Chapter III

Internship Activities

This chapter provides the information about my internship activities at Mpu Purwa

Museum . It includes activities in general, my main activities, my additional activities

and problems faced during the internship program.

General Activities I did my internship program at Mpu Purwa Museum Malang for a month, started from 4th February 2019 to 4th April 2019. I worked 7 hours a day every Monday to Friday, from 09.00 a.m to 04.00 p.m. I worked under the guidance of Agung Harjana Buana, S.E., M.Se., as my supervisor. During the internship program, I worked in a group with my partner, Hapriliana Pramesti.

I had some activities during the internship at Mpu Purwa Museum. The activitiess were translating text of the diorama and making bilingual rules poster at Mpu Purwa Museum. The activities were helping to promote tourist attraction in Mpu Purwa Museum.

The Main Activity

The main activity of internship was translating the script of the diorama in Mpu

Purwa Museum. My partner and I discussed this project with the Head of Museum Mpu

Purwa Museum, Dra. Wiwik Wiharti R. M.Si. She said that we were suggested to translate

diorama because many visitors were more interested in diorama and unfortunately there was

no English version of it. We agreed to translate diorama.

Not only translating description text of diorama, my partner and I noticed that there

were no caution poster inside the Museum. So, we decided to make a bilingual poster rules in

Mpu Purwa Museum. Bilingual poster rules were expected to help the foreign tourists

understand and behave when they visited Mpu Purwa Museum.

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A. Translating text diorama of Mpu Purwa Museum

There were 13 parts of diorama and they basically described the story of kidnapping

Ken Dedes (a folktale from East , ). Before translating the description text of

the diorama, I read all the diorama in order to understand the whole story. Then I transcripted

the discription of the diorama. The transcripting process took approximately one week. After

that I started to translate the descriptions text one by one. I translated the text from Bahasa

Indonesia into English. After finishing the translation, I disscused with my partner, Hapriliana Pramesti, about the whole translation in order to check if there were any mistakes in my final translation. Finally, I submitted my final translation to my supervisor.

Methods of making bilingual poster rules were with translating the description of diorama. First of all, I asked Mrs. Mimin Yuni Marita and Mrs. Novita as the Museum Keeper about what should be written on the poster. Then, I started to make the draft design of the poster. After my supervisor agreed with the draft of the poster, I worked with my partner to finish the final design and submitted to my supervisor. It was easier to design the poster, to submit then to translate the text because I had a partner to do it. My partner and I had to check it again and again to the right words or terms to make it a good translation work.

Tools Used For Translating

During the internship program, I used several tools to help the translation process to

make it more easier. I used some tools for doing some works during internship:

1. Internet

Internet was the most important thing during my internship program, because

internet became the main source for me and my partner to get some references to

solve the problem on translating texts. I used internet to find some references

related to poster design and find some tutorials to helped me designed the poster.

2. Dictionary

Dictionary was another important thing during the translation process. I used online

dictionary because it was easier to find words and more convenient to use than the

book version. I used several online dictionaries, such as Merriam Webster Dictionary,, Cambridgecommit Online to user Dictionary and.Urban Dictionary.

3. Laptop

Laptop was another thing to support my translation process. I did not bring any

book because it was easier just to bring a laptop. I used laptop to write the process

of my translation to design the poster.

The steps of translating text diorama of Mpu Purwa Museum

According to Newmark (1988: 5) translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. There were some steps during my process of translating the text of diorama. The purpose of this steps was to simplify the translation process.

A. Reading Before I translated the text, the first step was to read all of the source text of the diorama. I read all the source text in order to understand and get the meaning of the content. By doing this, the next step of translation could be done more easily and effectively. Besides, I could also identify the dificulties during translating the source texts such as if there was any problem related to technical terms and phrases.

B. Translating

After reading and understanding the meaning of the content, the next step was

translating. This was the important part of being a translator because a translator

should translate the meaning of the message from the source language into the target

language. I had to consider several aspects such as word choices and cultural terms.

Tools that I used to complete this step was online dictionary and such as Urban

Dictionary,Cambridge Dictionary, and Sederet. Online dictionary helped me for

word-per-word translation and it was easier and faster to find difficult word than

using conventional dictionary.

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1. Revising the source text

Table 1.1. Revision result of description text of diorama

Source Text Revised Source Text

Menjelang pagi, Tunggul Ametung Pagi menjelang, Tunggul Ametung

menculik dari kediamannya, menculik Ken Dedes dari kediamannya

disaat Mpu Purwanata, ayah Ken Dedes disaat ayahnya yaitu Mpu Purwa sedang

sedang bersemedi. Pada penculikan bersemedi. Saat Tungul Ametung

berlangsung, warga kampung hanya berdiam menculik Ken Dedes, warga kampung diri. hanya berdiam diri melihat peristiwa tersebut. Saat sore hari, Mpu Purwa pulang ke rumah. Saat sore hari, Mpu Purwa pulang ke Mpu Purwa tidak bisa menemukan putrinya. rumah dan ia tidak menemukan putrinya. Seorang warga memberi tahu bahwa Seorang warga memberi tahu Mpu Purwa putrinya telah diculik oleh Akuwu Tumapel, bahwa Ken Dedes telah diculik oleh Tunggul Ametung. Mpu Purwa, marah besar Akuwu Tumapel atau Tunggul Ametung. karena warga tidak segera memberi tahu saat Mpu Purwa murka karena warga tidak penculikan itu berlangsung. Mpu Purwa segera memberi tahu saat penculikan kemudian mengutuk kampung tersebut berlangsung. Kemudian Mpu Purwa menjadi kekeringan. Sesaat kemudin sumur- mengutuk kampung tersebut menjadi

sumur warga serta sugai dekat kampung kekeringan. Tidak lama kemudian sumur

menjadi kering. dan sungai di sekitar perkampungan warga

menjadi kering.

Ken Dedes yang dikenal dengan Nareswari, Ken Dedes dikenal juga dengan Nareswari

atau wanita utama yang diramalkan akan diramalkan akan menjadi wanita yang akan

menurunkan raja-raja Jawa. Arok berupaya melahirkan raja-raja Jawa. Mengetahui hal

untuk merebutnya dari Tunggul Ametung, tersebut, Ken Arok memiliki keinginan

yang telah memperistrinya. Untuk untuk merebut Ken Dedes dari Tunggul

memuluskan tujuannya, Arok memesan Ametung. Untuk menjalankan rencananya,

sebilah keris dari Mpu Gandring. Namun, Ken Arok memesan sebilah keris dari Mpu

disaat Arok hendak mengambil pesanannya, Gandring. Namun saat Ken Arok hendak

keris itu belum selesai. Arok naik pitam, mengambil keris pesanannaya, keris kemudian menghujamkan keris yangcommit belum to usertersebut belum selesai dibuat. Ken Arok

selesai ke Mpu Gandring. sangat marah dan menusuk Mpu Gandring

dengan keris yang belum selesai tersebut.

Pertempuran Ganter berlangsung, berhari- Pertempuran Ganter berlangsung berhari-

hari hingga akhirnya Kediri kalah perang hari dan akhirnya Kadiri kalah perang.

dan Tumapel menjadi daerah yang Kadiri menjadi kerajaan yang dibawahi

kemudian justru menjadi kerajaan yang Tumapel.

membawahi Kediri.

Arok berhasil mengalahkan Tunggul Ken Arok berhasil mengalahkan Tunggul

Ametung, ia kemudian menjadi Akuwu di Ametung dan ia menjadi Akuwu di Tumapel yang kala itu merupakan bawahan Tumapel yang saat itu adalah bawahan Kerajaan Kediri. Saat terjadi kemelut di Kerajaan Kadiri. Saat terjadi kericuhan Kediri, antara pemerinntah dengan para antara Pemerintah dan Brahmana di Brahmana. Arok menggunakan kesempatan Kerajaan Kadiri, Ken Arok menyerang itu untuk menyerang Kediri, Kerajaan Kadiri di Ganter. pertempuranpun berlangsung di Ganter. Arok membangun kerajaannya di Kutharaja, Ken Arok membangun kerajaan di sebagai pusat pemerintahan setelah Kutharaja sebagai pusat pemerintahan berdirinya Tumapel. Kutaraja berdiri di yang terletak didekat aliran sungai. Pada daerah dekat aliran sungai. Dimasa lalu, jaman dahulu sungai sangat penting karena aliran sungai merupakan bagian penting bagi berguna untuk kehidupan dan menjadi

kehidupan selain sebagai sumber hidup, air saran transportasi.

(sungai) juga menjdi sarana transportasi.

Perpindahan pusat Kerajaan dari Kutaraja ke Perpidahan pusat Kerajaan dari Kutharaja

Singosari. Perpindahan ini dilakukan pada ke dilakukan pada masa

masa pemerintahan Wisnuwardhana. pemerintahan Wisnuwardhana.

Wisnuwardhana melakukan expansi dan Wisnuwardhana melakukan ekspansi di

penaklukan ke daerah-daerah Jawa serta daerah Jawa dan Bali. Ekspansi ini juga

Bali, ekspansi ini juga dikenal dengan istilah dikenal dengan istilah Citra Mandala Jawa.

Citra Mandala Jawa.

Pembanunan Candi Jago. Candi Jago berasal Candi Jago didirikan pada masa Kerajaan

dari kata “Jajaghu” , didirikan pada masa Singhasari pada abad ke-13. Berlokasi di

Kerajaan Singhasari pada abad ke-13. Kecamatan Tumpang, Kabupaten Malang, commit to user Berlokasi di Kecamatan Tumpang, atau sekitar 22 km dari Kota Malang.

Kabupaten Malang, atau sekitar 22 km dari

Kota Malang, pada koordinat

8’’0’02,81’’LU 112°45’50,82”BT / 8°LS


Pamalayu, penaklukkan Kerajaan-Kerajaan Penaklukan Kerajaan-kerajaan di Melayu

di Melayu, yang ditandai dengan ditandai dengan pemasangan patung besar

pemasangan patung besar Amoghapasa. Amoghapasa. Pamalayu juga melakukan

Pamalayu juga merupakkan ekspansi dan perluasan kekuasaan Singhasari ke

perluasan kekuasaan Singosari ke Nusantara Nusantara atau dikenal pula dengan atau dikenal pula dengan sebutan Citra sebutan Citra Mandala Nusantara. Mandala Nusantara. Pada saat Singosari melakukan perluasan Singhasari melakukan perluasan kekuasaan kekuasaan ke berbagai tempat, dengan ke berbagai tempat dengan armada perang armada-armada perang dan kekuatan besar. yang besar. Namun tanpa disaradari, hal Namun, tanpa disadari Singosari, menjadi tersebut justru membuat Singosari lemah kerajaan yang rapuh kala itu karena karena ditinggal oleh armada perangnya. ditinggal oleh armada perang yang kuat ke Kelemahan Singhasari lalu dimanfaatkan daerah-daerah seberang. Kerapuhan ini oleh Gelang-gelang untuk melakukan kemudian dimanfaatkan oleh Gelang-gelang penyerangan dan berhasil menewaskan untuk melakukan penyerangan. Penyerangan Kartanegara. Penyerangan tersebut

berhsil menewaskan Kertanegara, sekaligus menandai berakhirnya kekuasaan/kejayaan

menandai berakhirnya kekuasaan Singosari. Singhasari.

Raden Wijaya, yang merupakan menantu yang merupakan menantu

Kartanegara meyelamatkan diri menemui Kartanegara meyelamatkan diri menemui

Arya Wiraraja. Raden Wijaya berhasil Arya Wiraraja. Raden Wijaya berhasil

memukul mundur Kediri, melalui siasat memukul mundur Kadiri melalui bantuan

bantuan tentara Tartar yang hendak siasat tentara Tartar yang akan

menghukum Kertanegara. Raden Wijaya menghukum Kartanegara. Lalu Raden

berhasil mengalahkan Kediri, dan Wijaya mendirikan yang

mendirikan Majapahit yang merupakan merupakan Wangsa Rajasa.

wangsa Rajasa.

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The first thing before I translated the text was revising the source text. In the whole

text written Arok, I was confused for a while because I did not know what was the

meaning of it. Then, I searched on the internet for the world and it was the shortened

word of Arok. Instead of using Arok, I prefer to use Ken Arok for the whole text.


There were some sentences that were confusing and hard to understand because the sentence was too long. One of the excample of the text was “Perpindahan pusat Kerajaan dari Kutaraja ke Singosari. Perpindahan ini dilakukan pada masa

pemerintahan Wisnuwardhana.” revised into “Perpidahan pusat Kerajaan dari

Kutharaja ke Singhasari dilakukan pada masa pemerintahan Wisnuwardhana.”

In the source text there were two sentences but I decided to make it more simple by

combining those two sentences into one sentence. The sentence did not reduce the

meaning of the sentence and help the readers to more understand the text.

2. Translating The Source Text

The example of my translation:

Table 2.1. Translation result of description text of diorama

Souce text My translation

Tunggul Ametung menculik Kencommit Dedes toKen user Dedes was kidnapped by Tunggul dari kediamannya, disaat Mpu Ametung from her house while her father

Purwanata, ayah Ken Dedes sedang Mpu Purwa was on his meditation.


The first step to translate the sentence was looking at the whole sentence. Then I

found a word rarely heard and it was bersemedi so I searched on google for the

definition. It was meditation. The reason why I searched for the definition of

bersemedi was just to make sure that I used the right meaning. I tried to search the

meaning of Mpu in English but it turned out nothing. So, I searched on .

I realized that Mpu had a same meaning as Master in English, so I checked on online dictionary


Instead of using Master Purwa, I still used word Mpu Purwa for the whole text

because it was the name of a person and my attempt to make the translation more


Table 2.2. Translation result of description text of diorama

Source Text My translation Wisnuwardhana melakukan ekspansicommit di toWisnuwardhan user a has done the expansion

daerah Jawa dan Bali. Ekspansi ini juga in Java and Bali. This expantion was

dikenal dengan istilah Citra Mandala known as Citra Mandala Jawa.


In this part, I did not have any difficulty in translating the sentences because there was

not any difficult words on the sentence. The structure of the sentence was correctly

grammatical. The only problem was the word Citra Mandala Jawa. I was confused to

translate Jawa into Javanese or still to use Jawa. I decided to use the original name

of the term because it was a name of an occurrence.

Table 2.3. Translation result of description text of diorama

Source Text My Translation Saat terjadi kericuhan antara Pemerintah While there were chaos in Kadiri dan Brahmana di Kerajaan Kadiri, Ken between Goverment and Brahmana, Ken Arok menyerang Kerajaan Kadiri di Arok attacked Kadiri in Ganter. Ganter. In this sentence, I did not find any difficulty on understanding the words of the sentence and the structure was correct. Thus, I could translate the message into English easily.

Table 2.4. Translation result of description text of diorama

Source Text My Translation

Namun saat Ken Arok hendak mengambil When Ken Arok tried to take his , it

keris. pesanannaya, keris tersebut belum not yet finished. Ken Arok was mad and

selesai dibuat. Ken Arok sangat marah with the unfinished kris, he stabbed Mpu

dan menusuk Mpu Gandring dengan keris Gandring

yang belum selesai tersebut

I checked on the online dictionary Sederet, the

word Keris was Kris in English because I thought that Keris did not had English


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Then, I checked on wikipedia and some articles on internet to make sure that Kris was

accpetable. The result was true that Kris was commonly used to translate Keris. The

result was:



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C. Editing and Rechecking

After I finished translating description text of diorama, the next step was editing and

rechecking the whole translations. The purpose of this step was to make the

translation readable, accurate, and to avoid miss typing and gramatical error. .

Table 2.5. Translation result of description text of diorama

Source Text My Translation My Final Translation

Candi Jago didirikan pada Candi Jago was built in Candi Jago (Jago Tample)

masa Kerajaan Singhasari Singhasari in 13 centuries. was built in Singhasari in pada abad ke-13. Located in Kecamatan . Candi Jago Berlokasi di Kecamatan Tumpang, Kabupaten (Jago Tample) located in Tumpang, Kabupaten Malang or 22 km from Kecamatan Tumpang, Malang, atau sekitar 22 Downtown Malang. Kabupaten Malang or 22 km dari Kota Malang. km from Malang. In my final translation, I decided to add Candi Jago (Jago Tample) in oder to give the word meaning of Candi. Candi in English is Tample but in my translation, I still used Candi Jago because it was more acceptable. Then, the phrase Kota Malang was translated into Downtown Malang. After rechecking the translation, I removed word Downtown and only used Malang to make it more acceptable.

Table 2.5. Translation result of description text of diorama

Source Text My Translation My Final Translation

Namun tanpa disaradari, But then it made Singosari Singosari lost their power

hal tersebut justru lost their power because of and their soldiers. Then,

membuat Singosari lemah Singosari lost their Gelang-Gelang (a kingdom

karena ditinggal oleh soldiers. Then, Gelang- from Madiun) attacked

armada perangnya. Gelang attacked Singosari. Singosari. Kartanegara

Kelemahan Singhasari lalu Kartanegara died on that died on that battle and had

dimanfaatkan oleh Gelang- battle and has ended the been ended the glory of

gelang untuk melakukan glory of Singosari. Singosari.

penyerangan. Penyerangan

tersebut berhasil menewaskan Kartanegara, commit to user

sekaligus menandai

berakhirnya kejayaan


In my first translation, the sentence Namun tanpa disadari, hal tersebut justru

membuat Singosari lemah karena ditinggal oleh armada perangnya was translate into

But then it made Singosari lost their power because of Singosari lost their soldiers. I

realized the sentence was too long and quite hard to understand. To make it shorter

and easy to understand, I translated into Singosari lost their power and lost their

soldiers. Another thing, I was confused to translate Gelang-Gelang because I did not find the meaning of it. I searched Gelang-Gelang on Google but it was hard to get the right meaning of the text. Finally I found out that Gelang-Gelang actually was a Kingdom in Madiun, . I added Gelang-Gelang (a kingdom from Madiun) in my final translation to give more spesific information for readers.



D. Submitting

Submitting was the final step of the translation process. After editing and

checking the whole translation, I submitted the translation to my supervisor. If

there was any mistake such as misstyping or grammatical error in traslation, my

supervisor to correct my translation.commit However, to user if the translation was correct, the next step was send it to my supervisor via E-mail.

Making Bilingual Caution Poster of Mpu Purwa Museum

The second activity in my internship was to make bilingual caution poster of Mpu

Purwa Museum. My partner internship ‘Hapriliana Pramesti’ and I decided to make bilingual

caution poster because when I first came to the Museum, I did not find any caution board or

caution poster inside the museum. I asked my intership supervisor if it was okay for me to

make caution poster and my supervisor approved it. The purpose of making bilingual caution

poster was to help the tourists understand the rules of the museum.

1. Making A Draft The first step to make bilingual caution poster was to make a draft of what should be written on the poster. I searched on the internet to get some references about what was usually written on caution posters in a museum. After that I wrote the list of the caution poster in my laptop and translated into English. Here is my draft:



2. Designing Layout of The Poster

Designing of a poster was not easy. I searched for some tutorials or references on

the internet to help me solve this problem due to my lack skills of designing. Not

only searching on internet I also asked some comments from my friends about

design graphics. I designed of caution poster with CorelDraw X5 on my laptop

because it was the easiest application to design something. I tried to make a simple

design but had a big impact for visitors. I chose red and white as a main commit to user

background colors and did not put another color just to make sure that the poster

was readable by visitors.

3. Submitting

In the last step, if there was any mistake on my design, my supervisor gave some

feedbacks or advices about my final design. Then, I revised the design and finally

submitted to my supervisor via E-mail.

Additional activities during internship

A. Macito (Malang City Tour) Macito is a free tourist bus provided by Dinas Pariwisata Malang (Tourism Department of Malang ). Macito’s opperational hours at the time were from 09.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB and 14.00 WIB to 15.30 WIB. The routes start from Malang City Hall, Merdeka Square, Jalan Kawi, Jalan Ijen, Simpang Balapan and back to City Hall. During the internship, all of the intern had to participate in this duty. The schedule has been arranged by my supervisor. Macito had 2 operational buses, usually there were 4 people devided into 2 team. There were 2 persons in a bus. The main duty was assisting the employees to take care of the passengers especially kids. B. TIC (Tourist Information Center) TIC or Tourist Informmation Center is a public facilities for tourists, both foreign or

local tourists. There were five TIC points located in the downtown Malang. The first

was in Alun-Alun Kota Malang (Malang City Square), Stasiun Malang Kotabaru

(Malang Kota Baru Railway Station) and Bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh (Abdul Rachman

Airport), Kayutangan, Sarinah. I participated on this duty for once and it was located in

TIC Alun-Alun Kota Malang (Malang City Square). The employee of TIC Alun-Alun

Kota Malang named Mr. Akad. He told me about some historical places in Malang

and gave me some tips for tour guiding because he was used to be a tour guide.

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