INSTITUTE FOR RATIONAL URBAN MOBILITY, INC. George Haikalis One Washington Square Village, Suite 5D President New York, NY 10012 212-475-3394
[email protected] August 15, 2017 Mr. RJ Palladino, Senior Program Manager Ms. Amishi Castelli NJ Transit Capital Planning Federal Railroad Administration One Penn Plaza East—8th Floor One Bowling Green, Suite 429 Newark, NJ 07105 New York, NY 10004
[email protected] [email protected] Dear Mr. Palladino and Ms. Castelli: Re: IRUM Comments on Hudson Tunnel DEIS The Institute for Rational Urban Mobility, Inc. (IRUM), is a NYC-based non-profit concerned with reducing motor vehicle congestion and improving the livability of dense urban places. The Hudson Tunnel project is an important element of such an effort, and IRUM has followed the development of this project with considerable interest. In a November 30, 2016 letter to USDOT and NJ Transit, IRUM submitted comments on the Scoping Report for the DEIS for the Hudson Tunnel project. It asserted that the Scoping Report's responses to IRUM's May 17, 2016 scoping letter and IRUM report, The Hoboken Alternative, were "deeply flawed." Either through negligent carelessness or willful subversion of the truth, the errors IRUM had pointed out were not corrected. The DEIS instead repeated and expanded upon these errors in a variety of permutations, resulting in the Hoboken Alternative being eliminated from study. The DEIS treatment of the Hoboken Alternative was seriously flawed. IRUM's earlier documents are attached herein. The DEIS recounts the “obstacles” facing the Hoboken Alternative, while making no mention of the substantial benefits that would result from this routing cited in IRUM’s letter of November 30, 2016.