Le magazine anglais des Pyrénées Orientales 4 WalkTheRegion Cami de la Rodella French Swimming Pools 6 Life security Local Traditions What'son 8 to 11 Before Food&Drink buying Wineclub 12 Restaurants over the border 18 Spotlight on ... TGV 20 Train Jaune 5.DidYouKnow? 7.LocalNews 12.TestYourFrench A selection of events FREE / GRATUIT june from the Palais des Congrès n°11 2007july 2 in all main PO Life is available , supermarkets, airport, tourist offices Edito ... Palais des Congrès, Leroy-Merlin.... for more details Bonjour ! www.anglophone-direct.com Magazine gratuit visit our site Tous droits réservés Toute reproduction interdite I was recently asked why I have the same photo Concepteur et rédacteur Kate Maquette MS Lang in my editorial every month ? Well, SHE doesn't put on http://ms.lang.free.fr any weight, and can still get into those red trousers ! I can't !
[email protected] There is so much going on in the Pyrénées-Orientales once the photo couv. : MS Lang summer season starts : the obligatory "apéro" on a balmy eve- Impression : Imprimerie du Mas Tirage : 5000 exemplaires ning accompanied by "amuses gueules" (nibbles), wine tastings, Ne pas jeter sur la voie publique beer festivals, absolute "must" outdoor meals with street dan- cing and live music, sardanes and castellers, correfocs, gégants… Dieting is really quite out of the question, so my thinner, "other self" stays on Contactez-nous the first page watching the calories whilst I check out the food and drink and Contact us e-mail : find out a little bit more about these long standing Catalan traditions ! (See
[email protected] page 7 to 11) site : Like me, P-O Life has expanded for summer but unlike me, will be restored www.anglophone-direct.com to its former glory in September.