Scotch Whisky, They Often Refer to A
Catalogue Family Overview Styles About the Font LL Catalogue is a contemporary a rising demand for novels and ‘news’, update of a 19th century serif font of these fonts emerged as symptom of Catalogue Light Scottish origin. Initially copied from a new culture of mass education and an old edition of Gulliver’s Travels by entertainment. designers M/M (Paris) in 2002, and In our digital age, the particularities Catalogue Light Italic first used for their redesign of French of such historical letterforms appear Vogue, it has since been redrawn both odd and unusually beautiful. To from scratch and expanded, following capture the original matrices, we had Catalogue Regular research into its origins and history. new hot metal types moulded, and The typeface originated from our resultant prints provided the basis Alexander Phemister’s 1858 de- for a digital redrawing that honoured Catalogue Italic sign for renowned foundry Miller & the imperfections and oddities of the Richard, with offices in Edinburgh and metal original. London. The technical possibilities We also added small caps, a Catalogue Bold and restrictions of the time deter- generous selection of special glyphs mined the conspicuously upright and, finally, a bold and a light cut to and bold verticals of the letters as the family, to make it more versatile. Catalogue Bold Italic well as their almost clunky serifs. Like its historical predecessors, LL The extremely straight and robust Catalogue is a jobbing font for large typeface allowed for an accelerated amounts of text. It is ideally suited for printing process, more economical uses between 8 and 16 pt, provid- production, and more efficient mass ing both excellent readability and a distribution in the age of Manchester distinctive character.
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