The 2015 Pantomime the 20 the 20
GENEVAGENEVA AMATEURAMATEUR OPERATICOPERATIC SOCIETYSOCIETY PRESENTSPRESENTS GENEVA AMATEUR OPERATIC SOCIETY PRESENTS THETHE 20152015 PANTOMIMEPANTOMIME THE 2015 PANTOMIME byby TimTim PerrinPerrin by Tim Perrin :: : DirectedDirected byby BillBill HeckelHeckel Directed by Bill Heckel AssistedAssisted byby LizLiz WilliamsWilliams Assisted by Liz Williams MusicalMusical Director:Director: AlanAlan RobbinsRobbins Musical Director: Alan Robbins THÉÂTRETHÉÂTRE DEDE MARENSMARENS THÉÂTRE DE MARENS 55 RouteRoute dudu Stand,Stand, 12601260 NYONNYON 5 Route du Stand, 1260 NYON Saturday,Saturday, 14 14 November November 2015 2015 at at 14h00 14h00 and and 18h30 18h30 Saturday, 14 November 2015 at 14h00 and 18h30 Sunday,Sunday, 15 15 November November at at 14h00 14h00 and and 18h30 18h30 Sunday, 15 November at 14h00 and 18h30 Friday,Friday, 4 4 December December at at 20h00 20h00 Friday, 4 December at 20h00 Saturday,Saturday, 5 5 December December at at 14h00 14h00 and and 18h30 18h30 Saturday, 5 December at 14h00 and 18h30 Sunday,Sunday, 6 6 December December at at 14h00 14h00 and and 18h30 18h30 Sunday, 6 December at 14h00 and 18h30 1 GENEVA AMATEUR OPERATIC SOCIETY PRESENTS THE 2015 PANTOMIME by Tim Perrin : Directed by Bill Heckel Assisted by Liz Williams Musical Director: Alan Robbins THÉÂTRE DE MARENS 5 Route du Stand, 1260 NYON Saturday, 14 November 2015 at 14h00 and 18h30 Sunday, 15 November at 14h00 and 18h30 Friday, 4 December at 20h00 Saturday, 5 December at 14h00 and 18h30 Sunday, 6 December at 14h00 and 18h30 A WELCOME FROM THE GAOS CHAIRMAN The festive season is a time It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our 2015 Christmas Pantomime of joy and happiness! Of fun and laughter! RUMPELSTILTSKIN Of fun and laughter! For gifts and surprises….
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