 80, o f M iddletow n died died n iddletow M f o 80, 70, of H olm del died died del olm H of 70, 86, of M iddletow n n iddletow M of 86, THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 3 3

ALBERT LUDOVICO, 75, of Keyport died PAUL S. SISOLAK, 75, of Holmdel, died Aug. 12 at Bayshore Community Hospital, Aug. 3 in Bayshore Community Hospital, Holmdel. Born in Newark, he lived there before Holmdel. Born in the Fords section of Wood- moving to Keyport eight years ago. Mr. Lu­ bridge, he lived there most of his life before dovico was a truck driver for Essex Co. Geri­ moving to Holmdel 10 years ago. Mr. Sisolak atrics, Belville, for 10 years, retiring 15 years was the owner of Sisolak Trucking Co., Fords, D e e p (Sea Delights! ago. He was a communicant of St. Ann’s for more than 50 years, retiring 10 years ago. Church, Keansburg. Surviving are his wife, Lu­ He was a veteran of World War II and a former cille DeFino Ludovico; two daughters, Clemen­ arishioner of Our Lady of Peace Church, tine Migliara of Union and Madeline Moreno of Pords. Surviving are his wife, Grace D. Sisolak; Belville; four brothers, Michael of Missouri, Pat two sons, Andrew Rutherford of Bloomsburg, of St. Louis, Mo., Charles of the West Keans­ Pa., and Joseph Rutherford of Charlotte, N.C.; burg section of Hazlet and Oronzo of Hazlet; a daughter, Marian Eastmond of Union Beach, two sisters, Rose Mattia of Keyport and Stella five grandchildren and three great-grandchil­ Dailey of Las Vegas, Nev.; seven grandchildren dren. Services were arranged by the Flynn and and two great-grandchildren. Services were un­ Son Funeral Home, Fords. der the direction of Day Funeral Home, Keyport, with a Mass at Holy Family Church, Union 73, of Middle­ Beach. Cremation was private. HILDEGARD E. STABBERT, town died Aug. 1 at home. Born in Germany, she lived in Middletown since 1954. A home­ maker, Mrs. Stabbert was a member of the EDWARD WILLIAM MAGENHEIMER, 74, German Society of Long Branch and King of of Hudson, N.H., formerly of the Port Monmouth Kings Lutheran Church, Middletown She was a section of Middletown, died Aug. 6 at Nashua former member of the PTA of the Middletown (N.H.) Memorial Hospital. Born in Jersey City, DUublic schools. Surviving are her husband, he lived in East Keansburg, Hazlet and Port W alter; two sons, Gerd of Middletown and Monmouth before moving to Hudson last year. Richard at home; a daughter, Suzanne Karpo of Catch o f the W eek Mr. Magenheimer was the owner and operator Long Branch, and four grandchildren. Services of Yummy Donuts Shop, Port Monmouth, for were arranged by the John F. Pfleger Funeral Live Hardshell Crabs, only $5.00/dz. many years. He was an Army veteran of World Home, Middletown. War II. Mr. Magenheimer was predeceased by his first wife, Emily, who died in 1977. Surviving are his second wife, Harriet Kastner Magen­ ALVIN R. TILLEY, 79, of Middletown died heimer; three sons, Mark of Middletown, Gary July 26 at home. Born in New York, he lived in Littleneck Clams *225* PER HUNDRED Shrimp 36-40’s *19-95/4 lb. Box of Florida and Edward of Shrewsbury; a step­ Eatontown before moving to Middletown in son and two stepdaughters; a sister, Agnes Scallops $75' u. 21-25’s *29.95/4 lb. Box 1950. A professional engineer, Mr. Tilley helped Daley of Toms River; 12 grandchildren and one design products ranging from AT&T telephones Monkfish $25*«. Mussels 9 9 V great-grandchild. Services were under the direction of Scott Funeral Home, Belford section to John Deere agricultural equipment. From Ling Jl°° u King Crab 9" * of Middletown. 1946-1993, he was an industrial designer spe­ cializing in anthropometries for Henry Dreyfuss Associates, New York. Previously, he was Salmon, Red Snapper, Live Lobsters, Flounder, THOMAS K. MCCARTHY, 62, of the West employed by Federal Shipping and Dry Dock Keansburg section of Hazlet, died Aug. 8 at Co., Kearny, f r o m 1940-1945, and for Peggy Haddock, Scungilli... Bayshore Community Hospital, Holmdel. Born Anne Rohde, New York. Mr. Tilley co-authored in Brooklyn, N.Y., he lived there until moving to two books, The M easure of Men, in 1967 and West Keansburg in 1974. Mr. McCarthy was a banker for the Bank of New York for 24 years, Hum anscale, volumes 1 -9, in 1990. He was one BelfordSeafood Co-Op 1 Main Street • Belford retiring in 1989. He worked for the U.S. Postal of the first individuals to receive the Industrial Service in Keyport for the past three years. Mr. Designer’s Society of America Bronze Apple McCarthy was a member of the Airport Plaza Award and also received an award from the retail 787-6508 • wholesale 787-6500 Jughandfe Bowling League, Hazlet, and the American As­ Stephen’s Institute Department of Mechanical sociation of Retired Persons. He was an Army Engineering in 1993 for outstanding accom­ Mon.-Sat. 8 am-4:30 • Sun. 8 am-noon ? ! o. veteran of the Korean War. Surviving are his plishment in industrial design engineering. He ffiMO i u wife, Joan; a son, Thomas, and a stepdaughter, was a member of the Human Factors Society of Main SL^ Dorothy Ruiz, both at home; two brothers, America. Mr. Tilley was predeceased by his BoJfcxd ^ Joseph of Brooklyn and William of Princeton; Senior Citizens Discount • Monday-Tuesday-Thursday j ■^ 1— Port MonmouthMonmoti ^ Road ^ % wife, Marion Marshall Tilley, in 1987. Surviving and two sisters, Jean Roy and Loretta Paulskin, are two daughters, Nancy Lobdel of Tewksbury, both of Virginia. Services were under the direc­ tion of Laurel Funeral Home, West Keansburg. Mass., and Wendy Veronesi, at home, and six grandchildren. Services were arranged by the Worden-Hoidal Funeral Home, Red Bank. EDMOND L. MORSE, 66, of Middletown died Aug. 8 at Monmouth Medical Center, West JAMES J. SLEEMAN, 59, of the West What Condition Is Long Branch. Born in Rockville Centre, N.Y., he Keansburg section of Hazlet, died July 29 in lived in the Middletown area since 1975. Before Riverview Medical Center, Red Bank. Born in retiring this year, Mr. Morse was a controller in Jersey City, he lived there before moving to the automobile industry for 42 years, having West Keansburg 32 years ago. Mr. Sleeman Your Air Conditioner In? worked at Contemporary Motor Cars Inc., Little was a printer for more than 40 years, most Silver. Surviving are his wife, Marion M. Wilson recently employed by William H. Becker Morse; a son, Edmond L. Jr. of C a y m a n Printing Co., Keyport. He also had served in the Start with the W arranty... islands; three daughters, Sharon Shaw of Army. Surviving are his wife, Arlene Bratro Keyport, Peggy Reagan of Virginia Beach, Va. Sleeman; three sons, James G. of West and Dorothy of Manhattan, N.Y.; a brother, Keansburg, Robert E. of West Trenton and Robert of Tamarac, Fla.; a sister, Elsie Lynch of William J. of Pittsfield, III.; a daughter, Karen A. Comfortmqker Monument, Colo.; and three grandchildren. Gibson of Eatontown, and a grandchild. Services were under the direction of John E. Services were arranged by the Laurel Funeral Day Funeral Home, Red Bank. Home, Hazlet. m iiiiiiiiiiiiii • 7% Dealer financing lo qualified buyers • Utility rebates a • Seer rating up to 12 i i i i i i i :: iiiiiinu!! ii • 5 year limited parts manufacturers warranty Fair View Cemetery & Mausoleum • 10 year limited compressor warranty ''’Where Memories Live In Beauty” i i ::i :i i *AF MODEL ONLY 456 Hwy. 35, Red Bank, N.J. 07701 747-1710 i i s i i i lifti III I ,r~ “ Utility Rebates 1 JSS&* ' " e s s r u p t o $6 0 0 Allergy Season is here . Residential FREE ESTIMATES on new . Commercial or replacement systems Indoor Air Specialist • Duct Cleaning specializing in • Air Purification gas conversions • Allergy Relief 24 hr Emergency • Odor Rcrf\ovs\ service & installation for oil During The Pre-Construction Sale A Limited Number Of Crypts In The New or gas furnace, M ausoleum Will Be Offered For Sale At Reduced Prices. • Air Conditioning hot water boiler Call Now Or Send In Coupon! • H eating — — —Please Send Me INFORMATION ON NEW MAUSOLEUM' — , replacements Name______' > Service Contracts V —- J Available V HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING I Address____ City a State. ~ I | Telephone. FREEHOLD RED BANK iNn R-1A-S3 manMail 10To:: rairFair viewView uemeieryCemetery *& mausoleum Mausoleum INU BJH ~ _ 456 Hwjf. 35^Red_BanlC. NJ07701 ^ (908) 577-1772 (908)530-5544 3 4 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT F o r th e Call Barb Kenas b e s t d e a l i n R e a l Im p o rtan t steps E s ta te , whether buying o r selling to buying a hom e your home. Call Weichert \ Though transactions involving the sale TOP or purchase of real estate tend to be com­ PRODUCER plex, first-time homebuyers need not be REAL ESTATE FO R 1 9 9 2 . intimidated by the process, if they know [ House of the Week how to go about it. AL Best Buy in Keyport DONNA The first step should be to determine Townhouse By the Bay C O L O U ie C L BERTICS $99,999 B A N Ite R D what price home you can afford to buy. Newly Renovated ABERDEEN Since this will depend on your income 3 Bedroom BRUNO SCHLOTT and the amount of your down payment, Reparian Rights OFFICE t g } REALTORS” D J the best way to get an accurate idea of TOP PRODUCER 1992 buyer still has to get approved for a mort­ homes within your price range is to pre­ 583-5400 132 Hwy 34 583-5000 qualify for a mortgage. gage. Matawan, N.J. Step three — after your offer has been This simply means sitting down with a Eve. 566-1423 accepted — involves your mortgage mortgage lender who will ask you to pro­ lender. Presuming you will use the pre­ vide proof of income; other assets such as mutual funds; and liabilities such as car approved mortgage commitment, the payments, student loans and alimony and lender will have your house appraised. If ADVANTAGE REALTORS child-support payments, if applicable. you decide to use another lender, you will have to be qualified all over again, and IF WK DON'T SELL YOl R HOUSE, ERA WILL B l Y IT "'-Ask For More Details Once a lender has qualified you for a mortgage, you can begin your home this could delay the process. search with the confidence that when you Step four is to close the sale. What ap­ RESULTS . . . F or B uyers & Sellers A like! pears to be mountains of paperwork is ac­ find the right home, you’ll be able to af­ ford it. tually all of the legal precautions to pro­ ERA Team W ork! The second step is to contact a Realtor tect both you and the seller. The Realtor will guide you through this phase of the in the area where you think you’d like to transaction. Steve Flo live. The Realtor will access the A majority of first-time homebuyers computerized multiple listing service Golden Crawford realize the importance of working with (MLS), which is an inventory of homes Listed & Marketed for sale in the area, with relevant particu­ professionals who are skilled in handling these transactions. 111 Shoreland Terr., Middletown lars on each home. Using this efficient system, the Realtor will show you homes A point worth remembering is that Sold within your price range in the area you since it costs no more to buy a home ______62 Briscoe Terr., Hazlet______desire. through a Realtor, it makes sense to use a We’re looking for a few good men and women to join the #1 ERA company in N.J. The Realtor also will be able to give Realtor’s services to smooth out the Call Natalie Bindler for a confidential interview today. you abundant information about the area’s homebuying process. school system, taxes, municipal services, Most homeowners also procure the m KEYPORT OFFICE OCIA Q / l R C services of an attorney to help them with h B . recreation, transportation and shopping. 117 HWY. 35, KEYPORT Z 0 4 -0 4 D D As you look at homes, keep in mind legal matters. The attorney will handle the details of the deed, the survey, the title that location is important. Experts advise that it is preferable to buy a smaller home search, title insurance, home inspection, in a desirable neighborhood than a larger termite inspection, and prorate amounts home in a neighborhood that is less than due for municipal services. desirable. ' First-time buyers who follow this path Once you’ve found the right home and will generally experience pleasant results. made an offer, the seller will either accept Financial decisions are all-important, and it or counteroffer. If, however, you have that is why most buyers call upon profes­ been prequalified for a mortgage, you are sionals to guide them along the way. in a good position, because a seller will usually accept an offer where financing is Al Bertics is president of the Monmouth County Association of Realtors. decided over another offer where the


10 Molly Pitcher Drive...... $166,800 ABERDEEN 22 Nevada Drive...... $160,000 838 Poole Ave...... $148,500 H&R BLOCK TAX COURSE 1 Sophia Drive...... $184,000 329 Arlene Terrace ...... $175,000 44 Stanford Drive...... $132,000 13 Cypress Lane ...... $164,950 BEGINS SOON Nathan Court...... $6,000 86 Arlington Ave...... $7,850 Thousands of people enjoy preparing individual tax returns, 60 County R o a d ...... $94,000 part-time employment and earn working with increasingly com­ 60 County R o a d ...... $85,000 money each year as income plex tax situations as the term 232 Edgeview Road ...... $120,000 12 Galewood Drive...... $296,000 13 Idaho Lane ...... $166,000 12 Hidden Pond L ane...... $260,000 tax preparers. Many receive progresses. The course is ideal 84 Ivy Hill D riv e ...... $182,500 39 Stoney Brook Road...... $400,000 their training in the income tax for homemakers, retirees, 643 Randall W ay ...... $91,000 29 Blue Hills Drive...... $629,300 course taught by H&R Block. teachers, and for anyone who 4 Charm Court...... $385,000 117 Lane...... $124,400 Block offers the Income Tax wants to increase his or her tax Course starting the week of knowledge. &33SSBS5SBSBB&9I September 13th. Classes are Qualified graduates may be held in locations throughout offered job interviews with H&R 6 Lisa D riv e ...... $180,000 25 Fleetwood D riv e ...... $105,000 32 Eastport Court...... $175,000 New Jersey. Block but are under no obliga­ 12 Village Green Way ...... $67,000 61 Orchard Road...... $276,500 Students choose from morning, tion to accept employment. 3 Cresci Blvd...... $158,800 29 Kerry Drive ...... $139,000 12 Queen Court...... $292,500 evening or weekend classes. Registration forms and 42 Sixth St...... $96,000 54 Taylor Ave...... $111,000 The Income Tax Course brochures can be obtained by 16 Angela Circle ...... $168,000 7 Oldwick Court...... $435,000 teaches the basics of income contacting H&R Block at 1 Bethany Road #21 ...... $277,875 140 Seabird Lane...... $160,000 23 Briscoe Terrace ...... $210,000 92 Stillwell Road...... $286,000 tax preparation. Students 15 Wigwam Road...... $800,000 receive hands-on experience in 77 Fleetwood D riv e ...... $148,400 1-800-TAX-2000 32 Irwin Place...... $128,000 72 W. Wilson Circle...... $157,900 6 Janine Place...... $130,000 18 Vaughn Drive r, $42,000

irA'iS it TS * “ - ? ^ ii 3 il i A t » i « THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 ^ 5

S p o r t s

The boys o f sum m er

M iddletow n trip to O klahom a a special achievem ent

The 13-year-old Middletown Township what a catfish looks like, didn’t know all-star baseball team has had a summer what a fresh water whitefish was and season to remember. knew there is no shrimp swimming near The squad won the New Jersey AAU Oklahoma. The beef tasted fair but not championship, went undefeated in local hot. That did it! Coach Smith, our self­ Babe Ruth League play, and won the proclaimed food expert, decided it was Edison Tournament and Central Jersey time to go elsewhere. Mr. Vill went out League championships. searching for a new hotel. The Middletown team, managed by Curfew was 10 p.m. and Coach Mager Frank Mager, along with coaches Phil announced that we were moving to the Noto, Bob Hoffman, Angel Medina and Meridian Plaza in Oklahoma City the next Vinny Smith, recently traveled to day. Oklahoma to play for the AAU national title. At 8 a.m. Saturday, July 31, we all Members of the squad were Todd wake up for breakfast. We haven’t Smith, Mark Mager, Matt Bailey, Ken touched a baseball in two days so we eat Richards, Jack Tracy, Colin Renick, quickly and then head out for a two-hour Rafael Paez, Johnathan Medina, Tom practice. It was a great workout. Crenshaw, Chris Carter, Gordon Eber- At noon we settle in to our new hotel hardt, Phil DeMarco Nick Maddalena, and it’s great. We get to swim for an hour Kevin Sullivan, Rob Lombardo and Adam in an indoor pool with air conditioning! Orlando. . There were even two pool tables, two ping During the trip to Oklahoma to play for pong tables and a big game room! Even the AAU national championship, Todd the restaurant was much bigger with a Smith kept a full account of the team’s more impressive menu selection. journey for the Independent. WINNING SQUAD — Pictured here are members of the Middletown At 3 p.m. we got to the registration Township 13-year-old all-star baseball team which won the 1993 New center for all the teams. We checked in, At 6 a.m. on Friday, July 30, we were Jersey AAU state championship and played in the AAU national champi­ got coupons for food and beverages and anxiously waiting to meet at my house. onship tournament in Oklahoma City, Okla. eyed up the competition. It seemed like The bus, donated by the Murphy Bus Co., had been separated by about 20 miles. But for us, that they had already rented them everyone was so much bigger than us. was scheduled to leave at 6:30. Everyone not now! It was an amazing sight! out. So Mr. Smith (my dad) used his There were many of the same teams we arrived by 6:15 - players and parents. All At 10:20 we land in St. Louis where we intimidating personality and maybe some met last year but they just appeared so of the players and coaches were dressed in have a two-hour layover before we contin­ magic because three vans suddenly much bigger. We nearly freaked when we their gray shirts indicating that we are the ue on to Oklahoma City. Jack survived the became available. saw the Virginia team. Heck, one player New Jersey AAU State Champions. We . flight and proclaimed himself an experi­ We went outside to load the vans and had a mustache with a baby face. But we were proud to be wearing those shirts and enced flyer. the heat immediately smacked us in the were still looking forward to playing were hoping to soon wear ones declaring At 12:30 p.m. we’re airborne again. face. It was a humid 97 degrees and we while Coach Angel Medina reminded us us national champions. The captain welcomes us aboard and tells were all just thinking about the pool wait­ of the old David and Goliath story. While traveling to Newark Airport, a us the weather is sunny and very hot in ing for us at the hotel. At 5:30 p.m. we had to line up for the lot of us were talking about how we had opening ceremonies. It was a parade of Oklahoma. Well, we hit some turbulence At 3:45 p.m. we arrive at our hotel in finished fifth in the nation last year and teams in front of a big crowd along with and now Jack, the self-proclaimed experi­ Chickasha, Okla., and immediately judged how we were hoping to do even better this speeches and a special show. The show enced flyer, turns pale. So much for his it as unsuitable by our standards. We year. Some of the coaches and players was five Indians, fully dressed in original announcement. Meanwhile Mr. Mager checked in and changed, heading straight were teasing Jack Tracy about flying - it to the pool to cool off. Our coaches, Indian clothing, doing traditional dances. was his first time flying and he was was having nicotine withdrawal while It was very colorful and interesting but too Tom Crenshaw fell asleep on the shoulder meanwhile, started making plans to find extremely worried. more suitable accommodations. long since we had to sit under the sun in of some stranger and snored in his ear. It By 8:30 our plane is in the air and we At 6 p.m. it was time for dinner. What the 112 degree heat. reminded me of the movie “Weekend at are heading to St. Louis, our first stop. do they serve in Oklahoma? It’s one of The key speaker was a surprise guest. Jack is so nervous about flying that he Bernie’s” so we all decided to call Tom our states but certainly foreign to us Jersey We were all Jioping it would be Oklahoma didn’t stop talking. “Bemie” from then on. Boys. The hotel restaurant had a buffet so native Mickey Mantle. But it certainly was At about 10 a.m. we were approaching At 2 p.m. we finally land in Oklahoma Coach Smith made a reservation. Being a surprise - no one showed up! So we St. Louis and the captain came on the P.A. City. Mr. Smith looked for National Car that it was Friday, they had seafood such ended the ceremony by marching out system. He had us look out the windows Rental to secure our three vans while we as catfish, shrimp and whitefish, and also wondering who the phantom guest was where we were able to see the massive got our bags. But there was one problem, beef. Well, we saw the food and it wasn’t flooding and distinction. Just north of St. National said they didn’t have any vans pretty to look at. We pictured in our minds Continued on page 36 Louis the Missouri and Mississippi rivers

M ataw an-A berdeen stars w in four cham pionships

BY ALAN KARMIN Butch Esposito and coached by Jerry average that included eight home runs and youngster amassed 124 strikeouts in 57 Allutto, Mike Delpriora and Frank 29 RBI. innings while yielding only 18 hits. Staff W riter Schneider, included Joe Alutto, Mark Conover (.400), Gorczynski (.383, 21 Delpriora threw 28 innings, striking out Ball, Kevin Conover, Mike Delpriora, hits), and Pinho (.375) each provided 34 hitters while collecting six wins and The Matawan-Aberdeen 12-year-old Brian Esposito, Davey Gonzales, Jay steady hitting while Langton (23 hits), several saves. all-star baseball team posted a 20-3 record Gorczynski, Billy Joyner, Justin Lebowitz, Gorczynski and Delpriora added to the Lebowitz added three victories, work­ in tournament play this summer while Mike Langton, Danny Pinho and Davey power surge by supplying two home runs ing 19 innings and posting 15 strikeouts. winning the District 2 Bambino Tourn­ Schneider. ament, the Matawan-Aberdeen Babe Ruth each. Pinho, Gonzales and Schneider each Gonzales added depth to the staff by win­ The offense was led by Joyner, the had one dinger of their own and all six ning three games. Tournament, the South Amboy Tourn­ right fielder, who accumulated 34 hits for ament and the East Brunswick Tourn­ players were in double digits in the RBI The squad’s defense was strong up the a .596 batting average while posting eight ament. department. middle with a solid effort from Gorczyn­ The all-stars recorded a fourth-place home runs and 33 RBI. Joyner added to Ball, Lebowitz and Allutto supplied ski behind the plate, Ball at shortstop, finish in the New Jersey state Bambino his team-leading on-base percentage by clutch hits throughout tournament play. Tournament in Millville. drawing 20 walks. Langton led the mound staff, winning Continued on page 38 The squad, which was managed by Esposito pounded out 25 hits for a .394 nine games and posting several saves. The 3 6 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT S P O R T S

M i d d l e t o w n

Continued from page 35 nament and to improve our national rank­ ing. 40 MAIN STREET, MATAWAN Right across from the Matawan Train Station We then went to our hotel’s “fundome supposed to be. center” and started billiards and ping pong' 5 6 6 - 1 2 3 4 Curfew was at 10 p.m. Coaches Mager tournaments. By the end of the night, Mrs. and Noto reminded us that it was time to Vill is clearly the best at ping pong and 12 Noon-3 pm Sundavs get serious and play ball. We were to play Mr. Smith edges out Mr. Mager at the Utah at 8:45 a.m. and Iowa at 3:30 p.m. pool table. gftTROOUCKNG the next day. We went to bed with dreams of home runs and double plays, but hope­ On Wednesday, Aug. 4, we open up OUR NEW fully for us and not against us. the consolation tournament with a win over Texas. Big hits by Adam Orlando, Sunday Cham pagne Buffet Lunch At 6:15 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 1, the Johnathan Medina, Matt Bailey and coaches wake us up to the call of “Play myself help us win, along with some Ball!” And we can’t wait! We attended excellent pitching by Jack Tracy. $ 0 9 5 Per person breakfast dressed in our uniforms and In our second game of the day, we beat Over 12 Hot It. ready to go. Coach Smith (Dad) looks West Des Moines, Iowa. Kevin Sullivan tired. He complained that he didn’t get throws a great game and key hits by Jack INCLUDES: GLASS NE OR WINE, SOUP & DESSERT FOR AN Tracy, Ken Richards, Chris Carter and ADDITION, LOBSTER FOR TW O (ANY STYLE) any sleep because Rafael Paez snored, Ken Richards kept tossing and turning and Johnathan Medina propel us into the semi­ I was yelling in my sleep. He told me I finals. Mr. Mager told us we weren’t hitting 5-7 PM Mon.-Fri. in Lounge must have thrown out at least six runners in my sleep. Hey, not bad! well enough and that we were meeting at Free Hors D'oeuvres By 11:30 a.m. our first game was over 9 p.m. with our bats in the grassy area just Catering Available and we soundly beat Utah, 14-0, in five outside our rooms. We had no clue as to e b ■ n © innings, shortened by the 10-run mercy what we were going to do in the dark. We rule. Adam Orlando has a big game going soon found out! We placed our bats in a 3-3 with 4 RBI and Jack “the experienced circle around two candle lamps and sat flyer” Tracy tossed a one-hit shutout. down. Each one of us had to call on a 4 DAYS ONLY • SUN.-MON.-TUES.-WED In our second game of the day, we deceased legend of baseball to help us hit. faced Urbandale, Iowa, and we were hit Mr. Smith called on Bill Kunkel, a by a 10-3 setback. Walks and two critical deceased major league umpire (from Middletown), to help with the close calls. Every sealy posturepedic, Serta, & Ortho are now priced at ourjabsolute Lowest prices Everll errors hurt us and now the pressure was on if we were to stay in the race for a It was all in jest but we had a lot of fun medal. Another loss would hurt us. with it.

ORTHCK On Monday, Aug. 2, we got up and On Thursday, Aug. 5, we played had breakfast, all the while talking about Arkansas in the consolation round semifi­ , MEDIC > beating Virginia, the top-seeded team in nals. We obviously didn’t have the angels our division. Mark Mager is on the mound from the night before behind us as we suf­ fered a 9-1 defeat. Again it was errors, TAKE AN EXTRA | for us. He gets in a bit of trouble and after walks and a mere five hits on offense that noooff I a booming triple we’re down 6-0 in the | AMY TWIN Bin ■ hurt us. To top it off, even Mr. Kunkel first inning. Mark comes out and is Coupon valid During UK only wasn’t able to help because there were a replaced by Rafael Paez. Timely hitting TAKE AN EXTRA by Johnathan Medina and Matt Bailey lot of strange calls throughout the game. *120 OFF i Our baseball season was over. Mr. I junrniusmHT | along with some walks help us chip away | sfonwaoi , Mager gave us his end-of-the-season talk, ^coupon valid During Sato only at the lead to pull within 6-2, then 6-4, and r = - ======n reminding us that we won a lot of tourna­ finally it was tied 6-6 going into the sixth TAKE AN EXTRA | ments and that our final national ranking I *140 OFF J inning. The small team, that’s us, is hit­ j any ouun iizb aar I of No. 14 was not too shabby. He said ting the bigger team with jabs and they’re Coupon valid During Sale Only«Vj while most of us were up to the task, the doing damage. I------. pressure and stress may have been a bit | TAKE AN EXTRA • But in the sixth inning, some shaky i *160 OFF much for some of us. | MNVKIHCSIZIHT I fielding opens the door and Virginia grabs I STORIWIDI I ^Coupon valid During saM Only a two-run lead. We were unable to score On Friday, Aug. 6, Mr. Smith, Mrs. orthopedic rypo in the bottom of the sixth and lost, 8-6. To Vill and Mrs. Mager took us to Frontier Orthopedic Type S e a ly Sealy ultra Firm Super Firm ♦ stay in medal contention, we must win our Pirm E x tr a Firm Multi-Quilted Land for the day. It’s a western-style Sale Price 20 Year W arranty next two games. *81Final Great Adventure. We won some prizes but w/ couponCtnt $ 2 «■ w/coupon^ $ / 1 0 Final Cott For our second game of the day, we twin Sl2« Caen piec#piec» MV ■ Twin suo cacn pi*c« ■ ■ ■ w/coupon the highlight of the day was watching Mr. *17 Twtnlacttncc* *77 meet up with Apple Valley of Ohio. They Smith (good old Dad) getting scared on - ‘149 *93 *33 Full *199 *107 *47 Full *219 *117 *57 Full ttmmta *239 *157 *97 r-r-c, *179 *117 *47 Oueen ‘249 *129 *S9 Queen . *279 *147 *77 Oueen ocmc. *309 *187 *117 were undefeated and had already beaten the ride called Buccaneer. He doesn’t like King imm ‘429 ‘289 *129 King irwctwi *599 *339 *179 King m *€99 *399 *239 King imum *799 *479 *319 Virginia. But we rise to the occasion and heights and this one went back and forth get past them, 5-3. Johnathan Medina, Piusn "Royal" YOUR CHOICE Ultra "Dynasty" very high. His face told the whole story. 25 Year Warranty S ModcH to cnooM mm at on* low prtc* 25 Year Warranty Chris Carter, Matt Bailey and I all had pillow Top aoo 130 year Warranty some big hits to account for our runs. Saturday was the day to get back Twin Set w*999 *357 *257 We’re now 2-2 and still have a shot at home. It was great being in Oklahoma and *97 Full set £*1099 *477 *357 *107 FUll urn* ‘299 *197 *137 Oueen set £*1299 *617 *477 Full *349 *207 *147 a medal. It also seems like everyone is competing against the best teams. We Oueenu ‘399 ‘247 *177 King set £*1499 *737 *577 Oueenu ‘449 *267 *197 losing to everyone else and not one team King i~< ‘1099 ‘597 *437 > B0» Set figtt Only!____ King im *1199 *637 *477 wished we could have done better but we WE’LL BEAT ANY PRICE ON ANY PREMIUM MATTRESS SET OR IT’S YOURS FREE! is dominating the tournament. So with that were reminded what we had to do to get WNtvCaniet R; in mind there was time for fun that night. there. We won local tournaments, the vourchotcvodted,NKAOBOAtrO wmta StH We finished playing at 12:15 a.m. with a oratucVouPaybniy Babe Ruth District, the Central Jersey 1:30 p.m. game scheduled for the follow­ * 1 3 . ^ ' E g 'm m ? «*69 ■- M $ia9 League, the Edison Tournament and final­ iMth Mattress Purcfus*IWtnSln witn Mattrw Purcftai*_ SmerSMactlOn wmmmn ■ ■ ing afternoon. Playing the four games in ly the state AAU Tournament. two days at the times we did was begin­ We worked hard at raising money for HURRY IN WHILE SUPPLY LASTS • LIMITED QUANTITIES • WE CRUSH THE COMPETION EVERYDAY. ning to take its toll and was showing. the trip. Private and business donations from the community were very generous. It’s Tuesday, Aug. 3. Happy Birthday We hope that the people who helped to Tom Crenshaw and you get the ball to send us aren’t disappointed. We hope they OCEANSIDE BEDDING pitch! We played Oklahoma and they real­ realize how proud we were to represent MATTRESS FACTORY DISCOUNT OUTLETS ly hit the ball. We didn’t give Tom much them, the community and the state at the BRICKTOWN SUPERSTORE BRICK MALL Brick Blvd. & Chambers Bridge Rd. (nextto Good Friend Electric) 908-920-8666 support with our bats or gloves and we national tournament. Next year we hope to fell 5-1. We now needed Oklahoma to OAKHURST SUPERSTORE 2112 Rt. 35 Midway Plaza (next to Blue Swan Diner) 908-493-1556 do it again and challenge for the champi­ beat Apple Valley later on to get us into onship. HOWELL SUPERSTORE 4338 Rt. 9 Roseland Plaza (Nextto KFC) 908-367-4242 the medal round. They didn’t and we It was an experience, a great memory FREEHOLD SUPERSTORE Rt. 9 & Craig Rd. Pond Shpg. Ctr. (next to Pizza Hut) 908-577-1166 move on to the consolation tournament. to have and one I hope to pass on to my MIDDLETOWN SUPERSTORE 1862 Hwy, 35 County Sq. Shp. Ctr. (near Ponderosa Steak House) 908-957-1909 We had a team meeting to speak about family when I grow up. I hope my chil­ all of the negatives and positives. It was a dren will be able to have a great adven­ OPEN 7 DAYS j f 1 ,Phon® °/,lleAs Acceptable On good meeting and we made a commitment MON.-FRI. 10-9, SAT. 10-6, SUN. 11-5 ture, mission and sense of accomplish­ Premium Sets to play ball and win the consolation tour­ ment like I have had. S P O R T S THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 3 7

A ssunpink: N ature, pure and sim ple

said. W ildlife area “A place like Assunpink offers a place to relax for free,” Reo said. offers refuge Visitors to the wildlife refuge can enjoy the dance of several big, orange from daily stress monarchs and iridescent swallow tail but­ terflies as they flutter from one wildflower ______BY KAREN j. IRVINE______to another. It’s also not unusual to hear the clippi- Staff W riter ty-clop of approaching horses’ hooves. Several privately owned horse farms are It is said that the best things in life are located along the fringes of Assunpink. free. Indeed, the 5,600 acres of fields, Horseback riding, bird watching, hiking, hedgerows and woods of the Assunpink fishing and hunting are among the activi­ (pronounced Ass-un-pink) Wildlife Man­ ties that one can enjoy here. agement Area remind one of a time when There are between 4 and 5 miles of fences existed solely for the purpose of trails and roads for hikers and horses, said maintaining boundary lines or containing Skip Todd, the state’s chief of land man­ a herd of cows. agement. Here, the wide open fields are edged However, they should be aware that with milkweed and Queen Anne’s Lace, the state’s 211,000 acres of wildlife man­ and not with the usual intimidating fences agement areas do not provide the more with bright orange “No Trespassing” familiar state park activities, such as signs. swimming, sports recreation, camping or The state began acquiring the land in picnicking. 1965 through the Green Acres Program. Managing wildlife is Assunpink’s prin­ The sprawling area covers parts of Upper GONE FISHIN’ — Paul Delgado of Jamesburg and his dad, Juan, set out cipal function. And hunting is one way Freehold Township, Millstone Township for an evening of fishing on Lake Assunpink at the Assunpink Wildlife used to maintain wildlife population levels and Roosevelt in Monmouth County and Management Area in Upper Freehold Township, Monmouth County. that are compatible to the habitat, extends into Mercer County. explained Annette Baker, senior biologist Monmouth County was the third (Photo by Jackie Pollack) for the state’s wildlife management fastest-growing county in the state bureau. between 1980-90, according to 1993 sta­ remains dedicated to natural wildlife and “Today we have a great deal of stress Therefore, game wardens say it is tistics provided by the Monmouth County not baseball or soccer enthusiasts. with work and family,” she said. “Often advisable to be aware of the various hunt­ Planning Board. A place like Assunpink can be just people think they have to spend money for ing seasons allowed by law in the fall The pressures from urbanization are what the doctor ordered, said Adele Reo, recreation. However, this just adds finan­ through winter. increasingly felt by area residents. To division director of outpatient psychiatric cial stress to other stresses.” For further information about counter these pressures, some people find services at CentraState Medical Center, People today must look for alternative Assunpink or fish and game law enforce­ their way to Assunpink, where the land Freehold Township. ways to escape from daily pressures, she ment, call (609) 259-2120.

A nglers fin d a little b it o f heaven at A ssunpink

There is a small slice of paradise for gines be used on any of the three lakes son, Paul, fishing offers an opportunity to Other species present are: channel cat­ sportsmen in the Western Monmouth ensures a quiet, peaceful time, which spend some quiet moments together. fish, creek chubsucker, banded killifish, County community of Upper Freehold Mueller said is another of the wildlife Starting the small electric motor of golden shiner, white and striped bass.” Township. Those residents who know area’s assets. their boat, they set off into the sunset to The management area also offers about it say they’d rather others didn’t. A rosy red setting sun hung in the west try their luck before darkness fell. upland game: quail, pheasant, woodcock, “I’d really rather not tell others how while Canada geese settled on the 225- Fishing is allowed from daybreak until grouse, rabbit and squirrel. great it is to fish here,” said Ralf Mueller acre lake for the evening. The men said 9 p.m. Assunpink also has a trial field for of Bayville, referring to Assunpink Lake, they would use lures to catch large-mouth According to information pamphlets hunting dogs and a shotgun and archery located in the state’s Assunpink Wildlife bass, which are stocked by the state available at the state’s Division of Fish, target practice area. However, anyone Management Area. Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife. Game and W ildlife’s central district using areas must be a licensed hunter. . Mueller and his fishing buddy, William “We keep the biggest one, and throw office, which is located at the junction of Bow and shotgun deer season will Lages, also of Bayville, quickly launched back the smaller ones,” Mueller explained. Eldridge and Clarksburg roads, “brown begin in October. their boat to take advantage of the waning “It’s better than work,” said Eric bullhead are present, but not taken in great Residents who have questions or want daylight hours. Peterson of Yardville, who admitted he numbers at Stone Tavern Lake; Rising to report a violation may call the state’s “It’s not overcrowded and fishing can dashed out of work early to enjoy a couple Sun Lake has abundant bullhead with fish and game central district office, (609) be a positive experience, here,” Mueller of hours of fishing with his friend, Jack excellent size. Chain pickerel are present, 259-2120. generously disclosed. Fehn of Mercerville. especially in Lake Assunpink where they The state’s mandate that no gas en­ For Juan Delgado of Jamesburg and his reach 18-20 inches. — Karen J. Irvine

r I Don’t Rub, Scrub, or Fight I That Tub Another Minute! LET US RESURFACE IT FOR YOU I Make your old, rough bathtub I shiny, like new and easy-to-clean F O R L E S S 77/M $35°° m m I The Best service plan available...Anywhere! Includes Parts & Labor j Free Estimates NEW IMPROVED Complete yearly inspectionflune-up included I PROCESS 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 5 Year Guarantee Other oil co. contracts completely transferable I 4 hour dry available NEW 10 YR. WARRANTY Plus...$5 0 OF HEATING OIL FREE LIMITED t im e a c m e • M c C o n n e l l f u e l ! AMERICAN COATING INC. OFFER “YOUR LEADER IN SERVICE’’ I Fiberglass & Wall Tile/Refrigerator Refinishing Call Today CALL NOW (908) 291-3200 or 1 (800) 662-3061 (908) 892-8093 'Certain re 3 8 AUGUST 18, .1993, THE INDEPENDENT S P O R T S

H o w ’d Y o u L ik e T o P a r k M a t a w a n s ta r s

O n e O f T h e s e B a b i e s In Aberdeen area and we’ll be able to keep Continued from page 35 them all together and keep them going o u r a r a g e o n i g h t because they are a great bunch.” Y G T ? Pinho at second base and Allutto in center- Esposito said the summer was filled The Clopay ProSeries field. with excitement and that no victory was Line O f Garage Doors. Schneider and Joyner flanked Allutto in more important than any other. the outfield while Esposito was a steady “They were all great. It was not like we With over a dozen Clopay player at first base. Langton played third had to beat a local town. It was great to be P ro S eries m o d els for you to. base when not pitching, with infield help playing teams from South Jersey - as far as choose from, you’re sure to find Pennsauken - and teams from as far west as one just right for your garage. coming from Lebowitz and Gonzales. You can pick from steel or Delpriora spent time in the outfield while Hillsborough. wood ProSeries garage doors, Conover’s versatility was a big asset to the “Our win over Hillsborough on Aug. 7 with insulation, windows, and team. was probably the biggest one for us decorative window designs. ■ Manager Butch Esposito said the per­ because they beat us once and we had to . Once you make your selection, you can count on parking your ProSeries Garage Door for formance indicates an entire team effort on come back and play them again. The kids years. The ProSeries 4000 doors even come with a lifetime limited warranty. And all ProSeries offense and defense. came back and got back on track to beat Garage Doors come with professional installation. You don’t have to lift a “The best way to describe the whole them 7-1.” finger. Except to give us a call. team is to say they played as a team. Every That win gave the Matawan-Aberdeen game they’ve won they’ve won as a team squad the title in the East Brunswick "A Trusted Name For Over 42 Years and the three games they lost they lost as a Tournament, during which they beat • Quality • Sales Lincroft once and Hillsborough twice. • Installation • Service team. You can’t give the blame to any one of them and you can’t give the credit to In winning the Matawan-Aberdeen tourney, the home team collected wins 77 Haddon Ave. any one of them. over South Amboy, North Brunswick, “The team consisted of 12 all-stars and SHREWSBURY Middletown American and Colts Neck no superstars. They’re just a great bunch of 741-6161 • 542-6212 before capturing the championship with a kids who never quit no matter what the ©I992 Clopay Corporation. An Instrument Systems Company win over St. Joseph’s. score might have been. If one of them The all-stars won the South Amboy didn’t do it, the next one would get it Tournament by streaking past teams from done.” South Brunswick, Sayreville and Perth Esposito said he believes the experi­ Amboy en route to defeating Monroe ences of this group and the fact that Township in the title game. they’ve played together as a unit will even­ After capturing the District 2 Bambino tually help the Matawan Regional High championship, Matawan-Aberdeen defeat­ School team. ed Millville, 8-4, in the first game of the “We certainly hope the results will con­ state Bambino Tournament, dropped its tinue and the same success will find itself second game, 14-13, in extra innings, then on the high school level for the Matawan came back to beat Egg Harbor, 9-1, in Huskies,” said Esposito. “The kids are real­ Game 3. The squad’s run at a state title ly looking forward to moving up and play­ ended with a 4-3 extra inning loss to ing on the larger field. Hopefully none of Pennsauken on July 15 and a fourth-place these young men will leave the Matawan- finish. Storm blitz soccer tourney foes

The Hazlet Storm Select Under-14 girls’ Tara Fitzgerald was named defensive C O ^^d\t\on @ fct .9° « soccer team outscored its New York and MVP, Heather Gardner was the offensive Canadian opponents 21-0 to win the Syracuse MVP and sweeper Jen Bauer was named tour­ Blitz International Challenge Cup. nament MVP. Teams from the United States, Canada and Injuries forced the Storm to play the final Germany took part in the upstate New York against Binghamton, N.Y., with two substitu­ • - * 0 ® e v en t. tions. Metzger opened the scoring with a 30- Daniella Metzger and Rachel Santa Maria yard direct kick that found the top of the goal. *f torn oafage *d W > n ^oc\udeS: E^ctr'c- were effective in neutralizing offensive threats Diana Ortiz smothered counterattacks and and helping keepers Aly Christianson and helped preserve the 2-0 shutout. Chrissy Brandee Adams secure five straight shutouts. Stockton was another local player on the roster Maureen Reardon combined her defensive tal­ of the team that also competed in tournaments ents with an offensive threat that opened the in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. field and allowed for strong play by a skilled The Storm was coached by Mike Lyons f front line. and Sean Moynihan.

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REALTY SAVVY EXECUTIVES 100 & kr^3sgB 88ss& ^ a 300 Route 34 • Aberdeen 583-2800 SHOPPER 583-2870 eves. Vivian Smith Mailed to 30,000 hom es in Are you a 1 st tim e buyer lo o k in g - Freehold/Marlboro LOGAN fo ra ‘Home S m t H om eor a re Manalapan/Englishtown construction corp, i f on a seller looking to move u p to H w y. 3 4 i f o u r 'D re a m H om e’? Matawan, NJ 07747 Tune in to Channel 19 cable Thurs.. call ■ Aug. 19th a t 3 . 0 0 pm. -908-591-2836 Call Vivian Smith, G.R.I. ; ? T f i n « ! i i ' 13:1/ Ec .:'(1 1 Hr,',!!' 8r"i:II.D;a 311 THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18,*1993 3 9 A TOUCH OF DANCE C enter fo r the Perform ing A rts “Home of the Award Winning Touch Dance Co.” Route 79, M inisinsk Mall Matawan 566-8330 FIRST QUALITY ALL SEASON TIRES REGISTER NOW! SAVE ON LIGHT TRUCK & RV WRANGLERS FOR FALL PROGRAMS CLASSIC ALL SEASON RADIAL Call For Inform ation & Schedule 60,000 Mile Treadlife Warranty • All Season Whitewall Design R e g u la r V E S P IA PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION IN: S ize /S tyle P rice 25% PRICE • Ballet • Pointe • Tap • Jazz • Acrobatics P195/70R13 $75.46 $ 5 6 .5 9 • Acro-Jazz • Dance Exercise • Ballroom P195/70R14 81.09 5 9 .8 1 Ages 2 V 2 - Adult Beginner - Professional P205/70R14 82.93 6 2 .1 9 P205/70R15 85.73 6 4 .3 1 Lisa M. Schneider IN-PERSON D i r e c t o r P215/70R15 89.55 6 7 .1 6 M em ber of DEA/PDTA REGISTRATION DAYS P225/70R15 93.19 6 9 .1 9 AUGUST 24TH, 25TH, & 26TH 6PM-9PM Trendsetter All Season Radial AUGUST 28TH & 29TH 12 NOON-4 PM AUGUST 31ST, SEPT. 1ST & 2ND 6 PM-9 PM ?.®?fy40,000 MILE TREADLIFE WARRANTY SEPTEMBER 4TH & 5TH 12 NOON-4 PM Steel Belted • Great Value • All Season Design • Day, Evening, Weekend Classes Available • Multiple Lesson & Family Discount Available R e g u la r VESPIA • Class Size Limited to Allow for S ize /S tyle Price 25% PRICE Individual Attention P155/80R13 $48.90 $ 3 4 .4 5 • Home of Award Winning Dance Company P175/80R13 „ 53.64 3 9 .2 3 Regional, State and National Champions P185/75R14 59.93 4 4 .9 4 P195/75R14 61.33 4 5 .9 9 P205/75R14 63.42 4 7 .5 6 5 0 % O F F P205/75R15 66.22 4 9 .6 6 ; REGISTRATION FEE ; P215/75R15 68.91 5 1 .6 8 lf when registered no later than P225/75R15 73.02 5 4 .7 6 Septem ber 5th. 1993 ■ IH 11 I I Ull I DISCOVERER - VANS & TRUCKS G i v e your child Light Trucks, Vans & 4x4’s • All Season RWL Design Regular VESPIA’S Price Size/Style Price 25% PRICE t h e a d v a n t a g e P205/75R14 $89.18 $ 6 6 .8 8 P215/75R15 99.94 7 4 .9 5 P225/75R15 105.16 7 8 .8 7 P235/75R15 110.97 8 3 .2 2 30x9.50R15 137.12 1 0 2 .8 4 31X10.50R15 152.51 1 1 4 .3 8 P235/85R16 io piy 156.76 i at)./*> 1 1 7 .5 7 ■ 7 * 3 J h W-1 iJ - S l; * ? : \ VI Gabriel Students gain DISC BRAKE SERVICE ; Self defense FREE LIFETIME 5 0 % OFF Control $ 9 5 WARRANTY 2NO GAS SHOCK & 2"° Discipline 5 9 CALL M PHEARSON STRUT Self Esteem Install new front pads, repack wheel bearings, i Worn shocks & struts will affect your car’s resurface rotors. RWD vehicles. Prices vary for ■ handling, control & braking. Replace them with Students become front drive. Add’l service recommended if 1 Quality Gabriel Shocks & Struts. FREE LIFETIME needed for safe operation. Semi-metallic pads I WARRANTY PARTS & LABOR. With this coupon. Motivated add’l. With this coupon. Limit 1 per customer. Limit 1 per customer. Confident Expires 8-31-93 I Expires 8-31-93 Proud VESPIA SUPER SAVINGS VESPIA’S DOUBLE VALUE Students Have 2 & 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT OIL CHANGE $ 2 9 $ 3 9 Fu n FILTER & LUBE 2 Wheel 4 Wheel Set camber & tow-in to mfg’s specs, adjust thrust line depending on alignment type & wheel drive. Shims, labor & FWD vehicles extra. With this coupon. Limit 1 per customer. Expires 8-31-93. $ 1 2 ° ° Combination discount at time of tire purchase only. One Tough Motor Oil Preventive Maintenance Tune-Upsa

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DJWF, BLONDE WWM, 45, 5’8", 156lbs, N/S, A LITTLE SHY 48, great shape physically, parent of one, ISO SWF, 30­ SWM, 24, 6’2", dark hair. N/D. ADS FROM WOMEN emotionally, financially, seek­ 42, for long-term relationship. Enjoys movies, music, autumn ing stable male, 5’10+, for 01085 (exp9/8) weather. Seeking shy, lonely SWF, 20-24, for friendship, monogamous relationship. SEEKING A MATE IF YOU DARE possible relationship. 03013 Harley a plus. 01082 (exp9/8) DM, 50’s, 180lbs, 5’10", blue SWF, 18, in search of a real (exp9/1) CANADIAN-ISRAELI eyes, seeking WF, 35-48. Must man, 19-25, must be hand­ EUROPEAN FUN AND ROMANCE some, daring, outgoing. If you be attractive, well-built, and International, world-travelled, have a H.S. diploma. 01090 Are you interested in a special have what it takes you won’t be Free 25 word ad! Free to record your greeting! Free to retrieve your messages! relationship? SJM, 32, 5’8” DJWPF, attractive, trim, 5’1", (exp9/1) disappointed.01325 (exp9/22) 135lbs, brunette, sensuous, down to earth and caring, vari­ LET’S HAVE FUN SENSUAL petite, and educated (masters). SHY, FUN-LOVING ATTRACTIVE SWM, 26, 6’3”, I95lbs, well- GREAT VOICE ety of interests. Seeking SJF, SWF, 26- new to the area. Warm, sensitive, sincere, ISO quality DJWPM, educated, SWF, 18, into classic rock and built, healthy-looking. Enjoys SWM, 49, desires to meet a 25-36. 03009 (exp9/1) Looking for som e new friends. DWF, 42, sincere, honest, European gentleman seeks to well-dressed, 5’10”+, 49+, to loves theatre, sporting events, heavy metal, seeking SWM, boating, water sports, out­ woman who looks good in a MOTHER’S CHOICE Like conversation, movies, the­ meet a lady to spark up sum­ share the essence of life, love 18-23, for a serous relation­ doors. Seeking SWF, 21-29, one-piece bathing suit. SWM, 31, long-haired, healthy, atre, music, and more. Let’s simple pleasures. Seeking mer. I am gentle, caring, finan­ and laughter. P1077(exp9/15) WM, who is compassionate, ship. No mind games. 03010 N/Drugs, friendly, outgoing, for Appreciate responses from res­ honest, romantic, enjoys talk. Not into bars. Englishtown BROWN EYED GIRL cially secure. 029 8 8 (9/1) music, movies, pottery, out­ area. 01337 (exp9/22) caring and down to earth. (exp9/1)______possible long term relationship, idents from Bayshore area, SJF, 27, 5’5”, brown hair and 02982 (exp9/1) YOUTHFUL who loves to be romanced and Keyport to Highlands, East of ODD H O U RS d o o rs, biking, m artial arts, life, GrtEAT AT ANYTHING eyes, medium build, looking for travel, romance. Seeks SWF, 1ST AD DJF, 40, 5’2", 112lbs, profes­ treated great. 01308 Rt. 35. 01215 (exo9/8) DWM, works unusual hours, SWF, 23, 5’9", 120, long legs, SJM, 28-33, 5’10”+, of average 24-34, similar interests. SDWM, 39 (but you wouldn’t sional Chef, outgoing, attrac­ (exp9/22) SWM 34, seeks full figured seeks simple, pleasant friend­ slender body, long blonde hair, build, college educated, must 03001 (exp9/1) know it), nice body, 6’, hand­ tive. Looking for quality rela­ SEARCHING SWF 24-34, relationship/matri­ ship with sincere, caring female loves to have fun. Seeking love children.01233 (exp9/15) who respects honesty, integri­ ATTENTION LADIES attractive, SM, 23, for adven­ some, well educated, entrepre­ tionship, with happy, intelligent SWM 40, 5’10”, green eyes, mony, must like to travel, I’ll-be GREEN EYED SPUNK ty, traditional values, dislikes a 32yo SWJM, 5’3”, seeking ture. 0.1319 (exp9/22) neur, successful, smart. & youthful male. 38-45. Must brown hair, trim, health con­ your honey drop. 01232 SWF, 28, 5’4”, petite, 113lbs., Looking for a female compan­ like children. 0 2 9 5 9 (exp8/20) scious with eclectic interests. (exp9/15) bars. 02983 (exp9/1) sensitive, honest SWF, who TO ENJOY LIFE WITH well built and healthy looking, enjoys having fun, laughs, ion. 24-38. 02 9 7 9 (exp9/1) GREEN EYED SPUNK Seeks SF for friendship and CENTRAL NEW JERSEY HANDSOME INDEPENDENT SWF, 43, 5’4”, 135lbs, long enjoys fishing, tennis, baseball, sports, music, among other SWF, 28, 5’4”, petite, 113lbs., relationship. 01 3 2 4 (exp9/22) GWM, 31, 5’7”, 160lbs, Brown SWM, 29, enjoys dining, blonde/blue, would like to meet football, also gardening. ITALIAN LADY varied interests. No kids well built and healthy looking, SAM, 24, college graduate, hair, seeking other GW ^, 18­ movies, evenings at home. S/DWM, 35+, with shoulder Seeking well-groomed; nice DWF, 40, 5’2", honest, sincere, please. 02998 (exp9/1) length hair, 5’10”+, physically enjoys fishing, tennis, baseball, loves excitement, adventure, 35 for long term relationship. Seeks honest, humorous, sen­ looking and well-built m ale with enjoys simple things that life REALLY NICE GUY fit, for friendship, p o ssib le rela­ football, also gardening. travel, movies, tennis, and Must be masculine and very sitive, attractive SF, not fearful same interests, 27-35. 02955 has to offer. Seeks S/DWM, DWM, young 54, 5’10", tionship. 01194 (exp9/29) Seeking well-groomed, nice museums, seeks S/DF, 18-38, discreet. 01097 (exp 9/1) of communication for friendship (exp8/20) 35-45, educated, caring, posi­ 160lbs., N/S, likes hiking, bik­ looking and welT-built male with with sam e interests. Please call and possibly more. 02975 Fit, funny, bright, SJF, petite is ARE YOU AN ASIAN MALE? tive outlook. 0 2 9 7 3 (exp9/1) TODAY IS THE DAY same interests, 27-35. 02955 if s e rio u s an d h o n e st. 0 1 3 3 4 ing, good music, would like to searching for that almost per­ SWF searches s for a SWEET - SMART = SWM 33, looking for that spe­ (exp9/1)______(exp8/20) (exp9/22) meet a really nice gal, who is fect, fit, funny and bright, DAM/SAM so share adventur­ DWJF, 47, professional, seeks cial woman 25-35, to share ATTRACTIVE PRIVACY ASSURED physically fit, into good nutri­ S/DJM, 37+. I am sure you are gentleman, 44-59, who enjoys HONEST AND CARING wild times, as well as quiet SWM, 25, brown hair, blue ous and happy times together. WM 40, seeking WF 25-40 for tion, with similar interests out there. 01323 (exp9/20) Must be honest and sincere movies, books, long drives, Widower JM, early 60’s, seeks times. Into rock music, out- eyes, loves the beach, movies 02952 (exp8/20) clandestine afternoons & caring SJF, 55-60, to spend the doois, quiet evenings, you SPECIAL EDITION and love children. 0 1 0 6 0 (exp and dining out. 0 2 9 9 6 or just staying in. In sear of TYPE A PERSON evenings. Movies, dinners- rest of our lives sharing things n am e it. 0 1 2 0 7 (exp9/15) Classy 1954, petite, secure, 9/1)______(exp9/1) ' SWF, 19-27, in Matawan area. SW M , 2 8 , 5 ’1 1”, 1 5 5 lb s, d ark WHY NOT!!! 0 2 9 2 4 (exo8/20) together. 01335 (exp9/22) feminine, professional, seeks ATTRACTIVE SWF BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ROM ANTIC ITALIAN 02997 (exp9/1)______blond hair. Mechanically handsome, honest, clean cut, W E COULD CALL ME Attractive DWM, 45, athletic 27, 5’2", petite, 110lbs, en-joys Do write personal ads. Happy, have so much fun together. Are TAKE A CHANGE inclined cat person, likes pho­ attentive, romantic, N/S, pro­ outdoors, sports, animals, SJM, 27, professional, N/S, build, 6’, 175lbs, dark fun, successful on Weight you 45+ and romantic? DWM, 43, 5’8”, enjoys auto tography, beach, comedy fessional mate who is ready for music. Seeks honest, good romantic, funny, reliable, affec­ hair/eyes, N/D, down-to-earth. Watchers. Interested in meet­ Spontaneous? Tall? Great racing, oldies music, quiet clubs, trips. Seeking SWF, 20­ a relationship. 01332 looking guy, 25-32. 0 1061 tionate. Enjoys walks, movies, A good conversation can tell ing SJM, 5’8”, 40’s-50’s, N/S. looking? In good physical con­ times, seeking slim, N/S 29. 02938 (exp8/20) (exp9/22)______(exp9/1) ______music, talking on the phone. much more. Q 1 092 (exp9/15) 0 2 9 8 9 ______dition? So am I. W hat possibili­ SW/AF, 30-45. Must be honest ADORES ATHLETICS DOUBLE TROUBLE Seeks SJF, 22-29, for friend­ BLUE EYES SWEET TREAT NO BEACH BUMS ties. 02947 (exp8/20)______and sincere. 02986 (exp9/1) S W M , 3 9 , 5 ’1 1 ’’, 1 4 3 lb s . 2 irrestible SWF’S, 18 and 20, SWF, 32, physically fit, fun lov­ ship, possible relationship. SJPM, 29, sincere, caring, edu­ DWF, 42, brown hair, brown GOING CRAZY LONELY Honest, sense of humor, are seeking 2 SWM’S to share ing energetic, loves to work 01307 (exp9/22) cated, w/sense of humor, ISO eyes, into country music, danc­ SWF, 26. New to area, seeks DWM, 51, seeks DWF, 45-55, thoughtful. Enjoys hikes, pho­ spontaneous adventures, a out. Enjoys dancing, long DOWN TO EARTH SJF, 22-28, personable, slim, ing, travelling, day trips, seek­ friends. Likes movies, music, tography, sports, playing/ barrel of laughs, and a funfilled walks, beach, quiet times. Easy going SJM, 25, enjoys N/S, who enjoys long walks for companionship, possible ing active SWM, 35-50, to sightseeing and more. watching, conversation, movies friendship with. 01333 Seeking SWM, 30-36, to share movies, sports, music, looking and conversation. 01059 relationship. I like movies, TV, share good times. 03018 Englishtown area. Not into on video, sharing moments. (exp9/22) good times and relationship. for SF, 21-25, with similar inter­ (exp9/8)______dining out and staying home. (exp9/1)______bars, let’s talk. 02950 02958 (exo9/03) S D JF , 29, 5’1”, Auburn/B row n, 01003 (exp 9/1) ______ests. 01188 (exp9/22)______DOWN TO EARTH N/S and social drinker pre­ LOOKING TO MEET (exp8/20) ______TRADITIONAL VALUES attractive, 126, must like chil­ PRETTY SJPF, 35 TEDDY BEAR S W M , 3 0 , 5 ’8 " , b ro w n ferred. 03020 (exp9/1)______dren; I have 2. Enjoys the SDWCM, 39-45, N/S, who ATTRACTIVE SW, loves outdoors, fishing, ISO tall SJPM, N/S, 32-43, to SWM, 42, 5’6", 195lbs., hand­ eyes/hair, cute, serious, warm, LONESOME!!! enjoys movies, dining out, SWF, 30, who enjoys dinner, musical instruments, simple beach, movies, romantic spoil and be spoiled by for some, strong, warm, sensitive, and caring with a sense of SWM, 26, 5’9", slim & shy. ISO music, conversation, quiet candlelight, beach, amusement times. Seeks independent nights. ISO SJPM, 29-39 for LTR. Our values include fit­ caring, adventurous, seeking humor. I enjoy the seashore, N/S, SF to love and make possible long term relationship times, must be honest, caring, parks & boardwalk, movies, SWF, 25-35, to enjoy life with ness/health, intelligence, hon­ petite, financially secure SF, movies, dining out, good con­ happy. Age, race, weight unim­ 01219 (exp9/22) sensitive. 03027 (exp9/1) dancing. Seeking honest, tall caring Irish Catholic. 02957 esty, communication, and the 26-38, for romantic, fun loving, versation. ISO SWF, 28-35, portant. Kids O.k. 03026 SWM, 30-39, to share good (exp8/20) SWF, 22, ISO SWM, 21-27, finer things in life. O 1093 THE WOMAN WROTE and honest relationship. with same qualities. 01091 (exp9/1)______tim es.02926 (exo8/20) ROM ANTIC ITALIAN who enjoys horror movies, hav­ (exp9/15) ______— and on this land there lives 01187 (exp9/15)______(exp9/8)______ing fun, and generally likes to a prince who is kind, gentle, BACK TO BASICS GENTLE TOUCH Attractive DWM, 45, athletic LET’S TAKE A CHANCE SWM, central Jersey, ISO Tall, attractive, professional, have a good time. 01221 informed- of sanguine spirit. A Cute, blonde SWF, into country SWM 30, loves fun, excitement b u ild , 6 ’, 1 7 5 lb s , d a r k Somewhat shy 45, naturally female, 30-74, an adult rela­ successful SWM, 46, seeks hair/eyes, N/D, down-to-earth. (exp9/22) balanced soul. You have smile life, music, animals, seeks 24- and adventure. Looking for blonde, blue eyed professional, tionship. Must like to wear bright, thin, attractive woman, A good conversation can tell lines and are 45+ and open to 34Yo, long haired SWM, 'farm honest, romantic, athletic DOWN TO EARTH enjoys dancing, theatre, music, dresses, high heels, nylons, 30-40, to share life, laughter, much more. 01092 (exp9/15) Vivacious blonde with good poss’bilities with this DWF. boy" type, who appreciates a fem ale th a t will ta k e a c h a n c e romantic evenings, seeking and stockings. 01218 love and a lasting relationship. on life. Ages 25-35. 02977 GWM, 23, Brown/blue, 5’10”, sense of humor, 46 DWF, counter part for possible rela­ 03028 (exp9/1) special lady. 02 9 4 6 (exp8/20) (exp9/22) ______01102 (exp9/8)______(exp9/1)______165lbs, tan, well-educated, loves music and travelling. tionship. 0 1 0 9 9 (exp9/8) TAKE ME DANCING UNEXPECTED PLEASURES LOoking to meet a SWM, late DWJF, 40, 5’9", loyal, under­ UNITED WE STAND FUN TIM ES SINGLE MALE summer’s body, enjoy S L E E P L E S S Before I forget how. College is SJM, 23, college graduate, 30's-40’s, for an honest standing, seeking S/DWM, 6’+, SWM, 26, br/br, have many Looking for female 30+ for nature/exercise. Seeks, IN NEW JE R S E Y over, it’s time to have fun. Long looking for SWF, 20-25 who monogamous relationship. 38+, for 50’s music, dancing. interests, some are Big Yankee adult relationrhip. Must like to mature, fun good looking, 18­ DWJF, early 40s, 5’3", long blond hair, blue eyes 22. Don’t fan, bike riding, beach and enjoys sports, working out, 30 man. 01216 (exp 9/15) 01180 (exp9/15) let the blonde hair fool you, if Too much fun for one guy. wear heels, dresses and stock­ dark hair, brown eyes, nice fig­ movies, seeking SF 21-32, movies, traveling, A.C., let’s TIRED OF GAMES SWF, 19, 5’5", reddish-brown you’re not intelligent don’t 02945 (exp8/20)______ings. Must be affectionate, ure, seeking DWJM, tall, 43-53, must like having fun. 01184 get together over coffee. SGM, Spanish, 30, 5’6", hair, likes to have fun, party, respond! Can be serious, so FRIENDS FIRST easy to get along with.02968 clean-shaven. 01058 (exp9/8) (exp 9/15)______01087 ‘ *“• 155lbs, seeking possible rela­ can’t stay in the house. ISO, WHAT A WOMAN watch out! P2940(exp8/20) DWF, Italian, 46, with many (exp9/30) ; down to earth SM 21-26 for S L E E P L E S S IN SEA TTLE Sincere, happy, laughing, out­ tionship. If you are Spanish or DWF, 43, wealthy, witty, ITALIAN LADY interests, seeks male for hon­ VERY SPECIAL romance. 01222 (exp 9/15) est relationship. No games or Loved it, laughed, cried. DWM, going, intelligent companion Italian, 30-35, and like movies charming, exotic, gorgeous, DWF 40, 5’2”, Honest, sincere. 38. These are some of the who likes to dance, out of Handsome, smart, D profes­ and quiet times 03008 (9/1) PRETTY HAZEL EYES brilliant, artistic, athletic, metic­ Enjoys simple things, that life lies. Only sincere need apply. sional WM, 38 seeks nonsmok­ DWF, 48, 57", honest, sincere, 02921 (exp8/20)______qualities feelings I have and doors, classical music, seeking TAKE A CHANGE ulous, humble, seeking male has to offer. Seeking S/DWM, believe in. Looking to share female, 40s-50s, 01088 er, SD professional WF. Must GWM, 22, good looking, into a little shy, likes movies, danc­ counterpart. Phil, leave phone SAVE ME 38-45, educated, caring, posi­ these with someone who has (exp9/8)______be slim & shapely, college cars, comedy, seeks man, ing, beaches and long drives. number. Q 1 100 (exp9/8) tive out look. 0 2 9 7 3 (exp9/1) Damsel in distress needs ISO tall n/s available WM for the same beliefs. 01186 GREAT GUY grad, love outdoors, under 30, young looking, and LOOKING FOR YOU Prince Charming. Let’s create m ovies.02954 (exp9/1) dinners, dance, laughs, what­ ARE YOU THE ONE? (exp9/15)______Very good looking tall SWJM, thin. For friends and fun times. DWF, 50 years young, seeking a dream together. 0 2953 ever! Q 1 179 (exp9/15) SWF 34, attractive, petite, LOVES TO CUDDLE blue eyes, 28, seeks special MOVIE STAR LOOKS 02986 (exo9/1)______gentleman of comparable age, romantic, sincere. Love life, DWM 34, that is down to earth. woman for good times as well SWM, 24, 6’, enjoys quiet ATTRACTIVE WOMAN who is honest, caring, roman­ enjoys long walks on the as bad times. Q 1 103 (exp9/8) nights, comedy, travel, 30, likes dancing, camping, tic, tired of the bar scene. ADS FROM MEN Romantic, caring that enjoys PLAYERS dinner, flea markets, amuse­ beach, baseball games. Seeks walks along the beach, holding YOUTHFUL STABLE health/fitness very important. Interest in real estate a plus. SWM 32-42, friendship/rela­ ment parks, the beach looking Q1101 (exp9/8) SHIP WORKER hands in the park. Seeking DJM 45, handsome and edu­ Seeks SWJF, 24-28, profes­ for an honest, tall guy, 30-39, tionship. P2984(exp8/20) S/DWF 29-40, with sam e inter­ cated. Looking for quality rela­ sional, N/S, attractive, up-beat TENNIS 23yo SWF, £’2 1/2", enjoys DWM, 36, father of 2 boys, with black hair and hazel eyes, WHO’S LOOKIN’ FOR WHO N/S. In search of S/DWF for ests. Call, let’s talk. 012 2 4 tionship. With a slim, youthful, personality. 02925 (exp9/1) Beginner/Intermediate tennis dancing, sports, movies, seek­ player looking for partner. for relationship. No gam es. good question. If there are no fun times and companionship, (exp9/15)______.______intelligent and happy DJF. SIGNIFICANT OTHER ing SWM, 21-26, N/S, no Evenings and/or weekends.O 01185 (exo9/15) cobwebs. If you love to laugh. single mothers preferred. ONE WOMAN MAN 01086 (exp9/8) SJM, 36, 5’8”, slim, athletic, drugs, friendly and outgoing for If you’re SDWM 43+. If you 2978 (exp9/1) SBF, 23, wishes to meet either 01320 (exp9/22) SHM, 39, 5’9", professional, MUSCLE-BOUND MAN energetic, college educated. friendship, possible long-term know the answer.03025 SB/SHM, preferably college relationship. 01 0 5 7 (exp9/8) SWM, tall, good build, looking athletic, sincere, caring, some­ SWM, 21, athletic and wild, Seeks slim SJF, 28-34, for educated. 01217 (exp9/15) (exp9/1) 90 S WOMAN WITH OLD- for SWF, 25-35 for fun, friend­ what shy. Seeks slim, intelli­ looking to be tamed by a sexy long-term relationship. 02852 JUST FRIENDS WHERE IS MY BEAR WORTH THE CALL FASHIONED VALUES ship, possible relationship. gent female for monogamous SWF, 18-24, who’s got what it (exp9/1) Attractive, articulate, attentive SWF, 19, hazel-blue eyes, relationship, 34-42, kids OK. SWF, petite, 105lbs, brunette, Enjoys music, comedy, the takes. 01080 (exp9/8)______LADIES, 18-24 SWF, 49 yrs young, seeks shoulder-length light brown 01225 (exp9/15)______WALKING PARTNERS attractive, enjoys reading, shore, quiet nights and mid­ FUN GUY SWM, 22, recent college grad­ companion for dining, dancing, hair. Seeking SWM, 20-24, WANTED antiquing. Seeking SWM, 38­ night swims. 01321 (exp9/22) SINGLE DAD SWM, 43, good looks, lively, uate, 5’10", athletic, attractive. In Cream Ridge and surround­ dynamic times and possible 48, sincere and caring, likes 190-210lbs, stocky, attractive. AVERAGE GUY ISO companionship/friendship wishes to meet S/DWF, blonde relationship. Let’s talk! 02884 W ants relationship. 0 3017 Looking for SWF, for relation­ ing communities, for walking, children, for friendship with 36, SM, 165, down to earth, from attractive S/D woman. or redhead, 29-49, who truly ship. 03012 (exp9/1)______flexible times, also weekend (9/15) future possibilities. 01089 (exp9/1) enjoys music, dining and Must enjoy life, smiles, and appreciates a fun guy. NICE GUY group walks. I enjoy walking ADVENTUROUS (exp9/1) LOOKIN’ LADY sports. In search caring, outgo­ share the exuberance that only Smokers welcome. 01084 SWM, 34, fun-seeker, looking and would like someone to SWF, 18, entering Rutgers SEXY, ATTRACTIVE SWF, 42. Lookin' to leave job, ing, SWF, 30-40 for friend­ the love of children can bring to (exp9/8) walk with. Q 1 177 (exp9/15) University in fall, looking for an for a fluent, fun-seeker, bache- SJF, petite, blonde, foxy, pro­ housework-n-kids behind! ship/possible relationship. life. S ingle m o m s OK. 0 1 0 9 8 CHRISTIAN LIFE nteresting guy to spend time lorette, to share good times CA R PO O L fessional, seeks well rounded, Lookin’ ahead to sharing laugh­ 01322 (exp9/22) (exp 9/1) SWCM, 35, 6’2” 190lbs, loves with 1 8-25, in N ew B runsw ick together. Lover of the good DWF, looking for straight healthy, happy, affectionate ter, great times, & what ever GOOD COMPANY DWM, 54, seeks bright, attrac­ God and life, from church to area. 01178 (exp9/15)______things in life. 0 3 0 1 6 (exp9/1) female, to go to singles dances “great guy", JM, 50+. 02981 with S/DWM 42+. 03014 SM, 48, 5’10", wishes to meet tive, 40+ female, to share love skiing and the beach there’s with. 02974 (exp9/15) AM I FOR YOU? (exp9/1)______’______(exp9/1) sincere woman with a trim or of life an d in terests in jaz z an d time for everything. Let's enjoy TAKE A CHANCE DWJF, 44, pretty, hazel eyes, MUSIC LOVER DAZZLING SMILE medium shape. Union County blues, skiing, camping, garden­ it. 0 1 0 5 4 (exp9/8) SWM, 30, 6’2", humorous, ABBREVIATIONS sincere, sense of humor. Loves music, loves to dance, DWF, 49, 5’9", blonde, slim, area. 01336 (exp9/22) ing. Marlborough area. 0 1 1 9 9 BLACK CURLY HAIR handsome, sensitive, intelli­ Enjoys dancing, dining, M-Male, F-Female SWF, 46, WNEW-FM fan, likes attractive, professional, enjoys H ELP ME (exp9/15) ______SJM, 28, 5’7", 150lbs, enjoys gent, traditional, affectionate. movies, beach. Seeking gentle­ driving, walking, working. life, dining, walks. Seeking SWM,.28, brown hair, blue SIMPLICITY Enjoys real communication, S-Single, D-Divorced man, 45-53 with similar inter­ travel, cats, dining out, horses Seeking secure, happy SWM, WM, N/S, good sense of eyes, 6’2", 210lbs bear seeks SWM, 20, ISO S/DWF, healthy, and guitar. Seeks SDWF, 25­ long walks, new adventures, C-Christian, J- Jewish ests. 03021 (exp9/8)______38-52, for friendship and what­ humor, for caring and sharing. SWF, petite, 19-30 to love and w arm sm ile, in Milltown, South 40, non-smoker for cuddling seeks SWF, 24-32, with tradi­ A-Asian, B-Black ever. 02994 (exp9/1)______03011 (exp9/1) ______take care of. 01208 (exp9/15) River area. 02942 (exp8/20) and fun. 03022 (exp9/8) tional values. 03015 (exp9/1) H-Hispanic, W-White Have you been seeing our ads for the past S flm rovothi ten years and never bothered to cat!? A u t f u n t l c Wonder why you’re still single? Irufion C uisine Call S&wot? SoutA W

THE INDEPENDENT. AUGUST 18, 1993 4 1 015 Summer/Winter 025 Business 035 Help Wanted 035 Help Wanted Rentals Opportunities Full Time Full Time WILDWOOD CREST $26,000,000,000. Vending in­ DRIVER- Must have own ve­ dustry. Buy in cheap. $3,000.- hicle. 6 days_a week for busy MANICURIST $4,000. weekly possible. PT/ florist in M analapan. CONDO STYLE APTS FT/PT Experienced. Good FT $0. down if qualified. Call 908-972-2588 3 & 4 rooms. Full kitchen & location. Call 908-251-3335 Brent 1 -800-542-5885 bath, laundry facility, parking. Close to beach & boardwalk. ★ MECHANIC-BICYCLE From $450. until Aug. 14. 028 Contracting Minimum 2 years experience. SPECIAL from $375.-$400. Equipment Wheel building a must. NJ from Aug. 14-Aug. 28. driver’s license required. Call 609-522-8262 GRIDS - Two 2x5 Display/ Call John 908-651 -8080 white/w/accessories. $70. EDITOR SHOPPING BAGS/Brown MERCHANDISER/ 225. $60. Call 908-721-8099 COMMUNITY CLASSIFIED SELLS! RE-SETTER NEWSPAPER Ice cream manufacturer . ieriSh* • &ivj>ton • to>shoie tndepcr.rie*.! . M s * . .% • Central New Jersey seeking part time/full time re­ newspaper group setter with occasional mer­ seeks editor for week­ chandising duties. Must have ly newspaper. Mini­ dependable car & be available mum five years expe­ mornings. 1-800-362-7899 FINANCIAL rience in reporting, NOTICES 1 HEAL ESTATE 5-15 I COMMERCIAL 17-28 layout skills a must, 017 Office & familiarity with Macin­ NURSES tosh/Quark copy man­ We have immediate openings Floor Space 029 Accouir-. :ig age rn^nt'oagi nation in our Nursing Department, programs a plus. full time/part time, for the fol­ Send resumes and ICHANDISE ARAGE SALES 61 INSTRUCTII ABERDEEN- 648 sq. ft. 1 or 2 lowing positions: yr. lease. 1 or 2 free mos. or ANGIE M. OUYANG, CPA- work sam ples to: 6 mo. lease. Util. & CAM. incl. Full charge bookkeeping, fi­ G r e g B e a n RN SUPERVISOR nancial statem ents or tax mat­ Executive Editor 908-583-1555, 908-842-6825 3-11 S H IF T ters. Call 908-739-5348 Greater Media Newspapers CERTIFIED MISCELLANEOUS 66-68 I ENTERTAINMENT 69 I SERVICE DIRECTORY 70-961 BOATING 105-1 020 Buildings/ JOHN HASLACH CPA Edgeboro Road Garages A C C O U N T IN G & T A X E S East Brunswick, NJ Nursing Assistant 0 8 8 1 6 . Call 201 -994-0064 Ext. 268 ALL SHIFTS E .O .E . M /F GARAGE Marlboro. Alarm, We offer a competitive salary Fax Your Ad 2 5 4 -0 2 5 6 HOW TO WRITE A fenced w/elec gate. All sizes. & benefit package. Contact $28.-$109./mo. 908-536-0235 032 Money Wanted HAIR DRESSER Joan Valbuena ADON .908-446-3600 Mail Your Ad CLASSIFIED AD THAT SELLS Experienced, FT/PT HOWELL/FREEHOLD Pine Brook Care Center Salary/Comm. 908-251-3335 Greater Media Newspapers Start your a d with w hat you're selling. 20X50 space for workshop or STOP CREDIT TURNDOWNS Englishtown storage. Overhead door, 24 Classified Department Be descriptive. List the best features of your item first. AND REJECTIONS HEALTH/FITNESS hoUr access. Highway 9. Call Have a brand new credit file American Woman Fitness in Use only standard abbreviations. 908-462-1S60 7 Edgeboro Rd. in 30 days guaranteed. Freehold has immediate open­ ★ Always state the price of a sale item. If you're East Brunswick, NJ 08816 STEEL BUILDINGS- Factory Call 1-800-796-9616 ings for AM Lifeguard, Aqua flexible on price include the word “asking" in your ad deals. 24x36 up to 60x90 & Instructors, Floor Instructors Be sure to include your phone number and times to more. Deal now. Save thou­ including Step. Call Lisa call. sands. Jeff 908-721-8360 908-409-6800 REPORTER Including the word "please" in your ad increases response. 021 Business/ MANAGER The Sentinel/Subur­ ban Newspapers are MONDAY Line Ads-1:30 pm Office Services EMPLOYMENT COUNTERWORK seeking reporters to WAITERS/WAITRESSES cover municipal beats. Display Ads - 12:00 noon Mid East Kosher restaurant TYPING/BOOKKEEPING/ 035 Help Wanted Applicants should has openings in these posi­ have writing experi­ - S E C R E T A R IA L -K a tie G ib b s Full Time tions. F/T, P/T. Call HOURS graduate. 20 years exp. ence & understanding *4 Lines S i / 00 908-303-9377 of municipal gov­ DAILY...... 9:00 am - 5:30 pm Call 908-446-2741 ADVERTISERS & READERS ernment. Position also Please read your ad on the first day of publication. We ■ 2 Times It is the policy of this newspaper MANICURIST involves writing fea­ a cce pt responsibility for only the first incorrect insertion. We that all help wanted advertisements tu re s . Private Party Merchandise 022 Commercial will begin with a job title. BONUS for manicurist joining reserve the right to edit, reject or properly classify any aa. Pre-Paid Call 1-800-660-4 ADS For information, call: S4-each additional line P ro p e rtie s new hot East Brunswick Frances Kosa ^ salon. Experienced with or Managing Editor BEAUTY CONSULTANT-F/T, without clients. Call P/T - No experience needed. 254-7000 Ext. 228 DRAMA SALON-Tuesday thru E .O .E . M /F OLD BRIDGE Call Sandi 908-254-5809 Saturday 908-254-0135 005 Apartments BUS DRIVERS Classified Sells 007 Houses for Sale 011 Mobile Homes Classified Works! for Rent CONTRACTORS MASONS SUBSTITUTES 1-800-660-4ADS Looking for full or part time REAL ESTATE MATAWAN-2 bedroom du­ SAYREVILLE-2 bedrooms, HAZLET-Why Rent? New mo­ HEAVY TRADES work? Excellent starting sal­ plex. Priv. house, yard. $730. 2V2 bath townhouse. Air. Low bile homes. Financing. 15 & ary. Will train for CDL license. + util. 908-946-4464 taxes. Walk to NYC bus. 20 year loans. No pets. LANDSCAPERS Interested parties call COME TO THE BEACH $97,900. Call 908-525-9181 Call: 908-888-9335 Freehold Township Schools OLD BRIDGE Office space plus 908-462-8400 ______And save a bundle, too! COUNTRY LIVING APTS THE BEST Listing Program! 005 Apartments fenced in storage 2 bedroom apts. avail. Heat, MONMOUTH JCT. CLEANING for Rent air conditioning, hot water, 2% LIST COST SCHULT 72, 12'x65’, 2 bed­ areas. MYRTLE BEACH. S.C. FT/PT private homes for local cooking gas and dishwashers room, screened \n porch, Sell $200,000-Save $2,000. Rents $250- company. Flexible hours. No “All Real Estate advertised in this included. Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm. washer, dryer. MUST SELL. W ritten c o m m itm e n t o n a d s till experience necessary. Must ' ■ ^ / newspaper is subject to the Federal 908-360-2992 Asking $25,000. $2500 per month. Housing Act of 1968 which makes it sold. Full service broker. be reliable, and have own car. illegal to advertise any preference, Call 908-274-1722 limitation or discrimination based on SAYREVILLE Ask for Paul Ricca Call 908-525-8207 H race, color, religion, sex or national Bordentown Ave. R & B Brokers Realty, Inc. call 741-0700 CORPORATE origin, or an intention to make any Morning: 908-972-8096 015 Summer/Winter COMMUNICATION-Extensive such preference, limitation or dis­ Office: 908-431-3933 BEACHFRONT CONDOS crimination. WINDING WOOD telephone work, data gather­ This newspaper will not knowingly Rentals ing, no sales, 9-1 or 1-5 in our accept any advertising for Real Es­ 1 & 2 B E D R O O M G A R D E N . 025 Business Red Bank office. Start at $7. tate which is in violation of the law. APARTMENTS FROM $560. 008 Condos/ Our readers are informed that all Opportunities h o u r. 9 0 8 -8 4 2 - 7 4 3 3 .______dwellings advertised in this newspa­ BRAND NEW AVAILABLE DISNEY AREA FLA. Open daily 9am-6pm Townhouses per are available on an equal op­ 2/3/4/ bedroom. Luxury homes CUSTOMER SERVICE portunity basis.” 908-238-3919 REPRESENTATIVE - Inside 3mi. Disney. From $550/wk. ★ A BUSINESS ★ telephone support of computer WEST PALM BEACH-Florida- 908-446-8237.... 908-446-0224 APARTMENT MOVERS-MID Century Village. 1 bedroom, 1 that I started & own did $6 related products. Also assist­ STATE SERVICE. Local. bath. Fully furnished. 1 block million last year. Help me ex­ ing Salespeople. Will train. WEEKLY RATES LOG CABIN, PA. 800-300-8350, PM#378 006 Houses for Rent from pool. Bus at door pand. P/T, F/T, domestically & Call 908-431 -3339 $800./PER WEEK CARTERET- in 2 family internationally. No investment.. 2 Bedroom I 3 Bedroom CALL 908-254-1331, EVES Company is 8 yrs old & is top CUSTOMER SERVICE- house. 2nd floor. 2 bdr., kitch­ MOVE RIGHT IN rated. Call Mike to hear & W holesale Electronic Distribu­ *550 -*750 | *625 -*900 en, liv. rm., finished attic, KEANSBURG $17,500. Call 908-727-6158 leave m essage 908-389-7523 tor has immediate opening for yard, deck. $850. +velec. 1 NORTH WILDWOOD mature minded, dependable Bill and Jackie Canino mo. secur. Avail. 9/1. No pets. Lge. sunken liv. rm., 2 Ige. Condo. Seacrest Towers. Full EARN substantial income in individual with good negotiat­ Call 908-329-8192 from 9-9 bdrms., kitchen, 1 bathroom. 908-577-0892 010 Rentals kitchen, ocean view, pool, your spare time. IRS & FTC ing skills. Extensive phone EATONCREST APTS $775. per mo. 908-787-4423 parking. Sleeps 6, Sept. 20- approved. 908-780-2318 sales/telem arketing. Call a f te r 6 p m to Share Tennis & swim club. Large Oct. 31. $375. per week. Call 908-679-9300 Monday-Friday F A N T A S T I C P R O F I T S - size rooms w/19ft living rm. 908-254-2750 8:30am-5pm for appointment. Estab. Local Vending Route - Only minutes from Ocean EAST BRUNSWICK-Room to Baskin flieSunona Earn up to $1,200./wk. Co. DANCE/GYMNASTICS beaches, Golf Courses, Fish­ share with 2 other people. 007 Houses for Sale OCEAN CITY, MD since 1965. 1-800^-800-3727 ing & Boating. Near all hous­ $425. + util. 908-251-6775 INSTRUCTOR needed for Beautiful Sandy Beach... es of Worship & Malls. Mon- 100' TO BEACH. 2 bedrm. START Your Own Business-or September employment. Call Play Tennis on the Lighted Fri 9:30am -4 pm, OLD BRIDGE - 4 bedroom Sleeps 6. Complete kitchen; work at home. Rush $1. & ______908-238-0880 ______FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP 908-542-1105. Pine Brook home, 2 people. Everything color CATV, whirlpool bath. SASE to: Concepcion DECORATING ASSOCIATE Courts...Enjoy the Jacuzzis and Rd., Hope Rd., Eatontown. 2 included. Air/washer/dryer/ Weekly $450.-$660. P.O. Box 953A Seeking creative business blocks from Exit 105 GSP MOTHER cable TV. Call 908-360-1465 Call 908-521-2444 E. Bruns. N.J. 08816 minded person for interior Saunas...Relai at the Oceanfront DAUGHTER decorating. Training. Part/full Cabana Bar. ARE YOU TIRED OF time. Call 908-583-3712 Colonial style main house with DEMONSTRATORS complete separate apartment MYRTLE BEACH & entrance. MAIN HOUSE: BEING TURNED DOWN FOR Friendly Home Parties Use your VISA Central air with 4 bedrooms, Use your VISA Has openings for dealers. No South Carolina * living room, rec room, den, LOANS OR CREDIT CARDS? cash investments. Largest line dining room, 2Vz baths, ex­ in party plan. Highest commis­ or MASTERCARD panded laundry room, finished or MASTERCARD Ifso, you are not alone. Everyday, sion and hostess awards. Also basement, screened-in porch,-. booking parties. Call to pay for your 2 car oversized garage. to pay for your ICHTs of thousands of people just ______908-566-3359 ______APARTMENT: Bedroom, living like you are denied the right to credit. I S . Classified Ads room, kitchen, full bath, air. Classified Ads DISTRIBUTORS House has steel siding, con­ Get rid of those judgments, leans, *535 to 635 I *375 to 460 crete driveway & walks. Fully WANTED F/T, P/T 1-800-660-4-ADS landscaped on almost Va a c re . 1-800-660-4-ADS bankruptcy, and late payments. A t L RATES AREWEEKDT All appliances. LOW TAXES. To market new, low rate tele­ Great school system. phone calling card to consum­ MUST SEE!!! C A LL NOW ers & businesses in Middlesex Photographs Gladly Shown Call for appointment County. Up front & residual in­ PRINCIPALS ONLY (908) 525-8898 come. Small investment re­ LEDDY & DICK POLITY 908-566-5220 908-462-7869 quired. Call 1-800-987-0593 1 4 2 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT WAL* MART WE ARE LOOKING FOR APPLICANTS SEEKING FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME DAY OR EVENING EMPLOYMENT!
















EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - EMPLOYER PAID AD THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 4 3 035 Help Wanted 035 Help Wanted 035 Help Wanted 036 Help Wanted 036 Help Wanted 036 Help Wanted 037 Babysitting/ 037a Baby/Child Full Time Full Time Full Time Part Time Part Time Part Time Child Care Care Wanted

TEACHER BANQUET SERVERS HEALTH FOOD STORE TELEPHONE SALES- From HOUSEKEEPERS, Nannies, O L D B R ID G E Old Bridge office. 9-1 or 1-5 SALES REP Mathematics teacher, High Part time work. No experience Sales & general work. Flexible Nurses Aides available. All Experienced, loving, respon­ necessary. Apply in person: hours. Call 908-308-0449. weekdays. Call 908-251-0047 nationalties. Licensed/Bonded. sible person in our home. To For professional services. School. Masters preferred. SALES Garden Manor AURORA AGENCY 222-3369 care for 5 month old baby, Establish & maintain local Knowledge of Basic & Pascal 50 Route 35 North Mon.-Fri./full time. References accounts. Old Bridge area. la n g u a g e . HOUSEKEEPER A b e rd e e n CASH FOR KINDERLAND, Marlboro- required. Call 908-607-2607 ADVERTISING Call 908-721-7050 Ages 21/2-6. Nursery, pre-K & GUIDANCE COUNSELOR For Senior Citizen's Building SALES 908-264-9550 YOUR OPINION K. State cert. 908-431-0718 Elementary School. Student BOOKKEEPER OLD BRIDGE Personnel Certificate required. Market Research LITTLE RED SCHOOL Middlesex County Full charge. Computerized & Seeking mature minded cre­ order entry bookkeeping sys­ LIFEGUARDS HOUSE Nursery School. Reg­ Co. looking for ative & energetic non-smoker Local newspaper tem. Monday - Friday, 4 hours August 23 thru August 27. 1 ister for Sept. 908-462-1872 MEDIA TECHNICIAN experienced with infants for group seeks aggres­ a day. Computer experience hour per day. $15./hour. Must people to participate High School. Half time. child' care in my home. Must sive self-starter to required. Call 908-828-5566 be certified. 908-536-8852 MARLBORO- Quality care, in Panel/Group have references & driver's li­ build this territory. The SALES for appointment. TLC, F/T, P/T. Highest refs. Snacks incl. 908-536-1148 cense. Call 908-679-2133 successful candidate SOCIAL WORKER LPN Discussions a f te r 5 p m . must be personable THIS IS A TEST! Half time. School Social Work­ CIRCULATION Needed for physician's office and have excellent er Certificate required. regarding Research OLD BRIDGE- Care for 2 yearv SERVICE REP in Freehold. Call Donna or OLD BRIDGE verbal communication A R E YO U: old in my home. Monday- skills. ONLY C A N D I­ The Star-Ledger has immedi­ Carol at 908-727-6045 & Development of Mother of 2 girls. Fenced-in SECRETARY Friday, 7am-5:30pm. Non-­ DATES WITH MEDIA HUNGRY FOR $? ate part-time openings. Must NEWSPAPER ROUTES NEW PRODUCTS yard, playroom, activities. smoker w/car. 908-679-4489 SALES EXPERIENCE Sales oriented? 'Confidential Secretary to Su­ have reliable car and be avail­ References. 908-679-3933 WILL BE CONSID­ Good on the phone? perintendent. 12 month posi­ able early mornings. Start At P/T Early Morning Call Miss Clark OLD BRIDGE- Exp. caring OLD BRIDGE- Loving mom ERED. Articulate? tio n . $110.00 plus car expenses person to care for 5 & 1 Vz yr. (5:00 to 6:30) 7 days are will care for your child in her We offer a salary Computer friendly? and route profits. Benefits in­ 251-9000 old Mon- Fri, 3pm - 8pm in available in your area. Earn home. Great references. commensurate with HUNGRY FOR $ Send resume to: clude: Vision, Dental Insur­ my home starting Sept. 1. $400. to $500. per month, 908-679-2291 experience and c o m ­ A good typist? Superintendent of Schools ance plan plus vacations. Non-smoker. Refs. plus cash incentives. A reli­ mission. Excellent Detail oriented? 335 Broad Street Rapid salary increases. 908-251-1471 able car is a must! P A R L IN - re s p o n s ib le m o m will benefits available. Conscientious? Keyport, NJ 07735 Call 1-800-242-0850 Please send resume Call toll free 1-800-242-0850 TELEMARKETERS care for your child with TLC. A team player? CLERK/DRIVER - Freehold to : F/T or P/T. Call 908-727-8224 039 Companion/ HUNGRY FOR $ area. Tuesday, Thursday and OFFJCE-afternoons midweek B. Englert, Advertising Mgr. TEACHER CUSTOM SERVICE Up for the challenge? alternate Saturdays. and FURNITURE SALES Greater Media Newspapers Health Care Willing to work? Nursery School. Full time 9-4. Call 908-462-0668 Sunday afternoons. Silvert’s Fast growing food SAYREVILLE Edgeboro Road S e e k in g a great job? Manalapan 908-446-4109 Freehold 908-462-4500 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 If YES to ALL of the COLLECTION CLERK service is looking for Energetic, creative Mom with COMPAN lON/Caretaker will Equal Opportunity Employer PLATEROOM LABORER above, read on. Interesting position for dy­ 15 years experience will pro­ care for elderly. My home or-* M/F TECHNICIAN No experience necessary. bright, motivated namic person with positive vide child care, 6am-6pm, yours. Run errands, grocery Call 254-7004 ask for L av in ia. Monday-Friday. Reas, rates, Our Classified/Telemarketing Freehold base company telephone manner. 20 hours individuals to man shop, doctor appts. 10 yrs. Greater Jersey Press Department is growing. We seeks individual to assist in per week including some exc. refs. Call 908-390-1376 exp., refs. 908-651-8817 SALES • AVON Equal Opportunity Employer h a v e 2 n e w p o s itio n s to fill. manufacturing process of evening calls from home. Will our phones in our M/F SOUTH AMBOY COMPAN lON/Certified seeks A Beautiful day-the Avon way! computer supplies. Must be train. Resume to : Old Bridge office. a live out position. Excellent Buy/sell. Robin: 908-938-4152 Hours: Monday-Friday, energetic person, not afraid to B ox 691 RECEPTIONIST EXPERIENCED MOM references. Call 908-566-0042 9 a m -5 :3 0 p m get hands dirty. Will train. Oakhurst, NJ 07755 Call 908-431-3339 Front office in Englishtown Hours 9-1 or 5-9 Will watch your children in ★ SALES-AVON ★ YOUR home. Will do light We offer an attractive pack­ COUNTER PERSONS Nursing Home. All weekends housekeeping/prepare dinner. 040 Situations age including salary and com­ All s h ifts a v a ila b le in clu d in g 9-5. On call & cover holidays. Call Mrs. Waters 1-800-545-8390 WAREHOUSE If interested call 908-727-0068 mission, as well as excellent weekend hours. Call Eli’s Hot Must be reliable. Call Pat Wanted company benefits. DELIVERY- Som e lifting, must 908-446-3600 Bagels, Freehold. 1-800-872-0157 SOUTH RIVER-Mother of one have driver's license. Call SALES 908-780-3536 providing loving care in non­ Call 908-254-7000 ext. 220 908-324-2929 MANALAPAN AREA- My live CRAFT Demonstrators-Home SALES smoking home, f/t, p/t. CPR High energy person needed Greater Media Newspapers in housekeeper, trustworthy, parties. Energetic, personable. 036a Employment cert. Lunch. 908-238-3274 for membership sales in New E .O .E . M /F For Englishtown Flea Market good cleaning, ^with refs, Jersey’s fastest growing fit­ Earn up to $25./hr. CLASSIC Saturday only. Outside. MUST Services wants to work on her day off. ness center. Must be willing to WAREHOUSE/LIGHT CREATIONS 908-536-7352 BE RELIABLE. Call Richie TLC CHILDREN’S ACADEMY 908-462-5469 Programs designed for work­ learn. 908-389-8500 SALES-AVON INDUSTRIAL COLLECT 516-676-7440 ATTENTION DEMONSTRATORS READERS ing p a r e n ts . Full & 1/2 d a y p ro ­ Beautiful Opportunity Many positions available. grams 6:30am-6:00pm. State Christmas Around the World Ads under this classification are not All area -$$$- Sales 1st, 2nd, 3rd Shifts. SALES offers of employment. Often these Lic. Teachers. 908-591-1208 SALES PERSON Make own hours. No invest­ advertisors offer a service for a fee. 041 Resumes/Typing Toll Free 1-800-662-2292 College Students welcome. ment. FREE kit & supplies. No PRINCESS HOUSE If you place a call to a "900’' number Updated children and pre­ you will automatically be billed a fee, teens store. Experienced New Brunswick, North collection or delivery. GREAT $300.+/weekly. 908-721-1748 which varies. 037a Baby/Child necessary. 35-40 hour week a STOCK BROKER-Series 7 re­ Brunswick, Edison areas. FOR MOMS! 1-800-628-0063 quired or college grads with a SALES-DREAM JOB must. Call 908-577-0066 ‘‘EASY WORK, EXCELLENT Care Wanted ABC TYPING desire to succeed for new of­ Have a flair for fashion? Like SECRETARIES DEMONSTRATORS PAY!" Taking snapshots: L E T T E R S & M O R E !! fice in Ocean County. Call Mr. to wear jewelry? Earn $800.- Permanent positions. Up to Extra $$$ needed? Christmas Send self-addressed stamped CHILD Care Network needs REASONABLE RATES Use your VISA Zudony at 908-602-1800 $1,000. monthly for 2 eve­ 35K available. Also Temp Around The World now re­ envelope to: providers. Continuous adver­ Call 908-536-3495 nings per week. 800-272-1741 or MASTERCARD Positions. Some Temp to cruiting. $10.-$15. per hour. 275 Rt. 10 E. Suite 220-127, tising available. 908-446-8027 TEACHER AIDES P e rm . Free kit. No collecting/deliver­ SALES-Part Time Succasonna, NJ 07876 COMPUTER SERVICES ing. Call Maryann to pay for your HOME TYPISTS, PC users EAST BRUNSWICK Resumes, Correspondence, 908-727-1859 Graphics, Theses, etc. Laser Classified Ads TEACHERS SUPERIOR DREAM JOB needed. $35,000. pot. Details. 3 days/week, care for great 2 DEMONSTRATORS Jet Printing. 908-238-8660 Full time/part time. PERSONNEL INC. Flair for fashion? 2 evenings 805-962-8000 Ext. B-2111 yr. old in my home. Must have 1-800-660-4-ADS Nursery school. Call between 2 Washington PI. Newark, NJ 07102 Free Hawaiian Trip per week. Write your own NATIONAL PUBLISHING car. Non-smoker. Refs. req. 9am & 5pm 908-254-3505 paycheck-$500. plus per 908-254-8442 after 7pm 15 FREE RESUMES 201-242-6060 Fax: 201-242-2113 Christmas Around the World FIRM needs people to label month will pay for Xmas & w/first order. Written/typeset, is now recruiting. Also booking postcards from home. $800./ 100 Wood Ave. So. Iseiin, NJ 08830 earn free gifts trip. EAST BRUNSWICK- Central laser printed. RUSH Service. HOME CARE parties. 908-290-7133 & week. Set your own hours. 908-632-9500 Fa: 908-632-9525 Call 908-446-4362 1-900-740-7377 ($1.49 min./ School area, before & after Write For You....908-446-8012 3 ADP Blvd. Roseland, NJ 07068 DENTAL ASSISTANT 18yr.+)or write: PAASE- school care needed for 7 yr. old. 908-390-9333 REPORTS ETC... 201-535-1053 Fax:201-242-2113 Experienced preferred. No SALES/SUPPORT W 2 9 0 9 161 S. Lincoln way Saturdays. Call 908-446-6121 HAZLET Type & Sew 908-462-7494 G et o n FLEXIBLE HOURS N .A u ro ra , IL 6 0 5 4 2 DESK RECEPTIONIST Earn commission on direct P O S T A L & G O V E R N M E N T NANNY WANTED SECRETARIAL SERVICES Pleasant person for varied sales to industrial customers. JOBS. $23./hour plus benefits. Warm, energetic nanny need­ Typing, word processing, laser responsibilities in fitness club. We supply leads. You set up ed to care for 16 month old in printing. Reas. 908-613-0915 THE BANKING appointments. Must have car. To apply 1 -800-935-0348 FOR INFORMATION OUR home. F/T, 7am-7pm, 5 Paid hourly for light typing. Call 908-583-3990 days. Live in/out. Paid vaca­ Send resume to: 037 Babysitting/ TYPING SERVICE FULL-TIME DISCOVERY TOYS tion. 908-888-9452 RIGHT Winston Manufacturing Corp. Child Care Term Papers,. Business Let­ Consultants to demonstrate & 163 Burlington Path Rd., St. E ters, Resum es. 908-431-2792 TELLER sell toys. 908-257-1315 Cream Ridge, NJ 08514 KEYPORT A FUN Filled Nursery School WORD Processing/Typing COURSE W onderland Preschool-Howeil. Mature person to provide child STUDENTS Call Michelle 908-888-9576 * Manalapan * DISTRIBUTORS 7-6. Breakfast/lunch/snacks. care in my home for 4 yr. old. No experience, no investment. Drive Italian Ice Truck now Birth-6 yrs. 908-364-6211 20 - 25 hrs. per week. Morn­ Train for one of the country's fastest grow­ Prior teller Sell products people use through October. High com ings & early afternoons. every day. Call 908-219-1717 mission. Call 908-536-0166 ABERDEEN Teacher offers 908-264-7887 aft. 6pm ing industries. Home Care Resources is now offering experience quality care in her home. a Home Health Aides Certification course to eligible preferred. DRIVER TEACHER Songs, arts/crafts & more. MANALAPAN m candidates in the FREEHOLD/HOWELL area. This Refs avail. 908-566-3655 for 2 children, 2V2 & 5 y e a r olds, 3 days a week, 2pm- MERCHANDISE To drive girl fPom East Brun­ Half time. General Studies CHILD Care Network- Family course is offered at no cost to you, but you must Please call 6:30pm. Non-smoker, own swick 7:30 am, approximately Kindergarten for Jewish Day Day Care referrals. No fee. meet the following requirements to qualify: transportation, references re­ Ms. Hellow at 20 miles, to school in Prince­ School in East Brunswick for Matawan thru Manalapan/ quired. Call 908-972-8198 ■ Ability to commute to clients homes (908)474-1124, ton & pick-up approximately September. Experience and Freehold. Call 908-446-8027 042 Antiques 3:15 pm. 4 to 5 days per certified. 908-238-7971 Middlesex Cty. 908-679-7638 ■ Minimum of 6 months experience in health carc to schedule a week. Please call MANALAPAN-Care for 5 year old. 7:30-9am & 3-6pm, Mon. ■ A strong desire and commitment to provide 908-254-0560 CHILDREN’S CHOICE LO CA L interview TEACHER to Wed. in our home. Call ANTIQUES loving care to our homcbound clients 425 Riva Ave., E. Brunswick DRIVERS WANTED Phys. Ed. & Coach in Jewish 908-446-5299 evenings ■ Availability to attend a 75-hour course appointment. Ages 3 months-5 years. Top prices paid for: Antique Day School in East Bruns­ Kindergarten. State Certified. furniture, oriental rugs, paint­ Earn up to $12. per hour. MARLBORO- Loving person wick. Elementary/middle Open 6:30am-7pm, 12 months ings, jewelry & silver. W e pur­ HOME HEALTH AIDE Go-4-lt X-press delivery, is to care for our 2 children ages school. Certified & experi­ c h a s e entire contents of e s # - Constellation now hiring drivers, to deliver a year. Call 908-821-1717 4 & 6, Thusdays in our home. CERTIFICATION TRAINING COURSE meals from local restaurants enced. 908-238-7971 tates. Will com e to your home. Call 908-462-9012 September 20th-0ctober 1st B a n k in Old Bridge, Matawan, Marl­ EAST BRUNSWICK Call 888-0736 (BREAK October 4th-l 1th) Equri OpporiMity Employer HHW boro, Manalapan & Freehold. TEACHER Loving, responsible child care MARLBORO-3 days/week, my Flexible day, evening & week­ in my home near Mem. Sch. DOLLS - Antique & collect-, October 12th-October 14 th Preschool, kindergarden, certi­ home 7:30-6:30. 1 year old. end hours. Must use own car. Ages 2 - 6 . Activities. able. Sacrifice complete doll fication required. Experience References. 908-591 -2404. Monday through Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm . Call 908-536-1212 908-651-0455 collection. Reasonable prices. preferred. Call 908-431-0718- 908-251-5908 after 10am. ALSO: DRIVERS/DISTRIBUTORS EAST BRUNSWICK- Day care MIDDLETOWN - Mature 036 Help Wanted TEACHERS- Mommy & me teacher will care for your child women, non-smoker with own Cases are now available throughout Monmouth preschool program. Teach Part Time in her home. 908-257-2013 transportation, to care for 2 County for NJBN Certified Home Health Aides with PART TIME once a week, hour long class. children after school/holidays. Freehold Antique Gallery ADVERTISERS In exchange your child may EAST BRUNSWICK- Daycare 908-294-2858/908-671 -7079 a minimum of 6 months current experience. & READERS Middlesex, Union, Monmouth It is the policy of this newspaper Counties. Work between attend free. 908-821-0215 avail. Kindergarten kids by “New Jersey's Leading Mulli-Dealer Our CHHAs enjoy: that all help wanted advertisements 12-18 hours. Earn up to $200. loving teacher/mom. Planned Resource For Fine Antiques" will begin with a job title. activities. 908-613-5098 MIDDLETOWN • Travel Reimbursement Call 1-800-660-4 ADS or more each week. Adult TELEMARKETING newspaper home delivery or Seeking child care Monday- ■ $8-$9 hourly rate ■ Flexible Hours 60 year old Woodbridge com­ vending routes available. Reli­ EF AU PAIR Friday, 1pm-4pm in my home. 1 Paid In-services and case orientation ASSISTANT, SITE pany needs experienced able vehicle needed. 6 days, Non-smoker. 908-671-5233 SUPERVISOR/SITE AIDES - TELEMARKETERS to^set ap­ European Live-in child care early morning. For immediate consideration please call: are needed for East Brun­ pointments for sales' force. News Tribune 908-442-2223 EF Au Pairs are thoroughly MILLPON D/MORGAN VILLE OPEN 7 DAYS swick Township’s after school Monday -Thursday, 5pm-9pm Sonda Bald (908)935-0933 screened, hold legal Visas, Early morning sitter needed M on.. Tues.. Wed.. Sat. 11 am -6 pm programs. Program hours are & Saturday 9am-1pm. Up to speak English and are dedi­ for 8 year old boy. Thurs.. Fri. 11 am -8 pm approximately 3-6 pm school HAZLET $10. per hour with bonus. Call cated to the care of your chil­ Call 908-591-2233 days. Experience preferred. Sunday 11atn-5pm H O M E C A R E Raritan Valley mother of AM Mrs. Richards 908-283-2822 dren. Average cost $170./ Call S. Kaspin 908-390-6825 kindergarten student looking week regardless # of children OLD BRIDGE - WANTED 10.000 SO. FT. • MAJOR CREDIT CARDS for m ore information. RESOURCES for another mother to bring TELEMARKETING Call Michelle Chazen Before & after school care for ( 908-462-7900 ) Equal Opportunity Employer ASSISTANT/SUBSTITUTES him to school, pick him up & Fun job. Offer people 2 free 908-566-8937 6 & 10 year olds. Carpenter The McKelvey Building Home Carc Resources is a medicare certified affiliate of Kimberly Needed for Nursery School. care for him Monday & weeks to new fitness center in or Betsy Marengo School area. Non-smoker, 2 1 W. Main Street • Freehold Tinton Falls. F/T, P/T, salary + 908-446-6870 must drive. Your house or Quality Carc. Joint Commission Accreditation with Commendation. Call 10am to 3pm. W ed n esd ay , 8 -9 am & FREE PARKING BEHIND THE BUILDING 908-431-1629 11:30:3:30pm. 908-739-1624 commission. 908-389-8500 Gov’t designated, non-profit mine. Call 908-679-9355 4 4 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT 048 General 043 Appliances 043 Appliances 047 Furniture 047 Furniture 047 Furniture Merchandise

DRYER - Electric, Sears, top BEDROOM SET - Solid oak, LIVING ROOM - Couch, 2 SOFA & LOVESEAT of the line. Runs excellent. WASHER/DRYER like new. King size head­ chairs, curio cab.. $400. Din­ With pillows. Beige with board, armoire, triple dresser, First $50. takes it. Call Whirlpool, 1 piece almond. ing rm tbl, hutch, serve cart, mauve & teal flowers. $250. 2 night tables, 2 mirrors, 2 Lenox 5 pc, serv. for 2. Morn­ 908-238-5850, evenings. $350. Like new. 908-536-0218 chandelier & micro. $499. Call 908-566-8145 brass lamps. $1,400. Call Best offers. 908-388-6837 ing Blossom, perfect cond. IMPERIAL FREEZER 908-257-4854 SOFA - BEIGE, 5ft. $60. $175. Heinrich Ivory Body Su­ Heavy duty, 15 cu. ft. M O V IN G - B e d rm . S e t - D ark DRESSER & RUG - Area 6‘ x preme, serv. for 8 + many Like new. Asking $300. 044 Computers BEDROOM SET wood, good cond. $500. Liv­ 9'dark blue. Prices negotiable. serv. pcs. $700. 908-651-1654 Call 908-679-4718 aft. 7 pm. 4 pc. Bassett. Good cond. ing Rm. Set - Beige leather, 2 Good condition. 908-972-1982 $400. 908-613-0132 pcs. $400. TV color big CUSTOM FRAMING SOFA - Creme color back­ COMMODORE AMIGA 500 - screen $500. 908-679-2512 WHOLESALE PRICES ground, English style. 2 rose RANGE Expanded memory. Color ALTERNATIVE FRAMING BEDROOM SET MOVING SALE color wing back chairs. All stereo monitor. External disc 155 South St., Freehold GE elec. 30", exc. cond., very good condition & like drive. Color printer & software. Like new, 7 pc. formica, All contents. Modern apt. Call 908-780-5210 for info. brown. $150. 908-583-0312 new. $900. Call for informa­ Asking $650. 908-257-1371 queensize. 908-525-2285 Quality value. 908-972-5856 tion, 908-283-0599 REFRIGERATOR DISHES COMPUTER - Lap top, Bond White Westinghouse. Good BEDROOM SET MOVING SALE SOFA Stoneware, oven proof. 20 condition. $175. or best offer. well 200, 2 drive. Exc. condi­ piece serving for 4. Beige. Brass/glass curio, wall unit, art Beige print. Good cond. $65. tion, like new. $500. or best Thomasville, 6 pc. oak, corn- $13. Call 908-787-4995 Call 908-721-1135 work, full bed w/mattress & o r best offer. Call offer. Call 908-738-9724 temporary style, mint cond. 4 boxspring. Call 908-308-3329 908-787-6858 after 5:30 p.m. REFRIGERATOR-W hirlpool. yrs. old. 74" triple dresser, FILE CABINET - Fire proof, 4 Almond. Side-by-side, 25.6 dual mirrors, 2 night stands, WATERBED - Sleeps 2. With drawer, 5 drawer, & 2 drawer cu.ft. Good cond. $250. Call 045 Clothing chest, queen/full size head­ MOVING SALE very heavy wood bookcase metal cabinets, secretary work 908-536-1108 board. Pd. $2,100. Asking frame. Good condition. $150. station, 30" metal storage Dinette, din. rm. set, tools & $1,150. 908-583-5788 Call 908-521-2990 cabinet w/ 3 shelves. ★ REFRIGERATORS ★ much more. 908-525-0486 Call 908-249-2515 BEDROOM SET-GIRL’S Guaranteed, 90 days. MINK COAT WICKER & RATTAN-Pine Furniture, Gifts & Baskets. $175. +• Choice ol sizes and 6 pc. 2 dressers, 2 hatches, Size 14, full length. 3 yrs. old. MOVING SALE FULLER BRUSH colors. Very clean. nt. stand, headboard, matt. & STORAGE SHEDS Perfect cond. 908-431-7603 Master bedroom set, crib, Great Savings & Selections Can deliver. 908-225-5272 boxspr. Exc. cond. Asking CALL 908-972-2360 sofas, entertainment center & $400. 908-446-6980 The Wicker Basket Rt 34 more. 908-972-0350 USED 047 Furniture BEDROOM SETS Colts Neck 908-462-8855 HANDICAPPED WASHERS/DRYERS: GE (1) Almond formica. 4 pcs. MOVING SALE Electric lift chair $500. Adjust­ W ashers, $170.-$185. GE LIKE NEW. (1) Pine: 5 pcs. able electric bed $500. Sofa, loveseat, sofabed, 908-613-0132 Dryers, $150.-$175. Whirpool (1) Oak: 4 pcs. WALL UNIT: chairs, lamps, end table. Rea­ MAT’S W asher, $200. Maytag Dryer, BARGAINS Oak. Call 908-390-9646 sonable. 908-254-1951 H O T T U B (NEW)-Self- $170. W estinghouse Washer, Sofabed, never used, asking BEDROOM- 8 pc. white. UPHOLSTERY Contained $1,395. ea. Whole­ 4 Lines ■ 2 Times $1/%00 $250. REFRIGERATORS: GE $300. Bed, headboard, frame, Contemporary, twin head­ 25 Years Experience sale Outlet. 908-363-2952 *$4. for each additional line Side by side, 18 cu. ft., $225. mattress & boxspring, like MOVING SALE 21.9 cu. ft., $235. 23.5 cu. ft., board. Good cond. Asking new, $300. 908-566-2821 Whole house of furnishings & KEROSENE HEATER - Ever $385. UPRIGHTS, Whirpool $350. Call 908-431-0260 appliances. Call for details. CUSTOM ($3 Glow. Holds 1 gal. Manual Pre-Paid * Can be cancelled • Not refundable 19.4 cu. ft. $220. Kenmore BEDROOM FURNITURE - 1/2 BEDROOM-5 pc. Cherry & 908-446-1851 incl. W orks great. $50. 15.1 c u . ft. $ 2 3 5 . Walnut. Head board, night Private party merchandise only. DINING ROOM SET-Cherry. UPHOLSTERY Call 908-583-2641 Thornberry’s Appliance & TV table, hutch, desk, slate top Good condition. Best offer. MOVING SALE-LIVING & 683 Highway 35, Middletown chair. $70. Call 908-972-8816 Call 908-671-5622 ROOM set incl. sec. couch, KITCHEN CABINETS 908-671 -3669 coffee tbl & couch tbl. $300. BEDROOM SET - Beautiful BEDROOM-Master. Italian DRAPERIES or best offer. KITCHEN-Table, Remodeling. Dark walnut. queen, lighted headboard & Prov. Bed w/headboard, triple W A S H E R & G A S D R Y E R 4 chairs, & microwave cabinet Range, hood, compactor & mirr6r.j Full dresser w/mirror & dresser, chest/night tables. Whirlpool $400. Excellent $200. or best offer. DAYBED- formica tops incl. Exc. cond. CALL CLASSIFIED Condition. Call 908-972-3080 men’s dresser. Paid $3,000. $500. 908-257-0725 $75. Call 908-679-3438 446-6813 MUST SEE. 908-671-4922 Asking $800. or best offer. BREAKFRONT-Moroccan. 16 Station Rd. Call 908-750-8963 NINTENDO ARCADE UNIT - LANDSCAPE TRAILER- 5x8 Need help Dark wood w/gold inlay & mir­ 6 ft. tall. Cost $200., will sell Englishtown w/5x1 shelf & gate. Asking BEDROOM SET - Full/qn., tri­ rors. Includes stereo, radio, for $40. You pick up. Exc. $900. 21” mower, used 6 writing your ad? ple dresser, 5 drawer chest, 2 fireplace, bar, glass shelves. cond. Call 908-780-1277 times. Asking $250. 36" riding 1-800-660-4ADS night stands, mirror, desk Best offer. Call 908-536-2835 Our experienced mower, needs engine work. (42x18). $725., neg. Call BUNK BED - Brand new. 048 General $100. 908-264-8754 Classified advisors 908-721-6294, 12 pm-10 pm White chrome. Btm./full, top PIT GROUP Merchandise LUGGAGE-full size Garment twin. Incl. ladder/2 new mat­ 9 pc. brown, exc. cond. Ask­ will help you write a BUY IT tresses. $300. 908-525-8461 ing $500. 908-257-0984 Bag. Tan. Good condition Q l Creator Media newspapers BED-Captains Oak (2) full $25. Call 908-247-0543 most effective ad. SELL IT BUNK BEDS - W /mattresses. size w/3 large drawers-asking The txaminer • News Transcript • Sentinel • Suburban Pine w/2 matching dressers. RECLINER $ 3 0 0 . T Y P E W R I T E R /W P - Bayshore Independent • Middletown Independent Give us a call at FIND IT Good condition. $200. or best Smith Corona-asking $100. MOVING offer. Call 908-679-5669 La-Z-Boy, Joe Namath model, Call 908-254-8434 brown. $75. 908-446-6561 LIVING ROOM-sofa, loveseat 1-800-660-4ADS CLASSIFIED BUREAU-Wood-6 drawers tbls-$275. KITCHEN-Butcher with bookcase. Wood corner SLEEPER SOFA - Sectional, block tbl w/4 chairs-$250. desk & cabinet. Call 6 pcs., $400. Dining room, CHANDELIER Whirlpool-FREEZER-$200. 2 908-294-8636/908-409-1307 wood. 7 pcs., $400. Desk, 3 tiered glass & brass. 3 yrs. girl's BEDROOM SETS-5 pc. $75. Refrigerator, $450. old. Exc. condition. $150. Call ea.-$250.ea- Exc. cond. C O U C H & L O V E S E A T - Call 908-821-9775 908-536-4806 Call 908-254-7126 Matching, brown & beige C lean U p w ith ou r FLEAS plaid. Good cond. $300. for both. TV- RCA 27” color con­ sole , like new. $200. Call 908-225-0621 DESK - Secretary style, solid wood, black w/ hand painted H ouse Portraits oriental designs. Beautiful. Call early for $425. Call 908-613-4892 Holiday Gift DESK/end tbls. & coffee tbl.- Spanish/(hand carved). Bdrm. Giving 2 pcs. chest/w/shelves/cab. Call for info. 908-679-2112 The Perfect Gift DINETTE SET - Black lac­ quer, 42" round. 4 gray fabric C reated in Oils chairs. $65. or best offer. Call 908-787-6858 after 5:30 p.m. or W atercolors. DINING ROOM - Table, 4 ■ Birthdays chairs, buffet, china closet, $350. Kitchen table & 4 ■ Anniversaries chairs, $75. Casual couch & 2 • All Special Chairs, $70. 908-738-7591 O ccasions DINING ROOM Pecan Wood. Table w/6 chairs. (2) 18" leaves. China closet w/light. Exc. cond. Ask­ A r t i s t ing $750 908-446-7587 DINING ROOM SET 155 South St., Freehold, NJ 07728 • 908 462-1020 2 W eeks • 4 Lines $5 40" round table +2 leaves & 4 chairs, fruitwood. Best offer. 908-238-3979 • Prepaid* Ad will run for 2 weeks and may be cancelled. DINING ROOM SET 4 Lines • Limited to private party merchandise priced less than $75. 8 pcs. + leaves & pads. Italian prov., fruitwood. $ 5 5 0 . F a m i l y • 1 Item per ad. • Price must appear in ad. • Coupon only. • No phone calls please. 908-577-1494 DINING ROOM SET i— FLEA ------Cherrywood. Table. 4 chairs, P o r t r a it s Nam e______2 leaves. Hutch w/lights. Good cond. $1,500. 908-525 2145 T h e P erfect Gift Address______DINING ROOM SET C re a te d in Oils City______. State_ Pine, colonial, exc. cond. Table w/6 chairs, breakfront & or Pastels Zip------Phone_ server. $750. Also oak kitchen set. $300. 908-972-^601. • Birthdays ESTATE SALE - DINING RM., . Anniversaries DINETTE SET, BEDROOM . All Special SET/Oak. LIVING RM. As­ sorted tbls., chairs & lamps. Occasions Best offer. Call 908-870-8909 Pet Portraits HI-RISER, new. Posturpedic $350. SOFABED, perfect $350. SEWING MACHINE, Mail to: Greater Media Newspapers Singer. $350. 908-251-4257 Artist Classified Department KITCHEN SET - 42" round 7 Edgeboro Rd., East Brunswick, NJ 08816 table. Marble design, formica. 4 chairs. $60. Call 155 South St., Freehold, NJ 07728 • 908 462-1020 908-251-1706 after 7 pm. THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 4 5 049 Merchandise 051 Sporting 048 General 048 General 048 General 048b Infants/ 063a Schools 063b Tutoring Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Juvenile Items Wanted Equipment

FISHING POLE HOLDER/ MOVING SALE - Appliances, TRUCK CAP - Leer crown for BEFORE YOU HAVE YOUR COMPUTER SPANISH/French-ESL. Basic DOUBLE STROLLER COOLER RACK formica bedrm. set, Henredon POOL full size Chevy. Black tailgate S A L E ! W e B u y & S e ll math. NJ LIC., experienced bedrm. set, lucite bar stools, model. Asking $500. Call Front & back. Portacrib, Ig. full 24 Broad St Keyport STAINLESS STEEL 908-591-0732 21’ round. Haywood filter. $350. CALL 908-257-0338 SKILLS backgammon table w/chairs, 908-636-3760, leave mes­ size playpen, carseat, exc. Lil 9 0 8 -2 6 4 - 0 7 7 7 o r 2 6 4 -8 6 1 5 Use your VISA New cover. Asking $700. Call • WORDPERFECT • LOTUS water bed, queen mattress s a g e . cond. 908-525-2843 or MASTERCARD 908-972-6382 after 7pm CASH FOR BOOKS NORDIC TRACK - Model Nor­ . DOS • WINDOWS • WORD to pay for your set, stereo cabinet, bamboo dic Sport 450. Barely used. Classified Ad W E T & D R Y V A C - S e a r s GLIDER/OTTOMAN-Dutailier. • EXCEL • DTP shelving unit, couch, hi-riser, POWER WHEELS Old M agazines 908-536-0850 $550. or best offer. 1-80Q-660-4ADS Craftsman, 6 gal., with acces­ Extra wide, custom made. Rentals Free Practice kitchen set, file cabinet, lad­ 4X4 Red Jeep, plus battery. Call 908-422-1745 ders, VHS cabinet, Apple Good condition. $75. sories. Brand new, never New. Tags still on. Pd $550. CASH for USED CAMERAS Freehold Computer computer. Call 908-536-2263 Call 908-390-4796 used. $30. Call 908-957-0520 asking $400. 908-257-0129 & all photo equip. New or old. 1 pc. or whole studio. No Po­ STAIRMASTER Training Center PRICED TO SELL WHEELS-CRAGER HIGH CHAIR- Little Tykes laroid or movie. 908-442-6141 $35. Century infant carseat Pre cor 725e. Never used. 1-800-342-1110 908-308-0222 MOVING SALE 4 S S Mags. Call GRANDFATHER C L O C K - $25. Walker $15. Graco COMPACT DISCS/Records $500. 908-409-4745 LOST & FOUND Baseball cards, Hummel figu­ 908-294-8636/908-409-1307 Emperor. $225. PLATES- Sassy seat $10. Coach car­ rines, full size pool table, Rockwell. 908-739-1138 WE BUY. SELL & TRADE WEIGHT LIFTING EQUIP­ black leather sectional, hi- riage $75. 908-290-8479 THE RECORD SETTER MENT- Curling bar, straight riser, full size bed, ' refrig, RIDING MOWER CALL 908-257-3888 b a r & 1 0 0 Ib s. m e ta l in 064 Lost & Found boy's furn., firewood, encyclo­ Craftsman, 26" cut. Runs well. 048a Gifts & Crafts PORT-A-CRIB - With mat, weight. $40. 908-583-2641 BARTENDING bumper, sheet, & blanket. pedia. 908-888-8350 Asking $50. Call $35. Mint condition. Please CONSIGNMENT Learn By Doing AS A PUBLIC SERVICE 908-972-2898 WE WILL PUBLISH A MOWER RIDER-10 hp, 36”, call 908-536-6127 2 Week Gass 4 LINE AD FOR 2 WEEKS 7 speed w/bagger. $400. CRAFTERS SHOP 061 Auctions AT NO COST KITCHEN SET-7 pc. formica/ SCROLL SAW TO THE PERSON We want gently worn clothing, Placement Assistance almond/peach. $300. 2 GE 049 Merchandise WHO CALLS Hegner. Multimax 2, like new. WANTED furniture & bric-a-brac. ABOUT A FOUND ITEM WASHING MACHINES & 1 Asking $400. 908-548-8175 Wanted 1-800-532-9222 1 -800-660-4ADS DRYER. Good cond. Best To rent space in our country ON SITE offer. Call 908-446-4236 STEREO EQUIPMENT-Akai & gift store. Rt. 9, Freehold. DEJA VU 3 Convenient Locations COCKATIEL - Gray Bird lost For more info call in Howell. (In the Windmill Tuner, Akai CD player, Yama­ AAAA ANTIQUE 30 E. Main St., Freehold PUBLIC AUCTION ha AMP & 1 JBL 112 s p e a k ­ 908-364-2394 PAYS TOP $$$$ for used fur­ Montclair, club area) Reward if returned. MUST SELL 908-431-2001 Saturday, Aug. 21, 10am e r . Call 908-294-8636/ niture, glass, art, toys, all Call 908-367-3156 PREVIEW 9am WASHER/DRYER, like new. 908-409-1307 colectables, etc. Love attic & GUNS, swords, military items. Somerset, NYC 048b Infants/ 56 Brinckerhoff Ave., Freehold FOUND- Male cat in East STEREO, w/abinet. KITCH­ basements. Estate contents Cash. Lic. NJ/Fed. Dealer. Complete estate contents Brunswick area. White with EN SET, w/4 chairs. All nego. Juvenile Items bought or auctions. House calls. Bert 821-4949 American Bartenders including major button and black & grey markings. Not al­ 908-536-9585 STORM DOOR 908-264-3130 Baskin Robbins doll collections, antiques, tered. Very affectionate. Call Good cond. $150. or best 908 739-9847 for Uncle Joe 15Ih year, PINBALL MACHINE- MAKE MONEY collectibles, old glassware 908-613-8250 offer. 908-566-7519 SAVE THIS AD FREEDOM-(Balley) Home/ BABY ITEMS & china and LOTS MORE! commercial use. Mint cond. TELEPHONE - Panasonic White crib, $80. carseat, $10. AAAAAA Antiques, used furn., Bring own chairs & boxes. $495. 908-739-8809 cordless, 2 line. $75. Call Pat, stroller, $15. 908-679-0957 estates, contents of homes, CLEANING COME PREPARED TO 908-290-0495, after 5 p.m. SPEND THE DAY PLATES etc. 908-888-8377/264-6458 Leave a message. Heavy Rain Date: Sunday, Norman Rockwell collector YOUR CLOSETS CRIB A u g u s t '22, 1 0 a m plates in box. $20. each. TRACTOR - ’85 Kubota die­ ALL LIONEL TRAINS Terms: Cash or Pre­ 063b Tutoring 908-536-7316 sel, 14 HP, real whl drive. Portable, brand new. $35. Call Or Flyer. Top cash appraisal, PETS/ANIMALS $$$$ Established NJ check Under 400 hrs. Turf tires, 3 908-536-7316, Marlboro. price no object. 908-946-2893 Consign your women's & kid's IMMEDIATE REMOVAL point hitch, gill feeder & aera­ A T O ? BUY IT CRIB- Childcraft, honey oak, clothing, closeouts or NO-BUYER PREMIUM tors attach. Best offer over ANY OLD ORIENTAL RUGS MATH-SCIENCE 19 YEARS Col. Bob Randolph Auctioneer 065 Pets & Animals S E LL IT $4,500. Call 908-249-2515 w/canopy kit. $250. Wonder & Paisley shawls. Any size or salesm ens samples. Bio/Chem/Physics/SAT chair set, incl. high chair/tod­ condition. 1-800-221-5119 Call 10am-4:30 for info & appt 908-223-6938 Your home. 908-780-4428 FIND IT TRICYCLE-For Senior dler desk, coach stroller/bas­ 2nd Turn Around 908-431-7667 Good cond. $55. BEDROOM sinet + many other acces­ AVOID Hassles. ALGEBRA-Geom., Trig, SAT, BEAGLE OLD DRUMS & CYMBALS 062 Flea Markets/ CLASSIFIED FURNITURE-Exc cond. Best sories. Pd. $700. Asking Marilyn buys knick knacks, computer instruc. 10% off w/ Male. AKC, all shots, 7 mos. furn., antiques. 908-257-9107 WANTED BY COLLECTOR offer. Call 908-536-5433 $400. 908-290-0024 Bazaars ad. PTS-Marty 908-251-0533 old, trained. Brown/black. Very Any condition. 908-222-6122 cute. $250. w/cage, acces­ VENDORS WANTED- COMPUTERS sories. 908-409-6242 WANTED TO BUY Emmanuel Cancer Foundation • C o n s u ltin g • S u p p o rt COLLIE RETREIVER MIX- Furniture, Paintings, Glass­ Craft Fair & Flea Market • Training...DOS, Lotus, Word 8 yrs. old, friendly, all shots, ware, Statues, Vases, Oriental to be held indoors at: Perfect & MORE!!! Private & Free to good home. New wife Rugs, etc. Over 40 yrs. old. Croydon Hall, Leonardville small groups (4 people max.) allergic. 908-566-6682 A n y quantity; complete Rd., Middletown, Sunday Call 908-238-7384 estates purchased. Sept. 26, 9am-3pm. $15. PER DON’T KENNEL YOUR PET Col. Bob Randolph Auctioneer T A B LE. Call 908-787-5647 for ELEMENTARY TEACHER In home care for your furry information or reservation. Call any time, 908-308-3335 Private tutoring in your home friends. Vet refs 908-431-0889 Member NJ & Nat. Auct. by certified teacher. Refer­ GERMAN SPITZ- White, fe­ A s s n . ences. Call 908-819-8962 male. 1 yr. old. Loving dog. Save this ad. You may need Classified Works! FREE TO GOOD HOME. m e in th e future. FREEHOLD TUTORING CENTER Specializing In 908-739-4450 after 5pm. Learning/Attention Disorders INVISIBLE FENCING Reading Math SATs Canine containment specialist WANTED Study skills For more information & a free brochure pack. 908-946-3232 HAZLET 820 Poole Ave. MARLBORO O L D B R ID G E Always baying: 908-308-0222 (off Hwy 35) Fri., Sat. & Sun. LOVING PET CARE Aug.20, 21 & 22, 9-4. CLEAN OUT SALE antiques, older furniture, INSTRUCTION MOVING SALE MOVING SALE HEBREW TUTOR i n m y home. Call Stained glass, gem stones SOUTHWOOD DEV. toys, artwork, 132 Fordham Dr. (off Lloyd Bar & Bat Mitzvah Prep 908-972-3226 anytime plus, fabric, tools, etc ______6 4 M illay R d . (off U n io n Hill 7 Ridge Rd. (off Rt. 516). Fri., collectibles, jewelry. Rd.) Sat., 8/21 & Sun., 8/22, Rd.). Sun., 8/22, 9-2. H o u s e ­ Kelli Richman 908-536-2914 10am-4pm. Many items. HAZLET-Raritan Valley Sat., Sun., 8/20, 21 & 2 2 , 9 -5 . One item or entire estate. 063 Instruction R O T TW EILER MIX hold, toys, tools & MORE! HIGH SCHOOL Supervisor of­ O L D B R ID G E EAST BRUNSWICK fers Math/SAT tutoring. Free­ FREE. Male, 7 mos. old, all MULTI FAMILY h o ld a r e a . 9 0 8 - 4 3 1 - 8 3 3 3 til 10 shots. Very friendly & good EAST BRUNSWICK Galway Dr. (off Bethany Rd.). MATAWAN MOVING SALE Auction Services COMPUTERS with children. 908-251-4722 3 GENERATIONS Fri., & S a t., 8 /2 0 & 2 1 , 9 -4 . 15 Sycamore Dr.(off South- HUNTINGTON Bob McCook Is your PC an enigma? Call 21 Valley Forge Dr. (off Dun­ MULTI FAMILY wood) 8/21, 10-4. Curtains, GEI, the PC professionals, at LEARNING CENTER linens, toys, clothes, stroller, ham s Cor. Rd.) Sat. 8/21, 9-4. 10 Chamberlain Farm Ct. (Rt. 908-294-9677, for a consulta­ Individual tutoring in Reading, HOLMDEL- M oving-Estate carpets w/pads. Rain or shine 264-6532 Antiques, collectibles, house­ 516-Morganville Rd.-2nd left) tion. We can make your com­ Study Skills, Writing, Phonics, Sale-17 Overlook Dr.(off Tele­ hold, misc, games records, Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Aug. 19, 20 O L D B R ID G E o r puter "USER FRIENDLY”. Spelling, Math and SAT prep. graph) Fri & Sat 8/20, 21, 9-3. books, bikes. Rain or s h in e & 21, 9-3. Baby items, & misc Certified teachers. Call Antiques, lawn furn, pinball, MULTI FAMILY 1-800*300-4870 GUITAR LESSONS Freehold Middletown EAST BRUNSWICK MATAWAN- 29 Edgewater Dr. piano, Chinese desk, skis, 39 Higgins Rd. (off Rte 516) 908-431 -5400 671 -0200 (behind Buttonwood Manor, all styles-all levels -all ages bric-a-brac, more. Must sell. 8/21, 9-4. Baseball cards, off Rt. 34) Sat., Aug. 21, 8am- Peter 908-251-6076 MULTI FAMILY furn., household, & more. 066 Personals 3pm. Furn., clothing, misc. 050 Musical MUSIC - GROUP-Preschool MANALAPAN 5 Boston Post Rd. (off Dun­ Rain or shine Rain date Sun., Aug. 22nd hams Cor. Rd) Sat. & Sun. HOWELL Instruments Keyboard/piano instruction. (Freehold/Marlboro too) NJ & SAYREVILLE Classes forming now. Free­ Use your VISA Aug. 21 & 22, 12-5. Juvenille, NY cert, teacher will tutor all or MASTER CARD MILLSTONE hold. Call 908-780-9856 subjects K-6. 908-972-5886 to pay for your household, clothing, furniture, MULTI FAMILY SAYREVILLE - 120 Pulaski ORGAN - Electric, all wood Classified Ad window treatments, doors, etc. MILLSTONE cabinet, 3 years old. $750. or 23 Marc Dr. & 3 Basswood Ave. (off Wash. Rd. or Main PIANO & ORGAN LESSONS MATH Tutor-College teacher 1-800-660-4ADS St.) Fri. & Sat., 8/20 & 8/21, best offer, must sell. Call EAST BRUNSWICK Dr. (Friendship Rd-Marc Dr) State certified, Julliard trained. All le v e ls -S A T -q u a lity le s s o n s ! MOVING SALE 9-4. Something for everyone. 908-329-0638 evenings 15 yrs. exp. 908-264-1093 E. Bruns, area. 908-238-3042 SCHOOL BARGAINS Fri. & Sat. Aug. 20 & 21. 9-3. DIET MAGIC! Children’s clothes, toys, baby 2 Fox Hollow PI. (Deer Run PIANO AT HOME Exp. Guild MATH TUTORING - Certified Lose up to 30 pounds in 30 14 Appleby Ln. (off Sum­ items, misc Estates, off Rte. 537, 1.9 mi. SAYREVILLE member. Marlboro/Manalapan. teachers. Algebra, Geometry, PIANO d a y s fo r $ 3 0 . All n a tu ra l. merhill). Sat., & Sun., 8/21 & east of 195) Fri-Sun, Aug Call 908-583-4774 Trig, etc. 908-536-1670 HOWELL-2 Roosevelt Terrace 69 Douglas St. (off Washing­ Converted player. Asking DOCTOR RECOMMENDED 22, 9-4. Books, toys, etc. 20-22, 9-4. Antiques, furn., (off A ld rich Rd) Sat., 8/21, ton Rd.). Sat., 8/21, 10-3. $500. Call 908-446-2741 PIANO INSTRUCTION Guaranteed. 1-800-745-4971 EAST BRUNSWICK- 28 Deer­ 10-4. Furn., toys, household lamps, carpets & misc.______SAYREVILLE P.S.A.T./S.A.T. field Rd. (off Summerhill) Fri. PIANO UPRIGHT - Good ALL AGES/ALL LEVELS SONIA Steinberg- 25 yrs. exp. items, books, scooter, etc. MILLTOWN & Sat., Aug. 20 & 21, 9-4. cond. $500. Guitar Les Paul Classical/Popular Music ONE ON ONE Electrolysis, glycolic peels, fa­ Slate pool table w/return, 2 air MANALAPAN MILLTOWN 69 Lafayette St. MOVING SALE '71 Gibson deluxe. Exc. cond. Emphasis on theory as well ENGLISH SPECIALIST cials, waxing, m assage, nails. as performance 908-525-0178 In your home. Learn strate­ conds., dresser, children’s MANALAPAN - 8 Knoliwood (behind Riva Ave. nr. Michelin $700. Call 908-679-2512 Private. 908-462-5469 11 Rhode St. (off Main) Sat., gies and techniques. Call items & much more! C t. (U n io n Hill to C o u n try Field) Sat. Aug. 21, 9-4. Aug. 21, 9-3. Many items. THE LOVE CONNECTION Some appl., toys, tools, etc PIANO- CONSOLE PIANO LESSONS Jack 908-462-6429 FREEHOLD Oaks Dr. to Knoliwood) Fri. & Something for everyone! Sat., 8/20 & 8/21, 10-3. Good condition $375. Beginner-Advanced READING & MATH TUTOR MORGANVILLE SAYREVILLE-Multi Family 1-900-287-2227 FREEHOLD BORO Household & baby items, etc. 908-846-1391 Classical, Jazz, Popular Levels K-9, SAT Prep. 11 Canal St. (off McArthur TO BENEFIT Jospeh Sovathy 908-264-3335 Lic. Teacher. 908-679-3616 $2. first min., $1.95 ea. ad­ MANALAPAN DELUXE SALE Ave.) Sat. Aug 21, 8 -3 . PIANO-YAMAHA BABY MORGANVILLE ditional min. 612 Roosevelt HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 12 Old Monmouth Dr. (off Bikes, cam eras, misc. GRAND 5’ 8", black satin fin­ PIANO LESSONS- In your Ave., Carteret N.J. Must be Court St. School, Rae St. & Taylors Mills Rd). Sat. & Sun. 25 Church Rd. (off Tennent ish. Mint cond. $5,700. Sacri­ home by exp. teacher. Rea­ S.A.T. 18 yrs. or older.______Ave. A. Sat., 8/21, 8am-1pm. A u g . 21 & 2 2 , 9 -3 .______Rd.). Sat., 8/21, 9am-2pm. WEST KEANSBURG fice. 908-739-8809 sonable rates. 908-308-1530 Going to college? Take Household, clothes & toys.___ Rain Date: Sat., 8/28. MANALAPAN WEST KEANSBURG THE NEXT STEP. Your child MOSTLY FURNITURE PRAYER TO NEW MONMOUTH PIANOS SAT/New PSAT has learned the 3 R's of edu­ IN EXCELLENT CONDITION ST. JU D E MOVING SALE cation. We will show them the EVERYTHING MUST GO!! MOVING SALE NEW MONMOUTH 7 Garrett Large inventory of: Private sessions in your O Holy St Jude. Apostle and home. Experienced staff di­ 3 C's of the S.A.T. Call 64 Stratford Dr. (off Gordons Place (off Wilson Ave.) 28 Jersey St. (off Laurel Ave - Martyr, great in virtue and rich in FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP- 149 YAMAHA PIANOS rected by the College Board's 908-446-3030 for information. mirades. near Kinsman of Jesus Corner Rd. & Jamestown Rd.) S a t. & S u n . A u g 21 & 2 2 , 9 -3 . 12th St-2 blks to Poplar, go Christ faithful intercessor of all Ticonderoga Blvd. (off Adel­ left-1 st rt) Aug. 21 & 22, 8-5. WURLITZER, SAMICK SAT Software author. We use who invoke your special patronage phia Rd.) Sat. & Sun., Aug.. Aug. 20, 21, & 22, 9-3. Everything must go! Garden supplies, household, Used pianos from $295. only real tests. Top score S.A.T. in time of need, to you I have 21 & 22, 8-3. Rain or shine. Lessons in your home gains for 15 years. recourse from the depth of my MANALAPAN- 225 Pease Rd. Antiques, collectibles, furn, picnic tbl w#enches & furni­ heart and humbly beg to whom FREEHOLD TWP ture, Armstrong flute . Rentals from $25. 800-877-8005 NEW P.S.A.T. God has given such great power to (off Union Hill Rd.) Sat. 8/21, household items, clothing, etc "The only place to come to my assistance. Help me in 9-4. Furn., hospital beds & make a decision." * TENNIS LESSONS Individual & group instruction. my present and urgent petition. In MOVING SALE medical supplies, household Average score increase return, I promise to make your FREEHOLD MUSIC CTR. Individual, group lessons on items, clothes, etc. ASK US ABOUT OUR 150-300+. Instruction in both name known and cause you to be 204 Derby Dr. (Stonehurst) private, outdoor court. Spe­ invoked. FREE J08-462-4730 908-240-5454 math & verbal for sam e price. 8/20 & 21, 9-5. Ring doorbell MARLBORO cializing in beginners, interme­ Say three Our Fathers, three Hail GARAGE SALE KIT WHEN YOU PLACE YOUR FREE INTERVIEW Marys and Glorias. Publication ASK US ABOUT OUR MARLBORO VIOLINS, VIOLAS diates. Groups forming for George Fliegel Tutoring must be promised. St Jude pray FREE GARAGE SALE AD youths/adults. 908-462-4778 for us ana all who invoke your aid. GARAGE SALE KIT 151/2 Sandburg Drive (1 block CELLOS, BASSES 908-972-0769 for information Amen. This Novena has never west of Route 9-Hess Station) WHEN YOU PLACE 1-800-660-4ADS S.A.T. Verbal, Reading Spe­ been known to fail. This Novena YOUR GARAGE SALE AD Sat. Aug. 21, 8-1. Clothing, DEADLINE BOWS/ACCESSORIES YOUNG AT ART cialist, Special Ed Specialist, must be sad for 9 consecutive 1-800-660-4ADS bike, furniture, speakers, as­ DEADLINE RETIRING FROM BUSINESS CLASSES WITH MARIA English all levels, Math. Rea­ days. Thanks sorted household items MONDAY, 1:30 PM MONDAY, 1:30PM CALL (609) 452-7333 908-583-6873 sonable. Sue, 908-257-2777 J.H. 4 6 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT 076 Cleaning/ 066 Personals 069a Party Planning 072 Carpentry 066 Personals 069 Entertainment 069 Entertainment 069 Entertainment Domestic

CALLIGRAPHY-Have your en­ A-1 ENTERTAINMENT CARICATURES/Calligraphy. MCKEE/MINNY DECKS, Additions, Kitchens & Home Brighteners • Ninja Turtle • Kookie velopes beautifully addressed. Bathrooms. S & R Home All types of entertainment. Events, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, • Clown • McKee Call Joyce 908-972-1147 Improvements... 908-679-2291 HOUSE CLEANING ST. JU D E PRAYER TO THE Available for all occasions. gifts. Jim 908-477-2692 • B a r n e e e Reasonable rates Reliable NOVENA Call Now 908-238-9363 Entertain at Childrens Parties Call Jane 908-583-9387 BLESSED VIRGIN CASINO PARTIES HELPING HANDS SIMPLY DECKS May the sacred heart of HAVE TRAY WILL TRAVEL HOUSE CLEANING- Quality (Never known to fail). 0 most Beautiful • Blackjack, Roulette, Craps Roberta 908-349-9150 Jesus be adored, glorified, Flower of Mt Carmel, Fruitful Vine, ★ ACCENT ON ★ Will set up, serve & clean up. All shapes and sizes Service. Good Ref. Call Neta Icwed and preserved through­ • Professional Service Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of MICKEY, MINNIE, BIG BIRD Call Jennifer 908-238-9032 Free estim ates. 908-360-1201 908-257-8960 out the world now and for­ the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, ENTERTAINMENT • Casino quality equipment & MORE available for parties ever. Sacred heart of Jesus assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of Deals On Wheels 908-367-1125 o r e v e n ts . IDA’S Housecleaning pray for us. St. Ju d e , worker the Sea, help me, and show me herein Professional DJ, Band, HERE TO SERVE Call 908-787-8076 RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Karaoke. Call 908-727-9010 CISCOS PRFMIER DJ’S of miracles, pray for us. St. You are mv Mother. Oh Holy Mary. No gathering too small. 073 Carpet Cleaning Jude, help of the hopeless, Mother of God. Queen of Heaven and Simply the best. Reasonable. 908-264-6266 Earth, I humbly beseech You from the AFFORDABLE CLOWNS We set up, serve & cleanup. ray for us. bottom of my heartto succor me in my For brochures 908-787-3141 PARTY CARTS Call Edwina at 908-257-1934 P-U-R-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y gay this prayer nine times a FUN FOR PARTIES DIRTY CARPETS & UPHOL­ necessity (make request). There are BY JENNIFER day. By the eighth day your CALL 908-739-4867 STERY are my speciality. CLEAN none that can withstand Your power. 0 Candy carts for all occasions prayer will be answered. Say CLOWN AROUND PARTY AID Best Service, Best Price, HOME CLEANING AT ITS Mary conceived without sin, pray for ALL OCCASIONS, balloon CALL 908-972-8386 It for nine days. It has never Special Care. 20 yrs. exp. VERY BEST. 908-257-8463 us who have recourse to Thee (3 animals & face painting Reasonable. 908-591 -8532 We prepare, serve & cleanup been know to fail. Publication times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in Call 908-846-1140 PARTY ENTERTAINER for any party. 908-229-8957 PROFESSIONAL MAIDS- must be promised. Thank your hands (3 times). Say this prayer PICKLES The Clown COLOR CARICATURES you St. Jude. for three consecutive days. You must Keyboard Vocalist. Music to PARTY DOLL ROOM FINEST Carpet/Upholstery Summer Special. 1/2 off all pubfish it, and it will be granted to You. Call 908-787-7418 Unique Party Ideas Dance, Listen & Sing Alongs. house & office cleaning, J.C. Prespot/Clean/Deodorize M.D.. For all occasions. Engagements, Weddings, Nails, Hair, Make-up, Pizza, blinds, carpets. 908-571-2376 ANNOUNCING C all 2 0 1 -8 3 7 - 7 7 8 0 Soda. FREE GIFT to the 2rooms-$28.95. 908-787-2678 Birthdays. Judy 908-431-1286 SPARKLY CLEANING CELEBRATION birthday girl. 908-671 -9111 For the job you are too tired PARTY PERFECT RENT A CLASSIC 074 Carpet Install/ ENTERTAINMENT CRAFT PARTIES to do. FREE ESTIMATES PRAYER TO THE PINBALL MACHINE! DJ's Also Video Taping All Your Favorite Characters Call 908-721-0488 PRAYER TO THE For children ages 3-10. Special Introductory Rate! Repair/Sale BLESSED VIRGIN 14 Yrs. Exp. 908-721-0892 Call 908-888-4433 BLESSED VIRGIN Call Rhonda 908-257-1165 Call The Pinball Boys at (Never known to fail). 0 most Beautiful 908-739-8509 or 264-5260 A.J. CARPET DESIGNS Rower of Mt. Carmel. Fruitful Vine. (Never known to fail). 0 most Beautiful BACHELOR PARTY PUPPET Splendor of Heaven. Blessed Mother of Hower of Mt Carmel. Fruitful Vine. DISC JAKEY VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Installed/Repairs/Relay/Sales \ t f c k g f f e r the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, Splendor of Heaven. Blessed Mother of Parties. Candi 908-255-0066 PLAYHOUSE /Restretches. 908-536-4703 assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, 908-238-4306 Video taping. Weddings, par­ the Sea. help me. and show me herein assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of Parties start at $200.00 Fun musical puppet shows for ties, etc. 908-888-2786 CARPET REPAIRS You are my Mother. Oh Holy Mary, the Sea, help me. and show me herein BARNIE a great party 908-409-6678 G l e w u r ^ Mother of God. Queen of Heaven and You are mv Mother. Oh Holy Mary. DJ K...908-957-0369 VIDEO TAPING W e Do The Following: Earth, I humbly beseech You from the Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and W ants to party with you Re-stretching bottom of my heartto succor me in my Earth, I humbly beseech You from the SONGS, GAMES & GIFTS Custom Music PONIES FOR Weddings, Bar/Bat mitzvahs, Pet damage Burn Marks J f e t e n w necessity (make request). There are bottom of' my he;heartto succor me in my Call 908-525-1273 All Occasions...Reasonable birthdays, etc. 908-972-1145 Frayed Edges Doorways none that can withstand Your power. 0 necessity (make request). There are Mary conceived without sin, pray for PARTIES Relay used carpet The finest quality home none that can withstand Your power. 0 Sam e Day Ser. 908-679-6031 us who have recourse to Thee (3 Mary conceived without sin, pray for BELLY DANCER D.J. NETWORK Pretty ponies decorated for & office cleaning with times). Holy Maiy, I place this cause in us who have recourse to Thee (3 Music for all occasions. your special party. Also, horse a personal touch. your hands (3 times). Say this prayer times). Holy Maiy, I place this cause in tor three consecutive days. You must HELENA IS THE BEST! 908-679-9608 drawn wagons & a petting zoo 4 R CARPET 10 Years Experience. your hands (3 times). Say this prayer avail. Jan/Bob 908-409-6678 publish it, and it will be granted to You. tor three consecutive days. You must Tasteful, professional, reliable. Rugs repaired, re-stretched & DJ PATTY G- . Family Operated R.C.O.M. publish it. and it will be granted to You. Lessons, too. 908-390-9177 SERVICE DIRECTORY re-layed. No job too small. L.C. C D S u p e rio r M u sic fo r All References. Occasions. Call 908-308-9443 PONIES Call 908-291-0401 BELLY DANCER The perfect entertainment for JIM’S CARPET 908-431-4383 DJ-GOOD VIBRATIONS birthday parties, picnics, fairs. 070 Air/Heat INSTALLATION THE MOST ENTERTAINING Robust personality-any occas Bonded & Insured ST. JU D E PROFESSIONAL ACT Make your event really spe­ Sales, cleaning, re-lays, ion-reasonable. 908-298-0060 067 Psychics Available. 908-257-6413 cial!! Call Lyn 908-928-3725 re-stretches and repairs. NOVENA TEMPCO COMPANY Call 908-495-9483 May the sacred heart of DJS-ALL OCCASSIONS PONY PARTIES-Trail ride les­ 077 Drywall/ PARVANEH sons. Buy, sell, trade horses. • Service • Sales Jesus be adored, glorified, MUSIC EXPLOSION • Maintenance. 908-251-8524 DOCTOR loved and preserved through­ 908-251-3273, 908-521-4969 Plaster/Sheetrock Call 908-607-0786 Installations, repairs, shop-at- out the world now and for­ BELLY DANCING Home sales. 908-542-1987 ever. Sacred heart of Jesus 070a Appliance by SHALIMAR! PRETTY PONY DRYWALL pray for us. St. Jude, worker Liven your next party. Profes­ ERIC THE GREAT of miracles, pray for us. St. MARIE Decorated, polite, gentle Repair sional, no stag. 908-988-9388 And His Wonderful World Of 075 Ceramic Tile CONSTRUCTION Jude, help of the hopeless, Since 1932 ponies for parties & events. Repair/Install pray for us. Birthday Party Fun! ★M A G IC S Call 908-446-6474 DAVE’S Appliance Service S h e e tr o c k & T a p in g Say this prayer nine times a Special Crystals, Analyst, Specializing in small jobs Any Occasion. 908-536-6936 Air conditioning & major appli­ day. By the eighth day your Tarot Cards, Crystal Ball, Free Estimates Kids Have More Fun PUDDINS ance repair & installations. A CUSTOM CERAMIC Tiling prayer will be answered. Say Advisor on all Problems, In a Galaxy Moonwalk T.A.F. DRYWALL HAPPY TRAIL PONIES Call 908-363-3356 New installation, repairs, it for nine days. It has never Life, Business, Marriage, GALAXY ENTERTAINMENT MY-TEE-FINE CLOWIN remodeling. Free estim ates. 1 -8 0 0 - 6 4 0 -3 9 6 9 been know to fail. Publication Job, Health, Love etc. Are Call 908-723-1234 Decorated & gentle for your Reputation speaks for itself John Cherry 908-290-9086 must be promised. Thank you worried? Afraid to child’s party. 908-251 -4240 All Occasions. 908-651-0747 071 Building PLASTER, patches, sheetrock you St. Juae. make decisions? Just 1 Affordable Ceramic Tile & spackle. Finished bsmnts. PURPLE Dinosaur Parties & Remodeling M.A.B. consultation wUt give you ★ BMR MUSIC ★ MAGIC AT ITS BEST Install $2.75 +sq. ft. Free est. ^ ^ the answers. Balloons, Games, Prizes CALL 908-390-6583 Book your corporate or per­ L ive A n im a ls & M o re 908-536-1005 908-390-8233 Bruce Bray 1-800-673-1607 ALL Purpose Contracting Co. sonal party/affair early. Solo Bruce Bray 1-800-673-1608 GENERAL CONTRACTOR ALL TYPES of Ceramic Tile- For Appointment piano to a full orchestra. TAPING Raggety Anne 8t Andie Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Complete Bathrms/Kit./Foyers. or Call 908-390-8592 Finishing, sheetrock. Small ST. JU D E C all 9 0 8 -7 2 1 -9 2 8 3 Ron Sturman 908-255-1388 Information Call Party Package 908-238-7643 repairs okay. 908-566-8060 BUBBLES the CLOWN NOVENA Little SINGING TELEGRAMS DECKS • BASEMENTS May the sacred heart of %l 908-775-5327 Magic, balloons 908-446-3131 is , Ladies Pretty" SMALL ADDITIONS BEVILAQUA’S Jesus be adored, glorified, Parlor Parties Custom Roasts - Funny/Sweet Call Ron or Walt 078 Electrical loved and preserved through­ All occasions. 908-972-3366 908-254-1331, 908-257-1934 TILE & MARBLE out the world now and for­ CAPTAIN METRO Prelly Polish ever. Sacred heart of Jesus 068 Photography Sparkle w/Gems Bath remodeling • Repairs ALL TYPES of Electrical Work PARTY DJ’S Ravishing Makeovers STORY TIME J & L Kitchens • Foyers • Counters pray for us. St. Jude, worker w/Avon Computer Analysis Recessed lights, track lighting, of miracles, pray for us. St. Stories w/puppets, songs, HOME IMPROVEMENTS,INC. Spec, in Residential Work paddle fans, service changes. PAUL'S PHOTOGRAPHY Jude, help of the hopeless, 908-679-4723 Elegant Hair Ornaments crafts. Reas. 908-254-9389 All phases of quality construc­ Free Est. 908-409-7377 Lie. #6252. Hal 908-572-6750 ★ W E D D IN G S pray for us. Trendy Jewelry & tion. 25 yrs. exp. Free est., ★ HOME PORTRAITS Say this prayer nine times a Personalized Party Favors fully insured. Jim, General AMPCO ELECTRIC INC. - All ★ SPECIAL OCCASIONS Use your VISA CERAMIC TILE day. By the eighth day your Terrific Music. Games 069a Party Planning Contractor 908-780-5316 Electrical repairs/installations prayer will be answered. Say Call Paul R. Evans or MASTERCARD & Beauty Contests By BOB STRUGALA Burglar alarms. Lic.#8977A it for nine days. It has never 908-495-9121 L Yummy Candies & S. L. CONSTRUCTION Foyers • Kitchens • Baths Free Estimates. 908-739-8797 been know to fail. Publication to pay for your Goodies For All COMPANY INC. BATHROOM REMODELING must be promised. Thank PHOTOS by Frank Genua 908­ CALLIGRAPHY & MORE BEST ELECTRIC you St. Jude. W eddings-Candid-Portrait Classified Ads NO JOB TOO SMALL 908-462-0029/908-254-0029 Lie. No. 6273. Fast depend­ M.B. We Do Video Recording .238-7983. JUDY’S JOTTINGS FREE ESTIMATES able service. Reasonable CERAMIC Tiling, Specializing Call 908-254-2560 1 -800-660-4-ADS Call 908-536-5111 S T U A R T 9 0 8 -4 3 1 -0 2 1 5 rates. Free est. 908-671-0121 in bathrooms. Repair old or in­ stall new. Lowest prices. CRAWFORD ELECTRIC Call Perry 908-928-4427 908-577-1553 Lic.#11325 ST. JU D E R ecessed Its. starting at $55. DD CUSTOM TILE & Attic fans starting at $149. NOVENA GENERAL CONTRACTING Landscape lighting May the sacred heart of ENTERTAINMENT New work, repairs & custom DEPENDABLE Electric Co. Jesus be adored, glorified, painting. Free estim ates. Fully Lie. #5151. Complete service. loved and preserved through­ Children’s Party insured. 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KITCHENS/BATHS KITCHENS/BATHS PAINTING/WALLPAPERING PAINTING/WALLPAPERING r- MI(G BATHROOM Ms. KITCHEN i Paperhanger P a RB n G "Bathroom s Are Our Business" A B S O U I T ty i THE FEMININE TOUCH INTERIOR • EXTERIOR CABINETS DEAL DIRECT AND SAVE i NO SUBCONTRACTORS THE RECESSION BUSTER • Prepasted & Pasted Papers DOCTOR Specializing in: AFFORDABLE STRIPPED & • Paper Removal • "A FAMILY SERVING FAMILIES" Custom Paper • Custom & Standard 'PAINTING • Reasonable Rates Painting I F o r Over 25 Years Hanging Exterior/interior REFINISHED FROM s2,59900 • Staining CALL By Tex Miller •POWER WASHING | F r e e E s tim a te • Powerwashing L IK E N E W • Remove Existing Walls & Plumbing Fixtures ■ Insulate Exterior Walls L O V A N N Wallpaper Removal Painting • Deck Bleaching 'WALLPAPERING Countertop > Resheetrock Entire Bathroom • Install New Toilet, Tub & Vanity /Preserving *10” & UP • Install Ceramic Tile Floor & Walls ■ Complete With Faucets 5 3 6 -9 4 5 1 per single roll Replacement » Install Medicine Cabinet, Switches, Plugs & Lights ■ Clean Up Debris Upon Completion serving Monmouth County 3 6 0 - 1 5 4 6 IAN for over 20 years 5 9 1 - 7 6 7 0 Ml PLUMBING LIC 7961 2 5 4 - 1 9 8 3 Fully Free 7 4 1 - 5 6 5 0 free estimates fully insured Insured Estimates 5 4 5 -7 1 4 9 462-8282 _(Beeger] ______Bonded ■ jnsured. _ _ _ Free Estimates LAWN CARE/LANDSCAPING

• Residential BATHROOMS .MCGILL'S TREE SERVICE • Industrial Spotswood ARIZZO • Com m ercial \ $2 , 6 9 5 00 u p t o 5 x 8 • I n t e r i o r DISCOUNT KITCHENS LAWN & LANDSCAPING Residential/Commercial PAINTING • E x t e r io r Complete Lawn Maintenance PROFESSIONAL • Pressure W ashing No Money Down • E-Z-Payments • Landscape Design Expert Removal & H O M E • Wallpapering ' Tub & Showers Re-Tiled PAPERHANGING • Masonry ' BUSY B’s • Ponds & Waterfalls Trimming/Topping Custom Hot Water Heaters Drain Cleaning • Complete Fertilizer Stump Grinding & Special Discounts on all Plumbing P rogram s Interior Painting Firewood PAPER REMOVAL SHEETROCK/REPAIRS Exterior Painting Small repair work OK - Leaks Fixed • Tree Pruning, Planting, Rem oval CARPENTRY Fully Insured - References Lic. #8821 Wood Chips Primers & adhesive are Steve Jacobs • R esidential • Stone, Mulch. RR Tics included in price of labor • Popcorn C eilings • R evitalization o f Old TEXTURED CEILINGS (908) 613-0391 CARLO CONSTRUCTION m Free Estimates/Fully Insured • Free Estim ates Landscaping FREE ESTIMATES NO JOB TOO SMALL (908) 257-7305 Free Est. 35 yrs. exp. • C leanups 7 2 3 -0 7 2 6 • F ully Insured All Work Guaranteed - Deal Direct ' Free Est. Serving Central NJ Fully 431-4920 Free 2 5 1 - 7 1 5 6 Serving Middlesex County S in ce 1983 Custom Work - A Specialty 721-2894 Insured Estimates 2 3 8 -5 5 5 3 LAWN CARE/LANDSCAPING STUMP MICKIEWICZ PRAMO BROTHERS FRANK’S RICHARD FANTASY PAINTING MATTHEW'S REMOVAL Tree & Landscaping LANDSCAPING, INC. K. MOORE & CONTRACTING CO. PAINTING & Complete Lawn PAINTING Economical Trees and Shrubs C U STO M TOP QUALITY LANDSCAPING Maintenance (Formerly F&L) Professional Painting POWERWASHING Stump and Root • Lawn Cutting * T rim m in g g *1 & LAWN CARE • Interior/Exterior • Interior/E xterior Affordable Prices Grinding •COMPLETE LAWN • Fertilizing • EXTERIOR P a i n t in g Professional Courteous ★ Planting MAINTENENCE • Weed & Insect Control • Drywall Best Quality Work Service Since 1981 W Stumps • LAWN CUTS • Shrub Pruning • INTERIOR • W allpaper: No Job Too Small Small, portable stump grinder Lots Clearest • PRUNING • Landscape Design Professionally Done • Spackling Removed & Hung used for fenced properties & Interior/Exterior Landscaping •THATCHING • Cert. Pest. App. Lic #94596 Free Estimates insured • Framing & Drywall sensitive lawns. •CLEANUPS Owner Operated roily Insured • References Free Estimates Fully insured ‘Firew ood Clearance Sale • ROCK BEDS Serving Northern Monmouth Insured Free Estimate Free Estimates Fully Insured 928-6025 290-2973 928-0982 •MULCH 1-800-847-0935 7 2 1 - 0 8 5 6 HK STUMP REMOVAL F ree E s tim a te s l-'uJJy In s u re d 2 3 8 - 8 3 3 0 264-6480 1-800-540-0315 6 1 3 - 7 1 2 0 Free Estimates Fully Insured We use Benjamin Moore Paints

What Landscape Company gives a FULL 2 YEAR MOTO LAWN SERVICE GUARANTEE on ALL Planted Trees & Shrubs? and LANDSCAPING Advertise L 0 N G 0 P A I N T I N G Monmouth Lawn & Landscape Inc. NEED W ALLPAPER? • Weekly Lawn Cuts Affordable Prices Will Do Just That! • Fertilization Your ‘‘FANTASTIC” “ FABULOUS” That’s right, we will plant any size tree or shrub Call us - You’ll be glad you did because • Clean-ups Inside & Outside and GUARANTEE them for 2 full years! Lawn • WE ARE EXPERIENCED INTERIOR DECORATORSRS __ A one year guarantee is just not enough • Tree Removal AND WALLPAPER COORDINATORS No Job Too Small • SHOP AT HOME SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY time to insure that your new trees & plants Low Overhead/Quality Work • LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN. WE WILL NOT BE have taken to their new home. Competitive Pricing Care UNDERSOLD We Also Do Carpentry • LARGE SELECTION OF LATEST DESIGNS Call TODAY For A FREE ESTIMATE Free Estimates •> Insured * Call Charlie We Also Do: 290-1770 Business • Brick Walks & Patios • Stone Walls • RR Ties • Sod FAX 290-1771 INTERIORS U M M HED 6 7 9 - 6 5 4 3 • Mulch • Trimming • Revitalizing of Old Landscapes Serving Monmouth & Here! 4 4 6 -7 4 3 0 In Business 23 Years Middlesex Counties Laura Bursey 446-6588 Fully Insured FREE Estimates

Free Estimates, VISA, MC, AMEX WAbbPAPERINE BY BE5IEN J R C u s t o m ntral Jersey “DESIGNING YOUR WALLS FOR A BRIGHTER APPEARANCE " DECK SAVERS gation Inc. Landscaping Inc. CERTIFIED BY THE PAPERHANGING INSTITUTE ’W e Wash Out the Gray" round Lawn Sprinklers • Clean-ups • Sod • SANDING INTERIOR C om plete D eck Restoration • RR Tie Construction • Excavations • PRIMING PAINTING H ot & C old P ow er W ashing Service For Installations or Repair Service Call • REMOVAL PAPERHANGING W ood Preserving - S taining - P ainting N ew D eck C onstruction • Stone Walls • Stone/Top Soil • REPAIR L » • SHEETROCKING Englishtown Holmdel Monroe W e C lean C edar Shakes - Fences - 446-2783 671-5222 521-2717 800-300-3064 RONALD KAPLOWITZ C oncrete - Etc. For Parts and Supplies Visit Our Showroom FULLY FREE 9 2 8 - 4 4 4 3 INSURED 417-0320 26 Water St. Englishtown ESTIMATES C a l l 2 9 0 - 2 9 1 3 or call 4 4 6 -22 2 4 Fully Insured Free Estimates SERVING ALL OF MONMOUTH AND MIDDLESEX COUNTIES Free Estimates

A Landscaping KURT’S POWER 9 U n l i m i t e d CALL OUR PROFESSIONAL WASHING CREATIVE LANDSCAPE DESIGNS PAPER HANGING “Quality In Cleaning Since 1978” Residential • Commercial 5 STAR RATING • DECKS • FERTILIZING ADVERTISERS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ WE CLEAN EVERYTHING • TIE WORK • WEED & PEST CONTROL PHOTO PORTFOLIO AVAILABLE Residential - Commercial • RETAINING WALLS • ROCK GARDENS TO GET THE • Homes • Buildings • Decks • SHRUBS • STONE WORK • F ences • Walkways • S teps 5 Step Lawn Maintenance Program JOB DONE. • Buses • Driveways • P atios Ask about our LIFETIME Shrub guarantee • T rucks Free Estimate 780-9486 Fully Insured 40 Hours OSHA Certified • Fully Insured Certified Pesticide Applicator Lic, #63652 908-727-3510 • 908-572-6854 PAINTING/WALLPAPERING



WINDOWS Absolute Bowl Service FLOORS WAXED - Scraping, SAVE YOUR shampoo. Make old floors RENT-A-HAND K&M POOLS GUTTERS EXPERTLY DECK NOW Oiv. of Ken-Chel Corp. DOORS look like new. 30yrs. exp. No job too small. Carpentry, Neighbor CLEANED & FLUSHED Guaranteed. 908-222-8935 dry wall & finishing. Odd jobs. SALES-SERVICE SIDING C all Bill 9 1 9 -0 7 9 1 SU P E R W ASH Wood, Vinyl, Aluminum • Repairs • Tree Trims HARDWOOD FLOORS & S on Repair • Chimney Caps Power Wash • Professional • Liner Replacement BEE & BEE Sanded. Finished. Installed 080b Home Fm* Estimate • Fully IiiMimi Decks Sanded & Refinished. • Decks Wallpapering Specialist Saim* Day AnsHcriiip Tom 908-238-4879 Improvements • Quality Installations Pool Closings *100 WINDOW CO. M achine (.all hark • Interior & Exterior A Family Business • Siding • Inground & Above • Liner Replacements Painting Since 1970 Gerry K urry WADE’S HARDWOOD ABSOLUTE-Custom work­ • Affordable Prices FLOORING-lnstallations, manship in all phases of im­ • Patios • Carpentry • Loop-Loc Covers • Openings • Closings Bob Ziegler T o ll F re e sanding, refinishing. Quality provements. Licensed, in­ (All Sizes) 16 Buchanan Ave. Free Estimates CALL GREG CALL KEN 1-800-542*0145 work at reasonable prices. sured, referrals & free ests. Parlin Call 908-787-5829 S & K Home Improvements 4 4 6 - 3 3 4 7 7 4 7 - 3 8 4 5 679-3276 780-9664 908-727-2118 908-270-1524 1-800-553-3733 WOOD FLOORS ADDITIONS - Basements, bathrooms, kitchens, decks. • In s ta lle d • S a n d e d Jobs big or small we do them SCHAEFER & SONS HENRY’S • Stained • Finished all! References, free est. • Repaired Q.M.S. VINYL SIDING HOME Quality Plus 908-521 -2491 POOL Call 1-800 Free Est....908-431-3126 PAINTING & Why Paint? IMPROVEMENT ALL REPAIRS-lnside & Out EAGLE 660-4 ADS Leaks, kitchens, siding, decks, DECORATING • AH major brands • Windows cement, ins. work. 908-462-2550 SHARK • W indow casin g s Use your VISA • INTERIOR/EXTERIOR • PAINTING • Siding To Advertise • O v erh an g s & eav es DECKS DECKS DECKS • WALLCOVERING • Interior/Exterior • S hutters • Roofing or MASTERCARD • POWER WASHING • • Power Washing • L ead ers & G utters End of summer sale. Any size •DECK CLEANING • • Openings-from s50 Y o u r • Vinyl replacem ent windows • Additions to pay for your deck $7.50 sq. ft. incl. diago­ • General Carpentry • Dow insulation nal flooring & 2 sets of stairs. • Service • Decks Classified Ads All flooring #1 grade. All treat­ 577-1059 Free Estimates B u s i n e s s Free Estimates Insured Fully Insured ed lumber. Fully ins. Many Quality > Maintenance 536-5936 8 2 1 - 4 6 4 7 1-800-660-4- ADS refs. Complete photo album. Maintenance Service 6 7 1 -9 1 5 0 or H e re Serving Monmouth Cty. Owner Operated 14 yrs. exp. Call Custom • Free Estimates • Fully Insured 36 7 -6 4 4 6 364-6433 over 25 yrs. Fully Ins. Decks by Couto 908-792-0459

080 Gutters DECKS BLU-AQUA Central Jersey JERRY’S MIKES Decks installed $6.50 sq.ft. POOL & SPA INC. Roofing Be Siding Call 1-800 GUTTER Cleaning & Repairs Also FENCES. Custom work, interior• Exterior PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES free est., refs. 908-613-5327 Specialists Paper Hanging/Removal interior • Exterior Call John 908-251-0893 Experts In Wall Prep POOL OPENINGS Residential 660-4 ADS Free Estimates $ HO COO including GUTTER CLEANING MASTER DECKS Taping • Skim Coating chemicals & ALL Phone Calls All Kinds of Repairs Commercial To Advertise NEW ROOFING & REPAIRS Pool platforms, old and new Returned Promptly ALL T Y P E S construction. Call now for Wallpaper Removal INGROUND ABOVE GROUND Serving My Root-N-Gutter Man winter rates. 908-758-8448 Courteous Professional Service Y o u r 1-800-750-1085 No Deposit Reguired Tiles POOLS POOLS all of NEIGHBOR & SON Free Est./Hefs Basements NJ- SEAMLESS GUTTERS from * 6 ,9 9 5 .0 0 from * 4 9 9 .0 0 B u s i n e s s HOME IMPROVEMENT Installed or Dropped Off 1-800-892-0306 Fully insured Specializing in Ceram ic tile Beeper# 928-4888 by 3L Alluminium repairs. Carpentry! painting, H e re 908-446-9027 • 908-928-0216 908-569-6011 (908) 238-5789 1-800-246-7347 Fully Insured Free Estimates paperhanging. 908-747-3845

080a Handy Persons REMODELING [Wrought Iro DESTEFAN0 All Phases of Construction PROTECT M fifP MY POOL MAN INC. Decks, additions, basements, CONTRACTING ALL AROUND HANDYMAN kitchens, baths. Free est. A D E C K PAINTING" Jack Barsky ARK WELDING All Types of A.N.I. Constr. 908-521-2444 Swimminq Pool & Spa O peninqs & Closings Custom Wrought iron Railings QUALITY ROOFING Home Repairs/Improvements Interior/Exterior 908-431-3981, 908-257-2750 TOTAL Home Improvements • CLEANING Pool Supplies' upp! - & ~ ^Chemicals • 1 DeliDelivered ' •Repairs* SIDING 908-566-2828 HOME Weekly Maintenance Pr /ce D 'lre ^0 7 2 7 - 5 3 5 0 Rte 9, Freehold 462-0847 • Etc. Fully Insured ALL JOBS-FREE EST. W/REF. Call 24 hours a day b il l 908-495-4692 908-634-1318 THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 5 1 081 Lawn Car el 081 Lawn Care/ 086 Painting 089 Plumbing Landscaping Landscaping Wallpapering

STUMP GRINDING ABSOLUTELY AFFORDABLE ALAN BLACKBURN ARBE LANDSCAPING TREES TRIMMED/REMOVED Paperhanger & Painter. Refer­ T r e e s , S h r u b s , T o p s o il, Fill, Firewood. Ins. 908-238-7976 ences. Mike- 908-775-4307 Plumbing/Heating. Sewer and CLEARANCE Mulch, Stone. All your land­ Drain Cleaning. Water Heat­ scape needs. Bulldozer & TOM'S TREE SERVICE AFFORDABLE ers. Remodeling. Lie. 5325 backhoe work. Fully insured. All phases performed. 908-721-7142, from 8am-5pm Free estimates. 11 years exp. Painting - Quality work at low 908-238-2945 Call 908-905-8964 prices. Int./Ext. & Commercial. Everything Must Go! BOB’S LANDSCAPING Specializing in Ext. & Deck BACSOKA TREES-*Trimmed-*Removed Treatment. Since 1975 - Fully • Cleanup • Renovation ★Stumps Ground-*Wood Chips insured. Call 908-727-0038 Plumbing & Heating • Rototilling • Edging Reasonable Rates No R easonable offer refused! • Shrub Trimming • Planting & Call 908-257-1416 Anytime Complete kitchen/bath remod­ • R e m o v a l - S to n e AL’S PAINTING eling. W ater Heaters. Sewer & ★★★ ★ ★★★★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★★★★ -k'kirk'k 'k'kirk ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ UNWANTED SHRUBS Drain Cleaning. Reasonable • Mulch. 908-462-1967 In terio r & E x terio r Stumps/small trees removed. rates. Free Estimates. GET THE BEST FOR LESS 1993 Chrysler J 1993 Chrysler Mon. Cty. only. 908-776-7378 License #5628. W e do it all.. For free estim ate call EXQUISITE Call 908-727-0014 Concorde Lebaron 908-583-3306 Landscape Contractors WOOD CHIPS 6 cyl., 3.5 L, P/S, P/B, Antilock, A/C, Convertible ★ ALL AMERICAN ★ GARDEN STATE AM/FM St/Cass, Fab/lnt, Pleats, y fi ryi auto P/S P/B A/C AM/FM Custom Landscape Design $15./cubic yd. delivered. Buckets, RK/SMb, Console, W / W , T O P/Mir Tint Tilt, cruise, ^ s K k s , P/Seats,’ P/Mir, Cruise, P/W, Tint, Mats, P/Ant, I t , Alum W h. Vin v Lawn & Ground Maintenance FIREWOOD- 4x4x8 cord. Painting & Drywall PLUMBING and HEATING 908-946-2701, 908-364-3781 $100. delivered. 908-821-7669 WATER HEATERS i? en!,lt ^ pers’. A J S S L 2 ? R “>^#PF610043, MSRP $21,350, Rebate $1000, Chrysler Discount $325, 'College Interior & Exterior Specialists $500, Chrysler Discount $308, Discount $1405, VIN #TH595810. Grad Rebate $W0, Discount $1530. REPAIRS & REMODELING Windows Reglazed & Painted GEORGE SAHUL JR. JUSTIN TYME 082 Lawn Mower Carpentry Work & Repairs License #5568 =ft 1-800-400-1676 $1 9 , 1 8 6 ■k $1 7 , 9 9 5 Pruning, landscaping. Repair 908-251-5660 'ik-k Call Anne ’ 908-251-0572 ALL PAINTING LAWN MOWER, small engine JA K E’S PLUMBING 1989 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER LANDAU 1989 CHEVY Z24 1988 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER SE repair. Pick up and delivery. Interior/Exterior 6 cyL, 2 dr, auto., p/s, p/b, a/c, AM/FM st. McGILL TREE Call 908-938-3117 Quality Work. Reasonable Heating/Sewer Cleaning 4 dr.. 6 cyl., auto., p/s, pA>, a/c, AM/FM St. Wagon, 6 cyl., auto., p/s, p/b, a/c, AM/FM Free est. Lic.#9502. Bonded Cass., fab. int, Sun/Hf, bkts., cons., gauges, st. Cass., fab. int., buckets, gauges, r/def, See business/service directory Rates. Mike 908-363-2786 Cass., p/seats, p/mir, cruise, intermit wprs, r/def, tint, tilt, cruise, sec sys, int wipers, & insured. 908-679-7251 p/tr, p/w, tint, p/d/1, p/ant, tilt. 68,215 miles. mats, alum wh. radials. one owner trade, tint r/wipe-wash, tilt, cruise, rf/rack, int wip­ VIN #KD530859. red/sih/er w/black int, 47,050 miles. VIN ers, radials, 7 passenger 68,389 miles. VIN 083 Masonry/Paving ALL PAINTING #K7201873.a— _ #JB692791. MT TREE SERVICE JENLOR PLUMBING Tree removal, trimming, clear­ INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Lic.#9473. Jim Pilato. No job-" ing, Fully ins. 908-446-3385 Free Est. Reasonable $69 9 5 AJM MASONRY - Brick resto­ too small. 908-370-4435 *7,990 *8,145 Call 908-257-6334 ration, chimneys, pointing, w a­ 1990 OLDSMOBILE 1988 DODGE 1991 PLYMO UTH 1989 OLDS RON W AITE terproofing. Call 908-290-0867 ALL PAINTING JOBS- ROD/Plumbing/Heating CUTLASS CALAIS Excellent indoor & outdoor VOYAGER LE CIERRA INTERNATIONAL TREE SERVICE W ater heaters, boilers COLT DL Van, 6 cyl.. 4 sp., p/s, p/b, a/c, AM/FM ALL TYPES MASON WORK- 2 dr., 4 cyl., auto., p/s, p/b, «/c, 4 *., 6 cyl., aulo., p%, pA>, ate, AM/FM painting. Residential & com­ All R e p a ir s , R e s id e n tia l AM/FM at., w/eq, fab. int., buckoto, 4 Dr., 4 Cyl., aulo, P/S, P/B, A/C, st. Cass., Fab. Int., p/seals, rec/sts, Full line of Tree Work. Fully Patios • Steps • Fireplaces, cons., gauges, r/del., p/w, p/dl, p/mir, st. cass., sun/il, p/seals, buckots, con­ mercial. Free estimates. Fully Sinks, faucets, water filters con solo, r/def, b/a^m. tint, int. wip­ AM/FM St., Fab/Int., Buckets, R/Del, insured. Call 908-566-8189 Etc. FREE Est. Ins. Wally bsm, tint, r/wipe-wash,-h Cruise, sole, gauges, r. del, p/w, tW, IM, cruise, insured. 908-679-5999 908-257-6502 Lie. #6371 ers, w/w, 34,681 m iles. VIN Tint, Console, 76,643 ml., VN intermit wipers, rad, alum wh, VIN 908-583-6481, 908-360-9617 #LM765602. fJN 102836. fK2382304. i 18»b9b. STUMP GRINDING ANTHONY’S MASONRY ALL SEASONS Limestone steps, patios, side­ Painting/Paperhanging 091 Roofing/Siding *7,490 *4,995 $13 ,9 9 5 *8,795 LARSON SERVICES walks, foundations, all repairs. Reasonable. 908-446-8503 908-536-2613 Free estimates, insured. A N T H O N Y ’S Call 908-495-3243 Have Brush'W ill Travel ABOVE ALL - Roofing/Siding Reliable Quality Service CHIMNEY REPAIR Painter & Handyman Services Free est. 1-800-553-3733 AFFORDABLE Installation & repairs of win­ All w o rk g u a r a n te e d dows, doors, fixtures, mail­ CALL 908-521 -0267 LAWN CARE boxes. Painting, chimney ALEX SMUTKO CUSTOM MASONRY flashing, leaders, gutters, etc.; Complete Call Tony at 908-566-2051 ROOFING 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Plymouth Chrysler Plym outh Landscaping ALL PHASES PERFORMED BEAT THE RECESSION CEILINGS SYNONYMOUS Lawn Maintenance Programs NO JOB TOO SMALL Professionally sprayed/pop­ The economy and taxes are CALL 908-390-6629 corn effect/all colors/w/without 42 North Main St. (Rt.79) Marlboro Seasonal Clean Ups hurting both of us. I need you, glitter/free est. 908-525-1625 and you WILL save money Prices Indude all costs to DON’S CUSTOM MASONRY Professional Quality Service w ith m e. ' iim s im consumer except for license, Fireplaces/Patios/Foundations. registration & taxes. 1st Time Buyer.and INTERIOR PAINTING • Res./Commercial Roofing 4 6 2 - 1 3 3 0 College Grad Rebates If qualified. See Dealer for details. Free estimates. 908-251-4352 Senior Discounts • Free Est. Good work, good quality. I’ll ro o f y o u r h o u s e a s if it Neat & clean, all for one fair were my own. Smutko Roof­ 908-922-3815 JUST CONCRETE price. Oscar 908-308-4275 ing, year after year, proven to 908-892-8223 Free est. Call 908-721-8857 be on top of the roofing indus­ JACK try. The Dec. ’92 Nor’ Easter MASON will fix & repair steps, demonstrated what can hap­ sidewalks & plastering. Very pen to an improperly installed reasonable. 908-988-0029 THE STRIPPER roof. Don’t let it happen to W allpaper Removal you! Please call Alex M A S O N R Y - N e w W o rk Lawn Clean-Ups Painting, Sheetrock Repair 908-583-0412 800-794-ROOF Repairs. Ref’s Avail. 908-972-7663 Brush & Tree Call 908-254-0643 J O E JA Y 10% DISCOUNT. Removal PAT’S MASONRY Painting & Paperhanging Call 908-251-4623 Steps/patio/walks. New/repair. WITH THIS AD Reasonable Rates 908-308-9614/908-681 -0308 KELLY’S PAINTING exclud. repairs. Exp. 8/31/93 Complete PAPERHANGING 084 Moving PAPER REMOVAL ROOF REPAIRS Landscaping & Storage 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE Free Estimates 908-679-2142 BY ALEX SMUTKO Service DON’T MAKE THE SAME ALL JERSEY MOVERS LERIO PAINTING MISTAKE TWICE. USE ME Bills Landscaping Pianos, apartments, homes, Painting, Plastering, Taping, NOW OR USE ME LATER. offices. Quality work at an af­ Sheetrock, Paperhanging. 908-583-0412 800-794-ROOF FR E E E st fordable price. Lie. #PM 00662. Free Estimates *A division of Smutko Roofing Call 908-634-4122 908-390-8655 ALL HOME Improvements 908-721-8671 FURNITURE HAULING NU-WAY PAINTING R O O F IN G & S ID IN G # 1 in Furniture Care Any­ Free estimates 908-254-0997 ...By getting you the most car for your money. where. Full household/partial GREAT WORK Cornerstone General Contr. move. Lic.PM00276. Fully in­ GOOD PRICES ...By giving you the courteous, personal service you deserve. sured. Call Jim 908-370-4123 CALL TED 908-615-0592 ANYTIME, ANYWHERE VINNY’S OLD BRIDGE PAINTING THE ROOF DOCTOR ...By giving you over 25 years of combined leasing expertise. LAWN j LANDSCAPING Interior & exterior painting. Seals your leaks when you 084a Light Hauling Free estimate. Fully insured. need protection the most. L a w n C a r * ...By offering all Manufacturer Rebates and Rate Specials. 25 years experience. Refer­ Roof repair specialist. C le a n u p s ences avail. 908-679-4856 Sod, Stan*. Mulch LIGHT MOVING GUTTER CLEANING Renovations PAINTING Free estim ates. Fully insured. W e L e a s e Drivew ay Sealing W ashers, dryers, refrigerators, Evans Maint. 1-800-303-3873 Interior/Exterior - Wallpaper G uitars Cleaned etc. Cleanup work. Reason­ removal. Quality work, 20yrs. W eeding Performed able. Free est. 908-727-2740 ASCH ROOFING and SIDING exp.. Ins. John 908-251-0893 on a M onthly Basis. • Seam less Gutters • Repairs.-' Every M ake And M odel PAPERHANGING Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Paym ent only on REMOVAL $11 ./single roll. 23 years exp. 238-4463 or 257-6965 MEMBER com pletion o f job. Trash, Furniture, Debris Mike 908-462-9097 No job too BIG. CARLIN ROOFING 908-536-7011 Rick 908-251 -5953 PHIL POLO & SON Construction. Roofs, vinyl sid­ ing, gutters, leaders, all re­ CALL FOR A r a W e CARE Painting & Paperhanging pairs. Free estimates, insured A f l / f A National Vehicle Int./Ext. Free est. Fully ins. 085 Odd Jobs/ 908-458-5619 FREE CUSTOM QUOTE n v i-M Leasing Association 908-780-3575 • 908-462-9558 Cleanups RUSSELL'S TO N Y’S PAINTING CENTURY ROOFING TREE SERVICE Interior/exterior. Quality work. WE’RE RATED #1! ★ AAA ★ Reas, prices. 908-409-1239 Leak specialist/gutter cleaning Specializing in Expert results. 908-254-1329 Affordable Clean-ups. • Yard We take away anything. WALLPAPER Cleanup Free est. 908-264-2520 • S hrub Hung with TLC, patience & CHRIS MALLETT T rim m in g CLEAN-UPS neatness! Maria 908-888-1337 ROOFING - Re-roofing, new roofs, and roof repairs. * • • Tree Indoor/out, light hauling includ. Free est. Call (908) 870-8346 Removal appliances. 908-525-9656. • Tree Beeper # 908-519-0993 088 Pool Services T rim m in g J & R R O O F IN G & S ID IN G W STRIVING TO BE THE BEST!!! A CLEANUP-branches, all tree UNBEATABLE RATES parts, dirt, concrete, small 908-329-3091 SHANLEY POOLS Exp. 8 Ins. 908-846-7525 Free demolition, etc. 908-446-3196 Complete Retail Store Estim ate f A TRASH and JUNK REMOVAL O P E N IN G S & C L O S IN G S (908) 446-5200 Fully RL LEMPFERT Anything you want taken to Sales & Service. Replacement Insured dumps. Free estimates. Call Liner Specialists. Repairs. Re-roofing, tear-offs, repairs 908-721-8246 - 908-251-5595 908-536-9393 Call 908-679-0096 5 2 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT 096a Window/ 112 Auto/Truck 112 Auto/Truck 091 Roofing/Siding Treatments 110 Autos for Sale 110 Autos for Sale 110 Autos for Sale Wanted Wanted 117Trucks/Vans

.S & R ROOFING & SIDING WINDOW TREATMENTS HONDA ACCORD EX '91 LINCOLN 89 PLYMOUTH RELIANT '86 AAA ABLE & DEAD 7 Days JUNK & RUNNING CARS DODGE RAM 150 '92 - 9,000 Windows, Carpentry. Fully Ins. 4 cyl. Auto., p/s, p/b, p/s-rf. 1 mi., auto, air, 5.2liter magnum 4 dr., auto, a/c, exc. cond. Hi Free Removal of Junk Cars. 24 HOUR SERVICE FREE Estimates 908-679-2291 owner. 51,351 mi. Stk# 7254A, TOWN CAR- Loaded, 26,000 eng. 8 pass., quick release mi. but well cared for. $1,200. $$ for new/old. 908-390-5531 TOP CASH PRICES PAID BY JERRY Vin# MA108032. $12,350. Ask mi. 908-613-0132 seats. Mint cond. $12,900 or 908-530-0169 after 6pm CALL 908-536-8031 TRI-STAR ROOFING Custom Made Shop At Home for Steve G. 908-238-3030 best offer. 908-636-0834 LINCOLN TOWN CAR '77- ALL SCRAP CARS New roofs, re-roofs, tear-offs Verticals, mini blinds, pleated PLYMOUTH RELIANT WANTED-Cars or trucks HONDA ACCORD LX ''90 Runs but needs some care. AND TRUCKS. LARGE OR FORD F150 SUPER CAB shades. 60% discount w/free WAGON '86- Auto, 4 cyl., p/s, JUNK or RUNNING & repairs. Fully ins. Free est. 4 dr, 4 cyl. Auto., p/s, p/b, 1 B e s t offer over $ 4 0 0 . SMALL. ANY CONDITION. PICK UP ‘88 - V-8, auto, a/c, Call 908-671-5357 estimate, measuring and p/b, am/fm, a/c, new engine & Midway Auto 908-591-1652 ow ner.‘54,651 mi. Stk# P1191, 908-780-7164 H & H A U T O W R E C K E R S p/b, p/s, cruise, am/fm stereo, installation. 100% guaranteed. Vin# LA132892. $9,950. Ask new tires. $1,200. or best XL pkg. 85,000 mi. Good 908-591-0366 WANTED-RUNNING and Jerry Asch 1 -609-655-7548 for Steve G. 908-238-3030 offer. 908-238-8956 cond. $7,000. Call MERCURY TOPAZ '88 REPAIRABLE Cars & Trucks 2 dr., 4 cyl., auto, p/s, p/b, air. 908-297-9409 092 Special Services HONDA ACCORD SEI '89 $100. and UP. Junk Cars Blue, runs great. 59,230 mi. PLYMOUTH VOYAGER LE $ CASH PAID $ 1 owner. Auto., p/s, p/b, leath­ Removed. 908-238-9481 MITSUBISHI MIGHTY MAX $2,975. VIN # JK622621. '86- 7 pass., auto, 31,000 mi., er, 57,714mi. Stk# 1046A, new tires, radio cass., a/c. All makes & models. Cash on '90 - Exc. cond. 20,000 miles. AFFORDABLE Price excludes tax & tags. WE BUY JUNK CARS Vin# KA072224. $9,995. Ask $6,500. 908-254-4471 the SPOT. Call 908-477-6846 Asking $5,500. Call 908-257-6700 Marlboro Auto W reckers for Steve G. 908-238-3030 Call 908-591-9554 POWER WASHING 908-591-1400 AUTOMOTIVE PONTIAC SUNBIRD HATCH­ DONATE Cars • Vans • RVs • HONDA CIVIC LX '91 4 dr. NISSAN PULSAR ‘84 • Trucks • Boats • Furniture to Home, deck, driveway, con­ BACK '85 - P/s, p/b, am/fm. Auto., air, full pwr, am/fm ster­ 5 spd. Runs well, new engine, crete. Mold/mildew removal. Good cond., asking $1,500. Charity serving the Blind. IRS 116 Motorcycles/ eo cass. 28,000 mi. Exc. good tires. Call 908-442-3919 Tax Deductible. FREE TOW­ 119 Car/Van Pools 908-542-9092-908-542-0134 Call 908-495-0639 110 Autos for Sale c o n d . w /w a rra n ty till 1 2 /9 3 . after 10 a.m. ING! NEED NOT RUN. Mopeds ALLIED M aintenance Corp. $9,390. Call 908-536-3090 1-800-995-8889 NISSAN STANZA HATCH­ TOYOTA CELICA GTS MANALAPAN TO BROOKLYN POWER WASHING A C U R A L E G E N D L '8 9 HYUNDAI-GL EXCEL '89 BACK '85 - 4 dr. 119,000 '87- All power, sunroof, stereo $ HIGHEST PRICES $ 2 days/wk. Share expenses. 4 door, 6 cyl. auto, p/s, anti­ 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto, p/s, p/b, air. miles. Auto, a/c. Orig. owner. sys., new tires. 100,000 hwy. KX-250 ’90 908-446-5299 eves Complete Surface Restoration Blue, runs well. New tires. ALL CARS. 908-251-7552 lock brakes, leather, CD, Exc. cond. Asking $1,250. or m i . Asking $3,800. Exc. cond. Must sell. Best MATAWAN/WALL STREET HOUSES/DECKS/ETC. 77,482 miles. Stk# P1110, 64,000 miles. $2,800. VIN # best offer. 908-536-4807 908-721-2710 offer. Call after 6pm Leave 4pm, return midnight. FREE ESTIMATES •Vin# KC008727. $14,950. Ask KU587933. Price excludes tax 908-238-0473 908-583-8480 for Steve G. 908-238-3030 & tags. Call 908-257-6700 OLDS DELTA 88 ROYALE VOLKSWAGON SUPER Classified Sells 908-727-5563 1972. 83,000 mi., orig. owner. BEETLE ’71- New shocks, Y A M A HA '8 0 ACURA LEGEND L COUPE XS 400, 13,000 mi. Good Classified Sells DEVLIN REUPHOLSTERY 4 dr., V-8, p/s, p/b. Good run­ clutch, battery, tires. No rust, 1-800-660-4ADS '89. Auto., 6 cyl, p/s, p/b, anti­ CLASSIFIED SELLS! ning cond. $795. solid. Needs engine work. cond. Asking $600. Call after Dining room chairs, kitchen lock brakes, 67,942 miles. 908-462-7799 Asking $1,500. 908-828-4580 6pm 908-679-4082 _____ 1-800-660-4ADS sets, etc. Reas, rates. Call Stk# P1146, Vin# KC003826. Bob 908-727-7394 $13,995. Ask for Steve G. DRIVEWAY SEALING 908-238-3030 ACURA LEGEND L COUPE Professional service. '90 6 cyl, auto, p/s, anti lock Reasonalbe Rate brakes, leather, 1 owner Call 908-251-7602 43,769 miles. Stk# 7284A, Vin# LC013803. $15,950. Ask FURNITURE for Steve G. 908-238-3030 REFINISHING REPAIR BUICK ELECTRA '75 - Auto, Caning • Rushing full power, air. Exc. condition. 908-938-4064 A must see. $1,200 nego­ tiable. Call 908-566-1291 HOUSE WASHING BUICK SKYHAWK '89 2 Door. ATA POWERCLEAN Blue. 35,000 miles. Good con­ Member N.J. BBB dition. Asking $5,000. Call 1-800-794-1417 908-679-7953 CADILLAC ELDORADO 88. LETTERING p/seats, door locks, digital dash, am/fm cass. Red with Vans/trucks. Same day ser­ white int. White roadster roof. vice. Call 908-370-9390 80,000 mi. Asking $7,600. 908-686-7142 ★ LOCKSMITH ★ CADILLAC FLEETWOOD Licensed. 30 yrs. exp. We BROUGHAM ‘87 - Gray, fully supply/install locks & security loaded. Exc. cond. 68,000 mi. needed to have a safe home. Call 908-222-5717, please THE PLAN! Call Howard, 908-780-9557 leave message. 1993 FORD CROWN 1993 FORD EXPLORER ODD JOBS Can do most any­ CAMARO Z-28 ‘85 Our experienced thing. No Job Too Small. Call 92,000 mi., V8 305. Black. John 908-251-0893 $3,200. or best offer. VIC LX Salesman will show XLT Call 908-901-7020 you how EASY It Is! POWER WASHING CHEVROLET CELEBRITY '89 66,000 miles. Exc. cond. p/s, ACTION p/b, stereo/cass. $6,500. Call • Decks • Patios 908-495-0639 after 6 pm. •Aluminum/Vinyl • Driveways CHEVROLET-LUMINA-'90 • Sidewalks • Brick Cleaning 4 dr, auto, am/fm cass, air. Call John 908-251-0893 Exc. cond. 56,000 mi. Asking $6,300. or best offer. POWER WASHING 908-290-1069 DECKS ★ ALL SIDING CHEVY CAMARO '83- Auto, 4 door, 8 cyl., A/C, AM/FM Stereo w/Cass., Dark Green, Leather Int., 4 door, 6 cyl., Overdrive, P/S, P/B, Anti-lock, A/C, AM /FM Stereo w/Cass., SHAKES ★ CEMENT p/s, p/b, a/c, am/fm cass. P/Seats, Rec/Seats, Gauges, R/Def., P /w /L/A nt/M ir, BSM , Tint, Tilt, Cruise, Fab. Int., Gauges, R/Def., P/w /L/M ir, BSM , Tint, R/W ipe,-W ash, Tilt, Cruise, Reasonable ★ Free Estimates 8 0 ,0 0 0 mi. $ 2 ,4 0 0 . P/Tr, Pin Stripe, Interm it W ipers, M ats, Rear Anti Lock Breaks, Dual Air Cargo Cov., Rf Rack, Interm it W ipers, M ats. M ocha Frost. Stk. #93L183. 908-390-4997 • 908-238-8330 908-727-7642 Bag Safety Option, W /W . Stk. #93C22. Vin. #PX199435 MSRP $24,278. Vin. #PUD03277. MSRP $24,250. PRINTING - Business cards & CHEVY IMPALA '76- 92,000 Stationery, Announcements & mi., new radio, converter,-muf­ Invitations. Call 908-495-1364 fler, drums. $450. or best offer. 908-364-3599 SLIPCOVERS, Custom made. Din. rm. & office seats uphol­ CHEVY NOMAD STATION The Plan $11,886 The Plan *10,781 stered, your fabric. Quality WAGON '61 - 283 cu. in., work/Big saving 908-257-5409 auto, good for restoration or with purchase option at 24 months $13,276 with purchase option at 24 months $15,520 parts. $800. Call TELEPHONE Installation 908-232-7752 evenings, Repair, Jacks, Wiring 201 -242-8651 days ______25 yrs. exp. w/NYNEX CHEVY S10 BLAZER SPORT These Prices INCLUDE Call Ed, 908-536-2477 1988- 4.3 V6 Vortec engine, 4WD, fully loaded, new tires. Tax, Registration, TELEPHONE Immaculate. Call 908-583-6336 1993 FORD PROBE GT MV Fees 1993 FORD TAURUS GL INSTALLATION CHRYSLER LEBARON '87 - Perfect cond. inside & out. Home wiring & jacks installed. and Refundable Runs like new. 113,000 mi. Free estim ates. 908-888-7970 Asking $2,500. 908-214-8958 Security Deposit! TRASH COUPE DE VILLE D’ELEGANCE '83 - Very good -U. condition. Clean, A/C, fully 1 \ A REMOVAL loaded. $2,300. 908-446-0933 Basem ents • G arages • Attics DODGE AIRES WAGON '86 - Call 908-572-1358 4 cyl., . auto, p/s, p/b, air. White, runs well. Cheap trans­ portation. Dented fender. 094 Tailoring 118,151 miles. VIN #F312375. Price excludes tax & tags. 3 dr H/B, 6 cyl., 5 Spd., P/S, Anti-lock Brakes, A/C. AM/FM Stereo 4 door, 6 cyl., A/C, AM /FM Stereo w/Cass., Fab. Int., P/Seats, Buckets, Call 908-257-6700 w/Cass., Leather Int., P/Seats, Buckets. Rec/Seats, Gauges, R/Def., Rec/Seats, Console, R/Def., P/w /L/Ant/M ir, BSM , Tint, Tilt, Cruise, P/Tr, HEMMING, ETC... DODGE CARAVAN LE 1986- P/w/L/Ant/M ir, BSM, Tint, R/W ipe-W ash, Tilt, Cruise, Interm it W ipers, Interm it W ipers, M ats, Dual A ir Bags/Anti Lock Brakes, Caribbean Green. Type & Sew 908-462-7494 New tires, great cond., very Black, Power Sun Roof. Stk. #93P70. MSRP $21.064. Stk. #93S86. Vin. #PA204158. MSRP $21,078. dependable. Burgundy. 908-583-6336 096 Windows FORD ESCORT '88 3 door, auto., a/c, am/fm cass.. 65,000mi. Like new. Asking The Plan *8,999 The Plan $8,441 BROKEN GLASS- I fix win­ $3,100. Call 908-536-7735 dows, screens, mirrors, any FORD THUNDERBIRD'77- with purchase option at 24 months $12,214 with purchase option at 24 months $12,008 glass. Call Ken 908-446-5991 New paint, 20,000 mi. on new engine. Looks & runs great. The Plan is an advance payment net (closed end) lease with a purchase option WINDOWS WASHED $3,000. or best offer. Please S T O R M S & S C R E E N S call 908-739-3925 at the end of 24 months. 15,000 miles per year with 11 e per mile overage. Exc., clean work. Refs. GEO STORM '91- Black w/ NO JOB TOO SMALL gray int., mint, a/c, auto, am/ Reas, rates. 908-739-8755 fm, only 20,000 mi. $7,495. Moving. 908-536-5853 096a Window/ 700 SHREWSBURY AVE. HONDA ACCORD DX 1988 - Treatments Blue w/ blue int., power stear- ing, power window, air, factory CUSTOM CURTAINS cassette. 40,000 mi. Exc. cond., 1 owner. $5,950. RED Low Prices 908-577-0375 Call 908-686-7142 • ill'] 133 = :'/I i n £5?- i i " n . v . f *‘ 2 THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18, 1993 5 3


NEW 1993 PLYMOUTH Becoming a w l SUNDANCE NEW 1993 PLYMOUTH 3 DOOR LIFTBACK ACCLAIM 2.2 Itr. EFI 4 cyl., 5 spd. man. trans., 4 dr. Sedan, 2.5 Itr. EFI, auto trans., P/S, P/B, no A/C, r. def., cloth & vinyl P/S, P/B, A/C, cloth front bench seat, Five-Star D ealer low back front seats. Stk. #1527. VIN conv. spare tire. Stk. #1401. VIN #PN648852. MSRP $9,125. Rebate #PF613629. MSRP $14,731. Manuf. $1,000. College Grade Rebate if Disc. $1,011. Buhler Disc, $696. qualified $500. Buhler Disc. $331. Chrysler rebate $1,500. > is very easy, SAVE $1,831! SAVE $3,207!

* 7 , 2 9 4 * 1 1 , 5 2 4 A ll you have to do is

satisfy your custom ers. NEW 1993 CHRYSLER All you have to do is be courteous5, highly trained, NEW 1993 PLYMOUTH CONCORDE efficient, friendly, professional, proficient, prompt, 4 dr. Sedan, 3.3 Itr. V-6, auto trans., honest, skilled, and caring. Every minute of every day, VOYAGER P/S, P/B, A/C, P/8-way seat, cloth 2.5 Itr. EFI, auto trans., P/S, P/B, A/C, bucket seats w/recliner, 16” whl. & with every customer. Nothing to it. O r maybe it’s just P/liftgate, r. def., lugg. rack, 7 pass, seating, touring grp., conv. spare. Stk. #1374. highback bucket seats, conv. spare, FWD. that our people are so good, they make it look easy. Stk. #1377. VIN #PR2911135. MSRP VIN #PH581690. MSRP $21,018. $17,145. Opt. Pkg. Disc. $857. Rebate Factory Disc. $169. College Grad Come see us soon. And judge for yourself. $500. College Grad Rebate $500. Buhler Rebate $500. Buhler Disc. $1,184. Disc. $782. SAVE $2,639! SAVE $1,853!

* 1 4 , 5 0 6 * 1 9 , 1 6 5 USED CAR SPECIALS 1988 PLYMOUTH HORIZON 1991 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT GL 1987 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS 4 cyl., auto trans., P/S, P/B, 4 cyl., auto trans., P/S, P/B, V-8, auto trans. w/od., P/S, P/B, A/C, T.G., console, buckets, A/C, P/L, P/W, tilt/cruise, r. def., A/C, P/L, P/W, P/seats, tilVcrulse, r. AM/FM stereo. Stk. #7934. VIN AM/FM stereo w/cass., T.G. def., W/W tires, T.G., cloth int., #JY207845. As traded 69,983 Loaded! Stk. #7938. VIN AM/FM stereo w/cass. Stk. #7701. miles. #ME014854.46,517 miles. VIN #HX701849.54,827 miles. $3 , 1 9 9 NEW 1993 PLYMOUTH $ 1 0 , 9 9 9 $5 , 9 9 9 NEW 1993 CHRYSLER 1990 HYUNDAI EXCEL 1990 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE 1987 NISSAN SENTRAXE LASER 4 cyl., 4 spd. man. trans., man. 6 cyl., auto trans., P/S, P/B 4 dr., 4 cyl., 5 spd. ,man. trans., LEBARON 2 dr. Hatchback, 1.8 Itr. 4 cyl. MPI, 5 steering, no A/C, AM/FM stereo A/C, P/W , AM/FM ste re o P/S, no A/C, AM/FM stereo CONVERTIBLE spd. man. trans., P/S, P/B, A/C, w/cass., Stk. #8019. VIN w/cass., T.G. Stk. #8082. VIN w/cass. Stk. #7896. VIN 2 dr., 2.5 litr. EFI 4 cyl., auto trans., P/S, P/B, cloth/vinyl reel, front seats. Stk. #LU049319.59,498 miles. #LX230563.33,910 miles. #HU011259.74,379 miles. A/C, cloth int., low back front bucket seats, #1464. VIN #PE083740. MSRP sport grp., black fop. Stk. #1459. VIN $ 1 1 , 5 9 9 #PF632206. MSRP $19,611. Factory Disc. $13,490. Chrysler Rebate $700. $3 , 1 9 9 * 3 , 9 9 9 $225. Rebate $1,000. College Grad Rebate College Grad Rebate $500. Buhler 1990 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM 1987 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 1988CHEVROLET SPRNT TURBO $500. Buhler Disc. $1,002. Disc. $406. 4 cyl., auto trans., P/S, P/B, A/C, P/L, SAVE $2,727! SAVE $1,606! 4 cyl., auto trans., P/S, P/B, P/W, P/seats, tilt/cruise, landau, wire 3 cyl., 5 spd. man. trans., P/S, A/C, AM/FM stereo. Stk. #7852. whl. cvrs., r. def., AM/FM stereo A/C, AM/FM stereo w/cass. Stk. w/cass., leather int., T.G., W /W tires. #7890. VIN #JK702848. 39,667 VIN #LF770485.63,260 miles. Loadedl Stk. #7854. VIN #HC117690. ■”M 90 miles. * 1 6 , 8 8 4 * 1 1 , 8 8 4 * 7 , 2 9 5 $ 4 , 9 9 9 3 , 7 9 9

Price(s) include(s) all costs to be paid by a consumer, except for licensing, registration, and taxes.

.GARDEN STATE P A R K W A Y E X I T 1 1 7 2 6 4 - 5 0 0 0 5 4 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT





. ■ -


ALL v e h i c l e s Jf I f t S S L E

f o h a g g l e ON * a |P .■ •/ \ P R I C E VtflNDOVe'S j I P R I C E


200 HWY. 35 (Pkwy exit 117) Keyport, NJ. (908) 264-1600 IV I '1 1 1 ^ : Cl I : H " ( f E f , 3 ' T 11 c>U,\ 6 »! THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 18,1993 5 5

CHEVROLET Safi® g g ©

I " ° The Home Of r , i w

A fte r all...isn 't life com plicated enough?

NEW 1993 CHEVY I 1 CAVALIER RS WAGON r m 3.1 Itr. MFI V-6, auto trans., D P/S, P/B, A/C, P/W, sprt. 77 I p * cloth bucket seats, r. def., roof carrier, stl. bltd. radials, tilt CARS! whl., AM/FM stereo w/cass. & ext. range speakers, dig. 1990 CHEVY CAVALIER 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto trans., P/S, P/B, A/C, body side elk., speed control w/resume. mldg., console, carpet, elk., r. del., frt. & r. tlr. mats, AM /FM stereo, recl/bucket seats, Int. wip­ Stk. #3743. VIN IP7178523. ers, rally whls. Stk. #35101. VIN #J1844970. MSRP $13,964. GM Rebate 41,799 miles; $300. College Grad Rebate $6,996 \ $500. Future Disc. $496. 1992 CHEVY EXTENDED A S T R O V A N OUR EVERYDAY PRICE... 6 cyl., auto trans. w/od., P/S, P/B, A/C, tilt/cruise, recl/bucket seats, delx. whls., carpet, NOT ONE DAY ONLY! d k ., T.G., AM/FM stereo w/cass. Stk. #P2103. VIN #NB109481.24,130 miles. T *13,997 1992 CHEVY CAVALIER 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto trans., P/S, P/B, A/C, P /l, con­ sole, (rt. & r. tlr. mats, AM/FM stereo w/cass., recl/bucket seats, hub whls., carpet, dk., r. del., multispeed wipers. Stk. #38001. VIN MR #N7179687.11,995 miles. *8,386 1990 GEO METRO LSI 3 dr., auto trans., P/S, P/B, P/hatch rei., r. def., NEW 1993 CHEVY AM/FM stereo w/cass., recl/bucket seats, int. NEW 1993 CHEVY NEW 1993 CHEVY wipers, carpet, console, hub whls. Stk. #35221. CAPRICE VIN #L6019911.16,946 miles. LUMINA APV BLAZER 4WD *4,216 CLASSIC WAGON 3.8 Itr. SFI V-6, auto trans., P/S, P/B, A/C, 4 dr., 4.3 Itr. V-6, auto trans. w/od., P/S, P/W, P/L & tailgate, P/6-way driver seat, P/B, A/C, P/L, P/W, r. def., r. washerAviper, 1990 CHEVY BERETTA 5.0 Itr. EFI V-8, auto trans., P/S, P/B, A/C, P/W, 4 cyl., auto trans., P/S, P/B, A/C, r. def., console, deep tint glass, r. def., sunroof, load level­ delx. cloth recl/bucket seats w/P/adjuster, P/L & tailgate, P/seats, P/ant., r. def., heated mir­ recl/bucket seals, AM/FM stereo, Int. wipers, rors, body pin striping, wire whl. cvrs. w/locks, ing suspension, 15” cast alum: whls. keyless entry, elec. shift, spare whl. & tire carpet, dk., tech., trip od., hub whl. Stk. #P3045. AM/FM stereo w/cass. & ext. range speakers, w/locks, roof carrier, AM/FM stereo w/cass. carrier, stl. bltd. white letter tires, alum, VIN #IY121742.54,299 miles. dig. elk., speed cont. w/resume, remote mirrors, & ext range speakers, speed control, frt. & r. whls., AM/FM stereo w/cass., speed con­ *6,756 frt. & r. carpet fir. mats, full spare, r. comp, secur­ carpet fir. mats, remote fold-away mirrors, trol, tilt whl., int. wipers, lugg. carrier, deep ity cvr., dual reading lamps, two-tone paint. Stk. 1989 CHEVY CAPRICE #3627. VIN #PW136270. MSRP $23,389. GM custom cloth bucket seats. Stk. #T3786. VIN tint glass, 2-tone paint. Stk. #T3265. VIN #PT149133. MSRP $22,202. College Grad #P21.22880. MSRP $23,073. Rebate WAGON Rebate $1,500. College Grad Rebate $500. 8 cyl., auto trans. w /od„ P/S, P/B, A/C, P/W, P/L, rebate $500. Future Disc. $1,668. $1,000. College Grad rebate $500. Disc. Future Disc. $2,550. P /ant, r. def., T.G., till/cruise, sp lit bench seat, $1,599. fit. & r. fir. mats, body side mldg., AM /FM stereo w/cass., wire whls., Int. wipers. Stk. #36011. VIN #KA156172.38,924 miles. $18,839 *18,634 *19,974 *9,487

;'A- Price(s) include(s) all costs to be paid by a consum er, except for licensing, registration, and taxes.

R O U T E 34 AT SOUTH ATLANTIC AVE. ABERDEEN (MATAWAN) NEXT TO STRATHMORE SHOPPING CENTER EVROLET AFTER THE SALE.., J t d L f// m W//////////////Z v ^ Sr* ’/////////////////, ITS THE SERVICE THAT COUNTS! //m/m/fMm/ffftw,. 1 //////////////////////////m /mj. i 566-8000

I 'g&iM liiiM "" 5 6 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT

The Right Price...The Right Tim e...The Right Place

NISSAN NISSAN ______NEW 1993 SENTRA XE NEW 1993 TEMPO a ir b a g : NEW 1993 SHADOW F o ri 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto trans., P/S, P/B, Nissan 4 dr., 4 cyl., 5 speed manual trans., , Dodge 2 dr., 4 cyl., 5 speed manual trans., P/S, P/B, air cond., stereo-cass., cruise air cond., stereo-cass., PM idows & P/S, P/B, no air cond., all season locks, velour int., console, interval control, cloth int. Stk #7659. ' tires, rear defogger. Stk #1766. wipera. Stk #40551. VIN.PK200149. VIN.PC809550. MSRP $11,649. SAVE $1672. VIN.PN670267. MSRP $9411. 9 9 7 7 MSRP $13,942. SAVE $3643. * 1 0 , 2 9 9 Selling price includes $1000 Rebate & $500 College grad rebate SAVE $2416. 6 9 9 5 NEW 1993 ALTIMA X NEW 1993 F-150 PICK UP NEW 1993 CARAVAN Nissan 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto trans., P/S, Ford, 6 cyl., 5 speed manual trans., P/S, PIS, Dodge 7 passenger, 6 cyl., auto trans., P/B, no A/C, stereo, cruise control, no A C , stereo, ra d a l all season lires, payloac P/S, P B , A/C, stereo-cass., lilt, cruise, cloth int. Stk #7431. VIN.PC183589. pkg #2. Argent rear step bumper. 3.08 Rear ciolh int., lugg tack Slk #1806 MSRP $14,704. SAVE $2305. axel ratio. VIN.PCA74785. MSRP $12,899. Selling price includes $500 Commercial * 1 0 , 5 9 9 VIN.PR371774. MSRP $17,752. * 1 2 , 3 9 9 rebate & $400 College Grad rebate Selling price includes $700 Rebale & $500 $ 1 5 , 4 9 5 SAVE $ 2 0 0 . College Grad rebate. SAVE $2257. NEW 1993 MAXIMA NEW 1993 CROWN VICTORIA NEW 1993 INTREPID Nissan 4 dr., 6 cyl, auto trans., P/S, DUAL AIRBAGS! P/B, A/C, stereo-cass., P/toindows Dodge 4 dr, 6 cyt, auto trans, P7S, P/B, Ford 4 dr., 8 cyl., auto trans., P/S, P/B, & locks, tilt, cruise, cloth int. . A/C, stereo-cass. P/windows & seats, A/C, stereo-cass., P/windows, interval wipers, conventional 611, cruise, doth buckets, alum. \*eels. seats & locks, Bit. crnise, velour . .pare, Stk #7762. VIN.PT131492. Stk #1821. VIN.PH693044. MSRP $19,395 int., light decor group. Slk #40267. VISRP $21,700. SAVE $4205. Selling price includes $500 College Grad VIN.PX122t00. MSRP $21,144. * 1 7 , 9 9 5 rebate. SAVE $1400. $1 7 , 4 9 5 SAVE $3154. * 1 7 , 9 9 0