Annual Report 2019

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Annual Report 2019 Annual Report 2019 Sow the seed of change! 1 Table of contents Message from the President p2 J’aime ma Planète in a nutshell p3 Educational Activities Department p5 FEE Department: The Eco-Schools Programme p7 Balance sheet and Income statement p10 Development prospects p12 Acknowledgements p13 Message from the President As every year, I have the pleasure of introducing the annual report of our association J’aime ma Planète (JMP). Each time, it is an opportunity to look back on the past year and to review what has been accomplished, the events and the difficulties that have marked our journey. This report encourages us to take stock and analyse our actions, to guide or redirect our future strategy and projects. In general, we can be proud and pleased to see that over time, JMP has gained in credibility with its beneficiaries and its partners. This has resulted in an increase in financial resources, with some great surprises, such as the support from the internet users of Generations M (Migros) who chose to support the expansion of the Eco-Schools programme through their online vote. As far as projects and actions are concerned, 2019 was also particularly successful. JMP continued its momentum with a consolidation and wider dissemination of its flagship projects. The challenges identified have been successfully met, resulting in significant and concrete progress on the ground. By way of example, we can highlight, on the one hand, JMP's geographical expansion with the opening of a branch office in German- speaking Switzerland (Zurich) and, on the other hand, the growing recognition of the Eco-Schools programme. It is very encouraging to see that this programme is now recognised by three French-speaking cantons and has seen the number of participating schools increase from 28 in 2018 to 53 in 2019. The figures for 2020 are continuing this upward trend. With regard to the exhibition on sustainable food, it is also continuing on its journey through the municipalities, allowing many students to deepen their understanding of this topic, which is so essential for nature and for human beings. This year's successes can be attributed to the tireless efforts of the entire JMP team of employees who are doing an outstanding job, continuing to focus on a constant improvement in the projects undertaken. We also owe this success to the growing number of financial partners who encourage us with their support and trust. I thank them all for their contribution. Without them, we would not be able to continue our mission. These positive results should not make us forget the magnitude of the task we still have to accomplish, as the situation remains worrying and requires urgent responses. The reports of scientists and experts are there to remind us. Civil society has also been widely mobilized to appeal to our leaders, especially young people, through the climate marches that have been held around the world. This goes to show that these issues have become a major concern for a large number of people. We are more motivated and determined than ever to increase our impact in 2020 and to continue our commitment with passion and quality. Thank you again to our supporters, partners and employees for this great year. Patricia Defauw, President and Founder 2 J’aime ma Planète in a nutshell JMP is a not-for-profit association with public utility status committed to the protection of the environment and the transition towards a sustainable lifestyle. It is active in the fields of environmental education (EE) and education for sustainable development (ESD) and runs programmes and activities in schools to raise awareness among the leaders of tomorrow. Since 2015, J’aime ma Planète has been the national representative for Switzerland of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). The FEE is the world’s largest environmental education organisation, with members in 77 countries. Mission We imagine an inclusive society in which everyone can develop their full potential and become an active “citizen of the world”, ready to take up the challenges of our society for a sustainable future. Goals • Create a strong relationship with nature and all forms of life from an early age • Promote a sustainable way of life based on respect for oneself, for others and for the environment • Help students to develop the skills needed for sustainable development and the motivation to take action • Support schools in running projects in education for sustainable development Target group JMP’s activities focus particularly on children and young people between the ages of 6 and 18. We also reach out to the entire school community including teachers, school staff and parents through the Eco-Schools program and its eco-committees. Furthermore, we aspire to bring children's motivation into the family context and to local communities. Activities Our activities are organized around two departments: 1. The Educational Activities department provides workshops in schools, outdoor learning activities and film projects on sustainability themes. Through its longstanding partnership with Yann Arthus- Bertrand, the department organises educational exhibitions on selected themes (biodiversity, forests, sustainable food, water) in schools and municipalities, accompanied by workshops on these themes. 2. The FEE Department represents the programmes from the «Foundation for Environmental Education» ( in Switzerland, including Eco-Schools, the largest international programme in education for sustainable development (ESD), recognised by UNESCO and the UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme). “Member of FEE, official partner of UNESCO” 3 “Member of FEE, official partner of the GAP” What is Education for Sustainable Education (ESD)? «ESD empowers learners to take «To create a more sustainable world and to engage informed decisions and responsible with sustainability-related issues as described in the SDGs, actions for environmental integrity, individuals must become sustainability change-makers. economic viability and a just society, They require the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that for present and future generations, empower them to contribute to sustainable development…. while respecting cultural diversity» ESD creates interactive, learner-centred teaching and learning settings. What ESD requires is a shift from teaching to UNESCO Roadmap for Implementing learning. It requires an action-oriented, transformative the Global Action Programme on learning process.» Education for Sustainable Development, 2014 Education for Sustainable Development Goals: Learning Objectives, UNESCO 2017 Our Educational Approach Our educational approach strives for a holistic and transformative learning process that allows for the development of cognitive, transdisciplinary, social and emotional skills. Our activities place the student at the heart of a continuous learning process that is based on the love of nature and an understanding of sustainable development and that follows the learning matrix outlined below: We understand… We want to… We can… We take action… …the interrelations and …protect the planet and …think differently …here and now interdependencies its inhabitants between human beings …form our own opinion …to adopt new individual and their natural …contribute to building a and collective attitudes environment sustainable world …identify our spheres of influence and levels of …the challenges of action sustainable development and of the world around …imagine and us experiment with new solutions The actions of J’aime ma Planète relate to the Sustainable Development Goals through objective #4 Quality education and helping to establish the dynamics for EDD in schools. JMP’s activities also highlight the many interdependencies between the SDGs through the themes covered (Food, Biodiversity, Water...). 4 Educational Activites Department in 2019 Nearly 4,000 children and young people took part in more than 340 activities in 2019. We strengthened our presence outside Geneva with 27% of our interventions taking place in the canton of Vaud. Our activities are almost evenly divided between classroom workshops, exhibitions/workshops and field trips. Our main themes were sustainable food and biodiversity. Through a partnership with the organic farm "La Flânerie", JMP introduces students to the production of our food in situ with games, workshops and activities. We also organize Biodiversity outings at the “Maison de la Rivière”. Our Ciné-club attracted more than 750 We also undertook Actions days in partnership with five students from 13 different schools. For different companies. These days enable company employees the first time, we enhanced our to heighten their ecological awareness while accompanying programming with screenings for students on Nature outings in the form of tutoring. younger children (4-6 years old). Events with the general public We also extended our scope of action with the general public, notably through the Sustainable Food Weekend (see next page) and through a collaboration with the Escalade Race. We teamed up with this prestigious race to support it in its efforts to make this great popular event more sustainable. During this year, we observed the progress of the race and identified priority points for improvement in 2020. We send out an evaluation questionnaire after each of our school-based interventions. Teacher satisfaction levels reached 97% in 2019. “Many congratulations and a big thank “The photos were beautiful, the activities very precise and you for
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