Arjiy Will Take Over Air Mails Feb. 19
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. -‘ r : 4 ' ' ' ■ ■ ■ ............ '.* • • : t:4 4TSBAGE DAILY dBCDLATION for ttie Month of iramisry, 19S4 Poreeaat of p. 8. Wenther 5 , 3 6 7 Snrtford Member of the Antflt Fair, not quite so eold tonlgltt; Snodmj iaereMliif AiniMWi.*— BoroM of dreiilntioiis. 7mZT^ mow at nlj^t. VOL. u n . NO. 112. (CbMolfled Advertlalng on Page 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE (^ENTB RIOTS PU RE ANEW Figures In Bremer Kidnaping EATHS, BLAZES OLLOW STATES ARJIY WILL TAKE OVER IN PARIS STREETS COLDEST SPELL Commimist Bands Start AIR MAILS FEB. 19 CONNOR MAKES Man, Exposure Victim, Wom Trouble; Several Fatali Private Fliers Stripped of an Bamed to Death; Big Expect Arrest Today ties, 1,000 Injured; Dou- ANOTHER PLEA Their Contracts by One Fire in Hartford, Another mergne Issues Appeal. TO MOTORISTS Of Former Air Chief Swift Government B lo w - Reported in New Britain. Washington, Feb. 10.— (AP)—The^court proceedings to test the right Some Companies Say It Paris, Feb. 10— (AP)—Commun Encouraged by Last Week’s arrest of William P. MacCraeken ! of the Senate to arrest a private ist bands which had created a night By ASSOCIATED PRESS. was expected momentarily today by citizen. Arramgements were under- Will Force Them Ont of of terror were cleared from miles of Success, State Official officieils, following his defiance of stood to have been made for him to riot-ridden streets just before dawn Slowly rising temperatures todav the Senate by refusing to appear to give himself up to Chesley W. Jur- today. brought relief from the Intense cold face contempt charges. ney. Senate sergeant-at-arms Jumey Business^-Others Clamor Again Asks Autoists to the last 48 hours which established It was reported in authoritative then will attempt to take him to Unconfirmed reports told of sev quarters the assistant secretary of the Senate floor before a marshal eral fatalities. new records throughout Connecticut commerce for air in the Hoover ad can serve a writ of habeas corpus for a Hearing. Shots were freely exchanged. Drive Carefully. and left a trail of death and damage ministration would surrender during for his appearance in District of There was hand-to-hand fighting, by fires. the day and immediately institute Columbia Supreme Court. and pitched battles across burning barricades. 'The U. S. Weather Bureau branch Washington, Feb. 10.—(AP) — Hartford, Feb. 10.—(AP)—Anx in New Haven today reported an Thousands of police participated Private fliers of the American air official low last night of one degree in the drive against the rioters. ious to prove that the success of his mails, stripped of their valuable con A t dawn, the police held the Place plea for careful driving was no co below zero with the temperature r«naining steady throughout the SENTENCE ALCORN E. HAR1F0RD MAN tracts by one swift adtuinistration de la Republique — a Communist incidence when the state last week rendezvous. Earlier, columns of night. blow, cried out today for a bearing. rioters had split into small bands. end set a record of no automobile Readings during the night and President Roosevelt’s wholesale There were a hundred or more hot fatalities, Michael A. Conner, state early today showed the mercury fad TO A LIFE TERM DIES OF INJURIES abrogation of existing airmail con fights simultaneously over an area commissioner of motor vehicles, re ed to rise beyond one above zero tracts, issued last night, becomes a mile square in northeast Paris. newed his appeal today. in that period, but with the appear effective February 19. On that date While the night-long fighting In a move endorsed by Governor ance of the sun today, it was ex the planes of the United States raged. Premier Doumergue ordered Cross, Commissioner Conner last pected a slow easing of the cold Another Member of Boett Victim of Holdup Passes Army will begin flying the mail. proclamations posted calling upon week-end broadcast a statement vig would follow. “W e’ll be ready in a week, or orously urging safe driving, and all Frenchmen to “do your duty” by Cold To Continae sooner,” was the word from the War refraining from rioting. nearly every newspaper in the cher Kidnapers to Pay Away— Murder Charge Department. There were no details concerning state gave it prominent display. The New Haven Weather Man Demolition with a single pen the reported fatalities, but police There we.e no fatalities over the forecast continued cold, despite the stroke of the airmail subsidy struc listed 37 of their own number as week-end. gradual v. arming up today, but said Penalty— But One Left Against Suspects. ture was accomplished on grounds wounded, some by gunfire. They In the three preceding week-ends, he believed this would be at least of collusion in the obtaining of the estimated the number of rioters In- the toll had increased from five to a temporary to the sub-zero weath contracts. Jimed at 1,000. Hospitals held 140 seven and then to eight, in automo er. Sioux Fall, S. D., Feb. 10.— (AP) Hartford, Feb. 10. — (AP) Operators of alrilines bolding air persons hurt during the fighting. bile accidents. Newspapers in all Cyrus B. Cannon. 35, of Hamden, —'The Boettcher kidnapers were at Abraham Klein, 49, who wais shot mail contracts were quick to deny When police finally gained con sections of the state again today found dead yesterday on the bank any collusion. Some frankly said trol of the streets, telephone poles were carrying the commissioner’s of a small brook near the New Ha- the end of their trail today. when he resisted a hold-up in his that lo&s of the contracts might were down and dozens of streets second appeal, as he sought to show ven-Hamden town line, was believed Their leader—Verne Sankey, grocery store at 23 Judson avenue. force them out of business. were strewn with wreckage. ALV/N KARPIS. • freDDIE BARKER that death on the highways can be by authorities to have been an ex known as America’s Number One East Hartford, a week ago tonight, Demand Hearing Today the premier and the 20 sea diminished. posure victim. public enemy—who chose to kill soned statesmen hand-picked for nis (Above), Otto Bremer, poliUcal leader and uncle of the victim, and died of his wounds in the Hartford Many demanded that they be Second Appeal Clarence Newcome, attorney, center, walking with a reporter on the Fires, reaching epidemic propor himself by hanging in the state given a hearing before the contracts “salvation ministry” concentrated It is as follows: hospital shortly after 9 a. m., to grounds of the Adolph Bremer home in St. Paul after the return of Ed tions in the state, took a life when penitentiary rather than submit to day. were taken from them. 'There was on plans to end disorders and show “To the Motorists of Connecticut: the world “this country has no need ward .Bremer; (below), left, Alvin Karpis and Freddie Baker, Missouri Mrs. Frank Smith, 46, of Norfolk, the law, was in a morgue, while the His death may mean that the four no official comment- on these de “The whole-hearted support of outlaws known to have been in St. Paul, Minn., recently, who are being caught fire while placing wood on last of the mob, Gordon Alcorn, was mands today, but there was private for a dictator to assure its exist the general public, and the definite youths, captured 'Tuesday evening ence.” hunted by Federal operatives for questioning in the kidnapping. a blaze in her home. under sentence to spend the re talk in some administration quar co-operation given to our appeal and held without bonds pending the Doumergue had spoken of his de Fire in Hartford mainder ot his days in the govern ters of a hearing at least for some when we urged the motorists to ex outcome of Mr. Klein’s fight for life, sire for immediate action on ques ment’s uenitentlary at Leavenworth. will be charged with first degree of the contract holders. ercise more care in the operation of Fifty persons went scurrying Into Under the foraal order cancelling tions of foreign policy. He had the cold and a fireman was struck He was started to Leavenworth murder. 'The youths are WUUam J pointed to the imminent need of a their cars was so effective that an last night after he had pleaded guil Warren, 21, of 11 Wooster street, the contracts, {issued by Postmaster amazing record of no deaths was in the hand with an axe as attempts General Farley, it was indicated at balanced budget. But government wore made to unfreeze the nozzle of ty in federa court to his part in the and Robert L. Bates, 19, of 115 officials saw in last night’s outbreak made last week-end in the state of EXPECT FURTHER DELAYS the White House that non- of Oie $60,000 kidnaping of Charles Bellevue street, negroes, and Salva Connecticut. / a vijrithing hose during a blaze in a taste of what Monday’s 24-hour Boettcher, II, wealthy Denver bro tore Spagna. 20, of 36V Morgan concerns stripped of their contracts “Our appeal was given heed by Hartford. Damage In this fire was 2 would be able to bid on new air mall general strike, called by the French placed at $50,000. ker. street, and James Bozzano, 20, of Federation of Labor, might bring. operators of all kinds' of vehicles To Be Good Boy 285 Market street. contracts for another five years. The rioters called their demon- and pedestrians, and the Depart IN THE STATE CONTESTS A New York, New Haven and The five year provision is contained Hairtford railroad roundhouse m “I’m going to be a good boy and The storekeeper was struck down ment of Motor Vehicles g.cknowl- by four bullets alleged to have been In the statute under which the order (Oonttnoed on Page_Two) edges Its, thanks for this, rtmarka- Britain was destroyed by a flre^ do what tliey tell me to” he said be- was sets forth that no rWINDMlLL STARTS FIRE; \®lch damaged two locomoBvelTand* TSWrSif '*irS$+ure.