
Did you hear that somebody mmonthlyonthly really cool is going to advertise here?

As cool as us? . . Used with permission David Callele Picture Copyright 2007

Victorian Cichlid Society Incorporated

36:04, May 2007 $1.10

Certificate of Incorporation # A0012794D

REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST - PP342780/0024 do not accept that there is anyone 20 Iwho is actually incapable of CCOMMITTEE:OMMITTEE: 1 writing an article about their fi sh, or ccichlidichlidGGetet youryour TCMTCM TThehe PRESIDENT: experiences with fi sh. I do, however, John McCormick ...... 5944 3502 know how much I hate writing [email protected] Editorials. They are usually left to last sscenecene ICE RESIDENT LLastast V -P : and often hurried. This method has Klaus Schwarzenholz ...... 0414 444 737 landed me in “trouble” in the past THE NEXT MEETING of the Society willLLiving iving CColourolour due to dotting a few “t”s, crossing be held on the first Wednesday of the SECRETARY: WWordord month at 8 pm sharp (the Trading Table Graham Rowe ...... 9560-7472 an “i” or two, and in several cases, [email protected] Daryl Hutchins.. misplacing a comma. opens earlier) in the Mitcham Scout Hall, ggoo toto Brunswick Road, Mitcham. Visitors are TREASURER: A much better method that I have heartily encouraged to come along.h Fergusone.v i...... 533t. 552au/ s a result of recent discussions found is to write small notes in my CICHLID OF THE MONTH: Trout Cichlid Aat meetings both General and committee diary (yes, I jot down all ~~cichlid/MagList.htcichEDITORlid: /MagList.htm Committee, and weighing all the pros - Tony Ferguson. Daryl Hutchins ...... 9870 3556 my little jobs or I tend to forget some and cons, it was decided that there Mobile ...... 0430 032 304 of them). You might want to apply MAIN TALK: Home Show Preparation. will no longer be General Meetings ttoo havehave [email protected] namename addedadded toto thethe this methodology to your piscatorial DOOR PRIZES: White Crane - Absolute in the same months that we have our SOCIAL SECRETARY: literary adventure (whew ... nearly Aquarium Products. ee-mail-mail list.list. Auctions (usually April and October, Melissa Kirkham ...... 57 969 304 said “Magnum Opus” ... that one got DRAW PRIZES: but that is not cast in stone). me in “trouble” once). 1. $60 Melbourne Tropical Fish Voucher. TRADING TABLE: When the decision was taken, it was 2. $30 Cranbourne Aquarium Voucher. ((PleasePlDavidease Green notenote ...... 9874 thatthat thethe urlurl isis 2392 In case I haven’t mentioned it obviously too late to implement this 3. Bottle of wine. ccase-sensitive.)ase-sensitive.) lately: one of the jobs of an Editor LIBRARIAN: for April. But take note that there will TABLE SHOWS: Details see page 18. Sandra Robotis ...... 0433 985 344 not be a General Meeting in October is to transform “rough” copy into MEMBERSHIP FEES 2007 SHOW SECRETARY: due to the Auction on the 20th. a readable product. As long as your piece is in English (my French is all Ordinary ...... $30.00 vacant ...... xxxx xxxx ResunThe and fact White that there is no General Family ...... $35.00 Crane aquarium but forgotten) it will be polished into Sub-Committee Chairpersons: Meeting will allow a little more Junior/Concession CardVictorian Holder ...... $15.00 Cichlid Society products a thing of beauty ... well, between us, BAA: vacant. fl exibility with timing the Auctions, Overseas ...... $35.00 imported by: I am sure we will work it out. Constitution: Daryl Hutchins. amongst other things. Not the least (new membershipsMEMBERSHIP add $8 joining fee) APPLICATIONSHandbook: Daryl Hutchins. of which will be taking considerable ecause there will be no October Mailing: Peter Robinson. pressure off the management group. meeting, it is obvious that the or other enquiries maySpecies beMaintenance: directed Peter Robinson to: . B COVER PICTURE: I have no doubt there are a few Video Home Show results will need maculatus Sand SpitThe - David Secretary, Callele. Graham Rowe ABSOLUTE to be announced at the November LIFE MEMBERS: other-halves who will be happy to see Graham Rowe, Heinz Staude, AQUARIUM General Meeting instead. 23 Mangana Drive, Mulgrave Vic 3170 you spending a little less time away Kevin Archibald, Keith Patford, PRODUCTS C Copyright,opyright, VVictorianictorian CCichlidichlid © Ph/fax: 9560Danny Genovese,7472 Daryl Hutchins and 20-24from Boola the farm. Ave, It was not clear to me (I can be a SSocietyociety IncInc 22007007 John McCormick. YennoraShould 2161 you be at a complete loss little bit thick at times) whether or Anyone wishingE-mail: to reprint [email protected] material from `The Cichlid (02)to 9681utilise 7011 this newfound free time, not the deadline for the videos to be Monthly’ for non-commercial purposes, may do so (unless the item is copyright by theOr author) go provided to our HONORARY website: MEMBER: Distributedplease feel free to spend it creating a delivered would be moved from the due credit is given to the author and `TCM’ and one Max Davenport. presentation for one of the remaining September Committee Meeting (14/9) copy of the relevant publication is forwarded to the in Victoria by: author, care of the Secretary. Enquiries re the use FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY: GREATGeneral FISH Meetings. Another radical to the October Committee Meeting of material in other publications may be directed to [email protected]. Graham Rowe. 9560idea: 7472 you could even write an article (12/10), wI sendeavourun-china. ctoo mclarify for this magazine. this point next month. y © PUBLIC OFFICER: David Green. | 182 193

S PPreviouslyreviously ...... aatt a VVCSCS MMeetingeeting


T EElainelaine TurnerTurner AQUARIUM SOCIETY The April 2007 meeting opened with the President in the chair and he welcomed

| AQUAARIUMRIUM Meets on the 4th Friday of the month4-8 at everyone. All present indicated that they had receivedAQ theirU magazines.AARIUMRIU TheM March Genus : The Chromides - J McCormickNunawading ...... Civic Centre, Whitehorse Road, MMemorialemorial ArtArt minutes were accepted as read on a motion moved by Dave Thorn and seconded by N Nunawading. 488 Dorset Road, Croydon Jeff Staude. | Write to PO Box 3005, Belize It or Not - D Spielman ...... 10-16 & PhotographicPhotographic Nunawading 3131. The Treasurer reported that there were two renewalsExpert and theadvice usual givenoutgoings for

E printing and postage. on a wide range of | VCSCCompetitionom Calendarpetit ...... ion 17 products to keep your ((55 September)September) Correspondence was received from:

T aquarium attractive and Instrat Insurance renewal;

| healthy. Table Show Calendar ...... 18 MELBOURNE’S Bank Statement; AUCTION LARGEST RANGEBill OF Buhagiar renewal.Extensive range of fish N CICHLIDS

| and plants. Minutes of the Previous Meeting ...... Noon 19 This was accepted on a motion moved by Jeff Staude and seconded by Tony NATIONAL AUSTRALIAN Ferguson.712 Plenty Road, O KILLIFISH ASSOC 20 OCT Aussie Reservoirthen presented 3073 the mini talk on Cryptoheros9723 sajica. He1202 was thanked for | The Last Word ...... 20 Present your current VCS Membership his inputPhone: and this 9478was carried 6614 by acclamation. Card and receive a 10% discount. Meets Bi-monthly Present your current VCS Membership Card and C in members’ homes. 2007 After a short break, a brief mini auction was conducted. The donor and bidders receive a 10% discount. | Contact: were thanked for supporting the Society. Emma Jenkin 9442 3408. Mitcham Scout Hall, A discussion was then held on the upcoming auction. The suggestion that we Aims of the Society: Brunswick Road, Mitcham do not hold a meeting in an auction month wasBORONIA agreed to for an October trial. The Victorian Cichlid Society was formed by cichlidophiles in March 1972 thus Discussion then got diverted to improving meetings, attendances, speakers, web becoming the first specialist aquarist group in Victoria. Its main aims are: site, et al. Brochures were being prepared for distributionAQUARIUM through our supporting 1. To promote the keeping of cichlids; retailers. 2. To gain and disseminateTTablable knowledgeSShohow ofCCalenda cichlids,alen dtheirar habits 220070 and0 attributes7 through Next meeting will be on 2 May. Committee meeting on 13 April. EDAS auction the use of slides, films,Kevin books, Archibald lectures, Show practical Keithdemonstrations, Patford Show local and @ Goldfish @ Tropicals @ Cichlids overseas magazines, articles by members and discussions with fellow members or is on 28 April. @ Natives @ Plants @ Aquariums experts inJanuary the field; Any American Any African AALLLL @ Furniture @ Live Foods 3. To assist,February in any way possible, Any American the establishment and/or Any maintenance African of approved Raffle results: Maurice Breward won AAQUARIUMQUARIUM @ Reptile Accessories @ Eheim public aquaria;March Any American Any African first prize and chose the bottle of wine. @ Fluval @ Tetra @ Sacem 4. To be involvedApril in the education Any American of the general public Anywith African regard to the benefits Obe Bronte then& wonPETPE theT $60 Melbourne of fishkeeping (particularly cichlids), and the potentially harmful effects of @ Jager @ Ponds @ Lighting May Any American Any African Tropical Fish Imports Voucher and Tony SSupportupport oourur mismanagement; SSUPPLIESUPPLIES @ Books @ Test Kits @ Advice Ferguson accepted the $30 Cranbourne 5. To promote Junefellowship between Dwarf Americansmembers; Dwarf Africans July Any American Any African Voucher.SSPECIALISINGPECIALISING IINN CCICHLIDS,ICHLIDS, AAdvertisers!dvertisers! 6. To further the conservation of species and their natural habitats; NNATIVESATIVES & OOTHERTHER RRAREARE 9762 2044 Fax: 9762 2144 7. To furtherAugust the identification, Pairs distribution, (American) breeding, maintenance Pairs (African) and enjoyment of Door prizes, from Nijimi, were won by: E-mail: [email protected] speciesSeptember in the Family Cichlidae. Any American Any African SSPECIESPECIES Kristy Paterson,AABN:15BN: 1Aussie5 121121 817817 Magnussen,347347 Tony WWithoutithout ttheirheir October Any American Any African Ferguson, Dave Thorn, Daryl Hutchins 262 Dorset Road, Boronia, November Any American Any African ssupportupport tthehe wworldorld Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are those Correspondence to: THE SECRETARY and Obe8 DunoonD uBronte.noon Court,Court, Mulgrave,Mulgrave, Victoria 3155 of the authors,December and are not necessarily Any American those of VICTORIAN Any CICHLID African SOCIETY INC VVicic 3170,3170, AustraliaAustralia wwouldo(Oppositeuld bbe ePolice ...... mmore Station)ore c/- 23 Mangana Drive, Mulgrave, Victoria, the Editor of TCM or the committeeNOTE: Asian of andthe MadagascanVictorian Cichlids may be entered any time, The meeting was adjourned so we Cichlid Society Inc. You are encouraged to write to, Australia 3170 PPhone:hone: (03)(03) 95469546 10251025 but must meet the special requirements in June (dwarfs) and August (pairs). could have a casual chat over a cuppa and ccomplicated.ompOPENlica t7 eDAYSd. or e-mail the Editor on any subject raised herein. Fax: 9560 7472. E-mail: [email protected] FFax:ax: ((03)03) 99516516 10111011 ALL MAJOR CARDS ACCEPTED supper. r 164 Genus Etroplus: 2007 VCS Calendar 175 Meeting Committee Home Show Auction Art & Photo Dinner

January No meeting TBA February 7 16 March 7 16 April 4 13 21 From a presentation May 2 11 27 by John McCormick June 6 15 to the VCS April General Meeting July 4 13 August 1 10 tba September 5 14 VHS Deadline (14th) 5 When I was asked Etroplus in general are October 20 12 * 20 recently, to prepare a brackish water fi sh found November 7 16 V * short presentation for the in and Sri Lanka, December 5 TBA * AGM * VCS on the genus Etro- with canarensis being plus, my fi rst thought confi ned to a river system * Video Home Show results announced. was to have a look in south-west India. through my selection of Etroplus canarensis is cichlid and aquarium- the odd one out as it is A group of 7.5 cm Vieja onlysynspilum found in in freshwater the aquarium. The full colours ofrelated these books. fi sh won’t develop until adulthood. rivers. Whilst the books did Judging of the Bloch described both provide some informa- suratensis in 1790 and tion on Etroplus I jungles, Maya ruins, group of Vieja synspilum Video Home Conclusions maculatus in 1795. Cana- PICTURE: John McCormick. Etroplus suratensis, the , lives mostly in brackish found that it was quite and coral reefs, but sure at a local fi sh store. AQUARIUM SOCIETY OF VICTORIA In summary, Belize rensis was not discovered water and is the largest of the group. Show limited and covered to spend a little time Having been inspired Meets on the last Thursday of the month at turned out to be not until 1877, but I was 29 Grant Street, Clifton Hill.unable to fi nd who fimay rst notAustralian be untilhobbyist for only “maculatus”, the snorkeling some of the by observing these fi sh only a great place for a inland waterways. You Call Val Bradley: 9478 6028 for information.described it [Day, 1877 many years, but at times , and in the wild, I have now September but you family vacation, but also may be surprised by what -- Ed). may prove a little hard to “suratensis”, the Green got six juveniles and a can take the video a wonderful opportunity you fi nd. I was. school of tetras in a spare For many years the fi nd. At this stage we can Chromide. canarensis was believed anyonly time.dream of canarensis to see a variety of cichlids 225-litre tank. Hope fully After turning to the to be extinct but was becoming available as in their native habitat. Epilogue I will get a breeding pair internet for further infor- fortunately re-discoveredTake asour many import aslaws youprevent If you get a chance to A week after the trip, in a few months. mation I discovered that AUSTRALIAN & NEW GUINEAin the 1990s and re-like andits importation.submit the therego, while was exploringin fact a third the I was delighted to fi nd a e FISHES ASSOCIATIONintroduced to the hobby bestThe one. Green is the species in the genus, Meets bi-monthly at the Field Naturalistaround Club, 2000. largest of the three, at 30 “canarensis”,Reprinted from whichCICHLIDAE goes communiqué , publication of the Pacifi c Coast Cichlid Association. Interested 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn.Both the Green and cm with canarensis next, byparties the common are invited toname write: PCCA, Membership Chairman, PO Box 28145, San Jose CA 95159-8145 for more Call John Cousins: 9844 1245Orange (AH) chromides have growing to approximately information. Etroplus maculatus, a fi sh of many colours, ... and the original, for information. “Canara Pearlspot”. including Red, Orange and Yellow ... wild form. been available to the 20 cm. The Orange is the 14 6 litres; andtheysaythisis a marinesaltmix,per5 of eitheraquariumsaltor suggest 1.5-2teaspoons The articlesIhaveread of salttotheirwater. preferring theaddition same, withbothspecies chromides arethe the GreenandOrange vary quiteabit. the literatureseemsto approximations onlyas sizes shouldbetakenas smallest at10cm.These Jesus Christ Lizard. the local nickname... the on their backlegs!Hence water running upright would raceacross the when disturbed, they overhanging the water, basking onlow branches ing. Commonlyseen entertain- par ticularly basilisk lizards. toads, iguanas,and Howler monkeys,forest includedBlack of birds,otherBelizean to innumerablespecies out thearea.Inaddition also abundantthrough- digital cameras). (thank goodnessfor halfway decentphotos aged toobtainoneortwo snapshots later, Iman- refl ing unwantedsurface the fi just righttoilluminate to catchthesunlight riverbank, Ihappened the shallowsalong while canoeingamong Fortunately, thenextday, or under problem. Ihadnonet ever, weregoingtobe The recently re-discovered recently The Water conditions for The basiliskswere Non-fi Fish pictureshow- ections. Afewdozen sh whileavoid- shy wildlifewas water camera. cichlids. snorkel for good spotto surprisingly Lodge was a Outpost at Lamanai dock The parameters takenfrom rivers andstreams. come fromfreshwater addition ofsaltasthey they donotrequirethe are differentinthat wellbeing ofthefi starting pointforthe are consideredagood 24-27°C; thesefi 20 dH,temperature are, pH8,hardness healthy fi the minimumforhappy, hloso the NewLagoon. shallows of urophthalmus A mixed school of Details ofthewater Etroplus canarensis Other waterparameters Etroplus canarensis Etroplus sh. gures sh. and

Vieja synspilum Vieja Parapetenia Parapetenia life thatmaybeavailable plants andvariousinsect diet ofalgae,aquatic in nature,eatingamixed appear tobeomnivorous to beverysimilarasthey for allthreewouldseem effects. fi his inpH7.6withthe reports thatheiskeeping A hobbyistintheUK a temperatureof25°C. a pH:6.0-6.5,GH5and were collectedsuggest the riversinwhichthey guarding eggs. guarding sh showingnoill Dietary requirements PICTURE: in the Tim Dooling. food onekil (about niloticus) smallTilapia A school of A pair of Etroplus canarensis. canarensis. Etroplus A pairof that night, bothquietly one. Of thetwowefound when we fi “Crikey! He’s abeauty!” hard nottoshout out with spotlights, itwas looking foreye-shine in length.Riding around some doreach 3.6metres most arerelativelysmall, these reptiles,andwhile healthy populationof The NewLagoonhasa (Crocodylus moreletii). Morelet’s Crocodile data ontheendangered capture, andcollect biologists toobserve, plains withoneofthe journey intothefl a Florida-styleairboat One nightwetook Melbourne TropicalFish www.Melbournetropical DIRECT IMPORTERS OF z fi z sh. z

Specialising inMarines, Equipment


AQUARIUM FISH 9792 5513 nally found Marines . This Tilapia grows quitelarge grows Tilapia . This 41-43 Sinclair Rd Dandenong 3175 z

Factory 2 Gold 7 DAYS ogram), Discus OPEN ood-

z z fi

sh z

Plants Discus fi

Tanks and isapopularlocal and Cays Coral Atolls evening. Tilapia earlier thatsame villagers spearfi we ob almost theidenticalarea long) wasswimmingin diles (about1.8metres estingly, oneof thecroco- over theirheads.Inter- noose couldbeslipped onds beforethecapture slipped underwatersec- snorkeling wastruly the Belizean coast.The atolls and caysalong trip exploring the coral to spendtherest ofthe Lamanai, wewere off (Oreochromis (Oreochromis After fourdays at served somelocal shing for friedrichsthali. and toheros spilurum, octofasciatus, Cryp- salvini, Archocentrus robertsoni, Amphilophus including cichlids native toBelize sign alsodiscussed other crocodiles). Acolourful urophthalmus schools of was alargefi freshwater tanks,there addition toacoupleof at theBe encounter withcichlids home, wehadonelast believable. common ancestorquite hypothesis ofashared certainly madethe their similarbehaviors closely related.Observing ish andcichlidsare Indeed, marineDamself- in myhomeaquarium. watching theConvicts was eerilysimilarto their littlepatchofcoral ish vigorouslydefending small colourfulDamself- par ticular, seeing pairsof smaller reeffi watching someofthe I wasalsocaptivated Barracuda wasin Groupers, Tarpon, and Sharks, Stingrays,Giant Nurse Sharks,Lemon While swimmingwith were justsaltwaterfi spectacular (evenifthey Before leavingfor Parachromis lize Zoo.In PICTURE: Amphilophus Parapetenia shpond with sh. In (and Tim Dooling. credible, sh). 15 7 12 8 that youdosome would highlyrecommend the ChromidesandI wishing tokeepanyof guide onlyforanyone used asanintroductory provided hereshouldbe that Ihave information course the their diet. regular partof matter isincludedasa to makesurevegetable it wouldbeadvisable to them.Intheaquarium over 900acres.The a once-grandcityspread crocodile”) isthesiteof lated as“submerged although oftenmistrans- for “drownedinsect”, order. Lamanai,(Mayan tion oftheareaisin Lagoon. the New River and jungle surrounding overlook of spectacular pro top (right) the view from the steep, are the stairs and, while high 34 metres approximately (above) is temple southern The Lamanai Of First, abriefdescrip- We are an accreditedimporterselling We stockeverythingfor thehobbyist vides a Specialising inDiscus,Gold AQUARIUM including Marine FishandCorals. Wild-caught South American FIN LAND Phone/Fax 93260775 For theTrue Hobbyist 123 Pascoe Vale Road, including Apistogrammas. Moonee Ponds 3039 www. direct tothepublic. fi having seenboththe that Ihavereadand the speciesbeforeyou further investigationof ing. Oneofthetemples buildings wasfascinat- climbing upsomeofthe Lagoon. wind ing NewRiverand jungle andoverlookthe are surroundedbydense have nowbeenrestored, ruins, anumberofwhich fi sh and sh From theinformation Exploring theareaand fi sh sseem to CChromides sstamps too. ssubjects for bbe popular e t u e h a purchase the e b

r p fi m o m j sh. e o m p

c p t s i t u o d

s ffrom yourlocalaquarium. WWanting to t l

FFor in-depthinformation r e aask yourlocalaquarium

a o TTo readallthelateston f o o s s r o AAd Konings andother a o yyour favorite o CCICHLID NEWS m r

k o r d n



yyour knowledge? i


t y e n ccichlid experts. y K o PPublications i C o r a I - n o i o u

u d C c u f d g u H n wwritten by r Chromides. on experiencewith who hashadhands- would lovetohear I amsureourEditor, of theChromidespecies have beenkeepingany keep oneday. genus thatIwouldliketo Chromides wouldbea the fl Green andtheOrangein ing inBelize. than anymodernbuild- temple ruinsaretaller period. Eventodaythe the pre-classicalMaya man-made structurein believed tobethetallest built in100BCandwas below) wasoriginally (shown inthephoto a h e b r H

sshop for r i a k t v

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If anyofourreaders L n l l h o l L i l o Lamanai. Maya templeat n i o i t o d l g t I o I

c h r

o fi esh, Iwouldsaythe c t D c t

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h a a w from someone benefi them. experiences with regarding your form ofanarticle from youinthe l t i a


x n e a n l e P f


l l We would all

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f i e a

b fi fi R h a l o o r e

sh buy d d q a y q E a s E r r t byhearing n

g t u m h o u t S t W e

s e a s g t

a s S b a h . ? r a r t u t i

S e i

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iii t rmie about remained visibil ity ming. Nonetheless, the disturbed byourswim- soft mudandeasily The bottomwas very and awaterchange). of acouplePlecos my aquariums inneed (well, actually one of looked likeanaquarium great idea. It turnedouttobea to “checkoutthegear”. snorkels andmasks,just my sonwantedtouse reefs laterinthetrip,but for exploringthecoral our snorkelgearwithus strategy tome.We had still seemedaprudent staying closetothedock to thewater. Al tourist yet”,wewereoff and “wehaven’tlosta far sideofthelagoon” only hungout“onthe sured thatthecrocodiles or der. Afterbeingreas- in thelagoonseemed back tothelodge.Aswim was veryhotwhenwegot ruins inthemorning,it fi crocodiles. cichlids, and forhabitat birds, padsisideal lily covered with channels deeper combined with savannaFlooded sh. Afterexploringthe 3 OLSENSTREET, FRANKSTON Under thedock,it And now, ontothe Freshwater Fish and Cichlid FishandCichlid FFreshwater service and competitive pricesonall andcompetitive service Over 80tanksdedicatedtocichlids. Trading hours: 10:30AM-5:30PM Trading hours: r iis luckyenough Our pledge is to provide thebest Our pledge istoprovide e s Email: [email protected] s NNot everyfish

h wwith caring l w o tto eatOSI fish andaccessories. u Phone 97832204 OOnly those o i a oowners. t c 7 days aweek. t t n

SSpecialist ffoods. e w h k e e though, o p r l

e y y v a F n o c c i

e s t i d e a a e t h

r l h r

s O r i n a s y . s o n t i S o n . d

s f I u

e g C commercial success of primary reasonforthe 30 cm) are likelythe (which growup to of theadultsynspilum The brilliantcolours still clearlyidentifi their adultmarkings, but young, hencelacking Cichlid). Thefi Vieja synspilum, signifi but therewerealso thalmus was The mostcommonfi from 5-10cminlength. of juvenilefi were thecichlids,schools fi larger unidentifi mixed inwithafew fasciatus surface, mostly swam justunderthe numbers ofcharacins were lotsoffi 1.5-2 metres,andthere i

sh. Beneaththetetras i s g c

h h h Parapetenia uroph- l

i cant numbersof


(Mayan Cichlid), (Mexican Tetra) sh ranging sh. Large sh were Astyanax ed silvery e:59 06 Fax:59955044 Tel: 59955066 (Quetzal [email protected] nnatural IIt’s only For therightadviceandall able. 14 Cooper Crt, Cran- iis completely ffish foodthat TThe aquarium ddiet. ccomplete balanced eessential toa aand aminoacids vvitamins, minerals nnatural! Over30 s i sh o s i i n a a s h t

t e s c your aquariumneeds m a h d t

e t e ’ u o . m


n p s f a a m r o u l t bourne 3977 i a m q e i

n p o a l u t ! i r s l d o e predator. fi the mark ing and large mouthclearly its torpedo-shaped body under oneofthe piers, (Bay Snook)lurking single My sonevenfounda in theirnativehabitat. special seeingthefi hobby, itwasdefi common intheaquarium meeki). Firemouth likely thewell-known indicates theyweremost My follow-upresearch genus of fi several smallspecimens looking, wealsofound With someadditional this speciesinthehobby. l n e a



a t t t b r o n m o e h i sh clearlyinthe a

v l

u a a l i a y e l l n m c a t


Petenia splendida Thorichthys. y i e n


3 While very r c s

a 0 e


d (Thorichthys s

sh as a nitely

sh 13 9 10 English isthe offi American countries),and many other Central that haveplagued so wars anddictatorships suffered though thecivil democracy (never having a stableparliamentary number ofreasons. tourist destinationfora an increasinglypopular country isbecoming British Honduras,the barrier reef. world’s second-longest civilisation, andthe of theancientMaya rainforests, thecentre unspoiled subtropical sula, Belizeisknownfor Mexico’s Yucatan Penin- Caribbean justsouthof June. Locatedonthe to Belizethispast on a10-dayvacation the opportunitytogo From `CICHLIDAEcommuniqé’#159. The government is Formerly called My familyandIhad cial atolls. offshore caysandcoral then snorkel amongthe ruins intheinterior and to fi rather afamily vacation cal fi not designedfor tropi- cich lids, thetripwas to anumberofnative that Belizeishome language. WhileIknew rst visitsomeMaya sh collecting,but our way cruising up-river a speedboat, wewere on New River. Hopping into reached thebanks ofthe nicely pavedhighway, we drive northalong a Texas). Afteraone-hour fl City (aboutathree-hour upon ourarrivalinBelize destination immediately ight fromDallas, We setoffforourfi rst headwaters oftheriver. Lagoon thatformsthe of thehugeNewRiver located onthebanks Lamanai OutpostLodge, an hourandendedatthe ride lastedalittleover into thejungle.Theboat Story andphotosby Daniel Spielman and cichlids.“Cichlids? Tilapia, BaySnook, populations ofTarpon, the riverhadsignifi the localfi guide aboutsomeof I happenedtoaskour During theboatride, sh. Hesaid cant Belize. along the NewRiver, Riverine habitat note totryand fi species? Imade amental what abouttheother predatory cichlid.But dida) Snook in Belize),andtheBay most commonspecies chromis niloticus from fi from accidentalreleases originally introduced waterways, mostlikely found inmanyBelizean non-native cichlidsnow Tilapia areofcourse the answer. Intriguing. kinds ofcolours,”came cichlids; theycomeinall “Oh, wejustcallthem What species?”Iasked. is alargenative sh farms (Petenia splen- (Oreo- nd out.

is the 11 12 8 over 900acres.The a once-grandcityspread crocodile”) isthesiteof lated as“submerged although oftenmistrans- for “drownedinsect”, order. Lamanai,(Mayan tion oftheareaisin Lamanai Lagoon. the New River and jungle surrounding overlook of spectacular pro top (right) the view from the steep, are the stairs and, while high 34 metres approximately (above) is temple southern The that youdosome would highlyrecommend the ChromidesandI wishing tokeepanyof guide onlyforanyone used asanintroductory provided hereshouldbe that Ihave information course the their diet. regular partof matter isincludedasa to makesurevegetable it wouldbeadvisable to them.Intheaquarium First, abriefdescrip- Of We areanaccredited importerselling We stockeverythingforthehobbyist vides a Specialising inDiscus,Gold AQUARIUM including Marine FishandCorals. Wild-caught South American FIN LAND Phone/Fax 93260775 For theTrue Hobbyist 123 Pascoe Vale Road, including Apistogrammas. Moonee Ponds 3039 www. direct tothepublic. fi ing. Oneofthetemples buildings wasfascinat- climbing upsomeofthe Lagoon. wind ing NewRiverand jungle andoverlookthe are surroundedbydense have nowbeenrestored, ruins, anumberofwhich having seenboththe that Ihavereadand the speciesbeforeyou further investigationof fi sh and sh Exploring theareaand From theinformation fi sh sstamps too. ssubjects for bbe popular sseem to CChromides t u e e h a purchase the b e

r p fi m o j m sh. e o m p c p t s i t u o d

s ffrom yourlocalaquarium. WWanting to t l

FFor in-depthinformation r e aask yourlocalaquarium

a o TTo readallthelateston f o o s s r o AAd Konings andother a o yyour favorite o CCICHLID NEWS m r

k o r d n



yyour knowledge? i


t y e n ccichlid experts. y K o PPublications i C o r a I - n o i o u

u d C c u f d g u H n wwritten by r ing inBelize. than anymodernbuild- temple ruinsaretaller period. Eventodaythe the pre-classicalMaya man-made structurein believed tobethetallest built in100BCandwas below) wasoriginally (shown inthephoto Chromides. on experiencewith who hashadhands- would lovetohear I amsureourEditor, of theChromidespecies have beenkeepingany keep oneday. genus thatIwouldliketo Chromides wouldbea the fl Green andtheOrangein a h e b r H

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iii t rmie about remained visibil ity ming. Nonetheless, the disturbed byourswim- soft mudandeasily The bottomwas very and awaterchange). of acouplePlecos my aquariums inneed (well, actually one of looked likeanaquarium great idea. It turnedouttobea to “checkoutthegear”. snorkels andmasks,just my sonwantedtouse reefs laterinthetrip,but for exploringthecoral our snorkelgearwithus strategy tome.We had still seemedaprudent staying closetothedock to thewater. Al tourist yet”,wewereoff and “wehaven’tlosta far sideofthelagoon” only hungout“onthe sured thatthecrocodiles or der. Afterbeingreas- in thelagoonseemed back tothelodge.Aswim was veryhotwhenwegot ruins inthemorning,it fi crocodiles. cichlids, and forhabitat birds, padsisideal lily covered with channels deeper combined with savannaFlooded sh. Afterexploringthe 3 OLSENSTREET, FRANKSTON Under thedock,it And now, ontothe Freshwater Fish and Cichlid FishandCichlid FFreshwater service and competitive pricesonall andcompetitive service Over 80tanksdedicatedtocichlids. Trading hours: 10:30AM-5:30 PM Trading hours: r iis luckyenough Our pledge is to provide thebest Our pledge is toprovide e s Email: [email protected] s NNot everyfish

h wwith caring l w o tto eatOSI fish andaccessories. u Phone 97832204 OOnly those o i a oowners. t c 7 days aweek. t t n

SSpecialist ffoods. e w h k e e though, o p r l

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s O r i n a s y . s o n t i S o n . d

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e g C commercial success of primary reasonforthe 30 cm) are likelythe (which growup to of theadultsynspilum The brilliantcolours still clearlyidentifi their adultmarkings, but young, hencelacking Cichlid). Thefi Vieja synspilum, signifi but therewerealso thalmus was The mostcommonfi from 5-10cminlength. of juvenilefi were thecichlids,schools fi larger unidentifi mixed inwithafew fasciatus surface, mostly swam justunderthe numbers ofcharacins were lotsoffi 1.5-2 metres,andthere i

sh. Beneaththetetras i s g c

h h h Parapetenia uroph- l

i cant numbersof


(Mayan Cichlid), (Mexican Tetra) sh ranging sh. Large sh were Astyanax ed silvery e:59 06 Fax:59955044 Tel: 59955066 (Quetzal [email protected] nnatural IIt’s only For therightadviceandall able. 14 Cooper Crt,Cran- iis completely ffish foodthat TThe aquarium ddiet. ccomplete balanced eessential toa aand aminoacids vvitamins, minerals nnatural! Over30 s i sh o s i i n a a h s t

t e s c your aquariumneeds m a h d t

e t e ’ u o . m


n p s f a m a r o u l t bourne 3977 i a m q e i

n p o a l u t ! i r s l d o e l predator. fi the mark ing and large mouthclearly its torpedo-shaped body under oneofthe piers, (Bay Snook)lurking single My sonevenfounda in theirnativehabitat. special seeingthefi hobby, itwas defi common intheaquarium meeki). Firemouth likely thewell-known indicates theyweremost My follow-upresearch genus of fi several smallspecimens looking, wealsofound With someadditional this speciesinthehobby. n e a



a t t t b r o n m o e h i sh clearlyinthe a

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sh 13 9 14 6 Jesus Christ Lizard. the local nickname... the on their backlegs!Hence water running upright would raceacross the when disturbed, they overhanging the water, basking onlow branches ing. Commonlyseen entertain- par ticularly basilisk lizards. toads, iguanas,and Howler monkeys,forest animals includedBlack of birds,otherBelizean to innumerablespecies out thearea.Inaddition also abundantthrough- digital cameras). (thank goodnessfor halfway decentphotos aged toobtainoneortwo snapshots later, Iman- refl ing unwantedsurface the fi just righttoilluminate to catchthesunlight riverbank, Ihappened the shallowsalong while canoeingamong Fortunately, thenextday, or under problem. Ihadnonet ever, weregoingtobe litres; andtheysaythisis a marinesaltmix,per5 of eitheraquariumsaltor suggest 1.5-2teaspoons The articlesIhaveread of salttotheirwater. preferring theaddition same, withbothspecies chromides arethe the GreenandOrange vary quiteabit. the literatureseemsto approximations onlyas sizes shouldbetakenas smallest at10cm.These The recently re-discovered recently The The basiliskswere Non-fi Fish pictureshow- Water conditions for ections. Afewdozen sh whileavoid- shy wildlifewas water camera. cichlids. snorkel for good spotto surprisingly Lodge was a Outpost at Lamanai dock The parameters takenfrom rivers andstreams. come fromfreshwater addition ofsaltasthey they donotrequirethe are differentinthat wellbeing ofthefi starting pointforthe are consideredagood 24-27°C; thesefi 20 dH,temperature are, pH8,hardness healthy fi the minimumforhappy, hloso the NewLagoon. shallows of urophthalmus A mixed school of Details ofthewater Etroplus canarensis Other waterparameters Etroplus canarensis Etroplus sh. gures sh. and

Vieja synspilum Vieja Parapetenia Parapetenia life thatmaybeavailable plants andvariousinsect diet ofalgae,aquatic in nature,eatingamixed appear tobeomnivorous to beverysimilarasthey for allthreewouldseem effects. fi his inpH7.6withthe reports thatheiskeeping A hobbyistintheUK a temperatureof25°C. a pH:6.0-6.5,GH5and were collectedsuggest the riversinwhichthey guarding eggs. guarding sh showingnoill Dietary requirements PICTURE: in the Tim Dooling. A pair of Etroplus canarensis. canarensis. Etroplus A pairof food onekil (about niloticus) smallTilapia A school of that night, bothquietly one. Of thetwowefound when we fi “Crikey! He’s abeauty!” hard nottoshout out with spotlights, itwas looking foreye-shine in length.Riding around some doreach 3.6metres most arerelativelysmall, these reptiles,andwhile healthy populationof The NewLagoonhasa (Crocodylus moreletii). Morelet’s Crocodile data ontheendangered capture, andcollect biologists toobserve, plains withoneofthe journey intothefl a Florida-styleairboat One nightwetook Melbourne TropicalFish www.Melbournetropical DIRECT IMPORTERS OF z fi z sh. z

Specialising inMarines, Equipment


AQUARIUM FISH 9792 5513 nally found Marines . This Tilapia grows quitelarge grows Tilapia . This 41-43 Sinclair Rd Dandenong 3175 z

Factory 2 Gold 7 DAYS ogram), Discus OPEN ood-

z z fi

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Plants Discus fi

Tanks and isapopularlocal and Cays Coral Atolls evening. Tilapia earlier thatsame villagers spearfi we ob almost theidenticalarea long) wasswimmingin diles (about1.8metres estingly, oneof thecroco- over theirheads.Inter- noose couldbeslipped onds beforethecapture slipped underwatersec- snorkeling wastruly the Belizean coast.The atolls and caysalong trip exploring the coral to spendtherest ofthe Lamanai, wewere off (Oreochromis (Oreochromis After fourdays at served somelocal shing for friedrichsthali. and toheros spilurum, octofasciatus, Cryp- salvini, Archocentrus robertsoni, Amphilophus including cichlids native toBelize sign alsodiscussed other crocodiles). Acolourful urophthalmus schools of was alargefi freshwater tanks,there addition toacoupleof at theBe encounter withcichlids home, wehadonelast believable. common ancestorquite hypothesis ofashared certainly madethe their similarbehaviors closely related.Observing ish andcichlidsare Indeed, marineDamself- in myhomeaquarium. watching theConvicts was eerilysimilarto their littlepatchofcoral ish vigorouslydefending small colourfulDamself- par ticular, seeing pairsof smaller reeffi watching someofthe I wasalsocaptivated Barracuda wasin Groupers, Tarpon, and Sharks, Stingrays,Giant Nurse Sharks,Lemon While swimmingwith were justsaltwaterfi spectacular (evenifthey Before leavingfor Parachromis lize Zoo.In PICTURE: Amphilophus Parapetenia shpond with sh. In (and Tim Dooling. credible, sh). 15 7 16 4 “Canara Pearlspot”. by thecommon name “canarensis”, whichgoes species inthe genus, there wasinfact athird mation Idiscovered that internet forfurther infor- Chromide. “suratensis”, theGreen Orange Chromide,and only “maculatus”,the limited andcovered found thatitwasquite tion onEtroplusI provide someinforma- related books. cichlid andaquarium- through myselectionof was tohavealook plus, myfi VCS onthegenusEtro- short presentationforthe recently, topreparea to the VCS April GeneralMeeting by From apresentation Genus Etroplus: fthesefi of fullcolours synspilumintheaquarium.The 7.5cmVieja of A group Conclusions go, whileexploring the If yougetachance to in theirnative habitat. to seeavariety ofcichlids a wonderfulopportunity family vacation,butalso only agreatplacefor turned outtobenot After turningto the Whilst thebooksdid When Iwasasked In summary, Belize information. parties are invitedtowrite:PCCA , Membership Chairman,POBox 28145,SanJose CA95159-8145for more Reprinted from CICHLIDAE communiqué,publication ofthePacifi John McCormick rst thought shwon’t develop untiladulthood. until 1877,butIwas rensis wasnotdiscovered maculatus in1795.Cana- suratensis in1790and rivers. only foundinfreshwater the oddoneoutasitis in south-westIndia. confi with canarensisbeing in IndiaandSriLanka, brackish waterfi Epilogue I wasdelighted tofi you find. Iwas. may besurprisedbywhat inland waterways.You snorkeling someofthe to spendalittletime and coralreefs,butsure jungles, Mayaruins, Etroplus maculatus,Etroplus including Red, Orange and Yellow ... Bloch describedboth Etroplus canarensis Etroplus ingeneralare A weekafterthe trip, ned toariversystem sh found nd a is c CoastCichlid Association.Interested a fi sh of many colours, many colours, shof in afewmonths. I willgetabreeding pair 225-litre tank. Hope fully school oftetrasinaspare got sixjuvenilesanda in thewild,Ihavenow by observingthesefi Having beeninspired at alocalfi group ofVieja synspilum

PICTURE: sh store. John McCormick. sh e wild form. ... and theoriginal, ae n stelreto thegroup. water andisthe largestof Etroplus suratensis Etroplus Meets bi-monthly attheField NaturalistClub, Meets onthelast Thursday ofthemonthat AQUARIUM SOCIETYOFVICTORIA September August July June May April March February January No meeting TBA December November October * Call Val Bradley: 94786028forinformation. Call John Cousins:98441245 (AH) AUSTRALIAN & NEWGUINEA 2007 VCS Calendar 1 Gardenia Street,Blackburn. 29 GrantStreet,CliftonHill. FISHES ASSOCIATION for information. etn Cmite oeSo Acin r ht Dinner Art&Photo Auction HomeShow Committee Meeting 20 12 5 7 16 tba 5 14 1 10 4 13 6 15 2 11 27 4 13 7 16 7 16 , the Green Chromide, lives Chromide, , theGreen in brackish mostly been available tothe Orange chromideshave around 2000. introduced to the hobby in the1990sand re- fortunately re-discovered to beextinctbut was canarensis was believed -- Ed). described it[Day, 1877 unable tofind who fi TBA Both the Greenand For manyyearsthe VHS Deadline (14th) V * *

Video HomeShowresultsannounced.

TTake asmany asyou SSeptember butyou ccan takethevideo llike andsubmit the a e mmay notbeuntil rst i k a JJudging ofthe 5 VVideo Home k * p a e n 20 21 u e t y



d a t e

a bbest one. aany time. n n g m a AGM e s e SShow n o d k 20 cm. The Orange isthe growing toapproximately cm with canarensisnext, largest ofthethree, at30 its importation. our importlaws prevent becoming available as only dreamof canarensis find. Atthisstagewe can may provealittlehardto many years,butattimes Australian hobbyistfor

b i s o n y m e

t h e t The Greenisthe g s


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u u 17 5 18 2 or e-mailthe Editoronanysubject raisedherein. Cichlid Society Inc. You are encouragedto write to, the Editor of TCM orthecommittee oftheVictorian of theauthors, andarenot necessarily those of Disclaimer: 7. To furthertheidentification, distribution,breeding,maintenance andenjoymentof 6. To furtherthe conservation ofspeciesandtheir naturalhabitats; 5. To promotefellowshipbetweenmembers; 4. To beinvolvedintheeducationofgeneralpublic withregardtothebenefits 3. To assist,inanywaypossible,the establishmentand/ormaintenanceofapproved 2. To gainanddisseminate knowledgeofcichlids,theirhabitsandattributesthrough 1. To promotethekeepingofcichlids; becoming thefirstspecialistaquarist groupinVictoria. Itsmainaimsare: The Victorian CichlidSocietywasformedbycichlidophiles inMarch1972thus Aims oftheSociety:

| | | | | | & Photographic | | | NATIONAL AUSTRALIAN

species intheFamily Cichlidae. mismanagement; of fishkeeping(particularlycichlids), andthepotentiallyharmfuleffectsofanimal public aquaria; experts inthefield; overseas magazines,articlesby membersanddiscussionswithfellowor the useofslides,films,books, lectures,practicaldemonstrations,localand C O N T E N T S KILLIFISH ASSOC MMemorial Art EElaine Turner

VCS Calendar ...... Belize ItorNot-DSpielman ...... -JMcCormick Chromides The Genus Etroplus: ...... Meeting Details ...... The LastWordThe ...... Meeting thePrevious Minutes of ...... Table ShowCalendar ...... CCompetition P l September e o a Emma Jenkin94423408. November December Opinionsexpressed hereinarethose h February m m January October in members’ homes. i ((5 September) August Meets Bi-monthly 5 o n March June April

p July o May t S e TTabl Contact: e r e p but mustmeet thespecialrequirements inJune(dwarfs)and August (pairs).

a n mrcn Any African Any African Any African Any African AnyAmerican Pairs(African) Any African AnyAmerican AnyAmerican DwarfAfricans Any African AnyAmerican Any African Pairs(American) Any African AnyAmerican Any African DwarfAmericans Any African AnyAmerican AnyAmerican AnyAmerican AnyAmerican AnyAmerican o t T i t b a e g NOTE: Asian andMadagascan Cichlidsmay beenteredanytime, m l u l b i r e t

e r Sho r a A ) S n ei rhbl hw KeithPatfordShow Kevin Archibald Show i p o r h e n h o t r i w


Calenda C a l Brunswick Road,Mitcham Brunswick AUCTION e Fax: 9560 7472.E-mail:[email protected] Nunawading CivicCentre,WhitehorseRoad, n c/- 23Mangana Drive,Mulgrave, Victoria, VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INC Correspondence to: Meets onthe4thFridayofmonthat Mitcham ScoutHall, EASTERN DISTRICTS 20 OCT d a r AQUARIUM SOCIETY 2007 Write toPO Box3005, 2007 Nunawading 3131. 2 Noon Australia 3170 Nunawading. 0 0 THE SECRETARY 7 10-16 4-8 20 19 18 17 1 supper. could have acasualchat overacuppa and and ObeBronte. Ferguson, Dave Thorn,DarylHutchins Kristy Paterson, AussieMagnussen,Tony Voucher. Ferguson acceptedthe$30 Cranbourne Tropical FishImportsVoucher andTony Obe Brontethenwonthe$60 Melbourne first prizeandchosethebottle ofwine. is on28April. retailers. site, etal.Brochureswerebeing preparedfordistributionthroughoursupporting Discussion thengotdivertedtoimprovingmeetings,attendances, speakers,web do notholdameetinginanauctionmonthwasagreed toforanOctobertrial. were thankedforsupportingtheSociety. his inputandthiswascarriedbyacclamation. Ferguson. This wasacceptedonamotionmovedbyJeffStaude andsecondedbyTony Bill Bank Instrat printing andpostage. Jeff Staude. minutes wereacceptedasreadonamotionmovedbyDave Thornandsecondedby everyone. Allpresentindicatedthattheyhadreceivedtheir magazines.TheMarch Buhagiar Statement; Insurance renewal. renewal; Present yourcurrentVCSMembershipCardand PPreviously ...ataVCSMeeting A The meeting wasadjourned so we Door prizes,from Nijimi,werewonby: Raffle results:MauriceBreward won Next meetingwillbeon2May. Committeemeetingon13April.EDAS auction A discussionwasthenheldontheupcomingauction. The suggestionthatwe After ashortbreak,briefminiauctionwasconducted. Thedonorandbidders Aussie thenpresentedtheminitalkon Correspondence wasreceivedfrom: The Treasurer reportedthatthereweretworenewalsandtheusualoutgoingsfor The April2007meetingopenedwiththePresidentin chairandhewelcomed LARGEST RANGEOF SSPECIALISING INCICHLIDS, R r P NNATIVES &OTHERRARE 8 DunoonCourt, Mulgrave, AAQUARIUM E

Q A e D PPhone: (03)95461025 Phone: 94786614 MELBOURNE’S C 712 PlentyRoad, SSUPPLIES T FFax: (03) 95161011 h u AAY Q Reservoir 3073 v VVic 3170, Australia I I o n a V A receive a10%discount. U U i n o x c CICHLIDS E i L & PET : AABN:15 121817347 e o

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V Cryptoheros sajica C 9762 2044 @ ALL MAJOR CARDS ACCEPTED @ SSupport our ccomplicated. wwould be ... more ssupport theworld WWithout their AAdvertisers! 262 Dorset Road, Boronia, 262 DorsetRoad,Boronia, @ S Goldfish E-mail: [email protected] AQUARIUM @ Natives aquarium attractiveand u Reptile Accessories o 488 DorsetRoad,Croydon @ Extensive rangeoffish A Present yourcurrentVCSMembership u Books products tokeepyour o @ i d

BORONIA @ RREGE Jager p t Card andreceivea10%discount. Expert advicegiven 9723 1202 m M Fluval (Opposite PoliceStation) on awiderangeof Furniture p u h v p Q E o p p l o Victoria 3155 e e OPEN 7 DAYS d l and plants. o u @ r G @ U @ @ i r e Fax:

healthy. c Plants t @ TestKits t b Ponds Tropicals r t t a


AARIUM e E t t . Hewasthankedfor i @ i t t

h h s n . LiveFoods e . N

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d g i @

m @ @ r w 9762 2144 r Aquariums . CCY Sacem Lighting I u @

U o @ o @ s Advice Cichlids r Eheim Y r ! M r

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d 19 3 do not accept that there is anyone 20 Iwho is actually incapable of CCOMMITTEE:OMMITTEE: 1 writing an article about their fi sh, or ccichlidichlidGGetet youryour TCMTCM TThehe PRESIDENT: experiences with fi sh. I do, however, John McCormick ...... 5944 3502 know how much I hate writing [email protected] Editorials. They are usually left to last sscenecene ICE RESIDENT LLastast V -P : and often hurried. This method has Klaus Schwarzenholz ...... 0414 444 737 landed me in “trouble” in the past THE NEXT MEETING of the Society willLLiving iving CColourolour due to dotting a few “t”s, crossing be held on the first Wednesday of the SECRETARY: WWordord month at 8 pm sharp (the Trading Table Graham Rowe ...... 9560-7472 an “i” or two, and in several cases, [email protected] Daryl Hutchins.. misplacing a comma. opens earlier) in the Mitcham Scout Hall, ggoo toto Brunswick Road, Mitcham. Visitors are TREASURER: A much better method that I have heartily encouraged to come along.h Fergusone.v i...... 533t. 552au/ s a result of recent discussions found is to write small notes in my CICHLID OF THE MONTH: Trout Cichlid Aat meetings both General and committee diary (yes, I jot down all ~~cichlid/MagList.htcichEDITORlid: /MagList.htm Committee, and weighing all the pros - Tony Ferguson. Daryl Hutchins ...... 9870 3556 my little jobs or I tend to forget some and cons, it was decided that there Mobile ...... 0430 032 304 of them). You might want to apply MAIN TALK: Home Show Preparation. will no longer be General Meetings ttoo havehave [email protected] namename addedadded toto thethe this methodology to your piscatorial DOOR PRIZES: White Crane - Absolute in the same months that we have our SOCIAL SECRETARY: literary adventure (whew ... nearly Aquarium Products. ee-mail-mail list.list. Auctions (usually April and October, Melissa Kirkham ...... 57 969 304 said “Magnum Opus” ... that one got DRAW PRIZES: but that is not cast in stone). me in “trouble” once). 1. $60 Melbourne Tropical Fish Voucher. TRADING TABLE: When the decision was taken, it was 2. $30 Cranbourne Aquarium Voucher. ((PleasePlDavidease Green notenote ...... 9874 thatthat thethe urlurl isis 2392 In case I haven’t mentioned it obviously too late to implement this 3. Bottle of wine. ccase-sensitive.)ase-sensitive.) lately: one of the jobs of an Editor LIBRARIAN: for April. But take note that there will TABLE SHOWS: Details see page 18. Sandra Robotis ...... 0433 985 344 not be a General Meeting in October is to transform “rough” copy into MEMBERSHIP FEES 2007 SHOW SECRETARY: due to the Auction on the 20th. a readable product. As long as your piece is in English (my French is all Ordinary ...... $30.00 vacant ...... xxxx xxxx ResunThe and fact White that there is no General Family ...... $35.00 Crane aquarium but forgotten) it will be polished into Sub-Committee Chairpersons: Meeting will allow a little more Junior/Concession CardVictorian Holder ...... $15.00 Cichlid Society products a thing of beauty ... well, between us, BAA: vacant. fl exibility with timing the Auctions, Overseas ...... $35.00 imported by: I am sure we will work it out. Constitution: Daryl Hutchins. amongst other things. Not the least (new membershipsMEMBERSHIP add $8 joining fee) APPLICATIONSHandbook: Daryl Hutchins. of which will be taking considerable ecause there will be no October Mailing: Peter Robinson. pressure off the management group. meeting, it is obvious that the or other enquiries maySpecies beMaintenance: directed Peter Robinson to: . B COVER PICTURE: Paretroplus I have no doubt there are a few Video Home Show results will need maculatus Sand SpitThe - David Secretary, Callele. Graham Rowe ABSOLUTE to be announced at the November LIFE MEMBERS: other-halves who will be happy to see Graham Rowe, Heinz Staude, AQUARIUM General Meeting instead. 23 Mangana Drive, Mulgrave Vic 3170 you spending a little less time away Kevin Archibald, Keith Patford, PRODUCTS C Copyright,opyright, VVictorianictorian CCichlidichlid © Ph/fax: 9560Danny Genovese,7472 Daryl Hutchins and 20-24from Boola the farm. Ave, It was not clear to me (I can be a SSocietyociety IncInc 22007007 John McCormick. YennoraShould 2161 you be at a complete loss little bit thick at times) whether or Anyone wishingE-mail: to reprint [email protected] material from `The Cichlid (02)to 9681utilise 7011 this newfound free time, not the deadline for the videos to be Monthly’ for non-commercial purposes, may do so (unless the item is copyright by theOr author) go provided to our HONORARY website: MEMBER: Distributedplease feel free to spend it creating a delivered would be moved from the due credit is given to the author and `TCM’ and one Max Davenport. presentation for one of the remaining September Committee Meeting (14/9) copy of the relevant publication is forwarded to the in Victoria by: author, care of the Secretary. Enquiries re the use FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY: GREATGeneral FISH Meetings. Another radical to the October Committee Meeting of material in other publications may be directed to [email protected]. Graham Rowe. 9560idea: 7472 you could even write an article (12/10), wI sendeavourun-china. ctoo mclarify for this magazine. this point next month. y © PUBLIC OFFICER: David Green. tthehe

Did you hear that somebody cichlid mmonthlyonthly really cool is going to advertise here?

As cool as us? . . Used with permission David Callele Picture Copyright 2007

Victorian Cichlid Society Incorporated

36:04, May 2007 $1.10

Certificate of Incorporation # A0012794D