JAMPAPER 3./IV./2009 CREATING EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES WITH A HUNGARIAN-AUSTRIAN MULTIMEDIA SIGN LANGUAGE DICTIONARY Závoti Józsefné1, Katona György2 1,2 University of West Hungary Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy
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[email protected] Abstract The aim of the research and development was to create a multimedia communication tool and accessibility that helps the sign language acquisition of hearing impaired people. Another aim was to compile a common Hungarian - German digital dictionary of sign language used in a foreign language area (Austria) and in Hungary. The digital dictionary has been developed by sign language experts, specialists in surdopedagogy and information specialists from both language areas. A sign research was carried out in both countries to record the currently used signs that correspond to the selected vocabulary. Researchers of NYME (University of West Hungary) concentrated on the signs used by local (West-Transdanubian) deaf and hard of hearing people, while the Austrian partner (Alpen-Adria University, Klagenfurt) employed the Austrian standardized signs. Our digital dictionary (www.omaa.fullnet.hu) also functions as a German-Hungarian, Hungarian-German dictionary as the menu is available both in German and Hungarian languages. The sign languages used in the two countries are simultaneously shown on the display in moving pictures. According to regulations sign language is naturally presented by deaf people in the videos. By watching these motion pictures the user has the opportunity to imitate, acquire and even compare the signs. The dictionary contains the sign of more than one thousand words in a way that etymological explanations are added to all words/signs in both languages.