Widsith (Text Georgetown.Edu/Labyrinth) Widsiš
VL OE Literature – Busse – page 1 Widsith (Text georgetown.edu/labyrinth) Transl. soton.ac.uk/~enm/widsith.htm Widsið maðolade, wordhord onleac, Widsith spoke, unlocked his word-hoard, se þe monna mæst mægþa ofer eorþan, he who had travelled most of all men folca geondferde; oft he on flette geþah through tribes and nations across the earth. mynelicne maþþum. Him from Myrgingum Often he had gained great treasure in hall. 5 æþele onwocon. He mid Ealhhilde, He belonged by birth to the Myrging tribe. fælre freoþuwebban, forman siþe Along with Ealhild, the kind peace-weaver, Hreðcyninges ham gesohte for the first time, from the Baltic coast, eastan of Ongle, Eormanrices, he sought the home of Eormanric, wraþes wærlogan. Ongon þa worn sprecan: king of the Ostrogoths, hostile to traitors. 10 "Fela ic monna gefrægn mægþum wealdan! He began then to speak at length: Sceal þeodna gehwylc þeawum lifgan, ‘I have heard of many men who ruled over nations. eorl æfter oþrum eðle rædan, Every leader should live uprightly, se þe his þeodenstol geþeon wile. rule his estates according to custom, þara wæs Hwala hwile selast, if he wants to succeed to a kingly throne. 15 ond Alexandreas ealra ricost Hwala for a time was the best of all, monna cynnes, ond he mæst geþah and Alexander too, the noblest of men, þara þe ic ofer foldan gefrægen hæbbe. who prospered most of all of those ætla weold Hunum, Eormanric Gotum, that I have heard of across the earth. Becca Baningum, Burgendum Gifica. Attila ruled the Huns, Eormanric the Goths, 20 Casere weold Creacum ond Cælic Finnum, Becca the Baningas, Gifica the Burgundians.
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