Vol VII, No. 10 St Louis Sports Car Council September-October 2018 Council News & Notes Up & Coming This one’s a double issue, partly 12 Oct 18—Misfit Toyz Car/Truck/Bike Cruise, at Hardee’s, 2580 LeMay Ferry as a follow-up to September’s Rd, 6-10 PM. 50/50 raffle, for info call (314)306-0525 or (314)495-1583. Last one two-pager and partly because of the season. we’re in that part of the year 13 Oct 18—MG Club of St Louis Montelle Winery Cruise. Come enjoy the beau- where the last large variety of tiful fall weather, take pleasure in one of the last truly awesome days of top-down activities take place. As any car weather in your LBC. Meet at the Target in Chesterfield Commons at 10 AM, enthusiast in the St Louis area leave at 10:30 AM and arrive at the winery about 12 noon. Please RSVP to Allen knows, come the end of October Decker at
[email protected] or (314)435-5505 by 12 October so we the calendar will thin out sub- know how many cars to expect. stantially. 13 Oct 18—First Baptist Church Lake St Louis 2nd Annual Car Show. 2230 As we move into October, the Lake St Louis Blvd, registration 11 AM to 2 PM, dash plaques to the first 75 cars. last driving event scheduled by Trophies in 8 classes, live music, info (314)581-9243. any of the member clubs is the St Louis Triumph Owners Asso- 13 Oct 18—Route 66 Oktoberfest & Car Show, at the Chain of Rocks Bridge, ciation’s annual Veterans Day hosted by the Chain of Rocks Community Association.