Onward Oceanside Citywide Visioning Survey Report, February 2021
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Onward Oceanside Citywide Visioning Survey Report February 2021 Table of Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Plan Context ......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Community Engagement and Survey .............................................................................................. 4 1.3 Survey Respondent Demographics ................................................................................................. 4 2 Survey Results ............................................................................................................ 12 2.1 Analysis of Survey Responses ......................................................................................................... 12 2.2 Next Steps .......................................................................................................................................... 35 3 Appendix: Open-Ended Responses .......................................................................... 36 List of Figures Figure 1-1: Zip Codes ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 1-2: Own vs. Rent – All Respondents .............................................................................................................. 5 Figure 1-3: Oceanside Own vs. Rent Demographics ................................................................................................ 6 Figure 1-4: Own vs. Rent – Respondents Younger Than 35 ................................................................................... 6 Figure 1-5: What is your gender? .................................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 1-6: What is your age? ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 1-7: Oceanside Age Demographics .................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 1-8: How many children live in your household? .......................................................................................... 8 Figure 1-9: How many adults live in your household? .............................................................................................. 9 Figure 1-10: What is your race/ethnicity? – All Respondents ................................................................................. 9 Figure 1-11: Oceanside Race/Ethnicity Demographics .......................................................................................... 10 Figure 1-12: What is your race/ethnicity? – Respondents Younger Than 35 .................................................. 10 Figure 2-1: Describe your relationship to Oceanside ............................................................................................ 12 Figure 2-2: If you live in Oceanside, how would you prioritize your reasons for living here? ..................... 13 Figure 2-3: How high a priority do you think each of the following should be for the City of Oceanside? – All Respondents ...................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 2-4: How high a priority do you think each of the following should be for the City of Oceanside? – Respondents Younger Than 35 ........................................................................................... 16 Figure 2-5: Where should new housing be located? Check all that apply. ....................................................... 17 Figure 2-6: Where should new housing be located? – “Other” .......................................................................... 18 Onward Oceanside 2040 General Plan Update Figure 2-7: What kind of housing does the City need most? ............................................................................... 19 Figure 2-8: As the City adds more housing, what housing type would you prefer to see? .......................... 20 Figure 2-9: How easy is it for you now to get where you need to go in Oceanside? ................................... 20 Figure 2-10: Auto Improvements ............................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 2-11: Pedestrian Improvements ..................................................................................................................... 23 Figure 2-12: Bicycle Improvements ............................................................................................................................ 24 Figure 2-13: Thinking about the next 10 to 20 years, how high a priority do you think each of the following should be for the City of Oceanside? ...................................................................................................... 25 Figure 2-14: If you are presently working from home, what do you expect to do when the pandemic has ended? ..................................................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 2-15: Do you regularly shop for commercial goods and services outside of Oceanside? If so, why? ......................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 2-16: Should the City allow “by right” small-scale home businesses (i.e., without special approval) that… (check one) ................................................................................................. 27 Figure 2-17: Should the City promote development of more business/industrial parks, office buildings, and other job generating uses for residents? ............................................................................. 28 Figure 2-18: How high a priority do you think each of the following conservation actions should be for the City of Oceanside? ........................................................................................................................ 29 Figure 2-19: How would you describe the quality, capacity, and accessibility of the following community facilities in your neighborhood? ............................................................................................................ 31 Figure 2-20: Please identify where there should be new community facilities, or where existing public facilities should be improved. .......................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 2-21: How high a priority do you think each of the following community facilities actions should be for the City of Oceanside? ........................................................................................................................ 33 Figure 2-22: Equity and Justice – All Respondents ................................................................................................. 34 Figure 2-23: Equity and Justice – Demographic Comparison ............................................................................... 35 2 Community Survey Report #1 1 Introduction This report summarizes findings from the Onward Oceanside Visioning Survey conducted as part of the vision and issue identification stage of Phase 2 of the preparation of the Oceanside General Plan Update. The survey was conducted online and was available to everyone from November 21, 2020 to December 31, 2020 through a link from the project website. The remainder of this chapter provides the context for the Onward Oceanside General Plan Update and demographics of survey respondents. Chapter 2 summarizes findings of the survey. Detailed responses to the questions, including all responses to the open-ended questions, are provided in the Appendix. 1.1 Planning Context The City of Oceanside is preparing an update of its General Plan, which will establish the City’s overall approach to development, transportation, environmental quality, and other key topics. The City’s current General Plan dates the 1970s, and an update will ensure the plan reflects current and future opportunities and challenges, changes to state law, and other best practices and approaches that have emerged in recent years. The City of Oceanside has chosen to take a phased approach to the general plan update process. In 2019, the City Council adopted the Economic Development Element (EDE), Energy and Climate Action Element (ECAE), and Climate Action Plan (CAP) as part of Phase 1. Phase 2 will include updating the City’s existing Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Conservation and Open Space, Community Facilities, Safety, and Noise elements. In addition to this General Plan update, the City is also conducting two additional focused planning efforts, including development of a Smart and Sustainable Corridors Specific Plan (SSCSP) and a Community Plan for South Morro Hills. This ambitious and multi-faceted planning effort is called Onward Oceanside; the three plans are slated for adoption in the winter of 2021/2022. The purpose of the Oceanside General Plan Update is to: • Establish a long-range vision that reflects the aspirations of the community and outline steps to achieve this vision;