Untitled (Forever), 2017
PUBLISHERS DISTRIBUTED BY D.A.P. SP21 CATALOG CAPTIONS PAGE 6: Georgia O’Keeffe, Series I—No. 3, 1918. Oil on Actes Sud | Archive of Modern Conflict | Arquine | Art / Books | Art Gallery of York board, 20 × 16”. Milwaukee Art Museum. Gift of Jane University | Art Insights | Art Issues Press | Artspace Books | Aspen Art Museum | Atelier Bradley Pettit Foundation and the Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation. PAGE 7: Georgia O’Keeffe, Black Mesa Éditions | Atlas Press | August Editions | Badlands Unlimited | Berkeley Art Museum | Landscape, New Mexico / Out Back of Marie’s II, 1930. Oil on canvas. 24.5 x 36”. Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Gift Blank Forms | Bokförlaget Stolpe | Bywater Bros. Editions | Cabinet | Cahiers d’Art of the Burnett Foundation. PAGE 8: (Upper) Emil Bisttram, | Canada | Candela Books | Carnegie Museum Of Art | Carpenter Center | Center For Creative Forces, 1936. Oil on canvas, 36 x 27”. Private collection, Courtesy Aaron Payne Fine Art, Santa Fe. Art, Design and Visual Culture, UMBC | Chris Boot | Circle Books | Contemporary Art (Lower) Raymond Jonson, Casein Tempera No. 1, 1939. Casein on canvas, 22 x 35”. Albuquerque Museum, gift Museum, Houston | Contemporary Art Museum, St Louis | Cooper-Hewitt | Corraini of Rose Silva and Evelyn Gutierrez. PAGE 9: (Upper) The Editions | DABA Press | Damiani | Dancing Foxes Press | Deitch Projects Archive | Sun, c. 1955. Oil on board, 6.2 × 5.5”. Private collection. © Estate of Leonora Carrington. PAGE 10: (Upper left) DelMonico Books | Design Museum | Deste Foundation for Contemporary Art | Dia Hayao Miyazaki, [Woman] imageboard, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984). © Studio Ghibli. (Upper right) Center For The Arts | Dis Voir, Editions | Drawing Center | Dumont | Dung Beetle | Hayao Miyazaki, [Castle in the Sky] imageboard, Castle Dust to Digital | Eakins Press | Ediciones Poligrafa | Edition Patrick Frey | Editions in the Sky (1986).
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