THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS WANTS. MISCELLANEOUS. entertainments. ENTERTAINMENTS. THE PEESS. The Political Sea Serpent. ~ the histori- Published every day (Sunday* excepted) by the Among annals, legendary and cal, of every people are to be found vague PORTLAND PUBLISHING Portland museum. MUSIC HALL. MOSfDAY MORNING. SEPT. 20. 1875 CO, To Merchant Tailors. and terrible descriptions of monsters that WVKR At 109 Exchange &r ARNOLD Proprietors PORTLAND, St., Portland. Cor. from time to time have invaded the land and of Congress ami Exchange Street. Every attache of the Press is furnished For a Season of Five regular of Terms. Fight Dollar* a Tear in experienced custom cutter Nights, T. compromised the safety the people. It is advance. To anil with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley mail subscribers Seven Dollar* a An ami Practical Tailor would like to make Monday evening, Sept 90th, evcrj Tear if paid in ad- Commencing and hotel not to enter here into discussion ance an engagement for the winter or for a longer time. evening during flic week. U'eilnegday and Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat proposed any Best lieferencc. Address immediately, Saturday afternoon, the Startling Sensation MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20tli, of the actual of the of Drama managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding existence Theban CUTTER, this Office. entitled — ALSO— THE MAINE STATE PRESS sel8d3t. credentials of every person claiming to represent our Sphinx; to insist upon so circumstantial a UNDER THE Wednesday and Afternoons, journal. * GASLIGHT, Saturday of the Minotaur that from it a published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a with description year, if raid if STEAM BOILER WANTED. entire new scenery and mechanical effects. When will le advance, at $2.00 a year. presented modern naturalist to The Scene! would be enabled con- Thrilling Railroad * Amusements at Fairs. Steam Boiler of about five THE IMPERIAL 0F Advertising: One inch of space, the horsepower. The Great East River Pier Scene! SPECTACLE, struct a creature of so composite a style of length of column, constitutes * “snuare.” UpftlGHT PETTING ILL & LITTLEJOHN. THE OlilGINAL The descendants of the Puritans either in d3l* introducing or to faith $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per week sepl8 architecture; pin unquestioning PUBUtISHED. accordance with the traditions of their v after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continuing TtJST Songs, Dances, Banjo Solos, Duetts, &e. upon the dragon that Perseus slew. every other day after first week, 50 rents. Wanted. Mr. Arnold will introduce the celebrated Mule- or from their own settled Halt ttuee fathers, convictions, The Double Headed Snake of so square, insertions, or less, 75 cents; one teer Song Irom the Opera of Crown Jewels. Newbury, 50 cents week GOOD Tenement of 5 or 6 rooms; suitable for 7 BLACK are rather to look holi- week, $1 00; per after. Strangers in Portland attending the State Fair disposed coldly upon described Cotton Special one third small without children Address will CROOK, quaintly by good Notices, addi ional. A family flua the Portland Museum a ot Matber) “S. K. S,” P. O. Box C3- .A. IT xTo JEt S delightful place Messrs. days and all days of recreation; and conse- Under head of “Amusements.” and “Auction seplidtf 1159, City. amusement. HOWARD & CARLE. and sung in the witty verse of Dr. Holmes— Sales,” $2.00 per square per weea; three insertions Box office ouen m. m. for the under whose personal direction it will the and amuse- daily from 9 a. to p. be given, prom- quently upon games, sports the to which was allotted the embar- r less $1.50. Wanted. sale ot ticket*. ise that the varied features of this reptile ments that are associated with them. Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State ! ADIES’* MATINEES usually of two distinct and Pres8” has GIRL AT 34 WINTER STREET. Apply be- PERFUMED Bewildering,Bright and Beautiful rassing possession wcll- (which a large circulation in every part Builders’ and Outfitters' every Wednesday and Saturday, at the usual It would not have availed much to have of the State) for $1.00 for A tween 2 and 5 o’clock. defiued each with ot its per square first insertion, Directory popular Doors commence at ATTRACTION heads, views own, and 50 cents selTdtf Ship pricefl open at 1£; 2£. per tor each Horace to them ot their as square subsequent nsertion. dtf quoted fathers, while the thin flexible as it Address all communications to OF THE 8e2_ will be ol the most unique and character. body, might be, charming he would have been denounced as a PORTLAND PUBLISHING Co. Wanted a Active or Silent only could not move to Farmer, Delicious Munic! readily enough adapt itself PARTY ot a first class C heathen but we can hardly see how good standing, showing IT Y HALL, Dre««ei! poet; to the behests of two heads at tbo same some more Seaboard Cities of the United for 1875 and 1876 Superb A Manufacturing business, requires States, they could avoid admitting the force of the BUSINESS CARDS. capital to work on a large scale, wi:l bear a thorough Sent. 30th and Oct. 1st. Cosily Properties! time—would seem to furnish to our later days iuvesiigation, business safe, and sales made only to 29th, which the Bible to harm- lugcniou#/.ccctuiorica recognition gives, a to the Democratic Iu it— responsible parties, sold as fast as manufactured, mb. IBA parallel party. if C. STOCK BRIDGE Fane ilia Dances! less and wholesome amusements. C. P. BABCOCK. and profits equal to not surpassing any business ling drawn at once in the in and And Grand marches! violently opposite Maine; only principals responsible parties announces three performances of the Sacred Cantata Conmon sense and instinct settle this treated with. Address care Mat- directions oi hard and MODEL MAKER & “Manufacturer,” or of New. money paper currency, JOBBER, tocks & Fox, Portland, Maine. aug2deodtf Spectacular Opera Every tiling Entirely question in the same way; for as children Prices of admission—Reserved seats 75 Par* yet endeavoring to retain its bodily identity MANUFACTURER OF cents; never have to be to but instinct- Wanted, quette 50 cents; 35 cents. Box office will be taught play, lest Watch and Gallery instant death result—tradition repeats Chronometer Marker*’ BELSHAZZAR, for the 10 a. m. Tools, TENEMENT in the Western part of city, for open sale of reserved seats from ively engage in their numberless sports, and Mathematical, Optical and Philo- until 10 m. and a of Address n. tself, I School A family three. king of Babylon. suffer as are of so sophical UNtrumentM, ». Box 733. T. CHARLES HOWARD, only they deprived them, “One in boily, but two In will. Apparnta», Ac., cep!7d3tI». sel8dCt (Subject from the Bible.) Director* children of a larger growth find from dear The Amphisboena is Hying still.” 5ft Market Street, Printers But not with the trite fables of Exchange, Wanted. 4 SUPERBLY MOUNTED. bought experience that the overworked mind antiquity, or the Jul PORTLAND, ME. dly SALESMEN in Portland and three to travel GORGEOUS COSTUMES, and body need not only rest, but recreation— iegeud that haunted the rocks and in Maine. A cash No or THIRLLING SCENES. Temperance Meeting. TWO salary paid. peddling fens of is our and imme- commi'sion business. Rare ebame to good men. CHARMING MUSIC, and those capitalists always receive the larg- Newbury, present O’Donnell & All answered if is enclosed. STARTLING EDWA11D CARWSELL, diate concern. Sylvester, applicants stamp TABLEAUX. est returns who not only give their opera- Within the past week in the Address of Canada, This popular spectacular tives liberal for relief from la- long gray waves of our harbor, and in the bobb & co.. opera—endorsed by Most Associate of the National Division opportunities leading musicians, and commended and Worthy Counsellors at Ohio. by pulpit Sods of Tempeiance of North but the stimulus and en- troubled political waters have been' observed Law, Cincinnati, press—will be rendered ior the first time in America, bor, actually supply sel403w* Portland, and one of the most and lec- by a powerful cast, and -with eloquent interesting to those which almost simultaneously, the sea serpent and 81 MIDDLE turers on Temperance in this country, will speak at couragement enjoyments they STREET, House Furnace Wanted. could a in the Democratic vote. are A Chorus of 65 Voices, Orchestra of 14 CHESTNUT STREET CHURCH, not well obtain for themselves. gain They door below Cana Furnace that is in and (2nd Bank,) SECOND HAND Portable Pieces, IT Solo Voices. Monday evening, Sept. 20, at 7 14 o’clock. We must in fact it as settled evident anachrouisms, they belong of right A A 1 order. Please state price, make and size regard beyond It comprises a complete classified list of CORPORATIONS, FIRMS Let all lovers of the cause be on hand if dfc» .main p or number Address FURNACE, Conductor, WM I,. FITCH. they the need of that there must be to the dark ages—but they are facts. It was POR.TIaA.M1_), AND INDIVIDUALS in Hie MANAGEMENT. sire a rich treat. Per Order of (Sommittiee. argument, oc2dtf seHdlw* Argus Office. engaged BUILDING, Pianist, MISS MAV I.EACH. OUTFITTING AND FURNISHING OF OUR MERCANTILE MARINE. sel8 d2t some spice mingled with the sober and solid not suddenly that they were thrust upon Girls Wanted. Also, embracing a complete encyclopedia ot NAUTICAL INFORMA- The costumes have been prepared expressly for ingredients of this life; hard work mu9t he public notice; heralded by rumor, they de- 8. C. the work at great cost, and the aflair will be oho of ANDREWS, COOK and Chamber a* short distance from TION of value to Masters and Hie GOVERMENT AND HARBOR TRIALS OF SPEED rived much of their from excited Girl, the Grandest Events of the season. toned and tempered by soft and gentle appli- consequence A the city. Apply at No. 33 High Street, LAAVS REGULATING THE MANAGEMENT OF VESSELS. The whole will be under the immediate — — as is Counsellor at Law, sell supervision AT THE ances; and it is true that amuse- report—and underwent, the wont of ___dtf A Book that every Ship Builder, Broker, Chaudler and others doing of the composer, J. A. Butterfield, of sole jet many Chicago, other fabulous decided modi- 88 MIDDLE STREET, a marine business needs. ments cannot be admitted within the limits "any animal,” A Situation Wanted, of refinement or fication as to size upon actual (In Canal Baxk tfuilding,) CAST OF characters: respectability, and that none inspection. a man of experience to take charge of a crew of and of them should have or claim The serpent, which, at rare raised of men, or any branch of business where he Belshazzar, King Babylon Chaldea, precedence, the intervals, PORTLAND. MAINE. BY of Boston can make himself generally useful to his employers. Stanley Felcb, of a hideous or afforded a Prince of Judah.W. K. Howard rights primogeniture, in any real, earnest head, transitory Will In and Oxford Has had twelve in taking charge Zerubbabel, practice Androscoggin Count- years* experience of of a .li.flnjwlff Slielomith, wife Zerubbabel... .Miss Li/.zie Norton life. About all to in glimpse tail above the waves, of crews ot men. Beet, of references given. PRESUMPSCOT that remains be done might—who Post Office address, Nitocrie, Queen Regent ot Babylon.Miss Mary Moody PARK, Daniel. ot Israel.A. D. every circle of society is to winnow the wheat could say?—trail unnumbeied leagues of W. A. GAYLOR & Prophet Pierson of Persia and CHARLES H. se9(12w* Tlioumwtouy Maine. WHITMORE, Cyrus. King Media... J. A. Butterfield PORTLAND, from the chaff, and to introduce the enter- lengiu. ue iuigui ue tong enougn 10 encircle KIMBALL, Antonia, Queen of Belshazzar... .Miss Annie Leavitt Festu«, Lord Chamberlain.Will H. Stoekbridge tainment, always at the right time and the world, like the Midgard serpent—in which Jewish Princess.Miss Carrie Sept. 21st, 22d, 23d & 24th, 1875. ARCHITECT PUBLISHERS, Davis case it be that he Partner Wanted. Angel...Miss Lillie James place. might reasonably hoped ISO RIGHT MAN with from seven to ten thou- Atalia, V .Miss Hattie Weeks FIRST DAY. was an electric eel and 1-8 MIDDLE STREET, In these times of ours would would, by active com- sand dollars that can make himself useful on 83 BEATER MEW YORK. Tamor, 5 Ladies of the Court. Miss Jennie practical it] THE STREET, King $200 purse tor green Horses.125 50 25 reduce the of or as a can an interest .. petition, rates the Atlantic (Boyd Block,) the books salesman purchase jy26 dlawlmM Zerlina, ) .Mis. Wni. L. Fitch $250 purse for 2 40 Class.150 75 25 hardly do to make a business of pleasure, in a good, safe, legitimate and established wholesale Myra, child of Zerubbabel.Lizzie Nash $150 purse for 5 year old Class.. .t.100 30 20 and in the earnest to Telegraph Company. So long as he remained PORTLAND, MAINE. business m this city. Address Box 599 with real Babylonian Captain.Arthur Jordan pursuit of it devote SECOND DAY save name, business capacity, &c. Magi, Three wise meu of Babylon, successive to and thus re- unseen, by sample, his possibilities were Portland Sept. 3,1875. se4dlm* Fred O. John T. Alexander and Ira Locke $200 purse, 3 minute class.125 2ft 25 days sports plays; Plans, Details, Superintendence, etc., for every de- Tukey, unlimited; his dimensions were unbounded of dec28tf Arrival! $300 purse, 2.33 class.175 85 40 viving something like the jousts and tourna- ception building. 4 oil Class.100 30 20 Wanted. Stupendous Grand Inaugural Night Wednesday Eve- $150 purse, year ments of the would it be but by the imagination of man. It was his Agents THIRD DAY. Knightly age—nor CHAS. H. HOWE & SON. town where is used, for the Sent. 29th. in mistake to leave his vague and watery ele- gas Tiirc ning, $200 2.50 Class.125 50 25 accordance with a clear and philosophical sale of tbe ELLIS PA LENT GAS BURNER, purse, INeveivcityand $250 purse, 2.38 Class.150 75 25 ment and to approach too nearly the active Very liberal terms to Agents. Enquire of The sale of Reserved Seats will open at Stock- comprehension of the subject. That idea of Civil and Music $150 purse, 3 year olds, 2 n 3.100 30 20 Engineers Architects, C.JL. MOST MAGNIFICENT ARRAY bridge’s Store, Wednesday morning,Sept. 15th, the relations of and scenes of business and politics. For a while MAR8TON, at 9 o’clock. EAST DAY. labor recreation, which 138 .Street. JKxchangc Admission 50 cents. he floundered helplessly; then, rightly pre- 176 Middle Street. —OF— 35 cents; Reserved Seats $200 purse, 2.45 Class.;.125 50 25 separates them as it were into distinct prov- aug31dlm se20 dtd Champion Belt (for Stallions). and bounds them division is ferring the better part of valor, made his way BOITD BLOCK. free for inces, by walls, $500 purse, all.300 125 75 back to the dark depths which, for his fame, my22 dtf BOARD. certainly based upon a misconception of EDUCATIONAL. CONIDITIOlSrS. the harmonious exist- he never should have quitted. When the All these are for mile best 3 adjustments really PERRY & FOSS, purses trotting heats, brief turbulence of the sea was subsided Boarders Wanted in 5, in harness, under the the national rules. ing between them. Many persons entertain- Rule 3. 6, 7,17, 26, 33 and 36 and the waters were clear was GENERAL SCHOOL. 2, 32, particularly these erroneous themselves again—it MATHEWS has taken the well known NAVIGATION^ will be enforced. ing views, apply at 21 Brown and is found that the sea had made his MRS.Boarding House, street, FALL & WINTER The School will be opened When eight or more horses start, the “distance’* diligently and continuously almost through serpent Commission Merchants, now prepared to furnish board, likewise table hoard, will be one hundred and MONDAY. SEPTEMBER fifty yards. the mark, sixty feet in length, upon the soft and aug27 dtf 6th, As many as four must euter, and three start in year to their business; and then when and Wholesale Dealers in and continue through the fall and winter, where will every race, except for three years old. treacherous where be had rested. But IjKT WITH BOARD-Tffo they take a short vacation devote themselves mud, large be taught Arithmetic, Geometry Trigonometry Races may be postponed on account of bad weather. COUNTRY PRODUCE, one furnished and one unfurnished, and and and observers com- TORooms, Navigation. Apply to Entries close at 9 o’clock p. m., Sept. 20, with the same close to a experienced sagacious two small ones Also meal hoarders the Monday, application rigid by week, CLOTHING €. H. and must be addressed to Samnel Wasson, his actual size to be about one-third 9 Moulton Street, bead of Long Wharf or FARLEY, round of thus a puted day meal. Apply at 28 Free Street. Secretary, at the Preble House, Portland. recreation, making toil of No. 4 or at the No. 97 ME. sel8 dlw* Exchange Street, School, 10 per cent, of of the of the trace left his PORTLAND, Franklin Street. d3w* Entry fees, purse, one-half to be pleasure. Rather in every task, at appropri- length by struggles Ever Seen in this State. aug31 sent with the entry, to be forfeited if the horse does N. PERRY. MAYHEW C. FOSS. for EBEN Board, not start, and the other half to be paid before start- ate intervals, should there be something skill- escape. or two boarders can be accommodated with Eaton Family School For ing in the race. The moral of this fable of is obvious. for & Ayer’s “Snrprise Boys, fully sandwiched that will lighten and to-day SEJPAgents Chiptuan rooms at 416 Cumberland street, cor- Teas..” the best Id tbe world. ONEpleasant The Democratic should out at yeast ner of Green, also to let with board a front its burden and party keep sea, T«V IT. mylTdtf pleasant —AT— brighten monotony. chamber unturnished with side room and large closet MercantileTraining in a town or So as are occasionally attached. selldtt — OF — far public occas:ons concerned, appearing election, Dollars’ JNOKKIDGE WOCK, MAINE. a caucus. Local differences G. A. in. Thousand afford it CLARK, D. Ifti it seems proper that slate and national holi- oppor- Summer Boarders. 74 FREE STREET, For Circular Address XX. F, Prin. should be surrendered to the mirth tunity for brief and imposing display, and Worth of all the Sew Designs, Shapes and YOUNG Eaton, days Opposite head of Brown St. A Summer will MEN. will accord to seen, the im- few Boarders be taken by the day augl9-tf and pleasure-loving people—unless we except credulity it, thus, * Office Hours 2 to 4 P. M. or week at Norton’s East Baldwin. This Colors. Look what you may select from Hotel, and size it so house is on CHARLES B. WELLS, President. those portance notably lacks. Afar a!6 dtf delightfully located the line of the P. & A CARD. days especially devoted to religious O. R. K. and only 25 miles from Portland. Ticket Department cf Maine) it has the of the State Fair, Sept. 13, 1875. observances. Foreigners visiting this coun- off, respectable prestige G. R. NORTON. HEKR'V L. HILL, Secretary. f Oil THOUSAND On and after 8th, unmeasured myth; nearer, it dwindles and C. Hon. Bion September try always notice the lack of pure and References;—S, Strout, Esq., ESTABLISHED IN 1861. The Bays of Exhibition will be pn Bradbury, C. F. Libby, Esq., A. L. Dresser, Esq., simple days of recreation, marked by entire loses its terrors. Brought face to face with Gen. C. P. Mattocks, Col. A. W. Bradnury. ju23tt OVJER- COATS, MRS. MABEL the involved in the Presiden- The most extensive, thorough and complete insti- BURNHAM, abstinence from labor, and attribute certain great principles will be to receive in Vocal Music. Tuesday, Weduesday, Thursday tial To Let willi Board tution of the kind in the world. Eight thousand ready pupils hard lines in our national character to this de- contest of next year, its actual and FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Orders to be left at 8TOCKB BID.nE’S. ISO and *" graduates of this college now in successful business Friday, inconsiderable will be clearly 62 FREE STREET. ficiency. What time then shall we take from proportions Jr in the principal cities and towns of the United STEPHEN my22tf Sept. 21st, 23<1 and 21th, the calendar of labor and transfer to that of defined. BERRY, Elegftnt Pantaloons, States. 22d, 1875, recreation in order that the balance of To sea serpents and to Democrats yet one Board. exhibition hours. pow and I word more. It is not from a soft and fluc- $aivd fll WO Gentlemen or a Gentleman and his Wite can The kind of Bowdoin er may be suitably adj usted ? Or can we adorn fficolc, HEKDciBD& AND HUNDREDS Educa- Vkas,, B A HI n«ia « D HI A« Job JL be accommodated with first class Board and right basis of harbor College. and illuminate some or tuating mud or paper money Plum Street. — Cach organization No. 37 Rooms at No. 20 Brown Street. myl9dtl — OF Day, at existing that a return can be made to current 9«_ tion for Young Men. The SECOND EXAMINATION for admission institution by annexing thereto some new readily coin or and or will be held at Adams’ Hall, on THURSDAY, Park. holiday with all its mirth and ? Were channel; party python will TO LET. Magnificent granite building with elegantly fitted Presninpscot gayety W. C. CLARK, Splendid Suits, at 8 A. M. The we to find itself stranded and at the of its ... ..t._ September 23rd, beginning Fall term propose to some or class mercy and iurnished apartments for the application of and IrromSA. HI. until 10 P. at engraft any HI., its out our will commence on the same of entertainments such as we have referred foes; or, should desperate efforts for escape 103 FEDERAL To Let. carrying of novel and systematic methods of day. STREET, Consisting of perfect-fitting be J. L. Pbesident. to, upon our well known and established successful, it will leave behind it evidence 5 Door. East •< Temple St., furnished or unfurnished rooms at Double-breasted Prince Albert Coat?, CHAMBERLAIN, CITY HALL. NO. 1 door to Ca- of its moderate dimensions. PLEASANTMYRTLE STREET, next “ “ Sack Coats. BUSINESS TRAINING. Brunswick ,Sept. 1st, 1873, sep4d&wtd36 literary, political or religious organizations, exceedingly hoon’s Block. seplSdlw* PRICES OF ADMISSION. GAS AND WATER Single breasted high cut St. Bernard tnliipli liauo dare fr»r* tlioir onuniel nk. Young men who contemplate a business life, and Current Notes. To Let. Coats, To the Grounds, for single admis- as for instance a parents having sons to educate, are particularly re- BOYS’ SCHOOL. jects; conference,commence- The which the Penn- TENEMENT OF SIX ROOMS, also one of 5 Single-brestted English Walking Coats, sion 50 cts. entertaining spectacle PIPING. quested to send for documents to the For ment or mass we should be in- A rooms. Apply to 197 Newbury St., relating college, single Horse and Carriage 95 ettf. meeting; Democrats in re- And dozens ot others to Each in sylvania present running selSdtf.W. W. CABR. to<4numerous which give lull information as to terms, conditions of ill. C. MITCHELL’S person carriage to pay formed at once that the was in- sp21tf_ the admission fee. proposition form candidates on a the mention. entrance, etc. Address. regular platform favoring For n two Horse Vehicle nud 75 cts. and and to the reas- Room To Let. School for congruous inadmissible, rankest kind of financial moves H. L. GREGG & CO., Family Boys, Each person besides the driver lo dishonesty, FURNISHED CHAMBER, at 118 R. onableness of our own sense would Spring CHARLES WELLS, President, pav the regular admissiou lee. this, gcod the Nation to this timely suggestion: “A. ONEStreet.selldlw WEST TISBURV, For Hors** aud driver SHIP BROKERS. Reefers and Ulsters. 75 cts. give assent. Ought the same reply to be party which the all the mon- NEW HAVEN, CONN. Single admission lo Hall 35 cts. promises people Martha's ib auu an me same ume To Let. au31 d3w* Vineyard, Mass. Admission to Spectators’ seats 10 cts. returned, were a similar request ey may warn,, prom- Commission & Merchants Admission ises to steal none of makes a bold bid for Forwarding AN UPPER RENT, No. 335, corner of Congress LONG. WARM AND COMFORTABLE. Send for Circular to upper balcony grand made to the of an ex- it, and JUST RECEIVED AX stand 50 cts. managers agricultural Grntu and other Charters, A Quincy streets, nicely frescoed and in per- popular support. We trust that the Ohio and Petroleum, fect would sell and o* furniture Admission lower balcony hibition? These as Freight made repair, carpets part M. C. MITCHELL, Principal. grand developments they may Pennsylvania reform platforms of this year, Negotiated. Engagements at a if wanted. to stand 95 cts. tor all of the world. bargain, Apply jne15dlf be termed of the nineteenth have of parts L. J. century, together with biographies the candidates marine Insurance effected in reliable ADDITON, A WARMING. Tickets for Hall aud Grounds on the Orin Hawkes & good only not attained full and will be placed on exhibition at the Centen- Offices. premises.sep3tf Co., A. lor dates issued. symmetrical proportions, FRANK BLACKSTONE, nial. Europe has nothing to show at all 108 WALNUT STREET, Onr garments were ALL manufactured FALL STYLE or'reached their highest degree of usefulness. TO LET G 1-2 DOW STREET, EXHIBITORS’ TICKETS. like them.” PHILADELPHIA, I for this Fall and Winter trade. They are They contain however the germs of future Exhibitors* tickets will be famished to febtdly parties for the and Their is likely to be an apparition in Ohio, Room in the Second Story ot the ent from Three to Six inches longer than .Sills. entitled to same on application to S. WASSON, promise agricultural community, Teacher of the Piano Forte. the if the Cincinnati doesn’t have a Primers’ with it last Hats, Secretary, at Preble House, until Monday, Sept. even now with their admitted Enquirer exchange, power year’s goods. —AND ALL THE— after that date at bis office at Hall. imperfections PORTLAND Terms $15 for a coarse of Twenty Les- 20tli, City care. That iu its devotion to required. Apply to PRESS OFFICE Passes for aud will he to deserve their name of Farmers’ journal soft sons. grooms help issued parties Institutes; or to B. I IU R'iTO.V A Ill New and entitled to on to A. B. WINS- declares that Thomas H. > CO., Nobby same, application and to all students are money, Benton Rememlber ^“Refers by permission to Hermans Kotzscbmar. LOW, at the Ticket Department at the Park, on diligent profitable MACHINEWORKS Exchange Street. were he now would in its fo r dtf ju‘22 dtt Monday, Sept. 20tli, at 9 a m. and after. schools of instruction. alive, join cry ocl2__ That short garments are OLD STYLE, FUR & WOOL HATS “more and would “like his old col' Iron Boiler Entertaining therefore a high sense and money” Engineers, Founders, To Let. SHOP-WORN, and liable to he MOTH- POE PEACES OF ADMISSION. Makers and Blacksmiths. of such and solic- league in the Senate, Gov. Allen, be found ■JATICE and pleasant rooms to let, at 217 Camber- EATEN. Exhibitors, Help and Grooms will be admitted at dignity even, agencies; X v land without board. AND the South Gate. in the van against the two thousand Nation- MANUFACTURERS OF street, MEN, BOYS CHILDREN. itous to promote their full development sepldttMRS. ALONZO BUTLER. Socks,” Carriages and Foot passengers at the Centre Gale. al Banks of 1875 just as he was agfcinst the "Damaged Foot at the we North Gate. and usefulness neverthe- MARINE. STATIONARY AND PORTA- Don’t Buy Tliem at Any Price. passengers only complete one National Bank of 1880.” If the ghost of Furnished House to be no BLE STEAM ENGINES. Let, 30 DOZEN Under circumstances will money be less conceive that it is appropriate “Old Bullion” does not stalk into the En- on taken nt the gates or door. State street. Very desirable. In- You will it if You Do. office and the editor a Water of or regret and desirable to here the useful and ‘quirer give shaking up A Icon’s Turbine Wheei, SITUATEDquire S.W. Robinson, Byron D. Verrill. at all Wool mingle 205 street. Men’s Shaker Socks Double Heels Ira for this outrageous attack upon his memory, Elevators. Derricks, Hoisting Middle aug23ti Tickets for Sale at Stockbridge’s Music Store, agreeable and to give some place at every and Soiled Oil at 156 Exchange Street, Fred T. Mealier & Co.*s Apo- the vexed question of spiritual apparitions Engines, and Blanciiard’s FOR THE RISIHGGEN ER ATION. Just received from New York Toes, Slightly by ration- thecary Store, comer Preble & Congress Street, near Fair and cattle show to healthful and will be settled forever. Patent Boiler. the Preble House. and at TO LET. AN INVOICE OF Manufactory. Portland, the Ticket office at al amusements. If there were but one class We have SUITS to fit Children from Park and Hall. It is thought that if Bill Allen and the rag AGENTS FOR RUE’S INJECTOR STORY in THOMPSON 42 BLOCK, H. S. of as at the SECONDfeet wide nearly 100 feet in depth, fitted 2 1*2 years old to Babies 350 PRICE 33 CTS. PER PAIR. OSGOOD, persons present, ordinarily money men carry Ohio this Fall, the De- newly weighing CANES, sepl3dtd Manager Ticket Department. 215 COMMERCIAL STREET, up with room and — — counting tables. The best lighted AND special occasions before referred to; or were are sure to on room in the pounds. mocracy unite Colonel Mul-. city; Suitable for jobbing or manufac- Regular goods which are really no belter PORTLAND, MAINE. or will the attention of the farmers in attendance Sellers for the He would turing, be let tor either, with plenty of stor- WALKING cannot be sold less than 50 cts. berry Presidency. FOB SALE—One New G3 horse room, over MHEPKBRD & Our was never or a Stationary Engine, age CJO’8 Whole- Assortment larger STICKS, with a constant succession of exhi- certainly be representative man. power, built to order. sale Fancy Goods Store, Nos. 121—123 Middle Street, in nil the New Patterns now in Vogne. EXCl'M TO MT. DESERT occupied lower. The Detroit Free Press an prices — old below the Post Ofiiee. of H. E. THOMP- — bitions or instructive then we says when apHt_ Inquire Call and see are OWEN & MOORE. V a n. experiments, SON, No. 32J Emery on the Street them—they very street, Spring should “let not different elements be in- veteran in Cario was asked to split his vote WILLIAM SCHUMACHER* horse car route. jau20d&wtf stylish. say We Have but One Price Steamer termingled.” It is however, well known he replied: “How could I face the Judgment 4S2 & 4S4 Lewiston, Day with them angels knowin’ that I’d gone FRESCO Congress St., “New CAPT. CHARLES DEER IMG. that agricultural exhibitions would not be PAINTER) TOJLET. for back on the Democratic party ?” at Schnmacher All, OPPOSITE PREBLE HOUSE. JCorset.” financially sustained, if they were dependent Office Brothers, In to the YACH T~A LARM, se2d&w4m3G We offer to-day a full assortment in colors spite of its professed devotion 5 OICBIIHG BLOCK. upon farmers and it Is also to be ad- OC Tons, thoroughly equipped and furnished. And CHANGE GARMENTS or and white of onr new alone, of there never has been Has principles freedom, I inform the tout I have, taken superior accommodations. Will be let mitted that a number of those respectfully public the or week to REFUND MONEY large present is not true the of Chas. J. Schumacher and will attend by day responsible parties. Apply to and to-day any recognition by the business have no interest in the and improva- to all entrusted to me. I shall en- F. C. ALLEN, STAR CORSET progress promptly jobs When Goods are Not j Excursion Tickets to Southwest Harbor and Re- \ Democratic party of individual rights. It is deavor to ttie which my IVo 8 Market .Street, or on Hoard, Satisfactory. A. P. of A of the vis- keep reputation predecessor FULLER, turn, $?.50; to Bar Harbor and Return, $4.00. Tick- agriculture. great majority __.r j founded on and which has he'd for so many years. ao21tf iy29dtf At Sffil OO until Oct. 4tb. .t_s_ __ j_ ___p__ ignorance intolerance, Each, ets good 4-1.1 .In.11.. 5 i.. * 1: a... Ti. 1.! *«v»u MW A Mil IV tuwuw uVI Don’t Fail to See Our Garments Tickets and State Roams for sale at Companys' V!V»J J JWUUJj |'VV are me ueauiy enemies or utterly, its tri- To Lei. W e before You confidently ossert that this is the best office, Railroad Wharf, foot ot State Street. pie, released for the time from the confine- umph throughout the country would mark to Buy. Corset ever offered at this price. An ex- CYRUS General let, furnished or unfurnished, No. 4 STURDIVANT, Agent. ment of the and the dull round the inauguration offan era of persecution and CLARION. ROOMSCotton St., second door from Free Street. school, shop augO__dti intolerance such as our political history has OUR NEW apr24dtf VARNISHES ofhome life. To them there Is nothing new not yet witnessed.— Indianapolis Journal THERE'S MOSEY IM IT. AND or attractive in the of and PORTABLE COOKING RANGE. To Lei. Boston & Maine R.R. display animals, (.Sep). first the Stores and OWEN & and with which FOR WOOD OR COAL.. February Chambers MOORE, implements productions Shall this resumption act be executed? ABOUTon Union St., now Caldwell & occupied by are more or less or at any rate Will the suffer The Illuminated Clarion Range is one of 1 ho most Hodsdon, and Whitney «& Thomas. Apply to CONGRESS STREET, CORNER BROWN. CHEAP EXCURSIONS, they familiar; people the money lords here, we warrant it to be the ST. and Elegant and Economical, as Jalldtf JOHN SMITH. C. 0. B. FISK & CO., their attractions are soon exhausted, by the false cry of public honor, to make the most Compact and Convenient Cooking Apparatus sep!5_ _dtf And Dealer In then they endeavor to entertain themselves fortunes of their ever produced. To Be Let. PORTLA ND families and ruin their coun- TLe are some of its features: RATES following special E chamber in second on corner of REDUCER with amusements of their own up. I and story the getting try Never! Let Ohio, standing in the cen- Illuminated tire box; clinkerless shaking TH Cross and Middle Sts. Apply to 233 MACHINERY, — TO — to broil ■without MIDDLE — TO — We think it is wise the annual pro- dumping grate; the best chance HENRY DEEIUNG, ST., (in ter, cry out, Repeal 1 Pennsylvania and Vir- odor; large ventilated oven; with or without hot this my31tf No. 05 Exchange St. LARD, gramme) to make special providing for will answer closet; portable shelf with large top surface; the best SPERM, Boston, New York, Chicago, St. Louis, CENTRE HARBOR AND RETURN ginia back. Repeal 1 And from draft cut-off ^ver collar, the harvest are state invented; reversible pipe-top To Let. PORTLAND, ME. San aud all large class. The labors of every where the Mississippi gathers its or back; dustless sifter and large ash pan; ’'skeleton AND WOOL. Francisco, points West, waters will GOOD rents 8e6 (ltf BURNING, FOR the and dull winter come the cry, Repeal! Repeal!! in hot closet; heat thrown under all its six at Woodford’s Corner. Possession via all the Kail and Steamboat Lines. over, long appoaches; 4 given ot Repeal!!! The Ohio demand grateoles; wa’er front when ordered; it has nickel plated immediately. Inquire let them see that the farmer’s life is not all Democracy and is from J. H. that this aban- knobs splendidly fitted up; flues cleaned Mn REED, whole plan of resumption be Woodford’s Corner. Portland & Rochester Tickets $3.00 ! ! that this is his own and the outside. au(kLw*ttf_ (iregg Brick Machine. drudgery, holiday, doned.—Tom Ewing. above we would add — In connection with the merely TO — can leave Portland at 9.00 a. con- that while much here may be learned, more that in design find it is It has OF Passengers m., Hon. Cyrus L. Pershiug seems to be loom- fini>li, usurpussed. To OFFICE ISAAC GREGG, JR., & CO., OILS. New at with the iLet. IInrllord, Alton Steamer an u large oven and exnIra deep The Worccatcr, Springfield. necting Bay, magniticent be We think it to be jusual.y flues. Haven, New and may enjoyed. perfect- ing up into as the mau who covers and centres are heavy, so preventing any Front Koouin. 108 South Fourth York, Philadelphia' prominence St., Philadelphia. FORE Washington at It reduction. consistent with the of such warping. The broiling door is one of the most im- FIRIMMHEDI-2 CO^GKES* STREET. 208 STREET. Mount Washington, ly original objects voted in the Pennsylvania Legislature to oen- The are now portant features in modern stoves, and is so arranged undersigned manufacturing, and have Jne2t <16m for Wolfboro and Center Harbor, making a gatherings, and promotive not of the sure President Lincoln for the issue of the in can b° ou jy22__atf_ for sale, their Universal Brick’ ot the vari- MAINE CENTRAL TICKETS over only THE CLARION that broiling carried Machine, delightful trip of sixty miles the entire length of This is record without odor into the room. To Let. ous capacities, as follows:— the beautiful Lnkv with its several interests of but of the Emancipation Proclamation. successfully any coming and less than fare. Wiunipiaeogee agriculture, The illuminated fire box a cheerful Lewiston,Augusta Bangor regular three hundred and sixty-five island, and for one man. presents appear- BRICK HOUSE No. 71 Danforth Street, Size No. 1, capacity 0,000 Bricks per day, Price 81,000 returning, happiness of the farmer and his to enough ance, ami shows at all times the conditionof the tire all the modern Size No. Price BOSTON BOAT TICKETS. leave Alton Bay at 4.00 p. m., arriving at Portland family, and without THEcontaining improvements. En- 2, 10,000 $1,500 And now comes our old admired opening the door, the skeleton slide in hot at No. Size No. 3. Price at 8.00 n. m. stamp and the cloaet quire 10, CENTRAL WHARF, 20,000 $2,000 deeplv permanently holiday bottom keeps any dish enveloped with warm Size No. 30.000 Price Excellent dinners served on board the steamer at friend. General Sam Cary, pottering off air. fnel6dtf 4, $2,500 LORING & ADAMS, character and likeness up The sifter is vibrated a handle the ROLLINS, reasonable rates. upon them; to this by through Stitt or is nrirti a worse “Ont and tempered clay cf strong weak qualities to the and making fool of plate, allows no dust to escape. No. till Street, Portland. Tickets for the Round until end conduces Reserve, This has worked by it, and the Bricks aie hacked up for dry- Invested in Stock Privileges in Wall St., Exchange Trip—good nothing more than a reason- Range been thoroughly tested In every TO BE LET. JV3 October than to those and ing hirectlv froni the machine. leads to many ihoumniidH of Inf, $3.00. himself ever, trying persuade particular, every disinterested person and deal- dollars profits. __’dtt_ able selection of wholesome amusements. en will admit it to This niaeume is very of construction. It Take train leaving Portland at 9.00 a. m. that cents be the best Cooking Range ever simple Comprehensive explanatory circulars, containing The Celebrated Double Elastic sharp old abolitionists 87i in paper offered to the desirable offires in the Merchants National can be managed as as-a the moulds detailed statements and J. T. FURBKR. Gen. Sup't. public. Please cal! ami examine it and npHE easily hand-press, quotation prices of all stocks are better than $1 in gold. Is there no we can give you testimonials I Bank building, recently occupied by Bank of being fed senaratelv and In hand labor. It produces dealt in at the S. II. STEVENS. Gen. Agent, Portland. asy- and references that will The New York lum for the idiotic in Ohio? be satislactory to you. Portland. Also offices in third story, with steam, STRETCHERS and PAVING BRICKS equal to anv I aug2l dtf Democratic platform Score for the and Possession 1st. manufactured andean be mould an increased Manufactured and for sale bv gas water. given July Apply at by baud, adjusted to New York Stock sounds well, but Democratic resolutions on Reserve Republican majority. FRONT BRICKS *tor repressing. Circulars giving Exchange, STEEL jPRAS, MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK- full | the particulars will be for warned to anv address by mailed free to those desii to Address ISpencerian finances amount to but little now-a-days. ing speculate. wood, bishop julO R SALE BY THE LOAD. co., Carriage aud Harness. Can be seen at CAB Apply to For Bale by Booih and Shoe*, and at prices LOWER than any of his in New York. with of the bodies aui1 c,jve Mo- SS Spring fit., Portland, party They are for discovered nearly tilled parts LING’* STABLE, other maker tor the same quality of workmanship. Ki.oSrtoox stBj'Lp ^ BERLIN DULLS CIIA8. & but to of which the students bad been dis- relfrUw* Silrer Sticei. CO., McLACCHUN CO., ROOFERS AND PAINTERS CaF* Repairing done in the neatest manner at hard-money, opposed the use of the subjects 1 seloulw* Berlin Mill. Wharf. aulCtod&wfjin Portland. jy24 dtl satisfactory prices, Ju2dtf means which will bring it about sec ting. The Eastern Knilroad. THE STORM ON THE GULF. 30.

?: * —SSSSSB THE JAIL. BREIKEK8. Alonzo Steller vol. 2, A. than it was Stale Fair. Libby, Saccarappa. (2685) before it was cut through by the The Directors of the Eastern Hank held a J. C. C. Steller 3d, by William, out of Steller. railroad. and the King Yours respectfully, in on and voted to NEW SALES PRESS. The trotting liorses aro fast arriving J. A. Cilley, Fairfield, Pat. 151 by Nonesuch, 57 meeting Bangor Thursday ADVERTISEMENTS THE Chas. H. Howe, the extension of their charter. _AUCTION _ of Plummer—On the Trail of is races will be an dam Fairfield Lady 130, A. J. H. B. accept Capture prospect that the interesting Civ. Samuel Look. North Jay, trained steers. _ Engineer. The committee of the larl'ariy and Work of of tbo fair. Ten fino animals yearling creditors and stock- SEPT. 20. 1875 Wateon-Sharp feature arrived Edwin Hunnewell, South 1 oxen. Portland, Sept. 17, 1875. Please tell the that saw their AUCTION SALES- M0>DA\7 M0RM>G. Officer*—A Windham, pr. holders of the E. & N. A. Railway will meet in people you ifac Remarkable Lelier. in N. R. BoutelL Waterville, heiler 1 I Saturday night from the east. The time Jersey yr. coocur|in tlielabove] opinion of Mr. Howe. Bangor about the middle of this week. Advertisement in the PRESS, the circula- Dan Fulton, Bowdoinham, 2 g. d. bucks, 12 ewes, & THE PRESS the races for three year olds has been changed Thomas stores on MORGAN DOW, 3 lambs. Holt, Several Hammond street, Bangor, tion of which, per month, exceed 1100,000, of Fes- Ever since Watson, Plummer and cow were May be obtained at tbe Periodical Depots McCaity from mile heats to half mile heats. J. Marshall Brown, Falmouth, Jersey .bull, Civ. Engineer. entered Thursday night and small sums Auctioneers anil Commission .Merchants, & Andrews, broke and call. of taken. senden Bros., Marquis, Brunei Co., from the County Jail in this city, Thurs- The entries for trotting and Sept. 18, money Several boys havo been ar- Wentworth. Moses, N. B. Kendrick, and Chisholm O. L. Tapley. W. Brooksvllle. Holstein bull. rested, charged with the theft. NnleMioom No, 18 Exchange #!. day night, Sheriff Pennell and a force of classes and subsoil All We have now Bros., on all trains that run out of the city. large drawing G. H. will not close until Artemas Rigby, Upper Stillwater, pulv. which is respectfully submitted for public open a full line A. M. William Kane, a laborer, while on a MORGAN. M. G. DOW. At Biddelord, of Phiilshury. officers of different rank have been busy trying 9 o’clock All entries farm plow. consideration working to-night. for imple- The Petitioners. — — At of L. D. M. Dunkam, Bangor, 30 entries ag. imple- by water pipe trench in Bangor, was OF Saeo, Hodgdon, to find some trail of them. Saturday, At Waterville, of J. S. Carter. Saturday night ments, and those for the halls will be received ments. buried by the caving in of au embaukment and **e2lllar Sales of Furniture. Groceries and Genera ~ their C. H. No. steer Worcester Thanks Portland. Merchandise SAT at Salesroom No. At Bath, of »J. O. Shaw. «r diligence was rewarded the two to 4 m. have Berry, Monmouth, pr. oxen, pr. severely bruised. every UKDAY, Stcveu&iV co. by finding up p. Tuesday. All other entries is Exchange At Lewiston, of French Bros., ami calves. The a of a letter street, commencing at 10A o’clock a. m, latter men hid in a mow in but following is copy received SOMEBSET COUNTY. PALL AND hay Freeport, closed. A. F. Johnson, Gorhaih, 2 pr. oxen, 1 pr. steers 3 WINTER Consignments solicited and prompt returns made. Saturday Mayor Richardson from the Wor- Portland. May 15th. in their haste to secure them McCarty eluded A very large working herd of bulls, cows, yr. by The defalcation of Mr. Steward, late county my!5dtf S. W. 4 merino 12 m. cester AND VICINITY them and Tinkham, Anson, bucks, Board of Trade: treasurer, has been settled by his CITY escaped. and heifers will be exhibited by a party from ewes. 2 flocks one flock ewes. bondsmen, lambs, the amount over 2 Worcester Board of Trade, I paid being $2893. auction Sheriff Pennell secured the services of a man New Hampshire. C. B. Larkin, Augusta, pr. oxen, 1 Jersey bull, sale, «•-«»«» 1 Jtrsey cow, Ayrshire bull, cow and heifer, white Worcester, Sept. 17,1875. j YORK COUNTY. DRESS GOODS. .>*»» *«iTeriI«»e,*“ who was a chum of and Wo shall sell at Public formerly Plummer, Entries have been made in several agricul- Chester Yorkshire boar and sow, little imp. Auction commencing on Boar, Hon. if. M. Mayor of Portland, A correspondent writes that at a temperance who bad information tfat he was in New Chester Richardson, Me, ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. Freeport. tural departments|from New York, Jer- pigs. Dear meeting in Newlield, WE OEEEK SPEC! LI, E. C. O’Brion, Deering, grade cow and heifer. Sir—The following vote was unani- Thursday evening, very TUESDAY. Sept. 14, at lO • This man went to the house of Plummer’s able lectures were 1*73, Hall—Belshazzar. sey, Massachusetts and Vermont. The colonial R. W. South 1 oxen. of the Directors of delivered by Rev. Mr. Blan- City Wilson, Levant, pr. mously passed at a meeting o'clock a. m. :i Boston & Maine Railicarl—Maine State Fair. cow. chard and Owen both of who and p. hi., brother iu Freepoit and told him that he would societies of Canada, the Itoyal Agricultural So- W. P. Merrill, Portland, Gvade cow, Jersey the Board this evening, on the motion of Col. Chadbourne, Saco, BARGAINS SPECIAL NOTICES. Melvin S. Winter, South Carthage, 1 pr. oxen. John D. propose to have a delegation of members from assist to Iu this he Washburn: — — until all are an extra line Orestes escape. way gain- ciety of New Brunswick, all those o." the New E. W. short horn Cots- all in York IN sold, Invoice ol Bros—Dresa Eoods. Anderson, Warren, bnll, That the Directors of the Wor- lodges County at Limerick on the Eastman ed their and told him where wold buck. 5 Cotswold 1 trio Voted, we, 30th confidence (hey England states, and several in Ohio and West ewes, Leghorns. cester for the purpose of forming a York County MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. Howard & Fairfield herd. Board of Trade, desire to express our and were in a barn Ellis, Corner, club. Plummer McCarty secreted, will be this appreciation of extended to us _ Nice—RInes Bros. Virginia represented year. E. H. Pettengill, Livermore Falls, best cow 4 yrs. the courtesies BLMK some distance The baru is owned as best cow 3 old, best cow 1 1 k. by the Government of Portland and the CASHMERE! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, away. by The exhibition of articles will be follows: old, yrs. year old, y City Sweepstakes for both specials. Portland Board of on the occasion of the Business Penmanship.—A and ac- S1LKS_&_ a at Trade, Lost—A Gold Mr. Holmes, and younger brother was mechanics’ products, domestic ready Our stock is in Baby’s Neck Chain. Factory goods, John M. Hilton, Anson, 1 yk; 6 yrs, 1 ykj draft recent excursion to that city. complete every department, and we Dr. a brother of Holmes. The detective complished penman always carries with him still continue te Kenison—Chiropodist. work for fabrics, boots, shoes and harnesses and miscel- merino 13,1 yk. plowing. The completeness of the preparation for our sell at Just Received—Twitchell, Champlin & Co. 1 oxen. one of the recommendations then visited the younger Plummer, and togeth- will be exhibited In the Main George Ladd, Starks, pr. entertainment could be by the strongest to a good Business Chance Cheap—T. F. Flannery. laneous goods Eben S Ladd, Starks, 11 Spabish, 6 grades. only equalled Fine of the to it. position in and the man who low Gold The Meeds House—F. Meeds. er they went to the barn to find Orestes and G. B. Centre cow and calf (Jer- cordiality welcome business, young prices. Chains, Hall. Reynolds, Sidney, For all and Window Frames—Burrows Bros. that was so agreeably said so early in life acquires the art of and Also a fine McCarty. They were both found upon the hay Fruits and flowers will be in the sey.) rapid ele- assortment of Mocking Bird Lost—C. Prince. displayed Otis M. Hilton, 1 4 yrs, admirably done in our behalf, on that Sets Ac Anson, yk. (Harttord). occasion, gant business writing has laid the surest foun- Lockets, Rings, Diamonds, Pocket Book Lost—A. Leach. mow, hid beneath an immense pile of straw. Reception Hall. Wm. D. Adams, East Dixfleld, 1 yk. 2 yr. (Short we now return our hearty thanks. We have—Tukesbury & Co. dation for future success. This A small window on one side of the baru pro- Horns.) Voted, That the Secietary transmit a copy of department of WORSTED FRINGES All the goods sold at this sale will be war- Peaches—G. G. Wackett & Co. Pictures, paintings, drawings, photographs Crowell lor fully Bickford, Waterville, spau plowing, the above to the of Portland aLd a instruction in the National ranted as represented and if not so the sioney will Wanted—A Good Man. vided them with light and air. The straw shown in Rossini Hall. for draft. Mayor copy College of Business TO will be span to the Board of .VI A T C II DKEKH GOOD H. be refunded in every case daring the sale. To Let—Furnished Room. John 1 1 1 17 President of the Portland at New is them and the Mayo, Livermore Falls, yk. yr. yk. Haven, Conn., given the position its These goods are from one of the most To Let—Pleasant pressed down heavily upou posi- The ladies’ department will be in the hall Trade. reliable Room. yr. trained. and Houses iu New and an one. The detec- importance demands, among the graduates York, tion was anything but easy up the .‘econd fligt, rooms Nos. five, six and J. R. Gilman, Farmington Falls, 4 fine wooled. Yours respectfully, A. E. Shurtleft', South Paris, of J. Brainerd of this institution will be found the best and all United States Circuit tive had a talk with them Saturday noon seveu. display poultry. Hall, th20 #lAt began search, as to avoid tlio inevitable crowd to-morrow. Arthur J Flagg. Buxton Centre, sweepstakes. Saturday at one o’clock p. m., and examine all but the straw was so that could not Geo B R. one 2 horse profitable character. Judge Tallman thought who of invalidating a conveyance to secure an old debt to deep they The clerks in the different departments will be Weaver, Newport, I., eagle may call on him free of charge at the U. one 1 horse do 1 State two find sent for the mower, do, Nye Bay horse the associations had an important toward months applied to this case. The assignee them for some time. They found in the rooms on the right of the main rake. duty S. Hotel. Come in the forenoon. septl8-dlw the reform and the Lewiston and Auburn Great claimed that inasmuch as the mortgage and adjudi- detective, who by thrusting a pitchfork into the entrance. W H Harris, Cumberland, 2 Ayrshires. men, WANTED ! C H North 2 We must Bargains cation Berry. Monmouth, grade cows. men as accommodate our and of bankruptcy were both prior to the act of straw a from them. After young reported fullfilling their obliga- customers, IN' brought response Among the entries at the fair is a collection Chas W Windham 5 oxen Hall, Center, yoke and 1 a full of Elmwood Congress in question, the two months clause could for tions in this respect. keep supply collars. striking Plummer several times with the fork of insects illustrating the entomology of Maine, yk Frye’s special. A not apply and that the case must be decided under Isaac Clark. Windham, 1 oxen. The afternoon session was a good, square man to uo >iUU UUCICU IU LUUJC tu tUO EU1M4VL. yk begun by prayer repre- exhibited by George E. Brackett of Belfast, C F Berry, Albion, 1 bull. Kendall & Whitney have received their the laws as they stood before the amendment. The at two o’clock. Several additional sent a first-class Life Insurance In the mean time McCarty was digging his two small cabinets in which the Geo W Carter, West Scarboro, 1 pr oxen. meeting annual of Dutch bulbous roots. Judge’s decree was in the foil owing comprising importation FURNITURE language: George W 3 cows. had arrived the noon train and Co. in Portland and way along between the hay ani straw to the different orders are numbered and Quimby, Augusta, Jersey delegates by U4t. adjacent That Brown Thurston did not acquire a valid title arranged, C Horace Beedle, Richmond, 2 pr oxen septl8 there was a attendance at the towns. to edge of the mow. In this way he eluded the classified. Arthur J Fogg, yk good meeting AT the property covered by said mortgage, but that Scarboro,1 sweepstakes. Ladies’ Merino all F O Bailey, Portland, 5 coops light brahmas and 5 and tbe time well Heavy Vests, sizes, at A the same was taken and received them in fraud officers, and to the barn floor, ran for it is an “off in fruit occupied. permanent is offered by jumping Notwithstanding year” bun cochins. 50 cts. at position At three o’clock the “Christian activi- Anderson’s, below TJ. S. Hotel. to of the act, and the property passed to the assignee the team of the officers, which was standing a culture and production, the indications are G W Weaver, Newport,R. I., 2 horse mower Eagle, topic, the right man. Address 1 and do do; horse rake, Nye Bav State. its how was dis- •saplGdlw free clear of any valid incumbrance, in favor of short distance from the barn, but fortunately that the exhibition in Hall will a ty, importance, promoted,’’ Reception be J B Martin. 1 bull calf. DEANE said Auburn, Brown Thurston by virtue of said mortgage. It the horse was and as he did not dare N R Boutelle, 1 cussed, the President occupying the chair. The Flower Pots for sale by Kendall & Whit- “NI. D. BROS’., hitched, success. Our local fruit raisers are especially Waterville, Yorkshire sow, small is therefore said 1 ordered that assignee distribute said to to unfasten he made for the woods breed; large do. discussion was in Messrs. Tar- ney at manufacturers’ dGt stop him, invited to contribute. 1 B participated by prices. septl8 Falmouth the as a Keniston, Bangor, exhibition of va- Hotel, Portland, proceeds among creditors of said estate part poultry—9 box, C. W. Hill of Preble of Me., minus his hat and coat. The following are the entries for horses, cat- rieties. Auburn, Bath, for one week. 51 St of the assets of the bankrupts. T Economical New Food.—25 cents will When Plummer came from his J Akeley & Son, Portland, 5 phaetons, different Jordan of Rev. Messrs. Ladd and buy Exchange hidiBg place tle, &c: Auburn, Mattocks & Fox. Drummond. sheep, styles. a package of rte: Moss Farine,made from pure se20_(!iw We will for tho he showed but a number of revol- HORSES. A M Porter of Bath, Thwing of Palmer Irish w fight, seeing & J F (jobb, East Deering, 1 skeleton wagon. Portland, moss, whica 11 make 50 kinds of dishes J. B. Seneca Pet. Jj. L. Superior Court. vers awaiting him he gave up and was securely Watts, Thomaston, Abbott, Portland, 2 unfinished sleighs. and C. H. Tain tor, ex-President of the Reform such as cakes,pies, puddings, etc., or 10 quarts C. E. Howard, East Monmouth, Modoc Jr. Lewis Portland, 2 unfinished of custar SEPTEMBER CRIMINAL TERM, Pray, sleighs. Auburn. The referred s, jellies, creams, Charlotte Uusse. 1875, SYMONDS, J., tied with a rope. In the hay the officers found N. S. & W, L. Shurtieff, New Gloucester, .Drew Town of 1 short horn bull. Club, President to the H. M. NEXT SIXTY DAYS PRESIDING. Deering blanc mange, etc. Sold by all Druggists and & CO., a liberal of food and also which Mare. J B Greaton, Starks, 1 yk draft, 1 yk 5 year. reformation of Mr. Leighton of Portland, with Payson supply liquor, Grocers. Saturday—State vs B. Millett. Indicted Alonzo D H Dix 1 aprlGeod dawly Henry Libby, Saccarappa, Fanny. Smith, Island, yk draft, 1 yk gween- sell our stock of all kinds of had been lor the men some one, Whitman whom he had been intimate for months, after DEALERS IN at this term for an assault and battery upon the per- provided by Leslie, Gorham Corner,Neil Patchen and stakes. Jennie Knox. Ira 2 Harper’s Bazar.—This beautiful son of Frank 0. Bolton ot Gorham. The defendant and that some one may be called upon yet to Clay, Portland, pr horses. which was sung “The Morning Light is Break- weekly Joshua Blenn, Dresden Mills, Blenn Morrill. H S Cousins, Portland, 2 pr horses. publication is a welcome visitor to the claimed that what was in tell he harbored The Rev. Mr. Ladd. parlor violence he usod self-de- why escaped prisoners. Charles Shaw & Son, Detroit, Royal Tanner, W H Haynes, Smithtield, 1 bull, 6 cows. ing.” Closing prayer by circle. The number for the week has and A A ensuing Government Bonds, fence. Verdict guilty. officers at once brought Plummer to this city, Telegraph Lively Times. Mitchell, Canton, 1 horse rake. In the evening the topic “How shall we save been received by Fessenden Brothers, Lancas- FURNITURE W. S. Tilton, Togus. Sultan. Vistula, Maine J D Townsend, Livermore, 2 pr oxen. Libby, County Attorney. and he was in a cell in the He men” wa3 discussed by a number of ter Hall,and D. 553 cor- placed dungeon. Slasher, Albion Mambrino, Constellation, fcMary, E E Williamson, Jay, 1 pr steers. gentle Wentworth, Congress, Nathan Webb ior ner of Oak street. defendant. was partially intoxicated and made a great deal Queen Amy. Jessie Ridgley. C F Mitchell, Sabattus, lpr steers. men. State and City Securities, Charles E. Portland, Livermore of his Jose, Bay Gelding, Young EPettengill, Falls, lpr oxen, 1 grade .tluncipal Court. noise, declaring intentions to try anoth- Dexter. bull. Clairvoyants in Oxford County.—There er when offers. He told Wright & Norcross, Manchester, B W Thorn. cow and heifer. JUDGE KNIGHT PRESIDING. tramp opportunity Manchester, Lewiston, Jersey was an excitement in Hiram on the Gth CITY ADVERTISEMENTS BANK Trymeon and Resolute. R W 1 Chester boar: 1 Cots- quite STOCK, Ac., Saturday—John Monahan. second several different stories in to how Sanborn, Sabattus, GREAT SACRIFICE Intoxication; regard they J. A. Cilley & Co., Fairfield, Lady Gilbreth and a wold buck. inst. Mr. S. P. Fox missed his pants in which offence. Thirty days. reached left Watson at Fal- Brood Mare and Foal. John Mayo, Livermore, 1 pr calves. Gentlemen of the Harbor Com- Freeport. They was his wallet containing $100 in money, when F. G. Rich. Portland, Sappho. G & G Underwood, Fayette, 1 pr working bulls. 32 Street. mouth and he and McCarty arrived at the barn missioners ol Portland : Exchange We won’t be Undersold Brief Jottings. Amasa S. Garland, Carmel, Jack Kentucky Boy, W Sturtivant, Hammontod, N. J., stump puller he wanted them in the morning. Mr. Fox my27eodtf by late Friday night. He refuses to tell where two mules. and rock lifter. The Wood hotel on Middle street started at once to consult a clairvoyant, one Portland, Sept. 15, 1875. property D. F. Files, West Gorham, Ben Bolt. AI Sawyer, Lewiston, 1 pr oxen. they spent Thursday night. I ask to build a Wharf at Honse in the State. has been bought at auction by Lewis Pierce for John H. Hussey, Augusta, Gentle Lucy, Socrates. A L Dennison, Portland, 1 W A Woods reaper; 1 Mrs. Rindall, and she told him all about it. She hereby permission Long FRA NIKS. any In Watson’s the French and Livermore Hec- do 2 horse 1 do 1 horse 1 Island, about one hundred ieet long and thirty feet searching cell, turnkey,- Fernald, Falls, Young mower, do; Taylor sulky said that the was near some and WIINDOW^ $21,100. tor. 1 1 doz money water, wide. Will. found the saw used them in rake; cultivator; Warren hoes. oue a Pennell, by R. O. Dcmond descubed the one -that took E. PONCE. BUBROWES Some poisoned valuable dog bolouging Conant, Portland, Reliance. & Son, Portland, new Pallas ran