New Series. Norwalk, Conn
AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM—IN ADVANCE. JSSJRFSD EVERY TUESDA^ MORNING, BY A. HOMER BYINGTON, itt 1800. |1oIitus, ^gritnltatt, Mttbanits, ftt fUts, titration;, &. &.- % J»% Btfes^cr.—gcbdcij to f«al S*te f* Iittesfs> ©mtal gsfeJIijorct, fitainrc, VOLUME XXXVI.—NUMBER 28. -^= NORWALK, CONN DAY, JULY 12, 1853. fairest expectations with a suicidal rash XUMBEB S89---NEW SERIES. Iter—and, giving "her birth, her mother while he was employed with his studies hiding her face in tns lap, while the curls ness. O, God! why was I so reckless ?" had died, "if she left bim, he would be W. E. 2 P B o& & 4'a & c feigning a siesta, but in reality watching of her shining hair swept the floor. "O, The idea of meeting with Lelia seemed a lone, childless old mail, fc>r llkely he OULD invite the alention of this and As clsitscture. and loving him. Slle was jealous of Herman, my husband, do not leave me, infinitely worse than death. In his the neighboring coiBiiunity to his vast FriemtdsM??. should' never see her again. Bes.,,les'lie A. H. SYHTS-TOS, Editor & Proprietor. W his slightest attentions to others, and she dear Herman! do not go again to that dreams he nightly beheld her, but she stock of goods.\t 6 which artlitions are weekly [We copy below, from Barry's "Hor- IIow oft the burdened heart would sink had required this pledge before marriage, being made.) comprising araill and general as Office West Side the .Bridge in Leonard s ticulturis," a very valuable essay on a In fathomless despair, delighted in lavishing costly gifts upon cold country.
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