The Greatest Charity

Date: 2018-04-18 Author: Narahari das

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva,

Today is the auspicious day of Parasuram jayanthi, the appearance day of Lord Parasurama. Lord Parasurama Jayanthi is mostly observed on the day of Akṣaya-tṛtīyā which falls today. The scriptures states that any charity done on Akṣaya- tṛtīyā has manifold effect and one gets more opportunity to give charity. Lord Parasurama who appeared on this auspicious day demonstrated the act of charity by His own personal example in his pastimes.

First of all, His act of exterminating the arrogant Kshatriyas itself was a great act of charity. One may ask how killing can become an act of charity. In , there is a section called prashna where a Yaksha asks variety of questions to Yudhishtira. One such question is, "dānaṁ ca kiṁ ihocyate" (What is called charity?), the answer given by Yudhishtira was "dānaṁ vai bhūta-rakṣaṇam" - Ultimate charity is to give protection to living beings. Before the advent of Parasurama, the arrogant Kshatriyas were tormenting the saintly persons and sages and some of the sages even had to flee for their lives. Parasurama by destroying those evil Kshatriyas, protected the saintly persons and offered them the best charity of a peaceful life whereby they can execute religious principles and work for the welfare of the world.

After He exterminated the arrogant Kshatriyas 21 times, He wanted to retire to forest and lead the life of a sage. At that time He gave away all the lands, gold and wealth conquered from those Kshatriyas as charity to the various priests and sages. came to know of this great charity given by Parasurama and approached Him. Seeing Parasurama leaving to the forest, Drona said, "I'm Drona, who has come to seek wealth from you." Parasurama said, "O Drona, storehouse of penance, I have already given away all the land, gold and wealth I had to the saintly persons." Now Drona asked, "O Bhargava , please give me all your weapons and arms." Lord Parasurama was so pleased with Drona because he asked something which He can donate. So He not only gifted His arms and weapons but also taught Drona the secrets of launching them and withdrawing them without leaving even a single bit. As a result Drona got the title 'Dronacharya'. (since now he is the master of all arms and weapons and qualified to teach anyone). Drona was very satisfied with this and the weapons and arms taught by Parasurama helped Drona very much later to become the guru of and Kauravas and train them in warfare. And by becoming Guru of the Kurus, Drona's poverty was vanquished for ever. Thus the entire Parasurama lila was that of giving charity which is protection of living entities and He never turned away anyone empty handed.

We cannot imitate Lord Parasurama in giving away all our possessions or fighting the evil rulers. So Lord Parasurama has blessed us with the which gives a way to offer the best charity which can be done irrespective of our material situation. When we discuss about question and answers related to the Lord's glories and share this knowledge with others, it is considered the highest charity since it can relieve a person from material miseries. In 3rd canto of Bhagavatam (SB-3.7.41), asks many questions to the great sage Maitreya on spiritual subject matters and request him for answer by making the following statement.

sarve vedāś ca yajñāś ca tapo dānāni cānagha jīvābhaya-pradānasya na kurvīran kalām api

O spotless one, your answers to all these questions will grant immunity from all material miseries. Such charity is greater than all Vedic charities, sacrifices, penances, etc.

Srila Prabhupada mentions in the commentary, "The highest perfectional work of charity is to give people in general immunity from the anxieties of material existence. This can be done only by performing activities in devotional service to the Lord. Such knowledge is incomparable... The charity of Maitreya not only will help Vidura, but, due to its universal nature, will deliver all others in all times ."

Thus on this auspicious day, let us pray at the lotus feet of Lord Parasurama so that we will get inclination to understand the message of Srimad Bhagavatam and become instrumental in sharing this knowledge with others thereby giving the greatest charity of freedom from miseries.

Hare Krishna.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Narahari Krishna das Chennai.