Treating Gold Ores
Vol. VI, No.3 April I, 1935 Jlnintfsttp af Ari8nna iulltttn ARIZONA BUREAU OF MINES G. M. BUTLER, Director TREATING GOLD ORES (Second Edition) By T. G. CHAPMAN ARIZONA BUREAU OF MINES, METALLURGICAL SERIES NO. 4 BULLETIN No. 138 ptTBI.JSJID BY •••••lIIftIttv Iff ArtII1aa TUCSON,AlUZONA VoL VI, No.3 April 1, 1935 HOMERLERoy SHANTZ,PH.D., SC.D President of the University PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE C. Z. LEsHER, Chairman; G. M. BUTLER;P. S. BURGESS;R. J. LEONARD; M. P. VOSSKUBLER;R. H. GJELSNESS;H. A. PRAEGER ARIZONA BUREAU OF MINES STAFF G. M. BUTLER,Director E. P. MATHEWSON,Metalll1l"gist T. G. CHAPMAN,Metallurgist ELDREDD. WILSON,Geologist M.uut Em.E, Mining Engineer R. E. S. lIJ:mEMAN, Mineralogist G. R. FANSE'rr, Mining Engineer STATEMENTOF MAn:.mGPRIvn.EGE The University of Arizona Bulletin is issued semi-quarterly. Entered as second-class matter June 18, 1921, at the post office at Tucson, Arizona, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized June 29, 1921. Vol. VI, No.3 April 1, 1935 llnturrsitp of ~rt~ouu 1Bul1rtin ARIZONA BUREAU OF MINES G. M. BUTLER, Director TREATING GOLD ORES (Second Edition) By T. G. CHAf'MAN ARIZONA BUREAU OF MINES, METALLURGICAL SERIES NO.4 BULLETIN No. 138 PUBLISHED BY "niuusity of Arizona TUCSON, ARIZONA PREFACE As is stated by the author of this bulletin, it was prepared not to enable the owners of relatively small gold mines to decide what process should be used in extracting the gold from their ores, but rather, to acquaint them with the various processes available and the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.
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