Extension Note HOBBY AND KEEFER BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management A black huckleberry case study in the Kootenay region of British Columbia Tom Hobby1 and Michael E. Keefer2 Abstract This case study explores the commercial development of black huckleberries (Vaccinium membranaceum Dougl.) in the Kootenay region of British Columbia. Black huckleberries have a long history of human and wildlife use, and there are increasing demands on the resource in the region. Conflicts between commercial, traditional, and recreational users have emerged over expanding the harvest of this non-timber forest product (NTFP). This case study explores the potential for expanding huckleberry commercialization by examining the potential management and policy options that would support a sustainable commercial harvest. The article also reviews trends and issues within the huckleberry sector and ecological research currently conducted within the region. keywords: British Columbia; forest ecology; forest economic development; forest management; huckleberries; non-timber forest products; wildlife. Contact Information 1 Consultant, SCR Management Inc., PO Box 341, Malahat, BC V0R 2L0. Email:
[email protected] 2 Principal, Keefer Ecological Services Ltd., 3816 Highland Road, Cranbrook, BC V1C 6X7. Email:
[email protected] Editor’s Note: Please refer to Mitchell and Hobby (2010; see page 27) in this special issue for a description of the overall non-timber forest product project and details of the methodology employed in the case studies. JEM — VOLU me 11, NU M B E RS 1 AND 2 Published by FORREX Forum for Research and Extension in Natural Resources Hobby,52 T. and M.E. Keefer. 2010. A blackJEM huckleberry — VOLU me case 11, study NU M inB E RSthe 1 Kootenay AND 2 region of British Columbia.