

Today’s Date: ______

Child's Name: Gender: ______

Hebrew Name: ______Child’s Birthdate: ______

Name of Current School: ______

Name of Anticipated Middle School (Required): ______

1st Parent / Guardian’s Name: ______Gender:

 Born Jewish  by Choice  Other Hebrew Name:

2nd Parent / Guardian’s Name: ______Gender:

 Born Jewish  Jew by Choice  Not Jewish Hebrew Name:

Primary Address: ______

City: ______ZIP: ______

1st Parent / Guardian’s Cell: ______Email: ______

2nd Parent / Guardian’s Cell: ______Email: ______

*Please know that on a three- weekend or holiday your child may have his/her B’nai mitzvah with another child.

DATE PREFERENCE—PLEASE SELECT THREE DATES (REQUIRED: Based on where your child’s birthday falls on the Hebrew , your choice for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah date could be any after: 7/30/2020

1st Choice ______ Morning  Mincha Afternoon

2nd Choice ______ Shabbat Morning  Mincha Afternoon

3rd Choice ______ Shabbat Morning  Mincha Afternoon

* Please note: it is imperative that you supply us with 3 choices of dates. We will do our very best to honor your first choice whenever possible.

Continued… Shabbat Morning B’nai Mitzvah Fees: $2580 (subject to change), initial deposit of $860. Includes 8 of B’nai mitzvah training, sponsorship of Friday Night Oneg Shabbat and Morning Kiddush Luncheon

Families having a Shabbat morning B’nai Mitzvah will be billed their payment of $860 two prior to the B’nai Mitzvah date and will be billed the final payment of $860 on July 1st prior to the B’nai Mitzvah date.

Mincha B’nai Mitzvah Fees: $1695 (subject to change), initial deposit of $565. Includes 8 months of B’nai mitzvah training and sponsorship of Friday Night Oneg Shabbat.

Families having an afternoon (Mincha) B’nai Mitzvah will be billed their second payment of $565 two years prior to the B’nai Mitzvah date and will be billed the final payment of $565 on July 1st prior to the B’nai Mitzvah date.


Please complete, sign and return this form along with your contract and one (1) deposit payment to Temple Aliyah for: $860. Shabbat Morning $565. Shabbat Mincha

I am enclosing a non-refundable deposit payable to Temple Aliyah for $______and understand the schedule of payments for the remainder of the fees. ______(initial)

I also understand that my dues and fees must be current at the start of instruction as well as at the time of B’nai Mitzvah. ______(initial)

Signed ______Date______

Please return your deposit and this form to:

B’nai Mitzvah Program Temple Aliyah 6025 Valley Circle Boulevard Woodland Hills, CA 91367