IN THE SPOTLIGHT M e r l u z z i t n l r p e MATAWAN f r e e p u b l i b r a r y SERVING ABERDEEN,HAZLET, KEYPORT AND MATAWAN 165 MAIN ST MATAWAN, NJ 07747 AUGUST 18, 1993 2 5 C EN TS VOLUME 23, NUMBER 33 K e y p o r t t o checkerboard pattern will be removed in BY LAUREN JAEGER the process. Staff Writer Even the pavement of the basketball courts is streaked with writing, and not a bench has been left untouched. FOCUS: The little things, such as garbage cans, Vandalism have been covered with writing; one read­ ing “The Drug War is On” and “untamed Story on page 6 bombers” as well as illegible scrawling in permanent marker. The aluminum base­ O vernight, unwanted artists have ball bleachers have several rows of red given Cedar Street Park, Keyport spraypaint of the words “United Bombers the look of a decrepit inner city. 903” and “Rero” three times. During the past two weeks, all the sur­ On one sidewalk is the word “Retro” faces in the park, from benches to black­ in red; twice. The basketball court is top to bleachers, have been coated with scribbled with ICON U.B. in white. On black, white, blue and red graffiti. the sidewalk, near the same court, is It’s going to be expensive to remove “NOBLE” in blue and white. most of it, but officials want the vandals Other writing throughout the park is to know that after the graffiti is off, they similar. want it to stay off. And they’ll do what­ “VCMRN, the Strong Est Posse Key­ ever it takes to make that happen. port” is painted in blue by a cozy sitting Mayor John J. Merla and Capt. area, while the benches are covered with Howard Ruth toured Cedar Street Park on obscenities. Thursday afternoon, shaking their heads at Two benches in the park have been what was once Keyport’s crowning touch. tom apart completely and can no longer Cedar Street Park, which overlooks the be used. Raritan Bay, was purchased with Green Ruth is puzzled by the latest upswing Acres Funds in 1978. Little expense was in damage, especially since there has been spared in creating the park, which boasts a no cutback in police protection. baseball field, basketball courts, marble “We’re not doing anything in particu­ checkerboard tables, high-quality wooden lar, nothing that hasn’t been done in the benches, and a children’s playground. past,” he said. The two tables alone cost $1,200 each Ruth explained that graffiti is a crime in 1978, according to Merla. that is fast and easy, and only takes a few Today, the marble checkerboard tables minutes to cause expensive damage. To are completely defaced with layers of make it even tougher to crack down on, he black and red writing. It will take some said, it takes place during evening hours intense sandblasting to remove the and there is little evidence other than the vandalism, and unfortunately, the Continued on page 6 Evan Lester and Tosha Matthews, both 7, play on the bleachers at Cedar Street Park, Keyport. Vandals have defaced much of the park with graffiti, and the bor­ ough is considering a plan of action. (Photo by Rich Schultz) Tran sfe rrin g p rin cip al leaves district vacancy BY MARILYN DUFF which houses fourth- and fifth-graders. ously; now there are three kindergarten Beers Street position in time for school Staff Writer Sardone is the second principal to through third-grade schools and two opening, Cleffi said. Until it does, he and transfer within the district for the coming fourth- and fifth-grade schools. Letitia Graybill, assistant schools superin­ B y filling a principal vacancy at school year. Former Cove Road Principal It is not uncommon for principals to tendent, will fill the gap. Cove Road School, the Hazlet Anthony Bruno has moved to Middle move to different grade levels, said “It’s another experience. I look for­ Board of Education has created Road School, a kindergarten through Michael Cleffi, superintendent of schools. ward to it,” said Cleffi, who has previ­ one at Beers Street Middle School. third-grade school, replacing Vincent He said that Sardone, who has a doctor­ ously worked in that capacity. Cove Road is a grades 4-5 school. McCue, who retired. ate, wanted to expand his experience. He He said Sardone has completed sched­ The board appointed Nicholas Sar­ Last year, the board restructured the was at Beers Street for five years and did uling preparations for Beers Street and done, who was principal at Beers Street, district schools. There were five kinder­ an excellent job there, according to Cleffi. Continued on page 3 as chief administrator at Cove Road, garten through fifth-grade schools previ­ The board will not be able to fill the O ur C lassified ads g ets results! 1-800-660-4A D S tz 331 t 'UZlh 1HFK1 1315CU E I-' 2 AUGUST 18, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT S s S ’Ut Demani/0ur s* * J £ S ? p d eciduous N e c k :e Z z nu9SH* “Bs SAT., AUG. 21st ^ ^ y t r l e 9BuSh r - i w m 10 am to 3 pm Over 2000 Trees & J ik A lJBa S 5 « « s " r ' a p « _ . Evergreens Must Be S S n“?f.W h'fe Pine g * o y Sold! (Good Varieties) Located at: ^ Schibanoff Road Gate ' l8.99lo 14.99 M K p l O M e t (FREEHOLD ONLY) 2 5 OFF i l l P * * * l n u , 5 - 9 9 s „ p ........ PRICED FROM T i f e l l f e ?«?$«>* 3 3 ' i * $ 0 9 9 $ O Q 9 9 ® ^ v Ho,,,es OFF NONE m\WY>® ... £ m t O f c S J iHIGHER K ££2*85?,. 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