REVISION OFTHE AFRICAN CAEClLlAN GENUS SCHISTOMETOPUM PARKER (AMPH IBIA: CYMNOPHIONA: CAECILI IDAE) BY RONALD A. NU AND MICHAEL E. PFRENDER MISCELLANEC JS PUBLICATIONS MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, NO. 18Fb; ' Ann Arbor, September 2 7, 1 998 ISSN 076-8405 MIS(:ELIANEOUS PUBLICATIONS MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, LJNTVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NO. 187 The publicatioils of the M~~sclunof Zoology, The [Jniversity of Michigan, consist PI-irnarilyof two series-the Occasion:~lPapers allti the Miscellaneous Publicatio~ls.Both series were founded by Dc Bryant Walker, Mr. Rradshaw H. Swales, anti Dr. W.W. Newcornb. Occasionally the Museuni publishes contributiorls outside of these series; begirlnirlg in 1990 these are titled Special Publicatio~lsa~ld arc numbered. All submitted ~n;inl~scriptsreceive external review. The Misccllarieous Publications, which include ~l~ollographicstltdies, papers on field and ~II- seuln techniques, and other contributions 11ot within the scope of the Occasio~lalPapers, are pl~b- lishcd separately. It is not intended that they be grouped into volumes. Each 11r11nberhas a title page and, when necessary, a table of co1itelits. Tllc Occasional Papel-s, publication of which was begun in 1913, servc as a medium Sol- original studies based prirlcipally upon the collections in the Museurn. They are issurtl separately. MThen a sufficient number of pages has hcen printed to niakc a volume, a title pagc, table of contenb, and an index are supplied to libraries and individuals on the mailing list for the series. A cornplete list of publications on Birds, Fishes, Insects, Mammals, Moll~~sks,Rcpdles and Amphib- ians, and other topics is available. Address inquiries to the Directt)r, Muse~unof Zoolohy, The lir~ivcr- sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigarl 48109-1079.
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