September 20, 1875
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ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. YOL. 13. 7 PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1875. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS WANTS. MISCELLANEOUS. entertainments. ENTERTAINMENTS. THE PEESS. The Political Sea Serpent. ~ the histori- Published every day (Sunday* excepted) by the Among annals, legendary and cal, of every people are to be found vague PORTLAND PUBLISHING Portland museum. MUSIC HALL. MOSfDAY MORNING. SEPT. 20. 1875 CO, To Merchant Tailors. and terrible descriptions of monsters that WVKR At 109 Exchange &r ARNOLD Proprietors PORTLAND, St., Portland. Cor. from time to time have invaded the land and of Congress ami Exchange Street. Every attache of the Press is furnished For a Season of Five regular of Terms. Fight Dollar* a Tear in experienced custom cutter Nights, T. compromised the safety the people. It is advance. To anil with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley mail subscribers Seven Dollar* a An ami Practical Tailor would like to make Monday evening, Sept 90th, evcrj Tear if paid in ad- Commencing and hotel not to enter here into discussion ance an engagement for the winter or for a longer time. evening during flic week. U'eilnegday and Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat proposed any Best lieferencc. Address immediately, Saturday afternoon, the Startling Sensation MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20tli, of the actual of the of Drama managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding existence Theban CUTTER, this Office. entitled — ALSO— THE MAINE STATE PRESS sel8d3t. credentials of every person claiming to represent our Sphinx; to insist upon so circumstantial a UNDER THE Wednesday and Afternoons, journal. * GASLIGHT, Saturday of the Minotaur that from it a published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a with description year, if raid if STEAM BOILER WANTED. entire new scenery and mechanical effects. When will le advance, at $2.00 a year. presented modern naturalist to The Scene! would be enabled con- Thrilling Railroad * Amusements at Fairs. Steam Boiler of about five THE IMPERIAL 0F Advertising: One inch of space, the horsepower. The Great East River Pier Scene! SPECTACLE, struct a creature of so composite a style of length of column, constitutes * “snuare.” UpftlGHT PETTING ILL & LITTLEJOHN. THE OlilGINAL The descendants of the Puritans either in d3l* introducing or to faith $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per week sepl8 architecture; pin unquestioning PUBUtISHED. accordance with the traditions of their v after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continuing TtJST Songs, Dances, Banjo Solos, Duetts, &e. upon the dragon that Perseus slew. every other day after first week, 50 rents. Wanted. Mr. Arnold will introduce the celebrated Mule- or from their own settled Halt ttuee fathers, convictions, The Double Headed Snake of so square, insertions, or less, 75 cents; one teer Song Irom the Opera of Crown Jewels. Newbury, 50 cents week GOOD Tenement of 5 or 6 rooms; suitable for 7 BLACK are rather to look holi- week, $1 00; per after. Strangers in Portland attending the State Fair disposed coldly upon described Cotton Special one third small without children Address will CROOK, quaintly by good Notices, addi ional. A family flua the Portland Museum a ot Matber) “S. K. S,” P. O. Box C3- .A. IT xTo JEt S delightful place Messrs. days and all days of recreation; and conse- Under head of “Amusements.” and “Auction seplidtf 1159, City. amusement. HOWARD & CARLE. and sung in the witty verse of Dr. Holmes— Sales,” $2.00 per square per weea; three insertions Box office ouen m. m. for the under whose personal direction it will the and amuse- daily from 9 a. to p. be given, prom- quently upon games, sports the to which was allotted the embar- r less $1.50. Wanted. sale ot ticket*. ise that the varied features of this reptile ments that are associated with them. Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State ! ADIES’* MATINEES usually of two distinct and Pres8” has GIRL AT 34 WINTER STREET. Apply be- PERFUMED Bewildering,Bright and Beautiful rassing possession wcll- (which a large circulation in every part Builders’ and Outfitters' every Wednesday and Saturday, at the usual It would not have availed much to have of the State) for $1.00 for A tween 2 and 5 o’clock. defiued each with ot its per square first insertion, Directory popular Doors commence at ATTRACTION heads, views own, and 50 cents selTdtf Ship pricefl open at 1£; 2£. per tor each Horace to them ot their as square subsequent nsertion. dtf quoted fathers, while the thin flexible as it Address all communications to OF THE 8e2_ will be ol the most unique and character. body, might be, charming he would have been denounced as a PORTLAND PUBLISHING Co. Wanted a Active or Silent only could not move to Farmer, Delicious Munic! readily enough adapt itself PARTY ot a first class C heathen but we can hardly see how good standing, showing IT Y HALL, Dre««ei! poet; to the behests of two heads at tbo same some more Seaboard Cities of the United for 1875 and 1876 Superb A Manufacturing business, requires States, they could avoid admitting the force of the BUSINESS CARDS. capital to work on a large scale, wi:l bear a thorough Sent. 30th and Oct. 1st. Cosily Properties! time—would seem to furnish to our later days iuvesiigation, business safe, and sales made only to 29th, which the Bible to harm- lugcniou#/.ccctuiorica recognition gives, a to the Democratic Iu it— responsible parties, sold as fast as manufactured, mb. IBA parallel party. if C. STOCK BRIDGE Fane ilia Dances! less and wholesome amusements. C. P. BABCOCK. and profits equal to not surpassing any business ling drawn at once in the in and And Grand marches! violently opposite Maine; only principals responsible parties announces three performances of the Sacred Cantata Conmon sense and instinct settle this treated with. Address care Mat- directions oi hard and MODEL MAKER & “Manufacturer,” or of New. money paper currency, JOBBER, tocks & Fox, Portland, Maine. aug2deodtf Spectacular Opera Every tiling Entirely question in the same way; for as children Prices of admission—Reserved seats 75 Par* yet endeavoring to retain its bodily identity MANUFACTURER OF cents; never have to be to but instinct- Wanted, quette 50 cents; 35 cents. Box office will be taught play, lest Watch and Gallery instant death result—tradition repeats Chronometer Marker*’ BELSHAZZAR, for the 10 a. m. Tools, TENEMENT in the Western part of city, for open sale of reserved seats from ively engage in their numberless sports, and Mathematical, Optical and Philo- until 10 m. and a of Address n. tself, I School A family three. king of Babylon. suffer as are of so sophical UNtrumentM, ». Box 733. T. CHARLES HOWARD, only they deprived them, “One in boily, but two In will. Apparnta», Ac., cep!7d3tI». sel8dCt (Subject from the Bible.) Director* children of a larger growth find from dear The Amphisboena is Hying still.” 5ft Market Street, Printers But not with the trite fables of Exchange, Wanted. 4 SUPERBLY MOUNTED. bought experience that the overworked mind antiquity, or the Jul PORTLAND, ME. dly SALESMEN in Portland and three to travel GORGEOUS COSTUMES, and body need not only rest, but recreation— iegeud that haunted the rocks and in Maine. A cash No or THIRLLING SCENES. Temperance Meeting. TWO salary paid. peddling fens of is our and imme- commi'sion business. Rare ebame to good men. CHARMING MUSIC, and those capitalists always receive the larg- Newbury, present O’Donnell & All answered if is enclosed. STARTLING EDWA11D CARWSELL, diate concern. Sylvester, applicants stamp TABLEAUX. est returns who not only give their opera- Within the past week in the Address of Canada, This popular spectacular tives liberal for relief from la- long gray waves of our harbor, and in the bobb & co.. opera—endorsed by Most Associate of the National Division opportunities leading musicians, and commended and Worthy Counsellors at Ohio. by pulpit Sods of Tempeiance of North but the stimulus and en- troubled political waters have been' observed Law, Cincinnati, press—will be rendered ior the first time in America, bor, actually supply sel403w* Portland, and one of the most and lec- by a powerful cast, and -with eloquent interesting to those which almost simultaneously, the sea serpent and 81 MIDDLE turers on Temperance in this country, will speak at couragement enjoyments they STREET, House Furnace Wanted. could a in the Democratic vote. are A Chorus of 65 Voices, Orchestra of 14 CHESTNUT STREET CHURCH, not well obtain for themselves. gain They door below Cana Furnace that is in and (2nd Bank,) SECOND HAND Portable Pieces, IT Solo Voices. Monday evening, Sept. 20, at 7 14 o’clock. We must in fact it as settled evident anachrouisms, they belong of right A A 1 order. Please state price, make and size regard beyond It comprises a complete classified list of CORPORATIONS, FIRMS Let all lovers of the cause be on hand if dfc» .main p or number Address FURNACE, Conductor, WM I,. FITCH. they the need of that there must be to the dark ages—but they are facts. It was POR.TIaA.M1_), AND INDIVIDUALS in Hie MANAGEMENT. sire a rich treat. Per Order of (Sommittiee. argument, oc2dtf seHdlw* Argus Office. engaged BUILDING, Pianist, MISS MAV I.EACH. OUTFITTING AND FURNISHING OF OUR MERCANTILE MARINE. sel8 d2t some spice mingled with the sober and solid not suddenly that they were thrust upon Girls Wanted. Also, embracing a complete encyclopedia ot NAUTICAL INFORMA- The costumes have been prepared expressly for ingredients of this life; hard work mu9t he public notice; heralded by rumor, they de- 8.