

ROSH HASHANAH Marks the beginning of the Jewish and the A BRIDGE period considered the . TO THE COMMUNITY-AT-LARGE KIPPUR YEAR of Atonement and the 5 holiest day of the Jewish year.

SUKKOT Eight-day harvest and thanksgiving festival. ENGAGING IN INFLUENCING JEWISH TIKKUN OLAM PUBLIC POLICY ATZERET JCRC Eighth and final day of . HOLIDAY SIMCHAT Celebrates the completion of the yearly SAFEGUARDING THE EDUCATING AND cycle of reading the Hebrew (Torah) JEWISH COMMUNITY ADVOCATING FOR and the beginning of the next cycle. CHANUKAH* Eight-day festival of lights. 2020-2025 * Festive holiday celebrates the rescue of the Jewish 5781-5785 community recounted in the Book of .

PASSOVER A Planning & Scheduling Guide for: Eight-day festival commemorates of VISION AND MISSION · School Administrators from slavery in Egypt. The first two and last two days · Teachers and Coaches are observed as holy days. The Jewish Community Relations Council of · Government Agencies the Milwaukee Jewish Federation envisions a · Private Employers Commemorates the receiving of the just community that reflects American and Torah by the on Mt. Sinai. Jewish values. Its mission is to speak as the representative The Jewish is observed every . of the Jewish community on issues of public It reflects ’s rest on the seventh day and is affairs and public policy by convening and considered to be a day dedicated to , mobilizing the Jewish community through reflection and rest. Observant Jews are unable to education, advocacy, social and participate in secular events occurring between support for Israel. sunset on Friday and sunset on Saturday. Jenny Tasse, Director Dates in red are High Holy Days. 1360 N. Prospect Avenue Dates in are Holy Days. To learn more about , Milwaukee, WI 53202 culture or the Jewish community, contact 414-390-5781 the Jewish Community Relations Council. MilwaukeeJewish.org/JCRC *It is permissible to work and attend [email protected] school on these holidays. 414-390-5781 • [email protected] 5-YEAR CALENDAR OF MAJOR JEWISH HOLIDAYS & RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCES

During observance of these major holidays, work is traditionally prohibited. As a result, Jewish individuals may be absent from work and school. Red dates are HIGH HOLY DAYS: Expect virtually all Jewish students and staff to be absent. Blue dates are HOLY DAYS: Expect some Jewish students to be absent. Jewish holidays begin at sunset on the evening preceding the holiday.

Hebrew 5781 5782 5783 5784 5785 SHABBAT Every Friday eve Every Friday eve Every Friday eve Every Friday eve Every Friday eve The Jewish Sabbath through Saturday eve through Saturday eve through Saturday eve through Saturday eve through Saturday eve FALL 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 September 19, 20 September 7, 8 September 26, 27 September 16, 17 October 3, 4 Jewish New Year Sat. & Sun. Tues. & Wed. Mon. & Tues. Sat. & Sun. Thurs. & Fri. (begins at sunset Sept. 18) (begins at sunset Sept. 6) (begins at sunset Sept. 25) (begins at sunset Sept. 15) (begins at sunset Oct. 2)

YOM KIPPUR September 28 September 16 October 5 September 25 October 12 Day of Atonement Monday Monday Saturday (begins at sunset Sept. 27) (begins at sunset Sept. 15) (begins at sunset Oct. 4) (begins at sunset Sept. 24) (begins at sunset Oct. 11)

SUKKOT October 3, 4 September 21, 22 October 10, 11 September 30, October 1 October 17, 18 Feast of Sat. & Sun. Tues. & Wed. Mon. & Tues. Sat. & Sun. Thurs. & Fri. (begins at sunset Oct.2) (begins at sunset Sept. 20) (begins at sunset Oct. 9) (begins at sunset Sept. 29) (begins at sunset Oct. 16)

SHEMINI ATZERET October 10, 11 September 28, 29 October 17, 18 , 8 October 24, 25 & Sat. & Sun. Tues. & Wed. Mon & Tues. Sat. & Sun. Thurs. & Fri. Closing of High Holidays (begins at sunset Oct. 9) (begins at sunset Sept. 27) (begins at sunset Oct. 16) (begins at sunset Oct. 6) (begins at sunset Oct. 23)

CHANUKAH* December 11–18 Nov. 29–Dec. 6 December 19–26 December 8–15 December 26–January 2 Festival of Lights Fri.–Fri. Mon.–Mon. Mon.–Mon. Fri.–Fri. Thurs.–Thurs. (begins at sunset Dec. 10) (begins at sunset Nov. 28) (begins at sunset Dec. 18) (begins at sunset Dec. 7) (begins at sunset Dec. 25) SPRING 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 PURIM* February 26 March 17 March 7 March 24 March 14 Festival of Esther Friday Thursday Friday (begins at sunset Feb. 25) (begins at sunset March 16) (begins at sunset March 6) (begins at sunset March 23) (begins at sunset March 13)

PASSOVER March 28–April 4 April 16–23 April 6–13 April 23–30 April 13–20 The first 2 and last 2 days Sun.–Sun. Sat-Sat. Thurs.-Thurs. Tues.-Tues. Sun.-Sun. are holy days. (begins at sunset March 27) (begins at sunset April 15) (begins at sunset April 5) (begins at sunset April 22) (begins at sunset April 12)

SHAVUOT May 17, 18 June 5, 6 May 26, 27 June 12, 13 June 2, 3 Feast of Mon. & Tues. Sun. & Mon. Fri. & Sat. Wed. & Thurs. Mon. & Tues. (begins at sunset May 16) (begins at sunset June 4) (begins at sunset May 25) (begins at sunset June 11) (begins at sunset June 1)

*It is permissible to go to work and attend school on these holidays. This calendar is also available online at MilwaukeeJewish.org/JCRC.