WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Autborlaedllo publl.b Go.e rDlDeGt Notice•• ffeclin. Na tive. Vol. In. No. ~O(j. I rice 3d - FIGHTING SAID TO HAVE BEGUN Italians Bomb Adowa And Addis Ababa Ships Striving To Land Munitions For Ethiopians British Navy Ready To Support L18gue of Nations ADIO DlI!S!&ffS youe I rcndcau (3 rly (n W€dnu day to Ihe errect that ilal)' h:14 n~sfd the Ab )ulnla n buder at tbree points and tb a' • state of R ",':af slIhsiited telwten the two counlrlu 1 hIs InformatioD was followed by a musale 110m Add is Abbab. 10 the elTect tbat lIolbing was known of lbe ItaUan troops baving crossed the tcrder ; IIlOrt On" Ibat tbe Emperor 01 Ethiopia bad not ",ltbdrawn bls men 30 milt. away from tbe (rooller as b.d betn stated, but Ib, 1 be still bad small patrob tbere, Db Majesly's order for moblluation is now to be made , tTeet1n. At tbe mDmeDI of l olDg to puss it is known tbat Ib, Italians bave crosatd the FTolltier alld have bombed. Adowa and Addis Abbaba. It Is learoed that tber. ba\'e hell numerous easuahles. Fiehling hu also begun III Soulbero Abyssini a. 1-be Ethioplan defeoct II planned wllh a long loosely beld front·Jl ne. The : ec:ond IiDe of defence will be much stronger: ar d tbe Em pau's IDtu­ tiODS is to reUre from It if pres.sed, iDto Ibe mountains and from tbere 10 conduct guerilla warfare against tbe lllvadt rs_ Tbe Ab,ssilllaD army Is still short of mUDltlons, but Ibere are certain ships in tbe Red Sea flyln, DO Oag5 aod believe to be from Japan, wbich are TRUMPF.TERS OF T HE D IPEROROF ABYSSlNIA'S IMPER LAL GUARD_ u,ld to be carrylD, many macbiDe gunt, riO el and otber weapoos tor Ethiopia. Tbese sbips are liable to be attacked by italian submarines, whlc b are lying It i~ f('po~d that h()OltiHtiea betWOC'll Italy and Aby"inia have hroken off tbe coast. out, al though It i~ difficult to obtain reliahle news owing to th~ di<l,bnce II Is oatoraJly most importaDt for tbe Etbloplan cause that tbese weapons of thl' fij!:htinC' area from an." telegraph or "I\·irele-.s offiC('ll !bould reach Au Tdarl'$ armieJ : but It is dear that a very dose wateh is belor kept by Italians on all gun-runniog operations between foreign ships and the coast. Meaowhile Great Britain, detumlned that ber rights shall be respected, and resolved also that she will use her utmost ioOueote aDd eveo her Navy to support tbe Learue of Nations iD oppodng an uojostUled attaek on Abyssinia, Dr. Seme's Letter To bas concentrated stili bigger naval forces in the Mediterranean Sea On Tuesday last a ml'''.... 1gt' fro 01 .\jexandria in Egypt staWd that aeroplanes and the hea'-y guU3 of Bntish wanhlpes pro't'ided the citizens of Mr. John Mancoe A le~andri a with many thrills. SqUadrolll of British aeroplanes and l!ea plan('ll Hew o\'('r Alexandria iu fig bting format ion, the roaring of t ho planes being acoompani E'd b}' the booming of t he naval gUll9. Whilo a.1I this wu going on, British ItOldiCf8 wPro ~een ert'Ct ing barbed wire round the wi~lE'M station of Ras (0;1 Till. Britain hu aak<.-d F rance whether sho would 00 prepared to support her Provincial President To Be Elected in the l'vent of Italy maJ..ing an unprovoked auack on the British }<' Ieet ill t he l lediterranean Italy h tIB annouoood that abe ft"garda t his quettio n by Britain as an ad "unfriendly to Ita l ~·." f rance is still coll8ide ri ng her HE followUlg letter, "'hich speake centre of the political life of the Union rep l~·. T for itaeU, hu been addr('8lled by of South Africa-It alwaya breathes Th~ t.actical po8ition to-day is t hat I taly has a. great army in Abyuima. Dr. P. kl\ L Scme to M.r. Joh n Ma ncoc. the true South African I pirit and wh irh lies fa.r from 1ta.l.\ on till' other ~ i de of the Suez Ca.naL Britain, Acting l"rovincial ~retary, Afriean therefore iLiJ view:t and opinioll.9 on t he lBf'8nwbile, is the SUprem(' power III the .i\1cd.it.errallean eoea and CIlO, if s h~ National Congn'llll 0 F.S., 19 Mamba­ ,. Native question" mU8t carry great det'irt"ll. prevent the Jtalian~ from entering tbl' Canal. She cannot d080 the at.ad Location, Bloemfolli.em weig ht. Bloemfontein hM alway, led Canal under international la" but ('fln prevent certain vesse19 8pprO&Ching Dear Sir, t ho otller citiee of South Airi"a HI it if IIbe Iio8 not wi.sh tlwlIl to do so. In other words IIhe ('an cut off t ill' advocating for a square deal for tho Italiao IlImy in Abyssinis. a~ lon~ a~ she ('()!It rols the lI('a R.E P RO\"!SC1AI.. EI..ECTEO:<O OcrOBEK Nath-e urban population and I hope •. The Emperor of Ab.\,<iuia call no lon;,!er delay Deueral mollllisatKm 1935 . to _ greater co-olleration in that in t he faee of the coutinual relllfor('('ment of It..lian armies In Africa. Greetings! Tho l'e<.'ognllHIII of the reapeot from the new Provincial wif'to the Emperor Oil :-;llndav to t he LeaJ.,'lle of Natiollll. H e added African Nahonal (.'oll~rcllll by tho F.xec- utlve Co mmittee of the Cong~. t hat he woul d hke t he Lca~uc to take as 800n as possible all lIltaSurea Go\-emmcnt. place~ a. gn:'at rC$pon.~i­ for tho be nefit of t he African n·sidenh. as I,recaution a,:!ain.~ t Italian uj:!grl'.... ion, "for the t ime has come when bility upon our ",howdeN as lead(>nI of Your people should know that without \Ie will be faihn~ in our duty if we delay longer ~elleral moblli~ation. thi.. National Organisation of the co·operation and good mallD(,r.3 we Uni ted Bantu Nation in South Africa cannot succeed. THE EMPEROR'S HUGE WAR DRUMS today. I llOpe that tlll$ fact will 1 ha va reccived tho followill,!t nomina­ inspire the African .~ in that Provim"6 tions for election in the office of ITi.,. ~tated that Rail TaLm. Emperor BaWl' of Adown. forty years ago. and make them tum up or ~nd many Provincial President. namely. (I) .Mr. of Abylllinla, "ill him~elf >elUul When thiB drum is beaten. othol" delegates t.o your Provincial Conference Jacob 1. Nblapo, B.A_, (2) lIr. C_ R. hi.. great WM" drum, E;O big that four dnuru of the chids "ill be beaten, and on 7th October and elect the n:~ ry .l\Ioikallgoo. (3) Dr. James 1'0. Morokn li- trong me n are required t o ('arry It. then smaller druws throughout all beat lIlan all the Provincial l'r('sidellt aud (4) )[r. ~am Aug. .Lesho!"lI. The parchment is made of lion ~kin. Ahy,.~inia. This IS the traditional call of tilt' ('ongre"-'1 in tbat l'rov'ill('('. Please ur~~' nt-f" branrh to send .nd it haa not been bOunded binc(> the ContinufJ on page ~. That Proviocc is thc burt alld delegate, 2 IJMTETELI WA BANTU, JOBA.NNESBURO, Jm OCTOBER, IDa ~. ~II cO,""1<,"1'8110'l' fo" tddrl5!111 10' io Abysainia would be in B'Oe,sau ~"'(I'" peril: iodeed might conceivably P.o. BOI "~26. perish. For ih only Iioe of J 00.. """S8allO. oommunioatioos wonld be cut. Prof. Jabavu's Appeal P~bli!.lwJ W~eHl. 8, DIK"1<rPT10," R.t.TU-(By PalT) I Britain and France are most aoxious to avoid ach which On~ "iu. 16.'- To Africans tlJl< Mootha 1te would lead to aD extension of TbrMI Montb. the conflict to Europe: for "- another world war would be a disaster too ,g re8.t eveo to Must Study Native Bills For alm(c(cli lOa ll:llI(U contemplate. lIowever, if the 5th OCTOBER, 1935. Italian forces in any advance they may make, threaten Lske Dingaan's Day Congress Tuna which controls tbe flow GREAT BRlfAIN to the Nile, or over-ride the Japanese cotton oonces8ioo io OPPOSES ITALY that country, Mussolini will be Bantu Groups Replies To Government --- temptiog Providence to bis owo s we point ou~ in our fron~ Summarised page to-day, t.he out­ complete uodoing, A It is quite probable, indeed. break of hostilities be~weeD tbat if Munolini aeized Lake HE following int<!r&ting le~t~t<:';-;;h:~~-I::=::~b~l;::-::-:;::==--:----­ Italy and Abyssinia is be­ Tuna, Britain would prevent T been sent to the Editor, Umtctcli to .ella ea deplIIa,T,;on to pnllt ~lld lieved to have taken plaoe. \\'a. Bantu, by Prof(lS9or D D_ T . IIdl\'cr the d6('i~ioll~ l{) be mad.- ~t his ships baviog access to the .'aba'u, Fort Hare, Alice, C.P. oon- BI Ot'mfonttit~withouldela.Y.8.Io\thlllwilJ Neither side d&red delay much Suez Canal, and so would cut longer. If Italy had stayed cerniUA tbe ~Btive Bill8 and the be- the of!ltl&1 hpr· ~~ion of & ',uiled the line of communications of importance of delegate8 attending the people, fI~ally. If" all pray,let .u where she was in Eritrea, bis army in Abyssini(l., Brit&in, Dingaau's Day Conference at Bloem.
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