Rockland Gazette : May 8, 1856
I n d i a n ^ Sonlt auh Utinttitj. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY SYErilKG, BY | JOHN PORTER,::::::::::::::::Proprietor Having made large additions to] our former variety of PLAIN AND FANCY Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block, J O ’B T Y I* El , We are now prepared to execute with neatness and des patch. _very description of Job Work, such as T E R iM S , Circulars, Billheads, Cards, Blanks, If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $1,50 I f payment is delayed 6 mos. “ 1,75 Catalogues, Programmes, If not paid till the close of the year, 2,00 Shop Bills, Labels, Auction and Hand ET No paper will be discontinued until all arreara ges are paid, unless at the option of tne puplisher. Bills, &o., &c. ID* Single copies, three cents —for sale at the office. Particular attention paid to ET All letters and communications to be addressed PRINTING IN COLORS, to the Publisher. BRONZING, &C. An Adventure in the Chinese Sea. viceable in repelling boarders when the pis were under water half the time. I took my J not thus to ruin his reputation. You look sur- became bail for Cooper, and the others found From Latrobes’ Rambles in North America. luvial country which is contiguous to the point tols had all been fired glass and went up into the mizzen top, and prised, hut I speak the truth. No man, be he bail among their friends. Romance of Real Life—First Steam of junction of the two rivers, and especially the ever so pure, can associate long with evil com That night Nathan went home a wiser man, BV sylvancs cobb, JR- I Now boys, said I, you know what that for awhile I watched the bloody scamps.
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