Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:12 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes THURSDAY . AUGUST 04. 2016 -Asad 14, 1395 HS AT Monitoring Desk “I wanted a government to take forward the peace process and Presidential spokesman Haroon commission for electoral commis- also bring electoral reforms. I am Chakhansuri said on Tuesday that sion members must start its work.? KABUL: Former National Secu- after President Ashraf Ghani's leg- "Our expectation after the re- rity Adviser Rangin Dadfar Span- sure the civil society and public would show peaceful reaction islative decree regarding electoral lease of the decree is that the se- ta said the establishment of the reforms was rejected by the Wole- lection committee start its work National Unity Government against [the government] for not fulfilling the promises regarding the si Jirga (Lower House of Parlia- and we witness the implementa- (NUG) was a mistake as the gov- ment), the presidential palace, in tion of electoral reforms in ernment has failed to lead the electoral reforms,” Spanta said. The NUG, established as re- cooperation with the constitution Afghanistan,"said Naeem Ay- Afghan peace process to success oversight commission, advised the oubzad, a member of the Trans- and bring electoral reforms. sult of a political deal between Pres- ident Ashraf Ghani and Chief Ex- president to issue a new decree to parent Election Foundation of Af- In an interview with Kabul kick start the electoral reform pro- ghanistan (TEFA). News, Spanta termed formation ecutive Abdullah Abdullah, will complete its two years term in cess.