Notes and References

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Notes and References Notes and References 1 The Foundation of Kenya Colony I. P[ublic] R[ecord] O[ffice] Kew CO 533/234 ff 432-44. Kenya was how Johann Krapf, the German missionary who was in 1849 the first white man to see the mountain, transliterated the Kamba pronunciation of the Kikuyu name for it, Kirinyaga. The Kamba substituted glottal stops for intermediate consonants, hence 'Ki-i-ny-a'. T. C. Colchester, 'Origins of Kenya as the Name of the Country', Rhodes House. Mss Afr s.1849. 2. PRO CO 822/3117 Malcolm MacDonald to Duncan Sandys. Secret and Personal. 18 September 1963. 3. The new rail routes in question were the Uasin Gishu line and the Thika extension. M. F. Hill, Permanent Way. The StOlY of the Kenya and Uganda Railway (Nairobi: East African Railways and Harbours, 2nd edn 1961), p. 392. 4. Daily Sketch, 5 July 1920, p. 5. 5. Sekallyolya ('the crane [or stork] looking out on the world') was first printed in Nairobi in the Luganda language in 1921. From time to time it brought out editions in Swahili and for special occasions in English. Harry Thuku's Tangazo was the first Kenya African single­ sheet newsletter. 6. Interview with James Beauttah, Fort Hall, 1964. Beauttah was one of the first English-speaking African telephone operators. He claimed to be the first African to have electricity in his house. 7. PRO FO 2/377 A. Gray to FO, 16 February 1900, 'Memo on Report of Law Officers of the Crown reo East Africa and Uganda Protector­ ates'. The effect of the opinion of the law officers is that Her Majesty has, by virtue of her Protectorate, entire control over all lands unappropriated ... and may, if so pleased, proclaim such land as "Crown lands" ... The opinion leaves an extremely thin line of demarcation between British dominions and Protectorates.' 8. PRO CO 544/12 pp. 400 et seq. Report of Native Affairs Department, 1920-21. 9. CO 533/214 John Sinclair, Acting British Resident, Zanzibar, to Northey. Milner to Curzon, 3 January 1920. 10. The Times, 9 July 1920. 'Kenya Colony: The New Rules in East Africa'. II. Norman Leys, Kenya (Hogarth Press, 1926). 12. PRO CAB 134/1560 CPC(61)30, 14 November 1961. Memo to Cabi­ net from the Colonial Secretary. 13. The 1921 census of Africans was broken down as follows: Nyanza 881,135; Ukamba 274,136; Kikuyu 677,137; Coast 177,692; Naivasha 138,012; Masai 42,000; Jubaland 60,000; Northern Frontier District 80,000; totalling 2,330,112. The figures for the last three provinces were guesses. Jubaland was seceded to Italy in 1924. PRO CO 544/12 205 206 Notes and References pp. 400-63. Report of the Native Affairs Dept, I Apr. 1920-31 Mar. 1921. 14. See the address presented by the British community in Zanzibar to the Acting Consul-General, Frederic Holmwood, on the occasion of Queen Victoria's Jubilee in 1887: 'Zanzibar which, looking at the important Indian element in its population and trade might almost be called a British colony, ... now ... boasts of most of the appliances of civilization which a progressive trading community requires.' See also N. S. Thakur, A Brief History of the Development of Indian Settle­ ment in East Africa (Nairobi, 1961). 15. Most of the indentured labourers who survived the rigours of East African employment returned to India. They were not a principal source of the East African Asian population. 16. U. K. Oza, 'Indian Settlement in East Africa', Colonial Times, I July 1933. 'On account of our Indian Empire we are compelled to reserve to British control a large portion of East Africa. Indian trade, enter­ prise and emigration require a suitable outlet. East Africa is, and should be, from every point of view, the America of the Hindu' - Sir Harry Johnston, Commissioner for the Uganda Protectorate, 'Report on Uganda', FO 2/719, II July 1901. [7. Colonists' Association, 'Address to Alfred Lyttelton, Colonial Secre­ tary', 1905. Author's archive. 18. For a bizarre example, see Richard Waddington to Frederic Holmwood, Acting Consul-General in Zanzibar, on 6 September 1886, proposing, in defiance of geography, to lay a light railway between Zanzibar and Bombassa [sic] to open up the Kimberley goldfields. Holmwood him­ self wanted to build a line to the uplands around Mount Kilimanjaro, which being 4,000 ft above sea level were suitable for European set­ tlement. Holmwood Papers. Zanzibar Archives. 19. Ronald Robinson and John Gallagher, Africa and the Victorians. The Official Mind of Imperialism (Macmillan, 1961), chapter XI 'Uganda, The Route of Liberalism'. 20. Until 1902 the Uganda Protectorate included the Provinces of Kisumu and Naivasha, thereafter in Kenya. For that reason, when for a short while the British lent countenance to a Zionist project to found a Jewish National Home in the East African Highlands, the idea was in some quarters given the soubriquet of 'Juganda'. 21. PRO FO 2/447 Eliot to Lord Cranborne, 15 May 1901. 22. PRO FO 2/569 Dr Radford to Dr Macdonald (Principal Medical Officer, EAP). FO 2/571 John Ainsworth to Eliot. 23. Herbert Samuel MP, Parliamentmy Debates (Hansard) House of Com­ mons Vol. 116, 11 December 1902, col. 938 ff. 24. Quoted by Herbert Samuel MP, 'A Tourist in Uganda' in East Africa and Uganda Mail, 10 January 1903. 25. In East African Protectorate (Edward Arnold, 1905), Sir Charles Eliot wrote, 'It is a curious confession but I do not know why the Uganda Railway was built and I think many people in East Africa share my ignorance.' (p. 208) 26. Eliot, ibid, p. 220. Notes alld Referellces 207 27. The Nineteenth Century, September 1904. 28. PRO FO 2/843 Marsden (Cape Town) to Eliot, 7 November 1903. 29. A. T. Matson, 'Early Newspapers of East Africa'. A onetime major in the Salvation Army, Olive Gray 'tilted at various personalities and abuses in a flowery style which often degenerated into forthright abuse'. The East African and Uganda Mail was founded in August 1899 and expired in August 1904. The 'rat' was Arthur Marsden. 30. PRO FO 2/720 Frederick Jackson to Sir Clement Hill, 25 May 1903. 31. W. S. Churchill, My African Journey (The Holland Press, 1962), p. 14. 32. Norman Leys, Kenya, p. 171. 33. Margery Perham (later Dame Margery) was at this point at the be­ ginning of her most distinguished career as an africanist. 34. Margery Perham, East African Journey. Kenya and Tanganyika 1929- 30 (Faber & Faber, 1976), p. 140. 35. For example, Sir Evelyn Baring, 'I had always regarded British people on the whole as being calm and reasonable. Of course, the Kenya settlers looked like British people but, probably due to the altitude, calm and reasonable was just what the political leaders were not. They were highly excitable.' Rhodes House, Howick Papers, Mss Afr s.1574. 36. Eliot, The East African Protectorate, p. 3. 37. PRO CO 533/41 J. Gosling, Postmaster-General Nairobi to Frederick Jackson, 10 January 1908, forwarded by Jackson to the Earl of Elgin, 27 January 1908. 38. M. P. K. Sorrenson, Origins of European Settlement in Kenya (OUP, 1968), chapter XII 'The Masai Treaties'. At the 1961 East African Governors' conference, when the British were beginning to think of leaving, it was argued that the Maasai Agreements would be unlikely to enjoy Treaty status in international law because, by the Agreements themselves, 'the Maasai had conceded so much of whatever sover­ eignty they originally held as to destroy the legal personality assumed'. PRO CO 879/190, 4 January 1961. 39. John Lonsdale, 'The Moral Economy of Mau Mau. Wealth, Poverty and Civic Virtue in Kikuyu Political Thought', in B. Berman and J. Lonsdale, Unhappy Valley. Conflict in Kenya and Africa. Books 1 and 11 (James Currey, 1992), pp. 332-4. 40. Jomo Kenyatta, Facing Mount Kenya (Seeker & Warburg, 1938). 41. In Colonel R. Meinertzhagen's Kenya DialY (Oliver & Boyd, 1957) one of the first of the white settlers, Sand bach Baker, tells the author that he had been given 5,000 acres in 1901 provided he supplied Nai­ robi with meat. Asked if the Kikuyu were compensated he said the land was unoccupied owing to a decrease in the population because of famine and disease (p. 77). 42. Y. P. Ghai and J. P. W. B. McAuslan, Public Law and Political Change ill Kenya (Nairobi: OUP, 1970), pp. 27-8. 43. This passage owes much to John Spencer, The Kenya African Union (KPI/Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985), pp. 10-12, which brilliantly summarizes the economic background. 44. But see John Lonsdale, 'The Conquest State of Kenya, 1895-1905', in Berman and Lonsdale, Unhappy Valley I, pp. 13-44, in which the various 208 Notes and References minor operations are added up and shown to amount to a consider­ able degree of conflict. See especially the chart on pp. 28-9 of 'British military operations in the Kenya highlands, 1893-1911'. 45. 'Memorandum from the Kikuyu Land Board Association to the Joint Select Committee on Closer Union', submitted by J. Kenyatta and P. G. Mockerie. Printed as appendix in Parmenas Mockerie, An Afri­ can Speaks for His People (Hogarth Press, 1934), p. 78. 46. Dagoretti Political Record Book. Entry for 23 May 1908. K[ enya J N[ ational] A[rchives]. 47. Colonel Robert Meinertzhagen, Kenya Dim)' 1902-1906 (Oliver & Boyd, 1957) passim, but see especially pp. 51-2 and 73-4. 48. John Lonsdale, 'The Politics of Conquest in Western Kenya, 1894- 1908', in Bruce Berman and John Lonsdale, Unhappy Valley. Conflict in Kenya and Africa, Book I, State and Class, p.
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