Sigma Chi, Kappa Sig, PiKA Bolt Union Party For New Combine UNION PARTPARTY STATEMIiSNSTATOILNT Ba..y PHIISBRL THTI.,..,IVE LEAVEN« fof r <th1 e cominl„g„ -1—is—elections„ . STUDENEmsnmsiTr PARTi,,,,..>.Y- e.™STATEMEN .„,„,.-v™T For the Men's SGA and Publications Board elections Marked with dissension, revolution, and the University, oi which will be held April 8, the Union Party has nominated lhe Men's SGA should be elec l lhe Clii the campus political factions today present two strong par­ Al Sharpe for President of SGA, Henry McLeod for Secre­ instead of being selected and i JS of these il small millui-ity, have fssrssseil si larty o( the student slate. The Union 1'arlv tins, not iss the ties to the students, the Union Party, and the newly organ­ tary, and Bob Tissot for Treasurer. Bud Middlesworth, Phil in is.isii-i- ihe I,est qualified men ol gifts to any ized Student Party. - sie to present the Treleaven, and Bob Wilson are nominees of the party for issible from the independents and iis lew fraternities. Dissatisfaction of certain members of the Union Party Publications Board, "We hold no grudge sigainst lhe Students' Party or against culminated Tuesday with the withdrawal of 'hi-.'" fc mi- The Student Party nominated Bob Welch for President • — "5 left the ISiison IMIIY. We ssili order Unit these ideals may will c ties, Sigma Chi, Kappa Sigma, and Pi Kappa Alpha, from of SGA, Norman Forrest for Ssscretary, and Fenton Guinee licit the support ol sill KIII"- i- i ssiiiiins Ihe capable ni s- lhe .j, the party. These fraternities yesterday banded together for Treasurer. The party is also running Bill Eli II.II.I -I,,,,,.,,, EOTernmeiit with the dormant members of the old University Party, Barber, Art Polier, and Carlton Fleming for Publications named themselves the Student Party, .ind drew up slates Spring Vacation Glee Club Starts Saturday, Begins Annual Tour Ends April 5 dje I)ukeJL Qtamitte On Monday Founded 1905 - No. 23 Duke University, Durham, N. C, Friday, March 26, 1948 Duke Alumnae Meet Chief To Meet Coeds Arriving Gleason Succeeds Bunn Here For Week-End Late April 4th Program Features As Student Coordinate Speakers, Concert; Coed Ball Honors Deans Board Chairman '48-49 Resuming the pre-war custom To Present of inviting alumnae back to the office: villn t all ir campus for si weekend, the Dukts ^and will Name Additional Alumnae Association will hold May Queen conduct students by specially its fifth annual weekend here chartered taxis to East Duke Percy Grainger Here Eight Members April 5-4. Building where other officers Begun in 1938, the weekend will admit them into the dormi­ For New Board this year will honor three deans, tories. These officers may be On Symphony Program Dr. Alice M. Baldwin, former identified by their blue uniforms Junna Gleason, rising junior Dean of Women's College; her wills lhe lettering Duke Univer- from Chicago, 111., was named successor, Dr. Florence Brink- by the Duke der the direction ot Dimitri s Woman's Student Govern- ley, dean since June, 1947, and Ins Mitropoulos, the Minneapolis Association Council Mon­ Miss Florence K. Wilson, dean decorations, Suzette Symphony -will Hive lhe last day night to succeed Carolyn of the School of Nursing since Wilson, Chairman of the Bail, Bunn as Chairman of the Student fall of 1949. nnounced that the theme of the sd for 1943-1949, Opens Friday all will be pink clouds. The lunced Margo Frey, Presi­ The weekend proper will open ;iling and walls are to be dec- dent of thc Asssociation, to the with a breakfast Friday morning rated in an entirely new man- pus officers and arrange trans CIIKO-MCLE today. Appointed as in the Union sibling hall on East er and both the bandstand and the other eight members of the ie queen's throne will be can- Anyone 1 ravel ing by ear ii Board are Betty Bob Walters, coeds will be housed in dormi- pied in pinks. Janet Cssniphausen, Leba Segall, torisss emptied ot today's stu­ To alleviate crowded condi- rising seniors; Peggy Lipscomb, dents by the annual spring vaca­ ons, the committee limited thc Madge Slaughter, rising juniors; tion, according to Miss Anne and Joyce Linthicum, Virginia lie of bids, with only a few Packing for spring vacation, troshsal lovelies Jana Hanser, country, and records exclusively Garrard, assistant director eing made available to sopho- for RCA Victor, The orchestra A. Hay, Leslie Bell, rising sopho- Alum; n Of­ Pegram House, and Wendy Piatt, Brown House, chant in uni­ was founded as an addition to a lores. In order that coeds may son, "I don't have a thing to wear," while they gaze enviously ficers are expected to be on hand The Student Coordinate Bosud ;tum to their dormitories on at each other's gaudy garments. Jnst jimdandy in her Jantien, for the three-day meet. They investigates, makes suggestions me, all four doors of the gym Jana turns green over Wendy's strapless evening gown, while Officials Select are: Msrs. Carl H. King, of Salis­ toriuin was built to house concerning academic matters, 'ill be open during the dance. Wendy wonders whether it would be safer to wear a bathing bury, president; Miss Alma Hull, which it did in 1830. and acts upon appeals made di­ The May Queen, chosen on suit instead of taking the chance that some clumsy boy might of New York City, first vice- Fund Scholarship rectly from the students. In the ie basis of personality from the trod on her hem. president; Mrs. Charles I" yiior class by coed votes, will In that year, under the direc­ past it has brought about a re- Smith, Jr., of Alexandria, Vi e presented at intermission, and Winners For 1948 tion of Henry Verbrugghen, thf viaion of iho method ot student Binia i-ssskksn ie members of Social Standards orchestra moved to the campus WSGA Devises Miss G; sill execute a May-poll figure In Six North Carolina high schoo: of the University of Minnesota Program for the coming week­ Broadcast And Concerts seniors this week were awarded which is its present home. Ii end will include a number oi Angler Duke Regional Scholar­ 1931, Eugene Ormandy took oves New Activity Queen. lectures, dealing principally wills ship prizes for the academic yeai the Minneapolis Symphony am At present the Board the recent changes at the uni- Quad Pictures Mark Glee Club Tour 1948-40, Announcement of th< directed It for five years, whei Point System eiing the problem of rt Forty-two members of the in Norfolk, Virginia, osi Monday he left for the Philadelphia Or system whereby acade: plans for future development. Mane Is given for Physical Speakers will include Dr. Her Present Added ten's Glee Club, with director evening. From there they will . Foster Barnes, start on their travel to Washington, where they in the Woman's Coll old A. Bosley, dean of the Di­ (lists, inter committee of which GI vinity School; Dr. Gelolo Mc nnual Northern tour next Mon- will be heard in Lisner audito­ Hugh, assistant professor of psy­ Event April 7 lay in a chartered bus. This rium on Tuesday; to Pittsburgh thirty finalists in the scholarship certs at Philadelphi a's Ho i tho s chology; Dr. Paul M. Gross, dean competition. ,1 sy.ii' of the Graduate School; Di riajor cities aud will be climaxed hall on Wednesday; to Harris- Hood Dell. dard and Al Boyles - The six selected ares Nancy jamin E. Powell, librarian iy a CBS broadcast on April 3. burg for a performance in the E. Fairley, Raleigh; Ann Crews, Music Study Club members Fanny Mitchell, head of appoint­ sf ju Presenting a program similar Forum on Thursday; and then to Percy Grainger was born and Y.W.C.A. committee mem­ gling, ventriloquism, magic Winston-Salem; Hugh F. Hous­ Australia, and before he i ments office; Mr. James Slay, as­ New York for an Ambassador ton, Rocky Mount; Zachary T. bers, 2 points; Archiue, Chanti­ sistant dean of Trinity Collsssses novelty music to Quadrangle Pic nonth, the group will sing first Hotel appearance Friday night. twelve had earned enough cleer, Duke 'n' Duchess, CHBON­ Mr. Earl Mueller, instructor iss Fiephoff, Grssensboro; M. N. playing thc piano to go to G Spence Conducts On Saturday afternoon, the Hennessee, Concord; and Bobby ICLE, and Hand Book staff mem­ art; Mrs. Spears Hicks, reference Wednesday, April 1. many for further study. Later bers, cheerleaders, Glee Club librarian in the Woman's Col- Climaxing lhe perlormanci Duke Publications he settled in London, and toured Communion In the ide fac les of 1 The scholarship entitles each members, Madrigal Singers, Or­ will be a presentation of Hou Colm many European countries. When chestra members, Hoof-'n' Horn din i's feature illusion "Thi Win Six Awards holder to $750 toward his ex­ Chapel Tonight vill feature "Ombra Mai Fu" by penses for the coming academic Grieg heard him play, he pro­ members. Music Study Club ex- Flight of Life," which is seldoir In NCCPA Judging standel, "John Peel" by Mark year of study at Duke Univer­ nounced Grainger a genius. performed by even professional Andrews, "The Elfman" by Gib- sity. The prizes may be re­ Grainger is also famous as a bers, Pegasus ' members, Y.W. ices, Dr. H. E. Spence, of the Di­ magicians. Beginning at 8:45 Winnesrs in 18 classes of jour­ on, "What You Gonna Call Yo' newed each year for a maximum composer, his "Country Gardens" vinity School, will conduct a p.m., lhe stage show will include nalistic competition as set up by •retty Little Baby?" by Ryder, period of four years, making the being a best seller.
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