Sidelights on Teutonic History During the Migration Period
SIDELIGHTS ON TEUTONIC HISTORY DURING THE MIGRATION PERIOD M. G. CLARKE ^=00 ICO 'CO GIRTON COLLEGE STUDIES No, III GIRTON COLLEGE STUDIES EDITED BY LILIAN KNOWLES, LITT.D., READER IN ECONOMIC HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OP LONDON No. 3 SIDELIGHTS ON TEUTONIC HISTORY DURING THE MIGRATION PERIOD CAMBEIDGE UNIVERSITY PEESS Edition: FETTER LANE, E.G. C. F. CLAY, MANAGER 100, PRINCES STREET Btrlin : A. ASHER AND CO. leipjifi: F. A. BROCKHAUS #efo 8orh: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Bambap. anH Calcutta : MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. All rights reserved SIDELIGHTS ON TEUTONIC HISTORY DURING THE MIGRATION PERIOD BEING BY M. G. CLARKE, M.A. Cambridge : SEEN BY at the University F ress 1 PRESERVATION 191 SERVICES \\ PR SI PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNTVEKSITY PRESS PREFACE following chapters are the outcome of two periods THEof stud}7 undertaken during the tenure of research scholarships awarded by Girton College, and form an attempt to discover the amount of historical truth under lying the allusions to persons and events in the Old English heroic poems. The essay deals with an aspect of these poems, which I has not, so far as know, been treated systematically by- anyone who has previously written on the subject. Thus, in the absence of any model, I have had to work on independent lines, especially as regards the grouping and arrangement of different traditions, and the method of discussion followed in the several chapters. The actual arrangement has been adopted for convenience of discus sion, according to the nationality of the persons concerned, except in cases where a particular section forms a complete epic narrative with a personal (as opposed to a national) interest of its own: in these cases the tradition has been discussed under the heading of the poem in which it is contained, or that of the character round whom the narrative centres.
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