

Guatay ...... 200 Jamul ...... 952 Valley ...... 956 Campo ...... 1256 Descanso ...... 776 Jacumba ...... 852 Harbison Canyon ...... 1208 ALPINE ECHO Total ...... 9273 Serving a Growing Area of Homes and

ALPINE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1962 VOL------. 5-NO--. 39------~ l6 PRICE TEN CENTS Raging Brush Fire Hearings To 'Be Held INTIMATE Local Residents Zoning Committee Threatened Alpine On Aqueducts GLIMPSES Heading Horse Show Meeting Aided by, 20 mph winds and very Senator Hugo Fisher (D-SD) to­ The Appaloosa Breeders Associa· At the last regular meeting held hot temperature, a fire raged out day announced that the Senate By BEA LA FORCE tion, whose headquarters are in on Tuesday evening, of the Alpine of control last Sunday in the De· Fact Finding Committee on VTater Autumn arrived last evening Alpine, is holding a horse show at oning Advisory Committee, Mr. hesa area. With the help of seven Resources will hold a hearing in just at sundown. It drifted in with the Los Angeles Cuunty Fair· Harold Mattley of the technical planes, 200 fire fighters, 17 trucks San Diego October 18 and 19 on a soft sighing breeze from the west grounds in Pomona on October 13 staff of the Planning Department and three bulldozers, it was the timing and financing of aque­ where the brand new moon hung and 14. reviewed a map of the district pro-· was brought under complete con­ ducts of the State water facilities like one silvery eyelash in the The Association conducted its posed by the County to be zoned, trol early Monday morning. in Southern California. He said the pink sky. The air held a waiting first horse show last March at the which includes the entire Alpine The Alpine hearing results from Senate Reso· stillness. same location, at which show there School District. sent their two trucks to the scene lution authored by him. (SR 23, ~ ~ ~ were entered the largest number The Planning Department had when the fire entered Alpine ter­ June 1962 session). The resolution This is the beginning hush of of Appaloosas to be entered at any previously presented to the com­ ritory just below the Oeser res­ pointed out that eastern and west· summer's insects, those which buzz previous show in California. mittee a map of the district on idence on Alpine Heights and for ern branch aqueducts were speci· and hum through the warm eve· Mr. E. L. Freeland, the Presi· which was indicated the type, or a while all the homes on Alpine fically provided for in the State nings, making the air pulse with dent of the Association, and Miss types, of zoning proposed by the Heights were in danger because Water Plan in a bill by Senator their sleepless season. It is the Margaret Lowthian, its secretary, technical staff for each of the of the chance for a shift in the di· Fisher enacted in 1959. The Water stillness that comes with the are both local Alpine residents. areas in the district. The map re­ rection of the wind. A few acres Committee was asked in the resolu· slackening of this life that goes Miss Lowthian states that the en· viewed by Mr. Mattley at the last of the Glen Farm were also tion to "investigate the timing of on, unobserved by us, in the tries that have been received for meeting contained a few changes burned. construction of such branches of and shrubs, in grass and all living this show total 202 individual Ap· Other residences that were seri· the aqueduct, with a · vlew to de­ and in the dust, giving the paloosas and 64 horses of breeds ously threatened were the two termining the factor of cost, of hum of fruitful life to summer other than Appaloosas, which entry Alpine Property ·homes of the R. E. Tift's of 6433 serfice to needful areas, and a days and nights. This hush is the Continued em Page 2 Rd. Also· threatened until guarantee of continuous supply to prelude to the silence of winter ------. Sale Reported back fires were started was a per- all areas now serviced by the sleep for all those countless in- p Off" • Continued on Page 2 Metropolitan Water District, as haibtants who share our hills and ost zce Mrs. Charlene of Alpine as the need to supply from mesas with us in warm weather. La Mesa Realty reports the sale such proposed aqueduct branches ~ ~ -tr Improves Service of the James H. Sockwell property Indications point toward an early New 4-H Leaders other areas not now serviced by The Post Office Department is on Marshall . This property winter. I found a tarantula already the Metropolitan Water District." continuing its management and consists of four nice rentals. The gone to bed for the season. He For Alpine "State plans contemplate two service improvement program in new owner is Mr. B. V. Sturdivant aqueduct branches, roughly of was asleep, curley up in a tight of Yuma, Arizona. Mr. Sturdivant After many yeEirs of service to all post offices throughout the equal size, starting at a point just brown ball under a blanket of owns the adjoining 20 acres with the Alpine 4-H Club, Mr. and Mrs. country having city delivery serv­ south of under the sum­ leaves which were under a board home Where his mother has lived Louis Landt are being replaced by ice, Raymond R. Holmquist, San mit of the Tehachapi range," Sen­ in the . He had already for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Sock­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blankneship, Francisco regional director, an- ator Fisher said. "One, the west begun to take on the faded brown well an'd family will remain in the new leaders. branch, would terminate in the of the hibernator, losing the dark· noi~nced today. . . their present home, renting from Jack and Pat Blankenship will immediate Los Angeles area. The er shade that makes him so hard to . the San _ Franc~sco reg~on, the new owner. be on hand at the next regular east branch would extend to the see as he hunts smaller insects in which has 432 ctty dehvery offtces meeting of the group, to be held summer shadows. throu?_hout California, Nevada and Continued on Page 2 7:30 p.m., October 16 at Fuller -;; ~ -cr IHawan, the program was started Griffin Booster Club Hall, at which time all interested Carpenter bees have almost all in the San Diego. post office, S~p­ parents and children may find out Law Enforcement quit working in the redwood posts. tember 18, accord~n? to ~olmqmst. Ft~rmed the requirements for joining and Only an occasional individual The program was intted m the Sec­ Being also may sign up at that time. And T.he Press booms blunderingly around the ramento post office on July 5, A group, headed by Mrs. Maryan There is a need for project lead­ The week of October 14 through work area. Some cocoons, I don't 1962· Shaw of Lakeside, are attempting ers who are ' willing to work with October 20 has been designated as know what kind, have clustered in "The management and service to form a booster club to support the children when they raise their National Newspaper Week. The the water tank house rafters a improvement program is designed the Grossmont Griffins football animals. Sewing machines are U. S. Department of Justice calls month earlier than last year. to encourage all offices with city team. This club will be for the available at Fuller Hall for the attention to remarks made by J. ~ * * delivery to improve service, in- purpose of getting a crowd out to young ladies and anyone interested Edgar Hoover, director of the And those little desert weather- crease efficiency and reduce the games and have a cheering sec­ in such activities is welcome to Federal Bureau of Investigation, men the brush rats, are frantically costs," Holmquist pointed out. tion to encourage the team. come to this meeting. pertaining to the responsibity of building their nests high up in Holmquist added that a novel The Griffins won their last The first Tuesday of each month the press in regard to law enforce· the wild shrubbery on the west feature of the progra mwill be the last week. They will play the Mt. will be a family night affair and ment. side of the mesa. They say when establishment of a study team com- San Antonio Junior College from the third Tuesday of each month Mr. Hoover's remarks were made these rodents build their houses posed of Regional officials, post of­ Los Angeles this coming Saturday is devoted to projects of the in an introductory statement in high, it is a sure sign of good fice supervisors, and representa­ at the Helix High School Stadium. group. the October 1962 Law Enforcement Irains. The rats always plan to be tives of postal employee organiza- The Booster Club urges that every­ Bulletin and are as follows: above the flood level. ti()ns, to stress the employee-man- one come out to this game and sit in the cheering section to let the K •W • Cf b JYl f • "Law enforcement and the press, ~ ~ ~ agement coordination policy estab- f anlS U ee 1ng in their separate prsuit, have an The pack rats a~e trying vali- lished by Postmaster General J . Griffins know they have the sup­ The regular weekly meeting of essential relationship in helping Ian~ ly to make trades with us ~or Edward Day. port of the area. the Alpine Kiwanis Club will meet to preserve our Nation's priceless chicken feed and corn. They brmg ------Mrs. Shaw will appreciate hear­ ing from anyone who is interested this evening, October 4 at 7 in heritage. Both professions perform olive pits from the grove across PTA Regular Meeting Fuller Memorial Hall. This regular a sustaining and vital service. the draw and leave them beside in becoming a member of the Grif­ meeting will include a directors' Their contracts with the public, the feed bins in exchange for The regular monthly meeting fin Booster Club, and she may be meeting and election of officers. although implied, are based on grains picked up. Somehow we of the Alp'ine PTA will be held at reached by calling HI 2-1556. At the last meeting of the club, trust and dependence. always seem to spill a bit of grain the Alpine School auditorium on Mr. Vern M. Butterfield, a member Freedom of the press is one of where they can get it. We take October 9. The meeting will be of the San Diego Kiwanis Club and) the indispensable adjuncts of a the olive pits away each day. Silly? called to order at 8 p.m. with Mr. CALIFORNIA well known authority on develop~ democracy. Our forefathers felt Who knows? · Norman Foster, president, presid- SPEAKS ment of the San Diego Port gave a so strongly on this point as to * ~ * ing. . . discourse on this subject. en a c t constitutional safeguards, The way the world's human in· . Special feature of the evening Al'<'N GORNEILLE, Oakland­ stating, '"Congress shall make no haibtants are behaving towards will be the presence of Dr. Charles "Our Governor would have Cali­ law ... abridging the freedom of each other now, I often wonder Collins, Dean of Instruction of the fornia First-but only as the First .Tragic Accident speech, or of the press.. .. " The whether we really are the superior Grossmont Junior College. Dr. Welfare State." American people, not the news· species. For a pack rat to cross Collins received his masters degree WALTER BEAM, S. F.-"Some Involves Local Man paper editors and publishers, are that draw to that grove and back at Berkeley and his doctrine at colleges are polishing pebbles and the real beneficiaries of this hon· with an olive seed in each cheek Stanford. He has had four years dimming diamonds. Pebbles and Last Monday evening, Knut A. ored principle. Continued on Page 2 of educational experience in Ger­ dull diamonds bring little on the Svensson of the , returning The free flow of legitimate in· many. He comes highly recom­ open market." home from work, apparently fell formation, unshackled by censor· School Board Meets mended as a speaker and will offer SAMUEL G 0 L D W Y N, Holly­ asleep at the wheel of his pick-up ship, is a basic right not always an enthusiastic and sincere talk , on his 50th anniversary in truck, less than one mile from his fully appreciated by the public. The regular meeting of the Al­ on the part a junior college plays motion pictures - "Hollywood home. The car left the road and Without it our society, as we know pine School Board will be Mon· in our community. owes me nothing. I owe Holly­ plunged into the tmder-brush off Continued on Page 2 day evening, October 8 at 8 p.m. The public is cordially invited wood a great deal." the main highway. Mr. Svensson in the school auditorium. On the to join in this evening of informa­ ELEANOR GRAY, S. F.-"A re-· was rushed to the El Cajon Hos­ New Location business agenda, the following tion and fellowship. cent headline says 'Jackie Accepts pital where he later died Tuesday s.ubjects will be discussed: Com­ Award as Most Elegant Woman.' morning. munications, financial report, cafe­ In my opinion no 'elegant woman' Mr. Svensson was the son-in-law For V.F.W. terio report, leasing 'Of buses, polio Fleet Reserve would or should be dancing in of the Carl Schweiss of the Wil· The Alpine VFW office is now requirements, purchase items, dis­ capri pants in public." lows, and had been in the county located at 4025 Highway 80 (across position of text books, bus service, Assn. Meeting JOHN B. EHLEN, Sausalito at­ eight years, coming from from the Shell Service Station near consideration of the re-employ­ The Alpine Fleet Reserve Asso­ torney-"The Berlin Wall should where he was born. He was a self­ the Willows), and is open to serve ment of the district supervisor, ciation will hold their regular be adopted as a symbol of man­ employed building and remodel­ all veterans on their pensions, in­ purchase orders, commercial war· meeting this coming Tuesday at kind's everlasting yearning to be ing contractor, He leaves his wife, surance, etc. For any information rants, membership in CESAA, 8 p.m. at the Youth Center. All free, and of mankind's everlasting Jo Ellen and four small children, you may call Mr. Bert Fuller at CASA, and SDCSBA and miscella­ members are cordially invited to defiance of any who would ensiave who reside with her parents. 445-2484. neous business items. attend. us." I Page Two THE ALPINE ECHO Thursday, October 4, 1962 County Declared Law Enforcement BRUSH FIRE ALPINE ECHO Rabies Area Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page ESTABI.JSHED OCTOBER 10, 1958 it, could not long survive. tion of Poker Flats ghost town. The entire County of San Diego Misinformation and suppression The origin of the fire is believed An Independent Weekly Newspaper has been declared a rabies area of news are deadly enemies of a to have been near the Sequan In­ Business Office: m 5-2616 by the State Department of Public free people. In 'Our world today dian Reservation southeast of De· Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 8, or Rt. 1, Box 357, Alpine, California Health. these dangers are exploited by hesa and before the firse was con· Street Address: 545 Alpine Heights Road, Alpine, California This designation permits State those who would destroy our way trolled, had burned approximately E. L. FREELAND ·········-····- ·············-·--···········-···············-· EDITOR and local law enforcement officers of life. Accordingly, the newspa­ 1,000 acres of brush land with Bea LaForce ·······················-··-··-··-··························· Feature Editor to deal more severely with dogs per's role in keeping the public only one reported injury t<> fire Margaret C. Lowthian ···············-····-···--················· Managing Editor and other animals subject to rabies informed becomes increasingly sig­ fighters. CORRESPONDENTS who are found roaming at large nificant. Fay Farris - Campo ·····························-····-····················· GR 8-5396 within the county. Bettye CIU'penter - Harbison Canyon ···-··········-············· m 5-2638 Integrity in journalism, as in Aqueduct Jane Orbom-Pine Valley ···-····-··········-··························· GR 3-8393 Small areas in the county ad­ law enforcement, cannot be at mat­ Continued from Page 1 Entered as Second Class matter and Second Class postage paid jacent to the Mexican border had ter of percentages. It must be at the Post Office at Alpine, California previously been declared rabies complete and impregnable. As projected Parris south· east of the City of Riverside." Judicially declared a Newspaper of General Circulation by the area, but the new order from the guardians of American liberty, the Superior Court of San Diego County, California, Nov. 12, 1959 State Department places the entire press and the police are charged However, Senator Fisher pointed Legally qualified to publish all Legal• Notices county in this category. After the with a sacred trust. Operations uot, a preliminary study by the South Bay area had been declared which closely affect the lives of Metro p o 1 it an Water District Subscription Rates: Single Copy Price. . ·-··········-·················10 cents reached the conclusion that the In San Diego County: U.S., outside San Diego County: a rabies area, the State and Fed­ millions of people must be ex­ Per year ···-····················-$3.00 Per Year ...... $3.50 eral agencies prevailed upon the emplary and above reproach. west branch should be completed Two years ...... $5.50 Outside United States: authorities in Mexico, particularly In addition to its innate re­ by 1972 to two-thirds the capacity Three years ...... $7.50 Per · year ...... $4 .50 in Tijuana, to help control the pos­ sponsibilities, the press is morally of the two aqueducts combined, sible spread of rabies by eliminat­ obligated to promote the further­ and that completion 'Of a smaller ing the large number of dogs now ance of justice and the perpetua­ east branch be delayed until 1981. "Important questions of the avail­ RABIES roaming both within Mexico and tion of law and order. Indeed, ability of water and of the quality the south part of the county. much of the progress our profes­ We are infonned by the medical profession that of water that can be delivered in The Mexican authorities have sion has made in raising its stand· Southern California are involved rabies is one of the worst ailments that can afflict a human started a drive which resulted in ards to professional status is di­ in the sizing and timing of these being, and every attempt must be made to eliminate the the eliminatioo of a large number rectly attributable to the support aqueducts," the Senator said. possibility of human beings becoming afflicted with this of stray dogs during the first day of editors and publishers who rec­ malady. of operation which started last ognize the need for effective law Wednesday. enforcement. On occasion, to be Intimate Glimpses Rabies has its origin in certain breeds of animals Dog owners, in order to insure sure, the penetrating eyes of the Continued trom Page 1 which can be innoculated against the disease, but since it that their pets will not come under press have spotted evidence of the quarantine restrictions, should to make an honest trade for food would be impossible to innoculate every animal in the abuse of authority and corruption is quite an awesome thing to me. County that might possibly develop rabies, every care have their dogs vaccinated against within enforcement ranks. How­ rabies if they have not been so That distance for the rat's size is ever, fair and objective reporting the equivalent to from here to San must be taken by each individual pet owner that their pets vaccinated during the past two of such matters has proved to be are safe from contacting the disease and possibly becom­ years, and also should keep them Francisco for a human being. Do beneficial to both law ·enforcement you know any human rat who ing a danger to themselves and their neighbors. under strict control at all times. and society. would bother to go that far on Each time that rabies is discovered in an area, the Actually, most public service foot for barter goods if he could population becomes aroused to the point that harm might ZONING campaigns conducted by newspa­ steal the grain in the dead of be done by d·estroying pets which have been rendered safe pers aid the enforcement of law. night without being caught? Contlnueci tro111 •Page Such worthy causes as traffic from the disease if such pets are not under the control of from the original map which were safety, slum clearance, drives their owners during the periods when strict -enforcement explained to the committee by Mr. against obscenity, and promotion Horse Show of the rabies controls are being exercised. Mattley who also gave their rea­ of youth programs are a few ex­ Continued trom Page 1 sons for proposing the changes. amples. This is in addition to will again establish a record for The committee discussed briefly the gratifying results achieved by the number of Appaloosas entered FIRE the zoning proposed in some of the press, and other news media, in a horse show in California. the areas wit·hin the district, but in locating fugitives from justice. Miss Lowthian also states that The danger to the Alpine community from brush fires decided to adjourn without taking For instance, since the inception other Alpine residents will play should be very apparent to every resident in this com­ action on the proposed zoning of the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted an important role in the conduct­ munity. During the past few months there have been sev- until the next meeting or future Fugitives" program, more than ing of this show. Mr. Norman Foster is the Show Manager, and 1era1 brush fir-es close in to the settled communities, any meetings. one third of the 157 criminals ap· prehended were located as a re· Miss Lowthian, as Show Secretary one of which under less favorable conditions could have The committee has been meeting on Tuesday nights, but the next suit of publicity. will be assisted by Mrs. Hazel resulted in great damage to property and the community. meeting was tentatively set for the It is only fitting, therefore, Foster and Mr. John Bilsky. The fire hazard is not r-educing, but is becoming more evening of Wednesday, October 10, that we of law enforcement join acute during the fall months, so all of us must use every at 7:30 p.m. in special tribute to the Fourth Grossmont College Estate during National Newspaper care to see that fires do not start. We have been very for­ The Board of Trustees of the Week, October 14 through 20. As Grossmont College District are tunate to date that our Federal, State and local fire de­ Clarence Stearns America's first line of defense, planning the sale of bonds in the partments have been able to control the fires before much law enforcement is fully aware of amount of $2,000,000 in the near damage was done, but we should take no chances. Death In Minneapolis the contributions to the welfare future to furnish funds that will of our country made by conscien­ be required to start the acquisi­ Word was received uf the death tious editors and newsmen. We tion of the Junior College site and i. ' of Clarence Stearns, at the Vet­ have come to welcome and to de­ commence construction of the col­ CHURCH SERVICES erans Hospital at Minneapolis. He pend on their competent coopera· lege facilities. will be buried in ·his old home ALPINE COMMUNITY CB.ti'R(m-Roger M. Larson, Ph.D., Pastor HI 5-2110 tion. The bonds to be sold will be a town of Zumbrota, Minn. Mrs. sunday School For All Ages •.. ' ...... · . . · . . · ...... 9 :45 A. M. In discharging its responsibili­ portion of the $71,2 million dollars Morning worship Services ...... • • 9:45 A. M. and 11:00 A. M. Stearns will be staying with her Evening Worship Service • ..•....•...... • · • • · • · ·. · · · · · · · · . . . •.. 7 :00 P. M. ties, law enforcement could not in bonds recently authorized at an Pilgrim Fellowship (Junior and Senter) ...... • ...... 7:00 P . M. sister, Mrs. Niles Wedge of Zum­ Church Gutld, Every Wednesday ...... •...... 10:00 A. M. wish for a greater ally." election held for that purpose. Family Dinner, Tburd Friday Each Month .....•....• ...... •. 7:00 P . M. brota for awhile. QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH-Rev. Thomas Bolten. P astor The Alpine Community Church , HI 5-2145 Sunday Masses ...... 8:00 and 10:00 A. M .. and 5:00 P. M. is accepting contributions for a I Dally Mass ...... ••.. .••...... · · · · · .. · · · · .• . •. · ...... 8 :00 A. M. memorial in the church for Mr. Receive Confessions Saturdays ...... 3:00 to 4:00 P . M.; 7 :00 to 8:00 P. M. lAW IN ACTION Religious Instructions for Children Attending Public Schools: Stearns. j Harbison Vanyon • • . . . • . . • ...... • • . . . 10:00 A. M. Saturdays Alpine .. • • . . . • . . • • . . . • ...... • . . . • . 11 :30 A. M. Saturdays OUT OF STATE DRIVERS his An Pl!RST SOUTHERiN BAPTIST CHURCH-Rev. JJarnes Arnold, Pastor I driving license. out-of· Sunday School For All Ages ...... 9:45 A. M. AND VEHICLES stater who has had many acci· Morning Worship Service ...... • . . • ...... 11 :00 A. M. OBITUARIES Each year motorists by the Knut Aron Svensson, 35, of the dents before coming here may Evening Worship Service . •••. . .• •.•. . ·... .• ... • .•...... •...... 7:00 P. M. thousands visit California and have his license suspended Wednesday Prayer Meeting •...... ••• •...... 7:30 P. M. Willows died in the El Cajon Hos­ thus become subject to our PIBST BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE WILLOW8-Rev. Vaughn Steen. Pastor and his driving privileges tak­ Sunday School • . • . . . • . • . . . • . . . . • • . • . . . • . • • • • . • • . . . • • . • . • ...... 9:30 A. M. pital October 2 of injuries sus­ traffic laws. en away. Calif<>rnia may store Morning Worship Service . • . . • . • . • • . . . • . • • • • ...... • ...... 10:45 A. M. tained in an automobile accident. An adult his car at his expense until he Evening Wol'8hip Service ••...... ••. . .•.•.. . ..•• •..•...... 7 :30 P . M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday Evenings •.••...... • ...... 7 :30 P. M. Mr. Svensson was a self-employed pleasure car can show financial responsi­ ALPINE LUTHERAN CHURCH-Rev. Charles W. Tedrabn, Pastor building and remodeling contractor driver from bility. Morning Worship Service, Women's Club ...... •...... 10:45 A. M. e 1 s ew here Sunday School, Every Sunday ••...... •.... .-...... 9:30 A. M. and had been in San Diego county with a valid B!:I'HEL ASSEMBLY OF GOD-Rev. Eva Bailey eight years. He was a native of license can SUnday School For All Ages ••••.••••••••• • ..• •• •••• •• •• .. •• •• ••.• 9 :45 A. M. Sweden. Morning ''lorshlp Service .. . • • • • . . • . • • • • • • • ...... • . • . • ...... 11 :00 A. M. drive a year Evangelistic sunday Night servtce •••••••.•..••....•...... • ..... 7:30 P. M. Surviving are his wife, Jo Ellen, in California Prayer Service Thursday Evening •...••••...... •...• . •...... 7:00 P. M three daughters, Elsa Gay, 5, Marta before he must get a license BLESSED SACRAMENT CHOROB. Descanso-Rev. Joseph Prince, Pastor sunday Mass ...... 9 :00 A. M. and 10:30 A. M. Jean 3, Barbara Jo, 9, and one here. Others must get a Cali­ Holy Days and Ji'lrst Pridaya Mass · · • · · · • • • · · • · .. • · · · · ·. · · · · · · ... 7:oo P. M. son, Eric Alan, 8. He also leaves fornia driver's license within ~~:'s 'liid.rd'iieic);~ · an··~···· ·· ···· · ······ ·· ·· ··· · ··· · B:oo A. M. a mother, Marie Svensson, of Swe- :lO days. A youngster under 21 /"~.==.~:.;::-" must get one within 10 days. BA:RBISON CANYON COMMUNlTY CH'OB.OH-Rev. Floyd French, Pastor den, three sister and two brothers SUnday School tor all Ages • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . . . . • • • . . • ...... 9 :45 A. M. also of g d . l "di ' How do you know whether !forning Wol'8hip Se~ce ...... 11 :00 A. M. we en, one SIS er res1 ng sum eone means to stay in Cal­ Crusadel'8 for Cbnst, Each Monday ••....• ...•...... 7:00 P. M. in Mrica and one in Washington. Women's Missionary Group, Each Wednesday • • • • • • . • . . . • . • • . . . 10:00 A. M. ifornia? You come to stay, the ---~~~;;;;;;~~:~§;;!!!!:D._ Bible Study Group, Each Friday • • • • • • • . . • • • . . • • • . . . • ...... 1 :oo P. M. Mr. Svensson was the son-in-law of law assumes, if you get a job

B:ARBISON CANYON BAPTIST 0Ht111PH-Rev. Rolland Butler. Pastor the Carl Schweiss of the Willows. here. 1?'7 ...,_ Sunday School for all Ages ...... • 9·30 A M Pr" t · The Department of Motor · Morning Worship Service •• •...... • • .. • • ...... · 10: 30 A. M. IVa e memona1 services will Youth Group, Sunday Evening • • • . . . . . • ...... :. · · · · s:oo p ' M. be held Thursday 4·30 at the Vehicles often issues the out- You can sue an out-of-state Ev&ngellsttc Service, Sunday Evening . . . . . • • . • ...... :. 7:oo ·: 8;00 p: M: ' · of-stater a 60-day license until motorist who gets into an acci­ Prayer Meeting, Each Thursday ...•.....• ..• .•...... • 7:00 • 8:oo P . 114. Alpine Community Church, Rev. he gets his pt:rmanent one. dent even when he leaves the CEAPEL OF THE HILL.."!, Descanao-Rev. Robert Laird Roger Larson conducting the serv- Prayer Service Wednesday Evening •....••...... •. 7:30 P . M. ices. C rem at ion will follow If an out-of-state motorist state. You serve the paper!' OUR LADY OF THE C&\PEL, Mt Lllguna ' gets into an accident, he must upon him through the Califor­ Sunday Mass ...... 12:15 P. M handled by Paris Mortuary of El put up cash or bonds to cover nia Secretary of State who un­ OlroROE OF CBRIST-Cly4e Goff, Pastor Cajon. OOmmunit:r Club House, Pine Valley the damage, or show tha t he der the law is his "agent" for rJ:~t StuRf •• i" · .. · ·...... 9:45 A. M. Friends who wish may donate to is well covered by . law suits if he gets into an Otherwise, the state may lift accident. J:veni~: w:t ~rrce • • · · · · · • · • • • • • • • • • • • • · · · • • · • · · · · • · · • • •. 10:45 A. M. the Cancer Qr Heart Fund in lieu Weekly Btble study, houie, • ~ oo··i.ane: ·Prid·~,; ·:::::::::::::: ~;gg ~: ~: ,of flowers. ' Note: Calijornia lawyer$ oDer this column $0 "'"~may know about our laws. Thursday, October 4 , ll9G~ mE ALPINE ECHO Page Three (( )) (( )) The Social Whirl (( )) (( )) · whole family, and it is for such a behind them sat a brand new home which has been dark since ALPINE worth while cause. The proceeds Thunderbird. Sharp contrast of before Christmas when they left Women's Club To By DEBBY MARSHALL are going to the Little Leaguers the new and the old. on their trip around-the-world. A get-acquainted party for her and to the Homemaker's Scholar­ ,:r tz tz Present Show new neighbors is planned by Mrs. ship Fund. A few more notes of long ago­ The most welcome news to come Tuesday, October 9 is the date T. W. Keller of 1651 Highland View * tz tz this clipping dated March 2, 1897. our way in a long, long time is set by the Alpine Woman's Club Road on Monday, October 8 at 12 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Finch of Mr. McCormac was not content that Dr. Eleanor Hamilton (our for their home talent fashion show. noon. Guests invited are Mrs. Jim Rancho del Campo welcomed a with our bracing climate so he beloved Mountain Empire Doctor This is a show with a difference Burk, Mrs. Vernon Rood, Mrs. baby daughter named Marci on went to San Diego and what do you for over 10 years with offices in in that the styles shown will be Steinbock, Mrs. Don Spirito, Mrs. Sept. 20. It was quite a coinci­ suppose he brought back to us Guatay) is returning to practicing those made at home by the mod­ Roy Peterson, Mrs. H. W. Johnson, d e n c e that her f a t h e r and as a free gift? Grippe and plenty again. She opened a new office in els, thus a show of talent as well Mrs. Paul McCarron, Mrs. Gordon grandfather were born also on of it. He scattered it broadcast. the medical building on Rea Street as one of style. Wilson, Mrs. AI Wickens, Miss Sept. 20, and they were certainly Charles Ellis thinking he would in El Cajon October 1. Don't think , Mrs. Mace Bratt is chairman of Burger and Mrs. Helen Doren. Cof­ pleased to have such a lovely birth­ be ready said "I'll fix the grippe." I, for one, ever go by the sign the event. Hostess for the potluck fee and cake will be served. day present. The grandparents are So he sent for a jug of wine. He Hamilton Road in Quatay that I luncheon to preceed the. modeling, -cr tz * Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R. Finch, Sr. got the grippe all the same and don't wish she was available for is Mrs. T. A. Smith. Several Alpiners are among of San Diego. Marci joins a sister, had to go to bed, but he is up our aches and pains as she was for those attending the night school Lori, who is three and a brother, now and around almost as lively so long. Our very best wishes to A Collect For Clubwomen courses for adults at El Cajon Richard who is two. The maternal as before. The next time Mr. Mc­ her in the new office. The following Collect is recited High School. Among those are grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. Cormac gets it into his head to go tz tz tz in unison by the membership of Mrs. Elizabeth West and Mrs. Wil· William Campbell of San Diego. to town the neighborhood intends Another big fire in our area. the Alpine Woman's Club at the Jiam San Souci. Mr. Finch has just recently joined to quarantine him before allowing Sunday afternoon the fire . started beginning of each meeting. * tz tz the teachers staff at the Rancho. him to enter the valley. close to Loveland and before Keep us 0 Lord from pettiness; Mrs. Elsie Seidel of San Diego tz u u * tz 'Cl it was controlled at 10 p.m. it had let us be large in thought, in word, spent an enjoyable month's vaca· Do not forget there is a Repub­ Ed Stone is down on a visit with burned 1000 acres of valuable wa· in deed. tion with the Claud Mr. McCanns lican headquarters in Alpine, and his family before he takes charge tershed. Our faithful firemen Let us be done with fault-finding of 415 Patrick Drive, Harbison the one in Pine Valley will be of Mr. O'Neill's cattle . stood by, just in case. and leave off self-seeking. Canyon. Mrs. Seidel, a nurse at opened on Thursday, Oct. 4. tz tz 'Cl May we put away all pretense Paradise Valley Hospital, has been * * * Albert Bush and his wife have Just heard the Mark Magee home and meet each other face to face coming each year, for the past ~v­ Kathryn F. Hershey, daughter of -without self pity and without Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Hershey quit working for Robert Benton on Pine Boulevard has been sold eral years, to spend her va<:ation -will introduce you to our new prejudice. of East Highway 94, Campo has and have moved up to Mr. Allison's with the McCanns and enjoys the . place. neighbors just as soon as I find May we never be hasty in judg­ many hikes and mountain walks. joined the Woman's Army, and 1s tz out who they are. ment and always generous. taking her basic training in F

Claaaified Advertising Alpine Gardener Foo:Ion!~~ [~o:a!h! IC oud~ty Fly Control RATES PER LINE PER ISSUE S & H Green Stamps One Issue only ...... , ...... 30c ' By JEAN McCULLOUGH of jelly got Miss Bernice Olson ~ lP.QRCe Two consecutive Issues ...... 28c 0 Four consecutive Issues ...... 27c out of a jam. She hit a would-be 26 or more consecutive Issues . . . . 25c If you have not taken cuttings The Board of Supervisors held a purse snatcher over the head with Mlntmum Three Lines .of your favorite geraniums yet, hearing on a proposed ordinance · The Alpine Echo will not be responsl- I a pint of jelly she was carrying. ALPINE ble tor more than one Incorrect Inser­ you had better not delay any long­ that would permit regulations of tion ot any advertisement, and r eserves The jar broke, and the man fled er as they do better while the operations that might, or do, en­ the right to adjust In full any error with jelly oozing from his hair. by ·a correct Insertion. weather is still warm, especially courage the propagation of flies. The Alpine Echo reserves the righS before the nights get chilly and ~ 'Cr 'Cr STORE to revise or restrict any advertisement The hearing was attended by It dems obectionable and to change the there is too much difference be­ A "Movie Cafe" is an over 300 persons which was the classification !rom that ordered to con­ tween night and day temperatures. in Moscow, . Patrons sip form to the pollcy of this newspaper. coffee or wine as they watch the largest number to ever attend a Make your cuttings from three supervisors' public hearing. Leaders In Fine Foods and SERVICES to five inches long. Remove all latest newsreels. Those in opposition to the pro­ HORSE SHOEING. COLLINS. but two or three top leaves and 'Cr 'Cr oC! General Merchandise NED posed ordinance brought up the HI 2-3987. make the about one half inch Sixty-two gallons of food were point regarding its consttiutional­ below a leaf joint. Short cuttings cooked at one time in a huge pot, ity, stating that the terms were TYPING, my home, $1 per hour. with closely spaced joints are bestr made in 1500 and preserved at Hiway 80 Alpine vague and unenforcable, and that HI 5-3352. There are more places for the Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire, England. it placed too much authority over HI 5-2153 to start from. ' 'Cr * 'Cr WAKE MEAT CO.-Deer process­ Following are some of the private property in the hands of For a potting mixture take three ing, custom butchering. Meat "Rules for Guests" of the old Sour­ the County Health Department. parts leaf mold, three parts Sales. m 5-2752. dough Hotel, Dawson, Alaska: At the conclusion of the hear­ and two parts real coarse Private entrance for ladies, by ing, the Board of Supervisors re­ . Put broken pieces of old ORGAN LESSONS-Hammond and ladder in the rear. ferred the proposed ordinance to pots or a few small stones in the GEORGE'S other. Children and adults, be­ Insect powder and every known Mr. Bertram McLees, Jr., County pot first for . KeKep cut­ I FLYING A SERVICE ginners and intermediate. Call fluid water excepted for sale at Counsel, for an opinion as to its tings moist but not wet or they BLUE CHIP STAMPS HI 5-2261. the bar. constitutionality and enforceability. CAR WASH-SATURDAY, 9·5 will rot. WANTED Board $2 per square foot, meals Propane-Ice-White Gas As you take your cuttings you extra. should prune the plants at the George Brandt, Dealer WOMAN WANTED-Experienced Guests are requested not to Space Flight Success preferred. Egg room work, five same time if they have grown rank speak to the dumb waiter. 1925 Highway 80 Last Wednesday the Federal week-day mornings. HI 5-2089. and scraggly. Now if one or two Guests wishing to get up with· HI 5-2443 of these tall plants have grown out being called may have self­ Space Agency projected into orbit PETS straight and sturdy, why not trans­ rising flour for dinner. a eapsule which made six orbits Tune-Up - Carburetion fer it or them to separate pots to . Towels changed weekly if the of the earth at a speed of approx- Brakes Relined - Towing ENGLISH Pointer Pups. AKC Reg­ grow awhile making a small ? Road Service - Cars Loaned istered. Championship breeding. lamp goes out. Take a feather out imately 17,500 miles per hours OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY Pinch the top out when you have HI5-2393. of the pillow; that's light enough and was successfully landed within it as high as you want ,it and let for any room. Blue Rock Auto Service No. 2 it grow short branches and flowers a short distance of the predeter- LIVESTOCK Don't worry about paying your Co.;.pletc Auto Repair Hiway 80, Alpine at the sides. I have seen gerani­ bill; the house is supported by its mined landing spot. S & H Green Stamps· HI 5-2132 BRIGHT VALLEY Farn1 Armour ums trained that way as well as foundations. The space capsule was manned other types of plants. School of Riding. Lessons Eng. by Cdr." Walter M. Schirra, one of and West. 445-2931. You may have seen tiny white An eight-link* *chain * was carved the artronauts previously selected flies around your palergoniums from one slice of raw potato by and trained for this type of flight. EXCHANGES and especially around your fuscias Frank Murray of San Francisco. From the reports issued by the HAVE 2-BR-1 bath plus dbl. gar. on the underside of the leaves. ~ * * Federal Space Agency, Cdr. Schirra. EMPIRE Well, get out your spray gun with is mined in the Malay suffered no ill effects and had com­ Rumpus rm., guest rm. with half the Black-Leaf 40 as prescribed on Jungles. Huge honey combs fall­ pleted control throughout the en­ bath. flrs. Perim. ., 9 the bottle and spray the under­ ing from tree limbs form deposits tire flight of that portion of the MARKET yrs. old in Natl. City. Will take sides of the leaves for that is at the tree bases. operation of the capsule assigned clear Alpine or Pine Valley lot where this type of varmit works. as down. Bal. like rent. Owner. q * * to him. 2169 Arnold Way You will have to repeat this treat­ GR7-3269. Wedding cakes of wood are fea- Next to Post Office ment for you can't get all these tures of Spanish and Basque wed­ Before You Buy or Sell MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE flies at one spraying. Mealy bug dings. But they are baked only CONTACT US FIRST QUALITY MEATS is another pest that gets on plants, aren't eaten. LA MESA USED automatic drier, good con­ on especially. They also can for ceremonial purposes--they AND PRODUCE dition, $50. Call 445-3812. be treated effectively with Black­ REALTY COMPANY ALPINE OFFICE Leaf 40. There are many insec­ Hours 9 to 'E SITUATION WANTED ticides, but read the labels first Complete Notary Service as some of them may be too strong RENTALS HOUSEWORK, child care or iron­ CLOSED SUNDAY for fragile plants. FLORENCE'S 2237 Highway 80 ing. HI 5-3061. Lawn moths may be getting into HI 5-3603 HI 5-3035 that new lawn you planted, so be MARKET Manhood is not measured by the on the lookout for brown patches. size of the chest but by the qual­ Bermuda grass may be alright as Owned and Operated By ity of the heart. a ground cover but keep it away Florence Clarke from drain pipes. I know whereof For Chain Link LUTZ,S G!ARAGE I speak for I have had some right Quality Foods and HI 5-2967 good battles with this Jekyll and Fine Liquors Day and Night Towing Service FENCING COMPLETE MOTOR SERVICE Hyde member of the grass family. FRIENDLY SERVICE AAA Club Emergency Service Ask your nurseryman for an eradi­ Harold, George and Larry cator, for it takes a powerful chem­ 2262 Hiway 80 Call Hwy. 80 at Tavern Rd. Alpine ical to kill Bermuda. First, try to Alpine spot it before it gets a good start BE 2-1151 and dig it out. All of it. Remem­ Hickory 5M2436 ~ FOR FREE ESTIMATES ber the roots go very deep. Good ALSO ALL TYPES OF REDWOOD FENCING luck to you. BLOCK WALLS, PATIO OVERHEADS, CARPORTS TVREPAIRS Service Calls For CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE ALPINE --· ------·-·-·-- $3.00 FAMILY GUATAY -·------··--· $4.00 PINE VALLEY -·---- $5.00 HARDWARE, HOUSEW ARE Includes Testing Tubes and PAINTS AND TOYS Adjusting Set--40 Years In Radio and TV GEORGE LENGBRIDGE Alpine Hardware &Dept. Store HI 5-3885 HI 5-2406 P. 0. Box 118 2218 Hwy. 80

Nor Bob LET US HELP WITH YOUR THE ALPINE ECHO Trophy Company WATER PROBLEMS P. 0 . Box 8, Alpine, Calif. Enclosed $ .... ~ ...... , .. . 445 ARNOLD WAY NOW IN STOCK - All Sizes of Galvanized, Plastic and Please enter my subscription to The Alpine Echo ALPINE, CALIFORNIA Copper Pipe and FiHings, Approved Water Heaters, ' Temperatur~ and Pressure Regulator V,alves Rt. 1, Box 24-D HI 5-3123 In U.S. and outside In San Diego County: San Diego County: ALSO SPECIAL VALVES FOR USE WHEN BLENDING ----~------Per year ···················-· $3.00 Per year ···-····-·····-·-· ..... $3.50 TROPHIES WELL WATER WITH DISTRICT WATER Two years ...... $5.50 Outside United States: RIBBONS OUTSIDE OR INSIDE VINYL Three years ...... $7.50 Per year ···-·· ...... $4.50 ENGRAVING PLASTIC PAINT, White Only -----·-···-· Gal. SEE US FOR SPECIAL PAINT PRICES NAME • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·•••••·•••••••••• ••••••••• • • ••• •••••• •• •••• •••••• •••-• •••••••••••••••• ••• PLAQUES, BADGES, AWARDS Ask About Our Job Prices and Bank Terms MEDALS, CLUB PINS Address ··-································-·····-····-·····--····-·········-··-····-···-··-·-·-·-·············· Plastic and Metal Name Plates At HINKLE L-c_it_Y·_·· ·_··· _····_-- ·_· ·--~···_···_-···_·-·_···_··· ·_··-_···_·---_··_---_--·_·-_z_oo_e_.--_-·-_s_~_te_.._ . --_·- ·_-··_····_···_· · ·_·· ~ ~~----~------~~-~J._".'w••Av .. s.o,m.A~ •. • 'N.E ...... H•I•S•~•l•84_.