(TV Series) Jump

by Sonic0704

Congratulations Jumper, you’ve just been given a chance to experience first hand the world of Glee TV Series and all of its insanity. You’ll be spending ten years in this world, starting at the beginning of the series. You get 1000 CP to help you with selections for your background and can get more by taking drawbacks. Good luck.

Age & Gender

Roll for your age for free based on Origin and keep same gender as in previous Jump or pay 100 CP to pick both.


Guest Star (Drop-In) (free) – You appear in this world without any memories of it and with just your basic identification. Age: roll 1d8+10 or 1d8+30.

Student (free) – You are now one of the seemingly countless students at William McKinley High School, although you’re lucky enough not to be member of the glee club. Age: roll 1d8+10.

Glee Club Member (free) – Instead of being just a ‘mere’ student at William McKinley High School you’re now a member of their most infamous group of outcasts, glee club’s New Directions. Age: roll 1d8+10.

Teacher (free) – You are now one of teachers at William McKinley High School or at Academy of the Dramatic Arts. Age: roll 1d8+30.

Rival (free) – Instead of going to William McKinley High School you’re a student at one of the other high schools and a member of their glee club, thus a rival of New Directions. Dalton Academy, Carmel High School or Jane Addams Academy are just some of your options. Age: roll 1d8+10. Perks

I Feel Pretty (free for all/100 CP) – Strangely enough most people worth any sort of attention, good or bad, appear to be extremely good-looking, standard good-looking at that. Thankfully, now you do as well. For 100 CP this effect carries over into future Jumps.

Take A Bow (-100 CP, free for Guest Star) – You have immaculate timing, always appearing just when you are needed and managing to precisely time your entrances for maximal dramatic effect.

You Can’t Always Get What You Want (-200 CP, discount for Guest Star) – Being sort of a outsider can be beneficial as this gives you an outside perspective on things going on with close groups and makes you perfect at giving them advice, which they’ll surprisingly enough actually follow.

Raise Your Glass (-400 CP, discount for Guest Star) – Moving on from bad things that happen to you can be difficult, but you not only managed to do that, you also figured out how to learn things from it and despite everything bad they represent still remain capable of raising your glass and appreciating what they taught you.

Maybe This Time (-600 CP, discount for Guest Star) – Until now your luck in love has been pretty bad, you just never seem to land Mr(s) Right, instead landing Mr(s) Wrong, but this time you’ll be lucky. Each time the person you're with turns out to be wrong for you, the chance the next one you find will be the right one for you increases. And even if you don't find them next time, the odds will keep increasing and you might even make some new friends in the process.

Express Yourself (-100 CP, free for Student) – You have talent of your own with which you express yourself. It can be anything from being great at a specific sport or at cheerleader, being an aspiring actor or great with one of musical instruments or an aspiring photojournalist, and so on, except for singing and dancing.

Toxic (-200 CP, discount for Student) – High school can be pretty cut-throat environment, with some students being vicious with their tongues and perfectly capable of destroying reputations and pushing people deeply into depression. You now have the same capabilities, just be careful that you don’t become too toxic and cause something with which you wouldn’t want to live.

Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ The Boat (-400 CP, discount for Student) – Life in high school can be pretty difficult when you stand out in any sort of the way, so thanks to this you become an expert at blending in and avoiding standing out.

I Want To Break Free (-600 CP, discount for Student) – Each students dreams of breaking free of the bleak life of a high school student and start living life as they want it, without their parents, other relatives and fellow students telling them otherwise. Thankfully, with this people will now always understand your perspective rather than blindly lashing out when you put forth ideas they don’t like or agree with. Just beware, it also works on you and you might not like results.

Songbird (-100 CP, free for Glee Club Member) – You are now a talented singer, ready to burst into song in any given moment and not sounding terrible doing that.

Bust A Move (-200 CP, discount for Glee Club Member) – To go with your singing talent you are now a talented dancer, capable of learning complex choreographies at a drop and executing them perfectly.

Keep Holding On (-400 CP, discount for Glee Club Member) – Life sometimes throws hurdles and obstacles your way, but you just keep holding on and getting through them knowing that things will get better. Thanks to this nothing can shake you or make you lose your drive and abandon your dreams.

Defying Gravity (-600 CP, discount for Glee Club Member) – You are the cream of the crop, the next super star in music industry, with gravity-defying singing talent. You’ll be hitting all of your notes perfectly, harmonizing expertly with your back-up singers and so on.

Teach Your Children (-100 CP, free for Teacher) – Not every teacher is actually capable of teaching their students anything worth-while, but you don’t have that problem. Lessons that you decide to impart always successfully get taught to your students and as bonus they don’t actually have to be part of official curriculum.

Forever Young (-200 CP, discount for Teacher) – You might have gotten older, graduated from high school and university, and got yourself teaching job but, but despite that you will always remain forever young in your . This will make it really easy to connect with your students and act as their confidant, resulting in good relationship between you and them.

Don’t Stop Believing (-400 CP, discount for Teacher) – You have this unwavering belief in yourself that can’t be shaken by anything and that you’re perfectly capable to use for your students to encourage them to work through their problems.

Listen To Your Heart (-600 CP, discount for Teacher) – You always listen to your heart, which makes it impossible to lie to yourself, even if you don’t reveal that to anybody else. Furthermore, you’re capable of using this to help your students work through their own realizations. From now on you’ll understand your capabilities, limitations and dreams perfectly, and will even be capable of getting others there as well.

Another One Bites The Dust (-100 CP, free for Rival) – You and your glee club are feared by other glee clubs because you’re not just talented but also ruthless with your competition, having left many of the would-be competitors behind in the dust, if not worse.

Far From Over (-200 CP, discount for Rival) – It’s never over for you, you just don’t admit defeat and keep fighting as long as you are capable.

Anything Goes (-400 CP, discount for Rival) – For you there is nothing you won’t do in order to reach your goals, ‘’Anything Goes’’ is basically your credo by which you live to do that.

We Built This City (-600 CP, discount for Rival) – Reputation is a big thing and for having worked so hard at getting just the right sort of reputation you wanted it would be disappointing if it didn’t follow after you and help you when dealing with new obstacles. With this, any sort of reputation that you create for yourself will stick as long as you want.


You receive one discount for item of choice from each tier.

Set of Uniforms ​(-100 CP) – Set of self-cleaning self-repairing uniforms for whichever club you belong to.

Props (-100 CP) – Almost magical box filled with various you might need for whatever reasons. Re-shuffles contents if re-opened.

School Bag (-100 CP) – School bag that appears to be bigger on inside and can be sealed tightly shut in order to protect its contents from things like slushies.

Slushy Machine (-100 CP) – Your very own slushy machine that makes slushies of various types. Hopefully you don’t plan to do anything sinister with them instead of just drinking them.

Wardrobe (-200 CP) – Almost magical wardrobe filled with outfits for any sort of occasion, including costumes. Re-shuffles contents if re-opened.

Drinking Flask (-200 CP) – Drinking flask filled with your favourite drink that never runs out. Drink can be whatever you choose, including complicated cocktails, but it has to be picked when purchase is made.

School Bus (-200 CP) – If you happen to be sponsoring one of school clubs then you need to bring your charges to various competitions in some way, luckily for you with this school bus it will be pretty simple.

Music Instrument (-200 CP) – Music instrument of your own, to make playing music easier for you. If destroyed for any reason new one appears in your Warehouse one week later.

Job ​(-400 CP, free for Teacher) – Average-paying job to call your own and to earn some income. Motorcycle (-400 CP) – Your very own motorcycle, of any model that you want, so that you can get anywhere as fast as possible. If destroyed for any reason a new one appears in your Warehouse one week later.

Car (-400 CP) – Your very own car, of any model that you want, so that you can get wherever you want and bring your things along as well. If destroyed for any reason a new one appears in your Warehouse one week later.

Apartment (-400 CP) – Might not be exactly an entire house, but for living on your own an apartment will be just big enough. After end of Jump can be made part of Warehouse as an extension. Companions

Bestie/Soul Mate (-100 CP) – Seems like everyone in this world is obsessed with having a bestie or soul-mate. With this you can create or import one now, although unlike for others they will truly be your best friend/soul-mate. They receive the same Origin as you, associated freebies and 800 CP to spend on additional Perks and Items. Max of two purchases, one for Bestie and one for Soul Mate.

New Directions (-50/-200 CP) – Create or import one of your Companions for 50 CP, 8 for 200 CP. Each receives their own Origin, associated freebies and 600 CP to spend on additional Perks and Items for themselves.

Canon Character (-100 CP) – Want to recruit one of main characters as your Companion? By purchasing this you can now attempt to do so and should they turn you down for whatever reason you can attempt again with somebody else.


You can get maximum of 800 CP from Drawbacks. The Glee Project doesn’t count towards this limit. Companions can’t take drawbacks.

Sing, Sing, Sing (+0 CP) – People in this world keep randomly dropping into song and singing it all the way through, no matter what you try to do and stop them. Hopefully you won’t find it too annoying because it will be happening daily.

Bullies (+100 CP) – You have an unfortunate tendency of getting bullied. Nothing too terrible, but unexpected slushy attacks, getting locker slammed, occasional slashed tires and such will continuously happen to you for duration of this jump.

Revolving Doors of Love (+100 CP) – Seems like you are surrounded by group of people that constantly keep switching their boyfriends and girlfriends between each other. It can get quite maddening keeping track of all this and good luck trying to avoid getting sucked in.

Unknown Origins (+100 CP) – One of your parents isn’t known to you and it keeps bugging you as you try doing everything in order to discover their identity and get into contact with them.

Crush (+100 CP) – There is this one person that has this enormous crush on you. Expect continuous requests for dates, annoying slightly creepy gifts and constantly having this person in your presence. If you manage to help them get over their crush on you and actually become your friend, you can recruit them as a Companion for free, but you’ll definitely have to work on that for several years. Can be an imported Companion.

Catfish (additional +100 CP, requires Crush) – Your crush took it step further and constructed fake profiles on social networks, using stolen pictures and such. They then got into contact with you and started communicating, tricking you into sharing your secrets with them. You will realize pretty quickly that you’re dealing with a catfish, but finding out their identity will be much more difficult and it will keep your attention until you manage that.

Stalker (additional +200 CP, requires Crush) – This upgrades Crush into becoming an actual stalker. They are now obsessed with you, following your every move, taking pictures of you, collecting personal items that you threw out and so on. Thankfully they won’t go so far as to try and force themselves on you, but be careful because they could potentially be pushed over that line.

Romance Obsessed (+100 CP) – You are now obsessed with romance and getting the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend and being nauseatingly sweet with them. Alternatively, instead of you one of your Companions can be romance obsessed.

Shipping Wars (additional +100 CP, requires Romance Obsessed) – People around you are now just as romance obsessed as you are and even taking it step further, playing matchmakers all the time, rooting for their preferred couples to get together and even giving couples strange nicknames.

Bad Appearance (​+100 CP) – By taking this drawback you don’t get I Feel Pretty perk for free and gain repulsing appearance that will make things troublesome for you. Hopefully you didn’t tackle on some other drawbacks...

Rival (+200 CP) – You have this rival that is obsessed at being better than you at everything. If you manage to turn your rivalry into friendship you can recruit them as a Companion for free, but it definitely won’t be easy and will take at least few years. Can be an imported Companion.

Poverty (+200 CP, not compatible with Job) – You come from family that has been dealing with some serious financial problems and you feel responsible trying to help them by getting job of your own or by selling your personal belongings. For some strange reason you also feel compelled to hide your problems from your friends.

Teenage Pregnancy (+200 CP, not available for older than 20) – Congratulations, it’s a baby! You now have chance to deal with joys of going through teenage pregnancy as one of child’s parents. Abortion not possible. Taking it twice causes pregnancy with twins, taking it three times causes pregnancy with triplets. Can’t be taken more than 3 times. Alternatively, instead of twins and triplets, it gives them different mothers (option available only for males).

Teenage Parent (additional +100 CP, requires Teenage Pregnancy) – You must be insane, because you’ve just decided to keep your child instead of giving it up for adoption. Good luck raising child while dealing with school and getting job to earn some money for your child. If you succeed and social services don’t take your child from you then you can bring them along on Jumpchain as Companions. If Teenage Pregnancy is taken several times it has to be taken for each child separately.

Bully Teacher (+200 CP/+300 CP) – Somehow you have managed to get on bad side of one of your teachers, might not have even been your own fault, but they’ll stop at nothing to destroy your future, so better prepare to deal with their constant attempt at this. For additional 100 CP some of their attempts will actually be life-threatening for you and people in your proximity. Outcast (+200 CP/+300 CP) – You are true outcast, not having any friends or acquaintances. You can try and remedy that, but it will be difficult. For +300 CP you can’t use any perks or powers to make friends or acquaintances.

Crippled (+300 CP) – Either due to complications from your birth or an accident in your childhood you now find yourself crippled in some extreme way, like ending stuck in the wheelchair, being deaf or being blind, which will definitely give you some issues in this world that apparently revolves around singing and dancing.

The Glee Project (+200 CP/+400 CP/+600 CP) – Looks like it will take a bit longer before you can do this Jump as first you have to go through The Glee Project competition and ‘’win’’ yourself right to ‘’appear’’ on Glee TV Series. This will take 10 weeks and will not count towards duration of the Jump. For 200 CP this is merely an annoyance, you don’t actually have to win the competition to continue into Jump. For 400 CP you actually have to win the the competition in order to do Jump, but can use perks and powers from previous Jumps to help you with that. For 600 CP you not only have to win the competition, but are also limited only to your purchases for this Jump and naturally learned skills. Good luck, because if you lose competition you fail this Jump, but since Jump-Chan is feeling benevolent she allows you two attempts at this and will let you continue onto future Jumps without any hard feelings, just without your purchases from this.

Ending Options


Continue Jumping



Maybe this time is not trap option, if you don’t succeed in first attempt to find Mr(s). Right you can repeat. This perk simply ensures you will definitely succeed at some point and simultaneously raises chances of failed attempts to result in new friendship.