WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Autborlaedllo publl.b Go.e rDlDeGt Notice•• ffeclin. Na tive. Vol. In. No. ~O(j. I rice 3d - FIGHTING SAID TO HAVE BEGUN Italians Bomb Adowa And Addis Ababa Ships Striving To Land Munitions For Ethiopians

British Navy Ready To Support L18gue of Nations

ADIO DlI!S!&ffS youe I rcndcau (3 rly (n W€dnu day to Ihe errect that ilal)' h:14 n~sfd the Ab )ulnla n buder at tbree points and tb a' • state of R ",':af slIhsiited telwten the two counlrlu 1 hIs InformatioD was followed by a musale 110m Add is Abbab. 10 the elTect tbat lIolbing was known of lbe ItaUan troops baving crossed the tcrder ; IIlOrt On" Ibat tbe Emperor 01 Ethiopia bad not ",ltbdrawn bls men 30 milt. away from tbe (rooller as b.d betn stated, but Ib, 1 be still bad small patrob tbere, Db Majesly's order for moblluation is now to be made , tTeet1n. At tbe mDmeDI of l olDg to puss it is known tbat Ib, Italians bave crosatd the FTolltier alld have bombed. Adowa and Addis Abbaba. It Is learoed that tber. ba\'e hell numerous easuahles. Fiehling hu also begun III Soulbero Abyssini a. 1-be Ethioplan defeoct II planned wllh a long loosely beld front·Jl ne. The : ec:ond IiDe of defence will be much stronger: ar d tbe Em pau's IDtu­ tiODS is to reUre from It if pres.sed, iDto Ibe mountains and from tbere 10 conduct guerilla warfare against tbe lllvadt rs_ Tbe Ab,ssilllaD army Is still short of mUDltlons, but Ibere are certain ships in tbe Red Sea flyln, DO Oag5 aod believe to be from Japan, wbich are TRUMPF.TERS OF T HE D IPEROROF ABYSSlNIA'S IMPER LAL GUARD_ u,ld to be carrylD, many macbiDe gunt, riO el and otber weapoos tor Ethiopia. Tbese sbips are liable to be attacked by italian submarines, whlc b are lying It i~ f('po~d that h()OltiHtiea betWOC'll Italy and Aby"inia have hroken off tbe coast. out, al though It i~ difficult to obtain reliahle news owing to th~ dinI of Your people should know that without \Ie will be faihn~ in our duty if we delay longer ~elleral moblli~ation. thi.. National Organisation of the co·operation and good mallD(,r.3 we Uni ted Bantu Nation in South Africa cannot succeed. THE EMPEROR'S HUGE WAR DRUMS today. I llOpe that tlll$ fact will 1 ha va reccived tho followill,!t nomina­ inspire the African .~ in that Provim"6 tions for election in the office of ITi.,. ~tated that Rail TaLm. Emperor BaWl' of Adown. forty years ago. and make them tum up or ~nd many Provincial President. namely. (I) .Mr. of Abylllinla, "ill him~elf >elUul When thiB drum is beaten. othol" delegates t.o your Provincial Conference Jacob 1. Nblapo, B.A_, (2) lIr. C_ R. hi.. great WM" drum, E;O big that four dnuru of the chids "ill be beaten, and on 7th October and elect the n:~ ry .l\Ioikallgoo. (3) Dr. James 1'0. Morokn li- trong me n are required t o ('arry It. then smaller druws throughout all beat lIlan all the Provincial l'r('sidellt aud (4) )[r. ~am Aug. .Lesho!"lI. The parchment is made of lion ~kin. Ahy,.~inia. This IS the traditional call of tilt' ('ongre"-'1 in tbat l'rov'ill('('. Please ur~~' nt-f" branrh to send .nd it haa not been bOunded binc(> the ContinufJ on page ~. That Proviocc is thc burt alld delegate, 2 IJMTETELI WA BANTU, JOBA.NNESBURO, Jm OCTOBER, ~.

~II cO,""1<,"1'8110'l' fo" tddrl5!111 10' io Abysainia would be in B'Oe,sau ~"'(I'" peril: iodeed might conceivably P.o. BOI "~26. perish. For ih only Iioe of J 00.. """S8allO. oommunioatioos wonld be cut. Prof. Jabavu's Appeal P~bli!.lwJ W~eHl. 8, DIK"1ltatlstlcs nre of noxious in8ects, to the aggressor. attacka by night of bidden available and until we are all BUp· • plied with a translated version of enemies. As for the Abys­ FightiDg Said To Hue BeguD theee bills. The Bechuanaland group KNOWLEDGE siniane, tbey O&noot know tbe at l'lfafeking was obliged to spea.k in fearful and demoralising effeot Oonlin1U4 f rom page J atrong and unmistaken terms of their of aeroplane attacks, lobe up· to arws. Tbe Emperor dooe not like franchise right- which must be kept IS POWER I roar of hea.vy modern guos, of this procedure and would a.void beat· intact at all costs. The fourth meet· ing the war drum if he could : but may ing at King WiliialO8town !olIIla-bly AN igo.or.nt man "ill never Io.ccud. advancing tanks, machine guns supported the North, and ao did the and the armaments with wbich fool that hiB natIOn witl not respond SnCC&8! denund. kno1ll'ledge. YO'll or rather will uot understand any fifth and la.st one at Umtata. Tn a can koowlege, in yonr 0'-0. home modern Eoropean armies are other form of l;ummOIl9. Therefort! few weeki! these replies or reaolu­ aod in your apare time, by equipped. That they will soffer he will sound his great dnlm. He tions will be published in book form meaol of • UD.ion Co llege heavily seems certain. will lead his arwies ill pereoo. and be on sale together WIth our reply Corresponde!lee Coune. Our We have before expre!sed Meanwhile the London corrCl:lpondeut fo the ~ r egat-ion sptlCC h delivered by feta ate very low- from IOJ· of the " Rand Daily Mail " wiring nr. G. Heaton Nicholls wherein he a month. Wa have helped oor abhorrence of the action of on Tuesday !!aid that M. Laval seeks to justify the bills and their many hundred. of Ahiet.nl Signor Mossolioi, a mao of Premier of Irance is expocted to fix Illotives. Tbese replies pro\'ide an to get and ednealion. Pol' indomitable resolution and iroo Tbursday or !'-rlday for an important acid test of the government'a sincerity. thi, Coupon to UI aDd Ie' nerve, in forciog the Italy Council of l'>hrusters to di>iCl!SS the The reque.;h formulated therein as UI .ho.- you how .-e ClaD international situation, under the well as the rlefi nite rejectioll of the help yoo. whioh follows him blindly, iota presidency of M. Lebrun, President- of proposal to abolish the ('apo Nntlve this war, For it seems to us the RepUblic. franchise can hardly be ignored under that in the first place, it is an Tbe Premier is ex-peeted to deal with the circumstances. immor&1 attaok on the lands of the British inquiry as to how }'rall6e & a pr~pacatioD for the All Bantu The Seeretary, Union Colleg .. - ~I a58i~t in carrying through the Conference on Dingaan's Day at - II. virtually defenceless people, obligations of the Covenant in the Bloemfontein, it is nece,,;sll.cy for all P .O . BOll: 3541, JobannlSbnt,. and as soch, is thoroughly eveut of an unprovoked Italian attack organisatioll" to meet and appoint reprehe08ible. In the second Ple!l.lle lend me, 1II'itboot- cod OJ on the British fleet their reprt'~enti\'es 10D!,: ahead. I!:\'cr,­ obligation, full information a~a' place, Buch a war is dangerous It- is unlikely that any public refer· Intelligent p<'r~on should at- once hu~' the eourae which I bave marked wllb in the likelihood that it may ence will be made in Paris to the and read Ihe {'xcellrnt explanation .0. X. preCipitate other troubles, British inqUlr.)' 80 long as any hope contll.im-d in the pamphlet call1'd indeed mav involve other remalllsofcon(.iliation with Italy on "A DU",iplion and A nalyaia of Ih~ ... £Dllisb ••. St~Ddard.IV, V, tbe Abys.~ianiall d l ~pute. That is also N(J/ip Bill~," obtainable for a shillin~ •. AfrikllDS ... Stud.rd, VI or VII oountries in a general CO D­ tbe probable esplallation of the extreme from tht· ~('('retary, &<'('0 Hclations lulu ."Julior Cutifiule fiagre.ti1n. resen'e in London. In~litut,· P 0 Bo:'l; II it;, Johanne~burg ...Selulo ... Mltrieal.lioll Signor Mussolini seems to Leading French new'

{h ~ appolU t .. 1 N ll ~ III onlry tih'ral'Y family (and we may add of a nation) ('O lupc, tilion li re iMvita lll .... " Um tcleli" Proper venlilations, the kee plnc away Six Ideas Or Principles On The (,OIlj;( rlll ulntNi I ii I' \ln1.0 win ne r ~· alld 01 Hlel, tho wel,blnl of baby sy,tem. IIJ' OI I'llt hu. .. wllh IC"fIII; hut it i,. a aUca ll y. the nndln, out II., ""1/(},. Up-Bringing Of Young Itroo t tillllll to 100 n Ilood I().'<(l r Ami when and If baby ails thele are poI nts yd 11(11 In'lll llo ,,,' Who k/lolu llUt Ithai compeillors, one after anot her. 'IIhat Ilu' 1\1 (, ~ Will hn "in" n(\;d, mentioned In tbelr entries, The ntees. Africans From Birth llIllP ' And fur til" ('llC" urllJ,(I' OJI' ni slly of pU rl waler Is anotbu point. (II IUlI ny o( lin' ('(Ull lH' lI tors In thl~ 1)111' WI,I' "c,mall wroh '{;j ,. \-"' (urll'lI'" Compi'tltlO li \\oil qlll n.o.~u n ' 1)'l lov ~(lrrwtlU " 1l t'l fir), Ilr til Jrl{t' I '~" ) Very Large Number Of Enlries·-Splendid Respon3 thl'lII I IIlI! I I, w,~" oilly h.v a .... '·r)' 11IllI' in ~l l lll<"il'lI t vnri •.t\ 1'l lI h'I' ),im II lIIall 11I 'lrllltl lnd('i"1 p..... il,I',.. Yd, th,. fn' It HI! African. A H~allby Ra ce "'I~ n,,) writtl'lI 'I! m<)i .• I'ri mill:.tl,J,' 1Jl(>~j. I,f t. t,1' w- rit"f IKUllkd 111I! till Women Thoughout The Country ( 'O n ~ i lkr ln !:" OJ!' cOtl lr ilJutiO Il ~ M a. wh nJt ·, IlIl tll,,'uhjl',· t of til\> CrtfP antI WI~(11)I11 of rq,:a rdlul! IIII' '11·,,11](,1 "" , f\'('u in Q; of Infa nh, Wtl hav(' ("{~ m (\ In Im h.\"" ~,.k(J, Ilrllt "IJUIO of 11.\·m /laH, ERY lar,e 1.1 was th. Dumbrr of eolJles fo r tbe Juniors' Competition Ih\l "onduN inn !hal tho Hrk MI HacI' n wH rni n!:" that III it ""TIiM't ,tuyw V on lbe subJlct of " Wbat I Wish to Bteome aod Wb)" (tbe namu tll'I'I\"·" In 11('; ~ Iwa ltll,\" Oll('! \\'(' II, t .Il" 1Il1I"! t ~. c{,n'Jd"rNI, ill ,,11.1' of prln wI nners In which were p:lven In "Vmttteil's" last Iss ue:. Ibe enlrles "','ro ill1l'fI' I,d 10,\' th" lugh ~ "' \IlILITI I \\" mt ~, till' _UII IO U t not 1'0 allo\o\ NI rOt tbe Women'. Com pet Ilion wu'" ftill mo ru numeroUi. 10 fal'l g. tllng of til!' pnlft"'" twm l in, an,l tllI'IT to riou~ly !VI If .a.'f furni. bl'" frO nl (I JI'" r ~ of al.'l'I.' I The li ubJeel ollh. Com petl iion was: · Six Best Ideaa Or PrInciples On 1" thl' "1\.... '- balJOll 1 1 ('~(' rv c lruk 'fll(\ fad 101 tha t. il ~hl,ul'lllf" fllrlli, I" 'd The C..... And Feedlol o r Infl1ol,. mtl' lI ilot"l'nt. and 10\'i n,ll; c.ll re. - fr olll tilt' day of ih I, irtll. OIl!' ("'Ill , " otill'r ·II)\·u ~ hl1l ~ t hrough tl)l' 1)('lltor put t ha \'f'r... ch fi Tly: " I 'II Oul (1 Th ,' ~dj",I ,roJ ,(Jf , fo fof. '!Jlagl ,td, lill ~ bll ll. a /. (llhy fHl d a .. eta.1yl IH lttl'n bv moth"nI IICAeribi nc: 0" 1'0"" OftI' u,, 01 ,.Itrt,/ , 9 d, fa l!iJ a r. / unu.liw 111 fhe AdjlJd '("ll tioa ho ~ ' th(\.\· TI'llt.·J and trailled t hei r t(' I1I· 11 my h''l hJ relluill ril ...· and clean­ li n\'11!1 of hal,it froll) lil(- cla\' It iK Rtporl tet ,it 0" 11. p41)(. 1'1o[ "",UiJ aft·_ , bnbit,.· HIltI we 1'I"ere IIllJl rtl$>'NJ a l ~o horn. ' . , I by the ('ontrihution... of youn,lt" woml'n l> ('o mjX'til()r ~T(l ff' flut i){ illf'lI.'J Filst Prlz. (.£2 10 UI Mn. C. B . 'liss Dorah B 'Ingad!. lIImu: Strl.'f't I p;:ivin,lt" thNr 1{1"1I& how tlwy will bnn~ On Mo loi, Dlepkloof Reformatory, P , D, (.owrnm('nt &hool, Lad~ '~ I'lIth up thei r hn hil' - wtwn t"l>\ af(, marriod Of prin(' ipl('. wh ic h CO Il ('I' MI 1lI0th"r' Box 1567, ~ ohaon es b ur8, .Mi,,-~ Gladr~ r.[weh , Tiger Kloof I . voi('e-control nnd mot h(' rh t,eha .... iour . I n:flltution Dear \ 'rybllfll: Practical Care 0 1 Bible) cO llcludin,lt" with an .'.:chortatlOn to Second Pril8 (£2 0 0). Miss Joty 'fr8 Ethel ).fa:t wi , c ,o H. Nqeawem, Comill ,lt" to thl' practlea l treatment 'count your blt'NIin/f.",' to' ·nam., thtOl Beadrlck _. 51. Martin's Missioo, Location Office, E Mt nanl.: Loealion, of habi(\'l, ft.!l ind J('.atea b.... the one l>y one, . tart to-day and It will DOllgl35, C,P. :gn~t IAndon lIUI\Hl rou~ I' lllri(\!( for thill Com,x.tiliOIl., HurprUot\ you ." Th l ~ eOIl/llle l ie 11:00(] . MLSI! A J, Ma\' lwbela, U nl tata HOII- \\ 0 may "ay tha~ there i8 allover. very good, but in a "~omen ' e ('om­ Tblrd Prile (£ 1 10 0) Miss pilal, P w tata. _ w h (' l m i n~ \'ote for (Jab .... to have petition for the lJt" ....). hut iQe t ller eliu.nt'i' of a pril:e (' I' wh(,Te tim mother for any reaaon Filtb Prize (tOn .,5 Sarab Korle, 'li~, ROf'ebinah Beji Ndokweni , i.s unnhlr. to breMl-feed II('r imam, oJ hy &aYloK 'baby Bbould not be Ced P,O. 801392. Pretoria. ~ \ :! , Rockey Street Bellt'\'ue J.::&el, u ('rcl"in:,; " 1"lom in \' h,O"in t:;: thf' betw('en ij AM. and 10 P.M.' Bab!; would !>ccOille \er,\' huol:\7.... alld Tbe Prlu money to nch of J ohauneebufg. ~ul"ti t u t " for ih H"tr-n"nc- c",w',. whom p~ or :'111-$ ) l\obt:. uto .Ftort'nCf' milk, for In ~ta/l(' e , l u u ~t be properly Illot hcr WQuM uot gct mu(' h ,,16I'p at bas beta pol,". night ! Magobodi, The Native Wealeyan diluto-d '"nth pun. ~ a ter . \ 'a.riou!! Tbe Tblny C-,-",-,C1.-,C Prins WHe Pal""onage, Lower Culunca, P. O. lIub"tilut.ea WI'(I' r(l('O mmeurled. but. _\noth('f COrn(X'titor Wl"OIe . " If 1o n baby'. ankles are ~·t'a k bllth(' Ihem awa rcl ecl as follo ws- aod tbe pritt Qumbu. C.P (b.\ tu(' majority of the ~Tite l'!l) onJ) every morninK with _ wat(' r" But 'oIrs. Maria P. \ '. K N~l'o bo , Endlu· . when the mothf' r i .. unable to b r ea ~ t ­ mone, (S - eacb ) bas beta J, osted to unleu moliler and baby are livinK at every prlle. wlnner ;- n1.:lIllI. P.O. ) Iaba.-.hini . \"I a Nongoma. fl'fil h ~ r baby, It 1lIli0lc IV Orthy that \In. A :,\lndawl'ni, P. O. 80s I:!!I . trHJIling---dll.e ipline· i" Ilnjoinoo , and tbe ce&.8t the e llcdl(' nt advi('e would 30 CONSOLATION PRIZES S · eacb: KrooIL~tad Il) lI ny contrl\)utonl ehowl'd common_ 00 difttcult to follow, Mi", Charlot lt- Matjohne, Pimnl1e, )li88 C. R N. &n>!.e]a ('olumba 8l'n>16 In 8&\"in Jl" that tbt'y would tea<'h A wi ota piece of ndVl ce was gh'en by .'evenlo l competltol"!': III effect, P .. 0 "~,allce fi e Id . i\h ,'~ion , Kentaul, C. p , Ull h.\ tbe tllll CB for bim Of her to hf' (:\1 1"" . or Mi Sl; ) r . r. Nl.:OIlIO , !I M.rs_ Helena Sikun,ana Gaberollee, f('d. lI ot jUJ~ t wb l' n a. bur£lt of ·cryin/.!; " " the practice of kiMing baby Oll t he Pionft'r Road, }o"on15burj.(. P.O. Brcmmersdorp, Swa~il and, ('o mclI 0 11 , mouth ehould be o.voided, ". )fh E. P. Hlahlc, Natil (' DhIJeIl- Mrs. Ellen H , D. Tya mza.~ue , 1': 0 Homes That Are Kept Clean A youngoompehlor from \"ll'defort , san· Batbo Locat ion , Bloemfonll' in. Dr. W. B. Rubu ~ alla , EMt Bank who unfortunately did Ilot ,.".in a l'i~. p , T. Mota. Rell l Location. Location, }~ Mt London, The supreme Im port3nce of clean· pri~e , elrprell.;ed two idells worth,\ of O ..t',s. (Mrs. or MiM) :Flory J'Ol\labBIl t h (l(ll~a , li neS! Is dw el t en, nay Inslsled on. Tbe quotation : 1.10 not n ~ e baby when Mis !> Thclm'l ?lc-.ikinya, , 'ictona, JU ' Bant'l School, 1'. , _ Oll. l :.U, refennces were Ipl fndld, African nslcop to sbow to 8trangers, Baby }(o"pita1. Lo'l"edale CPo KrOO I\litad. wom en wb o ba" bee n lore b-bearers 8bolild 1I0t ho put where there al'6 M..". E. N , SinJ:oto, c o ) (r. J'. Mrs. }o'. Nkolomba, I, }'ranci8Str<:'et, In this res pec t may ftel tbat tbelr many poople," Another cOIDjletitor, Rlchard80n, l du t ~wa, C1>. ('apt' Town. tucbl n!!s have not hIoe n In vain , In wbo 0.1&(1 unfortunately had to 00 Mil:"! I vy Rhwt'ni. eo Rti. Xatl ~ a , ~[NI , !llary Kuze, No. 12, Location, cxamlnln, tbese essays we felt tbat paseoo over for a pfize, had a pleas­ Eat' t Bank Location, E a.t;1 London. ltiddelburg. C.P. cleanlloess In tbe home was urged oot ing t hought when II be wrote : "Baby's j\lr~. A. J Dioott'lo, Ij:! . Alenul' Mn. FfoTence Siyongwana, Qu- just as a co unsel of perfection: not just 8mile IS generall .~ au index of health, Road. PO!'Wib~ Johannt'llburg II:qwala , P. O. Sittingbourne, King- as a go od pOin t to belp to win a pri ze 10 an outward eigD of IDward bappme&e . ()Irs. Of !lI N ) Emmah G williamstown. a compelltlon , but as a haMt tbat Is botb mental and pb)ical ." Bathobakv. Ti ~e r Kloof Institution Mrs , M. O. Xuza, vital for tbe bealtb and comfort of a Co"tinutd in ]KJ'Jt " Ntar \ -ryburg, C.P ~merset East. Mn;. Eleaoor Kyat! 31 l Ull(." Slrt'l.'l Mrs. Agnes Hannie, t::it('uhag(' , (',P. Notes On The Entries Sent In INANDA SEMINARY Essays Reflect Great Care in Child-Rearing.-­ A large School for Bantu Girls. Sensible IViews Expressed .. -Adjudication Report FEES: £8-0-0 PER YEAR OR tbl' WOillen' Competition the Igav e to this alJ.importaut subject , _F gubject "'all " The ('tire And aud for the trouble ahe took to put :Feedmg Of Infant.," !lind t he JUnta- her ideM into writing. So very g()(l(! COURSES AS FOLLOWS. lion Will for WO \lH' n compctltonl 10 were the entriea for this. Co mpetition UDl\'t raity ,J,C. , Standard \' 111 !lind IX, buhmit. 8ix leading ideaa or plin c iple ~ that it ean . be Imagloed ~hat a Stbndard vn about t be b e~t way of attendi n~ to diffieult tuk It has been to pIck ~ut Standard VI' illfauts, ThIll ,.,omen 'lI compotition the winners of the first fi ve prIZe.! Indu.lrial CoUf'!It: Th ru rears hall heel! a gratifying ~ucct: .... , aud nnd tbe thirty cOn8()la l i~n pri~ CII. Apply tn : .. Umteteli " dflll irt.. to eelH'ey it" Naturally t bere will be dIsappoint. THE PRI NCIPAL, t haoks and ita apreciation fo et ltfY menl/!, 6l'lpecially when a eompetitor, } " A ,q)A SEMINA-B \-, (,(",Jnpetifor 1I0t ollly for Bl'nding in baving 8pellt a long tlme over bel' I' goer!):. N"'TJ.I.. .hl'r l'ntry hut alw {Ol' the thou@ht ~he composition, felt sure of a prize, Such , UIIIE'f.E.LI WA BANTO, JOBANNE8BUBG, 5"18 OCTOBER, 1936 . - --- . . ,. , - Women's African National Competition Club

CB .. Fau·k\."SCE) AFRICA,..';S _m to be determined not to be beaten. In the heart ....HJO .. e ~Jt .•1<1 nf)~trv all "nrl.l< "r of the city of ,rohanncsburg another rf'w{>r' i for African youn~ men and ladi('~' 1b~ ... I'rK"~ ginn I.) ,rOInI>t'tilnt. The club ~ nAllll...t .. Tbe African T~.u'hIDI! _ dllid to bnoCltht' tbrou,Il'h Xatiollal ("Iub:' lIud Hi member.• hip tb,' n"., '""INd (of through thE' mouth I.' open to I)()th ladi.. lind ~entle ...... ~~Iv·r .• lh ad'l"i-.l (and cOm'<'tiy). men The llan,ll!"r 1<; \lr. F. K'~'i'ing baby', MIla _hurt wa.o B Bhhop, jJroMdl·nt of the :!IJIIJthcr 'lfi~ "t4(-uC(' adl"ocated. f hforJ SailOr:-< ~p"\rtln~club," and the The ,lay land night) of tb(' dummy allll iq to 886 t.he nc~ dub run d'tieiently m1J~t he nearl~' past, .t wa!J clear Oil modem hnc.. 1'1.1(, addn'"~3 is No. (.f tl,at man,- th(' writers ,10 Hronsriy W, !\L9f"hall Strod. F<."rn·lrasoown. l."'ary for 1111)' much a pan uf onr flait\" Ii\"{', all l"{' pi ni Ilcc"mmnd.lt 1011 .1.n(1 Ilr~tI the wide circle of 1'lantjo'l! (rit-mlg an IIlflLlit to k~'il It nn the ,cratch."' bn'athiug l'or ""ample, ""ho wOIIII I \IMer tank Willi'll ~"IZ~"~,, Ih'l1 lh" M Wh.l! tll(· writ/'r tlO dOllht mClt nt W!\8 opportunity flf hclping tlll'.'r· IUny 11 :110 gues~ed Ihal 2iJO ClipS of It'a think fit. 1,·rtul"('r·!I W,l~' is "ft")l 10llg hut "ilh up to tho stutcb, Qr, better Ilot III·Ct· mh a All donlltimw Will I){' ~r~tj'fnllr to the motrl.. tea' :\.nd whe would have '!ho uld re~u.lu in a saving of Ills. an,1 £·s.! JholOiol:( filmi. In f.l·t in the iuterior I. Bud -~ I 'be ll e. 1.~, II ;l time·l..II.bl,· for e\·crythln.R; thllt 13 Lorentz t'tr6Elt , But it i, not only tbe Bllrl'aU'1i Pretoria; or Dr. S. M. .'11010ma, P. O. of tbit \'IUI .1011 \\111 lind e\"('r)"'h i n~ 11'i.' to hE' don" to IHI irJant from tho ll'cturef who is intNf'~'tlnR", tho van III <"a],-u];\t,·,1 t,) in_ttl 'nt-o IliLlII. II·mIBn Box II , Mafcki n ~, C P ; 0: X. ;}1. 1/11)' 1t is born To keep the eame which he tra\'el~, is IIIt.(' rutlllg too. nll,1 child. dl<' \lr! of tl' -;In, I hat hour daily III wa.~llIng, feeding, ~e ndin,u: MOl.ilbumi . ('10 'r~"j..trate'a Office, 'rake even the moet casual peep ins id n IMhy to <;loY'p, eil'., i ~ most important Tbnbll Nehu, 0 F. R. hie ~trang6 \"c hid(', and cur i ~ i ty tellA Continued ill in the bllilding of the body of all lufant." Ono COmpetitor ~ai d, very seru.lbly : tea is full of nrtue gOOll without " In case ()f illol"!'A I w()uld send for a aayUlg. ,loctor 1 would keep the baby clean In each oown \'"ia lted, demonstratioll.ll 1Jnd would gl vo him a fow 00)'8 but "II()t are given shOwing the correet method of UJi/A marp corltUI or painltd ., making tea.-iIIU1ltrating how a uttle ., I would " wrote ()no competitor care in tbo Ilropaflltion of South "_ that l1i(lll, tho peata that kill Afrioa '. tradltiooal bevcrage- m"", .a many babiell, are kept away fr()m an infinitely more palatable, healthy it by UiUng a m()8qwto net. A frame and ooonomical thif"t·quenchor. will be ~uired to (luppert the net." Staunch Tea Drinkers and friencla of On dtanlineea (wrote another com· !lr. T . PoU, as we South Africans petit.()r): "Cltanline. ill one of the undoubtedly are, ,,"0 cannot claim tht, great ioC\mtivlll to health and cannot OI.ell.llI iV6 privi l ~o of learning the be too strongly adn.. oo. An infant " iuaide etory of T('a" for The Tell. who III well bathed (',very day Bo ldom Market EIpaOllion "Bureau is an active "ull('fIt itom any of the numerous .kln organisation alld It./! whole· hearted , Ii '.JI'rvtli to be (and lI) mON a.od more ... of it.. colnmoe for Abantwana bakula benamlle proull of reade", who haye -"'nt in mouageeand....-ollooelDeut.. 1.0 tbeir bekv.luPf'lt. Uma ufuoa i.Dl1an. ". ·b ntfifO'. friend. and '11 ""'1, and in order t.() ,-ako ikule Iqioile, hokoza )'Ipl II.mpUf1 m.... u I.b. BllIln_ Wanap­ i .. Onltlne. " ment of "Ulllt.e&eli" blVe decided to La ... amaozi amtoti a nnebu­ cb ar~ on. 111_, n.lllleI1, balf·a-c rown for all oo'i06l coming onder .ucb ke.la . Enzlwe nl1obiai. maqanda Mokbona Sejelo. beedJog. a_ .....aamabele, a qin.iaa umzimbll. Do.l.... 11T1(; 'Joriana Oft& uota ..jMO leha f'uba .... Ir.baJ. Uaefubeog. D- ...... TH..£.K.O 9 ri Ir.a poeo. 11 tnmaea le oa hpilla bore NOTte.. 01' RSO.iGDI:.lfTt I"et.aoe ta m.a1erl,11;. ThMe No'icel mu.t be iu writiol, OVALTINE' \1.\ YF.BA no PfLL"\ I Ii kJt. p*>. adm.-d to tbe BuioMl lIauger, &e ____ -...... lM4 ...._~ A ...... IL ....I ... . 1> .... _ ...... Cas.tet.eli," PO. BOI 4625, Joha· ~ _ ._, ._1 ._ ... _... I.e ",.ll._ •• IL ...... '...... _ ._ XII:OUa bl> _ .Goo ...... u. ... _ lou _.~ . """__ Il __ O ..borl. and mutt be .aoomp.w:r.W I . _~ ...... _..-.. _ _ ...... ,a1 ""IW~' .u ulo...... SEABANKS PHARMACY, by poe .... , order for half·.croWD. e l"i -. _ --_ ~ O-'-oJu.e... I o-w.o " ;01 r 0 B-lx.... nttRB.\N. S .... mpl ~ ,ltat amoUDt will be .c. .. U MAO. eepWd. r:f\lCU","o~O AL~." ... A ...... &-.. I~I..TV . ~~~~~~~~~~ TRANSV AAL AFRICAN ------EISTEDDFOD FIFTH COMPETITIVE MUSICAL FESTIV AL DECEMBER 12, 13, 14, 16 and 17, 1935

Official Opening By His Worship The Mayor, December 12 at 3.30 p.m.

Floating Trophies (Shields and Cup.) and other Prizes to be Awarded


Choirs! Tropbies!

Dancing! Sbields !

Songs ! Cups !

Acting! Medals !

The following will he the Patrons of the 1935 Transvaal African~Eisteddfod The Hon. Mr . P. G. W. Grobler, Minister of Native Affairs. His Worship the Mayor Johannesburg. The and Mayoress of the City of Rt. Rev. Wilfrid Parker, Bishop of Pretoria. Mrs. L. A . Reitz, M.P. M.A .. Adviser on Race Relation Mr. J. D. Rheinallt lones s. Professor P. R. Kirby, D.Litt., F.R.C.M., University of the Witwatersrand R. F A. Hoemle, M.A., B.Sc., University . Pro essor of the Witwatersrand. Senator the Hon. Dr. A. W . Roberts, Commission. Mr. J. Howell Da Native Affairs vies, President , Witwatersrand Cambrian Society. Sir George Albu . Bart. The following will be the Committee Messrs M. S. Radebe (Honorary Organising Secretary), D. M. Denalane, H. 1. E. Dhlomo, Dan Twal •• H. Madibane, B. Mngemane. G. Nongauza, L. Radebe , 5. P. Mqubuli, Mrs. Harold Fraser and Messrs H . H. MacEwan. R. J. Nicholas and P. J. Bennett. Transvaal African Eisteddfod ~~------What The Festival Stands For Medals And Conditions of A A (;old. Silnr fir BroIl7.· :'11/,1,,1 10111 .,. o ... ar,l.d. at tl, ... \t' ,\tI" ,,,"n·1,,!' tilt' 111<11\'11111,\10\, 'If .\((1('0\11 :\nILH '[1I"1~', I.\IUI, llHl alljlldlt'uor, t, ltU~· .. "dubl.' ,,110, 111,11, J>ri1.,· dlllll" , , , to \'n<'()lIr ... ~(· tho tinel" Idin('mf'nt "I EUmp,:an mu~ll', t1i~llll~ui.11 tliemK'II'U In Illl.\" I,alll' '11., I .. " T" ,'litT inther ti''lll "tl)('uli ~IIMli MI' "". I 10 , ... ak t nn.' \fric,l11, /lnd land.".! ~u')Jcd to hrl11lo! \0 tllo 1'11\)11(' 11"\1('" IlrOIllI~1!I).: imml·dillt,·ly bcfow. durtlljl;. or after tl... 'llll'dllll!l\~. I'HI lelMI ,to intl'l"',1 tlJl\ \11'I<'o1n ran' HI good Illll'k ,Ind 1O allli forfeiture /.of 'r~~. ('omlJt'tlti(11l i~ cancl'II,'tI l"\(lala of all COlD petitions Will take )Jla t' on the day of th~ir ",j,.";,,, \ lld,.,t \\111 I... fmllt-Iwd to ,'adl • "nll,,'tll()r whlt h ",II "I "~I'T\(' th .. jlrl'liminarierl, at the d;.crotiol) of the adjudl alor. - J Ir]~- "I a n,·.. •.. 'pl rHI r.·. I~utl. Tile re~ of {'al'h ('OmlHltition hall 10{' aonoun,e,1 I,y thfO .dj,j,~.to r \, l ~"r awl t'''IIlI~ l,to,1"'< lOll'" I,,· ndll{ t" I auel Iralll' I lo \In< .~ni. III tho liolla. , l' Spf'ci81 Note '1 ,,, 1.0 I .I, B.,nk "",.r. P.t) I.Q\( d n.l If In th,' opinion of tb", ('ommilW(' ther are in~uffi( lent enties in '(>I~ ";";:! Il, k ~tn I .1 .. 1, nn II II, "Ih I IIIU for any '1If' ,ml'tlition ~""h ("O)ml,,·tit,on may Le With InwQ, in WLllJ (ase Idf , "' th t,. \1111 I., returned

10.\11'1' n I lilts .\~j) \1 \ I\II'\~['.;'I:-. flul\" tI.nse

\ \1 ...... U TO, h I ... rot,T\ >1\ . III \ , q I, ,un 1 t a! c,! (1. J""T IY, 1\ • ..IPIIII/l: I, ,. lIUO I ,J,lr. .,1 thl' ,,.'·'11 u.U " "I \,j(, hy Il'!th'r !!it'.f)r'Uliq;ng ~ lir. .:W..... " ...... mit:. rite I [,"1 I. v, ! I d \" ,rl'lar.v. u r' n ad. I) r "t D, ,I bal UJ It. err all,l 'Iu I 'Injfl>n lIli t <>, TV f~r j I" , \1] I", I r .\lr ~ I\!y I, thl' I: j.lf.,

('HORAL SECTro~, '-OCAL /'iEI TillS. ( 'holl"ll 10 be Natl\"e Trained). N B. flu, MllSital F .._"tin,1 i~ ollen to all AfrIcans in to' Afnca. l~t (;R.\.Ut: The amount ~hown III brackets against (·acb C'()ll1l't'Iitioll IS tlit' EXTRY FEE for the particular ('oUljX'tition I. Soprano-I I Ii). Break O' Day B flllt I ~JI\,I,· .. ) I Boos..'\" ). I. Ilpcn (q to 441 \"Oll'('><) -(lo,'-). " lI('lZo Soprano'-II tj). ".-\rl.'" ,) :-'"n"' ~: tlat l J),. C'ra m"l\ Ii). • ~teIt·r, ). , Tenor-( I 'Ii ). Lo ....e·s Da."I"{"n· ,.. (WI)( I .-\ H ~ '0 l llJ",d ('boir (~I t()in )-(11) .). I Pol hack ("up). . " , Bantone-( 1 ti), ' Little L.1,1\· I,j Ih 'I· 1\ ~' :t I A Bantu I,i<;, , I'.' a Bantu ('()mpo I'r In e!th'r Zulu, .\o~a, 01 fbt (Co.lk~) ~utbo langllag,·. ( hlll1l'ell ). Ba.·' ,( I Ii )_ I,) 'In thi~ hour (Of .,ofu·n",d "pl('n,lour ' 11'11I~uti I / ~()It"lIQ I. Botll .-;hilllUlltC:'l of 'bill' Boo~('v ). u lIa<>eOllll'a n It'd ~nd (.Jt.\IJt: :1. hurch ('hOlr {n to Ifl.\ oil'f'S j .. ( IU -J IHoedcan School (',,1' I. .\ Bantu PI('o('t' by II Bantu eomf\O'l(·r 10 eilhcr Zulu, \,. ~, ~,~utho. 7 . to'nprano- 1 Ii). () Flower ni\lll, F Wue I \I'I~'II J ") Tht' Hcan'n, an' Tellinp; (Ha) tin) ("urwcn I. , '11'17.0 SO!,ffi.!I0 ·1 I Ii T\to I.lul,·!J "~Oll':' E I. ,hn II i].ll'l'ell) Both aCt'olllloalll..,d <>r unaccompanted. (Bo!b Son '.) 1·'l.tJ.. "oice Cboir (9 10 ~II '-oices) (Wi.). (h'rril Slli"],i). n I'ontralto-( I til. \Ii·]j-.an('11) ) A Bantu pi .... e 10,1 a Bantu ('OIOIKJM'r in I:'ither Zulu. ~o-.a or 10, Tenor-(I Ii, .. Bvth .. Fountain F (.\ ,11111' It,.... ) t:)l'Sutbo lalll::lIa~ ..'. II . Bnritone-I!.,I;I. ·\!yT<\.k"' Etl.,t 1.-\ hlonl'lF H ,., t:. ) Tow, Tom the PIper's Son (Kendall) (("urwt·n). 12 Bass· -(I 1;1, ' .. Frl(,lld tr :'Iline F (~all,I,·t,onl 11'1", '('1 I Uoth a~conIJlaml'd 01" unaccompanied. 13. DlI et,~oprallo and Contralto (:! Ii i Wllt"fI' tlI~· (.lr,nan ha~ re-t(,d" l. Lal li('~ Choir, l;.K.\. (!I to 20 \ 'Oil'el! )-(10 ·). ('\ledal,,). F 'l..ohr, ( 'hapl'dl). From the p;n.'('n heart of the waters" Coleridge Tallor_ 14. Duct·Lad\" and (;entkmTln (26) t"ntil F ",lIl,l,r-OIl' IBoo.;"y), '; lll ~h tufion and ('oll~e Choir )lale Yoice (!l to 20 'oices )-( 10 ,)_ I G. Due l-Tenor and Baritone 2 tj , ,-\ .. ak.., I'dl"lel I Union FUrnillhcnl Cup). 16 Quartette-.'i ...\ T B.-(3'-) Dcjoartur.' I 'l('n,II"I""hn, (f·nrw~·n). a .\ Bantu IH~:e loy a Bantu ColUpo,;{'r in either Zulu, Xosa or II 'h,lrJotte .\Ibu (·up). !-'esutho language. 17 . Quartette--TT.B B.-(3.). "SwCt.'t an.] Low' ,U.lrnt.y) (Xon~lIo) i b) " l'imbuctoo '. (Geibel ), (. l'mlHeil " :-ihield). I IflI!titution and Coll ege Cboir-:'Ili xed \'oiee (!.I to :!u \'olees) ( 10/-). IS. Qunrtette- TT.B B Jllzz-(3·) ( -Illth F,'ldmon \lhum). llamCi" ( C. L.D, Cup). 19. Boy's Solo (7 to 12 years)-(I /_). " Th,'\' "a\'" (Elan! a 1 ~ Bantu piece b,l a Bantu C()mposer tn I' itli('t Zu lu , Xosa or :!O. Girls' Solo (7 to 12 yI'8rs)-(lI") )11 ",11IIibool Choir---..':ie ni or ( 10 to 60 Voices) ·(10,·). (Xuwa Shield). 23 Trio T .T.B -1:! /lj) "~ t ynheer "andun<'k (Bl,hvI'J . ( a) A Bantu Song-Traditional or }'olk'80ng in eitber Zulu, Xosa Sesutho languages. ( b) " Hymn to lhaie" (Buck). .Botb unaccompanied. ~I. Se hool Choir--Junior ( 10 to 60 Voices )-( 10/·). (Carter Rilieltl). I. Preliminary ·( I f· ), " Rondo"' La.st \ JOH'ml'nt ItOlU 'l.natlno. in F ( a) A Bantu Song - Traditional or Folk.song in eithcr Zulu, XOIIa or ., 0)1 211 Xo a (any e.htitln) (Du~'ck). Sceutoo language. ., Junior-(I/·). ":'Ilclody in D'". fo'aft:oon i b) .. The Long Do.y Closes" (Sullil'&n). Both unaccowpanied 3, Intermedlate-( I/-J. "Scencs frow all 'rna!.'inMY Botl).: in (;" Op. \0 ..1uvinile Choir-( 10 to 60 Voiees )-( 10/-). (Mill: Ewan CUll). ~-I -; (·";I'...,dgl,.Tavlor). " The !ltulligan )lusket.eers " (Atkinson) (Curwen). •• Senior-( I/-) . " Tarantelle ". II. Patbfinder>j-( 10 to 60 \ 'oices )-(5/-). A "Cry" and a Pathfinder Song, STRL~G~. :\: B. Teacher!! and eX'!'IC holar!! are not allowed to participate in the 8chool Cboil"8. I. Violin- Preliminary-P/-). .lIlinuct m in (H

IXI 1:11 \1:, :-.h'lltlr\ t:k \ [II. III,' n ~ \\' r, III .,." {,\lh-..:ll~l)I "f Ib,l h. I .111'\ tlh' III,' I Hmlu F"'k ,..;)' \ r .1 IIU' no. ~\' ,."ll'r, 11'1 t hlt'l E."jn~ (:!,"li\ III •. ,tlwi ":I1,,;:h.h '" ,-"rtIl1l'ubl' I) I', .Ir", Ity op~ •• \()o d Tht' P a~t I'n' ,'nl nnd Fullll"l' ..1 Hl'il',m \ rl," I.. , lromn fie {)"NJlron~ rl.'1.. III\" IIIh'l n \:\( '):\ \; ,~ "II n.·t fllln (-"II 1«)('.1 Ban H,'IOUl ( II \\" :Ilt t:! I; Pt" l·"lll'h'l. I~I :->1"" 1",,"\.-1\'0' 1~,li ''''\ \\ j ' ~ '''''"iok of pall" ~y tU11' \:\) Q\Lld,~ h-'P (:! li IWI "oupll')_ I'k \\I,,·t nil', .'1.. \','rgt;'('t .\ ~p'''''il\ l pd."., to n \I\\'III~ {'lull Ililh til<' mo... ' U11m! ..,!" ,,{ \\1111\1'1 "I' run I ''''',lr III' my h\"" 'n ",.rlil; m,lIl h~ II I'M ck'ln) IVl"\' 1I11I1"k"_ .\i1i('IHl l'\llk- l) ;\ndn~ ;-;\'<11111", BaH'wln. 'IkhuJlI. %u lu. d,­ \\"E'" nik~, \\'\'('~ "Ill... , ,·n.,L:lI'! (ll t'i~,lo ( 1 ~,)~, ( ;1I 1 ~ til\.) ('It'll. \\'UUH'lI 1 .). 11 .tl l, ~ .'. n \ Ir IllV (~) ('h~n\('t.r (BII,' t; II' I ~ tid) p lt-n . \\'OIlWt'l I -I. ,I,,~ ",. '\l'1 "jn uj) II'Vr ",\~ Ilf P) (:rouI~' ( Iu III :10 1",11(>1'11\\,\'<), (1I) Ho ~'~ lind (;iJ'l. (~ !i ). JI \'l·rn. trOll ('(I r,\ (h) Ilml \(') Hoy'" ,,1\1I1t' ami (;lI'l~ 1I1011l' _(~!i " lIdl ~1"O1l1'1. \,1) ",'1\ ,11\,1 W"lIlt'll t" J. I. \ "t'll nl'\11I' (-",,I.). (I) \\ "\nl'n \11'1/\ \ \:\..; I'LOc'("l' I():\ (·O.\II'}o;TlTIO;'li, -~enior.-l/' 11\)1\, ,-, .). \TI' \1 11'; VL.\IU'E '1 II III loll IIld~, d ,,1\ :'\ II n l\-n",'m n"n"L1\ ( ""lJX tit .I.LF,4 Priz!\' DiTI II 1. "I'm}, ,I •.• wl 1",1 I\< I ' Wallz: BaSI, ...,It I T"IJl~ X IUI.d .IUlI " n IUI!rl. , , ~., 1- I tIll' I :-., '1' 1\ ,1111 n d1f\l1"" fln.\ XallUnl S,'11I, SI,," h 'fill '.)x· i"1't , ,1\<1 II " Ik, t~I1'\rh '1''' 111 , X .lurl\l and " ., , "'Ik \ al P ,r "nUl I IJr ("J\ ,I"r r ) 'J, 'I r 111'1,; II 0,1 I tl " , , , ," !' 10 III', f'fl1 rl, k ," n, n , , " " " .. \:1 u ... n i' I (\. llll':\ ,1l'11'1·:'IIIIH:\ n I I I' f Th'm· \', :\') , k ,, ... 1 I! I, I , IJ rLi,1. Il, rt ,: I tlu I n m., tl 111\" I' h h " r- f 1,,"-" 11 I "'11111 ,I ~I I,u';, ·If-.... ,,Il.~1 n l"'l~rl I I f k .1 11 atoll' Hl 1<1 k I r rlL ... h' UOrUot~ en klaar, staat lI",l. t<-"mpd tiaar \\11\('-11l'''''~ a/olll, frontl'(} sorro\\ still riCt'llt'r, and Iriulllphetl o\-cr it and !Uarlc w\"d-in .~y ruaJe.~t{"it, ' it hoi .. , fln(1 built Oil il '"n llanrluary of sorrml" for thl'e and nil thl' "TCtch('d' Thy Path of thorn' i~ Ill(.!h (,llut"l, on£' Ion)! I,'~I look at thc Turl.·riat. whcre th~' Literary Section ~t .. p wa... ",we so Irjthl IIh('-re thl c hildren "hall 1I.lt flwell. Thl' hp-4d \~ 0" ~he M()('k' the a1l:1' r .. ~ht'~ dumb I k~ thc worJ,1 thl' ll"ilrl.p·lllns.: w"rM, anll "PEEl H Ill','n. ~'; Priz.o: Dirlom\ 111 il. nMjlnf'''~ is 1",lnn'11 \\, h any Mpect, expre>;"6(t or ;m· TO XJ(,H r "hl·ll. IIf.1 "I,)t'd wbi"h will he i' hI t) tl"'lII I' fortn i ~bt I f· '!I rl-., rd'\Ililllf\-' "1IIi',·tition. (B.'" Pcr, ,," B;t hl' ..;h,·lley,) :\., liul. i 11\ ~,roucbt to the h;\II, Ilil,lolllll. • r)" ";'Ilftly ".IU, o',r tll\ " tlfll \\'III-e, :1. ]'111111111' I ~orl'all l lf'a.rin.!, ,-"h "Ol)l·t!tor wIllbetold"" if! "pmt uf X'~ht ' • I t "f tbe pm('ral ~Uhjl... ·t Illn'.lflv .!I\, .. II OLlrin~ thill tIme, n oW"! n"t of th' ml"t\" t l~I"rll caH~, 1 \ It{" ruMI," 11 l'iI]l\'f uppliel h\ tlut (;"rnlllltt,·". The"6 m;\v M Wh('r,·, all th('- Ion.:; al1,l 10lle dayli:.:hl. til} the ta"e'ln,IIHc,1 whll., I lIdn ... a",1 '·<.i hl'r until ~he be \.ctITied out, PI.N.A.D,) Sbit \. 1. Thcn wnnder o'er tIl\' City, lind sca, all\\lll.ud, El&SaY -l li.I., Bo~'~ and (;irls- 11\ elt h",r EtlC'li~h or Vern!Wular H('ampin(!"," TOllchi n.u: nil WIth tlune opiate wand "h,)rt .... tory I~ 'i)-I n Vernacular. Tilt' ~I<)r.\" IlIU~t h., of SO!lth Afri,'.a"\ ('mile, long.50ught' IlItr·rtlIIt l.Rngth about :!,{H)() wonk When I aro:;e and saw the dawn, DH,BL~TH I ~Igbed for thC'e play iu Englisb or \'ema<'\Ilar ~mt.lhll' for act inj.~ by JII H'llil ~ Wben li j.!; ht rode high, and the dew Wad go.It', _\1\ orlcmal And noon lay "eavy on flower and tree, Of ati"it' Time to be taken not to e"l''''''' :~ u IUIIIUt&i. And the wcary nay turol"d to hi '> re:.t , _"' EXIOR ZL" IX EJ.O(TTIOX. i.ingerinq: like an unlo\'ed guest, I "igbed for thee • A.\lA OA..\1' A KW.\ Zl""I.l". Thy brotbcr Death came, and cried, St'lIil>f (I -) Bouw, bonisa loku}"a.! Kade sidhla nje si n~a. ~a Iloni Wouldst thou me ' Thy s weet cblld Ideep, the filmy,eye-I, Namhl~ ku dabul;:' IIblall!,(a h\a klla ZLll u; Kade si·dillela sesiqI\aDl"",·ni. Mllnnured like a noontide bee, U Louga Ii ya puma, h IUiOI'illUt'lli S ball 1 uestle near tby side 1 Indbloyu i hlaba nga._\'O yonke Imi .. t.., " Wou\(lst tbou we ?-AJ\d I replied, BoniS/\., bowsp lokuya. ! No, not tbee I E Ill. Ir raywa izwe loule, ku '.' I"l~'" I·b ak~ Death will CfJme whcn thou art dead, - Soon, too 80011- Wa qedad' izizwe • Sloop witl come whcll tbou a.rt fled ; U .'I'll. ku·hlasclapl 11;1. , Of nci ther would 1 ask the boon E I U )a ku.hio.sc hl'i lUI 1 ask of thee, belo\'~ d Night.­ \V 'alllul' amakosi ' Swift be thine approachiog flight, \Va qedaqcd' izizlI e CoOl e &oon, soon ' E!E I E' U hlaaelapi IlIL I (;irl;l-Junior (6d.) Pril:e: Ulplo m!), Nil. Icli, e le·j\ lI e lonk ... , ku.;: l.u T"I,,,'~,-. \fRIKAANR }o:LOCl"TJON (.'O~IPE'fI 'rION 1'l."·e nge Ie silo, n ~t· Ie lulhlo\" Junior (6<1) ADEL Prile: Diploma Wa nqob' amakosi 1 ("ertalio~ deur J . l'ellier5.) o :tizwayo, ka bu)t', Ek vra nie na sy afkolll'J nie Apindcle kwa Zulli, \Va wei' l:m koruazi of na Ii\" Ilaam c n van Wa wei' u Sut" as hy 'n Illan 18 \0 ~o hart, ill by 'n edelman Wa wei' i llbuluZil. h:~. a ye jlioja I¥1l1 u Dln:zar.a K IZi I.e nina lMlIi -It, wjL.~Ilo in.t.ni 0. &t..haajU.D.a k. Zik'Jtl u\ sinokuteta. DUlilt., eZl~h·t('kl.'o , "-L(llhf. inf' 0, .. Kunsmhbnje ilizw~ Ii)uu:ta. tfa~l .•_phl .... uQ " Inll'lhlanje lomhlal - u_,-alun~ w;>, ,,,- hI .. mall~ 1 t _'-.l."1nDI malk Dn;hlU1~lI'·le, K !-.t,1 hanp k; Z1).; i. l..1\' Illll..ul""ua ( luk ,"i nill_ I 1 .. "1\ 1111.11.'" Jl\1\1\ m!il' ifi kl II ml ",,,1"1.. 10 If I Wi. PI! Ullll ' loan t u IHI.I-3j'.u.a _1l'\IOl' \11:-' \ H'IIlI", 1\ 1111111 1 b.-> Lnu;!u Ka.I.- v, • I" lahla- ELI l( li)( 1;\_ fhl,·t L hill,.., \ 1\\1 1':"1', k"ml lt" "1~.\"1l1('l.i' [f ba l'Il)L'I('l -'l.lI1ti""tlLl zul 1.,1;;11' il..()I.."et!lli_ilil\~" l3r!fazl ba-t P ... yin,l, ~_"I-.lI.\'a I;ll ..,tWill. ('lU;I1.lhn1.." ,·lll, lh'IUI... h" 1'1U111(', \'::'·'I.\""hlll"lo lokll'Hlk('1..lI Ba ~ "1'1('''' ellkudt· BhillJl:obanlWl Ima bl.lUltltlll B" )1 lar.. l..u nil,' ,I 1I1I.\v, zinduml {"Kuha ~ I!lgan(·t"r ,,1.0111111..11111 "" Bntam ~') ·I.ayil II '0 hlalilhlol,' In\l"angallil' enl!abh('nl'i\lmbezl_ h,l- {' Inul:a umhlaba nol""ndle Inkurlz et to,",' amaHlla, Xllapakat' f' ~I'llll(luZ('; j\:UII,:!;o1..u n{'~ib.a1.oahak.l i~I1lIl:XlllUcll' Inl.ulI1" l,lx-1' ;IIII,;.-("Ia :S\,e,-a, k t" madodnllll_ Illpa1..awil('_ lla tal". Bafazi h~, l'a\J\ldL I-il ..... Iuld lonl-. J1J\' In>ll .\nh l ~ I ~ meiaug, :\()mIJU leio IlKowtl.nm" IA' W Imtl{'hang: t~, lIan!!' 1(> 1l1{'1I01l0 t :-;a~ i ll('t"d"l' mhb \lllJllllli N'\ Ie 1'<0(' 103 1I'\lu en l Xi... iuina Ilj.(a llll'llll 8al,ah',. II, 1.1' l ... '-otloo Il'fllot,'e la be .. _ t lIuhlnnj.(n OIUllIlIYIlUi. Nfl I,· 1_,,1>;1 1\-1 ,J ,1I1 '\ 'n3111' . \1111 oln 11/-(1\111011111' A pblihaWllell.(, I{' INlna Illh"l.I" S I-;.... l-' HI , \"\1, IIlot -uall(,(',\ "l,l.nl.; Tho' tumll, II,.:" t ! roL.{)fln~ 1.oe bobl" : "dalu It, 101l1..lIo1M' Liqbol1' \\'''rl.. m'\,'r ellil t.rillO! >l1",1rlll' Ii H !\ maf"'~'. · I' 1(>(1 I.,. I"n(l- J "If \1 urI.. It,.; If I~ 1"\,, 1\\ m.~' r hl:allll"1l1!" :\()~.\ :\tlll.~"\\'I1I.;". \1",111 " U h. m'K'", 1".1,10-110:. 0.,,,,,,11 ",,,"I.I WUII J'f'ao I, r.U I. ~11 .. I.UIW8ro' I "II" UlI,a J""bJ I.. , I, Il,..( ""'. I '''11,\1" ". \\ . l\t-I.. HI'~"" 'no If • r. 'ft. I I, 1",10 I, !eko" ,.,' I,,, ,,111111 I r',h' k., Ii .... H ~ \ I.. roa IIlIn 11..I.I,al0811 lII~tlll it I .. I.. ilt..h il'" h., Ie'", ~ n' l,aJ'II ...,.: tI, 1f'1.. HM' 1\1" mob·,IL f'''--ia "I k-h I 1. ou hnllw lot" HL"!" l.1"Lt 1 I.em "II "n.:: hi II. lA" t r,>l'tm...1\.I: L.I"~ .~ hrh"b.. ~l.. ,I..uhl m .. ru I." I. :\1,; I I"" lUI .. lllhlll II.a", nil '·.\1 .li.unlll U.khUll' k·lt-. ~ I "c~ln I ... r.t.1I i:L1J' <) J. f .. 1 e I, lao r OIl I I M I tAl .. , I "1,.1"P'l Eisteddfod Grand Ball, 13th December, 1935 Ii tbu I A Tilt • I I' '" n BANTU MEN 'S SOCIAL CENTRE, JOHANNESBURG ho!"·k: 1.. , 8.15 p.m . Admission 2 - La fl.,. .., mil , f' ,",I, " I , , " Eisteddfod Closing Concert : Presentation of Prizes """..... -\ .1411 10\ 18th December, 1935 ~H' U . " H , BANTU MEN'S SOCIAL CENTRE JOHANNESBURG t , , 8.15 p.m. ADMISSION I' OMTETELI WA BANTU. IOHANNESBURG. 6Ts OCTOB~R. 1936. • TOWN AND COUNTRY NEWS African National Congress I • " Letters To African Teachers" I F(lr tb ... ,~ittin~ of tht' Oran~e :Frc-e 1 ~tat(' Confrt<'nre of the Afri('an Xallon,,1 ('otten_ on ';th October. the Ewmanl1al Hall. &tbo Localion BllX'mfolltein ha.~ lJ('('n enQ;a~c..t frow Professor Jabavu's Speeches, Bantu 10 a w. to mldni~L.t. lint K B. Mahuma-!Horal..e. super. Arts And The Franchise inl('odent WilberforCE' 1n.'1titute, Evaton. W&ll a rillitor in Johanno:-;.;burg la~t wOt'k~nd. Other d401'!! were l\1r. "lETll',,\,.'-- ." _\frieHl 'ft· 'ho h,mdllllt' 1111 'colom ("mple\. re, ~I J. Qupc, al~o of Wilberforce, the utiI' of 3 fmall bn .... \. by )tr I quired. :'Il"" L. Gule o.nd Nlm't, <:arohna H ,L E. Dumhrell. In~IK·('tm nf ~:du(', :'oil,s 1::. E. :'olango.'\ela, of tstofbcrll. Zondi. of Pimville, are organising III Umntwana wako mupe 311"11. Be,'buan.. land l'rnle(tolat.· and arrin·d 11\ Johanlle~bUli4 la,t \H~'1.. on l'unCE'rt am\ dauce tQ be held 011 Friday, ~\\ .J1.II11IL~1 'I bl~ hook c"tll.bl~ .of I holiua,~ \ i.~11 . aLso :\lI,~~ .Iam' Pla'\tj~ Ibth Octol.x:r. R.rthm Kings' Jazz u BIS! luka NESTI E. It·ttn pO('ialh- "Tittf'rl by auLhorlhe,,", fr(>ffi \ereeJll{!m(!', I Band will I,rodde music for the dance. emSI luka NESTLE luhle I...alulu f"~~i~~II:t~;:u;'I::::7/!~IC,~a~I:.~·hfl~(·il~: I The Franchise I Prep,'l,ratiollll are being made for the annual clo~in~ concert of tbe St. kuBan!wana. Uma umnh.~n3 f"rm,tiorl all'\ aUrl('e, anl\ C'lIItain" ('ommenling"on tiLt'rect'nt tOlLr of th(' (')prUIII" :->t'houl. ~o!lhiatown. Johan­ ",ako tngakuli nga.QanhlJ o\ke 1l<1H1.' pradl(' I l]J..:J,;(~ti<)n~ that ~ho\lld C:ape Pro';lIce and vi~it to Umtata hy ne~hur~, which will be beld on Friday, I.e all ill'lliraflrI aud )!J.'IIe.':'t 11\ the ~atl\ t' folio" (~neral Smut:; ami ncnE.'ral held in Dt.~·clOb!'r, and in which the cultural Ilerlt~'· A lIidc \al'lety of Hertz('J!;:, They arE.' not afraid to lay :--;Chool ",ill tak3 pari. The play" A ""UJt'CH l~ d.'alt With. the follOI'.-inJ.! one thing one day aud then to SAr Trial hy Jury" by Gilbert and ],{,jug "'OUlt' "f tht' h('a\(,\1I\I hn- II('('n burg. Mr. A. S. Phoblcla. aaent of for a hoT"e, "Umteteh" at \'iijoeusluoon, d;parted pre-~entw with .. 'Iuaint Nathe 'plano, beo.utiful potter,\' and carl ('d knoh· Africa ns Wa nt To Buy Land on Tue~d ay morning. MILK kerriNI for e:o:hihitloll, Th(' (, piano," An African tribe, Bakwellll-Im­ Mr. A. H . Mabaso of Simmer and "hich is eimilnr to a Eu ropeall xylo- .) \olo<:oan('. of tho farm Wllter8OE'k, ,rack, loft on T ue~day afternoon for \j"MMWA.W4MAA!A I Ilhont', eO l l~i~t of a nu mber of ke), Y ~'ntersdor Jl , are negotillt i n~, through l adysm ith and Durban. on eave. "< M Z <-" Illaoe of ~pe ial llGOd, nnd an equal the NatiH (·ommissioner. to purcha..<;e nn lllUc- r of !.'radt'f pRllied b," Mr, S. C. :'01, Rnyman. Northern Tran~vllal. alit! l"l'pn'~ent~ 11.'<'{·nt ly attended a mcctiog of the wme of tbe I.. 5t made In ,Un ta. It i_ tribe. wbere he outlined t he terniS on 1":lillhfuJlv decora!{'d Oth(,r artlcle~ 'Which tbe owner of the farm Doorn· in thi~ coilE'elion art: "~)()(I(,I\ hlltcht't Ibock would ~ell the far~ He adviwd a ~Illall ~bield u...,11II :;\11.111'1' d,m('c "~ thc tflUe to 1E't, the GO\"ernmcnt buy t hrowing from \h1't .\lrica an,1 a I the farm for tbem. He urged them H'rY fine car\'cJ w-ooden d"phant. to draw up adequate tribal ruk'll 'Ihe ' Rand naily )Iail" hag on /an'1 regulat ions in order that ther ... lItin\lill~. Iw ~a.\'~ '" I\('II the .\ ct and proyide insufficient protoct.ioo \I,,!. fmlt mtroclm'ed I prute lOO t<> aJ;!aillht rain aod cold The l..o<-ation G"n('r!l.1 HerhnJ; ,\11d ) 11' }la\'cnga f-trCE't' are in di~rcpair and dirt~· t hi~ t'\cln ion, and thl'"r re­ fl).!IlJ(' the mu~t .\lOple pro\-ision has Ix>en made for Imfanelo ye ZIPILI I,itiful 0,1'11. I ha\\' ('\", t' f(·C'{·iH',1 to any "f Ill) rNII,,,1 tran" "1! .. il1~f lion· European bugine&a 0.1 the new post inju,;tice't.' office in J ohanneshurg, wwch will be yeyokuba zigcinwe Clptain Trutt'l furlhrr ('"ntE'nds opt'ned on Tue>-day next. &th October. Ihat no I,ld i-!' 1"II.wn 1I.1u'lll1' ~!JI1I'1 The non-European hall ha.s been placed kakuhle .•.•.. kuteni Ie I,rld Ollt III t lind hOIl"'" lin· at thE' w~t end of the huilding, Il'S5 it !I,d",I, e\\ ryboLL~ine!S will be cont-rto .Jth Udober ibutebekllezi yaye iORarweli. l kaoleza ekUlulu­ \.ur:.: doe uot Ii' I" hkl'! th,· IdE'a (h",la.\) I~ what i~ known in Johannl-'$­ ngeoi itoipili kalola bkuln .... zihlale zibeugezela thai I"rof~"r.1 10 1\ II h",,"1 I", I>l'r· 1'\Jr~ a~ H~pital ''''CE'k an,\ the- lll'uni klkuble .... kodwa aziyoni io u ngelelto yazo Ilntltd to II",al.. at tlw \'nll"t'r~it~ of (ll1nllal appeal has been well ofll"anUied, enhle, UI.."Ukhtuda i:ipiliuYltl, ziauhlllgeni bpla. tht'Wlt"ah-f"'r.OIul ,)t,m t tlu-4;El\,.rn. Tlce Jobanl\cshur~ General Hospital 0i!" Bon Ami. llltnt ~ N.'ltin· H(II . "d,.ltM·hn>

• S,,,.nkol~lo yokuba I PM!onl lil.n~.u k~kulu hj/allnu k",uin~e ipi.isJ ap,. t SOlllh A',·ita. KlnlJ/.el!X~ 10kllbl etr n g~le eucce~ded io overp().ering unu I~into ui",blHi ulI,k ... u, ZIYAKLIfoU FUTI aud handcuffing the Native The ZINIKA AMANDLA, Zit.,,(,H,a yon~6 md.lwo ngo latter app~ared bdore tbe Jaoob.dal Ji6 Ibholi!e tne 6~ pili •. Ml11,"""hi nfqQ k ... , PO, Mlgilt"t" a ,d Wll8 fined 101. (or Bo< !o~2. CAPE TOWN, 7ilin~t ",mhl'''lt. UYAKUKWAZI NGOMSO UKUTI ZILUNGE a8velld"y.) 00 I charge of oruelty to K~NJAIIL hie wif", .. od 308. (or 30 dayt) .for )t ,.... •• 8selu1tig!! th~· policemu. UMTBT&LI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 5TH OCTOBER, 19M. 7 - WHAT OUR READERS THINK

tioo to rite evenly in the whole of .. reprel6ntativl of the .holedlltrict). Convention 80gth Afriu, yet I may My tba' tbe Wbile thil oeed hardly be cilled • African National Ihoda'd aod Iyltem of edooaUoo folly, yet there i8 every truth io (elemeotlty) io Brobuaoalaod ill Dot Itating that it caU'11 • great inoon_ 'rhc Edito_, ,. Umteteh Yooog Meo'. Cooventioo. The Yooth far ~hiod that io Oraoge Free State venience on the electioo day. 10 tbe .. YOUNG PATRIOT" of Betblebe~, Mao),aoo moulded me. I pra)' that or Trao,vaal, wbiob two Provincel oouncilwe need men of tbe Yery belt o I'.S., writel Sir,-h I. God', blellinR' may be upon an wbo are ,till confrooted with tbe problem qualifioltiool ; it ie immderi.1 whue b"ati'yiog to ~d in " Umte~li .. that joined and who are Itill to join that of uoqullifiMi teacbeu, blDotly men. tbeft! ruide in BerlChe!. Area No 1 tile African Nlttooal ConventIon calltd Youtb Maoyano. tioned by Mr 8"gogoaoe. Pathfiod. or No. 2 coooh nothing. We Ihould jointly by Dr. P ka Seme and ProfMeor - icg and Wayfariog are .ome of the he free from tbe fallaoy of conlidering D. D. T. Jabun U Itimulatiog the RELIGIOUS LAXlTY leading activitiel in Bechoaoaland. their Olmel IUld oot tbeir brahM. The minM .of iotellectnall of Afriea to Teacben' auoci.tiool are niH at their lenice. need the moat effioieQt meo action. Bolh tbe clergy and membera The Editor," Umteteli" inception, and ccn&equently clnoot at al councillorl; it i8 illl"ateti..r in the beginoiog operate 00 a Illrge lOale of tbe tel.obiog profellion will attend MR. BEN M!8HlNINI, 8iofberg • what part of Herlchel tbey may be in gN!at nombere. May I teepecUully Oendenklkool, .rite.: Sir,- fouod. I may Idd tbat tbil bee been luggeet, lbrougb" Umteteli," tbat.Dr. Kindly allow me in "Umteteli" to HERSCHEL LOCAL COUNCIL written in 00 partiaao I,irit. It je Seme aud ProfUlCr Jabal"U mIght expre .. my viewa 00 tbil lubject. By limply ao appeal for 1_ ..paraeiality arrange for \he Natiooal Elecutive to .. Religioo. Ln:ity" il meaot the Tbe Editnr, "Umuteli." in tbe ute of wordl Ind .ore eon­ meet in BloemfDntein 00 14tb and 15tb Itlckoe.. and deterioration in nor bold MR. VICTOR N. MOKOENA writea: lideration for the very real· pGlitical December pre.ioul to tbe Conveotion. .on t be religioo bequeatbed tn UI by Sir ,_ A mieleadiog idea witb lome need9 which coofront "e diatrictl Tbe May~r of Blthn Locationl, Mr. oor puente and forefathere; al people of thil di.triot with regard to \aday. Tbol. M. "apikela to pr"ide, with Ptofel8Or D. D. T. Jabavu expllinl it. couuoillofl il tbe belief tbat candida. Mr. H. 8elby Momanll: (Secret.ary). FrDm .bat we learo, tbe primitive ture dependl upon tbe geographioal The doty .of ibil Natiooal Cabinet Na,i.ea, thongb Dot religiool in tbe position of tbeir reeideoce. Herlobel • oold be to prepare for tho. faoilitat· modern eenle of tbe word, were at i. a email diltrict with aboot leveo Jones & Rice (...,) Ltd • inR matten aod Mviog time. le ..t 'lIpeutitioul eoongb to have wardl, and there i9 r&alOn to believe ABANCOWABI I propoae the followiog Leaden: their moral life reltrained by certain tbat a mlo reliding at the eutero eod 110, QUEEN STREET, "laoneSZ17 Dr. P. Ira 1. Beme, PrDfelior D. D. T. crode but oeverthele. mOrallCrUplel. of BOllCbel Ihonld be acquainted JlbavO, Mr. T.M. ld'apikela (chairman), Thil Will at ao)' rate IOmetning .of witb re,ldent, oecop)'ing tbe W(letern 43, RUSSELL ROAD, 'PlIooe4tM withMr.H.SelbyMlimang(aecretarYJ merit and credit to them, wbeo one border of the dillrict Ind folly io. PORT ELIZABETH. NaUonli cabinet conlidere their little koowlldge of formMi of tbeir looal neeM aod wanta. Yinqwelo Yomngcwabo kupela­ EIumaneuyo :1:& i{uoeta. W ?':~~~;:;,b~fr·. ~~aa~~o~:;~a::~ ~~!y~~~S!~~~:~~:1 d~!r~~~i~e:h0~:: ~:t8e~~e~t:l f~:e cf~~::e~r~~llit;e:.re~ Ibbokiei yokungowah& kupela­ Simon M. Eli .., Keable 'Mote. C. R'I. the cou,•• 01 ',.m, Ch,'.".'.'.'y fit conoclllor Iboold be. EIumanekayo 18 ifUnl!U. ·k J b I "hi (0_· •• ) - The popolar aa ..ot at BerlClbel io II 01 InSDa, 100 • ~~ lpo ....,1..... wal introdoced and tbole of four N''''.I: Cbiefl Ed,,·ard Mahiy'e~i ",o,ratio•• ,go -o".v.d ,., ',uly mOlt caaea il that each wud ehoold NGENA kwi Soaayia ytltu t D 1 W Ito K I AM'" lupport only a candidate from i~e 0.0 Yokungewaba. Rea •. lQOIOJ. Dobe, 0, IIr.aroma A. ~. O. 0, ChampIon • 1•.01; i andltagnaiion liooerely. ia apparentConliderable in the IPiritoall;'~~~'~I~~~g~'~'~dl~'~'~'~0~'~b~;.~q~"~'~(;~6~,~,'~;o~o~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ geoeral and two .othera. Cape. Profn,!IOr Jal memberahip in muoicipilireal wbere Tbaele" Meurl Aiel: Jabavn, Clementa the religion of mlny Nativel cnnlilte Kada~, Oodlo and Dr. RubuMn~, Duly in chorch going aod tbe Jill, Dlppa. Rev. J. Calata. tt:ranlkel. obtenancel of the .outward forml of SI1 Membet~ of Bbonga. G~lqualand Cbriltianity, baviog 00 practical cbeck Weat: Chlefl L. MootaluDa, M. to tbeir monl action. Kbantlapane; Dr. S. M. Mo.lemo, ReVI. We are f.et becoming Chri,tianl z. R. Mab~bJone, M. Kraal; Melllr.e C. witboot religion I What a paradol:ical Do)'le Modl .. kgo~la{ S.J. Cruh~ (ae~IO~. pOlition! Some plead that the White Trann.. l Cbu! I Bekhllk ~n!,. . man too bas 00 regard for hi, religioo, lIangope, P. Mphlhlele, A. MOIltll, Dr. for in Pretoria aod other placet be A. B. Xuma, Mealli R. V. Selo~e gtltJ in hnndredl to the lenoia oonr", Tb~ma, J_ Ratbebe, H. 8: .. Nyatl; Iwimmiog bathe, 6'hin!t and bonting Cblef9 F. Mamogale, D.8 S_b_, Mr. 1. 8l.peditionl .on Sunda)'s. Bnt thil il Zitandwa B. M~roe. . ... irrevelant, becao&8 tWD wrong. dD not Njalo. Tbll. Natloual Cabllle~, It Will be make a rigbt. Let hil White mio.ilter I fDund, II competed of rad'?lle aDd the tlk.e cara of the White man. We Li rat .. ka old CDOeer.,~tIVet, w~o Will be abl~ to mOlt not drift from the religioa of .our lead the Ablcan Nlt,01.lal ConventIon lorbeall, htcanl8 doiog 10 is tbe re&lDn N.ko Eohle. Tbe fate of . our Race It at atake and of the prevalent dithone9t.y ruined .e mUIt. Ilnlr. petty Iquabblel and d hI I b ' k f t' I I f l"b t' ao nntrut u nCII 0 arecton among .Wo"1 0br a na .'0,.01 goa a I ell Ion. our people to.day. I t e JOIn convenera lum,mon Tberefore I lay get blck yDor thele oomloeel to the NatIonal religion from. the Bible not from the C.bioet~ Africa arile! WhiLe mao nor any ~ther man; g) back to tbe Church, blck to Ood; for THE YOUTH MANYANO otberwiae we Ihan gaio the world and The Editor," Umteteli." 10le .our loola. R. JOSHUA J. W. MDLULWA, - M writel: Sir - I WIS glad to read BDOCATIOI IN BECBDANALAND tLI letter of IIr. A. Mbete of Heald· PROtECTORATE to.a, in .. Umteteli " of 14th Septem. ber aboottbe Youtb Manyallo. 1 had Tht'Editor," UmtetclL" the joy of turoing from thia letter MR. BEN 8. C. TrtEMA. He.ldtowo, aboot bim. Intendiog nDt to boalt, write.: Sir,-Tbere Ippeared io yet most "y that wbat I 1m to.dlY it "Umteteli" of the 14tb September tbe ootCOOlf! of tbe good work of the an article on the above .ubject by Manyaoo. I bad every benefit trom Mr. Segogoane. Be refell to the it, aDd 1 held fa.t even afl.(>r I leh Protectorate as .. hi, .old pleoe." To BealdtowD. To·dOl)' I em tbe- ani,tlut tbole wbo do Dot know thie couotry I IeCretary of the QneeOttDWU DiBtrict lIy tblt itl extent i, DDt far l8(la tbao / tbat of the Cape Provillce, and it divided into ail: Native reeervel, betidee oro.a landl. He calla it hie ".old" place. Doe. tbil mean that his Seabanks Pharmacy, people once lived there while he was Itill youug1 Mr. AegDgoane II .n P.O. BOl 88, DurbaD. advocate of iocorporation, and. eeeiog (MAIL ORDER CHEMIST) tbat the traneferellDe hal beell delayed, Bala ocele ipepa lemiti yeto be deviate munl of aronliog tbe Iympatby of Nltive. ia the Uaioo. PerlOnally I am a relideot of Kaoye P L A I N IMBIZA YAMAKOSIKAZI in the Becbuaoalaod Protectorate, and I could, if oeee_ry, give a AND Umuti o~itlYo kubanh. beli. balanced aoooont on educltiooal fauoa abablOlbwa yin%&I D. mattera tbere, though I do oat claim CIGARETTES CORK TIPPED Inlni lOt· nge pall. lutbority 00. the lubject. Naturally 1I'e canoDt eJ:pect educ8' UMTETELI WA BANTU, JORANNESBURO, 5TH OCTOBER, 1930. Bloemfontein News Ladysmith News Brakpan News

(BY A 8SMET). (llv A. COR B&SPO!'ODENT) fS WIL. B . T &U1.o) THE Joio t Couucit of European. and ------MONG tbe vi aitore to oar town A were the follotl'inll; : Rev_ N. Pamla QUR ~upe riot e odtnt , Mr. Joo. B .utu met iu t he Council Cham· helped to eltabli, h thi, .ohool for the Gauld , leh on TUl!e day 00 Iil: \.ot,e r of the Town H all on 2:trd hUud, deae rve tbe gratitude of all of tbe M e~ b nd i.t Cboreb, Driefontein ; September. Mr . S ..y mao prllllided Ah ic.ol. Cb iefl W.S. Kumllo aod M. Tehabalala ; mootb.· le. '·e. Alt. A AI'T.bam i, T he attend.uee .. u a;oo d . A fMolu- Me .. r. C. TebabalaJa (Kleiofontein), actioR i I hi~ abtlnce. Mr .•nd Mu_ t.ioo on the Nati'Ve Bi U, .... palled , Munlcipalis\llon 01 Kanr beer Theo. A. Nene (E'lupnmleoi Govern­ Gauld wi ll epeud tbeir va cation at 'lbe tea:t of .. hio h il si mila r to tbat The Towo Couocil bu decided to ment Native School), L Na:omalo the l ea COltt. We all hope they will 'P al!~d.t tbe PretQriatQofereoce, wi.tll lead African repre,potativel to in (Bluebaolt Aided School ), 4.aToo ha va a plJbolbe, and ita. repre'entativefl to tbe auoual con- of Mr. J. Maohar, .nd Miu Mary aMt we", Chiflfl Tbea. Ntombela, M MiS! ej Mam •. Litbal.u, Lydia l\biJt •. ference to be beld at Krooo&tad, L?iaa, wbiht Mr. Captaio i\J , .rie will T~ba".,.I., M,aor_ J. M. Kambole, Tbe tot.l f<1,i,~d in the t oo Ct!rt namely, Mesere J. Lobere aod N. he M.C. for the ni~bt. Mt " J W. J Gnle, B Zulu, C Tlhabalala, amounted to £1 15 6 J Twal", aud Rf"v. N. P.mla. The SefotlheJo. Jalllj:ers aod hi .. Loui&i.na 8 .1. oJ will Meesrl. S1 1. P. M,t'~j.tJ. B P. mootiug adj'lQroed to a later date Joint Meeting of Nltive Afhirs Com· reader mUBi c. Admi~eion 1/. all rouod Le9~nycb o, E Y","I ' I~, Oeo. Mllk,tioi, mlUee or Town Council aod Advisory Ma"g,uug Musical Troupe left by wh .. n tbe committee will go mOTe P L. Pitn L. Kapa 11." ,1 Mra E. hlly into tbe proe .nd coua of the I T~Il.bdol",l" att .. ud ~ d tbe 0 F.S.A .T A. Board Olr fnr 8randfon and Kroooetlid. Billa. This meeting sat in the Board Room Bloemfooteio Revellere Siocnpatore c:)[lference heLl st B ~ tblehem 0 F.S. The folJowiog memben of tb8 N .til'e 11.180 1~1t by tbeir car fnr Proltoria -- Albin Committee were pre.eot: wb ~ re they are due to give coocerte Couocillon L Natban, R. C. Streeten, Thev are expected blOok: on 8tb C. Sotton, T. J. Gray, W. Prupbet October_ and Pbillipe, witb Mr Dormh ... 1 a8 r8- PenonaJla oorder. Tbe Lecatioo Snpperintendeot MINE BOYS aod bie asamant. were preeent. Mn. N. S MoJtahumi, of the Me!hldilt Paraoolge, ha' left for -- Mr. J. 8 . Seeing .poke about Trad­ Thaba 'Nchu. r iog Sitea. Th l .ppoiotmeot of a European Ioepeotor io tbe L< catioo Mn Ellen IthnleoJ!: i, 00 a vii it to ... ithout oonlnll"tion aod tbe nece.,ily Thaba 'Ncbu, wbilat Mfa. A. R of grant-iug Itand ·aitea to eunivHl!ll D.I,pe, lin. A. Lawrt nce Nhodu .pousea, .ben tbey re·marry Mr. ar·d \fiea A M &lapikela have betO on T. M. Mapi lr.ela, lpoke on brid , hp I he T.. acber, Wa~ re"d by \Jr. Sol. anti demonllltratione of work by tbe P. M.t,pg'l, Priocipal. Mr E Yolnde ', BASEBETSI MERAFO blind. I\loh as basket makiug aod t be c hfl ir n.ceUed in renderiog " Si uee of the typewriter, left thOl audienoe Y ~ dbloldo ." Amoug~t thol .. pret('nt marvelling. Credit mutt be g'vpn to ·prol :-Mr, aod !dre. ThOI. / SE SIEI:i:NG gal.ee tee pth.tlebileng k&pa mapolaok •• lipekere k.e Ie kae. tbe Churcbel, Blockman, B,. ntu Trad_ Mogamezulu, Rev. E. B Mpali!., den, aod Teacbere for tl.e euccue. Rev_ J . Lo.te, Mr. Funce Mokobuug, Li luthieetllug tboko moo Ii ke ae hlabieeog kohi. &v. and MI1I. Blu.lI, .nd all wb o OonJinmd in l oorlh doll/Inn


Rustenburg News Free State Grand Great North News =------Temple HE 20tb til $f'pIPmbl!'r ..... a briMht (Uv H. 0., M 1; 1 ;UIIJI;W/S) T day in Ol'lhll'ill'OI Ul'IItiOD, Ru.· Kimberley News tl!'obull the "'Mldlug uf Mr. D S. -- I.O.T.T. RJ<:V, H. HAUOTIIA'rA, T.h.koma Mtlloto . 'a oonltable io th, Native B~ .. ompetiOJ{ troUPf" lur the ~.o hN, at.eoded the nhurc lJ Allain Dtput~fOt, aDd MlII}o rudna T "K:.:travaJ{.nu Comp!'thlon " ' or TU ~ arnd.1 ('!roulal- to 1'tmple. COD. .,ood tt PJ eteuburg frOID Ilth to ~~bl'le l~lOIl; pleC'f.l. Tbe r{'r('Omouy tbe Mldnlgbt .lI'ullif' Harmoll)' Klnll" veuing tho Frn At.te Oraud T.. m pIt> IOUI September. wu ~odud"d by Ru. Tbeo. lIu.tlna tropb, are Iho"IIlA " .totn .0nu.1 tl'lMlon .ooounoed tba' tbe Zoutpao.berg Joint Cooncll Mt flO Bod,m,t.b rn lb. H('rm.nulbur~ aplrl' fur tbe pot._Iou of tblt trophy. 1 ••100 wnuld be held a' KrO()uft.d 13th &!ptember for the purJ>O'f' of Ihll'on Cbu'l'b TbfO .. bur.. b.1I full. A new troupe.UI m.ke It. debut (.0 00 20tb Dt'oembu; but tbe ueoollve oon,iderlog tbe N.tlve Blllt. WOtt fJf AlI"r i"nln~ the .. bureb Ib" party the .t.so 00 Jet NovemOOf (c(lm. of tho Templo hue Illtered the d.le tbe mombt',. toe. "-flr" IitUe or w•• drh.o 10 • ur to tb" brid,,·. peti\loo "111M ) - '" b(\ In.lllClble to 27tb Dt:~rolwr. D,ifRlt(ll "In be DotbinJl: .boutthe Billa. TbeUll(uUve homf! .bl!'r. ~'Dy hipod, hed the lIarmony Duku " . Mr W MolAnd, 8J:peckd to .rrlva .~ Kroonttad 00 committe W.I InlhuC\ed to drew up a opportuoit, 01 'Pt'iog the hap.\y ch.irmen of tbe A I' O. sud 0011' 26th Dt-cemllt'r . .. the ...co plioD to mnmorandom "blcb .oold be PNllf'ot. ('ouple .nd 81.,illll Ibem p"" ..01l. Kuropl"lo,' Commitltf'. hal kiodly be beld 10 hooour of tbe deleg.tf" I. ed I~ 'or e the Oovernment ur A recfoitioa ()fficer from Pcstmu· Umtata Hoapit&l on Fride, :!7tb ....et p.1t~h(~ of ~kin. burg .rriv,d bere to rfcfoit Afdcen September. All luffc-n:r;. from skin w'>C~~ ~bould ..... ""h Ijfith labonrerl for tbe m.ossoue minn ., On Friday, 20th September, we laW Fdaform Soap and apply Fdafl'ml Omtment t.fttrwanb. Th. Poetm ..borjl. Tbe .I~e ()flE red ... Cr. M. G. Ndeba, Meatr T. N. Paml. SOlp and the Omtment work lOgc:ther to el.-an lnd heal the ~kin. 113 per dey with food .nd booliog HId WI.ndo leaviog by the of 5 pm free, bot tbe ff'fulta .ere not en· train bound for Omt." for •• peDial ITCHI~G. A lady hvil.g in th" Tran"fall ululd not leave Ixr house ODor.glog. Ot'oeral Couocil Mt etiog. Couooillon o\,'in~ to the un~;untrollabl" dnire to 'L--r:rlch hC~'lf 51\(' got immc~halc Rfeeot arrival. bere Ife Mille. T. M B . M.d.p.m. .nd Chid J. and p!:rmJnenl rclid from FcJJform Omfment. . aod E S.artz of Louis ••lt', (_ho are MOlbeth left by oar 00 SU ll ds,. mOrD· ECZE.\IA. A youn~ man employed as a gro~'Cr III Johannesburg • tayiD~ .itL. tbeir .uot Mrs. Liuie iog I"t . dcveloped l:(lcmll 00 h!~ hand~ whlth made h" further employment Jood) .ud MrI. J. Siogeo (from MuD· OOfOltuO.tely. Mari. Zellinttitote Impo,u lden, and on hi~ cht<>1. Thrcc weck~' ITCltmeut by W2>hm~ the p:rie,,-ool Ie. be baa iUI\aioed • WIth Fclaform S03P and u,mg Fehform Omtmenl cured hun althull!h througb tbe deatb of bit _ife. Nourse Mines Item mlny rem( l!e. had iJ Iltd. IN my previoul oote. I rrlf!frOO. to FELAFORM OINTMENT H:EATX_as tbe popolari'yof .por' aod men. POWDER tioned footb.lI.nd teOOle io particolar Now tbe oricketen h.ve bllid • mel'lt. XDULALA iog to revive tbe dofuoct Indepeodent FELAFORM SOAP l&bo.oan_ • .AmaDwulu, lDwku'a.~. Cricket Club! The followiog officill. "-aIlD', lDk&1>mb...... BoDU OqOCCQo. ...ere elected: Mr. S. Mapatt •• n • (cb.irman), Mr. B. W.oobope (oapt.in) R clea~t from ,)tin <11,"-", 1.0.. 1<.'" ItI~ C\"lr'''; Mr. Bydney Fine. (vice c.pt.t.ln), and bct"fC bU)'ll\g. Mr. J. E. Ki.oiai (eecrdu1). ", UMTETELI WA BANTO, IORANNEBBORO, ;no OCTOBER, 1935. RELIGION AND SOCIAL Douglas News Vredefort News ONFERENCE of Chief., Beadman THE B . d bib If C and r6preloohtivee c.f tbo Africulo 10tU DOlLe I(l 00 .. IU tt_ people of Briti.h Beebe.nal.nd and ad a lou through tbe d eath 01 SERVICE Griqu.land Wut, met. at M.fokiog on ADoie Mooy.ke, who wa. ;0 ber Lith 13th aDd 14th September. ye.f. She WI." popil io Stand.rd rv The Native people 01 tb. Berbert .nd • pupil alao of the Wealey.n COlfOOCTED BY REV. RAY E. PHILLIPS DivilioD were represe nted by Head. SUllday School. aDd. member of the man Martios Cidr.... MU9CI. J,lra.ls, Hild. Saod of Hope. I ECOMt Madingoaoe. B. Pieteree and 'rho united Behonl took 1eave 'd' of ttl in MOlbugi Ull 271b H T . T . BI I. S The Cbief Magietrate Mr. A. W. epterober, whe(1 a Ilre1¥ell cancer' Liefeldt. and Mr. T. C. Brent, Wall held io her h ~ n 'l ur . The Reason For Living Superintendent, Native Location., Sister Hilda S RalDailaoe, G.S.J W. wne amongst the targe attendance at .&1 a gueet of 'he Hilda and Southffo (By Robert Russel Wicks) the funeral of Mr. July KelJla 33 Cro88 Band, of Hope, "od .tayiog years old. who died 00 19th Septemher with the Rev. aod Mrt. D ~. Pululu. from pneumonia. Teacher Bidi ~rt Rath L,. M~koe~a, 'Vlfe 01 tbe Persistent Problems 0ffioiated. Amoog thOle 11.180 at the united lohool principal; I, a~ De Deur, graveside were Meurs A. W. Liefeldt, Tr~n8vaal, 00 a: month a hOliday. 1T. O. Brent, C. p , MalgMI, M. I The M~th".dlit Synod of .the Kim_ Human Helples sness Nomngaoga, B. Tshazihaua, N. berl~y Dlltnct hili appOioted Mr. Chwonyaoe, H. Bidi, J . Petetlon, P . . Lethe D.p. Mokoena al member of XV Malg.... K . Blaad, J. Morolong, the Syood I Soodty School committee. MV\todle, Muogwe, Mpioge, Pheete, WHAT CAN WILL POWER DO TO appears to the paaeerby. Aod, all.e Stenekamp. Meldamee D. Mweli, M. TRAJfSPORM AND ONITE THB thall lee, theee deairea tb , t are driven Bobko, J. Peterllon, Bethabela, CONFLlC11NG DssmBS OF OOR uoder oovor do oot remlOio idle in the C. van Bcbalkwyk, M. Polillane, S. C. ooll.r. They hreed all kind. of dileuel Kaigul, April, Phokeog, Jaoobl. "KURKA" NATORE ? in our moral life. h.. a real part to play. Bnt.i11 Eeble, Morolong, Hooren. Wreath. TABLETS IT The other f,be metbod of h~Qdliog were aeot by Mn. A. W. Liefeldt, po.u canoot, alone, do all that Ie our impnt.e. i. to (tithe"" [10. If it i. oeeded. All Eogliab thinker, whOle Min furley, Mr •. Peterson, MiN Hanl daogerou. to re.etralo or coocnl them, and Sarah April. athei.m h_ beoome a by-word tbe wby bioder their e.s:pre .. ioo I If an LA UGH wortd over, hIB admitted that in _0- you. pe.w. ."'a,· impulee il oatural, why i. it not right .. ;Ib . briogiog up children there il one paint • to give it unciae 1 Tbat can hI "KUll.a.\ " T AlIL£'fS .here nG amGuot of humiD will or anlwered by the true etory of Ito bull· Twee ling News oompollion oln force tbe illue, viz., dog wbo wal tbe maecot at ~f'1 aero­ HEADACHES, NEURALGIA io tbe matter of teaohiog tbem to love drome. Wheo a glClt diri~i ', Ie Wa9 A. M BOOKBOLANE, principal aod be frieodly. The ooly way ia to beiug lent ,loft, thie dog, ...... tcbiog MR. AND ALL PAJNS VANISH es-pote thfa tofello_hip wi t.h frieodly 01 the local Bantn United School, Don your be.d 'l'lPOa .. ,Ih p-;n I 00 tbe meo take hold of the gu ~' ~ope., leh on 7th September to take up a you luffer cont,n ...1 y from HIt.O.D. people where they" oatch" the right decided to follow their eumpla and apirit. Will power can help by oom· oe .. pott at Ladybraod. Bis Itay A CB I:~ . Toonu.CUE. NI:VRALOIA : or have a rope to bimself. N o ~' it i, here ha, eudeared bim both to tbe from Rtn:DIIL\n ~ >l. Lo .....oo. NI:~I. mitiDg one to .ome experiment in 'fl' . Or . Ome m.dd ~ n,,,g NUVE p...,,,,, ~be na~ural ioetinot of a h 'ljl-dog, daff and the parent. 'Of tbe ohildren,' doing rigbt, and ao puttiog him where "heo he einb hit teetb ioto auythiog, yuu e"nnoe aecoune for T . " Kv wu. .. "hoee plel8ure it bae heen to hIVe TA.BLJ:'1'S will .... I;e'·e your pa;ne ;n a he can be .. caught." Evidently the to hold on agaioet all peflua~ion to beat in life ie eometbiog whioh we him work among tbem. Thie WI8 ma~ , c al w"y. Sofe to t6ko and noe the oDotrary. Thil i, what m"'Cea . made m,nifetlt hy tbe parenta gather. .. h.b;e.f o.mi~g . " cannot manufactore by our own power him :l boll dog. When tbe dirigible a10n6. Let any ODe try to make him ­ iug io tbe ohurob to bid him farewell. began to riae he thould ha vo lot go. In hi. addr... to parenW! Mr. self ao Doselliah epirit, on demand, al la all tbe meo did, but he did not. Bookholane d"elt impreuively 00 the he migbt riee from a chair or ft ~ s- a Wby restrljn an impulle that i. eeseoce of true love with which, he mlltoie, aod he.iII lee th"t part of perfectly good and a fondameotal T.bl~ls ollce lod hoped tbe people here would be ,00 witbout tbflll •.. thil operation il beyood bie cootrol. put of your n"ture ~ What i8 an imbald. The manager, Ct. C. vao Obtainable f.om . 11 Cai:xIns nd Be depend) 00 10metbiDg beeid8ll the unpulee for, if not to uee ~ So he force of will. Aut.erp, laid tbat tbe people bere D.u.u;a.!l Price 1/9 aod lJ /- . U Utey are bong on to hie heart'e cootent,lnd were very lorry to loee Mr, Bookhollne. out of ~tock, wtlte d'fflct, ene l08illg Can Will Pow.r Restrain Desire he wae la,t seen Hoating away, a Aa a token of aioeere regard, the mOlley, to tbou.aad feet in the air, to bie pit!f.1 W. CROWDEN MFDICINES, SODeesslully? Mlnager, Baid, the oburcb couocil had doom. organized a 800111 to be beld in the P .O. no" 41).13, JOHANNESBURG. Tempora,ily, yea And wheo no­ Where Is Will Power Reinforced? ecbool·room wbere toll:eo. of regard Beware af thiog elM a ..ill to make ua "aot tbe woold he given to tbe Prinoipii. rigbt, tbis reatraint II all tbat can OQ~ in the directioo where our .ave UI from horting othen or wreck· detiret may be transformed ioto devo· iog ounelvee Bot, nevertheleea, ra· tioo to aome form of creative I ctivity. I etraioiog a deeire ia ooly an emergenoy The fioef the creation, tbe more of meuure. U penieted in, it ie likely our de.iree are ab80rbed aDd uoited. WHEN BUYING PARAFFIN to make the deBire etrooger than ever. Tbis ia the religiou8 h ct which i. Ooce two aman hoy. were vi.itiog the primary in all hnmaD control. It "'" farm of a favourite uucle aod, after trua loog before payohologiste die· ASK FOR "LAUREL" iodulgiog tbem&el'l'ea io all ~be obvioul covered it. JUU8 laid hold 00 thie form. of milohief, they diuppeared. fact aod gave it immortal ezpreleion When flO taxioue guardian a~ked the in hie atory of tbe Good Samaritto, x•• t.nga i Paraffin t.nga y. "LAUREL" uocle where the colpfih had gooe, he at once tbe simplea' and mOlt pro· replied with a twinkle io hil eye : found atory for tbe 1ittlo children to Ha • r.ka Parallin kopa " LAUREL .. , Where did you tell them no~ to g01" hur. T.o men goinlf to tbe temple The pig-pen wat the forbidden place, lICe a .ouoded mao by the eide of and tbere, of oourMl. tbey were found , the road. They are not re.ponlible LAUREL lasts longer aod gives more heat and Say "00" to a deaire, and it beoomea for hil conditioo; he II no frieod or inteo.i5ed to nvercome the oppDIition relation of thein ; tbey would gaio a hright light. that it meet.. That ia a providential oothiog from ttoppiog to aid ; 10 tbey arrao~meot, for when our daeuee are pase by on tbe otber aide and proceed good, obaholes will eene ooly 't! dri'l'e to oburob. Bot a Samaritlo, not Is.benza ix.. b. elid. i LAUREL U8 on. luppoeed to be religioul, comee th.t h ia thi. curions ob.tinaoy of deeire way. He had no band io hurtiog tbe kwaye iVDta kakahle iDobushusbu whioh lead. iloilO oheo to t.o falee man hy the ro.dlide and would profit kwakona. methode of handliog our impollfla. oothing by giviDg bim aid. Bot he Firlt,.e mayaeek to concflGl dot feela feepontible for a coDdition that we GOIUlot control. We are like lOme ia not .. it ought to be and that oooid LAUREL • nka nako • t.I.I. houeebolde.r .ho, at odd timee when be improved. Be binda op the .bil •• Fullmat .. babolo I. boo. be ie free from .ork, mult a\teod to .traDger'e wound, put. him 00 hit • bo n... kban,a • kbolo bomely dntiel abont hi. bou&e aod own beNt, cooveyl him to the ion, grouud. to give a good appearaoce to aDd auaogel for bi. oare. hit plane. He it likely too apply hit It w .. Je,u8' faitb tbat .hen any dili~o c e 00 tbOie part. that are to be ooe give himeetf over to thia noeel6JJh Use Only .. eeen of Olen." You might be qoite reaponeibility for IOmethiog better impre.-ed .ith hi, oeatoell. Bot yon that ough~ to be realiled, he WII8 onght to lee hit cellar r There he h_ aligoing himaelf witb the creative Sebenzisa probably dur:.ped all uople... nt ob­ Ipirit of God. The po.er behind the Jeota that he .i,bed to ha9'fl 00.\ of whole of creltioD, which .e hive ,ill:bt, and be would prefer to bide tried to de&eribe al working for in­ Sebelisa that anhterranean regioo ftom e'l'8U ore ..iog possibilitiee can thul be hi, belt friend. MOlt of 01 h ..... e a giveo the uee of our life. Aod .heo, cellar io our live. like 'hat, where lie with ee.1f concern left behiDd,.e lur con c ~al l', 1 tbe ouplea.. nt parte of our render to auoh nte, we 60d io retorn VACUUM Oil COMPANY Of ::'OUTW AfRIC.A· LIMITED oature whioh lingtt on loog after we that our life ia beiog mlde over io a have impro'l'ed the uterior whieb diiJereot manner from _ mere act of wi. UHTRTRLI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, ,)T8 OCTOnER, 1935. II Ubisi Nezikolo zama Afrika Abazili e Crown Mines (MG~ MUU)------~::::::----~~====~------h.itblltbi tabooi.. ogeodiel. &ooke Izisusa na Bantu e Rhini UMHLA wam ::!2 co. September 10 ~tuba iota&lo yuiot.o etipbao~. ihiyi "ea_, eDco.lo." ya BlIoZili Ingq'lodo yomoto. .yibeoti aballlli M) Benene (LO.TT.), iogqungqokll. ucuba babltyow. eDeeoa ••. kuba (Noo .xOUSI I bu ••• '.· ••., b •••• , X •••· I••• bul. yooyaca ( R .lly) paotei k"elimemo itiqb .. mo t.oty ..ala zibi yoob imihla, WINTLANGANISO yamubilhioi Mtyetn e Mooti) onbafazi ha~e III Tempile uc(, na i "Hope of Crown o.o'uohlsnj' oko, ziboo ... np,omotu K eoteoJiso yo biei e Rbioi ebl.olli'- Ncbw.ti; ngokooj.lo oase Dikeni Miou" ne Ligbt of Crowo Minel." "oote, kod •• ab.oto haogo ".lako­ De oge 26 September, 0 Nobb.l. wfdo- (ogabol. Max Oal:o); k.,veJ. ukutl Ngobufotab.ue belat.iao ilioiuzi III tyel .... o~oulo. Ut.bo ngomlaodato Jopu yaae Rbioi kwiogxelo ,y nt.e "boty",.I. bam .. Xhoea I" Noty",.I. Tf'mpilfl ebuimeoyi"'e al.SlI:elel'log. n Mr. •. PiJieo wagqogq. ogentetho Dgokuoi ..... em.bla kobi.i .... h;ill:olo bomhlDgn k"ati"a Dgu " mthi k. Intambo I:omaf'bent.i ",alemini t.ipo· eodill"kileyo u Mr.a. Mkoodweoi, "'fl­ r.ab.mhlope oflhbeb.la .bnt..og. De· Mlqom."-wflfl Dmr.i :ti,ioto eziS" e .. e ku Mu. R . B. Mlilwfl na taho k .. avo~oteka k"iukooto I:o mbiui. ucin.oe ioda.o rgokofooyaoil'" bumioi!! Kuthetbe na B&u Foxo, (New Modder), w.tib.mba njeoll;e. K.iokoto yokomk. kombl. injon "'wab.oteoodo ab.nt .. aua ubi". U Ndiki, Mbaoi, Pililo nabloYfl. Kulo. okabi yamal.oga kum.tbeko ot.ilo it.ivolele iotetbo kwj GtloMie \120.25, M..oo Lock ..ood i M.otyi yal.p. kulfl- oyeowe i II labaotu abuioiteleyo olopbeleleyo; iotl.og.oilO intie. Ku n~okooxil. knk. Nowa, o~ Dllti­ otlangaoi.a ak~be ebnlele iopelo, et.mentioi Dale Tempileni, per.u kwe beloei!.i, IIdza H. B. Piliao .kovalia qalekillO per.o kOiapo lub H'm {II obbenele of!:alO.odl. eoUaog.ni,.eoi ::; uandulele leogqungqutela oaoku!.i- ukuba aogekooje .pa u !Jade, U Kaooo" ekoti ..a tio. baotaoodo p. ogelokob. koeaaele nmcimbi .aba- oikel.. Oyabulelwl 0 Dali. Ebulel. Nko.k. Pili_o, 0Ylgull; iotllugaoiso Iilo ; into leyo ekungek.biko bani oyi­ nt41undu. Ute m,koug.biko loc.· iodweod.e 0. Mr.a. PililO unkaliee y.booaltal;... uvel".no oelogoraltazi piki ..yo .ambllUlje. 1010 ngabal. apo kokbo iodl.l.eba- ukoba omhl.mbi ",a.e Crown Mioel 101D8flben!.i, ilioqulel._ Umpbatl Dzi- Uty".I. bllDa Mfeogo batika kwelM;} .nt .. ioi jikel,. knye elo.vweni uumiMI1e okuba lembbi7.o mayibeko hlakolele iohbumayelo k.inbloko IIdnhollloi kot1i •• ioyam. Dam .., • ••• ke, y.lomaoyaoo, ioquOO yo· iminy.lI:a yonke koo.. IImltamlaoqa ooyolo ko M.teyu 5.13, Ka~tla .bimhl4ti U'f'."..tu:~i .b.mblopekooika u~i o.bebal. kopel. ibaebiyele kobaot •• nga-n. ..;;-======~======" ptlodle .baot.uudo .•baolJllboo, b.- ", ..eleyo naba_Ia Dum. o.b.lamb.yo, .yikokoba yeMleyo de baOOne,.l.e bt.luogiaeJelwe abanloauodu okuba balolum... UbalObi" ".u 0 Muo.. Lockwood bnuin&i obuor.im. p.k.ti twabaoteondo, m .. k.eDr.i.e itioelo kule Bhodi y.ma Sbiehini obiai oa&u Rulumeo.to uizat.ioi s.bloteundu, ibelolovo Iw.lo knmiti 010. I B.ndla I.m. Dipeode leote um.mkelo obant.i k"ibolo entab. ya.e Rbini nge 10 September Ii.. : mokel. n Mlo. J. J. Jo,b. egamenl • Jobofnodiel. Ititbetbi ziubo kaoo· IS GOOD bom e.ibalul. kUt.o ab.ou!lluna G. Ty.mt.a.be. T.mbler (we. B.I~) olilu­ ngu Ie I D.T.T. No.22 ehruylleoe DO Mlu. Jorb. kweloglm. litaba ogoku­ vj.lo 0.0 MV80geli Welcome J.b,tYloa for you "e A,M.E. Church. Kuleodibaoo, .lr.ublluleke ngobukbo u Mnu. J. B.niozi j o.pt.aio ye W.oderen H. F_C. ~pome uomkho.i wake .onke D.maoeoekni ekl.. bo yake, ekote Dgelosiu.tu ...elotiman}'. nalomboto U Min. Jorha. KuqukuOlbeJe ugenteto u Mou. J. Shill,... kb\lla~ ••baut,g, .bakholo ukub. b.yioyamekele imi­ dlalo yolutlb. bayibamhe utut.e oebo bablonel." lulutab •. Ngombl. we II October, ugom.m­ okelo bao!.i k. Mlu. Dong ... u ••• illelo Ie Od. y"e Topiy.oyekoqutyw. k .. ityalite y.kon" Uoyulo olotab. I.e St. Pbillip'l C.C.iuqnty.e k.e­ pelileyo I.. ema u ogol ohlobo A. '!. Moy.te, prealde t: N. TO.m, ch.lr­ m.n j B B. Tyioi, uphln; M. S. Both.. vice capt.io; D. NUJ:?e. eecretary aod trea.orer j S. B 1?aolel. "Bistant eeeret.ar,. Intiaoglollo yo- kuqala Y81omboto iy.kuhllia Dge 13 October e Higher Million Ichool- 1"oom. Ubuyile 0. MID. Nguoga ­ yeoi Ie Ire k"ep ~ lil.yo . Ngu Nko/lZ Teoji .. e Noaoy .. a obhobbe oge 19 Beptember weSbl.a ogeokoot.o .yam.• Tlb.ubi ngo Mlu . Nltuoga. SIVOYl­ says Mr. TEA-DRINKER loaD. 1'10 Nlloak. Mgxojeui. ogokofik. komyeoi ..... ke obeo.etub. elide tngeko ngekey. D&ut.lebeozo. mitsblla ~~t! ••te Komdara, uyichite e RblOI I 'w6fJk·elld'tdluleyo. Nge 15 September ibelobluelo.lw:e I It refreshes you Bnto. lIetbodist Churcb egaxele 1m 1- v".yo .yo amadodao. omt.ao.du_o HOWTO MAKE GOOD olumaDy.no .lr.ukbokhele 11 donkl OU' after hard work TEA. Buy your tea in t lb. we .ambu ~gemblope i,biti en.m .. ga. m.. Ngeot.aaa. ye Caw. fdloleyo or play, and takes packets or larger. You get kugale1elr.e u NtOlk E.L. Nt.uwevela better value that way. Use a e Bhai e~ogotyeI610. U ~~~. L. Mpololo UI.touyel." e hDlpltlh ago: away you r ti red teaspoonful of tea (or every kong.pili kauobolll. Upak.'i komt.1 cup of tea you want to make. Q Moo. Tommy Nco~co o~~olide flveia e Bbai. UI.banJ.e YlmlleoUi Make the tea with bOIl ing ekhatauyo u Muu. Tuto Moek.o. feeling akalr.apaogeli. Kwi Joiat Couocil water, and allow it to stand yaha Mblope n.ba Nttoadu yalapa, (or five minutes before pour· 1r:".ba.nkuQdu lip.oli ukuba lob. Nomt. Mia Jorh. 1'10 TlIIOtenbe. k.au ing out. 00 B. FoleJ ngamaloagu a,o . • U NColc. G. :X~la iotombi ca Mlo. • Wilkinson IIfle pantei ngomkablane seJioll eawl eti otaod.to. Siyioqwe­ oelela ococube. 0 Q,mata. abeo.yo COPYRIGHT BY THE TEA MARKET EXPANSION BUREAU, P o . 80X ISU. CAPE TOWN ipakaroe IIl0cok.lloi lotuf. k.aui. • ~~y~.:n:'~·------'Tq;""'--''-'"ii"'il~<"~""~S:IC~'''l<~~~1"------TSHAYA I OFFICltt~· MESS CIdAJ:t~rl'.t:.:i " OMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 5TH OCTOBI!lR, 1m. Izakwandiswa I New Brighton Ingxelo Yabatunywa

(Nllll VULlNDLEt..t. WASE ~ARA,) 00 N. Galata eBilAbo .ma Afrik. ama. lmicimbi na Bantu NGOBOSOKU bombla "e 24 8eptem. noiaci ogomhobe ... amu:iloogo yatabo e Bhai . her y.ba. ylotl.oglloilO yoil.uvat.· y~bekabeka idolopo. Ngl,kuhl"a ibe (NGU QALAZIVE) haw. k""eodaba ub.tuoywa, u Mlo. yl ~oo ..ti. e T,hehbi iogu Moo. Alex: A. B. Ntlemeza no Mno D. Lukaebe, JaYlya oeabl.lo kut.pboloze ikwayala KWINTLANGANISO ye Xan,,,!,, ------ab~be oyulelwe ukuyakumela i Tio.r. umbiai pallhi ko Moo. S.B. Maok.yi yaee 8hai oge 25 Sep"lIIberemva otli yeyokub. i 'Cape N.tive' iohu· k"1 otlaogaoilo e,ayile QJoce. looa· ..e Elliot Memori.1 Sohool 00 Moo N kftO#l;IOXO ebaoti ogemeko embi kumieek. ogokuoliulu ogokut.ty.twa zelo ec~oileyo kuleotlaog.uOO e"yioe C.I.• t. :"e Gubbe O. E. Bobool z~d~ yMe Kon~n ,0ko1:ioI01 kwabant.eu· k"elongelo I.ke lokuvota aliaebeuzi,e qell eh.kulu labantu yemi",. ng.batu. zallia Inll:uku. 0 Vuliodlela bak. ado oobobhovu·bbovu obuqoh4>ka imiuyak. emioiuli edluleyo ogoku nywa 'ogo Mlu. Alex. B. Ntlemez. ~0\.1. A:. ~utebao. 00 S. Nllana he.bo. too_ oemeko embhi Dgok.upbatelele uy.oohatab". ogalo. Liti ipep8 ?~aye ngomoye oaye, owayebambe olae Imldl.lo eooomek.yo wonq Clmpih'eni y.blnt'Dodo hakon.ogo­ .tuogebiko mbuyieelo ogokweblutw. 18Ihl.lo. .Jogoagoma ebaoti Deyoku. umotu oboye eOQ(;ma umBebenti kohl,l, kam.bobcai uiodtu, i Kaneel" k".yo. Liy.vomel.na oahaotauodu qal. ,:watl U Muu D Lukube ".yi. omble. Lamaqeia .mkelwe ogamaz.i .gqibe okob. )".. lktmlioYloe makwa­ x.bllli'tloge ivoti y.bo ibeyiokat8lto \IIklll'.• eyiead,a yaba yeyokuti kaoti okukutau umuvjaoe okula10 ogu Min khiw" i.r.iodlo ningalIla 500, kod •• oeaicapukiao k".b.mblope oempoouko woke I Nkmi zieableli y.ye dkw.zi ~. Sohlo oogalibalaoll. ulr..J.leta kwe: pambi koto, i Nj1a!,. eotolo ,u" y.bo. Kod ..a i 'N.tive' iyiqoode ogolr.uptoleleyo ukubl)oiea ukaba ivoti hqela ukub. m.hjooge "p.mbili" Bb,i ilObenra kllo,e DO Nolokiahi k.kuble ioto yokoba nalupioa oblobo yuizwe 8}'iu.ko ukublut",. kuogeoti. Ab.beko lip.ol. Baoumz J. Mali, i. WaMI New BtighklD mabeoze i plaoi lokumelwa e Pal.lDeute olumpbika WID. a otlollom. iokulu ziyilwe efaoa Matom,el., D. M'.na, J. Bleitaoi, D. ~riliqela zu.iodlu ezifaoelekileyo nezi. h.wl lake ogeaiqu .Iun.luogelo Iwene. Dete yabooiew. zi Nko.i um. Xc.a e M.kael, T. Kopo, Malton. J. Nltube yakoba putti Dgenbilo leollQelbo. ne kuye, ogakumbi k"!meao 7.e Pro. Qooce ogokupuma zor:!lr;e zipela ukuza· A. M.qioa Norlle B. Mekule A N kuoye neogzelo yeodleko eDga~.lIhl'. vincu ezi.entl. etieebeolta okomob.. a kuhlaog.ani~el~ iluogelo lomoto moy... M.koleni. ' . . .1' KAMele plowi kwezo plaui 'Woke. "ot.uodu. Lipeta ogtliti alimgnki m •. ltlteti IIcate ..ti ivoti yomoto miDy.telo Ielooa liMlboluDgieeni ogo­ ontlluudu oll'eocl&o yake kobaoambla. omoy.ma Wlae Kolooi ey.yioikel.e knq ... laeela impilo y.baut,uodo aba· Ole ukuba ebepet"'e bkohle k",aoga. kuye .mashumi asibbozo emioyaka £1 ng_boo. hap.otei kllJeliul. ogakumbi p..mbili oowundu elOlltla, ogekuoge. a".dlolayo oambl nie iyapelin,a yaye £1 IIgokoliosilele elDpilweni yabo e Kor. UZlma k.og.ka oembleole ukwenza u Rulumente uuyule iziteti eltimblope e~n apo imbhumbho iyeyoo" ibaoti ienguq ulo. okokuba zibe ogab.meli babamoYlloma ir.wab.ot.uodu e Bh.i. Abaolu 06010 Z~bo. i kwindlu tokulo yumbalO. I Advieory Bot.rd Y.le New Brish~1I Koogoeizi eBivakali~. kulemibl.t lod."o yoknkullbw. kwcmihlaba iblaogelle lise 26 September tuko okul.lh. abbubbe koko u Nkoer.· ngu Rulumeoh eilAbilo ieit.eti, iotla. ."oumulla W. W. JablVu, A F. Emily Blom wue Korateo oge 24 og.nian m.yiqoooe ayilut. koba ezi. • ...... t 8oc4 I_M.... I Pendla 110 P. J Niti",e. I Bhodi iai. Sep~m.ber Ubepbeka Mtovioi ogemva, nda.o u RUi?u:'eote atet. ogno B..IoA. .. 0-. ROOOalQd MIN, pbehlelele agamaodla j,,1~qibo NI kaotl ilokwe zake zib.mbe omlilo zokub. o'l.8kozlolka .bantinodo iaze. _Ilea of Cyvl. at all pti.eaoI. Kao8ele kDtaha nje IOkuba b.khel_e w.oinywa ogomoye OlD kuebe, ...to. leoye razo Z6zi .ekumiwe kozo hkade ellb or TUIll. at il lit' lIIoalb. i-iodlu e New Brighton ebapbopho. oyelw. e hoepitili apo abbubbele koo. os.bantu og.paodle ko'o koka OWl 01 W,IM mllyo e Kot1ten, Yllyaleu ukuba i nge 26 Septemb,r. Amaoeoek.azi e iaq.ntoli .baOO b.:xelel". ngaw K.n,el" lOayi.ebeolite imali efDnya. Uoity Club ( B.otu) J ••tt Kon!.eo kumaatl. ama Tra09vaal,.po koogeko CHANANIE BROS •• o"'e ugembboleko 81ul. ku Rulum80te • 0g.la: Y.akolt. 8 . Nyati, E. Weotfol, mvula ogapandle kweodundumo oemi . n JOll1llsa1',n.n ,ok",.kbiwa k"'eltiodlu Itokuhlala. T. T~baiJ, B. Kam., W. M.tini, bane eyoyikekayo eookobol.l. ilitwe -_1-Wo/all8u9 ...... lipel.. Iaiteti liqoil.umbele ogotoca. 1III : _"'~O."1 Ngobut1lDYw. be Bbodi kwiotlangt.lliao Mdluh, o.ma Koaz. E. MOlny.og",a, lOIUNNDBURO, b Bulumeot.e &hl.osene e Bhai oge ~. Botb., R. N"eba, Noapai 00 Zt!. iotl.ogaoieo ogolud"e lezitato 30 September, i Bhodi ioyule abuD' 8looka, ahe.e Pa!.erkln Scbool IIlI,e etlcat. uocedo Ie voti il.omotu omoy.· muoa P. I. Niki"'e DO W. W. Jab.vu 19 September ogotobooilwa jodlela. lOa noooba.ngeia wokaba baogafooi utaba babeogabameli bayo kuleotla. ndlel. :r:empucoko yokupbeka p.otli uk,,:.blu~aoa oayo, .~.te abatooy"''' Methapo E Tsielehong as-nilO. bafDojatla"'a ooluvo Iwe ko Nkoak. Smitb, b.boye befonde bUlbbeklaa entlangaOllweoi leyo ye Bilodi ngalomoimbi en IIgayo u Rulu· lukuln bey.kube b.piodele bnye oge. Native Affaira Commil8iOD .cel"e --- m8D~ kubo. Kurak.nyil\ll'e twavu· oyaoga, .b.cel. ooke ama kOlik.zi ukub. malleoZ6 ituba 10Dy.ka 0 Rolo· lIyelwaoa okobtl umt('lto wotunyul",. anq.eoel. otoba p.ntBi k .. alolOpe. mente lokuba. eziod."o zimbioi ~e B.ima B. BaLob.n he Bbodi ukopela kooyaka IIg.· mbelelo oknba &ogeoe k ..i Uoity Clob voti neyomhlab. ticaci.\\e ngokou. • oye mawogoqul"'e kuoyolwe ogo ogobuloogo okuze b.lnm.oe loo:uze. It yo ngu Rolumente ogotu~ibhala 8epkmbcr IIjcDgokub. .we Kanaelo b. Inre'OIlikoln .ikhuln. Ophilile ogazo woke i1wimi zaban'u .bamoya. BIobobo!! ba "mdb.po" b. phela ltaa. ma beli li twe UkUZ6 bazive ogel ... imi b~'ma 1>0 boholo. hob.oo h. " f~lI"" .. , ,.ate Bbai am.longo eoyolw. ogelo. IIgoku u Mllu. A. Ot.ta Weotfol twi. ... .po feel. e betltb.ag habolo t_lope~og. "oba, libeliqela ilti •• tu etibeki.eyo oe.ioe ebimialillll iveki zombioi. Aka. ~abo. hitetilicue ukub.ioU.og.oieo U,la be "a Ie lDa~"1tbo a ma"g ,. t'Sib.ogde lompopoabo. Okwehtub. pilaoga !.:aoom 0 Moo. P. J. B. Kw.u ill'qibe pkuba iogahi oaoto iyiOOtayo ku m""g.ta. Ho feU"a Ire bol'(l'" ho opel.,. kogqity",e \ tuba abatuoywa k"j wal.p. .elenevtki elele yifiva emhlase. Rulumente m.yela oesitembilO eemi· ke bloobo. Irh.lefo. bo .. toa hd uabaua Ir. blaba ojleojongo zokofooa ukohlanga. tw."clo Ire a maog a m.... oeoyebo a ""'. Ad'fliory Bo.rda CoogrtM abanJul". Ie nge 20 September. U Mou. Bryce l"'''g beotle ka ba boboh,olog Ir.e metbapo. 080 November, kate kweouta utuba Moyaogo wale Bbololo ugaleleke kwe. n. aoqal. k .... baotluodo kwiutl.llS.· lIetb.po e fokolaog e belrOI Ire ho ...... 10. b~g.uJulel"a e Bhadioi IIgo Thocem· pehleyo IIgenuebeozo .pa. Sivel.oa ni>lO ue Bloemfootein oge 16 D~embu ha eoaa, bo"a bo balr.,. Irc mali a folrotae",; ukupela kwalooy.h. Kweeiaitoba fa ber ~a"ang.yi kulo Congreee, lIoye 00 Mnu . Joe Z. Kondile "'.'.pe ogo. ~etbapo e ... fepe loa leel. Ir. teet. mal.. kntabab. kwakooa tOlDoye wabaotw •. kupakame u Mlu, A, B. Ntltmeu me ha malo a Ie mew. a rokot", a .it", b~ .-.0\1 anJulwe okaoye angam.lalela Iralepela .... I_"elo, Ira b ... In metb.p('l .lawo .wileyo eluoyuleoi. Ngoko. oa bake abangamawell e Rbioi lIge wapOllI .muwi okutelela ekote emva ea IIIrel.,.. 19 Seplember, UIIOP;II kon. ngoloenku. koko Bmu... i ('kubulela abatuoywa ogabiko kwam.lungu e Bhodi ulOd.· Seo u ... hlolr.og. -m~ he, bo oatlaf.t... ogani.weoi ItO Bbod i amaJ:eBba ade U Nko,k. Regioa Mluku w.lapa uai. eoziwa ogu Mlu. J. 80hlo etelelwa ogu methapo e. bao ko m.1i a mlelw, & hloeki. .bem.tbatbo, i Bbodi igqlbtl ukuba u ngl e Dlkeoi oge. l6 Seplember .po Mou. D Z. Kopo. Y.pum. iotl.Dga ]eog ..Moriaoa 0 ka hI, hi".",!" wah a oa Ir. tjiblalo we Bhodi m.ka.ebellti8e anp;urotooyw. kWI Blotu Prelbyleriao 01.0. Dr. W'lham.·piok pille, M,h .ooocog a Cburcb Aeaem bly. Umhla we 20 September aW\leoze wlt-ha a bllhi..,a"g Ire lip'''.' teeoa. ila uml.tto ogokozeltyo ogokuti aaikwe e keo}'a metbapoog "tbo ~ohle heo h • Bbo Jioi lom.loosu aogn;yo etiotl•. Ama Methodist 8Ie Bbli abeoobla· ullbaleke ko VuJindlel. balapa P.th· blokaoll, 'me ho Ira h aeb.],.. "a"ooy," ll,Ilanll",eoi. EeiDye higqibo ~(oku· ~Io olub.oti eNeIII' Brightoo Dge 6ndet1l) hebaajeh.. e ogo.baBe Bh.i ho tla bo"hoa Itawoo Ii lolt,leng balte"l! • ('rl.-•. k'll') N.tive Aff.ift CommittefO CIl"a ye :!2 September, ebe onke paahi kc;titBbaJa A. Tut.bana "ue ho al.f. mat6oeofeho a metb.po . Korateo. Eliqela liblaall.tyt:nre oga· Batbo btl baug.ta be kvh_", Ire lD<"lba •\1811 Bbai ukub. ibllnsane lie Bbodi .m •• ehe .Iemvab. k_elue Bbai po ba blol,ooolof.lla ...... i IN b. oeng ba ~ ~, :l.i" tv .,l1iniolti eltikb.ta:z:ayo Ilezi iokoozo y.,1m.ia •• ibipbetv,e ngu Mlu: Ill. guba "gab" NUlDz !S. H. Maokayi q .. le ka 10'" bo ..,bIoh.. Or W,Il,.ms' pi"k 'qavuroi kuloosa Iticelw. yi Bhodi K. K. Newana, oyiogqonyela y.lo. pliJ~. Oa m.l, a eoa. ma'_o}ebo ohle a. mhoto e Bbai. Emva komjikeio oba. . . wHhapo. ea fela, ceit. Ie bona boph~ lo'ba e KDoaeleoi. N~eeiph.kamiBo.e 1.0 uge 26 Sept.embu wadlultll. e 11110 bo ba botle. - oti ogomBtbeo:r:i .... ke lIfeltmpulu. u I Bhodi edluleyo eokuba. .baotu bebal. Loved.le oge 27 kwi Pre.byterillo ye Or. Willi .. ...,,' pUll. P'U~ Ii lin oatJar.~ .abafodoll'lll'e elokiabioi ylle New Mou. Walter Magoogo "a.e New Baotu Churcb. 0 Mau. Elliott I meth.po ea. hao-q.la hona kaleuo bo Ii Brigbtoo uboyele e!.:ayeoi lake nFe -. aebloh.. , L. fuma"oa mabtoublr"g obi, Bri8b~D buiw8 kweyabo, .m.loogu J, H d 26 Sephmber. Ngu Mou. T G . S• Imo. 0 "ase Ilm.o~ arp uYlch.ltfI . bpa ollolla ha Dr. W,lllama lIediei"e Co. • booiNl umoya ubo.bo petO k". tk.yeol lake e Ne .. Bugbton Ibolide:}' O. Dox 6(k. Cap" Towo; ).- 3d buttol", Makepeace, 0 Sihlalo omuha, we Iomcimbi og.ogotub. i Bbodi igqibe yezikolu ka September. I hpa ... ta'eletaeo,; l<.a lv, ttl lela pc.;o duba kobiz"e iutlaosaoilo bloti Sebe Lemicimbi y.ha Ntloodu kwi lomzi kwakameioYloe lomcimbi Doh •• Kauaele y.ee Bb.i, opbumileyo ogu swe emzioi yi Bbodi ngokuogqoogqo. Moo. B. Reltoo w•• e KOl8teo. 0 Soboli •• Umoim bi 'lll'okurq ib"l. ibe ogo"oku. Mou. W.II.ce Magwax.za. weBiiara Buali b. FolaDg 1."01'11'. koll:ovela k"enh.oa uba. aaae New Brighton ulloge e Rbini oge G.wuodo (birth oontrpl ctioio). achare 30 September e'.odelioi yemp.bla u Siblalo Uoh. olamany.no olok... · ehamba.yo. U Mon. Robert Mtimka SINGER MACHINES IMmblope e dolopio' lufooa okuvuls w.te Ngquab ... og.leleke e Bhai og6 Mebe e New Brigbtoo. Ngokofuhb •. 26 September ogokubeka ilitye komli kasi ioko.ikati yomtulu"e wake 0 De 0 Nol.1i oehaltO okuba iI,joogo HOBANEHG? kanlawula okoveJa kw.baot",.n. Ch.rlel Mtimka el.odukutlbab. p&k.ti k".banUiuodu ookoeebisa IIg.· Ug'loieleke ek.yeoi lake e Ne'" Brigbtoo HoLaae ke eona e 10mell:o , kad.a. olomaoyaoo Jujooge n ... gnt.... ye 28 September u Moo. J l.kil.DR habol. Ie kopela oEuoceda. abafni ab.t.h.tileyo B. Marwaoqa okuvel. e Kapa k"i .... b o-aakha. qet.e ogokoeemthet"eoi, aluoaota AalfllDbly ye~Jatike yam. Prelby. yakweou D.b(!liioye iodidi. I Bbodi terlan. U Mlo. Celou ".NI Dorb~o lbaha. i ..o.,oyele lomcamaogo Y.Yl1melaoa oobite imioi It",. Mlo. K K Ncwana aawo ogakumbi xakoog.,ikub.tbo e Dolopini eaehla eoq.o ...eni .... dlul. dadleko k",abaotaoodo ogawo. t"aoge 2i Septembf'r ukuaiDg. e Natal ebevela kwi Prnbytelian Ngen\laoj;taoieo aa Bolomeote ebi. A6Ik!mbiye Kep.. U Muu. J J. R. ~ khohli»oe re"- Sio~r Ft.:ELA. E·ea \eokekog ufe kaf' J..fe J. fj'Dger bpa ikopaoye Ie e 'o~~ ea Ii ageott tM rooa_halr. "8 •• pore,.. Ie lD4Iltboa oa Iil.el'o. hla.ogeoe 8 Qonoe ogemithetbo ept.!.:a· Jolobe B.A. w.lapa ufike okovel. e ap"ayo ogu Bulumeot.e ogabaowo·1 .. 8lokomela mach,o.i a ~etBe"8 e nk"O&I1i maLe"lteleag bo 'boe a JoltJle. Ba K.pa Itwi Aa86mbly yam. Pre.byter. ogata Irf' mecbini .. atn1.bi]eo& .blbolo 'me "' thul":lra ",,'epa We .tII.... leu!!'. 0<10, Iptlpa Jalapa lit; kovele into boo bo .., .. eag ha thoe ke IOt"(lruo. fa s"Di" b ·Dete." ebihad&lekile k.ba In .... OI.o Blf!mn•. / K(JI'II}Ua hmAlati olaMtiayo O.llTETELl WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG , ",TB OCTOBER. HlllI. 1, Ezibeleni Kwa Komani Ugodukile u Ezase Mlala -- T. Soga abeyi ogqooyela ok.-.le k ... ta Mamntande I (No" Kw •• " GOKU ogaporneleli ko Moo. J. J. i,.yo. k .. no kwe,akho ioi • .-o kw.ba_ -- /IBENKULU o~oh loLo olooge eleh N Pablaoa okay. k_i otlaogaoilo ojil""'a u You. Mb okot .. ao. Matyil. TAR~Nllla~tebo.t.runi Ngc,og .. e: oga iolo.omf. y.bameli \.k,,- ehite Q)oce. i Bodi itumele 0 Mou R ".16 Gleo Grey. U Mou . Elfa N. n. , 01. t.roOI Manto~.I,;.e, taroO! Rulumentll ogom, iml'i .. N'· T. Mooa, oy.tweon iod.b. k.i C. M. M.blutlbao. uoyulwo ukoba yi Mltebat.o. Ob' tarooi msodit'ho Bilh. Betieoo. i~k".,.· ••tI V~ . N . • u u 01'0 okl'h Mallett Hall oge Caw.. Kwakulo auiat.ot kwi8ikolo ..eo Wuile uku\'Q. ~"'ruol l. yatl. C.mago Dlomo, cams. oamacoba. 0 B'uoga. lokomf 'taba .utl.ogani,o u Oq."t. L. T. Mtimlrulo I... k ..u,kolo. ogu Ntaode, camagu oSopihhi. c.msgu iotauko eziotato. Kupaulek'" I It :: -uyakunill:a iogJ:fI.lo ~.lI:be n~em~oduto U Nltolt Roberta Mona ophambili NlI:q olowlIl •. Sitsbo kuni Ulakoti titi umoya .omotu oot..!lood '" .~~ ~ t .yifumeoeyoe PIWI!, ogomolmbl woku· k .. i W.yfafeu ul.pha, uyo ° Butter. ".Ak.ubJ.~g. lu ng~ bl.oga" Yioica m"ye 'Ugel.i bill, azamkllek:o ~I e e e .iI•• kot1.1 •• be 810to. ..ortb kule teo d.y. yo holide yezikolo OIUlenz:or.O! umzukul".lla ka X",ltw. Iq ~l. I.'e St. Jobo'e C II g '1 b 1,;. M.ta.nziwa, m.n yeo. eziha. dl.h (Ioccer) boli. Ngcoboer a.~. I AdvilOry BOArd yothu/Jwe kuku­ Io."i camp ye Wayf.reu zeoda.o we eh booa i Komi.bioi igaleleka lop. oleoda ..o. Ngoli.h... u Nkon. mbe1e ",aya ekllyeai I",ke' Utebo loyo lidr.la 001&80 Teome, beba : . ogohnei Hlaou, ,aye i.iti Ifuoa utova Marg.rot. L Toito uae ...wa ogomko. oomdaka ka Maokauoa. uti: " Yioioa flge odebe ka Paya loy . III eno 1l~meko kole Lo~ie.bi ,alaP:" ngn hlano kWI ot.soko zokog'libela ogokub. ukub. oihlele UUlOtU ntigodukeloyo'" 2 oil. Ylba iodebe it~~"\ I T,?mo Mgqibelo ko'..... I JOIOkOOOQl1 yaba o.yo ebek ..aya .pbo. Yooke lveki B~yi ~kuba ~gumotu. uKuba bendiyi. Joho'e. Y· "a yl !:it mblope oaba ot.euodu ithopbe u Father epheJileyo ipbelo 0 Mou. Elijlh Loeu oglloll ogeogl q .. aba .m.piko am odi. U Mou. J. a. BO"el "."' k ,. bb· N . p. . v ,,0 0 waba BolJeod 00 Mou. S. B. Mahhikiu olele o'lomkublaoe. , e leo 1m ollg' uee yaog ..eoi. yl flOclpal ye Trainiog S hIS bayokooika obODgqio~ pamb~ k ••y~. U Nkoak. Mary J.oe Mgulwa oul". allyi ukuba liyilo ogeod'mpoogoza John'l imioyak. 23 0 (l fO t. NRO Mgqibelo ko .... Igllel"lul" elokl' k ... Oag. kum.odta '-a~ Alico, ubu. odiule ixiloogo elo .m. Krieto ati 0 pol, kooyaka 10. iod.';OIPU:::"O· oku_ ..hiol i Komiabini ipheletwe yi Mayor bele apba kulo boepit.l. ",.lr.uogcw•. Scm.ndJa yeoa ~boogw. og.• lo. ty.t ... ogo .Moo. J. M. S.!itbp. ya:~ o Mnu. mover, i TOWD Clerk 11 Moo. tyel... 0 Kamaewoo oge 22 k. B.teho oboogl bomfik.atl 0 Amelia ogoilincodili. 00 L. J. nuh.ood no Location Soper. September. Abaoto .baphume nMi­ Oaj.o. b.ti m.lixole kulo looke oli· Am.qelaal.p.e Patb60de r d I iotendeot, 0 Mno. A. O. B. Reio. dumbu ogab.: Aba Nomz:. &li,ita, E. oulo. ku Mlmotande. N.ku ..emh.- u\!el.elo I"e Chief P. M. &~. lOr eo [Dyoke iaihla izit.rato ingeoa ouozi Mgu l ••, ab&ogawulib",liyo okoodilek. mbeh obobamb. ultokupeleka ogomh. ollaliiolo ukob.o:abel. oak . aft adlioi, oto y.kugqiba y.dibaoa no ooll:ob. mkulu kwe d l.k. 010. 8ive· od.:w o.oglvelw.oo. Yioioa ma akoyn apa. e Tr.oehi Ng.~ ar-.qeb· 'Bodi, y.ti, iau .. yakbalan ngobudaka 1.0. k.kholu oomzi "akw. Radebe. Waqo, ma Tab.ee m. Bhede, ma i!at T roop St. Jobo'~ yob.n: e Ixea a T""on" Y·· .. h . Y' t k . Ine Camp bezi t r.to. Iotlaogano ibe mfutabano Imldl alo wv ". 1010. .ogqol " • . 011 01 0 10 U OJ:lne e Boo'iogrill no Bodi, ,ubiyw. oomibuzo OU Sel06kilo oeueu Iwe .port, ago "altO.f.yalon.to og .. ti oihtyol"e. Uy.. U Hoogi Effie Mloty"a ok.~ a liae 1yipendolo iyitumolo 0 Pitoli Mvo'o oge 7 ka Oktob•. Nguoy.k. d.n81•• omltl ••.11: ... Ntoub, .~k ... CI~rkebur.1 oodolukilo oIluY.lu~I.lel lqela labavomi oliyl Big Four libe 1fesihlaoo 10 i lport ligquty.a .pba, "teh~to 00 Oa)aoa ...k •• Ndlttbo on ..o I.ake 10kogqJbeJa M ~ -tbatbil.. g.i weok·ood edloloyo lioe mpomelelo, amabNO ophuma kwi 00 Tlxo ".k... Mtab.lto no a.j.o. 0 Nk lit. E Dodol.o ••fo e .ootl. hbe ne concert aod dance kwi Town Rotlry Clab. 0.00 oy.ka oje. Ngo "ak"a M it.lbo 00 Amelia. Ayfod •. ti ogokogil.a 1i bio cl em"'';la logo· Hall yue TlOmo. I pia Diet ,ayo Mvulo kwako lIiboa iokoozi. Ng•. ogi,. ama Z!)t.bo ati igodokile okov. ukoba lelouko:om "?::dloi· ogako ugu Mno. Lloyd Ted Mar wanqa paodle k.eza lapa imbaleki. eziod • .-o .Ieoz: ..akazi oge J8 September 1935 U Nkner; B. Hbao. Qmp.t~ ea WO •• wodumo oloble \ ....0 BbaL Knkwa· z:ilaodel.yo zaku bakbo. Healdtown. PAUL A. OAJA!'A, f.rer, uboyile k.i camp .be:oa ;~ kbo iqela elit.lb .. elivl,lle i orcbeetra Fort H",re, Lovedale T.rkuhd. ______.:(~O~o::y::.:,:.::)~. __ Butt.er ..ortb oocoma impomeJelo J.lo -elbi biz:a ogokoba yi "Bloe Rbythm Molteoo 00 L.dy Frero. I track camp. U Moo D. Yako ulap" kwi Syocopaton," eliDaba fana .bataba ikomSlog.to eogauoge ibe ku ..o. yinkobla og)l;;.u. 1t.1f Ie 8·uog. kulitame.oq. ukobako abaoez:ipi"o k ..en ngom. aba ng .. ba Ngo" malang. ogalo mini kwakuhl. Umho. "ak". Keet ogam.liogu k·.Joodod.oa plk.ti komzi njen~nyo Numz:. Beonett Wi.io Pahlaoa, odlal. oglloa i " pick " yalapba kuoyo 00 "Kuo.... oroioyak. emioe weyelo yall1&dodaoa eoqobela . i pi.no; u Victor P.blaoa k .. i violin; L'Jv~d.lo kumdlalo we rogby. eojel.eoi "'amaozi emk.olYo i,itub. lIuya.o eziog.lDskulu .mabio; (200) (I WolliDgtOO Will Mbali kwi Dongl .. jikolme, upantli • ",00' U~zi .~ ... uphone no Ol.ald Waddie BeD· W.ocedwa o8"m.doda ate kanti kwe hfu ehmoy.m. ogeou yoknlable_ Mar:wi kwi banjo. Eliqela lidlal. 1"•. 1.1 loo?edo lokuq". (firat aid). ogumfana obelungo Ir..kd Ezase Douglas Ndlbbat. oJe uyabaleka umt.aoa opilile. k.. ingoma l.eneba ogl';'-oo. odlela yaz!). oloty.e kokol.. 01: Umfuodl~i Mapb",l. wo Chun;1i of ~uly Kt!m~ -0' Ngoku oyo!lel... ko Mou. R loteuil:u eZlntatu watsho eliebiy. !liIi­ Moy.kama. i priocipel yo Bighor (Noo MSELI WaTI) <;bfilt uliogise kwele mbbokoto ogezo BUYILE kwintl.ogaoi!lo obiae &\90 lembb.odezelo. IW,i,icaka ·Ita MiNion Scbcol ukuba abeyi vi!iting A hz .. i. U flaba J.mee Morollloll, M.ot!i pJ:agi,tra.te). U U .. otyt Mafeking I.m.doda, M. Cidr•• ~. oe te.cher. kubekho iogoqolo k .. i aklf mnoediai k"i 800"'.0. Medium School, Nkollkazl beou onh .malioge oku. I komiti yeaikoJo. one clfcuit ineplctor A. J .. katas, B Pieter~. E. Madiogo.oe. oyaku\'ula e Ntaaot.. baoe (Pu~tUl~I' a Bldi. E· Brypul 00 Krook Loca· burg). Uoyusehre uy.ltuhta iodawo m lag. abapomelel.. lil.ya I.ke Iile ~ak.ti, 0 Mou. 0, P Truter, ibone Komgba, Ab.nto babe ngapeto k.-e. tion. (Urbao) alr:uko Adviaory Bo.rd; yobuogqooyels apo. ukob. akuk. bikbo itit,h .. la iookuqe. kulu . (100) .b,te b.mk.pa ukuy. Ib .... , y ...eyi ganyiea u Nko~z Mioah Kongtla kumhla/i olandelayo Kangt.4J hm/ilati olandtl1yol kumzl wokuthola. LETSO'OAO LENA KE TS'IRELETSO EA HAO Le bua ka ho babaUa Chelete Ie bontsa botle Hape Ie bolela ho khotsofala


Le elMliteoo hore 0 aeke oa rekiaeteoa lieta tee aa lokang. Hohaoe Ie 00 Ie rekiaeteo. lieta,1M sa lowg, tBe t&bohaog feeJ", 10 b. fele kapele, bo baaae ba ba bolo b& Ii maeoo ke booa ba etaeog leta'nan lena. Ba ile bare .. Leta'oao lena Ie tJa booa fcela ho lieta tae lokileog, tao tla oka. oako e telele. XII. hoo he buebetai merafoog ba tla taeha lieta tae lokileog bo tao taa lohng, 'mo ba ba 8a tla tbeteoa ke barekiai ba Heta tee S~ lokaog." Shebiaiaa hantle eef&O&Onte'o aeoa sa leta'oan leoa. Hore ka moeo Ie eeke 1110 biola Ie reb lieta U!e aeoaog leta'nan leo •.

Seet.a sa ~ek.ot.i Seet.a se nang Ie let.s'oao la Gauda UHTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, uTO OCTOBER, 1933, • Iziganeko zakwa Gompo Ezase Kaladokwe The (Nou V ... 11Dr..UU) T h~onpa.allfled'I>C' f ·,~t7. Ih .. h . U.. " """bl. l.n in ". c< .,,,. , l'tINU S.m XbaJlie 00 S. P. Alreoa IKOMISHONI yokupbaoda ogama- U .,(1 .a· .... b,~ f'''lnlll~ 04 .~,' ..n rate bate blbuya e Qonoe kwi ogd­ ~ '·rJ.: to J.~,b;,1 rl , ~-.e 4 ' ~ oaoi abaotu abuesidolopioi ibi· Abanta oeoto Zabo of ..... 11'" kcla eblkooa bawuplkela umd ogobu. "" •• · .. 6 ~1I) hi...... 1 te. ',.... ~ "", hleli apa ogomhla we 23 kwepehltyo, • • , •• , IIIOC1.h'''II.' dcun',,·epo .. et oomMa 0laooola10, yna y-,I yakub. o Mnn . WetJiogklo Willi Mbali tileti1 ~ belltelo ebtzi,i"l kona ; ..,Ibu· kuqala ibauji,we ugolr.ublola i Loki.bi 11'_ . Komlni uyivume apb, iOllla lell nm'ti. 1 WayfareR zlhpa kuull! :r.ne Ellt. Baok, olee Weet. Sank, edluhleyo e:r.e ogemicimbi. U Mou. lIeti~balakazi r.ooke, Amakees A. J Yltaba'a ubWlgqiol kuqal l kwizica­ J . J N. Mdlulwa ogeeislto IImpilo Maocoua, D. Siouila, D. Bifanelo, E. :r,bem no l.l!'. Sa?gelo. ber.irumaoa GREATEST ka er.imblope I.e Kloeele, Yld,tYlni. ebuhluDgo ekbayeoi lake kwa Glt.yaoa, Iwa uabalUlli bom&i oO~Dodu abaoike ntabate ob.mho ogequbulilO eliltbulu Imbala zomleben'tl welibut.o. Kum­ n..-,nl( ~ h'Ktd, •• 6n..... balm. obabo nbunRqinl, abannmuoa J. J. kUla.a nge o...,a eoglplyl, lI'abuya nlodi ukll'l"tilu tuba lenqubo ikuhle­ 7~m H.,. 1>e .. ~' ..lu tit.o· the !tn, Iwe k,nye ogomd 10. 0 Vu iodlel. por •• o! 'lte II"" II . ,11. p''' ...... Vimbe. C. T. C. X.baoie., R. B . ugo Mvulo owhapo yakbe leyo, ngo· Re ...... <'oP' (>a''' .• Ila y, u.l\olmm;m"n GOO lo, Theo. B. Lujiu DO W. Siyo. ku impilo yayo iginyill amathe Ylku. baluogieelela i cam p abakuti blbeoayo and It"J. {'o. "" .",. "'or eo,,, d, Lam.nene aoike uboollqioa obufu· ba iblallgeoe oabllapl ogqira. Ami e Mortimer ngcmbla we 7 Oct.ober. . ,,(1 'IOr e ~ of aU .,,,,13 ~>e Z..,.·Uuk mbete iodlwo elibalulekileyo. na Tempile e .. Langa la&e Mooti No . 74 .. Abalapa bapaotli kwaba Mno. S. P. am:l:elomoye ekuoine:r.eleoi oglmandla, penhi ko Mtalwaoa J. J . Mdlul.a Alrenl. G O. Site la, L Nyarelha no imfuneko yolr.uba u Rulomeote afune aloogilelell imbuto eyoba kwa Mou. Moo . C. Tlbomela. Iqela Ie teneai koqlJa umhlat>. knlomlndll, abaoo· looel Sim.oL U Mnu. Jamca I,k"'a Y.k obi liIucgieelela okoYI ku· M:a:lbaoiao Mbioi, owniwaYll kuoene d lala De Somaseti ngombla we.ixenxe. HEALER kopuogolelwa kull'o "bangeoaodawo ezilliini oa.e dolopioi Ibate badimbe· apa, oogum.ebell'ti e Goli ogoku, ulu· Ngo.o:u:i kuke kwaboo,kala u Mou . Zam·O"k I GOc'I>pOew.I, Sut'" 10\ IIOllPI ogetloliutu. 011.1 Xabaoiel lIdweodwe 10 Mcu. Markblm M. D. Fuoaoi nl NkolZ M. Ve ... .. ; ate u in ca-..... of ul«.,. piln. ~ (.~m a PO'''''' ~ .. """d" v. 0 Rnlumeo~ oYlvoma ulr.ueotela 11.0 10.15 p.m. kude kOHl, Uofon obeee St. Jlmee' a,u ngwmhll ukoteogela Ibantu umhlaba, itizwe kUYlkudlaoa iot.ailllbi koba kOYlko­ we 4 Oct.ober J J vutela i Glider Jut. BaDd yobebala, "Umteleli • eziYI kUYlkom .. kuwo. mlu sibe QtI Nlr:oli yuo, oe Gompo YIIIII A.frika. Wooke 10m· lebeozi ogojooge ukoqinila ingxowa I Lbo Lom1:i ye Chamber of Mioea Cricktt Cup Tournlmeut. Amltikiti a.eleklngiwe Ngati io~ima ogeoZlml, oamare ogokueibblllYo Ibalwa nglmakbolu. eogclnezelo eYI!r.odalwa yioUaoioge Ollgnifuoeliyo kwarogokn Dgati uya· PAMPffiI TSE LOKl:TSOENQ BO yemitbetho eyilwayo, iogxlmele alr.u­ ku ..la piDdle ng.lomhll mkbulu ..,ov1laa emaqlodeoi nm .. i w.. e Monti. Abanomz. J . M"eki, G. R. Mhti, S. M REKOA Sitebo kaba ioUIDganian esimeoywa B. Tlppa, J. Maudleoi, Ile komiti LJ UNI".& TL80)l"l'O IIIANOOr..OMO A 8.&0 I agokl Lujit:a Doka Ngelm.lela te Lilo Ylbo eogqiogqwa Iyillilli kukuqulu. Lomzi. siog:umele ukupbapbeh.. ogo· nqa ezokugqibela iodawo. Li jll.tnanoa Ira mebola ok. ka. BItH. o~u Mbo 00 M:It8.ibe ablotu kWIDl laoga.nilO yange Ca.a mallnga Pampiri tee 6 tea CroxleyCambric Pld Ie an· umbll we 22 kwefileyo Itwiblla Ie • velope 0 Ie 'ogoe)i ka romeloa bo uena ka Id' Bbola lpo kuc.t.bnelwe Danglmllu. LI ENTSOE SOUTH AIl'8.lO .... ngilelelo okuba kloqokelelwe imali Ezase Alvani yolr:utnmelaabatooywakwi Ngquogqu. tela yan a Afrika epbela, emeDyel"a e Blcemfontein ngo Dr. Seme Dj2;omhla (LIVU][tJTU LASE GQILl .) ka Dingaoe 10 aiya kowo. U Nd,ebo .alemlli ogn Tebawe, 0 Mou . U NKOSK. Eether C. Matete. Wile Girdwocd MgaDg xela ocgllalibutoogo Maeubeoi ogenti.lo, uk be w.chita tuknqozelela lomaei>cnzi mkhulo DO · iveti yonke apa ; udlultle e GoJi apo t;;-- ,...... ''''''''111''''',,111'1'_..' J! baloleke hoene. Elr.obeni bebeme­ Ikona ngeotsebeot.O. Kurelwe intombi Dyiwe , blsamotela iii memo 0 Ceba kWI Mou. no Nkolk. B. W. be BhuDga bedo!opu, u NkOllk. MCloyangw.. U Nlr.o ~ .Ir. . Tutu I. = = Newmlo 00 Col. V. G. Lewil, ukubl Mokueol ualte gnda e ZlitroD lpo babekbo kwia.ibbldlalala .eDt/lnganilo ayokoblazi,.a impilo. s 2 FAMOUS RBMEDJES: ..:: lO ye Lieu Lomsi ebeeizi"e ngabantu Ngomhla we 9 September kubeko iokoozo Ylbeko Iweundla kumzi Wise = FAIRY ItlD~E' PIllS : FAIRY HEADACHE POWDERS: :: abangange waka, e Rlbe Ball E ..t _ n. kuh boo khatb.taoog ke Ke boreag" khatha~ ke hloobo - Baolr. Loutioo ogolweli BIoi, omzi T.batahi apa kubekwe abantu abayi _ IUflk"koUo. liphio. kha,. 0 OJIA'" t Leba ella" • Opl = udloile koknti eewutbe g"aql ..,ooke 22 kndi beoe neqelaoa life Lady Grey, _ t h.t.oo I.... oy o Ie lI;I.bla· hakakUS pboto .. Fairy alia a _ elali pbelekwe agama 23 Ibabtle kulo­ _ ha m.hlakofeo/l" eh !Wo. fel;" ka II;I!t.a'->. moM_. _ ..madoda equltl aloganglta kwaSka : n .. . boo ..beli .e pilisi ... .. jocwadi engapumi kwabo bekocelwa okoozo. _ ht.~ t ... liphio IUpele. Tbeto u II. knoma eoarIC I. pa" .. umngeni kubo, iaitbi u Town Clerk _ Pd,.. tleo.. Ii phekola tae "'pilao,. : Qvakali&a ukobl ama Ceba Ne.man • : mnl" 6 IIphi o "hie kabo .. .. e, iailole oll," . N,olla ho .\41_ eoa ka ,I... ° .- no Lew., Ibanakubako kulootlaDga­ MNQABISE INGAMBLASELI. ,. T h~ 13buou le .Inloamatel. kooa. K aUl pambl k.e WANTED \ n obolumko em,ebenliol ••ke . Eg.. eibeto lik. 1018 .Ifudukela e - THE DURBAN F fLLING STATION me.oi Ie mlotyi oablnctdi,.i k .. iee~ Willowmore k.apaotli k.e Manager WANTED immediately • N.tlve & CYCLE WORKS-Cyole .od 1e N.tive AII.ln, uoikuele Illpo fIIIlyl I"nye. Apo Ite e Willo.more ubl.le Nl,lrltl ( Reglttered Qoveromeo' Motor Repair•• Specl.lity atcbuPfllt u'''elling cue, nloye I CUll t'o"iow h :t'lba elikofupi t ..i mioy.lI:.lmi"'t.g Certlfioate ueftoti.l) for Mll1ioo BOI. r.te.. Sparea .od ao'eMOriee for all .wkl.lb'aJa kuoye ne tu&, "imhioi. ..be .• boyela k".lapi e J.olt'ovllio pita1. Tugel. Ferry, Natal. Com· m.kH. Ne ...nd Hrond haod blcyclu. Kup.J,;ame aba Numl. A. B . M.d. ukuoao.mbl•. I koonti ibeookur.uk. meodog IIlary it; • montb aod.1I Bed., mattreutll. gramopboou .nd Bbui, Sikiti ben ...m".i .bubiaogo hkolo kub. De Kauoo B.utl.! Tello­ fouod Allo a fe. va.clooiee for . 11 klod. of reoordl in eLOOk. Phone mgokulahlek.. yile m.otyi. be· cbere' AMOc"tioo ibiblangeoe apa age Prob.tiooerl. mioimolD ptelimioary 3726 Ceot., or .rite:-Cor. Eod .od b.I. itigaoeko enoulr.ileyo ague· 14 September ogeoJ ongo yokonikeul. qoall8clti'Oo Steod.rd VI(. Apply, Do,ban Street4l, City & Sgburban • .• h. lol.ulo I ••yo, b • .:Iik"..ele i,ipo Imioqweoo emible k.auembulleo kolo leodlog tflttlouoi.ll, to " .OJc~ JobaoDMbur,. '11t eeiyi cig.ret.te QlIfI entle kuneoe, ega· mlioSloe ebeyi taod. hkola i K .B. S or It BI1U'~ 'fD Its'l' • 'lDt'oi 10m"! onteaodu Ekgpeodoltoi I T.A. oobeliloogu layo elioamandla. 97f o Mo u. Aptborpe ute ak.oam.swi I htah.l. ebesiko sinle e Uitenb.ge. -obllciko Dgeeieigaoeko ; ululisl ogok•• · Willo.mortl. Miller Itatioo. Klippl•• t . hlukao. DOIDeebeotl .b.wuqelile, ko- Gr.lB ReiDel. oe J.oltloville dl.tr1d. 4,,» upumlo luy.foneka . ogqlbe 36 J . titeh.1. eber.ivela e Kaladolr..e imioyaka komtebeosi w.k ... Rulo· ibUlgal.manene : Tabome1a ·'ooyan.," 'meote eloOl :a:uba libe mo.adi ogelo MdYflllba. Fuaani. Siy.y.. Amaoeoe Moriana oa Chamberlain oa Mala. ..liluU: kw. Ndab.·ubt.oto. Uy.· la won. ebese kwi koonti ekotelwe \ temba ukoba o.:a:. telefO:a:i1e. .ob. nguDY.o. kilo Moo. Tlbomel.. 01011 ::noooedo kobeotg .b.atloodD; oyau· .."nw.t.yi.we kakulu ylngom. y ••o. nl. ,f . 1111 nl, 1\11 bule~a ~kul~ i&ipo niolkl.eyo, eou· Abeoli be koonti iblogomu upel • . koml.klle SIDte&!) neDII.eyo. Abt.ququ&eleli bam.. benu Ddlol.ba. en" 1"0 II,,\;.O 1,.1 tl,lal.u" IdluJl 10 "MIIDdl" lui. 0 H. M.tet., J . T.hoko 00 P . "hilt) loa. M' l,a I' n~ it· I..lIn.l Imboto eyeou_ e Temperance No.... I.. I cboir etaho 081' opma b4 hahell. LIIl!l\;.VIlI-: t-.ena Hotel ogonbl ... kolweti BlanD. 27 emyoli ibipet.we n_o Nko.. :. E. Ardel b... 't.'·U\;.1) .'J\I' •. It Illoth" '8ept;ember, ukubok. .m.loago e .eaebe Ie Banta lodepeode.o' CborGh ('& _a ,)hrlanl: hontl(' a f • • Bbang" Kliblo, .yobfam.o. illty.. yo liJoog. Talw.n.. I.e choir yeyo I.e oa-ng'lIlOyola oemfuodi.o ebeo.. didi olopakamUeyo k.MlaatO apa, I.; ola. a f"lla Ie IAI~olJ .. I.... yo. Elilek.o lipenjelel.e ogD Moo. R. lmali .y.&i.e kwikooaau ifooj.U..e t '0110 Ie matla 1110 mali. H. Goclkl wo .. K1lodl" olOkom.mela 0 1100. Tlhomel. oga Ih;. I ti,.bala " ora Oil hll.(· oa mal~ lbol" .amalllQgD to ..dU .. _ dioaJ. o.eoz;. k_luo ioaJa siqoble.le i ...li slSoe we Dgo • "Uodi.' 1 tollto ya.maluoRD e &eos. iDte~ ezotoyi.eyo. oe1Dfl01f11e­ Bboop ipataayiewe 0la IInu. H. 8. Iayo, ete yuo gqitoyw. ohfQ.Dit.e I,un,) I,,, hUllahela W. Beo.... s.i. ,.peodol •• nRo MOD. Y·Dikenl.. MaociJeDi 1.0 Mou. C. "La Ie eo'na 1,1 nl Ie Time. Em .. t ••ke a )(oa. Gocllo ..... bome] •. Ihal¥l e Joalu . ..-HiM ioto okoopyo .pa.-iojcngo • Ha 'Ialoe. I,. flttlOa tlla! «ohabom.yela ookukh.otau ukulo· 11I\leba ol thu~o. H ... hem od•• 11...... pepa-odaba abaawoado. Tbe followlIlg are to be ronJ.!'ratul­ hal a horf' homok.-t: ... la lid. £mveoi k_oGatO eade ebeniM imlo· ated on tbe C(}mpletioll of tbf'lr Deko oelDfundo elooy.o •• em.pepeni DUnlin!; OOUl"ilt'tl :Ui !l!le~ S. ~[pbab l {', 1,,·jOll.III: 1'110 Wolo.1 I.e h" upet.ile ••_k.lwa ogu Moo. A. M. A. Serame aDd L . Lej;:OOJ (Modder pb{'\;.ol. I,·h. 1.>110 ntl 10..1. Ilt,-ot' Bee). llary llaA:odielo (Crown )hnNI) . .J.bavo ••who oga.mapqa, Mid milo !xl !,.f'hOIl hallolo Fae·ha bolldelwa .m.pepa abeot.ado ogo· tu,obl.a k •••• bamblope; kolandele I at'ot''O I.et.it.eti esiugo Nibe. !IIn.. i, 26 September. no Nkoak. John.oo talH\ c thatll. H11 fela th('\t"te. Ha Uona· Xabuil., Meogou, beake beboni.. M.nkai ••1& Tafeni obube 0Rombl. hliia horo 1(' \JanIk. 0 :-;0 ale lekhatbeng la iubilo lepep•• ookuba .m.pepa ma· .e 21 September. Ngokofoa:..o. I hu 1,,1,,1.(1;1 m'O-.(!lkltsing l.a lebaka. la bo .abe DOmdla Jr..iodidi wolle. kwaye odaba ~kogula ngamaudla kuk.yi.. LuLl. 'Iofulnllhali oa \(a \"1lk11. 0 Ile a 6e a nlOku yi JODg.lpaO emaylogene e t.I MOD. S. Mxoll, gtit.eb.l. omkolll BhuDgeni. I Bhooga lipeodolel .. e ••k •• Brownlee. kunye OOMpo, ba· 11'1 !.;,·na Ilung. 'DIO Time. Ihoba. K.atab •• PtlUloi, bambe imeyile yombl. we 24 Septem. Mbilioi bealti b.y.yiqood. imfoooko ber olluliog. e Eo~obo. UgaJeJeke K1 Idllohonolo. ha fibla moruti emone kubo yobfund•• mapepe. Ieow booa OgOI.Ni Wano, 27 September. 0 Mou. muego b&eeM Bboogeoi kUD gokaba P. Kopo .al.p.. ulluvel. Peeba kwe moo La Ilakot'o ea khathal...o. 'torUli aelt.. IdYODg IpaO ilibele bubgDc ••oe ~ Noiba kumllflbeozi .olluvavany. id· I a .\111' lila /,oro a re\;e 1.0011,,1'0 ea ('hamber- dolopo-batobaJr.bololela n beboyile kolo. Koclca okuba i club ye teneee 11ill'lI ('.,Ii .. an.1 UiarrhOf'a R"Ql('d,\' ('lens Ie esidolopini. ".odokovula e Moont Coke ioendl.1i o NkoaJr. O. E. Zioi emv. kokotye. ezind.l. oezloa.mava ; 'itab'O kuba Id .• r", I(l Ut"jo.Jn~,;e kill' ta thus,," batho ba lei. inY.Dg" niiiqel. ekaya e Vetlili, ekobeni beliqinilJekile ukuba; SPM 1o.'I1I{UC }e p .. nelll di .1 .... tiN Ilimil, h likologo ,0Uh 11& K I.C_U. e neng e kopane MaDganng • II eon., di THATAFATSA ubeie &oulb Africa hagonOI dr i tb ~prl l kI, di 29 Loet~e, ho lumellanoe ka hore I. mal .. , di eo.bolou dim,ltlll '0 THATAFATSA LE 00 kopaoo ena e ntloelaDa bohloko lEI Mr. Tsa Whites cOllbl It anUboko I, ,Glib. mo 10 TSHABIBA ... un., TirO n "ftl II'" 11& go IIba.b1u 'ila. Clem~otl Kadalie, moetapele e mobolo laolanl[ mal.. a '0 aila dlJ' II 1[0 (KE LU.lTLA) di IIIuelM k(HInlll. Il~ 'Mlo 510 01 THATAFATSA OOTLHE oa b a .. behi ba Afrika }>o kuleog ha IlUIOTENC. Lae k. oako e telele mloe EaBt bobed.i ... ~Ion ...... '"l1&li1[ ILl HITES e haket8e bakeDg a. teoelc· di Pulolll. Loodoo me II roo lak.ltt.a bo fola W pele u batho b. bate'o, tbolo, tapele br re a boele a blahe pel'a &e. Jipapali Ie boih'olTo. E laboha Mr. O'~~po , ... mall" kallen.nl[ Mdi Ot Sohl .. , Drpei&i rno Hr,tlbo.on" O. cbaba '10 bee bo lie pbutha joaleka J. D . Mot.l!ile, hlooho ca "kolo 'moho , .pa .,n,ee. 0 on.,. m~'-. MokuU .. 0 IIoUhako. 00 Illuba ,. d,l<>hlolo, bHebElhi. I.e bore mona Free Slate Ie hatlatei ba hie ba ikbathat.eaog Olllbabi mO Uhogan', O. tlaltl .. n.. mo m.. lcn' 0 riln.t. 1[0 fa, Nal ...... bohle moo I.C.U. ea kb.le e kileng ea liotboDg teeoa teo hie. berekeng k. tbo..... lo, (i. Mn,ll[a madi. Mallho ua oen,ag Kntll, Br)ebuiI;" bloma teog batho ba ogollane Ie ,alo.,llo X.. 1[0 Ib .. WII-I ... II 1[0 Ilb ..... 'II. mOllnl[ •• mIl. dIdIo". ~llh, Act.iog Provincial Secretary ho fuma· Ka Ii IS September, Mr. J. MOhile I 1.1 di It. IIJelll. ·m. 1II01.el.5, a ane KnUI • ,Iuml"_ na taba taa t.csoloeo ea le llbotla la Ie batl.tei ba ble ba ile ba. ea "Kea 0 booa'. Addrea. ke Maraba­ Tbeuoi .. en Ie Ihoir ea eekolo ho ilo r iliad Locatioo., Bloemfooteio. tae kilanoa aejaDa. Re thaba ho boleta bore bar'a likoaere tie oeog II i1e Reh bolloll lIompl,lao II aM Ie cbu po I" ..... II bol.I ....! . • TheuoiaeD, Wbitea" ile ea hlola. Re O i Parlon. pUrlf,lng P,IL. I LETLALO LE LETLE Ie booe k.jeno Ie rODa , ee 6eo g se kae o reta Wemo Ute ma.bome a mabla· rdilioa 10 ,"Ibl hI. til IIotlol. hape re e'o Ie la\l1 t cllo,"nl 80 pWa_ J:lotll. II H DO eeUolo eeo:lt ea Chamberlaio'e rom,ld. 1110 '0 PO 80. t~2, S.lve til otlle lie pbellola maqeba a Mr. Da\""id Mataipa 'Iociety Itewlrd' CAPE TOWN nrllhileog, bape Ie lolli,itle.letla!? la ta ba Methodist mona Whitel eeale a • batho b:l bangata. Se reklloa like· Ie mooa hoapatal. ho tloha ka khOtIi -.c:." ". J , .mteUol!l Ie mabeukeleog hohle. ea Sl!ptember hofiblela )oale . WA Jm

ORDER FOR RESTITUTION TAELO EA GO BOlSETSA GA Umbulelo OF CONJUGAL RIGHTS DlTOKELO TSA LENY.nO Tsa MaDgaung IS Ta E SATl>E Dtv0 8CE COUET M OL%l[oort.l:.NO U KOAOUXG (C.pe and O.F .S. Prorinoea) ~-y~ A. UTHO .il...... 'fT! O Ullapo lou m6 ¥lu. T. P . 1Ityobo kuaye Baroloa. Banal Society DO:DIu wottke ...k._ c.~ytDi . eGa IUDbu­ Natal Ie TraIl ...... I} lel0 luao zou e i:r.iblobo uibooiae uvelwaDo (Before H. G. SCOTT, Etq .• President) OKETE 0 0000 do.letee mo oMing ohllugJg ogendLela nioinzi ngeeihl0 _ Olol!' Cue No. i3 of 1935. (Pele ga. B. W. M'AllTll't, Esq ., M ea Barolong Bori.l Society koa ""'1 .. yo. Between Mookamedi) Boohabela b , ..ki ya1:2 September. Sibu).-'. eolr.o.",li ngokuba iloogile, E LL£:s N DU.Zl PI.intiff, Molato ~ o. 49, 1 35. 1Iodol•. l(ltolo ele Mr. J. P. !bchu­ ngokub& ing\lupe.bde inoe ba ,..yo. 'Dd PAlm ex-xxn lIag.reng ga molotea, 0 DI6" Iopt. Mr. 8. J. Bou­ J O"'LPB N oun Defendant . ;etei ga tlhabeletu. pin. e "Modimo .Jso, Taos. ~l:r~-o B EBTUA MB....TSIl Moma_l.:adi • o. BoikaoJo", thapelo ea diroalr.e -- B E 11' 8:&l1D1BERED J. ~ eMl'lO R. MOIll :::,15. w. (:qom. I " B. MOloti S. Mkiva. Modola-tetolo .. tbat the . bove- named Defendant was J OlLun fl:s MaAT9E lfum . kalloa bola u gore re wile tebogong kaha. MU ... I.IkI. KnI. Sept . Z ... eni 1/ .• Me,.. ... S. 8ummooed t o aOli wer t he above.nlmed • M.t.t bikjz.},6, S. Mtl mba ~'" W. N,ng'''' 0 1.0 A aOGOPOL OE GORK Modimo thoeitleog lekgnUa ye la I .' .• P hilIp :-;,nt.. 2: .• .J . P.hl.n. ~,6, "I. H . P laintiff io actioo fur reatitntiuu rooa ka gooe, u goone gompieoo Ie lI ... ob I", Lizo S.&h"ba 3d .. Tandelli I ., o~ cooj?ga l r i ~h h , famo g whicb fo r momakllioa ea leina Ie ko"diloeng go .hoetaa diogoaga tee 40 Ie dira gare Greo-u Hobo 2 -, C. Mor.i 6d .• l ...,- ~o t o m. dll8uluu oo of t he m a rria ~e aub6iBt iug dimu oua biditeoe go tlu era ~ • moma­ ga rona, mme re lopa Modimo gore 0 I ,M,·Id. mefI Yeiadi. mailhu ea tee. dilr.ulr.u Ie t.ee diogoe tee Mt uyed.... I Ii. CI.r. Mpiad. 1/. Roae 9SS ,.. S il ~ m~'" SLI. Mr . . ' Si.a.ba 6d, St. A~ u re ... •• muoate ele boitumelu. Tiro ea coaloa Motbtr. ' l ·ni"" £i. ~It .Ioel P.lltyobo £I. b thapelu ke Rre Mogaecho. lir.• "J Mr!!. PO"O I ·. Mr .•nd U .... Yale maloba ke De k& koadile ka ga Mn.... oq. Z'" the IW v ."d A. Kaz ... i I _. kotli e eue II tlhagela moaadi moogne Kr .•nd lira. lityalel. I '. Mr .•ad W... . Y.b" I ..• Mr. &ad AI .... Pelem 5' .• M,nel oes Your baby • abele mo diphateug. Y.ua ene Sbe,l. Si$but.. 3d. Carmeo S ..huba 3d mOladi eo munna oa gagne lI:a nUha Cy nthia 8,ai,nba 3d. ldeada.me. Buab ea go tlhoka tiro a una. a .kaoy, Ie • Jacot.. 3i·. J.ne Ral.ne If·. Ngoudo 6d, weigh enough? It. 1& dirang, me a noela koa utle g. f!. ~emgh. 2f·, Hi .. D. JeDl3au •• Meadamel :So'·'na lobI .... tJd. J. ·/(-m ..... 1/.. M.tytlmr.& toropo go ea go bitt. fIOoe. Y.na s'_n 6<:1. B. Velap; Gel. J. lIakat.. 6d. erile a hoe. too muyakoug a hitlbela u.;. R. Vtlapi 3d. I4ra. Jda Soh I ' . li .... Weigb your baby today. li he ia pege e boile Itoa pbopoog. Leioa ya A G ...~g ....n. 60.1. _\tila El;..betb lib, 6d. nut as hee. vy as he shuuld be or if he is If yuu woultlJike f'lrtber" maudi eoo ke MoeelaDc. moroadi oa De Blackman aad Paota Choriatell fat but not strong you should !tart particuJara 1I'I'it.. t-o : _ MpbubetMne oa Lady Br.ud, flO Dye­ 10 ·, Mra. Emily Pambo 1/-, lIiue. N. cOtl og Ite Lepbula. Re lela Ie ba ga Koboka 2 -, Miriam Black. 6d., Mrs . feeding him on Nutrine a.t uoce. BIND BRQS. &. 00. LTD •• saba botlhe ba ba otioileog Ie bao ba H. PabJaoa. 6d. Queenltown B.ntu Xutrine i! made fur babies of aU agee. UmbiJo, Natal. MIIg ba utloe. Teachers' Allociatiun 10/-, Queeos­ Go tJ h.gUe Ito"i koa Batbo Lake­ towo St. Audrew'a Teachers £ 1, Ibene m.lub., batbu ba bolailoe ke QueeD.lt.owD St. Andrew'. School maru bale babedi be etee ruri b. cbildren £ 1 13 10, Mr. and Mu. t>.bedi bolle ba thotegile. Motho eo Nontuma 6d, Mila Etta JemlaUa 1/_, choeoyegileng that. ke .aeobo Mr.. M~.u C RaJaDe 1 f·. A. Ma paogo 6d, Mohlabl. me n lIIaile 11:. merapelu 1110. tbeRev. More 2,'6, MeNn Mavi I·, B. Modimoug. Mrs. M.ria Liphuko e QUo 3d., W. Pandle 6d, Mny.maoa .t.ae e Ie lobaka 10 lotelele. o.t.e. Gd, Spelman 1,_. R. BlDqaodu Gd_, C. ·'hoenyes. yaOa • botoko., gape re Mape~ 2 6, W. Mbaba 1:-. J. Dalll.rnt>. utlo. gore Ie Mn. E.ther Murg.n Ie ) '-, V. Pahl.na 1 -. aud wreath, were eue 0 rubetto ke hntlboko. Motho eo I&nt by tbe follo'lt"ing: Inapector O. P. IRUMATISENE i1eng koa Kolooi Ita Mr. Godoi:a Ie eoe Trutor, Bigher Mil8iuo School child· o He teu, ka IItlha ea go 1& phele 10- reu, Jahamcli Sodilhe, Queenlt)wn bak. 10 lutelele. African Mioitten, MI.a I.e Roux Amelia Janely. Stella Eethout, Mitte~ • L. Blel. and W, Nomwa, Misaee Etbd De WIW. KHUl~y ...... aod Nuoi Mullinl, Jamela'i family Bta.dder PiJt. .. ~ .t..Al_ 10 Tsebiao ea Bohlokoa and lit. Lock. n&o-- USLfl II:" "". , . ntT$1ft:.o !fI l'Qd. ... "t"aaa IIttebiao ho meuoalle Ie b. h.hn bon., MANTUNTU (utherwiae Wbete) of 'Unelnatle ezibl" OLa Igul 'me ho Dolota"" Iitabl. B.taatnaiai Sophtatowo, J obannNburg .Y.Jljiteb zintl""gu: x. . uhJ&oge"a ..... "t.I ..e .... ba &lDafl:S& . ko. iuhlabla, I.dll-dule ko"II. rauar:ola b. Moaebe"i os "Umtetell" caha· No.. 85664 2132. 011 .. vimbJ",yo 1"u-o_II._ Dne etas poreiu ele 'op ea 2 •. 6d ;ncq.i.niba, .....JcM o .Ie "0 NOTICE il hereby gi1"eD that tbe I.... ~ e J.o> w iziateo nkut.. bakeog .lIleebito lee danB k.t1.. •• aqi ; ~ " I"'uhull n .... 01N Fir.t and Fiua! Liquidatioo and dbe aako """f1Ua ~. libloobo t.l8ua :- k ..." ioa.ne l- azintlOllgu, 0 0 ""'0 obs ' .Jekile-yo DiitriblltiuD A,'(:ouot io the above­ "'0*"i11" II ....,J,eu .... ityef.. Tu. L..Ju,_ n.med Eatate will lie for inlpec'ion o.enuyo uosi.mbe.... T!oo .... • t the Office of tbe Beaident.M.agH­ _ t . U~1 _II., z,t.eOf!' •• &i ,.~r.& Do Sao" bate ., J obano8lburg .nd at the Lnocila irj"taQ r.<o. Zaaae nlmb. , De Wlu. . K.idDay."d 1!1ao "",~ Pilla ()f!k. uf the Muter of tbe Sllpreme lJl' aheD .....1a _ -""o.i ity.f" _ .tiog. mbodlala .., 3 (; .. e .~ . J ~ eumb.... oll ...y .. .. ·. ·Il .. ao,pht ...... Court .t Preklrl. for a period of m.:i t1n'ai, . po uookupo\.el. . Ilona IUkall-.io elD" . 1I . "y"r. utCIg_ a LmlUl$O Tll LrTuax.ftSo. hreaty OI1e (21) daYI reeL-uud from iog.buyi " nloangele lotJu~. Ultua.e %.t • • 1.0 alluba uta ....z.. ..1 .o~ ... roqo LitMbiao \aeDa II ta'oaDet.ae ho the fourth day uf Ooklber. 193.5. ube _k" un yeu.a 10,,10. la u ziy. QJ'.II.el i lDp'la' "katu» (~ka tIIO'beuiae nl mt..I .... 'UI okallvpela. uRoioa, 'me Ii romeloe bu Buainua n"IU &1" M.&CO~.LI•• ".uger... Omtet.eli," P . O. Box EXf!CIl\or THtamf' otary. 4.525, Jub.nnMborg, 'me U .'oaoe" 10, A.d .om Arcade, hu felebayoa ke pampiti·chelet.e ea 37, Commialioner Street, De WITT'S B!:g~ PILLS :! 6 bpa Iit.empe tie leunaD, chlate J 01-1 , " '( .~ II OM. 00. I ,,' 'l'SUBA OFFiCERs' MESS CI G A RE'f'TES l' ---- UMTKTELI WA BANTU. IOBANNEBBURO, GTH OOTOHER, 1933. , MO"~A ° NKBANO. Thuto ea Mo-Afrika HO etlflt... hore moea oa bae 0 aeu Selection of Player, e oa ukb. 1(10011 .. Cbamberlaio', Tablet... Ha ho ,ehl,re ae t.'oaoao ;( R. 310 SF..~ LOBEKQ, writt--: Ie tIooa bakeo, .. ho lold.a lflbete Ie M Please allo. me to OOlfoct 110m, Kotsing kh.tbatlO I .. mala, eleog tlon. tee of .. 1'III (l111 II,)" " . taUl!1f'llt a ppe-aring el'aog bore moea oa bao 0 ok be. LI 10 "Gmt t,(,li .. of I ~ S'pkrnlx'" H ot lokl.a mIl. hore I .ebetae ka lllQ&oelo. ""Y tust in Jl1- bl, go blnoa b, 'Mo.o blo ba kbe· C("rnt'lI lella likereke L;amoo e 1.:, ll'tolOAng gore II DO li Ie eeoatla kereli:eop: ea rona ea CoUllrt' iUIlI)" .•• i'l1l<" lip - L'4 ('itber un ,We tc Cf !ik, 10 II'I Oil" pol ..; ('III h e, k, Iilbu.~ t hulo go motba. Motlotlegi de ,'ilIien !lat ional, e leng 'm'a rooa Mlu K hal r mainhin i tb,' IIO~;tirlrl t'IO a 'nil"ok:, liet@a Be lilloDg t811 • bonteha k,moo thuto ea ttk,ool e Ktck, ell oketo-oeng lebohmong ka I. _ IlamelaoB motba 0 mot.ebo kateng L! Seplembi!'r. Mofu re De re ·mit.a mltat'00fil: roua 1>'0 10 ba Ne"vate. • k, go bolela gore mo-Afrika h. aka 'm'a Kereh ea Congrl'gation.1. Mofu K" h.ka 1& 1"(1, " TI1 ,,,,·lo ea b. itae cbomi 0 limoll. go gOllatea t hem~ o ile a kulela ba hae pol8liog e Ic o~ Mablll1l8 b: \ .. k'kll .. e lahla" Eka Stofberg Items ~olimo ~ kilo tI'eliea hob Ie ba lIaog .re 0 btl,", go batbo 1>.011:01 elIOt! Ie New".le, 'me I. i.oa Ladybr.nd Lo el merero I!'I' toe. JeoS ko tine. Abo· okoa teog boapatala. E'ue ka la l:.! Joallka oa; babolo tt kope:a mobo. O R 1F: XT,\I~'" r,t (;, rm... ",·, Jl" tI lela gore II moltmo Ii... gore mo-Afrik. September, moLala oa fibl. pol ..iog loaoe oa molu m.te·eliso a 'llete e \'i"it 00 ~"tnrt."4Y, :!ktb. .'X'p" mb 1'. It'lljl; Madame Goy, ehoe a uhe a Ie Th, re1lnlt of Ibt- Dl.1td. W&ll • dn,,.. a JOtoe k. pUG ea I. Sebo Ie 11:0 diko· ~I mo'u 0 bolt· leo!/. bore' m'a roo. 0 moog.-N. 1._ FHU ROJ:. pu1. U i:ln~ Oil!' dikgolo t -a bo Fort Hare. Go t imelle. Setopo .. fib t, III e·tfoa )boyof thu f:'tudenLi tllke _·po rt~. w .. nYl!'ltogile 'me sa re ltll!' 8"re go IfOnye· Ladybrand .e e·t!a pola.ing til mofu .\ t,moli mn.tch played gile kae. Newnle moo a tlilon~ ho bc lokoa • by H .S 'I . Club nod tbe m('mben Ea rbomot"co,a: beke till!! pt li],;e Mr_ .Motlotle~i, ProfNl~or D. D. T. teng li:a la 14 Septembl"f. Hit.e ka -ho 'tl" flO\' pint. of p.-.rtroan • F. Mqwebu ~rooog o ••t.t r •• roo• . Jabavu eo .. neog a Ie mono Gaut..eog letntsi leo b.a fihl. batbo ba "-ogala hip. b malahi a ,"eke e fe tileng ka gn Id­ btl nenl! ba etlOa bole bole Ie baufi. maN a t.hoara dipitao k. ga mela n e ny.ol.' . Moruti E Dngmore a bula ..~ ha e6 bathn ba bant.hn, 10 t10gile moeebetai 'me a Ihu. ..na Ie lIoroti G Jolly Jack Barnard's mODO Gaoteng gn hoela Kolooe Ita Dieterlen. Ka morao bo kbolbltlO, Book Shop Lst.otlha.co I. e1 ("'''''A''I I. "'..... U lIo fc:-puoa hll Methapo ke ntho e b.lUeh..lnQ, h.' Co .• 1'_0 8 0," ":"42 , C"p.. 11.. ,.moIon. " ...... ",aU •• 111<10 .... I. Town • ....1 .... foel>l .... luUdt••• 100 •• m•• h a ".pol. 11."&"1' .. ulk 80\. I. M ....po bo ...... hO phd. Io""U..... ~ rn.U. horo u .... p.1l •• Uolak. hp.lo b. pap.n. ~"" ,_1. 1>'"1 •. l? ,~:h In.b\.Di IlDPIIo !e Sbu­ %1 uko.

£ ·ilIlefat.sa boo pb"lo b~ llIbuae (I.. ""OU ... ko) \\ lI.on N'''l'', ,,~U~ ... tu blo babeli. A_ J: . M.Il..... Cap •• I• •

SMOKE OffICER,- J\l..... ClGARETrES OMTKTJo~Ll WA BANTU, JOUANNESnUI1.0, :,111 OC(OBKlt, 103G, p, Gompo Cricket Umnyadala We Rugby At Brakpan iLENGOLO LA MORUTI Union R IU s" "'o"i LE PHATLALATSA ugby Kwelase Bhai A hljtuo.d ...... rlllVf'U,I~ troll lwe I{amoo A .... {)kolil R(' n ~ Theka All III,.,,\;. 1~.L H~turtl ... y. Mf . L II \ I NtlllMf WIU I h.• c, rl'f"~ '. '[')-., m'4t oh w.... U ae 4 n('hcs I Season ka 1935·36 ran hUll, th e~11rl .. ud th ... Unll/er,.I, (Nul' \~-\I .HI\ 11:) II ,,"'/rl.l,. " I~I.' ' · tbr~"I" jZft\", .. tl,,,· .. ;.. hlhltl,,o f,rOpi'1I "11"'''''11 Ir,", I "10' 'I Jd Ivuliwe N \MHl.\~J~~, O.· tolHor ., i Iol prloK pl"y ., I)"v" M.·lIonK" ilnd I). "'Irtlll """""" 1,- I",/~. • ... loka. Hnlo H. I,' O. Y"'10 Monll IdItol. I K"otll" "." did k... "d inBhlo .ork. for 10" 'no,i.""" tMtIJ""llllhau11 NTLANtlANlSO ,ollu,'ul... h'e BlQ.ck Lloo n. J" C. )'11'6 MontI k ..all~e deadlv· i-;oou ... rtN th .. tlrwt kirk. thll I ''',~ch.'n. I""",,, ...... " "' ~ I l:i _toIle kh",l,h,' I MalOO ka I !\36 -36 ye Gom po 'irl(luuly m ..., b', fI Weltbourllfl 0,·,,1 ,\11 81.,,1<4 ' lIot...... •• io II HIKtor .nd Illlb,. 1'''''''''&<1 10 0 1!1.lb.. o 11 .. 1. h" U ~h,n.· 7 II 'r ... 1. hIl • Cri.·kf!lt Uoioo Ibihlall!tl'oe oge .­ e Oolopllll fI Bh.l, iii tum 1.1k ll'l"la 001, " Hy ItIKh'," t"",'h·tintl"rl !lVr,1 h.,'. I! .t .."" I', It, •. I~ L1.t~ Sept~mhfor. U Sibl.lo II Mou. J, M(1kl nUl'll bioi !.Iomibutho. I Tbirt! te.m ,n t'arl.V '.'~fl·_ A ml.l"'k ... by '0 .. 1'.1, IM'p""" I", I.·th .. ~. I. 10" , n. " I, 11'fl'Iidl'otj uVlktli,e ud.b. Iw.m.lo· yr 81,riuA: HOle y •• e Bh"i itlt"l ... i All UI'lok I""" " O.y" ~,"bllr Im .. rUy 4~ i n""~ •• JOI1<· k. n, i,,· h., ". k k~.t ogu .Ie Uoioo .0ll:atekoyo u MOil. .utl. fl'lotlojZ .1 p .. ,. to .\d .. ml. re\'l'ri!!'d h "J(.u 'h"n 1o."lInt..... n .. k~. b ... ,,"'. tn.toh ynkuq,la kWa(llfl WI •• tbllllrnfl h,}, .. "on" n'olh"'Ie ..... Wa"batio n .• lI.hI.. F. F B.lfour obemel. i t:j •• llow. 00 0 ... &1 to Dolopioi Off W.lmll r Wah'l to Mkollto. who ~b"t Jik., h" lll't for .. k.n.-hoo Iu, b"" ••••10, :. m"hn"o) Mou T_ Martia obemela I Wi11 o"'l. Y"ap. k".op;o r.lvulo ... 7 O<'tol~r tbe lin.... t'0Ivf!lr ••1.3. All Hllok. 0) bonolo I.. tooll ... loa 'III' J. •• b '0'1 •., ... 1 10tlaoll:.oilo o(tOIl"'~lill o I.yo ibo?i_ }(, Korat!!'o 01'.1 liSe. r.hulu .e 7 J. Ollll~'lt , tbe Tr ... o .....el .~rtHD­ n! ho 1'0 h. II. lOa .. ".1..,,,,. ~ I,,. I~ hOll" uvel ... no o(lOkup.ll.m. Ime imil.u­ J,, ~I ' ho II, kll.tlooJl ", 'm~J" 0'" J,.", .. " , .... , .. ~tober, I Orieot.l ~Ilhlrl\. .yod umo half .•1~OIIl1fJ the returo 01 the , .. nll'.t. ' .. nAntl k" .. Mol.. lIE'" .,.Ie ho". ", ...0'- logulo Y001.k. ibe yeotle Iqubllalla 'frieodlv Inlt.I (' b' o~ to') 00 .,,1 Uoh!!'ulI'" thll o'Ittaoll tbe tI "", I,...... ljopb~lo I•• k. I.. 'n arlk. OtJocoml'ktyo, oaoIl r.iog.pelao~a .1 SpriojZ 11.01' R .F.e- Y.Ie· Montl ftllumptioo 01 pia)'. hI' bNke from the too rba botl. bn r.·t. J\>III •• ~Iit • • , . 1_••. fiJ:turM kutelll i m.tcb 0ilamblo, UI­ 1 Unioo R ~C . Y.le Bbai Iq ubi~.o. .crum .itb a bunch of bl. oppooeota D" I., mohl.~k.o. k . t,. k. moo"•• I ...... • leleIo, kwagqit, ... ullub'i,:al ..e I e Rblol lie LII, Whlto 0,11;" MI(qibel0 .rouod bim "od ltlI'lfed" fioe try. I.f'roo I .. u, Ie" elo leba I". J, 4!, ",n'I'''' 'ne"" (ItJISOO epelileyo 193-' 3:, ibe yl (dr ... k .. IInre Io~ ,k\lllo(l .. ~ If molol.ok.l.I. ~ a waolt.mhtl\oja, te ngo Mvulo "1'1 7 The Id ok ''1,,10 f ,lied. (Uol .. eu.l,6, 1,l,rno 1i ~ I. · · _(Re".J \\'.11.1;. e~o) og'liluluogi.,,& kombl.b. ~g.­ October. kw. i Uololl Ylle Hh.i Ib.­ Blacll. 0 Tbe p' c~ wa~ tf)() moeb Ko """'" h. bttho b. hal.l ... '. ho> bakl .. balll (reclUotion Rr~uodl y.b~ .YlOto mb.oe ne Wiotflr Role y ..,1 Sbinl lor tbe All BI.d, .h" ..ere hrll...,j to b pollell""o ... "",11 II ·floel"..., 1.010 t~1 yeml'i.iI ••no,... UOIOO oeodl.1i III pel •. kW&Ie Rbiol. dofeod . lI tlill tl'll K.nd oi,. ',.,..1 .. I .. , ~.h.1"!' 11 ."a""ng Ion tn ..... he> motho. 'I~t ... ,., a Lt',Inu., 1.I 1j: I Kruac b.o Kul.odele uUylllo 1"'magOia okll­ Njtt' I tI Octobror, i O,lIlOt",1 Y.III worlled hi. "ay thr'lu~b thll d.,f"oce . • tI,,, .... I>fole Ie lip)".') ho oh·. 10000bl. 'Pat. oooy.ll.oj ••me ngolublobo Bb,i Idl.11Io I m.teb ,Vokuv.l. i.e•• oo .od theo 10f • II:f .od lio .. le. Nahoi ""hi ... l'lO t.ooe .. IlItI,ooehlllll J... 1... 0. ·10 le Prfllideot, HOD. Joo. N ~!!'k1. Vice :ve rugby e Rbloi oe Wlout Roee ,._ rao like a bue from tbe b .. lf· ... ' lioe L.·,ta f. ' 1O ~lfI" mpw i::bo!, hi" .n'.D~_ O},IO., mooono 0 mob<\ (Ie, fel •. Prujdeot., B.oum .. J S. M.odlenl, 11.00._ for tbe -"b try . Fh,,1 ~ oore: J. Plwyi. O. Jamel., S. Kru""b.. o 11 .. 11, e 11>111<1110. Llk ·,.,i.,,,;!; II. W. A. I B.otu Soci.1 Club Y'~~ Bb"i iM Uoi'f'eual. 12, All olackl O. L,olol .. Ie M.boo"Iu·I".,,, k .. !ff) b"U"I() 1I.galel.; Hon Secretar, .nd Trea.­ .ocial tlbo.lllo;i kwi T. C. Wbite n.1I e urer, O. R Mtlti, A"i.taotSecretar" Ne. Dri~htoo oj;fe C", •• y. o~om.1) • II Kotobe. D.ltoojt.te. t.o OtPl'o Cup umbl. "e t1 O,·tober. Ilot.ty.t ..", i..lll ~Rtur.I!I}'. \".j;(l'O{'fI pLot.y,',1 II Chief Nteelle Mol.pJ, of tb" B Mut.,­ Bo.rd Banum •. J.mel. no M.odleoi Iilvt'f collfctioo ngap.k.tL N~ollu_ "on'at .lfIlIlW .lllam-t tl.e Akun,lta :\ I laod Tn C,)l1ectio~ Olli n. Cle .. er Deltoog.t.t. Lo Bordff Butu Ctil'k-(lt hI", oj .... Octob(.r 5, k'll'&. I Blotu hut WI'''' IlC;lwn I:! I). l.Allt :-iUOdll}'. Route, Rlmmood. Streflt, J " b.noea­ l'oion Baoum.. J.mtla, M.ogo no Social Club ·jol'oll:.yi"ayo' yoo. i Ih,,}, mH th.· Hhdd",ut!feodaot. Il'lwa ti rugb, teaml 1001le Ute Bb.i ",.. ombo ... o uq.1iI'll'a yi Bbodi ,e BI: IT B..~J:lIBERBD Rogb" ell ... kudl.oa iouimbi ktn,e 1'6 FeeJa th .. t the above-oamed Defendaot .. at p.kati k ..e team. flIetoyiliwe .. ooke summoned to .olwn the above-n.med kwilllidl.lo ,e odebe yl Oril'ottl PlaiotiJI io .0 .ctioo for u" ti'ution R }'.C. I Oritottl izimiwle 0ll:'wo of coojugal rightt. faiiiog wbicb for om.oe ollob. ibeogomb.mbi .. o'-u· ke eona theko ea mochini dittolutioB 01 tbe marriage .ubailtiog q.la ..elillb.kba. bet.. eeo thetn; AND 81: IT rURTB1:tt BElIlWBEREO • oa ho beola oa Gillette 'th.t on Tbuf.l(i'y, tbe 15th dlY of Fir East Rand Cricket Ango.t, 1935, ~f~n~. the .aid Cou.rt , 1 " t;il1tltto: t~a. ho h<-<.lb Ii camo the I.id PIIIOUJI, a.nd tbe ••lId ('onti",utll from pagt 2() h.c 00 If' mouno "Iho -h,·,; 0 bo I, >0'" Defeod.tn~. Iltbougb duly tum mooed kilo th<,ku 1'1 t1a.-l-COlllslllba ij7 not " right. .od orden Defeod.ot to returo out, Xgcngebule :.12 lI ot ...... I.. l.lr \n·r. · ,b.1l not be dilMOlved all out for !;2. Only thn"O bat..~m{·11 D.ted .t Pretoria thi. 1 ::itb day of ~corctl double tigum~ Tho ~h l ~' T •• D' -&i"H-et~ ... RK August, 1935. 101101100 on anti at the e1 0 0 of play III I.' By order of the Court, _iCOre 1Ia.~ ;,,:; runS fO') r t 'l'.icker..\, W.Bl>"lia, DEAua. MADE IN tI~C,"AH D B. W_ Tit ... "arne will be wlitinUl.Q. at or AU Regi.tr.-r . ,., (;eduhl to·morroll , !jth Odobt-r_ ::cop TSHAYA I OFFICERS' MESS CIGARETTES •

OMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 5TH OCTOBER, 19M. Big Holiday Soccer W D. Lose to East Rand vs N o THING bu helped to 1m/,ron" uw Natal Tr- ansvaal l~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;-:-;~~;-;- . T rnu:;.aai football .a m ud.! \ t he friendl), comp('tltion.' bct..-ee n i ~trld ,\ "'oclatJOn_, und"r t ht' aWl!,i. At Bantu Sports Club ceil of tht" Trnll8vaal .\ frielln .Foothall As:!oeiatioll, for Ihl:' Henoch.. hcr;! Cup T HE; lran..v(Ul.1 ~nl h.1 tL{ Bakef"!' T his year the gam~ have lJeeD u­ Ltd. Cup In their 1-'1"8.'1). tv! onJy hilarating. A lt hou~h tho W. D. A L I \ a.1e!~tlonal perform .• Il<'t' can Natal A. is takinf,! the HClloch"oorg ('up •.L·pn\·p tbtm of it ou Mond;J~·. l'iinCt' for the third t ime, the ('OmpetlhQu tL.l· B 'hf"f CUp IHLlt opo\l'"d for rom, ItFt' U hn~ 1)('('11 l'( Iu<:ath'6 and keenh J~titJo" throe )"l"81">1 back. Natal bas oontt'"ivaa l playe,. a draw (:2-:!) beat I heir repl'C8cntati ve ~ id c br an o-e nt ta aa follow!:_ ) oung blood to ad v a[l tag~. For t he I no.t. tim,· T raOBvaal won a meritable KROONSTAD GOLFERS I ,. P. W L. D . F A P t~. . . Wltwatel"llranu 3 2 lO r. 1'1 4 vil.tor) o,er Natal a nd took the Standing (Left.nght ) - A. ManIUlO. P. Molet.$II.IH· , J MQ.!J halane, D. Tbibedi, East Rand 3 I I I 7 :J 3 ( O\·ct.eJ Tropby to t ho Nortb. Another R. Mokoteli , D. M!'H'pe S ltti n~ - I Li ale, r:. Nli ledi,:S. Kopa~ . 10 front : ~ IWeEit Rand 5 I I I 3 5 3 Ix> a twmpt wiU madl' by Trannaal L. Lipbalana, J. Koal e- pe. J ohannesburg 3 I i) fJ 3 ., ., Ill"Et Monday (7th OetoLer) to retaiu it ouc", more . TranavalIol will be able t .6..·hl I ~ best repreeenl-atl\·e!>. Tht J: '("rt' for tbiB big match i~ Mr. DllIJ' Tau . of Bloe.mioDtein. Joe Louis Will Be Get your cricket supplies • World Champion Highlanders Lead from J L AST week·end the Iluc('e ...~ful r un of Negro Fighter Is tile NegrOOH wan cbt'('ked, and Bible Reader Hlgbl:u ldel"ll are once more ou top WARD & SALMONS with a point ahead of their friendly J OE LOnS, tbe Xegro oo~e r ,-{vaLl (Negroee). To·day Alexandra kuown widely a,.," the Brown THE " HORACE CAMERON" BAT by S,hs, A[ wdl moot Traru;va.:lt Jumpers in Bomber," who b:,"' defeating Max a C.ouf.alt for asoendancy, Trall9vaal Made froUl the Finest Sel~ted Willlow. P0S8e8se/O Baer in Nell' York qualified ns Ii nail Jumpers ha.ve be-t' n prone to ,.la.ckness, candidate to meet Jaml'!' Braddock unsur.passed resiliency. spend id whip 55 eurorll)g the fray with little enthUllia.sm , for the world championship, may and Instant roco.ery ...... '" / • " <.It to-day. they art" likel,\" to brace first meet Max Shmeting, heav:\, Tbe Finest Cricket Bat Value In Tbe CoUOlry- the Ul8C h"t~ up and give tbelT opponent.s weight Champion. of German.' 1::;0 " MATCH " FULL·SIZE BATS. Excellent 0011, a bCQ8El of tbeir fl uperi(lrit:'" The in New York next June. Tue s tTl~ctioo : with plenty of. wood at. dri\ing point. Treble Ah·u. .nrlriaDli. howev&. te.al i.;{· that winner will tben mert Jame~ "pflng wltb Rubber Gnp. Wonderfnl Club t bey are only n. poInt hehtnd Negl"O(lt!:, Braddock. Practice Bat 12 /6 aud th£'.V i1 win to·d ..y·. ~ match tbey The fight against Baer II a~ a E:l:act as aoovt' in Boys' Bats. Size I a.tand a. good cbance agalDo;:t the I,()O(I .OOO dollar affair. Baer a~ frOlu...... l~egrof"' who hl\.v(I AtiU to mert Pure 4/6 ex·champion wiU recei,e a good SGPER .i\IATCH BATS. Treble Spring with Red ,"our A POUlt of In~t will be to proportion of this ' but Louis ",ill _ how Righlandenl far", again.st. Rubber Grip, good back and edgelI . Perfect 21 1 get more money tban he has e,er IJala nce ... .. , • Vop:1rdll, (maooh :2 I f- pm. to·day). had in his life. Somehow HighlandeM fail to be de· He is a clean liring man. a omn< & "OORE'S " NONJAR" A 18/3 ClOfIVe In their play when when tbey great reader of the Bible, and a Popular B..1t )fl ... meet Leopa.rdi!. WhiM Leoparw belicver in prayer. Gill."N & MOORE'S " \' I C'f 0 R Y work thomaelve.:t up to haVl;' the honour The general feeling i-, to.day DRIVER." A new production ... of hE-a.ting Highlanderi'. tbf" leading that he will nenr be def<-a ted, t 'l m y .. t the Highlanden> 800m to re­ and that the world's champion, CRICKET BALLS J,:. .l I'd Il pards a" ship will e\"6ntual1~' come to him . j ,to "0 much fun. Hut whether Leather Matcb Balls. 5!oz, "Special Club " 3/6 I " ')r'I: "i~ r:m «",peat their victory - " Match " 5/6 "League" 6/6 " County" 7/6 " Cable < ,'r H lgbland~ will l>f" decided sewn " 7/6. 1 ') t . alm()< t and be· opening bat"men for \'an Ryn ])rep. " CAlIJ.:nON " BUCKSKIX OLOn-;s, f ore lt1a.hr •• h reali8Mi wh .. re h., \"fa;; , his Ne.er De ~ pai t"" oowlrn- wert' A . full haud Wltb S piked Rubbed back 15/6 .., tump.;-thro.>e of ~ht'm-were On thl' Strick and B. " an BrisO)('!;. When J!;oollnd from Van Br.fU('Oi' ., U;;i2ht a nd the .;core stood at 3:? \ an llriN's h..~ t hall. Row Wl.>' till\\' joined by ,ocattered Mtendeui'$ stump", wi l b a LEATHER MATCH D. Uab!llh;l, wht, ptay~l t.'l"cellent ,.t rai ~ ht . fast ball. Ktlebi WM jomt' (1 CRICKET BALLS c rir k,·t b:,"' H . Roro who pla:r erl a mal! uifi eC Ii I Van B r u.~~ now t h Illc.-d Ill.,., ta,tiC'o :;ame. The bowlers ~ ee-m ed to be Guar9nteed d.\·ed Red throughout. Ly oe\ivermp; a few lo<><*' balb t o. R OfO. dancin:.:: to hi,. mw;ic. Treble se.uns. Hurd wcaring Ball. 51~ . 3/6 'Ih('tl all of :t .~u dden he .·ent U,,1I"D. t bat \ 'an Bri ~,.e ~ , failing to dtk,\t R ow'g, r~b?ll ;:)f "nt· ~~ hiB .\.Cld .'! (,f th· {1.1.vi!·o~ H(' had had UHl.d(· IIi. J . J .1kat\"ana joined eoutftbut,' d ')1 Hl'wand Irheu he h"d I;t'ored 1:II,e Nhocngel,uJc 10: 0 JGl46d Dlclawba abo bad to ~o. Gllwat n fo.llo"' t·t\ . wll('n thf" I-,1.'< 14., IItru Ii: f"rm. Jakat:,"ana bllt wa~ run out .IU'! alt.·]" ~rtboul.!h Dalam ' w, hI' 11 \1" ,1 he too had real·hed 13. Patnd. I • 'I1. ,li.lldi in..

.Prlctd aDd PabU.bed by .h. Proprk:l(jrt l\atln PrbltiDg " PublilhiDg Co ., Ltd" t8 t,Dd SU'&(It, Job.aI1.Detbarg,