January 1977 I
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CALIFORNIA STATE UN:::VERSITY, NORTHRIDGE HICROPROCESSORS / A graduate p~ojc~t report s~~oitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering .. I by Thor,las Carson Hecht ~- .January 1977 i The graduate project report of Thomas Carson Hecht is approved: California State University, Northridge Oitober 1976 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE i. 1-.PPROVAL PAGE i.i LIST OF FIGURES i.v ABSTRP.C'I' vii INTRODUCTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1'0 MICROPROCESSORS 3 THE 6800 HINIHAL SYSTEM 7 THE HICROCOMPUTER ... , .. ,~ .. c•<~c•••••••••••••,.tt•••••••.••,•·•••••-~~·•'~••oo 18 }!ICROELECTRONIC P.ESISTOiZS AND RESISTOR TRH'lMING 31 AJ!FL ICATT.O!'·! OF THE HICROCOI'-1PUTER TO LASER TRIH~llNG R),DJIR ERRORS AND THEIR CORRECTION 65 THE ERROR COF,RECI'TON SYSTEM •••••••c••••.,••••••••••••••• .. •-ta•••••·• 69 THE HICROPROCESSOR SYSTEN 34 LIHJ.TATWNS AND ACCURACY 97 SUNNARY 100 APPENDIX A 6800 IN.~)J'RUC.TIO.N S.&T •••••••••••••••••••• 102 APPEND IX E HOTOIWLA 6800 .CI.ROJ LTS -t.~ ...... ~ ... , ............. ~ ............... 105 lJ:'FENDIX C C.ALCJJL.A.TOR .CHIP DATA SH.EET •• , , .•••• , .•••.•••••••••••• llO 'I + .. .;:,. .. t •· II " • • • 115 BIBLlOGR.t,PHY ••••••••• otto'W ...... ll9 Li.i LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1: THE 6800 Mli'Hr·L'\L SYSTEH FIGURE 2: OPERATION OF THE ACIA FIGURE 3: OPERATION OF THE PIA FIGURE Lf: BLOCK DIAGRP..H OF THE PIA/CALCULATOR CHIP INTERFACE FIGURE 5: SCHEHATIC AND TRUTH TABLE OF THE PRIOP.ITY ENCODER FIGURE 6: SCHElv!ATIC OF THE QUAD AND FIGURE 7: SCHEHATIC OF 'I'JIE TNTERRUPT PRIORITY CIRCUIT FIGURE 8: LOCATIONS ADDRESSED BY THE MPU FOR DIFFERENT PRIORITY Ii'fTERlWPTS FIGURE 9: .tv1EHORY H1\P OF THE MICROCOl1PUTER FIGURE 10: CALCULATION OF RESISTANCE USING SQUARES AND SHEET RESISTANCE FIGURE 11: DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRIHS FIGURE 12: RESISTANCE AS A FUNCTION OF TRHllviiNG FIGURE 13: PLOT OF % OF INCREASE IN RESISTANCE VS. K (EQUATION {10)) FIGURE 14: COMPARISON OF THE SENSITIVITY OF S'i'RAIGHT AND 1-CUTS TO K FIGURE 15: 1-CUT TO GIVE MAXIMUH RESISTANCE FIGURE 16: RES IS TOR TRH'.!HED \.viTH A SERPENTINE CUT FIGURE 17: THE HANUl~L LASER TRU1t1I.i{G SYSTEH FIGURE 18: THE AUTOHATED LASER TRU1MING SYSTEH FIGURn 19: DIAGR/~.!1 OF THE PRORE C t;RD FIGURE 20: DIAGR.l\.1"1 OF THE PROBE CA.'{D, THE RE:FEk£NCE CARr, AND THE RELAY }<lATRIX FIGURE 21: SGHEHATIC OF THE RELA'l MA'i'RIX F.':i:GURE 22: i1TACRA.t'1 OF THE Omi HE fER i.v FIGURE 2.4: D IAGRP..J1 OF THE HON ITOR FIGURE 25:·SCHEMATIC OF THE CLIPPER CIRCUIT FIGURE 26: ".FLOWCHART OF THE AUTOMATED TRIM,"'liNG SYSTEM PROGRAM FIGURE 27: DIAGRP..N OF THE ±X DIRECTION COUNTER FIGURE 28: DIAGRlilvl OF THE ±Y DIRECTION COUNTER FIGURE 20· PRESENT RADAR/SPARS INTERFACE I I FIGURE 30: TUHNG OF THE RADAR/SPARS INTERFACE FIGURE 31: TIMING OF THE kADAR/HICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM/SPARS FlGURE 32; REAL TIHE RADA 1.\ ERROP. CORRECTION SYSTEM ':l":l· FIGURE -J.J• 30 VOLT TO FIVE VOLT, ZERO VOLT TO ZERO VOLT CONVERTER FIGURE J!:,; 5 VOLT TO 30 'IOL T, ZERO VOLT TO ZERO VOLT CONVERTER FIGURE 35: RADAR TO NICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERFACE FIGURE 36: HICROPROCESSOR SYSTD1 TO SPARS INTERFACE FIGURE 37: PROGRA"'1 Mot-:ITOR CIRCUIT FIGURE 38: RELAY CONTROL CIRCUIT FIGURE 39: THE RELAY SYSTEl-1 FIGURE lfO: HEHORY REQUIREMENTS FOR TRIGONOMETRIC LOOK-UP TABLES FIGURE 41: VALUES STORED FOR VARIOUS FUNCTIONS AND ANGLES FIGURE l~.2: PROGRAl\1 FLOHCHART FOR HANDLING THE SIGN OF TRIGONOHETRIC FUNCTIONS FIGURE L13: SIZE AND Nm'lBER OF SIGNIFICANT DIGITS REQUIRED FOR THE RP.NGE COEFFICIENTS FIGURE i~4: SIZE AND NUHBl:;;R OF SIGNiFICANT ·DIGITS REQUIRED FOR THE AZIHUTH COEFFICIENTS v . /, <:; ' FIGURE -"C#J. SIZE AND NUNBER O:l? SICNIF1CAN1~ DIGITS REQCIRED FOR THE ELEVATION COEFFICIENTS FIGURE 1-t-6: TIME REQUIRED TO CALCULATE THE RADAR ERROR TERHS fiGURE 47: MPU DUTIES FIGURE 48: PORT INTERFACES BETWEEN THE MPU's FIGURE 49: ESTIMATED ERROR IN CALCULATING TI-lE ERROR EX:C'RESSIONS FIGURE I: l10TOROI .A HC6800 CLOCK I FIGURE II: HOTOROLA 11C6800 RESET CIRCUIT FIGURE III: HOTOROLA MC6800 HALT AND SINGLE CYCLE CIRCUIT FIGURE IV: HOI'OROLA MC6800 TELETYPEWRITER• INTERFACE vi ABSTRACT MICROPROCESSORS JIJW THEIR APPLICATIONS by Thomas Carson Hecht Haster of Science in Engineering January' 1"977 This paper chronicles the development of t\.vo microprocessor systems. It first provides an introduction to microprocessors and describes the design of a microcompucer • "l'l....l«e mlcroprocessor~. syscems. designed 6re used in process control and data processing applications. In tbe contro1. applicatiou the first microcomputer is :.Ised to aut:orr,ate a s~ntem that. uses a laser to trim microcircuit resistors. In ~he data precessing application the second microprocessor system is used for real time error correction of radar Jata. vi.i INTRODUCTION This r.eport describes two seperate projects. Whiie these projects are independent they both use microprocessors to solve technological problems. These two projects use microprocessors in both control and data processing applications. The first project uses a microprocessor in a control application. It consists of automating a laser tria1ming system. Laser trimming is a means of adjusting the resistance of an integrated circuit by cutting part of the resistor away. Because of the small size of t.hese resistors, laser trimming is a very delicate process. 1;-n1en done manually it could take hours to trim one integrated circuit. DndPr compu~e~ coLtrol the trimming time can be cut to minutes. This saving of time (and money) is the motivation for.the project. The second project considers the use of microprocessors in a data processing application. Electronic, mechanical, and environ- mental effects introduce errors iHto radar system>~, wh:i.ch in turn, results in errors in the radar data. It is possible to compensate fo~ these effects by using a set of radar error correction equations~ At present this co~npensati.on is not done in real time at Point Hugu. It would be desirable to have the corrected radar data available immediate} y aft·~ e an ope:cation. Accordingly, an invest igat:i.on was conducted into the possibility of using a microprocessor system to provide radar error correction in real tirue. The firs~ section of this report gives an overview of micro- 1 ,, L processors and deals with the development of a microcomputer. Follow- j_ng a genc-"ral discussion of microprocessors, the Motor-ola 6800 microprocessor system is covered in detail. This is followed by a description of a complete microcomputer system. The Eecond section of this report covers the application of the microcomputer to laser trimming. It begins with an int-roduction to microcircuit. resJ.stors and laeer trimming. This is followed by descriptions o:c the existing manual trimming system and the proposed 1- • ~ .L. new comp~ter controlled ~.-rlnHill.ng sys~.-em. The i: h:i.rd section of this report deals w1.th the appl icati.on of a microprocessor system to real time radar error correction. First the radar erro~ cquaticns are presented. This is followed by the description of the organizntion, the hardware, software~ and expected perforillanc8 of the real time er~or correction system. The fourth and last section of this repo.rt consists of st.:rnmary and conclusions. INTRODUCTION TO HICROPROCESSORS The first microprocessor was a by-product of the calculator industry. In the late sixties several different desk top calculators required several different custom l10S LSI circuits for each cnl- culator. In order to avoid developing all tl-1ese custorn chips~ an architecture vr01s developed that allm.;red many differE~nt calculators to be implemented with only four different chip types. Later it was realized that these ~our standard circuits wer~ flexible enough to be used jn other applications besides calculators. This development led to the fi:t~st microc:orcputer f£-.mily, thr:: Tnli3l MCS- 4, ~.;rhich "!J,cas ! marketed in 1971. Since then just about everyone has jumped on the microprocessor band.vmgon, either by designing a ne\v microprocessor. or else by using a microprocessor in a new application. The original microprocessor, the Intel MCS-4, marketed in 1971, vias a 4 bit machine. By 1975 many companies ,,iere offering 8 bit m:i.croproces.sors and a few companies \vere selling 16 bit microprocessors. By 1975 most major semiconductor companies, ~s well as a host of others, vwre off.erir.g their own microprocessors. At present tHo 8 bit microprocessors are the most popular, the Intel 8080 and the Hotorola 6800. The Intel 8080 enjoys a slight edge in popular:ity probably because of its being introduced f~rst. Bot1t microprocessors have the same basic computing capabilities and cost. If these capabilities '"er:e compared, a slight advantage 3 L;. held by Hotorola :in one ere13. (for example: .sddressing) wrmld be h:1lanced by a slight advantage held by Intel in ai1othe-r area(for example:interrupt handling). The Motorola 6800 microprocessor was selected as the basis for this project primarily because it requires o!'l.ly one pow·er supply(+ 5V) as opposed to the Intel 8080 v7hich requires three pouer supplies(+5V,-5V~ and+l2VL A microprocessor that is !'lewer t:ha.n both the U080 and the 6800 thet is w0rth mentioni~1g is the !1os Technology 6502. This device: ~vas developed by some of the same reople who had developed the 6800 for Notorolc.1, The Hos Technology 6502 has the sar.1e basic computing capabilities and cost as the 6800 and the 2080. The 6502, like the 6800 t requires only one power supply (a 1 so + SV). The innovative feature of the 6502 is its on-the-chip clock.