Sigma Chi, Kappa Sig, PiKA Bolt Union Party For New Combine UNION PARTPARTY STATEMIiSNSTATOILNT ..By PHIISBRL THTI.,..,IVE LEAVEN« ffo r .Y- .™STATEMEN .„,„,.-v™T For Men's SGA and Publications Board elections Marked with dissension, revolution, and the University, oi which will held April 8, the Union Party has nominated lhe Men's SGA should be elec l lhe Clii the campus political factions today present two strong par­ Al Sharpe for President of SGA, Henry McLeod for Secre­ instead of being selected and of these il small millui-ity, have fssrssseil si larty ( the student slate. The Union 1'arlv tins, not iss the ties to the students, the Union Party, and the newly organ­ tary, and Bob Tissot for Treasurer. Bud Middlesworth, Phil in is.isii-i- ihe I,est qualified men ol gifts to any ized Student Party. - sie to present the Treleaven, and Bob Wilson are nominees of the party for issible from the independents and iis lew fraternities. Dissatisfaction of certain members of the Union Party Publications Board, " hold no grudge sigainst lhe Students' Party or against culminated Tuesday with the withdrawal of 'hi-.'" fc mi- The Student Party nominated Bob Welch for President • — "5 left the ISiison IMIIY. We ssili order Unit these ideals may will c ties, Sigma Chi, Kappa Sigma, and Pi Kappa Alpha, from of SGA, Norman Forrest for Ssscretary, and Fenton Guinee licit the support ol sill KIII"- i- i ssiiiiins Ihe capable ni s- lhe ., the party. These fraternities yesterday banded together for Treasurer. The party is also running Bill Eli II.II.I -I,,,,,.,,, EOTernmeiit with the dormant members of the old University Party, Barber, Art Polier, and Carlton Fleming for Publications named themselves the Student Party, .ind drew up slates

Spring Vacation Glee Club Starts Saturday, Begins Annual Tour Ends April 5 dje I)ukeJL Qtamitte On Monday

Founded 1905 - No. 23 Duke University, Durham, N. C, Friday, March 26, 1948 Duke Alumnae Meet Chief To Meet Coeds Arriving Gleason Succeeds Bunn Here For Week-End Late April 4th Program Features As Student Coordinate Speakers, Concert; Coed Ball Honors Deans Board Chairman '48-49 Resuming the pre-war custom To Present of inviting alumnae back to the office: villn t all ir campus for si weekend, the Dukts ^and will Name Additional Alumnae Association will hold May Queen conduct students by specially its fifth annual weekend here chartered taxis to East Duke Percy Grainger Here Eight Members April 5-4. Building where other officers Begun in 1938, the weekend will admit them into the dormi­ For New Board this year will honor three deans, tories. These officers may be On Symphony Program Dr. Alice M. Baldwin, former identified by their blue uniforms Junna Gleason, rising junior Dean of Women's College; her wills lhe lettering Duke Univer- from Chicago, 111., was named successor, Dr. Florence Brink- by the Duke der the direction Dimitri s Woman's Student Govern- ley, dean since June, 1947, and Ins Mitropoulos, the Minneapolis Association Council Mon­ Miss Florence K. Wilson, dean decorations, Suzette Symphony -will Hive lhe last day night to succeed Carolyn of the School of Nursing since Wilson, Chairman of the Bail, Bunn as Chairman of the Student fall of 1949. nnounced that the theme of the sd for 1943-1949, Opens Friday all will be pink clouds. The lunced Margo Frey, Presi­ The weekend proper will open ;iling and walls are to be dec- dent of thc Asssociation, to the with a breakfast Friday morning rated in an entirely new man- pus officers and arrange trans CIIKO-MCLE today. Appointed as in the Union sibling hall on East and both the bandstand and the other eight members of the ie queen's throne will be can- Anyone 1 ravel ing by ear ii Board are Betty Bob Walters, coeds will be housed in dormi- pied in pinks. Janet Cssniphausen, Leba Segall, torisss emptied ot today's stu­ To alleviate crowded condi- rising seniors; Peggy Lipscomb, dents by the annual spring vaca­ ons, the committee limited thc Madge Slaughter, rising juniors; tion, according to Miss Anne and Joyce Linthicum, Virginia lie of bids, with only a few Packing for spring vacation, troshsal lovelies Jana Hanser, country, and records exclusively Garrard, assistant director eing made available to sopho- for RCA Victor, The orchestra A. Hay, Leslie Bell, rising sopho- Alum; n Of­ Pegram House, and Wendy Piatt, Brown House, chant in uni­ was founded as an addition to a lores. In order that coeds may son, "I don't have a thing to wear," while they gaze enviously ficers are expected to be on hand The Student Coordinate Bosud ;tum to their dormitories on at each other's gaudy garments. Jnst jimdandy in her Jantien, for the three-day meet. They investigates, makes suggestions me, all four doors of the gym Jana turns green over Wendy's strapless evening gown, while Officials Select are: Msrs. Carl H. King, of Salis­ toriuin was built to house concerning academic matters, 'ill be open during the dance. Wendy wonders whether it would be safer to wear a bathing bury, president; Miss Alma Hull, which it did in 1830. and acts upon appeals made di­ The May Queen, chosen on suit instead of taking the chance that some clumsy boy might of New York City, first vice- Fund Scholarship rectly from the students. In the ie basis of personality from the trod on her hem. president; Mrs. Charles I" yiior class by coed votes, will In that year, under the direc­ past it has brought about a re- Smith, Jr., of Alexandria, Vi e presented at intermission, and Winners For 1948 tion of Henry Verbrugghen, thf viaion of iho method ot student Binia i-ssskksn ie members of Social Standards orchestra moved to the campus WSGA Devises Miss G; sill execute a May-poll figure In Six North Carolina high schoo: of the University of Minnesota Program for the coming week­ Broadcast And Concerts seniors this week were awarded which is its present home. Ii end will include a number oi Angler Duke Regional Scholar­ 1931, Eugene Ormandy took oves New Activity Queen. lectures, dealing principally wills ship prizes for the academic yeai the Minneapolis Symphony am At present the Board the recent changes at the uni- Quad Pictures Mark Glee Club Tour 1948-40, Announcement of th< directed It for five years, whei Point System eiing the problem of rt Forty-two members of the in Norfolk, Virginia, osi Monday he left for the Philadelphia Or system whereby acade: plans for future development. . Mane Is given for Physical Speakers will include Dr. Her Present Added ten's Glee Club, with director evening. From there they will . Foster Barnes, start on their travel to Washington, where they in the Woman's Coll old A. Bosley, dean of the Di­ (lists, inter committee of which GI vinity School; Dr. Gelolo Mc nnual Northern tour next Mon- will be heard in Lisner audito­ Hugh, assistant professor of psy­ Event April 7 lay in a chartered bus. This rium on Tuesday; to Pittsburgh thirty finalists in the scholarship certs at Philadelphi a's Ho i tho s chology; Dr. Paul M. Gross, dean competition. ,1 sy.ii' of the Graduate School; Di riajor cities aud will be climaxed hall on Wednesday; to Harris- Hood Dell. dard and Al Boyles - The six selected ares Nancy jamin E. Powell, librarian iy a CBS broadcast on April 3. burg for a performance in the E. Fairley, Raleigh; Ann Crews, Music Study Club members Fanny Mitchell, head of appoint­ sf ju Presenting a program similar Forum on Thursday; and then to Percy Grainger was born and Y.W.C.A. committee mem­ gling, ventriloquism, magic Winston-Salem; Hugh F. Hous­ Australia, and before he i ments office; Mr. James Slay, as­ New York for an Ambassador ton, Rocky Mount; Zachary T. bers, 2 points; Archiue, Chanti­ sistant dean of Trinity Collsssses novelty music to Quadrangle Pic nonth, the group will sing first Hotel appearance Friday night. twelve had earned enough cleer, Duke 'n' Duchess, CHBON­ Mr. Earl Mueller, instructor iss Fiephoff, Grssensboro; M. N. playing thc piano to go to G Spence Conducts On Saturday afternoon, the Hennessee, Concord; and Bobby ICLE, and Hand Book staff mem­ art; Mrs. Spears Hicks, reference Wednesday, April 1. many for further study. Later bers, cheerleaders, Glee Club librarian in the Woman's Col- Climaxing lhe perlormanci Duke Publications he settled in London, and toured Communion In the ide fac les of 1 The scholarship entitles each members, Madrigal Singers, Or­ will be a presentation of Hou Colm many European countries. When chestra members, Hoof-'n' Horn din i's feature illusion "Thi Win Six Awards holder to $750 toward his ex­ Chapel Tonight vill feature "Ombra Mai Fu" by penses for the coming academic Grieg heard him play, he pro­ members. Music Study Club ex- Flight of Life," which is seldoir In NCCPA Judging standel, "John Peel" by Mark year of study at Duke Univer­ nounced Grainger a genius. performed by even professional Andrews, "The Elfman" by Gib- sity. The prizes may be re­ Grainger is also famous as a bers, Pegasus ' members, Y.W. ices, Dr. H. E. Spence, of the Di­ magicians. Beginning at 8:45 Winnesrs in 18 classes of jour­ on, "What You Gonna Call ' newed each year for a maximum composer, his "Country Gardens" vinity School, will conduct a p.m., lhe stage show will include nalistic competition as set up by •retty Little Baby?" by Ryder, period of four years, making the being a best seller. He has also Choral Communion tonight at 8 Boyles and his sidekick "Willie the North Carolina Collegiate Away to Rio" by Bartholomew, total possible value of the composed about 40 settings of p.m. in the Chapel. Dr. Frank MacGregor," with Suddard per­ Press Association were an­ 'Down By The Old Bayou" by scholarship $3,000. Renewal is Kipling's poems, and about 70 S. 11 ickman, Dean of the Chapel, Reveal Publication forming on a musical saw, piano, nounced at the closing meeting Bennett and end with "Dear Old dependant upon the holder's will preside, and J. Foster and solovox, together with furth­ of the convention Saturday, with Duke." maintaining certain scholastic Petition Deadline er magic and stage illusions. Neal Duke taking top honors in six Philadelphia Performance averages and demonstrating the men, officers of qualities of leadership and cit­ Petitions for publications' also demonstrate juggling 'he tour will end after a per- dent of honoraries, 6 poits; and unicycle riding. izenship in the University Com- posts must be handed to Dean nance in suburban Philadel- ZBT Scholastic Chairmen of properties and cos­ Herbert J. Herring, Chairman sScreen shows at 6:45 and 9:15 ran the competition (or the- a on Monday evening, April p.ssi. will present June Haver tumes, Coed Busintsss Manager, of thc Publications' Board, for Best Editorial Cartoon with 5. Now in lis 31st year under Under the statutes of the and Mark Stevens in "I Wonder Average Leads and major roles in Duke Play- spring elections by Monday, 'SGA Elections"; the award for ss glee dub has toured foundation six new awards will Who's Kissing Her Now." men, and major roles in Hoof 'n' April 13, at i p.m. in Room he Best Editorial went to Clay be made anually to four men 108 Administration Building, Suddard has performed wilh S. Felker for his CHHONICLE edi- and two women who will be All Fraternities Horn, president of Music Study West Campus. Petition blanks the Hoof 'a' Horn elub and for entitled "And It Isn't Even Club, president of Pegasus, 8 the Nation a 1 Magician's Conven­ (Slsis^s , will are available from Miss Holt g"; the DukEngineer won the freshman classes of Duke A schedule of fraternity aver­ IJSSS Professor John J. Rusiin, at this office. tion in 1945. Last year he took iwasrd for Best Technical University the following fall. ages released today disclosed Coed Business Manager and eight months off from school to Rev. George Ehlhardt, Prof. Elections for 1948-49 publi­ Magazine; the Duke W Duchess that fraternity men ranked .13 Coed Editor of Duke 'n' Duchess, Robert E. Cushman, Prof. Ken­ cations' posts will be held tour Kentucky and Tennesssee was judged Best Humor Maga­ president of Modern Dance Club, with a company of entertainers, Skip The Handshake; Gimme The §10 neth W. Clark, Prof. Franklin Tuesday, April 20, 1:30 p.m., zine for content; Polly povejsil ternity men with an average of president of Neredian, 12 points; W. Young, Prof. H. E. Myers, and now he has a weekly musical 1.331, excluding associates, for won honors for the Best Humor (Continued on Page 4) and Prof, Waldo Beach. floor of the Administration radio program each Sunday on a ous Feature In the Humoroui last semester. Magazine section for her story Zeta Beta Tau led the £ra- "I Went On An Illegal Cabir Party"; Clarence R, Brown ol 1.58S. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Republican Mock Convention Hoof 're' Horn Club Begins the D 'n' D was winner of thi Kappa , and Phi Delta Theta Best Humorous Cartoonist divi- followed In order, having aver­ Nominates Sen, Vandenberg "Nuthin' Like It" Rehearsal ages of 1.493, 1.471, and 1,407 the Duke Chi Delta Phi chapter respectively not including as- By ALAN BUKDICK nashing 641-vote victory for Light operatic songs by Rosa­ award for poetry this year won In a smoky hall filled with Horn's spring musical production lie Print* and Tony Heed will the Best Poem prize with "Drift­ The all men's avCTage.for whistlssis, cat-cals, cheers and •ith 359 voles. Far down the wood"; and Guy Davenport's moved toward an April 22 pre­ be balanced by a seat song by Trinity College and the College boos, the Duke Republican Mock st were Taft, Dewey and War- story, "Liseullus Has Accom­ of Engineering was 1.242. The miere as the first full-cast re­ Convention lost isight nominat­ edy role and Sally Waddell in a plished Much," won honors for veteran's average of 1.260 placed ed Senator Arthur J. Vandenberg hearsal was held this week and limehouse blues number. the Best Short Story. as its candidate for President of Mr. Robert B. Fearing was New officers for the NCCPA the United States. named to direct the orchestra. tra will be an innovation this Include Emmett Bringle, presi­ Other fraternity a v e r a g e i Held in the Woman's Audi­ Written by Art Stcuer and un­ dent, N C. State College; Paul ranged from 1.391 to .946 with­ torium, the mock convention was der the direction of Bill Whalen, will include a large percussion Moyle, vice-president. Wake Engineering Dean William H. Hall (left) is shown above pre­ out associates. In order they conducted by 600 students of the show was revraled as a section. Cherry Phillips will be Forrest; Tom Cookerly, treas­ senting prizes for flrst and second place in a writing contest ranked: Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Political Science courses 81-62 urer, Duke University, member varied collection of campus featured in a specialty dance and conducted for engineers by the DukEngineer. First prize, an Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Kappa and 125, under the auspices of Sally Prosser In of the Chanticleer business staff; award certificate and S10 cash, went to Banks W. Clark (eenterl, Alpha, Alpha Tau , Sigma the Department of Political talent. Tap and specialty dunc- Bunny Harris, secretary, Mere­ while second prize, si certificate, was awarded to Albert L. Stone, Nu, Phs Theta Sigma, and 1 s. In a s lhe ps dith College; and Dr. E. E. Folk, (right], Thc contest was designed to stimulate writing among Theta Pi, followed by Pi Kt students, many spec­ pher Peggy Forehand and a full permanent secretary, Wake For­ tap chorus will parallel ballet engineering students and to provide the DukEngineer with Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Chi, tators filled 'the hall. est. Retiring president is Clay representative selections of student writings, according to BUI Phi Kappa Sigma, Kappa Alpha, and adagio scenes featuring .luck torium following the spring va­ S. Felker, Duke Junior and as­ Smashing Victory Monta, Betty Mouat and a ballet cation and stage and lighting sociate editor of the CHHONTCLE. Olive, contest editor. The winning paper will be published In Kappa Sigma, and Delta Sigma Final tabulation of state dele­ chonis. work will begin immediately. the May Issue of the DukEngineer. Phi. gations' votes added up to a THE DUKE CHRONICLK Friday. March 26, 1

Memorial Fund Assures Blue Monday This Collegiate World -AHRorv^^ State Alumni Leadership Citing expenditure by the Federal government for scientific work "at a rate twice the war average," Presi­ SHIRTS - UNDERWEAR • TIES - SPORT SHSRTS This morning the six Angier B. Duke Memorial Fund dent Homer L. Dodge of Norwich University recently scholarship winners were announced. Newspapers urged physicists to become loaders in "affairs of the com­ throughout North Carolina and the nation carried the munity, the state and the nation," the Intercollegiate story—just a simple, straightforward announcement re­ Press has announced. vealing the names of the four boys and two girls who In an address before the their part of this leadership." are eligible to receive up to $3,000 each in assistance over a four year period: tho winners being chosen from a PERSONAUZED group of 135 of the smartest high school seniors in the • Stationery state. The same awards will bo made annually. • Match Boolis Quoting Dr. Benjamin Fine in the Weio York Times; "In a move designed to make college education available • Cocktail Napkins nessos, such as banking, in­ to worthy high school graduates who might over wise be vestment banking, insurance, • Lipstick Tissue Books discouraged by the rising cost of tuition, Duke University advertising, merchandising, • Coastera has instituted a new scholarship program that is unprece- and in the nontechnical dented in its history." pliases of our manufacturing DURHAM OFFICE SUPPLY 105 W. Parrish St. Telephone L-919 Back of that announcement is the culmination of a enterprises, according to highly commendable plan that was established to promote Stuart H. Clement, associate director of Senior Placement the development of leadership in North Carolina, and to accept their at Yale University. more specifically, the leadership of Duke alumni. dership," lie said. Now, as Duke University is just entering a new phase He explained that a portion // if s Good food you want in its history, faced with the need for operating funds of this demand is the result of VISIT and about to welcome a new president, alumni support the fact that liberal arts grad­ and leadership of the strongest, most enthusiastic brand uates in industry and business is mandatory. The Angier B. Duke Memorial Fund scho­ HARVEY'S CAFETERIA larships are a definite assurance that the University will 105 E. Main Street always have active, alert leaders that will stand out augh s is lhe j among the alumni of the other state schools. Votes and Voters Recommended b> Duncan Hines A considerable number of Comes election time of year, and every college paper non-technical men," he in the nation carries reams of material about the sanc­ A former director of the ed, "have not returned to physics department and dean ir former positions. This Take It Easy, Hear? tity of the vote in campus elections, the importance of of the graduate college at the ation has caused a particu- Carlilon H. Davis* Switched tn Wildrunt Cream-01 Since the CHRONICLE publication day is Thursday this a 100% turn-out at the polls, etc., etc. The CHRONICLE'S University of Oklahoma, the y strong demand for pros- Because He Flunked the Finger Nail Test week, this message probably won't reach that fore- similar plea will be brief, but nonetheless earnest. To New England educator, who tive college graduates to trained for future e sighted and obnoxiously self-rightous minority who have those of you. who are entitled to vote in West campus became president of Norwich in -1944, has been an active t that saved their excused absences for spring vacation: double- elssctions—student government, the YMCA, or other stu­ leader among physicists the dent groups—this plea is directed: If you seek stronger there is plenty of opportunity cuts be damned! Instead, this is meant for the rest oi for the liberal arts graduate student organizations, ii you are tired of half-hearted us cut-poor wretches who will shove off hastily from During the war, a3 director to get started in business to- Methodist Flats immoilialoly after Saturday's last class. attempts to stir up a lively interest in student affairs, and of the Office of Scientific Per­ if you have the future success of Duke's student body at Warning! Don't be too hasty. Take it easy, Hear? sonnel in Washington, he was heart, vote in the coming elsMsstions. Vote honestly, sin­ charged with the responsibili­ Just remember that an automobile is a lethal weapon Study habits are a matter cerely, thoughtfully. ty of securing research work­ of serious concern to Wayne . . . and the faster you drive—the less chance you have ers for projects such as the University students, and in­ of eventually basking on that sunny Florida beach, or creasing numbers are availing during the coming school-free week, "The increasingly technical themselves of opportunities getting home to apple pie, or whatever you plan to do Some Conclusions . . . nature of activities upon for improving their quiet The object of a vacation is rest and relaxation. Make which the government is sai- hours with books and notes, tering on a large scale ­ se in "Study Effici™- sure you don't wind up resting and relaxing in a hospital The answers to what student veterans themselves mands technically - trained cy," offered a w think of the instruction or teaching to which they have bed—-keep that speedometer needle in those l° num­ leadership," Dr. Dodge de­ last year, has become increas­ been subjsscted were edited in a recent nationwide poll bers, and keep your eye on tile road. Otherwise, you clared. "Bills passed by Con­ ingly popular, Dr. Doris A. may not be around for final exams, and wouldn't that be of opinion just completed by a committee of the Ameri­ gress before the last adjourn­ Cline, who is in charge of edu­ too had?—C, S. F. can Council on Education, according to Dean E. G. Wil­ ment created over 40 positions cational counseling, reports. liamson of the University of at salaries ranging between Problems of note-taking, com­ Minnesota, chairman of the 312,000 and $15,000, a num­ prehension, reviewing and ber of which represent the use of the library, are consld- committee. The Inter-collegl- Guest Editorial highest positions in the gov­ ate Presss revealed this week. long students for g radios ernment concerned with intary, Quality of college i scientific research and devel­ campus-w.vids s is; i. Use; ojee "Twice Told Tale" tlon v rated ' s-aijlc" 1 opment. The Federal govern­ grew out of demands from ' by 89 per i ment is now spending money I met a man once who said: students for advice on study of the veterans polled, while f lilt! g i which felt irollments hs techniques, beyond that which I missed out on my college days. You see, I didn't 7 per cent said they consid­ twice the war average. suited in such an increase. their individual instructors of­ enter into it quite all the way. Working my way through er^ their instruction as "In- Greater maturity of students "These expenditures are fered In private consultations. ' and only 1 per school took all my time, or I told mysuelf it did. The fel­ was the reason advanced by certain to be increased. These The fact that upperclassmen lows used to go bumming around at night, and sometimes branded college t a fifth of this group, while enormous amounts of money 1 In t they'd ask me along; but I never went. I always told them another fifth attributed the cannot be expended effectively l-Clll.l!.--, t had i higher standards to current without competent persons In I had to study. It seemed to me a lot of foolishness, the Of the 89 per cent evidently higher college entrssnee re­ It is advance in ti way they used to hang around the college drug store, satisfied with the instruction quirements in grades. 1 (lisii: or loiter on the library steps, or go to snake dances or they are getting, 33 per cent Other factors cited by this study efficier described it as "average," 35 rallies. I even missed the football games. Froth I called group as causes included: it. Wasted time! I was in school to study. And it's funny, per cent as "good" and 21 per "more and better professors'" but do you know I turn away now every time I see a 6 per cent: "tougher courses," For the Complete AsRROW Line Asked whether they felt 4 per cent; "school tries to get JW. group of college men gathered in a drug store or on a that the present day greatly rid of the less fit," 3 per cent FOLLOW TBE corner of the campus. And every time I see two old col­ Increased enrollments had and "larger selection of new $*> lege chums slap each other on the back and say, "Re­ lowered or raised the educa­ member the time that we ..." I gulp a little because I tional standards of their inst- :¥ MILLER-BISHOP COMPANY per c missed out on all that, and I find myself wishing I could "Where Duke Men Meet" go back to college and live those days over. that standards had been low- ty •-• no H I missed out on my college days. You see, I didn't in Standards was reported by The Best Known and Best Liked enter into it quite all the way, I never really got ac­ stated they felt that educat- quainted with a professor. Or even a textbook. Not White Shirt in the World seriously. I never learned the thrill of digging fossils stitutions actually had been on a mountain side. Or working till dark over a test tube. Bears This Labsf Or getting on the trail of something in the library and rollment increase. searching it down feverishly for hours. I told myself Of those who thought that the standards iiad lieen lower­ \il^A that people who did that sort of thing were queer. I ed, 31 per cent said that lt complained about the classes. I could learn more out of nts in the University. sschool, I said. I slid through some way without ever let­ classes, and 29 per cent ex­ Fou ting my mind grow curious. And it's funny, but do you pressed the opinion that the know I feel kind of regretful now whenever I talk to a large enrollments resulted in scholar. Or go in a library. Or wander through a less individual attention. An­ other 17 per cent asserted In the unit entitled, i-Mur. You run he ao cnpsiblis'ii"ii •iv.srVliod™ will delightedly museum. I missed out on all that. And I find myself ( that their professors and in- "Science in the Modern ' " JOU do all lhe work. Il ,11V, ,„ n.n.l, lis,,,.. V„„ Blwi,y8 wishing I could go back to college to live those days over structors were not sufficently World," Homer su. Dodge, 1,-,,,-N.I-IUM hit your fri nils will neat you again.—Miami Hurricane. qualified to teacsh, while 7 president of Norwich Univer- l , 1 per cent saw a lowing of sity, Northfield, Vt., will be ,';',,.'l:'':i .;. :,., ,,].,...'. standards because of lack of the lecturer. ^UTCS rftsi*. V,„iV always in lhe mood 191)5 SJIJ2 Jhxltj rS jjrnnirte •» Duke's Mixture - '•"•' iHSisff ?&? sjrsjf— - •— ' Sara P. Duke gardens broke into full bloom this wee Diuhsun, N. C sjnslM ihe act witii blooming romances, acquaintanceships and uosi «Ss373| wliat is this Nobby David and Joan Angcvine "thin 1?3* Foster was voted the man most likely to sueeeed- presidency of St. Mary's ... oh Spring, where is thy

JACK H ;.•:• . Bus. Manager . . . WILL With . S. demand for Arrow whiles still far from . Faces still jamiliar around the . , Bob McKeague I usiness Board •making "songbird" Wadded croon a" Saunders trying filled, we cannot yet supply the stores in 1U0 for­ to sell the Phis a rejrigeratar . . . ,f ADPis drifted in eign countries tlisii carried Anson hefore Ihe war. from M.K. Ball's wedding porty ir . . dancing, yet . . . Bill Biyira—ughl But when we can, you may lie sure that Arrow white shirts will still Ise sssi exjiorl America may be 2T

f<3^E,™ ATO-Sigmachee co-op club (meetings on Saturday) must ARROW SHIRTS and TIES have bessnt a lush party . . . mud-pnek specials and all . , . Margaret Meeker is re-pinned to a Lambda Chi man . . . KAs UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS lined up against Ihe trail at Hanman's Friday . . . Chapman os . .• ,; .. usual ... it has been estimated that Mercer White spends ap- prosrimatelj/ 66% hours per week usith Wee Winkle Boone . . . If It's Leadership You'sre Seeking Cheerful to the last bitter class, let us smile and brush a Then follow the tear from our respective eyes as we briefly part . . . some (anil then some) will join the southbound train . . . should •—-— ARROW Sl). Ems Cuipui Edi™I(l •Sd~Bu2n?ii^Sf6^S)S '(in™.' •wo»n Editorial ind Businm Oaict— sis «,-., ,•• •,,„!, s,„„, nin-lii,,,. be plenty of hot air at the Sea Hreessc in Daytona . . . while • • • - • •....• others valiantly voiv that they will meet again at Ruby Foo's Pritchard Bright & Co. In the heart of Mauhallan (culrsi dry) , . . but wherever you ROGER & GALLET EAU DE COLOGNE may roam . . . remember—even the Mix has ears . . . Washington Duke Hotel Bldg. Friday, Miireii :.!>i. im:; THE DUKE CHRONICLE TIME OUT Blue Devil Diamond Squad Drops Season Opener Spinners Rally In Seventh Inning; Begin Golf Season With Florida Trip Crush Devils By Eleven To Two Haglermen Participate In Four Matches ByVi Lewis Announces Netmen Practice The Duke nins, playing its initial encounter of the si Duke's diamond squad opened its 1948 season on Mon­ During Spring Vacation Southern Tour 1, was defeated 11-2 Monday by the powerful Rex Mills day. That's all. They opened their season with a very Under Hendrix Spinners of Gas ton ia. disappointing fizzle, dropping the contest to the plucky By Ji M SOLOMON Track Schedule Leading 1-0 going into the home half of the seventh, the ; 1348 ten- With Spring here 8 Coombsmen relinquished that lead as the Spinners explodsed Rex Mills aggregation by an eleven to two margin. Red Lewis' 1948 spring track g out in the Ruled among the nation's top hall clubs by almost squad once again takes squad left today to participate in gym under their nt even big runs on seven hits to go out in front 7-1. all snorts siulhtn ilics, anil iiinnher sine by a couple the Blue Devils' fame. Jack Hendrix, who R s.stK " Florida Relays which will he Curt: Is Cox. "Honk" Ayers, of lhe more ex trav agent pillars, the Dukes looked Gone from last year's team, which annexed first place I Saturday in Gainesville, i Davfs, Paul Karukstis, little belter than fair, scoring Iwo runs and tallying honors in the Southern Intercollegiate Meet and second place Florida. The lew coach expects thc and Dick Strauch s. the National Collegiate and Southern Conference, tourna- be a little stronger than seven hits for 31 times at bat. Tbe material that of about fifteen men will r's edition. He has the Coach Jack Coombs has un hand this season belies snts, are such top-flight performers as Frank Garrett and esent Methodist Flats in the nucleus of a good squad in re­ The aggregation was thc pounding his hoys took in Gastoiiia. II might Bruce Davis. However, the future has a bright outlook since Florida outing, according to turning lettermen Bob Taylor, slated lo face thc Spinners again also be considered that 14 games in 16 days is one Coach "Dumpy" Hagler finds such lettermen as Southern Emery Green, Bob Chapman, sss Tuesday and then journey to McMasters, Sam Banks, and Clemson to battle the Tigers in Conference co-champion Jim MeNair, Art Wall, Fletcher hell nf a tough way to begin a season. We'll back Premier. Freshmen John a brace of conference games. the Devils to overcome a slow start anil pull right Wall, and Baily Glenn all returning. Coach Hagler is mighty schedule is as follows: ril 3—Carolina Relays- Ross. Jiiis Wesley, John Tapley, The totals of the first Rex rlos, and Jack War- up on top with the power that they' proved they pleased with the performances of newcomers Claude Long, Chapel Hill. Mills-D. U. game: have in last week's other games. Mike Souchak, and Louis McClenon. jell as upperclassmen April 17—Selon Mall Relays- Buddy Hicks and Bob Fairey South Orange, N. J. Tlsc Haslet jd the first call. Sev­ April 23-24—Penn Relays- eral of these men have showed Give It Back To The Indians Philadelphia, Pa. play regularly Hilt ter les: Duke: Curtis, (Dav­ Coed Corner April 23-24—Carolina AAU— is (3), Ay ers (5), Karukstis (7), The prospects for Jack Persons' Lacrosse team look Chapel Hill. this; The line is stil! Strauch (7). sisui McCarthy, pretty fair as the stick wielders continue practicing for By MAST ROBMSON indefinite Ris'i'ss !7i: lies Mills: Helderman, their opener, when they will play host to the Cavaliers lanta, Ga. has been confined chieily to con- Riiyne (4), Linobergcr (7), and t Winter Park, and by of Virginia on April 6. We're optimistic about the May 4—N, C. State—Raleigh. Only when weather Staisusy, Dilling (4). May 7—Navy—Durham irk on the outdoor chances of the Devil stickmen when we look over their Tins freshman squad, under the May 15—Southern Conference courts will Hendrix announce reigns of "Bakcy" Palmer and roster. In addition to returning veterans of previous lampionships—Chapel Hill. the team. "Crush" Davis, Kvo former Duke May 22—Carolina—Durham. Duke teams—lads who have been lambasting one another n House high scorers v ptains Taylor and Green plalwarts, worked out during the with gay abandon during past seasons—Persons is blest The outstanding strength of elected to lead the weds and tangled with lhe Dur- helped tally up the victory w the Duke aggregation lies in the with a bunch of freshmen from Baltimore and vicinity Pat Primrose with 157 1 through their vigorous lisini Hull, ssf ul in Duke golf his- Merewyn Shillings with 1S5. le distances, according n. The schedule has not up tl who have teethed on lacrosse sticks. yet been released, but it will The Bowling Club plans Coach Lewis. He said furtl Our personal opinion ost thc old Indian spott is that The entire schedul that while the squad is strong probably include most of last ect Thursday, April 8 at 7 year's formidable opponents. the Indians can have it—as far as participation is m. in the Ark to begin pr the field events also, there Shown in the above pi March 29—Co atry Club— room for improvement in t Coach Hendrix hopes to make a photograph is Ed McCarthy, st concerned. There's no denying, however, that it is :e for the National Telegraphic distances such as the mile and good showing against both inter- owling Meet to be held lar Devil catcher, w" one of the most exciting and enjoyable of thc spec­ March 30—FL smal and Southern Confer- named All Big Four cat tator sports, and we're happy to see that lacrosse afterwards. From those coming out to practice will be fans at Duke will be able to witness some mighty pfeked the ten participants in tl 17—Maryland- good matches this year. 3 — Country Club — /edra, Fla. elimination basis as last sea The two recent vacancies 1 the WAA Board have been fill 7—Williams—Durham, Aprll 23— Organize 'PlayDay' battle, which was won by a Duke by Jan Camphausen, golf chai 8—Michigan—Du rh am. For State Big Four aggregation that topped CE man, and Sue Lasley, softball 13—N. C. Slate—Ra April 29, 30 May 1—Southei Una twice and State once. chairman. These two will Intercollegiate Championships- Action in the Duke intrami ably see plenty of activity Athens, Ga. May 4—Carolina—Durham. volleyball league began Monday the inter-house golf and softball May 8—Southern Conferens ! Godly Work with a field of 45 teams. Fa­ gin Monday April 12. ger of Intramurals Ted Villa- vored to cop top honors is the At a Very Low Rate Duke Sigma Chi A team composed oi Duke University Dining HaUs ure attraction. An enlargement Kunskle, Collins, Lyons, SWb- So Call Me Early if the softball championship stead, Youmans, Chillingworth, sliminatinns reeled off in Chapel and Stark. The voleyball win- JUST RECEIVED And Keep Me Late. rom Duke, Wake Forest, Caro- vi!! r t Duke Sandwiches Made To Order ina, and State, the Day will be l'-;:.v taged the second week In May. In the individual sports there THE YOUNG MEN'S SHOP slill be one singles and two dou­ Belmont Luncheonette DUKE se permitted to partldpate in 212 Corcoran St. inly one event. The softball • Seersucker Cord Jackets Grady's Soda Shop P.QWEK COMPANlf will be on a double Tasty A-La-Cartes Downtown Next To Western Union essJ«*tsjJ t% fLi*!m£ Gte&Mss. And • Light Weigh! Best Milk Shakes In Town

Plate Lunches Corduroy Jackets

Students Always Welcome • White Formal Jackets

WINTHROP • Tropical Weight SHOES Sport Jackets

WB@&$ era"®!.) £ad£ cMewn. aJ. Stut^rcA-

}6c/'//orise-anc/sing HXJI this /feCOW/ Ifs "AIRIZAY" (Arise)-RCA Victor's new platter by Ray McKinley and his band

KAY MCKINLEY'S styling of the New Orleans ditty, "Airizay," is attracting lots of fans. If you ask Ray about it, he sayss "I've found from long experience what style of •THE BEST IS YET TO BE" music we do best—just as I've learned from experience that Camels suit my T-Zone' to a T.'" Try Camels! sUarn for yourself why, with The telephone will be seventy-two years employee management and comes up smokers who have tried and compared, old this years Its development within a from the rankss Camels are the "choice of experience." single lifetime has been a modern miracle; There will be more good jobs for quili YM it is only the beginning! Jfied men in the telephone business in And here's another great record— There are any number of men in the 1958 and 1998 than now. It just can't telephone business today—some just start­ help being that way. For of all the busi' ing out—who will see greater progress nesses and professions, there are few more More peO(k 3fb Smoking than the past has ever known: interesting and necssssary: Yetsc by year the nsret half century will sSo the future is bright for .^isk be increasingly theirs: New leaders will those who make telephony ffjftfa appear from among them; Step by step, their life work. For them, "The ^Jjf rung by rung, they will mount the ladder best is yet to be." mw to the tops For telephone management is BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM. 4ms ever before*! Page Four THE DUKE CHRONICLE Friday, March 36, 1948 Dukesters Head For All Points IFC Names Fleming JV. Y. Alumni Meet -Vandenberg- enator Vandenberg, Informing Set SGA Election Schedule New Vice-President In Buffalo April 30 (Continued from Page 1) The schedule of class elections as revised by the sludent legis­ Forgetting All Quality Points lature last night stands as follows: For Coming Year - Wests i New oar with his professional bla; sing Senior Class: Petitions due April 13, elections held April By POLLY POVEJSIL York alumni will hold their it the "double-dealing New Dee Brusliing up last year's Palm Members of the Interfraternity S'.S.G.A.- Duke Student Wins Council's Faculty Interviewing annual Spring- Dinner Meet­ Rising Junior Class: Petitions i ; April 6, elections held April Beach suit, and shaking Its rol peeches were made by John F. Commfttee this week selected ing, when the Duke University lectivc piggy bank, Duke pre ienry, Al Bitker, Eliabelh Vos- (Cent 1) Rising Sophomore Class: Petit Pepsi-Cola Grant Carlton Fleming, Kappa Alpha, Alumni Association of Buffalo pares again for a quiet, restful berg. Bill Vaughan, Carl Perkin- Senior class president, Duke and and thoroughly invigorating va- Vice-President of the and Western New York meets In National Contest in the Hotel Sheraton, Buf­ n and Allen Smith. Duchess Assistant Editor and As­ : year. Fleir Faced with a choice between sompletes the falo, New York, on April SO. sistant Business Manager, Hoof from 3,288 college sen- smocratic and Republican con- 'n' Horn president and director, DURHAM'S NEWEST AND MOST MODERN quality points. national competition, sntlons, participating students 16 points; Editor and Business Duke student Jesse Proctor this the Coun< is-ia. Duke students who will be - Already haggard, an< home on vacation at that time chose Republican In view o " Manager of Duke V Duchess, 20 fagged out from long gi sk received one of 28 grad- t possibilities lacity of Interfraternity C are invited to attend. Those hours of mid-semesters and Coed fellowships offered by and likelihood of a hotter contest. sil Rush Chairman, headlr who wish to, may bring dates. Variety RESTAURANT Ball Ticket Lines, students have Students selected the candidal sommittcc which will codify Anyone desiring to make begun flagging and reservist;; sill First awarded this year, the they would prefer FROM A SANDWICH TO A MEAL sush rules and regulations opera-1 available trains, planes, and pogo llowship includes full tuition reservations is requested to In the sive next year. The committee Patronise OUT sticlsss for Daytona, Miami Beach, • any accredited graduate contact Mrs. Rhoda Rial IVelk Open 0 A. M. Ul 11 P. M. Closed Sundays vill begin work on the new ru and other coveted places. school in the United States and at Taylor 6800. Canada and $750 per year for ng rules following the spr Advertisers In the midst of the rush, sen­ lounccd Fleming. s Walk from Center Thestri iors once again assume that In addition to the six seniors ;•• •• . • us at he favored additional meas- I they am southern colleges receiving >r the first time a • to those proposed by White, "The Pipe Lover's Paradise" scholarships, Fred Wagner f the organisation chosen second alternate in y Lee oiced his approval o Washington Duke Cigar Stand AT YOUR FAVORITE THEATRE I Southern Division, and Harvey . Chuck White' on which will interview The Most Complete Pipe Shop In The Carolinas ived honorable proposed projects fi ilk to men rushed on other Ion in the ^^^^^^ Pipe Repairs A Spswlalty Class Differentiation including support ol tne new impuses in order to make liners were selected on th CENTER However, Juniors aren't v Shoe and Slipper Club, a, fresh io rough study of various sy; of their undergraduat' ing their time talking, hut 1 man fraternity handbook, ant of fraternity rushing an LAST TIMES SATURDAY achievements in their rtsspectivi already begun packing their the plan to have the fraternities cnllec Delicious Sizzling Steaks cases tightly so that Things u Council liike ; tin Private Dining Halls "CALL NORTHSIDE 777" SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY The Palms Restaurant Jeanne Crain, Dan Dalley in 'YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME' are exercisfng their bis engthen the whole fra tha! they'll have the e WED.-THUR.-FRI.-SAT. GLASSES FITTED PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Have Tour Eyes Esuatnlned Watches City Optical Co. Diamonds QUADRANGLE PICTURES 523 Trust Bldg. CAROLINA Jewelry For Appointment Dial N-23G1 Presents On The Stage A few half-crazed students LAST TIMES SATURDAY still beavering the old book; WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 make grades while others m: plans to make fun. Rumor has HOPPER'S "NealGAl" "COMEDY CARNIVAL" it that organizational meetis ssEXPEET WATCH are being held in the wee ho REPAIRS Minutes of Magic, Juggling, Ventriloquism, Tr SUN.-MON.-TUES.-WED.-THUR. 3 hastily 217 W. Main St. Ilnicyole Riding, and Novelty Music, with a Grand Finale, Featuring Heudini's famous Illusion, "The Flight Of Life." "ALBUQUERQUE" — AND ON THE SCREEN — At Duke FOR RESERVATIONS

Bill Ward When the folks or that "I WONDER WHO'S KISSING someone special plans a HER NOW" RIALTO- Smokes plans a visit . . , iFith June Haver, Marc Stevens, and Martha Stewar LAST TIMES TODAY Complete Screen Programs at 6;45 and OslS Roy Rogers jn Chesterfields Only One Stage Presentation at 8;45 Dutch Village NO ADVANCE IN PRICES! "GAY RANCHERO" Motel "Chesterfields stand fo- cool smoking pleassure am Close to West Campus Coming Saturday, April II) "A Slight Case Of Murder" complete satisfaction." "THE UPTURNED GLASS" TUESDAY ONLY with James Mason and Rosamund John Phone X-6554 or X-6871 F^p-W>m4-— On The Stage—In Person — FIRST SHOWING IN DURHAM — Mrs. Eva Parker "The Imperial Hawaiiani Res. Mgr. Prices This Performance—40c and 9c

A message to Experimental research results in better Vitamin D source for poultry industry IWS& you from Fifteen years of work by Du Pont that year, DuPont chemists, biochemists, physicists. bi^h^mtetry of'v? and engineers behind develop­ st-CHrCHj-CHi.CJ ment of "DELSTEROL" Chief of Staff ergosterol. They al vated provitamin i VltiMIKO} controls the utilization of calcium and vitamin D much phosphorus in the body, esjpecisilly in the bones of growing animals. This led terol. THSB fact w

• terol, irradiated er of e^RS, and olher disturbances were ated mixtures of 1 vitamin is-.. Sievmiil forms of vitemin D caused by a deficiency of Ibis vitamin. rats and chicks*. are now manufactured by Du Pont, rsin^ins; Irons oil sdn.l llry powder COD- • tea—uosssd by the poultry trad* the trademark "Delsterol"—to April 6 is Army Day. It is a day which will Our occupation force in Japan is the smallest per have a special meaning for college men. More than capita of any modern otscupation anny. Our foree half of you are veterans of thc last war. Many of in Europe is the smallest of the three major powers.

you are members of the Organized Reserve. Many "But behind this Army stand you men of the others belong to the R.O.T.C. or National Guard. Organized Reserve and the R.O.T.C. I liave "All of you are making a vital contribution known many of you personally. I have been with toward World Peace and the security of this many of you in action. I know thc fine type of men you are and the realism that leads you to equip yourselves with military training. "TTie U. S. Army is the finest army in the world and the only one of its lcind among the "Further, I know the valuable service you major powers. It is 100% volunteer. It is com­ can render the nation in time of emergency. A posed entirely of civilian soldiers . . . men like great deal of the success of fast mobilization and yourselves who realize that a strong America is the actual winning of thc war was due to the a peaceful America, and that the responsibility 106,000 trained Reserve Officers and the top- of making America strong rests in thc hands of notch National Guard units which were avail- every American citizen. ^le for quick action. "The U. S. Army is not a large army, as "To you, on Army Day, I believe I speak for armies go. Il is shouldering lasfcs far greater than millions of Americans in offering commendation any other army of like size has ever attempted. for the fine job you are doing."

t tha opportunist lis* o

I. S. Air Fore* Recruit in|