DIVINE TRIADS ON AN ARCHAIC ETRUSCAN FRIEZE PLAQUE FROM POGGIO CIVITATE (Murlo) (Con le taw. I-XII f. t.) On a wooded hill site near the citadel town of Murlo (1), some twenty-five kilometres south of Siena in the heart of Tuscany, excavation by Bryn Mawr College over the past four summers has uncovered a substantial complex of buildings together with a large quantity of architectural terracottas. The buildings, already presented elsewhere (2), date from the Archaic Etruscan period, about the middle of the sixth century B.C. The terracottas, of coarse (1) This study was originally given as part of a seminar on the material from Murlo at Bryn Mawr College in the Fall of 1968. I wish to thank Margaret George Butterworth for the drawing and for extensive ground work done on the frieze as a Senior honors thesis at Bryn Mawr in 1967-8. J. Penny Small, Docent Carl Eric Ostenberg, Professors Georges Dumézil, Einar Gjerstad, Erik Sjöqvist, and Doctor Guglielmo Maetzke, Soprintendente alle Antichità d’Etruria, Florence, were all kind enough to read or discuss various aspects of the paper and offered many useful criticisms and suggestions. Above all, I must record my gratitude to Professor Kyle Μ. Phillips, Jr. of Bryn Mawr College for the oppor- tunity to work with the material over the course of four summers at Murlo and for his unfailing help and guidance on this paper as classroom teacher, field in- structor, and friend. The opinions expressed, needless to say, are entirely my own responsibility. Study photographs of the Murlo friezes were taken by Göran Soderberg; final publication photographs are courtesy of the Florence Archaeolo- gical Museum, where the pieces, recently cleaned, were photographed by Ce- sare Mannucci.
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