
2021-2022 THE are a time of , of turning to , and of giving charity – and they mark the start of the Praying Through Jewish New Year! As around the world begin this holy year, The Fellowship is pleased to share this calendar with the the upcoming Jewish holidays, along with ways you can pray for the Jewish people all year long!

On the Jewish calendar, days begin at sundown and end at sundown the following day. Thus, holiday observances begin at sundown the day before the date listed on this calendar.

September 7–8 September 16 September 21–27 October 13 Kippur Day Shanah Tovah! Pray that the Jewish On this, the Day of Atonement – As the Jewish people build their Praise God for the state of , people will be blessed with a sweet the holiest day of the Jewish year – and prepare to celebrate God’s harvest, and may we celebrate the hundreds of New Year, and that we all will rejoice in let us pray for God’s redemption. let us praise Him for the provisions that thousands of Jewish olim (immigrants) God’s mercy, forgiveness, and blessings. He gives all His children and remember The Fellowship’s faithful friends have to trust in Him always! helped return to their biblical homeland.

November 29– December 6 March 17 April 16–23 April 28 Yom HaShoah May we rejoice in God’s warmth and As the Jewish people remember Just as God delivered the Jewish (Holocaust Remembrance Day) light during this winter season, just as God’s deliverance from persecution people from slavery in Egypt, let us On this day of remembrance, let the Jewish people will light menorahs during biblical times, let us thank remember that He still cares for His us pray that God will protect His and remember all the miracles God Him for the miraculous acts He has children today. people, and that the memory has performed for their ancestors. done for His people. of those murdered during will never fade.

May 29 May 4 May 5 Yom Yerushalayim June 5–6 Yom HaZikaron Yom HaAtzmaut ( Day) (Israel Memorial Day) (Israel Independence Day) As we celebrate another year of a Let us thank God for the gift of His Pray that God will comfort the loved ones Praise God that the modern state of unified Jerusalem, praise God that Holy Word on this day when of those who made the ultimate sacrifice Israel has been growing and thriving His people can live and worship in received the on Mount Sinai defending Israel and her people. for 74 years! their eternal Holy City! 3,000 years ago.

OUR MISSION The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is the leading non-profit building bridges between Christians and Jews, blessing Israel and the Jewish people around the world with humanitarian care and lifesaving aid. ©2021 International Fellowship of Christians and Jews All rights reserved. Find out how you can partner in our work by visiting www.ifcj.org. © 2021 IFCJ