Abbreviations ...... 388 Notes ...... 389 References ...... 411 Index ...... 427 Source of Illustrations ...... 447 ABBREVIATIONS

AGB Archiv fiir Geschichte des Buchwesens (Archive for the History of the Book) AWV Arbeitsgemeinschafi wissenschaftlicher Verleger (Working Group of Scientific Publishers) BA.P Bundesarchiv, Potsdam (Federal Archive, Potsdam) Bbl. B6rsenblatt fi~r den Deutschen Buchhandel (Journal for the German Book Trade) BDC Document Center DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Associ- ation) FS Lebenserinnerungen Fritz Springers (Unpublished memoirs by Fritz Springer) KV Kontradiktorische Verhandlungen (Opposing Negotiations) KWG Kaiser- Wilhelm-Gesellschaft LB Lebensbericht Ferdinand Springers (Unpublished typescript of a talk by Ferdinand Springer to the Heidelberg Rotary Club in 1952) MS Marie Springer: Julius Springer. Eine Lebensskizze (Sketch of a Life) NG Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft (Emergency As- sociation of German Science) PPK Parteiamtliche Pri2fungskommission ([National-Socialist] Par- ty Examination Commission) PTR Physikalisch- Technische R eichsanstalt (Physical-Technical In- stitute of the Reich) RKK Reichskulturkammer (Reich Chamber of Culture) RSK Reichsschrifttumskammer (Reich Chamber of Literature) TH Technische Hochschule (Technical High School - College of Technology) VDE Verein Deutscher Elektrotechniker (Association of German Electrical Engineers) VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Association of German Engi- neers) VM Vertrauliche Mitteilungen... (Confidential Printed Reports) WT Werkstattstechnik (Workshop Engineering) NOTES

1. Georg Wilhelm Ferdinand Mtiller (1806-1875) had acquired the Chapter 1 Enslin Buchhandlung in 1832 and sold it to Ferdinand Geelhaar in (pages 1-47) 1843, i. e. shortly after the establishment of Iulius Springer's firm. He continued his own publishing activity, mainly schoolbooks, under his own name. His heirs sold it to Velhagen & Klasing in 19ol. Page 1 2. Marie Springer's ]ulius Springer: Eine Lebensskizze (Sketch of a Life) has been frequently used in writing the first two chapters. The citations to it use the abbreviation MS and give the page num- ber. Page 2 3. Quotations from letters by Springer to ]eremias Gotthelf use the abbreviation GOWWHELF (see Literature). No date is given, if it is mentioned in the quotation. Page 2 4. Springer's letters to his cousin lulius Kuhno relating to this were available to Marie Springer when she wrote her book on Julius [MS: 6], but they have since been lost. Page 3 5. L6on Saunier (1814-1877) had worked at the Sauerldinder Buch- handlung in Aarau at the beginning of the 183os. As he knew the conditions in Switzerland from his own experience, Springer had asked him for information. A life-long friendship developed from this correpondence. In 1838 Saunier acquired the Morinsche Buch- handlung in Stettin. Page 5 6. The partnership contract was dissolved in 1845 [MS: 23 f.]. The last instalment was paid by Springer in 1851. Page 5 7. Georg Ferdinand Oppert (1791-1845) at first worked in the banking business of his father-in-law, B. L. Lindau. After he left it, he en- gaged in various enterprises, not all of them very successful. Among others he financed a steamer which plied between Potsdam and : it had been named Henriette after his wife. In 183o he built the house that became Monbijouplatz 3 (see p. 46, fig. 39).-He and Henriette Lindau (1798-1882) had three more daughters after Marie (Springer). Page 11 8. It is worth mentioning Rodolphe Toepffer, of Geneva, a well- known writer and painter of that time but nowadays practically unknown, except for his rather amusing illustrated stories. In 1845 he brought out a novel "Rose et Gertrude", which Springer pub- lished a year later in German translation. Page 21 390 Notes 9-11

9. In 1839 an anonymous article appeared in the Zeitschriftfi2r Buch- handler (Journal for Booksellers: Nos. 149 and 151) which proposed the establishment of a share-holding company for books likely to sell poorly. In 1839 Moritz Veit, with whom Springer often ex- changed ideas on publishing, had suggested a similar project in the Altona periodical Freihafen (Free Port). Also in 1839, a not very seriously sounding advertisement in the BOrsenblatt (No. lO3) had called for the setting up of such a company for the book trade. Similar plans were also mooted in 184o in the Organ des Deutschen Buchhandels (Organ of the German Book Trade) (pp. 1, 49 and 89), as well as in the B6rsenblatt in 1843. A similar suggestion came from Springer's apprenticeship master, G. W. F. Mfiller: Actienver- eine im Buchhandel (Share-Holding Associations in the Book Trade), col. 3761-3766). More definite was a plan by the Viennese bookseller Gustav Remmelmann to open a German bookshop in New York or Philadelphia on a share-holding basis (B6rsenblatt 1845, No. 45 and Organ 1845, p. 137). The Vereins-Verlagsbuchhand- lung in Leipzig (Association's Publishing Bookshop), founded by Otto Wigand with 17 booksellers in 1846, continued until 185o, when it closed down with very high losses [KIESSHAUER:169]. Only the Stuttgart Literarischer Verein, established in response to Veit's plan, turned out to be viable. Page 26

10. Julius von Kirchmann (18o2-1884) was one of quite a few judges of that time who became prominent on account of their mild sen- tencing or even acquittal policy in politically motivated trials and who, as a result, endangered their careers. It is likely that he de- layed the excution of his sentence against Springer (see p. 28) until an amnesty would make it ineffective. After punitive removal to another post in 1848 and after several disciplinary procedures against him Kirchmann was finally dismissed 1867 without pension rights. Springer published the legal documents of his court case in the same year. - Only the first volume of Kirchmann's Philosophie des Wissens (Philosophy of Knowledge) was published in 1864. In 1868 Springer published his two-volume ]~sthetik aufrealistischer Grundlage (Aesthetics on a Realistic Basis), at the time that von Kirchmann began to bring out his Philosophische Bibliothek (Phi- losophical Library) [see BAST]. Page 42

11. Gfitschow continued the bookshop under the well-established name of Springer, but added his name to avoid confusion. When he died in September 1861 of a lung disease, the business passed to George Winckelmann and his son Max, both of whom had for many years owned a retail, publishing and commissioning bookshop, in addition to a lithographic firm. In 1867 Springer's former bookshop was moved to Spittelmarkt where Winckelmann's main business was located. Shortly before Springer's death (1877) Georg Winckel- mann, Max W.'s son, took over the bookshop and dissolved the firm "Springersche Buchhandlung" [see also MS: 63].-The houses in Breite Strasse were all but destroyed in the World War II. The part of the street where Springer's bookshop had been at one time was Notes 12-~8 391

pulled down in 1964 and the street, now with modern houses built in the 196OS, was greatly widened. Page 46

12. Ferdinand Springer reported that his grandfather had "rejected the Chapter 2 offer of Fritz Reuter to become his publisher, at great material cost, (pages 48- 82) but fortunately so for the later scientific orientation of the publish- ing house" [LB]. But no other evidence for this contact was found. Page 55

13. Fifty three of the 59 youth and children's books were illustrated, although with some it was only a picture on the title or cover page. With 2o titles, Gustav Bartsch was the most often used illustrator. Nine titles were illustrated by Ludwig Pietsch; Ludwig Burger, Theodor Hosemann and August Haun illustrated four each. - The illustrations of individual Gotthelf titles were done by Ludwig Piet- sch (4), Theodor Hosemann (3), Fritz Walthard (2) and Ludwig Richter (title picture of Geld und Geist). Page 58

14. The Kalender fi2r den Berg- und Hi2ttenmann (Calendar for Miners and Metallurgists), bought from Spamer for 300 taler and distrib- uted by Springer on commission from 1852, failed to sell and was discontinued after two years. Page 63

15. Postzeitungsdienst (Postal Journals Service) delivered periodicals more cheaply and quickly. In this instance the price difference concerned H. Hager as editor and financial sponsor. Page 66

16. The "book order slip" had to be stamped as "printed matter", as long as the description as book, journal, picture or music item was written on it (Order of the Reich Chancellor of October 14, 1871, reprinted in the BOrsenblatt (Bbl.) of October 2o, 1871). Further information in Bbl. of October 23,1871, October 3o, 1871, November 2, 1871, November 8, 1871, December 4, 1871, January 22, 1872 and frequently later. - KAISER [3210 f.] and MENZ [2: 184] give more de- tailed accounts of Springer's services on behalf of the book trade. Both these authors were able to add information about the family, e.g. from Marie Springer's manuscript. Page 75

17 . The Prussian "Law for the Protection of Ownership of Works of Science and Art Against Reprinting and Reproduction" of June 11, 1837, taken over by the Deutsche Bund (German Confederation) in 1845, gave the exclusive rights to a work of literature to its author. But publishers of authors of the German classical period continued to have an "Eternal Right of Publication", a privilege which ended on November 9, 1867. From then on works of classical writers who had died before November 9, 1837 could be reprinted without roy- alty. Page 75

18. The protocols of the Heidelberg Conference were published in the BiJrsenblatt in 1872 [WITZLEBEN]. A book on it, to be pub- lished by B.G. Teubner, had been announced, but it never ap- peared. Page 77 392 Notes 19- 25

19. In a submission of April 23, 1882 to the Reich Chancellor the Board of the B6rsenverein had requested "a revision and unification of the literature convention that exists between the individual Ger- man States and Foreign States, while observing the principles, for example [those] laid down and explained in detail in the pro- tocols of the Heidelberg Conference..." (BOrsenblatt, January 11, 1883). Page 77 20. The Springer family looked after the grave for loo years. Despite repeated requests to the authorities in East Berlin (then still part of the German Democratic Republic, before re-unification) that it be preserved, it was levelled in 1977. Page 81 21. The portrait was painted by Oscar Begas (1828-1883) on the occa- sion of the firm's 25th anniversary (May lo, 1867). A copy hung in the banqueting hall of the Leipziger Bfrsenverein and was returned to the family in the summer of 1937, for Springer was 'non-aryan'. It was lent to the Frankfurter B6rsenverein by the Springer fa- mily after World War II. In 1991 Springer-Verlag had a copy made for the Leipzig Collection. In the 197os the family presented the original to the Berlin Museum portrait collection of famous Ber- liners. Page 81

Chapter 3 22. On May 17, 1873 Ferdinand Springer married Anna Sabine G6rz (pages 83-161) (1852-1885), daughter of the lawyer Joseph G6rz who was later to become President of the Regional Court of Appeal in Mainz. (Her sister Elise was married to the banker Georg .) Fer- dinand and Anna had four daughters and two sons. The oldest son, Ferdinand jr., took over the publishing house after the death of his father. Two years after his wife's death, in 1885, Ferdinand st. married Emilie Koeniger (1855-1945): they had two daughters. Page 83 23. The decision to join the family firm was made easier for Fritz Springer by the falling output in engine construction in . "The industry was still suffering from the after-effects of the Griin- derjahre (Foundation Years- the years of rapid industrial expan- sion, 1871-73)" [FS: 17f.], and only after the well-known measures taken by Bismarck [Protection Tariffs, from 1878] was there any improvement" [FS: 17f. ]. Page 84 24. In 1852 Louis Schwartzkopff (1825-1892) had founded an engine factory which in 187o became the Berliner Maschinenbau AG. In the 187os it had up to 5,o0o employees. The main focus of pro- duction was on locomotives, but from 1899 it also built the "Linotype" type-setting machine on licence. Page 84 25. The third son, Ernst (September 24, 186o-April 3o, 1944), studied law in Berlin, Heidelberg and G6ttingen, where he obtained his doctorate "summa cure laude". He at first worked as an attorney and notary, but from 19oo he was legal adviser, with full power of attorney, of the Bankhaus BleichrOder. From 1912 he worked in an honorary capacity as State Finance Councillor in the Reichsschul- Notes 26- 29 393

denverwaltung (Reich Debt Administration). His advice as an ex- perienced expert was greatly appreciated, especially during the difficult post-World War I years. At the request of the Finance Ministry he remained in post until his 75th birthday (1935). Neither his love of country nor his distinguished service in the reconstruc- tion of Germany after World War I saved him, aged 84, from being deported by the national-socialist government as 'non-aryan' to the Theresienstadt Camp. He died there in unknown circumstan- ces and on a date unknown, but his day of death was subsequently laid down as April 30, 1944. Page 85 26. The obituary of Ferdinand st. by Theodor Peters appeared in the Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure in 19o7 (undated spe- cial printing). Page lOO 27. After being educated at several German polytechnic schools Gis- bert Kapp (1858-1922) became director of Crompton & Co., Lon- don, in 1882. He was an engineering adviser and writer on engineering matters in London until he returned to Germany for ten years in 1894. He became secretary general of the Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker and editor of Elektrotechnische Zeit- schrift and also lectured on dynamo construction at the Technische Hochschule in Berlin-Charlottenburg. On his return to England he became a professor at the University of Birmingham (in 19o5) where he died 1922. Page lO4 28. The publication of large scientific works in instalments was for both technical and economic reasons. Until the introduction of Monotype (19o4) typsetting had been done by hand. As this was expensive, especially for scientific books with its many special characters, printing firms would buy only what was expected to be needed. This was usually enough only for at most x2 sheets (192 pages) in quarto format (about 1 million letters). Printing was done immediately after composition so that further sheets could be printed with the same pool of letters and characters. Publication in instalments was advantageous for the publisher because he could set the print-run in relation to the orders and could thus finance the production of further instalments with the income from sales. Buyers generally welcomed delivery in instalment, because it was often combined with price reductions and also made it possible to pay by instalment. - Many of the large Springer publications were brought out in instalments. Today one is aware in only exceptional cases that a work was originally made available in this way, because once all the instalments were complete, the edition would be of- fered and stored only fully bound. Page 12o 29. The reduction in advertising revenue was caused by a dispute with the pharmaceutical industry. In agreement with Ferdinand Sprin- ger, Wolfgang Heubner as executive editor examined all submitted articles on whether recommendations of a drug were objectively justified. If this was not the case he would reject both the article and any related advertisement. This led to a conflict with the Verband der chernisch-pharrnazeutischen Industrie founded on 394 Notes 30-34

September 19, 19o8, which had originated from the Vereinigung zur Bekiimpfung yon Ausw~chsen im Inseratenwesen (Association for the Fight against Excesses in Advertising), founded on Decem- ber 1, 19o5. When, in the spring of 191z, the first lists of medications were published, on Springer's orders no advertisements were allowed of products that had not been officially approved. Since among these were also some drugs brought out by the large pharmaceutical firms, they retaliated by cancelling the contracts signed with Sprin- ger. According to statements by Ferdinand Springer in a letter to Sauerbruch on October 8, 1926, this brought about a loss of earn- ings of about lOO,OOO mark annually. In his letter Springer protested against Sauerbruch's public declaration that all medical journals should do completely without advertising. If one were to do so, Springer pointed out, medical weeklies would cost not 25-3o mark per year but three times as much. Springer added that this would encourage the establishment of weekly journals which "through a low [subscription] price would completely abolish competition by the old journals". There was no doubt "that such a newly founded weekly journal would have a significantly lower level and would act quite without scruple in the acceptance of advertisements". Page lZ6 3o. Sch6nwissenschaftliche publishers, in the German book-trade jar- gon, meant those that brought out both belletristic and popular- science books. The closest equivalent current English term is "tra- de books". Page 145 31. In his memoirs, written in about 1925, Fritz Springer wrote "the 200 bookselling firms primarily interested in selling our books account for 91% of all of our sales. Thus we could without significant harm restrict ourselves to sales by these 2oo firms" [FS: 45]. In 1932, 90 % of turnover came from 319 firms. This larger number is mainly due to the greater number of foreign booksellers with whom Springer has preferred to deal direct. Page 145 3z. From a letter by Adolf Behrend to Fritz Springer, who had asked him for biographical details for an obituary to be written by Alex- ander Francke. Page 148 33- The BOrsenblatt printed the judgment verbatim in 191o: In No. 144 (Judgment of the sgichsische Landgericht [Royal Saxon Regional Court] on July 9, 19o7: in favour of Springer); No. 145 (Judgment of the Oberlandesgericht [Regional Court of Appeal] Dresden of April 14, 19o8: Appeal by Fock rejected); No. 146 (Reichsgericht [Reich Court] repeals judgement of the Dresden Court on March 18, 19o9); No. 147 (Oberlandesgericht [Regional Court of Appeal] Dresden of September 29, 19o9: Springer was sentenced to informing the book trade by circular that the delivery ban against Fock has been lifted). Page 148 34. Contrary to other publishers, Springer did not invoice his authors for a proportion of any losses. For example, Verlag J. C. B. Mohr of Tiibingen stated in w 6 of its contract, valid until at least 19o3: "If Notes 35-39 395

within the first three years of the publication year there is no profit but a loss, the author pays to the publisher half of the deficit incurred at the end of the third year of publication. In view of this continuing deficit further payment will be such that, after this deficit has been met, any future profit will be divided equally between author and publisher" [SIEBECK:5O]. Page 153

35. Ferdinand was a border at Schnepfenthal School from March 31, 1891 until April 6, 1895. Friedrich Ausfeld (1879-1934) - later to be the director of the Salzmann School- was Springer's classmate in Schnepfenthal and his cousin, Otto Ausfeld (1873-1941), was a pri- vate tutor at the Springers in 1896/97.-From 1924 onwards Fer- dinand Springer was treasurer on the board of the Vereinigung alter Schnepfenthiiler (Association of Schnepfenthal Old Boys) [personal communication of Inge Pfauch-Ausfeld] and in 1934 ed- ited the Festschrift for the school's 15oth anniversary. At that time, on the order of Nazi party officials, many names of Jewish boys were omitted from the list of former pupils. Page 156

36. In the old St. Matth/ii Church Cemetry (near the Grofl G6rschen- Strasse Railway Station) in the 'Old West' [of Berlin], next to Fer- dinand Springer's grave is that of Alfred Messel (1853-19o9), the architect who built Springers' home. Also buried there are, among other famous people, Georg Btichmann, the Brothers Grimm, Adolf von Harnack, Wilhelm Ludwig Hertz, Paul Parey, Heinrich von Treitschke and Rudolf Virchow. Page 158

37. The production figures quoted here and later are based on manual counting from the firm's catalogue. As the numbers would have been erroneous if numerous booklets and instruction leaflets (for example of the Imperial Public Health Department) had been in- cluded, those publications of 16 pages or fewer and all reprints from books and journals of fewer than 32 pages have been exclud- ed. This explains any difference between statistics based on the bibliographies of Hinrichssche Buchhandlung or the W6chentliche Verzeichnis (Weekly List) of the Deutsche Biicherei in Leipzig. Even internal Springer statistics fairly regularly show discrepancies, be- cause the production department counted the books it produced, while the accounts and dispatch departments counted those in- voiced or sent out, respectively. Page 16o

38. The words "by me" do not mean that the writer of the letter was the Chapter 4 initiator of the project. All business letters were signed with the (pages 162-236 ) firm's name, i.e. "Julius Springer". This corresponds to the 'T' form of letters and phrases, such as "My Herr Ferdinand Springer is at present on a trip to ...". This kind of formulation is found until the 192os, even in letters by senior members of staff. Page 169

39. After his forced resignation as editor in September 1935 Carl Neu- berg received a one-off compensation of 17,5oo mark. He was also to receive a copy of the Biochemische Zeitschrift in perpetuity and 396 Notes 4o- 45

one copy each of Naturwissenschaften, Berichte fi2r die gesamte Physiologie and Pfli2gers Archiv for the time being. Page 169

4o. Theodor Brugsch (1878-1963) had been in contact with Urban & Schwarzenberg since 19o2 and published most of his larger books with them, some in collaboration with his colleague Alfred Schit- tenhelm. After his disagreement with Springer their relationship remained cool. But he appreciated, although not uncritically, Springer's services on behalf of medical publishing, as he revealed in his memoirs [BRuGSCH:149ff]. Page 172

41. While Karl Jaspers had expected Springer-Verlag to reprint after the end of the war those of his books which had sold out during it, he showed understanding that this was possible to only a limited extent, because the amount of paper assigned to Springer-Verlag fell far short of its requirements. However, it was for him "at present a question of spiritual life that everything by me of some importance could soon be bought again". He therefore felt unable to restrict himself to one publisher (letter of July 24, 1946). Sprin- ger-Verlag kept the rights to previously published titles, which were indeed reprinted, but nearly all his post-war writings were published by Piper-Verlag in . Page 191

42. The typesetters' pay scale had been increased several times during the preceding 12 years: + 2.5 % in 1896, + 7.5 % in 19Ol, + lO % in 19o6. A further increase oflo % occurred at the beginning of 19o7, followed by further rises from October 19o7 onwards [PAscH- KE: 8]. During this period production costs thus increased by 33 %, printing and other expenditures having risen by the same propor- tion as had composition [PASCHKE:18]. Page 216

43. Fritz Springer's article "Some statistical numbers about the Ger- man Book Publishing Trade in 1913" [BOrsenblatt of February 17, 1914] was signed just "S". Ludwig Schbnrock, who continued and expanded these analyses after World War I, in his article about 1927 B6rsenblatt of August 3, 1929], named Fritz Springer as their orig- inator (cf. also Notes No. 37 and No. 49). Page 223

44. German book production fell from 22,020 titles in 1916 to 14,743 in 1918 [STEMMLE:165]. i. e. by33 %. During the same period Springer book production rose from 131 to 162 titles, i. e. by 24 %. The fall in German book production between 1913 and 1916 had been 'only' 37 %, while that of Springer-Verlag had dropped by 58 % (from 31o to 131 titles). Page 228

45. The 1st edition had been brought out in instalments between 188o and 1883 by the Leipzig publisher Leopold Vo~. The 2nd edition, now in three volumes, followed between 1885 and 1889, and the four-volume 3rd edition from 1892 to 1899. Beilstein had trans- ferred further editorial supervision of his Handbuch to the Deut- sche Chernische Gesellschaft for which Paul lacobson edited five supplementary volumes between 19Ol and 19o6. Page 231 Notes 46-48 397

46. To the pirate printers Beilstein was always a desirable object. As they paid no royalty and saved the extremely expensive typesetting costs - they reprinted photomechanically - they were often able to sell their reprints at a fraction of the original price, even with a low print-run. A large reprint enterprise had been set up in Shanghai in 1935/37. At the behest of the Alien Property Custodian another one had been started by J. W. Edwards in Ann Arbor, USA, which re- produced the entire series up to 1942 and sold it for 457.5o dollars, instead of the original price of 2,3oo dollars [SARKOWSKI (1): 98]. - For Springer-Verlag the cost of producing a 16-page sheet of Bell- stein in the 193os was between 3,ooo and 3,500 mark, added to which were royalties of 175,ooo-2oo,ooo mark per volume. At this level it represented a royalty rate of 40 % or more of the list price, which was correspondingly high. Page 233 47. The boycott was not, as has sometimes been written, in response to Chapter 5 the terms of the Versailles Treaty. Its w 282 merely cancelled (with a (pages 237-324) few exceptions) agreements between Allied and Associated States and the German Reich. w299, which has occasionally been quoted, also does not mention scientific collaboration. The boycott mea- sures essentially go back to three conferences which concerned themselves with the principles of scientific collaboration in post- war Europe: representatives of Academies in the Allied and Asso- ciated countries had been called to them (London, October 9-11, 1918; Paris, November 26-29, 1918; Brussels, July 19-28, 1919), but representatives of the Central (European) Powers were excluded. It was the aim of the International Research Council, established on this occasion, to exclude Germany from an international scien- tific exchange, by a deliberate over-interpretation of the Versailles Treaty. Part of this aim was also the "Breaking of the German Abstracts Monopoly". Further details and a long list of references is given by Schr6der-Godehus (see References). Page 240 48. Ferdinand took advantage of the "Fifth Report of the Emergency Association of German Science" (Notgerneinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft; 1925/1926) to express more precisely, in a 12-page memorandum (August 5, 1927) his previously voiced criticism of the publishers' committee of the Notgemeinschaft: "In earlier times every scientific publisher was forced to make temporary or lasting sacrifices in support of certain individual projects in those areas where he wanted to pursue his publishing activities. When he began to engage in another area, the best way of introducing himself was through a work of scientific significance which would, however, find an echo with only a limited audience." Especially suitable as % connecting piece to authors in the relevant area" would be a "purely scientific journal in the special area, which has either been founded by him.., or been taken over. This scientific journal, with a limited circle of subscribers, he would then publish regularly with [his own] subsidy or at least without any profit .... Since the time that the Notgemeinschaft provided [financial] sup- port for publishing journals, this sacrifice by the publisher is no longer necessary. He makes his decision, which naturally is sup- 398 Notes 49-51

ported by the editors interested in the journal's publication. Since the continued publication of the journal is in many cases a scien- tific necessity, he is freed from the worry of having to make such a sacrifice." If the Notgemeinschaft declined in principle any further support of a scientific journal, the publisher will either continue it or another publisher "who is active in the given area with more force or more optimism will take up the journal in the old or in a new form". Springer pointed to a "most deplorable state of af- fairs": the relatively low price of those books and journals which receive the Notgemeinschaft's subsidy will discredit those pub- lishers who work at their own risk. "Especially abroad the resulting inequality of prices will create mistrust of the price policy of Ger- man publishers as a whole." It would, therefore, be better if the Notgemeinschaft gave their financial support to institutional lib- raries [cf. NIPPERDEY: 43]. Springer was of the same opinion after World War II. As he wrote to Gtinter Just on November 3, 1949: "It is one of the prin- ciples of my firm not to accept any subsidy. I can state with some pride that I am the only German scientific publisher never to have received any money from the Notgemeinschaft. It is my opinion that the funds of the Notgemeinschafi should support research, not the publication of results, barring a few exceptions. Added to this is the fact that I am deputy chairman of the publishers' committee of the Notgemeinschaft and for this reason must desist from ap- plying for any subsidy." Page 242

49. In his statistical reports, which had been stimulated by an article by Fritz Springer (cf. Note No. 43), Ludwig Sch6nrock provided figures for production arranged according to publishers, but only for the years 192o , 1922 and 1927. This kind of"List of the Best" had been criticised, not without cause, by the publishers. - The figures given on p. 321 were calculated by the author and do not include small books. Sch6nrock gave 368 titles for 192o and 462 for 1922 (his reports are listed in the References). Page 242

5o. The founding of the firm had already been prepared in the autumn of 1923, because Otto Lange had started work in Vienna no later than the beginning of January 1924. The entry in the Handelsre- gister (Trade Registry) stated: "The Society began on 1 June 1924." Page 250 51. According to the Repatriierungsgesetz (Repatriation Law) of May lO, 1945 "all assets existing on the territory of the Republic of Austria ... which on 13 March 1938 had been the property of the Federal State of Austria ... were to be secured as Austrian proper- ty" ... "Also to be secured is the possession of all natural or legal persons ... who are under the substantial influence of the German Reich or one of its parts". In accordance with the interpretation of this law, the Reich-German owners of Springer-Verlag were, owing to the firm having been transformed into an "Open Trading Com- pany" in 1935, prevented from exercising their rights until the 196os. Page 251 Notes 52-57 399

52. Ferdinand Springer only rarely read submitted manuscripts, but looked at least cursorily through finished books and journal issues. He always read the Zentralbl~tter to keep informed about the latest research. He was thus fully familiar with authors' bad habits. This led him in 1929 to write with Victor Salle Anleitung zur Nieder- schrift und VeriJffentlichung medizinischer Arbeiten (Guidelines to the Writing and Publication of Medical Articles), stimulated by "The Art and Practice of Medical Writing" by George H. Simmons and Morris Fishbein (of the American Medical Association). As a translation of this book, meant for American conditions, was not appropriate, they took their examples from German books and journals. "Unfortunately, finding corresponding German passages with bad syntax, superfluous foreign words and similar caused no trouble" (Preface, p. IV). Page 257 52a.Robert R6ssle, Lubarsch's successor, took over the editorship in 1931 and brought out eight more volumes. 13 further volume sec- tions have been published since World War II, under the editorship of Erwin Uehlinger from 1956. "Thus the Handbuch like some others, has literally become a kind of tapeworm, with ever new segments added in the form of new books, while the old ones are cast off as useless" [HAMPERL: 240 ]. Page 258 53. Frank Holl has written a doctoral dissertation about Max Born (see References). I am grateful to him for having given me access to his preparatory notes, which have provided me with pointers to ma- terial used in writing this section. Page 266 54. Hermann Rein edited the textbook until its loth edition (1948) when Max Schneider (Cologne) succeeded him, until the 16th edi- tion (1971). The 17th edition (1976) was completely revised by Robert F. Schmidt and Gerhard Thews. The 24th edition came out in 199o. An English version (based on the 2oth edition) was pub- lished in 1983. A second English edition, based on the 23rd German edition, came out in 1989. Page 277 55. This textbook was first published in 19Ol by F. C. W. Vogel. After Ribbert's death it was first edited by Johann Georg M6nckeberg and after him by Carl Sternberg. After Sternberg's death Herwig Hamperl was persuaded by Ferdinand Springer to bring out a new edition. But he preferred to do so on the basis of Ribbert's rather than Sternberg's edition, which he had found unsatisfactory. But in doing so he laid himself open to the (quite unjustified) accusation that he had given in to national-socialist ideology, Sternberg being Jewish [HAMPERL"178 ]. Page 277 56. Some of the information contained in a Master's Thesis by Katrin Kloepfer (see References) on the origins of the journal, largely based on the Springer-Verlag archives, has been used in writing this account [also see SARKOWSKI(3)]. Page 281 57. Prfihonice is the botanical division of the Czech National Mu- seum and lies at the south-east border of Prague. A charming 400 Notes 58-64

park with ponds and exotic flowers surrounds the castle in its grounds. - Konopi~t~, 45 km south of Prague, was the summer resi- dence of the Franz Ferdinand, the successor to the Austrian Im- perial Throne, murdered in 1914 at Sarajevo. This castle contains a forestry and hunting museum, as well as a large collection of Go- belins. Its garden was very popular in the 193os. As a native of Prague Fritz von Wettstein knew both grounds well (personal com- munication from Prof. Dr. Diter yon Wettstein). Page 284 58. For a few years this was the working title, a resemblance with the Werkstattstechnik being definitely intentional and having Georg Schlesinger's approval. When the series started, agreement was reached to call it Werkstattbficherei. Page 295 59. In 1926, as a result of the rapid increase in production costs, the price had to be raised to 2 mark. At the same time Insel-Verlag had to increase the price of the volumes in the Insel-Bficherei to 9o pfennig and Reclam those of its Universal-Bibliothek to 40 pfen- nig. Page 296 60. This was not the first contact with Nesper. Through Richard Wachsmuth, professor of physics at University and a son-in-law of Ferdinand Springer st., a 16o-page book on wireless telegraphy and its influence on commerce had been published by Springer-Verlag 19o5. It had not sold well and the production costs were not recovered until 1911. Page 299 61. Spiethoffat first turned to Joseph Schumpeter (1883-195o) with the request that he write a book on general economics, which he ac- cepted. But as Schumpeter later hesitated, Otto yon Zwiedineck- Stidenhorst took over and his book was published in 1932 as the Encyclopaedia's 33rd volume. Schumpeter instead worked on a Geldbuch (Money Book), which he intended to write after going to Harvard University as professor in 1932. Although Springer doubted that a book by Schumpeter on the theory of monetary and currency systems would ever materialise, it was still kept in the catalogue as "in preparation". There are, in fact, indications that Schumpeter gave up his plan as a results of the success achieved by Maynard Keynes with "A Treatise on Money" (two vols. 193o) [KULLA]. Page 305 62. A dictionary, in two volumes, by Gesenius was brought out in 181o. Its 17th edition, edited by Franz Buhl, had been offered by Vogel in 1915. This edition has since been sold by Springer-Verlag in regu- larly reprinted editions. The book, first published more than 18o years ago, is Springer's oldest title. The first volume of a new revision, edited by Rudolf Meyer (Jena) and Herbert Donner (Kiel), came out in 1987. Page 311 63. Heinrich Worms, from 19oo to 19o7, and Richard Krauf~, from 19o7 to 1923, acted as deputy to the owners. Page 315 64. Franz Fischer (1878-1926) joined the firm's production depart- ment in 19o5 and took over its direction in 1913, as successor to Carl Notes 65- 69 4Ol

Grosse who had died. Fischer was succeeded after his death by Paul Gosse. - Paul Gosse (1888-1968) had started with Springer-Verlag as apprentice in 19o2 and soon worked only in the production department. In 1926, after the death of Franz Fischer, he was placed in charge of book production and, in 1929, was given individual power of attorney. From 1947 onwards he built up the journal and book production at the firm's new Heidelberg quarters with power of attorney. In 1952, on his 5oth anniversary with the firm, he was awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Federal Order of Merit). After exactly 65 years with Springer-Verlag Grosse retired on September 3o, 1967. He died on July 24, 1968. Page 316

65. In July 1893 Gustav Dreher founded a xylographic institute in Stuttgart, which in 19oo changed from wood-cut to photo-engrav- ing. Springer gave its first orders to the company in 1918, after Gustav Dreher had died, and in 1922 took a 2o % share in it. This was increased to two thirds in the 1980S. Springer-Verlag was the sole owner. Page 316

66. Otto Gerstmann (1872-1936) joined the production department on January 1, 1896 and took charge of journal production on his return from World War I. In 1926, after the death of Franz Fischer and Adolph Thiele, he was put in charge of the entire production department and in 1929 was given individual power of attorney. Adolph Thiele (1861-1925) joined the firms's journal department in 1886, taking over its direction in 1889. He was given power of attorney on January 1, 1896. From 192o he was in charge of devel- oping the Zentralblatt department. Page 316

67. Paul Homa (1857-1928) joined the firm on October 1, 1871 and in 188o was put in charge of the dispatch department. He was given power of attorney in 1896. According to Fritz Springer he was "the most faithful, most reliable and most punctual colleague" [FS: 13]. Page 317

68. The firm's internal book ordering department - it was located next door, at Linkstrasse 25- obtained books needed by Springer au- thors and those requested by the firm's employees. It also looked after orders sent direct to the firm, unless they were passed on to specialist bookshops with which there were separate agreements. Almost all scientific publishers had such departments. Page 32o

69. A report by the German Embassy in Tokyo provides information about the consequences of the devaluation of the Japanese cur- rency on German book exports. Excerpts from it were sent to Rust's ministry, Ministerium far Erziehung und Wissenschaft on May 15, 1935. After reporting first about the worsening conditions of Japanese students in Germany (costs had "tripled in the last few years due to the currency situation"), it pointed out that for the same reason "German books and scientific journals had become more expensive to a degree that endangered their sales, despite a reduction in the mark sales price [as a result of the 4th Emergency 402 Notes 70-73

Regulation which lowered all prices by lo %]'. According to in- formation provided by a representative of the German book trade in Tokyo, imports of German books had "fallen to less than half" [BUNDESARCHIV, POTSDAM] Page 324

Chapter 6 7o. Kurt Klare was medical superintendent of the Prinzregent Luit- (pages 325-385) pold-Kinderkrankenhaus (Prince Regent Luitpold Children's Hos- pital) in Scheidegg/Allg~iu from 1918 until 1939. In 1934 he was officially appointed "Representative of the Leader of the Reich Doctors" in matters relating to the medical specialist press {see STAEHR: 74, 76ff.]. Page 332 71. The exact time at which an editorship ended can usually not be determined from the correspondence. As the journal covers, on which the names of the editors are listed, were not bound into the journal by the bookbinder (at the request of the librarians), the end of an editorship can usually only be judged from the absence of the name in the bound volume or title for the year. Page 333 72. On August 1, 1933 a university on Western lines was founded in Instanbul: nearly all academic staff were foreigners. Arranged by the Notgemeinschaft deutscher Wissenschaft im Ausland (Emer- gency Association of the German Sciences and Humanities Abroad), numerous university teachers who had been forced to leave Germany for racial or political reasons showed interest in ob- taining a post there. Among the first 14 who were given chairs was Willy Prager. Horst Widmann (see References) listed, in a bio- graphic and bibliographic appendix, a total of 138 university teachers and academic assistants who were scientifically active in Istanbul or Ankara. (Cf. NEUMARK]. The following Springer-Verlag authors were given posts in Tur- key: Josef Dobretsberger (political economy): 1934-1941; Erwin Finlay Freundlich (astrophysics): 1933-1937; Clemens Holzmeister (engineering): 1938-1954; Josef Igersheimer (ophthalmology): 1933-1939; August Lacqueur (physical medicine): 1935-1945; Wil- helm Liepmann (gynaecology): 1933-1939; Ernst Magnus-Alsleben (internal medicine): 1935/36; Eduard Melchior (surgery): 1935-1954; Max Meyer (ear, nose and throat specialist): 1935-1941; Richard von Mises (mathematics): 1933-1939; Tibor P4terfi (bio- logy): 1939-1946; Willy Prager (mathematics): 1933-1941; Philipp Schwartz (pathology): 1933-1951; Max Sgalitzer (radiology): 1938-1943; Karl Strupp (international law): 1933; Hans Winterstein (physiology): 1933-1953. - Only those who were listed in the firm's 1935 price list as authors or co-authors (i. e. no editors) are named here. Page 337 73. The Order of November 14,1934 by the Reich and Prussian Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Frick stated: "In the course of consolidat- ing the Chamber of Culture of the Reich it has already been decided that scientific literature is not included in the Chamber of Culture of the Reich. Civil servants, scientists, clergymen, doctors and lawyers are thus not covered by it, even if active as writers in Notes 74- 77 403

their professional area." A corresponding reference is also con- tained in w 2 of the "Official Announcement of the Reich Cham- ber of Literature No. 88" of April 1, 1937: "A scientist who publishes purely scientific writing in his subject does not come into the area of responsibility of the Reich Chamber of Literature" [cf. STOBER]. There was some uncertainty also whether the Law of the Editors of October 4, 1933 (in force since April 1, 1934) applied to editors of scientific journals. According to w 1 it concerned only editors of "political journals" who, as stated in w5,3 had to be of "aryan" origin. Their proper assignment was still a matter of discussion between the ministries of Goebbels and Rust during the war [BUNDESARCHIV, POTSDAM]. Page 338 74. Willy (William) Prager (19o3-198o) was professor of applied math- ematics and mechanics at the University of Instanbul from 1933 to 1941. From 1941 to 1963 he was professor of mechanics at Brown University, Providence, RI, USA. During 1963/64 he was adviser to IBM in Zurich, and from 1965 to 1968 professor of applied me- chanics at the University of California at San Diego. He received numerous honours from American universities, as well as from the University of Stuttgart and the Technische Hochschule Hannover [R6DER, Vol. II, p. 923]. Page 338 75. There is evidence that in such cases there was no correspondence with Nazi party officials, but approaches were made orally. The point of contact was Department VII of the Reich Chamber of Literature, directed by Heinz Wismann until 1937. Occasionally Paul H6vel gave the publisher information of special importance. Page 340 76. At first "non-aryan" authors and publishers of belletristic litera- ture were admitted to the Reich Chamber of Literature, because there was as yet no legal basis for their exclusion, and their clas- sification also presented organisational problems. Thus accep- tance was for the time being through corporate inclusion of the relevant professional bodies (e.g. Reichsverband Deutscher Schriftsteller and the BOrsenverein). Measures of exclusion against "non-aryan" members largely took place in 1935 and had been essentially concluded by 1936. After this time "non-aryan" (bel- letristic) authors and publishers were not allowed to practise their profession [for details see DAHM (2): 33-72]. Some booksellers and publishers, Ferdinand Springer among them, had been given spe- cial revokable permits [DAHM (2): 249f.]. Page 34o 77. The delineation of scientific and non-scientific literature remained in dispute between the Reich Chamber of Literature and Rust's Ministry Ministerium far Erziehung und Wissenschaft [STOBER]. According to an announcement by the president of the Chamber of Literature of February 9, 1942, "the requirement of establishing a purely scientific work was abolished in line with a simplified ad- ministration demanded by the war.., no account being taken of whether it concerns a purely scientific or popular-scienfific piece of writing" [BORSENBLATT 1942, P.37]. In addition there were 404 Notes 78-81

clashes about their respective responsibilities regarding scientific journals between the Rust Ministry and the Reich Press Chamber (see Note 73). As the former had no mechanism of censorship, literature in the natural sciences, medicine and technology was largely left untouched by the ministry. Page 340 78. There is no doubt that so-called "Cultural Publishers" were much more interfered with by the numerous control offices of the Third Reich than publishing houses with a programme in the natural sciences, medicine and technology, like Springer-Verlag. One must, however, take into account that regulations and speeches by the various cultural officials by no means reflected daily practice. Thus, from January 1, 1943 onwards, there was a definitive ban on the sale of books by Jewish authors, yet it continued to be possible to hand over such a book if given an easily obtainable declaration (Note94). Cf. also the detailed study by Barbian (see Refer- ences). Page 341 79. On September 8, 1933 the Reich Minister of Economics informed the Deutsche Industrie- und Handelstag (German Organisation for Industry and Trade) that he "did not consider it possible to dis- tinguish within the economy between aryan and not aryan or not purely aryan firms, especially when establishing business rela- tionships. Such a distinction, for the purpose of boycotting of not aryan firms, would necessarily lead to considerable disturbances of economic reconstruction. [This would be so], because of the unfavourable reactions on the labour market resulting from the cutting down of activities by the firms affected by the boycott and the lasting consequences for suppliers of these firms and their employees." [BUNDESARCHIV,POTSDAM]. - Dahm mentioned the case of the Jewish department store Hermann Tietz, which was brought to the edge of bancruptcy by the boycott measures and had to be "saved by a loan of 14.5 million mark, mediated by the Reich to secure 14,ooo jobs and protect the numerous suppliers and creditors from loss of orders or financial losses" [DAHM (2): 46] Page 342 8o. Julius Springer's maternal grandfather, Wilhelm Hertz, counted as Jewish. Dr. Oskar Alexander Ringleb, a lawyer and Julius Sprin- ger's brother-in-law, succeeded in proving in 1942 that Wilhelm Hertz had been the illegitimate child of Adelbert von Chamisso, a famous German writer (1781-1838) . As this circumstance had been recognised by the Reichs-Sippenamt (Office of Genealogy), it meant a life-saving "reclassification'of several members of the Hertz and Springer families [HERTZ]. However, this affected only the children of Fritz Springer. He himself committed suicide on January zo, 1944, at the age of 94 years, to avoid being deported to one of the extermination camps. Page 345 81. The "List of harmful and undesirable literature", first issued in 1935, was not available to booksellers. Further lists appeared an- nually from December 1938 [AIGNER: Col. 978]. They were supple- mented monthly by the "List of Printed Matter Locked away in the Notes 82-83 405

Deutsche Bi;tcherei (German Library)", which was updated cumu- latively until 1944. The annual list for 1944 was sent out at the beginning of 1945 (personal communication from Bruno Hamel- mann, Archivist of the Deutsche Biicherei Leipzig).On the question of responsibility for indexing and banning publications, the re- cently published book by Graf (see References) provides some new aspects. An order (of May 7, 1936, p. 115) circulated by Goebbels is cited: "Books that have come out in Germany are to be confiscated and impounded only if they are on the list of undesirable writings, which is kept by the Reich Chamber of Literature .... Until the decision on placing the objected writing on the list of undesirable writings has been made, no futher measures should be tak- en." - There is no evidence in the Springer-Verlag files of any of its books having been confiscated or impounded. Even the book by Ernst von Harnack, Die Praxis der 6ffentlichen Verwaltung (Prac- tice of Public Administration), which was not allowed to be sold soon after publication in the summer of 1936, remained on the shelves. In some cases it was actually supplied on production of a special permit. See also Note 83. Page 348

82. The announcement of books by Jewish authors in the Springer Catalogue was no exception. Similarly, Fischer-Verlag still offered in its Almanac Das 49. ]ahr (The 49th Year), published in Novem- ber 1935, a number of books by "undesirable", usually Jewish, authors, e. g. Richard Beer-Hofmann, Alice Berend, Alfred D6blin, Martin Gumpert (with a new book!), Moritz Heimann, Richard Lewinsohn, Klaus Mehnert, Arthur Schnitzler, Jakob Wassermann, Carl Zuckmayer. But publishers followed common practice, in- cluding Insel-Verlag, which could hardly be accused of sympathy for the Nazi r~gime: in its Almanac of autumn 1935 books by Martin Buber, Richard Friedenthal, Heinrich Heine and Stefan Zweig are not listed in the catalogue section. Page 349

83. Harnack, close to the circle around , was sentenced to death by the Volksgerichtshof(Peoples' Court) on February 1, 1945 and executed on March 5, 1945. An application by Springer-Verlag for permission to sell his book again was rejected by the Control Commission for Germany (Control Branch Censorship Bureau) on March 11, 1946 with the statement: "This book may NOT be re- leased from stock. Although a sincere and decent work, it is too densely interwoven with conditions no longer existing and with traditions no longer desirable." On July 27, 1949 the IS Branch Headquarter Military Government, Cultural Relations, Section Book and Verlag, softened the prohibition: "Would you please inform the publisher that the release and sale of this title are left to his discretion, i. e. he should sell the books not publicly to the book trade, but only to private customers whom he knows to be political reliable." This conditional freeing was strongly supported by the deputy Chief Mayor of Berlin (1946-1951), Ferdinand Friedens- burg. Page 350 f. 406 Notes 84- 87

84. Officially there was no pre-censorship, but with sensitive titles it was advisable to enquire beforehand at the Reichsschrifttumskam- mer or the Parteiamtliche Prffungskommission (PPK) to avoid any possible later prohibition. A similar situation arose later, in 1935, for the Bibliographisches Institut when it was planning a new en- cyclopaedia. The PPK stated that its own involvement was not essential, but the publisher risked confiscation, if the ideas of the national-socialist world view (Weltanschauung) was falsified or suppressed. [SARKOWSKI(4): 156ff'] Page 352 85. The Deutsche Bfcherei, Leipzig, had been placed under the Reichs- ministerium ffr Volksaufkldirung und Propaganda (Ministry for Peoples' Enlightenment and Propaganda) on June 30, 1933 [REICHSGESETZBLATT1933,1, p. 449; see also BLUM: 262 ff.]. At the beginning of 1934 a Liaison Office was stationed in the Deutsche Bi~cherei, for the examination of writings, by the Sicherheitsamt (Security Office) of the Reichsffhrer of the SS. The Party Exami- nation Commission also established a branch there in April 1935 [ROTZSCH: 69]. It is still not clear today when and according to what criteria a decision was made about banning the sale of books by Jewish authors. Page 353 86. According to a letter from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Union) dated January 17, 1945 to Wilhelm Stiff, director of the "Working Group, Mathematics" in Oberwolfach, Karl Griewank had gone to the Propaganda Ministry about a new edition of Courant/Hilbert, Methoden der mathematischen Physik vol. 1. "I hope" wrote Griewank "that after the decisive reports by Professor Ehrhard Schmidt and you, nothing will now stand in the way of approval." - Even earlier, in the autumn of 1944, Stiff had pointed out to Werner Osenberg of the Planning Office of the Reichsforschungsrat (Research Council) those books whose "re- printing must by all means be asked for in the interests of research". He also named Frank/Mises (Die Differential- und In- tegralgleichungen der Mathematik und Physik, published by Vie- weg), as well as Carl Runge and Hermann K6nig (Vorlesungen fiber numerisches Rechnen, Springer-Verlag 1924). (Personal communi- cation from Prof. Dr. Martin Barner, Oberwolfach). Page 353 87. These and all following numbers were obtained by the author from the journal volumes themselves. Of course, the number of articles says nothing about their ranking, although the Deutsche Physi- kalische Gesellschaft, of which most of the authors were members, was one of the few organisations which, under the presidency of Max von Laue, resisted Gleichschaltung ("forced conformity", i. e. expulsion of its "non-aryan" members, etc.). Until 194o those of its Jewish members who had emigrated were still listed as members, but this had not prevented the resignation of foreign physicists [BErERCHEN: 111f.]. A similar development was noted by Needham regarding the Biochemische Zeitschrift [NEEDHAM: 28 ff.].Knoche found that the proportion of foreign contributors to Mathemati- sche Annalen had increased [KNOCHE (2): 269f.], maybe because Notes 88-9o 407

there was not yet such strong competition from outside Germany in mathematics as there was in physics. Also, the reputation of the editors may have had some influence - Otto Blumenthal was still active as editor of Mathematische Annalen until the mid-3os and the Dutch editor Bartel Leendert van der Waerden was active until the end of the war. Page 355

88. Of the 80 copies of the printed invitations to the authors 60 ended with the greeting "Mit freundlichen Grtissen", 2o closed "Mit deut- schem Gruff". The firm thus distinguished between authors, espe- cially as some of them were from abroad. Page 36o

89. The Handbuch was again available after the war and had sold out by the end of the 196os. The objectionable passages were apparent- ly thought to be insignificant in relation to the scientific value of the book. Page 36o

9o. The life of (1896-1963), a brother of the conductor Hans Rosbaud, was minutely researched by Arnold Kramish (see References). However, the conspiratorial activity of Rosbaud is only vaguely described or exaggerated. (Note the misleading sub- title of the German edition). Kramish paid particular attention to the book by Adolf Beck (published by Springer), Magnesium und seine Legierungen (Magnesium and its Alloys) which - according to Kramish - Rosbaud had put in the hands of the British Embassy in Oslo in 1939, together with the "". The latter, which contained strictly secret information about German weaponry de- velopment, had indeed been compiled by Hans Ferdinand Mayer (1895-198o), in charge of the central laboratory of Siemens & Halske, and had been transmitted to the British Embassy [BODE; JONES:321-324]. Beck's book which, according to Kramish, had been banned by the Luftwaffe (!) shortly after its publication, was in fact still obtainable without any restriction until it had sold out in 1942. According to Jones [p. 283 f.] Rosbaud's informations about the state of German atomic research was of special interest: "His con- tributions were considerable and, in nuclear energy at least, approached the crucial" [JoNEs: 286]. That Ferdinand Springer should have known anything about Rosbaud's conspiratorial activity can be excluded. His judgment of Rosbaud was free of any shared knowledge. In his reference of January 1946 Springer wrote: "Dr. Rosbaud is in my experience a man of excellent character. He had a burning hatred of the Nazis. His wife is Jewish, so that he took her and their daugther to England before the outbreak of war. I know that during the war Dr. Rosbaud constantly tried to alleviate the lot of French prison- ers of war, even at danger to himself. He stood faithfully by me who, because of my origins, had to resign from the management of my firm in 1942. He was the person who after my departure from the firm maintained my secret connection to my firm. All in all: I know no better and upright human being than Paul Rosbaud." 408 Notes 91-94

Rosbaud continued to work for Springer-Verlag from London after the war. As he also advised Robert Maxwell (Pergamon Press) and the American publisher John Wiley, conflicts of interest arose and Springer thought it advisable, in 1953, to forego any further contact. [SARKOWSKI(6)]. Page 361 91. The Gesetz gegen die Oberfi~llung deutscher Schulen und Hoch- schulen (Law against Overcrowding of German Schools and Insti- tutions of Higher Learning) of April 25, 1933 was intended to restrict the number of pupils and students. "In those kinds of schools and faculties in which the numbers present an especially marked disproportion to the needs of the profession, the number of already admitted pupils and students is to be decreased during the 1933 school year to such an extent that a reasonable proportion can be achieved without excessive hardship" (w 3). w 4 stated a special regulation for Jews: "For new admissions attention should be paid so that the number of Reich Germans, who in the sense of the "Law for the Restitution of the Civil Service" are of non-aryan origin, attending each school and faculty does not exceed the proportion of non-aryans among the total German population of the Reich. The proportional number will be fixed uniformly for the entire area of the Reich." In the first implemen- tation of the regulation on the same day "the proportional number for new acceptences is fixed [in total] at 1.5 percent, and the pro- portional number for reducing the [total] number of pupils and students [is fixed] at maximally 5 percent overall." This law applied to Jewish students starting in the summer semester of 1933, even to those who had already registered. Page 364 92. T6njes Lange wrote to Eduard Hfiffer of the Aschendorff Verlags- buchhandlung in Mtinster on February 22, 1943: "Regarding the sale of scientific literature originating from Jewish authors, I am still in touch with the ministry, but a final decision has still not been taken. However, it is a fact that no sale is to take place after 1 January 1943. So far one has given out these publications on being shown a declaration to the effect that the writing is needed for purely scientific purposes." This procedure was confirmed in a letter of the Propaganda Ministry, dated March 15,1943. No further instructions have been found. Page 37o 93. A new edition of Physikalisch-chemische Tabellen by Landolt and B6rnstein was still being planned during the war. But the names of the founders were not to be mentioned in the title, because B6rn- stein was a Jew. Page 372 94. This information was given to the B6rsenverein on October 2,1942 , in reply to its telephone enquiry to Oberregierungsrat (Senior Ministerial Councillor) Dr. Paul H6vel. The BOrsenverein thereup- on recommended to T6njes Lange (in a letter dated October 17, 1942) that an announcement be inserted in the "Confidential News for the Publishers' Association" with the following wording: "De- livery to Enemy States via Neutral Countries. Booksellers in neutral countries have recently tried to order German scientific publica- Note 95 409

tions in fairly large quantities for dispatch to 'foreign' countries. In some cases it would appear that these are continuations of deli- veries to Enemy States. In such cases the order is to be refused, but otherwise orders from neutral foreign countries are to be fulfilled, even if they exceed the customary amount." This instruction was printed in the "strictly confidential" News (see above) of March 5, 1943. Publishers were left to decide when an order had "the ap- pearance" of being sent on to Enemy States. Page 38o

95. An article about the destruction of Leipzig, based on Swiss and Swedish reports, appeared in Publishers Weekly on August 19, 1944 (p. 578-58o): "When Leipzig, one of Germany's greatest industrial and transport centers, was razed by bombing last fall and winter, to the international world of books and scholarship the first thought was of the loss of the great Book City within the city, the printing, publishing and book distributing center that served the whole world." And the letter of a German scientist is quoted: "The de- struction in Leipzig can only be compared with the burning of the Library of Alexandria".In the same article there is also a quotation from a report in Svensk Bokhandelstidning of February 19, 1944, reporting also on damage done elsewhere: "In Berlin, among ot- hers the world-famous Springer publishing house is badly dam- aged. But it was able to save part of its stock by taking it to safety beforehand, which it was able to do because it possessed print shops in other places in Germany!" The Swedish newspaper re- ferred to the bombing raid of November 23/24, 1943, as a conse- quence of which no books were dispatched until the middle of January 1944. Springer-Verlag also announced this in the BOrsen- blatt (see Figs. 375 and 376). Page 38o REFERENCES


Archives of Springer-Verlag in Heidelberg. The documents in these archieves are filed chronologically by author, series and journal title [SARKOWSKI(2)]. AS the date of any quoted letter is always given, listing of fascicle numbers was not necessary. In addition, extensive use was made of publishing contracts, books of calculations, Springer catalogues, brochures and book reviews that had been found. Other, more frequently quoted, sources were:

Ferdinand Springer: Lebensbericht. (Speech to the Rotary Club, Heidel- berg, on 13.5.1952). Typescript. 16 pages. Abbrev.: LB. Fritz Springer: Erinnerungen. (Fragments from 1925 with later, hand- written additions). Copy in Springer Archive. 53 PP. Abbrev.: FS. Berlin Document Center: The files of the Reichskulturkammer (Reich Chamber of Culture) relating to Julius Springer (II) were read. Abbrev.: BDC. Bundesarchiv, Selection Potsdam (formerly, Zentrales Staatsarchiv der DDR [Central State Archive of the German Democratic Republic]. Files of the Reichsministerium fiir Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung [Reich Ministry for Science, Education and Peoples' Learning]). Ab- brev.: BA. P. Deutsche Biicherei, Leipzig, (Branch of Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt/ Main). Documents in its archives were consulted, but no additional information relating to Springer-Verlag was uncovered. Staatsarchiv Leipzig: The preserved files of the B6rsenverein Leipzig, pre- dominantly relating to membership matters, were consulted but yielded no significant additional information.


The list consists not only of sources quoted in the text and identified by square brackets [ ], but also of books and journal articles which have been secondary sources. Citations list only the first author or editor, or the first word of the book or journal title, set in small caps. The number that follows the colon gives the page(s) or column(s) of the quoted passage. References to title alone, without page number, are to the writing as a whole. 412 References

General sources of references - Deutsche Biographie (German Bio- graphy), Neue Deutsche Biographie (New German Biography), as well as various encyclopaedias and dictionaries appropriate to the partic- ular period - are not referenced.

Adlung, Alfred and Georg Urdang: Grundrifl der Geschichte der deutschen Pharmazie. Springer, Berlin 1935 Aigner, Dietrich: Die Indizierung 'sch~idlichen und unerwtinschten Schrifttums' im Dritten Reich. In: AGB 11 (1971). Col. 933-1o34 Albrecht, Helmuth und Armin Hermann: Die Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft im Dritten Reich (1933-1945). In: Vierhaus/vom Brocke, p. 356-4o6 Andermatt, Michael: 'Es ist ein Elend mit unseren Buchh/indlern...'. In: Buchhandelsgeschichte 2/1987, p. 49-56 Archiv ftir Geschichte des Buchwesens. Buchh~indler-Vereinigung, Frank- furt am Main 1958ff. Listed as 'AGB' Ash, Michael G.: Ein Institut und eine Zeitschrift. Zur Geschichte des Berliner Psychologischen Instituts und der Zeitschrift 'Psychologische Forschung'. In: Psychologie im Nationalsozialismus. Ed. by Carl Friedrich Graumann. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 1985 Baedeker, Karl: Berlin und Umgebung. Handbuch ffir Reisende. Baedeker, Leipzig 1914 B~iumler, Ernst: Paul Ehrlich. Forscher ffir das Leben. Societ~its-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1979 Barbian, ]an-Pieter: Literaturpolitik im 'Dritten Reich'. Institutionen, Kompetenzen, Bet~itigungsfelder. (Dissertation) Trier 1991 Bast, Rainer A.: Die Philosophische Bibliothek. Meiner, Hamburg 1991 Baur, Karl: Wenn ich so zurtickdenke .... Ein Leben als Verleger in be- wegter Zeit. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Mtinchen 1985 Becket, Heinrich, Hans-Joachim Dahms and Cornelia Wegeler (Ed.): Die Universit~it G6ttingen unter dem Nationalsozialismus. Das verdr~ingte Kapitel ihrer 25@ihrigen Geschichte. Saur, Mtinchen London New York 1987 Behnke, Heinrich: Rtickblick auf die Geschichte der Mathematischen An- nalen. In: Mathematische Annalen 200 (1973), p. I-VIII Berger, Eduard: Der deutsche Buchhandel in seiner Entwicklung und in seinen Einrichtungen in den Jahren 1825 bis 1867. In: Archiv fiir Ges- chichte des Deutschen Buchhandels, Vol. 2. B6rsenverein, Leipzig 1879, p. 125-234 Berninger, Ernst H.: Otto Hahn in Selbstzeugnissen und Briefen. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1974 Bev61kerung und Wirtschaft 1872-1972. Published on the looth anniver- sary of founding the Central Official Statistics. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart Mainz 1972 Beyerchen, Alan D.: Scientist under Hitler. Yale University Press, New Haven, London 1977 Biermann, Kurt-R.: Die Mathematik und ihre Dozenten an der Berliner Universit~it 181o-1933. Stationen auf dem Wege eines mathematischen Zentrums von Weltgeltung. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin ,988 Blum, Rudolf: Nationalbibliographie und Nationalbibliothek. Die Ver- zeichnung und Sammlung der nationalen Buchproduktion, besonders der deutschen, von den Anf~ingen bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. In: AGB 35 (199o), p. 1-295 References 413

Bode, Thilo: The Oslo Person. Die Enttarnung eines der letzten Geheim- nisse des Zweiten Weltkrieges. In: Stiddeutsche Zeitung of, p. 129 B6rsenblatt for den Deutschen Buchhandel. B6rsenverein, Leipzig. - The annual volumes for the period 1842-1945 were used. In the main text references to them are given by date of publication; elsewhere by putting the date in brackets. Abbrev.: Bbl. Borchardt, Knut: Die industrielle Revolution in Deutschland. Piper, Mtinchen 1972 Born, Max: Mein Leben. Die Erinnerungen des Nobelpreistr/igers. Nym- phenburger, Mtinchen 1975 Bower, Tom: The Paperclip Conspiracy. The Battle for the Spoils and Secrets of Nazi Germany. Joseph, London 1987 Brocke, Bernhard vom: Von der Wissenschaftsverwaltung zur Wissen- schaftspolitik. Friedrich Althoff (19.2.1839-2o. 10.1908). In: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 11 (1988), p. 1-26 Brtickmann, Remigius: Politische Karikaturen des Vorm~irz (1815 bis 1848). Exhibition catalogue. Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe 1984 Brugsch, Theodor: Arzt seit ftinf Jahrzehnten. Autobiographie. Verlag der Nation, Berlin (Ost) 1986 Bticher, Karl: Der deutsche Buchhandel und die Wissenschaft. Denkschrift im Auflrage des Akademischen Schutzvereins. Teubner, Leipzig 19o 3 Biihler, Walter K.: Gaufg. Eine biographische Studie. Springer, Berlin Hei- delberg New York 1986 Choldin, Marianna Tax: The Archives of Springer Verlag (Heidelberg) as a Source for Russian and Soviet Book History. In: Slavic Review (48) No. 1 (Spring 1989), p. 1OO-103 Dahm, Volker [1]: Anf/inge und Ideologie der Reichskulturkammer. In: Vierteljahreshefte ftir Zeitgeschichte (1986), p. 53-84

- [2]: Das jtidische Buch im Dritten Reich I. Die Ausschaltung der jti- dischen Autoren, Verleger und Buchh~indler. In: AGB 2o (1979). Col. 1-3OO Davidis, Michael [1]: Der Verlag yon Wilhelm Hertz. In: AGB 22 (1981). Col. 1253-159o

- [2] (Ed.): Wissenschafl und Buchhandel. Der Verlag yon Julius Springer und seine Autoren. Briefe und Dokumente aus den Jahren 1880-1946. Deutsches Museum, Mtinchen 1985 Degener, Herrmann: Die heutigen Preise wissenschaftlicher Bticher und Zeitschriften in Deutschland. In: Angewandte Chemie 48, 162 (1935) Deutsche Nationalbibliographie. Erg~inzung I. Verzeichnis der Schriften, die 1933-1945 nicht angezeigt werden durften. B6rsenverein, Leipzig 1949 Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Ed. by Charles Gillispie. 14 vols. Scrib- ner, New York 197o-1976 Diederichs, Eugen: Aus meinem Leben. Diederichs, Jena 1938 Dinghas, Alexander: Der Einflufl der Berliner mathematischen Schule auf die Entwicklung tier Funktionenlehre. In: Studium Berolinense, p. 763-773 Druckenmiiller, Alfred (Ed.): Der Buchhandel der Welt. Aufbau, Verkehrs- wesen, Anschriften des Buchhandels in Europa und USA. Poeschel, Stuttgart 1935 Ebert, Hans [1]: Die Technische Hochschule Berlin und der Nationalso- zialismus: Politische 'Gleichschaltung' und rassistische 'S~iuberungen'. In: Rtirup Vol. 1, p. 455-468 4~4 References

- [2] and Karin Hausen: Georg Schlesinger und die Rationalisierungsbe- wegung in Deutschland. In: Rfirup Vol. 1, p. 315-334 Einstein, Albert, Hedwig and Max Born: Briefwechse11916-1955. Kommen- tiert yon Max Born. Nymphenburger, Mtinchen 1969 Ernst. - Wilhelm Ernst 8: Sohn. Verlag ffir Architektur und technische Wissenschaften. Firmenchronik. Ernst, Berlin Mfinchen 1967 Estermann, Monika and Michael Knoche (Ed.): Von G6schen bis Rowohlt. Beitr~ige zur Geschichte des deutschen Verlagswesens. Festschrift for Heinz Sarkowski zum 65. Geburtstag. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 199o Eule, Wilhelm: Spamersche Buchdruckerei Leipzig. J.J. Arnd, Leipzig 193o Ewing, John H. and F. W. Gehring (Ed.): Paul Halmos. Celebrating 5o Years of Mathematics. Springer, New York Berlin Heidelberg 1991 Fischer, Emil: Aus meinem Leben. Berlin 1922. - Reprint with preface, epilogue and commentary in English by M. Bergmann. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 1987 Fischer, Isidor (Ed.): Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Arzte der letzten ffinfzig lahre. 2./3. ed. 2 vols. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Mfinchen Berlin 196z Fischer, Klaus [1]: Der quantitative Beitrag der nach 1933 emigrierten Naturwissenschaftler zur deutschsprachigen physikalischen Forschung. In: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 11 (1988), p. 83-104. - [2]: Die Emigration deutschsprachiger Kernphysiker nach 1933. In: Exil- forschung. Ein internationales Jahrbuch. Vol. 6: Vertreibung der Wis- senschaften und andere Themen, p. 4z-77 Fontane, Theodor: Briefe an Wilhelm und Hans Hertz. 1859-1898. Ed. by Kurt Schreinert. Klett, Stuttgart 1972 Forman, Paul: The Financial Support and Political Alignment of Physicists in Weimar Germany. In: Minerva (12) 1974, p. 39-66 Francke, Alexander: Ferdinand Springer 1846-19o6. In: Adref~buch des deutschen Buchhandels. B6rsenverein, Leipzig 19o8, p. III-XXIII. - Also as reprint Franz, Lutz: Die Konzentrationsbewegung im deutschen Buchhandel. Winter, Heidelberg 1927 Frommann, Friedrich l.: Geschichte des B6rsenvereins der Deutschen Buchh~indler. B6rsenverein, Leipzig 1875 Garrison, Fielding H. and Leslie T. Morton: A Medical Bibliography. An annotated check-list of texts illustrating the history of medicine. 4. ed. Gower, Lexington 1983 Georgi, Friedrich: Paul Parey. Verlag ffir Landwirtschaft, Veterinhrmedi- zin, Gartenbau (etc.). 1848-1972. Parey, Berlin Hamburg 1972 Gerber, Klaus: Ver6ffentlichungen des Kaiserlich Deutschen Gesundheit- samtes. Reichsgesundheitsblatt. Bundesgesundheitsblatt. 1877 bis 1977. In: Bundesgesundheitsblatt 2o 0977), P. 389-397 Glum, Friedrich: Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitht und Kaiser Wilhelm- Gesellschaft zur F6rderung der Wissenschaften. In: Studium Beroli- nense, p. 757-762 G6tze, Heinz: J.F. Bergmann Verlag. In: Estermann/Knoche, p. 15o-157 Goldfriedrich, Johann: Geschichte des Deutschen Buchhandels yon Beginn der Fremdherrschaft bis zur Reform des B6rsenvereins im neuen Deutschen Reiche. 18o5-1889. B6rsenverein, Leipzig 1913 Gotthelf. - Jeremias Gotthelf (Albert Bitzius). S~imtliche Werke in 24 vols. 6.-9. Suppl. vol. edited by Kurt Guggisberg and Werner luker. Rentsch, References 415

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'c' after a page number refers to Advertisement commission 94 Allgerneine und spezielle chirur- the caption of an illustration. (1880) gische Operationslehre 280 There are no references to repro- Advertisements 34 (1852), 93 f. Allgemeiner Deutscher Volksschrif- duced book titles. With respect to (1880), 1OO (1882), 103 (1892ff.), ten-Verein (General German Folk the names of the Springer-Verlag 104 (1880), 115 (1888), 122 (1879), Writings Society) 24f, 31, 38 owners, inclusive page numbers 126 (1900), 145 (19o4), 162 (1906), AlthofL Friedrich 266 refer to textual passages dealing 225f. (1914), 301 (1923; in books), Altum, Bernard 64 with their activities, while single 302 (1925), 318 Alzheimer, Alois 175c page numbers point to their being Advertisements, charges for Amelang, C.F. (Bookshop), Berlin mentioned outside the correspond- 93 (188o), lO3 (1892) 8 ing period. The author's Notes are Advertising department 151 Amelang, C.F. (Publisher), Leipzig marked by 'n' after the number (1882), 317 (1927), 374 (1942) 85 of the note; they are listed on Advertising revenue 2o4 (1911), American Library Association p. 389-4o9. The translator's foot- 317 (1927-1930), 322 (1929-1932) 355 notes are identified by a 't' after Advisers 68 (1871), 114 (19o2), 157 Amtliche Nachrichten des Reichs- the relevant page numbers. - In (19o4) , 211 (1911, 258 (192os), 264 versicherungsamts 221f the alphabetisation of the entries (1921), 306 (1924), 316 (1910-33), Anatomische Hefte 255 the vowel with an 'Umlaut' is not 361f. (after 1935) Anderssen, Adolf 139 treated as a diphthong (G 6, ii, AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizifiits- Angestelltenversicherung, Die Fr~nkel comes after Franck). Gesellschaft) 97c, lO3C, 192 (Employees Insurance) 221 Agreement of Miinster (1933) Ankara 72n 356c Anleitung zur Niederschrift und A Agriculture ministry 217 VerOffentlichung medizinischer Aimard, Gustave 56 Arbeiten 258c Abderhalden, Emil 189, 194, 234, Airship Exhibition, First Interna- Annalen der Physik 131 284, 374 tional 2o8 Annalen for soziale Politik und Abel, Ambrosius 132 Akademische Verlagsgesellschafi, Gesetzgebung 221, 222~ 3o4 Abel, Nils Henrik 129 Leipzig 186, 214, 273, 381 Anonymous Publications 49 Aber, Albert 245 Akademischer Schutzverein (1860), 52 (1862) Aber, Eduard 245 (Academic Protection Society) Antiquariat (Hirschwald) 248 Abhandlungen aus dem Gesarnt- 143, 145 Arbeiten aus dem Kaiserlichen gebiet der Kriminalpsychologie Albu, Albert 167 Gesundheitsamte 124 (Heidelberger Abhandlungen) 191 Alexandroft, Paul 264 Arbeitsgemeinschaft des Reisebuch- Abstract Journals (see Zentral- Alien Property Custodian 46n handels 379 bliitter) Allers, C.W. 128c Arbeitsgemeinschaft wissenschaft- Academic Protection Society (see Allgemeine deutsche polytechnische licher Verlage (AWV) 379 Akadernischer Schutzverein) Zeitung 98 Arbeitskreis Mathematik 86n Addresses acquisition 67 (1859), Allgemeine Deutsche Volksbiblio- Arbeitsstelle for Schrifttums- 246 f. (1928, Hirschwald) thek 25 bearbeitung 85n Adler, Alfred 235c Allgemeine Elektrizitgits-Gesellschaft Archly fiir Augen- und Ohren- Admission to universities, limita- (AEG) 97c, lO3C, 192 heilkunde 234 tions of 363 (1933), 91n Allgemeine Fernsprecheinrichtun- Archly fOr Augenheilkunde 234, Advance series (see Fortschritte) gender Deutschen Reichs-Post 255 Advertisement censorship lO6 und Telegraphen- Verwaltung Archly f~r Dermatologie und (1880) 102 Syphilis 255 428 Index

Archiv ffir die gesamte Virus- Ausfeld, Friedrich 35n Begas, Oscar 21n forschung 363 Ausfeld, Otto 35n BehOrdenverlag 88-94 (in the Archiv fOr Eisenbahnwesen 89, Austria 12o (1883), 137 (1889), 324 188os), 220 (1912) 134 (Export 1932), 5111 (see also Behrend & Co. (Publisher), Archly f~r Entwicklungsmechanik Springer-Verlag Wien) Berlin 221f., 3o4 der Organismen 233, 255 Authors accounts 319 (1927) Behrend, Adolf 147, 32n Archly fOr @ni~kologie 255 Authors banned and lost (after Behring, Emil von 188 Archiv for klinische Chirurgie 255, 1933) 325f., 333 34o, 344 Beilsteins Handbuch der Organi- 279 Authors circulars 176f. (19o8), schen Chemie 117, 190, 231-233 , Archly for Laryngologie und 18OC (1911), 201 (1906), 360 (1937) 336, 372, 45 f.n Rhinologie 255 Authors corrections 113f. (19o3), Beitriige zur Klinik der Tuberkulose Archiv for mikroskopische 187f. (1910), 201 (1906), 232 und spezifischen Tuberkulose- Anatomie 255 (1918), 296 0921), 302 (1925), 308 Forschung 255 Archly f~r Ophthalmologie 233 Authors, foreign (proportion) 87n Bell, Graham lO2 Archly for orthopiidische und Authors organisations 270 (1921) Bell, James 119 Unfall-Chirurgie 255 Axhausen, Georg 282 Belletristic literature 4o (1849ff.) Archly for physikalische Mathe- Benda, Daniel Alexander 19 matik 266 Bendemann, Friedrich 2o8 Archly for Psychiatrie und Nerven- B Berend, Alice 82n krankheiten 255 Berg- und HOttenmSnnische Zeit- Archiv J~r Urheber-, Film- und Babkin, Boris Petrovich 284, 287 schrift 112 Theaterrecht 3o6 Badische Anilin- und Sodafabrik Bergmann, Ernst yon 126, 245, Archly for wissenschaftliche (BASF) 115 352c Botanik 288 Baeyer, Adolf yon 116 Bergmann, Gustav von 259, 278 Archly for wissenschaftliche und Bahn, Adolph 19 Bergmann, J.F. (Publisher), Wies- praktische Tierheilkunde 255 Baltische Schachbliitter 139 baden, later Munich 126, 172, Archival Journals (print-runs Balzac, Honor6 de 3 185, 214, 215, 234-236, 245, 251, 193os) 356c , Albert von 137 254-256, 277, 278c, 279, 314, 321 Ardenne, Manfred von 362, 364 Bank transfers 151 Bericht fiber die Versammlung Armament industry 314 Banneitz, Fritz 303 deutscher ForstmOnner 65, 137 Armierter Beton 197 Banning of publications, Berichte fiber die gesamte Gyniiko- Art and Practice of Medical responsibility for 81n (see logie und Geburtshilfe 255 Writing, The 258c also Book ban) Berichte Ober die gesamte Physio- Art paper 09o9) 214 Barcroft, Joseph 287 logie 253, 255, 39n Aryan paragraph 325c, 327, 343 Barkhausen, Georg lOOC Berl, Ernst 116 Aryanisation, book series 335f. Barner, Martin 86n Berlin 1, 4 (184o), 8f. (1842), 13 Aryanisation, journals 332-335 Barsortiment (Wholesalers) 318 (1843), 29f. (1848), 87 (since (medicine), 342 I. Barth, Johann Ambrosius (Publish- 1871), 90, 92f. (1880), lO3 Aryanisation, Springer-Verlag er), Leipzig 131, 181, 184, 245, (1881/82), 242 (1923), 382 332, 343-346 (1935), 373 (1942), 283, 381 (1944/45) 383 Bartsch, Gustav 57, 58, 13n Berlin telephone book lO3 (1892) Arzneibuch des Deutschen Reiches Basic number 237-239 Berlin und seine Eisenbahnen 9o Baudissin, Sophie von 57 3o8c Arztliche Praxis 25o, 28o Bauer, Bruno 15 Berliner, Arnold 192, 193, 266, AschendorfJSche Verlagsbuchhand- Bauingenieur, Der 198 , 255 267, 316, 333-335, 339, 349, 356, lung, Miinster 92 Baunl, Hermann 246 87n Aschoft, Ludwig 256 Baur, Wilhelm 343, 366, 371 Berliner Bli~tter 19 Asher, Leon 157, 172, 368, 374-378 Bayer, Friedrich (paint factory) Berliner Gesellsch@ for Urologie Auerbach, Berthold 25 115 (Berlin Society of Urology) 328 Auerbach, Ludwig 117 Bechterev, Wladimir M. 235c Berliner klinische Wochenschrift Aurelie (i.e. Baudissin, Sophie Beck, Adolf 362, 9on 126, 245, 246, 255, 280 von) 57 Beck, Guido 355c Berliner Maschinenbau AG 24n Aus den internationalen Fortbil- Beckurts, Heinrich 119 Berliner Stadtverordnetenversamm- dungskursen der Wiener medi- Beecher-Stowe, Harriet 38 lung (Berlin Town Council Meet- zinischen Fakultiit 276 Beer-Hofmann, Richard 82n ing) 31, 7o, 72, 8o (1877) Index 429

Berne 36, 77 (1868), 340 Book formats 3o7f. 315, 327 (1933), 331 (1933), 341c Berne Convention 77 Book make-up/design 307 (192os) (1938), 343, 355 (1933), 379 f. Bernhard, Ludwig 223 Book output 44 (1856/57), 83 (1942). - Notes 19, 21, 76 Bethe, Albrecht 234, 259, 375 (1867-1876), 140 (1865-1905) , 162 (1933/36), 94 (1942) Beton und Eisen 197 (19OO-1918), 196 (1907 14; engi- BOrsenvereinsreform 14o (188o), BetriebsbOcher 296 neering), 223, 224 (1913; German 141 (1880), 142 (1887) Beuth Verlag, Berlin 244 Publishers), 227 (1915), 242f. Borst, Max 277 Beuth-School 211 (1913/22), 321f. (1919/32), 358 Bothe, Walther 275 Beyer & S6hne (Publisher), (1927-1944), 44n (1941/18) B6ttger, Hermann 121, 122 Langensalza 255 Book prices, high 143, 145 (19o4), Bouhler, Philipp 341 Beyling, Carl 362 216 (19o7), 59n (see also Price Boycott 240 (1919ff.), 252, 364 Bibliographie der gesamten Kinder- reduction) (1933ff.), 47n (1919ff.), 79n (1933) heilkunde 181 Book production 149-151 (188os), Branch establishments 14 Bibliographisches Institut (Publish- 22o, 3o7-311 (1911), 316f. (1927), Brandstetter (Printer), Leipzig er), Leipzig 85n 374 (1942), 358 (1927-1944), 44n 215, 308 Bibliothek des Radio-Amateurs (1914/18) Braumiiller, Wilhelm (Publisher), 3o2 Book slips 75 (1871), 73n (1871) Wien 255 Bieberbach, Ludwig 262, 263c Book Trade Association, German Braun, Heinrich 222, 223 Bier, August 312, 351-353 (see BOrsenverein) Braun, Lily 222 Billroth, Theodor 245, 249, 282 Book trade on commission 12-14 Braun, Otto 223 Binswanger, Otto 126 (1843), 45 (1858), 72 , 319 c (1927) Braus, Hermann 278 Biochemische Zeitschrift 166-171 , Bookkeeping 247 (1927, Hirsch- Bredow, Hans 3oof. 356c, 39n, 87n wald), 319 (1927) Breitkopf & H~irtel (Publisher), Biochemisches Handlexikon 189 Books by instalments 12o (1883), Leipzig 77 (1871), 366c Birkmeyer, Karl yon 3o4 231f. (1917), 28n, 45n, 62n Bremen 79 (1867), 138 (186os), Bisceglie, Vincenzo 287 Books for public authorities (see 246 (19o6) Bismarck, Otto yon 49 Beh6rdenverlag) Brennglas'scher Volkskalender 38 Bitzius, Albert (son of Gotthelf) Books produced by companies Brockhaus & Avenarius (Book- 21t, 36 103 (1880 ft.) sellers), Paris 3 Blaha, Emil 96 Books scrounging 135 (19oo) Brockhaus, Albert 142, 147 Blanck, Edwin 259 Books suppliers 15 (1843), 145 Brockhaus, F.A. (Publisher), Blankenstein, Hermann 91 (19o4) Leipzig 42 Blaschke, Wilhelm 263, 264 Bookseller, The 381 Brown, Boveri & Cie. lO3 Bleichr6der (Banker) 25n Booksellers' examination 73 (1851) Brfiche, Ernst 362 Bleuler, Eugen 228, 276c Booksellers' trading regulation Brugsch, Theodor 171, 18o, 314, Bloch, Felix 355c 147 (191o) 4on Blocks (printing) lO4 (1892), 15o Bookshop (in-house department) Bruhn, Christian 259 (1880), 215 (1910), 310 320 (1928), 68n BrOning, Heinrich 322 Bluhm, Julius 19, 49, 133 Borchard, August 277, 280, 282, Buber, Martin 82n Blumenthal, Otto 230, 261, 335, 283 Biicher der arztlichen Praxis 276 25n, 87n Born, Max 237, 240, 242, 263c, Bticher, Karl 143, 260 B6ckh, August 4c, 19, 2o 266-27o, 271-273, 275, 316, 335 f., Buchheister, Gustav Adolf 122 Bohr, Harald 263c 349, 368 Buchka, Karl Heinrich yon 119 Bohr, Nils 23o BOrnstein, Richard 131, 131c, 93n Buchmann, Eduard 91 Book ban 27f. (1847), 32t. (185o), Borntraeger Bros. (Publisher), Biichmann, Georg 36n 38 (1851), 51 (1865), 344-354 Berlin 255, 381 Buchner, Eduard 169 (1933ff.), 377f. (1943) Borrmann, Richard 91 BOchner, Georg 2, 3c Book covers 56 (186o), 307 (189o), B6rsenblatt fi~r den Deutschen Buhl, Frants 62n 31of. (1927), 370 (1942) Buchhandel (German Book Trade Buhl, Ludwig 15c, 19 Book delivery on commission 146 Gazette) 72 (1866), 74 (1866/72) Bulwer, Eduard George 60 (19o4) BOrsenverein der Deutschen Buch- Bumke, Oswald 175, 176, 235c, 257, Book Fair 2 (1835), 74c (187o), 74c hiindler (Association of the 259, 277, 278c, 361 (1867) German Book Trade) 73t, 73f. Bumm, Ernst 277 Book Fair (Leipzig) accounting 81 (1867ff.), 81 (1873), 141 (1887), 147 Bundesdruckerei (printing office) (1877), 11 (1842) (19o9), 237f. (1921), 241 (192o), 90 430 Index

Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm 117 Colonia Versicherung (Insurance) Cushing, Harvey William 282 Burger, Ludwig 58, 13n 68c, 70 Customer discount 3 (184o), 14o Business letters, diction 38n Commission book trade 12-14 (1880), 147 (1905) Butenandt, Adolf 288, 359 (1843), 45 (1858), 72 , 319 c (1927) Customer list 246f. (192os) Buttmann, Philipp Karl 59 Commission publisher 15 (1842), Cut-rate prices 14o (188o), 148 4o (1849ff.), 66 (1859), 94 (188o), (19o4f.), 217 (19o7: printing 98 (1882), 109 (1892), 115 (1904), firms) C 122 (1879), 183 269 (1923), 359 Cylinder press 215 (191o) (1933 ff.) Czapek, Friedrich 285, 286 Calculations 40 (1852), 213 (1914), Company's annual outing 348c Czechoslovakia 324 (export 1932) 29of. (1926 with high print- (1937) Czerny, Adalbert 17o runs), 295 (1922; do.), 299 Company books lo2f. (188off.) (1919) Company library 347c Call-ups 374 (1942) Complimentary copies (see D Cammerer, Josef Sebastian 362 Examination copy) Carath6odory, Constantin 23o, Concentration of programme 314 Dacqu6, Edgar 291 263c (1931 ) Dalp'sche Buchhandlung (later Caricatures 16L (1842/43) Concession duties 5 f. (1842), 73 Schmid & Francke), Berne 36, Cash orders 57 (1862), 147 (19o4) (1867) 71, 156 (see also Francke, Alex- Catalogues 318 (192os) (see also Confiscation 81n (1936) ander) Price list) Congress of Internal Medicine, Danckelmann, Bernhard 64, 65c Cauchy, Augustin 129 Wiesbaden 182 (19o9), 209 Deadlines (not met) 198 (191o), Cauer, Eduard 61 (1911), 235 (1888) 256, 258, 272 (1925), 375 (1939/42) Cauersche Erziehungsanstalt 1, 2c, Contag, Max 91 Debye, Peter 268 61 Conti, Leonardo 328, 329 Decker, R. yon (Publisher), Berlin Censorship 4 (184o), 5 (1842), 18f. Contradictory negotiations 90 (1844), 72, lO6 (advertisements), 143-145 Degener, Hermann 355, 356c 351, 353 (1936ff-) Control Commission for Delbrtick, Max 339 Centralblatt (see also Zentral- Germany 83n Delbrtick, Rudolf (yon) 90 blatt) Cooper, James Fenimore 57f. Delivery on commission 146 Centralblatt for die gesamte Copying press 152 (19o4) Chirurgie 183 Copyright 72, 75-77 Denk, Wolfgang 28o Centralblan fi]r Elektrotechnik Copyright, international 75f. Denker, Alfred 259 lO6 Copyright, law (of 2o.5.187o) 76f. Denmark (export 1932) 324 Chamisso, Adelbert yon 8on Cornelius, Ernst-August 361 Dernburg, Friedrich 89 Charlottenburg, Technische Hoch- Corning, Hanson Kelly 277 Deuticke, Franz (Publisher), Wien schule 88, 95, 344 (1935) Corrections (see Author correc- 126 Chemiker-Kalender 89, 116 tions) Deutsch-Russische Medizinische Chemisch-technische Mitteilungen Cotta, J.G. (Publisher), Zeitschrift 248c 43, 116 Stuttgart 42, 95, 224 Deutsche Arbeitsfront 347, 373 (as Chemisch-technische Untersu- Courant, Richard 23o, 262-264, publisher) chungsmethoden der Grofl- 271, 272, 293, 316 , 335, 336, 346, Deutsche BOcherei, Leipzig 35o, lndustrie 116 349, 353, 368, 86n 353, 37n, 85n Chemische Industrie, Die 115, 116 Cox, Homersham 52 Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft Chirurg, Der 28o-283, 382 Crompton & Co., London 27n 117f., 19o, 231, 244, 253, 336 Citizen's rights 5f. Crusius, Siegfried Leberecht Deutsche Edison Gesellschaft (later 'Civilian Middleman' 9ot (Publisher), Leipzig 311 AEG) 1o3 Civil Service Law (see Gesetz zur Currency depreciation 324 Deutsche Forschungsgerneinschaft Wiederherstellung des Berufs- (1931/35), 354, 365, 69n (Japan) (German Research Association) bearntentums) Currency exchange rate 324 86n (see also Emergency Asso- Clauswitz, Paul 91 (1931/32), 364 ciation) Clebsch, Alfred 231 Currency, German 23t Deutsche Gesellschaft for ange- Cohen, Friedrich (Publisher), Currency surcharge 239f., 264 wandte Chemie 115 Bonn 255 Curschmann, Hans 175, 179, 276 Deutsche Gesellschaft for Chirurgie Collins, Wilkie 6o Curschmann, Heinrich 124, 128c 183, 278-280 Index 431

Deutsche Gesellschafi for Urologie Distribution (dispatch) 239 (1930, Eher, Franz (Publisher), Munich 328 Bergmann), 249 (1929, Vienna) 343 Deutsche Medizinische Wochen- (see also Sales department) Ehrenfest, Paul 266 schrift 126, 28o Distribution ban 35o, 353 (since Ehrlich, Paul 126, 155, 167f., 17o, Deutsche Milit~irarzt, Der 363 1936), 81n (1936) 184-188 Deutsche Pharmakologische GeseIl- Ditte, Alfred 116 Eichholz, Ehrenreich 19 schaft 329, 87 n D6blin, Alfred 82n Eichhorn, Johann Albrecht Deutsche Physikalische Gesell- Dobretsberger, Josef 72n Friedrich zo schaft 33o, 87n D6derlein, Albert 259 Einstein, Albert 196, 230, 262, 267, Deutsche Physiologische Gesell- Doerr, Robert 36oc 268, 333, 349, 355-357 schaft 253 Domarus, Alexander von 182, 277 Eintritt der Censur in Deutschland, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (Publish- Donner, Herbert 62n Der 19, 20 er), Stuttgart 224, 3Ol Dornier, Claude 209 Eiselsberg, Anton von 249 Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift for Dreher, Gustav (engraving firm) Electrician, The lO4 Zahnchirurgie 255 316, 65n Electroplates 2o4 (1912) Deutsche Zeitschrifi for Chirurgie Drekopf, Karl 362 Elektrotechnische Berichte 363 283, 312 Dresden 198 (19o4), 315c (1917) Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift (ETZ) Deutsche Zeitschrift for die gesamte Driesen, Ludwig 2o 89, 101, lO4, lO6, 151 gerichtliche Medizin 333f. Drogist 122t Elektrotechnischer Verein lO4, Deutscher Apotheker- Verein Drug lists 92n lO7 (DAV) lZZ, 327 Dub, Iulius lOl Eliot-Fisher (accounting system) Deutscher Buchdruckerverein Dubbel, Heinrich 114, 21o-214, 247 216 303, 316, 361 Ellenberger, Wilhelm 246 Deutscher Drogistenverband 122 Duisberg, Carl 115 Ellinger, Alexander 259 Deutscher Industrie- und Han- Duncker, Alexander 46 Eisner, Fritz 68, 119 delstag 79n Durand, William Frederick 362 Elze, Curt 278 Deutscher Nationalpreis for Kunst Dust covers 289c (1921), 296 Embden, Gustav 259 und Wissenschaft 351 (1921), 31of. (192os) (see also Emergency Association of German Deutscher Stahlbauverband 362 Book covers) Science (see Notgemeinschafi Deutscher Verlegerverein 234, 237, Dyck, Walter yon 261 der Deutschen Wissenschafi ) 315 Emergency Association of German Deutsches Archiv for klinische Science Abroad (see Not- Medizin 357 E gemeinschafi deutscher Wissen- Deutsches Museum 158 schafi im Ausland) Deutsches Reich 327t Eberhard, Gustav 259 Emergency Order 1931 (see Not- Devisen (foreign currencies) 342 Ebner & Seubert (Publisher), verordnung 1931) (1933), 354 Ulm 54 Emigration 32 (1848/49), 5o (1849), Dickens, Charles 60 Economic crisis 45 (1857), 93 271c (1934), 287 (1933), 319 (1935), Diederichs, Eugen (Publisher), (1929), 163 (1906), 236 (1929/30), 326 (1933), 335 (1938), 337, 339 Jena 225 320-324 (do.) (1933) Dieffenbach, Johann Friedrich Economic Office of the German Employees (Springer) 84 (1877), von 245 Book Trade 343 (1935), 365, 371 217 (1911), 248 (1923/31 Hirsch- Diesel, Rudolf 96, lO8-111, lnt Edinger, Ludwig 185 wald), 315-319 (1926), 372f. Diesterweg, Moritz (Publisher), Editor 125t (194o/42), 382 (1944) Frankfurt/Main 321 Editor's contract 166-168 (19o5, Employees salaries 237 (1919), 348 Dieterich, Eugen 121 journals), 195 (1912), 223 (1911, (193os) Dihm, R. 136 journals), 229, 261 (192o do.) Encyclopi~die der inneren Medizin Dirac, Paul 274c Editorial activity 176-18o (19o8ff.) und Kinderheilkunde 18o Direct sales 75 (since 1871), 101 256f. (192os), 272f. (1923/24), 71n Enderlen, Eugen 282, 312 (1890), 142 (188o), 145f. (1904), (termination) Engelhard, Friedrich 226 151 (188os) Editorial instructions 348f. Engelmann, Wilhelm (Publisher), Discount 14 (1843), 38 (1852), 57 (193OS) Leipzig 117, 215, 231-234, 255 , (1862), 6o (186o), 67 (1859), 92 Editors' Law 73n 287 (188o), lO9 (1892), 141 (188o), 145 Edwards, I.W. (Publisher), Ann Engels, Friedrich 15c (19o4), 290 (1926), 3oz (1924) Arbor 381, 46n Engineer 84, lO4 432 Index

Engineering programme lO1-1o8, 247 (Hirschwald, 192os), 251 Folk Writings Society (see Allge- 361c (1936) (Minerva), 300 (1921), 319 meiner Deutscher Volksschriften- Engl, Josef 326c (1927-1931), 322 (1929/31), 324 Verein) English language 60-62, 272 (1932), 343, 354 (1939), 364f. Fontane & Co. (Publisher), Berlin (1931), 384, 385 (1932ff-), 369 (1938-1942), 373 54 Enke, Ferdinand (Publisher), (1940), 38of. (1942), 384 Fontane, Theodor 53, 54, 55, 69 Stuttgart 126, 245, 381 Export journal 96 (19o3) Food chemist (German Association Enslin (Bookshop), Berlin 1, 8, 13, Export restrictions 380 (1942) of) 12o in Forced conformity (see Gleich- Enslin, Adolph 142 schaltung) Entscheidungen und Mitteilungen F Foreign currencies 342 (1933), 354 des Reichsversicherungsamtes Foreign words 257 221 Fachbiicher fi~r J{rzte 275 Forel, Auguste 236c Entwicklung des Niederrheinisch- Fachschaft Verlag 379 Forestry Academies 63, 64, 68, Westfgilischen Steinkohlen-Berg- Faraday, Michael 13o 137 baues, Die 98 Farbenf:abrik Friedrich Bayer Formula typesetting 13of. (1886), Enzyklopgidie der inneren (BASF) 115 214 (1910) Medizin 275 Fgirber-Zeitung 89, 116, 252 Forst- und Jagdkalender 63, 64, Enzyklopgidie der Rechts- und Farbwerke Hoechst 115, 155 89, 137 Staatswissenschaften 3o4c Faundel (silent partner of Julius Forstliche Blgitter 64 Enzyklopf~die der Rechtswissen- Springer) 5, 11 Fortschritte der Botanik 288 schaft 304 Federal Printing Office 90 Fortschritte der Elektrotechnik 89, Epstein, Hans 326c Feldm/Shle (paper manufacturer) 1o8 Erb, Wilhelm 311 220 Fourier, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph 129 Ergebnisse der allgemeinen Patho- Ferber, Martin 326c Fraenckel, Paul 333 logie und der pathologischen Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 1 France 324 (export 1932) Anatomie 256 Fierz-David, Hans Eduard 116 Franck, James 266, 271-273, 275, Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Ent- Fieseler-Werke (Kassel) 337 326c, 335 f., 355 wicklungsgeschichte 255 Filchner, Wilhelm 351 Francke, Alexander 79, 142, 147, Ergebnisse der Biologie 288, 290 Finkelstein, Heinrich 174 156, 32n Ergebnisse der Chirurgie und Finland 324 (export 1932) Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Orthopiddie 174, 278 Fischer, Emil 117, 188-19o, 194 Stuttgart 3Ol Ergebnisse der inneren Medizin Fischer, Ferdinand 115, 119 Frank, Karl Georg 2Ol und Kinderheilkunde 171-174 Fischer, Franz 308, 316, 64n, 66n Frank, Phillip 86n Ergebnisse der Physiologie 375 Fischer, Gustav (Publisher), Jena Franke, Carl 59, 137 Ergebnisse series 164, 171-175 126, 224, 245 Fr'ankel, Carl 119 (1908), 181 Fischer, Heinrich 293 Frankfurt/Main lO2 Ermeler, Wilhelm 8 Fischer, Hermann 97 Frankfurter Zeitschrift for Patho- Ernst & Sohn (Publisher), Berlin Fischer, Paul David 88, 92 log& 255, 357 197 Fischer, S. (Publisher), Berlin 224, Frankfurter Zeitung 199 Ernst August II, King of Hanover 82n Franz, Carl 282 4t Fischer, Theodor (Publisher), Franz Ferdinand, Austrian Heir to Erste internationale Luftschiffahrts- Kassel 126 the Throne 57n Ausstellung (ILA) 2o8 Fischer-Wasels, Bernhard 357 Freie Vereinigung Deutscher Nah- Eulenburg, Albert 18o Fishbein, Morris 52n rungsmittelchemiker 12o Euler, Leonhard 129 Flight medicine 362 Fresenius, Carl Remigius 119, 235 Evacuation of Springer depart- Flugschriften 31 (1848) Freud, Sigm. 236c ments 382 (1944) Fock, Gustav (Antiquarian book- Freundlich, Erwin Finlay 274, Evacuation of Springer stock 375 seller), Leipzig 148, 33n 326c, 72n (1944), 95n Foerster, Ernst 316 Freundlich, Herbert F.W. 326c Ewiges Verlagsrecht 17n Foerster, Max 197, 3o3, 311, 316 Freytag, Friedrich 198, 211, 303 Examination (inspection) copy 61 Foerster, Otfried 176, 257, 259, Frick, Wilhelm (Publisher), Wien (1864), 92 (1880), 135 (1900), 203 278C, 361 12o (1906), 212 (1914), 314 (192OS) Folk literature, German 24ff., 31, Friedensburg, Ferdinand 83n Export 238-240 (1922), 242 (1923) , 38 Friedenthal, Richard 82n Index 433

Friedlaender, Henriette n~e Levy Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Greeting formula in letters 88n (grandmother of ]ulius Sprin- GOttingen (G6ttingen Society of (1937) ger) 1 Sciences) 269 Grenzboten, Die 34 Friedlaender, Paul 116 Gesellschafi Deutscher Naturfor- Griewank, Karl 86n Friedrich Wilhelm IV., King of scher und J(rzte 194, 268, 334, Grimm, ]akob and Wilhelm 4, 4, 15, 18, 32c, 48 355 217, 36n Frisch, Karl von 288-291, 293 Gesellschaft for Linde's Eisma- Grimmer, Walter 259 Frisch, Otto Robert 326c schinen lO9 Grimsehl, Ernst 137 Fritsch, Theodor (Publisher), Gesellschaft reichsdeutscher Groos, Chr. Th. (Publisher), Leipzig 343 Urologen 329 Karlsruhe 27 Fritze (Bookshop), Stockholm 38o Gesenius, Wilhelm 311, 62n Gropius, Martin 138 Fuchs, Richard 362 Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Gropius, Waiter 138 Berufsbeamtentums 325, 327, Grosse, Carl 151,64n 367, 91n Grosser (Publisher), Berlin 124 G Gesundheitsamt (see Kaiserliches Grog, Maria 57 Gesundheitsamt) Grof~heim, Karl von 148c Gaflky, Georg 119, 124 Gesundheitsbi)chlein 127 Grothe, Hermann 98 Garbotz, Georg 259 Gierke, Julius yon 306 Gruhle, Hans Walter 19o, 191 GarrO, Carl 277, 280 Gierke, Otto yon 228 Grundlehren der mathematischen Garrison, Fielding Hudson 260 Giesserei-Verlag, Diisseldorf Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstel- Gartenbauwissenschaft 288 244 lungen (The fundamental teach- Gaufl, Carl Friedrich 269 Gildemeister, Martin 285 ings of the mathematical Gecks, Wilhelm 235, 236, 314 Giroverkehr 151 (188o) sciences in individual presenta- Geelhaar, Ferdinand (Bookshop), Glasscheib, Samuel 367 tions, with particular emphasis Berlin in Gleichschaltung (Forced con- on applied areas) 262 Geheime Oberhofbuchdruckerei, formity) 326t, 326-331 Grunert, Julius Theodor 64, 65c Berlin 90 Gli~ckauf 112 Gruyter, Walter de (Publisher), Geiger, Carl 259 Gliickauf (Publisher), Essen 244 Berlin 252, 255, 381 Geiger, Hans 259, 273, 274 Gneist, Rudolf yon 31, 44, 51, 52, Guleke, Nicolai 282 General German Folk Writings 134, 303 Gumpert, Martin 82n Society (see Allgemeiner Deut- Godlevski, Emil 285, 286 Gumperts Bokhandel, N.J., G6te- scher Volksschriften- Verein ) Goebbels, Joseph 81n borg 38o Geneva 3 Goldschmidt, Paul 91 Gundlach, Wilhelm 89 George III, King of England 4t Goldschmidt, Richard 287, 287c, Gtinther (Publisher), Lissa, later Georgi, Arthur 215 288-293, 316, 359 Breslau and Leipzig 67 Georgi, Otto Robert 148c G6rz, Joseph 22n Gurvich, Alexander 284, 287 Gerlach, Walther 379 Gosse, Paul 316, 3o9c, 64n Gtitschow, Carl 14, 47, 1in German Engineering and Industries Gotthelf, Jeremias 20 ff., 21t, 26, Guttek, J. 19 (journal) 96 28, 30, 31, 33-37, 38, 39, 44, 50, Guttentag, J. (Publisher), Berlin German language 240 (1919-26), 77, 78, 21t 92 258c (1929) G6ttingen 262 (19zoff.), 265ff., Gutzkow, Karl 19 German Book Trade (Association; 336 (1933/36) Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster Gazette, etc.) (see BOrsenverein) G6ttingen Society of Sciences (see 1 German Labour Front (see GeselIschaft der Wissenschaften Deutsche Arbeitsfront) zu GOttingen) German Research Association G6ttingen Seven 4t H (see Deutsche Forschungsgemein- Graefe, Albrecht von 233 schaft) Graefe, Karl Ferdinand von 245 Haase, Moritz 19 Gerold (Publisher), Vienna 62c, Grafe & Unzer (Bookshop), Haber, Fritz 336 250 K6nigsberg 26 Haberer, Hans yon 312 Gerst~icker, Friedrich 38 Grashof, Franz 89c Hager, Arnold 68 Gerstmann, Otto 316, 66n Grawinkel, Carl lol, lO2 Hager, Hermann 65-70, 79, u8c, Geschichte und Entwicklung des Great Britain/England 60, 84, 1o4 120, 141 , 15n elektrischen Fernsprechwesens (19oo; translations), 247 (1929; Hager, Martin (Publisher), Bonn 102 Hirschwald), 324 (export 1932) 233, 255 434 Index

Hahn, Otto 275, 362, 380 Harnack, Ernst von 35of., 359, Hilbert, Franz 265c Hahnemann, Samuel 311, 312 81n, 83n Hilbert, Mia 265c Hallauer, Curt 36oc Harrassowitz, Otto (Export book- Hilfsbuch J~r den Maschinenbau Hallberger, Eduard (Publisher), sellers), Leipzig 324 198 Stuttgart 56 Hata, Sahachiro 187 Hilger, Albert 118 Halm, Elise 57 Haun, August 58, 13n Hinckeldey, Karl Ludwig Friedrich Halmos, Paul 264c Hausfreund in Hi~tten und Paldisten yon 48 Hamperl, Herwig 166, 277, 55n 25 Hindenburg, Paul von 325c Handbibliothek fi~r Bauingenieure Havestadt, Christian 91 Hinkel, Hans 343, 366 226, 297 Hay, Alfred 259 Hinrichssche Buchhandlung, Handbook(s) (see Handbuch, Hayek, Friedrich August 25o Leipzig 37n Handbiicher) Hecke, Erich 263c Hippel, Arthur Robert von 355 Handbook criticism 26of. Heftier, Arthur 257, 259 Hirschwald (Bookshop), Berlin Handbuch der Erbbiologie des Hegler, Carl 278 245-249, 279, 3O1 , 319, 320, 322, Menschen 359 f., 88n, 89n Heidelberg 157 (1888), 19o, 191 372 Handbuch der Experimental- (1911/13) Hirschwald, August (Publisher) physik 273 Heidelberg Conference (1871) 77, 26, t26, 214, 246, 251, 252c, 255, Handbuch der experimentellen 18n, 19n 275, 28o Pharmakologie 257, 329c Heiderich, Friedrich 259 Hirschwald, Ferdinand 245 Handbuch der Geisteskrank- Heimann, Moritz 82n Hirschwald-Anzeiger 247 heiten 176, 278c Heine, Heinrich 82n Hirzel, S. (Publisher) 336, 381 Handbuch der Gesetzgebung in Heise, R. 119 His, Wilhelm jun. 173, 179, 182 Preuflen und dern Deutschen Heisenberg, Werner 266, 355c His, Wilhelm sen. 311 Reiche 3o3 Heller, Arnold 2o9c Hitler, Adolf 325 Handbuch der Haut- und Hellpach, Willy 235c H6ber, Rudolf 234, 276, 287, 339f. Geschlechtskrankheiten 367f. Helmholtz, Hermann 13o, 131 Hoffmann & Campe (Publisher) Handbuch der inneren Medi- Hendschel's Telegraph 92 26, 41 zin 176, 179, 227 Henke, Friedrich 256f., 259, 336 Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Handbuch der Neurologie 175, Henschen, Karl 282 Heinrich 217 278c, 361 Herausgeber 125t Hoffmann, Ernst lO3C Handbuch der Physik 271-275 Herglotz, Gustav 263c Hoffmann, Friedrich 123 Handbuch der physiologisch- und Hermann, H.S. (Printers), H6fler, Alois 137 pathologisch-chemischen Ana- Berlin 157, 194 Hofmeister, Franz 167, 17o lyse 246 Hermetische Grenzsperre 19 Hohenemser, Kurt 2o9, 337 Handhuch der spezielIen patho- Herter, Christian 17o H6hr, Salomon (Bookshop), logischen Anatomie und Histo- Hertz, Hans 79c Zurich 2, 3, 7, 22, 26 logie 256,336 Hertz, Heinrich 13o H61der, Otto 235c Handbuch der vergleichenden Ana- Hertz, Wilhelm (Publisher), Holdheim, Samuel 51 tomie der Haustiere 246 Berlin 26, 54, 78, 79, 8o, 36n, Holl, Frank 53n Handbuch der Virusforschung 361 8on Holm, Ragnar 362 Handbuch des geltenden Offent- Herwegh, Georg 2, 12 Hoist, Gilles 362 lichen und Bi;~rgerlichen Rechts Herxheimer, Gotthold 277 Holtzendorff-Vietmannsdor f, Franz 303 Herzberg, Alexander 91 yon 19 Handbuch fiZr Eisenbetonbau Hessenberg, Gerhard 23o Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 363 197 Heubner, Otto 128, 171 Holzmeister, Clemens 72n Handbuch, HandbiZcher [Hand- Heubner, Wolfgang 257, 259, 285, Homa, Paul 317, 67n book(s)] 165, 175t, 175-181, 329, 29n Homburger, August 19o 254-260, 320-323, 36O, 361 Hevesy, George yon 275 Honcamp, Franz 259 Hanffstengel, Georg von 316c Heymann, Carl (Publisher), Honorarium 171fi, 240-242 (Infla- Hanover 4t, 297 Berlin 26, 321 tion), 269f. (1920), 294, 354 Hansen, Max 362 Heyse, Paul 54 (Jewish authors, 1939), 368 (1937) Harben Lectures 186 High Command of the (German) Honorarium, editors 185 (19o5), H/iring, Oscar (Publisher), Berlin Air Force 379 195 (1912), 198 (19o9), 2o2f. 304 Hilbert, David 261, 262, 263c, 265, (19o6), z23 (1911) Harnack, Adolf von 17oc, 350, 36n 267, 271, 353, 86n Hopf, Ludwig 362 Index 435

Hoppe-Seyler, Felix 167, 245, 246 International Research Council (selling-out) (see also Emigra- H6pstein, Albert 72 47n tion) Horter, R. 57 Internationales Centralblatt fi~r Jewish editors 332-336, 372 (1941) Hosemann, Theodor 39, 39c, 58, Laryngologie, Rhinologie und Jhering, Albrecht von 114 13n verwandte Wissenschaften 255 Job advertisements 122 (1879) Houdremont, Eduard 362 Istanbul 337 (1933), 72n ]oachimsthalsches Gymnasium 59, H6vel, Paul 343, 371, 75n, 94n Italy 324 (export 1932) 156 Huber (Publisher), Berne 22 Jochmann, Georg 278 Htibner, Arthur 281, 283, 316 Johst, Hanns 35oc, 351 Hue de Grais, Robert 134, 303 Joint venture publishing lo7f. Huether, Carl 313c (1889), 181 (191o), 203-2o6 Htiffer, Eduard 92n Jacobsen, Emil 115, 118c, 119 (1911ff.) Humboldt, Alexander von 41c, 42 ]acobson, Paul 232, 336, 45n Jonas, E.H. (Bookseller), Berlin 4, Hund, Friedrich 336 Jacoby, Johann 31, 3zc, 5o, 51 7, 11 Hungary 324 (export 1932) Jadassohn, Josef 259, 277, 349, 368 ]6rs, Paul 306 Husemann, Theodor 121 ]ahrbuch der motorluftschiff-Stu- Journal fi/tr die praktische Chemie Hiissener, Robert 343 diengesellschaft 2o8 132 Hi2tte, Die 198, 211 ]ahrbuch der preuJ~ischen Forst- Journal of Economics 3o7 Hygienische Rundschau 255 und ]agdgesetzgebung und Ver- Journal of Industrial and Engineer- waltung 89, 137 ing Chemistry 232 ]ahrbuch der wissenschafiIichen Ge- Journal prices 355ff. (1933ff.) I sellschaft fi~r Flugtechnik 2o8 f. (see also Society journals) ]ahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte Journal production 151 (1882), 163 Igersheimer, Joseph 72n auf dem Gebiete tier Chirurgie (1906), 220 (1911), 228 (1914/18), ILA (i.e.: First International Air- 279 316f. (1927), 32o (1932), 374 ship Exhibition) 207 ]ahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte (1942ff.) Illustrations department 31o, 316f. auf dem Gesamtgebiete tier Agri- Journals 87f. (188os), 164 (19o7; (1927), 382 (1942) cultur-Chemie 63, 118 programme), 165-171 (19o6), Illustrations quality 31o ]ahresbericht ~iber die Fortschritte 251-255, 254f. (1921), 302, 312f. Imperial Commission on Normal der mechanischen Technik und (1931, Vogel), 322 (1931; foreign, Standards 135 Technologie 98 cancellations), 354-357 (falling Imperial Public Health Office and ]ahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte page numbers after 1932); prices; Reich Health Office (see Kai- tier Thierchemie oder tier physio- proportion of foreign contribu- serliches Gesundheitsamt) logischen und pathologischen tors), 356c Index preparation 179 (1911) Chemie 234 Jubilee bonus 372 India 355 ]ahresbericht i2ber die wissenschaft- ]tirgensmeyer, Wilhelm 362 Industrial Press, The (Publisher), liche Biologie 288 ]uristische Blgitter 3o7 New York 2o3-2o6, 295 Janke, Otto (Publisher), Berlin 56 Just, Giinther 359 Industrie-Blditter 118c Japan 174 (1908), 324 (export Inflation 236-243, 251, 252 1932), 355 (1938), 37o (1941), 69n Ingenieur-Kalender 89 Jaspers, Karl 19of., 3o8f., 41n K Insel-Verlag, Leipzig 224, 295, lellinek, Walter 3o6 59n, 82n Jewish authors 339 (new editions Kabitzsch, Curt (Publisher), Wtirz- Inspection copy (see Examination after 1933), 344 (1935), 349 (re- burg 255 copy) views), 349f- (announcement in Kahler, Otto 259 Instalments (see Books by instal- price list; offer and distribution Kaiser, Hermann (Bookseller), ments) of books 1935), 35o (on 'prohi- Berlin 81c Instruktionen f~r die alphabeti- bited' list; ban on publishing and Kaiser- Wilhelm-Gesellschafi 88, schen Kataloge der preuflischen distribution 194o), 353 (reprint- 189 (1911), 334 (1935), 381 Bibliotheken (Instructions for ing plan 1945), 354 (royalty Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute 169, 17oc the Alphabetical Catalogue of the transmittal 1939), 368 (royalty (1913), 283, 287c Prussian Libraries) 221 transmittal; 1937ff.), 37o (1942; Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt (Im- Internationale Fortbildungskurse selling-out ban), 37off. (sale on perial Public Health Office and der Wiener medizinischen Fakul- production of permit), 82n (1935, Reich Health Office) 88, 124, tat 276 announcement of books), 92n 126, 166 436 Index

Kalender fiir den Berg- und K6nig, Fritz 282 Lange, Otto 251, 3ol, 319, 366, 373, Hi~ttenmann 14n K6nig, Hermann 86n 374 Kalle & Co. 115 K6nig, Joseph n8, 119 Lange, Rudolph 59 Kapp, Gisbert lO4, 27n KOniglich privilegierte Berlinische Lange, T6njes 246, 249, 251, Kapp, Wilhelm 228 Zeitung 8 345-347, 352, 354, 371-374, 377, Karger, S. (Publisher), Berlin 129, Kopp, Hermann 117 379 f., 381, 384, 92n, 94n 245 Korporation Berliner Buchhiindler Langenbeck, Bernhard von 245, Kaskel (Banker) 56 66, 67t, 72, 141 279 Kaskel, Walter 304-306, 316 Korshenewsky, Nicolai von 362 Langgaard, Alexander 125, 127, Kayser, Heinrich 148c K6rte, Werner 282 128 Keller, Ludwig 149, 15o Kossel, Walter 272 Langstein, Leo 171 , 174 , 179 , 275 Kellermann, Ludwig 19 K6ster, Werner 362 Lanston, Tolbert 2nc Kelsen, Hans 25o, 3o6 Kostyschev, Sergius 284, 287 Lanz, Titus von 361 Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson) Kraft durch Freude (Strength Laqueur, August 72n 13o through Joy) 348 Lauchhammer AG 219 Kemnlann, Gustav 91 Kraftmaschinen 211 Laue, Max von 268, 272 , 334, 87n Key number 327L Kramish, Arnold 9on Lausanne 3 Keynes, John Maynard 61n Kraus, Friedrich 171, 18o Law against overcrowding in Khintchine, Alexander 264 Kraufl, Julius 58, 72 German schools and colleges/ Kirchmann, Julius Hermann Kraufg, Richard 63n universities 91n von 19, 42, 303, 1on Krehl, Ludolf (yon) 127, 312 Law for regulating national Kirschner, Martin 175, 279c, 28o, Kreidel, C.W. (Publisher), Wies- work 347 281 baden/Munich 234, 236, 255 Law for the protection of the Klapp, Rudolf 282 Krenke, Nicolaj P. 287 sciences and arts against reprint- Klare, Kurt 332f., 376-379, 7on Kret~, Hans von 277 ing and reproduction 17n Klein, Felix 261, 262, 265, 269 Kretschnler, Ernst 235c Law for the repatriation of public Klein, Gustav 259 Kreuter, Erwin 283 property (Austria 1945) 5m Kleinschmidt, Otto 281 Krogh, August 287 Law for the restitution of the civil Kletke, Hermann 39, 42, 55, 56 Kr6ner, Adolf 142 service (see Gesetz zur Wieder- Klinische Wochenschrift 126, 246, Krupp, Friedr., Essen 111 herstellung des Berufsbeamten- 275 , 280, 357, 382 Kuczynski, Robert Ren6 228 turns) Kloepfer, Katrin 56n Kuhn, Richard 287 Laws (Nazi) 325t Klut, Hartwig 119 Kuhno, Julius 4n Lazarus, Paul 259 Kneser, Adolf 263c Kunststoff- Technik und Kunststoff- Lehmann & Wentzel (Bookshop), Knoche, Michael 87n Anwendung 363 Vienna 249 Knopp, Konrad 231, 263C Kurella, Hans 235c Lehmann, J.F. (Publisher), Munich Koch, Robert 88, 119, 124 Kurrein, Max 349, 361 129, 280 Koebner, Wilhelm (Publisher), K0ttner, Hermann 174, 278 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm yon Breslau 142 143 Koehler & Volckmar (foreign Leidl, Theodor 317 department), Leipzig 322 L Leipzig 211 (1835), 148c (1885), 214 Koenig & Bauer 216c (1908), 215 (1909), 224 (1913), 242 Koffka, Kurt 24o Lagrange, Joseph Louis 129 (1923), 380 0943), 95n K6hler, Karl 124 Lampart, Theodor 142 Leist, Carl 96 Kohlrausch, Eduard 305 Lampe-Vischer, Carl Victor 128, Leitfaden for Verfasser wissen- Kohlschiitter, Arnold 259 311 schaftlicher Arbeiten 258 Kollmann, Franz 362 Lampe-Vischer, Carl-Friedrich Lenard, Philipp 268 Kolmogorov, Andrej 264 311-314 Lepeshkin, Vladimir 284, 287 Kongress fiir Innere Medizin, Wies- Landau, Edmund 230, 266 Lepsius, Bernhard 2o7 baden 182 (19o9), zo9 (1911), Land6, Alfred 266 Lesser, Edmund 277 235 (1888) Landolt, Hans 131, 131c, 93n Lewandowsky, Felix 275c Kongreflorgan der Deutschen Ge- Lange & Springer (Bookshop), Lewandowsky, Max 175, 275f. sellschaft fOr Chirurgie 279 Berlin 249, 372 (see also Lewin, Arthur 329 Kongreflzentralblatt fi~r die gesamte Hirschwald, Bookshop) Lewin-Funcke, Arthur 161c, 373c inhere Medizin 253 Lange, Anna 319 Lewinsohn, Richard 82n Index 437

Lewis, H.K. (Bookseller and pub- Manual typesetting 21o, 216 Meyerhof, Otto 275, 287 lisher), London 382 (19o7), 28n Mez, Carl 119 Lexer, Erich 283 Manuscripts 212 (1913; difficulty Michaelis, Leonor 285 Leyden, Ernst von 179 of providing), 291f. (1926 do.), Michel's Erhebung 19 Leydhecker, Wolfgang 277 296 (1921 do.), 357f. (1933fL; in- Michel, Der deutsche ('Gullible Libraries 260 (19zos), 314 (1931), sufficient supply) Fritz') 16 322 (1931), 364f. (1937), 369 Marchand, Felix 128 Microchimica Acta 363 Library, Royal 22o Marie Elisabeth: i.e. Grofg, Maria Microfilm 38o (1944f.) Licences (see Translations) 57 Milchwirtschaftliche Forschun- Lichtenberg, Alexander yon 259 Mark 23t gen 255 Lichtenstein, Leon 23o, 262, 263c Mark, Hermann 335 MiIitdrarzt, Der deutsche 363 Liebig, lustus von 41, 69, 117, 235 Martens, Wilhelm 138 Minerva (Bookshop), Vienna 249, Liebreich, Oscar 125, 127 Marx, Karl 15c 251 Liepmann, Wilhelm 72n Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nfirn- Ministry(ies) (see Reichsministe- Life insurance (Colonia) 68c, 70 berg (MAN) 111 rium) Lilienthal, Karl von 19o Masing, Georg 362 Minkowski, Hermann 265 Lindau, Bernhard Ludwig 7n Mathematische Annalen 231, 252, Minkowski, Oskar 171 Lindemann, August 91 261-263, 87n Misch & Thron (Bookshop), Linn6, Karl von 311 Mathematische Zeitschrift 230 f., Brussels 246 Linotype 194 (1912), 24n (1899) 261-263, 87n Mises, Richard von 2o9, 274c, 338, List of banned books 348 Mattersdorf, Wilhelm 91 368, 72n, 86n List of Displaced German Maxwell, James Clerk 13o Mittheilungen aus den kOniglichen Scholars 325 Maxwell, Robert 9on technischen Versuchsanstalten Liszt, Franz von 304, 3o5 Mayer, Hans Ferdinand 9on 89, 101 Literarischer Sachverstiindigen- Mayer, Max Ernst 305 Mittheilungen der kaiserlichen Nor- Verein 72 Mayne Reid, Thomas 56 mal-Aichungs-Kommission 89, Lithography 15o (1886), 151 Mecklenburg, A. (Translator) 55 101 Loewe, Ludwig 2ol Medication lists 92n Mittler, E.S. (Publisher), Berlin 8, Loewenfeld, Leopold 235c Medizinische Klinik 28o 9o Logo (Springer) 138f. 0881), 148c Mehnert, Klaus 82n Mohr (Publisher), Wittenberg 39 (19o9), 220 (Vienna), 372 (1941) Meiner, Arthur 132 Mohr, J.C.B. (Publisher), Ttibingen Lorenz AG, C. 299 Meisenbach, Georg 151 34n Lubarsch, Otto 252, 256, 257f., Meister, Lucius & Co. 115 Mohr, Leo 176-178 259, 314, 336, 349, 53n Meit~ner, Walter 362 M611endorf, Wilhelm yon 259 Luchars, Alexander 2o3-2o6 Meitner, Lise 338, 367 Mommsen, Theodor 188 Lticke, Albert 313c Melchior, Eduard 72n Monatsbldtter fiir Arbeiter- und Ludendorff, Hans 259 Melliand, Marcel (Publisher), Angestelltenversicherung 221, Ltittig, Oswig 362 Mannheim 252 3o4 Member subscriptions lO6 (188o), Monatsblidtter fi~r Arbeiterversiche- 115 (1888), 182 (19o9), 183f. (1913), rung 221 M 244 M6nckeberg, Johann Georg 55n Mentzel, Rudolf 334 Monographien aus dem Gesamtge- Mach, Ernst 132 Menz, Gerhard 37o biet der Physiologie der Pflanzen Machine composition 216 (19o7) Meshdunarodnaja Kniga, Moscow und Tiere 226, 375 (see also Linotype; Monotype 247, 324 Monographien aus dem Gesamt- composition) Mesmer, Gustav 337, 338 gebiete der Neurologie und Machine tools 2oo-2o3 Metronornische Beitri~ge 135 Psychiatrie 175 Machinery 2o4f. Metternich, Klemens yon 16c Monographs 165, 323 (1932 ) Machinery Handbook 295 Metzner, Franz 220 Monotype Company, Berlin 220 Mackenzie, James 276 Meyer, Albert 317 (1911) Macleod, John James Richard 287 Meyer, Diedrich 91 Monotype composition 21oL Magnus-Alsleben, Ernst 72n Meyer, Erich 171 (191o), 215 (1911), 216 (19o7), 308, Mamlock, Gotthold 91 Meyer, George 91 28n Mangold, Ernst 259 Meyer, Max 72n Morinsche Buchhandlung (Book- Manteuffel, Otto yon 32 Meyer, Rudolf 62n shop), Stettin 5n 438 Index

Morton, Leslie T. 26o Needham, Joseph 87n Nut~baum, Johann Nepomuk von Mosse Handelsgesellschaft (adver- Nees von Esenbeck, Christian 126 tising agency), Berlin 93t Gottfried 19 Nystrom, Carl Alfred lOl Mosse, Rudolf 93, 317 Neff, Paul (Bookseller), Stuttgart Mtihlbrecht, Otto 142 3, 7, 12 Mtiller, Carl Ed. (Bookshop), Neisser, Albert 128, 194 O Bremen 78 Nervenarzt, Der 191 Miiller, Eduard 138 Nesper, Eugen 299-3o3, 6on Oehmigke, Alfred (Publisher), Mfiller, Friedrich (yon) 169, 171, Netherlands, The 324 (export Neu-Ruppin 58 182, 184, 194, 235, 357 1932), 331c, 385 Offprint 112-114 (19OO), 174f. Mtiller, G.W.F. (Bookseller and Neuber, Heinz 362 (19o8), 37n Publisher), Berlin t, 2, 26, in, Neuberg, Carl 166, 285, 287, 39n Ohlmtiller, Wilhelm 119 9n Neue Berliner Schachzeitung 139 Ohm & Co. (Machine factory) Mtiller, Georg (Publisher), Munich Neuer Haus- und Familienschatz 84 224 39 Oldenbourg, R. (Publisher), Mfiller, Johannes 273 Neugebauer, Otto 335 Munich 77, lO6-1o8, 208, 216 MOiler, Louis 43 Neumann, Carl 231, 263c Oppenheimer, Fritz 285 Mtiller, William 217 Neumann, Gustav Richard 139 Oppenheimer, Heinrich Bern- Miinchener Medizinische Wochen- Neurologisches Zentralblatt 255 hard 27 schrift 129, 186, 280, 357 Neutral Countries, orders 37o Oppert, Georg Ferdinand 11, 47, Mi2ndener forstliche Hefte 89 (1939ff.), 38o (1942ff.) 7n Munich 158 (19o6), 224 (1913), 242 New Yorker Pharmaceutischer Oppert, Henriette, nde Lindau 11, (1923) Leseverein 123 47, 7n Miinster, Agreement of 356c Nicolai'sche Buchhandlung, Berlin Option 23 (1846) Muralt, Alexander yon 375-379 8, 46 Organ fi~r die Fortschritte des Niderlechner, Max 248 Eisenbahnwesens 235, 255 Nieberding, Arnold 88 Original language books 272 N Nieritz, Gustav 26 (1931) Nijhoff, Martinus (Publisher), Ortega y Gasser, Jos6 268c Nagelschmidt, Franz 276 The Hague 331 Orth, Albert 119 Nahrungsrnittelchemiker 12o Nissen, Rudolf 336 Osenberg, Werner 86n Narbel, Cath6rine 57 Nissl, Franz a9o Oslo Report 9on National Era, The 38 Nitsche, Rudolf 362 Ossietzky, Carl von 3511 National-Zeitung 5o, 92 Nobel Prize (ban on acceptance by Osterreichische botanische Zeit- Nationalbibliographie 351, 353 Germans) 351 (1937) schrift 250 Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Noorden, Carl von 169, 179, 182, Ostertag, Robert 256 ]4 rztebund (National-Socialist 275 Ostwald, Wilhelm 117 German Doctors' Union) 342 Nordmann, Otto 281 Ottersbach, Georg 122 Natur und Geisteswelt 290 N6rlund, Niels Eric 264 Otzen, Robert 226, 297-299 Nature 193 Norway 324 (export 1932) Overheads 213c (1914) Naturwissenschaften, Die 192-196, Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Overtime 219 333-335, 356, 362, 379, 382, 39n, Wissenschaft (Emergency Asso- 87n ciation of German Science) Naturwissenschaftliche Mono- 24oc, 242, 263, 322, 48n P graphien und Lehrbiicher 267 Notgemeinschaft deutscher Wissen- Naturwissenschaftliche Rund- schaft im Ausland (Emergency Page excess 177 (191o), 198f. schau 193, 194 Association of German Science (1910), 212 (1912), 258 (192OS) Naumann, Justus 142 Abroad) 72n Page fee 61 (1864), 7o (1876/78), Naumburgs Wahlzettel 139 Notverordnung 1931 (Emergency 153 (186o-188o), 171 (19o7), 177 Naunyn, Bernhard 311 Order 1931) 322 (191o), 195 (1912), 198 (19o9), 271 Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archiv fi~r Numerus clausus (Limitation of (1924), 297f. (1912) experimentelle Pathologie und admission to universities) 363 Page restrictions (journals) 354f- Pharmakologie 312, 329c, 336 (1933), 91n Palladin, Alexander W. 284 Nauwerck, Karl 18 Nuremberg Laws 345 Pamphlets 31 (1848) Nazi laws (in general) 325t Ntirnberg, Werner 362 Papen, Franz von 325 Index 439

Paper price 37 (1855) Piwowarski, Eugen 362 Printing charges 216f. 09o7ff.), Parey, Paul (Publisher), Berlin 63, Plakate (placards) 92 (188o) 264 (1922), 302 (1925) 116, 138, 215, 36n Planck, Max 274c, 334 Printing costs subsidy 242 (1923), Paris 3 Pneumatic tube post 152 299 (1919), 322 (1927/31), 48n Parnas, Jakob 226, 285-287 Pohl, Robert Wichard 272 Printing firms 214, 216f. (tariff), Pattie-Exemplar (Free copy for Pohlhausen, Karl 361 227 (1914/18), 231 (1917/18), 237f. small bulk orders) 38 (1852), 57 286 (1919), 324 (export (1919), 374 (capacity 1939/45), (1862), 58 (1860), 141 (1880) 1932) 380 (1943, war damage), 382 Partsch, Carl 259 Police Association of the More Im- (1945 do.) Party Examination Commission portant German States 33 Printing firms, taking a share (Parteiamtliche Priifungskommis- Polytechnische Buchhandlung in 15o (1886), 214-217 (19o9) sion [PPK]) 340, 341, 352, 84n, Albert Seydel, Berlin (Poly- Printing machines 215f. (1911) 85n technic Bookshop) 98 Prinzhorn, Hans 241 Pauli, Wolfgang 25o, 266, 275 Popper, Karl 367 Probst, Emil 197 Pavlov, Ivan P. 284 Popular Manual to Hygiene, A Production 78 (1871), 85 (188o), Payment, lump sum 35 (1854), 38 127 149 (187o), 199 (191o), 212 (1913) (1852), 54C (1860), 185 (1905), 290 Poske, Friedrich 132, 137 Production costs 78, 237 (infla- (1927) Postal charges 74 tion), 42n (19o7), 59 n Payr, Erwin 174, 278, 281, 282 Postal delivery 152 Production department 15of. Perron, Oskar 263c Postal journal service 66 (1859), (1882), 194f. (1912), 214 (1910; Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich 1 122 (1887), 145 (19o4), 15n quality requirements), 22o (1911), Peter, Karl 259 Postal parcel charges 141 289 (1927) (see also Book pro- P4terfi, Tibor 288, 72n Postal service 75 (since 1871), 220 duction, Journal production) Peters, Hans 3o6, 316 (1911) Profit sharing (see Royalty) Peters, J.B. 136 Potsdamer Platz 218, 220 Promotion (marketing) 92f. Peters, Theodor loof., 26n Pouillet, Claude Servais Mathias (1880), 145 (1904) , 198 (1910), 203 Petr4n, Gustaf 282 273 (1906), 212 (1914) , 289 (1927), 301 Petsch, W. 76 Practitioner books 275 (192os) (1923), 319 (1932) Pfaundler, Meinhard von 174, 259 Prager, Bernhard 336 Promotion department (market- Pfennig 23t Prager, Willy (William) 337, 338, ing) 319 (192off.) Pfestorf, Gerhard 362 72n, 74n Promotional copies 199 (191o), Pillagers Archiv ffir die gesamte Prag(ue) 96t 203 (1906), 212-214 (1914), 223 Physiologie des Menschen und Praktische Ergebnisse der Geburts- (1911), 283 (1928) (see also Ex der Tiere 233, 255, 375, 39n hilfe und Gyniikologie 255 amination copies) Pharmaceutische Centralhalle 66, Prandtl, Ludwig 2o8, 2o9 Prospectuses 11 (1842), 66c, 67 89, 120 Precensorship 380 (1942), 84n (1859), 145 (1904), 212 (1914), 246 Pharmaceutische Rundschau 89, (1938) (192OS), 292 (1927) 123 Press decree of 3o. 6.1849 33, 33c Provinzial Schul-Kollegiura 61 Pharmaceutische Zeitung 89, 12o, Preu.flisches Volksblatt 56 Prussian State Library 22o 151, 327 Price cutting 14o (188o), 141, 148 Psychologische Forschung 255 Pharmaceutischer Kalender 67, (19o5) Public Health Office (see Kaiser- 89, 120 Price list 318 (192os), 349 (1935), liches Gesundheitsamt) Pharmaceutisches ]ahrbuch 67 353 (194o), 354 (194o; suppl.) Publisher on commission (see Pharmacopoea germanica 9o Price reduction 322 (1932), 365 Commission publisher) Philipon, Charles 15 (1935 abroad) Publisher's income 27o (1921) Philippovich, Eugen 3o5, 3o6 Price surcharges 232, 237 (1917ff.) Publisher's representative Physica 331 Print-run 34 (1852), 38 (1851), 39 289 Physikalisch-chemische Tabellen (1852), 59t:. (1860), 61 (1864), 69 Publisher's Weekly 95n 93 n (1876), 1OO (1882-1906), 113 Publishers' costs 1531. (188o), 213c Physikalisch- Technische Reichs- (1903), 235 (1867; journals), 273 (1914) anstalt (PTR) 33of., 336c (1924), 274 (1926), 296, 376 (1943) Publishers' rights 75, 76 Pierer (Printer), Altenburg 85, 157 Printers' charges 216f. (19o7.), 217 Publishers' rights, perpetual 75, Pietsch, Ludwig 35c, 58, 13n (19o7), 42n (1896-19o7) 17n Piper-Verlag, R., Miinchen 41n Printers' wages 3o (1848), 216f., Publishers' rights, purchase 63 Pirquet, Clemens yon 275c 217 (19o7) (1852), 107 (1902), 118 (1886) 440 Index

Publishers' rights, purchase (con- Reichsdruckerei, Berlin (Printing Reiter, Hans 359 tinued) 171 {19o8), 194 {1912), Office) 92 Remmelmann, Gustav {Publisher), 231 (1916), 232f. {1918), 287 Reichsforschungsrat (Reich Re- Leipzig 9n {1919), 290 {1926) search Council) 86n Renaming of firms 372 (1941) Publishers' rights, purchase or ac- Reichsgesetz fiber das Verlagsrecht Renk, Friedrich Georg 119 quisition 251E {inflation), 255 (Reich Law on Publishers' Reparation payments 24o {list) Rights) 76 (1919 ff.) Publishers' rights, sale/loss 63 Reichsgesundheitsamt (Reich Public Reprints (incl. pirated) 3 {Bel- (188o), lO6 {19Ol), 252 {192o/21), Health Office) 359 gium), 22 {Switzerland), 72, 213c 336c {1935), 344 (1935) Reichsgesundheitsverlag (Reich {Russia), 232 (1918; USA), 38of. Publishing contract 66 (1859), Public Health Publishing Com- (1943ff.; USA), 46n {1935/37; USA 152-155, 344 {withdrawal, 1935) pany) 373 1942 fro) Publishing houses acquisi- Reichskulturkammer (Reich Cham- Reserve stock 319c tions 22of. (1912), 234f. {1918; ber of Culture) 73n Restructuring (renaming) 372 Bergmann), 245f. {1921; Hirsch- Reichsleitung der NSDAP (Reich {1941) wald), 304 (1914; H/iring), 311-314 Directorate of the National- Results series (see Ergebnisse) {1931; Vogel), 363 {1936; Spamer) Socialist German Workers Retail book trade 14o {1865-19o5), Publishing programme concentra- Party) 34o 145 (19o4), 237 {1919) tion 314 {1931) Reichsministerium des Inneren Retail promotion 246 f. (Hirsch- (Reich Ministry of the Inter- wald) ior) 332, 337 (1934), 73n Reuter, Fritz 12n R Reichsministerium far Volksaufkld- Review ban 35oc, 351 (1936), 378f. rung und Propaganda (Reich {1943) Raabd & Co., J.C.J. {Publisher), Ministry for People's Enlighten- Review copies llOf. (1892), Kassel 32 ment and Propaganda, also 199 (191o), 318 (192os) Rabow, Siegfried 127, 127 known as Propaganda Minis- Reviews 34 (1852), 56f. (1862), Radbruch, Gustav 19, 367 tery) 331, 34o, 341, 35o, 69n, 192f. {1913), 199 (1910), 274 (1926), Radio-Amateur, Der 255, 3olf. 73n, 77n 339c {Jewish authors), 352 {1939) Raman, Chandrasekhara 275 Reichsministerium f~r Wissen- Revolution (1848/49) 29t Rapatz, Franz 362 schaft, Erziehung und VoIks- Ribbert, Hugo 277, 55 n Rathenau, Ernst lO5 bildung (Reich Ministry for Richter, Friedrich 233, 336 Rauch, Otto 319 Science, Education and People's Richter, Ludwig 13n Recknagel, Alfred 362 Instruction) 331, 341c, 377f., Ricker, Carl 12o Reclams Universal-Bibliothek 75, 379, 380, 73n, 85n, 92n Rieder, Robert 185 295, 59n Reichspressekammer (Reich Press Riemann, Bernhard Georg Redaktion 125t Chamber) 341c, 77n Friedrich 129 Reform movement 141 Reichsschrifttumskammer (Reich Rikola-Verlag, Vienna 249, 249c Regener, Erich 272 Chamber of Literature) 331, Ringleb, Oskar Alexander 8on Reich, Deutsches 327t 34o, 343, 345, 346, 348, 35oc, 351, Risch, Otto Theodor 15c, 18 Reich Railway Timetable 87, 371, 373, 377f., 381, 384, 73n, 75n, Rodenberg, Julius 55 92-94, 134, 143, 225f. 76n, 77n, 84n Roef~ler, Gustav 91 Reichensperger, Peter 134 Reichssippenamt (Reich Kinship Rohr, Moritz yon 259 Reichs-Eisenbahn-Amt (Reich Rail- [Genealogy] Office) 8on R6hrscheid & Ebbecke (Bookshop), way Office) 217 Reichsverband Deutscher Schrift- Bonn 157 Reichs-Post Amt (Reich Post Of- steller (Reich Association of Ger- R6ntgen, Wilhelm Conrad 188 rice) 102 (188o), 217 (1911) man Writers) 344, 76n R6pke, Wilhelm 367 Reichsamt des Inneren (Reich R eichswirtschaftsministerium Rosbaud, Hans 9on Ministry of the Interior) 143 (Reich Ministry of Economics) Rosbaud, Paul 361, 377, 9on Reichsamt ffir Wetterdienst (Reich 342, 371, 384, 79n Rosenberg, Alfred 341, 351 Weather Service) 361 Reimer, Dietrich (Publisher), R6ssle, Robert 259, 36o, 52an Reichs~rzteffihrer (Leader of the Berlin 46 Rost, Eugen 119 Reich's Doctors) (see Conti, Reimer, Georg (Publisher), R6fller, Constantin 49, 5o Leonardo, and Klare, Kurt) Berlin 126, 255 Rothacker, Oscar {Bookshop), Reichsbfirgergesetz (Law of the Rein, Hermann 276, 375, 378f., Berlin 245,322 Reich Citizens) 345, 368 54n Rothschild {Urologist) 329 Index 441

Roux, Wilhelm 233, 287 Salge, Bruno 174, 276 Schneider, Max 54n Royal Library 220 Salkowski, Ernst 167, 169 Schnepfenthaler Erziehungsanstalt Royal Maritime trading Office 18 Salle, Victor 179, 259, 316, 52n (Schnepfenthal Educational Insti- Royalties 240-242 (inflation), Saltykov (Shtshedrin), Michail ]. tute) 156, 35n 269f. (192o), 294, 354 (Jewish 55 Schnitzler, Arthur 82n authors, 1939), 368 (do. 1937) Salzmann, Christian Gotthilf 156 Sch6nrock, Ludwig 43n, 49n (see also Profit sharing; Page fee; Sarnmlung GOschen 290 School-books, free copies 135 Editor's fee) Sammlung Vieweg (Vieweg Collec- (1900) Royalties on sales 241 (1923), 271 tion) 258 Schott, Sigmund 191 (1924), 302 (1924) Sample copy (see Examination Schriftleitung 125t Royalties, profit-sharing 43 (1852), copy) Schr6dinger, Erwin 274c, 275 104 (1892), 112 (1902), 114 (1904), Sattler, Hubert 128 Schr6ter, Fritz 362 152-155 (1880), 189 (1906), 195 Sauer, Robert 362 Schubert, Gotthilf Heinrich 25 (1912, journals), 21o (19o3), 241f. Sauerbruch, Ferdinand 175, 229, Schule der Pharmazie 121 (1923), 34n (19o3) 239 f., 266, 282f., 312, 351, 29n Schtilke, Hermann 117 Royalty disclaimer lO8 (1881) Sauerl~inder (Publisher), Aarau, 24, Schulze, Paul 248 Rubritius, Hans 328 5n Schulze-Delitzsch, Hermann 19 Riidenberg, Reinhold 361 Saunier, L~on (Bookseller), Stettin Schumpeter, Joseph 61n Riihl & Schlencker (Bookshop), 5, 13, 5n Schur, Friedrich 263c Bremen 246 Scabell, Carl Ludwig 91 Schur, Issai 231, 263C Ruhland, Wilhelm 286, 288 Schacht, Hjalmar 342 Schurman, Jacob Gould 76c Runge, Carl 262, 265, 269, 86n Scheel, Karl 259, 273, 316, 33o, 354, Schwalbe, Bernhard 132 Runge, Max 128, 276 356 Schwalbe, Julius 182 Runge, Wilhelm T. 362 Scheidemann, Philipp 299 Schwartz, Philipp 72n Russia 181 (1912), 213c (1927), Schelenz, Hermann 121 Schwartzkopff, Louis 84, 24n 247f. (Hirschwald) Scherl, August (Publisher), Schwarz, Hermann Amandus 13o, Russian Authors 284 (physiology, Berlin 246, 3Ol 225, 229 biochemistry), 287, 355 (1935) Schieck, Franz 259, 277 Schwarzes Korps (Black Corps) Ri~stungsindustrie 374 Schiller, Friedrich von 311 355c Rtitte, Albert, von 36c Schimpke, Paul 296 Schwester, Die 255 Riitten & Loening (Publisher), Schittenhelm, Alfred 171f., 179, Schwiegk, Herbert 165 Frankfurt 77 275, 4on Scott, Walter 6o Ruki~ka, Vladislav 288, 359 Schleich, Carl Ludwig 128 Seele, Ida 57 Schleicher, Ferdinand 316, 361 Seemann, E.A. (Publisher), Leipzig Schlesinger, Georg 2Ol-2O3, 295, 214 S 349, 353 f- Seifenfabrikant, Der 89, 116 Schlick, Moritz 25o, 267 Seifert, Otto 235 Sabatky, R. 16, 19 Schloflmann, Arthur 259 Sell, Eugen 119 S&hsisches ]4rzteblatt 342 Schmaltz, Gustav 362 Selling-out period for books by Sack, Joseph lOl Schmaus, Hans 277 Jewish authors 37o (1942) Saemisch, Theodor 233 Schmid & Francke (Publisher), Sensitivity testing (politically sensi- Saffir, Otto 249 Berne 156 tive content) 38of. (1942) Sahli, Hermann 171, 173 Schmid, Karl (Bookseller), Sewig, Rudolf 362 Saint-Ren~ Taillandier, Ren6 Berne 79 Seydel, Albert (Publisher), Berlin Gaspard Ernest 19 Schmidt, Erhard 231, 263c 98 Sales conditions 57, 141, 142 Schmidt, Julian 53 Seyfarth, Carly 277 (1904), 148 (1910) Schmidt, Moritz 128 Seyffert, Moritz 137 Sales Department, Springer 289 Schmidt, Otto 138 Sgalitzer, Max 72n (1927), 317f. (1927), 374 (19421:.) Schmidt, Robert F. 54n Siegel, August 362 Sales regulations (for sales abroad, Schmidt-Ott, Friedrich 24oc Siemens & Halske 9on 1921) 238 Schmiedeberg, Oswald 311 Siemens, Elise, n~e G6rz 22n Sales royalty 241 (1923), 271 Schmieden, Victor 282 Siemens, Georg (von) 52c, 22n (1924), 302 (1924) Schneider, Friedrich Wilhelm 43, Siemens, (Karl) Wilhelm 42t Sales to enemy countries 94n 64 Siemens, Werner (yon) 29, 41c, (1942) Schneider, Kurt 191 42t, 52c, lO5, lO6, lO8 442 Index

Signet (see Logo) 15C, 54, 62, 68, 78 f., 81, 83-161, Stirner, Max 15c Simion, M. (Publisher), Berlin 20, 169, 231, 342, 373, 22n Stodola, Aurel 97, 112-114, 194 25, 26, 38, 39 Springer, Ferdinand Stoeckel, Walter 259 Simmons, George H. 52n (1881-1965) 155f., 162-373, Strasser, Gregor 328 Simon, Eugen 295-297 383-385. - Notes 12, 22, 29, 35, Stral~mann, Fritz (chemist) 362 Simon, Heinrich 5o, 51 40, 48, 52, 59, 90 Straflmann, Fritz (forensic medi- Skibbe, Conrad 328 Springer, Fritz (185o-1944) 55, cine) 333 Sklarek, Wilhelm 195c 71c, 79, 84-161, 196, 197, 21o, 215, Stral3mann, Wolfgang 53, 7oc, Slaby, Adolf lO7, 158 223, 225-227, 234, 298f., 315, 343. 71 Soci~te des Gens de Lettres 3 - Notes 23, 31, 32, 43, 8o Straub, Walther 312 Society journals 98-1Ol (1882), Springer, Gertrud, n6e Mfiller 2 Straus, Erwin 339 lO5-1o8 (1880), 112f. (1888), Springer, Isidor (1781-1836) 1 Strau/3, Emil (Bookseller) 142 116-118 (19o2), 143 (19o4) Springer, Julius (1817-1877) 1-82, Strelitz, Paula 319 Society publishing houses 244f. 88, 252C, 342f. Strohbach, Paul 317 Sombart, Werner 235c Springer, Julius (188o-1968) 157f., Struck, Heinrich 124 Sommerfeld, Arnold 262, 266, 162-347, 385 Struktur der Materie 271-272 267, 355c Springer, Konrad Ferdinand (b. Striimpell, Adolf 277 Soviet Union (see Russia) 1925) 79 Strupp, Karl 72n Spamer, Otto (Publisher and print- Springer, Marianne, n6e Friedlaen- Strutt, Maximilian Julius Otto ing firm), Leipzig 63, 115, 21o, der (mother of Julius Springer) 362 211C, 215, 216, 308, 363, 14n 1 Struve, H. 91 Sp~ith, Wilhelm 362 Springer, Marie, n~e Oppert Students 166 (19o6), 364 Special Permit 371 (1935) (1826-19o7) 1of., 55, 8o, 83, 343, (1933-1939) Special price 143 (1887) 2n Sttirtz AG, H. (University printer), Specialisation 43f- (185os), 77f. Springer, Robert 56 Wfirzburg 21o, 214-217, 231, (since 1867), 83f. (1867-1876), Springer-Verlag anniversaries 79 234, 3oo, 3o8, 382 95 f. (188o), 137 (188o), 159f. (1867), 81 (1892), 372 (1942), 21n Stiirtz, Heinrich 214f. (1868-19o6) (1867) Stuttgart 3, 242 (1923) Specialist journals 169, 17o (19o6; Springer-Verlag Bookshop 8-12 Subscribers lO7(19oo), lO7 (19o3), excess supply), 192 (1912) (1842), 44f., 32o (1928), 68n 126 (19oo), 204 (1911), 205 (1914), Spectrochimica Acta 363 Springer-Verlag lector 289 248, 283 (1930) Spemann, Hans 287 Springer-Verlag Vienna 220, Subscriptions by members lO6 Spencer, Christopher M. 97 249-251, 28o, 319, 321, 338, 366f., (188o), 115 (1888), 182 (19o9), Speyer & Peters (Bookshop), 5on (1924) 183f. (1913), 244 Berlin 246 St. Petersburg 12o (1883) Subsidies 48n Spiethoff, Arthur 3o5, 61n Staat, Der 17, 19 S~iddeutsche Buchhtindler-Zeitung Spindler, Karl 25 Staehelin, Rudolf 176, 259 3 Spiro, Karl 172 Staemmler, Martin 342f. Sfiffert, Fritz 362 Spitta, Oskar 119 St~impfli, Wilhelm 34o Sulzer, Gebr. 111 Sponer, Hertha 271c Stark, Johannes 268, 329-331, 334, Support Association of German Springer & Keller (Lithographic 336 Booksellers (see Untersti~t- Institute), Berlin 15oc Steel engravings 21c, 69c (1876) zungsverein der Deutschen Springer Paragraph 141, 144 Stein, Adam (i.e. Robert Springer) Buchhiindler) Springer retail stock 8-12 (1842), 56 Surcharges 232, 237 (1917ff.) 45f. (sales 1858) Steinkohlenbergbau des preufiischen Surcharges on prices 232, 237 Springer, Anna Sabine, n6e G6rz Staates 98 (1917 ff.) 22n Steinkopff, Theodor (Publisher), Surgical Congress 281 Springer, Elisabet, n6e KMvin Dresden 381 Stiff, Wilhelm 86n 265c Stekel, Wilhelm 235c Stitterlin, Ludwig 3o8c Springer, Emilie, n6e Koeniger Stephan, Heinrich 75, 88, lO3, lO5, Svensk Bokhandelstidning 95n 22n 134, 207 Sweden 324 (export 1932), 380 Springer, Emma, n6e Hertz 55 Stern, Dora 336 (1942 ff.) Springer, Ernst (186o-1944) 2, 82, Sternberg, Carl 277, 55n Switzerland 2t. (1836), 35 (1854), 3o4c, 25n Steuer und Wirtschaft 3o7 79 (19o6), 324 (export 1932), 340 Springer, Ferdinand (1846-19o6) Stich, Rudolf 175, 28o, z8z (1938), 376f. (1943), 380 (1942ff.) Index 443

T Translations 38 (1852), 56 (186os), V 96 (189o), lO4 (1892), 13o (189o), Taler 23t 199 (191o), 204-206 (1911ff. jour- Vahlen, Theodor 334 Taschenbuch fi;tr Bauingenieure nals), 213c, 269 (1922), 272 (1931), Van't Hoff, Jacobus Henricus 198 , 212, 297 284 (1911), 290 (1926), 298 (1912), 117 Taschenbuch fiir den Maschinen- 379 (1944) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Publish- bau 21o Transportspesen (transportation er), G6ttingen 77, 237 Taschenbuch f~r drahtlose Telegra- costs) 141 VDE-Verlag 1o6f. (1948), 244 phie und Telephonie 3o3 Trautwein'sche Buchhandlung, VDI-Verlag 244, 296 Taylor, Frederick Winslow 2oo, Berlin 8 Veit, Moritz (Publisher) 70, 75, 81, 2o3 Treitschke, Heinrich yon 36n 9n Technical High School (College), Treuhiinder der Arbeit (Work Velhagen & Klasing (Publisher), Berlin Charlottenburg 88, 95, trustee) 348 Bielefeld/Leipzig in 344 (1935) Trials (law suits) 27f. (1847), 148f. Verband der chemisch-pharmazeu- Technical High School (College), (1905) tischen Groflindustrie 29n Karlsruhe 84, 337 (1933) Tribiine, Die 92 Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker Technical High Schools (Colleges) Tripartite election system 48 106, 27n 84, 88, 95, 112, 196f., 337, 344 Trfibner, Karl J. (Publisher), Strafl- Verdrofl, Alfred (von) 25o, 3o6 Technik in der Landwirtschaft 255 burg 157 Verein Deutscher Chemiker 115, Telephone 1o2f. (1882), 152 (1882), Triibner, Nikolaus (Antiquarian 244 220 (1911) bookseller, London) 157 Verein Deutscher Eisenhiitten- Teubner, B.G. (Publisher), Leipzig Turkey 337, 338 (1933), 72n leute 259 59f., 129, 214, 216, 224, 231, 255, Turnover 228 (1913/1917), 289 Verein Deutscher Ingenieure 96c, 260f., 263, 290, 321 (1927; division), 319 (Hirsch- 252, 327 Textbooks 116 (1886), 127 (189o), wald), 32off. (1929-1932), 369 Verein Deutscher Werkzeugmaschi- 189 (19n), 276-278 (192o; medi- (1938-1942) nenfabriken 353 cal), 297 (19n), 323 (1932), 364 Typesetting costs 232 (1917) Verein fiir bergbauliche Interessen (193OS), 382 (1945) Typesetting, hot metal 21o, 216 (Association for Mining Inter- Thackeray, William Makepeace (19o7), 28n ests) 244 60 Typewriter 152 (1896) Verein zur Verbreitung guter und Therapeutische Halbmonatshefte Typography 149 (187o), 3o7-311 wohlfeiler Volksschriften 24 246, 280 Verein zur Wahrung der Interessen Therapeutische Monatshefte 89, der chemischen Industrie 124, 166, 171 U Deutschlands 115, 244 Thesing, Curt 194c Vereinigung alter Schnepfenthgiler Thews, Gerhard 54n Ubbelohde, Leo 333 ("Old boys" Schnepfenthal asso- Thiele, Adolph 66n Uehlinger, Erwin 52n ciation) 35n Thieme, Georg (Publisher), Uhlich, Leberecht 19 Vereinigung zur Bekgimpfung yon Leipzig 126, 245, 255, 280, 381 Ullstein (Publisher), Berlin 288, Auswidchsen im Inseratenwesen Thomas, Karl 286 3Ol (Association for Fighting Ex- Thomas, Theod. (Publisher), United States of America 76c cesses in Advertising) 29n Leipzig 290 (1931), 97 (1873, 1893), lO4 (19oo), Vereinigung zur FOrderung der an- Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin) 123f. (1883), 2oof., 2Ol (19o4), gewandten Physik und Mathema- 13o 2o3f. (19n), 247, 324 (export tik (Association for the Advance- Thurn & Taxis postal services priv- 1932) ment of Physics and Mathema- ilege 75t Untersti;ttzungsverein der Deutschen tics) 262, 265 Tietz, Hermann 79n Buchhi~ndler (Support Associa- Verhandlungen der Deutschen Ge- Tobler, Rudolf 67 tion of German Booksellers) 73 sellschaft f~r Chirurgie 279 Toepffer, Rodolphe 8n Uppenborn, Friedrich lO7 Verlag Chemie, Berlin 244, 356c, Toeplitz & Deuticke (Publisher), Urban & Schwarzenberg (Publisher), 381 Vienna 126 Vienna and Berlin 126, 129, VerOffentlichungen des Kaiserlichen Toussaint, Friedrich Wilhelm 18of., 245, 280, 381, 4on Gesundheitsamtes 89, 124 119 Urban, Ernst 121, 123, 317, 327 Versailles Treaty 47n Trade regulation (of 21.6.1869) Uryson, Pawel S. 264 Verstiindliche Wissenschaft (Under- 73f. USSR (see Russia) standable Science) 288-293 444 Index

Verzeichnis der Teilnehmer an der Wachsmuth, Werner 361 Wiley, John (Publisher), New Stadt-Fernsprecheinrichtung in Waerden, Bartel L. van der 87n York 9on Berlin m2, lO3 Wagner, Franz 142 Wilhelm II., German Vienna 12o (1883), 173 (19o8), 214 Wagner, Georg August 282 Emperor 201 (19o8), 335 (1933) (see also Wagner, Gerhard 332, 333 Willst~itter, Richard 287 Springer-Verlag, Vienna) Wagner, Robert (i.e. Robert 228, 287, 31o, 336, 349 Vierteljahresschrifi ffir gericht[iche Springer) 56 Wilmanns, Karl 176, 19o, 192, Medizin und OffentIiches Sani- Walchner, F.H. 118, 119 316 tdtswesen 255 Waller, E. 19 Winckelmann (Retail Bookseller Vierteljahresschrift fiber die Wallichs, Adolf 200 and Publisher), Berlin lln Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Wallot, Julius 362 Winkler, Willibald 259 Chernie der Nahrungs- und Ge- Walthard, Fritz 13n Winter, C. (Publisher), Heidelberg nuflmittel 89, 118 Wannsee Conference 372 77 Vieweg, Eduard (Publisher), War damage 37oc, 374f. 38of. 382, Winterstein, Hans 285, 72n Braunschweig 8o 94n Wismann, Heinz 331, 343, 75n Vieweg, Friedr. & Sohn (Publisher), War economy literature 348, 371 Wissenschaft 2ot Braunschweig 80, 95, 171, 194, (1940) Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen 216, 255, 273, 285, 381 Warburg, Otto 349 der Kaiserlichen Normal- Vincke, Georg von 32, 52 Wartime economy 373 (1939) Aichungs-Kommission 135 Virchow, Rudolf 48, 245, 252c Wassermann, Gtinter 362 Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen Virchows Archiv fi2r pathologische Wassermann, Jakob 82n der Physikalisch- Technischen Anatomie und Physiologie und Weber, Heinrich 265 Reichsanstalt 337c ffir klinische Medizin 252, 255 Weber, Wilhelm 131 Wittwer, Konrad (Bookshop), Voegelin, Eric 367 Weekly journals 165 Stuttgart 157 Voelcker, Friedrich 259 Weibel, Wilhelm 229 Wochenblatt fiir Architekten und Voerster, Carl (Commissioner) 67 Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, Ingenieure 197 (1859) Berlin 3o3 Wochenblatt ffir Baukunde 197 Vogel, F.C.W. (Publisher), Leipzig Weierstrat~, Karl 129 Woeniger, August Theodor 17, 126, 128, 214, 245, 277, 280, 283, Weigert, Carl 185 19 311-314, 320, 55n (see also Weigmann, Hermann 259 Wohlgemuth, J.A. (Bookseller), Lampe-Vischer) Weinig, Fritz 362 Berlin 8 Vogel, Friedrich Christian Weit~huhn, Ernst 295 Wolff, C.M. 19 Wilhelm 311 Weiflkopf, Victor F. 355 Wood engraving 70 (1876), 78 Vogel, Hugo 315c Weizs~icker, Carl-Friedrich von (1865), 104 (1892), 106 (1880), 149 Vogtherr, Karl 356 38o (1880), 151 (1882) Volckmar, Friedrich (Commis- Werft und Reederei 255 World Fair 97 (Paris 19oo), 97 sioner), Leipzig 2, 3, 7, 11, 26, Werkmeisterzeitung 206 (Chicago 1896), 2Ol (Liege 19o3) 67, 81, 85, 146 Werkstattbficher 295, 58n World War I 94, 181, 2o6, VOlkischer Beobachter 355c Werkstattstechnik 2o2, 206, 295, 225-234, 254, 285, 298f., 305 Volkmar, Leopold 19 58n World War II 367 (production Volksbibliothek deutscher Klassik Werther, Carl Ludwig 19 and turnover), 371 (supply of 42 Wesener, Felix 128 materials; paper supply) Vortriige und Aufsditze iiber die Wettstein, Diter von 57n 373-375, 94n (1943) Entwicklungsmechanik der Wettstein, Fritz yon 283, 288, 316, Working Groups 379 Organismen 287 57n Worms, Heinrich 63n Vossische Zeitung 8, 39, 92 Wetzel, Georg 259 Wrangel, Friedrich Heinrich Ernst Vof~, Leopold (Publisher), Weyl, Hermann 230 von 32 Hamburg 45n Whitaker (Publisher), London Voting system, tripartite 48 lO4 Wien, Wilhelm 273 Y Wiener klinische Wochensehrift W 249, 25o, 28o Youth writings 21 (1843), 22, 39f. Wigand, Otto (Publisher), Leipzig (1852-1858), 55 (1858ff.), 57 Wachsmuth, Richard 130, 207, 9n (sales) 6on Wildbolz, Hans 259, 275 Yugoslavia 324 (export 1932) Index 445

Z Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene und Infek- Zentralblatt far die gesamte Chir- tionskrankheiten, medizinische urgie 182 Zangger, Heinrich 194 Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Zentralblatt for die gesamte Gynii- Zehnder, Ulrich 2 Virologie 255 kologie und Geburtshilfe 183 Zeitschrifi des Vereines Deutscher Zeitschrift far Instrumenten- Zentralblatt far die gesamte innere Ingenieure 89, 98, 99, 112, 114, kunde 89, lOl, 131 Medizin (Congress Zentral- 244 Zeitschrift fOr Kinderforschung blatt) 178, 181 Zeitschrift des Vereins fi~r Volks- 255 Zentralblatt far die gesamte Oph- kunde 221 Zeitschrift far Kinderheilkunde talmologie 183, 253 Zeitschrift far analytische Chemie 174, 181, 253, 280 ZentralbIatt fiir die gesamte Tuber- 235, 255 Zeitschrift for klinische Medizin kuloseforschung 255 Zeitschrift far Anatomie und Ent- 255 Zentralblatt fOr Haut- und wicklungsgeschichte 255 Zeitschrift far Krebsforschung 255 Geschlechtskrankheiten 255 Zeitschrift for angewandte Chemie Zeitschrift for Lebensmittel-Unter- Zentralblatt far Mathematik 335 115, 117 suchung und -Forschung lZO Zentralblatt fOr Mechanik 335, 363 Zeitschrift far angewandte Elektri- Zeitschrift far Morphologie 288 Zentralblatt far Psychoanalyse zitiitslehre lO6 Zeitschrifi fi~r Muncl- und Kiefer- 235C Zeitschrift far angewandte Mathe- chirurgie 255 Zentralblatt fiir R6ntgenstrahlen, matik und Mechanik 274c Zeitschrift for NationalOkonomie Radium und verwandte Gebiete Zeitschrift far Bauwesen 197 3o6 255 Zeitschrift fiir das Realschulwesen Zeitschrift for Ohrenheilkunde und Zentralbl~tter (abstract/review 62 far die Krankheiten der Luft- journals) 164, 181-184 (1912), Zeitschrift far den physikalischen wege 234, 255 228 (1914), 252f., 317f. (1927), 342, und chemischen Unterricht 89, Zeitschrift for Physik 255,354-357, 52n 132, 137 87n ZentraIorgan far die gesamte Zeitschrifi far die chemische Zeitschrift for soziales Recht 3o6 Chirurgie 253 Industrie mit besonderer Zeitschrift fiir Untersuchung der Zeppelin, Ferdinand von 207 Beracksichtigung der chemisch- Nahrungs- und Genuflmittel 12o Zernike, Frits 275 technischen Untersuchungs- Zeitschrifi for Zellforschung und Zetzsche, Karl Eduard lol, verfahren 115 mikroskopische Anatomie 29o 105-107 Zeitschrift fi~r die gesamte Neuro- Zelle, Robert 3o3 Ziemssen, Hugo yon 126, 311 logie und Psychiatrie 175, 181 Zentralanstalt f/Jr Meteorologie Zondek, Bernhard 367 Zeitschrift far die gesamte physi- und Geodynamik 361 Zopf, Wilhelm 119 kalische Therapie 255 Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung Zftchter, Der 288 Zeitschrift far EthnoIogie 221 197 Zuckmayer, Carl 8zn Zeitschrift far experimentelle Zentralblatt far allgemeine Gesund- Zuntz, Nathan 167, 169 Pathologie und Therapie 255 heitspflege 255 Zunz, Leopold 51 Zeitschrift far Flugtechnik und Zentralblatt far Biochemie und Zurich 2f., 111 Motorluftschiffahrt 2o8 Biophysik mit Einschlufl der Zweig, Stefan 82n Zeitschrift far Forst- und ]agd- theoretischen Immunitiitsfor- Zwiedineck-Stidenhorst, Otto von wesen 64, 89, 137 schung 255 61n SOURCE OF ILLUSTRATIONS

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