European Gas Virtual 2021 Natural gas to blue hydrogen – Pipeline Transportation to Market and Decarbonisation in Multiple Sectors
[email protected] .... Developing Clean Energy Solutions Large scale, emission-free production of hydrogen – HyPro-ZeroTM Existing technology in a new combination! Clean and affordable! Air separation unit (ASU) Purified hydrogen Oxygen (99.9-100%) Water / Gas Natural gas Reforming Hydrogen Hydrogen separation Shift by ATR (+GHR) (WGS) + CO2 Palladium-membrane* Cryogenic CO Capture Rate: 98-99% CO2 2 separation ready for transport of CO 2 and storage * Patented by HYDROGEN Mem-Tech AS (subsidiary) Competitive emission-free, blue hydrogen production Hydrogen production cost (incl. CO2 capture)*: 1.2 €/kgH2 + CO2 transport and storage cost: 0.3 - 0.5 €/kgH2 Total production cost**: 1.5 - 1.7 €/kgH2 * Natural gas price assumption: 0.12 €/SM3 ** Net cost, excl. financing, distribution of hydrogen etc. Significant global demand for new blue hydrogen production plants - and associated CCUS capacity 50 8 45 7.5 7 40 Carbon Capture 6.65 6 35 5.8 5 30 Biofuel 4.95 /YEAR 25 4 2 4.1 20 GTCO 3 3.25 15 2.4 2 NO OF NEW WORLD PLANTS/YR SCALE OF NO 10 Direct use and “E-fuel 1.7 1 5 1 0 0.5 0 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 Data from: “World scale plant”: 400.000 tH2/year IAE report; Energy Technology Perspective (Sept. 2020) Concawe report; biofuel and “E-fuel” Sept. 2020 Gas pipelines for efficient hydrogen transportation - Examples Existing gas pipeline New hydrogen pipeline New pipeline